lclallht i ,,. -==n.c(. · 1 11 1 li ._ _ 1o come lo tbio plaee to winter, faoleo liberal aod...


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Wee~ Pupt Sound Dispatch. JBBUm) ~ a.t.TUJIDAY BY





Fow lbil ..... of ~&bow..,. DOt edr& ... pat, wbn - .........S. tbe Ill th _..;.,aDd lo.ep iA miod U.. fae1

lb&& tbey do ... ,. • ...,.. eigbl moolllo Ill a&oady work 1a • ,_ •• l'be I ""'"""'" -· ..,_ WMD llll"o ol&ulled ~· geca• ,..... aboald bo oa a par .,;a.

,_., • ....,: Twontr4ree ,_.. -~·~~:.~:==::::: ...... ~ ...... ~~·-lboee olmlll budL Do& bola~

-::y=~ ·· · · · ··~·.;·~;;;..·· -==n.c(. ......... .... ..... .., u-o&o ..... : AD4 11aa r...,u. 'nlle1w. w• - :t.r

-···- 1oM ...ty .u wiD141•. Ia DMIQ,....oiU u-111 - ..... A 00 ==.o~=-~r lato wlloee toci...UO. of ...... wollld ooly laelp tile

f - ..,_ .-............. . m a1 t.iDIJ ploonbara ~· _,.._,._,_ 11 y~ ... ~ ado•'l• Dla ..... bad "''" rat clef\ luo ...a.u;. patll. DO ... .--. .... , ...... - w 0 -· oar - .- &ado of e11t &Dd &DIIIIope pnaeod area& milia, aDd lea.. tb- wloo ..,.

a,.ts: •IIJOOitlb lha &&II wild oata, wblle lbe boildiag op our cinliatioo ll1llleD j!rizzly11e&r guiiC.bed 1m aoo""' ..., ........ urn uoa•.

cn,apt • ...••••.•• •.•.••• (lop<. :rr.u TuWI - ..•• •• •••••• ••.. .. ...• .JIICOI>B-y-.., II. 0 .•• ••..•••• • .-11.oc-kk ... To.....-4 ....•.. . · ····-· ~- .,_~haft P..ort. Oam.bllt ....... ... . . ........ .. n. w. Low Port Di.lco'rery, o ooou o•• ••••• ,,, , •• JOhJI P'DAIL

~-~:::::::··::: : ·.:·~-~0'":::1 Port Mad'-8 •••••• .••• • •.••.•• T . o. wuuama P.m. Ludlow ••••.•••••• ••••• •• ~- W . J:tarrillf ~.,,.. DUD~ , • , , , , ., , , • • Tboe. 9tno.ltoa Cbim.aeum ••••• • •••• •••• • •• ••••• .lohD '111'~r ~.JullD.. • • • • •••••••••••• • • Mll,jorE. W. Bla.ktt \\Di.beJ l.Jlu.d. •••••••••••• llajor G. 0 . tfalkr t:ti0hlc!1 •••••••••••••••••• •••.••• s. D.llowo

Official Directory. KlliG COOl<TY.

J . R . L£WI.S . ... ...•••. .ludg6 of Dtstrld Court "· ll. \"OkK ••. . • . ..•...• .... •• .Probate .Judge LEWIS \-. WYC6.01-'F •• •.••••. ••••••••• .sbt":ntl ll. S . UOOTI:l .... , ••• . . • . • ......... Audltor o. D . wu ... ..... •••.•.....••.... :rr.t!AAft"r W, B. HALL --~· · · ••••••• .•••.•••.•• . St11"re7or .JOHN SEERELY . ••• • • • • • . • • •••.•• A11~r OEO. A. W'EED. . . . • • , , • , •.••••.•• CoronEr


~. !· .. f.~~JI- ::::::: ::·:: ::.:::::::: ~::: :~!;!~~ D . P. Jo!D!Q .................... Citr At\oro~y lf. W. l\oWLAS1) .... . . ........... . . .. . ·~~r B. B . Tvuaou. . .. . )larAAal llD4 Cb1tt or l' .. lk"

ern c:ovJ~(!l.l,XD: Th08. CJ&Deey, .JohD Leary. w. W. Darker , S.

L!Jl·oy,G~. W.BaU. W. :S. Bell, C. W . llwn:..

, TEII¥8 OP BOLDiliG COtiiiT .

.UPil&lQ COUWT. .&.\ O J.11Dpla. tD.f' ~4 ll.ooda7 W olulJ' .

DU'11UC1' aoeu. 1lii&D oa.rnuCT. S&elhroom-StlcoD4 llondar of .J&nUMJ aod

e.m lloodaJ ill AuxQN. SMttle- Fou.rtb JIODdaJ of ~uuarr &Dd lllird

V on4aJ of Aquft.

~dT~~~=r..~ hbrQ. tsDobom.t..b. Cily- Tll.lnl Tueeliay C)f Jbreh

aDd third Tnfsda:• ofSo'ft'.nbu'o r eatb rev.


In a priTale lunatic uyl nm in oae of tbe Eutern Statee. dorina tho fore pari of tL.e prHeot week, died Bon. J tt.Ulee

""· Nye. (ormerlJ Territorial Go"eruor or Ne• ada, aud a U uitod t;t •tet Senator from that t)Ute after h~r admilli&ion into the U uioo.. He wu a natiTe of ~ew York, and not oul) a et:J! .. made man, bol a eelf·educat¢ ooe, as well. Fow more eloqofiiPt s..,eakers e'fer woo the

applause of etira!Hared multitud~• ; few mora geniAl 1..-orupa.nionl eYer gatber6d •l the fH liTe boanL Wilh thA tiM.Lb nf Pr,.Udent Lincoln. howt~ver. be aeeUl•d to droop and IOi!e aU lh•t eoergr wbicL Lad distiugoi~b~d bis lf:1'i•l&tiY.e C&t .. r. Wo t .. t .... bim ic & a frau· cisco about four ye&rii •go. &ad .-ere shocked at the traoaformatioo he bad uodergooe. Alwayo .. ropolously aeat io bit bettor daya, bill dreea bod become disordered and slatternly. H ia ouce d u biog arar ere bad loat illl •onted lostr•. a.nd gaud at u• with • a.tant at.Mre o·f imperfect recognition ; wbil• hie once muoi.,..l •oice bad become degr•d· d by atr-uu~ d ... iuk, to th• m b"lbble or idiocy. He WAM " milo of whom it might be trntbfoll)' toaid th"t hi" tun•

io &lao willow tbicDUI boatdellle broad Cheap labor eDricbea DO DOW fMit&DII7·

::=;ith~ Jol=:! :: :,!~:i.,':.~':":, P rootior ldllemeolll are oop...... to a qoeoliooahle I7Pe, ..-booe ADteeecieota ha•e DO •ery ncl> moo ud DO pavpeN, II"Dehlly wore a robbery ill Teua or a at all. Hooce wo are io favor of keep­ana.r4er in Miuoui. 'l'he wiDera. on iug up wagee of all kiadt. We eboatd tbe CODtfU'1, were like to ate tbedaJ rewru wben prio&er"a

.6. P&eaUU PEOPLE, wage• were 15 oeot 11 per tboueaod emi. IDured to danger , de6aut of miMfortune IL woold clMe out every .tipsbod oewa­and full or generoeity Th I I O D tbe eoaat ADd eoa~ journal-

• e 0 BII"r 0 loti who reallr ooodenlood tbo booio-, Pvgel Soud lo-d&J, ia what lbe ...U..r lo earn 10111othios mor~ thu • bore of California wu t.wenlJ-6.Ye JMrl 180• liTi ua. Cbeap IAOOr Dle&nB famioe wbea jo'rial, generou aad bnYe .. U be aeema t be ban H t il!l over aud de.tit.,lioo' wbea tAferior to bio proiOIJpa io tboae uatta, u•i~;~~blo ot, an clo.ecl by ioo. it is bee&o .. the better perfecwl ol&la It meo>ua.worloinK moo'ochllobaa ~to•­of oar preaeot cidlization reoder1 the ing ap io iguoraoce. if oot lo crime. exoreose or lboae qoaltn08 1- a eedful Heoce, we oay ch""P laboc ia &alago­uow t.bao io the loog·tom era of the nietic to the GoJdco State. Tbat tbt'.l'e ie more d .. ng~r AnVAWC.DIDfT or ct'"ll.IZ.U10X.

from f•lliug timb« than from caYIDg Wbo are oor leading ftoueiere aDd buka. DO ooe will denJ who bu ewer •orloed ioa drill,whUe daoaor of<trowo· sta~MmeD to-day? Tbe oooo of baolt­ing atares tbe logger in tbe race twiee e,._ lawyers. or diTiuu? No, not at all . as oft eo as il did the placer mioer of Fraacio AdaiWiud Wade Hamp­enrly California. Bence, c:oll&idering tou are, to- day, tbe ooiJ A.mericao 'btt Akcuc• uf pthat.iUJll oootiogeot "I"LeiRDeD of lUUAtrloua auowt17• DW.a npou pri.miu•e chilizatioo. the Puget Wt~t»te.r'a 800 was a geutlemuiJ idler; SU.llnd logger may be regarded &I two or HeorJ Clay'• eoo1 were luna,ic-

TDK BOLDD N' . .UC aod not oo• of l.bft ftwA could IU'D a Of the two. tie work~~: for b OUfl iD the buodrtd dollara per month, if thfOW .. D w .. tt-r. aDd uv 10 biA middle io tbe "MlC oo hls owo reaoorces; Jobo Vu Horen

cbock'" a n!l ljlljg l4 ... be coupln bia r.ft ~~~~~JJ:;::-~e:;u~::id~~o:~~S:j togdtber . Ue atuo<l• on boo •prillgboard eunuqb to oar gnoe· before ..nd awiog1 hh • ..x tu•o tht1 mighty for- - ·" l-JIIr.!tne thit subject fur-eM gaaot, wb.Ue Au,ua:uo ..-ale" tare blow- th& proof tJJ tno plalo before IDI 1\eroeiJ, DOlo kuuwiug bnw wuo u .. . ·111 .. .:.r~a&,m :n& of OQr era are mea of ooaae ,..,ogbborln~ u-.... ••·•J fall and hou .. uor l*, whom lo .. of toll bM C1'0 ah him to the eerth. When tbe raft &.ADUJ 'l'O .OilTUl ....

itt ready for mill be is towed upon iL., •·We caunol. all..-in ill the battle or l ife: ~KJmetimea a bt10dred miles. io couetaot 'l'hc .. ~t'ukt."'t mu~~go tu the wall. danger ot bei.Dg waabed off aod dro•o· So gml no ,•our M.rauor to raoo cbe wor ld"4 ~:t All thia ffKluire. a man of courage i tri.ft-and coolneu. Again" his Cllmp is almost There' If room in this wide world for all." alway• in aome lnoeiJ rore.t wbere the Cbeap labor and Jow wagH woaJd ba•e thick thllbe.r aft'orda protection t.> wild r elll'ed in igoor&oce auub men ~ the aod 8/.JD• or SAD FraocitcCO meebsnice are

'I~o':'r.,!t:l.~~:::. ~':'.~V paw, growiog up lo be. Keop IBborMI oo a The bean come lluuffio' round \he door phtaoee, aod tbeir IODK grow up 1la•••

Whe.oc'e.r,., be.~ 18

horn. li'e tbeir parents. Ghe t. bem Hber•l


~ pro,•orbial, and wtrloome i • tb• e~Uoal

"ri&iLor to tbe rough fllre and IJIIIOLJ of tbo hardy logger. " Pard, oi\ by aud tak~ aome of our reg"lat b61UU, •• t~aya tbe ml u whb the ax ; "'We h•e routth here bat aoy reu .. r tbat'a one of lLe ltu.)" •ud doo ' t -torn op b.ts 11000 At

bacoo •ud cv.bbuge. c.~~ o 8WJ all long u loog • • bolikeo." In AD •ight r•an' retnaeuce io OreiOD aud Wat~bington Territory. we bllY& ne'fer beard of a logger'• rtfuoiog a me•l Cor lodgi DK, if be hood alluok to "~"''"· ) 10 a poor ••Y­farer. HsUy Pby(e nat tbe nail on the baad in ,oue of birt c.rtoooA., in wbich bo repr...,olod J ud11• ~lchddeu aa re· cei•mfl tbe oontfratulatiout of a crowd o ( Joggel"'J wbotie foreDltt.D uys. to Judge, we eo me to meet you wa tb war Ill bhl'W. roogb ha.bcta. abarp ale• llOri


T bi l!l wBJO an epi lnme of the whole ekllr .. •'-"tu ur • clue of men wbotte rode Tir-­tu~ t~re all their 0\\' D aod wb094t fAiliDR!I lue tboMe of a generou" oatore. Tbe

wsges, and thear ebildreo get a IH• ·at ed~¥&tioo; for tbere iii no parent, buw· 4il¥i!Z poor. bot ••ul 8 to Hill!! hia iOD arow up a boltu.r edacatod mao th•o bim .. lf. Tbe <Loy wbt D D••id C. l!rodorick­the &tooe.cotter ' • I'IOn- took bis seat in the Uou ed Statu Seoa1e, tbe on the clock or tbo uu .. ..-, leoped ahead a bnodred ye.n.. ObM.p labor •Hluot brinA •ucb men to thA front. cnce io a ctutury ; bnt J*Y libe:ml Wllge&, and we •boll Bud our future Brod<lrtcloo io


We glory in Ieee labor. We exult in It& otro •- h o od how boron tbe maj .. ty of ics f~t-iucreuing dominion . Coupled with the rrea edoetd:Jon vouch.aafed bJ

• ·ere tbOM of a RtDial na.lut t~. while bi• impr~.uJ .. ut logger ia a soft .. beartOO fel talent& were tbe reaolt of bis o•·u re- 111":. •·bo~e bar'' PtuuillS" are sqtaa.Ddt'r ..

seareh. Few men blld a more kindly ;!~:r ~:~~ ~·:::,~:· ~~u::·~d o·~ •,t·i=~~ Datore, or were le"' diolilted by poli tl· ud" br oome profeoeed rrieod. Tbe .. eel •&.tagoniste. Faoit.l!: he h ·,d. hl}d men e•entm•l iy ~me mt otAl and pleolr of tbf:an; but wfl an : lnth tn he- pb yflical wrecks. for ditteue followe Cut Ue•e tbl\C be e•&r wilfully wrooged a rn tbe train of tlieo~ipation. They ulk:d 1 11 1 li ._ _ 1o come lo tbio plaee to winter , faoleo

liberal aod eulight<ooocl go•er1lmool, Cree Ia 'lor •ball bd tbe palladium of a great people '• liberties and botd th• fuerotto aloof frow our ltrl:lud. The irou orowo be1us mort imfltin~& l MW"Y tb•o \he diadeoo of gold. It "' no& tbe &word that roles tbe world, bul the pic~. the vlow, tbe loom. aud tbe auvil. Ad van ... c iug et•Uiz•tiou d ni!M!P uuw ffiacbiucrJ for • ••ng mauual labor .nd Una tbe curM! of C.1o from tbe brow of toit lk"·"'"(· All mcsu wtt•t Jubvr . Ueo.aem· bt.r lu&U we ar.- toiliug evt~U o .. w. ou tbe midnogb\ Of the d)"IDg ")'O&r, Ufliog oar mother tougue from the e~&~. ooe l tttler • t 1\ lime. Ao1l wbila we tJIJ' tbe pe-a and fJrt~KM, 80uml Hiombert tt.Ud pleuanl drtitiws to tb8 "'urdy fellow~ th.t. awiug the .x.

.. OW· >eaog.. e ~'"'. auolU t G1 Je~~on I nn to fiOme Hydttb woman for t.wo or or age, and LilA dP...&tll Wi ll be IH'II~rd wnh lbree moathe till e'!l ltrJ cent of tb•ir regret by many wbo_piUdoned lll ~ fauh tt eannD~lll wus gone. and tb• n stArt. out for tbe dke of but 1onate lwDt:VOI•nctt io tbe ~priag lo be~n aootber e.IOC

flf foil witbout a et>Dt in their oockfttl. Maoy a good·hHrted fellow paried with bio ••rniogs iD Ibis w•y aDd I ell tbe blo~b of abame uutoll" to bia cheek• u b e rN:ei•ed

.&. Lltn'Ea ROlli BOJI.E,

Peoples' Market. COIDIERCif.L ST., SEATI'LE,

Opposite Scbwabacber Broa. .t Co.'o

~ & :BOH.I!IT.

Proprlei«S aii4Wb-----~~~ Beef, Pork, llluttou. v~al, Cure

Meola and Veget&bleo.

Work ()sea k"P' fM -· c;r Palooo&tiO· -pactlhli7 .OIIei.lad

.A.Uil. 6. lb7t.

C. W. BULLE .. E,

I i


WHOLESALE BEEF BUSINESS ....,_looop_t17oelloo4a-l:t of

~:r. Pork. au.d.


,. Tllo - •• 11'. )(A.L80JI wiD •PI>I1 lb ... _,lbtbo-

BEEF. MUTTON & PORK tbcae that try the ."Procooa," .....,.

iuki"Yie!0~~~~~~ ~:;:>:!


lclallht & leary; BeaUle, IiDg Ooanty, VI. T.



• .L.Aa•' aft.,011ftCed City pooparty, TIIDber ..... .&pioalhl


AGKNTII for llle PIIGIOis ltliW tflri I Norlll Brilloll aDd · Ke_,illo of Loa­cloD ud Ediaborab Fra• laollde8 Co liP diD.




"Cottage by the Sea, .. .,... .... Jloadq1larteN. ADd ltiJ ........... al

The Bank lbchan~Je. At , ... Yer7 ......_ Prlea t

&LL PllBOR.\8£8 DELl T&B IID.

1bo remedieo may be oent by ~ C. 0. D. (nolllail.) All let"'roometlyeoo· 117Golb•ulld boiDN. ~IU tldential, and mDII COOt&io SIUDp !or "'"1---------------

O.U a.od .r&•• u• a trial ~I :tf

Family Groceries !

W. A. JEIIIIIGS Wnt~ld !'8POCtflaUJ iD~Ite actntlva othonMt

keepen to bl• eboioe eelteUoa ot family at.otH.

::.ii!:::t"r r:.,=.,"!::·L~.~ .. DR. C. F. WIGHTM.A.l~.

Af:Ont, 0. B. FARLEJI.A..'I. do-19-U



New Brick Store

MeOILVRA A BURKE. Artorneyos nt" La._,


1101 .... .., to - ... all - .. -Ttftl...,.. t!.!t"Bool- oql>\ ao1d .... 1014-

Choice Win• a Liquors, FRlUEITHll BROTHERS eo::70:":::;::.:: •. IAcludiD& - BY -



Flour, Feed, Bran and Sbons, SALT FOR T.dJJLE OR DAIRY.

Hams, llacon1 Lard and Butter.




cOmmercial ..t., Seattle.


Dry G_.s, CletldJic,, 8heew, Datil.

Dlaake t11, Wall Paper,

Carpet~~. 011 Clotlt.

Jl.llllaery Good"'t

Traaks, Vall-,

Fan, Ete .. Ete. We &ball eDMaTOr to be known for the :&P.

RondA and ~lr'tlit .Prictc. FRAUEliTBAL BROS. •

&e.tue. Bo\-tmber 111. 1876. - ------TEAS OF EVERY BRAND H 0 8 p I T A L !

R ighi« pt1~ .,.Sd for Ooa.Diry Produce. hm>•n ud toaon ·IU)>pU..S a& , ralt,. with the <rf!.ry belt of coo<lJ, ~ oe­peci&IIJ for thll t.raJe.




Capaclty-111,000 Feet per Dar.

G. A. WEED, i11. D.


New Planing lfachines. nCW" Wharf. ~ W. BOVEY W'. W. B&UD

E~~i}~\Jfr!;~ru;;,~~rde·- HOVEY & BARKER,

do!S2w P. o. Boa 17,

Pottland, Ugn,



s. w. Cor. co..-rciall WuloingtHSt a

!;EA.TILE, W. T.

......... --to ... CabiiiOl .... eon. 4~ ViiUe Pletarn., wbtch we will _..Tor to IIlia 1a t.1tro b~ •nJie ot an. deleu

~su.,.,........., lOJ.A. WOODWARP


General Merchandise, Al lhe old olaDd. ooroer Commercia

.,.d MiU Streel, S...ltle, W. T .


-· D. P. JENK£NS,

Attorn.,...t--Law and Solloltor n Chancery.


Ornc..-&D Oo~ IJtlreet oppoelte U.. , o. 8 . Hotel. ap! '

O.Jf.XOOOS'~. a. 11 . BAJQ'O&D.

McCONAHA & HANFORD. AttomeyB-&t-Law, Solicitors in

Chancery and Proctors in 4dmiraltv.

L.. ••• .....a.



Beanie, Wa1hlngton Territory

Charles D. Emery, A":ORIET·AT· LAW, SEATTLE W.

WJL~1 ~Y..,!f~~w.A.'~:rr:~= ::. mintlt'f.

Seattle. •<-. rlllrd tl.,....., Ep'-1 Chotrdl Seattlt!. W. T .. .Ju.Jy _D,l8'7J.


""-'nt.tle, "W. T . , llfllee o .. r Hurrill .l Co. 'a Dntg 8toN · Ollico ho11n1 from l(j to U • · x. Dr. Fe,rdinand Von Loehr, who wu

)lr. s ... ooertck'a anrgeon in lbe fata l duttl wbic.b ended tb"t worthy Kent I., .. ma1'J'tt life. dit:d •n Sfto Fraocl~ on \ Vednt-twh•y , at tlleripeageol71 ,Ytlii.rri,

He h·•d be-eo MltJior aurgeon oftbe Ger­man H m;pitaJ iu that city aiuoe its fooodalion. Among the many bonor .. able nam .. or ber adooled c:itiu,.,CaJi. fomia could boast of uo nobler man· hood thAD tbal of Dr. Loebr. He waa &D able writer oo political eeooomy aod

• m•touo achol&r iA •••ry ""'"""'· u.i­der a~ mao....-, bo bid a ltiodly boar\ aod a ooool that wonld ralb .. roce do•th th&a diobbaor. Old friend, good bra.

Tbroogh tbe •iodow of tbe Pnol Office. ·rbr tbrifty h..,:u.t~r. oo Cbt} otbt>r band • the ceuturion of tbe wor ld'a.atD.IY o j)fOffT81t. . Not coateut with b e;,.ng dowa tbe tnt.c:kleee for eet for a lil'ing, be coa•erta btll worll:ed-out c.&lDV ioto a dairy farm and IOwa white clol'er wbe1'e the tall tJre fell. H• nuye a few eo•• ao that b it wore .(a uearfql·facod wbite womao, ant a dirty aqoaw) cao malto batter and fattfoD .ome pip. wbile he goea orr to drl•• . bou-·- b• \be dar lD eome ae.bbor't camp. Go tu Lowell Socbomi•b Ci\r ADd a row more p~ of tbat ~ Anti yna 1riliAM what tbrlf . ty lo"e.-. he•e dooe. Tbe h'prneaca .. II•• mea of tbill4 clau are &mtWI Brown of tbiM ch~ ; <;teo~ Foe~r. of Ol)mpiA: • • I Ike Elli• . aow a & o Fraocieco booker . TbeM mea worltact hord ADd a pant a Rood deal of mooey; bnt tboy toolt eare, alwar• to get •• eqahaleat.

PR..I.CTICAL AND TBEORBTIO.lL POCKET AID OFRCE DIARIES Te TIM ~ Colleeten. ~ ...... In' .. ;;;;:.._., __

II J'OD trAn\ anytblng ia • be haft of Dru~. Perfume ry, Truaes, ia fact.. aoy•biag a•naU~ kept ia a•Dr1111 t;tore. nil oo II. R . loladdocto, tleattle Drag !>tore. D 16 II

Eltllnl & MECHAIIC "'-r IW., Su......_., W. T.

Fer 1871',



•• -· ......... -­rowlq taw~,....,.,... eo--· ......-..w ....... ....-.---ao~i. ro, Tree--..

c)aJT 161 Maelwtt81., .. ~

-~ - - -CITY AND COUNTRY. lnua.--4 mau IIDGiad Georse

Scbulta,f....,....IJ-pao,.d•• atgbt _ .. -.o~ r-. watchiDID iJo tbia citJ had an eumi-

A , WooLn MILL.- A Cenaiiao nation befon11 .Judp Buru in the 1118Dt1Fmaa io , aboot to eetabl!sh a Probate Court .-tlJ, ud wu "Woole~ mill iD ~ke ~iotrict, some eommitted to tbe ID&IIDII AaJIDm, 'le~ ·"'ties from Vrctorra. As a pre- to which piece be wee cou•eJed to­limi~ a~p b.• hu potcbaaed 200 day. Haa:d driokiDg ia probabiJ the ..ana ot land of :YohD J?nrant, a wei. I· Cllllto of hioo ill8&Dlty. known fanoer, ud woll proefted rn 'the ear)yepriDg to the erect.ioa of the , -.y boildiap. lo addi­tiou to the wool~t~~ llliJI h8 will erect a aawmill. Bo&h will prove of ,.real 41enellt io tbe diat<ict, 1111!1 tbe wool· ~n mill will be Yelcomed by the whole coUD&<7, as it will be lbe m811Ds of workiofl! up a raw product

A UUPUL Wou.-Fred &got, agent for the new Directo<7 of the Paei8a 8tatM aad Tt>rritoriea, pub­liabed bJ L. M . HoKeaoy, San Fraucioeo. ie at preeaat in lhe oily caonsoiDI for that uaefol work. II will be AD io•aluable aid to booin­men 1111d will ba eold at the low

"Which exists in great abaodaoee aad price of 1'~. for whleh there Ia llOW little or DO eoJe. Tbe Lol!al Qoyernmeol ofT6r a bon01 of $2,000 ffJir the erection of ~e lint woolen mill iD lbe Province.

b blt!BJ'lCE.-Tbe Mall wants to un tanna of the Diotrict Court ee· tabliehed iJo Wiaateom COUDiy, aod •&rJ trnthfnlly remarks : " Aa formerly ollted. it io a great iojns· lioa to US iJo Whalcom OOUDt)' to be 781Juired to attend conn iu l'on Townaend, a plaee niDet7 milea dis· &ltllt, OTer noJ.orioollly rough &l'tl

.d11ngerooe water•, while Pieroe oouoty, within a balf·dly'a boggy ride of OIJmpia, and tbe moot am· p)e facilities of IraTe! by water, i• -.;'hen C!<'mi·lliOIIal terms of"'t:J, S <Joort esolooively 11'0 ila81f, aod that 1oo with little or no bnoioe .. for tho eame. ''

IIIIVtOJUl>lTS.-Eerly rieen were eurprioed this moroiDg by I he ap· pearanoe on tbe streets of o.oe of the old time prairie eehoonere, drawn b7 four hones. It eoulaiued a !am· il7 of immigrants 11'bo arrived oa the Alida last Dight from Taeoma, baving come ovorlaod from Virgini11 -cit7, where t boy buo been engaged in a bott>l. They bavo ta­ken up their reaideaoo temporarily in Seettle, where they • ·ill probahly -remain until they ftod a eoiteble I••· -uoo.

EmuT h-t of large oteen were ou the wharf to· day, awaiting obip­menl oa the Anoia Stewart. Tbey are from Pbelpa .t W~leigh, and IU'8 probably ioleaded for 110me camp down tbe 8ouad.

A PI<1Tl'low is being c:ireolated at LaCouaer: prayiag lhe LegialatDre to aothonae the people of What­com coaatJ to·vote oo the queetioa o! remoTing tho coout1 oeat tn ''"" ConDer. :=~~~~~~ ~ ,.. DcUr" l'l..-.

- -- -Om: TAXD---Aa w;ill be- by anohom .. ft

rel'ereace to the proceedbop of &1M J'~oaa a ... tleiii&D jw dowa from oommoa coucil, in UIO&benolaiDD, &1M •alley ol tbe SDobumiob. we lbe Ume bu beea ateadecl few pay• ptber &1M foJiowiDg ile.,. of ioler­iag tbe c:it7 ~ wilhoot &heir be- s: coming deliDqoeot, uoUl NOYember Tbe U . S . Diotrie& Conn, which lint, aod &he 'l'reuorer baa beea aa- -•••• &IMre DGt mooth, wftl tborized to >eceive tasea a..W that bewe AD 'DII .. aal emoaot of d&te with oat adcliag MJ por ooat· baei-, &here beiag eigbt)' ei •il age, alter which leo per -t. will - oa &he doe.._ There are DO be added for ClOiit of coUeetioo. crimiaal -. which ehowe a parit)' Treasurer Bowland reported the iD lbe aoeial atmoaphere of the ta• list for 1877, amounted to 116,- oonnt7 worlh7 of emolatioo by her 389.a9 of which there had beea aielen. paid, up to the p....,.o, time, about Harry )[ilJ'e eh.r boom, at the 50000, lea wing a balmee doe of little bead of Ebe:f Slongb, hu proTecl a over 57000, 1111d thought that if the complete en-. lhere bei:.g time was uleoded it would oearl:t o.lread:teecued iD ll abootti ,OOO,OOO all ""' r-id . 'l'bi8 ia a ve<7 llatter- feet of lop. Tbe eetablieb-ot of iag elate of aft'ain, end ebo .. a tbie boom will Mve the lumbermen smaller balance, even oow, thao of that coutay tbouaade of dol lara for yean preriooo. Tbe Count)' aauuaiiJ, u heretofore darius tboee Treaaorer Jut J~~noary, tonoed ower of high wa&er great anmben of lop more than ODe half of tb" laJtes on were carried dowa tbe riwer, and hie liat delinquent. This ebowe there heia« no boom to ca1eh and &hat tu payers in general, are de- hold tbetll tbey drifted out to eea alroua of maiol&ioiag our eit:tp- ud were luel. erameot, aod we feel aatWied t lnlt The lop are aow uearly all oat of b1 Nonmber tat the.., will be but th" ri~f!r. very few names fouad ou the clelio- Ben Strelcb'aeeow.atime·hooored qoeot tax liat of the city. craft, broke from her moorinJte dur-

ing the U... freebet, and ftoeted S. & W. W. R. R.-Mr. Lake bas dowu to the Bloagb, where abe

ftuilhed the ftf\b t ..... tle oo ibe Seat- mixed up 10 with the lop &hat 00 tie .t Walla Walla railroad, the one could 1811 which from 'totber. higheet one being 66 feet . He ia Tbelloueeidenceboildiup of Dr. about ~mmeoeiag aaother one of Wilbur aod the Blaekman Brothen three etories, which will be 97 feet are completed, lllld present a ftae in height, beiag the bigboet trestle appearanee. A towDimiiD, of ours, oo the rood. The bridaiog 1111d Mr. Wm. Webeler, is the arehiteet trestlo-work is now all completed u aod builder, and b:t thie wort baa far as May Creek, and bJ to·m .. rrow done himoelf moeb credit. night the iron will be laid half waJ Beu Rtretch ;. building a large from Reo too 1o Newcutle. This ie warebonoe on the riwer, iuteoded to mall.i.Dg good time, couoid<!ring the bold freight for obipmeut on tha recent raio7 weather. •teamer Nellie.

D1s Cost.lTIO>:.- Dr. Calhoun iu- Times there aro rather tight, bot forme us that tho wounded mao, not moro 10 than io other localities Petero,n, is considerably improwed. throughout the west. ' rbe pccnlia.r!y dangerou,. location Grou receipla of the rxvu-iliuo aud of the bullet in the leU lung pre· fair fool up fl16.100 . 'II>o bta•J l'tlio cl mloa the p018ibilitJ of utraetiog to-day mat<rla!ly diiolioiobod tbo at• it, as tho operation of probing teod•oeo. would neeessarily be attended with NEW You. Oct. 9.- The r.,.._. OD•

groat danger to the patioot. Aaido aoaocea lbo deatb of Gra. Joba E. from a lli'!bt difBculty in b~biog Be•dis, well ........ n i • lbe lMe rf'h.l-

aod a pain io the left ohaulder and Uo:~ oPgiuoer oftero through n.o Tri- , aoaneemeot of the retirement of Dr. board, and wo are quito onre tbat arm, aoporindoced by the entrance ,... .. , to briDtl bore aad lie& op Cleop•· A. C. F olsom from the loo•l depart- licensee in all ooob .,_ will be rll· of the bnll~t near tbe aboulder- tra'• noodle lor 5100,000, tbe priee meat of that p~pcr, Mr. L . E. Beach TOked. The law doee oot authorize blade, P etenon is ret~ting qnite Mkod, aDd to raioe bi-11.

Ft:ll~U ATTEl'iD.urrs. - lo San rrnnciv.o a law baa been ia force for aeyeral J'tl&rl tbsl prol>ib­ita the emplo,.meot of " lady waiten," in saloons, after certaiu boors of nlgbt We learn that tb8 Washington territorylegialalore will be asked to pass·alimilar law, made applicahl8 to such towoo as Walla Walia aod Seattle. A atriolenforce­moot of the law that r~q a Ire; all applicants for license to sell liquor to be of "good woral character," might poselbl1 meet tho nece11itiea of tbe ~ ..... aud we eugge<t thai the au~horiUes he a little more .,.,rel ~l in this regard. In all CMOe where a saloon io round to be disorderl, , or conducted in an objeclioaable manner, the conDty authorities ha\'O full autuoriiJ to rnoke the license. II, .., alleged, we buo pl...,..• of the character i.Ddieated within the city hmitco, let panies cogoiaanl of tile (eete make complain~ to the oouuly

EnrroBL\L CliA!IOE. - The last S aonomuh Star contains the au·




I. w • BUZBY, _ Proprl~tor.

---lo .. ,,....,_dty.

HUCH M c A. L E E R,

Whol-lo and Retail DMior In


Iron and Cranite Ironware, Wood and Willow-ware.

Partloular Attention Paid to Conenal olobblna: and Tin Aooft IIC

r:r ...... r-•JI(J:r ••• Satiaf'adorl;r •nM..

Commercial Street. Seattle.

SCHWABACHER BROS. & . co .. .....,o~dc. W'uNblnll,"t.on '.L'erruory, .

Cen·eral Merchandise Jobbers.



Schwabacher Brothers & Company, 'taking h is plnce. The doctor will the lict>aoiag of bawd7 houoee or comfortably, and will don btl...., re· B&LTUioru:, Ont. 7.- An imi!Mnoo •ereatter eoatribnte to the literary ·'dead fall•," and wbeae,·er eneb cover. tbroogatttoded lbe uriou• aenW.o at Dry Goods. and aciootific columna of the Slar, nnit~ances aro known to e:Ei•t I boy Gcsu.-"JoU.ioge lrom the capi- tbe cathedral, wblcb "'" draped lo a position which hie nried acquire· ohoold be abated.-Siale"""'' · tal," •urcbarged with the diriue af- moaroiu~ for lbelate pnmate aod arch· Cl'lthing,

Boots and Shoe meots eminently fit him lo.r . Mr. Oou Fnww's UNIFORM.-At the tfatno, get. nff the following monel: blobcp. DorioR the day from 2.'i.OOO to Beach is a graceful wriklr-has made recent BeMion of tbe Oraad Lodge "Long otre:uoiog files of claogiog 30,000 riawed I be remaioa ly1o11 in 1

an imperiohahle record .., a poet, of the United States I . 0. 0 . F ., in wild-fowl , wing their triangular etai~M&J<nll<.r.. Oct. 9. - Tbree- of .&Dd.~u·t help bu~ prove • valuable Baltimore, the report of &.be special flight amid falliog dew, tbrough rtllow-rever so .. tb,. ; two deatba. The • me•a-11 NA~~..J ,...~ •• "" wbl.:~b • • ~u •t the pabUc.

aurihary 1o that jOurnal. I committee on nni.form waa adopted. the rosy twilight air. Tbio ie the towa i• o<arly out or food aud auioos-

ITh. t 'd f ·r aeaeoo of peaceful reoJt and bo.lmy JyawAiti<~lbolmiralofpro•ioio,..aDd l IMPROnD.-Tb8 Tiew of th8 ••· •• repor pro•• ea .or a DDl orm aapplieo ia '"'""•o•• tu lbo laat •r~al CALL EARLY, SECURE YOUR BARGAINS

ter front at Belltown is already 1 s treet dreOii for oubordmate lodges, aleep." lenaoalem p~~~~e&kes!-wbat r· , ..

mn~h impro.-ed bytbeonttiogdow~ I nod coosi•te of each el~le of bat or a bacbiful imagioatiou that ~ritter's for bolp. · I A n.d. 1&.k. e ~he C:: ~C»d.1!31 A "'1:10" ay o1 tloe timber between FroDt street cap .., w•:r bu d~lerwiU"'l b,. the got. Once ugon n time the1·c lived I · and tbe bay. Quite an amount hoe I several jurU.Uictiooa, but io all c~ DaY Woon.-Eight_r-fonr cord• in Vir~iuia C ity D qucrt• c usto- • oi'Vtr 10....,. ""'"'lor u JMMI>JI~E SPWNG BTOOK ao• on <b• woy.

alftadJ been cut. The whole job to be uniform. plain white gloves, of maple wood were brought down mer whnm " 'C will call Steve . .from Bell atrMI to tho &attle Coal a jl'wel collllr 2Y, iaches ,..i<le, unit- from White river on a scow, and io Hu wns an inveterate joker and Schwabacher A &roe. <Jompaay'a wharf, w11l proh >bl;r h.. I i~g iu tbo frnLt, made of . light blue being unlOAded 0 0 C"'wfor<l .t R>r- ofte n really witty m Ius repur-1loiohed in two or thr•o moutl'" . .:llr. cloth. or otbermotenal (oxcept- riDgton'• wharf to· tlay. Tbio bo•i· tees. We ll, the time t't\Jloe when

I. 1 t h ' h ball t be 1 ) f h . . 1 d d Stc ,·o was taken si•·k, t101l ad tbc 1 Tbia will make the reoiucnce loto in mg ve VI' • .,. oc • no. use< ' n.ess o rJDgtog < ll'A'R ry cor !Joys put it, .. ,.et-y close call." that locality tbe rnn•t •igLtly and


nf the sba.Jo koowu as soh·er-bluc, wood from the neighboring rivers is On hid denth !.ell his friends of­..teairable of any cll• np re•i•lencel'•le cdgll!l with oilver laeo or braid, 11 breoo1iog qnite R largo an•l prQIJts- te n cnmo in to ~ee him ~nd {'Oil ·

io the city. I qo11rtcr of an inch 11'ido, wilhout l>le intlas try. doic with h im. Abnut thi• time

I tim broiderY or other o rnamentat ion the lo we r leve ls o f' the pronli·

L£\.ARS To ·DA,·.-ThA lt'tr'.;;"" anJ whAtever .. A roso1ut iou waN also ll~eu STmKI>.--DistJl'tC'bt>s ft·om ncnt m iu e:-4 on tile Comst()('k


Jobbers and


Retail Dealers in

«Jmmodious •U.'llt:~cr Al<1llkt< hiUI p•• scd for the •1,.,...1ntmen• nl a COin· Yiclol'ill &tnto that astoDiHIJing dcvel· 1 1 • • • ~ w , ._ • wore t Hl o IJC<'tl\·c po1nt of n Ch '

been pol ou u.e Suuuol rout" io I mitteo to pl'<'paro a system of taches opmcnts of IJUBl'tZ hi\VO been mG<le great <l<'al o f in teres~ an,J c uri- 01 ce place of the burned stcamer_coosti· of drill for tho 1188 of tbe ord~r. 1 at Cariboo. One of tbo lctlgOJJ on o•ity, nnd nolJody wns n!lowc.t

Groceries, Oregon Flour, lotion . Ancl Jell San Fraoc1..-o to· · I L ig!ltnin:;: creek l1as r~turned !! ~1:2 t n in•pcct thl'm uniCl'~ pro,·itled

; COHN MEAL, RYE MEAL, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR\ •clay. Ill rhiug here pr·'lhuhly on S un- , Tu J..o~U .\0 Cu.lL. - Tlw hk:autcr h• tl1t1 ton of rork. 'TUn expt·ri- wi t II n fl:J.ji;~ rt·om Sharon ur 80tn(• I

-clay U'J '\t. 'fbe Ala10ka is R very l::mpirc City. Cqt>t. DntiPr. ft!"S'i\'"('tl m~nt:\1 quar1 z mill ha.>c bP.f'n slnrte•l uth('l' ot th t! l_}i!!' tniuo owner~. ' largo o.~.n(l elegant dP9.mer, ~ing , bcre frOID ::>tto l,.rauzi...~o [(tto- !ln•l tlte li•·-·d clenn np ! rotn forty r\s poor St~\·t_! ... lay w:uting for

.f,UOO toDs bnrthons. 100 too• more ooou, ant! hauled up •Jongoitlo ounce~ is looked for with interest. the en d, whic h "'"" not 1\u· otl', &ICE FLOO~ 'nnd; FEED. Also, :a. WellriSelooted Steck; 1boo I hat of her predecessor. We Marshall &. Knipe's wharf. SLe TUI!.l:Jl ... -ere lost on tho Constila · " " " or thu !Joys camo iu. " \Ve il, ;&relhJLir.fu~mcllwbul•ur cow::uautl"r l will loall 800 luws of cual Lt'tre S te ve, how d o you feel to-day?

lion 177 bales of bops., or this P1·etly I>:HI1 ol.l fellow, am't I ia. !:!hipper• " 'ill plea.'c tnke notice for San .Frnncisco. 'fho Empire oombor 8.'i l•all'~ I ~longed to llyao y our' •·Y<'s, J1ob," answered ;and h:ne their trwgbt ready. City bas hcrctnfore lxwu 1 uuoiug "'A,·ery; 62 balo• l " i~cu.~i •l llro• ., S tc \·c, with cliftlculty, " r


u .. ,.,.o"-"·-- J ack L evy received I><'! ween S.m Francisev and Coos and 30 b:Ucs to Ross & Stcwnrt. It ne:trly ~one. l'llluwo " <·hancc .-,n the la <>t stcn1ner w rue of t.he Ilny, O regon. Slie is ownccl by tbe is catimateJ that tbe Joss i• in tho now, lloh, to in•pect the lower cost uoi<Jne Oil(! 'bc.lot ifni meer· Simp .. on Bro• .• for wbom ..... ,...... neighborhood of lc'l'o ld-lrilh~ut II. JKI····· -ehaum pipos and cig:1r holder." \\'fl , built ubout four years ogo nt. Port bave ever oern any ... hnrA- the ~Arv· ~Iadi•on. It is the mtcnliou of her Tm;.<P"""· - A party by tho name Thu lli<}\V Yor k Tribune pub. i og and liaish boing moot e~cclleut. owners to rnn ~er r~gnla~ly between of Willi~tm Cochl'llne •·•~ a.rrestcd lisheg u list of pcn<Onll who huve Tbey were imrorted direct from the here an<l &n 1: ronCJsco, of they oan ancl hrought beforo .lDalice obtuincd divorces tJ1rough the I mannf:le larc r at Yic.nna. Jat*k in· ~ceor"' enough to w~rrnnt I An.lrows to-do.y chargetl with t1cs· ProLntc <;uurt of Sn it. Lnke

.form• n• tl1ol purcha!<Cro cao hnvc 11. pos.•.. Hi~ lmnur •·onlinned thP c·ounty. I L cmbr:ICC~ nearly I 1b~ir own phiz f!r.graved on tbe ia· . • \ man..u.-'1'11~ tmr_k :\lontfttt~ nr-J lle:lrlll~ ?' the case unhl twmorr.Jw e very ~tutu ulul Tt.!rtihH':-, u~ 'Pipe to ord~r. from • photograph. ro•ed {run S..u} rlillclsco !aRt night at 10 o c.ocl<. we ll as Canada, und include~ the Letadoit. briogioga large quantity of freight Tug barkooliDe MO<loc which left name of Brick l'omeroy. · A list

'SPECJAL S£SsJos.-Io aecordanoe for Seattle merobaute . Following bere loaded with coal, is report· of ogcoeica 10 Eoetero cities and are her coosigocea : Crawford l!. ed to ~~a~e went ashore oppo11i~ Red the names of agentK are also

'With the recent act of tho Legiola· Harrington. Cbilberg Broe., W. A. Rooks aolfl eaataiued eoDoiderable published. It is eetomated that tlll'O providing,.,. tho cqaaliziDg of JeDniogo, Waddt<ll .t llliles, Schwa- damage. Tho :r.lodoo will be the twenty )JrObate courts of tuee ia King county, a special ll<lfl· bach " L Co L s n T U t b h nt d • 000 I' er uros. ... . , . . owe, . thorougbiJ ro)"'ired. a ll'l;e . gra e "• 1 1-aion of the Conaty Commi11ionere 0. c., s . .t P ., c. MoDooald, J . I vorees Wtthm the pMt three :will be held oo Monday, tha 29th Lawton, H. Uhlfelder, J. Brown, A !UU.T and cosy little resiiDrltl>t yc:.rtl.

' i01t. All complaiota regardiag tbo. E Wb' llf hu been opceaed b7 Wm Parry iu - - --------......, .. n,ent roll most be p~ntefl Hall & l'auleoo, R . · ltoey, · JobtthiM' balding o o Waebingtou A gcntlem1m with eight wi\'C& to the Boar<lat that time. Glore, S . llaxter, J obu Middleton. otre<<t, where you can procure • (,as just tDrocd op at Stanhope,

T. P. }' reemar, Waelhoft' A: Wald, lirot·«<a.'18 meal for 25 eta. Mus. 'fbe inbabitunt8 "·ere · .,_ "''Jl".ll"' to ""' nn material lobo Solli....,, H . C. 'fhom,_u, H. Tu. Emt>ite CiiJ broll8hL up two about pre~~cnting him woth a ¥il· ~ fn the eo~dit.ion of the F . Walwo~. She e~ao broqbt • or three t-Dgertl, aod one lot of ver poker, when he turned out Dlllll Pet.uaoo. He i.o re- large qaauh&y of frei&)!t for olber freight coaaigoed 10 L. L. Andrewo, to be tneonc. It wu only a ques-.oei~l earefuloursiDg. porto OD the Sound. 1 Lo Conner. tion of time, however .


Wbicb lbcy propose to ••II Ch~aper tboo •or otbu bonoe in t:;ealtlo.




=ff d OYSTERS!

-··AN'D .\LJ, TJU~-

Delicacies of the Jo~:,:8 ~~;~~:.n"l~· ~=~~t!_.~ ,;~l(!:;f tC:'s~~ Season, towtu¥ ...... , .... . , ••1'1 I•• ...... ,.,.cool>,

::iERVED 11< ma BF..sT MANNER,

PIPER'S. arplll~=.._tt _ _ __ _


... ........... ,._...,_ W. H. 1UITE

Anoalnii'-A,.-LA.w, 8tu.'l'n.a, W . T.

-~ ... .._.,.NI...U.t.t Dtotrlct • J~ll


W Jto~a. Jlftll FUR!'fiTUn!', 115 11,

OSE lYPOI:IING 8TUNE A: ~ (~&0 ID~bc•, ~22 OO,J

11 JOB CA!:>E::!, fl 50 EACH, ADCt • large uaortment of new• ud ~ .,..

Fur trp«ln.nw A~J:P.;•~rt£l.L. 8eMta

F. 11. EllSWORTH,


--.,~-A 8411 Kuw...aun.-Ia ia di.GI· PAUUoBD CoJmi'o.-Tbe follow·

ing ~Df8n •iled froa 81111 Franciaeo yeaterday on the aleam­obip AI atka, for Pug.t 8oaad porta:

'ftRRITORIAL LftiiSLATURE. r ~ re~dfuoaa of" the CoMt Sor-T•~••,..._ -.,;,.. - ve,illc_,.11r j!at preeeo•


SODA colt &o apreu ODe'• lwliDp Ia al· lading to 10 lid and n•s.-tod U. ioJlietion u bu befall• the family of the Boa- Joeepb, who baa 10 long &Dd 10 acceptably ropre-~ ad thio county in the Territorial SborUy efter leaYing home for Olympia !Je was haa&ily aammon..d '*·k by a telegram froa his wifo, informing him of tho dan. geroaa illne•• of hie chihlren with diptheria, and soon after hi• return Ilia &econd oldeot child, a.-tta JaDe, o. bright little girl of 9 yean, W&A carril'd ott hy the fell cleatroser. and wu buried on lloaday last . Tbe other two children al10 Ooa­\racted tho dieeuo, and to-day the aad nen •ua brought in that they too Lad perisbal-Charlea, tho elU­"''· aged 12, and Emily, age<\ 4. To o.dd to the mi•fortnoe, y.,., Foster Ia alao afll icLed with tho mal&<ly, and ie not espected to ree~ver. Only thooe who have experienced a like miafortone CoUI fully ~preciate tile for.-e of the shock to a father and mother to lose all their children in one abort wJek. Tho berea..ed par­ente have tho heartfelt s.•mpatby of the wbolo community. 'l'be funeral eenic.,. •-ill take place to-morrow on tho arri'I'O&I of the train from Ren­ton, •t halt-past fonr o'clock.

OLtlO'Il, Oct. 10_ 'the echoooer Yukon io at that port. RILEY'S

ALKOST Dnowii'ED.-On Sunday morning lut, at two o'clock, while' Wm F..rrell, watchma~~ on lhe Otter, wa.o attempting to heal in the alACk rope at Olympia, ho ..-aa thrown into the water. Believing tb•t be couhl get ool of tb~ dilemma without disturbing othen, Hr. }'Ar­rell remained in the water about two boors. HA attempted to climb op the piles, bot fell into the bay aeveral tim.ea. when be eJerted tho litt!e strength btl yet h .. t in calling for help. When fonn•l be was iu a very cr itical cond1tioo. His luuge were full of water, and his altengtb almost g onu. H e io now at .HcEiroy'a hotel in tnis city. sn.lfer­ing from long re~er.

'.l'oLL RoAn.-In a letter to our evening contemvorary, fro m Kitti­tu Y .. ney, a correspondent states that articiM of incorvoration, bond

'ADd petition VI Cougres'< for tbe Snoquf\!imio I•as~ toll ro:Kl , been tlr.lwu h ere :mtl gcnPn'\lly

SMtU&-Walter Donregard, W. D . Cotton, C. B. L~rrabee a~~d eix in tbe otoerage. 'l'acoma-1:1. W. No· Jan. Port Townaend-One in the steerage. Tbe Alub i• ":tJI""tftd In arrh·e bere Monday.

lla. FoiTio:, the iosinnating youth who acta .. night operator at the Orcidental, b.gged a acore of dneka on the flab thio morning. He eavs ho done it on tho equare, bnt we think then~ wao oomothing fowl About it.

IN Justice Scott's Court to-day, a <lrnnk and disorderly kloocbmaa named SaJ"ab paid a fine of ~ ancl cosiJ<. Hicbael Murphy. fHime of­fense, being unable to Jlay his finn of ! :1, was &enl np.

AsOTn F.n one of tho enormooa acorn Rquasbcs, weighing 135 pound•, raised on the aawduot at Frcejlort by S. T . Davis, iaou csbiloi­tion in front of the Grotto.

Tul! fvllowiBg ell'nsion wa. h•n•l­ecl u s by a sawdust j,oot :

lln• •loth Lbe b uoJIIoa hopro'l'e •oocb obining honr;

And e• Pn time b e bite" a m an 1'utea ·bf,er and w \Ji8ky aour.

'fux members of the lower House or the Legi!llatnre, will • rri•e in thia city, io a body, on Y.Ion<layn~xt. for the porposo of vi•iling the Trr-ritorial Unive"'il-''·

A MEl!Tl!fO of tax·1>ayers will be bold lo·mo·rrow e vening, to consider tbe advisability o f levying a lax of two mill8 for •chool purpose,._

Wa regrel lo lcnrn tha\ Julin• Dickens, editor of tho E.rprn<, i• lying at the point of death ~t bis rc&ideoce in Steiloooom.

STREI<l' Cnmmi."'lioncr Blackman is making som~ mnch-neeclC<l o:rpe.ira about town.

l iiVfSQ D.1~~~61> aud wife, re­turnee:\ la•t night from au extendc<l tour up the Columbia river.

Sittiug l!ull, the mujc~tic

Am cr it·an sa¥nge, is enctunpetl with fifteen hundred warriors nt Wo01l mount.:~in, o n the Cunadi . :~n si · l~. o ut rage• on

• igo.ed . 'Ilao n:pn,~uk:4.l capital tr·udiuo p:trtictt h a \·u IJC'cn p crp c­olock of the company is SG,OOO,OOO, trated, but ho r l'pudiates the in shares of tweuty-fi •o dollors chargr ofnuthori:r:iug them. The each. '.l'he pot ilion a.•k.. Cong ress t ratlers :~re g rt•lltly ult~rmccl, an <I for a ;wo-mile otrip of laud across tho mnjority, fearing trouLic, lho mountaiuo, aut! •ets furtb the ba•·e left for vuriou~ agcucieg groat need of aoimportantanational :~nd posts. Nuw~ of tho penJ ­tboroughfare, a. well as its various


l u the council ve-lelday H&Dford, of Kirg county, "introd,noed a joi•t reeolution for th" • .,.,..,ntme"t of • committee to investigate the condi­tion of the territon..J. nuiv<'nity. The resolntion wao written on a ebio­glo on account of tbe acarci t.,- of sta­tionery.

Kobo iui.J·odu""'l council bill No. 17, ordering immediate removul_ of the territorial libruy to the oapolol buildiug. The hillt>..-d.

Uanford introduced council bill Xo. 18, pro•·lding abort band report­ers for district courts of the .errilory; also by the same, council bill No. 19, to ap1>0rtion memben of the legis­lative .....,mbly for the 80\'eral coun Uea of the territory-

'.l'he memorial relating to the land office at Colfax paooed the M uncil.

In the council on WednesdaylO, Banford introduced conooil bill No. 20, to rup<'al tbe act in relation to rrobate judg~•; referred to jndi­cilory committee. HIWfor<l also in­trod need council bill No. 2, to de­line the duties or probate iu<lllll8; same reference. ~lso by the same, councilllill No. 22, relating to pro· bat.. foreign. Tllia las L bill pasS<'<!. .\leo b;r tbe eame, <:ouncil b11l No. :!3, in relation to reconb or probate eonrta; referred tv judiciary com.: miUee.

Hanford introduL'Od a resolution prohibiling the krritorU.I etatnte• from boiug rcmn~ecl fro01 the librnry without rcecipt; adopted.

Bonoe b ill No. 8. otferiug reward• for eon,·iction of higlt•'R\'meoa~••· ed. Conneil hilt No. 15, in relation to water flumes, also pass< d .

IIOto"" joint resolution for joint cotn•enlion to IJear };\'A.tu~· cent£'onial nlic:!rcso, w.i. tablet!.


r u tho hou>10 oo Wecl o•es.lnv, doe lOth, Daniel• presented a petition of tho territory prsying for the ro.-1 of the Jicensu law authorir.iog anti protectiug tho sale of intoxic-ating li•Jnors ancl tho enactment of local uptiuu ]awe.

H orr moved to lay tloe bill oo tbe table. Tho motion was lost an•l the bill •·o.s referred to the committee on education.

WhitMn. of Yokima, introduced ho nAA h ill Nn. :.!tl, to amend t l.Je act concerninll' h rand• and marks uf animal&; muking for tLe flf&rue a gen­eral low. Jl,.f,•ro·t·•l to eorumitloe OD conn ties.

House hill Xo. : ~ 1. by I:! orr, wa.a intr01lucPd. It is uq acL fo r the re­lief of 'fncoml\ Lodge, I . 0 . (,}. T ., from paying rc·nt fur tbe building nsed for library JHiri>OSCS. A motiou to l•.r tho bill no lbu l•blu '"'"" lust. Horr e•plaiued lb~ !Jill ami bop"'! the bouso would nc>t reject i t. Uo­fttr red to cornmittco o n wu.ys 1tnd mean~.

Wbitson'intrmlne~d "jointresoln­tioo appointiu~ ThnrS4IIlJ' , Rt i 1'. u ., to li•tan to the delivery of I ho ceo­l<•nnial adtlreas by Hou. El..-ooc:l Evan•; reaolntion J:la&0<-'<1.

.. _ ... _ IlL. h& !f&TIOlfAL <JGulo Mu.u WSII &WU'd•

e4 to Bndloly a Ralot- ,_. a. bt-...,1 Pb.otl) lftpb• La''"' Uul ... 4 .ate.,_. "Arana Medal tUT U.. '"" 1M lllo wwW. •• llllou""'-., atr.t. .._ l'N.DC.U. . ...

a, Oot.G, fii.VQ U1) Oa.a..~ona bouRltt

- .AND--

R 0 0 'l' BEE It

Delivered to any I•n~-t of" dae Clt:y.

:;::,.;~.~ ~~ .:_~-;_~·:,~!;; Loeatlea ef '!':!~'AFW.: .. ~~;.J.!. Bear an.J. 'l'~al'n)w-llaod. ur~[f ttt"tJ l tht

la_2rO<M, 3 fw60. •t•rr:.U,

B•Y•:R.a Cto.a.u, •~ Jac.k llewr·-. f/1' Wu.·. Ccu ~. T o all lOaf·

f• rtnc fn•n• l h<ii: t •rio •ingdu..w_..a.,.y or b ••P· L• • •erm lbfUCI.Ib the kl nduP.c- or a a:ni"' lou•r, frltDd wlao bM .... ut we tbt' f ornnu l t vr • li'l !"t'· lr n-ce&allleautdkh.• nit·h h~"JOtu! hn.-t~ u_~ d br tbe a..tiYe bWdidu.- m u •·f lli!\I.IPf't JtP:- foT t be pc»tUve an 1 raiH•·..U eu.rt~ot•u :ulftiOtr, R rOACkll(JI., C...11"b, AI' lnu.:t.. I •y-o,l)l.'P"IA, Tbru.t •nd J.untc diJH(_'11' 11 , U t ti'l':ll \ lit H ilty. 1..ou ot llanb- 01.1 and ell Nt n-t !'--' Affttuon~. ihl pe"'""b .. ~ t .... ,.;ud in lour. I" ,1 ,. (tt c.&lio.' l"'

WI WOW' • f•il........ l bOW ro t•l It mv NtCrt..l .!U• t~ M Car u ~l:ble tO r-ho•\'1' I u •u.m n i~t)' and will ~ud rh.• n.~iP"'-Pt: r.~~: n•~ Cu Vt•Ur-ro &DJ P. neoa • lw m •r •lt-IUftl h w .t lt '' r t:lkm• fr>r wd•·l'· S Ut hJ ~la.rtr m at I loy uclo.n ·•i 1tt •hb 2 •'-wJM th 111 .,..,Jot·t, ur. v . u. BriKS.a.w. Dr"•·u 28, Utica., M. '- .

...,._ A h , ~)' f'rirad, U J 0\1 UtA ~• u 1,o:rb gl ..,.• ot btlt:r, takif &O pt<MUe_tJ..,..1o M Ckukn· nial SaeooD . Eh9 bl u, &.at 1,. c •c.ui.Actue I

U' To An ...-&ntat:M - &lok of JM ~lt'fl.

' 'Otn),kte Li•t or Ne W8J)I'pt:U aad A4wrtl&lug lh.tH. IJ7 an.n 2Sc. AdJ.n-u ULo. P. kownL _. Co , N~t• You:.

~ Tlllal& Wll L Hit • BALL f'"\'M'J' \fOGcbJ,}', Fl'IWJ and llaturcby night c,f ~V'b

W('t'.k , at tb .. C..,brFru.ll~t.sud . Oct . l -hD


Oyster ~ChopHouse VA :of \VIII ,,._ S AROEST, I'ROI''R9,


Neat d-• to M•tt Kelth'e

Tb• anrkft lgoed }t,ue O)MlDOd a d~ a.n c1 fJ1•1e.n l:ao ll.!lt. at toe abo•• ~taod, Whf'rt: tbr ' will rllnliAh eftl'7 deUcac.7 tbll the mark\ af ford.._


WHITE & TENI'+Y, PROPR·s, 1$ucce__. to .f. Y . & T. 'tfiLSO~.)

All "-'n~ or Iron •n•1 Drt~M O.IIJJ..n~ do ve •l Sao l "nwd ..c(J price~t·

O"'krw t rom •11 part• o t tbe .~"4 will 1't; CJit-d • ifb JlrumJ•ttHl"" and u.t.;patdl. oe:!tr


a D. Locke, M. D., Will praclko lilt. io • HID braneb,.,. r anu .ueu t lues. loa. ltut..m No. 1. up oua..ift. io l!'t~~•bN'• Hlooe:ll m yt_s..u


.8 • .J. (.,'O"'XEB. l"rop' r.


Choice Croceries, Provisions,

Hardware, Fine Teas,

Crockery, Classware,

Flour, Feed, Etc., etc.


&:r .AU Ooodt Oura.otHd a. lteJ,~mwotf'd. Oooda In the CII.Y tree of cbafP

Cvnnaerclnl 8trcr.t. Scuttle, W', T. . ..... M. A. KELLEY 0 o.,

Wholosnte and Retail


a7 Our Stoc:t li nrr of

Pure and Freah Drues and Choice Perfume rJ.

.... 1 Ordere· from Abroad Promptly Attondoel to. 1


:I :M:PO:RT E::R.S And Commission Merchants.



J. H. Cutter Whiskies, advantages to tbo people of lhe Ter- ing ~Oiif't>l"<'nco ha~ ;;rcatly al­ritorywbo nre actual settl~rs n1>on lny ecl upprehensions, and the the tmblic <lomain. l:tst atlvicr.s re po rt Sitting Bull

waiting, in gre:~t pomp, tho ar-AxoTmr.n Suuum.- Tbo l',;,eilic . , _ _

Cocult H. 8 _ Co- :u o negotiating for I r~vnl o f tho t:omniiSS ioncr~ o u the porcbuo of 1 fin t clt188 ne w tho w~stcrn s lop~ of_ \\ ootl eleam•h ip in the eo•t, for their P ort- monnbtou, on tho (anadnon t er­

Tho committee's report recom­mending ompronments in tho office• or t)o terri torial treaan rer and aud­itor, •o u to provi.lo for tbe 01\fo keeping of boob, recorW. and other valnableo • .., .. adopte<l.

Honse bill No. I I, to provide for the paymenL of beauty for killing wild~ an<l noxiono animals in all eountie• eut of the Caacade moun­tains, pa.'lled. The bill includes rabbits am on!( the ani mala for wloiob bonnty i • niJ~""''-

Tbf• Uol.f'l J,a •Uut.e-t In lee Uu'lwiDif lOWa o r La \JDIIDer, ... UMI I&MHI1b u f Uw Gil ~~~til riYI!T, aod ID tiM ceot« ur tbe J[f'dl. •crkw:Jl a.nJ clia­Lricl or Pqel MOod, 'I'be bota»e " well t¥o tabl l~aDdJ:u

White Ho~se Whisky, Universal Whisky.

- -~---

lantl routt>. '.l't.o vea,;el i3 llllid tn Joe r itory. far euperior lo any now on the

(1cne rlll C r ook i~ oppo~cll to liif<nrming tloe Sioux Indianij on

tho r eeor•·ationa, and exp resore8 tbo s trongest coufidonce In their deter111lnation to be fa ithful a l_

Houeo bill No. 17. to repeal the act relating 1<1 the election of oom­miaaionora of J ell'erson county, wu .eferrocl to a opecial committ.oo.

ront03, both for pa.•oeoger ..ccom­modations and freight capacity. She will be on thia cout for the nest -.on'• crop. Another will follow eoon afteo for the aame trade. I& looks as if tho oppoeilion bao not fairl.r commence.l yet.

A KtND Acnow.~me worthy &4ember of that earnest class of citi­uno who "lln good by el310lth and blaah to find i t known," yeaiAlrday kindly donated to a poor widow u,.. ing in the lower part of town, a con­¥iderahle aom of money and a large buni le of clothea. We woold take delight in publishing the name of the author of thio generont dee.:i , but h i• commendable modesty pro­vents ns from aocertaining it.

fnar Motrnl<.- A li'l'oly interust I• manlf~•led by their n omerono creditors, as to the w!.ereabouiJ< of certain incipient .. hJOOtls9

' who have recently fol<led their tent like tbG aiwa!h an.J silrntly stole a•ay from thtt!'c parts ·•dtbout settling their b iilo-leaving the aforesaid credi t.­O rtl only tho poor consolation of ex­eiOJming we they •taud mournfully on tba d ock, "Faro you well, Droilicr Watkins- aL !"

Joint resolution No. 8, relative to Ibn appointment of a committee to mit th" l.erritorlal aai'flni'J ud inaue uylam, .,.. ~ 10 • to include the whole boaae u each

lies to tho g o•·ernmont lie a:~ya eom.miUee, and Monday, the 15th , they cannot he di&armed if they """appointed u the day for the

Rro to li\·o Ill l be presence of vi•Jt., toacbero' convention ia ia aea­border ruftiM, wbo ewanu o n eioe at thia pi- for the pilrpc.e of

f t' 'r Uo further 83 ,.8 coo~dering tbo 10bool lawa of tbe our ron 10 - • temtory and makmg reeommenda-thnt the military cannot deftmd tions thereon to the legialatare, either tho J>rO!)oo·ty or tho lives !!!!.!""""!!!!'~!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!!!! of tho Indiaus, especially ..-ben •otlce.

atattered ou farms. O•·n u or A~r:.:,~~~81~-· w. T., l ..._.. -- Kotke i• Whi·J' at~ ta..t , IJI ~~

A compllny of t 'rencb soldiers ;;:.,:.,:: ~..!',~~,:! ·"::,.~:"";!1•,:! we r e dealing ll fort. On reach - .... u .. otoa ot ..... to Klnr ooa· •• ror '"" iug tbc crest of tho pan1pot., they !;-r~.!;.r~HotOt~';"!!· 1,~~'·~T~~ were rccei\"'ed with a terrible fu - b()l4 • •1"'d•J ~ .. Jo11, corume.~tt:inc oa Moa.-

si llade, which lot· tbo moment ;::!o ":; ~.:1~:,:~ ~~"":..::;;,:~ ~~ Jro\·e them back. The c.lrum-. :1d:!,!~t ~J=~~!.;:; mer rus hed behind :1 heap of "" '"" ,....,,, • .

1.0 I I - s tr " Wh•- -- wu.....,m• b>Jidaodoflklat _, tt l o n o:-s COI'ICO!\ un C · J 1 a. • J tbllday.,«l ,-~araboYr• wrlltu .

Uo y o_u t·un 3\~·ay ?' ' ,;huuLcd the --· · Br:.·t:: :2S'J~~~h!=~r, cap tam. " l m not runuln~ _ aw:oy, ca ptain, bu t. I clon 't want

tho:«• rufliaus to break my drum: Pacific )fail S.S. Co 8PECL\L :\O'fl1 :f':.

Set o u t n t1·ce ; plant. u \' inc ; cult i,·a te flow""· The lir6t will ,::row iu t.o·mo nu mcnt s of usc nnd majesty; t he &c<·ond into profit and he:olty; lind tho tbir•l will

'fuK Ricbing<-Uernard Opera com- raise our thoug hts t o tho bcauti­I'""Y "JI.-r bere on We<lneoday lui in nature. They a rc n tront­no•t- n esencd acat~ are being rap- , ty !~Orth cultivating. lily token. --- -•

- The Sultan ln1s sent. n nlcssage Alaska- 4,500 Tons, "At what ngc we re you 1nar ol'condulencc t o l\Iallnm Thiere.

11ctl"t" Mkctl ehe, inquisith·ely. It. would hue boon moro appro­But the otlocr lady was l'qnal to p riutc if' . .Mf11. 'J'_ bad 110nt a lew the e m ergency, und quil'tly rt>- words of sympat hy tn the S ul­eJ!Ondet.l : " At the pareonngc. tnu, coneilicriu.: tho fix he i1 in.

WUI leuu !b·o Fraodero on


F4'U" \'lctotfA, Port 'T'~w.,...,nd. '-' f".3t t l "', Olyru­pla &nd T~m•. SbittJ)o r .t wi11 pi~ lak~:~ltVo-11celuJ(t \j••• l bt"lr fn 1gbt " '"'oJJ. H . L. TUHIA1~9. -~W·n!.

Flret-Ciau Acc;»rnrnod•tlone

,.,,r r.~m"'" M4 tbt! TtaYeltaa ; t~~VU~. .,_,.. 0.. OQ

HUNTI.C EXCURSIONS WW_tlolo ____ _ ·-11¥111 ULLAID,

A. fall &IIOJ'ta..•nt or Wio~•. l ..iqaon and Cordial• llw•r• OD ht ' ule a& low ratee. W., caU •peciaJ aueatiou to our euraei•e lltock ot

Clgare for sale at San Francisco Prices FRON'f STREET. S.EA'l'l'LE, W,~Tj

The MJcheet Prloe PaioJ for Hid .. and 8klnL

Anoanr-u -L4w. s .... un.z, w. T . To Otb-Jtoota. ~o:~~.!::t~· 0pP"lM

Fanners and Loggers I c. H. HJ.IFDID.-ATI'Oa..'<&T-AT-L4w, Su~. W. T;

O•nc:a--coo. w-·~-- - -·,---=---=-::-:-::-::-::---c. D. EMERY, CoUlC6ELOB-AT·LAW AND PROCToR

fll' An10.1L4LTT,


A Vau rapid, ..Co &Dd euy wa1 to make money, i• to prooare tern­tory to introduce tho latest nsefal in­•entioo that ia wanted every day, b.r eyery one, everywhere, who boa a not a f•U. llis<otl -ing machine. with table an<l treadle, for only Eighteen Dollano, JUNIJ'ACTURED BY TU'I: l'EDLESSJU"O

cO. ar Pn:a..t...D&inu.-. doeo tbe umo work IL!Ia manhine you Jl&1 eighty dollars for, rapid, omooth and firm .. ork, and mnkeo a seam so strong the cloth will tear before the stitches rip npart. A<!"cnts only need obow thern iu nperation to sell in every houso tbey enter. Thirty d ol­lars and UI>Ward• clearccl daily _by smart agents. No such ma.:bme

T1R UGBT D ... :rr liTE.UlU

'2 WE.AT• CAPT.lll( ... .. .. ... .. .. ... L, 0RE>4'<'.

ww tow• u4 lJc:"'tnlD all atreaml enw~q a.~o hf'tll 3ouad, • nt.n U..t 4eCJ eom.pelitioa . 'l M far'lkn or 8DoboDdib. and W11111t.aa ~IN an relrpfdfUIJ7 1Dfor1Dtd u..a .. will..,., ............ g t4H' t.bwm . , ~•r· • ....__

-a7" &IIIlO. CIIAPli.A.»' ~ B.ULii:Y.

EastwicK. Morris & Co., CIWIL UD IIIIIG

ENG:J:N:EJER.&. 1-Jio.IB.....U'olhlldllliJ

:~~no.:':~=~ :~"~~"::~,A~ri:: New Produce Store!

a~~ ==.,ta.,":!. c;::-....:.=,. "':!..""" marlStl

D. P. JUitUI, ATToBNXT-U·Law ktieL .. l~ 0

hr1*nlluatteDI~o ~...._ O.u¥~-..~ ..._...~:-


- DE.&.LD Uf-


U fl 0 E R T A K I I G .'f? I HIIIITlOl<. ~~~.,':A;~.;:.oF E.UIILl£8 WALTER GRAHAM & SON

Tbe aodrnoof~ Ia Pft..,_ to .. lilt~ , Dcmnntl inci-e&Biog ef'ery dny • of U"SDEB·rur.:.o. Aect aU Ol'du•te-,- wt ...

whore they hccomo known. lllin- ,....._ ILlu.II:P•"'-""" or nouoo' i: 0 iot.,rs. jodl{et,IDwyen, editol'li tait- Com•IIJI!Ilea R f'rt I: lim(~. ..,..,

o rs macbinests, &-e., reecomeod cl!~t~':'or:;.S:~~~=~- !I .. Wo ~-tlJC~ perlecl. Rigbt.M gi~on freo to G I p d p . . ReoW.aca, l'ro<lt .,,..t, S.olc ... llrst applicants. If thero i•oo ageo- enera ro uce & rOYISIODS, 0>23-l m T 8. BliiiSLt-CJ in lour plo.wc write lor 1t or buy a mac:hone for yonr tamily or refative, Yeslor'e Wharf, Seattle. w.~T R~utt>u Con


1 Conapaay there i1 nooe better or ~ ehea.,. ~ Machines 8Cn t t~ all J>Grl:s of t h e a. we lb'e p~ to r«:eJ .. o eoosii(U- T 1~ ~~~'i~~ :U:tt!e~~.:!t~-=: eonntr\'9 OD recmp\ o( pr1ne, SIS. ton~t•, llOd willllft r romptart"nt'ou111o"" bolhUa*'·•~llMIIOU:booD.,..,... . All Jl~a,d Ath·erti~alf!Ot begionin~ , ~ ::::. 0 \11' lJ.De Of fN W all VU'11 Of tbt .,._ ladled 10 :~~~ ~

tftd.twl:r oop:Mr WAL'I'Dl O.JUn•x a lOll. 1 e.attJo,- 1. 11•. • -

I /



Wbidt we will f'OI:t.~t" W'itb t~ beet )'IGIIIIp ;. U.. --.rW. aQCIO


-c ...

t'tUT ST., Surn.o. W. T.

z c • G

BEEF! Bi:EF! 1 w. H. SHOUDY,


ProprM.&on UHl WhM:.ble aad:lletall J>.e.kftla

Beer, Pork, MotUon. Veal, Care Meats and Vegetablea. Work O•ea kepl tor ale.

tr' l' atrooage rttttJlt'QfCully ~elicit4Mt An~. 5. lb7•.


j •. ·:~rr

9 Pleasure Gardea


\V. P . ':lti'JTH.


1 ~o .... rAn, tsJ.AN\' \tr ":s: r rrr. 1·on J '-' tt4l .. • t


White Lead, Linseed Oil, Putty, TU.BPKNTJlm. VA.BNI!IBES (all ldlld8), SHELLAC, CAN COL­

OBI;, D.BI COW.BS. t.JI - .... , of UL.\88, Wurt­ING, PAJU8 WBJ'rll, X&LIIOIIINE allll GLUE.

Alto, a Foll .Aaaortment ot.Broahea, Gold Leaf and Bl'011181. 'W" ALL PAPER. Ready Triunned. ·

1 bne lbe 1arJ1eot aDd bee& .....,rlmeDl 011 &be 8oaad, at prieee to aU lbe limeo. CoDIItauiiJ OD baocl R U B B E R P A I N T , aekDowledpcl 1o be &be boot paial iD lbe •orld by all thai bne 11-t it.

17" Prom!" aUeDtion paid to ordero from abroad. oep14tf

G110. W. !Wwa.


:r. F. :Lv.J:orrill, CITY DRUG MTOR.E,

'1:1Vl:J..ol.eaa.1e d) Dru.aatau. 4 OCQIIII'LPTE,8TOCJ: OP

Truaaea, Supporters, Toilet and Fancy Articles

ImPOrters and Jobbers,




Teas, Hardware, I

STOVES. fheN i. DO happlnea1 or pea.:.. Ia t

familt withoat & GOOD OVOriBo Stn•e or ~an .





Cutlery, Class and Crockery Ware, I iY Aflf COOKING APPARA TU~ r !

I 4:0.000 I m Use ou the Paciflo Coast.

tf'li•ers .. lly Acknowledged

Hemp and Manilla Cordtige,

Agricultural and Mining Implement~~.

Paints, Oils, Blacksmith & Oarpenter Tools, SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS f Cumberland Coal, Iron, & Steel, Flour,


H .A.VE NOW I~ STORE ANO W.\IU~ llOU3ES Al' S I::,\.TTLE A. l 'Ur. L 'iTOOB" ,,y ALL UoodH ID thf"tr lint!,"b will be ..,IJ •' the LoW"eRt fl'1lees })01'1;;-i\,l e . "1 ke tnfM ud

pulllic l'fJIU:r&UJartt in ric~ to• an llaKJ)I"Cfi4ln ·•r their ~tock aaA ( •ti~. Tb('i r pa;~t ~eu Jt>an' btub.~ in tbiMeitJ t• S gtl"taut 4i! tu lb c publh: of ri'K!~Onable pri~ll for i-:O<ld J(ot"tl-. .


Guaranttted t.o Give

E11ti1'C Sttt-il;{action.


! , i1•t \?,'1 I i~. : :•


. ,: .. ~ :l; • , l'orctl &ll ~~

' '· J apanu•d. t • {. t.:_l lj)d.!

Importers and Commission Merchants, ·r1 N \f.J ~ RE


CONSUMPTION -vv-ines Liquors Positively Cured. ' '

All•dert.DC t'I'Om tbi• dJutaM tW an Uldou111 to be cured., abOQJd lf7 Dr. liiifU:Iel"'l Cdebnc.ed ColmlmpUnl"o1rrcklra. ~powdtn aretM uel7 prepuatioD bowa tba& wUJ eve ())n­wm.ptiolt aDd all di~ ur tbe tJuou ud Lllup-l!k'~Hd, .o .. ro11.1 i11 ow faith l8 tllna, and iD ont.!rto CODl"inotr )'OG that tbe7 aro ao b1UD)Ng, we wiU fonranl to e.-,..,. awr~. bJ -..tJ,polt, a FAUTU.U. .OX.

Wedoll"twaDI J OV IDOL.eJ' ..,tilyouanptt"­fedJt'at'*4withu.e.t.r eura,ive pow6f'a. U JOUr )iteW won• ~aviatf,dob"t tiel•) hi. fl ... t.eMPuwDuaa trial. u tl:tt7 will RftllJ care . ....

- -,A.:nd. O:laa.ra.-

Acuts for D. F. C. HAID·MAOE SOUR MASH WHISKY •.. . AND .. .•

8 h affer's 0. K. Bourbon,

dt!!:;e J;'urnisbitE Hardwart . '·

rtN, SHEE'J' .• or4. AlR' COl·.Pii:B WARE.

11 Ruol,.... 1'1-•• and,....... Jf'O~P\1•-t ......... W

The Pacific Mail S. S. Co.. ~ ww .. ___ n_ ...


Oa tlootr rao.,- ... l'lllo 1i1Qe

"" j

Prlce, for....,. boa, $.1 oo. ~~eot tfl ... ,.pat of tM Ub.IW 8teltoll 01' Callade bf 11P.a1 oa ncetpt

~ or:.=;... At ~._., Fruuc•l,. .. o .Prloe ... DAI,.m AU CITY IF PAIAII&,.

I At the Bar .luet Publl•hect I

ASH & IIOIIBINS 360 Paltoa Sf,....., 8 .._..., JC. Y












B R I CK S T 0 R .E , "lno llourbon Whl•kles IliG COIDITRY II

Choloe Imported Brandies, ; IN WASHINIITUI TERRITURYJ IIOSt French .t. •atlve WI nee, , I lrleh and Sootch Whlakl .. , Coatplk>d from thf!l latettt antbenlfe .,1f\'"YIII, I

En&fleh Alo and Porter. ! puou- • • 1

GENUINE HAVANA CIOARS: I EA.8TWICK,BOitiU8&Co AJ1 ., wb~ lW! ,.,.._te P'IIN .,_•lm:"'ri-Pd. I

CIVIL AND lflNDCG !:XOilf'I:EDS, .&ae:atfotttwl

I. SE.\l'TLE, W. T.

«JIPIA OYSTER COMPANY, on..., .. ,,. boeW on rollero, or o iQod In W.wh:u.IIMtl.tll'lr.llt•"*PPl lotdatlbortaoUce llt~Ciotlleoven. price e. Sea& fnreb)'m&U

.wl'l-2a Jl. OLEASOS". ua rectlpl of prioc. ~~It



FRAUENTHAL BROTI-IERS. Commcrci&l St., Seattle .

4 LUIO. Al'ID FIXI 8'1'001[ 0 ..

Dr)' G..... Cletlalac, Beotlt, s•--. Battt. Blaaket• Wall Paper, Ca.-petit, 011 ClotJa. IIIU.ery GeM,

Traak.., l"all~~et~, Fan. Et.e., :t;t.e We ~ball elkleaTOr to lie tnowo for tbtt &~t Ooo.;tt aod i.ow~t Prtt.)N.

... I'RA UE.,'TIIAL:»RO!l,

---sze "' c.t..., '" "' ....,.. ,. ParTie..._ appl7 011. ..._.4.

a. L. TIJIB4UI, - .


I OL<>T~Z:Na.. I Cape, Boote, Shoes, Hate,

and Furnishing Goods i 1 of all Oeacripti0111.


I I'OU.D. f A ~ llt!monadam BGoJr:, n

l•laan.atJo.ttU.weeUIIit.ce. •;n.ellook ce.­&alua Daaber of P "'penat te &Mo ..... ud CUI "- NCOYt'rwd b,- appiJI.I;.I te W• ofiCf &Dd pa)'ia4J for lbia adnnii~IDtDt.




, _


Telegraphic News. racr n o &JCD'TO •T&TII. Aae iA woman'••r •coc: ret. AnMher Mormon Butcher Ar- J ordan, awom to the or poailo •horo I A Fearful Rlak for Clrla. s.,. i""t.u~ouco. Oc• .. tL- "olhu•u & The Cluelunari ~·nqu lrtr i• of opi ~t io.n rMted. Co .• importen of clotht, &rimmiog•, that en·ry ou• hke. tbe bowl of bl~ owu Oriu Porte r R vckwell, waa arrest· ero., boYO modo tw a.•lwumout to credi· dolf, eJ rn &It Lllko on the 30Ur ult., on EI.STERII STATES.

and got baek to the CJty . l.le rch~t-, 'J' irc Jl!l&tor of n "burch in ooe ~"<1 h i• s tor1 to ~a~y persons. ehli of our large cities aaid, not lon! there, wh~ w•lhog to leshfy 10 ngo : .. I huvc o ffi c iated nt forty

b l tor~. Tbe bo oM 1111 the 1Mr~e·• nf tb~ NotlJioR: emu e xceed tbe \'MhilJ uf &be • c harge or COmJ•liciL, in whuL ;,.. ATu.S'l'&, Oct. 11.-Tlae Repu · t.oaa youth wto bQ le•rlitt~ l bow to roll a c·i· w~•' he tuforme<l them. Ho wao . . , 0011 allerward induced to go with a ~~· otlllmgs 81nco 1 cnmo h or o, and

•tate <OIDmittee bu$ oli•b•aded. or I~ ki nd iu tbo cil,. c .... o ( (oilure. dull gorette. kr o•u io U tah L\1 tho " Aikt·U !Ja•· t imn aod f J.traordio• rJ lot~. 'l'bf're lfr. •tedill, of tbn Cbfc:ago Trabamc aa .. -e . .. A company of !!.is: 1ucu lcfl WKI a mf'e•ior~ or ereU11oR to-d•y. ealle ::§f'DAior Cootul~g a bully a_ud a Seenmento, CaHlornia, in t he .,vriug

wembenr prr&t"n l 10 vo ted aye. profi'OS4'J friend to Jive io tho conn· JU eve ry case save one, I felt . lry, nn.t when be was a few milr s Lhnt the br ifle w ns r u n ning an ont or the eity b~ wu ohot t bl"•ugb u wful r isk. Yo ung tn<'n or bad the head uod borie<l by tho ro&<laulo. h ab its and fas t tendencies never The' murder of tho last ooe ..-as, ~o marry girls or the ir own AOrt, <l~nM, tile ... ork of tbe notorl~us l:lrll but d e mand a w ife 8 00,·0 s uspi-

WA-mJsoro :or. Oct. 11.·- 0 ea . Brown, •lee presid•ot c:r the n xu- Padllc Co. now be:re. decla red tb&t l t.o e-'>mp!'D1 11 not fal @.lfvring with o r aUfmptln~~t 10 loflatooe tbe 011:aniutioD o ( tbe bon ...

Almulll tbe "Dhre butiD ... portioo of conrd. . ofJM!I, with tbe i ntention of meet-the village ol Y •ca·,.lle, Solano caaoty, I Wben " Colonuto m.-n iJI u kt:d wbetlh

Woll<lurn. l\J&ao .. Oct. 11.- At tbo .. Je or tbe DaDiblet~oiaD br ... IIDR •tod. ~bert, two years old, waa booRbt by H . Y. Dendrix. or Decatnr, lllcb., Cor $ 3,420. Tbirty-oevto olber auim•l• brought the total som roalized to $1G, ­H O.

tugtttbt-r •. ltb a cumber o1 resfdtoueea er b"' lik ... to ~ l•nC"hf'fl, be ~e y.-., .. No, i r'l f \he Uoi-..d Statoe army. tbeu oo ' I'll be banged tr I do." it.\rA3' to Utab, u nder t l ~<· coomm~nd

wu burnt tbio morning. Ln• agg"'- Blue J eano \\"ilti• m• thinks lb"t a ol Col. Albert Sidney J o ir ll>•l ll. 'fbe gats upward• of llOO.OOO j IDIIIuraoc:e man CAD drink "" nl nch wbi•kJ ie eo tn·

R •ckmiiD, Bock,..eJJ'a IMOCtaWI, fur . So I.e ntlatea the circtulllltances in h;. ct~n . • • p u re, s weet wo mel!•: cnofo:tUriono with ouch miouten.,... 1n k ept from the t ouoh of ov1l to lene no doubt that he d id tho throug h tho y enrs or their gtrl­rloe<l. Be el011es liia narrali•e or h ood, givo the m&clvos , with all tbQ' mul'<l er with charming simplio· tlr~ir cv~lly dowur vr wuiuiiD- . ily. "1'ho man Duck," UJ8 he, hood into the k eeping o r mon , "ttol A. •hot through the who 'in btllle associations have­"'"" P"' oet'O!I5 the feMe lD a d ttoh . 1 • .' tl t d v 1 • 11' tb t A mg wns hung ou a bush to know e.une o u o er - a no a a

OYt r SSQ,QOO, di.rtributed lo ~matleo;ua moo clotbH a lt be Cllb fo llhft~le&nft parlJ COD.Illtcd Of t wo IJ r"l•r rl, amoogl~cal, ... tero ao.J rorelgo com- llue Iinnea. J obu aod William Aiken , u )'Cri!Oo pani~s. • TLe Preeldent f'Speetll , afler fbillll, to of tbe Dame or Bnck. onft whu W:l.'4

0 TllPt " ' T 0 t.. II Tb t kiM llorcon by lf"l"t•houe. At ..... at be call-·' ,.Colonel," and two olhc-. L • · • ••

0 . - - e a • bu a oort o( telep~oue ottacbnJtDl ror - · •

l<lrdaoe. at tbe T•nltoriol f'•ir I• Altlftli . biru. Tbe Aiken party are said to have

N&w Yoaa , Oct. 11.--AII jooroal• hero publit~b • olumiuoo_a ob itoarin of U ei&J.t• . delailing bi• great work• iD t;ontb Ameri... He bod bef.D •iek Cor

Tbo r:abibit of fr•it a ad •t-«• tablea wu --- lu.d iu l' "'JMidJ'. etock and molij)y uot lar110. t;peciroeoo of focc7 wotk 1' hc r ece nt d cutiJ in Chiua of to tllft nlue or 821>,000. Upoo reach· and marblecuttiog Wt re etpeololl,llc•. tho oldest mnle d u ce ndc nt or iogU.e MorllloD eeUiemenlatbe par­Atrbe """'" two ruuoing k•ata wore Confuciua cnlls a tte ntio n to tbo ty w-ar.-ed as s pies. Nolh1og, woo bJ F. Rowe'• Uuclo P•••; a,..t b•ot . f1 1 . fi I, being proveo agaiuat them, 53 eecooda; oeeond b,..t liG,", ....,ada. curtous uct that t 118 umi y ia the1 were SiYeo their libert7 u poo

tho place We retu rned to the city belongs to them, and thon lint! to Gene;al Hrsnl's. aa per ngTee- nl> r epeotanoo in the sad af\er ment. ronoJ ~im at home with G~n- yeau . '! 'h e re is but one way era: Kim hall , 0 . P. Rockwell, nod ' out of this tha t I c un see, and aomebotl7 ehie whuoe nomo 1 d o not t hat is fo r y ou-the y ou ng. wo recoiled now. 'l'bey Mked if all ru n f t h t 1 · · ' was right, aod I iold Llrem it .,. .••. . e 0 . ? cou n ry- o. r cq01re They got spode~. and we All " ·cr t ·~ nsaocmt•o!'s oud ~8rr1a~e, po­l.ntck. deepeued the ditch, and l.rnr· l'ltY for p11rrty , sobrrety lor so­ied him, returned ' tn (Irani's took l.r t·iety , and honor to r honor. &~mo -:';biaky, 1t11<l separate<~ for I he l 'l'h ere is no ro:t~on ~hy tbe­nti'Cht. y o u ng men o fth iM IJhristlon land

eome months, ha•inl£ h&d two etrokee New \ ·oRJt. Oet 10.-·l'be atate.meot the o nly o n e w hic h bM r e tained oonditioa• tha\ tbey abonld returo or pualr•i•. aod bis lloal malod1 u d . . to Califoroia by Ure southern route, uid to bne beeo10Ct•oiog or tbe or \\:ao. AI. TwM<I, onb.aitto>d • obort a gr.m poett ton owing to aped- u U..7 would not be permitted to

t'••,.••·ms•, Oct. 11 .- w ... tber pl•u - li llie ago to Attorney Oeo•nl F.Urobild, igreo d e rived from a peace fu l f!O -~to joiD the army after p .... ant aud bright; •lek doiog well ; 00 io made public and contaioa tbe oamoo thi nke r. This fnmiiy holds the 1og throu!h ti>e 1'erritory. Two or dealltt . Some ne w easel ate rcportNJ , or 21 ~o&UMtore wbu were fur votes b ' I I h , , tl the ,.rty re~Ded in tbe city, and

or •ileue.. •g ICSL Jl a ce Ill t o •lhg om, tha 6iaa• '1111d Ure two oti>eu pro-iocladiog twophr•iciaoo. t!o•oral bo· w.aBt.r<OlOl<, Oct. U - Tbe proai· C!tl'C[llth c throuo itsell; uutl hns ~ee< lo:~ . ooutbward from Salt Lak<! tioeea men oro •odo .. oriug to com- deut'o ID""""'!O will eo .. ttborejiOn rrow · d . f '>O'> Cit7 •lib tiD eeeort, of wbicb this meo,... again. the 10etetary nf war, aud Nlimatoa Cor re tamc •t or :. :. y enrs longe r Ori• t!larter Rockwell ... ,.,. elrid.

New \"OilL o~t . 11.-A B.a ..... tot - .... OQID ·-·· •• pt"O•ido fur rba tlran llu: Cbriatiun era. The g o \•- WIIIID tbey bod reached a 8eltlo· ter aayatbere i• a.nooeral teelioa or de- "'"'1 dorrog tbu ourn ut a-J 1..,,, eroorsh ip of tho d istrict s ur. meat called Nephi, lltlveuty·Ove

b • Tbe~JeetnJiar-y · ·"'-· • D . , PfOIJfi•Uoo or ! t- f ~-· T <k th moralizauoo among iKu!urg~ala. Dor· f31 ,28"2_000. 1nelndiuK $S20.000 I\~ CO~.. d ' th t b ( tl m_._... IOalb 0 o;;..., LA~. e . 8 eom ... ion tbo tr rek 10! sarn od•red -'tb arma ut •• <be • • • w• r 11o•~ru11 or baildru roun '"t: "' o m 0 10 5"g e puiJ ntOUid, aod u that WO.!I tbe laM

0 •• r. • ~ • g o. a nd nn es tate M' IG(),OOO ACreH oetllemoul t.efore entering upou a and bagg1go. It i• rtpnrted U•o. Peo• f be aecretar7 Dfll"" tbot tbio opproprla tiou be made "••ilabto hii!Df'dr•t•l1. be- a re stilt h eld bv tho r eprcsen t.a- ,_ fl'l•lu•nted road tha.o that o••er

degu t bas gooe to LAu~t~ne.llo to open eii-Dtte or ioe. c:urit1 of tb• u1-.eut. "' whicll they had alre&d.J taaYeled, i t. ntgotiatiooo for tho • • n eod•r or moro, bartding aod coo•taut d• ugora · wbrcb ti\'o of tho family, whic h no w oeema tbat Rockwell bad ordcn to the grf'aler portion o r wbom • re ()m .. tbreateu tbe T•la~~t.b le n~ord• acor~ Ill number s ove r c1cvcn thousand aooo •fter •• nee the m os ." 'J'lae en s.

Cnu AGO, Oet. J I .- Senator Davhl ur .. ri • ed h t>rtt 1bi11 moruiog ~u ronte tor Wubiogton. Dt:t he, io eouoec1loo wilb Jodge Dnrmwoud, preparing a bill for a new j adiciarJlAw .. bicb be ioteud• to Jotrodaee at tbe coru1og ReUioa.. Da•i• will oomplell! tbe brll alter be re-.,bee Wa.b1bgtoo. It coutempl•lt"S a ~Om· plot• obooge in many brooebu or r..J­eral j oJici:trJ ,.· bieh JudGe Da•i• ft:els is io n b:fl of ...nme n fo1 ru. It h Lia ,., .. t scheme, tt tJd be wt ll work Rtreouou,.lr to lleeu •e Ute pas.a::tge of the Uall .

New You:, Oct. 10. - T ln:• Tribut~·•

Waobrogton oped•l ••r•: Tbe io•e·ti · gatioo set oo Coot a Cre.r tb~ pat•ot o1llce !ir a to ascertain w l.Jd meuarH were nec: .. oary to pr ... n•e reeord~ or the go•eromeol (r.)t:Q destruelioo b1 ft tme"• baa tH nhed io aome starthoa dl~e-loe' cree. Por iut t.oce, h wa.e d i8ocn e red tbat lb.- wa r d epartmll!nt a lone rent• no lee1 than 25 build ings, for which h pay1 annuall1 $ ;;G,2GO, Tbeoe are in ad~i· lion to tho tl C' pa..rtmeul build log. ioc lu . ded in wbicb i• one of the most com . bat tible boilchn~:.• in lbe citr. Tbia boildiog ••• orlgioall1 Qlled u a botel. bot ba iw• n m•d• uominoll7llre-prooC bJ lbe ao troductioa of u·oa Rl.l'deN ud brick arcb... Ool7 ooe or tho ,.atod boildt"'!" io e•ea called a,....pwof. Ia lbbll daogeroua 1trucuu.. are MotH origloal mo.uaoeripll or -.. .... or tho lleYolal.ionarJ war. war of 1812. lrbli· oan ••r aod wu of tl.e rebellioa. aod all IDdioa wano, a1 well u olllciel ro­porte o ( ali olllcon wbo .-tieipa&ed ia lbt~w. Tb• military record ol ••«1 prhato oo!dier •lao eernd Ia lbe lata war i• alao iocladed -o-. U... pa. pera, a.a.d tbey eont.Uo e•ideoee opoa wbicb paytr>eot or about 125,000,000 or peooioao are a1>Duall7 mode. Tbe bare llalt.meot uf chMe• would a.m 1aD'oie nl to iodoee eo•greea &o make fmm~i .. te appropriatioa for proteodoft iu•aluable recordA ot tbe go•enameat, DOl ooiJ in tlJe war department, bat in all other deputmeo1•, from pol'i ible deatroctioa.

l J&o Motu., Io,., Oet. 11.- -The 81alo Rtgi.Ur hu rota ... from half tbe eoautlea io tbe State aod partial Ntntoo Ctom tbe bo.l...... I'bo total poll Ia about 1 250 000. or tbio o .. r bu 130,-000; ln•b, 80,000; StabLo, 3S.OOO; J u­anp . ft OOO. n,.pnhliNb m•jority oo joltrt ballot will be •bont 110.

iflll lofts. }'or r~va' r aod !IDJ'porl or I be doomed men atopt.Jed at the bo uKe o f AOidlrtA c-t=wctery. •m • J>propri .. tioo or perso ns , nod nil this multitude .. "very excellent mno" by t he &ltlii.OOO •• r<comrueuueu. 'I ~• l•»t arc s u bjec t t o him, w bile i.e re- of 'fimoth1 Jl. }'oote, and from aomo cuugrew f•ilcd to W•k• a u a p propria11o D f til. \)e f h • f .• ' f ror tbi it purpoae. 'fo CO DII UU e f bu r tt- CCIVC~ r oy :\) ~~nOrd C \"Cll f ro m :au:a ~~': liD~80 bee~ ob:~ledDt~:t •!>ion aoJ pubtrcatiou uf r.t,.t .. rebi••• · the lllgh t ~t oni t tnls. l leada now to tbe apprehension of the auretar1 allko for $.30,000. 'I ~" 1l tGc:i~ue.r t•f t b• utt•J d t: parlmrut 11, - - "~ l"tookwt~IJ . A council waL'1 tLt!re h cJJ about ,$".1.100,000; cbat of tb" d•pa r<- A . . .... or a.conuJIUR fra•d•. pe..,.,.. by tbe Mormon dignitaries or Nephi ment or jn•uce, about $ t.i0,000. t;ee . tratl'd in :Sew York by • Pine atroel io- aod tbo pioo of •· tuiog off " of t he re h•ry Scburz nk• fur $a3,000 to ' " IJ•u r • nr .. nce bro ker u•UI•J Wt Ua"m c. 0 11.. four G e nLileA Y M dt:cided u po u . tbe d~uag• suettuuf"d • ' •be mterau r m•u, wu l.lrnuubt to Jigbt no t he 341 Dnrf" :'"' thtt 83mo n igbt on which L'ae d. pan ment Lr tbe recent lire. At rho . . couuctl was held a number or Mor · rcl(n la r ~titiou t be ~l tlliUJ w:ll rtt-- IDJ<t~, lb~.:munut of the forg~nu &f!~~· mons Appointed hy tho council &la&J't· C(tllJIUt ud in nd.thiou 10 ma l11 u1: 1he u p ... .:::aung $250,000. 1 be JltTnld. a lJnd& nC: ed aonthwa rd, a n J, t he Oenliloe, at ill •~r a1o:1e1 of 1be pretttut bn• .-liu~N 1e tiJe W KIIf.r tU\.fA: ••\\' Leu tbit eriwe rc muinfog under the escort. of Hook · 1bor .. ugbly fi r~1uoof. H•e trtcril' D t~C tt-n~w 11' & u~ 10 ftX tf!ncl w ·dwa y u cmAA th ti wu tlrRt diacoftltf'd thue waR a ualOhh we H. renewed the ir jo urney ou the cou rt yard, witb eub Atory, iu wb&cb " ll ind i~po~i tion 10 b•lh" •e t b .. t G1lw"n following morniug . \\1hen t hey h&&d rerord• or ob• ole.,.rtw•• •· notlu cur- eonld Le gal11y or it. but •• ••·•• I cir- rC'llebcd " good CaDJpinA' place by tuo re.nt U H m .. y be! 1\ture.:l. e oruetooce!l li-t'f'UI In lt>n~e 00 douLt tLat Lauks o f a 1t ream llock\\·ell toltl

A ••hg;row . .. •-'•..tat rbe R•••rat them that thllt waa tho besL ct~mpbg llllutl oftic-e to ·duy from ll.ect-iYer \Vu.rk , be a.lulla ..,.,. lilt~ a u lbor o·f'' forg t r.- pl.ce tboy woul d God that tlay. a nt! or Eor.k~. N .. ..d. , cuqurnug •boll • • iee. Co..,iag •o cl'*' ouou the b .. l• or there they wore to atop over night. eootrooe to roe.he aapiiCMtlouo ' " r the Alort6n rtaude ia Pbrlad•lpbia tbio The party of Jrlormoos who bad •tri ciiJ de-e·r t ta.nda? \Jomrui-iom:c eweot will shock eoa&denee aU o•e:r the started ont aheAd ol th.em o.o the \lr lli•w110n replied "" rouow. : l'un 1 1 prerioua oigbt bod wheeled round Wi ll concinnf tu rect:l\'w • PI'hc• tiou• for eoo utrJ. D t HI CAllie, u in llortoo•.c --.11

•tn ct.ty duer' Jauch . but • vpliC'aUOoiJ tbe criwioal 1111 a mao n·r r•ilpeet• bt., JUJU came up to them, & 'J it were, o n · mu~l be .cc-Jwpanied by uudo .lbted conaee:tioas, of the h!,::bftl atandiog fllpededly, and ukecl pt:rmisaio o to proof of their d....,rt cbaroetor. joill t.beir OUtp for the nigbt. Aller

Nc• \'ou. Oct. 13. -Jo.e Autouia •moDI( bankero aod or an appereuttr eupper tbo weary men removed their Choueria. d ivtoDJatio oomwi11"iouer lJere blawe le .. hfe, a ad I hi• aclde to liM belta witb !.heir pistols &Dd koivea, or tbe Coben tepobtic, pobUab .. au ptUo(ol and irritetiug iMpruaioo whicb lOOk. oil their bea~ overcoall! and tmpbatic deuial or tbo roportl iadoa- rbe •••n• t~rodnceo. )leo oalu .. urul< drow the .. o•er their botlil!ll .. lhey lrroualr circnlated by t;paarllb "':•nto wbu e.u b, tru•ted whoa •acb men laid tb•nroel•c• down for tho nigi>•. tba< a comprumloo will be ontered toto Tbey were eoon uleep. 1'bat th"re ri lb Spain b7 r.abrw patriote. Storiee breal thtir lln•te and tab to tbe ~IN»I oboald be 00 onddeo a11'a.ltenwg or

of lbi• , _ind ba•• beeo atloa~ for yean . .-otgu of cri•~· tb l t.h • f1re r :;;·~·;:~ .~:U:U"~:;i:: -~ ::r.: tbe@~~~m:r:h~ P~.ided eoog--.. n . .. ,. 0 0 00 b ow beu.. f!hakespcnre woe performing tb•-1•• with clabs tiDd the kiog· I boo tllll lo<IJ"u••b .. rborltiH ia t.:obe the pnn. of u king in one of h it bolta of tlae w.ogooa. •rwo of them tbot ~ cou an• r agalu role in tbe own tragedies bol'ore Queen wero inataotly killed. 1oltn Ailteo

I·~"!.:~~~&:~df3~o~ .. ':" Ehzabeth-, who wishing to know :p'rio::~ ~ig~~Yree':o.::.1~~r ~ li..~:;"k\il!.theaf";!~ "!/tb~ ~~: ~~et~f;ni~; . ~·t~~e d:~~~tr~;, ~=~· ~:t.i::C,!~i:;Jb?.: ~:: bora of tbe Uaioa Paoi5o tralo. A law dropped her hanrlkerchief on 1- 011 the ITOUDd. Tbe "Colonel" llrm of Topt~ka llu l>Ho retalaed by the lltage, aR if hy Rt'Cident ; on fted tiDd .....,la..t th .. bru•la, earryius Ute fothu of Coltioa to ia.oatiK•te tbe whic h the mimic monarch lmme- witt. him a t bot from the re•olver of -ttor. Eaougb ba boto leerned to d' 1 1 j...Uf) tile oteto.,..Dl tba.l Collloo coald 1ate Y e x e aimed- " but ere this Bock well, and belie•iog u IJe did, oot """ 1>,.,.. p._nl at tbo th .... Tbo be dooe, l.llko UJl our eiater'a Lbat tbe whole party bod been al• C\1 hu laariog • ,.,.. utOaot o1 handke rc h ief." 'fbls prt'lleneo laobd by \be beoditti, he lied Illicit -..eJ 011 bitr JH'no<>D at the tl•• of lri• ol' m ind in the poet and hie close to Nephi, M•er auapectiog that i~ tiMth u accoa••"" ror b, the otatomeut a ttention t o tho bus incsa of the wu that plane til at murder­blot lie bed jnot rtlaraed froar tbo e,. W ,..e. He !.raveled lwe.nty­

ock mu., wbtre be bad tebu a dron ! ceoe Is eatd to havo plenscd the five milea duriog lbe night, aud of ""tU. wlaieb lro bod oold aod wu ••· queen very muob. wh•ll be ~D beheld the Pf'Ople be tarol1111 wilb ttre moo•1• ... ,J,fiiO.OOO. ____,_ ,_ bod len only the momiag befont, be H11 ooo_~aot wht u arrt'ltod b .. beeo " would vou believe," said A lhougbt be wu ooce more and aocoonteu for 00 tb~ h1potbeoi• tbat he • relaled to &laem the incideota of ·tbe ouppclllld be bad falieu ioJQ.Jbe undo tbriflless young mun to a friend , or robbtte. , " that 1 hll!l a fortune in my auack, wbioh tt.ey alfected to bear

Naw YoU: Od..J'--.TM ~·ikM to- h h . ?" whb borror. Before the murderers morrow wtU aoaoeiiCII tllat til• ~Wlice gl'asp t 0 nt or evenmg len the camp where the attack wu blo•• dikOtored • bold aod nteu .. •e ,, How •o~" nakod the friend. " I mode the! Urnow tbe Urrea bod I.,. acbemo b7 'loll«)' • •hxfte<o o•n>t•iug •hook hands with 11 gtrl whoee I into tbe n•er, ond .lobo A.lteu, wbu rbe ule bece aad~ 1itoot<Ja, • rra•i- finge rs weru COt'ored with dia. wu not mortally wonoded o.s tbey dence, lhrt.Tord:AJ~, '1' .... ~. llofi"..Jo. mo n d s." oopP'*'4, ,.• i•od aofficiet~Uyto be l'bltadotpbia, U.ltiat.ore,. W••hi"'l'""· - ·- _ ,_ able to "1'1lwl ioto the Lrnsh , nod io Cbrea~r>. Ciochr'D~ tl all<l' !U. 4ur• or S If I d . tbt~ d arko..u ..... o uaeeo. He over· b nadreds of tboosand& of doiiWrs wortb c -koow c go IS tho c ro wu. ha&rd thA mnrc1Pret~c~ an<l Roeku•t•ll

1'he rettder or aucb heart Ieos • nd 1 ~hou ld not iJe j u~L a!! v irtuOuM 811• t .... eberoue murders ce.nnot but 11 w d .,. 1 1 f wi• h th•t every g oilty moo ornong .8 o mt:>n, o n 1 t 10 0~8 0 SO­them moy spee<lily bo brou11h , to N cty a nd ltl\·e be tho prtce they­judg ment. o ro forced t o p1y fo r \' ice, t hey-

will c ot JIU.\' it. f Bflmi~ with One o f tho .dntl~s o l' t h e Sec. sud ness thnt not a ll our y o ung

o nd Comptroler of tho Trea s ury , wome n n rc ~apa Lic o f t his h ig h . B6 Jlrescr ibcd ),y tlru nl't of StandarJ for t hcm~el t' l>l< o r otb ­M h 3 IS I7 • bl' 1 · 1 or~, but I belic,·e t he re are

nrc ' 1 1 estu 18 11 11g t lot enoug h earue~L, tho ugh tfu l girlo o lfl c·P, IS t o "su pcrrnt ~.>u!l t he iu the s ecrei.y o f o tu· co unu·y t o · prcRervn tion or the public nc. work wonder s if fititlll'u lly ~ouuts s ubj ect t o hi~ r o\·is io n," aroused . . Dcnr g irls w ill , _you whic h n o w <:omp rise the cas h h e lp us. m the unmoor Chr~st ?

. . . Wtll y o u , fi rst o f nil, be true to-n~!'onn.ts o f nil !l t ~l n rsmg o fh - you rselves :m.J God; so pure in crt·~"' t he n rmy a nd n:w y 1 I h e y o u r iun er a nd o u ter life t hat ruu inu D cp!ll'tmPnt, n n.J t lr<: P en . y o u ~hall hu\'e II rig ht to usk ~ion Offic·e. 'l'o np p rednt<' ~he thnt tbo young mnn w it h w hom CXt cttt :UIU import:tiiCC o r tltCSC ron runr;y ~bull be t.(rp ~a me.?

1 he ~'\ wtu I gu If o f chs hon or ts nctount ~ it is only ncce,s·:t')' t o ~ loo;o Leside y o ur rco1, nut! in it . st:tto t hnt t hey consiMt o r nlrou t tnth ct·s, brothers, Jo,·c 1·s, nud 400 cords o r abstract s, vouch o;·d sons a r e g o ing do wn. W ill y o u and r~turnil, nnd a r c l ho only, h elp us i11 our c;r·c•1L wo d <? O\'i tlcut·C in P08-''C"s ion or t lru - - ·-go,·cr n mc nt that the sum of SG,- A un E liza Yo uug h ns r N·ently U?O,OOO,OOO h:ls been p rope r·iy :uhlressCtl l'resitlent H u.:·cs nu tl t$bUrtietl . T h o new Second • Compt r oler , Jutlgo Will iam W. _o? en lelte r, l't·om L ookport, New Upton , l>'hv succcc•l• Governo r \ o rk, where ~~~" u t p r<'scnt re­Curpcnt or on O ctober 1, will, n o aid es. 'l'ho Iotte r is some what rlo?btl ntnke early noxious in- lco" l hy . She u t·gcs tho g o vero-q utry Into the safe ty of these "' . pu blic rooords, which tho lnw mcut. l~ put:~ s Lop to t h o helliah plnces nuder b is aupc rvision1 uud .. iniq u•ucs wh1cb nrc bomg trana­lttr the pr011ervation of which nctcd lo the cc nlc r o f ou r civili­bo, 11$ eupcrinte ntlont1 can be w t•on by the L otter Dtty Ssint~ holt! reRponsible, althoug h the . r~pers 11r c actaCllly in the c ust o- dos•~g as fo llows : " 0h, bow tly of the Sccuntl, Thirol and lo ng •t has bee n tolerated I The· Jo'uurth _\ull i to l"!l . L lood.aonked~ o f lonely lllouo-

"Far be it r:.:: ~s to dou bt the tajn Meadows, the brutal buteb­urd of a br«hol' edl~r, ~~nya c ry of the dissenting Morriaites,

the LaCros.e ~•~t, " we belie\'e t bo thousand murders o u the the m all to be truthful meo ; but Plai ns instigated by the ae­whe u tLu Durllotl Timu eays tho knowledged bead of the Mortnoo. water I ~ eo low at tbe mouth of church and dono by Mormoa. the C htppowa nver that Cll tfis b have to empiy mud turtles to t oo ls at. Mortueu <:vruma nda,_ ~w them ove r the bar, we feel h tt\'O been crying for vongea­u tho ugh the erlitor most be ltluny and many yenrs to deaf' aw~y. n?tl eome local minist er r urs ! S bnll the \ 'oioe" that riee, lillmg ht~ pl:lt'e.''

om of t he gory hialory of .Mor~ It is computeu thnt Y n \ UCO

oow poatene• •team engtnllll of an ~&ggrognte fol'\' o of l,MHI,OOO horso power . Thi• ia equal to the efl'ective labor o r 31,000,000 men , or about ten UJ:Dell tho in . doetria l population of the coun­try.

W e hoke annually f:lli,OOO,OOO worth o f l'Ofl'ce from W e p ny fo r •t in ftour, la rtl, coni o il, lumber, mac hinery, nnd ot her thlu~and g old.


~~ .~~:k:•.• b~ i!.,"\:;:.~·~~~~~::,:..:;•::~ ing g lory and perf()(• t ion of e very opeaking ur wluot bod tnan•pirod. ~tato o! Georgi•. ia hEre ,; pro .... ute other. l t Is lfOIIOrully tho la st leaviuguodoohtupoohis mindtbat bogu• Iotter, wen wbo ap~ropnarf'rl lesson which we u~quiro in tbo tbe Mormun$ b•1lae1t·J ir_ooncer' to fr• ncbi§N o f .,.. ('lJ Arii ttLie inath ntio u g r c..'\t u n t\"CI'Sily o f the world kill them aU. Ho m anaged get.

>uaoPu ><. kno~·n • • tbo lllo-ouic Uome ror Or- nnd "011111 iutlcl'tl1 pc rhnps th~ b•ck the next day to Nephi, fur •ho ruo, Oct. 11.· Tbe Spauiah (;UV· ~~~us at Atlnota rut u IJat: ia: tur iti ••w· m o s t n cvCJ' :lltnin t o it ut ull. tbt'ro wu "?~llere Plsc to l(O, ltnt~

eru iDenl b.aa paid the Americau minis.. Wun~Soro~, Oct. 1-t. - Tbe ~oose of ' -~.- 11~c~ liB Jo•ned the .. Colo nel ." • •·"0 ~" r Ia' ' · il l ' ·· l t ,·s t l·ro t1n1o-l•o••or cd custom bell' W•tnnd• wr ro rl re.sscd aml thtly ter ~~ .vuu oo arcouat o o 1m1 . o r r~prett··ocau•ett w not Ullll or""ulzed . were adviJted tn re turn to Sal t Luke .

IOMUA ineon ed by Ameriea.o ehfu oe !o fo r bmdaeM Ofofur·e 2 o'ulock to· •oorro• . in Ch iua fl_lr t ho ~mperor to put aod wb~o \be! were four m ile" ob Caba rbrougb tbe rnolorioo. ~~!;r.:l~!';.:i~';.'. ::';b:~;f~".:"~: b:s hn nd once· ovo ry y eur to the tbe wa.• they ,..ero trraellero tll!lv Lo~<ooY, OcL 11.-Tbe •blp Electra rng ri•be•~. rho• (urtht r detayiug or- P o w, t o show h is s u bj ects the murdere<l, their bodies wero loa•led

trow J:kl.too, Jaoe 29. fur Sao Ft1111• ~·ni 2.aliuo .. 'J bo &~aflto beioR • I ru dy h ig h c s; t im:u io n_in w h ic h agricu l. with ft)Ok a nd thrown iuto a awam1>.

Only five or tiix of the thir ty ­th •·cc buihlings occupied by tho g o"ernment in Was h ing ton nl'e rcgnrJotl us ftre.proof. lt is fo r tu nute t lrat t hPro nrc c •·r u t h ut number.

monigm coHing (or j otlgment. upon i t s till lie unhot'dod ? Do­oot be pe rso11ded thut the Mor­mon fuitb will g o do wn ore lon~r under the presaure or C hristian competition nnd execrAtion. It ba a withstood the comrct ition l'or fot·ty -so\'en yellrs, a nd in thnt t ime baa rieeo from a c hurch o f six members t o 200,-000, Rod almost mont hly ebip­lontls o f d ol ud etl rcerlli lH urrive nt the wharves of Ne lf York to u ug mcnt the •orrowfnl r nnk'a or polygnmous wivc8·o r co ntribute t o t h o wo rking untl tinn rocinl s u ·c ug th of t be Churc h. W h ile­t iro go .. e rn m cnt h :ts t ole rated un t.l wnit cd MC?rmonism hns pros­pct·e•l u ntil it dcrnnnds n l':itnte­to cnntrol, no d boldly cluimB r o­tog ni t ion ns n reltgious tfcnomi. nlltion u nder the oons t itutionat g uamntec,''

. put ioto Rio J aoeiro October 8th or~·~~~•~· rt wlllmerely w .. t •ud await lure o ugh t to be hdtl. Tbo two otbero who rt>mllined in cu~c~ , · • tbe ?chon of IJJe bou ~ae . 'rb" prtofli- -----~- Salt L&ke we re af~r•·ard take n hy leakrog . d• nt o n • ..,..go, whlc~ wrll oo bri.r, is A photogntplr~•r who can m:lke Roeltwt•ll Antl lri• IU!tO<•i• t"a w utlr·

JluciiAn<•T. Oct. 10. - A Galot& ape- now hr tbe ~•udo ot the po~Uo printer· R rno le 0 11 a ludy':1 chock appear ••rd. and when At "r be point of tbo clat .-au·• • pa,.A-e DRf'r .-eA~el from the E'lr ly ..Ctt' r lbtt organlz.rioa a rCROJu . t'''· I I . I . h monotal·n .. on tire aontbero . r St. Gt'O~ge tDOn th or tbe D•oabe. aect .. · lion vo'ill be iutrodnc:f>d and pllK~ to 1~ ': n t nup o 1.n 1c r p1cturc, D8 · ' rn-e r 0 kent ~t.Uy • ttnalt " RntotliiiAD t orpwdo &ad imnH!tliftote • nto p lci l"i lll: lho b u d "tt Hf' IUC\"e (1 t ho lug h cst a tunda r J or the Salt Luko l uwin , t hey we ro wnr·

d · · t.s' · 1 · ~ · <lcrunol,v ntlnckc.t. Duck , tbou~b b1ew up .~hh alt bau If. ~tg .. w~l ~ranun:; •t. h! le-... 1 liS })1'0 l'~S I011 . wouodccl, ile;.l a nti

1,)uo:;:ed into t ho


... . Pools nntl the ir m o ooy &oon

~nrl. It's worth while betng u 1t ~1l to hu\' O the mon11y to part wrt h .

" Tho P re!iae ntial Rrlmblor'' is whut tho No w Y ork H oral<f cil iiS tho P resid en t.

------~·4--·~ Do not e x pect t o mak e n 1-(reAC

cfl"o•·t H <' l'Y d:ty , Ol' t o ucb icve t 111n~c~ut.lcut ~xccllcu<·u nl nil lu.•urs .

WEEKLY DISPATCH. ry consent and contribute. to the degradation of their cnlt. Il• much All insult to crattame11 to coufer 'be oftiee or Public Print. er on a lawyer as It woald be to lawyen to gin the otlce or At­torney Geaeral to a printer; It being as u.ceaaary 10 one cue 11a tho other t.o titrm tho oftice out in order to a competent dis­charge or the duties of tho same. 'l'bere ia no more eaaon for sub­

through Georgia to AUanta.- Mr. HaJ08' T1tto. friends, not Bradley. The Re-Titaeontra~t between the Spring The editor of tbe Salem (Or.) publican• got the start ~f tho

Tho Hort'On of War. The following 'aad pietDre of

Bulgarian desola&ien is given by a cor.-.poadell&iof tbe London


...... 8 aaow':l, &. W. DC LUtT, P'.W. W.IM&o .. &..1101111101>.

SATURDAY •...... OCT. :.'C.', 1877. mitUog tbe offit'e of public print-- er to the competition of bidding

Public Printing. tb11n there ia aelectiog any other Tho Oregonian tpeaks in high- lllicE'r of tho government In tho

ly complimentary terms of the same manner. It IS a j,ramc in manner in wbit'h public printing which tho most incompetent and i1 executed for the Washing ton unscrupulous havo the :uh·llnt­Territorial Legislature, com- ngc, by which the most worth­mending to the State Printer of Ieee eerviocs nro secured, and in Orc~on ae an example worthy of tho ag~1·eb'llle the public nre imitalion. It says: "Tho bill swindled hy dishonest combina­prioting at Olympia is good,. tions and fraudulent computa­honest, fair work . The object is t1Jns to much g reater amount to do tho printing m a proper than is saved by tbe system. It is manner, for whic h fair COJllpen- a dcvico of smull demagogues to aation ia awarded.'' It givea us commend thewselvcs to popular pleasure to endorse thiM tribute favor by manifesting thei r zeal io Hr. C. D. Dagley, our Public for public economy, and is sup­Printer, as just 11nd well mer•tcrl. ported l>y a cln:ie or journalists He bas uniformly disch11rged the who cnn command nothmg by datiea of that office in a manner their merits and aro willing to honorablo to himself and credit- subsist 011 the refuse of their able to tho craft, io striking con more rcspect11blo cotcmpoFaics ; tntat w1tb the legislative print- a ~1118s siguiticn'\tly characteriz­ing of On•gon, every sheet of ed by tho craft as " rnts."

of _1874 in HilllliMippl .. d Louia1 Nercvry is a fair-m1ndi!d Demo Democrat., by eoatrlboting to i•a, and tho Autumll of 1877 ~ orat, oe~~servati\'e iaatea4 illNd- the election or Davit to a.e Sea­tt'- great battle-gro.l111ds of K•· leal in hi• poli&ieal VIew a,. ud ate, which aft'orded 111m a pretext t~~eky·,_ Tennf'l!see, ~~~a~ givesiDtelllgenteolllide!ation to for refusing to -ve 011 the Goorgtn, was aorpru11og, 1f not every ma&ter be discaeses. We board; a consideration u cor­amumg. I could hardly hiiVe have never seen in b;s paper any rupt practically 118 any wbitb credited the peaceful change of thOle peUy partill4n fl1ngs 11t mflnenced tho Louisiana Return­from he11rsay evidencu. 1 am the President which are 110 com- ing Board. But both partiea free to say tltut warm as I have moo in other Democratic papers were in_ honor bound to accept been in my feelings about the in thllt State which are mocb the result na float and conclusive, South; incrednloue as I lba~e more accustomed to the discus- and it ie dishonorable and mde­becn 11bout their professions; ap- elon of personal politics thou of cent fer either party now to in ­prchensi~·e as. I ba~e been about pontical principles; but he ques- eult ~nd taunt the· President as the Pres1dent s pehcy; 1 return- tion~ the title under wbi<:b Preli- holdmg tho fir at office of the cd from Atlanta aesured that 1 idcnt Hllycs hold~ the office of c~untry by fraudul~nt titlo or hnd seen the beginning of pr:IC· President .. He concludes a well- d•shonorl.'d tenure. t ical, permuuent pacificBt ion, ant- written rc\· lew of tho circum· If any purty ha.~ reason to de­is6ed th~lt it will be ns vain here- sinnet's which resulted In tho in- prE'cate the rl'snlt, it is certainly uftcr to chPck it on its onwnrrl stnllution of Prc~ident Hayc~ as not tho JJcmocrnts, if thei r pro­career liS it wus l'utilo to aUem115 follows: fesslons heretofore h:1vc been to stop tho irrepressible conlliA Tl•e Democratic party b<Ls partial· sincere and honE'st. The Hoard or 18(il to 1SG5 with paper pro- ly oobmitted to tbi• gr•·at -..roug for wiJich gave the election to tho torols. I did not, in the won- I he we of peace, bot its oobtuiSIIion Republicans d id it upon Demo-

fimu: • Dot tllll desola&ion, heart­

rtindloc aa it ill, waa eomplete ly dri\"ell from our minda when we encountered the . weeping and groaning misery 61' 1101n0 2,000 poor souls whom we relieved from tho plloga of acute hunger in our rounds through tho town. At first, as oar llrabllr halted un­der tho carefully boardt>d wi n­dows, with Enghabmen standing in them, their alcoves turned up nnd their c lothing ull wliite-with flour, tho poor things weroafr11id to open tbeirdoore. Soon, bow­ever, hunger driven old women enme tl'c mbling to a qui< kly openerle1do doo•·, itnd with n ner­vous ghmce up nnd down the strce!, hoiJ up thci r nprm•s and in many cuses slipped off their putticoats to rccei\'o tho shower of rice lind flour f••om ou1· pans. Each, according to tbe number of sould in the bouse, rt•ecived about a fortnight's su1>ply. All wept bitterly, t\l!U iuvokcd 1111 tho diff~rent blessings they could think of upon our h c11Us. By degrees, 6ndinu nothing tcrriiJle huppolllng, con6tlento came, and our wagons were surrounded by crowds of tarnished. looking wo men and children of ull ages, rushing and etruggling tn get nonr, In the vain ""d"a vo1· to be eerverl6rst. Women in the back ground held up their hastily con tltructod bag~ und their c hildren, 11nd with imploring lool<s nnd prayers begged not to be left out. }"rom mornmg to night Ibis h11e gono on lor two days, and still nol half the people have t.ce n approached. 'l'o see the despair euch e\·cning at dusk ns we had to deaist, was d rcn!lful , but with eve.ry desire to tlo our beat, we ha'"e to husband our strength, for oh·t•ndy-tho hot sun and bad smells of the fever stricken house~ ·:ne te lling on ua. W o aro obli~cd to keep n c:ureful lookout nil nigh t, as the bas hi bazouks ha\"c mado no so •:ret of their objection to our presence, and the uuthoritics nrc becoming decidedly cool, nl though it w:~s ut their expre>s desire tbut •we gave aid to the

which iM t.li8graceful to ~he art ' and nn e\'ldcnce of frautl, with Tho Pro.l<lentasa Pea~Makor matter •·hi<.b ought to bo priut- W~ile the rndil'als of beth po­ed on one page etrotched out loticnl parties are assailing, ridi­over two or three, commencmg culing and denouncing tho Presi­near the bottom of the first and dent for travelling through the extended perhaps a line or two country W1lh a portion of his upon the last page, the whole cabinet, meeting :mtl talking to being cborged by the page, mnk- the people face to taco, nil con­ing two o•· three price11 for com. sen ·ati\'e people t•ccognlze in the position, papPr and press work. manifest results tho most effcct-

'l'his fraudu lent system origi- i\·e inftacnco whitlh·baso\"et been nntcll from an a lmost universal prnctiee of party demagogut-s in t~uborclinatin~ tho newspaper press to their own selfish designs, by attacl;ing conditions to the public printing aueh as honom­ble m~mbcri of tho cr:ift will not :~ccept, thus lca\·ing it in the hands of subservients and timc­aervcr~ who can be controlled to do their bidding, und ure a\ t •berty to ('nhanco their profits by depredations upon tho public t reasury. In Oregon, the right& of printers as :1 cla111 have never been eonsi<lt'retl by politicinus in the aelection of eandidntca till' the office of Public Printer ; li has alm011t uniformly IJoon bar­gained otr in cooveotioh for aup. port for other offices, and fre­quently fallen to disreputable politicians who wore not practi­cal printers, and who farmed it out to printers who depended upon the " atealioga" tor their pro6ta. Under that syatem the newspaper l'rell of Oregon ob­tained ita unenviable reputation for a low character of journali~m which hat paased into a proverb as ibe .. Oregon style."

In tbia Territory Hen. Henry G. Struve waa the first Secr~tary within our recollection to award the printing to a practical print­er without bribery, and to that fact may be attributed the Jlrcaent honest diecbarge of the trust. During that time the 'l'errit.orial Printers have been Geer&'O A . Barnes, ( banker,) S . Coulter, (butcher,) Rogers, ( ne­phew and clerk to tho Secretary,) McElroy, (speeu.lator,)llnd Clms. Prosch, (print~r); only one prac­tical printer 11nd publisher, and he published the atatcm11nt in his paper that he paid Secretary Smith two thousand dollars for

brought to bear in allaying sec­tional prcjudicl's nnd restoring nmicablo rc•lntions bet ween the Nnrth and tho South . Through the personal influence of the President, MnssnchuecttM · :~nd South Curolin11 nccor<l In senti­ment for tho lil·st time since tho rormntion of the Union; Gover­nor Dice, of t ho former, and Gov. ornor l111mpton, of the l:1tter, vicing with each other in per­sonally honoring tho Preaident nnd sustaining the policy of bis administration.

lion. W. D. Bickham, editor of the Dayton Jovnwl, a leading Republican papor In Ob1o, ac­compllnied tho Preaidenl on his recent journt>y through the South. Jn a letter to bia paper he says : " l went Sooth on the recent Presidential tour with some misgivings as to the man­nor of bis reception, and iocred· oloas about the sincerity of the invitations extended to him to acrept SoutL.ern boepitality. I was more iocroduloue because in addition. to the sbooking bill­tory or some of the Southern State~ during a few yean past, I had witnessed violent sceDeS and beard virulent seritimeute in Louisiana, less than four .yeara ago, tbat bad impreesed me tbut the Southern people of this g~n­erlltien were incorrigibly bo~tile to tho nation that had been ea­tablisbed loy arms in 186:). I had even some prodential per­sonal doubts about \'entaring further South than Nashville, at least, for in f!>Y correspondent'e !rom New OrlPIIns I had been plain spoken. I had reason to think tltut tbe1·e were tboeo who l-end newspapm·s who woald not tnke kindly to n correspondent who had told tho truth liS he

must not lie ruiocoostrued. Tbe dcrl'ul excitement of the tou•·, wrong ·will never be forgotten_ or Cr.ltlc.principles. ·• Without mu-lorgct the humble freedman, tho forgiven. Mr: Hayea coorse_ s1nce nidpnl indcpcndonco thoro can

bi~t ioanguratton bas heeo, tn the be l l"b t "h prominent object of nil RCJ)Ubli- maio, in ..,cordanco ,.-i\h Democrnt no personu 1 er y , ns over onn sympathy iu the North. I io principle• and doctrine•, ao•l been an nxi.Pm of the Democrat­inquir ed of many about their therefore D<'moerats rpprove it. bnl ic party. From the organization

they are none the le119 firm in I be f condition, and they told subatan- vpinion tb<Lt he h>Ul 00 jost title to o parties in tlus country the tinily but one rtory: •Since ~s- tho office he boltla. He may make mnin conflict' und central idea tor lbveil hail been in, wo's all the beat Es~ulive tbe country bu bas bem1 St.nte indepentlcnce on

• ever bad , bnt tb<Lt will never prove been treated better than afore.' " tbo.l he was lawfully clect.ld. one side und central dommatlon

The writer fortber says:" The ' w e as e11rnestly desired the on the other. The majority of touch of nature, however, which election of .Yr. 'l'llden os did our the tl'ibun11l which determined brought about this great civil Salem friend ; but we believe ns tho election of lluyc~, endorsed revolution '1\•bich the l'resi¥nt sincerely thut tho title of Mr. and coulirmed in ite browJcst lius inaugurated, was be>~t ex- U11ycs to the oftlce is us cleur sense "nd ;n explic-it terms, the p•·csderl l•y Southern men und indisputable ns would hn\'c old Democnlt1<i dectrioe of Stnte thcrusch·e~: " llr. Haves trust eel been Mr. Tilden's under t he find- SO\'ere•gnty. 'fhc admitted pop­us.'· ~{:u\y Southern- men with ings ef the same bonrd of refer- ular mujor•ty of hundred~ of whom I tulked 1111id tb.ey felt dis- cnce. 1t cannot be impcach~d thousands for Tilden I!Ut no fig ­bono•·ed because the professions without impeaching tllf action of uro in tbe cuse. The nctiou of they made were not believed iu Congress; tho ]<;xccutivc and J u- the S tat<>, ns represcntctl by its the North, aud it. exasperated d1al deparunPnts of the Govern- constituted authorities, wae11lone them. To tbei r llStonishmcnt. ment, all of whom ga\"C appro\·- c:onsidercd, nnd the power of the Pr<>sid<:nt llnyes accepted thch· al to u revolutionary measure 0@ Federnl authorities to intcrfcrt> professions. 'f~ey were put up- an 11ltel'llntive to n grcntc1· cu- ing the IOcnl government of the en their honor, 1111d they s~oitl lamity thrcntcucd-a celhsion States, e\'en so far · ns VJ in1uire that thl'y intendeol to provo to between tho two brunches of into nud correct ntamfcst-frauds the P•·csi<lent and the country Congress which might r<·sult in in the e ler;tion of n President for thnt they could be re lied 1>n.'' ".narchy nod an overthrow of the tho who le U nion was }'OBi-

Constitution. Iu this emergency Lively d(•ni<' tl ; the Grl'at Sent 1t wns more l'E'nsonnblc for the l.telng held fl unl " '"' t•onclusi,·e

In conclu~ion: " l repent that l belic\'e that the Presiutnt's Southern totu · will p•·e\"c vastly beneficial to th~ ~ountry. It bas already cst11blished a better feel ­ing, and baa opened wldo the g1<tes to pE'rma.ncnt prosperity.' '

Newell, of the Walla Wallo StaleMilan, oye: "Beriah Brown ie supposed to bo the old ingrate who forged Judge Lew11' resi~:

nation " The old vagabond who invented that lie most have bad another attack of delirium tre­mens, or been again kicked out or " Cbineeo brothel for brutal indecency; tor no man not utter­ly besotted ever lntima~d or dreamed of 110 ·vile a charge against us. The 0 . S. N. Co. are weh:ome to their dirty hireling and all they can mall:e out of b1a Tilification of decent men.

Army ofllcere, wbeo called home to await o•·der•, are, the Supreme Court of the United States decides, entitled to mile age but not to commutabon while at their home•. The de­cision will govern a lnrge num­ber of cases no"' pending.

Even the l!ormons are enrag­ed 11t the ba•eneas of John W . Young, the dead prophet'• aon. in deserting b11 Chriatian w1fe. His first appearance in public with his co11cubine attracted scornful attention.

natoral n1otbe1' to wni\"O her rights than to consent to the tli­vi~lon of the living child. We oct ooly appl·o,·cd but ve nerated tb·o patriotism of those Demu­crats who, believing their party bad fa irly won the election, con­sented to refer the matter to ar-

as the ~ignet of Stntc sov<Jreign­ty. There wus no uncertain o•· doubtfu l interprctu tiou of this l11w ex('C(lt in tbl' cnsc of Ore­gon, where the Go\"crnor canscfl the Great Seul to be attached to the ccrtitic;ltl' of election to one elector and lhu ::iecretary ullixcd

Bulgnrlnns. •

Harry Melggs. l:p.!uking of tho late lla rr)

~Ic igl!s , the Sscrnn~cnto R ecord {[ttiu:t remarks:

llis n11n1o belong properly to tho pioneer times of Cnlitornin when he was n man of' mark

it to the certificate of his com- displaying wonderful business-bitration, and bo>und themsclveo ability and energy, and when b ·d t n tl petit.or. y every eonMI ern 10 111t <'1111 bnnng engaged in heavy tran influence honorable men to abide President lluycs baa conform-

ed totbepolicyofhisadministra- sactious, and being l'ressed for the re11ult, and amply have they money he yielded to temptation Lion strictly t.o that doctrine and been rewarded for their trnst by no reasonable l>emocr:1t cnn nek forged acceptances, and finally the advancement of the poli<'y fOI· more. fted, lening n smnll army of which they profeued to hold crcditore to cur~e his memory paramount fur beyond any thing 'fbe Emperor of Germ:\Dy ia But Heigga stllnds out quite it would hAVe been possible for adjudged, by common cunaent, uniquely iu this l'ra of swindling­Tildelfto have accomplished In of the fairer portion of humani- and bolting, ns a de faulter who that direction. ty, to be "quite the niccet old honorably set himself to live

Oar friend ia mistaken iu 1111- gentleman" in the world. Here down his disgrace, and who not 110ming that tho tribonel was 01• ia an illustration of hia amlabili- only acquitted himself of' lilt ob

• b' h t b w --'d ligations, but obtai nod from the pecially crnated to try the f11cts •Y w •c cornea o t o on and ieaues involved in the local first band. The other day there Legislature of his former adopt-

was a great review in Berlin, ed State a bill of indemnity, and elections. It wu simply to pus and some English ladies who survived to aceumulnte another upon the legal questions lovolv- were talking to him expreased great fortune in a dietant re ed in the electiOns; hence the their inteoae desire to witnua gion, and to cooler signal rna

· · f 6 J d 1 h the evolul1ons Now tbe v--1·8 terial bluein- on tho commun as!l()()latlon o ve u "C8 e t e · • -- - .,. 0 h h tL k f ity iD whicn he had taken up 8upreme Court in the commie- er, • 0 ae .. e een eye 0 ar- bl bod dent youth for female beauty, ill s a e. lie was a man of' a lou ; and in tho conflicting pre- known to a little coterie to be a great forco of cbamcter , and one cedents by w h icb a decision grCJ&t admirer of one of these Ia- who made msny and fast fr ionds could be justified in favor of e•- du~s, anti when he heard ot her Hie ~oneat . discharge of his tber of the claimants, it woe well request he announced his In teo- debts 10 Cahfomia proved him

t . f pi · ' tb 1 · b to be a much hett.Cr man really understood tb11t the commission- 100 0 com ymg WI t -to t e h beet of hie power, more e~pecial- t an his creditors wero once en could find good leg11l prcce- ly aa the day of her dcpar\ure willing to acknowledge. It m•IY dents for severally fUvoring their from Berlin was fast approach- Indeed bo ~~aid of biltl that be own party respectively ; he nce ing, so, taking up a card, wrote thorooghly liVo<l down his ono

Upon •be ' ·ack ot' ·t "tb 1 · t'rimE', und tfmt he atoned ro r ,·t the division, as near as proctical, • u 1 WI II$ own " imperial band, dirertions to the as fully as possible. The la tter equally between the two parties, military police to place the twe years of bis tile were devoted to leaving the odd member to be Englis~ !a<lics in the best railroad boildiug en u grand sel\lcted under n prescribed rule bitt position and ns near as might scale, and whatevPr t ruth there whic h would gi\·o tho position be to himaell: •· I Khn ll be on may be in thll rE'po•·t that he was tu Da,·is,an Jmlcpcndcnt, whoso horse-back," tho gailant Kaiser rcceutly embarrnssed thrllu"b

ad'lcd ·• but do • to k tho failure of tho governlllelll ~be \'Ote was t·onlidcntly relied U(JOn · • 110• o · at me or you will sec my eyes· full uf had contracted with to mcut its bytbc Dc mocrats,nnd whose own eeurs nt thE' thought of yonlcav- ohligation~, It is ccrt•liu that ho

the appointment. ~here is uo good r eason why

the \·cry re&pouslble office of l ' ulolie Printer should not be re-

Gilman, of iJ,sorance ac1·ip no­toriety, h11e thus far managed to escape tho dete~tivcs, who arc in bot pursuit. No tr11ce can be found of where tho il!-scqu•red

s:tw it.-nnd as it nt time was money went. politiculamlJition cust t he cho•ce ing us." n_mnssed gr('al wealth by Ius \'ll neCCII9arily upon n,-adley, :-~ pa•·· ~-- - rlous enterprises. lie bore a

abundantly confit•mcd. But the """"'""'""'""'""' At the interstate rifte match

garJed and ~reated with the eamo consideration and suhjected to tho same condition~ io nlgnrd to rcu1unor ntion for services as oth­er offices of liko responsibility,

cordial, hearty, and manifestly sincerll greeting of' the President at Loui~villc, wbe•·e Southern reeling was ns intense dnring the wur, und since, as anywhere else 10 the Sout h, tempted me on to Nashville, thcr.ce to Chattanoo­

e:xcept that printers and publish- ga, onward to Knox,·ille, nnd ti­ers in a spirit nf unmanly ri ,·al- I ually I found myself mnrching

between Illinois, Wi"<·oosiu nnd .Michig:.n, tho sbooti .1g at tho short rnnges was f111r.

Emphatic t·esolutions ag11lnst 8Lril<es and Htrikera hnvll been sensibly udopted by the Broth­erhood of' Unilway Engineers.

LY Hcpublirnn, whose party \"Ole Let ever1 moo keeps a eow high r oputntion for g-cnorusity •priukl., uu ounc11 uf o••lphur along lind many n fricn<l l1·.1s h•,td •·c~ '

\I'M no more censurable thnn y -tho ba~k or tho noimal from the SOn to ble~s th e uay when be that o r uuy olhc•· memhct· of tho horus to the llill twice at least dor- made known hi~ wants to opcn­<·emruissiou. ll:ul JJavis •·ct.uin- iog tlte •ummer; rnb it well 80 aa to hnnd<'d ll11rry Meig,;>~. eu hid pusitiun Olt the board, work it to tbo skin, aod Lito animal the•·o is no rcusonnble doniJt Umt will not be troubled with grob. io Tilden would h:l\"0 been declared the back or with vermine of nny e lected. It wus D:wis who be- kind, an<l .. m ke more quiet c1·er~· truycd the confidence of hi>~ way.

DIED. -~-; tb l.t-cltr. Oelobe.r 171b. Alfro•l tt .• ~ M C tpl ,\Jfn ·d and ~vpLI" Wc i(Ui·, aged 3 TCll" U tul<t"IU HI.

t uurr~1 will fa\e p.l -<"e t(i'l>nl...-:TOW at 10 .! . ll. rroru th11 ft&idf!uco ot ;, . I . l\f ~~.


' t

A MusiCAL Wmm ER.- Prof. J ohn roaming aboot onr otreets at nigM erintendent SbaUnek from San .rYoa IWwul Oioeop Work ..... ..,111

• ~~fL.-... " 'S . Q 0 0 A S · I b ' -·· · " Franft•·-~, work at the Seattle COlli ...,., Pt-.blq, -.. or o .. PltUIII. be ' ...., I ~ in•:::·:~:;·ro: •:om': ~:. :~:r~::: ~=r ;~:~:sd:.i::::!n~b::~~:::~ mine~ h~ reeeived a freah impulae. ;:;;~:. ':., u.:,. -:;;' :=::::u=

W A 'I' .E It:.

""" en;;age..l 1-y t he Richings-Ber· God it almost impoBSible to guard Tbe company'• oteamer on Lake Pot<... TllqllaYOt ... pipe tor au,wU<r or nard O pera Comuany this .. ·eek, is tb . h d I bl r th Union DOW m&kes four trips daiiJ, ........ aad • ar-t ~,. ~ ptttDJ)L ..-.

~ ctr flY an ,.ege a es rom em ; •' not ·--' of one, as heretofore, bring- u.,y do 1<olt Dial•• ODd J>lpo ..,,..,, '"' ~~~&id tQ btl second only to lito ce le· 6 ed · h _. Lruted L e vv for executi•>D on the two cows are DOW coo D to t e iog the full ciomplemeot of loeded ... uo.llaritJc U.. Ottebnlod Perforol<d Drl•• cornet . Mr. Saveoieresi~ a Belgian eorral on Yesler'• wharf because of cars each trip. In coneeqnence of 1rellil polaU,w~b .. b10w.U £ut . oclG

by birtb, aool is only abcnt 24 years their repeated attaeks on the mer· this, there is much rejoicing among - ...... ...,. ... OoLD ll111>.u,... • ..­

of age. Sumo years ago be won the c.handise. The owners of fine lawn• tho colliers at Newcastle. eollo llndi<IJ • Balot- f<~r U.. - P1>ola

firt'lt silver •oedt•l at 'Urnsaola for and ehrnbber• Hod it almost impoa- A PBBSO!Ir who reaently retnrued ~ ro:',a: ~=·wu':!.~=-1 :;' ~~~~r Lrilliaot execution. wiJicb was J ,....,....,.

&waruc.J by the King of Belginm. aible to guard fl!lliost the midnight to this oily from a trip to Oregon, --.~~u r..-taco. l .,or the last e ight ye~n tbia gentle· attacks of cattle roamjag our atreeta, aays when be came down the Col om- .._ Oota, BJL•.a. ua Gautt&Acu boaPt mao bu been in the employ of the and it is no unccmmon sight of a bia river oue of the a&eamships sail- ODd oold •• tbo bpft• Ctpr &tore ODd Bx· C bilian government, having the morning to""" the heantiful obrnb- i0 g from Portland to San Francisco C:..,p ~. b7 L. 8 · SUD .... Beo!l Clpn _go,·erument band• o! the army and hery of some of onr Jo\ owners lorn 04 To..._o1.,.,..,. lland. oc:31t navy onder hi• directiun. He held and trampled by these raagera A wu agronod, JWd had already ro- ~a.HeriO,

· · · tb Ch"l' bl _ _. h maiued in lhat oundition for 36 at-n, a eommt .. aon tn e 11an o•vy number of vegeta e .,-uena ave hoora. Tt.e disconaolate --ogera , ... ~ ~. and wu receiving a large oalary, but beendM~troyed daring the put week. "i"b" I" · •· -desiring to see .something of the An ordinar.r Kale, well eeeared. ie were aas.soas to uget out o t a sn BA..-.... c....-, at~~~··· ·united :State•, he sailed in tho ship no hirdranee to the average city eome way. .r WJLL cvaa ~. To o11 ...,_

Almrez for Tacoma, arriving at that cuw who once detetmiaee to nip the Ooum BJW>w.-Mr. A. A. Smith, :!').~-::.::::::.:~~!~'!':; port about th,..,., weeks ago. Sioee tender grase or eriop cabbage be· of the firm o·f L. p , Smith 1o: Sen, frl...t .,..,,_..,.,_ ... ,...,.to., • pue-tba t time be baa been otoppiog in yond. Ever 110 oubstantiol fencee 17...,.oble -dlcloo-~uo __ _ this city, until engaged by the opera 10metimee fail to pruteot the eoeloo- goee below OD the Alub for a new :_ =:•=~-==~r=~.!:. compo.nylaot Tu....Uay. Hecarriea edpremi-.and,.ie)dlothopreoanrc otock ofgooda,and willbeabaent """'""".., c.-11, ""'"-D.-to. letters of rcrommendation from tbe loronght to J>.r by theoe experiene· abon' 00 daJ'•· This firm haTe 10 r::-.,.:.t:J="'li:aA=~: Presitl ent of Cbi li. During bio atay ed foragers. What a cow, edncated ine..-1 their bnoineoe by gt1'ing d 1a ~~- o1 in this c ity ho ~"Ave a aelet!tcire)e of to the baaineu. doeanot know about entire aa&ief.etion in e•ery iutanoe, !:.c:::!'::li!::."'i:.r-1 n..,...c:red~ musici .. n• a number of Op)>Ortonitiea finding the weakest point of attaek aa 1o warraol tbem in making large ' ' .. fuoo -lllow .. u ... h- mt-r to witness his performance on the on an enclosure, CUI he told in a nry additions to their stcck. ::: ';.":.:,-.,':! =~·: .. ~~ cornet, and all unite io calling bio amall apace. The only remoo)l' is - ulca. 8••• b7-...o b7 -·• execution on that io•trument trull for people who have cattle running OTST&B 81JPPEB. -Elaborate pre- :::.:..:"n':'.""-.. ~~-7.r, Dr. o. B.

,.·onderful. In playing the "Carot· at I~ iu our city to have tlaem paratiooe hue t-n made by the ,·ul or Ve01ce" the melody wu most aeenr...t at night. Let the m rnn on b.utifnl:y executed in a low k<'y ' the com mona i..o tbe day time, wh&n J .. liea nf the M. E . Church to mak'l whil<' the variatiJns were aa dis- the,. c:au he watcbod, but do keel) the snpper to be given undf!r their tiuctly sonnded at a high pitch , them at home ni'!hts . direction at Y""ler'o Hall this even-g iving the 1\))l><' flrance of two in•trn- ing an occasion of enjoyment to all. men!•. All performers on wind in· n .. , Cun.c.- The .tb lorian en ten Admittanre at the door free. Sup· s trnments know bow d ifficult it is protoot al!&iaot the craelty ottondillll tbe per 25 cents, and oyoters extra. All

~ Ah, a7 trieDd. U )'011 lib M · .. pu-tt , .... .t bftr, lalle N p1~ to • Om ...

Dial tla&OOD . D., "bbD. ai tt Jllapl6qM I

W To AD....,._..- Book of lOD P*'l'!l• CCHDplete Uat of Ken.-ll'tn ud £4-.eru.t.oc RaMI. BJ Daa.ll 2$c. .&4dre• Or.o . P . 8own.a. ' II: eo .• liKW You .

ROOT BEER,! BAVlNO D•wlo!oekllnlialdiAnorolon, ovdd.ok .. 110110oltU ~ ..... olt.IJ

tat~rioraoda Wa&eniD

Delivered to any Part of' the City.

Leeatl•• of w.i~Froat, •• Bear .r w .. ...... w ...... 8eiiUie. aopl~tf - ----


Choice c ·roceries, P;ovislons,

Hardware, Fine Teas,l

Crockery, Classware,

Flour, Feed, Etc., etc.


trr Allooodo G""""teed u Rop.-nted. Goecla detl-la the clt1' free O! ellar80-

to ~:.kif> r!ipitlly from a lo• to • high abi pmtoot• or caltle rrom :&u teru Ore~ are invited to att.end. ke ,-. H is imit3.tion of birds is ex· ~on and Wuh1ngto.o to ports uo Paget cefle nt; he can al! o rea..lily render "'\oond. Victoria and A11toria.. citit:g an nll of the JeaJing operas from m em· iol'ltanoe wbere a baud or c~tttle wu de· Or \" . 'l'Uose who lis tened t--o his bril· liYe red at tbe latt.,r port tbat bftd not li;nt c-xeentions in this city were BO r .. tf'd food or wat•r f or lorty~lMht well plt>nsed that a request_ signed bour~t. Tbis t peciea of brot.ali'y ••• by n l iO\It ao pe rsons, has bet:n for· .,r..ctiefll in tbe Eutern Statel to IOCb

wtU,letl to the manage C!! tbe opera oo n teot that ilwu round o-•J to com pun_, .. n~k ing that Mr. Savenieres enact Rtrio~rent law a to protect the ani· be nllowcd to t1tJrform tba ·~carnival mtllM iu 1ht'ir trant~it Co market. aad at Of Y~oict~:' wi11J ya,rifttiODI, at. tbe prNt"Dl UDall the £utero r•ilroa.ds lbe appeuruncc uf t ho nompany in Ibis rattle ear~ are 10 oonstructt!Jd tba&tbtt c ity next week . ~·h i f•h rec·luest will. aoh"J:tl• ba1'e not ooly pleuty of atand·

b the caoe of tlae Territory ag ainot Cochran for maliciouo mis-

- ... Tai:U Will. h .1. bU.. tfti'J' •OIHI&1i' . W-daJ,I'rldoJ oad llalanloJ D11bt ot .,.h WH). at CuUar Fruit Stuld. Oct. 1-lm

Connnerclnl 8Cree1:. Seattle, W", T.

chief, in J uatiee Andrews' Coon 11( yeskrday, the jury brought in a nr· FOR TACOMA, STEILACOO diet of guilty at nine o"elock Jut , AND ~HPIA.

co., KELLEY A. M. Whol-le and Retail

oigbt. Fined $6 and coata, which • amounted to 880.

Esuaow.-Fred Barker, of the Front street frnit and cigar store, linda his bnaineoa ao increased "" to render ati addition to hia atcre build·


ZEPHYR D:R,U"GG :IST s iog rooJD bol are properly fod and

n o d oubt, be gr:mt••L waterod a& rt"gnlar lnlenala doriog tboir

ing oeeeaoary. Carpenters ftro at work building an addition in tbe l'8llr or hi• atore.

R AILROAD A cciD£."'\T.- Jn the Ore· =:r ca~i:, ~:;:«:dfr:;t•.i:.~~ .. ':: gonia,, we jod tbe particulars of a puked into cam .a thick tbat it wu railro~d accident which occured difll~nlt for 1bo18 to t.r.tbe. Trano­Lear tha t city J .. t Tuelk!oy. Tu~ ~on t tl bpodrl'do .. r IDileo wilbnot food t rain 1\'&8 proceeding to St . • Joe, aml or .. 1tt er. tortured witb 8oad and la•b. Tun ia talk of a eoune 6f lee· had reached the •nmmit, abont foor the "";"'"' rHCboo ito dearinatioa mad turea in t-..b oi\y during the winter· miles sooth of Portland. A bent 25 wi•b l'""' JWJ terror, aad in tbat eoadi- onder the auapicee of the Yonng passengers were on board. The con· tioo i11 cln ,.t o to 1be ll'laof(hcer pen aud • . . A . . Tb

Lnwt ~lie for Olrmpla lloaday. Wedin~ daJ aDd Frtdar at 11 A. II. ; nt•maa oa at&e· ..... doje. --,-----


Oyster ~ChopHouse VAs WI& It S.&ROII!'IT, Paor' as.


eoacb oollecting fare and wu enter- wmper. frd 1o oor people. No doabt move, 1f msde, Will d oubt)- he •ext d-• to Matt Kolth'e doctor bad just paosed through the I the rueot , ""~nnot witb ,.,.. , aod di•- lllen • ?J'nstUIIl ~J&bon. e

iug the '?aggage c•r when l·e felt. a ~ffl~~ b~:::a.~~e~:•:n:.e d~=·.;~~! well sasf~iued Ly &he publi.,. sn_dden Jerk. Heveryc?rrectlysur- IOOIII"Ctl. and we tn'"t onr pr....,otlrgi•· • Mt:. D . DL'IUlOt:OBB, )!lie of Ibis m1oed that a cnr h od Jumped tbe latnr• wil~ enoet a I• • to protoal ito re- 1 ci: baa 1.on ht out the otock of traek, and ran baek. to the rear end corrence 10 the fu&artt. Y' 8 ot the baggage car to "down with . notion• in the • tore of Mr. A. M011e10, the bra\:eo." \Vben be reached tbe C.lPIT~L Pmrualn!IT.- At 1"-~t · 111 Tacoma and will coutinue buoi- --------- - -----'-- - - - - - -----platfor~ he .,.,.. tbe ~Oj:er eoaeh tb<l>o ;, • bill pending ill tbe t.giolatore neaa in th; .. me place, aloo keeping JUSt g01ng over on 118 s rde. 'l"he (or tbe abolition of upital palliobJDeat, frnit and lobaceo. II Y I I I _I A L LA R D • t~ain was going 10 slow that by the Th. doatb -lty io a relic of her""•· Anoalfn'·.O.T·UW, S&.o.TTLE, W . T . tlme the coach. came ot"er on tbe iam that moat 6 urely '*"away before A PoBTLA.M'D new1paper say• tbe gronod everyth10g bad been brought tbe JDarch of ealigLtoom•ol. Tbe gr ... l large .Betkobire boar which wu oo --. ~.:,:,'::"11!::~'· Op(OOI'i"

to a bait. or courae the capoizintr tbioken of •bio u weuu otber cooa- ellhibiHon from the Chebalio, wu of the eoach caused· tbtt paaaen.-er- trie" haTe eoma to look upon earital lo •uddenly and in a 1'ery nncere-~ pooiobwont •• •imply jo~i~iat mard~r. from the pen of S . G. It-' of that CROTTO snomous manner cbaoge positions. ~r:au•og_ t~a~ tbtt Jaw wb•c:h prob•_b-- cit1· SALOON.


fl7 Ov &&ocJl te fti'J co.plttte or

Pure and Fre ah Druaa and Choice Perfum~ry.



:I :M: l?O:R,T E:R,S--And Commission Merchants • . Q


So graclnall,v d icl the ccach oettle 1,,. 1~" todm~nal fro~ talun~ tbo hfo TH• bark Montana is at the Ollten- ALGAII • •·xoll, Proprietors, d_own uu i tlJ Micl~ Ll•11l e~·~n t.he ooup- ~o~~~:~~o~~~~O:.Dti~~~~;~~ '~:d:::~ h ngn us not l>rok~o . fino waa a aal,ond wo hue no doobtliJatifon tionofYealer'swbarfunloadingbal- South side~ Seattle · Jo. H. Cutter Whiskies, m ost pron careumRtance. for ex prt:aaioo ot the pnblic N1ltimeol of last, whichisbeiogueedforfllliogio, -a ~le• p g ulch extends ~long parall~l rh•• Territoor ,. .. bad to d•J it woald makingthiselttenaionao darablolllld Mill street. _ Wash. Ter. White House Whisky, ...-tth the track ,..)ncb •• nearly 100 I be funnd to t• rll"IJ preoooderate in fa• eolid as onr otrce to. AU .. -._......,...., C:lpra, l<tt., I feet deep . The si<lo is qniteoteep vor of lb<' abolition ofthedeatllpen- ~u,.......... Universal WhiskY uod -rugged. auJ had the coupling H.lty. Tn:tt ennslJinodnring the Ja..11t wMk 1 ---been lorn lo<>se, nu h uman power DtSE.\ &.IID l'oT.\TO&~.-.\.lot of po· basrendendtbei'OIIdointheeoontr~ I •Oau·u ~:I; nil llcnu·"' - - - - --e onhl have I>rovented I he coach from p&~~sably good, by drying o il" the A (oil ., .. orlo.•nt of Win••· Liqoora •nd Cordial• olwoy• ou lu rnlhng tlowo to- tho llottom. The k toes received from Snohomish by mud. ~ ---- - - sale at low f'ftte.. w ... call J!pecial atlt>ution to oar elteueive Rtoot or

moruentmn " ''' t nirccl in the de•cent w. Or~b&m & Son, ~produr.c and A• Oppe.u&•ltr , ...... Amletrol. .o fti c e .~a I 0 0 n! Cigars won hi hare •rn •ltcll tb~ light frame r·ommissiou Ulcrcbnnto of this c it-y. lor sale at San Francisco p I work nf t l 1~ eo,wh. nnd would have Dr. J. U. Hinkle, of tho Natiooal 1' r cetJ eertainly kille<l outright and m a n· w-ero lou nd to be affected with rot, 13o•giCRl Iostitote. with a cowpeuml. g lcd a n u mber of ti.Je p~l.Ssenger.t. and were re turnetl . Last week a corp~~ or u &ituaots. will 'f'isit Portl:m d. BILLIARD ROOM, l' lWN'.r ~STREE'f, SEATI'LE, w. 1' AM ~oon as possible, the condu cto r 1~~~0 C~Dsigoment !Jf ~tab~8 fBrom Oregon, ltooma at g,_ Cbart r!l Hotel .. OIJTU 86.0£ MILL ~rru-:~r. OPI'lHU'I'I£ ente retl the car a ml a."sist.ed the Jltl.~· \ · nte r 1vor "'ero reJecteu 1 S. ax· ?



0r. 2"~!0, to01



1.t0,ni tl"

1.'171, 111n1e· t'&SL&K'S lULL, The Highest. Prtce Pai..:: for Hid .. anrt Skin•.

· t · t · t1 1 te r ._\:; Co. , who are sbipping potatoes ~ J.~ _____ - - -----

r::!e;I~Pt~ -..·cer~ ~:~~~~~oru!~r:,!~~~~ to S:'n l 'r 11nCiP.CO. Tbe conclusion world bu soccessfuiiJ treMh·~ RO 01any 1 S~'ITLE. ,,.... T.,. : - -------- - '-- - -

tiou. lie CSt~·ctetl, ou ~oteriog t be of dealers •ecru• to"" that potRto .. s ~:::Jo~~.~~i;:!.~~.r.~ft~~:7o; :,>.;::,a;;~.~~ \\"~1 . . LAWRE..'<CE. P ltOI' nl.l>"fOR . To Farmers and Loggers ! c. H. HANFORD. coat·!_, , to fin() B un mhe r wou nd eJ raised 0 0 r h·er bottom Jau tl ure more f"istola in Roo, ~crofula, N~ftt Cat"rrb, A LA nnd ~\·cral ki lletl, Lnt was g rat ified or Jess diseai\C(l this seaSon, while etc. PRtiPotR from &1mo8l e1'ery ooou- I ii ~~~r~~~c~;~)n ~nt;t 0~~~~~~-~d ~ .. ~~ -- ~~:&~:~A;:,8 1.:~~~r:x~·.; t n know Uut t th o injaries were Yc r y l11'tse ; aise<\ 011 11.~- Jandi nrc ~ener~ ty in thn U ui1ed titat\!5t bal eavpHOO CQ ~~~~~r.W;n~i:,k~~1~~0:f~~~::~~~~ , ~ u onT vn,\FT STUllER 81~:11l011p•",.~.t1r1e0110n.,.•,l!neotnn~~~!.!.,!'",erT~."·;.!ltt. Only Oli O pu~!><Cnger \\'RS &. ·'T 0 gf)()( quR I y nn< "SOUfll . i' roc rl•lif'f, ·~·hber at I he bome Jn~ti- ltllh : al~o tohn~agum• or l:ilUaliliJOu ad\nt.. "'&HJt=rc wEN AT' H ...-u ~ .. ~·-· -

!Ott l:t1 tr. ha\C sust,n.nN.l ~;6\ t:ore. In-,· l M "l l:' l t: CnH'I;;,.. r BA :\ lJ. -T1u~· P a - . tn l ~ Rt ludi~na,poli_~. lndl~mR, or to O!le cl~~ ~~~~,:e bau• ~ num\w•l" <•t J•n vl'.t••·OJniJ . m:nutr Jtlr\" :wtl tbu t Wfl~ ulr. f l!o)!t. n .urd. . . . . I of l tM lir.and D 1VhiiOIUI1\t. PbllndrlpLa '· I R('(HlJ ~ fur th~'«"' ("1U!Vxl:Otl0 !1 u( 2t:IM1ltil CAPTAIN •. .. ••....••• . •• • L . OR};&., .. • ~ ·-- ------ --oi HJI! ... bn ;-r,. ( Jn.-• cJ( fd.,. )t ~-i h .Lfl ll·litc C <•ruct HJ.n,]l.:l-"t m g-l1l I W"V I pn I P·•., >\tlum a. (ia .• o r :-:~u FrauciS<?o• _ __ ----· Will tow n.-.n• and I.tgbt~"l.u all thl" struma il . P. J EN K II S 1

hef>fl l'.\llg, IJI Ill blllltt! 1\:.' y ueaween rated~ vr ) •l"Cp au;t) jUtiol~:; :J_f incor-1 ~~:~· ~ll·.~~~~.:~:u';;~~~~ :.:tffo~~~~Dll:~ . ewd~;,~ •... "ouml~~-·O.UD1'1,",h···.· t .... ~~':n00 ... .. ·.,~~~t.~l~J~o~,":'.,.o·h .• d .. :~~. , AnonsEY·AT·I,.\w '"t.-SoL'B IN CB..AW. t he , eats, nml wn.• h .• ,lly Jammed be· JWrutwu, oue copy of -..·!ncb wa• bomo. PITbo lJ~Jor n ... k ! 0 0 charae I C. W • BULLEN E, ~ · • •·" ' ~ low t he knee. l'io ho ne:! w~re frac· sent to the Sccretnry of tho Terr itory fo r cons Jita'tion and l tamination. and PH·\ CIICAT \ N 0 THEOltE1."l OAL ~~~:;!1!...7'1('1!"."'" 4'1"aiu to w..rkct for tb'"m at P•rtic"-:tn att!:nH~ Chazleay a.J. turf'tl. hnt thf" fle~h w&.s .~rmsetl. and at Olymp ia to dny, and one copy 00... bis t erm~ for treatmcn~ &Je wttb in tLe I · .. · .. ... _'"''r_ GUU:.'l. CilAPliAN k BAlU·:Y~ u.v:...,~~~~-·--<Jout.a:ru..'n:l&la~ 0.PPQII.l~~ pumfully cut by g in~"· 1 he Iran! at iug filed with the Conoly Auditor. rMch or •••rv one. ·(llllliHi:ER &. M£CHfiNIC ot~Ce l' ru:=ccdl\'lto llt;J "'lmro. J_eM·Jog 'fhis Jooks 08 thongh the band 1 E 1 • K M · & C R C CRAVES u ... '" ' !''"".! ~· .. ~ onu _Mr . .13au-d wa• woulcl bo ODC of lhe p~rmanent or· YESI EI)'S H 'LL . ¥1MT ~ .. I;MTn.K, \\', ,._ I as WIC • orns 0., • • ; (·~rt-d r~ ,~- Bt54. lllj lll"~t·.<c arr not con· ganizations or our c it.y . llnsie is J ); . 1:l • j • I CIVIL AflD MilliNG s1Jt> n·d ,,ungeron r._. I h~, other t:.tas· be ing practiced for a concert to he COMM£RCIAl STREET, SEAn&.£.. seJ!A't rs v.·ere eonsl.d~t·aUl _,~ l"ll1ook np. gh ·e n by the b•nd sometime in No.,. Mr~ C:aTOlfne iUdtlna~c ... .. .. ~bn•vnn 2 111~~~:~T"t.~~~ce~~~t '.'~~ E NQ.X N" EE~ &. hn. none o f thrm m Jnru] . I Vt"lUbe r next. when enrciti~ns And Pierre ~n.a:~·d .. .. . . ... ... . . llu~u:al J)Jr.:ctor I..o:zglnfJ C.Wp Workio lren. (Jcoom :s-o. 6 DumtiU '• Dulhlin1d I

I I Br"" .. • Nte•l ••cl otbto~l" 1-'tsr. ti.\.t ""E . - O l ' t: uf tJ.e ii iWtJt· i ~11Hil.! C! i tics wil a.n oppo~tu· O<;TOBE R 26TH ASO ;!'i"Tll, 1877. ~;:; ::-r.All ki.Jultt of Blac:bluttb ' Yt'c .. · (.'or. , ••• ...,retal41> Wa•hlnJ(t•• .,._ I p·l F '

IIJ tfes CvPr sol<J on t J.i. }W"tuf !be p ... , Ditty lo_JUd~e of the g rade of mnBICl&) ctures rames louldiUIIl cific N•a•t, by ~[or·nealo &Urban"""" lu.entmlbts banol. RETUR• OF THE . ----- - I S EATTI.Y., WA~ll. Tt:K. ·i ' ' "0". reo·e i\·ecl loy J,. r. Smitl~ & ~n·, per : 'l" lll'J:ll arc ot the who_ If _" be_ ut 000 C d E 1. h O T

1. It 1 wd 10 , a.. ' BRACKETS, MIRRORS,

t;tf'amPr Ala!ikl\. lh• we•R"ht l;ij :::.100 I . . ran n~r IS pera roupe. - ~~(j-ed. ·n~'!r~ .. d : J·, .... ,.~~!~·u~~. b~~:s i pon t~• \"4. ~pac(' i usi.le . 28 inche!i wi(\n \, tmdt{•s o f h tt".!.Ol hool'·pole§. Ailht 0 . . • I ~ • nd t atlllllatft hr mtulm~ n ,,.. t f J WlndowMhiMI lw .t:t hi ;.c h ·m d ll tll"CJ.J. Jt. is l)eo'.tn · lltu.l 5hl\\"l.·d . 1\\\Uitiug ~hipment to . --11'0 11 TWU ~u .. u_~ O SL1 - - I ~ b Z :tilo.b•d. SJJM"U:I atlf'nllongl~t-~v:;:ll,~~~-.. ,,~~j -,

I 1 I• ~ c aud to the )OC ... tiun Of eUy f..uht • 11ol lf:,do~ • .. ., C.ttlaps, l:te_.

~ifn l1,\ finbht.-<1. :lntl ~O.i!l! ~;.oo .. )_)e. s .• :l Ft· .• ut•i l'lo:o. Shi!J[ting h oop - lhklr tv l Ld r d··.-rtun. ft)r .~ i:»C) l ... 0 • :tl." f !l aml ruo~edu.o .c-d 1-,l~Win;: t" 'H'f"U\t'd. I

tu_g u.u"lo to o rder. Jt J" f~tD18h L•tl poi c"'l'l fr'.' lu UJO Souo£1 is IJecomiug T~ Queta ot .f.J:Jc;hell Oper• i Cl ~", ... ~.,~·r2. I ii:"; . PICTURE FRA•Es A IPECillTY. w1th receptacles f~>r eases of Jcwclr.Y, 006 of our iwportaut indnstriee.. 0 ..I ~ - - - ---~.!~!.... _ ____ _ and for books. co1o, etc. 'fhe l•roduction of barre ls by oar CAROLL.'iE RICHINGS- BEBNAJW ......_ ;; New Produce Store! U • D E ft T Alii G ,

COOpe~ i.a alao JargeJy OD &he iDCreaf!e (Tbe Oruul.S.ur,tlter of tbe DIJO(':O'f~IU oC h- ,- ~~ ""' r 'l'he Richmond Whig suy o tha t &~~d will donbtleoa rank with onr ... _,.. ,...,...,. 1-

hutch ercd Yirgioin bne n ril!ht leading. manufactnn;• in anolber oaa~D DGLISB OPDA noun. - .i WALTER GRAHAM· & . SON, " .......... _"' .,..,.....ato4ooll ""'" to look to b e t• destroyer, the year, o• the raptdly ine,.....iog I Z I) < ot IJJIDt:BTAIURG. Ao4 oil ...... loft -

U nlt.ed Sta~ government-, for d emand for barrel• in whieh to - -eo...., .. o•- > •-· a..u.••••uo• or a..- • - -r e liel from nay in,.. the oid State packoalmou. - -T111BTY ARTIS'fS !-- C C.••IMiea ••••tr.ace.

r -- co :,.:0.:71:'::..!'~~. '1. oloo -. debt incurred before W est Vir- TH£ Seattle l•tel/igtmCer reprinta FRIDAY &1'DDIG-IL 'iaonToa•. > -""· l'roat .,,...,, S.att~o. ;,iioin wa~ taken from tho terri- the legiolati1'8 r eports from th" Or.- ----- General Produce & Pmisiens, ..._,.. T . M.lloi.,ILL

'l'h I" f k ·' • b t 8ATU11DA'f XTII"G-BOIUllfUI{ OIBL tory. e re 16 a~ eu 18 t 8 .rJo•inll.-0rtgDilil1~t., Yeo, and ita DENTII!JTKV. I· ' -the g r n? nll !fOVt-rnm? ut perform ul~llll too, an<l th•n call• them lincuL • .,.,.,._,_.... ........ y ...... Wharf, ... ttlo 'W . T a .... e:oa c ..... co-paa:r.

Ju~~:~~ 1~8~~~!~.~a:o;!=:~~~~?1•it;~~i.U:.~ .. :~u:=; ~~~~~:.-::- D. Locke~ ·-~ D., -.w • .n~,. ,...,.~ ~~T:t,o:!:.cttx~~fa::.:'!~ 110 that Weet Virgtaaa may have lheEoeaiogDIU'A'l'CB, .uiq i' a _. __ - ... - .. -~ --111-tao.lllll_. ::7a:::lltie.f::.I:""'tr!!::=':l: ::;"'.:t..,":'!':~.:O-.;.~ 611

ill part of the <lebt. 111800nd-haod eo-rn all around. "-Ct--. oottGo =-:---..... ~.- Ko.I.::t:'"' ":;:i1 WAL'tn•a.a•w • 1108. I _.,_o..,--~· ~.




- ~-- - -~·

'WEEKLY DIS 1' ATCH ., lhofonft •ncl Tolenltlon. ia entitled to decent ci\ility t'rom a fair eompenslon, aud compell- T.mtorloal l'•lr.

BF. Ul AH Jill 0 w :\' 1c CO. , Tho~ Olympia Courier, pnblish- its Sllbordinatee, If it doea not ing tbe compan1 to take and 0LYXPtA, W. T., Od. 11. demand BPnile homage. A dis- give dispatch to all frolgbtotfer- To~---"-•tta: PnuPRII':TORS. cd by a U. S. Deputy Collector

nnd P ublic l ' rontor, passes the •r.aurt fUI(,'tlr'f, -~ ~-'tl'~::~r"~T, p , )S , .,.,\ UUI , rollowiog 8hurp CfftiCiiJm UpOn

To.da7 the weather ia more (a.-or­agreement in eentlment doee not ed, without partiality or unequal able than yea&erdaJ, alld ill coo.e· neceesarily imply personal boa. discrimination, the thing i1 dono qoenee the atiA!ndADce II larger, not tility, such ns is exbibltM by without much danger of ita be- ,_than 1.000, perhaps 1,200, per· our fr1end of the C<lurier. No ing undone. The vaat lome ap- eon• being preeent at the grounds one would more regret than we propriated by the Government. thi.o afternoon. Bat it ito apparent the removal of a faithful and to tbe improvement_of the river to aU that the exhibit.ion is not what ~ompeter1t officer for an offence now inure solely to the benefit it aboold haTe t-o, nor wbU it ngninst tbe Administration, tho' of a monopoly. The opening of could have "'-n had tbe weathe r

Nice· -Cispatch Buildings. Jan1e..s Street. t ho -Presh.lcnt: " \Ve w ish the

Tit'S t:Yr-~INO OI~P"TCII, lnth liFbett n . fl'l')'"d- r tu 'be wc:t ll: trn• Jll r u udi) ). L tgb' 4o1Jan rt-r )tUb)' tllall; 0Ae dol lar JW!C D.OJ1t h

")y ean.e: TOE \\:El:KI~Y DlSl"\TCU, Jntbllllaul~cry

f etnrdaT m.(m).iDj. Tb1"tot> <loll&n \J'k )t:ar.

AU tm .. in---. ne'"' 1Mtl'ft or teh·gnpbto dis · ,.ltbt•o~~ tuu.,l he -.Jdf'Ciilrd IO.E'f'DI.!'tU Dr.ATQfl

President of t ho United Stutes would get throug h with his jun. kct ing llDtl go buck to business. We wish h o would s top mnking foo_lifth Apeecbea in ~ountry vil­IBgc~ to 1-(llt>ioog wench uud ' 1 been mora f..,orabl~, for many of wo '" ly r ceoguize the right and the navigation ot tbe river to

~-"-1'URD.::\Y . . ... . . ocr. 20. 1M77. c lo wn. ' '

- 'J'ho cnu~c of this unjust and

our citizens who lalo.e a livel7 inter­duty of tbe Atlwini~tration to free competition would be worth eat ADd feel itlr.diaappointmeot to be defend itself against insult from to the people oaet of the Cas away. foood it impo.ible to be hera its suborollnales. cades more in amount than the ADd male AD eshlbitiou of either N- Yo~olltlcs. ill-nnturod ulluck upon tho Pres.

There is u sing ular st.Rl e of ident is, thatthc editor who ~;i\·cs afl"•irs in New York p olitics, as it cut rency is opposed to the R...,l•tlns Tolls.

sum total or their am1ual taxes. atock or grain.

de~o loped in tho notion of tloe policy of the Atlministralion in 'fhcro will be row if any mat- A portion of Peter B. Swee-two Stahl <.Am,·cnlions r ecen tly r egnrol to Southern pncificntion tcrs coming before our Territo- ny's real estate, held conjointly held iu Unit S tate. The Ropnb- and Ci\'il service reform. He roal Legislature of greater irotor- with Hugh Smith, was sold rc­lican Convention, packed by Fed- believes in aud openly advo<'atcs est to a lttrgo J>Ortlon of the peo- ccntly for the benefit of the city era I office-holders, in cont.cmptof tho doc trine that "to tbo ,·ictorK pie ol' tho Territory tbim that of of New York. It brought six th e !>resident's order, declared belong the spoils," nnd that po- regQiating tolls on the railroad hundred and fifty-five thousnod open hostility to the Adminis. litical offices oro tho legitimate portages ou the Columbia river. dollars,_ eubject to mortgages \ration in nil its parts .and to rewards for party scr\"iccs. Un- It Is now demonstrated tba\ the amouotoog to three hundred and \be I'rcsidcot'a Southern policy dcr tho policy wbicb he advo- company mooopolizio"' tho con- forty thousand. Sweeny was and c lvll son ice rofnrm. Tho catoe it wM ul WBJS held that tiouou8 nnvlgntion ot the ri,•or one of Boss 'fwood'a conlcdor­Dcmocrntic Convention, under opposition to any Administr-.thon by mcuns of these r11ilroud con- AtCll i_n the robberies mode in the l~aol and direction of measure' , held a~>d treatcol us nect iono, htwe not furni8bed fu- that e:oty:'.""""""""""""""""" "Tammany," wae ca~ricd ab'l\i.ost treaeon to the party , subjecting cilitics for transporting to mar- The Suprome Court of the Tiltlon and his fricnols. In both aoy Foder:tl officer to summary kct one hull" the marketable pro- United St~~otea maintains in an

-~~scs the spoolsmen triumphed remoml and political olegradn- ducts of \be eouotry lying east elaborate opinion that Congress ~·r t he ad~oca~es of reform.- t ion. We well remembar that of tho Case:ndc mountnins in Or- bnsthe rig ht to probibit tho sole If tbo l1cpubllcnns sucrccd in the uudor the .Admimstration of Mr. cgoo and Wnahinglon, Bod no of wh isky to lndoans in States election, their influence !{OCS to Buchanan o\"cry " Anti-LecomJl- one elac can engage in their bordering on re@ervations, as tbc l"c.cst:tbl ishment of the o!u t.ou" man, ur supporte r of Doug . t rnosportatoon l'llr tho reBIIou well us on reservations. •polls system which llays is Ia- Ius, wns hunted out of oltice, from that the com1Jnny holll tho por-laborin~; o;o earnestly to put members of tho Cnhinct to cross- tng-es excluai\•ely for their own LM••• ,.,. _..., ... _ down. lf tho Democrats sue- d use which enables them to rule . . S&UJacx, Oct. 7• 1877• roa 8 1'08tm3Slcrs ; though there > To...., J::l>rroa or.-.. D .. utta: ect>d, it n ;slorcs to }lower the were acarcclyenough supporters ou t competition and secuo·e the A• the buaineu of &bia town ia iu· " T ammany Rins•· and the •· Cu- of tho "Lecompton fl·and" in the entire carr)ing trade on tbe;r crea.•ing, tbe size of "tbe town is in· nal Ring" of spoils-gatherers, who Xorthwestt•rn St,1tcs to fill the own term~. Thus the producers creaaing, and the population is in­will spare uo efl'ort to pu~ ti•>Wn Fedorul ottlces . aro c uU rely ut the mo..=y or t hi~ creaai~g, ~ud U·e. nnmber of married ~ildeu nntl dcl~at hi! ~:mditlacy The same r ule prcmiletl under company fur four or live loumlrctl men •• 1ncreuong- coooequeolly in I 8SO. 'fh P. ir hoow.•ty •nd con. the Adoniniotration of Y r. l li u- miles ot river na•igntooo ne~c,._ thera ia ." Yery large increase of :istenry os cx hibitl'd in the f:tct coin. No man wus rc«arde·'

118 sary to tbc marketing of acbool cboldrcn. BuUbeoJd..,bool

o u . boa"" wbicb waa baill b1 M..-.ball that they hn,·o been tho loodc!t loyal or trust-worthy who wns aurplus ~roduct~, th('or_ sole re- Blino 'aomo years ago, bas nol ia-in dccluring that Tilden was not a persoonl supporte r of the source tor tho m.too~laonaucc of crtased a bi&, and is not large enough fairly elected Presiden t and de- !'resident. Senator W illiams, in them~clves a lui famolics. Most \o-day to acco.mmodata mora thao prh·etl of his just rights by fra ud. 11 public @peech pending lo is e lec- of those produccraaettled In that ooe-tbird of the &eb:>lara in thia dis­lt is diffi cult tJ undcrstnud ho• • tion, exclaimed: « Tbc President country nod opcncol and cultiva- trict. Oneoa there moot be a ocar­aoy honest man, who. bolie~es i" the government; tho \"cry ted fnrms ondeo· nn Implied guar. city ol lumber, utbe mill oomp&D7 that Tilden wns swilllllcd out of flesh untl bones of A braham Lin- untce of facolitic8 for the trans- bave been ehippiog large qna~:~titiee al8· J·us• aull l"gal r i"ht·"-· ca u do. 1 h - portatioo or their product& to to a foreign market ~I late, uoiog

• v o co u are t c government. :No th 1 f b "ld" d 11· t b. • "l hi · b b marke t on e~oitablo term e. The e earp uo or oo •og we 1og

101' tru \IDol 8 rog · ts ave tunn i ~ loy:ll to tho U nion who ' boaaee for their employees. Atwl

been \"iudicutod i to tlo so would is not loyal l.o lloe President."- trnnsport~tion com~any c:wrcise ADother tbing- aeilber the owners be to contient nod become • -lla r ty That acutimont wns generally the•r. ~pccoal fra~ehoao only upon oor their agent here have any chi I­to au u~knowledgccl ft'llud. It is endorsed and :icte.l upon t..y t he con<htoou . t hat• 1t shal~ not be drea going to oohool in this dis­~ho lwight o r nndncity to s pcul: !lolllioant pnrty. n~ado nn onatrument ol oppr~ trict; 10 it doeen't JDAtter mach or llaya as a '' fo-au<lu lent P rc•i- Ur.der tho Administration of eoon to othe'"_fl or u~cd In oppoe1· whether there _i• any acbool hoa101 dent" wbile eun!pirinl:" to defeat P•·eeident (;,-nut, P.:~•unal 111_ toon to pubhc polocy. lo such or not, even 1f tbe law doee ..,. Tilden, the " rightful Pres ide nt." Luthmcnt and tiJclity to the easea it become1 tbe duty of tho qoira the property holders of a dia· Tb d · t t n t t law-nuokingpoworto"sbutdowo tricttobaild IICbool b~lliiC!I. Who o. cn~e 18

''0 •.a sparcn ·O I Prc,idcnt w:os h eld paramount d I n t he brakes ·" to sec to it tbat the ora the principal property .holders

eccove :lDy man ° sense. ..ut to all other conso"d•ru•o"ot1 1 in the ' · b. d ' tri-' t Tb W u Co ~ ' • ri ~hts of the people are protect- 10 t 18 1•8 ~· • e · .... ·· of

']>Oils-hunters nro too inl.c!nl 011 nppointmeots to F ederal offices. "' . . . . . coorae. What dotbey care whether 'be end to pay much rcgnr·l tu I "'- t "- kl " h cd. That theor JUroadlctooll cov- tbera is a ~• acbool or ool?-tbo

I ~na or "'un mg, w . o now op- l b bee t.l t 6 """" \he character of the men""· P .d t H . 1 N ers sue. caaee as n c eo·- boyo will be at.lo to handle J·ost as

• . . • . poses r~SI CD ays, 10 t 10 • • d b h h. b . r . I _ ~e1tber of thue Conve~t10ns, y. IC<'publican Stnte Con\·ention mmc Y t O og est JU< ICI:I mnch lumber for them wbeo they tt IS rcasonaLie I~ ('ouclnl."·· o·<·p· of lS<G-wloich olcct.crl and in- authority iu tho lnnd. Wo do are a few yean ololer aa tbe1 would resented the souhmcut ot a ona- not bclio,-o there is nnothcr if they received e•er "" good an ed-

•tructod Delegatus t.o tho Concin- r call o4 otbe tb· · jority of t he Yot~rs r,,,. whvno it n·' 'i Couvcu•ion .

1n _..avor of


_ ::>Lute or ' erritory in the Un- n on; • an r oog, an og-d l I I 1 u• ' '' ion which would tolerate tho Doraot, nnedoeated J>enon ean be

assume . 0 nt·t. 1111' t •c 011 Y sclf-tlcclarod: "Support of the b died t beu d I

remcch· os tha t snggc~t;,!l hy n . • • . mouopoly of nuy t borooghtilro an ° er • .an~e w oerc

Claaa No. 1, grain ADd aeede. The exhibit waa ligb&. Tburotoo and Cbehalia coootiea being about the 011!7 ones rep-uted.

Clue No.2, fruitund . Dis­piAJ cbieJI7 from Tbaratoo 0011oty.

Clasa Nn. 8, TegeU.blea. Bat for King and Lewilo coooties, the die· plo7 of v<gelableo would baTe been alailora.

Claaa { , manufacturea. Noticea· ble in this department was the mar­ble w~rk from lfr. Keenen, of Seat­tle. Tbe apecimeua of •ag earpet Alao attracted considerable atteouon.

Claaa 6, dairy prodacte, etc. Lew­,. aod Obebalis wera creditably rep-11!3ented in this line.

Clasa 8, Jlowers. A very good diaplay.

C!&M 11, fancy work. Tbe djs­plaJ in Ibis class waa nry guutl and added much to the appearance of tbe exhibition.

Class 15. Horses. Qaite a D"lm· ber on 'be ground; but with two or t hree ~1ceptione, were no' what we should expect to aee at oar Ter­ritoral Fair. Of Di..Uion 2 of tLio clasa, cattle. '!'be display waa not what it should bave been. Diviaion 3 ADd 4, sheep and goats. There wera none. In Divi•iou 5 of class 14, the exhibition waa good. We oot.iced a Berkohire boar weighing (;()() lba.; also a aow weighing 5~5; pip flye months old, not overly fat, weigoiog 1~5 lbs, besioleo others of dilrereut breeds.

The racoa attracted quite a crow.J to·da:. There were three eateries, Boppicker , Ly WoUory, of Payai­Jop; Oilmora by Oilmora of Port­lADd; Oo1den Warrior lty McNaught of King coonty. hall mile heat.s. Boppieker waa withdrawn after the flrat Abeat, wbicb was woo by Gil· mora in 3!1~~ - Second aod third bearta won by Golden Wanior.;time eecond beat, 52Y, ; third beat, l>t;''.

Financially tbe lair is likely to prove a Bocet!IIS, and for wboteyer lack there ma7 seem to be in ci>n­oeetion with the this ileal!On, oertaioly tbe o.flicero and managerA abould not bo held reoponsohle. for tbey have done all that conld ba .-e Leeu <looe by tbtm to fnrtbeo t ho intereetA of the associ\tion. The chief canoe of the seeming waot of aucceM, io in the fact beforo stated, that tho weather has been ouch that the people ~oat.l not be preoeoo with their farm products.

F .&TB or.& CoNnnKNTUL Cr.nR. -A New York co•·rcspondont writes: I stood on tbo stoop or some offices, on a pnblic t hor­oughfare, talking to aome gentlo. men. A _yqnng man passed " l:o recognized my friend. The pasa. or wae small and thm and bad a foreign look, and bie ago could not have been tb1rty. "You see that man," said the g entleman. " He is the smartest young man in New York. He had a fine poeitioo in one or our litrgest im. portong houses. H o was confi. dential clerk of the bouae and would have been trusted with uncounted gold. The houee wAS underselling the market, and dealers wanted to know how 1t was done. They approached thiB young clerk, and he gave his employers away. Ho gave i ho private paper& to tho rival houses, and 11t night opened the counting-bouse to Inspection. It cost the- firm 1250,000 tCl settle OJ> matters; somebody .paid tho clerk eroo,ooo on condition he left the city. Tho money burnt in his pocket. H e went Jnto spec­ula~ioo . From that be went into gambling. Ho is now poor AS a church mouse, with no buslnesa, and nobody to trust hjm.

A plontious rain has fallen in many of tho woMOt fnmi oe di1. tr1cta of India. AgricultnrBl work Is active, and crops are makiug rapid progress. There can bo no reasonable doubt that the tide of tho grcnt calamity has been turned, but Vll8t num­bers of thole who surviv~ tLe Bctual tam inc mnst still succumb from their enfeebled condition.

The Philadelphia Chronicle 8:1.)"!1' l'loo manufactnrers of a burglar-proof anfc h:~.vo engag. ed Geu. Butler to travel through · Ohoo. \VItene\"er he Bonouncea his int ention of stopping In any town, the ow uers or silver plate b11y one of t he 83fca to lOck their valuublte. in.

The long strike in the coal fields is prncticnlly ende<l. In tLe Wil ke8barr-o region work bas been rcsumoo, nnol the reports indicats that the workingmen of the other sections will follow the example in a few dRys.

Tbl're os gn•at distress every­where iu (;!oina, C.'luscd by th• short crops nntl ra vngee or lo­<!n~t• . H cnvy floods ha.-c uc­~·urrrd in lhOJ Mouth<' rJ> pro~­on<·~•-

Five Lhou•aoHI-,!I o·lk iug minet!l in Pennsylv:~uin havo r eturned to work. T ho b:ockLouc of the long ~trike Arcms to be bmken. le d" • De . ,... I Adm onostrntoon oa tho ouly true within its border& to the exdo- th~re00 i oBoothingthLot m11ocle

1_ re


a mg mot r:.t l.t(· pape~w :' <~w t cstofpar(r ti ,lclity." . . . . . · . · qnu . owever, erewMaseuoo York, that the l ro~lltl~ of r('hJroo•,' II' loon (irnnt was l 'o"l'Soolcnt sn·e usc ol any one JDdlvJdunl or w""tiog coiled last e~eoing (wbleb A corrcspon11Pnt, rcvicwioog ~~-~D. - - : ...-ilhou l p:n·ty di- tio..-toun, ooo:ok e onr friend of the Courier would company. Suppose tho N. l'. R wu Jorctty woll attended) for the L_Loo di,cnsas cousl!qucnt ooo the w~",!~~;~~· .~!~::'"J:.~"h. c..-.u .. , £-n.IYD ~ommon o·au~c •:g:aiu~t th<· .poi!,. n. Co. should determine to take purpose of discus•ing the propriety fun.ino in Jndhl, sa··~- .• Thh

not hu\·c presumed to hn\'O <>rit- f · 1 h · d ~ " ~ 111cn t f l~•th politic:ll pno-titb.- no rcog 1t O\"CI' t cor rol\ o·om of tnmin:; ont one·hBif of t ho r~gostco·c t l dcntlos of tho Jli"CScnt Th b """"I· I hring tlw ' "PI''"·tco·~ icisc•l his nets in the snmo spio-it Kalama to l'nconon wh ich hall •cholars _for two.· months, .•n<l •·cn o· "I' to tl.o cntl nf J uooo were

he docs thoscofPrc•itlcnt llaye•, · d -1 0 R tb •·k 1 b 1 If Tl J -4:1fTii. J<·n a hU. t~f lfuy:o. together not fin:tt pa• tra m to lo \he . I. _ en~·. e Ill t .~~ u ._ e r Ju . •e :.r;n.noo ahoYf• t h e U\"Ct':l'"C A l·-fur he kncw fu ll well tlont it' '"' ="< ( ' • 1 tl S olo,.,u:<soon•, wh ooh took place at t loe. J"

1 . . " ·

in Olll' pa l"l)",IIJll>ll t lH• ouly pr::c- d io.l it wooold cost him his offici:d •. o. nn oooc SH e ot• oo l:tt• lime v.·ero tvo uumeronaonolvarious t·uo· one; Lo t oe oponovn of lh<· ileal io uc now b ,. e II \ II no on tho other ; would it ooot • .> ffi

• · cor •c • mer- position. Somo ]>arty timc-scr. for mo to des.r ibe here, in fact uostrict 11 •~ci"S, th is docs not jcnu peopk~ci• il;cn·kc reform ld h . d" I be the bounden duty or the L c- things got eo bot at one time that l'<'prcserot. more UoBn two-thirds

A V•:n~ rnpi<l. _sure Ootl Msy w•r to mak e money, 1 ~ to proctuo te r n­tory to i iJtrodtwc the 1:!1< ~l H~ f'f ,ll in­'~nt ion tlu,t i-. ,~·:wtc~l l•\'•·r.r -.1.1."· bJ n~ t•r.'' onP, t•C"• ·rJ wlu·;ot•. \1 h•, J ;. 't a D~t U fn!l F-i'U.'ol 1'\t.,;\ ill;,.; lDIU'llim•. woth t •• blc nod tJ<'3ol it•, lor only Eighteen Doilot•, ~ :;'a i nst t he • poib Sy$teoo. H o- \"Cr wou avo om me onte y re· gislaturc to interfere f<u· the one of tl.o ,,,·~·tora tcnde-··' ho"s ros- or tit• aetna. I mor' alo"t , -, ''' ' • ,, . .,,

presented the fac t at llcutl•IJUUT- te r ,. tl . I t f tl ·~~ ""' ,. • J u ' h.\SAI"AC1t"m:o .. v ·ro ro•o-..:;:L.t,., >lrfl rat io Seymour, C.:harlo~ O"Con- pro c oon o l C rog' so o ocr igosUoo to the mcetiog in a ver•· lonve (urlhc•r to ... ttl ' tl·o ·' eatlls <:o. Ol" l'lllLAOP.L.o•u.o.., t ers anti supcrcctiNl him in ot~ r · ht .1 •1•1 . 1 ' u u u ncr,l:;amncl J . T ii.Jcn, and mauy n::og ers . "'t '" prcc osE' Y informal manner, by polling on his t · 1 1 ,toes the•amework nsamnclot·ne yoll tice. .N ow uo~lcr tho sy~tem 1 1 0 8 .N' . .• • w u c 1 ':l'"e oc<>urrcd RinPe and other h·n<lhw Beutocmts, m M i c I . I l d' h . w mt t lu · . - Co. 18 uoong bot o.nd lea·riog the ball, tellin.!! tLe I t , ffi I paJ eighty <loltars for, rnpid, smoo&b

'"' w u(· o oo eprccntc• c c••JOY .. •a\·o not •·c ucc oo o cia h- r t>- anollirtn 0 k 1 k eommon <·au--i• 1\"itb HcJHiiJiicAII3 · .·• • ~ with i ts railronds which mnke whole weelin.~ to go to b- 1. ProL- l>oo·te•l." J J · w r · " 111 ma -~s" oeam 80

I t1 ti 1 1 1 " •tronQ floe cloth will tcur hdoro the t ' k 1 , T 1 · ·· :on 11 open cnco w II C

1 10 never tho portn0"CS on the Columbia this i• ou illootrotiou of tbe •titche• ri1, "port. A"c''"" 011 1~ nc•d o vr<:u 111' t h: . WCOl J"Jng, ld I b . t l J. ; Tho eorJ·fsp(mt.fcut.•8 <·onclu- " - "" • '"' which <'m lmo~cd members of buth I cou '" ve cell pcrnoot 0~ t.o _o r iver . · No frei~ht is tBk.,n over maoner in which school mEetings •how them in oprmtion to .Cu io

t" d 1 11 1 th . under tloo old system. \\'hen ot them hut from the boats of tho ara contlnuted 1to1m our way io eion Is t hat not less t ha n 750,- e<cry hon•c lio<'y ~nl~r. Thirty dol-par I~S :Ill tOn I"O C<

0, Cll)" \\"n& l"t>pr~-I!CIItod tu tho P08t COmpnny·, OX"ept U' • olch nr"occ• • 1\liaaouri. After the_ \"ery abrupt 000 I>CT8011g have fi1llen Victims, fnra And upwnrJ• d •un·,l tlui ly by

and Stato g ovortHDt!nts \\ o be. ... ., Q r· " smort ug-euts. No "uch tl.H\.!bin• ' . : . Master Genornl thnt ono of h is · departure of lhe thrector above anol even these figur~s will prob.

Jieve t).lero~~ yet sumcoent p31 o·o- / Stll·~rll '• ••••tP" u·•s ho••"olo to tloc as will e lfectnally c rush cornpc- II d 1 to . • WtlS e\"er o1for<'<l ut t\ny suclo price, I I I ~ s•n . "' t"o t ion jn t·arr,· in,.·r nn th• r·o,·cr. ll u et. • • (jQtHJ~lO~ arose QB tutlu• HLiy Lo l:trgcly In c r eon sell Lefor,· IJ I OFm.'iT A'\lfAJcucs ~"-T riKTII.XN I I\ 1 .. u~ et ""' 111 t1c <country tv mo.ooot:oiu 1. 1• h I . . ' ~ ri • f • ld b 1 1

. . po o<-y o t o ,\ ( mostl'lltoon ns 11 ll 11 , N p n 1, , . 1 I I proJ> ••Y " 0011 mg " ,.. oo toe liuniue and its nlll' r w:l\·c of uourrons. T'"'""·'NJ>~or 1!.,\ltWM fbe [>ll lo ~·y \1 hoch lou• b CCII SO r t'liM>II ror II iS rclll0\"81 tl:e 1"0· IC • .• " · ': ~ 0. S lOU l I;Ot bOUIIC ~~~ Juu,hdoit:fo dll<'• nn: ll<')ong Sll tfcr in« I: as tiaa lJ.\· flll8•('d " " lNH T0£>1

~ravcly ouang.too·ntcd by th_c Pres- nly w:is that tho de rart;nout Oil· nu <•x tcu_•wn of ots chuo·tc r, lire &o tb., oc!wui.Ji•t rid. Tb~ qa~'Stioo I :1 wa ·. 0 D•·m•n•l io~rr·u,inv •·•••ry clo>." 1ilent nurl dclcn t t ho dcstgns of 1•· . d h l

1 d pt&rJl08C oa to make the coJmcc- waa 1100o quMh<lll, howe,·er, by Uoc J =="===,.., "·I.ere they lNe~tmc known. Mia-

y rcqutro t o scrv eee an no '1'1 H i•t~ro. judgeo, lawycno ctlotors tail· ~he apollsUitn of both political t 1 th . . f

1 l ion wl.tb t~oe e11st from the head l\liU ~mp&117'• agent informing the lO · ou .• C.:nssi us .U. Cln~· ors, maohiueot.o, .~:c:, r6ccomeod

parties. coo ro over 0 opontona 0 tao of navogatoon on tho Columbia meewtg tbU 'bey were not expected aends the New York Herald 11 llocm perfeet. Bighill given free to ."""=""!'===· eubordlnatea. But tlW ' Ilberty river, holdint the cons t-naction to ba~e ADy . interests io this town thspatch in which he aaya that llrs~ applicants .lLthere i•uo ageo-

l'res1dOtJls liBvo not bhuwu tiJUI o:o.:teudeddooa not and ought or tho line from thence to l'or• that. tbe_ Mill eom.peoy ·w""' ou_t he shot tho ne"ro .. \'l• lto l·n self. ny onb?our pla<!o write for >tor buy a • to b t d ~ d 1 t--•-·• w d o ' m~ o~e,,for your family vr relotive,

any greater incliuat1on lo abdi- ~0• . ° COD& rue liS COYering lund in abeyance fi1r the b!!nctit U:~/11 10 _._.....,.. .:;· 't h on er •f dei'unco. Tbe deccBsed was a there •• none better or sv cheap. eato than om(l<lrors and kings. oc?ntoou:,cs~ I' W~en tbe ap- of, the 0 . S. N . <.:o. ~·he s lake iotere~ be':':~ tb~v d=~~ aom~ bad ch:or•cter whom he had 0;. !!:,~~ 0~;~,~~~~rc7' ;f; An uccplion, howe,·er, moat be pom7e• t t Tf reeo:e:t Dte ~he would then be too hig h and the tbe pt!ople iote~t ... t ho? a::. deretl off hia lnnd, a nd who had Bead •1lvertieemeol ""«luning. made in tbo CUt<u o1 the l're8i· ~~~:::,, 0 n; Yb a•:at 0~111 · monopoly too hcn\•ily bBt'IWd to th.,. have loti of it. Jlorc anon. in ronaeqnencf> threatened b os ieol.twly de nt :•f l"rl!lta R icn. who has juet: L

8 "!':"'t'r, 8 ,t e , ce~ .. he be broken up without 11 nuo.:lo~y e. tlf.-. · · -- -~ -· 1i rown llown the reins ol - pow. honor o~ l e country demr~nt18 e trorl to "\be L<•giK.ture Boo&ou ~;,__.,,_ .. ' You are .. . • - J)f"C N,·t ... · rfc Y . eY- ('n•tn Jllca f~t on_o of tboee ~t lhe•r place a *o•ld be iiUp-[pogH not deem it.1elf ai\MIIah ......,. .. a Jric:t11no' ;8 " loDRer the I Yellow fever hue unfortunate- - -~r ":>Ot~ where 1~ Is phed by others leas facfoualf•~c:nr • .. m~i~~IJilct&.ci"ehc _ ---'~mpbmen~1to PBJ. !'_~T· 1.appea~ al Port !le1a.~ I~ D. Locke, M. D.,, '1ilmea J!rudc11t to abdicate. 1 inclined. The Admhnatrstinp -n&. ft:oti~ U.. ratoo 011• to" t ::•~ ~ ..- - to ouocll e:-'""oa thulttration ap.,._ra ~ ... ~.:;.~:! ~=

-:' s .. • • • • • ~ r • • • to ~wing wone. lo ,_...... ..... "V'!!-• • !1 • • .. .,

. -


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