Mannose Targeted (1)



Mannose Targeted cell receptorsReceptors LiposomesNano Medicinesantigentargeted drug delivery systems

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    Mannose-targeted systems for the delivery of therapeutics Juan M. Irache1,*, Hesham H. Salman1, Carlos Gamazo2, Socorro Espuelas1 Department of Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology1, Department of Microbiology2, University of Navarra, 31008 Pamplona, Spain *Corresponding Author: Juan Manuel Irache Facultad de Farmacia University of Navarra Apartado. 177 31080 Pamplona. Spain Tel: 0034-948-42-5600, Ext: 6313 Fax: 0034-948-425649 E-mail:

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    Abstract Background: Mannosylation is an adequate strategy to develop nanomedicines able to specifically target mannose receptors, which are highly expressed in cells of the immune system. Objective: This review discusses the potential of mannose-targeted drug/antigen delivery systems for vaccination and treatment of diseases localised in macrophages and other antigen presenting cells. Methods: The first part of the manuscript describes the characteristics, localisation and functions of mannose receptors. The following sections are devoted to the description of different strategies employed to deliver therapeutic agents, including mannose conjugates and mannosylated carriers or particulates (i.e. liposomes, nanoparticles and niosomes). Results/Conclusions: A general overview of published reports undoubtedly confirms the effectiveness of mannosylation strategies, although the optimisation and fully exploitation of mannose-targeted drug delivery systems would require a deeper understanding of structure-activity relationship. In any case, these nanomedicines, would improve, in a close future, the possibilities to both treat a number of diseases (including cancer) and improve the quality of life of patients. Key words: conjugates, dendritic cells, liposomes, macrophages, mannose, nanoparticles, vaccination Abbreviations: APC: Antigen presenting cells BCG: Bacillus Calmette-Gurin CHM: cholesteryl mannan CLR: C-type lectin receptor CNS: central nervous system CPFX: ciprofloxacin CPS: capsular polysaccharide CRD: carbohydrate recognition domain DC: dendritic cell DCCP: Dichloromethylene diphosphonate DC-SIGN: Dendritic cell-specific ICAM-3 grabbing non-integrin. DC-SIGNR: DC-SIGN related, also named L-SIGN EAE: experimental autoimmune encephalomielitis ERK: extracellular signal regulated kinase GBS: group B streptococci GXM: glucuronoxylomannan HCV: hepatitis C virus HLA: human leukocyte antigen HMCV: human cytomelagovirus HTLV-1: human T lymphotropic virus type 1 ICAM: Intracellular adhesion molecule ITAM: immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motifs LCs: Langerhans cells LPS: lipopolysaccharide LSEC: Liver sinusoidal endothelial cells Man3-DPPE: trimannose-dipalmitoylphosphatidylethanolamine Man3-SLA: mannotriose Man5-SLA: mannopentaose

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    Man-C4-Chol: cholesten-5-yloxy-N-(4-((1-imino-2-beta-D-thiomannosyl-ethyl)amino) butyl) formamide Man-emul: Mannosylated nanoemulsions MBL: Mannose binding lectin MBP: mannose binding protein MDP: muramyldipeptide MHC: Major histocompatibility complex MMR: macrophage mannose receptor MR: mannose receptor NF-kappa-B: Nuclear factor kappa-B decoy NPC: non-parenchymal cells OMP: o-palmitoyl mannan OMV: outer membrane vesicles OVA: ovalbumin PorA: porin protein QC: quercetin SLA: leishmanial antigen (SLA) SP-A: Surfactant protein A SP-D: Surfactant protein D TLR: Toll like receptors TT: tetanus toxoid

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    1. Introduction The glycosilation of proteins and their interaction with carbohydrate-binding proteins (lectins) has been proven as an extremely important factor in a large variety of cellular recognition processes such as enzyme trafficking, cellular migration, cancer metastasis and immune functions. The high specificity of oligosaccharide-lectin interactions has already been exploited for the targeting of carbohydrate ligands to site-specific target receptors and many glycoconjugates have demonstrated the potential of the glycotargeting as a promising route to the magic bullet. Within this general context, the effectiveness of mannosylated devices in vaccination or for drug delivery purposes can be ascribed to their ability to target mannose receptors (MR), which are highly expressed in cells of the immune system (i.e. macrophages and dendritic cells) [1-4]. Although initially mannosylated constructs were believed to target only the mannose receptor expressed on macrophages (MMR), other MR+ cells (i.e. dendritic and endothelial cells) and many other lectins with mannose-binding activity have been subsequently identified [5]. However, MR divert in their immunological role as they differ in the pattern, localisation and level of expression in different cells yielding. Similarly, although the MR bind mannose-containing structures, different branching and spacing of these structures create unique sets of carbohydrate recognition profiles for each receptor and this aspect has not been clearly elucidated [6]. 2. Mannose receptors 2.1. Structures, multimerization and binding affinities Lectins expressed in mice/human that have shown mannose-binding activity are the following: transmbrane proteins as the classical macrophage mannose receptor (MMR, group VI), Endo180, dendritic cell-specific ICAM-3 grabbing non-integrin (DC-SIGN), DC-SIGN related (L-SIGN, group II, type 2 receptors) or their mouse homologues (SIGNR), Langerin or secreted/soluble proteins as the collectins mannose binding protein (MBP), surfactant protein A (SP-A) and surfactant protein D (SP-D) (group III). Additionally, there is conflicting evidence for mannose type ligands for Dectin-2 [2, 4]. All of them are C-type lectins receptors (CLR) with the capacity to bind the carbohydrates via one or more carbohydrate recognition domains (CRDs) in a calcium-dependent manner [4-6]. The features of the main MR are summarised in Table 1. The mannose specificity is determined by the amino acid sequence comprising the CRD. Furthermore, the three-dimensional conformation and pattern of multimerization of each mannose receptor determine its ability to accommodate devices in a specific arrangement and interact with the mannose residues; although, all of them shared an increased affinity by a concomitant clustering of lectin binding site and carbohydrate recognition units in multivalent constructs (the glycoside cluster effect) [7]. Table 1 The multimerization of CRDs can occur within one single molecule like in MMR. Thus, this receptor show eight CRD and three of them cooperate to achieve high-affinity binding to multivalent glycoconjugates [8-10]. In contrast, each molecule of DC-SIGN only contains a single CRD; however it interacts with other DC-SIGN forming tetramers on the surface of dendritic cells [9, 11, 12]. The collectin MBL is also formed by a single CRD; although the basic unit is a trimer. Strong binding is only obtained with the formation of trimeric complex and aggregation up to six trimers that take the form of bouquet of flowers [13]. This diversification of oligomeric states allowed accommodating and recognising distinct pattern of carbohydrate, although the overlapping of ligands is frequent. In this context, the linear arrangement of the three CRD in the single polypeptide of the mannose receptor

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    would be suitable for the recognition of end-standing single mannose moieties or structures containing dimannoside cluster, whereas the CRD of the tetrameric DC-SIGN has higher affinities for internal mannose branched structures with short spacing between the residues [15]. Finally, the binding of MBL is only significant with surfaces with appropriately-spaced carbohydrates and very high density in terminal mannose, glucose or N-acetyl glucosamine [14]. 2.2. Mannose receptor and antigen uptake Transmembrane MR mediate endocytosis, function as antigen capture receptors and are involved in antigen capture and presentation [16-19]. MMR recognizes carbohydrate moieties of different pathogen ligands, including components from Pneumocystis carinii, Candida albicans, Leishmania donovani, Trypanosome cruzi and Mycobacterium species. On the other hand, DC-SIGN binds to high-mannose N-linked glycans (branched trimannose structures) on the HIV-1 gp120 protein and on the surfaces of other virus, including HCV, HMCV, Dengue or Ebola. It also recognises the lipoarabinomannan from Mycobacterium tuberculosis or Lewis epitopes on Helicobacter pilori or Schistosoma mansoni [20]. After recognition, MMR delivers the antigen to the early endosomes and recycles to the surface [10]. The content of endosomes is subsequently targeted to lysosomes in which the degradation produces antigen fragments that, after presentation in MHC molecules, can stimulate the adaptive immune responses [16]. For DC-SIGN, this receptor delivers the bound components to late endosomes or lysosomes where they are degraded. The generated antigens are processed for MHC class II presentation to T cells [16, 20]. Under specific conditions, both MMR and DC-SIGN appear to deliver the antigens in MHC class I molecules [21, 22]. As difference with the transmembrane MR, MBP plays a major role in the innate immunity. MBP binds a large list of microorganism structures including lipopolysaccharide from Escherichia coli, lipoarabinomannan from Mycobacterium tuberculosis, mannan from Candida albicans and lipophosphoglycan from Leishmania donovani [23]. Upon binding to microorganisms, MBL put into action an effector mechanism characterised by the induction of agglutination to prevent the colonization followed by the activation of the complement by the lectin-pathway, opsonisation that enhance the phagocytosis by macrophages and activation of their microbicidal action [23]. 2.3. Mannose receptor and self-recognition In addition to pathogens, MR also recognise self-glycoproteins with diverse functions [2, 24]. Thus, the liver sinusoidal endothelial cells (that express the MMR) participate in the clearance of sulphated glycoprotein hormones [25], collagen or gelatine [26]. Similarly, macrophages expressing MMR also play a role in the maintenance of tissue homeostasis and resolution of inflammation by eliminating self-glycoproteins as lysosomal hydrolases, tissue plasminogen activator or neutrophil myeloperoxidase. The binding of DC-SIGN to endogenous ligands is principally implicated with the migration of DC [27] and DC-T interactions [28]. Finally, MBP binding appears to modulate inflammatory responses and apoptotic cell clearance [29]. 2.4. Mannose receptor and immune activation: CLR and TLR cross-talk. The role of MMR in endogenous or exogenous antigen uptake and presentation is clear. However, their participation in signal transduction pathways and modulation of cellular activation has not been clearly established. Pathogen bearing mannose produce different profiles of immune responses because they can cross-react with several receptors, not only CLR but also Toll like receptors (TLR) [30].

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    In order to elucidate the real effect of MR activation, different studies with specific antibodies have been addressed. For example, the pmel17 melanoma-associated antigen was linked to the heavy chain of anti human MMR monoclonal antibody (B11) [31]. DCs treated with this conjugate (B11-pmel17) presented the antigen in the context of class I and class II molecules and generated CTL responses. In the same way, B11-ovalbumin (OVA) fusion proteins elicited humoral immunity and efficient presentation of OVA to CD4 and CD8 T cells in transgenic mice [22]. In all the cases, the combination of MMR targeting with activation signals (CpG, poliI:C or resiquimod) enhanced antigen processing, presentation and tumour regression [22, 32]. Concerning DC-SIGN, there are clear evidences that it is also a signalling receptor that can modulate TLR signals. Caparros and co-workers [33] demonstrated that triggering of DC-SIGN with an antibody resulted in ERK activation, whereas Hodges et al. [34] reported activation of Rho-GTPase. The binding of pathogens to DC-SIGN can promote both Th1- and Th2-mediated responses [35]. Strikingly, there are also some evidences of a linking between DC-SIGN and TLR by which some pathogen may evade the immune response. For example, the binding of ManLAM (a mannose capped glycolipid (ManLAM) localised in the cell wall of Mycobacterium tuberculosis) to DC-SIGN delivers a signal that interferes with TLR4-mediated activation. 2.5. Pattern of MR expression In steady-state conditions and in agreement with the role in clearance of hormones and self-proteins, MMR appears mainly expressed in hepatic and lymphatic sinusoidal endothelial cells, intersticial cells of secretory organs, mucosal sites, tissue macrophages (Kuppfer, lamina propia, dermal, peritoneal y alveolar), macrophages of the red pulp of the spleen and subcapsular sinus of lymph nodes [36]. The role of MR in the maintenance of tolerance also agrees well with the increase of their expression in macrophages in the presence of anti-inflammatory mediators as IL-10, IL-4 or prostaglandin E. However, during an infection or upon stimulation with TLR agonists as LPS, the pattern of MMR expression can change and it can be detected in lymph nodes DC, located within B cell follicles and follicular DCs [36]. As difference with MMR, the expression of DC-SIGN is restricted to DCs and tissue macrophages [47]. DC-SIGN is highly expressed by DCs in placenta at the interface of mother/child antigen transmission, a site of immune tolerance [48]. DC-SIGN is also highly expressed on ellipsoids in spleen at those sites where a direct contact between blood and tissue exists to enable antigen clearance from blood, without induction of an immune response. Finally, DC-SIGN is also localised in lymph nodes on DCs located in the T cell area and on immature DCs located at the site close to the efferent sinus [39]. 2.6. Immune response induced by mannosylated devices The structure of mannosylated devices and MR expression profile dictates the quality of the immune response. At the body level, it will determine the APC involved in the recognition and the context in which this recognition will occur. In fact, after iv administration, mannosylated proteins will be predominantly cleared by MMR on liver sinusoidal endothelial cells (LSEC) and macrophages in the red pulp, with rather participation of DC [40]. LSEC are a cell type of confusing identity implicated in the clearance of macromolecules and particles from circulation smaller than 0.23 m. The mannosylation of larger particles could be a strategy to accumulate them to Kuppfer cells that express MMR and take larger particles. In addition, agglutination induced by MBL binding could favour their targeting to Kuppfer cells [40]. The targeting of mannose devices to DCs probably would require high affinity of the ligand to DC-SIGN or highly specific MMR constructs and simultaneous administration of TLR agonists. In absence of danger signal, the proportion of DCs expressing the MMR is very low [36].

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    At the cellular level, supposed interaction with a specific MR, different ligands can induce different routes of antigen processing and signalling pathways. Adding another level of complexity, most of the mannosylated constructs described in the literature and some of the pathogens bearing mannose moieties bind simultaneously to several MR [20]. The mannosylated ligands can also interact with different set of receptors in different APCs [30]. As a consequence, the immunological outcome of mannosylated constructs becomes a priori unpredictable. 3. Mannose conjugates Glycosylated antigen targeting to MR has been proposed as an adequate way to develop new vaccines and treatments in which the immune system is involved. Thus, different strategies have been used to develop drug and delivery systems able to target to the mannose receptors and related CLRs (C-type lectin receptors). Most of these attempts can be ascribed to the use of mannose-conjugates based on the use of natural ligands of MR. Recently, synthetic ligands with high affinity and specificity for the MMR or DC-SIGN have been developed and provide a novel approach for CLR-targeted systems [41, 42]. In addition, some mannose ligands can be also act as antigens; although, in this case, the mannose derivative is usually conjugated to a protein or peptide to modulate and/or potentiate the immune response. Engering and co-workers demonstrated that when the mannose receptor is involved in the uptake of antigens by DCs, it results in an approximately 100-fold more efficient presentation of the antigen to T cells, as compared to antigens internalized via fluid phase [17, 43]. Carbohydrate ligands can be chemically added to the antigen resulting in mannosylated-antigen or mannan antigen conjugates. Tan and co-workers presented evidence that endocytosis of mannose receptor-antigen complexes by DCs takes place via small coated vesicles, while non-mannosylated antigens were mainly present in larger vesicles, yielding a subsequent superior presentation by DCs, which may be applicable in vaccine design [44]. Thus, the mannosylation of synthetic peptides of mycobacterial HSP65 or mitochondrial antigen (imogen 5570) resulted in a 200-10,000-fold enhanced potency to stimulate HLA class II-restricted peptide-specific T cell clones compared to non-mannosylated peptides [44-46]. In another interesting work, the same group demonstrated that a 100- to 1000-fold lower concentration of mannosylated conjugates (HSP65 and imogen derivatives) was sufficient for complete blocking of the proliferative T cell response against an agonist peptide compared to the non-mannosylated analogs [45]. Moreover, mannosylated conjugates were similarly effective in the inhibition of the T cell response against whole protein antigens; although, the enhanced presentation of mannosylated conjugates was blocked by mannan [44]. Furthermore, a strong increase in the efficiency of presentation of these conjugates was also observed with macrophages and peripheral blood mononuclear cells, which corroborate that the mannosylation of peptides and proteins will result in preferential presentation by mannose receptor in professional APCs [44-47]. 3.1. Mannosylated conjugates as vaccines against pathogens 3.1.1. Vaccines against group B streptococci Group B streptococci (GBS) cause neonatal sepsis and meningitis and of invasive infections in nonpregnant adults with underlying illnesses [48]. Although antibodies directed to the capsular polysaccharide (CPS) antigens are protective, these antigens are variably immunogenic [49]. In order to potentiate the immunogenic response, the covalent coupling of these antigens to proteins has been commonly used [50-52]. However, generation of GBS oligosaccharides is a difficult task due to their instability in acid mediums. Recently, a variation of a classical carbohydrate degradation technique based

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    on the sequential N-deacetylation and nitrous acid deamination [53] for the specific fragmentation of oligosaccharides was developed [54]. These oligosaccharides, having a defined molecular weight, were firstly reduced at the resulting 2,5-anhydromannose terminal derivative. Then, sialic acid residues were modified by periodate oxidation to give series of oligosaccharides, which were conjugated to tetanus toxoid (TT) [55]. The resulting conjugates stimulated the production in mice of high titers of type II and type III-specific antibodies, which induced opsonophagocytic killing of type II and III strains of group B streptococci and opsonic activity [52, 55]. For type II-conjugates, immunogenicity increased as oligosaccharide size decreased [56]. For the GBS type III glycoconjugates, however, the results were markedly different, with no real impact on opsonophagocytic activity by the modification of the polysaccharide size. These data are in good agreement with immunogenicity data obtained with conjugates of the pneumococcal type 14 PS fragments [54]. 3.1.2. Vaccines against Mycobacterium tuberculosis Tuberculosis has been considered a major worldwide cause of death for centuries. One-third of the world's population is infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which causes 2 million deaths per year. Although macrophages, and not DCs, are the primary targets for infection by mycobacteria, DCs are important for the cellular immune response and recent data demonstrate that DC function is modulated by M. tuberculosis [57], which may account for pathogen survival and persistence. DC-SIGN is the major receptor for M. tuberculosis on DCs [58]. DC-SIGN interacts with M. tuberculosis through its cell-wall component mannosylated lipoarabinomannan (ManLAM), blocking LPS-induced maturation and inducing the production of IL-10 [57]. Recently, identification of the specific carbohydrate structure recognized by DC-SIGN and its homologues has provided new strategies to combat M. tuberculosis interactions with these receptors [59]. These peptide-based mannosylated lipoarabinomannan (ManLAM) mimotopes were able to inhibit the binding of the monoclonal antibody CS40 to ManLAM in a concentration-dependent manner [60]. In addition, mice immunized with keyhole limpet haemocyanin-conjugated peptide developed antibodies that recognized ManLAM [60]. 3.1.3. Vaccines against fungi The major capsular polysaccharide of Candida neoformans, glucuronoxylomannan (GXM), conjugated to the tetanus toxoid, resulted in anti-GXM protective antibody responses [61, 62] and monoclonal antibodies specific for GXM protect against experimental cryptococcosis [63]. However, the pleiotropic effects of GXM on host immunity [64], and the variable protective responses to GXMcarrier conjugates [65], prohibit the use of intact GXM in human vaccine development. Coupling a mannose heptasaccharide, that is thought to be the major GXM immunodeterminant, to a protein carrier induced antibodies against the heptasaccharide [65]. Similarly, the GXM peptide mimotope P13 conjugated to tetanus toxoid prolonged the survival of cryptococcal-infected transgenic mice owing to the production of human P13-specific IgG2 (but not IgG1) [66]. The effect of immunoglobulin isotypes correlates with the clinical observations, as IgG2 is commonly produced in response to bacterial capsular polysaccharides and by normal adults in response to GXM [67]. In Candida albicans, short-chain -1,2-linked oligomannosides are also recognized by anti-mannan antibodies that are protective against experimental candidiasis [68, 69]. Antibodies against -1,2-linked mannotriose or mannobiose protect mice against hematogenously disseminated candidiasis. In vitro synthesis of -1,2-oligomannosides has led to the ability to mass produce this epitope and prototype vaccines consisting of synthetic -trimannose coupled to protein carriers have been produced [70]. Normal rabbits produce high antibody titres to a trimannosetetanus toxoid conjugate and, when

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    rendered immunocompromised, they show enhanced resistance to disseminated candidiasis [71], which is consistent with antibody protection in neutropenic mice [72]. 3.1.4. HIV- vaccines DC-SIGN plays a key role in the dissemination of HIV-1 by DCs through HIV-1 gp120 binding [73]. Resident mucosal DC may capture HIV-1 through DC-SIGN, and DC-SIGN does not mediate infection of DC but protects the virus during migration to the lymphoid tissues, where DC-SIGN facilitates the transmission of HIV-1 to T cells [73]. As described by Trkola and co-workers [74], the human monoclonal antibody 2G12 is of particular interest for the development of a vaccine against AIDS. In fact, this antibody targets a unique carbohydrate antigenic structure on HIV-1 called gp120 [74]. The epitope of 2G12 consists of a cluster of oligomannose residues, on the silence face of the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein gp120 [75, 76]. From different binding studies, it has been demonstrated that the terminal ManR1,2Man unit was essential for 2G12 recognition but not sufficient for an effective binding to 2G12 [77]. In addition, it was shown that the full-size Man9 displayed the highest affinity to 2G12 among several natural high-mannose oligosaccharides, and the synthetic mannose tetrasaccharide corresponding to the D1 arm of Man9 showed comparable affinity to the antibody as that of the Man9 moiety [78]. In this context, Ni and co-workers [79] designed and constructed synthetic oligomannose clusters and evaluated their ability to bind to 2G12 [77, 80]. Thus, they observed that the galactose-based tetravalent Man9-cluster (Tetra-Man9) was 73-fold and 5000-fold more effective in binding to 2G12 than the monomeric Man9GlcNAc and Man6-GlcNAc, respectively [77]. This information was the start point for designing a carbohydrate-protein conjugate for vaccination against AIDS, based on binding of the carbohydrate antigen (Man9 and the oligomannose clusters) to a strong T-helper epitope, such as the keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KHL) and the universal T-helper epitope from tetanus toxoid (Figure 1) [79]. Preliminary immunization studies in rabbits suggested that moderate carbohydrate-specific antibodies were raised by the glycoconjugate immunogens; although, most antibody responses were directed to the linkers. In addition, the antisera were weakly cross-reactive to HIV-1 gp120, but the carbohydrate-specific antibodies generated were not so high to reach the level that could neutralize HIV-1 infection [79]. Figure 1 3.2. Mannosylated conjugates for the treatment of autoimmune diseases 3.2.1. Inhibition of intracellular proteases Selective inhibition of enzymes involved in antigen processing in APCs, such as cathepsin E and cathepsin D, may provide alternatives for the regulation of autoimmune diseases [81]. Cathepsin E and cathepsin D are the major intracellular aspartic proteases in the endolysosomal pathway [82, 83]. However, the aspartic protease inhibitors, including the highly potent pepstatin A [84], are inefficiently transported across the cell membrane [85]. In a recent study, mannose derivatives of pepstatin were used as cell-permeable aspartic protease inhibitors, and these inhibitors blocked ovalbumin processing in DCs. These conjugates showed higher solubility in water as compared to pepstatin and were efficiently taken up by the cells via receptor mediated uptake; although, they displayed a low reduction in the inhibition of aspartic proteases due to the high stability of the link between pepstatin and the mannose derivative [81]. In order to overcome this problem, Free and co-workers [85] proposed a disulfide link between the mannose group (mannose-BSA neoglycoconjugate) and pepstatin to facilitate the release of the protease by disulphide reduction on endosomes [85, 86].

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    These mannose conjugates (MPC6), but not the mannose-BSA precursor, inhibited both enzymes with an IC50 of around 20 nM (cathepsin E) and 0.7 nM (cathepsin D). Critically, MPC6 was at least 100-fold more potent than pepstatin in inhibiting aspartic proteinase activity in DC, presumably because of increased solubility and uptake. The inhibition of OVA and peptide presentation in wild-type and cathepsin D-deficient mice clearly shown that the processing of OVA was inhibited in a dose-dependent manner by MPC6 using DC derived from either cathepsin D-deficient or wild-type mice. In contrast, MPC6 had little or no effect on presentation of the OVA peptide [87]. 3.2.2. Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) model EAE serves as an experimental model for human multiple sclerosis, reproducing clinical aspects such as inflammation of central nervous system (CNS) tissue [88, 89]. It is depicted as a prototypic CD4+ Th1-mediated autoimmune disease [90] that depends on autoreactive Th1 cells that traffic from the periphery into the CNS [91]. Kel and co-workers demonstrated that the treatment with a soluble mannosylated epitope of proteolipid protein (M-PLP139-151) significantly inhibited disease mediated by autoreactive myelin- specific T cells [92]. The conjugates were prepared by N-terminal elongation of an epitope of proteolipid protein (PLP139-151) with a lysine coupled to two tetra-acetyl-protected mannose groups. After reaction, the acetyl-protecting groups on the mannose moieties were removed using Tessers base. Mice treated with the non-mannosylated peptide showed no significant effect on delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) responses in EAE models. On the contrary, significant reduction of EAE incidence and clinical symptoms was obtained when mannosylated peptide was administered before the onset of clinical symptoms. Treatment of established disease induced less pronounced effects, suggesting that treatment with the mannosylated conjugate is particularly effective during disease stadia involving (re)activation of autoreactive T cells [92]. 3.3. Mannosylated conjugates for the development of cancer vaccines The use of DCs for the development of therapeutic cancer vaccines is attractive because of their unique ability to present tumour epitopes via the MHC class I pathway to induce cytotoxic CD8+ T lymphocyte responses. However, the experimental conditions in which these conjugates are prepared may determine the specific response. In this context, mannan linked to the tumour-associated antigen MUC1 (a mucin-like protein) can induce strong Th1 or Th2- type immune responses, depending on the mode of conjugation [93]. Thus, as described by Karanikas and collaborators [93-95], MUC1 conjugated to mannan under reducing conditions induced strong Th2-type immune responses and no protection in mice against a tumour challenge. On the contrary, conjugation of MUC1 to mannan under oxidizing conditions yielded an immunogen capable to generate a Th1-type response, as indicated by CD8+ CTLs, a low level of IgG2a antibodies, and IL-12 and IFN- cytokine production. The binding of both conjugates to the MR was considered similar; although, the reduced mannan-MUC1 fusion protein would be preferentially presented by the MHC class II pathway, whereas the oxidized mannan-MUC1 fusion protein would be preferentially presented by the MHC class I pathway [94, 95]. In fact, it appears that the presence of aldehydes in the oxidized mannan-MUC1 fusion protein would be crucial for endosomal escape of antigen into the cytoplasm [95]. An interesting approach was recently developed by Srinivas and co-workers [96]. In this case, they designed and synthesized conjugates containing a CD8+ epitope of the Melan-A/Mart-1 melanoma antigen. These conjugates were obtained by coupling glycosynthons to small oligolysine-based peptides [97]. Glycosynthons [98, 99] were prepared by an original two-step one-pot procedure involving the oligosaccharide reducing sugar and a peptide with a glutamyl residue in the N-terminal position. The glycosynthons were coupled to a peptide-oligo K, including the CD8+ Melan-A epitope and an oligolysine tail.

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    The yield of the process was about 55% and the predominant conjugate was the trivalent derivative: DiMan-Melan-A conjugate [96]. These mannose conjugates were efficiently taken up by DC and concentrated in acidic vesicles. Furthermore, dimannoside-Melan-A conjugates exhibited a high apparent affinity for DC-SIGN and MMR; although, the binding constant to MMR was 4 fold higher than that to DC-SIGN [14, 100]. 4. Mannosylated liposomes Mannosylated liposomes have been considered as promising non-live vectors for targeted delivery purposes. In the last decades several strategies have been developed in order to promote an adequate coating of liposomes, used as drug/antigen carrier, with the mannose derivative that specifically recognise its receptor. Baldeschwieler and co-workers [101] described the capacity of mannosylated liposomes to target cells of the monocyte-machrophage system using 6-aminomannose covalently linked to cholesterol. Later, Barratt and co-workers, demonstrated that fluorescently labelled mannosylated liposomes were more rapidly taken up by mouse peritoneal macrophages than by rat alveolar macrophages. This uptake rate was saturable at high liposome concentrations, although not inhibited by the presence of conventional liposomes. In addition the rate of association was also related with the size of mannosylated liposomes. Thus, liposomes with a diameter of about 1.4 m were taken up more quickly than those of 400-700 nm diameter [102]. In 1988, Garcon and co-workers gave evidence that the presence of a mannosylated ligand on the surface of TT-loaded liposomes lead to more efficient binding of the vesicles to macrophages and enhanced adjuvanticy. These facts were found to be related with the number of ligand molecules available on the surface of liposomes rather than the extent of ligand mannosylation [103]. 4.1. Preparation of mannosylated liposomes Generally, to attach any mannose derivative to plain liposomes, at least three different methods have been widely employed: (i) use of mannose-lipid conjugates as raw material for the preparation of liposomes, (ii) direct binding of mannose derivatives by chemical reaction to plain liposomes and (iii) simple coating by adsorption onto the surface of liposomes. All of these strategies can be associated with the most popular method use to prepare liposomes, which is based on lipid film formation followed by hydration of lipids with an aqueous solution (Figure 2). In the first one, a mixture of lipids and mannose derivatives are dissolved in organic solvents. The solvents are evaporated under vacuum until dry mannose derivative/lipid film formation (Figure 2A). The residual thin film is then hydrated with an aqueous solution and the resulting liposomes are then, if necessary, homogenised and/or purified. During the step of film hydration and/or homogenisation, mannose moieties (as hydrophilic branches of sugar-lipid derivatives) are self-reorganised displaying a extended conformation from the surface of liposome to the aqueous medium [104-106]. The second strategy of mannosylation (see Figure 2B) is based on the covalent attachment of mannose derivatives, such as p-aminophenyl--D-mannopyranoside, to phosphatidylethanolamine of the plain liposomes using glutaraldehyde [107]. Finally, direct coating of plain liposomes by simple incubation with mannan derivatives or oligomannose can also be used [108, 109]. In general, the most frequent strategy is the use of mannose-lipid conjugates. In this context, Kawakami and collaborators [110] synthesised a novel mannosylated cholesterol derivative [cholesten-5-yloxy-N-(4-((1-imino-2-beta-D-thiomannosyl-ethyl)amino) butyl) formamide] (Man-C4-Chol), which can be efficiently mixed with phospholipids to prepare liposomes. Another interesting mannose-lipid derivatives are Man4K3-DOG (a tetramannosyl head group connected, via a polyethylene glycol spacer, to a lipid moiety)

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    [111], trimannose-dipalmitoylphosphatidylethanolamine (man3-DPPE) [106] or cholesteryl mannan (CHM) [108]. Mannosylated liposomes have been employed to load different types of drugs, including dichloromethylene-bisphosphonate [111], proteins (i.e. ovalbumin) [106], antitumour drugs (i.e., doxorubicin) [107], quercetin [112], NFkappaB [113], fluorescent markers [114], muramyldipeptide (MDP) as immunomodulator [115] and plasmid DNA [110, 116]. Figure 2 4.2. Mannosylated liposomes for drug delivery Table 2 summarises some interesting studies related with the use of mannosylated liposomes for the delivery of therapeutic agents. Efficient targeted-drug delivery to APCs has been considered of high interest in case of vaccination or for the treatment of many intracellular parasitic infections. 4.2.1. Treatment of tuberculosis Many micro-organisms infect and colonize alveolar APCs, in which they can survive and multiply [117, 118]. For Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the interaction of this pathogen with host DCs (or other APCs) is thought to be critical for mounting a protective anti-mycobacterial immune response and for determining the outcome of infection [119, 120]. In an interesting study, it was shown that the most effective particle size of mannosylated liposomes for ciprofloxacin (CPFX) targeting to alveolar APCs, following pulmonary administration, is 1000 nm [121] and uptake of liposomes by these cells increased by introducing surface mannose modification [122, 123]. More recently, Chono and co-workers, confirmed that efficient antibacterial effects of mannosylated CPFX-liposomes against intracellular parasites in alveolar APCs might be exhibited at a lower dose than that used in clinical situations. This study, which was carried out by intratracheal administration of liposomes in rats, clearly indicated that the pulmonary administration of mannosylated CPFX-liposomes could be an efficient drug delivery system for the treatment of respiratory intracellular parasitic infections, including M. tuberculosis, C. pneumoniae, L. monocytogenes, L. pneumophila and F. tularensis [124]. 4.2.2. Treatment of leishmaniasis Concerning leishmaniasis, toxicity and drug resistance are major obstacles in the therapy of this disease induced by the presence and multiplication of Leishmania parasite within macrophages. In this context, the antileishmanial property of a benzyl derivative of the antibiotic MT81 (Bz2MT81) was tested in mannose coated liposomes against visceral leishmaniasis in hamsters [125]. This formulation eliminated intracellular amastigotes of Leishmania donovani within splenic macrophages more efficiently than control liposomes or free Bz2MT81. At a dose equivalent to 7.5 g/kg body weight of mannosylated liposomes subcutaneously injected for 15 days in an interval of three days, the splenic parasitic load decreased to the extent of 79% of the total parasite present in infected animals. For non-mannosylated liposomes or the free drug the splenic load parasitic decrease was calculated to be 55 and 50%, respectively. The activity of Bz2MT81-mannosylated liposomes was higher than liposomal amphotericin B, which has been used in human clinical trials against visceral leishmaniasis. For amphotericin B- loaded liposomes, the effective dose of the drug to reduce 80% the splenic leishmania parasite in hamster was reported to be 31.36 mol/kg [126], whereas Bz2MT81-mannosylated liposomes were found effective with only 19.03 nmol/kg [125]. In a similar work, the leishmanicidal property of piperine loaded in mannose-coated liposomes was tested in experimental visceral leishmaniasis in hamsters. Mannose-coated liposomal containing piperine eliminated intracellular amastigotes of Leishmania donovani

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    in splenic macrophages much more efficiently than did the uncoated liposomal piperine or the free drug. At a dose equivalent to 6 mg/kg body wt every 4 days (4 doses in 12 days), the mannose-coated liposomal piperine was found to reduce the spleen parasite load to the extent of 90% in comparison to that achieved by uncoated liposomes (77%) or free piperine (29%) [127]. In a similar animal model, mannosylated liposomes containing andrographolide (a labdane diterpenoid isolated from Andrographis paniculata) were found to be more potent in reducing the parasitic burden in the spleen as well as in reducing the hepatic and renal toxicity [128]. In another related work, doxorubicin-loaded mannosylated liposomes combined with INF- was also considered effective for the treatment of leishmaniasis [115]. Because leishmaniasis is accompanied by immunosuppression, immunostimulation by IFN was evaluated to act synergistically with mannosylated liposomal doxorubicin therapy. Doxorubicin, a highly cytotoxic and antineoplastic drug, had profound antileishmanial effects when incorporated into mannosylated liposomes. Thus, doxorubicin, when loaded in mannosylated liposomes was almost 150-times more effective than a drug solution and about 5 fold more potent than when incorporated in conventional liposomes. In addition, the results of this study suggested that immuno-stimulatory effect of IFN- may be enhance the efficacy of doxorubicin and/or reduced its toxicity. Furthermore, the combined treatment resulted in reduced levels of IL-4 but increased levels of IL-12 and inducible nitric oxide synthase, which is a probe of a plausible conversion of antiparasitic T cell response from a Th2 to Th1 pattern indicative of long-term resistance [115]. 4.3. Mannosylated liposomes for vaccination purposes Mannosylated liposomes have also been proposed for vaccination against some types of cancer and several pathogens including Neisseria meningitis, Leishmania spp. and HIV. 4.3.1. Vaccination against Neisseria meningitidis Meningitis caused by Neisseria meningitidis are a serious threat to children and young adults. Vaccines based on capsular polysaccharides are available against serogroups A, C, and W135 [129]. However, a polysaccharide-based vaccine is not available for serogroup B meningococci, due to the low immunogenicity of their polysaccharides and the risk of induction of autoantibodies that cross-react with glycosylated host antigens. In this context, class 1 porin protein (PorA), which is a major antigen and induces a strong bactericidal immune response [130], was loaded in mannosylated liposomes [131]. Mice were immunized subcutaneously to study the localization and immunogenicity of PorA liposomes. Thus, uptake of liposomes by DC was significantly increased by mannosylation and resulted in the maturation of DCs. Furthermore, mannosylated liposomes displayed an increased localization in draining lymph nodes with respect to unmannosylated ones. Surprisingly, all types of liposomes induced similar high IgG titers and comparable to those induced by outer membrane vesicles (containing lipopolysaccharide, OMVs) However, the number of responding mice per group increased from 50 to 60% with conventional PorA liposomes and OMVs to almost 100% of mice immunized with mannosylated PorA liposomes [131]. 4.3.2. Vaccination against leishmaniasis In an interesting work of vaccination against leismaniasis, two types of liposomes, including a soluble leishmanial antigen (SLA) and coated with neoglycolipids containing oligomannose residues (mannopentaose, Man5-SLA, or mannotriose, Man3-SLA) were evaluated [132, 133]. For mice treated with mannosylated liposome formulations, serum levels of SLA-specific IgG2a antibody titres were substantially higher than in controls, whereas the IgG1 antibody titres were considerably lower than in mice treated with SLA alone or SLA liposomes [133]. In addition, up to at least six weeks after a challenge with L.

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    major, footpad swelling was suppressed in mice treated with mannosylated SLA- liposomes, whereas mice receiving either SLA liposomes or SLA alone displayed typical progression of footpad swelling. More important, Shimizu and co-workers established that between 0.005 and 0.01 would seem to be the threshold level of oligomannose in liposomes to allow the exhibition of a clear Th1 immune response [132, 133]. These value agree well with the proportions proposed by Sprott and co-workers who studied the adjuvant activity of phosphatidylinositol mannoside from Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Gurin (BCG), which has a similar structure to the synthesized Man3-DPPE [134]. 4.3.3. Vaccination against HIV Antiviral vaccination strategy was studied using oligomannose-coated liposomes containing a neoglycolipid constructed with mannopentaose and dipalmitoylphosphatidylethanolamine [135, 136], and encapsulating the epitope peptides of the HIV envelope glycoprotein gp120. These liposomes were proposed to induce an epitope-specific CTL response [109]. In BALB/c mice, subcutaneous immunization with these mannosylated liposomes induced a major histocompatibility complex class I-restricted CD8+ CTL response with a single immunization, whereas non-coated liposomes did not. These results are in agreement with previous data reporting a similar response for mannan-coated liposomes containing a hybrid protein of gag and env of human T lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) [137] and for DNA of HIV-1 incorporated into mannan-coated N-t-butyl-N-tetradecyl-3 tetradecylaminopropionamidine or mannan-coated liposomes elicits HIV-specific CTL activity [138, 139]. 4.3.4. Vaccination against cancer Immunostimulants or immunomodulators such as CpG sequences or saponin Quil A can be associated to antigen-loaded mannosylated liposomes to achieve the desired immune response. In this context, White and co-workers [140] proposed the construction of liposomes containing a lipid core peptide (SIINFEKL peptide) linked to a mannose residue [141, 142] and the Quil A adjuvant. For determining the ability of these mannosylated liposomes containing the lipid core peptide and QuilA to act as prophylactic cancer vaccines and protect against tumour challenge, groups of C57Bl/6J mice were immunized subcutaneously and challenged with EG.7-OVA tumour cells. All naive mice challenged with tumour cells quickly developed measurable tumours. In contrast, mice immunized with mannosylated liposomes containing the lipid core peptide and Quil A were well protected, with 80% of animals remaining tumor-free 4 weeks after the challenge [140]. Lu and co-workers [116] evaluated the hypothesis that i.p. injection of mannosylated liposomes-pDNA complex (Man-lipoplex) can achieve the goal of a DNA vaccine for melanoma by raising the cytotoxic immune response to a level leading to tumour rejection and regression. In this context, liposomes containing Man-C4-Chol and a plasmid coding for Gp100, which is abundantly expressed in both murine and human melanoma [143], covalently bound to ubiquitin (pUb-M gene) to enhance its degradation by proteasome and regulate the intracellular protein processing to be presented by MHC class I molecules [144, 145]. These Man-lipoplex formulation induced significantly higher pUb-M gene transfection into APCs than unmannosylated liposomes and naked DNA. Thus, these mannosylated liposomes induced a strong CTL activity against melanoma, inhibiting its growth and prolonging the survival of mice after a lethal challenge with B16BL6 melanoma cells [116]. 4.3.5. DNA vaccination DNA vaccination, in gene therapy, is of great interest for the immunotherapy of cancer and infectious diseases [146]. Concerning non-viral vectors, it appears that mannosylated

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    cationic liposome would be one of the more appropriate systems to gene delivery in vivo [147]. In this context, pDNA-loaded liposomes prepared with Man-C4-Chol were found to provide higher transfection activity in primary cultured mouse peritoneal macrophages than that of the conventional liposomes [110]. In mice, the i.v. injection of these mannosylated liposomes exhibited high gene expression in the liver [110, 148]. This phenomenon was preferentially observed in the liver non-parechymal cells (NPCs) and was significantly reduced by predosing with mannosylated bovine serum albumin [110, 149, 150]. Animal studies have shown that DNA immunisation induces not only an antibody response but also a potent cell-mediated immune response against the encoding antigen. In this context, the potency of mannosylated cationic liposomes (Man-liposomes) for DNA vaccination were studied by Hattori and co-workers [151] using ovalbumin-encoding pDNA (pCMV-OVA) as a model antigen. After i.v. injection in mice, these mannosylated liposomes produced a stronger induction of IL-12, IFN-, and TNF-alpha release in the serum of animals than the unmodified liposome complex. In animals treated with naked pCMV-OVA, no cytokine release was detected. Similarly, the relatively copy number of mRNA of OVA extracted from CD11c+ cells and the production of IFN- by spleen cells were found to be much more important in mice treated with Man-liposomes than with conventional vesicles. All of these facts were related by the biasing of helper T cells towards differentiation to Th1 cells when DNA vaccine was administered with Man liposomes [151]. 4.4. Mannosylated liposomes for non-specific immunostimulation The association of mannosylated liposomes and adjuvants has been proposed for the non-specific stimulation of the immune system. This immunostimulation can be of interest for the treatment of intracellular pathogens and to combat cancer. Thus, the association of mannosylated liposomes and CpG sequences was proposed for the elimination of intracellular pathogens. These formulations were prepared by covalent coupling of p-aminophenyl- -D-mannopyranoside to CpG-loaded liposomes (Man-lip-CpG) [152]. When susceptible BALB/c mice infected with L. donovani were treated with Man-lip-CpG, the experimental infection was completely controlled. This fact was evidenced by the complete suppression of spleen parasite burden and reversion of spleen size to nearly normal levels. Thus, Man-lip-CpG was found to be 150 times and 10 times more efficient than free CpG and lip-CpG, respectively, by 100% removal of spleen parasites. The microbicidal activity of these mannosylated liposomes was correlated with their ability to enhance the generation of NO by macrophages [153]. In a recent study, Kuramoto and collaborators, evaluated the immunostimulary effect of mannosylated liposomes containing CpG sequences (Man/CpG lipoplex) to combat refractory peritoneal dissemination of tumour cells in mice. The number of tumour cells in the greater omentum and the mesentery of Man/CpG lipoplex-treated mice was about 1.3% and 0.12%, respectively, of that in the control. Furthermore, the survival time of mice was prolonged with manosylated CpG-loaded liposomes compared to conventional CpG-lipoplex. In fact, approximately 40% of the mice treated with the mannosylated vesicles survived more than 30 days whereas all the mice in the unmannosylated control group dyed in less than 20 days [154]. In another interesting work, mannosylated liposomes containing MDP, were prepared by incorporation of Man-C4-Chol into small unilamellar liposomes consisting of cholesterol and distearoyl phosphatidylcholine (Man-lip-MDP) [115]. These liposomes were evaluated in an experimental liver metastasis model. In contrast to free MDP or lip-MDP treatments, which showed little effect on the inhibition of metastasis, Man-lip-MDP significantly reduced the number of metastatic colonies in the liver and increased the survival of the tumour-bearing mice. This fact was related with the ability of these mannosylated liposomes to target the liver non-parenchymal cells via mannose receptors [115].

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    Table 2 5. Other mannosylated carriers In the last years, different types of mannosylated carriers have been proposed for specific antigen/drug delivery, including micelles, polymer nanoparticles, metal colloids, niosomes and nanoemulsions. Some of them offer interesting advantages over soluble conjugates or liposomes, mainly related with the possibility of antigen/drug delivery by mucosal or topical routes and better properties for the controlled release of the loaded molecule. Nevertheless, to date, few research groups are involved in the development of mannosylated particulate carriers. Thus, experimental data are very scarce. 5.1. Preparation of particulate carriers In general, mannosylated particulate carriers have been prepared by desolvation [161], precipitation [162], emulsification [163] or micellisation [164] techniques. For poly(anhydride) nanoparticles, mannosylation can be afforded before or after nanoparticle formation by desolvation (Figure 3) [161]. On the other hand, iron oxide nanoparticles were prepared by precipitation of Fe(II) and Fe(III) salts with ammonium hydroxide according to two methods. Mannosylation was carried out by either precipitation of iron salts in the presence of D-mannose solution or oxidation of magnetite nanoparticles with sodium hypochlorite followed by addition of D-mannose solution [162]. Other strategy of mannosylation, is the attachment of mannose derivative to chitosan polymer by chemical reaction with mannopyranosylphenylisothiocyanate prior the nanoparticles formation [165, 166]. In another work, the mannose unit was conjugated to the hydrophilic chain terminus of mixed micelles composed of poly(acrylic acid-b-methyl acrylate) and mannosylated poly(acrylic acid-b-methyl acrylate) by transfer radical polymerization [164]. Concerning niosomes, these carriers were prepared with sorbitan monostearate (Span 60), cholesterol, and stearylamine by the reverse-phase evaporation method. Then, these carriers were coated with a modified polysaccharide o-palmitoyl mannan [167, 168]. Finally, mannosylated nanoemulsions (composed of soybean oil, egg phosphatidylcholine and Man-C4-Chol with a ratio of 70:25:5) were prepared by dissolution in chloroform, vacuum desiccation and resuspension in PBS, and sonication for 1 h [163]. Figure 3 5.2. Applications of mannosylated particulate carriers 5.2.1. Parenteral administration Mannosylated nanoemulsions (Man-emul), when i.v. administered to mice, were rapidly eliminated from the blood circulation and preferentially recovered in the liver. In contrast, control emulsions were more retained in the blood circulation. The hepatic uptake clearances of mannosylated nanoemulsions were 3.3-times greater than that of controls. Furthermore, as described before for mannosylated liposomes [110, 150], Man-emul were concentrated in the non-parenchymal cells, whereas control nanoemulsions appear to preferentially target the parenchymal cells [163]. In a more recent work, these researchers have demonstrated that the efficient targeting of these nanoemulsions is largely controlled by the effect of mannose density on Man-emulsions [169]. In another interesting work, mannosylated chitosan nanoparticles -based cytokine gene therapy suppressed cancer growth in mice. In the Balb/c mice bearing CT-26 carcinoma cells, intratumoral injection of mannosylated chitosan nanoparticles /plasmid encoding murine IL-12 complex suppressed tumour growth and angiogenesis [166].

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    5.2.2. Oral administration Mannosylated polyanhydride nanoparticles have demonstrated a high capacity to develop specific bioadhesive interactions with the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract of rats [161]. This specific bioadhesive interaction was dependent on mannose density on the surface of the nanoparticles. Furthermore, fluorescence microscopy experiments corroborated that mannosylated nanoparticles were able to establish interactions with components of the enterocytes and cells of the Peyer's patches. These mannosylated nanoparticles, loaded with ovalbumin (OVA) as model antigen, were orally administered to mice (single dose of 100 g). This formulation induced in mice a strong and more balanced humoral immune responses of IgG2a (Th1 response) and IgG1 (Th2 response) compared to OVA-non mannosylated nanoparticles or a solution of the protein. Furthermore, mannosylated nanoparticles were able to elicit a significant intestinal secretory IgA at least for 6 weeks. All of these results were correlated with the bioadhesive properties and effective lymphoid uptake of mannosylated nanoparticles [170]. Another example for oral targeted delivery was described for mannosylated niosomes loaded with tetanus toxoid (TT) and their application in oral mucosal immunization [167]. In fact, niosomes were coated with a modified polysaccharide o-palmitoyl mannan (OMP) to protect them from bile salts caused dissolution and enzymatic degradation in the gastrointestinal tract and to enhance targeting of antigen presenting cells of Peyer's patches. These niosomes elicited a combined serum IgG2a/IgG1 response in albino rats, suggesting that they could elicit both humoral and cellular responses. In addition, significant mucosal immune response (sIgA levels in mucosal secretions) was also observed [167]. In a similar work, the same group used mannosylated niosomes as vaccine carrier for the oral delivery of a plasmid expressing sequence coding for the small proteins of the hepatitis B virus. In Balb/c mice, all animals orally immunised with these niosomal formulations were seropositive in 2 weeks and the antibody levels were sufficient to get seroprotection against hepatitis B [168]. Furthermore, mannosylated niosomes elicited significantly higher mucosal immune responses than controls [168]. 6. Clinical studies Clinical studies with the conjugates Mannan-MUC1 started 13 years ago. The product, known as MFP or mannan fusion protein has been registered as Primas proprietary CvacTM technology. More particularly, it was demonstrated that the mannan MUC1 was non-toxic, however, in general, antibody responses predominated over cellular ones. More than 250 patients with advanced carcinoma of the breast, colon or other adenocarcinomas that over expressed the MUC1 antigen were treated with the conjugates and moderate cellular immune responses and substantial antibodies responses were noted. However, in general, clinical responses were not apparent in these patients [93, 94]. This Th2 type responses in patients was explained by the fact that natural antibodies recognized mannan-MUC1 which subsequently bound to Fc receptors and generated predominantly B cell rather than T cell responses [171]. In order to overcome this drawback a number of variations were tried, including the use of cyclophosphamide (to switch off presumed 'suppressor cells'), although this solution had no effect on the response [95]. More recently, the same group put in place another clinical study to collect PBMC for culture in vitro with IL-4 and GM-CSF, making DC which were pulsed with mannan MUC1 before injection. The patients received three injections over 10 weeks and T cell and antibody responses were measured. The results on 10 subjects have been encouraging and have demonstrated that the treatment was well tolerated by all patients. All subjects generated strong cellular immune responses, DTH reactions occurred at the injection sites, and 3/10 made weak IgG or IgM antibodies [172]. In this context, another phase I trial in patients

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    with advanced adenocarcinoma that received Mannan-MUC1-pulsed DCs demonstrated that the immunization with DCs manipulated and treated ex vivo with mannan-MUC1 produced T-cell responses in all patients and even stabilization of tumour in some of them [173]. One of the most promising results was obtained in a pilot Phase III clinical trial using oxidised mannan-MUC1 immunotherapy against early breast cancer. In this study, 31 patients with stage II breast cancer and with no evidence of disease received subcutaneous injections of either placebo or oxidised mannan-MUC1, to immunise against MUC1 and prevent cancer recurrence/ metastases. The recurrence rate in patients receiving the placebo was 27% whereas those receiving immunotherapy had no recurrences and measurable antibodies and T cell responses [174]. More recently, Mayer and collaborators reported a phase I study with a mannosylated antibody-enzyme fusion protein (MFECP-1 or the conjugate between mannosylated anticarcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) single-chain Fv antibody and the bacterial enzyme carboxypeptidase G2) for selective targeting of tumour cells expressing the oncofetal antigen (CEA), in which the enzyme has to convert a prodrug into a toxic drug. In this study, patients with non resectable, locally recurrent, or metastatic histologically proven colorectal or other CEA-expressing cancer were eligible for the study. MFECP1 was found to be safe, well tolerated and localised in tumour cells. More particularly, the best response was a 10% reduction of tumour diameter in a patient with peritoneal cancer. Eleven of 28 patients had stable disease after 8 weeks and 17 had progressive disease [175]. Finally, DermaVir (Genetic Immunity) is a novel DNA immunization method designed to improve antigen presentation and induce cytotoxic T cell responses for the treatment of HIV/AIDS. In DermaVir the DNA is formulated with a cationic polymer (PEIm) in glucose. The cationic polymer complexes the DNA, forming a small mannosylated particle, and the glucose stabilizes the complex by inhibiting aggregation prior to the vaccine application. DermaVir has to be applied directly to the epidermis, above the basal keratinocytes, to penetrate the skin surface and reach the network of sentinels that serve to initiate immune responses against pathogens [176-180]. From preclinical studies it was confirmed that this mannosylated nanomedicine was trapped by epidermal Langerhans cells and transported to draining lymph nodes. While in transit, LCs mature into DCs, which can efficiently present the DNA-encoded antigens to nave T-cells for the induction of cellular immunity [180-182]. Clinical testing of DermaVir in HIV-1-infected individuals have demonstrated the safety, tolerability and induction of long lasting, high magnitude and broad HIV-specific T cell responses of DermaVir [180-182]. 7. Expert Opinion The preferential expression of MR in the cells of the immune system explains the documented benefits of MR-targeted delivery for chemotherapeutic treatments against pathogens that survey and multiply within the macrophages. Therefore, with the identification of MR expression in DC, the most important APC, the strategy of mannosylation has been successfully applied in vaccination and, in fact, several constructs are currently under clinical trials. For these purposes new and innovative methods of delivery of therapeutic agents have been proposed in the last years. All of them can be considered as nanomedicines and include mannose conjugates and mannosylated carriers or particulates (i.e. liposomes, nanoparticles and niosomes). Mannose conjugates built by chemical reactions between a mannose derivative and a protein or a therapeutic agent (usually an antigen) are, in general, easy to produce. In addition, the link between the therapeutic and the mannose derivative may determine the stability of the conjugate within the body and the release of the antigen, and thus, the efficacy of the system. These conjugates can be administered by a parenteral route and

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    they are quite efficient to reach and target the MR abundantly expressed in lymphatic and hepatic endothelial cells and APC. For vaccination against pathogens, the mannose derivative can be used for both to target the MR and to induce the immune response (as antigen). However, as polysaccharides are poorly immunogenic, the mannose derivative is then bound to a protein or peptide, reputed by its ability to induce strong immune responses. On the other hand, mannosylated particulates are obtained by the association of the mannose derivative to a carrier (liposome, nanoparticle, niosome). The mannose derivative acts as targeting agent whereas the particulate or carrier acts as reservoir of the therapeutic agent. As compared with mannosylated conjugates, the drug or antigen has not risk of activity or immunogenic alteration produced by chemical modifications. Furthermore, because of their particulate nature, particles tend to be engulfed by phagocytic APCs and the mannosylation will further improve their phagocytosis mediated by specific receptors. Comparing liposomes with other carrier delivery systems, liposomes offer multiple advantages for drug delivery, including their biocompatibility, biodegradability and safety. However, they show a poor stability in biological fluids, especially in the gastrointestinal tract, and, in many cases, the preparative processes are difficult to scale up for industrial production. While is clear the positive influence of mannosylation to target antigen to APCs, increase the uptake and presentation, the studies about their effect in APCs activation and the relevant contribution of MR to the maintenance of homeostasis, immunotolerance of pathogen escape suggest the necessity of the combining mannosylated devices with adjuvants such as TLR agonists to elicit effective immune responses. Immune cells express several receptors that share mannose binding activity but show diverted immunological roles. The three-dimensional configuration of mannosylated devices seems to dictate the specific recognition for a particular MR, although all of them share increased affinity by structures with multiple mannose moieties, in accordance with the cluster effect. Overall, the gross body of published reports undoubtedly confirms the effectiveness of mannosylation strategies. The construction of mannosylated devices with many sugar units (that have shown increased avidity by MR) and co-delivery of danger signals (that up-regulated the expression of MR in immune cells) have been shown as trends for improving the efficacy of glycotargeting, although the optimisation and fully exploitation of mannose-targeted drug delivery systems would require a deeper understanding of structure-activity relationship and a fine acknowledgment of their immunological functions of the different MR. In any case, one of the most important things is that nanotechnology is changing the way to design new and safer drug/antigen delivery systems. In fact, these new technologies are facilitating the use of information and discoveries obtained from basic research to yield new therapeutical strategies and devices for clinical use. In this context, mannosylated delivery systems (conjugates, liposomes, nanoparticles) are good examples of these new nanomedicines which would improve, in a close future, the possibilities to both treat a number of diseases (including cancer) and improve the quality of life of patients. Acknowledgements The work of this group is supported by grants from the Ministerio de Educacin y Ciencia (Projects SAF2004-07150 and AGL2004-07088-CO3-02/GAN), Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Project PI070326), regional Government of Navarra (Dep. de Salud; Res. 2118/2007), Foundation Universitaria de Navarra and Asociacin de Amigos Universidad de Navarra in Spain. Bibliography

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