¿K-Pasa BK? AUGUST 2011



¿K-Pasa BK? AUGUST 2011

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www.bahiadekino.com.mx On August 24, just over one year since its creation, Kino Bay’s official website reached 100,000 hits.

Proving it to be the most useful site to those seeking detailed information on hotels, restaurants

and all types of businesses and services in Kino. In addition to galleries and articles showing the

wealth of the territory and the Seri people of Punta Chueca. With plans of acquiring a webcam

through which visitors can see the Kino beach live from anywhere in the world, it sure to soon

reach another 100,000.

Read it inside:




¿K-Pasa BK? Is the oficial Newsletter for www.bahiadekino.com.mx

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¿K-Pasa BK? Is the oficial Newsletter for www.bahiadekino.com.mx

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It’s 10 In Kino: places

Cerro Prieto: a light walk and a spectacular view

Located at the end of New Kino, where Boulevard Mar de Cortez

meets Boulevard De La Marina is a beach known as "Bahia Estela" with

crystal clear waters, a launching ramp, an extense rocky area for fishing

and shade to make it any day a splendid day.

The Bahia Estela beach is located on the slopes of the 1st Cerro Prieto (Black

Mountain). Climbing to the top of Cerro Prieto takes about 15 minutes, with

the right shoes and careful climbing.

When you reach the top you can see the magnificent four views: straight

ahead you can see the vastness of the Sea of Cortez and its islands in the dis-

tance. On a clear day you can even see the Baja California peninsula on the

horizon. Behind you is the Kino desert, the Rocky Mountains of Cerro de la Chichichora or “the pope’s nose”. On the

right you will have the best view of Tiburón Island and the second Cerro Prieto. From there you can also see the pass-

ing boats and pangas. On the left is the town of Kino Bay and Alcatraz island. Besides the four most breathtaking views

of the bay, once on top, you can enjoy the cool breeze.

Betty Martínez

Kino Bay Tourism Office

¿K-Pasa BK? Is the oficial Newsletter for www.bahiadekino.com.mx

©ALL Rights reserved to El Despertar de una Riviera, A.C.

P Á G I N A 3

Divers For Kino & Mexico

Iniciativa México (Initiatives for Mexico) is a contest is for individuals, institutions and organizations who want to start

or have begun to transform the country. Contestants submit their projects (initiatives) in environmental, common welfare, Edu-

cation, community development and citizenship. The most outstanding initiatives will be recognized and receive professional

training and financial support in addition to continuing its work to create a better Mexico. There were a total of e 56958 initia-

tives submitted.

Kino Bay divers, members of the Cooperative Society for the Monitoring Large Islands, were also part of this movement and

their initiative has passed on to the second stage. Of the 56,958 registered initiatives, theirs was the only sea related initiative

and was within the top 50.

Their initiative is conducting an underwater monitoring of

Protected Natural Areas (ANP) in Mexico to generate infor-

mation to assess the effectiveness in managing and analyz-

ing the effect of global climate change on these natural

spaces. Selecting fish and invertebrate species indicators

and involving users in ANP through training and participa-

tion in monitoring that build a network of community

monitors in the short term.

Although the initiative was not one of those selected top

20, this group of divers are actually winners. Have been

since the day they began their work and are heroes and

examples in Kino, Sonora and all of Mexico

Betty Martínez

Kino Bay Tourism Office


Ramón Ulises Becerra Lamadrid

Cooperative Society for the Monitoring Large Islands

Divers on their way to Mexico City for the selection of the top 20

¿K-Pasa BK? Is the oficial Newsletter for www.bahiadekino.com.mx

©ALL Rights reserved to El Despertar de una Riviera, A.C.

¿K-Pasa BK? Es el newsletter oficial de www.bahiadekino.com.mx

©Todos los derechos reservados a El Despertar de una Riviera, A.C.

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¿K-Pasa BK? Is the oficial Newsletter for www.bahiadekino.com.mx

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¿K-Pasa BK? Is the oficial Newsletter for www.bahiadekino.com.mx

©ALL Rights reserved to El Despertar de una Riviera, A.C.

Kino In August

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¿K-Pasa BK? Es el newsletter oficial de www.bahiadekino.com.mx

©Todos los derechos reservados a El Despertar de una Riviera, A.C.

*“7 Filos” P Á G I N A 4

¿K-Pasa BK? Is the oficial Newsletter for www.bahiadekino.com.mx

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¿K-Pasa BK? Is the oficial Newsletter for www.bahiadekino.com.mx

©ALL Rights reserved to El Despertar de una Riviera, A.C.

Our very own organization, El Despertar de una Riviera, together with the “Adrenalina” biking club & with the

help of the López Caballero foundation and of the department for Economic Developement of Hermosillo county,

are working on what will soon become “7 Filos” (7 edges). The upcoming first mountain bike trail in Kino Bay. It

is located on the "Hill of the Virgin of Guadalupe" in New Kino, next to the golf course.

The trail, which will have a distance of about 5km, will have 2 levels of difficulty: the first will be for less experi-

enced cyclists and the second for advanced riders. Is currently being drawn out but the grand opening is ex-

pected to happen this year with a competition during KINOFEST.

Yet another dream of El Despertar de Una Riviera, A.C. that is becoming a reality

*7 Filos is the Spanish name for the Leatherback Turtle, a sacred deity of the Seri Indians.

P Á G I N A 6

The appearance of the public square is changing, now the soccer

field has brand new roofed grandstands so you can watch every

game in the upcoming season and newly constructed bathrooms.

To make the evenings spent at the square more convenient and to

keep our Kino cleaner & healthier.


New In Kino

Adjacent to the Red Cross, between the basketball court and the ATM, where once small

trees and a bench used to be, now sit piles of sand and gravel. The construction has begun

on what will be the site of the promised, desired and much needed hyperbaric chamber.

The workers, who call themselves "Los Calamardos” (The Squidwards), working under the midday sun

commented that there are 12 workers in total. They work 6 days a week un-

der Architect Luis Encinas. The Calamardos assured me that the building will be fin-

ished within a month.

Betty Martínez

Kino Bay Tourism Office

¿K-Pasa BK? Is the oficial Newsletter for www.bahiadekino.com.mx

©ALL Rights reserved to El Despertar de una Riviera, A.C.

Imges B.Martínez

Here Comes The

P Á G I N A 6 P Á G I N A 7

¿K-Pasa BK? Is the oficial Newsletter for www.bahiadekino.com.mx

©ALL Rights reserved to El Despertar de una Riviera, A.C.

Fishermen & Moms Ask For Help Congressman Jesus Alberto Cano Vélez met with fishermen, housewives and families this

past August 15 at the Marlin Restaurant to hear their main concerns. Attendees expressed their

problems with the land invasions and the need of property titles, problems regarding the hospi-

tal and the fact that it has no pediatricians, no maternity ward and not enough room in the

lobby area.

David, a fisherman, said fishermen related problems "Did not

develop yesterday or today, they have been going on for dec-

ades." Speaking of their need of equipment he said "We have

nothing, we are shipwrecked in the bay ... The ones who have

it all are the ones with money ... Where is the government

help? Where are the engines and pangas that the government

give away? They have never reached the hands of the fisher-

men. "

He continuer and said “The price of our product, is too low. It has been for many years.

But the price of gasoline keeps going up and up and us fishermen, we go down. If you

want to give aid, that aid should be given directly to the fisherman, not to a representa-

tive ... Our spirits have been broken along with all the promises. "

A member of the Seri tribe Seri also spoke about the problems Seri fishermen encounter

due to the fact that Kino Bay fishermen penetrate the area designated as “exclusive” for Seri tribe fishing and as a result,

fish out all resources.

A woman stood up and expressed the concern of all the mothers of Kino Bay high school students: "For 15 years I have

fought for the high school and many times we have been promised and that ‘next year when we make our budget we will

include the school’. Our high school is not a government school and the parents go through a lot to keep the kids in it. We

need an answer right now, we need a high school. "

At that time the Congressman motioned to a man in the back to write something down in

the notebook he had in his hand.

Taking the microphone, the Congressman said, "I have listened to your problems, I was

very moved by David's words, they show the sense of community. I have traveled all

around the stare and I hear and see the same problems; there is no support from the gov-

ernment." Finally he concluded, "I will begin working towards it…. Kino Bay has grown

enough, it needs a (government, not parent supported) high school. "

Betty Martínez

Kino Bay Tourism Office

¿K-Pasa BK? Is the oficial Newsletter for www.bahiadekino.com.mx

©ALL Rights reserved to El Despertar de una Riviera, A.C.

Learning To “click”

Medical Tourism The Commission for the Promotion of Tourism of Sonora participated in the "Second Global Forum on Medical

Tourism." With the participation of the Sonora Hospitality program for the combination of private medical ser-

vices with the support of State and Municipal Governments and strategies positioning and promotion to poten-

tial markets.

The assistant coordinator of operations COFETUR Arturo Romero Malpica participated in the public debate panel

of policy design for the medical tourism segment, which outlined the efforts, achievements and challenges fac-

ing each of the states interested in developing this new model of tourism .

Because of its strategic location, an hour away from the major hospitals in Hermosillo and 4 hours from Tuc-

son, AZ, Kino Bay is ideal for treating respiratory diseases. The low environmental pollution and low levels of

violence, make it a great choice for rehabilitation and convalescence.



Over 100 students, children and adults, gathered everyday for a week to learn how to use a com-

puter at the Compu Mobile Classroom which was located in the public square in front of City Hall. Stu-

dents learned to use basic programs with qualified instructors. At the end of the week each received a

diploma and shook the hand of José Humberto López Caballero, president of the non-profit Progress for

Sonora and urged “to continue working eagerly ... Seek always to learn more.” He added that “it is im-

portant that we as parents know what our children are doing on the computer.”

Present were Commissioner of Kino Bay, Dr. Pedro Moraga Silva, the Port Captain, Jose Francisco Be-

jarano and the commander of the National Emergency Commission Victor Osuna Ramirez, who received

donated material by Progress for Sonora.

After the event, López Caballero gave a wheelchair to Mr.

Gregory Apodaca, following the request made by his fam-

ily to the non-profit.

Source & image:


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¿K-Pasa BK? Is the oficial Newsletter for www.bahiadekino.com.mx

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Kino Bay Tourism Office

El Despertar de una Riviera, A.C.

(662) 2-42-0408





Email ¿K-Pasa BK? At bahiakino@hotmail.com

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Let’s be am


¿K-Pasa BK? Is the oficial Newsletter for www.bahiadekino.com.mx

©ALL Rights reserved to El Despertar de una Riviera, A.C.
