JULY 2013 - Kyneton Aero Club – Kyneton Aero...


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something that hasn’t

been done in quite a


In accordance with

the Club’s

constitution, this

year’s AGM sees the

positions of President

and Treasurer

vacated and open for

nominations. As you’ll

read on page 2, the

position of Secretary

will also be open for

nominations as Sinead

Coleby has moved


The Club’s

constitution allows for

a maximum of 2 terms

for each of the

executive positions

and next month sees

the end of my first

term as President. I

have thoroughly

enjoyed my time in

the role and have

seen many things in

the club improve in

that time.

While much has

changed in that time,

there’s much more I’d

like to see done.

There are initiatives

I’d like to see through

to completion and I’d

Another weekend

goes by without any

flying...bring on

Spring I say!

At least the poor

weather means I can

focus on other

activities, like writing

July’s newsletter...in

August. It’s also a

good time to take the

broom to the hangar

and give it a bit of a

spruce up and take

the sponge and

vacuum to the

aeroplane and give it

a bit of a spruce up.

For those that have

been to the USA and

seen the immaculate

aircraft on display at

their many airshows,

this immaculate

presentation can be

attributed to the fact

that most of them can’t

fly for 6 months of the

year so get plenty of

attention in the

hangar. I’d rather be


Speaking of the USA

and airshows, the

mecca of aviation,

EAA Airventure at

Oshkosh is just

finishing up after

another successful

year. I know a few

members are over

there, some for the

first time. If they’re

anything like us on

our first visit, they’ll

be completely

overwhelmed by the

scale of it all. An

average year sees

about 10,000 aircraft

attend over the

week—to put that in

contrast, there’s not

many more aircraft

than that on the entire

Australian register.

The Club’s Annual

General Meeting is

coming up in

September. In another

shift from tradition,

this year’s AGM will

take the form of a

dinner to be held on a

Friday night at one of

the local clubs / pubs

and also be combined

with a Wings Night to

celebrate the

achievements of our

many students,

President’s Report

JULY 2013

JULY 2013

Inside this issue:

Club News 2

CASA AvSafety Seminar 3

Visiting Ian Whittney’s Shed 4-5

Wings & Wheels: Help! 6

Events List 7

Circuit Procedures 8

like to nominate / be

nominated for a 2nd term

to achieve that. This is of

course up to you, the

members, to determine

and I look forward to the

AGM to see what unfolds.

As you’ll read in this

month’s newsletter, there’s

plenty of activities and

events on the calendar

over the coming months, I

encourage you to attend

and get involved where

you can to ensure they are

all successful.

Until next time, safe flying.



Page 2

JULY 2013

Around the Club

There’s been a few things happening around the club over the past couple of months so

here’s a quick snapshot of what’s been going on:

Club Secretary Sinead Coleby has been successful in her application for a Commercial Pilot

Licence course in Port Macquarie and began the course in mid July. Unfortunately this means

the Secretary position is currently vacant and will be filled by current Committee members

until the Annual General Meeting in September. So anyone willing & able to assist the Club

and Committee in this role is encouraged to nominate/be nominated at the AGM.

Those who have visited the club rooms recently will have seen some new additions to the

kitchen with a new fridge and toaster oven replacing the very old and regularly

unserviceable items. A new microwave-convection oven is on order and should be available

for use in the coming week. Thanks again to Niels Jensen for his work in arranging the

removal of the oldies and purchase and installation of the newies.

The Macedon Ranges Shire Council have confirmed they have been successful in their

application for $30,000 in funding to support a $40,000 commitment for a full Kyneton

Airfield Master Plan to be developed this financial year. The master plan is expected to

provide the Council with clear direction for the long term (15-25 years) future of the airfield.

In addition, the State Government have confirmed the revised funding under the Regional

Aviation Development Fund whereby Councils & Clubs can submit applications for up to

$250,000 without a co-contribution. This funding can be used for “operational capital”

improvements such as PAL lighting, fuel installations, minor taxiway & runway works. The

Club is investigating an application to include an upgrade of the current fuel installation (to

meet current regulations and provide credit card / self service capability), PAL lighting and

taxiway works to the main north-south taxiway as well as the taxiway entrances to RWY 18/36

and the western end of 09/27.

The Committee have been discussing the idea of a Wings Night to celebrate the

achievements of all our student pilots and have agreed on hosting one in conjunction with

the Annual General Meeting to be held on the evening of Friday the 27th of September. So if

you’ve obtained your Solo, Area Solo, GFPT, PPL in the past 2 years, please mark this night

in your calendar!

The Committee have also changed the day that the AGM is normally held to a Friday

evening to enable and encourage more members to attend. This year’s AGM will be held on

the evening of Friday the 27th of September. The AGM and Wings Night will be held at one

of the local pubs / clubs (to be confirmed) to ensure we get a good turnout and so that the

Club doesn’t need to bother itself with catering etc. So “save the date” of Friday 27th of

September for a great night out.

CASA AvSafety Seminar

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JULY 2013

It’s been a couple of years since CASA visited Kyneton Aero Club for one of their

regular AvSafety Seminars and I’m pleased to announce that we’ve secured

Kyneton local Tim Penney and his trusty offsider Mike White.

Tim & Mike will be presenting a variety of topics of interest to private pilots and

aircraft owners including the many recent or upcoming changes to the regulations

including licencing and the introduction of the Recreational Pilot Licence (not to be

confused with RA-Aus Pilot Certificate), proposed changes / removal of Schedule

5 maintenance systems, the ageing aircraft program etc.

As always, a feast of pizza and garlic bread will be provided and hope to see as

many of you there as possible.

If you’re planning on attending, please let me know for catering requirements.

RSVP to me via the president@kynetonaeroclub.org email address by Sunday



CASA AvSafety Seminar: Tuesday 20th of August @ 7PM

FunFlight: Giving Children Touched by Adversity the Flight of their Life.

Together with aero clubs and volunteer pilots from across Australia, FunFlight

organise joy-flights and other aviation related activities for children and teenagers

touched by a life changing illness or other adversity. To date, they have flown over

6000 passengers; the kids together with their families.

In 2012 Kyneton Aero Club participated in FunFlight for the first time and proved to be

a very rewarding event for all involved. The Club will again be involved this year and

it’s time to “save the date” and start thinking about whether you’d like to be involved

in this amazing event and how you can contribute to making this a great day for those

who are less fortunate. With a number of our frequent flyers away for last year’s event,

I’m hoping for an increased number of pilots and aircraft this year to help get the

anticipated 80 passengers airborne on the day.


Fun Flight 2013: Saturday 10th of November

FunFlight 2013

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JULY 2013

Braving the ravages of the resent spell of cold weather a number of intrepid Kyneton Aero Club members

rugged up last weekend for the first of a number of proposed “shed visits”. With an extended invitation to all

of the KAC members and a few like-minded enthusiasts they travelled down to Romsey and to the personal

workshop of fellow long term club & AAAA member Mr Ian Whitney. A renowned aviation conservationist,

pilot and engineer, Ian has extensive history in recovery of aircraft from the Australian War Memorial's DAP

Beaufort A9-557, Judy Pay’s P-40, a number of P38 Aircobra’s, Spitfire A58-246, Wirraway, 2x P39 lightning’s

and numerous other aircraft now located around the world.

With a number of aircraft currently being worked on within the Romsey workshop it was both an impressive

site and rare opportunity to be able to see the inner workings of a number of WW2 veterans in their various

stages of restoration. Taking centre stage to the workshop is the Wirraway A20-395 that has had an enormous

amount of detail given to every component. While we can see these aircraft fly at air shows from time to time,

the opportunity to see inside at the cockpit, instruments and controls is not often found. Everyone was very

impressed on the work to date however Ian was able to tell us a lot about the history of this aircraft and how it

came to be in Romsey.

In addition to the Wirraway was the current primary project P40-N-5, the personal mount of Major Arland

Stanton. A brief record of the history of this aircraft was in the last newsletter. At present the fuselage is being

fitted out with all original items fully restored which was clearly every bit the same standard as the Wirra..

The history, the recovery photographs and the insight to the man that flew this aircraft and claim 8 kills kept

us all well entertained. Utilizing or refurbishing many of the original components this aircraft is being

restored to take to the air again at some stage in the future. Of special interest was the original side panel

markings showing the victories this pilot claimed. As this was clearly 100% indisputably original it was

further reason why this was such an rare opportunity.

With a coffee, BBQ and a history lesson unlike any we had at school the time spent looking at these projects

passed very quickly however l was assured that all that participated that this was truly a unique opportunity.

With Ian’s ongoing support we hope to be able to continue these “shed” visits to see what other aviators get

up to away from the club house. Clearly not all the aviation action takes place at the airport.

If the mind-set that “every man should have a shed.. and every shed needs a project” then this is a “great


Ian Whitney in front of

RAAF Wirraway A20-

395 currently under


Shed Visit: Ian Whitney

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JULY 2013

Shed Visit: Ian Whitney

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JULY 2013

The Old Aviators Flying Museum Inc is looking to KAC to provide some airside expertise for our

upcoming Wings & Wheels event. It is the first major event in recent memory to be held at

Maryborough aerodrome, and the locals are lacking the experience in managing a large number of

visiting aircraft. It is hoped that KAC volunteers can fill the gap and mentor the local volunteers so

that we may become more self sufficient in future- and can come and help out at Kyneton events!

Here is what we will need:

Saturday 14 September:

Marshalls for parking aircraft

Sunday 15 September:

Marshalls for parking aircraft (mainly in the morning)

UNICOM operators to work in shifts all day. The main runway will be closed from 09:00 to 12:30 and

13:30 to 16:30, but the cross runway will remain operational.

Apart from the lunch time opening of the main runway for departures, the unicom should not be an

onerous task.

Airside volunteers will be looked after by the Museum volunteers and will be fed, watered and

generally well cared for.

For those present on Saturday, there will be a civic reception held in the Museum hangar from 4-6pm

which you are invited to attend.

We would also appreciate if you could bring your aircraft! Vintage types will get a prime parking

spot close to all the action (fenced from the public).

If you need help with accommodation bookings, or would like to be billeted with a local, call Kim

on 0418 100 028.

Maryborough Wings & Wheels

14 & 15 September 2013

Call for Volunteers

Kyneton Aero Club was established in November

1966 by a group of like minded individuals that

saw the potential of general aviation in regional

areas. Strongly supported by the Kyneton Shire at

the time, the Kyneton Airfield was established

with responsibility for its management in the

hands of the Kyneton Aero Club. This arrange-

ment is still in place with the Kyneton Aero Club

responsible for the operations and management

of the airfield.

The following events are coming up in the next month:

20 August:

Committee Meeting @ 6:30PM.

CASA AvSafety Seminar @ 7PM for pizza 7:30 for Seminar

TBD August:

Shed Visit to Be Confirmed: Places are limited so please RSVP to Ste-ve Edmonds if you are keen to attend:

vpresident@kynetonaeroclub.org or 0409 256 516

Coming Events


JULY 2013

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Kyneton Aero Club

PO Box 117

Kyneton VIC 3444

Phone: +61 3 5422 6626

Fax: +61 3 5422 3003

E-mail: info@kynetonaeroclub.org

In order to maintain a positive relationship with our neighbors, a fly neighborly policy has

been in place at Kyneton for some time. In order to continue to improve on our operations

and address noise complaints and other concerns raised from time to time, we have

prepared the plan below which shows the preferred circuits to be flown at Kyneton Airfield.

These circuits are approximately 1nm (1.8km) in lateral displacement from the runway in use

providing for safe operations in the event of an engine failure in circuit. They also track

directly overhead major roads / rivers and avoid homes / properties where possible.

RWY 18/36: Northern boundary is the road that runs east-west to the north of Sunbury

Lodge. Southern boundary is the Old Calder Highway. Western boundary is the

Campaspe River.

RWY 27/09: Northern and Western boundaries as per RWY 18/36. Eastern boundary is

Edgecombe Road.

These are preferred patterns only, ultimately the decision for safe operation of the aircraft

rests with the pilot in charge.

JULY 2013

Reminder: Preferred Circuit Patterns at YKTN






