IVI-IPO 2014 GENERAL ASSEMBLY QUESTIONNAIRE Section 1 Candidate Questionnaires 2... · H) As...


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DATE______2014.01.03__________ DISTRICT: _____40th__________ PARTY: _______Democratic___________

NAME: ___________________Mark John Pasieka_______________________________________________________________

VOTING ADDRESS: __________3535 W. Belmont Chicago IL 60618______________________________________________

HOME PHONE: ________________773.225.8558__________ BUSINESS PHONE: _________773.954.6221_______________

CAMPAIGN ADDRESS: ________________3535 W. Belmont Chicago IL 60618________________________________

CAMPAIGN PHONE: _________773.225.8558_____________ FAX: _________N/A________________________________

EMAIL: __mark.pasieka@gmail.com_______ WEBSITE: _https://www.facebook.com/mark.pasieka___________________

CAMPAIGN MANAGER: __________________Renata Pasieka__________________________________________


A) Elective or appointive public or party offices previously held including dates.


B) Other elective offices for which you have been a candidate.


C) What is your primary occupation?

Electrical Engineer

D) Briefly list your civic activities of the past ten years.

Any and all opportunities that helped permit me to improve my community from Chicago Park District Organized events to neighborhood associations and block clubs. I have participated in marches for causes I believed in and supported anyone with common sense.

E) What experience have you had which will be most helpful to you in the office you seek?

I was born and raised in Chicago; I have participated in its evolution, and witnessed, in some instances, its deterioration. In addition to the observations most of us have made from within our city, I can also apply the experiences acquired from within different countries and government types, (Poland, Cyprus, and even brief visits throughout Europe and Asia). Some claim communism is an ideal form


of government; I have lived within the confines of a communist society and am grateful my children can have a future contributing to our NON communist society.

F) What candidates have you supported in past elections? Please be specific in describing your role in each campaign.

Rey Colon : (35th ward) Canvassing, campaign contributions.

John Arena : (45th Ward) my wife and I are members of 45th ward independent democrats and we have contributed to Johns campaign.

Scott Waguespack : (32nd Ward) campaign contribution

Robert Martwick : (19th District Gen. Assembly) Campaign Contribution, Canvassing and Petition signatures

Toni Preckwinkle: Canvassing and Petition signatures

Will Guzzardi (19th District Gen. Assembly) Canvassing , Campaign Contributions

Other candidates which have disappointed me.

G) Please list all endorsements you have received so far.

I would like to mention that I voted by proxy (Renata Pasieka) for endorsement of Mel Ferrand by NDFA [North Side Democrats for America].

I would also like to mention that Nancy’s campaign manager supposedly worked on John Arena’s campaign. John Arena is influential in the 45th Ward Independent Democrats.

H) As concisely as possible, please state why you feel you should be endorsed over the other candidate(s).

Illinois is like the Titanic, it is sinking. The band will play until the end but the good times have passed. Those that can’t do anything else are in charge and were there when the state began to sour. Bill Clinton once said “compete, don’t retreat” hence I am competing to try and make a change. Lawyers, that’s all we have representing us in Springfield. Something my father taught me: Lawyers are only successful when people are having problems. The days of lawyers like Lincoln are no more, experienced lawmakers tampered with or completely disregarded laws to protect the interests of the few (i.example: unlawful tampering of other peoples pensions to try and compensate for their fiscal irresponsibility or even corrupt actions). The dollars collected from the efforts of our lives cannot be miss-managed. I have not hit 40 yet but I believe I have accomplished more with my life than any of the other candidates because I honor contracts and have no problems entering into new ones. People do not hesitate to do business with me, I pay or deliver what I promise.


My wife tells me “if you are strong, you don’t have to destroy others”, fortunately I am not destroying others, I am simply going to point out the choices others have made and bring them to other people’s attention:

I would have never permitted myself to represent Rob Blagojevich (Aaron Goldstein).

I would never try to promise something in exchange for a political contribution or the right to display a sign in a store window (Jaime Andrade).

Mel Ferrand’s website reads: “send someone to Springfield that is not male, a lawyer, straight, a businessman, white or otherwise politically connected." She adds, "Our representative democracy demands we have more diverse representation””

In my opinion that’s comment is racist and prejudice. I am sure the entry on the website can be edited but the statement will remain in my mind. I am a white male and was born this way, so was my son. I choose not to be a lawyer, I do have a dislike of lawyers but that is based on actual experiences and observations. I partially agree, we need a more diverse representation, and I believe an engineer can help some of the lawyers in Springfield understand the importance of zero’s, they represent many hours of people’s lives that cannot be given back. The way it was explained to me: time is money, money is time, be thrifty with both. Since being gay or lesbian is such a desirable characteristic in politicians, allow me to share one additional bit of information: after the NDFA Christmas party my wife and I went to SPIN on Halsted. We voted in a drag queen show, and even my wife knows I found a transvestite extremely attractive.

Bart Goldberg, I can’t say I know much about him as we were all listening to Jaime Andradi tell us the story of how Obama came to “kiss the ring” of his boss “the godfather”. From a quick google search I am assuming that Bart wants to get into politics as planning other people’s estates is not what he wants to do for the rest of his life. Maybe I should try for Alderman if this legislative seat does not completely work out, im pretty sure at


least Bart and Nancy have. According to Mr. Goldbergs site: “Bart goes to bat for his clients, and they both depend on him and vouch for him. He has become intimately familiar with many of the state and local laws that impact the lives of our residents, and has ideas on how they can be improved.”. I would go to bat for my constituents; I will not accept contributions from large corporations as It alarms me when elected officials do. It may motivate the next Lincoln to get into politics and motivate the Berrios’s to do something else. As for ideas on how state laws can be improved, I will do my best to put the ideas of my constituents ahead of my own, I don’t want to elect Bart because I don’t want an Illinois that Bart wants. New York is moving towards technology, Illinois should probably move towards the future as well, I am certain I am the best qualified candidate to represent the interests of the taxpayers of Illinois if the constituents want the legislature to pursue this direction. “Bart has a huge old cat named Jack, and family life revolves around Pokey, a beloved but incredibly spoiled dog. “ my life revolves around my Wife and Kids, should the right choice be made on march 18th, my life will also revolve around the lives of my constituents.

Nancy Schiavone: I have always said: “if I was not running I would vote for Nancy”… I have repeatedly spoken those words to constituents. After an objection was filed against another qualified candidate’s petitions (Mel Ferrand’s), Nancy’s history came to mind… I will not be surprised if the tactic that established her as committee woman is the same one being used her against a competitor taking the most away from her voter base and also reflecting her Modus Operandi . She is a professional politician, like the ones neighbors and I grind our teeth over. Her website is full of theoretically perfect promises, if she could only compliment her campaign managers text with personal oration abilities, she would have my vote for the US presidency. What troubles me is the tactic of removing choice from constituents; this is why we all decided to all run against the Mell dynasty and Jamie Andradi. “Nancy worked hard and paid her own way through college and then law school”…I worked hard enough that Arzona State paid me to complete a masters there, which I did simultaneously with beginning a career for Intel (Integrated Electronics), marrying my partner in life, and guarding Emma into the world as a father.

“Rebuilding our middle class while promoting common sense solutions to create jobs.”, Examples would be useful. I feel a minimum wage adjusted for inflation (equivalent to 1960’s) would work. There is something wrong with a society that has a $65k threshold where social aid outweighs the benefits of contributing to society. It is not


motivational for someone to contribute to society if someone’s efforts will not be recognized. “improve our education system and increase access to quality health care. I will work tirelessly to enact legislation that will provide meaningful policy change and create an environment in which the middle class can thrive.”, the holy grail for all politicians, not even I currently see how to make this happen, If Nancy can do this she should be President. A piece of advice my gunnery sergeant gave me “don’t work hard, work smart “, spinning your wheels gets you nowhere. As for “I know how tough times can get and just how far a dollar can go”, my method to not get into that situation: spend the same dollar twice, and be sure to take a good hard look at that dollar before you spend it… you used time to earn them, time that cannot be refunded.

“I stood hand-in-hand with our teachers and successfully fought the process – keeping our community school open for our neighborhood children.” Fighting the process does not fix the problem, If that school did no close, another one had too, I agree with Victor Hugo : “He who opens a school door, closes a prison”, our prisons are outfitted with cable television, I don’t even have cable television, come to think of it, I choose not to have a television until my children brought it to my attention that all their friends have televisions. Through a Freedom of Information Act request (FOIA), the Illinois Policy Institute determined that the Illinois Department of Corrections spent $2,261,009 on cable television for prison inmates between specifically July 2010 and June 2012. Common sense tells me to reward children who want to achieve and punish the weeds of our society, “In order to succeed here in Illinois and abroad in the global economy, our students need world-class schools.” I agree, and I believe I can do it without printing money or pulling it from a the tree everyone keeps telling me about.” It is time we, as a state, re-commit to public education and invest in our children’s future to ensure success and the longevity of the great State of Illinois. “ , what is Nancy’s stance on charter schools?

Her website is beautiful, I was told that if I hired John Arenas friend as my campaign manager I would have been more successful with the 45th ward independent democrats.

Wendy Jo Harmston : I know nothing about the woman but I did not like how she retreated when an NDFA member asked her about the crucifix around her neck.

What goals for the office you seek are most important to you personally?

Honesty is the best policy, the new buzz word in elections these days is “transparency” and yet meetings are still held behind closed doors. I promise not to have meetings behind closed doors if they can affect my constituents. I may even install a live feed webcam in my offices and only permit meetings in front of them. Police officers have cameras in their offices (dash cams), $10 webcam and an internet connection would permit constituents to watch our legislatures.

I swear no one will be able to coerce me to vote in their favor if it is against the interests of my constituents. If Madigan or anyone else approaches me with a proposal, all will know about it. I will be the eyes and ears and mouth piece for the taxpayers, and will represent them even if legislature conflicts with my personal opinions. This countries system was originally based on a system of checks and balances, these days it is based on fundraisers and politicians selling themselves to the corporate interests because the taxpayer cannot afford to attend the fundraiser. If you want the middle class to exist, it has to be represented in government. Financially secure candidates with morals and a respect for the honor they are elected for are the only way this can be implemented again. To my knowledge, I am the only candidate that can swear to this, and meet the criteria.

I) What is your campaign budget? How much have you raised to date?


Budget: $7,000 , this fraction of my savings is what I believe will suffice for a successful campaign. The values of a campaign where constituents KNOW no money was taken from corporations or “favor buyers” should be all that any campaign needs. Additionally, a victory with such a small budget will motivate the neighbors I would trust in politics. I trust they will pursue becoming elected and contributing their service during their term limited time in office.

For the record the source of this $7,000 is my father, a man that came to this country with 5$ and died a millionaire. A man whose first Job was being a janitor in the prudential building downtown, and whose last career put his cheese cake and pastries in the white house during the Clinton administration. (Hilary Clinton visited our bakery in person). I would be proud to help this man; unfortunately he passed away a few years ago. I owe no one. I am the somebody that nobody sent. I am probably not the best politician, but I am the best choice for Illinois. My inexperience welcomes assistance and oversight, I do not know enough to think I know what is best for Illinois when it comes to all subjects and topics. The unanswered portions of this questioner are areas I would appreciate assistance on, the answers that conflict with the opinions of constituents are invitations for conversations. For nearly a decade my cell phone number has been 773-225-8558, give me a call if you have concern.

I googled some of the contributors to Nancy’s campaign only because John Arena told me how professional she is and how important money is in an election, yet he also told me that sins don’t vote when we were friends.:


Online electronic docket search of contributors as defendants in cook county court records:

Nancy Schiavone: https://w3.courtlink.lexisnexis.com/cookcounty/Finddock.asp?DocketKey=BJJF0MB0AEABIB0MD

with the next contributor on her list (Cheryl Bryson): https://w3.courtlink.lexisnexis.com/cookcounty/FindDock.asp?NCase=&SearchType=2&Database=1&case_no=&=&=&=&PLtype=2&sname=Cheryl+Bryson&CDate=

the next name only contributed $400 Robert Barletta Richard Barletta:


next is Chelsea Properties, LLC

Do a google search with the word criminal or criminals…

Not sure if any of these are Mary Margret Moore:


Lauber Properties:



Janet Winningham: if she is also known as Genelyn: https://w3.courtlink.lexisnexis.com/cookcounty/Finddock.asp?DocketKey=CAAI0L0AACIJG0LD

Swidler Spanola & Co., LLC


Synde Keywell:


my personal favorite only contributed $250 but according to court records:

David Ruttenberg


Case Information Summary for Case Number 2008-L-008997

Filing Date: 8/14/2008 Case Type: FRAUD Division: Law Division District: First Municipal Ad Damnum: $5000000.00 Calendar: V

Case Information Summary for Case Number 1998-L-008036

Filing Date: 7/10/1998 Case Type: CONTRACT Division: Law Division District: First Municipal Ad Damnum: $3000001.00 Calendar: N


We have a polish saying, “who you associate with is who you become”… I am not going to go down the list any further… At this point I support Mel Ferrand over Nancy! I hear Nancy will withdraw from the election near the March 18th primary election, probably per instructions.

J) How many paid staffers do you have on your campaign? How many volunteers?

0 (Zero) paid, all are volunteers.

IVI-IPO 2014 GENERAL ASSEMBLY QUESTIONNAIRE – Section 2 Elections & Ethics


1. o o Do you support moving the primary election date? I support Term limits. ESSAY If so, to which month? Do you support

2. X o keeping voters’ political party preferences in the primary elections secret? 3. o o reestablishing straight party voting in general elections?

4. X o establishing a signature requirement for independent candidates and new parties equal to the requirement for the major party candidates for the same office?

5. X o requiring voters to show a photo ID before voting? I am troubled by dead people voting. 6. X o providing free photo IDs if there is such a requirement?

7. o o holding a special primary to fill a vacancy caused by the nominee withdrawing from the ballot before the general elections?

8. X o holding a special election to fill vacancies for U.S. Senate and state constitutional officers?

9. o o restoration of cumulative voting for the Illinois House of Representatives? ESSAY If so, please describe the plan you support.

10. o o Should Illinois institute instant run-off voting? Do you support

11. o o changes in the way judges are selected? ESSAY If so, please give a brief description of the system you support.

12. X o If judges continue to be elected, should judicial elections be non-partisan? Do you support

13. X o popular election of Illinois public universities governing boards?

14. o o legislation granting County Clerks jurisdiction over municipalities in their county regarding filing for municipal office and hearing objections to petitions?

15. o o any other changes in Illinois’ election laws? Please explain.

16. X o dollar limits on campaign contributions?


17. X o dollar limits on political committee transfers? 18. X o the same limits on leadership PACs as on candidate PACs? 19. X o dollar limits on campaign expenditures? 20. X o public financing of election campaigns?

21. o X Will you accept or have you accepted campaign donations from current or potential suppliers, employees, or outside contractors?

22. X o Do you support a ban on hiring, firing and promotion based on political considerations for

non policy making positions?

ESSAY Please explain your position. People should be evaluated by their skills and character, not by who they know.

Will you employ or have you employed staff in your office who 23. o X hold other public sector jobs concurrently? 24. o X have either outside employment or contracts with entities which do business with the state?

Do you support

25. X o legislation to prohibit incumbency and political affiliation as criteria in the mapping process for Congressional, Legislative and local government electoral districts?

26. X o creation of a non-partisan Commission to draw maps instead of the General Assembly? 27. X o term limits for legislative leaders? 28. X o term limits for members of the General Assembly?

Taxes and Economic Policy YES NO Do you support

29. X o amending the constitution to institute a graduated income tax? The Regressive Tax has destroyed the middle class.

30. o o amending the constitution to allow the legislature to change the corporate/individual ratio in income taxes? If it is in accordance with the wishes of the constituents.

31. o o increasing income taxes to relieve or replace local property taxes and increase state funding of education? I Need to see the math on this.

32. X o legislation requiring stricter definitions of blight for TIF creation? NO BREWERIES WITH TIFF MONEY (like the ones I have seen created in the 35th and 45th wards while schools were threatened in the 35th and other wards)!

33. X o greater legislative oversight of TIFs to ensure they are meeting their purpose? I think we need to redirect TIF funds towards CPS schools PERIOD.

34. X o public disclosure of each TIF district's funds and expenditures? No later than 2 weeks before elections!

35. X o restriction of fund transfers between TIF districts? I was not aware this was even possible, more importantly who transferred TIF funds and why?

36. X o consent of all affected taxing bodies before TIF creation? If your money goes into it you must have a say in it!

37. o o the exclusion of property taxes levied by school districts from TIF revenues, where these property taxes have not already been allocated to projects which have been approved by municipal ordinance? Please elaborate.

38. X o Will you vote to terminate a TIF if the objectives of the TIF plan have been accomplished before the 23 year period is ended? Life is what happens when you are busy making other plans.

39. X o Will you support a moratorium on creation of any new TIF districts until new funding sources are identified to replace the revenue diverted to the TIF? Friends of aldermen should fund their own business ventures.

Do you support 40. o o raising the retirement age for State employees? 41. o X reducing benefits for existing retirees?


42. o X reducing future benefit levels for current employees? State legislature excluded, we should not reward those who did not provide a service they botched. I don’t expect a dime if I cannot provide results in the interests of the taxpayers.


How would you fully fund the state pension systems? NOT BY VIOLATING CONTRACTS with those that worked for a living! When I am in Springfield I will share my ideas, right now I am curious what Mell is thinking and what Andrade will do. There was a time when bankruptcies meant workers were paid first and those that make a living off of derivatives come second.

Consumer Protection

Do you support legislation to

44. o o ban Pay Day and Title loans? I have no experience with this topic. Please permit me the time to research the matter.

45. X o regulate ATM fees and service charges on credit cards and other consumer loans? Usury laws

46. X o cap interest rates on credit cards and other consumer loans?

47. o o prohibit confession of judgment clauses in consumer contracts? I have no experience with this topic. Please permit me the time to research the matter.

48. X o mandate attorney fees to be awarded to successful plaintiffs? I can’t foresee a situation where a citizen should be responsible financially for pursuing justice.

49. o o prohibit mandatory arbitration clauses in consumer contracts? I have no experience with this topic. Please permit me the time to research the matter.

50. X o require citizen referenda at the state or local level before casino gambling is expanded? Education 51. X o Will you vote to increase state funding to at least 50% of public education costs?

Do you support 52. X o an elected School Board for Chicago? 53. X o funding for job training programs in public high schools? 54. o X public funding for charter schools? 55. o o vouchers or other means of public funding for private or parochial schools? 56. X o increased funding for STEM education? If this is stem cell research DEFINITELY!

57. o o implementation of Common Core standards? Before I can offer an answer I will have to consult some teachers I know and teachers that would like to give me their opinion.

Civil Rights & Civil Liberties

58. X o Will you vote to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution? If I should ever become a United States Legislator.

YES NO Do you support 59. X o legislation legalizing civil marriage between two people of the same gender? 60. X o legislation to prohibit discrimination in housing against unmarried individuals residing

together? 61. o o a Voting Rights Act for Illinois? 62. o o mandatory AIDS testing for employment? I think A nurse should NOT be HIV positive.

Do you support mandatory drug testing of 63. X o public sector employees? 64. X o private sector employees? 65. X o public school students? This may be ineffective as most drug dealers don’t use drugs, but

may assist in finding where drugs consumed came from.


66. X o Public housing residents? 67. X o Recipients of public assistance? 68. ESSAY If yes to any drug testing, under what circumstances? 69. o o Should state police be allowed to stop vehicle operators to test for DUI on grounds other

than probable cause? Such as what? I am in support of further empowering police and the courts but I am unclear of the direction this question is leaning towards.

70. o o Would you support legislation to include data on pedestrian, as well as motor vehicle, stops by police for the purpose of gathering statistics on racial profiling? I would like to prevent police officers from being accused of racially profiling when they are simply doing their jobs. I would support legislation to include data on pedestrian, as well as motor vehicle, stops by police for the purpose of gathering FACTS on racial profiling. No two police officers are faced with the same scenario.

71. o X Do you favor detention of suspects and material witnesses without charges and/or probable cause? No Gitmo for my neighbors.


Do you support 72. X o raising the minimum wage to establish a living wage for Illinois workers? 73. o X establishing a lower minimum wage for minors? seriously? I am pretty sure there are people

out there working for free, how much lower their wage can get. 74. X o including farm workers and household employees under existing labor laws? 75. o o the right of public employees to strike? Those that pursue a life serving the public cannot be

permitted to hold the public hostage (Karen Lewis); I do not believe I understand the question, If a public employee dislikes their job they can go strike in the private sector.

76. o X legislation banning the replacement of strikers in private employment? United we bargain, divided we beg.

77. X o family leave legislation for employees of private companies not currently covered by federal law? I believe a family member should have the right to assist/help their family without concern of losing their employment.


o X privatization of state services? Such as parking meters, midway, skyway? NO! ESSAY If so, which services?

Health & Human Services 79.

X o Will you support Single Payer or Extended Medicare healthcare plans? Single payer

systems work everywhere else. ESSAY If not, what is your plan for providing health care for Illinois residents without insurance?

Health insurance is a right. 80. ESSAY What are your priorities involving implementation of the Affordable Care Act in Illinois?

I have not been tasked the duty to solve this problem, I am very eager to hear the input of my constituents should I be required to affect legislation pertaining to it. Personally I have not had much luck with www.afordablecare.gov but will continue to try an migrate my family to one of its options. I am in complete support of president Obama’s signature legislation and I wish the polarity of our current government would not prevent the change the united states needs.

81. ESSAY What is your plan to provide sufficient funding to provide community based services for discharged mental health patients? I have not been tasked the responsibility to solve this problem, I am very eager to hear the input of my constituents should I be required to affect legislation pertaining to it. I am certain all problems can be solved in accordance with the majority consensus. Whether or not the solutions of the majority consensus are the most


efficient ones remains to be seen, however, when a system is broken any attempt at repairing it is appreciated.

Do you support: 82. X o repealing the Illinois Abortion Law of 1975 and replacing it with a law stating that

decisions about reproductive matters are to be made privately between a woman and her doctor, without governmental interference?

83. o o repealing the Illinois 1995 Parental Notice of Abortion Law? I would prefer not to know but would like for at least my wife to know if one of my daughters (assuming they are still minors) is considering an abortion.

84. X o allowing pharmacies or pharmacists to refuse to fill prescriptions based on their own conscientious objections and send customers away without being served? There a Walgreens on every corner in Chicago, I don’t want to force anyone to do anything they don’t want to.

85. o o increasing appropriations to the Department of Children and Family Services? Do they need additional funding? My research shows that 2012 expenditures were $1,190,799.60 , 2013 Fiscal year funding was$ 1,199,615.50 and Fiscal year 2014 request was $1,199,769.90, , if they need the additional $154.40 I’ll personally give it to them. I trust they are utilizing both sides of a sheet of paper when they are making copies like the rest of us. By the way, I believe they are doing a great job and provide an important contribution to our society and protect the innocent that cannot protect themselves. I can’t help but think about a building on Elbridge that used almost two million dollars’ worth of public money for its renovations and to date, the only use I have seen of it was for campaign fundraising.

YES NO Do you support 86. o o raising TANF benefits to at least equal the poverty level? Need to see the numbers. 87. o o providing greater benefits to fund child care and transportation for TANF recipients? Need

to see the numbers. 88. ESSAY What are your proposals to help people who do not qualify for TANF or for unemployment

benefits? Need to see the numbers.

Housing 89. o X legislation banning housing discrimination against holders of Section 8 vouchers? 90. X o mandating that landlords give tenants notice prior to entering their units? 91. X o assessing penalties against landlords who engage in illegal or retaliatory evictions? 92. X o Would you support legislation requiring mortgage holders to honor the terms of existing

residential leases in effect when property is foreclosed upon? 93.


How do you solve the problem of vacant foreclosed housing?1) Prevent foreclosures. 2) Ensure use and or redevelopment of unused or already foreclosed properties.

Foreclosed properties could be better utilized by those trying to achieve the American Dream than by those who make an excess off of derivatives. An abuse of authority / powers / responsibilities or simply self-interested objectives which result in the American Nightmare should be a crime.

Energy & Environment

Do you support 94. X o an elected ICC?


95. X o legislation that would provide state technical assistance funds to local communities to help them prepare and implement comprehensive smart growth plans to avoid the costs of rapid unplanned growth and urban sprawl? I Spend 15 minutes of every hour working making sure my 45 minutes of work is as efficient and intelligent as possible.

96. o o funding for high speed rail connecting Illinois Metropolitan areas? Need to see the numbers.

97. X o a comprehensive statewide mass transit plan for Illinois? Criminal Justice

Do you support 98. o X legislation to ban the manufacture, sale and possession of assault weapons? I am not sure I

understand the question, would you like the United States armed services to use diplomacy with enemies of our country and not have assault weapons because they hurt people?

99. X o legislation increasing penalties for illegal resale of weapons? 100. X o legislation mandating background checks of purchasers of weapons at gun shows, through

the internet and through print advertisements? 101. o X restoration of capital punishment? It is a very effective deterrent, but the possibility that

one innocent person can be put to death prevents me from supporting it. 102. X o criminal prosecution of juveniles as adults? 103. o X life sentences for juvenile offenders? Parents should also be accountable for their children. 104. o o mandatory sentencing? This is a conversation I would like to have with public defenders

and judges as well as criminal defense lawyers. 105. X o work release, home monitoring, other alternative sentencing? Let all who want to

contribute to society do so. 106. o X admissibility of illegally obtained evidence? I cannot permit rights of citizens to be

violated, but at the same time I cannot permit the technicality of procedures to prevent justice.

107. X o electronic eavesdropping? If warranted or permitted by a court of law. 108. o o roving wiretaps? Taking away civil rights essentially destroys the very definition of what it means to be an

American, but at the same time our system of checks-and-balances should be able to preent an intrusion into our private lives. I am still curious what will come of the information the NSA has collected. I don’t snowdens deflection to Russia, but I don’t like what he has brought to our attention either.
