LaWanda Woods, On-Ramp Coordinator Judy Taylor, Professional Counselor JTCC On-Ramp Program 2011


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JTCC On-Ramp Program 2011


UNCERTAIN TIMESLaWanda Woods, On-Ramp Coordinator

Judy Taylor, Professional Counselor

JTCC On-Ramp Program 2011

Workshop’s Purpose

Maintaining employment in this economic downturn is vital. While there are no guarantees of keeping a job, we will share

some tips to help avoid being the one laid off.

JTCC On-Ramp Program 2011

NOTEEmployers aren’t happy about having to lay people off from their jobs. They are keenly aware that families are impacted greatly when one income is cut off.

JTCC On-Ramp Program 2011

Important Tips

JTCC On-Ramp Program 2011

Work HardMost employers don't mind a little time spent on Facebook or texting, but do focus on your job and give your employer the time you're getting paid for. When it comes to making lay-off decisions, and the company has to choose, the most productive employees will get to keep the job.


JTCC On-Ramp Program 2011

Be On TimeThe workers who are late to work, take a long lunch hour, use a ton of sick time, and/or leave early every day aren't going to win any points with their boss. Be punctual and be there, instead of making excuses for why you can't be at work.


JTCC On-Ramp Program 2011

Be A Team-PlayerThe employees who don't get along well with others, who gossip about other workers, or who aren't willing to pitch in to help, aren't going to be appreciated.


JTCC On-Ramp Program 2011

Be FlexibleFlexibility can be a key component of hanging on to your job. When the company needs someone to change shifts, work weekends, put in some overtime, or work a different schedule, think about volunteering if your personal schedule permits.


JTCC On-Ramp Program 2011

Don’t ComplainNobody likes complainers, regardless of how legitimate the complaints are. If you don't like your job, I can guarantee there are plenty of other people who would jump at the chance to get it. When the job market is as upside down in the employer's favor as it is now, be really careful about complaining.


JTCC On-Ramp Program 2011

Offer to HelpOne of the best ways to get (or keep) job security is to volunteer for new initiatives, to offer to help with projects, and to take on more responsibility.


JTCC On-Ramp Program 2011

Keep Your Thoughts To Yourself

Even if you hate your job, keep it to yourself and your family or close friends. Don't tell the world, because the wrong person is probably going to see what you posted. That, in and of itself, can cost you your job.


JTCC On-Ramp Program 2011

Be PositiveNegativity is contagious, but so is a positive attitude. The more you stay positive, even if you're in a tough situation, the better you'll be able to manage.


JTCC On-Ramp Program 2011

Suck It Up

Maybe it's not your favorite job. Maybe you'd rather be doing something else. However, it is a paycheck and if you need the income, it can make sense to stay until you secure a new position.


JTCC On-Ramp Program 2011

Group ExercisesMaintaining Employment

JTCC On-Ramp Program 2011


Scenario 1

JTCC On-Ramp Program 2011

Ron was hired as an inventory/stock clerk in a stationery store. Since he began his job, some people have been laid off because the store is not making enough money. Ron has been told that, as a result, the company expects him to help in the shipping department after he completes his assigned tasks. Although Ron admits that he does not have a full day’s work at the moment, he resents his new assignment and thinks the boss is taking advantage of him.

JTCC On-Ramp Program 2011

Possible ReponsesScenario 1

Ron can talk to his boss & clarify how the new responsibilities will impact his current job.

He can ask the boss how to schedule each assignment so that he is able to complete all of the work during his scheduled hours.

Ron can discuss the way he feels with an outside job coach/mentor to get another perspective & avoid building up resentment.

JTCC On-Ramp Program 2011



Scenario 2

JTCC On-Ramp Program 2011

During the past two years that Margaret has worked for this company, her supervisor and co-workers have occasionally asked her to help them with projects. At first, she didn’t mind the additional work and she felt good to be needed. Now, however, the situation has gotten out of hand and Margaret is finding that they call on her so often she has trouble completing her assigned work.

JTCC On-Ramp Program 2011

Possible ReponsesScenario 2

Margaret can limit taking on additional responsibilities and explain that she will help out when her own work is completed.

Margaret can set limits by stating when she is available to do extra work and when she is not.

JTCC On-Ramp Program 2011

Be Prepared for Layoffs


JTCC On-Ramp Program 2011

Being employed by someone other than yourself means that there is always the possibility of being laid off, especially during times of widespread economic hardship. If the signs are in place that layoffs are inevitable it is better to be prepared and ready to move than to get caught with no idea of how to proceed.

JTCC On-Ramp Program 2011

Tips for Keeping Your Job Video

JTCC On-Ramp Program 2011


Talk to other people in the same field to see if there are openings in the field, start searching the classifieds and on-line listings.

Typically, someone with a job is more likely to land an interview than someone who isn’t.

Employers see being employed and being proactive as preferred to someone who is not employed.

If the atmosphere in the office is already one of doom and gloom and the horizon looks a little bleak, start networking.

JTCC On-Ramp Program 2011

Educate & Brush Up•Begin brushing up on interview skills and other soft skills if necessary.

•Take a refresher course in any software that is lacking.

•Become multi-talented by learning new programs before they are needed.

•Find courses that offer further education in the field of choice.

JTCC On-Ramp Program 2011

Update Resume

•An updated resume is vital to standing out among other applicants.

•Be sure the current resume reflects all aspects of the job being left.

•Point out any advancements or improvements brought to the company and offer an explanation of why other employment is being sought only when asked.

•Leave some room for the interviewer to ask questions.

JTCC On-Ramp Program 2011

Personal Files

•If an impending layoff appears evident make sure the PC you use is clean of all personal files.

•No one wants to know about bills, kids, or bank statements that don’t pertain to them.

•Some of those files should not be on the work PC at all.

JTCC On-Ramp Program 2011


Although it might be tempting to leave an unorganized mess if laid off, resist the temptation. The only thing accomplished is a tarnished professional reputation. If a layoff is foreseen, take time to update and organize any work related materials. The person who has to pick up extra duties will appreciate it and if the layoff doesn’t occur spring cleaning files is always a good idea.

JTCC On-Ramp Program 2011

Signs of a Possible Layoff "Cost-cutting measures are being implemented throughout the

organization. Your workload is lighter than usual or projects are being

reassigned to others within your department. Your work is cyclical in nature, and you have significant periods

of slow time. Your position or department isn’t viewed as a revenue

generator. You are no longer included in meetings in which you have

typically participated. Your manager is showing increased interest in the status of

your projects and the procedures planned for completing them."

JTCC On-Ramp Program 2011


JTCC On-Ramp Program 2011

Contact Information

LaWanda Woods, On-Ramp CoordinatorChester 768-6612

Judy Taylor, Professional CounselorChester 706-5225
