Manpower Planning & Recruitment


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  • 8/3/2019 Manpower Planning & Recruitment


    Manpower PlanningManpower Planning

  • 8/3/2019 Manpower Planning & Recruitment


    What is this HRP ?What is this HRP ?It is no th ing bu t to plan s tra tegically and mainly focuson reduc tion of labor cos ts wi th limited considera tionof o th er elemen ts rela ted to h uman resources.

    We h ave seen af ter sep.11 2k a tt ack manycompanies h ave laid off th eir s taff or th ey wen t for h eavy downsizing e.g. of few of th e companies are :

    D aimler Chrysler (100,000 workers)Kmart (60,000 workers)Lucent technologies (40,000 workers)IBM (40000 workers)General electric (75000 workers)

  • 8/3/2019 Manpower Planning & Recruitment


    What is this HRP? What is this HRP? Wh y did th ese companieslay off suc h h uge s taff?

    Wh a t is th e reason? W h ydid th ey recrui t a t firs t place a t all? On th e o th er h and we h ave company,wh ich did ex tremely welleven a t th e time of crisis.

  • 8/3/2019 Manpower Planning & Recruitment


    Adv antages of manpower Adv antages of manpower

    planningplanningManpower planning ensures op timum use of available h uman resources.

    It is useful bo th for organiza tion and na tion.It genera tes facili ties to educa te people in th eorganiza tion.It brings abou t fas t economic developmen ts.It boos ts th e geograp h ical mobili ty of labor.It provides smoo th working even af ter expansion of th e organiza tion.

  • 8/3/2019 Manpower Planning & Recruitment


    Adv antages of manpower Adv antages of manpower


    It opens possibili ty for workers for fu turepromo t ions, th us providing incen tive.

    It crea tes h eal th y a tmosp h ere of encouragemen t and mo t iva tion in th eorganiza tion.

    Training becomes effective.

    It provides h elp for career developmen t of th e employees.

  • 8/3/2019 Manpower Planning & Recruitment


    S teps in Manpower PlanningS teps in Manpower Planning

    Predic t manpower plansDesign job descrip tion and th e jobrequiremen ts

    Find adequa te sources of recrui tmen t .Give boos t to youngs ters by appoin tmen t toh igh er pos ts.Bes t mo tiva tion for in ternal promo tion.

    Look af ter th e expec ted losses due tore tiremen t , transfer and o th er issues.S ee for replacemen t due to acciden t , dea th ,dismissals and promo tion.

  • 8/3/2019 Manpower Planning & Recruitment


    Importance of HRPImportance of HRPFu ture Personnel needsPar t of s tra tegic planning

    Crea t ing h igh ly talen ted personnelIn terna tional s tra tegiesFounda t ion of Personnel func tionsIncreasing inves tmen ts in HRResis tance to c h ange and moveO th er benefi ts.

  • 8/3/2019 Manpower Planning & Recruitment


    Penal t ies for incorrec t HRPPenal t ies for incorrec t HRP

    Unders taffing loses th e businesseconomies of scale and specializa tion,orders, cus tomers and profi ts.Overs taffing is was teful and expensive, if sus tained, and i t is cos t ly to elimina tebecause of modern legisla tion in respec t

    of redundancy paymen ts, consul ta t ion,minimum periods of no tice, e tc. Veryimpor tan tly, overs taffing reduces th ecompe titive efficiency of th e business.

  • 8/3/2019 Manpower Planning & Recruitment


    Demand s h ould ma tch S upplyDemand s h ould ma tch S upply

  • 8/3/2019 Manpower Planning & Recruitment


    11 stst Step towar d s HRPStep towar d s HRP

    Sa tellite pic ture' of th e exis ting workforceprofile (numbers, skills, ages, flexibili ty,gender, experience, forecas t capabili t ies,ch arac ter, po ten tial, e tc. of exis tingemployees) and th en to adjus t th is for 1,3 and 10 years a h ead by amendmen ts

    for normalturnover, planned s

    taff movemen ts, re tiremen ts, e tc, in line wi th

    th e business plan for th e correspondingtime frames.

  • 8/3/2019 Manpower Planning & Recruitment


    F uture staffing nee d s will d eri v e from:F uture staffing nee d s will d eri v e from:

    S ales and produc tion forecas tsTh e effec ts of tec h nological c h ange on task needsVaria tions in th e efficiency, produc tivity, flexibili ty of

    labor as a result

    of training, work s

    tudy,organiza tional c h ange, new mo tiva tions, e tc.

    Ch anges in employmen t prac tices (e.g. use of subcon trac tors or agency s taffs, h iving-off tasks,buying in, subs titu tion, e tc.)Varia tions, w h ich respond to new legisla tion, e.g.payroll taxes or th eir aboli tion, new h eal th and safe tyrequiremen tsCh anges in Governmen t policies (inves tmen t

    incentives, regional or

    trade gran

    ts, e


  • 8/3/2019 Manpower Planning & Recruitment


    F orecasting Techniques:F orecasting Techniques:

    Managerial Judgmen t

    Ra tio- trend analysisRegression analysis

    Work s tudy tec h niquesDelp h i tec h nique

  • 8/3/2019 Manpower Planning & Recruitment


    F orecasting Techniques:F orecasting Techniques:

    Managerial Ju d gmentTh e tec h nique may involve abo tt om-up or a top-downapproac h .Th is tec h nique is used in smaller organiza tions or in th osecompanies w h ere sufficien t da tabase is no t available.

  • 8/3/2019 Manpower Planning & Recruitment


    F orecasting Techniques:F orecasting Techniques:

    Ratio-tren d A nalysisIt involves s tudying pas t ra tios and

    forecas ting fu ture ra tios makingsome allowances for c h anges inth e organiza tion or i ts me th ods.

  • 8/3/2019 Manpower Planning & Recruitment


    Ratio-tren d A nalysis

    Year No.of employees

    RatioInspector :Pro d uctionPro d u


    -3 1500 150 1 : 10A ctual -2 1800 180 1 : 10

    Las t year 2000 180 1 : 11Nex t year 2200 200 1 : 11

    F orecast +2 2500 210 1 : 12

    +3 2750 230 1 : 12

  • 8/3/2019 Manpower Planning & Recruitment


    Regression A nalysis:Regression A nalysis:

    A firm firs t draws a diagram depic t ing th erela tions h ip be tween sales and workforce



    en calculates regression line aline th a t cu ts rig ht th roug h th e cen ter of

    th e poin ts on th e diagram.By observing th e regression line, one canfind ou t number of employees required a t eac h volume of sales.

  • 8/3/2019 Manpower Planning & Recruitment


    WorkWork- -stu d y Techniques:stu d y Techniques:

    Th is can be used w h en i t is possible to applywork measuremen t to calcula te th e leng th of opera tions and th e amoun t of labor required.

    1. Planned

    o/p for next year 20,000 units2. Stan d ar d hours per unit 53. Planne d hours for the year 1,00,0004. Pro d ucti v e hours per man/year

    (allowing normal o v ertime,absenteeism an d id le time) 2,0005. Number of d irect workers

    require d (4/5) 50

  • 8/3/2019 Manpower Planning & Recruitment


    D elphi Technique:D elphi Technique:

    Named af ter th e ancien t Greek oracle a t th e ci ty of Delp h i, th e Delp h i tec h nique is

    a meth

    od of forecasting personnel needs.

    It solici ts es tima tes of personnel needsfrom a group of exper ts, usuallymanagers.Th e HRP exper ts ac t as in termediaries,summaries th e various responses andrepor t th e findings back to th e exper ts.

  • 8/3/2019 Manpower Planning & Recruitment


    RecruitmentRecruitmentPoints of D iscussion:

    Opening Case: Problem of Booming B-S ch oolsMeaning and defini tionPurpose and impor tance of Recrui tmen t

    Fac tors governing recrui tmen t

    Recrui tmen t processP h ilosop h ies of Recrui tmen t A lterna tives to Recrui tmen t

    Closing case: Morale gone bus t

  • 8/3/2019 Manpower Planning & Recruitment


    Meaning an d d efinition:Meaning an d d efinition:


    Determine recruitmentand selection needs

    Job Analysis

  • 8/3/2019 Manpower Planning & Recruitment


    Meaning an d d efinition:Meaning an d d efinition:

    Recrui tmen t is th e process of searc h ing for andob taining applican ts for jobs, from amongwh om th e rig ht people can be selec ted.Def n.: Recruitment is the process of finding Recruitment is the process of finding and attracting capable applicants for and attracting capable applicants for employment. The process begins when new employment. The process begins when new recruits are sought and ends when their recruits are sought and ends when their applications are submitted. The result is a pool applications are submitted. The result is a pool of applicants from which new employees areof applicants from which new employees areselected. selected.

  • 8/3/2019 Manpower Planning & Recruitment


    Purpose an d ImportancePurpose an d ImportanceTh e general purpose of recrui tmen t is to

    provide a pool of potentially qualified jobcandidates . O th ers are:

    1. De termine th e presen t and fu turerequiremen ts of th e organiza tion inconjunc tion wi th its HRP and job-analysisac tivities.

    2. Increase th e pool of job candida tes a t minimum cos t .

    3. Help increase th e success ra te of th eselec tion process by reducing th e number of visibly under qualified or overqualified jobapplican ts.

  • 8/3/2019 Manpower Planning & Recruitment


    Purpose an d ImportancePurpose an d Importance4 . Help reduce th e probabili ty th a t job

    applican ts, once recrui ted and selec ted, willleave th e orgn only af ter a s h or t period of

    time.5. Evalua te th e effec tiveness of various

    recrui ting tec h niques and sources for alltypes of job applican ts.

  • 8/3/2019 Manpower Planning & Recruitment


    Purpose an d ImportancePurpose an d ImportanceA recrui t ing programme h elps th e firm ina t leas t 4 ways:

    1. A tt rac t h igh ly qualified and compe ten t people.

    2. Ensure th a t th e selec ted candida tes s taylonger wi th th e company

    3. Make sure th a t th ere is ma tch be tween cos t and benefi t .4 . Help th e firm crea te more cul turally diverse


  • 8/3/2019 Manpower Planning & Recruitment


    F actors go v erning recruitment:F actors go v erning recruitment:

    Ex ternal Forces

    Supply and demand

    Unemployment rate

    Labour market


    Sons of soil


    I nternal forces

    Recruitment policy


    Size of the firm


    Growth andexpansion

  • 8/3/2019 Manpower Planning & Recruitment


    Recruitment ProcessRecruitment Process

  • 8/3/2019 Manpower Planning & Recruitment


    Sources of RecruitmentSources of RecruitmentIn ternal S ources:

    Presen t employeesEmployee referralsFormer employeesPrevious applican ts

    Ex ternal sources:Professional or trade associa tionsA

    dver tisemen

    tsEmploymen t exc h anges

    Campus recrui tmen t

    Walk-ins and Wri te-ins

  • 8/3/2019 Manpower Planning & Recruitment


    Sources of RecruitmentSources of Recruitment

    Ex ternal sources:Consul tan tsCon trac tors

    Displaced personsRadio and television A cquisi tions and mergersCompe titorsE-Recrui ting

  • 8/3/2019 Manpower Planning & Recruitment


    E v aluation of Recruitment ProcessE v aluation of Recruitment Process

    K eeping th e main objec tive in mind, th eevalua tion mig ht include:

    Re turn ra te of applica tions sen t ou t .Number of sui table candida tes for selec tion.Re ten tion and performance of th ecandida tes selec ted.


    of th

    e recruitmen

    tprocess.Time lapsed da ta.

    Commen ts on image projec ted.

  • 8/3/2019 Manpower Planning & Recruitment


    SelectionSelectionPoin ts to be discussed:

    1. Meaning and defini tion

    2. Ou tcomes of S elec tion decision3. S elec tion Process4 . Barriers to effec tive selec tion

  • 8/3/2019 Manpower Planning & Recruitment


    O utcomes of SelectionO utcomes of SelectionD ecision:D ecision:



    F A ILUR E

    F ailureE xpecte d


    E xpecte d

    F alse

    Negati v eE rror

    True Positi v e

    (Win Win)

    True Negati v eE rror

    (Lose Win)

    F alse Positi v eE rror

  • 8/3/2019 Manpower Planning & Recruitment


    Selection ProcessSelection ProcessPreliminary Inter v iew

    Selection Tests

    E mployment Inter v iew

    Reference an d Backgroun d A nalysis

    Selection D ecision

    Physical E xamination

    Job O ffer

    E mployment Contract

    E v aluation

  • 8/3/2019 Manpower Planning & Recruitment


    Barriers to SelectionBarriers to Selection

    Percep tion

    FairnessValidi ty

    Reliabili tyPressure

  • 8/3/2019 Manpower Planning & Recruitment


    Career Planning:Career Planning:Meaning of Career:

    Career means a lifelong sequence of

    professional, educational, and developmental experiences that project anindividual through the world of work.


    ve career

    Subjecti v e career

  • 8/3/2019 Manpower Planning & Recruitment


    Career Planning:Career Planning: Meaning:Career planning is th e processor ac t ivit ies offered by th eorganiza t ion to individuals toiden t ify s treng th s, weaknesses,

    specific goals and jobs th eywould like to occupy.

  • 8/3/2019 Manpower Planning & Recruitment


    Career Planning:Career Planning: Career planning is impor tan t for severalreasons:

    1. In order to build commi tmen t be tween th eindividual and th e organiza tion.

    2. In order to develop long-range perspec tive.3. In order to reduce labour turnover expenses.4 . In order to lessen employee obsolescence.5. In order to ensure th e effec tiveness of th e

    organiza tion.6. In order to allow th e individual to ac h ieve

    personal and work-rela ted goals.

  • 8/3/2019 Manpower Planning & Recruitment


    Succession Planning:Succession Planning:

    Meaning:S uccession planning is aprocess or ac t ivities connec tedwith th e succession of personsto fill key posi t ions in th e

    organiza t ion h ierarc h y asvacancies arise.

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