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    Dra. Aryuliva Adnan, M.Pd. (NIP. 196307011988032001)

    Leni Marlina, S.S., M.A. (NIP. 19820718 200604 2 004)

    Delvi Wahyuni, S.S., S.S., M.A. (NIP. 19820718 200604 2 004)

    Dibiayai DIPA UNP

    Nomor SP DIPA -042-04.2.400085/2015

    Tanggal 15 Maret 2015



    TAHUN 2015



    1. Judul : Pelatihan Kegiatan Toastmaster Sebagai Strategi Peningkatan Kemampuan Bahasa Inggris Aktif (Speaking) Mahasiswa

    STIKES di Padang

    2. Bidang : Bahasa Inggris 3. Ketua Pelaksana :

    a. Nama Lengkap : Aryuliva Adnan, M.Pd. b. Jenis Kelamin : Perempuan c. NIP/ NIDN : 196307011988032001/ 0001076309 d. Pangkat/Golongan : Lektor Kepala/ IVa e. Jabatan : Pembina f. Fakultas : Bahasa dan Seni g. Jumlah tim : 6 (Enam ) orang

    Dosen : 4 (Empat) orang

    Mahasiswa : 2 (Dua) orang

    4. Lokasi : STIKES MERCUBAKTIJAYA Padang Jl. Jamal Jamil Pondok Kopi Siteba Padang 25146

    5. Waktu Program : 2 Bulan 6. Belanja : Rp. 15.000.000, - (Lima Belas Juta Rupiah)

    Mengetahui, Padang, Maret 2015

    Dekan Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni, UNP Ketua Tim Pengusul,

    Prof. Dr. M. Zaim, Hum Aryuliva Adnan, M.Pd.

    NIP. 19610321 198602 1 001 NIP. 196307011988032001


    Ketua LPM UNP

    Drs. Zalfendi, M.Kes

    NIP. 19590602 198503 1 003

  • 1

    BAB I


    1.1. Analisis Situasi

    Tenaga kesehatan umumnya, perawat khususnya merupakan profesi yang

    melibatkan kepedulian dan kebersamaan dengan orang dalam berbagai kehidupan.

    Tenaga kesehatan dan perawat membutuhkan keterampilan berbahasa Inggris untuk

    memperluas wawasan, dan memperdalam pengetahuan ilmiah serta mendapatkan

    kesempatan kerja. Keterampilan berbahasa Inggris yang diperlukan oleh tenaga

    kesehatan meliputi keterampilan berbicara (speaking), menyimak (listening),

    membaca (reading), dan menulis (writing).

    Ada sedikitnya lima alasan khusus mengapa tenaga kesehatan dan perawat

    membutuhkan bahasa Inggris (Bradley, 2008:2). Pertama, pada umumnya konferensi and

    kongres ilmiah internasional termasuk bidang kesehatan dan keperawatan dilakukan

    dalam bahasa Inggris dan pembicaranya lebih memilih menggunakan bahasa Inggris

    untuk presentasi. Kedua, permintaan untuk tenaga kesehatan dan keperawatan dari luar

    negeri sangat besar. Ketiga, tenaga kersehatan dan para perawat dapat mendapat

    pengalaman yang berharga dengan bekerja di luar negeri dan dengan memakai bahasa

    Inggris sebagai salah bahasa internasional. Keempat, tenaga kesehatan dan perawat

    membutuhkan informasi dan sumber bacaan atau penelitian dari internet, jurnal dan

    program ilmiah yang kebanyakan disampaikan dalam bahasa Inggris. Kelima, tenaga

    kesehatan dan perawat perawat membutuhkan pemahaman cara kerja mesin dan alat

    kesehatan yang kebanyakan instruksinya ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris. Keenam, tenaga

  • 2

    kesehatan dan perawat akan bertemu atau melayani dengan pasien yang membutuhkan

    catatan kesehatan mereka ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris.

    Menurut Hapsari (2010), jumlah tenaga keperawatan yang dibutuhkan secara

    global pada tahun 2020 nanti mencapai satu juta perawat. Hal ini membuat peluang

    lulusan akademi keperawatan di Indonesia menjadi terbuka lebar. Apalagi dewasa ini

    banyak tawaran bagi tenaga keperawatan untuk bekerja diberbagai negara seperti

    Amerika Serikat, Kanada, Korea, Jepang, negara-negara Eropa dan Timur Tengah. Hal

    ini membuktikan bahwa kemampuan perawat asal Indonesia sudah mulai diperhitungkan

    pada level internasional. Tapi, masih menurut Hapsari, kendala utama bagi perawat

    Indonesia untuk bekerja di luar negeri antara lain adalah lemahnya penguasaan bahasa

    internasional dalam hal ini bahasa Inggris.

    Hal yang senada juga disampaikan oleh Yani (2012) bahwa kendala bahasa dan

    budaya lokal masih merupakan tantangan besar yang harus dihadapi oleh perawat

    Indonesia. Seiring dengan itu, koran online Republika edisi tanggal 20 Juli 2012

    mengulas bahwa walaupun permintaan tenaga keperawatan untuk bekerja di luar negeri

    sangat tinggi, namun kendala utama yang dihadapi adalah masalah bahasa.

    Para perawat tersebut bukannya tidak bisa berbahasa Inggris sama sekali.

    Menurut calon perawat di STIKES (Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan dan Akademi

    Keperawatan) Mercubaktijaya di Padang (selanjutnya disebut mitra), mereka bisa

    berbahasa Inggris, tapi kemampuan mereka bersifat pasif. Dengan kata lain mereka

    mengerti membaca teks terkait dengan ilmu mereka (keperawatan dan kesehatan) dalam

    bahasa Inggris. Tapi ketika harus berkomunikasi secara lisan atau mengekpresikan

    pendapat dalam bahasa Inggris, apalagi untuk tampil bicara di depan umum, mereka

    menemukan kendala. Padahal kelak pada saat bekerja pada satu atau dua masa mereka

    pasti akan berada pada situasi dimana mereka harus berkomunikasi dengan pasien atau

  • 3

    keluarga pasien atau tenaga medis lainnya dalam bahasa Inggris. Apalagi jika mereka

    bekerja ditempat dengan konteks internasional.

    Pentingnya kemampuan berbahasa Inggris lisan atau aktif ini sangat disadari

    oleh tenaga pengajar Bahasa Inggris STIKES Mercubaktijaya Padang (selanjutnya

    disebut mitra). Oleh karena itu, mitra sangat ingin meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa

    Inggris lisan mahasiswa mereka, tapi mitra menghadapi beberapa kendala.

    Pertama waktu atau sks yang disediakan dalam kurikulum untuk bahasa Inggris

    sangat terbatas. Umumnya mahasiswa STIKES hanya belajar bahasa Inggris MKDU (2

    sks) dan bahasa Inggris untuk keperawatan (2 sks) sepanjang masa perkuliahan. Kedua,

    mahasiswa mitra tidak punya waktu untuk meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa Inggris

    dengan belajar di les bahasa Inggris atau lembaga bahasa karena tuntutan perkuliahan

    yang dan pratikum yang sangat tinggi. Ketiga, mahasiswa keperawatan, terutama dalam

    konteks kota Padang, berada pada situasi homogen dimana teman sekelas, tenaga

    kependidian dan pengajar mereka umumnya berasal dari daerah yang sama sehingga

    tidak ada keharusan untuk berkomunikasi dalam bahasa internasional seperti bahasa


    Situasi-situasi inilah yang membuat mitra, melalui institusi tempat mereka

    belajar, berinisiatif untuk meminta Tim Pengusul untuk mengadakan sejenis pelatihan

    atau kegiatan mengenai sebuah strategi atau kegiatan yang bisa dilakukan untuk

    meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa Inggris aktif mahasiswa mitra melalui pelatihan yang

    diberikan kepada dosen yang juga akan melatih mereka nantinya. Menanggapi hal

    tersebut, Tim Pengusul menawarkan sebuah solusi berupa pelatihan berbicara bahasa

    Inggris (speaking) melalui inovasi kegiatan Toastmaster.

    Kebanyakan orang termasuk calon tenaga kerja dapat dengan mudah

    berkomunikasi melalui telepon atau email daripada berhadapan langsung dengan lawan

    bicara atau pendengar. Berbicara di depan grup kecil bahkan di depan satu orang bisa saja

  • 4

    membuat pembicara merasa kurang percaya diri, takut, atau terintimidasi. Padahal

    keahlian berkomunikasi sangat menentukan bagi kesuksesan karir seseorang. Para

    pemimpin korporat mengakui bahwa kemampuan berkomunikasi secara oral merupakan

    salah satu skill yang disyaratkan bagi calon tenaga kerja yang akan diterima.

    Dunia kerja membutuhkan orang-orang yang terampil mengekspresikan ide dan

    pikiran mereka dengan jelas dan penuh percaya diri serta mampu mempengaruhi orang

    dengan berbagai macam latar belakang. Kebanyakan sekolah dan kampus tidak

    menawarkan tipe keterampilan berbicara bahasa Inggris yang efektif yang dibutuhkan

    dunia kerja. Salah satu organisasi sekaligus program luar sekolah atau kampus yang fokus

    terhadap skill komunikasi yang dibutuhkan dalam dunia kerja adalah Toastmaster


    Toastmaster Internasional merupakan organisasi international yang berpusat di

    Canada yang program dengan tujuan untuk menjadikan pesertanya memiliki

    keterampilan berkomunikasi yang efektif sekaligus memiliki kompetensi kepemimpinan.

    Melalui klub anggotanya, Toastmaster Internasional membantu kaum pria dan wanita

    belajar seni berbicara, mendengar, dan berpikir serta keahlian yang terkait dengan

    aktualisasi diri, kepemimpinan, pemahaman yang lebih baik terhadap kemanusiaan. Misi

    dari Toastmaster adalah menyediakan lingkungan belajar yang positif dan mendukung

    dimana setiap individu memiliki kesempatan untuk mengembangkan keahlian

    komunikasi oral dan kepemimpinan dengan penuh percaya diri (p.2). Toastmaster

    International dijalankan oleh berbagai klub atau komunitas di lingkungan akademis,

    dunia kerja, dan anggota masyarakat dengan fokus pada kompetensi komunikasi dan


    Karena fokus kegiatan Toastmaster International berkaitan dengan keterampilan

    berkomunikasi menggunakan bahasa Inggris sebagai salah satu bahasa internasional,

    maka kegiatan Toastmaster dapat dijadikan menjadi salah satu alternatif kegiatan

  • 5

    speaking bagi tenaga kesehatan yang akan terjun ke dunia kerja nantinya. Dengan

    berpedoman kepada beberapa proyek kegiatan Toastmaster dan melakukan inovasi pada

    bagian tertentu, kegiatan Toastmaster akan sangat cocok dilatihkan bagi tenaga pengajar

    kesehatan STIKES Mercubaktijaya Padang, dengan harapan mereka mentransfer ilmu

    mereka dan melatihkan hal yang sama bagi kepentingan bahasa Inggris aktif mahasiswa


    1.2. Perumusan Masalah

    Berdasarkan analisis situasi yang sudah dilakukan maka permasalahan prioritas

    mitra yang perlu dipecahkan adalah:

    1. Mitra tidak begitu memahami konsep dan model kegiatan kegiatan

    Toastmaster yang bisa digunakan mitra untuk meningkatkan kemampuan

    bahasa Inggris aktif mahasiswa mitra.

    2. Mitra tidak begitu memahami jenis aktivitas atau projek yang dipakai dalam

    kegiatan Toastmaster yang bisa digunakan mitra untuk meningkatkan

    kemampuan bahasa Inggris aktif mahasiswa mitra.

    3. Mitra tidak begitu memahami asesmen atau penilaian yang dipakai untuk

    mengevalusi kemampuan bahasa Inggris aktif mahasiswa mitra dalam

    kegiatan Toastmaster.

    1.3. Tujuan

    Adapun tujuan kegiatan dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah sebagai


    1. Melatih atau mendidik mitra untuk memahami konsep dan model kegiatan

    kegiatan Toastmaster yang bisa digunakan mitra untuk meningkatkan

    kemampuan bahasa Inggris aktif mahasiswa mitra.

  • 6

    2. Melatih atau mendidik mitra untuk memahami dan melakukan berbagai jenis

    aktivitas atau projek yang dipakai dalam kegiatan Toastmaster yang bisa

    digunakan mitra untuk meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa Inggris aktif

    mahasiswa mitra.

    3. Melatih atau mendidik mitra untuk mitra tidak begitu memahami asesmen atau

    penilaian yang dipakai untuk mengevalusi kemampuan bahasa Inggris aktif

    mahasiswa mitra dalam kegiatan Toastmaster.

    1.4. Luaran yang Diharapkan

    Luaran yang diharapkan dari kegiatan ini adalah sebagai berikut:

    1. Mitra mengetahui teori dasar Toastmaster dan mampu mempraktekkan aktivitas

    dan proyek yang ada dalam kegiatan Toastmaster.

    2. Mitra dapat melanjutkan kegiatan Toastmaster secara mandiri setelah pelatihan


    Karena bentuk kegiatan adalah pendidikan dan pelatihan, maka bentuk luaran

    kegiatan adalah sertifikat pelatihan yang dikeluarkan oleh Tim Pengusul.

    1.5. Manfaat

    Manfaat utama dari kegiatan ini adalah bertambahnya pengetahuan mitra

    mengenai kegiatan Toastmaster dalam upaya meningkatkan bahasa Inggris aktif

    (speaking) sekaligus public speaking mahasiswa mitra. Manifestasi dari pengetahuan itu

    adalah mitra mampu menjadi pembicara (speaker) dan public speaker yang profesional

    sehingga mampu melatih mahasiswa mereka secara baik. Tentu saja pelatihan yang

    benar akan berkorelasi positif dengan profesiensi speaking mahasiswa yang sering

    diujikan dan dipakai dalam dunia kerja. Kemudian, keahlian ini juga akan bermanfaat

    bagi tenaga pengajar kesehatan sebagai salah satu strategi menarik yang bisa mereka

  • 7

    pakai dalam pengajaran bahasa Inggris terutama pada kemampuan bahasa berbicara


    BAB II


  • 8

    2.1 Konsep Dasar Speaking

    Ada lima elemen yang terkait dengan proses komunikasi yaitu: pembicara, pesan,

    media, audiense, dan respon. Setiap kali seorang pembicara mengkomunikasikan sebiha

    pesan kepada yang lain, elemen ini akan selalu hadir. Dalam situasi berbicara elemen ini

    berinteraksi satu sama lain (Koch, 1998:7).

    Menurut Nunan (2003), mengajar speaking berarti mengajar pelajar bahasa untuk

    melakukan enam hal. Pertama, memproduksi bunyi pembicaraan dan pola bunyi dalam

    bahasa Inggris. Kedua, menggunakan kata dan tekanan kalimat, pola intonasi bahasa

    dalam bahasa Inggris. Ketiga, memilih kata dan kalimat yang tepat berdasarkan lokasi,

    audiens, situasi dan topik pembicaraan. Keempat, menyusun pikiran dalam urutan yang

    logis dan bermakna. Kelima, menggunakan bahasa sebagai alat untuk mengekspresikan

    nilai dan penilaian. Keenam, menggunakan bahasa dengan lancar dan percaya diri.

    Menurut Richard (2008:11), penguasaan keterampilan berbicara bahasa Inggris

    merupakan prioritas bagi orang yang tengah belajar bahasa Inggris baik sebagai bahasa

    kedua maupun sebagai bahasa asing. Sehingga, orang yang sedang belajar bahasa

    Inggris sering mengevaluasi kesuksesan dan keefektivan belajarnya berdasarkan pada

    seberapa banyak peningkatan profesiensi speaking mereka. Selanjutnya, menurut

    Richard (2008:21-31), speaking berfungsi untuk interaksi (interaction), transaksi

    (transaction), penampilan (performance).

    Louma (2004) menyatakan ada setidaknya tujuh fitur diskurs berbicara. Fitur

    tersebut terdiri dari: pengaturan ide, perencanaan, penggunaan kata generik, frase dan

    penanda, eror, interaksi dan variasi. Fitur ini selalu muncul dalam penggunaan speaking

    sehari-hari maupun dalam bentuk aktivitas pelatihan atau praktek speaking. Menurut

    Richard (2008:41), untuk melaksanakan aktivitas speaking untuk sebuah workshop atau

    pelatihan, perlu diperhati hal berikut. Pertama, apa yang akan difokuskan dalam

  • 9

    pelatihan, apakah interaksi, transaksi atau penampilam. Kedua, bagaimana cara

    memodelkan aktivitas. Ketiga, apa tahap kegiatannya. Ketiga, pendukung bahasa apa

    yang akan digunakan. Keempat, sumber apa yang dibutuhkan. Kelima, penyusunan

    pembelajaran, tingkat penampilan. Keenam, bagaima komentar memberikan komentar

    atau evaluasi.

    Dalam belajar bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing, kemampuan speaking

    merupakan keterampilan yang sangat penting dikuasai karena merupakan dasar dari

    komunikasi. Keterampilan speaking dapat dikembangkan melalui berbagai aktivitas

    komunikasi seperti melengkapi informasi (information gap), teka-teki (jigsaw puzzle),

    penyelesaian masalah (problem-solving), bermain peran (role-playing) dan diskusi

    bebas (free discussion). Aktivitas komunikasi ini dapat memotivasi semangat belajar

    bicara bahasa Inggris karena aktivitas tersebut menciptakan lingkungan belajar yang

    mendukung bagi kegiatan belajar bahasa (Oradee, 2012:533).

    Oradee (2012:535) melakukan penelitian sikap pelajar bahasa Inggris sebagai

    bahasa asing di Thailand terhadap keterampilan speaking dengan menggunakan tiga

    aktivitas komunikasi yaitu discussion, problem-solving dan role-playing. Hasil

    penelitian Oradee menunjukkan bahwa pelajar tersebut memiliki sikap yang bagus

    terhadap bahasa Inggris termasuk termotivasi dalam belajar speaking karena mereka

    merasa puas dalam belajar, menikmati suasana belajar dalam grup-grup kecil yang telah


    Selain menciptakan lingkungan belajar yang kondusif melalui grup dan kegiatan

    bermain, pengajaran atau pelatihan speaking harus memberikan kesempatan praktek

    yang banyak bagi pembelajar bahasa. Hal yang sama disarankan oleh McGonigal

    (2005:1) bahwa pelajar bahasa membutuhkan kesempatan yang luas untuk praktek

    berbicara dan sekaligus mendapatkan perspektif baru dan kegiatan inovatif dalam belajar


  • 10

    2.2 Toastmaster Sebagai Strategi Pelatihan Speaking Aktif

    Hsu (2012:21) melakukan penelitian terhadap kelompok mahasiswa di Taiwan

    yang melakukan kegiatan Toastmaster sebagai kegiatan ko-kurikuler. Hasil penelitiannya

    menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan Toastmaster tidak hanya meningkatkan kemampuan

    berbicara bahasa Inggris mahasiswa, bahkan kegiatan ini juga mampu menghilangkan

    cultural shock yang pernah dialami mahasiswa sebelumnya.

    Nordin dan Shaari (2010:60) meneliti persepsi persepsi pelajar yang belajar

    bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa kedua terhadap penggunaan tradisi Toastmaster di kelas

    speaking. Hasil penelitian mereka menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa memiliki persepsi

    yang positif terhadap pengaruh kegiatan Toastmaster bagi keterampilan berbicara

    mereka. Hal ini dibuktikan oleh persepsi mereka yang menunjukkan bahwa semua

    aktivitas berbicara dan kegiatan evaluasi serta penampilan lainnya pada setiap kali

    pertemuan Toastmaster menjadikan peserta lebih percaya diri dan lancar dalam speaking.

    Kegiatan Toastmaster akan selalu memberikan dua kompetensi bagi pesertanya

    yaitu kompetensi berkomunikasi yang efektif dalam bahasa Inggris dan kompetensi

    kepemimpinan (Toasmasters International, 2011). Bentuk program Toastmaster yang akan

    diperuntukan bagi tenaga pengajar STIKES adalah kegiatan yang juga terfokus pada

    kompetensi komunikasi dan kompetensi kepemimpinan.

    Kegiatan yang meliputi kemampuan berkomunikasi terdiri dari sepuluh proyek

    utama dan dua proyek ekstra (Toastmasters Internasional, 2011) seperti berikut:

    1. Proyek 1: The Ice Breaker

    2. Proyek 2: Organize your speech

    3. Proyek 3: Get to the point

    4. Proyek 4: How to say it

    5. Proyek 5: Your body speaks

    6. Proyek 6: Vocal variety

  • 11

    7. Proyek 7: Research your topic

    8. Proyek 8: Get comfortable with visual aids

    9. Proyek 9: Persuade with power

    10. Proyek 10: Inspire your audience

    11. Evaluate your progres

    12. The entertaining speech

    Kegiatan Toastmaster yang terfokus pada kompetensi kepemimpinan terdiri dari

    proyek utama (Toasmasters Internasional, 2011) terdiri dari 10 proyek sebagai berikut.

    1. Proyek 1 : Aktivitas menyimak dan melaporkan hasil simakan (Listening)

    Peran/ kegiatan: Ah-counter, speech evaluator, grammarian, table topics speaker

    2. Proyek 2 : Aktivitas berpikir kritis (Critical thinking)

    Peran/ kegiatan: Speech evaluator, grammarian, general evaluator

    3. Proyek 3 : Aktivitas memberikan masukan atau komentar umpan-balik

    (Giving feedback)

    Peran/ kegiatan: Speech evaluator, grammarian, general evaluator

    4. Proyek 4 : Aktivitas manajemen waktu (Time management)

    Peran/ kegiatan: Timer, toastmaster, speaker, topicsmaster, grammarian

    5. Proyek 5 : Perencanaan dan implementasi (Planning and implementation)

    Peran/ kegiatan: speaker, general evaluator, toastmaster, topicsmaster

    6. Proyek 6 : Organisasi dan Delegasi (Organization and delegation)

    Peran/ kegiatan: Help organize a club speech contest, help organize a club special


    7. Proyek 7 : Aktivitas memfasilitatasi jalannnya kegiatan (Facilitation)

    Peran/ kegiatan: Toastmaster, general evaluator, topicsmaster, befriend a guest

    8. Proyek 8 : Aktivitas memotivasi (Motivation)

    Peran/ kegiatan: Toastmaster, general evaluator, speech evaluator

    9. Proyek 9 : Aktivitas menjadi mentor (Mentoring)

    Peran : Mentor for a new member, mentor for an existing member, etc

    10. Proyek 10 : Aktivitas kerja sama tim (Team building)

    Peran : Toastmaster, general evaluator

    Adapun tugas khusus dari masing-masing peran peserta dalam Toastmaster

    dideskripsikan dalam tabel berikut ini.

  • 12

    No. Peran Tugas Penjelasan Tugas


    Taking on

    this role






    skills and



    The Grammarian plays an important role in helping all club

    members improve their grammar and vocabulary. As

    Grammarian you:

    - Introduce new words to meeting participants and monitor language and grammar usage

    - Write down the language and grammar usage of all speakers, noting incomplete sentences,

    mispronunciation, grammatical mistakes, non-

    sequiturs, malapropisms, etc. Example: "One in five

    children wear glasses" should be"one in five

    children wears glasses."

    - At the end of the meeting, give your complete report when called on.

    - Optional: Introduce a "Word of the Day" that helps meeting participants increase their vocabulary;

    Display the word, part of speech, and a brief

    definition with a visual aid and prepare a sentence

    showcasing how the word should be used. Note

    who uses this word or any derivatives thereof

    correctly or incorrectly during the meeting.


    Taking on

    this role



    l and



    The purpose of the Ah-Counter is to note any overused

    words or filler sounds used as a crutch by anyone who

    speaks during the meeting. Words may be inappropriate

    interjections, such as and, well, but, so and you know.

    Sounds may be ah, um or er. As Ah-Counter you:

    - Request a copy of the Ah-Counter’s log from your Sergeant at Arms. If a log is not available, be

    prepared to take notes.

    - When introduced during the club meeting, explain the role of the Ah-Counter.

    - In the Ah-Counter’s log, record overlong pauses, overused words and filler sounds relied upon too

    often by all speakers. Examples include: and, but,

    so, you know, ah, um.

    - During the evaluation portion of the meeting, report your observations when called upon.

    3 TIMER

    Taking on

    this role





    One of the skills Toastmasters practice is expressing a

    thought within a specific time. As Timer you are responsible

    for monitoring time for each meeting segment and each

    speaker. To perform as Timer, you:

    - Acquire the timing/signaling equipment from the Sergeant-at-Arms and know how to operate it.

    - Explain the timing rules and demonstrate the signal device if called upon to do so.

    - Throughout the meeting, listen carefully to each participant and signal them accordingly.

    - When called to report, announce the speaker's name and the time taken.

  • 13

    - After the meeting, return the timing/signaling equipment to the Sergeant-at-Arms and give your

    timer's report to the secretary.


    Taking on

    this role



    al skills,



    skills and



    The Topicsmaster delivers the Table Topics portion of the

    meeting, which helps train members to quickly organize and

    express their thoughts in an impromptu setting. As

    Topicsmaster, you:

    - Select topics in advance of the meeting that allow speakers to offer opinions.

    - Give members who aren't assigned a speaking role the opportunity to speak during the meeting by

    assigning impromptu talks on non-specialized

    themes or topics.

    - Don't ask two people the same thing unless you specify that it is to generate opposing viewpoints.

    - In clubs presenting a Best Table Topics speaker award, ask members to vote for the best Table

    Topics speaker.


    Taking on

    this role



    al skills,



    skills and




    The Toastmaster is a meeting's director and host. A member

    typically will not be assigned this role until they are

    thoroughly familiar with the club and its procedures. As

    Toastmaster, you:

    - Acquire a meeting agenda from your Vice President Education.

    - Work with the General Evaluator to ensure all club participants know their roles and responsibilities.

    - Introduce speakers during the club meeting, including their speech topic, project title,

    objectives, delivery time, etc. during your


    - Ensure smooth transitions between speakers during the club meeting.



    Taking on

    this role





    and public



    Every speaker is a role model and club members learn from

    one another's speeches. As a Meeting Speaker, you:

    - Prepare, rehearse and present a speech during the club meeting

    - Arrive early to make sure the microphone, lectern and lighting are working and in place.

    - Discuss your goals, strengths and weaknesses with your evaluator prior to giving your speech.



    Taking on

    this role








    Table Topics is a long-standing Toastmasters tradition

    intended to help members develop their ability to organize

    their thoughts quickly and respond to an impromptu

    question or topic.

    - Table Topics typically begins after the prepared speech presentations.

    - The Toastmaster will introduce the Topicsmaster, who will give a brief description of Table Topics

    and then call on respondents at random.

    - When asked to respond, stand next to your chair.

  • 14

    Your response should last one to two minutes.


    Taking on

    this role





    thinking and




    In Toastmasters, feedback is called evaluation, and it is the

    heart of the Toastmasters educational program. You observe

    the speeches and leadership roles of your fellow club

    members and offer evaluations of their efforts, and they do

    the same for you. As evaluator, you:

    - Provide verbal and written evaluations for speakers using the Effective Evaluation manual.

    - Ask those you've been assigned to evaluate what they will present and what they wish to achieve.

    - Answer evaluation questions in the manual as objectively as possible.

    - When giving any evaluation, offer praise as well as constructive criticism.


    Taking on

    this role





    al skills,





    and team-



    The General Evaluator evaluates everything that takes place

    during the club meeting. In addition, the General Evaluator

    conducts the evaluation portion of the meeting and is

    responsible for the evaluation team: the speech evaluators,

    Ah Counter, Grammarian and Timer. As General Evaluator,


    Ensure other evaluators know their tasks and responsibilities

    Explain the purpose and benefits of evaluations to the group

    Identify and confirm meeting assignments with the Timer, Grammarian and Ah-Counter

    Confirm the club meeting program and/or checklist with the Toastmaster

    During the meeting, take notes and report on all club proceedings to evaluate things such as

    timeliness, enthusiasm, preparation, organization,

    performance of duties, etc.

    Menurut Allum and McGarr (2008:3), secara umum topik bahasa Inggris yang

    sangat sering diperlukan dalam situasi praktek keperawatan meliputi enam hal. Pertama,

    mendiskusikan topik keperawatan (nursing topics). Kedua, skenario keperawatan

    (nursing scenarios). Ketiga, memberikan nasehat secara baik (giving advice sensitvely),

    Keempat, mempresentasikan topik kesehatan (medical focus). Kelima, membaca bagan

    dan dokumen (charting and documentation), Keenam, memahami singkatan dalam

    pelayanan kesehatan (abbreviations and acronyms used in healthcare).

    2.3 Evaluasi Speaking Melalui Kegiatan Toastmaster

  • 15

    Evaluasi speaking melalui kegiatan Toastmaster didasarkan pada panduan dan format

    asesmen yang sudah ditetapkan oleh program Toastmaster Internasional sebagaimana

    yang tertera pada tabel berikut.

    Project Objectives Evaluation


    •To begin speaking before

    an audience. •To discover speaking

    skills you already have

    and skills that need some attention.

    In this speech the new member is to introduce

    himself/herself to the club and begin speaking before an audience. The speech should have a clear

    beginning, body and ending. The speaker has been

    advised to use notes if necessary and not to be concerned with body language. Be encouraging

    and point out the speaker’s strong points while gently and kindly mentioning areas that could be

    improved. Strive to have the speaker look forward

    to giving another speech. Your evaluation should help the speaker feel glad about joining

    Toastmasters and presenting this speech.

    2 • Select and appropriate

    outline which allows listeners to easily

    follow and understand your speech.

    • Make your message clear, with supporting

    material directly contributing to that


    • Use appropriate transitions when moving from one idea to


    • Create a strong opening and conclusion.

    The speaker is to present a talk that is organized in

    a manner that leads the audience to a clearly

    defined goal. The speech includes a beginning, a body and a conclusion; major facts or ideas; and

    appropriate support material, with smooth transitions between the facts and ideas. In addition

    to your verbal evaluation, please complete this

    evaluation form by rating the speech in each category and offering comments or specific

    recommended action where warranted.

    3 • Select a speech topic and

    determine its general and specific purposes.

    • Organize the speech in a

    manner that best achieves

    those purposes.

    • Ensure the beginning; body and conclusion

    reinforce the purposes.

    • Project sincerity and

    conviction and control any

    nervousness you may feel.

    The speaker is to prepare a speech that has a clear

    general purpose (to inform, persuade, entertain or inspire) and a specific purpose. The speech is to

    be organized in a manner that best achieves these

    purposes. The beginning, body and conclusion should all tie into and reinforce the purposes. The

    speaker is to project sincerity and conviction and strive not to use notes. Any nervousness displayed

    should be minimal.

    4 • Select the right words

    and sentence structure to communicate your

    ideas clearly,

    accurately and vividly.

    • Use rhetorical devices to

    The speaker is to use words and arrangements

    of words that effectively communicate his or her

    message to the audience. The speaker should select clear, accurate, descriptive and short words and

    choose verbs that convey action. Sentence and paragraph construction should be simple and short.

  • 16

    enhance and emphasize


    • Eliminate jargon and unnecessary words. Use

    correct grammar.

    The speaker needs to include rhetorical devices,

    avoid jargon and unnecessary words and use

    correct grammar. The speech must have a clear

    purpose and be appropriately organized.

    5 • Use stance, movement,

    gestures, facial expressions and eye

    contact to express your

    message and achieve your speech’s purpose.

    • Make your body language smooth and


    The speaker is to use stance, body movement,

    gestures, facial expressions and eye contact that

    illustrate and enhance his or her verbal message. Movement, gestures, facial expressions and eye

    contact should be smooth and natural. Body language should enhance and clarify the speaker’s

    words and help the audience visualize the speaker’s

    point and overall message. The message you see should be the same one you hear. The speech must

    have a clear purpose and appropriate

    organization. Also, the speaker must use words and arrangements of words that effectively

    communicate his or her message to the audience. In addition to your verbal evaluation, please complete

    this evaluation form by checking the

    appropriate space for each item. Add your comments for those items deserving praise or

    specific suggestions for improvement.


    • Use voice volume, pitch, rate and quality

    to reflect and add

    meaning and interest to

    your message.

    • Use pauses to enhance your message.

    • Use vocal variety smoothly and naturally.

    The speaker is to use a voice that is pleasing to

    listen to, with proper balance of volume, pitch and rate, and use pauses to enhance his or her

    message. The speaker’s voice should reflect and add

    meaning to the thoughts he or she is presenting. The speaker is to incorporate lessons learned in

    previous projects about purpose, organization,

    word usage and body language. In addition to your verbal evaluation, please complete this

    evaluation form by checking the appropriate space for each category. Add comments where

    praise is warranted or where you can offer specific

    suggestions for improvement.

    7 • Collect information

    about your topic from numerous sources.

    • Carefully support

    your points and opinions with specific facts,

    examples and illustrations

    gathered through research.

    The speaker is to select a subject of importance to

    the audience that requires a large amount of research. The speaker is to collect information from

    numerous sources and carefully support points with

    specific facts, examples, and illustrations, rather than with just the speaker’s own opinions. The

    speaker is to incorporate what he or she has learned in previous projects about purpose,

    organization, word usage, body language and

    vocal variety, as well as use appropriate suggestions from the evaluations received.

    8 • Select visual aids that are appropriate for your

    message and the audience.

    • Use visual aids correctly with ease and


    The speaker is to present a speech that uses two or more visual aids. The visual aids selected must be

    appropriate for the message and audience, and be displayed correctly with ease and confidence.

    The speaker is to incorporate what he or she has

    learned in previous projects about purpose,

    organization, word usage, body language and vocal

    variety. The speaker also is to use appropriate

  • 17

    suggestions from the evaluations received and

    thoroughly research the subject. Please

    complete this evaluation form by checking the

    appropriate column for each item. Add comments for items where special praise is

    warranted or where you can offer specific suggestions for improvement.

    9 • Persuade listeners to

    adopt your viewpoint or

    ideas or to take some action.

    • Appeal to the audience’s interests.

    • Use logic and emotion

    to support your position.

    • Avoid using notes.

    The speakeris to present a persuasive speech that combines logical support for his/her viewpoint

    with a strong emotional appeal. The speech should

    focus on the self-interest of the audience. The speaker also has been asked to avoid using notes,

    if possible. In addition to your oral evaluation,

    please complete this evaluation form by checking

    the appropriate column for eacj item. Add your

    comments only for those items where special praise is warranted, or where you can offer

    spesific suggestions for improvement.


    • To inspire the audience by appealing to noble

    motives and challenging the

    audience to achieve a

    higher level of beliefs or achievement.

    • Appeal to the audience’s needs and

    emotions, using stories, anecdotes and

    quotes to add drama.

    • Avoid using notes.

    The speaker is to inspire the audience to improve

    personally, emotionally, professionally or spiritually, relying heavily on emotional appeal.

    The speech should appeal to noble motives and

    challenge the audience to achieve a higher level of beliefs or achievement. The speaker is to use the

    skills learned in previous projects and not use notes. In additional to your verbal evaluation,

    please complete this evaluation form by checking

    the appropriate column for each item. Add comments for those items where special praise is

    warranted, or where you can offer specific

    suggestions for improvement.



    3.1. Materi

    Kegiatan yang meliputi kemampuan berkomunikasi terdiri dari sepuluh proyek

    utama dan dua proyek ekstra (Toasmasters Internasional, 2011). Proyek utama meliputi:

    Proyek 1: The Ice Breaker; Proyek 2: Organize your speech; Proyek 3: Get to the point;

    Proyek 4: How to say it; Proyek 5: Your body speaks; Proyek 6: Vocal variety; Proyek 7:

    Research your topic; Proyek 8: Get comfortable with visual aids; Proyek 9: Persuade

  • 18

    with power; Proyek 10: Inspire your audience. Proyek ekstra terdiri dari kegiatan

    evaluate your progres dan the entertaining speech.

    Ada banyak topik yang diperlukan dalam kegiatan pelatihan speaking. Adapun

    topik aktivitas pelatihan speaking dalam kegiatan toastmaster untuk dosen STIKES

    meliputi berbagai topik sebagai berikut.

    1. Presentasi singkat mengenai tanda dan gejala penyakit (sign and symptom)

    2. Presentasi singkat mengenai menulis catatan tentang pasien (writing notes)

    3. Presentasi singkat mengenai Nurse duties

    4. Presentasi mengenai Special diets

    5. Presentasi mengenai The Trachea

    6. Presentasi mengenai The use of drugs

    7. Presentasi singkat mengenai The Kidneys

    8. Presentasi singkat mengenai Cross infection and the nurse

    9. Presentasi singkat mengenai The skin

    10. Presentasi singkat mengenai The heart

    11. Presentasi singkat mengenai Fluid of the body

    12. Presentasi singkat mengenai Fainting

    13. Presentasi singkat mengenai Malaria

    14. Presentasi singkat mengenai Burn and burn injuries

    15. Presentasi singkat mengenai Operation

    16. Presentasi percakapan singkat mengenai The post-operative patient

    17. Presentasi singkat mengenai Handling your emotion

    18. Presentasi singkat mengenai To keep healthy

    19. Presentasi singkat mengenai Family planning

    20. Presentasi singkat mengenai Food

    21. Presentasi singkat mengenai Nurse

    22. Presentasi singkat mengenai How does your heart work

    23. Presentasi singkat mengenai Respiratory system

    24. Presentasi singkat mengenai The pancreas

    25. Presentasi singkat mengenai How do your kidneys work

    26. Presentasi singkat mengenai The metabolism of medication

    27. Presentasi singkat mengenai Post-operative pain management

    28. Presentasi singkat mengenai Pain scales: universal pain assesment tool

  • 19

    29. Presentasi singkat mengenai The anatomical position and body parts

    30. Presentasi singkat mengenai Breast milk is still the best

    31. Presentasi singkat mengenai Posture

    32. Presentasi singkat mengenai Disease

    33. Presentasi singkat mengenai The healthy diet pyramid

    34. Presentasi singkat mengenai What to eat and how much

    35. Presentasi singkat mengenai How nutrition affects your health

    36. Presentasi singkat mengenai Feeding patients

    37. Presentasi singkat mengenai Telling profile of a nurse

    38. Presentasi singkat mengenai Nursing speciality and responsibility (Bosher,


    39. Presentasi singkat mengenai Mental health and illness (2008:35-36) (Bosher,


    40. Presentasi singkat mengenai conversation in a child health centre

    41. Presentasi singkat mengenai patients and their problems

    Disamping topik di atas, ada topik lain yang bisa dilakukan dalam pelatihan

    speaking melalui kegiatan Toasmaster. Topik ini dapat dijadikan sebagai materi tambahan

    alternatif dalam kegiatan Toastmaster bagi dosen STIKES dan AKPER. Materi alternatif

    tersebut meliputi (1) presenting and role playing patient record, (2) presenting and role

    playing charting and documentation, (3) presenting and role playing prescription chart,

    (4) presenting and role playing telephone referral form, (5) mentioning wise words, (6)

    understanding and playing game with health expressions and vocabularies.

    Asesmen speaking melalui kegiatan Toastmaster didasarkan pada panduan dan

    format asesmen yang sudah ditetapkan oleh program Toastmaster Internasional sebagai


    Proyek #1: THE ICE BREAKER


    For your first speech project, you will introduce yourself to your fellow club members

    and give them some information about your background, interests and ambitions.

    Practice giving your speech to friends or family members, and strive to make eye

    contact with some of your audience. You may use notes during your speech if you

  • 20

    wish. Read the entire project before preparing your talk.


    • To begin speaking before an audience.

    • To discover speaking skills you already have and skills that need some


    • Time: Four to six minutes.


    In this speech the new member is to introduce himself/herself to the club and begin

    speaking before an audience. The speech should have a clear beginning, body and

    ending. The speaker has been advised to use notes if necessary and not to be

    concerned with body language. Be encouraging and point out the speaker’s strong

    points while gently and kindly mentioning areas that could be improved. Strive to have

    the speaker look forward to giving another speech. Your evaluation should help the

    speaker feel glad about joining Toastmasters and presenting this speech.



    Good speech organization is essential if your audience is to follow and understand

    your presentation. You must take the time to put your ideas together in an orderly

    manner. You can organize your speech in several different ways; choose the

    outline that best suits your topic. The opening should catch the audience’s attention,

    the body must support the idea you want to convey, and the conclusion should

    reinforce your ideas and be memorable. Transitions between thoughts should be



    • Select and appropriate outline which allows listeners to easily follow and

    understand your speech.

    • Make your message clear, with supporting material directly contributing to that


    • Use appropriate transitions when moving from one idea to another.

    • Create a strong opening and conclusion.

    • Time: Five to seven minutes.


    The speaker is to present a talk that is organized in a manner that leads the audience

    to a clearly defined goal. The speech includes a beginning, a body and a conclusion;

    major facts or ideas; and appropriate support material, with smooth transitions

    between the facts and ideas.

    Proyek #3: GET TO THE POINT


    Every speech must have a general and a specific purpose. A general purpose is to

    inform, to persuade, to entertain or to inspire. A specific purpose is what you want the

    audience to do after listening to your speech. Once you have established your general

    and specific purposes, you’ll find it easy to organize your speech. You’ll also have

  • 21

    more confidence, which makes you more convincing, enthusiastic and sincere. Of

    course, the better organized the speech is, the more likely it is to achieve your



    • Select a speech topic and determine its general and specific purposes.

    • Organize the speech in a manner that best achieves those purposes.

    • Ensure the beginning; body and conclusion reinforce the purposes.

    • Project sincerity and conviction and control any nervousness you may feel.

    • Strive not to use notes.

    • Time: Five to seven minutes.


    The speaker is to prepare a speech that has a clear general purpose (to inform,

    persuade, entertain or inspire) and a specific purpose. The speech is to be organized

    in a manner that best achieves these purposes. The beginning, body and conclusion

    should all tie into and reinforce the purposes. The speaker is to project sincerity and

    conviction and strive not to use notes. Any nervousness displayed should be minimal.

    In addition to your verbal evaluation.

    Proyek #4: HOW TO SAY IT


    Words are powerful. They convey your message and influence the audience and its

    perception of you. Word choice and arrangement need just as much attention as

    speech organization and purpose. Select clear, accurate, descriptive and short words

    that best communicate your ideas and arrange them effectively and correctly. Every

    word should add value, meaning and punch to the speech.


    • Select the right words and sentence structure to communicate your ideas clearly,

    accurately and vividly.

    • Use rhetorical devices to enhance and emphasize ideas.

    • Eliminate jargon and unnecessary words. Use correct grammar.

    • Time: Five to seven minutes.


    The speaker is to use words and arrangements of words that effectively

    communicate his or her message to the audience. The speaker should select clear,

    accurate, descriptive and short words and choose verbs that convey action. Sentence

    and paragraph construction should be simple and short. The speaker needs to include

    rhetorical devices, avoid jargon and unnecessary words and use correct grammar. The

    speech must have a clear purpose and be appropriately organized.

    Proyek #5: YOUR BODY SPEAKS


    Body language is an important part of speaking because it enhances your message

    and gives you more credibility. It also helps release any nervousness you

  • 22

    may feel. Stance, movement, gestures, facial expressions and eye contact help

    communicate your message and achieve your speech’s purpose. Body language should

    be smooth, natural and convey the same message that your listeners hear.


    • Use stance, movement, gestures, facial expressions and eye contact to express

    your message and achieve your speech’s purpose.

    • Make your body language smooth and natural.

    • Time: Five to seven minutes.


    The speaker is to use stance, body movement, gestures, facial expressions and eye

    contact that illustrate and enhance his or her verbal message. Movement, gestures,

    facial expressions and eye contact should be smooth and natural. Body language

    should enhance and clarify the speaker’s words and help the audience visualize the

    speaker’s point and overall message. The message you see should be the same one you

    hear. The speech must have a clear purpose and appropriate organization. Also,

    the speaker must use words and arrangements of words that effectively communicate

    his or her message to the audience. In addition to your verbal evaluation, please

    complete this evaluation form by checking the appropriate space for each item.

    Add your comments for those items deserving praise or specific suggestions for


    Proyek #6: VOCAL VARIETY


    Your voice has a major effect on your audience. A lively, exciting voice attracts

    and keeps listeners’ attention. A speaking voice should be pleasant, natural, forceful,

    expressive and easily heard. Use volume, pitch, rate and quality as well as

    appropriate pauses to reflect and add meaning and interest to your message. Your

    voice should reflect the thoughts you are presenting.


    • Use voice volume, pitch, rate and quality to reflect and add meaning and

    interest to your message.

    • Use pauses to enhance your message.

    • Use vocal variety smoothly and naturally.

    • Time: Five to seven minutes.


    The speaker is to use a voice that is pleasing to listen to, with proper balance of

    volume, pitch and rate, and use pauses to enhance his or her message. The

    speaker’s voice should reflect and add meaning to the thoughts he or she is presenting.

    The speaker is to incorporate lessons learned in previous projects about purpose,

    organization, word usage and body language. In addition to your verbal

    evaluation, please complete this evaluation form by checking the appropriate space

    for each category. Add comments where praise is warranted or where you can offer

  • 23

    specific suggestions for improvement.



    Your speech will be more effective if you can support your main points with statistics,

    testimony, stories, anecdotes, examples, visual aids and facts. You can find this

    material on the Internet, at a library and in other places. Use information collected

    from numerous sources and carefully support points with specific facts, examples and

    illustrations, rather than with just your own opinions.


    • Collect information about your topic from numerous sources.

    • Carefully support your points and opinions with specific facts, examples and

    illustrations gathered through research.

    • Time: Five to seven minutes.


    The speaker is to select a subject of importance to the audience that requires a large

    amount of research. The speaker is to collect information from numerous sources and

    carefully support points with specific facts, examples, and illustrations, rather than

    with just the speaker’s own opinions. The speaker is to incorporate what he or

    she has learned in previous projects about purpose, organization, word usage,

    body language and vocal variety, as well as use appropriate suggestions from the

    evaluations received.




    Visual aids help an audience understand and remember what they hear; they are a

    valuable tool for speakers. The most popular visual aids are computer- based visuals,

    overhead transparencies, flip charts, whiteboards and props. The type of visual aid

    you choose depends on several factors, including the information you wish to display

    and the size of the audience. Visuals must be appropriate for your message and the

    audience, and be displayed correctly with ease and confidence.


    • Select visual aids that are appropriate for your message and the audience.

    • Use visual aids correctly with ease and confidence.

    • Time: Five to seven minutes.


    The speaker is to present a speech that uses two or more visual aids. The visual aids

    selected must be appropriate for the message and audience, and be displayed

    correctly with ease and confidence. The speaker is to incorporate what he or she

    has learned in previous projects about purpose, organization, word usage, body

    language and vocal variety. The speaker also is to use appropriate suggestions

    from the evaluations received and thoroughly research the subject. Please

  • 24

    complete this evaluation form by checking the appropriate column for each

    item. Add comments for items where special praise is warranted or where you can

    offer specific suggestions for improvement.



    The ability to persuade people – getting them to understand, accept and act upon your

    ideas – is a valuable skill. Your listeners will more likely be persuaded if they

    perceive you as credible, if you use logic and emotion in your appeal, if you

    carefully structure your speech and if you appeal to their interests. Avoid using notes

    because they may cause listeners to doubt your sincerity, knowledge and conviction.


    • Persuade listeners to adopt your viewpoint or ideas or to take some action.

    • Appeal to the audience’s interests.

    • Use logic and emotion to support your position.

    • Avoid using notes.

    • Time: Five to seven minutes.


    The speaker is to present a persuasive speech that combines logical support for

    his/her viewpoint with a strong emotional appeal. The speech should focus on the

    self-interest of the audience. The speaker also has been asked to avoid using

    notes, if possible. In addition to your oral evaluation, please complete this

    evaluation form by checking the appropriate column for each item. Add your

    comments only for those items where special praise is warranted, or where you can

    offer specific suggestions for improvement.



    An inspirational speech motivates an audience to improve personally, emotionally

    professionally or spiritually and relies heavily on emotional appeal. It brings the

    audience together in a mood of fellowship and shared desire, builds the audience’s

    enthusiasm, then proposes a change or plan and appeals to the audience to adopt this

    change or plan. This speech will last longer than your previous talks, so make

    arrangements in advance with your Vice President Education for extra time.


    • To inspire the audience by appealing to noble motives and challenging the

    audience to achieve a higher level of beliefs or achievement.

    • Appeal to the audience’s needs and emotions, using stories, anecdotes and

    quotes to add drama.

    • Avoid using notes.

    • Time: Eight to 10 minutes.


    The speaker is to inspire the audience to improve personally, emotionally,

  • 25

    professionally or spiritually, relying heavily on emotional appeal. The speech should

    appeal to noble motives and challenge the audience to achieve a higher level of

    beliefs or achievement. The speaker is to use the skills learned in previous projects

    and not use notes. In additional to your verbal evaluation, please complete this

    evaluation form by checking the appropriate column for each item. Add comments for

    those items where special praise is warranted, or where you can offer specific

    suggestions for improvement.

    3.2. Metode Penerapan Ipteks

    a. Persoalan Prioritas dan Justifikasi Pengusulan

    Masalah prioritas mitra adalah mitra tidak mengetahui strategi pembelajaran

    bahasa Inggris lisan yang efektif. Sehingga mitra tidak siap dengan kemampuan bahas

    Inggris aktif yang diperlukan untuk bersaing dalam dunia kerja yang makin kompetitif.

    Apalagi, pada akhir tahun 2015, Indonesia akan memasuki era AFTA yang

    memungkinkan masuknya tenaga-tenaga profesional dari negara-negara ASEAN ke

    Indonesia yang akan membuat persaingan kerja semakin ketat. Oleh karena itu, mitra

    perlu mendapatkan pengetahuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa Inggris aktif

    mereka secara mandiri melalui transfer ilmu pengetahuan, yaitu melalui strategi

    Toastmaster yang dilakukan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini.

    3.3. Solusi yang Ditawarkan

    Program pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini memberikan solusi bottom up

    dimana penyelesaian untuk solusi masalah yang dihadapi oleh mitra melibatkan

    partisipasi mitra. Pelaksanaan kegiatan ini terdiri dari dua tahapan. Pertama, mitra

    diperkenalkan kepada teori-teori dasar Toastmaster. Pengenalan terhadap teori ini hanya

    terdiri dari 25% dari alokasi waktu kegitan. Pada tahapan kedua (80%), alokasi waktu

    kegiatan digunakan untuk workshop dimana mitra dilatih secara intensif untuk menjadi

    Toastmaster yang terampil. Kelebihan metode workshop adalah setelah praktek public

    speaking, mitra akan kembali berdiskusi dengan tim pengusul mengenai perkembangan

    kemampuan mereka dalam pidato, presentasi dan membawa acara dalam bahasa Inggris.

  • 26

    Proses ini akan berlangsung berulang-ulang sehingga mitra sampai kepada kemampuan

    yang lebih baik dari sebelumya sehingga bisa melatih mahasiswa mereka nantinya.

    3.4. Prosedur Kerja

    Prosedur kerja dapat dilihat dalam uraian berikut:

    a. Analisis situasi dan potensi

    Tahapan ini sudah dikerjakan sehingga munculah uraian yang ada pada bagian

    Analisis situasi. Potensi yang teridentifikasi adalah para mitra menunjukkan minat yang

    sangat tinggi untuk mempelajari Toastmaster untuk meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa

    Inggris lisan mereka.

    b. Penetapan masalah prioritas

    Tahapan ini sudah disepakati dan masalah akan dipecahkan adalah kurangnya

    pengetahuan mitra mengenai Toastmaster sebagai upaya meningkatkan kemampuan

    bahasa Inggris lisan.

    c. Penentuan jadwal pelatihan

    Jadwal pelatihan ditentukan bersama dengan mitra.

    d. Kegiatan yang dilaksanakan

    Seluruh kegiatan yang akan dilaksanakan bersifat diklat dan pendampingan

    sehingga diharapkan mitra dapat mempraktekkan teori yang didapatkan dengan benar.

    Berikut adalah kegiatan yang akan dilakukan dalam memecahkan permasalahan mitra:

    1) Pemaparan sejarah singkat dan teori Toastmaster sebagai sebuah

    skill public speaking.

    2) Pemaparan aktivitas dan proyek Toastmaster

    3) Workshop penerapan Toastmaster

    4) Pendampingan mitra praktek Toasmaster secara semi-mandiri dan

    kemudian mandiri

  • 27

    5. Pembuatan laporan kegiatan

    Dalam laporan kegiatan diuraikan hasil dari kegiatan transfer IPTEKS yang

    sudah dilakukan.

    3.5. Sasaran Kegiatan

    Sasaran kegiatan ini adalah tenaga pengajar kesehatan di STIKES (Sekolah

    Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan) Mercubaktijaya Padang. Dalam program ini, mitra berperan

    untuk menyediakan tempat berlangsungnya kegiatan dalam bentuk pengurusan izin

    pemakaian ruang belajar atau ruang lainnya di institusi mitra.

    3.6. Bentuk Evaluasi

    Pemilihan Best Speaker antar peserta pelatihan adalah rancangan yang digunakan

    untuk mengevaluasi keberhasilan program pelatihan toasmaster. Dalam hal ini peserta

    dibagi dalam beberapa peran untuk setiap penampilan pada proyek toastmaster dan tim

    pengusul akan bertindak sebagai juri atau evaluator utama. Penampilan proyek

    toastmasters itu sendiri dirancang sebagaimana perlombaan toastmaster di tingkat

    internasional dimana penilaiannya juga berdasarkan pada standar evaluasi yang dipakai

    pada kegiatan masyarakat ini. Kegiatan itu sendiri dianggap berhasil jika 75 % dari

    peserta bisa mendapatkan minimal nilai “satisfactory” sebagai public speaker sehingga

    mereka bisa diberikan sertifikat lulus sebagai peserta. Target ini ditetapkan karena Tim

    Pengusul menyadari bahwa waktu satu minggu tidaklah cukup untuk melatih seseorang

    menjadi public speaker yang handal. Tapi waktu yang demikian cukup untuk meletakkan

    dasar-dasar public speaking sehingga peserta pelatihan bisa mengembangkan dirinya

    sendiri dikemudian hari.

  • 28

    Adapun bentuk detail evaluasi yang menjadi dasar dalam kriteria pemilihan Best

    Speaker untuk setiap proyek toastmaster adalah seperti yang tertera di bawah berikut ini.


    Evaluation Guide for “THE ICE BREAKER”:


    Evaluator: Date:

    1. What strong points does the speaker already have?



    ....................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................



    2. How well did the audience get to know the speaker?







    3. Did the speech reflect adequate preparation?



    ....................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................



    4. Did the speaker talk clearly and audibly?



    ....................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................



    5. Did the speech have a definite opening, body and conclusion?


  • 29


    Speech Value (Interesting, meaningful to audience)






    5 4 3 2 1

    5 4 3 2 1


    ....................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................



    6. Please comment on the speaker’s use of notes.



    7. What could the speaker have done differently that would have improved the speech ....................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................

    8. What did you like about the presentation? .......................................................................................................................................



    PROJECT 2 Evaluation Guide for “ORGANIZE YOUR SPEECH


    Evaluator: Date:


    Preparation (Research, rehearsal)

    Organization (Logical, clear)

    Opening (Attention-getting, led into topic) 5 4 3 2 1

    Body (Flowed smoothly, appropriate support Material)






  • 30


    The general purpose of the speech was clear









    The specific purpose of the speech was clear






    The speech organization supported the speech’s specific purpose.






    The main points and supporting material contributed to the speech’s specific purpose.






    The beginning, body and conclusion reinforced the specific purpose.






    The speaker achieved the specific purpose.






    Conclusion (Effective)






    Transitions (Appropriate, helpful)






    What could the speaker have done differently to make the speech more effective? .......................................................................................................................................



    What did you like about the presentation?




    5 = Excellent 4 = Above average for the speaker’s experience level 3 = Satisfactory 2 = Could improve 1 = Needs attention

    PROJECT 3 Evaluation Guide for “GET TO THE POINT”


    Evaluator: Date:


  • 31

    The speaker appeared confident and sincere, with minimal nervousness.

    5 4 3 2 1

    The speaker did not rely on notes throughout the speech.






    What could the speaker have done differently to make the speech more effective? .......................................................................................................................................


    What did you like about the presentation? .......................................................................................................................................


    5 = Excellent 4 = Above average for the speaker’s experience level 3 = Satisfactory 2 = Could improve 1 = Needs attention

    PROJECT 4 Evaluation Guide for “HOW TO SAY IT”


    Evaluator: Date:

    Was the speech topic appropriate for this particular assignment?

    Excellent Satisfactory Could Improve

    Comments/ Suggestions

    Did the speaker use simple, short and clear words?

    Did the speaker use vivid, descriptive words that created mental images?

    Did the speaker use words that had more than one meaning or were inaccurate?

    Were the speaker’s sentences short, simple and understandable?

    Did the speaker use rhetorical devices to enhance his or her ideas? Did the speaker avoid jargon and unnecessary words?

  • 32

    Did the speaker use proper grammar and pronunciation?

    Was the speech purpose clear?

    Was the speech effectively organized?

    What could the speaker have done differently to make the speech more effective?




    What did you like about the speech? .......................................................................................................................................



    PROJECT 5 Evaluation Guide for “YOUR BODY SPEAKS”


    Evaluator: Date:

    Topic Selection: Facilitated body language Satisfactory Could improve

    Comments/ Suggustions





    Body movement:

    Eye contact:



    Could improve

    Confident, enthusiastic


    Nervous, tense

    Poised, balanced


    Could improve

    Natural, evocative


    Could improve

    Purposeful, smooth


  • 33

    Facial expression:

    Awkward, distracting

    Established visual bonds


    Could improve

    Animated, friendly, genuine


    Could improve

    Speech Purpose:



    Could improve



    Logical, clear

    Satisfactory, Could improve

    What could the speaker have done differently to make the speech more effective? .......................................................................................................................................

    What did you like about the speech?


    PROJECT 6 Evaluation Guide for “VOCAL VARIETY”


    Evaluator: Date:

    Topic Selection: Facilitated vocal variety Satisfactory _Could Improve

    Volume: Excellent Satisfactory Too loud or soft

    Rate: Excellent, varied Satisfactory Too fast or too slow

    Pitch: Varied, conversational Satisfactory _Monotonous, artificial

    Quality: Pleasant, friendly Satisfactory Harsh, monotonous

    Pauses: Appropriate, effective Satisfactory Could improve

    Expressiveness: _Conveyed emotion, meaning Satisfactory _Could improve

    Vocal variety: Enhanced speech Satisfactory _Could improve

  • 34

    Organization: Logical flow of ideas Satisfactory _Should improve

    Word Usage: Vivid, descriptive, accurate Satisfactory _Could improve

    Body language: Natural, expressive Satisfactory Unnatural, distracting

    What could the speaker have done differently to make the speech more effective? .......................................................................................................................................


    ....................................................................................................................................... What did you like about the speech?




    PROJECT 7 Evaluation Guide for “RESEARCH YOUR TOPIC”


    Evaluator: Date:

    1. How well did the speaker’s topic apply to the audience? .......................................................................................................................................


    2. Was the topic well researched? .......................................................................................................................................


    3. How well did the speaker support his or her main points? .......................................................................................................................................


    4. Was the support material appropriate for the point made?



    5. Did the speaker vary the types of support material?



    6. How clear was the speaker’s purpose?



    7. Was the speech effectively organized? .......................................................................................................................................

  • 35


    8. Did the speaker take advantage of body language and vocal variety? .......................................................................................................................................


    9. What could the speaker have done differently to improve the speech? .......................................................................................................................................


    10. What did you like about the speech? .......................................................................................................................................






    Evaluator: Date:

    Were the visual aids appropriate for the speech and message?

    Excellent Satisfactory Could Improve

    Comments/ Suggestions

    Did each visual aid help you to understand and remember the speaker’s point?

    Was each visual aid clearly visible?

    If the speaker used computer-based visuals or overhead transparencies, was each visual easy to read and well-designed?

    Did the speaker use the visual aids smoothly and with confidence?

    How clear was the speaker’s purpose?

    Did the speaker use body language to reinforce the message?

    Was the speaker’s word choice effective and appropriate?

  • 36

    Was the speech well-researched?

    What could the speaker have done differently to make the speech more effective?


    ....................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................


    What did you like about the speech?


    ....................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................


    PROJECT 9 Evaluation Guide for “PERSUADE WITH POWER”


    Evaluator: Date:

    Did the speaker project sincerity and conviction?

    Excellent Satisfactory Could Improve

    Comments/ Suggestions

    Was the speaker a credible source of information about this topic?

    Did the speaker phrase his/her appeal in terms of the audience’s self-interest?

    Did the speech opening capture the audience’s interest?

    Did the speaker use facts and logical reasoning to support his or her views?

    Did the speaker properly use emotion to persuade the audience to support his or her views? Was the speech organization effective?

    Did the speaker’s body language and vocal variety contribute to the message?

    Were you persuaded to accept the speaker’s views?

    What could the speaker have done differently to make the speech more effective?

  • 37


    ....................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................


    What did you like about the speech?


    ....................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................


    PROJECT 10 Evaluation Guide for “INSPIRE YOUR AUDIENCE”


    Evaluator: Date:

  • 38

    E = excellent S = Satisfactory C = Could Improve




    Comments/ Suggestions

    Was the speech topic relevant to the occasion selected?

    Did the speaker understand and express the feelings and needs of the audience?

    Was the speaker forceful, confident and positive?

    Did the speaker effectively use stories, anecdotes and/ or quotes to help convey his or her message?

    Did the speaker effectively use stories, anecdotes and/ or quotes to help convey his or her message?

    Did the speaker effectively use stories, anecdotes and/ or quotes to help convey his or her message?

    Did the speaker effectively use stories, anecdotes and/ or quotes to help convey his or her message?

    Did the speaker effectively use stories, anecdotes and/ or quotes to help convey his or her message?

    Did the speaker’s words convey strong, vivid mental images?

    Did the speaker�
