Lily - Inala State School€¦ · Lily PREP D T-Jay Divnaman PREP G Malyun Junior 1D Owen Yen 1K...


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Parent Teacher Interviews Thank you to all parents/carers who attended your child’s parent teacher interview and had the op-portunity to discuss your child’s report card and how they are going with their learning and what they need to do to improve. This process should

provide you with vital information of how your child/children’s learning is pro-gressing, along with feedback about their attendance, behaviour and effort. This feedback loop provides an opportunity to discuss learning with your child/children and gain clarification from their teacher at the next parent/teacher interviews. Teaching and learning is a continuous cycle and reporting data supports this process for all stakeholders: parents, students and teachers.

Connecting to Culture – Prep Project Continues

Our Prep students have had the opportunity to engage with learning in their first language to support the development of oral language and their second (third, fourth, fifth … ) language - English. Research (Dekker & Young 2008,

Vukovic 2019 and Maser 2019) indicate that lexicons in the brain develop much stronger when literacy continues to develop a child’s first language along with their new language. Students have engaged with their first language (Arabic, English, Hindi, Samoan, Swahili, Tigrinya and Vietnamese) two days a week reading translated books and then another two days a week in English using the original reading books. I would like to thank our translators and also the Pro-fessional Learning Team (PLT) that has made this project a success.

Aussie of the Month & Academic Award

16.09.2019 PREP B Jamine




PREP G Malyun


1D Owen


1K Mwajuma


1P Mimi


2LG Nimo


2K Fosia


2M Anna


3M Rubyson


3T Dana


3W Aliana


4C Charlie



4M Rebecca


5H Latisha


5J Kevin


5M Kolachelle


6T Sharif


6D Tomy


6H Tien





SOS – School Opinion Survey

Our SOS is one vital feedback loop that provides a par-ent voice regarding the “health” of Inala SS, we ap-preciate the time families take to respond to this. Staff supported parents at our parent teacher inter-views to complete the survey with iPads readily avail-able for families to log in with their code. Congratula-

tions to Asenati Tamala who won the lucky door prize, 2 tickets to Burton’s Circus worth $70, for completing her survey at this school event.

ROAR – A = Attendance

Our attendance is sitting at 92% for 2019, congratulations to students who have been rewarded for their outstanding attendance and also to classes who have improved the most during term 3. I had the honour to present certificates to students in year 3 to acknowledge and recognise their attendance every day. All students will have the opportunity to receive an attendance reward next term when their data is reset into the green zone on their classroom rockets.


If your child is in year 3 or 5 you should have received their NAPLAN results. We are very proud of our stu-dents’ results that reflect the hard work that students demonstrate in their learning every day. The strong im-provement of our students highlight the dedication and commitment of all staff.

Term 3 Reflection

Where did 10 weeks go? Time goes quickly when we have been busy focussing on our goals for this term and then in turn enjoying the celebrations from our suc-cess. Many students have benefitted from their hard work with behaviour (Reward’s Day), attendance (Individual Certificate and class party) and learning (report card). It is important to take time to reflect on your achievements by asking “what worked well”, “how could I do better next time” and “what have I

learnt”. Congratulations to all students who have achieved their term 3 goals and I look forward to hearing about your new goals for term 4.

Happy Holidays, we look forward to seeing you term 4 on Tuesday 8th October!

SPC Lyndsey McKean

From the Student Performance Coach

Fantastic Writing

In Term 3 our Writing Groups have contin-ued to operate successfully. Year 3 joined us for a few weeks before NAPLAN and our regular groups of Year 4, 5 and 6

students continue to learn and practise new skills. Stu-dents who demonstrate ability come together for one lesson a week to work on extension skills. This term Year 4s have learned to use a variety of styles when writing sentences and have started working on writing with more detail, Year 5s have worked on poetry anal-ysis, vocabulary and sentence variety while Year 6s are re-writing a narrative poem as a play. These classes give students the opportunity to work in a small group where they are encouraged to take charge of their own learning. All the students involved have worked hard and achieved well this year.

Spelling Bee

On the last day of Term 2 we held our an-nual ISS Spelling Bee. Students from Years 4, 5 and 6 competed with great enthusi-

asm throughout the week and the Grand Final was held on the Friday afternoon. Congratulations to our 1st, 2nd and 3rd placegetters in Year 4: Lia Sekona, Bruce Mang and Luisa Faoaga; in Year 5: Kevin Nguyen, Kahan Pam-Tran and Terhas Asfha; and in Year 6: Kate Riveral, Claire Tongia and Nghi To. The Grand Final saw a rivet-ing battle between Khahan Pham-Tran and Kate River-al, with Kate finally emerging as our 2019 Spelling Bee Champion. Well done to all the students who contest-ed. And, just as a note, Spelling is our strongest cate-gory in this year’s NAPLAN results.

Ownership of Learning

Term 3 saw the introduction of the Ownership of Learning program into Years 5 and 6. Select-ed students engaged in a series of interviews to identify their learning strengths and challeng-

es, and each chose one or two learning skills to work on independently in class. The program encourages students to take responsibility for their own learning and rewards improvements in effort. Last week our first eight students received a certificate recognising their achievements. Well done everyone!

It’s hard to believe we have arrived at the end of Term 3 and what a term it has been!

This term I had the opportunity to attend a valua-

ble workshop on Leading Inclusive Education. As a

result I have been working with some amazing ISS

teachers in our Professional Learning Team to de-

velop Inala State School’s Credo for Inclusive Edu-

cation. We are currently discussing and writing

what it should Look like, Sound like and Feel like

for all our diverse learners, their families and the

wider community. We believe everyone who en-

ters our school should feel welcome and valued

and we will be working hard over the coming

months and terms to make sure we are doing our

very best in this space!

Next term the PLT is looking forward to extending

an opportunity to our students, parents, carers

and members of the community to tell us of their

personal experiences learning, visiting, playing or

meeting at ISS.

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all par-

ents, carers, students and staff for all the hard

work and support you have offered this term to

ensure Inala State School is truly a great school.

You are all the reason I enjoy coming to work

every day!

Please take the time over the next two weeks to

spend some quality time with your family, be

safe, stay safe and take care of each other!!



Instrumental Music Trish Allan

Congratulations to the Inala State School Instrumental Music Program for purchasing new percussion, brass and wood-wind gear! The kids are very excited to learn on their new instruments! If you would like your child to learn a band instrument, ex-pression of interest forms for students coming into grade 4 in 2020 have been handed out. For more information please contact Miss Allan on

ARDOCH Literacy Buddies Visit

Inala State School

This year, year 6 students have been participating in ARDOCH’s literacy buddies program. The program matches Big Buddies (workplace volunteers) with Lit-tle Buddies (school children) who exchange letters. Earlier this term the literacy buddies visited Inala State School to meet their ‘little buddies’ and partici-pate in confidence building activities. Below are pho-tos from the visit. Year 6 are looking forward to visit-ing their big buddies in their workplace later in the year.


ARDOCH Literacy Buddies Visit


Term 3 @ Inala SS!