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The 2019 school year is well underway and

all students have settled into their classes

including our new Year 7 cohort and our

Year 11 students who have started their

Preliminary Courses.

All parents, new and existing, should have

received a welcome letter and summary of

our school calendar, to stick on the fridge,

with key dates of whole school events. The

first of these are our School Swimming Car-

nival this Friday 15th February, Open Night

for Year 5 and 6 students on Wednesday

20th February and Night of Excellence on

Tuesday 26th February.

A copy of the calendar is attached to this


Year 7 Induction Program

As we have another large cohort of Year 7

students (200), Ms Powell has planned an

intensive Induction Program to better sup-

port our new students in their transition to

The Jannali High School and have a better

understanding of the expectations of their

behavior and application at school. There

will be lessons devoted to school - priority

areas such as literacy, numeracy and tech-

nology while other lessons and workshops

will be focused on our CARE Values and Ex-

pectations and Anti-Bullying, presented by

our Year 10 Drama class.

School Travel

As our total student population has in-

creased significantly there is a need for

families to have a travel plan, especially for

those students who get dropped off and

picked up from school. Sutherland Council

sent information to all schools to inform

parents that No Stopping and No Parking

zones around school will be enforced, in-

cluding school zone speed limits.

We ask that all students travel safely and

respectfully to and from school whether it

be by bus, train, car, bike or foot. When in

public our students are walking, talking ad-

vertisements for The Jannali High School.

Jannali News ‘the place to succeed’

Find us at: Sutherland Road, Jannali 2226

9521 2805


jannali-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au February 2019


Jannali News February 2019

Bus travel has been a cause of frustration to

all concerned in these first few weeks of

the year. After many phone calls and

emails to Transdev and the office of Eleni

Petinos MP, Transport NSW has approved

additional buses for students travelling to

Oyster Bay and students travelling to Suth-

erland. At this point these buses are not

officially on the bus timetable as both

Transport NSW and Transdev are monitor-

ing the patronage on these buses. It is

therefore extremely important that all stu-

dents are using their Opal Cards so that the

actual data supports our claims for the ad-

ditional services.

Night of Excellence

Our annual Night of Excellence will be held

on Tuesday 26th February in the school hall

to celebrate the academic and extra-

curricular achievements of students in

Years 7-12 for 2018. We look forward to

seeing all award winners and their families

on the night.

School Expenses

The old adage ‘nothing in life comes for

free’ rings true even in public education.

While the General Contribution for schools

is a voluntary payment by parents, these

funds to go towards resourcing certain as-

pects of the school. Subject specific fees,

however, are used by the school (faculties)

to replenish consumables used by students

such as timber in Industrial Arts or food in-

gredients in Home Economics and consum-

ables in other subjects including sporting

and science equipment. This becomes

even more important as students progress

through school into Stage 5 and 6 elective

courses where they are working on major

projects etc.

As a parent of school age children and ad-

vocate of public education I am fully aware

of the cost of education when we consider

uniforms and other equipment in its total

cost. I am also aware of the overall benefit

to students’ learning outcomes when the

school is able to collect subject specific


Parents will receive invoices at least once

per term outlining these costs and with our

online payment system, parents can pay

these expenses when it is most convenient

and decide how much to pay each time.

In the school expenses statement there is a

P&C contribution of $50 per family. In

Mrs Carole Smith and our Year 12 Hospitality Class who

catered for the Sutherland Shire Secondary Principals

Council meeting on Monday 11th February


Jannali News February 2019

HSC in 2021 and will not be required to sit

these tests again. For others who don’t

reach the minimum standard they will have

another opportunity later in the year to sit

the test and will be supported in its lead up

to develop their skills.

Best Start Year 7

Students start secondary school with differ-

ent skills and abilities in literacy and numer-

acy. It is important that Year 7 teachers

have access to information about their new

students, to plan their teaching accordingly.

Best Start Year 7 is a new literacy and nu-

meracy assessment package for schools to

use in the first five weeks of Year 7. It is de-

signed to:

provide teachers with consistent and

up-to-date information about new stu-

dents' skills and abilities in literacy and


identify students at risk of falling be-


help inform targeted teaching and in-

tervention strategies.

Mrs Van Luyt will be coordinating the

online testing of all Year 7 students in the

first half of this term and the data we re-

ceive will be used by our Learning Support

Team to develop plans and recommenda-

tions for teachers to implement in their

teaching and learning programs.

Rick Coleman, Principal

some schools this is represented as a P&C

Building Fund. Unlike other P&C groups,

ours doesn’t run fundraising activities

throughout the year which require time

and effort by willing parents. So this contri-

bution is a one-off payment that the P&C

use to fund projects which will improve the

school’s physical site and provide other

learning opportunities for our students in

that given year. We have reviewed the P&C

processes for funding such projects and be-

lieve we have got a clear and streamlined

process that is equitable across the school.

Stronger HSC Standards

In 2018, Year 10 students who had not

achieved Band 8 their Year 9 Read, Writing

and Numeracy NAPLAN tests were required

to sit online tests and achieve the minimum

standard in order to be eligible for their

HSC in 2020. Thanks to the great work of

Mrs Gordon and Mr Smith nearly all of our

students in this category have successfully

completed the online tests.

From this year, all students will be required

to sit a set of online literacy and numeracy

tests to be eligible for their HSC in its given

year. There is no link to a students’ previ-

ous NAPLAN results nor do the tests get re-

ported in NAPLAN style band descriptors.

The plan by Mrs Gordon and Mr Smith is to

have all Year 10 students complete the

online tests as soon as they become availa-

ble this term. Students who reach the min-

imum standard become eligible for their


Jannali News February 2019


Welcome back Year 8!

Welcome back for what I’m sure will be a

very busy Term for all! A few items of ad-

ministration: -

Students have been issued with a new

Assessment Booklet (this is also availa-

ble in their Year Adviser Google Class-

room. Please note that the penalty for

not handing in assignments on the due

date has changed. Students will now

have 50% of their mark deducted for

each day that they have not handed

in their assignment without a misad-

venture form or doctor’s certificate.

Please ensure you have a book and di-

ary for Roll Call each day. The research

is damning: those students who read

for 20 minutes a day are exposed to

1.8 million words a year and are more

likely to understand complex ques-


Students have been reminded of The

Jannali High School’s merit award sys-

tem. Attainment awards are to come

to myself in the English Staffroom in

bundles of 9 attainment awards or 3

merits. I will process and tally these


Uniform, Uniform, Uniform! Students

are expected to be in correct school

uniform at all times. No long sleeve

undershirts or black socks, please.

Online Behaviour

It has come to my attention that students

are not conducting themselves appropriate-

ly online. It is very important for students

and parents to have an open dialogue

about our ethical use of the internet; par-

ticularly with regard to the way we speak or

act towards people on an online platform. If

you or anyone you know is the victim of

online behaviour that is inappropriate it is

important to keep evidence of this. TJHS

defines bullying as ‘continual conflict in

ways which hurt another student either

physically, mentally or socially. Students

must understand that, despite the original

intention, teasing or joking is bullying if the

victim feels threatened or intimidated.


Congratulations to the following students

for already receiving Bronze Awards this


Max McKimm, Lilly Carrigan, Britney Collins,

Ellie Valentine, Ava Quinn, Bonnie Sum-

mers, Emily Leggett and Thalia Mann.

A very special congratulations to Ellie Val-

entine who received a silver award!!!

Tek Stars

I would like to congratulate our new Year 8

Tek Stars for 2019:

Jayden Greig

Tamarah Lovell

Jessica Faulkes


Jannali News February 2019

Oscar Kettler

Rubens Barclay

These students form an integral part of our

Apple Distinguished School’s program and

this is an excellent extra-curricula activity

that demonstrates their sophistication with

the use of their iPads. All students were re-

quired to complete a complex application

that demonstrated their expertise and will

be formally acknowledged as Apple Teach-

ers. Their skills will be integral to assisting

students and teachers with iPad work-


Keep up the great work Year 8! I am looking

forward to a very successful and enjoyable


Jarrod Martin, Year 8 Adviser


The Mathematics Faculty at The Jannali

High School is a team of dedicated and dy-

namic professionals. We endeavour to

share our passion for mathematics with all

our students, value them as individuals,

inspire them to achieve their personal

best, value their feedback and encourage

them to enjoy their mathematical journey.

As an Apple Distinguished School, we em-

brace technology, with iPads used in the

junior school to enhance the learning ex-

perience. This technology allows us to sup-

plement lessons with online resources be-

ing accessible from every room in the

school. Students can access textbooks us-

ing Google Classroom (hard copies are

available if needed). Students will be using

2 main online programs this year: Math-

letics and sQuizya (this replaces the

MathsMate homework books previously

used). All login details have been provided

to students and both programs can be ac-

cessed at school and at home.

The Mathematics Faculty also runs several

programs that target particular groups of


The Quicksmart program is used to

assist Year 8 students who need a

little bit of extra help

Talented students participate in the

Australian Mathematics Competition

and/or Tournament of the Minds

The "Numeracy Relay" is organised for

Year 8 students as part of Literacy and

Numeracy Week

Mathematics is the language with which

the universe is written, and in partnership

with our community, we will strive to fos-

ter a cohort of high achieving, mathemati-

cally literate students. By studying mathe-

matics, students develop knowledge, skills


Jannali News February 2019

and understanding of mathematical con-

cepts and their use within the classroom

and beyond.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you

have any questions or concerns.

Simone McKay

Head Teacher Mathematics (relieving)

A massive THANK YOU to Aeryn Duemmer

(Year 10) who worked tirelessly at the end

of last year to paint this amazing art instal-

lation outside the Maths classrooms. Aeryn

is a gifted art student and we are very

grateful to her for letting us all enjoy her



Any absences from Thursday afternoon

sport require that the parental note be

signed off by the Sports Organiser.

Please provide your child with a note to

bring to school IN THE MORNING so that it

can signed off and processed during the

morning and ready for collection when clas-

ses conclude.

Please note sport is a compulsory part of

the school curriculum.

Thank you for your assistance.


Jannali News February 2019


Jannali News February 2019


Thursday 14/2

Premier’s Gala Con-cert

Yr 7 Swim Program

Enrichment Program

Friday 15/2

School Swimming Carnival

WEEK 4 TERM 1 Week B

Monday 18/2

Yr 10 Work Exp-Selected students

Yr 12 DT Assessment due

KO Basketball-Open Girls Rd 1

Best Start Yr 7 Read-ing Test—Pds 1-3

Yr 12 Investigating Science Excursion

Tuesday 19/2

Yr 10 Work Exp-Selected students

KO Basketball-Open Boys Rd 1

Best Start Yr 7 Nu-meracy Test Pds 1-3

Wednesday 20/2

Yr 10 Work Exp-Selected students

Yr 11 Chemistry to ANSTO

Thursday 21/2

Yr 10 Work Exp-Selected students

Enrichment Program

Peer Support

Yr 7 Swim Program

Friday 22/2

Yr 10 Work Exp-Selected students

Pt Hacking Zone Swimming Carnival

Yr 10 World History Nicholson Museun

WEEK 5 TERM 1 Week A

Monday 25/2

Practice for Night of Excellence

Tuesday 26/2

Night of Excellence 6.30pm

Wednesday 27/2

Winter Sports Selec-tions-Tentative date

Thursday 28/2

Enrichment Program

Peer Support

Yr 7 Swim Program

Friday 1/3

WEEK 6 TERM 1 Week B

Monday 4/3

Proposed Yr 12 Sen-ior Reviews

Tuesday 5/3

Yr 7 Meet the Teacher Night 6pm

Wednesday 6/3

P & C Meeting AGM 7pm

Thursday 7/3

Enrichment Program

Peer Support

Yr 7 Swim Program

Friday 8/3

WEEK 7 TERM 1 Week A

Monday 11/3

Yr 11 Chemistry Task-Period 4

Tuesday 12/3

Yr 11 EES Excursion

Wednesday 13/3

Yr 7 Camp-Tea Gar-dens

Thursday 14/3

Enrichment Program

Yr 7 Camp-Tea Gar-dens

Friday 15/3

Yr 7 Camp-Tea Gar-dens
