Lecture 06 Org Comm


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  • 8/12/2019 Lecture 06 Org Comm


  • 8/12/2019 Lecture 06 Org Comm



    Essential Computer

    CPU + Memory Peripheral devices

    Any device attached to a computer in order to increase

    its functionality.

    External: printers, scanners, microphones, speakers, etcInternal: disk drives, CD-ROM drives, modem, etc

    Input-only: keyboard and mouse

    Output-only: printers

    Input and output: writable CD-ROM.

    I/O (Input/Output) The transfer of data to/from a computer from/to a

    peripheral device (done by a program, operation, or a


    Input: from a device to the computer Output: from the computer to a device.

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    Input/Output Problems

    Wide variety of peripherals Different methods of operation (H/W).

    Delivering different amounts of data

    At different speeds (and different fromCPU and memory)

    In different formats (e.g., word length)

    Solution? I/O modules

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    I/O Module

    Interface to CPU and Memory

    Interface to one or more peripheral devices

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    Types of I/O Devices

    Human readableScreen, printer, keyboard

    Machine readable

    Magnetic disk, tape Communication


    Network Interface Card (NIC)

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    External Device

    External Device (Peripheral)

    Control Signals

    Send data to module,receive data from module,send status, position diskhead.

    Status signalsREADY, NOT READY

    Buffer: temporarily holddata being transferred,

    8-16 bits is common. Transducer: energy-

    electrical signals.

    Control logicControls o eration.

    I/O Module

    To/from computer


    Outside world

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    Keyboard/Monitor, and Disk Drive

    ASCII Printable and control (e. g., carriage return).

    KeyboardA key is pressed.

    Transducer translates signal into ASCII.

    ASCII is transmitted to I/O module in the computer. Text can be stored as ASCII in the computer.

    Monitor On output, computer sends ASCII to I/O module. I/O

    module sends ASCII to external device (monitor). Transducer at the monitor sends electronic signals to

    display the character.

    Disk Drive Transducer converts magnetic patterns to/from bits.

    Head can be moved in and out across disks surface.

  • 8/12/2019 Lecture 06 Org Comm


    Lecture 6

    Chapter 7. Input/Output (Cont.)

  • 8/12/2019 Lecture 06 Org Comm


    Functions of I/O Module

    1. Control & Timing.

    2. CPU Communication.

    3. Device Communication.

    4. Data Buffering.

    5. Error Detection.

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    1. Control & Timing - Input Operation

    Common CPU, memory, and bustiming is


    1. CPU checks I/O module device status.

    2. I/O module returns status.

    3. If ready, CPU requests data transfer (command

    to I/O module).

    4. I/O module gets data from external device.

    5. I/O module transfers data to CPU.

    Variations for output, DMA, etc.

    Bus arbitration.

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    2. CPU Communication

    Decode command

    I/O module accepts commands from CPU on control lines.

    e.g., SEEK track number (command + parameter on data

    lines) for a disk drive.

    Recognize address

    One unique address for each peripheral it controls.

    Exchange data

    Between CPU and device over the data bus.

    Report status

    BUSY, READY, or some error conditions.

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  • 8/12/2019 Lecture 06 Org Comm


    4. Data Buffering (Speed Mismatch)

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    5. Error Detection

    Mechanical and electrical malfunctionsReport to CPU.

    e.g., paper jam, bad disk track.

    Bit pattern changes

    Parity bit (ASCII).

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    I/O Module

    Status register: holds device status or accepts control info from CPU Some control lines may be used by the module for bus arbitration.

    If module controls more than one device, it has a set of uniqueaddresses.

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    I/O Module Decisions

    Hide or reveal device properties to CPU.

    Support multiple or single device.

    Control device functions or leave for CPU.

    Also O/S decisions

    e.g. Unix treats everything it can as a file

    I/O channel(I/O processor)

    I/O module takes most of work.


    I/O controller(device controller)

    Primitive I/O module.


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    Input Output Techniques


    Interrupt driven.

    Direct Memory Access (DMA).

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    Programmed I/O

    CPU (program) has direct control over I/O

    Sensing status

    Read/write commands

    Transferring data

    CPU waits for I/O module to complete

    operation Wastes CPU time

    CPU issues a command to the I/O module.

    I/O module performs operation.

    I/O module sets status bits. CPU checks status bits periodically.

    I/O module does not inform CPU directly.

    I/O module does not interrupt CPU.

    CPU may wait or come back later.

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    I/O Commands

    CPU executes an I/O-related instruction.

    CPU issues addressIdentifies module (& device if >1 per module)

    CPU issues command

    Control - telling module what to doe.g. spin up disk

    Test - check status

    e.g. power? Error?


    Module transfers data via buffer from/to device

    With programmed I/O, there is a one-to-onemapping between I/O instructions and I/Ocommands.

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    Addressing I/O Devices

    Under programmedI/O, data transfer is very likememory access (CPU viewpoint).

    Each device given unique identifier.

    CPU commands contain identifier (address).

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    I/O Mapping

    Memory mapped I/ODevices and memory share the same addressspace.

    I/O looks just like memory read/write.

    No special instructions for I/OLarge selection of memory access instructions


    Isolated I/O

    Separate address spaces

    Need I/O or memory select lines

    Special instructions for I/O

    Limited set

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    I/O Mapping - Example

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    Interrupt-Driven I/O

    Overcomes CPU waiting No repeated CPU checking of device

    I/O module interrupts when ready

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    Interrupt Driven I/O

    Basic Operation

    CPU issues read command

    I/O module gets data from

    peripheral whilst CPU does

    other work

    I/O module interrupts CPU

    CPU requests data

    I/O module transfers data

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  • 8/12/2019 Lecture 06 Org Comm


    Identifying Interrupting Module

    How do you identify the module issuing the interrupt?

    Different line for each module PC

    Limits number of devices

    Software poll

    CPU asks each module in turn Slow

    Daisy Chain or Hardware poll Interrupt Acknowledge sent down a chain

    Module responsible places vector on bus CPU uses vector to identify handler routine

    Bus Master Module must claim the bus before it can raise interrupt

    e.g. PCI & SCSI

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    Multiple Interrupts

    How do you deal with multiple interrupts?

    i.e. an interrupt handler being interrupted

    Each interrupt line has a priority.

    Higher priority lines can interrupt lower priority lines.

    If bus mastering only current master can interrupt.

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    Example - PC Bus

    80x86: one interrupt line.

    8086 based systems: 182C59A intrpt controller.

    82C59A: 8 intrpt lines.

    Sequence of events

    82C59A acceptsinterrupts

    82C59A determinespriority

    82C59A signals 8086

    (raises INTR line) CPU Acknowledges

    82C59A puts correctvector on data bus

    CPU processesinterru t.

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    Reading Material

    Stallings, chapter 7, pages 222-233