JOURNAL Breast Cancer


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  • 7/27/2019 JOURNAL Breast Cancer


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    MiR-34b is associated with clinical outcopatien

    Diagnostic Pathology2012,7:31

    Marek Svoboda (msvo

    Diagnostic Pathology
  • 7/27/2019 JOURNAL Breast Cancer


    MiR-34b is associated with clini

    negative breast cancer patients

    Marek Svoboda,Aff1

    Corresponding Affiliation: Aff1


    Jiri Sana,Aff1


  • 7/27/2019 JOURNAL Breast Cancer



    Thirty-nine TNBC patients with available formalin

    were enrolled in the study. MiR-34a, miR-34b, an

    and correlated to clinico-pathological features of T


    Expression levels of miR-34b significantly correla

    (p = 0.0020, log-rank test) and overall survival (OSi h i ifi i i b

  • 7/27/2019 JOURNAL Breast Cancer


    can be used to predict a therapeutic response and c

    rationalize treatment decisions.

    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are highly conserved, sma

    length, that act as posttranscriptional regulators of

    targets. Recent studies showed that miRNAs regul

    tumor suppressor genes, and genes associated with

    chemoresistance of tumors. Therefore, these mole

    pathogenesis of many cancers, including the breas

    [8,9]. Many recent works described that the gene pmutations in TNBC patients activates transcriptio

  • 7/27/2019 JOURNAL Breast Cancer



    1 10

    2 21

    3 4

    4 4


    0 17

    1 13

    2 7

  • 7/27/2019 JOURNAL Breast Cancer


    the Taq-Man MicroRNA Assay protocol (Applied

    performed using the Applied Biosystems 7500 Re

    the TaqMan MicroRNA Assay protocol. Reverse tdetection were carried out using hsa-miR-34a, hsa

    4427975; Applied Biosystems, USA). RNU6B (A

    USA) was used as a reference gene. The threshold

    default threshold settings.

    Statistical analysis

    Statistical analysis of differences of miRNA expre

  • 7/27/2019 JOURNAL Breast Cancer


    view, it is one of the features of TNBCs that is poo

    expression could also be a marker of differentiatio

    assumption is also supported by the fact that miR-direct regulator of Notch2 which plays an importa

    decreased in breast cancer tumors with poor differ

    [20]. In breast cancer, Notch2 pathway is also a po

    effect on tumor growth in xenograft model [21]. R

    revealed that overexpression of another member o

    an aggressive breast tumor phenotype (positive no

    rate, high grade, p53-positivity) [22]. Moreover, D

    miR-34a significantly suppressed proliferation of M

  • 7/27/2019 JOURNAL Breast Cancer



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    H, Yaegashi N: MicroRNA-34b functions as a p

    serous adenocarcinoma.Int J Cancer2012, in pr

    15. Lee YM, Lee JY, Ho CC, Hong QS, Yu SL, T

    MicroRNA 34b as a tumor suppressor in estrog

    cells.Breast Cancer Res2011, 13:R116.

    16. Katada T, Ishiguro H, Kuwabara Y, Kimura M

    Fujii Y: microRNA expression profile in undiffe

    2009 34:537542

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    10/10Figure 1
