(!lrntral !Iaine · 1!1llrrkly N rws «iagnzittl'...1974/01/17  · volvers, sword~, shotguns,...


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(!lrntral !Iaine · .11 1!1llrrkly N rws «iagnzittl'

~Page 2 ~anuary 17, ll:l '/4. THE TOWN CR I E .H

THE TOWN CRIER is publlshed each Thursday evening by the Milo Printing Company. We hope to be of help to the citizens of the towns in our cover­age through NEWS, INFORMATION, AND LOW PRIC­ED ADVERTISING,

We accept no financial responsibility for e r rors in advertising but will gladly print corrections.

Copies of mostphotos appearing in THE TOWN CRI­ER may be obtained through our office . If you have neva or availat.le photos of any sort we

urge you to call or drop in. DeadliAe will be Monday Noon but we would appreciate copy recei ved earlier in the week.

Classified ad's 50 cent minimum including up to 12 words, 3 cents for each additional ·word. Display ad space by the column inclt

lf you want to BUY, SELL, RENT or SWAP, try "Town Crier" Classified.

FOR RENT Wheelchairs, Walkers, Canes,

Crutches , for sale or rent at Daggett's Pharmacy in Milo. Call 943-7708.

PLOWERS We have Fresh and Artificial

Flowers for all occasions . MILO FLOWER SHOP on Main

Street, 943- 2638.

FOR SALE 100% Orlon Acrylic 4 oz. Ske­

in 69¢ - 100 % Orlnn Sayelle 4 oz. Ske in 99¢. l~iuny colors . Jacl<ie's Yarn .Shop, Derby Hill 943-8843 .

0'FTS We have gifts for aU~ca­

sions. See us at Spring St. in Milo, ,..,..,_ Village Gift Shoppe,

LONGSTREET SEPTIC TANK 24 hour service, Low, reas­

onable r ates. No extra charge to come from Bangor. Call 942-0342.

SERVICE 1fyou're thinking of buying a

new vacuum cleaner, see LudgerJ. Cote. For parts for Electrolux or Fairfax and re­pairs, call 943-7462.

WANTED Will buy or t rade rifles, re­

volvers, sword~, shotguns, powder flasks , cartridges. Call 943-8802'.

Joanne Brigham, EDITOR l?hone 943-7384

HAY FOR SALE Quality hay for sale. Call


WANTED Furniture, dolls, coins, co­

mic books, pre 1950, big lit­tle books, lamps , Planters peanutjars, glasswar e. Pink­ham's Ant iques, 189 Main St. , Lincoln , Maine, Tel. 794 -6336.

FOR SALE Fir ewood - $45 pe r cord.

r:an LaGr ange , 943- 2082.

NOTICE A class in Trimnastics for

women will be held at the Oro­no campus of the Universit y of Maine for eight weeks, start­ing Monday, Jan, 21. Classes will be held Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:45 to 9:45 a.m. at Lengyel Gymnasium9 t aught by Mr s. Gloria Haskell of Bangor, The classes , liinit­ed to 60 women, are sponsored by the university's department of athletics and physical edu­cation. The fee is $16 and fur­ther information may be ob­tained from the athletic busi­ness office at Memorial Gym­nasium, UMO.

NOTICE. A representat ive from the

Bangor Social Security Office will be at the Milo Town Hall. on 'luesday, January 22 at 3:00p.m.

CJ1lil" e " mmunity


Norman Richards William McLaughliu Edith Grinnell ~ Nina Davis John Sharrow Harold Leeman Theresa B1·adeen Hazel Lawler Norma Barriault E. CORINTH: Sonya Spencer Paula Speed Esther Owen


Donna Royal William McLaughlin Elizabeth Horne BRADFORD: Rut h Daggett Malcolm Randall John Shar row DOVER-FOXCROFT: Edith Grinnell Beulah Porter Nor ma Bar riault LOWELL:

BROWNVILLE : Martina Whitney & baby Jan Nelson E . CORINTH: Linda Badger Paula Speed & baby Births: To Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Speed, E. Corinth, a boy.

To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Spencer, Milo, a girl. Transfers: Laure l Carde, Milo, to E . M. M, C.

JOB OPPORTUNITIES The following job opportuni­

t ies exist in greate r Dover­Foxcroft area:

T ime Etudy Man Office Manager Store Clerk Execut ive Secretary Hotel Clerk Housekeeper (Llve-in) Auto Mechanic Woodworking Machine Oper-

ator Loom fixe r P lumber Mill Maintenance Man General Duty Nurse Bookkeeper training availa-

ble in Bangor for those who qualify. Training will be held at Beal College and last appr o­ximately 15 weeks.

Interested applicants must be 18 years of age and up and have completed high school or have equivalent aptitude.

For further information please contact the Maine Em­ployment Security Office, Cen­tral Hall , 34 E. Main St. or call Dove:t>-Foxcroft, 564-8515, Office open 7:30 a.m. to 4 p. m, , Monday through Friday.

NOTICE The Town Crier is interest

in extending the coverage news in our area. We request anyone having any items of soc­ial interest or club or church interest to please contact· . ~ur office at 943-7384 to let us know.

We wish to serV£J the comm­unity but we need the coopera­tion of our readers . Let us help keep you in touch with the hap­penings in your town.

If you wish to mail in items we request that you mail them ~n time for them to reach the off- ·· ice by Tuesday's mail.

DEVIL'S SLEDDERS CLUB The Devil 's Sledders snow­

mobile Club would like to re­mind snowmobiler s to please stay on marked trails in town. Also it is illegal to snowmobile in the cemetery.

There will be a r egular meet­ing the 22nd, at 7 o'clock at the Town Hall.

I k '

THE TOWN CRIER January17, 1974 Page 3

Daggett's PHARMACY


MILO, ME. 94:3-77'80


All is quiet at the Legion Home. so I thought I would ~ay Hi to the pizza-eaters. I see "'y the :news that some of you

\...../re being . a little foo}lsh and playing with dope. ~beg of you, please, kids. before you do it again. listen to me. You are not only hurting yqurself, but all. of us along wlth you. We have had a part in your Ufe and

·we want so much for you kids to be healthy, normal citizens. ·You see, you have a job to do. You know, like takihg our place when the time comes.

So you see • we are shariQ.g the blame with you. just like ~he honor when you do some­thing outstal:lding.

Keep j.n mind this is your town and your people who care.

Your. old pizza-maker, Clarence Langevine

Fireplace & Stove


4 foot lengths Sawed and delivered

$30 Cord

Tel. 943-7961 Ray Burton

Explorer Post 115 is conducting a license plate drive which is to be held through the Month of February. They request that people leave their useless plates at one of the dropoff points which are: ln Milo: Harmon's Texaco , Knowles Mobil Station and Brown's Sales and Service; In Brownville Jet.: Graves Texaco Stlation; and in Brownville: Grant's Service Center. Plates will then be collected by the Post and sent to the State m be re­cycled.

Pictured above with first two plates collected are left to right: Blaine Chadwick, Cindy London, Linda Harmon, (second row) Randy Walker, Janet Horne, Emily Kinney, Larry Bell and Jeff Eichel. (~taff photo by Paul Brown)

-.. Page 4 January 17, 1974 THE TOWN CRIER


Nutrition Course or Cooking School course to be given by the Piscataquis County Extension Office in conjunction with the Brownville Recreation Department. Dates-

February 18, 19, & 20. Time-

9 a. m, - 11:30 a.m. -Last day to 12:30. Place­

Dining Room in the Masonic Block in Bro\vtwille. Age-

9 - 13, Boys and Girls What­

Lectures, demonstrations, films, games, cooking, sewing, and eating.

BROWNVILLE RECREATION DEPARTMENT Brownville Sesquicentennial Snow Sculpture Contest

As part oL the Town of BroWn ville's Sesquicentenpial year. the Recreation Department is sponsoring a sno'w sculpturing contest. This contest is being held in conjunction with the Wir ter Carnival that is to be held February 21, 22, and 23r"-../ Judging for this contest will take place at 9 a, m. on Febr_uary 23rd. Awards will be given for the best three sculptures, ftrst, second, and third place.

Below you will find a registration form to fill out and return to my office by February 16th if you wish to compete.

Thank you. Sincerely yours, Doug Drinkwater, Recreation Director

Name of Organization._ _______________ _ Including - .

Basic 4, nutrition, table setting, manners, eqmpment, mea- Location of Sculpture,_._ _______________ _ suring, cooking terms, cleanliness, safety, First Aid, groom­ing, posture, and health. Concluding each day with -

Theme of Sculpture. ______ ...:,_ _________ _

I. . Tea (orange drink & cookies) . Chairman of Project II. Buffet (cocoa, biscuits, cheese, celery, and carrot sttcks) :.-.-----------------III. Dinner (casserole, sal~d. hot rolls and dessert) Phone number ___________________ _

Last Day­Quiz and ?resentation of certificates

Fee­$1. 00 per child. Money and application must be t.urn~d in to

the Recreation Department at the Brownville Town Offtce by February 8.

Registration for Nutrition Course Name~------------------------~---Address. _____________ Age_Grade. ___ _

There· is ~ limit to the size of the class so please turn in your application :-11d money as soon as possible. P:iority will be set by the order in which applications are turned m.


A class for adults and high school students interested in crea­tive needle-work and macrame. Basic stitches for creative stitchery will i:>e taught. Designing and executing these original designs r:>';her than "kit" work will be stressed. Applique and crewel .,,, rk in original wallhangings, pictures, pillows; etc. can alsv . '? ·: produced. Macrame, the ancient art of knotting, will be taught and articles such as belts, purses, wallhangings , and jewelry are easily accomplished after only a few basic knots are mastered. The class will be conducted on an entirely individ..;;tl basis with each member working on and/or learning the techniques of most interest to them.

A ten week class , meeting once~ week. Time: 7- 9 p.m., Tuesday Place: Do\\nstairs in Masonic .t.-<.tilding Cost: $10 Registration fee - covers all suppi'<ls & instruction First class: February 5 Applications and registration fees accepted until Feb. 1. If

not enough registrations received to fill class all fees will be returned.

Please return to Town Office before February 1. Name __________________________ __

Address. _____________________ ___

Tele~hone No. _______ --------------

Please return to the Recreation Department in Brownville be­fore February 16th.

,\\ 1 ~'/ ' / .-::.

::: fuel -

We aren't magicians but we will do our best to see you get your allotment of oil if you wm do your best to follow government suggestions for conservation.

t I 'Je · 3 t~


The Derby Mothers' Service Club held an ali day meeting at the home of Mrs. Blanche Smart, Jan. 8, withsevenpre­sent,

Yearly reports from commi­ttees were giveil: Mrs. Blanche Smart, Sec., Mrs. Mildred King, Treas,, Mrs. M:irion Williams, Mystery, and Mrs. Edith Rideout, Flowers.

Mail was acknowledged from the following service boys:

Col. AllanJose; Woodbridge, Va., · .

T. Sgt. Lewis Higgins, Lari­more, N. D.

S, Sgt. Arthur Brown, San Diego, Calif.

Ronald Petri, SMI, Middle­ton, R.I.

S. Sgt. Terrance Bamford, Tex.

T, Sgt. Darrell Spear, Fla. Timothy Perry, N.C. A.M.N. James King, N. D. Ret. Frankll.n Smart , E.

Templeton, Mass. We have 17 boys in the club

service file now, for 1974. Marion Williams reported a

gift had been sent to club mem­ber. Mrs. Elsie Stairs, hos­pita'lized at Milo Comm. Hosp. Club members signed a get­well card going to Mrs. Elsie stairs and Mr. Stanley CollinS, Va. A Thank-you card went to Ret. Franklin Smart for gifts sent by him for members pre­sents.

A crib quilt was ,sold and a large quilt will be tacked at <;mr next meeting, Jan. 22nd at Mrs. Mildred King's.

Card orders will be taken~­new samples have arrived t will be taken at next meetine-/

THE TOWN CRIER January 17, 1974 Page 5

FROM SENATOR WILLIAM D. HATHAWAY PARISH OF ST. FRANCIS XAVIER & ST. PAUL Congress comes back Into session nextJvionday for what I be- Brownville Jet. and Milo, Maine

lieve will be one of the most important legislative periods in Weekend Mass Schedule- 6 p.m./B.J. modern times. It will be important because of the matters we Sunday- 8:30 a.m. /B. J. for the parishi-oner s

'lbe dealing with: the energy shortage, national health illsu- Sunday- Milo- 10:30 a.m. '---""ce~ tax reforms, an impeachment inquiry, to mention just a Women are wiser than men because they·know less & under-few of the weightier matters. stand more. (Stephens)

But the primary significance of this session will not be deri- Soul count- 115-40-103 1/4 for 258. 79 parishioners used ved so much from the specific actions Congress takes or from their budget envelopes last week and the average offering of the integrity with which it acts. The year 1974 is ~rucial for the budget users was $2. 75. Excellent- May God bless your Congress because the American people are turning to their Re- generosity. presentatives and Senators in Washington to restore a rapidly Thanks to Joe & Grace Muench of Highland Heights, Kentucy deteriorating confidence in elected public officials. for $100 donation for the organ. We now have $1307. 00 of

I believe. Congress will meet this challenge. In fact, we met $2,000.00 - GREAT I it during the past year, but because of the glare of Watergate, Prayer-leader- "for the eternal happiness of Helen Hackett, other matters-- with the exception of the energy crisis -- es- Howard Clohosey, Mary Goodwin, Fr. Plourd's mother; Fr. caped the public spotlight. · Marcotte's mother; Msgr. Lavoie's father, Archie Farrar and

This is not to say that Congress lived up to everyone's expec- Howard Artus. tations and did all that it should have done. Indeed, we did not Harriet & Ronald Boobar had a home Mass last week. live up to our own expectations. We were criticized in many Thursday- 7:30p.m. -St. Paul's hall - K of C council meet· quarters-- quite justifiably, I believe-- for leaving town for ing with the First Degree team of Dever. the holidays without giving the Preslder.t all the authority he Weekday Masses-needs to deal with the energy crisis. Thursday - 7 p.m. I Milo for Jeannette Doubette by husband

But taking all things into conaideration, 1973 was a good le- Frank. gfslative year, and at the risk of sounding boastful, I believe Friday - '3 a.m. /B.J. for special intention by Patty Cormier. the people of Maine can be proud of what the Maine Congress- Saturday - 6 p.m. /B.J. for Arthur Cormier by wife Patty ional Delegation, individually and as a group, was able to ac- Religious Education classes-complish. Milo-grade 1, by parents at home/gr. 2-Friday after school

Under the leadership of our chairman, Senator Ed Muskie, Velma Lufkin-gr. 3- Janet Lumbra, gr. 4-Nancy Oakes- both the Maine Delegation united to work on some of the major pr6- of these Saturday, 10 a, m. in St. Paul's hall; gr. 5 - Marie blems that confronted the people of Maine during 1973: the Hayes on Sunday ln kitchen, 9:15-10:15 a.m. threatened cut-off of Canadian oil to Georgia pactlic and the Grades 6, 7 & 8 are combined- gr. 6 in B.J. hall, Monday Great Northern Paper Companies as well as other Maine firms; after school BUT a teacher is needed - Elizabeth Srilith has the closing of the Boothbay Harbor Laboratory; the rent in- returned to full-time at her H.R. Block office so ...,1.,nse val­creases at the Capehart Public Housing Project; the impact of unteer for January thru April. Any adult who wlll, pleas~ ~ee · 'ministrationfundcutbacksonanumberof essential programs me or Tom O'Connor, 943- 2108.

, ._,.<'ilaine such as REAP and the Regional Medical Program, to Thanks to Elizabeth for teaching gr. 6 this piS t year. mentlonjust a few. Perhaps one of the greatest benefits of this Grades 7 & 8, Friday after school, gr . 7, Marcelle Madore method of operation ls that on a regular basis, in one place at ln choir-loft; gr. 8, Blanche Weston in sacristy. one time, the entire delegation is accessible to people from Gr. 9, Milo- Ed Oakes, Sunday-9:15a.m. in hall, gr. 10-Maine. Jo Cawtbra- will be combined for B.J. & Milo; sta~ing next

Whateverthe achievements of the Maine Delegation may have Sunday, the 20th- t.wo classes in B.J. after Sunday Mass, in been, each Memeer knows he cannot rest on them. Much re- sacristy, then the ftrst two Sundays of month wlll be held ln mains to be done. My hope is that those of us who are presently Milo hall from 9:15-10:15 a.m. serving in Congress will live up to the expectations of those Milo gr. 11-Kathy Schmidt, Sunday after Mass in Hall, for who elected us. B,J. -same class.

At the close of the last session, Senate Majority Leader Mike If you need ttansportation, please call me. Mansfield had the following comments: "It is easy to find fault , Grade 9- B.J.- Wednesday-6:30p.m. at Betty Willett's with this Congress as with any other, It is easy to rake over lome. the trivia. The fact is, however, that the Congress has been B.J.- gr. 1, at Virginia Zelkan's, Monday, after school. the anchor of the Nation's freedom. It has been the rock of the Gr. 2, Doris Lozier, Monday after school in B.J.hall. Gr. Nation at a time when the executive branch has been seized in 3, Blllie Caron, in kitchen, Monday after school; gr. 4 in a whirlwind of resignations, disclosures, denials, dismissals, sacristy, Li.nda Chase, Monday after school; Gr. 5, Monday and indictments." · after school - Ida Chase irt choir-loft. Gr. 12 - B, J. & Milo

\\-'hat both Houses of Congress are and do in these critical days Last Sunday of month - at Worship committee meeting. is of utmost relevance to the future of the nation. ~ay I r~mind all tl)at a basic Catholic Christian duty - is to


Elementary and secondary schools in 65 Maine towns and cities will have 227 students from the University of Maine at Orono campus assigned to them for student teaching for the eight week period from January 21 to March 22.

>signed to Penquis Valley \...-6h School in Milo is Mrs. Jeanne (Treworgy) Hamlin of Brownville.

~tve rehgious training (by example and word) To one's chll­MILO PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 1ren and another basic duty-to make use of parish rflligious Rev, Sterling, Kennedy, pastor education programs. I repeat, tliese are DUTIES- not options

Young People's - Tues. at or choi~s or "I don't wanna'S' but DUTIES - LAWS- OBLIGA-7:00. TIONS- this is what Christ wants- "AND the truth will make

Mid-week Service- Thurs. you free". God bless you. at 7:30. KINGDOM HALL OF Hardships of Har-Magedon

Special Youth Rally- Sat- JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES based on Habakkuk 3:17, 1e urday, Jan. 19th at 7:00, with Dover Road Milo Maine TUESDAY, JANUARY 22 students from Pentecostal Bi- SUNDAY JANUARY 20 Bible Study with aid of book ble lnst~tute, Marysville, New Public Talk 9:30a.m. God's Kingdom of A Thousand Br~swtck, Canada. Human Compassion's Place ln Years Has Approached

Sunday School at 10:30, Practical Christianity THURSDAY, JANUARY 24 Morning Wo~ship at 11:30. Watchtower Study 10:30 a.m. Meetings Cancelled due to Sunday Evemng at 7:30, Exulting in Jehovah D"lspite Assembly in Waterville.

January 17, 1974

Tom Haley of the PVHS Patriots puts one up in the game last Friday night in wll;j{)h Nokomis of NeMfflrt defeated the S. A.D. #41 team . (Sta1f photo by Paul BroWn)

For a NEW Ford or

Good Used Car See or Call DON HA TT at

Prouty ford Sales 564-3395 or 3396 Evenings call home phone. 564-8281

tax tip of the~ week

MOVING UP NOT TAXABLE QUESTION: John and Matsha bought a home five years ~go for $12,000 . . In June .of 1973 they sold it for $16,000 and immedi-ately moved into a new home for · ey H e. " eLocK

which they paid $20,000. John wants to know if he has tO pay income taxes on his $4,000 profit on the sale of the first house on his 1973 tax return? ANSWER: No, since John and Marsha bought their.new home for mo~e money than the sales price o( the ,old one, the gain on the sale of the old home will be postponed. When the new $20,000 home is sold, the $4,000 profit will be deducted from its cost. If they sell the new home ·tot $22poo, they will have a $6,000 profit instead. of a $2,QOO proiit. As long as th~y keep buying new hom~s which cost more than the adjusted· sale price of the ola one, th~y keep postponing the iain indefinitely.



Dover-Foxcroft 9:00 to 5:00 Mon-Sat~ 564-2363

WOMENS' BOWLING 3. Roadrunners m-LEAGUE #2 Top Ten: Team Won Lost 1. B. Nlchalas 105~8 1.T.N.T."5" 96 48 2. E. Bouley ~6.16 2. Fun Five 96 48 3. N. Artus 96.7 3. Roadrunners 91 53 4. P. Kimball 95.19 4. Hardwood Prod. 89'55 5. J. Foss 93.26 5. Woodchoppers 86 58 6. M. Brawn 93.19 6. Snappy "5" 77 67 7. M. Shaw 92.22 7. Hay seeders 74 70 8. Y. Severance 91.23 8. Jude's Brood 68 76 9. L. Strout 91. 18 ' 9. B•vme P.ejects 61 83 10. s. Tweedie 91.16 10. Nutcraclters 58 86 Individual High Three Games 11. Left-Outs 58 86 1. J . Ames 294 12. Kitty Kate 54 90 2. r.. strout 290 Team High Three Games: 3. M. Brawn 286 1. Nutcrackers 1349 .Individual High Single Game 2. T. N. T. "511 1329 1, J. Ames 121 3. VVoodchoppers 1299 2, L. Strout 111 Team High Single : 3. B. Reardon 107 1. Nutcrackers 466 4. J. Foss 107 2, T.N.T. "5'~ 464



ro\, American Legion will re­n to its regular monthly

'-:>e' s s ions at the Joseph P. Chaisson American Legion Hall, here, Saturday evening.

Guest speaker at the January county session will- be Dept. Vice Commander Robert Rich of Lisbon Falls.

Activitie 3 will get unde rway at 6:30 p.m. with supper be­ing served by the host organi­zation. Followingthe business meeting a social time will be held.

Legion and AlL"<lliary mem­bers thr o ughout the State, Gold Star Mothers, veterans and servicemen are invited to the session.

HELP PLEASE Start saving your nP.wspapers.

The Milo Brownie 'troop will be having a paper drive in A­pril. The paper collected will be sold to the Great Northern Paper Co. for recycling . The profits realized will be used for activities of the Brownies in Milo.

'--'.VERSTORY: :<\ Saturday evening fire sent

Milo flremen to the home of Mr. Wesley Richards at Cres-: cent Street in Milo. The fire started when sparks from a wood fire ignited the roof. The roof and attic sustained minor damage .

_Januar y 17, 1974

WABI-TV Channel 5

THURSDAY, JA~~ANY17 7:00 \Vbnt•s My Llno 7:30 N:uth~llle Mus ic e :00 Tho WnltoM 9:00 CllS ~lovie

·"Terror at 37,000 Fe-t')t11

I 0:00 CBS Spoeial !IA)port 12:00 CbS t.ate Movie "The .Rounders" FRIDAY, JA~t;ARY 18

7:00 V.illnl 's )fy L ine 7:30 Untnmed Worl d ~:oo Dirt.\' Sn!ly (promtoro) 9:00 CBS t'rido.y Movie '"The t·ndPf@ated~' 11:00 Telcjourtu:.! NeW~ 11:30 Rock Concert SATt;RDAY, JANUARY 19

9:00 The Fli~tstone$ 8:30 Snlley'• Comet ~) :00 Sc·oohv Doo J·Jovle. 10:00 )'ly Favorit<' Mari.lftns 10::10 Jtannie 11:00 Speed Buggy 11 ;30 ,To~te anti the Puasycats 12;0() Everything's Archie 12:30 Fnt Albert 1:00 Chlldrcn•s Film Fcotlv .. l 2:00 Houndtable ~l:OO J\trnJo~s the Fence S:SO o'oUow Up 4:00 Celebrity Bow11nq 6:00 TolejournaJ N~w8 6:~0 CSS Saturday News 7:00 Luwrcnce Welk S:OO All ln the Famlly 8:30 M* A•s•H 9:00 Mary Tyler 1·looro 9:30 &b Newhart Sbow 10:00 Ca.rol Burnett 11:00 Tele)ollrllal News 11:1$ wr .. tltng SUNDAY, JANUARY20

M:UO LRssle 8:30 lnt'l Voice of Vlctol;o 9:00 lt 'o tho Hilir Bear Bunch 9:30 Day of Discovery 10:00 Baptist Cbureh 11:00 Cam~ra Three 11:30 Face the Nation 12:00 Focus Flve 12:30 Insight l:OOCBS Sports Spectacular 2:30 NBA B:o.sketball Los Ansclos @ Mllwoukee 5:30 Championship Fishing 6:00 60 minutes 7:00 {;nlftmed World '7 :30 P~rry Mason 8:30 Mnnnlx 9:30 Onrnnby Jones 10:30 Fou .. ,.·vp 11:00 Telejournal News 11:15J!ob Sc~er News

Additional information in the

i.io®li.¥-, .r.ANiiaM 21 7:UU wnat'• )ty Line 7 :30 Wlldllf• Theatre o:OO Qmamakc 9:00 Here 'e Lucy 9:30 Dick Van Dyke 10:00 ~lodton1 Center 11:00 Tolejou mnl Nows 11:30 Lawrc\IH:.o Wclk TUESDAY, JANuARY 22 7:00 \\bat'• ~ly Line 7:30 ~ew Price Is Right 8 :00 Maude 8;30 Hawaii Five-0 !l :30 Shnft 11:00 Te lcjountal News u ::lo CBS Lo.te Movie . \\'EDXESDAY, JANUARY 2S 7:00 \\'hat'" My Line 7 ;SO Let •a Make a Deal 8:00 Saruly & Cher 9:00 Cannon 1.0:00 Kojak 11:00 Te lejoutmtl News U;30 CDS Late Movie

WLBZ-TV Channel 2 THURSDAY, JANUARY 17 7:00 To Tell the Truth 7:30 HoJly"'OOd Squares 8:00 ntp Wilson 9:00 lron•iclc 10:00 Muolc Country u.s. A. 11:00 Tv2 Ncwri 11·~0 Ton loht Show k'RIDAY, JANUARY 18 7:00 Notional Geographic 11Journey to the Hlgh Arctic~' 8:00 S.'lni>rd & Son

·s:30 Lotan Luck 9 :00 Girl.,/ Something Extra 9:30 BrlM Kclt!l Show 10:00 Dean Mn.rtln 11:00 TV2 News 11:30 Tontaht Show SATURDAY, JANUARY19 8:00 Lidsvllle 8 :30 The Addams Famlly 9 :00 Emergency Plus 4 9 :30 lnoh filch, Private E:ye

~g~~g ~l~~"p'~~ ;:~~!nswr 11:00 Star Trek 11:30 Butch Cassidy 12:00 The Jetaona· 12;30 Got 1:00 Suepenee Theatre 2:00 Porter Wagoner 2:30 Circus 2:•15 Cbanglng T imes 3:00 Nnt'l Hockey League

11Mgero @ Black Hawks 6:30 NUC bat. Ntgnt r.ewt·

7:00 Big Valloy 8'00 Emergency

.!:'age 7

~:00 Sat. Nl~ht at the Movies ''The ~ement'' "Experiment In Terror" 31\TUJUiAY, JA~vARY 19 SlJloiiJAY, JANUARY 20 8:00 Bugs !ll.mny H:SO Tbls is the Life 8:30 Yogi's Gang .12:00 ReUatous Town Hall 0:00 Super Friends 1:00 Of Jo1vels lll.ld Gold 10;00 Lassies ReBcue Rnnge rs 1:30 Glad Tidings 10:30 Goober & Gbost Chasers 2:00 AFC-XF'C Pro Bowl 11:00 The Brady Bunch S:oo ~·· ~larttn Tucson.Open 11:30 lUsslon llaglc 8:30 NBC &.nclay Night Xe..., 12:00 Superstar Movie 7:00 W1ld Kingdom 1:00 l'CAA Dasketbnll 6:00 PC"~r Wagoner UCLA-Notre Do.rne 7:30 World of Disney 3:00 L imits. of l1an 8 :30 NBC Mystery Movie ' 3:~0 Pro-Bowlers Tour

McCloud • 4 :30 \\Ide World of Sports 10:00 Elizabeth R 7:30 Curley O'Brien 11:15 Sunday Xljrht Movie 8:00 Partrtc!.ee Family "Tcoder Is the Night" 8:30 Sat. Suspense Movie ~IO~l>AY, JANUARY 21 10:00 Griff 7:30 Dragnet SUNDAY, JANUARY 20 8:00 The M•a tclnn 7;30 nex Humbard 9:00 Mon. Nlaht nt the Movies 8:30 The Blblo Sr>oaks " ''Rabbit l~un" 9:00 Soula Harbor 11:00 Tv2 Ncwo 10:00 Kid Po~'Or 11'30 TO!llght Sho•• 10:30 Tbe OsmODds TUESDAY, JANUARY 22 11:00 H.R. Pufnstuf 7:30 Hollywood Squares 11:30 blAke a Wl•h 8:00 Adam-12 12,vO Don West Show ~;:a~;s; Mystery Movie 12:30 Issues and Ans":ora-10 00 :p 1l Sto 1:00 Glass Menagerie wkn:<~s~ y ;iNVARY , 3 3:00 Sunday M,.ttneo

7;30 Sale ofth; Centarv - ~'::I,•~JiN;1g..l;,~~n 8~0 Chue i:30 American Heritage 8:30 WO<In<>sd3y Mysfcry Movie 8:30 Suudav Xl~ht Movie lO:OG Lov~.-Story ''For a.. Fe"· Dollars .More' 1~:00 Tv2 Newo 1.0:30 Souls Harbor ~ Some 1<£nd ot Nut" 11:00 ABC Weekend News

WEMT-TV Channel 7

TlllJRSDAY, JANUARY 17 7:00 Souls Harbor 7:30 Beverly Hillbillies 8;00 Cboppor One 5:30 Firehouse 9:00 Kung Fu · 10:00 Street<o of San Franclsco 11:00 Bobby Goldsboro U :30 World of Entcrtallllllent FRIDAY, JANUARY 18 7:00 llosnn•s Heroes 7:30 Beverly Hillbillies 8:00 Brady Dunch 8:30 Odd Couple 9:00 Roocn 222 9:30 Love American Style 11:00 Jonathon Winters 11:30 World nLEntertalnmcnt

~10!/DAY, jANUARY 21 8:00 Jaoq~s-Ccxurteau Special 9:00 hlon, Night ~lovle SlailldtJuery .11 :00 stand Cp and Clleer TUF.SDA YJ JANUARY 22 1'00 Hognn's lleroes 7:30 Doverly HtllbiiUos 8:00 Happy Days 8:30 Tues,. Movto ot the Week Get Christie Love 1o:oo M·reus· Welby 11:00 Dill Anderson \V£q

0n Uh -r1tlnf Entttrt.AinmPnt NESDAY,. JAN1JA11Y 2S

7:00 Hogan's Heroes ?:SO Beverly Hlllbllllos 8:00 Movie o{tbc Week P1'11y for the WUdcat.t ''Doc" Elliot

U. OF ME. SHORE LAND booklet includes the text of the ZONING BOOKLET Shoreland Zoning Law Amend"

that over a quarter of a million pounds of •raluable aluminum is immediately available fo r recycling and this opportunity comes at a time when evet·yone is interested in saving energy."

Help for mmicipalities pre- ed, and an explanation of the paring shoreland zoning ordl- changes. The primary change nances is contained in a book- was the e:l\.1:ension of the dead­let, "Shoreland Planning line for municipal adoption of North Kennebec Regional Plan- the shoreland and subdivision n!ng Commission, Wmslow, control ordinances from June withfinancial assistance from 30 , 1973, to June 30, 1974. the Environmental studies Cen- Copies may be obmlned from ter, University of Mai11e at the Environmental Studies Ceo­Orono. ter, 11 Coburn Hall, and the

The plauningprocess leading Cooperative Extension Office, to t he ordinance development ts 307 Winslow Hall, both Uni­illustrated using Solon, Sid- versity of Maine at Orono, or ney, Newport and Watervil!e the North Kennebec Regional as demonstration collllr'"ni- Planning Commission, 16 1/2 ties. Benton Avenue, Winslow. RECYCLE YOUR OLD MOTOR VEHICLE NUMBER PLATES

The KEEP MAINE SCENIC COMMITTEE is calling upon 1\llaine 's motor vehicle owners to recycle their old vehicle regi­

l"ationplates. Mal."shall Wiebe, coordinator of the committee '-d.L the Department of Conservation said that over one million

plates are being replaced this year. He said that each alumi­num plate weighs about four and one-half. ounces . "This means

Wiebe indicated that conservationists are concerned that the aluminum, a material requirt·1g large amounts of energy to produce, will be lost when motorists change plates. He indicated that all aluminum, whether used for beverage containers or number plates, should be reused or recycled and not thrown away.

The recycling proposal , which is end(!rsed by the Department of Environmental P rotection, the Maine Audubon Society and the Natural Resources Council calls for local groups to organize collection drives. The al uminum has a high value according to Wiebe and school groups, scouts and conservation commissions may be able to realize a profit while helping to conserve metal and energy. Groups planning a drive should contact a local scrap dealer and make arrangements for purchase •. An excellent way of recycling the plates is to bring them to the collection boxes of the Salvation Army ot Goodwill, Inc. which are located at stores and shopping centers. A listing of the locations is avail­able bom the Keep Maine Scenic Committee, State <ilffice Build­ing, Augusta 04330.

Persons living in sparsely populated areas who want to see · their plates recycled can mail them to Goodwill at 803 Forest Avenue, Portland 04103, where the plates will be cleaned and processed by h.andicapped persons;


• Page iS Januar y 17, 1974 THE TOWN CRIER,


January Clearance Sale At Town 8 Country Clothing Store

Ch i ldren's

Child re n'l't


Blouses Dresses Skirts Boots

UNITED BAPTIST CHURCH Re v, George McB. Gray, pastor

Trinity Choir rehearsal on Thursday at 6:30.

Men's prayer meeting Satur­. day at 7 p.m.

Sunday School at 9:40. Morning worship service at

11:00. BYF groups meet at 6:15. Evening service at 7:30, Golden Rule Class supper

and meeting on Monday, Jan­uar y 21 at 6:00.

Ladies' prayer meeting Wed­nesday at 9 a.m.

Ladies' Auxiliary Wednesday at 2 p.m.

Mid- week prayer service Wednesday at 7 p. m.

NOTE: January 27, at 7 p.m. the Glen Cove Bible College Choir w9l be in charge of the evening service .

February 3 - at 7:30 - the film "Whispering Mountain" will be shown.

Jan. 17·18·19 only t2.00 Women's Dresses *5.00 1/2 price t2.00 and up

$3 .oo. a n d u p

O NE RA CK 1/2 price Car Coats and Jackets 30% off

Wome n' s


S h op t h is S a l e & Sav e


Februar.y 10 - lnter-Varsity Fellowshfp group "His Kids" from the u. of Me. at Orono will have a special service.

The Brownville Assembly Order of Rainbow for is . . tote sled Tickets are available from any member of the orgamzat10n.

F b • 13th (Staff photo by Paul Brown) Everyone Welcome. on e ruary •
