Kathirikai Kara Kuzhambu



how to make brinjal kara kuzhabu

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Kathirikai Kara Kuzhambu (Spicy Brinjal Curry) RecipeRecipe Source : Ramya Cooks

Ingredients: Brinjals - 6 to 7 Small onions - 5 Lemon sized tamarind - 1 Turmeric powder - a generous pinch Salt - to taste Oil - 2 tbspTo roast and grind to a paste: Tomato - 1 medium sized chopped Grated Coconut - 1/4 cup Jeera - 1/4 tsp Coriander seeds - 1 tbsp Whole black pepper - 1/4 tsp Urad dhal- 3/4 tsp Channa dhal - 3/4 tsp Dry red chillies - 5To temper: Vadagam(the one used for tempering) / Urad Dhal - 1 tsp Oil - 1 tsp Curry leaves - few Black mustard seeds - 1/2 tsp Dry red chillies 2Method: First dry roast all the ingredients under 'to roast and grind' section till golden brown and tomatoes turn slightly mushy and raw smell leaves. Soak tamarind in water for few mins and extract thick pulp out of it.Keep aside. Grind the roasted ingredients to a fine paste, set aside. Put a '+' mark in the brinjals with a knife and fill in the brinjals with the paste(Reserve the remaining paste.). Stuff all the brinjals and keep aside. Now heat a kadai with oil add onions, turmeric powder and saute till onions turn slightly browned.Now add the stuffed brinjals and saute until it shrinks. Then add the remaining paste and saute for 2mins. Now add 1.5 cups of water, required salt and simmer. Keeping lid closed and Cook until the brinjals are half cooked. Now add the tamarind extract and keep in simmer until the curry starts thickening. It will thicken up to a kuzhambu consisency and oil will start floating... at this stage switch off and transfer to serving bowl. In a kadai, add the items under 'to temper' and add the tempering to the kuzhambu