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Leveraging Facebook to build your eCommerce Business


Reach all of the people who matter to you – at scale

Source: Facebook ZA internal data, Sep 2014

High-quality reach

11M+  monthly

active people ZA

11M  mobile monthly active people


6.6M  mobile daily

active people ZA

mostly people are on mobile

People  are  omnichannel

The path-to-purchase is complex Are you reaching them where they are converting?

start shopping on one device and continue

on another


Source: comScore/PayPal “Reaching the Connected Consumer” Custom Surveys, Oct 2013

Cross-sell and upsell

Drive intent

Acquire customers

Why? Facebook delivers at every stage of the marketing funnel





Build brand

Reach more of the right people

Measure and optimise

Drive action across devices

The power of Facebook – what’s the solution?

What does reaching the people mean?

E-commerce is growing rapidly

Source: *Quarterly estimated based on monthly search query volume from Google Keyword Tool, April 16, 2013, ** (Q4 2012 estimate) – Nate Herman, Vice President, American Apparel & Footwear Association, *** Gartner, Feb 2013, “Gartner Says Worldwide Mobile Phone Sales Declined 1.7 percent in 2012”

Only 15-20% of people who buy a product online does so as a result of an online search

People who check products online

People who buy products online


Facebook Targeting

Core Audiences

Lookalike Audiences

Custom Audiences

Sophisticated targeting with unsurpassed accuracy

Reach the people you already know

Find more people like your best customers


Use Core Audiences to segment your audience Targeting types




Sample segments

Age and gender

Newly married

Interested in shopping

Living in CPT

IOS phone user Behaviors


Facebook Your CRM database

Matched targets

Custom Audiences Reach your specific customers or prospects at scale

Lookalike Audiences Find more people who look like your best customers


Drive action across devices

Put your products at the center of the experience

Source: IDC, “Always Connected,” March 2013

In-stream and native 1

Designed for action 2

Optimized for conversion 3


Designed for action link ads – now with call to action buttons

•  Entire image is clickable

•  Offers the highest amount of real estate to get people to click on your ad

•  Option to add call-to-action buttons: Shop Now, Learn More, Sign Up, Book Now or Download

Source: Nanigans study “How Page Post Ads in News Feed Drive Direct Response and ROI,” June 2013

53%    increase in ROI

when using Page post link ads


Designed for action Mobile app install and engagement ads


Customer discovery and acquisition


Retention, engagement and conversion

Conversion / Retention

Measure & Optimise

Facebook is a cross-device platform Drive & track conversions where they happen

65% of conversions that result after a mobile impression take place on desktop.

Source: Facebook internal data, Oct 2013, 2-5 day attribution window, 1 day attribution value


Measure results across devices

Conversion pixel

SDK Third-party measurement



Campaign ‘A’





Ad Budget Performance



Ad ‘A’

Ad ‘B’

Ad ‘C’

Managing complexity Measure

Managing complexity Measure

Allow Facebook’s measurement

tools to optimise for clarity


68%    more conversions

attributed when using oCPM vs. CPC

Source: Facebook case study, Aug 2013 – 2-wk test of single client, lift in attributed purchases between oCPM and CPC is stat-sig within a 99% C.I. using 2-sided binomial z-test. Facebook internal data based on an internal head to head test of eight mobile app install advertisers over the course of two months. Average is across each client in test.

Optimized for conversion Website and mobile app conversions with oCPM and CPA


Key Challenge

“To reach the right people, at scale

with razor sharp efficiency”

“Konga uses Facebook to reach the right people at scale” 165%

Increase in transactions from

targeted reach campaigns

“Konga uses Facebook to drive real business results” 3x

Increase in ROI

Reach more of the right people

Measure & Optimise

Drive action across devices

Remember these three things…

Core Audiences

Custom Audiences

Lookalike Audiences

Facebook SDK

Conversion pixel

Mobile app ads

Page post link ads

3rd party measurement

