Katie's Powerpoint


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Katie Leuw

Fine Arts Hampstead- 10222

Katie Leuw- 5037

Foundation Portfolio Evaluation

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Within my film ‘the man with no face’ there are many similar conventions to a real film. One for example is the voice over. Voice over dialogue is an element that is detached from the movie itself and floats over the video like a voice from above.

It is a very strong way to introduce the film and I wanted to challenge other films by doing this.

This is the voice over for my film. I wanted my character come across through the voice over as well as the acting. When looking at opening sequences I concentrated on ‘About a boy as this was similar to how I wanted to represent my character.

Its an affective way to get an audience gripped.

I have also challenged other films with certain editing techniques:

The man with no face: I’ve tried to challenge this idea by having my credits appear over the image. This clip will play automatically:

A room for Romeo Brass: in this film the credits appear as intertitles over a black background. This is a screen shot of what it looks like:

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Both ‘A room for Romeo Brass’ and ‘The Man with no Face’ cover the situation of this boy meeting someone who changes their lives.

• I have constructed the idea of a teenage boy.

• He has problems at home

• I've constructed him as the ‘geeky

boy’ stereotype

• Romeo and Gavin are neighbors in a working class neighborhood in Nottingham.

• Romeo is short, stocky but is a constructed as a tough black kid who is about 12

• Marcus is constructed as an awkward 12 year old boy.

• He has problems at home and at school which doesn’t help.

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

My film would be likely to be distributed to an Independent distributor because:

Of the low budget production so we had to use. For example I might get someone like

as they have distributed

similar films in the past such as: ‘A Room for Romeo Brass’

My film has a similar narrative convention to: ‘A room for Romeo Brass is about two boys who meet a stranger who changes there lives but unlike ‘the man with no face’ the man in that film turns into a violent man. Another similarity to my film is that this film is a first time film by a British film maker.

Also my film would be distributed by an independent distributor because it has no Hollywood stars in it which would be an ultimate U.S.P. we used a low budget to film it and a studio would not be interested in a low budget film, and we shot our film on DV which is another aspect that a major distributor would not consider.

Who would be the audience for your media product?

The most common groups of cinema goers is 12-24 or family groups.

I think I would aim my movie at this age group: 12-24. This is because the movie is able to teach the children about growing up. And the older half 20 - 24 will just appreciate and understand the film as a whole without it being too childish.

I think that the BBFC would probably rate this film as a 12A as at the beginning it has the word ‘shit’ in it.

The genre of my film would most likely be appreciated by children of the same age as the boy who is constructed in my film

As the story line is quite a common problem in home or at least its not uncommon to hear parents arguing it can relate to many children.

How did you attract/

address your audience?

I want to address my audience by not patronising them and I want to treat them like adults.

I want to Engage my audience with my opening sequence so that they are wanting more.

I have tried to create a character that would be a similar age to the majority of the audience members.

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this project?

I started off by editing my film on Imovie but it was quite limiting

I then moved to using Imovie as it is a more advanced software and allowed me to experiment more with different effects like dissolves. It also let me re-frame to create close ups.

I used the internet to research different opening sequences.

I created my music on garage band and I also developed my voice over on it.

I then transferred my music onto iTunes.

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you

feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full


I have learnt many things from when I started my preliminary task to now after I have shot and edited the first 2 minutes of a film.

Preliminary task:

No narrative

Only used simple editing techniques such as:

Shot reverse shot

180 degree’s rule

Match on action

The man with no face:

Constructed a narrative

Constructed a character

Added different editing techniques

Used all different types of software

I also was able to advertise ‘The Man With No Face’ on you tube, facebook and my blog to get as much feedback on my film as I could.

Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tzc38vgydn4
