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Public Officers~ Institutions






1 J

l l



Ins~ectors, WarUen I Su~orUinate Officers OF THI~







Thomaston, December 1, 1894.

To the Honorable Governor and Council:

In compliance with the provisions of.~the Revised Statutes, we have the honor to submit the annual report of the condition of the State Prison and jails of the several counties for the year ending November 30, 1894.

Very respectfully,




Irispectors of Prison and Jails.



Executive Councillors:








Inspectors of Prison and Jails:

















Enf7ineer-FRED F. COPELAND. Night Engineer-BENJAMIN F. COPELAND. Wagon llfaster-CHARLES A. PIERCE. Yard 1lfaster-HANCE IL SHIBLES. Officer of the Guarcl-EDWARD A. WILLIS.

Nelson S. Fales, Robert IL Shibles,

Harvey S. Comery,



Joseph N. Parks, ·wmiam P. Heald,


Joseph E. Mears,

Dummer Potter, J etrerson Faulkner.

Marcel V. Nicoll.

Salesnicrn-William Adams.

Overseers: }Voocl ancl Furnit1tre Shop-Almon B. Davis. Blacksmith Shop-Sumner E. Cushing. Paint Shop-John H. Feehan.


Overseers: Elbridge E. Greenleaf, Edward C. Bucklin.


Overseer: Artemas W. Allen.


Supervisor-Charles M. Moody.


No important changes or improvements have been made during

the past year except the completion of such as were authorized by the last legislature. . The affairs of the prison have been managed in a very satisfactory manner. The discipline has been mild but firm, the food of good quality and sufficient in quantity. The manufacturing industries have all been carried on at a profit and the stock of manufactured goods now on hand is very clean and salable. The punishments have been comparatively few and as a rule the convicts have manifested a disposition to so conduct themselves as to secure the deductions of time from their sentences allmved them for good behavior.

It seems to us that some method of aiding discharged convicts, to some extent, should be adopted. The convicts are now dis­charged from the prison, each with a somewhat meager outfit of clothing and the sum of five dollars as a capital with which to again begin life, which sum, in many instances is insufficient to defray their necessary expenses to the place from whence the State has taken them. However desirous the convict may be, on his discharge from the prison, of leading a life of usefulness, he is at the very outset confronted with the strongest possible incentive to commit crime, being that of poverty. If the State could do some­thing to aid the convicts at the time of their greatest need, at a

time when people regard them with suspicion and the world treats them with a great degree of coldness, we are convinced that the

results . would justify the expenditure. An appropriation of five hundred dollars would, in our judgment, be sufficient for that pur­pose.

The law enacted by the last legislature, establishing an insane department in the State Prison for the care of the criminal insane, provides: That the expense thereof "shall be paid for by the State


by order of the GoYernor and Council from prison appropriations." As there ·was no appropriation made for the prison, except for specific purposes, the expense has necessarily been borne by the prison and has resulted in a considerable increase in its outstand­ing liabilities. The total expense for the support of the criminal insane at the prison to November 30, 1894, is $5,096.89.

There has been no appropriation for six years for the current expenses of the prison, while during the same period, the expendi­tures have, each year, exceeded the income. There are now out­standing liabilities amounting to $9,838.20, which should be provided for by the legislature. The success of the manufacturing industries also requires an appropriation of $5,000 for a ·working capital.

The large number of buildings owned by the State and used in connection with the prison together with the necessary wear of the equipment require an almost constant outlay of money to keep them in suitable repair. Many of the buildings are old and will require more or less repairs until replaced by new ones. An appropriation of $2,000 per year is needed for the necessary repairs on the build­ings and equipment.

The lighting of the prison buildings for the past two years, under a contract with the Knox, Gas and Electric Company, has, so far as the service is concerned, been satisfactory, but owing to the insufficient ttppropriation made for this purpose, and the desire of the inspectors to keep within the appropriation, only a part of the lights have been burned. The lighting company, notwithstand­ing the contract calls for not less than 112 lights, have cut down the number, to carry out this desire of the inspectors and the prison committee of the council. The entire building has been wired at large expense to the lighting company, and we believe it

is not only clue to them, under their contract with the State, but also to the prison, that it should have as good lighting service as other similar state buildings, that the legislature should make an appropriation sufficiently large to fully light all the buildings owned by the State, at Thomaston.

,v e recommend the following special appropriations by the legislature :

To pay outstanding indebtedness and furnish a suitable working capital.................................. $15,000


To pay the expense of the insane department........... $5,000 For repairs on buildings and equipment for 1895........ 2,000 For repairs on buildings and equipment for 1896........ 2,000

'l'otal ..... , ... • ... , , , . , •.... , , . , ....•...... , . . . $24,000

During the past t-wo years, our several visits to the prison have been made in company ·with the visiting member of the Executive Council, Hon. ,v aldo Pettengill, who has taken a deep interest in the welfare of the institution and the success of its business affairs. vVe take this opportunity of expressing to him our sincere thanks for his many valued suggestions and his uniform courtesy.

,Ye are also under obligations to the warden and subordinate officers of the prison for their courteous treatment and attention.

,v e append hereto a statement of the appropriations made by the

last legislature, for the prison, a list of the real estate owned by the

State in connection with the prison, also a summary of the stock


C. W. JONES, } Inspectors A. W. GILMAN, of AUGUSTUS BAILEY, Prison and Jails.




PRISON FOR THE YEARS 1893 and 1894.

Salaries of subordinate officers ............................ . Salary of warden (salaries of public officers) .............. .

I~ights .. · .. , · . · · · . · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Fitting up insane department ............................. . School ................................................... . J\1edicines ................................................ . Water ................................ ·· ................ .. Completing steam heating plant .......................... . Eugine ...... · ........ , .................................. . Laundry and bath roon1 .................................. . Repairing stable ......................................... . Repairing wall and buildings .......... , .................. . Purchase of land and buildings ........................... . Medicines and books for 1890 and 1891 .................... . Books for use of convicts ................................. .

$21,000 00 3,600 00 2,500 00 2,000 00

100 00 300 00

5,000 00 2,000 00 1,500 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 2,500 00

750 00 100 00

Total cost of prison to the State for the years 1893 and 189-1-. $-14,350 00



Buildings Inside the Wall.

Chapel and store rooms beneath, blacksmith shop, brick build­ing, used for shops, broom store-house, repository and harness shop, wood shed, main prison and wings.

Buildings Outside the Wall.

Warden's house, stable and sheds, engine house, hog house, repository and tenements overhead, carriage repository on Wads­worth street, two houses on Wadsworth street, three houses on Main street, lots of land on which all are located, lot and wharf south of the prison, between K. & L. R. R. and Georges river.




EQUIPMENT. Warden's house, furniture, etc ............................... .. $728 77 Warden's offlce " ............................. . 226 35 Inspectors' office ............................... .. 81 25 Deputy warden's office " ......................... , ...... . IGO 25 Guard. roo1n ................................ . 335 60 Chaplain's office .. . . .. . .. .. .. . . ............. . 17 05 Meclical dispensary ............................... . 301 15 Guard posts No. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, furniture, etc ................. . 25 97 Chapel, furniture, etc ........................................... . 297 G5 Store room No. 1, furniture, etc ............................... . 82 40 Store roo111 No. 2 " •........••..••......•..•.•••.•. 145 75 Cook roon1 ................................ . 322 04 East ,ving, corric1or ................................ . 27 95 We;;t " " ............................... . 28 00 Clothes roo1n, ................................ . 32 OH Hospital ............................... . 111 70 Insane de11artn1ent ................................ . lOH 8li Prison cells .............................. . 49G 15 Pri::;on library .............................. . 92G 85 Officers' quarters, rooms 1, 2 and 3, furniture, etc ... . 75 40 Female llepartrnent, room;; l, 2, 8, 4, 5, G, 7 and 8, furniture, etc 10\l 7fi Engine roorn, furniture, etc.......... . . . ..................... . 821 02 Stean1 laun.llry '· .................................... . 64G 24 Stable . .. . . .... . . . .. . . . ... .. . . . ......... . Stable, live stock ................................................ .

1,421 451 (i,iO 00

Hog hou::;e, furniture, etc, .................................... . Oufaicle yanl, engine house ................................... .

100 95 2,GHi 05

Insille yanl ....................................................... . li27 58 $11,52G 14

HUILIHNG AND REPAIRS, Stock .......................................... . $675 rn 6,5 'j!)

:FUEL AND LIGHTS, Stock ............................................................ .

K'i:YENSE ACCOUNT. Stock in out;;ide yard .......................................... .

$1,132 41 1,132 41

I $361 751

Stock in warden';; office ................................. .

SUBSISTE:KCE ACCOUNT, Stock .................................... .

287 •\ G49 45

$1,281 231 1,281 23

CLOTHING ACCOUNT, Officers' quarters ............................................ . $53 25 Fe1na1e department, lwtllling ................................. . 78 75 :Female llepartment, dothing in use, ........................ . 54 40 Stock in store roo1n ~o. li ..................................... .. 2G2 98 Convicts' clothing .......................................... .. Bxtra suit,,; in cell,-, in use .................................... .

1,lSH 10 84 GO

Convicts' bellding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................... . 549 54 Bell<ling in ho,-,pital .......................................... . 24 80 Redding in insane <lepintment ............................. .. 221 32 Clothing in insane clepartment ................................ . 14\l (50 Clothing not in use. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . New clothing not in use, clothes room ...................... .

28 3li 224 70

Second haml clothing, clothe::; room .......................... . 112 30 Clothing in store room No. 1 ....... " . ,. ...................... . 224 87 Tailor shop, tools and fixtures ................................ . 118 H2 Tailor shop, stock...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 77 Shoe ::;hop, tools and fixtures ................................ . 54 HG Shoe shop, stock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 203 3G


Tools, etc .................................................... . $1,049 35 Unrnanufactured stock ........................................ . 7,290 69 JUanufactured stock ............................................ . 4,325 GO

12,665 64



CARRIAGE DEPART'.HENT. I Blncksrnith shop, tool,-, etc .................................... , $ fl53 84j Blaclrnrnitll shop, stock ........................................ · I 2,7\J;l 501 Wood shop, tools, etc .. ... .. .. . ................. ·· · · · ·· · · · · I l,?~§ ~g ~~ZZ~l !l~Z1~: r~~r~t~1::::::::::::. ::: : : : : :: :: :: : : :: : : :: :: : : :: :: :: : ::1 38i 001 Woo<! shop, nnfinished work ............................... [ 2,0G5 2;"i Pa~nt :,;hop, tools, etc .................. · .. · · · · · .. · · · · · · .. ·· .. ···'I 15\l ii Pa1nt shop, stock .. . .. .. . . . . .. . . .. .. . .. . . . .. .. . . .. . ... . . . . . .. . . . 57i 84 Trin1 811op, tools, etc............................................. 18fi 41

i~\:~~Witti~~r--: :(:i:~.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::.::: I 1•4i\l g~

Repository, manufacture(! stock...... ... .. .. .... . .. .. . . .. .. . 11,354 00


Tools an(l fixtures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,009 60

l\fanufacturerl :;tock . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,005 Oi Un manufactured stock .........................................


4,540 02


Tools iuHl fixtures .............................................. . Stock ......................................................... . J\Ianufacture(l stock ............................................ .

Recapitulation. -Equipn1ent ................................................... . Bui I cling ancl repairs ........................................... . Fuel an(! lights ............................................. . Expense ...................................................... . Sub:;istence . . . . ............................................. .. Clothing ......................................................... . Harnes,, clepartrnen1; .......................................... . Carriage (lepart1nen t ..•.........•.....••.•...................... Broorn department ........................................... . Furniture clepartment ....................................... .


i~~1~g~~~n:.:~.t.~::.:.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::: Cash on hancl .................................................... . Insane department ........................................... . Old accounts receivable ...................................... . Old notes receivable ........................................... . Accountt-! receivable .......................................... .

Liabilities. Amount due convicts .... , .................................... . Current liabilities .............................................. .

Net assets .................................................. .

$2i5 94 552 25 fi06 751

$11,526 14 675 7()

1,182 41 64\) 45

1,281 28 3,672 53

12,665 ()4 21,955 9:l 18,554 6\'J 1,434 94

$68,548 74 288 48 887 35

1,986 97 350 81 324 :w

7,267 06

$1,691 76 9,838 20


$21,955 92

18,554 69

1,484 94.

$68,548 74

$68,548 74

79,058 70

11,529 96

$67,523 74


vY ARDEN's OFFrcE, }

l\LuNE STATE PRISON, December 1, 1894.

To the Honorable Governot ancl Coundl:

In compliance with the statutes, and in accordance with the usual custom, I hermvith present my report for the fiscal year end­ing November 30, 1894.

For an exhibit of financial transactions during the year and the present financial condition of the prison, also for statistical infor­mation relative to convicts and insane patients, I would respect­fully refer you to the following pages.

In presenting my report for 1893, I considered the fact that there was to be no session of the legistature during that year, and consequently did not deem it advisable to offer any suggestions, make any recommendations or otherwise extend my remarks at that time. "'\'Yhatever, under other circumstances, I might have said in that report, I shall endeayor to embody in this, in as con­cise a form as the subjects will admit.

Early in the spring of 1893, the so-called "Payson buildings and lot," west of the prison .. were purchased, for the sum named in the appropriation; the buildings "Were placed in thorough repair, and the house somewhat remodeled, so as to comprise two tenements,

which have since been occupied by officers of the prison.

A twenty-five horse-power engine, together with shafting, pul­leys, belts and other necessary appliances were purchased of the Hinckley & Egery Iron Co. of Bangor, placed in position and con­

nected to the steam plant, during last year. The work of the

engine in supplying power for manufacturing purposes is entirely successful and satisfactory.

A washing-machine, mangle, dryers, bath-tubs and other fix­tures and appliances, necessary for fitting up a steam laundry and


bath-rooms, were also purchased and set up during last year. The

establishment of the steam laundry has met our expectations, in that it has proved to be a labor-saving investment ; and the facili­ties afforded by the fitting up of the b~th-roo~s are a decided con­

venience ancl,-as a sanitary measure,-an obvious improvement.

The stable and buildings connected therewith have been moved

to a \110re desirable and convenient position, and have been quite

thoroughly remodeled and repaired. New out-buildings have been

erected, including an open shed for teams, the building inside of the

wall formerly used as a wash-house has been moved, repaired and

placed in proper condition for use as a wood-house ; both the out­side and inside surfaces of the two wings of the prison building,

and also of the entire length of the prison walls have been white­

washed and somewhat repaired; new 1valks have been laid, and

others repaired; and quite extensiYe repairs, including shingling,

have been done on some of the dwelling houses and out-buildings;

and there are other items chargeable to this account that we fail to

mention; and there are still many repairs that are at present needed

to be made, and with so large a number of buildings and so much

surface to cover and protect from the inevitable wear of time, the necessity for other repairs will continually present itself, and the interests of the State would seem to demand that the necessity be met. In view of these facts, I would recommend that provisions be made whereby an annual appropriation of fifteen hundred dollars could be realized and applied to ordinary repairs.

For the first time in the history of the institution, the officers of

the prison have, during the past year, been clothed in complete uniform, procured at their own expense, with the exception of the

caps which were furnished by the prison, and remain the property

of the State. The officers are also organized as a fire company, and

with the aid of the steam fire engine and appliances, would be

available and ready to do efficient work in that line, should occasion

require it. In order to give this department the attention that its

importance and the interests of the State demand, it will be neces­

sary during the next year to extensively and thoroughly remodel and refit the engine-house ; therefore I would ask for a special

appropriation of one thousand dollars to be applied to the needs of the fire department.

In accordance with enactments made by the Sixty-sixth Legisla­

ture, a portion of the west wing of the prison was fitted up as a


department for the insane, and has been occupied for that purpose since August 9, 1893. Twelve patients who had previously been transferred from the prison, as insane convicts, were at that time returned from the Maine Insane Hospital, and,-with five convicts at the prison who had been adjudged insane,-were placed in the above named department. Since which time the average number in the department has been about twenty, who have been under the immediate care and supervision of Mr. Charles l\f. Moody, who had previously had several years experience in the care of the insane, as an attendant at the Maine Insane Hospital. As no special provisions had been made for providing funds with which to meet the expenditures for board, care and clothing for patients in this department, and as it "·as decided that it could not properly be clrnwn from the regular appropriation for insane state bene­

ficiaries, we have been obliged to meet the expense without any reimbursement; consequently there is now due the prison, on account of the above, a sum amounting to something more than five thousand dollars. ,Ye trust that this matter will command your careful consideration, and that of the legislature, and that provisions will be made, not only for the deficiency, but for the expenses of the department in the future, as well.

By the establishment of the insane department which, although

in the prison, is not really of it, the responsibilities and duties of certaiu of the officers of the prison were largely increased and no recompense provided, which fact we trust, will also be favorably considered.

Although by a skillful and, perhaps, mystifying array of figures and phrases some may have beeu led-at certain times in the past -to believe that the prison was a self-supporting institution, yet it is a well established fact that such is not, nor never has been the case. 'While it is understood that the department loss results in a corresponding decrease of the net assets of the institution, and

must, consequently, very materially cripple and interfere with its working capacities, it will be readily seen that, at least, an occa­sional appropriation is necessary, consequently,-ancl in considera­tion of the fact that during the last six years no appropriation has been made for that purpose-I would respectfully recommend that the sum of fifteen thousand dollars be appropriated for deficiencies.

The general depression of business during the past year has naturally affected us in common with the business community at


large, consequently we close the year with quite a full stock of

goods in each of the industrial departments on hand, which, how­ever, we trust we shall be enabled to dispose of during the corn­

ing season without material loss. The administration of the affairs of the prison, so far as relates

to government and discipline, have been attended with so gratify­ing results that we are enabled to record that, during the time cov­

ered by this report, no instance of flagrant insubordination has occurred, and no successful attempt to escape has been made.

No epidemic or contagious disease has been encountered, and the health of the convicts, as a whole, has been remarkably good.

For more extended information in reference to this point, I would

refer you to the subjoined report of the prison physician, Dr. J. E. Walker.

The intellectual, moral and religious interests of the convicts

hs:tve been subserved by th'e efficient chaplain of the prison, Rev. C. A. Plumer, to whose accompanying report I would also refer you. In this connection, I would not fail to mention that, in the

interest of the convicts of Catholic tendencies, on one-fourth of the

Sabbaths, a chapel service is able and gratuitously conducted by Fr. R. "\Y. Phelan, who also makes occasional visits at other times.

I wish briefly to call your attention to the matter of disclrnrged convicts. The statutes provide that on the discharge of a convict, the warden-under certain conditions-may give him from the funds of the prison, the sum of five dollars, and that be shall fake care that every convict on his discharge, is provided ·with decent clothing, and the custom followed has invariably conformed to the provisions of the law. Observation and a candid consideration of the subject convinces me that in many instances, especially when

his home, or the locality to which the person decides to go, in the event that he has no borne, is in a remote section of the State, or

perhaps out of tlie State, as is the case with many, the above­named provision is insufficient to meet his necessities, and in con­

sequence, he is virtually compelled to either beg or steal before he

has had a fair opportunity for putting in practice whatever resolu­

tions for good he may have formed, therefore I would respectfully recommend that the statute be so amended as to allow the warden, -in his discretion,-to so appropriate a sum not exceeding ten dollars, and to see that he is provided, in addition to the clothing


worn, with an extra pair of stockings, a change of underwear and at least a brush and comb and a band-bag, ·when necessary; the cost of the extra furnishings not to exceed the sum of five dollars.

In the report for 1892, I suggested the appointing of a matron to supervise the labor and conduct of the female convicts.

The matter was not, at that time, considered of sufficient impor­

tance to make provisions for the appointment, still,-from a some­

what extended experience in the management of that class of con­

victs-I am fully corrdnced that it is proper and important that

their immediate attendants should be of their own sex, and yet, I

am as equally well convinced that, with the present constructive

arrangement of the prison, the accommodations for quarters are

neither sufficient nor suitable for the convicts or for female attend­ants, I would suggest either the building of a separate wing for the

exclusive occupancy and use of this class of convicts, with suitable

conveniences for female attendants, or,-what in my judgment ·would be still better,-the establishment, in some central locality,

of a prison for females.

In the management of an institution of this character, where the

various needs, and the present and future welfare of each individ­ual inmate, as well as the social and financial interests of the State

are involved, there are presented to us very many important points

that would seem to be proper subjects for discussion, but which it would be impossible to compass within the limits of these few

pages; consequently, in submitting this report, I have endeavored to mention such as have occurred to my mind as the most impor­tant.

In conclusion I desire to express thanks to the several members

of your Honorable Body for their kindly consideration, to tl:e Board of Inspectors for their valuable assistance and co-operation, and to the officers of the prison for faithfulness in the discharge of

their respective duties. Respectfully submitted,




STATEMENT-Showing Transactions of the Several Departments from Nov. 30, 1893. to Nov. 30, 1894.

CARRIAGE DEPARTMENT. Nov. 30, 1893 .. Dr. To stock on llancl ........................... $23,724 39

amount expenctecl during the year for stock, pay of overseers, etc............. 11,368 76

--- $35,093 15 Nov. 30, 1894 .. Cr. By stock on harnl

tools and fixtures .. . . . . . . , . , ..... , . , .... . unmanufacture<.l stock .................. ,, manufactun,d stock ...................... .

2,5:34 01 8,067 m

11,354 00

21,!)55 92 Sales ..................... ,.................. 14,974 !JO

Gain .......................... .

HARNESS DEPARTMENT. Nov. 30, 1893 .. Dr. To stock on hand.............................. 11,348 35

amount expencted cluring the year for stock, pay of overseers, etc............. 8,163 46

Nov. 30, 1894 .. Cr. By stock on hand tools and fixtures ......................... . unmanufactured stock ....... , ... , ..... . manufacturecl stock ..................... ,.

1,04!) 35 7,290 6\) 4,325 60

12,665 64 Sales........................ .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. 7,284 98

Gain.· ..••..••...•...•..•....•

BROOM DEPARTMENT, Nov. 30, 1893 .. Dr. To stock on hand.............................. 9,948 50

amount expended during the year for stock, pay of overseers, etc..... . .. .. .. 12,520 51

Nov. 30, 1894 .. Cr. By stock on hanct tools and fixtures............. . , ......... . unrnanufactured stock ................... . manufacturect stock ...................... .

1,009 60 4,MO 02 8,005 07

13,554 69 Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . 14,583 67

Gain ................................ .

FURNITURE DEPARTMENT. Nov. 30, 1893 .. Dr. To stock on hand.............................. 1,352 70

amount expended during the year for stock, etc........ .. .. . .. . .. . . . .. .. . .. .. . 97 27

Nov. 30, 1894 .. Cr. By stock on hand tools ancl fixtures ........................ .. unmanufnctured stock .................. . manufactured stock ...................... .

Sales ..................................... .

Gain ................................ .

275 !J4 552 2,'i 606 75

1,434 94 626 05

36,930 82

1,837 67

19,511 SI

19,950 62

438 81

22,469 01

28,138 36

5,669 35

1,449 97

2,060 99

611 02


ST AT EM ENT-Continued.

EQUIP:\1ENT DEPARTMENT. To stock on hand .............................. $ll,406 HJ Nov. 30, 1893 .. Dr.

Nov. 30, 1894 .. Cr.

stock purchasecl since . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 617 55 --- $12,023 74

By stock on haml .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,526 14 sales ........................... , ..... , . . . . . . 187 77


---- 11,713 91

Nov. 30, 1893 .. Dr.

Nov. 30, 1894 .. Cr.

Nov. 30, 1893 .. Dr.

Loss ................................. .

CLOTHING DEPART:\1ENT, To stock on hand ...............•..........

stock purcha::,ed since ................... .

By stock on hand tools and fixtures ......•................... stock not in use.... .. ................. . clothing and beds in u::,e ................ .

3,354 09 1,168 50

168 88 365 36

3,138 29

3,672 53 Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462 66

LO::lS •••••••••••••••••••••••·

SUBSISTENCE DEPARTMENT. To stock on hand ............................. .

stock purchased since ................... . 801 90

5,354 71

Nov. 30, 18114 .. Cr. By stock on hand.................. . . .. . . . • . 1,281 23 amount from State for medicines for

18!14 . , . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 00 sales, etc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,112 24

Loss ................................ .

FUEL AND LIGHTS, Nov. 30, 1893 .. Dr. To stock on lrnnd ... . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 736 81

stock purchased since . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,385 4!l

Nov. 30, 1894 .. Cr. By stock on hand ............................. . 1,132 41 2 95

Nov, 30, 18'1 • ID•·· Nov. 30, 1894 .. !Cr.

sales ......•.................................

Loss ................•..........•.....

EXPENSE DEPARTMENT. To stock on hand ............................ .

materials purchased during the year .. .

By stock on hand ............................ . sales, etc., during year ................... .

·Loss ........................ .


50~ 30 1,311 58

649 45 384 29

Nov. 30, 1893 .. Dr. To stock on haml. ....................... , 460 35 amount expemlml for materials, labor,

etc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,584 30 transfer of balance of engine account... 10 61

Nov. 30, 1894 .. Cr. By stock on hand ........ ,. .. . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. . 675 79 amount from State, balance of appropri-

ation of 1893.............................. 1,250 00 transfer of balfmce of steam heating

account.......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 968 16 amount receivecl for rent of houses.. 641 81

Gain ..•

309 83

4,522 5!!)

4,135 19

387 40

6,156 61

3,543 47

2,613 14

4,122 30

1,135 36

2,986 94

1,813 88

1,033 74

780 14

3,055 26

3,535 76

480 50



ENGINE ACCOUNT. Nov. 30, 1894 .. Dr. To amount expen<led for materials ......... .

Nov. 30, 1893 .. Cr. Nov. 30, 1894 ..

By amount llue account .................... .. transfer to lmilclings and repairs acc't ..

STEAl\I HEATING ACCOUNT. Nov. 30, 1894 .. Dr. To amount expencled for materials and

labor .................................... . trarn,fer to buildings and repairs acc't ..

$184 60 $184 60

173 99 10 61

90 mi Dfi8 Hi

184 60

1,059 15 Nov. 30, 18!l3 .. Cr. By amount <lue account....................... 1,05!) 15 1,059 15

O:F}'ICERS' SALARIES. Nov. 30, 1894 .. Dr. To amount pnid for salaries during the year 10,678 80 10,678 SO

Nov. 30, 1894 .. Cr. By amount receivecl from State ............ . balance of appropl'iation for 18H3 ....•.... approµriation for 18H4 ................... . officers' loss tilne ...................... .

Gnin ................................. .

PIWtT.r AND LOSS ACCOUNT. Nov. :rn, 1894 .. Dr. To loss on "Old notes" taken by former

warclen ................................ .

Nov. 30. 18B4 .. Cr. By labor of officers and men for insane department and buildings and repairs ..

Gnin ....................... .

INTEREST ACCOUNT. Nov. 30, 1894 .. Dr. To amount paid .............................. .

Nov. 30, 18D4 .. Cr. By amount received ....................... .

Gain .................................. .

TRANSPORTING CONVICTS. Nov. 30, 1894 .. Dr. To amount paill for transportation of con-

victs from jails to prison .............. .

Loss ............................ .

DISCHARGED CONVICTS. Nov. 80, 1894 .. Dr. To cash anrl clothing furnished convicts

·when discharged ....................... .

Loss ............... .

VISITORS' FEES. Nov. 30, ISM .. Dr. To amount transferred to Prison Library

account ................................. .

Nov. 30, 1894 .. Cr. By amount received during the year ....... .

630 00 10,500 00

104 12

32 00

1,136 f>3

9 65

16 33

369 87


347 001

347 00

11,234 12

555 32

32 00

1,136 53

1,104 53

9 65

16 33

6 68

369 87

520 55

347 00

347 00

I Nov. 30, 1894 .. 1Dr'.

Nov. 30, 18'4 •. 1c,·.



PRISON LIBRARL To amount expenc1e(l during the year for

books, nrngazines, papen,, music, etc.

By amount receh·ec1 from State ............ . appropriations for school ancl books for

1894..... . . . ......................... . amount transfer'<l fron1 "Visitors' l<'ees"

Gain ................................. .

INSANE DEPARTMENT. Nov. 30, 1894 ... Dr. To amount expencle!1 for materials, labor


etc ................................. . for pay of atten(1ants ...................... ,

Nov. 30, 1894 .. Cr. By balance clue account December 1, 1893 ... . amount from State for board ant1 care

of patients to September 1, 1893 ...... . clothing· ................................... . officers' lost time ...................... ..

Balance llue ........................ · I

$314 49

100 00 347 00

1,758 45 825 00

392 10

223 38 26 2iS 4 75


$314 49

447 00

132 51

2,583 45

646 48

1,936 S7


STATEMENT-Showing Gains and Losses During the Year.

Equipn1ent <lepartlnent ........................................ . Clothing departrnent ........................................... . Subsistence t'lepartn1ent ...................................... . Fuel ancl lights ................................................ . Expense departrr1ent ....................................... . Tran sporting convicts ......................................... . Discharge<l convicts ........................................... . Net departn1ent gain ........................................... . Carriage (lepartn1ent ......................................... . Harness <lepart111cnt ......................................... . Broorn clepartrnent ........................................... . Furniture <lepartrnent .......................................... . Building an<l repairs ........................................... . Officers' salaries . . . . . ........................................ . Profit an<l loss ................................................... . Interest account ........................................... . Prison library .............................................. ..

Amount receive<l from the State during the year: For officers' salaries: balance of appropriation for 1893 .... .

appropriation for 1894 ................. . Appropriation for medicines for 18()4 .......................... .

maintaining a ,;cllool for 18!J4 ............. . books for use of con vie ts for 18H4 ......... .

Balance of appropriation rnacle by the sixty-sixth legisla-ture for buHdings and repairs .............................. .

For boarcl aml car~e of insane patients from August 9, 1893, to Septen1ber 1, 1893 ................••••.•........••••...•.••

Deduct department gain .................................... .

Net expense......................................... . ......


$1,837 67 438 81

5,66\l 3.'i 611 02 4SO .'10 555 82

1,104 53 6 HS

132 51


$309 83 38i 40

2,613 14 2,986 94

i80 14 369 87 5:W 55

2,868 52

$10,836 39 $10,836 39

$ fi30 00 10,500 00

150 00 50 00 50 00

1,250 00

223 38

12,853 38 2,868 52

-----1 $9,984 86



DR. Net assets December 1, 1893 .................................... . A1nount clue convicts ........................................... . Current li!tbilities ........................................... .. Net clepartn1ent gains ........................................ ..

CR. Stock on hand December 1, 18\J4 .... , ......... , .. . . . ...... . Cash in bank .................................................... . <.::ash on hand .................................................. . li1sane departn1ent ............................................ . Ol<l accounts receivable ............................ . Old notes receivable...... . ................................. . A.ccounts receivable........ .. .................................. .

$64,655 22 ],6\Jl 76 9,838 20 2,868 52

$68,548 74 238 48 387 35

l,\l36 97 350 81 324 29

7,267 06



$7!'),053 70

$79,053 70

Warden Maine State Prison.

KNOX, SS- December, 1894. Personally appeared Samuel H. Allen, and made oath that the foregoing state­

ments, by him signed, are correct, accon1ing to his best knowledge and belief. Before me,

DANIEL L. WARREN, Justice of the Peace.

i,.; Cl) p_ s :;:i z


3HJ1,Alley, Elihu S ....... · .. ·, ... · .... ·I 3219 Anderson, Thomas ............... . 3123 Armitage, ,Jolm ,v ... ............ . 2727 Baker, ,John S ..................... . 3052 Barker, Fred E ............... ,, ... . 2705 Banows, .Mary .E ............... .. 30ll Beal, Charles L ............... .. 3163 Beaudry, Frank ................... . 3211 Be:,,sey, l\Ielvin ................. , 2706 Blaney, 0::;car E ................. , .. 317H B1·:,1,<1y, William .................. . 3117 Brawn, George H .............. .. 3143 Brigg:,,, Alexander ............. .. 3201 Britt, Henrv, ttlias ........... .. 3184 Brown, A 1e:xander, alias ........ . 3175 Brown, George l\I ........... , ... , 3114 Brown, Smith .......... , ... ,,., ... . 3202 Burgess Hettie, alias ............ . 3141 Burke, ,John \V ............. , ...... , 3214 Call, Charles W ........... , .. , -. , , 2933 Campbell, George H., alias ...... . 3137 Carll, Constantine E ............. . 2618 Chadbourne, Benjamin .... , . , . , . , 2619 Chadbourne, Benjamin Wallace .. 2915


Chase, E<l warcl A ................ . 3107 Clair, Noah ...................... .. 3197 Clark, John E ................... .. 18621Clevelanc1, Howard A ............ . 3188

1Cochran, 'l'ibbetts ................ .



Cole1nan, ,Jaurns ......•........... 3Hl9 Conroy, Thomas .................. . 3010


Cromwell, Oliver, alias .......... . 3104 De Long, William ............... . 2950 Deloria, Joseph .................. . 3121 DeRosa, Gabriele ....•..•.. , .. , .


~'d Cl.)CI.)

~o ~§ Crime. Birthplace.

;:: · I ,--,en 0""' OP """0


C) """0 OP Cl.)CI.) ..., .... County.


Oii~ "'1 &

0•""' ,l'i s I I

~2 Cl T!

~ H 0


35,0rlan<l ................ !Assault with intent to murder ..... · ..... 11

5:~1'°''\·eclen, Eup ........ · I Breaking, entering and lareeny ....... . ml A nies])ltry, Mass .... : Breaking, entering all<l larceny ......... 1


East, Knox ......•... lli\lnl'(lcr, secon<1 degree ................. .. 48 Portland ............. A ssnult a n<l bn ttcry ................. · ·. · · · 42 Kittiiry .............. [ Munier, 1ir:,,t degree ........... -·.··.····· 23 North An:,,on ......... I iHunlPr, first degree ........... , .. , ·. · ... · 40 Canada ............. j l<'orgery nnd uttering ................ - · · · 46 Canaan ............. l:IIunler, fin;t degree ................... . 21 Kittery ............... '.Hurrier, fin,t <leg1 ec ............ · . · · · · · rn Lisbon ···············1,\ssaultand battery ...................... . 4i Ellsworth ............ ICon:,,piracy .............. · ··· ........ ·· · ·· rn Scotian ct ..............

1 Burning 1Juil<1ing· ............... · .. · · · · · ·

21 Greenville .......... Breaking, entering arnl larceuy ........ . 34 Denmark, Eup ...... I Larceny ................................. -42 Vinallrnyen .......... !A11 attempt to eoiurnit !)nrglary ..... . 30 Cape Elizabetll ...... 1~\s,,nnlt with intent to murder ........ . 42 New Brunswick ..... ;Adultery ................................ . 36 Pittsburg, Pa ........ !As,,ault\vith intent to kill ............. . 34 Bangor .............. I Receiving stolen goods ................. ·, ~~ l\Ianon ............... iHobbery and assault to kill ............ .. n, l\Iedfonl ............ ··1c\r:,;011 ................................... . 58 Cambridge .......... Murder, first degree ............. ·· ..... .. 32 Caml)l'i<1ge ........... l\Inrcler, fir:,,t !1egree ............... · .... ·, 2i H.ocklancl. .......... -1Mu_rder, first <legree ............... - ..... . 37 WaterTille .......... As,-.,ault nrnl bnttery witll intent to kill .. 44- P1-·ince E_,'c1,yarc1 Isl'Ll I "<-lnltery .............. ·. · .. · .. · · · .. · .. · · .. 3210rrington ........... l\Innler ................................ .. 23 c_)nkland ..............

1 Larceny from tile vcrson...... . -... , , . ·.

40 Connectieut .......... lBrenking into po:,,t office ............... . 40 Portlan!l . . . . . . . . . . . . Larceny from tlle JH'rson .............. . 5\JILoui,,;iana _·· ..........


!\1 ur<ler, ;;econ<! 1- IPgree .................. . 3H New Brun:,,wick ..... Fcloniou:,, a:,,sault .......... , ............ ·, 25 St. Albans, Vt ........ Arson ................................... ·. 39 Italy .................. Munier, fir::;t !legree ..................... .

l April 28, 180411 year !Aroostook. 2 Sept. 2~, 1:-:H-J.i 21:, yl'ars1 A.100,,;took. lOct. 1, Jf;D2j 3_ yean,


Cumberlan<1. 2 Vee. 30, 18841L1fc ..... I{cnn(~bec. 1 Feb. 2, lt:!ll i ,"i year:,, I Cmu berlaml. 1 Sept. 30, 1ss,11Lifo .... -[York. l ,\pril l, 1sno1Life ..... ,Kennebec. 1 Oet.. 2,·1sm

1 2 yean, 1 Cuml>crland.

1 Aug. :H, l8\J4I Life .... ]Sagadahoc. l Sept. 30, 1884 Life .... ·!York. 1 Feb. 3, 18\l4.I 2 ye.·:-tr,;.Anrlrosco 0.'rgin. 1 Sept. 24, 18D2 4 yearslRnox. 1 ,June 2, l8D3 5 ~·enr::- 1 York. 1 l\lay 17, 18!!4 ;3 yenr,;1Cumberlanc1. 2 Fel). 2i', 18!14 3 yPar:,,IPenob:,,cot. 2 Dec. 28, 1SH3 l:IJ yr;; .. l{nox. 1 -:\Iay 28, lK\!2 ti year,; Cumberland. l :\fay 17, 18$14 3 yearsfcumberland. l l\! ay 23, 18U3 5 years Cum berlan<l. 1 8ept. 20, lt-D4 2 year:,, Cumbcrlancl. 2 ,Jan. 3-, 1ssn


Lif_e ..... Ke-nnebec. · 1 l\far. 7, 189:; 4 years Penobscot. 1 .i\far. 1, 18b:-l[ Life .... Pi:,,cataqnis. l Jiar. 1, 18t-:3 Life ..... l'i:,,catttqnis. I Oct. 1, l8881Life ..... Cumberland. l AJ)ril 1::-1, 18!!2 4 venr:,, Kennebec.


1 May Iii, lriB4- 5 years1Cu1uberland. l 8ept. !l, 18G:1f Life ..... Penob:,,cot. 1 April 18, lSD·l 1 year Kennebec. I Oct. 4, I::;\14, 5 yeartitU, S. Cir. Uourt 2 :\I ay rn, l8\l4 2 yearslCuml)erlan(I. 2 Mar. 31, 1800 Life ..... P1:nobscot. J Feb. 23, 18!!2 5 years Penol)scot. 1 April 2,3, rnsn 7 years Waldo. 1 (let. 1, 1802 Life ..... Cumberland.

I~ ~

UJ >-:3 µ.. ,--, t:rJ

"" ~ Ul 0 z

32241Deshon, Stephen .........•....... 3122. Do_rsey, Charles. ,J., alias ......... . 3136 Dnscoll, ,John ......••............. 3153 Dudley, Allen .................... . 3209 Durant, 1£dward ................ .

3203 Eastn1an, ,J:unes, a1ias ........... . 2516 Farr, John G .•..................... 312fl Farris, Mathew .................. . 3155 Ferraro, l\Iichael Angelo ........ . 3050 J<'innan, ,Jan1es, alias ........... . 3167 Fitz,iirnmon,i, ,John H ............ . 2975 J<'oster, George ............•...... 290!l Foster, ,Jame,i, alias ............. . 3173 !<~ox, ,John ........................ . 3173 Gallant, William ................ . 1543 Gilman, Ephraim .......•......... 303\l Gilman, William V ............... . 2577 Glynn, Mary ......................• 3116 Godfrey, Benjamin C ............. . 31fl4 Graham, Daniel ......•.... , ...... . 2~fl3 Graves, Calvin P ............... . 3091 Grover, George .............•...... 2435 Haines, Samuel D .............. . 2888 Harrington, George A ..........••. 3187 Ha,ikell, !<'rank ................... . 3l!J2 Hanthorn Xorman A ...•.•....... 31!)0 Hayes, Edward .................. . 31HO Hay-wan!, Reuben ............... . 3147 Herrington, J<~rank ............... . 3213 Hild, R. S., alias .................. . 3036 Hines, ,Jolm ...................... . 27\ll Hodgdon, ,James F ................ . 3lfi7 Howard, Charh's............ . .... . 31Gfl Howley, Thomas ,T. .•.•••.•••.••.•. 2!l3H Hughes, Robert .....•.......•...... 2fillH Hurd, Eugene U ..•....•........... 3105 Hutchins, Lucretia ............... . 3195 Hyde, Daniel .............. . 3133 Irving, Fre<lerick, alias ..•........ 3222 ,Jack,ion, Emery .................. . 3103 .Johnson, ,villimn C., aliac< ..•... 314\J Kent, l<'red L ...................... .

1237 Knights, George ................. . 3148 Labree, Frank, alias •.. · · · · _ · · · · · · 1

27 Kennebunkport .... · !Larceny, cl welling-house in <lay time .. ·\ 27 no,-,ton, i\fa,-,s ......... _Rob1-)Cry ...... _ .......................... _.:

l~ /;~tJ,~;,~.\~·.::::::::::. i ~::~!:~·~:~il.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. 2:2 California ............ 'Cm_111_ionncl lnreeny and as,-,isting and


a1d1ng an e,.,eape ....................... . 45 Cornish ............... ,\ ssi:-;ti 11g arnl aiding a 11 esea l)l' .•.•. - ••. , .


t~tfi?'.~~t:~: :: ::::: :l~:~):I;;::,;ii:ii~-::::: :: :: : ::: : : : : : : :: :: :: :·::: 5;; Prince E<lward hl\11-·\ tten1pting to com1nit arson .......... . :3:l Portlun<l. ............. ,Rol>hery ................................... . 2H Portlnn<l. ............. ]cmnponn<l larceny an<l burglary ..... .. 211 Ireland .............. · 1 Burglary. _.. .. ......................... .. ::!:2 :\ew York (;ity ...... _Assault an<11Jattery on oflieer ........... .

~~ i~~:n~;~~t:";ri~~- :: : : .1~'1[~1\~~~?' :: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : . : .. : : : : :: : : : : : : : :25 :Hun roe ............. · I RolJlling 1>0:c;t offke .................... . 4-fi1[relant1 ........ ······· ·jl\lnnler, 1irst <legree ....•................

i::1r::~~~1z1·/: _i_r:::: :: :: : : : ·1·~t::~~:'.? .. ::: :: : : : ::: : : : : :: : .. : :: : : : :·.::::: 4:2 A mher,-,t . . . . . . . . . . . Murder, :,;eeon<l <legree ....•.............


/1:·1ii1::::: :: : : : i ~r:;~:;~l~~\ _:: :.::._: _:: :.::: _: _: :.: : : : :_:_:::: _: _::::::::. r

2\1 Chinn ................. 1.\ssault Hll(l llattery ...................... .

2:i ~ew Brnn,.;wick .... j ~'orgery ................................. . :io!Boston, l\lase ........

1Breaking, entering and lareeny ........ .

tJ1 tt[!t~~-t~;,~:1~: ~\l[~~~ .: : : i !,~:~g;\;\;)·( i \_;;,tt~·1:,:. ~,:it·];. i1;t;,;; t ·t~ ·;t~:; i 3,IUana<la ............... IA:,;sault with intent to co111rnit a rape .. . :Z:3,Can:Hla ............... Rnpe ..................................... . 401 Boo!ll llay ............


1\Iunler, seeoml <legree .................. . ilSI Lexrng·ton ........... · 1 Ra 1>e ...................................... . ~l Portlall(\. ............ ,Breal-dng, entering ai1<l larceny ......... . ol lreland .............. I Rape .... · . · ... · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·, · · · · · · · 3011-Iarmony ........ l\lurder, first degree ................... .

~1 ~~~~f)~sr~<\1.:::: .: : : : : : : : : i f;:~\~~sJ:~~~~~-te~::::::::::::.::::.::.::::::.::: 30 New Brunswick .....


-A,-,sault with intent to n1unler ........•. Ill l<'arrnington ..........


Laree1_1y ........ · .......................... .. 211Andover ............. •Breaking, entenng arnl lareeny ......... _ 321Ellsworth .......... ··1'E1nbez~ling moneys, tun<ls Hnll ere<lit,-,

of national bank ........•.............. 40tohtnc1 ...............


l\lnrder .... _ .............................. .


8ana<la .............. A~~:~1\~1~~je~'.1.t·t·~?. ~~·.i?~.1.1~::~.~ -~o. :'.i.1'.

J10et. 4, 18\14\ 2 vears York. 1:oct. 1, 18\1:2, G 3,-ears Cnmberlarnl. I;1''eb. \l, l1'Hil] i'> year>- An<lroscoggi11. l Sept. 1iJ, 1S\J3i 2\ vears Kennebc>c.

111,June H, 18\ll-l ii- ~·ear,:; York. 4- ,June 8, 1Hl4


l~ year,-, York. JI.Jan. 21, ]S11l Life ..... Uurnberlarnl. 11' < let. rn, L"!l:2 10 year" \Va,-,hington. 1 (let. 2, l1'\l~14 vears Knox. 11' l<'l:h. 2, lS!H 7 )'e:tr>- Cn1ulierlnrnl. l.<h-t. 10, 1:-,n:i

1 4 year:,; Cumberland.

11nct. 2, ]SSH 12 years York. 1 Sept. 7, 181181 8 years Penobscot. lll<_'e_b. 3, 18!-14


'..._~- years- An-<lrose-·oggin. l Dec. 1:2, 111\1:{ U vear, Kennebec. 1 :\ ug. 14, 18fi3 Lffe ..... Oxfonl. 2 Sept. :rn, 18\lO 5 years U.S. Ct. Court. 1 ~ept. l:-1, 11111:.!i Life ..... l'eno])seot. l .June 14, 18\12 10 year,; York. l (_Jet. B, 18!13 l.'i_ years Cumb __ erlan<l. 1 1\Iay 11, 1887 Life ..... \Vaslnngton. 1 Oct. :10. 11'\ll 4 vears \VaWo. 2\sept. 23; 1117\J Life ..... Knox. 11 Dec. 22, 111117 10 vear,; Kennebec. 1 April lM, l8!l4- 1} }'Par. Kennebec. 1 April HO, 111n+ 2 year" .\roo,-,took. :l April 30, 111!14 5 year,; -\ mlroscoggin. 1\oet. 5, 111\13 2 vears York. 1 Aug. :23, IS!l:l .'l \·par,; l'enob,;cot. 1isept. 2fi, 111\14 5 ~'('ars Cn111berlan(l. 11:-lept. 24, l11!lO I:.! years An<lro,-,eoggin. 1 .Tan. 5, 188(; Life ..... ~ngaclal10c. l·ISept. 80, 1P!l3 11 year,,_· _._\roostook. 1 Out,. n, 111!!3 3 Year,: Curnberlan<l. 1 .Jan. 2,'l, 1S11!l 1.5 }'earn Cumberland. llOct. 1:2, 1882 Life ..... Sornernet. 1 :'11arcl1 l, l8fl2 7 yei,r,-, Piscataquis. 2· l\Iay 11, 1894 2 years Oxford. 1


1.Jn.n. 23, 18!l3 20 years Cum berlan<l. 1 Oct. 1, lis\J4 l years1 l<'ranklin. 2 Feb. 16, 18B2 3! years)()xfonl.

1:sept. 7, 1P!l3110 yearc<


U.S.Dis.Court. 1


seµt. 22, 1857 Life ..... Androscoggin.

11Aug. 23, 1893 2 years Penobscot.

::: ;.:: ::0 0 tr! z w~

~ "': 0 ~ H

l'>!l 01


;:::,:: .IS :Ji ~ ~~ g~ i I Nanie. I~~ Birthplace. Crime. ""'.o S 5 ~~ o~ ~ I~ *1 I /;,,; ~I

Q) ..,.c:..> 0;:::

i; ~@

s ;..., Cl.)


32151 Lamb, ,James..................... ,t1[ Yerrnont ............. 1 Breaking into 1rnst office ................. 1

2HOJI Larrabee, George.................. 4411\Iinchi, N. S .......... A:,;sanlt to kill ........................... . 3'!32f Lawler, Davi<l. ........ .... .. . . -2,/Canacla ................ Breaking, entering and larceny ....... . 31441 Len1ai, ,Jose.tJh, ,Jr................ li C.anada .............. Mam,laughter ............................ . 20Hi Little, Bernard.......... .. .... ... 5l'[Jrelancl .............. l\Jur<ler .................................. . :1205 Littlefield, Charles................ rn North Berwick ...... Larceny ................................ . 3220 Littlefield, Harry If,............ 31 Howland ............. Breaking, entering an<l larceny ........ . 20HH Lowell, James l\I. .. . . .. . . . . . .. .. 31 Westerly, R. I. ....... Murder .................................... . 3218 Lynch, Willimn .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . :-io Connecticut .......... Larceny ................................... . 3130 l\larston, Arthur H.. . . . . .. . . . . . . rn Machias ............... Manslaughter ............................ . 31H5 Maxfield, Arthur W. ........ ... HJ Casco .................. Compound larceny ....................... . 3142 McGrath, Michael ,J. . .. . .. . .. .. 2~f Portland..... . . . . .. . Breaking_. enteri'.1g an~l lar~eny .......... . 3168 i\:Iclsaac, Janies, ,Jr............... 2, Lubec... . .......... Larceny 111 the n1gbt tune, 111 a clwellmg

house .................................. . 251Nova Scotia .......... Burglary an1l assault an<l battery ...... . fi(j Phippsburg .......... As,.;ault, with intent to kill. ........... . 28 Quebec, Can .......... Murder, first degree .................. .. 2i1New York ......... ~~orgery ancl uttering ................... . 2fi. Ne,v Brunswick ...... L:,rceny ................................... . 831\Voodstock ........... Breaking, entering and larceny ...•..... 33 l<'inlanll . .. . . . . .. . . . Piracy ..................................... .. 2, Portland ............. A ssanlt to kill, and breaking, entering

an<t larceny ............... , . , , ......... . 2949\Moore, '\Valter H ................ ·I 29 Parkman ............. Robbery committed whilo arrne<l witll

3191L'1cKay, John A ....... , ......... , .. 3134 McKenney, Samuel C ............. . 3004 Mc Williams, John ................ . 3200 Mears, Jolm ,J .................. .. 315fi 1\1 el vin, Cliarles .......... , ........ . 3227 Merrifiekl, Eugene U- ............ . 2li2 Miller, George ..................... , 2Hl6 l\f oore, Charles, alias ....... , ..... .

a <langerou,;, weapon ............... .

118~;1~~1(~:~ ·:::::::::::::::I!;::~:~.·::::·::::·::::::::::::::::::·:::::::· Bl54 Nelson, Wallace .................. . 2iG, Newcomb, ,James ................ .

30 New Brumnvick ..... Uttering forge1l paper ................... . 71 Kingfield ............. Munier, first degree .................... .. 32 Topsfielcl. . ....... l\:Ian,.;langhter ............................ .. 28 Ray1non<l .......... Larceny............... . ................ .. rn Dallas Plantation .... Obstructing a railroad track ............ . 30 Canada .............. l\:Ian,.;langhtcr ........................... .

3226 Nickerson, A lex .................. . 3042 Xorton, l\licah W ................. .. 31i0 Koy es, Bela ..................... . 3182 Nutting, Clarence ...... , ....... , .. 3008 Oake,.;, 'J'lwmas Emery ....... , .. 3233 Ouilette, ,John B .................. . 3140 Packard, Thomas A ........•.... 53 Reaclfiehl ............ Polygarny ................................. .


I I llOct. 4. li:-\\l4 5 yenrs'(f. S. Cir. Con rt 11


1\lch. 12, l:'<88 10 )·ear,-,ll'hcataqms. l Oct. 27, h,\J4 5 .) <'aJ',-;i\\'a,-;hington. 1


,Tun_e :~, ]~~? 2_ ):ear"'i\orl,; l,Apr. 16, J:,;,2 Life ..... ,h.nox. If,Jnne 8, 18D4 2 years[York. 2.0ct. 1, 18\14 1 year .\Franklin. II !\fay H, 18i4 Life ...... Anllro,.;coggin. IIOct. fi, 18!l4 2 year,-, I<nox. ii.Jan. ,, 18\J:-l fl years Wa,.;hfogton. 11 oct. !l, 18H3 3 yean,;lcurnllerland. I 2\'Iay rn, 18H3 2 years\Curnberlarnl.

I Oct. 7, ISm 10 years,,vns11ington. 1 !\lay rn, 18\14 ii yenrs,Curnberlanll. 1 ,Tan. 23, 1803 3 y<>ars 1 cuml>erland. l(Feb. l!I, 18!10 Life .. ,.,jAntlro:,;coggin. 1 l\fav rn, 18\l4 2 y<•nrs


cu111lJerlan<l. 31Se1.Jt. 2,3, 18$13 l& years Aroostook. 1 Oct. 15, 18\l4 B years!oxforfl. I Oct. 4, 1Si5 Life ..... [u. s. Court,

l\la;,,.;, 1 Sept. 2n, 1888 -25 years Cnrnberland.

I l\Icll. 11, 188\J Life ..... I<'nu1kli.n. I Sept. 21, Ui\li.\ 2 years Kennebec. 1 Aug. 22, 18,-s;j Life ..... Penobscot. 1 Oct. 1:3, 11'!)4 2 yenrs\Oxfonl. I Oct. ,, 18\JO Life ..... Somerset. 1 Oct. rn, 18\l8 2 years Wasliington. I l<'eb. fi, 18\l4 3 years[Curnberland. 1 :\kh. 11, 18fl0 10 years Franklin. l Nov. IG, 1894/ 3 years!Franklin. 1 Apr. 17, 18\.13 2 years Kennebec.

~ ~

Cf! --3 ~ --3 tr)

.., ~ ,-.; w 0 ~

3169 Parker, Howard ......••••.........

3162 Perkins, Edwarc1 W ..•..........•

3210 Perley, Frank .................... . 3152 Pooler, Wallie .••........•...•... 32li Powers, John ................... . 3212 Pra wcla, August l\l., alias ........ . 1458 Preble, ,Joel c ..................... . 3180 Reardon, Frank P., alia:,; ......... . 3207 Riley, Shlncy ..................... . 322!1 l{obbins, Willlam W ............. .

3208 Rou:,;:,;in, Al1elan1 ................ .

3hJ4 Ryerson, George \\'ashington ... . 2353 Savage, Alfre,l .................. . 2\134 Sawyer, Charle:,; A ................ . 3146 Shaw, William R .•..•........•..•. 3206 l::\iddell, Wiiliam .................. . 3115 Skillings, O:,;car :1<' ••••••••••••••••• 28\13 Skillins, John ..................... . 2,5,52 Smith, Charles W. t; .............. . 2338 Smith, Ed wanl l\l ............... . 3204 l::\mith, Henry ..................... . 2010 Smith, Joseph D .................. . 304\:J Smith, Rice K .................... . 2li3 Smith, William, alias ............. . 3172 Spearin, Charles .................. . 3158 St. Cyr, Alcide ..................... . 3009 Stain, David L ................... . 32'.!sf Swan, John A •••.........•......... 322:1 'far box, lra .M •.•..••............ 3118 Taylor, lJharle:,; ~' ................. . 32:H Taylor, William H ............... . 2543 'l'horupson, Edward C ............ . 3183 Thorne, Abner Dolloff ........... . 3185 'I'ownsl,encl, Everett ............ . 31861'l'ownshend, ~'red ................ . 298\J!"L'urner, Jarncs Albert ............ . 2i2B Wallace, Charles Morgan ........ . 31\lu Wallace, George, alias ........... . 31511\Va,;hburn, ~'rellerick J .......... . 31\13 Watts, 'l'homas .................. . r~30IW ~ bs~er, }lezckiah .............. . 3181 W1ggrn, Ji red .................... . 3189 Willey, l\I. D ...................... .

31 New Brunswick ...... Larceny, in the night time, in a cl well-ing house ............................... .

22 Lynn, Mass ........... Breaking ancl entering, with intent to co1n1uit larceny ........................ .

24 ~ew Brunswick ..... Robbery ................................... . 17 Keene, N. II.. . . . . . Breaking, entering and larceny ......... . 3i'> Nova Scotia .......... Breaking, into po,;t office, ............... . 31 Gerniany ............. l\lunler, first degree .................... . 21l Whitefielcl . . . . . . . . . . l\funler ..................................... . 24 Portland ............. Assault arnl battery .................... .. 17 Bi<l<let'orcl ............ Compound larceny ..................... .. 40 Deer Isle ............. Bl'eaking an<l entering with intent to

cornrnit larceny ...................... . rn Bi<hleford ............ Compouml larceny, anll assisting and

41! Sumner .............. l\l~~~~i~t;~t~:~'.1•1:~. :: : ::. : ::: : :: : :: ::: : :: :

31' Verrnont ............. l\funler .................................. . 24 South llo,;ton ......... Rohllery an<l as::-ault to kill .............. . 50 Bath.. . . . . . . . . . . . Embezzlement anrl nmking fal,;c entric,; UJ 1\1.anche,-,ter, Eng ....


C.'.ornpound larceny ....................... .. 85 Portlan<l. ............. Uttering forgetl paper ................... . 22 Portlan<L ............ Assault with intent to connuit rape .... . :W Rockl:tn<l ............. l\Iunler .................................. . 8i Bucksport ............ l\lunler, fir,-,t degree ...................... . Hl Chatham, l\Iass ..... Assisting and ai<ling an escape ......... . 20 Vt>azie ............... l\Iurder .................................... . 4i Water borough ...... l\Ianslaughter ............................ . 24 Rockland ............. Piracy ..................................... . 40 llartland ............. Larceny .................................... . 22 Lisllon ............... Larceny .................................. . GO l\lt. Vernon, Me ...... i\lunler, seeonll <legree ................. .. 2:1 \Voo(lstoek ........... Breaking, entering all(l larceny ......... . 20 Billdefonl ............ Larceny ................................... . 38 Gar<liner ............ Rape ....................................... . 21 Prince E<l ward l:,;l'<l Breaking, entering arnl larceny ........ . 28 Li1nington .......... Ar,;on ...................................... . rn \Voollstock ........... l\lunler, second llegree ................. . 17 ,Stetson .............. Con1vourul larceny.... . ................ . 1n[stct,;on .............. ·Compounll larceny .................... . 3b··IHall.owell .............. Rape ...... ·····: ........................... . 50 Philtulelphia, Pa ..... l\lur<ler, second degree ................. . 49 \Vest brook... .. . . . Rape .................................... .

g I ~e~t ~·1~

1~~i;t[k·::::: ~~~~~i f~iiri \~:t~lt ~~c~;~~·~1~?::::.:::: : 21


[Deer Isle ............. Rape .................................... . 28,Waterhoro ........... Breaking arnl entering ................. . 221Cherryfiehl, .......... Forgery..................... . ........... .

1loct. 7, 181!8 10 yearslWashington.

1 Oct. 5, 181!8 2 years York. 1 Aug. 28, 18H4 H years Penobscot. 1 Sept. 14, 18B:l 3 ,,ears Kennebec. 1 Oct. 4, 18\141 5 :rears U. 8. Cir. Court 1 Sept. 4, 1H!J4 Life. . . Cumberland. 1 Oct. i, 18(j] Life ..... Amlro,;coggrn. 1 Feh. 5, 18\14 4 vears Cntuberlarnl. 1 June 8, 18!l4 :{ )'ears York.

1f oct. 1:, 1~!14 1 year r~ancoek.

ii.Tune 8, lsn4 5 years "t ork. 1 '.\lay 10, 18!)4. 5 yenrs Oxfonl. 1 ,June 1, l8i81Lifc ..... York. 2 ,Jan. 3, 188\11 Life ..... Kennebec. 1 ,July 1, 18\18\10 years U.S. Cireuit Ct. 1 ,June 8, 18\J41 :} years York. 1 ,June 1, l8!J2 6 }'ears CnmlJerlan<l. 1 ,Jan. 2~, 18::,8 15. years (~urn berlarnl. 1 Oct. rn, fo81 L1fe ..... 1 .. nox. 1 Apr. lH, 1S7S Life ..... Hancock. 1 ,June 8, lt-!14 H years York. 1 I<'eb. 27, 1872 Lffe ..... Penob,;cot. 1 ,Jan. 2!1, 18\Jl M years York. 1 Oct. 4, }t,i5 Lffe ..... U.S. Ct., 1\lass. 1 Dec. 11, lSHi) 3 yenrs Kennebec. 1 Oct. 2, ltSH:1,g years Andro:,;coggin. 1 l\Iar. 81, 18\JO 1:ife ..... Pc1101J,;cot. 1 Oct. li'i, 18H4 1, vears Oxfonl. l Oct. I, 18\!4 1 year. York. 1 Sept. 2n, 18!)2 14 years Kennebec. 1 Oct. 1, 18!)4 1 ~,ear. Franklin. 1 Sept. 22, 18811.Lif~, ..... Cumberland. l[Mar. 3, l8!J4 Life ..... Oxford. ] Mar. 10, 18U4 2 years Penobscot. 1 l\lar. 10, 18\141 2 years Penollscot. 1 Dec. 18, 188\J 10 years Kennebec. 1 Jan. H, 188fi[Life ..... Kennebec. 1 l\Iay 16, 181!4,18 years Cumberlarnl. 1 Sept. 14, 18!!812 vears Kennebec. 1 Apr. 30, 18H4 2 ;years Aroostook. 1 Oct. 18, 18!l4 (j years Hancock. 2 ~'eb. 5, U:!14 3 years Cumberland. 1 Apr. 23, 18!J4 2 years Hancock.

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Hirth place. Uri me.

3120 Williams, ,John....... ... ......... 2410rrington ........... !Breaking-, entering an<l larceny... . .. . 3124 Wheeler, George A................ 2HI Boston, lUnss... . . . Breakiug·, entering aml larceny ....... . 2H08 Whitney, Clarence................ 321~-·ew HampslJire ..... 1_~u1-·glnry ................................ . 1!150 \-V oo(t, Augustus................... 28 Augusta.............. Larceny .................................. . 3051 York, George F.. .. . .. . . . . . . . .. .. . 48 Portland ............. Arson ................................... . 3231 Young, George B... ... . . . .. . . . . . . . 40 Ji;llsworth .......... Assault, with intent to kill. ............ .

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;:::: Cotmty.

~ E-<

I I l_ Dee. 22, 1H$l2/ 3 year,- Knox. I-Oct,. 4, lt-i!i2l 3 years ,\ rnlroseoggin. 1 !Sept. 7, lt-1881 JO years Peuohscot. 1_ :Sept. 11, l.S!J:,1 11 years Kemwhec. 1,J<'el). 2, lS\ll :i year,; CnmlJerlaml. lf Oc,t,. 18, l8f14/ 4 yearsf Hancock.

l:,!) CFJ

a, f-:3 ;;:... f-:3 t,j

~ a, c ~


No.I Name. I County fron1 which comrnitted.1 Date of sentence. Date of l1ischarge.

3112 Enoch S. Shain ...................................... .l,i\roosto0k ........................ May li, um2 ................... ,January 2, 18\!4.

~(w~ t~~~~;t1u.R~l1~tt:.:::: · ::: :: :: :: :: ·: :: : : :: :: · ::: :: : : : : :11(;~(:l;l:~l;(;~·.::: :: :: : : : :: : : :·: :: : · ·: :: s~~1\~!\.y i~: rn:::::: ::: :: :: : : : ·::: :{~~~:~!:i u: }~}:!: 3UlB Thorn as Leonard .................................... ·I Knox .............................. March 24, 18!!:3 ................. ,January 17, 18\14. 2\l!ll Charle:,, H. Blackman .............................. Li11coln ............................ April 2!1, lHS:~ .................. February 2, li:<\14. 2\l\l5 Charles W. Ral'tlett .................................. Cumberland ....................... ,January 23, 18\JO ................ l:<'elJnrnry lfi, 18\14. 3080 \Villiam ()'Neil ................................... Knox ............................ October 1, lS!ll. ................. March fl, 11l!l4. 3131 William P. Robinson ............................... Washington ......................• January 7, 18!13 .................. 11\larch 2(i, 18!l4. 3145 .Joseph Gagnon, alias .............................. York ............................... ,June 8, 18!l:J .................. ·:April 2, 18!!4. 3108 S. C. Thomas .....•......•........................ Kennebec .......................... April 28, ltiB2 .................. April lii, 18!l4. 2882 Jlla l\lay H·1tchins. . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. I l'bc:ltaquis ........................ SeptemlJer 21, 181'17 ................... April :.!7, 18!!4. 3077 ,Ja'tnes E. Friel .................................... Cumberlan<l . . . . . . . . • ......... September :.!4, 18Hl. .................. !\lay n, 18\14. 311\J Benjamin S. Riley, Jr. ............................... Kennebec .......................... September 2\l, 18\12 ................. [!\lay 14, lt:!J4. 3125 George H. Reynolds ............................... Kennebec .......................... October 10, 18!t! ................... :\lay 25, 18!!4. 3127 Charles Sears ........................................ \Vashington ....................... October 20, 18H2 ................... ,June 5, 1894. 3099 l\'Iichael Nolan .............•......................... Kennebec .......................... ,January 5, 18\l2 ................... ,June 25, 18\14. 31:.!8 Twan Belongie ..................................... Aroostook . . .. . ................. November 5, 18!12 .................... July 2, 18H4. 3100 Fred Lafleur ......................................... York .............................. ,January 25, 18!l2......... . . . . ... ,July 3, 18H4. 3101 'rl1eoclore Roy, alias ...............................


York ....... '. ....................... ,January 25, 18B2 ................... July 3, 18!!4. 3102 .Frank J. Delaney .................................. Curnberlarnl. ..............••••.... Fi·lJruary 1, 18\12 ................... July \), 1Sfl4. 3098 ,Jan1es White ........................................ Kennel.Jee ......................... ,January 5, 18!12 ..................• July 18, 18(14. 315\1 Henry Sullivan ....................................... York .............................. October 5, 18!J3 .................. ,July 28, ll-1!14. 2!'lli!l Lemlall G. L. Foote .......................•......... Cumberland ...................... September 20, ll'il'IH .................. A u~ust u, ll-1!14. 3161 Charle:,, Averill .................................... York .............................. Outober 5, lS!llL .................. August JO, 18\14. 30i2 Henry Ellis, alias .................................... l'enobscot ......................... August 17, 18Dl. .................. A ngust 1i, 18tJ4. 2928 Benjamin l<', Rolfe ................................. t-\agiHlahoc ......................... Deuember 21'1, 1888 ................... September 10, 18!14. 3135 John McLean, alias ................................ York ............................... ,January 27, 18\JB .................. ::'leptember12, 1:,!14. 3171 ,Joseph Trombley .................................... Somerset ........................... October 5, 18!!3 .................. October 8, J8!l4. 3069 ,John l<'riel, alias ................................... Cmnberlan<l. ....................... ,June 1, 18!Jl. .................. October 13, 18~J4. 3068 ,James Welch, alias .................................. Cumberland ....................... ,June 1, 18!H .................. October rn, 18\14. 3174 George Coro.. . ..................................... Kennebec .....•.................... Decen1ber Hi, l&JH .................. October Hl, 18!14. 3176 \Villiam Jones, alias ................................ Knox ............................... Dcuernber 28, ll-1\l:) ................... Odober 22, 18fl4. 3177 George Davis .•..•................................. \Valllo ............................. ,January !1, ll'i\J4 ................. )October :W, 18114. 3092 John Reanlon ...................................... Lincoln ........................... November 10, lS!ll. .................. November 10, 18U4.

.... ~ :..,. ~ :::: t,:j

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~ 6 ~ >-:3

N,) ~


No., Name. I County from which committed./ Date of sentence., Date of par<lon. , Date of !lischarge.

3225[~illiarn Cofran ...................................... ,York ............................... joctol>er 5, 1894 ... ,Kovcmber 1, 18!14. ,~oveml>er 2, 1894.


No. j Name. \ County from which committed. , Date of sentence. J Date of !leath.

2853 Colby l\1oore .......................................... Piscataquis ...•................... Murch 2, 11-\87 ................... April 11, 18!14. 178· IILevi ,Tuck··.···· ............•...••.............. ···1Peno1>scot ....................... ····:Scptentber 1, 1868 ................... IJ<'el>ruary 27, 18\14.

2535 Charles E. Merrill.... . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... Kennebec .......................... l\fuy 14, 1881 .................. October 25, 18\14.

c.>:> 0

UJ >-3 ..... >-3 t,j


~ w 0 z




Adultery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 An attempt to commit burglary.... .. .. .. .. .. . . .. . . .. .. . .. . . . .. .. .. 2

Assault and battery................................................ 3 Assault and battery on officer.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Assault ·with intent to commit rape......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Assault with intent to kill, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Assault with intent to murder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Assisting and aiding an escape..... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 Breaking and entering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Breaking and entering a dwelling-house in the night time . . . . . . . . . . 1 Breaking and entering with intent to commit larceny....... . . . . . . . . 1 Breaking, entering and larceny.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Breaking and entering,-and breaking, entering and larceny....... 1 Breaking into post-office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Burglary,-and assault and battery................................ 1 Co1npouud larceny........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Compound larceny,-and assisting and aiding an escape . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Forgery.......................................................... 2 Forgery and uttering. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Larceny.......................................................... 10 Larceny,-dwelling house in day time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Larceny from the person.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 11anslaughter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ~Iurder in the first degree. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Murder in the second degree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Rape............................................................. 2 Receiving stolen goods.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Robbery.......................................................... 1 Uttering forged paper............................................ 1

'fotal......................................................... 62




~,\_ndroscoggiu .......... · .. · · · . · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·. · · · · · · ·. · · ·. · · 3 .Aroostook ..................... · . · ... · ... · . · · · . · · · .. ·. , . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Curnberland ................. , . ·.,. ·. · ... ·. ·. ·. · ·. ·............. . . 13 l1'ranldin ........................ · ... · . · · · . · · · . · · · ·. · ... · ... · ... ·. . . 4 liancock ................. · ............. · ... · ... · · ........... ·..... 4 l{ennebec............................. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 5 l{nox ............... , ......................... ·. · ... ,............. 3

Oxford ............... · ... ·.······································ 6 Penobscot .......... ·. ·. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · . · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 4 Sagadahoc ............. · .. · · · . · · · . · · · · · · · , · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · . · · · . · · 1 ~Yaldo ....................... · ... · ... · .. · · · .. · ·. · · ·. · · ·. · ... ·..... 1 ,v ashington ................. · ................ ·. · ..... , . ·. . . . . . . . . 1 York ...... .,.................................................... 10

U.S. Court ........... · .. ,··.·······.· ... ·.· .... ·.· ... · ... ·....... 3

I'otal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62


JH.aine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Vern1ont.......... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .... .... ........ .... .... .. 1 :J\,1.assachusetts..................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Connecticutt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Ne,v York........................................................ 2

Pennsylvania . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 California . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 N e,v Bruns,vick. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Nova Scotia...................................................... ::! P. E. Island .................. · · · ·................................ 2 England.......................................................... 1 S,Yeden........................................................... 1

Denn1ark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Germany......................................................... 1

'.rotal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62




I,ife . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Eighteen years.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Six years,, .............................. ,........................ 3 :Five years. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Four years ..... , , . , ....... , . . . . . . . ... , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 rrhree years ................... , , ........ , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Two years and six n1onths. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 rl\vo years ... , ...... , , , ..... , . , , , ............. , ....... , ...... , ... , 17 One year and ten months ............. , .. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 One year and six rnonths .... , , ....... , ............... , . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 One year......................................................... 10

'l'ota]...... .... .... . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .... .. .. .... .... 62

Average length of definite ter.n, 3 years, 8 days. Average term, less possible good time, 2 years, 5 months, 16 days.


Between 50 and 60 years of age .......... , , , , , , .. , , , , , , , , ..... , , , , , 2 Between 40 aud 50 years of age ..... , ..... , .. , .... , .. , , , .... , ... , , . 12 Between 30 and 40 years of age ........... , . , ..... , , ... , ...... , . , . . 14 Between 20 and 30 years of age, , , , , , , · , , · , , · · , , , , · · · · · · · , · , · · · · · · · 23 Under 20 years of age ........................... , , , .. , ......... · ·, 11

'l'otal. ..................... , , , .... , , ... , , , , , , .. , ... , , ... , .. , , . . G2

Average age when committed, 29 years, 10 months.



Single .................................... , ..... , .... ,,, ... , , , · · · 33

:l\farried ............. , ................... · · · · .... · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 23 )Vido,vers .................. , , , . , , , , .. , , . · , , ·. ·, ·, , · · · , · · · · · · · · · · · 6






Could read and ,vrite ....................................... , , , . . . . 51 Could read but could not write ............................ , . . . .. . . 3 Could neither read nor write




Number of convicts in custody Xov. 30, 1893 ....................... 135 Number committed since.......................................... 62


Discharged on expiration of sentence.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Pardoned by Governor and Council.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 l)eceased . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Present number Nov. 30, 1894 ...................................... 159 Largest number at one time during the year ....................... 161 ~mallest " " " " " •• " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 Average daily number " " " ........................ 146 Whole number of commitments since establishment of prison ....... 3233


Number of patients in Department Nov. 30, 1893: Convicts, 10; not convicts, 8...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Admitted since: Convicts, 3; not convicts, 1,... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Removed during the year: Dcceasell during the year:

Convicts, 0; not convicts, 2,-2 Convicts, 1; not convicts, 0,-1 ....



PresPnt number in DepartmPnt,-co1wicts, 8; not convicts, 11,..... 19 Number of convicts in Department whose term of sentence has expired

during the year................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Total number of inmates in institution, N(,v. 30, 1894 ............... 170


To the I11spectors of the 1lfcli11e State Prison:

GEXTLE:\IEX :-.. Within the yrar now closing sixty-two persons

have been committed to the Maine State Prison and forty-two were

committed during the previous year. Of these ninety and four­

tenths per cent were users of tobacco in one or both ways. The

remaining nine and six-tenths had never been users of tobacco. Fifty-nine and six-tenths per cent had been accustomed to use intoxicating drinks, occasionally in small quantities, or as hard drinkers. The others, forty and four-tenths per cent of the ·whole mun ber were teetotalers.

In educational advantages and acquirements they are classed as

follows: Twelve and five-tenths per cent could neither read nor

write when committed to prison, four and eight-tenths per cent could read bnt could not write, the others eighty-two and seven­tenths per cent had enjoyed school privileges, from the public schools to the college. A comparison of these statistics with those

given in my report for 18:)2 will show that the men committed in

the past two years, are not differe11t in social habits, intellectual

attainments, and moral characters from those committed in pre­Yious years.


The necessary use of the hospital for the purpose for which it

was bnilclPcl, lrns cl< privPd us of Hs use as a school room and there­

fore the work of tf>achin).r hns bePn mostly personal ·work. This has been clonp i11 the ewning with the men in their cells, and during·

the day en lling the n 1 P11 to the library room. Personal instruction

has some nchm1t:1µ:<'I-', but not finflicie11t to snpply the loss sus­

tained in laek of e1nss work. Of those 11ow in the prison and those


discharged within the year seventy-two have availed themselyes of the opportunity for stndy.

I wish again to call attention to the pressing need of a suitable room for evening school ·work.


The library has been newly classified and:: catalogued. One hundred and forty-six volumes have been added by purchase and gift. Two ·hundred and five volumes have been rebound. One

hundred and seventy-four volumes of magazines have been bound

and placed in the library. Two copies of The Century, of Har­per's, of The Cosmopolitan and of the New England Magazine are

taken for the use of the men. These are changed weekly from cell

to cell. Thus one magazine may afford its information to one hundrecl and eight men. A number of books which have been in

constant use for years need to be rebound soon.


Letters have been freely received by most of the men. ·with few exceptions the men improve the privilege given them of writ­ing to their friends. l\Iany of the men subscribe for one or more of the leading weekly papers of the State. Others are supplied by their friends. I have provided weekly a copy of such papers as The Youth's Companion, Zion's Advocate, The Independent, Zion's Herald, The Christian Advocate, The vVord and ·work, etc., for each man.


Religions services have been held each Sabbath. I think ~here has been an increasing interest in these services. vVhile some harden themselves and strive to give the impression that they are

wholly indifferent to religious things, an increasingly large number

show an interest in these things and are as ready as the average of

mankind to talk of their duty to God, to thernselYes and their friends. The service of Scripture reading, conversation and prayer has been observed weekly in the hospital with but fe-w omissions.


The ladies of the vVomeu's Christian Temperance Union have

continued to aid me in the service of Bible study and prayer with the fem ale prisoners.

·with many thanks to you each and to all the officers of the prison for the help giYen me in my work of instruction and redemption, this report is respectfully submitted.

C. A. PLUMER, Chaplain.


To the I,v,pectors (~f the .1¥cdne State Prison :

GENTLE:'IIEN: Herein find my annual medical report of the l\Iaine

State Prison. On August 9th of this year the Insane Department of the l\Iaine

State Prison was established in accordance -with an act of the Legis­

lature of 18~HL A certain part of the -west wing of the prison was

fitted up for this purpose. Nmv cots, with mattresses, ·were pro­

vided, a bath room finished with all the nmY modern conYeniences, and a keeper who had had several years' experience at the insane

asylum at A ugust:1, assumed charge of this department. On the above elate twelve (12) insane conYict patients were brought here from the hospital at Augusta; and five ( fi) who m~re then in the

prison ·were put in the insane department. The general health of these men has been good. One has died during the year. Felmrnry 27th, Levi ,Jack die,1 of vnl'vnlar disease of the heart.

In the prison proper, there have been two deaths clnring the year.

April 11th, Colby Moore died of locomotor ::i_taxfa, and October 25th, Charles E. 2\lerrill died of clia l•etes. The genernl health of

the convicts has been good.

lrnve been but fc--w accidents.

No epi,lemies lutve occmTecl ancl there

Tile gooc1 ancl "\Yell cooked food, the warm clothing, the equitable temperntnre of the lmiWings, and the

excellent sanitary condition of the whole institution, have all helped

to bring about this good result.

Permit me here to thank the warden, deputy "\Yarcleu and all the

su borclinate ofiicers for the many courtesies extemlc<1 me clnriug my

ofiicial duties.

Prison Physician.

Report of Commission Relating to Criminal Insane.

To His Excellency, the Governor, ancl the Executive Counca of the State of Maine :

The Commission created by '' An Act to amend chapter 13 7, of the ReYised Statutes, relntiug to the criminal insane" would respect­fully submit for your consideration its first biennial report for the

period ending November 30, 1894. The Commission, in pursuance

of its duties, held its first session at the State prison in April, 18H3,

aml carefully considered the Act of the legislature which contem­plated providing fo1· the insane criminals at the insane department of the State prison. The Commission fully inspected that portion of the prison, and took into consideration some changes which were

thought desirable for the comfort and care of its future occupants.

The resident member of the Commission immediately constructed a suitable bath-room, containing a water-closet, bath-tub and set wash-uowl. Tlns was thoroughly and efficiently piped for warm and cold water with the most approved material and in a workman­like manner. Hard wood floors were laid in some of the cells and a very comfortable sick room was arranged. The department had already been installed for electric lights, and upon inspection it was found that its steam radiation was sufficient for its proper heat and yentilation. Excellent bedsteads and bedding were furnished for the various rooms. Snitaule renovation of the entire depart­

ment was completed, and, by order of your Excellency and the Executive Council, thirteen of the criminal insane of the Maine Insane Hospital were removed to this department and placed under

treatment there August 9, 1893. In order to afford the unfortu­

nate inmates of this department proper care, an efficient and

experienced attendant was selected for their supervision from the Maine Insane Hospital to take charge of them during the day, and

a suitable night attendant was provided.


The non-resident member of the Commission has visited the

department as often as once each month since its occupancy, and

has advised with the other members relative to the proper care and

treatment of the inmates.

The hygienic, dietary and sanitary conditions have been thoroughly

inspected from time to time, and we are pleased to report that nutri­

tious, wholesome food has been supplied at all times ; a special diet

has been afforded the sick and other attentions rendered, as the

necessity of each case required. The resident physician of the

Commission has at all times responded promptly and efficiently to the physical and mental necessities of the inmates.

The department has !Jeen properly warmed and lighted, and we

believe its sanitation is excellent. The inmates have been taken

out fol' exercise in suita!Jle "Weather, and a large share of physical

health has prevailed. Bnt one occupant has died, "Which was the

result of long-continued mental disease. He had been an inmate

of the Maine Insane Hospital continuously since 18G8, and several years before that time was a resident of the hospitnl for a short

period. From constant inspection, we feel assured that this fonni~

dable class, many of whom are afliicted with homicidal impn]ses, are being humanely and kindly cared for; and taking into considerntion the fact that the provisions for treatment of the insane at the Maine

Insane Hospital had become so limited, the action of the legislature,

providing for the elimination of this class from the hospital and caring for them at this department, was a wise procedure, and, we b21ieve, commends itself to the better judgment of the citizens of the State.

We append the following tabulation relnting to the numerical con~ clition of this department : Number admitted from Insane Hospital August 9, 1893.... 13 Number admitted from State Prison August 9, 1893....... 4 Adn1itted since.. . . . • . . • . • . • . . • • . • . . . • . • . • . • • . . . • • . . . • 6

Whole number under treatment ...••••••••.••••.•••.•.• , 23 Discharged since, ( removed by relatives) .•••. , . • • • • • • • • • 3 Died since.. . • • • • • • • • . • • • . • • • . • • • . • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • 1

Remaining December 1, 1894...................... 19 BIGELOW T. SANBORN, • J. E. W ALICER,

SAMUEL H. ALLEN, Commi'.ssion of Insane Department, State Prfaon.


Frequent visits during the past two yeai's as visiting committee of the Council, have suggested the following thoughts to my mind, in regard to the management and improvement of the prison. I have been pleased to notice the good discipline maintained by the warden and prison officials throughout the two years.

The prisoners have been snpplied with a sufficiency of whole­

some food, and the prison has been kept in a clean, and good sani­tary condition throughout all its parts.

:Marked irnproYements liave been made by the establishment of the laundry; installing a good electric light system; introducing po'wer; putting in new bathing facilities for the inmates; and re-bnilcling and re-arranging the stable and out-buildings ; all of which improvements were ordered by the last legislature. Early in 1893 a pol'tion of the prison was set apart for the accommoda­tion of the insane convicts, and afte1' it was properly repaired, all such we1•e transferred from the Insane Hospital to the prison. There are now nineteen patients of that class at the prison under the care of faithful and careful attendants ; and the supervision of the superintendent of the Insane Hospital. No provision was made by the legislature in the bill ordering their removal to the prison, for any pay for attendants to care for them, or to pay for their maintenance. Hence there is a deficiency to be provided for for the past two years, for their maintenance and care while at the prison, also provision should be made to compensate the superin­tendent of the hospital, for his necessary additional trouble and expenses in looking after them. The appropriation for the light­ing of the prison was not sufficient to allow its full lighting by elec .. tricity and should be increased. So long as the present law pro .. hibiting the employment of more than twenty per cent of the pris­oners in any one branch of business is continued, there will be an


annual deficiency in the prison finances, for the reason, that it is necessary to furnish a full force of skilled overseers in each shop,

in order to give the men the instruction contemplated by the law, and skilled overseers command good pay. If all the prisoners were at work in one line of mannfactures but one set of overseers would be required. If the present system is to be continued, an appropriation must he made each year to meet the deficiency.

I commend the warden, chaplain, and all the other officials for their care and thoughtfulness for the well being of the prisoners and for the good health which has prevailed in all the departments

of the prison. During the past two years, I have as much as possible, made my

visits in company with the prison inspectors, and have found it greatly to my advantage; as it has enabled me to keep fully informed as to the mbole management and the actual condition of the prisoners.

I would recommend that additional land be purchased, for the purpose of enlarging the prison fields, so that they might produce what common farm products the prisoners reqnire ; by so doing a large saving might be made to the State in my opinion.

1 wish to express my thanks to the inspectors and all the prison officials for the uniform courtesy with which I have been treated by them during all our official intercourse.

Respectfully submitted,


Visiting Committee of the Council,.


vV i. have visited the several jails in the State during the past

year as often, as in our judgment, was necessary and their condi­tion, in many respects, shmys a decided improvement. Our sug­gestions and recommendations have been cheerfully complied with by county officers. The jails, with one or two exceptions, have

been kept in good condition with the prisoners properly classified

and well cared for. Eight counties now clothe their prisoners in convict suits and

with satisfactory results in every way.

Aroostook and Knox counties have erected and equipped suit­

able sheds and yards for the employment of tramps, at breaking stone, which has resulted in a decided decrease of tramp commit­

ments in those counties. vVe have advised the county oflicers in some of the other counties to adopt a similar method of employing tramps and arrangements are now being made with that em1 in view.

There have been G,17G commitments for all crimes during the year ending ~ overnber 30, 1 t,\)4, of which 2G3 ·were fenwles, !l\)3

·were tramps, and 107 were poor delltors; 2,808 ·were committed for (1runkenness, 240 for selling intoxicants, and 2,0GG for non­

payment of tines. \Ye firn1 that a large mnn ber of those committed for drunkenness

were tramps. In some of the counties the expense attending the

arrest and commitment of tramps has become very burdensome and requires, in our judgment, some legislative action. ,,re would

respectfully suggest for the consideration of the legislature, that chapter 288 of the Public Laws of 1889 be so amended as to give judges of municipal courts and trial justices jurisdiction under that

act in order that they may be enabled to impose the penalties

therein provided for tramps instead of binding them over to a higher tribunal as they are now obliged to do.


The ht,vs governing the transfer of prisoners from one jail to another, when jails become overcrowded, should, in our judgment be so amended aR to allow the inspectors to remove prisoners to such jails as they may deem best and not be confined to the selec­

tion of work jails as the law now provides. This mattenrns called

sharply to our attention in one instance during the past year when

we found 103 prisoners confined in a jail contnining ten cells. There are but three work jails in the State and those being located in our large counties usually contain as many prisoners as they can well accommodate. If, in such transfers as the law contemp}ates, the inspectors were allowed to use their discretion, better results would be accomplished and with less expense to the counties requesting such transfers.

,v e append hereto the reports of the sheriffs of our several coun­ties in detail with tabulated statements.

C. W. JONES, } I11spectoi's A. W. GIL::\IAN, c~f AUGUSTUS BAILEY, Prisoil a11rl Jcdls.




Com,TY OFFICERS :-George Parchers, Seth Chandler, ,Valter B. Beals, Go ll1dy Oomniissioners / Benj. J. Hill, Sheriff and Jcdler;

Benj. F. Beals, Turnkey). no regular physician; Geo F. Horn, Overseer oj lVorkslwp.

Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1893. 112. Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1894. 128. Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1894 for this county.


Number of p15soners in jail November 30, 1894 for other coun­ties. 13.

Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1894 for the United States. None.

Number of prisoners committed for the year ending November 30, 1894. 921.

Number of prisoners committed for this county. 821. Number of prisoners committed for other counties. 100. Number of prisoners committed for the United States. None.

Number of prisoners committed for drunkenness. 495. Number of prisoners committed for selling liquors. 50. Number of prisoners committed for non-payment of fines. 518. Number of prisoners committed for safe keeping by police offi-

cers and taken out by them and no return made of trial or sentence.

None. Number of prisoners, males. 886. Number of prisoners, females. 35. Number of prisoners, poor debtors. 5.

Number of prisoners, tramps. 131. Number of prisoners, foreign birth. None.

Number of prisoners, escaped. (From workshop.) 3.

Number of prisoners, retaken. 3.

Number of prisoners under 15 years of age. None.

Number of prisoners bet,vQen 15 and 21 years of age. None.

Number sentenced for 1 month or less. 769.

Number sentenced for 2 months or less, over 1 month. 115. Number sentenced for 3 months or less, over 2 months. 18.


Number sentenced for G months or less, over 3 months. 8.

Number sentenced for 9 months or less, over 6 months. 2. Number sentenced for 1 year or less, over 9 months. 8.

Number sentenced for 2 years or less, over 1 year. 1.

Number sentenced to State Prison. 3.

N urn ber pardoned by Governor and Council. None. Number of deaths during year. None. Price of boa rel per week ? $1. 7 5.

Amount expended for repairs during the year? None.

Do prisoners labor ? Yes.

Are prisoners leased? if so, to whom? Yes. To Standard Heel

Company. ·what kind of work done? Shoe heels.

Average number in workshop? About 50. Do prisoners receive religious instruction? Yes. Do prisoners wear regulation suits? Yes. Are your prisoners classified according to crime and age? No.

Henry C. Poland escaped from workshop May 1, 1894. Recap-

tured by A. E. True, New Hampshire, July, 1894.

Stanley Straight taken from workshop September 28, 1894, by overseer and ran away while loading team at depot. Recaptured by Jnmes G. Jordan at Durham, October, 1894.

Asa ~fason Eiscaped from workshop May 7, 1894. Recaptured by sheriff of Franklin county, September 15, 1894.

The custom adopted by the lessee of workshop in using prisoners for outside work has been discontinued. No escapes have taken place from the jail proper.

BENJ. J. HILL, Jailer.




CouNTY OFFICERS :-James ,v. Ambrose, Chas. E. Dunn, James R. Tl;mrlough, County Com1nissio11ers; Henry C. Sharp, Sheriff; William A. Kay, Jailer; ,John Bonnell, Turnkey; town physician; John Bonnell, Overseer of Workshop.

Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1893. 17.

Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1894. 25.

Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1894, for this county. 25.

Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1894, for other coun­ties. 0.

Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1894:, for the United

States. 0. N urn ber of prisoners committed for the year ending November

30, 1894. 390.

Number of prisoners committed for this county. 390. Number of prisoners committed for other counties. 0. Number of prisoners committed for the United States. 0. Number of prisoners committed for drunkenness. 276. Number of prisoners committed for selling liquors. 18. Number of prisoners committed for non-payment of fines. 229.

Number of prisoners committed for safe keeping by police offi-cers and taken out by them and no return made of trial or sentence. 0.

Number of prisoners, males. 387. Number of prisoners, females. 3. Number of prisoners, poor debtors. 24. Number of prisoners, tramps. 6. Number of prisoners, foreign birth. Xo record. Number of prisoners, escaped. 3. Number of prisoners, retaken. 2.

Number of prisoners under 15 years of age. 1. Number of prisoners between 15 and 21 years of age. 9.

N urn ber sentenced for 1 month or less. 2 5 7.

Number sentenced for 2 months or less, over 1 month. lG.

Number sentenced for 3 months or less, over 2 months. G.

48 ,JAILS.

Number sentenced for G months or less, over 3 mouths. 3. Number s1.:mtenced for U months or less, over 6 months. 0.

Number sentenced for 1 year or less, over 9 months. 0. Number sentenced for 2 years or less, over 1 year. 0. Number sentenced to State Prison. 4. Number pardoned by Go,·ernor and Council. 0.

Number of deaths during the year. 1.

Price of board per V\'eek? Who don't work, $1.75; who work,

$2.00. Amount expended for repairs during the year? Don't know.

Do prisoners labor? Yes.

Are prisoners J•eased? if so, to "Whom? No.

1Vlint kind of work done? Breaking stone.

Average n urn ber in workshop ? No record.

Do prisoners receiYe religious instruction? Yes.

Do prisoners wear regulation suits? Yes. ~(re yonr prisoners classified according to crime and age? As

well as jail will permit.

August 13, 18~)4, Joseph J\Iurphy and 1Villiam Paddock escaped from the rock yard. They were the first men to file into the yard out of twenty-seven, they used a piece of plank to climb over the fenct:"l before the rest of the men had filed into the yard. The keeper did not miss them for a time. As soon as I was notified I put the rest all back in jail and started to find them, they had taken to the woods. I located them seven hours after their escape on the ,,T ooclstock road between Houlton and 1V ood­

stock, and with Deputy Sheriff JHartin Lawles, 1Ye did succeed in capturing "William Paddock, 1\Iurphy got into the woods after a hard chase. I have not since heard from him.

Richard Raycroft escaped from yard November 23, 1894, by breaking lock from door leading into yard. "\Vas recaptured same day by me near the boundary line in the woods six hours after






CouxTY OFFICERS :-Frank H. Plummer, Elbridge Lord, Walter B. Allen, County Cornniissionets ). Leander E. Cram, Sheriff and Jailer). George W. Grover, Tttrnkey ). Freeman E. Small, Physician.;

Thomas Pennell, Overseer of lVorkslwp.

Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1893. 133. Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1894. 127. Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1894 for this county,

114. Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1894, for other coun­

ties. 8. Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1894, for the United

States. 5. Number of prisoners committed for the year ending November

30, 1894. 1,916. Number of prisoners committed for this county. 1,744. Number of prisoners committed for other counties. 80. Number of prisoners committed for the United States. 92. Number of prisoners committed for drunkenness. 664. Number of priso~ers committed for selliug liquors. 72. Number of prisoners committed for non-payment of fines. 464. Number of prisoners committed for safe keeping by police offi-

cers and taken out by them and no return made of trial or sen­tence. 422.

N urn ber of prisoners, males. 1, 7 5 4. Number of prisoners, females. 162. Number of prisoners, poor debtors. 19. Number of prisoners, tramps. 126. Number of prisoners, foreign birth. 613. Number of prisoners escaped? 0. Number of prisoners, retaken. 0. Number of prisoners under 15 years of age. 17. Number of prisoners between 15 and 21 years of age. 194. Number sentenced for 1 month or less. 373. Number sentenced for 2 months, or less, over 1 month. 183.



Number sentenced for 3 months or less, over 2 months. 40. Number sentenced for 6 months or less, over 3 months. 28. Number sentenced for 9 months or less, over 6 months. 3. Number sentenced for 1 year or less, over 9 months. 6.

Number sentenced for 2 years or less, over 1 year. 9. Number sentenced to State Prison. 16. Number pardoned by Govemor and Council. 0. Number of deaths during year. 2.

Price of board per week? At work, $2.00, no~ at work, $1.75. Amount expended for repairs during the year? Unknown. Do prisoners labor? Yes. Are prisoners leased? if so, to whom? No. ,v-hat kind of work done? Manufacture of heels.

Average number in workshop? 93. Do prisoners receive religious instruction? Yes. Do prisoners wear regulation suits? Yes. Are your prisoners classified according to crime and age ? As

well as the convenience of the jail will permit.





COUNTY OFFICERS :-Justin ·webster, George N. Coburn, :Manly Pottle, County Cornrnissioners; Gilbert Miller, SherijJ; C. E. Dyer, Jailer and Turnkey.

Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1893. 1.

Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1894. 1. Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1894, for this county.

1. Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1894, for other coun­

ties. 0.

Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1894, for the United States. 0.

Number of prisoners committed for the year ending November 30, 1894. 38.

Number of prisoner.s committed for this county. All.

Number of prisoners committed for other counties. 0. Number of prisoners committed for the United States. 0. Number of prisoners committed for drunkenness. 12.

Number of prisoners committed for selling liquors. 3. Number of prisoners committed for non-payment of fines. No

record. Number of prisoners committed for safe keeping by police officers

and taken out by them and no return made of trial or sentence. Not any.

Number of prisoners, males. All. Number of prisoners, females. 0. Number of prisoners, poor debtors. 1.

Number of prisoners, tramps. 2. Number of prisoners, foreign birth. No record.

Number of prisoners, escaped. 0. Number of prisoners, retaken. 0. Number of prisoners under 15 years of age. No record. Number of prisoners between 15 and 21 years of age. No

record. Number sentenced for 1 month or less. No record.


Number sentenced for 2 months or less, over 1 month. No record.

Number sentenced for 3 months or less, over 2 months. No record.

Number sentenced for 6 months or less, over 3 months. No

record. Number sentenced for 9 months or less, over 6 months. No

record. Number sentenced for 1 year orless, over 9 months. No record. Number sentenced for 2 years or less, over 1 year. No record. Number sentenced to State Prison. 4.

Number pardoned by Governor and Council. 0. Number of deaths during year. 0.

Price of board per week? $2. 5 0. Amount expended for repairs during the year? Not known.

Do prisoners labor? Ko. Are prisoners leased? if so, to whom? No. "What kind of work clone? None. Average number in workshop? No workshop. Do prisoners receive religious instruction? Not regular. Do prisoners wear regulation suits? No. Are your prisoners classified according to crime and age? As

well as we can.

·with the exception of four sent to Thomaston this fall I have not kept record of the sentences, but mostly for thirty days.

C. E. DYER, Jailer.




COUNTY OFFICERS :-James Hutchins, Fred B. Aikin, Perry W. Richardson, County Coninlissioners ). James "\V. Patterson, Sherijj; L. F. Hooper, Jailer and Turnkey/ A. C. Hagerthy, Physician.

Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1893. 5. Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1894. 7. Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1894, for this county,

7. Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1894, for other coun­

ties. 0.

Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1894, for the United States. 0.

Number of prisoners committed for the year ending November

30, 1894. 144.

Number of prisoners committed for this county. 144. Number of prisoners committed for other counties. 0. Number of prisoners committed for the United States. 0. Number of prisoners committed for drunkenness. 43. Number of prisoners committed for selling liquors. 16. Number of prisoners committed for non-payment of fines. 85. Number of prisoners committed for safe keeping by police officers

and taken out by them and no return made of trial or sentence. 0. Number of prisoners, males. 143. Number of prisoners, females. 1. Number of prisoners, poor debtors. 14. Number of prisoners, tramps. 3. Number of prisoners, foreign birth. 20. Number of pdsoners, escaped. 3.

Number of prisoners, retaken. 2. Number of prisoners under 15 years of age. None. Number of prisoners between 15 and 21 years of age. 10. Number sentenced for 1 month or less. 10. Number sentenced for 2 months, or less, over 1 month. 40.

Number sentenced for 3 months or less, over 2 months. 60. Number sentenced for 6 months or less, over 3 months. 20. Number sentenced for 9 months or less, over 6 months. 4.


Number sentenced for 1 year or less, over 9 months. O.

Number sentenced for 2 years or less, over 1 year. 0. Number sentenced to State Prison. 3.

Number pardoned by Governor and Council. 0. Number of deaths during year. 0.

Price of board per week? $2. 50.

Amount expended for repairs during the year? $ 7 50.

Do prisoners labor'? No.

Are prisoners leased? if so, to whom? No. What kind of work done? None.

Average number in workshop? 0. Do prisoners receiYe religious instruction? Yes. Do prisoners wear regulation suits? Yes.

Are your prisoners classified according to crime and age? No.

Escaped August 4, 1894, George Albroe of Bucksport, Me.;

Thomas Andrews of Eden, Me.; William Pitchand of Sullivan,

Me. L. F. HOOPER, Jailer.




CouNTY OFFICERS: -.John S. Hamilton, Charles Wentworth, Samuel Smith, County Oornrnissioners; Edgar E. N 01'ton, SheriJ!

and Jciiler ). George II. Ramsell, Turnkey). George H. Brickett, Physician.

Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1893. 38.

Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1894. 34. Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1894 for this county. 31.

Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1894, for other coun-ties. 1.

Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1894, for the United States. 2.

Number of prisoners committed for the year ending November

30, 1894. 550. Number of prisoners committed for this county. 539. Number of prisoners committed for other counties. 2.

Number of prisoners committed for the United States. 9.

Number of prisoners committed for drunkenness. 324. Number of prisoners committed for selling liquors. 41. Number of prisoners committed for non-payment of fines. 230. Number of prisoners committed for safe keeping by police offi-

cers and taken out by them and no return made of trial or sen­tence. No record.

Number of prisoners, males. Number of prisoners, females.

537. 13.

Number of prisoners, poor debtors. 8. Number of prisoners, tramps. 15. Number of prisoners, foreign birth. Not known.

Number of prisoners, escaped. 0. Number of prisoners, retaken. 0. Number of prisoners under 15 years of age. 2. Number of prisoners between 15 and 21 years of age. 8. Number sentenced for 1 month or less. 288. Number sentenced for 2 months, or less, over 1 month. 38. Number sentenced for 3 months or less, over 2 months. 10. Number sentenced for 6 months or less, over 3 months. 8.


Number sentenced for 9 months or less, over 6 months. 0. Number sentenced for 1 year or less, over 9 months. 1. Number sentenced for 2 years or less, over 1 year. 0.

Number sentenced to State Prison. 5. Number pardoned by Governor and Council. 0. Number of deaths during the year. 0.

Price of board per week? $2. 00. Amount expended for repairs during the year? Not known.

Do prisoners labor ? :No. Are prisoners leased? if so, to whom? No. What kind of work clone? None. Average number in ,rnrkshop? 0.

J?o prisoners receive religious instruction? Yes. Do prisoners wear regulation suits? Yes. Are your prisoners classified according to crime and age? As.

far as construction of jail will admit.





CocxTY OFFICERS :-vV. S .• Tones, :\lark Ames, :M. B. Cook, County Comniissioners; .T. w-. Gray, SherijJ and Jailer; H. G. Rivers, Turnkey; vV. V. Hanscom, Physician; II. G. Rivers, Over­

seer of Workshop.

Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1893. 35. Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1894. 20.

Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1894, for this county.

113. Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1894, for other coun­

ties. 0. Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1894, for the United

States. 0. Number of prisoners committed for the year ending November

30, 1894. 113. Number of prisoners committed for this county. 113.

Number of prisoners committed for other counties. 0. Number of prisoners committed for the United States. 0. Number of prisoners committed for drunkenness. 49. Number of prisoners committed for selling liquors. 4. Number of prisoners committed for non-payment of fines. 0. Number of prisoners committed for safe keeping by police officers

and taken out by them and no return made of trial or sentence. 0. Number of prisoners, males. 111. Number of prisoners, females. 2. Number of prisoners, poor debtors. 3. Number of prisoners, tramps. 31.

Number of prisoners, foreign birth. 0. Number of prisoners, escaped. 2.

Number of prisoners, retaken. 0. Number of prisoners under 15 years of age. 0.

Number of prisoners between 15 and 21 years of age. 2.

Number sentenced for 1 month or less. 89.

Number sentenced for 2 months or less, over 1 month. 11. Number sentenced for 3 months, or less over 2 months. 4. Number sentenced for 6 months or less, over 3 months. 9.


Number sentenced for 9 months or less, over 6 months. 0. Number sentenced for 1 year or less, over 9 months. 0. Number sentenced for 2 years or less, over 1 year. 0. Number senteneed to State Prison. 3. Number pardoned by Goyernor and Council. 0.

Number of deaths during year. 0.

Price of board per week? $2.00. Amount expended for repairs during the year? 0.

Do prisoners labor? Yes. Are prisoners leased? if so, to whom? No. What kind of work clone? Crushing stone. Average number in workshop? No record. Do prisoners receive religious instruction? Yes. Do prisoners wear regulation suits ? Yes. Are your prisoners classified according to crime and age? Yes.

Herbert Emery broke jail ,July 6, 1894.

George Ogier broke jail July 6, 1894. They were not recaptured.

J. W. GRAY, Jailer.




COUNTY OFFICERS :-Albert B. Erskine, Myrick H. Marson, John A. Perkins, Comity Commissioners; Charles P. Choate, Sheriff;

Seth Patterson, Jaile1· and Turnkey; Silas A. Stephens, Physician.

Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1893. 19. Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1894. 13.

Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1894, for this county. 13.

Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1894, for other coun­ties. None.

Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1894, for the United States. None.

Number of prisoners committed for the year ending November

30, 1894. 75. N urn ber of prisoners committed for this county. 7 5. Number of prisoners committed for other counties. None. Number of prisoners committed for the United States. None. Number of prisoners committed for drunkenn8ss. 30. Number of prisoners committed for selling liquors. 1. Number of prisoners committed for non-payment of fines. 3. Number of prisoners committed for safe keeping by police offi-

cers and taken out by them and no return made of trial or sentence.

None. Number of prisoners, males. 7 4. Number of prisoners, females. 1. Number of prisoners, poor debtors. 1. Number of prisoners, tramps. 34. Number of prisoners, foreign birth. Unknown.

Number of prisoners, escaped. 0. Number of prisoners, retaken. 0.

Number of prisoners under 15 years of age. 0. Number of prisoners between 15 and 21 years of age. 1. Number sentenced for 1 month or less. 56. Number sentenced for 2 months, or less, over 1 month. 6. Number sentenced for 3 months or less, o-ver 2 months. 1.


Number sentenoed for 6 months or less, oyer 3 months. 1.

Number sentenced for 9 months or less, oyer 6 months. 0. Number sentenced for 1 year or less, oyer 9 months. 0. Number sentenced for 2 years or less, oYer 1 year. None. Number sentenced to State Prison. 0. Number pq,rdoned by GoYernor and Council. None. Number of deaths during year. 1.

Price of board per week? $2. 00.

Amount expended for repairs during the year? Subscriber does not know.

Do prisoners labor? No.

Are prisoners leased? if so, to whom? No. ·what kind of work done? None. Average number in workshop? Xone.

Do prisoners receive religious instruction? No. Do prisoners wear regulation suits'? X o.

Are your prisoners classified according to crime and age? Yes.





CouNTY OFFICERS :--William ,voodsum, William "\V. ,vhitrnarsh, Joseph F. Stearns, County Omnniissioners ). James L. Parker,

Sheriff/ Chandler Garland, Jailer and Turnkey). Isaac Rounds,



Number of prisoners in jail N"overnber 30, 1893. 7.

Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1894. 7. Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1894 for this county.

Number of prisoners in jail N overnber 30, 1894 for other coun­

ties. 0. Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1894 for the United

States. None. Number of prisoners committed for the year ending November 30,

1894. 51. Number of prisoners committed for this county. 51. Number of prisoners committed for other counties. 0.

Number of prisoners committed for the United States. None. Number of prisoners committed for drunkenness. 8. Number of prisoners committed for selling liquors. 10. Number of prisoners committed for non-payment of fines. 4. N urn ber of prisoners committed for safe keeping by police offi-

cers and ta ken out by them and no return made of trial or sentence. 1. Number of prisoners, males. 49. Number of prisoners, females. 2. Number of prisoners, poor debtors. 4. Number of prisoners, tramps. 2.

Number of prisoners, foreign birth. None.

Number of prisoners, escaped. None.

Number of prisoners, retaken. None.

Number of prisoners under 15 years of age. None.

Number of prisoners betwQen 15 and 21 years of age. 10.

Number sentenced for 1 month or less. 11.

Number sentenced for 2 months or less, over 1 month. 4. Number sentenced for 3 months or less, over 2 months. 1. Number sentenced for 6 months or less, over 3 months. 1.



Number sentenced for 9 months or less, over 6 months. 0. Number sentenced for 1 year or less, over 9 months. 0. Number sentenced for 2 years or less, over 1 year. 0. Number sentenced to State Prison. 6.

~umber pardoned by Governor and Cou;cil. None. Number of deaths during year. None. Price of board per week? $2.50. Amount expended for repairs during the year? About $18. Do prisoners labor ? No. Are prisoners leased? if so, to whom? No. What kind of work done? None.

• Average number in workshop? 0.


Do prisoners receive religious instruction? Not to any extent. Do prisoners wear regulation suits? No. Are your prisoners classified according to crime and age? No.





CouNTY OFFICERS :-B. F. Eldridge, "\V. I. "\Voocl, Andrew Harmon, County Coniniissioners ). ·William F. Reed, Sheri.ff and

Jailer/ Alvan Reed, Turnkey/ Galen ,v. ,v oodcock, Physici'.an / John Phillips, Overseer of Workshop.

Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1893. 76. Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1894. 68. Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1894, for this county.

63. Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1894, for other coun­

ties. 5. Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1894, for the United

States. 0. Number of prisoners committed for the year ending November

30, 1894. 875. Number of prisofiers committed fo{: this county. 828. Number of prisoners committed for other counties. 44. Number of prisoners committed for the United States. 3. Number of prisoners committed for drunkenness. 691. Number of prisoners committed for selling liquors. 10. Number of prisoners committed for non-payment of fines. 255. Number of prisoners committed for safe keeping by police offi-

cers and taken out by them and no return made of trial or sentence. 11.

Number of prisoners, males. Number of prisoners, females.

84.5. 30.

Number of prisoners, poor debtors. 18. Number of prisoners, tramps, vagrants and idle persons. 46. Number of prisoners, foreign birth. 132. Number of prisoners, escaped. 0. Number of prisoners, retaken. 1, escaped April 28, 1893. Number of prisoners under 15 years of age. 0. Number of prisoners between 15 and 21 years of age. 5.

Number sentenced for 1 month or less. 357. Number sentenced for 2 months or less, over 1 month. 14. Number sentenced for 3 months or less, over 2 months. 23.


Number sentenced for 6 months or less, over 3 months. 10. Number sentenced for 9 months or less, over 6 months. 2. Number sentenced for 1 year or less, over 9 months. 5. Number sentenced for 2 years or less, over 1 year. 1. Number sentenced to State Prison. 4. Number pardoned by Governor and Council. 2. Number of deaths during the year. 0.

Price of board per week? $1.75. Amount expended for repairs during the year? 0.

Do prisoners labor? Yes. Are prisoners leased? if so, to whom? George A. Eldridge. ·what kind of work done? Brooms. Average number in workshop? 45.

Do prisoners receive religious instruction? Yes. Do prisoners wear regulation suits? Yes. Are your prisoners classified according to crime and age? Yes.

James Fury escaped from the "~orkshop April 18, 1893, and was recaptured September 28, 1894, by Police Officer Calvin Knaide.

WILLIAM F .. REED, Jailer.




CouNTY OFFICERS :-H. C. Webber, Albert Leavitt, George H. Clark, County Commissioners; E. P. Viles, Sheriff; John Smith, Jailer and Turnkey.

Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1893. 2. Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1894. 9. Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1894 for this county,

9. Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1894, for other coun­

ties. 0. Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1894, for the United

States. 0. Number of prisoners committed for the year ending November

30, 1894. 65. Number of prisoners committed for this county. 63. Number of prisoners committed for other counties. 0. Number of prisoners committed for the United States for safe

keeping. 2. Number of prisoners committed for drunkenness. 13. Number of prisoners committed for selling liquors. 2.

Number of prisoners committed for non-payment of fines. 0. Number of prisoners committed for safe keeping by police offi-

cers and taken out by them and no return made of trial or sen­tence. 0.

Number of prisoners, males. 64! Number of prisoners, females. 1.

Number of prisoners, poor debtors. 3. Number of prisoners, tramps. 26. Number of prisoners, foreign birth. 0. Number of prisoners escaped? 0. Number of prisoners, retaken. 0. Number of prisoners under 15 years of age. 1.

Number of prisoners between 15 and 21 years of age. 2. Number sentenced for 1 month or less. 50.

Number sentenced for 2 months, or less, over 1 month. 0.



Number sentenced for 3 months or less, over 2 months. 0.

Number sentenced for 6 months or less, over 3 months. 1. Number sentenced for 9 months or less, over 6 months held for

witness. 1. Number sentenced for 1 year or less, over 9 months. 0. Number sentenced for 2 years or less,. over 1 year. 0. Number sentenced to State Prison. 2. Number pardoned by Governor and Council. 0. Number of deaths during year. 0.

Price of board per week? $2 .50. Amount expended for repairs during the year? $15.

Do prisoners labor? No. Are prisoners leased? if so, to whom? No. What kind of work done? 0.

Average number in workshop? 0.

Do prisoners receive religious instruction? No.

Do prisoners wear regulation suits? No. Are your prisoners classified according to crime and age? No. There were a few put in for non-payment of taxes, stayed a few






CouNTY OFFICERS: -Otis D. Wilson, Mark S. Stiles, Simon A. Payson, County Cornmissioners; ,T. R. Littlefield, Sherf-ff and Jailer).

Harry W. Littlefield, Turnkey). ,John C. Ham, Physician.

Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1893. 80.

Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1894. 57. Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1894 for this county. 57. Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1894, for other coun-

ties. 0. Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1894, for the United

States. 0. Number of prisoners committed for the year ending November

30, 1894. 529. Number of prisoners committed for this county. 529. Number of prisoners committed for other counties. 0.

Number of prisoners committed for the United States. 0. Number of prisoners committed for drunkenness. 45. Number of prisoners committed for selling liquors. 7. Number of prisoners committed for non-payment of fines. 4. Number of prisoners committed for safe keeping by police offi-

cers and taken out by them and no return made of trial or sen­tence. 7.

Number of prisoners, males. 529. Number of prisoners, females. 0. Number of prisoners, poor debtors. 4. Number of prisoners, tramps, vagrants and vagabonds. 458. Number of prisoners, foreign birth. Not known.

Number of prisoners, escaped. 3. Number of prisoners, retaken. 2.

Number of prisoners under 15 years of age. 3. Number of prisoners between 15 and 21 years of age. 4. Number sentenced for 1 month or less. 454. Number sentenced for 2 months, or less, over 1 month. 28. Number sentenced for 3 months or less, over 2 months. 6. Number sentenced for 6 months or less, over 3 months. 0. Number sentenced for 9 months or less, over 6 months. 1.


Number sentenced for 1 year or less, over 9 months. 0. Number sentenced for 2 years or less, over 1 year. 0. Number sentenced to State Prison. 1.

Number pardoned by Governor and Council. 0. Number of deaths during the year. 1.

Price of board per week ? $1. 7 5. Amount expended for repairs during the year? Not known. Do prisoners· labor? Yes. Are prisoners leased? if so, to whom? No. What kind of work done? Manufacturing fire wood. Average number in workshop? 0. Do prisoners receive religious instruction? Yes. Do prisoners wear regulation suits? Yes. Are your prisoners classified according to crime and age ? As

well as }ail will permit. Leonard L. and William Gentner escaped by sawing off bars

April 26, 1894. Returned the last day of April term of court and were discharged by the court by paying fines and costs.

Mike Hogan escaped October 26, 1894, by sawing off bars.

Oscar Hodgdon who escaped June 24, 1893, was captured January 24, 1894,, by Deputies Littlefield and Sprowl in Belfast.





COUNTY OFFICERS :-J.B. Nutt, GeorgeH. Coffin, S. G. Spooner, County Oonimissio~iers; I. P. Longfellow, Sher(IJ; E. Vose, Jailer and Turnkey; S. B. Hunter, Physician.

Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1893. 12. Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1894. 2. Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1894, for this county.

2. Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1894, for other coun­

ties. 0. Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1894, for the United

States. 0. Number of prisoners committed for the year ending November 30,

1894. 84. Number of prisoners committed for this county. 81. Number of prisoners committed for other counties. 0. Number of prisoners committed for the United States. 3. Number of prisoners committed for drnnkenness. 35. Number of prisoners committed for selling liquors. 5. Number of prisoners committed for non-payment of fines. 37. Number of prisoners committed for safe keeping by police officers

and taken out by them and no return made of trial or sentence. Not any.

Number of prisoners, males. 84. Number of prisoners, females. 0. Number of prisoners, poor debtors. 0. Number of prisoners, tramps. 3. Number of prisoners, foreign birth. 8. Number of prisoners, escaped. 0. Number of prisoners, retaken. 0. Number of prisoners under 15 years of age. 1. Number of prisoners between 15 and 21 years of age. None. Number sentenced for 1 month or less. 13.


Number sentenced for 2 months or less, over 1 month. No record.

Number sentenced for 3 months or less, over 2 months. 8. Number sentenced for 6 months or less, over 3 months. No

record. Number sentenced for 9 months or less, over 6 months. No

record. Number sentenced for 1 year orless, over 9 months. Number sentenced for 2 years or less, over 1 year. Number sentenced to State Prison. 1.

No record. No record.

Number pardoned by Governor and Council.

Number of deaths during year. 0. Price of board per week? $2 .00. Amount expended for repairs during the year? Do prisoners labor? No. Are prisoners leased? if so, to whom? No. What kind of work done ? None.


Average number in workshop? No workshop. Do prisoners receive religious instruction? Yes. Do prisoners wear regulation suits? No.

Not known . .

Are your prisoners classified according to crime and age? No.

E. VOSE, Jailer.




COUNTY OFFICERS :-Isaac Hanscom, Stephen L. Purinton, S mon S. Andrews, County Conindssioners ). George H. Wentworth, ShetijJ and Jailer). Harvey E. "\,Ventworth, Turnkey/ C. E. Lander

and Josiah Day, Physicians.

Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1893. 38. Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1894. 48. Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1894, for this county,

48. Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1894, for other coun­

ties. 0. Number of prisoners in jail November 30, 1894, for the United

States. 0. Number of prisoners committed for the year ending November

30, 1894. 425. Number of prisoners committed for this county. 425. Number of prisoners committed for other counties. 0.

Number of prisoners committed for the United States. 0. Number of prisoners committed for drunkenness. 123. Number of prisoners committed for selling liquors. 6. Number of prisoners committed for non-payment of fines. 237. Number of prisoners committed for safe keeping by police ofllcers

and taken out by them and no return made of trial or sentence. 2. Number of prisoners, males. 412. Number of prisoners, females. 13. Number of prisoners, poor debtors. 3. Number of prisoners, tramps. 110.

Number of prisoners, foreign birth. No record. Number of prisoners, escaped. 3.

Number of prisoners, retaken. 2. Number of prisoners under 15 years of age. None. Number of prisoners between 15 and 21 years of age. 0. Number sentenced for 1 month or less. 299. Number sentenced for 2 months, or less, over 1 month. 66. Number sentenced for 3 months or less, over 2 months. 16. Number sentenced for 6 months or less, over 3 months. 10.

72 .JAILS.

Number sentenced for 9 months or less, over 6 months. 7. Number sentenced for 1 year or less, over 9 months. 0.

Number sentenced for 2 years or less, over 1 year. 0. Number sentenced to State Prison. 11.

Number pardoned by Governor and Council. 0. Number of deaths during year. 1.

Price of board per week? $1.75. Amount expended for repairs during the year? Commissioners

make repairs. Do prisoners labor? Yes.

Are prisoners leased? if so, to whom? No. What kind of work done? Saw wood and work on the corri-

dors, and keep jail clean.

Average number in workshop? 0. Do prisoners receive religious instruction? Yes. Do prisoners wear regulation suits? No. Are your prisoners classified according to crime and age? As

well as the arrangement of jail will permit.

Arthur Rossin and Edward Durant broke jail the 18th of March, and were recaptured near Biddeford the next day by I-I. E. '\Vent­worth the turnkey. They escaped through an air passage into the attic and then dug through the wall.

Thomas L. Ware escaped April 28th, by sawing off the window bars. He had help from the outside. Has not been recaptured.


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1 No .. 2 00 - No .. No. 61 - , - ~o .. 2 ~o 18 No ··l~o. 4 2 - \e,,;. 1,5 - Yes.Yes.

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H s no jail-uses that of Penobscot county. t Has no jail-uses that of Androscoggin county. t Escaped April 28, 1893.

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IN COt;NCIL, ) December 24i l8f14. (

Presented, and :fifteen hundred copies ordered printed.

NICHOLAS FESSENDEN, Secretary of State.
