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MSIT 41 –  OOAD with UML


Answer ALL questions

1.  What is high quality software? What are the characteristics and measures for quality of such

software? Briefly explain the drawbacks of traditional software development and theadvantages of object oriented approach. 10M

2.  Example with examples the major & minor elements of an object model. 15M

3.  Define the following: class, object, method. Explain the different relationships available between objects and between classes. 10M

4.  Briefly explain the various activities that occur during object oriented system development.


MSIT 41 –  OOAD with UML



I. Answer all the questions:a) Compare object oriented methods with traditional approach.

 b) Define OOA, OOD and OOP.

c) What is UML ? What is the importance of UML ?d) What is aggregation ? Give example.

e) What is persistence? Why it is important ?


II. Answer any FIVE full questions:

1. a) What are the pitfalls of top-down design? b) What are the external characteristics of good quality software?

2. a) Explain how encapsulation violate with inheritance.

 b) With example explain single inheritance.3. a) Compare and contrast overriding with overloading.

 b) Explain briefly the various activities occur during object-oriented system

development.4. a) With the help of an example explain CRC model.

 b) What is process and RUP?

5. a) With the help of UML diagram show the different forms of association.

 b) With the help of an example explain UML dynamic diagram.6. What is the difference between sequence diagram with collaboration diagram ?

Explain with the help of an example.

7. a) Explain interaction diagram with the help of an example.

 b) What is the purpose of an activity model?

8. Write a short notes on:i) Implementation diagram ii) Class and object iii) Use cases.


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MSIT-42 Distributed Computing (DC)

Max Marks: 50

Assignment TA

Note: All Questions are Compulsory 

1.  Select any case study of distributed application. Survey the case study with respect to distributed

computing aspects. Analyze and understand applicability of distributed computing. - 10M

2.  Select any case study of distributed application. Survey the case study with respect to challenges of

distributed computing aspects. Analyze challenges like heterogeneity, openness, security, scalability,

failure handling and concurrency. - 10M

3.  Conduct a detailed study on commercially existing middleware products used in distributed


4.  Conduct a detailed study on commercially existing firewalls products used in distributed environments.


5.  Select 2 case studies based on centralized and distributed system applications respectively. Analyze and

understand applicability of distributed and centralized systems in detail. - 10M

MSIT-42 Distributed Computing (DC)

Assignment TB


I. Fill in the blanks:

1) Mobile computing is also called as __________________.2) The two kinds of system models are ____________ and _________________

3) OMG stands for ___________

4) DCOM stands for ____________5) ______________ is the expansion for UDP.

6) IP addressing has ____________ number of classes.

7) Sockets are software abstractions of _________ used within running processes.

8) Java provides ______________ basic socket classes.

9) The expanded form of RMI is ____________10) DFS stands for ____________

11) Files are an abstraction of ____________ storage.12) Hardware activities are coordinated using __________ clocks.

13) External synchronization is also known as _______________ .

14) A transaction run on ______________ entities.15) A ______________ clock is maintained by the operating system from the hardware clock.

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II. State True or False:1) Resource sharing is an advantage of distributed system.

2) UDP is a connection oriented protocol.

3) Routing metrics are used to measure the efficiency of the routing algorithm.

4) Client programs should see uniform name same in location transparency.5) Vector clock gives more accurate logical clock when compared to Lamporte logical clock.

III. Answer the following questions:

1) What is distributed system?2) Mention the subareas of middle ware.

3) What is data marshalling?

4) What is client-server communication?5) What is group communication?


1. a) Explain the properties of distributed system.

 b) Explain different challenges that should be considered while designing a Distributed system.2. a) Explain any two types of architectural models.

 b) Explain different types of fundamental models.3. a) Explain the differences between static and dynamic routing.

 b) Explain any two routing algorithms.

4. a) List out the advantages and disadvantages of DFS. b) Mention and describe the various operations performed on Unix files.

5. a) Explain different types of synchronization.

 b) Explain mutual exclusion and the key properties of distributed mutual exclusion.

6. a) Explain the ACID properties in detail. b) Explain the problems of :

i) Lost update problem

ii) Serially equivalent interleaving.7. a) Explain different types of distributed transactions.

 b) Explain two-phase commit Protocol.

8. a) Explain distributed deadlock with an example. b) Explain distributed deadlock detection edge chasing algorithm.

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MSIT - 4D 4th Semester


Assignment No 1

Answer All questions

Part – 

 A 25 Marks

1. What does the term “wireless” imply? Explain the history of wireless communication & name any3 major milestones in wireless communication. Further list the major developments in the cellular mobile

telephony era.

2. What are the different applications of mobile computing from industrial perspective? Is a user with a

mobile phone can do mobile computing? If not what the user needs for doing mobile computing.

3. What are the Challenges involved in developing applications for mobile devises. Explain various benefits of mobile computing.

4. Explain free space Radio wave propagation & multipath fading in detail.

5. Compare & Contrast different multiplexing techniques.

6. Explain the Protocol architecture of GSM with signaling Protocol, Interfaces & the entities.

MSIT -4D 4th Semester


Assignment No 2


1. Describe any 3 major milestones in wireless communication.

2. Briefly describe the ways in which mobile computing can be used in factories.3. What are various types of transmission media ? Describe briefly.

4. What are radio subsystem? Explain different modules of the same.

5. What is hand over? State the reasons for hand over in GSM.

6. What is CSMA ? Name different CSMA techniques.7. What is ISMA ? In what ways it is different from other access methods?

8. Describe the types of HYPELANS.

PART ––  B

Answer any FIVE:

1. a) Explain briefly the developments in wireless communication in India. b) Describe the contribution of Marconi to wireless communication.

c) List out the major developments in the cellular mobile telephony era.

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2. a) Explain the various benefits of mobile computing. b) What are the challenges involved in developing applications for mobile devices?

Explain in detail.

3. a) Explain the various methods of wireless transformation in detail.

 b) What are the factors upon which wireless transmission is dependent on ?Explain in detail.

4. a) What is GSM ? Explain the system architecture of the same.

 b) Explain the steps involved in connection establishment for mobile originatedcall with block diagram.

5. a) Explain the hidden and exposed terminal problem in wireless networks.

 b) Explain different multiple access techniques used in MAC in detail.6. a) What are the advantages and disadvantages of wireless LANS ? Explain.

 b) Give the protocol architecture of wireless LAN.

c) What is roaming in WLANS ? How is it managed? Explain.

7. a) What are advantages and disadvantages of HIPERLAN I. b) Explain in brief how the Blue tooth protocol works.

c) Explain how security is handled in wireless LANS.

8. a) How is an IP packet delivered? Explain.

 b) Explain the dynamic host control protocol.

c) List out the characteristics of AD-HOC networks.

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Subject: Network Protocols and InternetworkingSubject Code: MSIT-4G

Assignment: I

1.  Explain the working of an Internet. Give examples2.  What is a Protocol? What are routing protocols?

3.  With necessary diagram explain the functional features of a IP Router?4.  Explain with examples, Different classification of Routing and bring out their merits and demerits.5.  What is shortest path Routing? How is it is useful in determining the nearest node?

6.  Consider any CISCO router. Identify the different interfaces available on it.

7.  What is a modular Router?8.  What is static Routing? What are its disadvantages?

9.  Explain dynamic Routing? Explain with details the working of ARP.

10. Explain how RARP works with relevant details

11. What is hierarchical Routing?12. What is flooding? Explain

13. Explain the functions of ICMP? Give different types ICMP messages with the help of a suitable table?

14. Discuss how ICMP interpret Destination unreachable?


Assignment: II

1.  Explain the need of Pushing Data operation in TCP.

2.  Explain how connection is established in TCP using three way hand shaking.3.  Describe briefly how Flow-control is achieved in TCP using sliding window mechanism.

4.  Explain UDP checksum computation?


Bring out the comparison between UDP and TCP6.  What is 3 way handshaking? Explain7.  State the different metrics that are useful in finding the best path while routing a packet in an internet?

