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“The Family”

In my opinion, “The Family”

was an interesting movie. It

was about the Lake family

who moved to France. They

ran away from snitching on a

mob boss and the father

starts writing about his life

and what he has done. He

beats up people and some-

times kills them. It is a vio-

lent movie. Even though it

was violent, it is one of the

best I have seen.

By: Rachel


(8th Grade)

This year all 8th grade students performed a lab in conjunction with many students

throughout Colorado. This lab was called the ‘ant project.’ It was performed to see what

causes organisms to move so they could find a way to fight cancer. Every 8th grade student

developed a claim and constructed the test habitat. Most students enjoyed the process

and Rachel Melling exclaimed that, ”The 8th grade ant project was really fun! They didn’t

live long though. Over fall break they died, but other than that the ants were fun to test.”

Mrs. Cochrane stated, “It was a great opportunity for students to experience science

hands on. Students had the opportunity to create develop implement and analyze their

personal experiences during the ant project.” Overall, this project was a success!

By: Matthew Fisher (7th grade) and Kody Jones (8th Grade)

Movie Reviews

8th Grade Ant Project


P R E S E N T S . . .


What Shoes?

What are the 3 best shoes worn by Liberty students? Nike, Jordan’s, Jordan elephant print 5, and Converse. Evan Morgan is a Nike shoe fan because they are very comfortable to him. “I like Nikes because they’re comfortable and I wear them every-where.” Willasja Mar-shall is not a Nike fan, but instead a Jordan fan; Willasja would not wear them to school, or in a muddy place because they are so nice. “My favorite shoes are Jor-dan’s because they make really cool shoes and their designs are cool. “ Wilson Euell likes both converse and Jor-dan’s, but his most com-fortable shoes would have to be converse because they are low tops. His favorite shoes overall though are Jor-dan’s, “because I am a Jordan fan.” Personally, I like Jordan’s because I love all their designs since they all go with my clothing. Plus, it’s the new style.

By: Ariah Hundley (8th Grade)

“After Earth”

The 2013 father/son adventure thriller “After Earth” was one of the top must-see classics of the summer. This adventure drama proves that fear only exists if you let it. 7th grade student Willasja Marshall says that on a scale of 1-10 she would give “After Earth” a 10! Time Out critics say that “After Earth” is just “another tedious jungle chase movie and that film could have had more.” I think the movie was just right- it was timed perfectly and had just enough detail to be able to really understand it.

By: Anneya Anderson (7th Grade)

“Cloudy With A Chance of

Meatballs 2”

Flint and his gang, along with

his idol, are trying to find a

machine and destroy it when

they find out it creates living

food. Flint must make im-

portant decisions between

his idol and his friends. A

great movie it

to find out the rest!

By: Cailey


(8th Grade)

P A G E 2

“The return of

the blockbuster

franchise is

back, and

better than


The Bugatti Veyron

SuperPayceIII (A fictional video game review PART 1)

8th grade High School Poll

Car Review We have seen the title

of the world’s fastest pro-

duction car being passed

from Bugatti Veyron SS

and Americas SSC over

recent years, but with the

introduction of the Hen-

nessey brand there is an-

other big player in the

game! The American Tun-

er, best known for its mind

-blowing Vipers, Camaros

and Cadillac’s, is looking to

set a new title with their

new Supercar, the Venom

GT. The Venom GT has a

reputation for being the

world’s maddest supercar.

Or really, we should say

“hyper car” because this

ballistic missile for the

road has stormed from 0-

100km/h in a mind bog-

gling 2.4-seconds. Yep…

2.4 seconds!

By: Ogen Rosenzweig

and Jeremy Kadis (8th


original formula of the series, SuperPayce III adds many new and fresh mechanics, adding to the already exciting first-person gameplay. You, once again, step into the shoes of the infamous superhero, Payce Lyons, and fight crime with your fist of goodness and gun of power. The game features the return of EvilCurt from the previous entry into the series, Super-Payce II: Electric Boogaloo.


The game takes on a cell shaded art style, just likes its predeces-sors, with a resemblance of comic book art style. It runs on DICE’s signature Chicken Mel-on graphics engine and sup-ports DirectX 11. The texture, model, and particle quality is acceptable, but nothing to write home about. It is reasonably optimized for a wide spectrum of systems.

By: Lucas Kitaev (8th Grade)

SuperPayce III: Honey Bee

PC, Xbox Treesitty, PlayStation Tree, Wii U

Developer: DICE

Publisher: EA

Released: August 10th, 2013


The return of the blockbuster franchise is back, and better than ever. While it sticks to the

Out of fifty 8th graders, half of

them are going to Grandview

High school, which is one of

the largest schools in the

district. Many students

choose Grandview (through

school of choice) because it is

their favorite school, and

most of their friends will go


By: Lindsi Jennings (8th Grade)










Cherokee Trails High

School 8

Sports Recap

P A G E 3 V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 1

Girls basketball did great

as the 7th grade teams were

11-5 and were at the top of

the standings in the district,

with crushing wins over

Campus and Prairie. “The

basketball season was great

and a lot of fun,” said An-

neya Anderson. Right now,

boys basketball is in session

and also doing well. The

track teams also did well this

year, with 2nd and 3rd place in

the district. Ryan Bevan re-

ceived 4th place with a 4’10

high jump, and Paco May

placed 2nd in long Jump. 8th

grade girls placed third and

8th grade boys placed fourth

in the district. Same for 7th

grade. 6th grade was a little

stronger, placing first and

third in the district. Let’s

hope the rest of the year

goes this well!

By: Gavin Bell and Connor

McNally (8th Grade)

iPhone 5C vs. Samsung

Galaxy S4

The votes are in! We went

around the school and found

out that most students at

Liberty like iPhones more

than the Samsung Galaxy.

Out of 30 students polled, 17

students at the school say

they like IPhones better due

to the apps, while 13 stu-

dents say that the Samsung

Galaxy is better for it’s visu-


By: Tulien Adi (8th Grade)

Which Phone is Better?

The iPhone and the

Samsung Galaxy.

What do you think

is better?

Ice Cream is a favorite sweet treat here at Liberty Middle

School. While all flavors are liked, chocolate was the most liked

among the three grades. For all the teachers—next time you

hold an ice cream party you know what to bring!

What is a determining factor in choosing a

phone case?

“I chose my phone case because of the durability,

and because black is my favorite color.” -Jacob


“I chose my case because of the color, light blue,

the initials in the corner and because of the skull

design.” -James Jennings

“I picked my phone case because of the color. It’s

pink but I don’t like pink. I think my dad thinks I

like pink.”

Favorite Ice Cream Flavors (out of 60 polled)

By: Madison Sebern and Gillian Abeyta (7th Grade)

23 11 4 4 10 8

Chocolate Vanilla Strawberry Rainbow Mint Cookies and Cream

By: Cailey Bice (8th Grade)

Midnight Sun

The midnight sun rose with its fiery brightness

lighting up the eerie ally of dark,

lifting the souls of the lonely spirits lurking just above the surface,

snatching the dreams of the children scared inside

Replacing them with the fear of the night.

Silent screams roll over the hills.

The darkness catching them in its void of a mind,

engulfing every sound that dares make itself known.

Street lights slice through its fragile skin,

shouting out and growing, the lights cut more and more.

The ball of cold fire lowers itself as the enemy approaches,

threatening to take rein of all it’s worked for,

dying down it falls to take another city,

waiting for its revenge.

Staff Members Favorite Books

“My favorite book is The Hunt for Red October because I read it on a submarine and it’s about submarines” –Mr. Zehner

“The Art of Racing in the Rain because it’s about a dog. It’s happy, but it’s also sick.” -Mr. Moody

Little Women because it talks about the strength of women.” -Ms. Clawson

By: Jenell Truskov (7th Grade)

The Grape that Wouldn’t Juice

Duck Life 4: Review

Overall: 8/10

This is by far the best Duck Life in the series. In previous games there was the ability to only have one duck, but in

this game they really enhanced the RPG (role playing game) genre. Duck Life 4 has three different eggs to choose

from initially, and throughout the game when you beat levels you gain more access to different eggs and other cool

items such as new hair styles and hats. Also, the four original training exercises are back but there are more than just

training exercises. Each skill (running, swimming, flying, and climbing) has different tasks to complete. Also each

skill has its own world like swimming which is in the swamp. I feel that the idea of introducing each skill separately is

also fun and intriguing. In the previous games you started out with every skill and you could rank up very fast, but

this version they made it so ranking up is very long and hard (if you know what I mean). This game is very addictive

and fun, so play it today!

Graphics: 7/10

Story: 9/10

Levels: 6/10 (short)

Training: 10/10

By: Jeremy Kadis (8th Grade)

By: Jeremy Kadis (8th Grade)

What can I do around Liberty?

Have you ever stopped to think about the

many clubs this school has? What about

its sports? Our school actually has more

activities than almost every other school in

the district. From Math League to wres-

tling, after school or before it, there are

many ways to experience a new hobby

inside your school. There are 4 sports in

Liberty where you compete against other

schools in the district. Track, basketball,

wrestling, and volleyball are the sports you

can play at Liberty. Clubs are also spon-

sored at this school and there are too

many to list. These are for people who

enjoy arts, leadership, academics, or some-

thing new you’ve never tried. I joined the-

ater club (with no experience in acting) for a play and I loved it. It was one of the best experiences I’ve ever

had! Also I’ve been in track. It’s pretty exhilarating if you ask me. So now you know what extracurricular ac-

tivities there are, why don’t you try one? Be careful, though, the fun can be contagious.

Girls: The Best Eye Shadow Colors For You

If you have blue Eyes: The best color for your eyes would be gold, pink, and blue.

Green Eyes: The best color for your eyes would be greens, reds, and purples.

Brown and Hazel Eyes: The best colors for your eyes would be, white,

green, blue, purple, yellow, and red.

By: Gillian Abeyta (7th Grade)

Stanley (A Fictional Story)

This is a story of a man named Stanley. Stanley was a simple man; he had a job at a big company where

he was employee number 427. Employee number 427’s job was simple; he pushed buttons on a keyboard. A

monitor on his desk told him what buttons to push, when, and for how long. And Stanley was happy.

However, one day, something very peculiar happened. All of his coworkers were gone; perhaps he had

simply missed a memo. Stanley decided to go to the meeting room to find out. No matter how hard Stanley

looked, he couldn’t find a trace of his coworkers. Stanley felt the need to try every door he saw, not understand-

ing that there was a story to be told. Upon approaching employee number 417’s office, Stanley noticed it was

located in its own hallway. Closing both doors on each end of the hallway, Stanley thought to himself, “Here, I

can be happy here, no one will bother me and I can live a happy life, just admiring employee number 417’s of-

fice.” The landscape shot of mountains, the filing cabinets, the ladder, it was all too much to handle. Stanley

opened the door at the end of the hallway and continued onward. Upon reaching a room with two open doors,

Stanley entered the one on his left. Walking in to the meeting room, Stanley was shocked to see no one here

either. At a loss of what to do, Stanley decided to go upstairs to his boss’s office. However, a broom closet

caught Stanley’s attention. Stepping in to the broom closet, Stanley noticed there was nothing here either, so he

continued on with the story.

After walking up the long flight of stairs to his boss’s office, Stanley decided to check out the executive

bathroom. Stanley knew all too well that he wasn’t welcome here, but gathering up the courage, he stepped in-

side to notice it was empty. Continuing on to his boss’s office, Stanley felt a wave of disbelief hit him; there was-

n’t a sign of his boss anywhere. Opening drawers, fumbling through bookshelves, Stanley was too blind to no-

tice the keypad behind his boss’s desk; completely unaware of the secret code his boss set for it: 2-5-4-8. Yet, by

sheer luck, Stanley entered the correct code into the keypad. A giant set of doors opened where the fireplace

used to be as the windows were covered shut. Stepping through the newly opened door, Stanley took the eleva-

tor at the passage.

Arriving in the bowels of the building Stanley went through the big door that read “MIND CONTROL

FACILITY.” This was it. As Stanley entered this mind control facility, he felt a strange sensation. Pushing a but-

ton, the lights jumped to life, revealing a room full of monitors. Continuing across the catwalk, Stanley pushed

another button that brought the monitors to life, each monitor bore the name of each employee, Stanley one of

them. All of these individuals’ lives, reduced to a screen. Pushing another button, an elevator appeared. Taking

the elevator up, Stanley walked into a room filled with buttons. Eating, drinking, talking…each of these buttons

used to control Stanley and his coworkers. Upon seeing this, Stanley began to question the very nature of his

life. Walking through the mind control room, Stanley entered the room titled “FACILITY POWER”. Here it

was, the moment of truth. Stanley pushed the button that turned the power off.

Light streamed in through the opening door. Stanley had beaten the machine. So many questions still

lay unanswered. What happened to his coworkers? Why was there a mind control facility? Why couldn’t Stanley

jump? But then Stanley realized that none of this mattered to him. Stanley walked through the giant door. The

wind on his face, the birds chirping; it was all so great. And Stanley was happy.

By: Lucas Kitaev (8th Grade)

By: Cailey Bice (8th Grade)

Teacher Profile: Mrs. Arrington

Every teacher is different. Different attitudes, smiles, likings, etc... Mrs. Arrington is different from

most I know. She has a huge family! She has a daughter named Mandy that is twenty-three. She has two

grandchildren: Zeek – three, and Izzie – nine months. Her husband (Barry Arrington) has three children,

twenty-five, twenty-seven, and twenty-nine years old. Mrs. Arrington has two dogs, Boba and Roxxie. Did

you know that Mrs. Arrington found her husband on They have been married for five years!

She loves teaching and currently teaches Reading to sixth graders. She is a graduate from CU and loves to

grade papers in purple pen! She absolutely loves the shoe brand UGGS and shops at TJ MAXX regularly.

For fun, she and her husband like to scuba dive, travel, and watch hockey.

By: Lindsi Jennings (8th Grade)

P A G E 1 0


How to Take a Selfie in Three Easy Steps

1. Create an appropriately lighted environment to ensure the most aesthetically

pleasing results. *Dimly-lit photos will not highlight any features and will

reduce photo quality, thus making you look super-duper bland.

2. Take your picture. Make sure the camera is stable, if the camera is shaken or

moved it will blur the photo, and you’ll look super-duper washed-out.

3. Add effects, crop and add some thoughtful text so everyone knows how

cool and special you are. The effects and crop are to make you look more


Go from this:

To this:

By: Payce Lyons (8th Grade)

Selfies are

good for…





-Send to


-Profile pics



Rubber Band Bracelets

P A G E 1 1 V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 1

Popular trend?

Rubber band bracelets are huge trends around the school. This trend started at the beginning of the school year and still appears to be going strong. It’s crazy what you can do with these things— they can be simple or complex, from pinkie finger size to one whole wrist. The brace-lets come in all different sizes and some of the popular designs are: fishtails, star-bursts, ladders, hexafish, triple singles, double braids, double X, sweethearts, liberty twists, tulip towers, or zippy chains. The designs are interesting to people and are used in different ways. There are many ways people can make these bracelets, but for some you need a special kit which you can buy in stores or

online. Our thoughts...people can make money off of these?! Even though I personally like the designs of many of the bracelets, I still think they are huge scams. I have not yet bought one be-cause I think they are cheaply made. You can purchase about 300 bands for $3.00! Rubber band bracelets are usually worn as a sign of friendship, and if you are creative with time on your hands, you could possibly even make and sell them. Overall, we give them a thumbs up! By: CJ Paris and Declan Nichol (7th Grade)

Gavin Bell- “I want to play sports

after high school.”

Connor McNally- “I want to play


Madison Sebern- “ I want to become

a doctor.”

Jeremy Kadis- “Becoming a micro-

biologist would be awesome.”

Anneya Anderson- “I want to go to

college and major in acting.”

Gillian Abeyta- “I’m planning to go

to cosmetology school for make-


Cecely Cruz- “I want to be a psy-


Lindsi Jennings- “In college I want

to major in Criminal Justice.”

Matt Fisher- “I want to play sports

or be a PE teacher.”

Declan Nicol- “I want to go to

cooking school.”

Rachel Melling- “After high school,

I want to go to college and become

an author.”

Niki Benasutti- “I want to go to

school and become a doctor.”

CJ Paris- “I want to go to college

and become a famous artist.”

Ariah Hundley- “I want to go to

college to become a lawyer.”

Kody Jones- “I want to go to college

and play basketball or own a res-


Ogen Rosenzweig- “I want to be a

CEO or CFO as I grow up.”

Tulien Adi- “I want to go to college

and become a real estate agent.”

Cailey Bice- “After high school I

want to join the military.”

Payce Lyons- “I want to follow my

dreams...I’m just not sure what

they are yet.”

Lucas Kitaev– “I want to become a

Russian spy.”

What is the Yearbook Staff Doing After High School?