Manual Testing Status


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Manual Testing Syllabus1. Testing Introduction

(Software, Program, Application)

a) What is Software?b) What is a Program?c) What is Project / Product?

2. Testing Definition

3. W / H Forms testing

a) What is testing?b) Why do we need testing?c) Who are needed for testing?d) When the does the testing begine) When the does the testing endf) What are needed for testing?g) How do we test?

4. Requirements

a) What is Requirementb) What if there are no


5. Requirements Flow

a) BRS - Business Requirement Specifications (CRS)

b) FRS - Functional Requirement Specifications (MFR)

c) SRS - Software Requirement Specifications

d) Use Casese) Wireframes / Site Flows / Rational

Diagramsf) Test Casesg) Codeh) Application

6. SDLC (Software development Life Cycle)

a) What is SDLCb) What are the different models of

SDLCc) Waterfall Modeld) Spiral Modele) Rapid Modelf) Prototype Modelg) V Modelh) Fish Modeli) Butterfly Modelj) W Model

7. Testing Process

a) What is testing processb) Testing Process Flow Chartc) Testing Process Detailed


8. Testing Life Cycle

a) What is testing Life cycleb) Testing Life Cycle Flow Chartc) Testing Life Cycle Detailed


9. Test Case

a) What is test caseb) How do we design test casesc) Test Case structured) Test Case Itemse) Design a test case for <Random


10. Test Case Design Techniques

a) Boundary Value Analysisb) Equivalence Clause partitionc) Error guessingd) Cause Effective graphing

11. Testing Techniques

a) Positive testingb) Negative testingc) Zero valuesd) Valid valuese) Invalid valuesf) With in rangeg) Out of range

12. Testing Methodologies

a) Black Box Testingb) White Box Testingc) Grey Box Testing

13. What is Black box testing

a) What is Black box testingb) Why do we use this testingc) What are the pros and cons in itd) Flow of the Black Box Testing

14. Testing Types and Definitions

a) Smoke testingb) Functional Testingc) Integration Testingd) System Testinge) Regression Testingf) Automation Testingg) UI Testingh) Compatibility Testingi) Load Testingj) Performance Testingk) Stress testingl) UAT Testing (Alpha and Beta)

15. Defect Tracking

a) What is Defectb) Why Software has bugsc) What is defect reportingd) What is defect trackinge) Defect Detailed Report

16. Defect Life Cycle

a) What is Defect Life Cycleb) Defect Life Cycle Flow chartc) Defect Life Cycle Detailed

Descriptiond) Bug /Defect / issue / errore) Bug verification Processf) Bug Reproduction Processg) Bug finding techniquesh) Bug logging processi) Defect Severityj) Defect Density

17. Severity / Priority

a) What is severityb) What is priorityc) Difference between Severity and

Priorityd) Examples of Severity of a buge) Examples of priority of a bugf) Low severity and high priority

examplesg) High severity and low priority


18. Application Architecture

a) What is application Architectureb) One tier Architecturec) Two tier Architectured) Three tier Architecturee) N-tier Architecturef) Client / Server Architectureg) Web based Architecture

19. QA Metrics

a) Stability Trend Chart.b) Defects for Modulec) Effects for Testsd) Test Coveragee) Defects for KLOCf) Defects for Testing Environment

20. Testing Levels

a) Smoke testingb) Functional Testingc) Integration Testingd) System Testinge) Regression Testingf) Automation Testingg) UI Testingh) Compatibility Testingi) Load Testingj) Performance Testingk) Stress testingl) UAT Testing (Alpha and Beta)

21. Test Plan

a) What is a Test Planb) What are the contents of a test

planc) Why test plan is so importantd) Who prepares it and How

22. Test Strategy

a) What is a test strategyb) Why it is neededc) What is the difference between

test strategy and test plan.

23. Test Environment

a) What is testing environmentb) What is it neededc) What is test bedd) Explain briefly about testing

environmentse) What are the different testing


24. Use Case

a) What is an Use caseb) Why it is needed

c) What are the elements of use case

d) How does this is different from wireframe / site flow / SRS

25. Risks

a) What is a riskb) What is risk analysisc) How do you handle risks d) What are the risks you have faced

26. STLC ( Software Test Life Cycle)

a) What is STLCb) How does this differ from SDLC

27. Other Testing terms

a) Stubs and Driversb) What is Qualityc) How do you configure your

application for testingd) What are test Scenariose) Quality Assurancef) Quality Planningg) Quality Controlh) Difference between QA and QCi) Verification & Validationj) What is Traceability Matrix

28. IMP Testing Documents

a) Traceability Matrixb) Test Case Templatec) Test Plan Templated) Bug Reporting Template-e) QA Metricsf) Requirements Flowg) Testing Processh) Test Strategyi) Use Casesj) BRS / FRS / SRS /

29. Reviews

a) What is a reviewb) Peer Reviewc) Technical Reviewd) Informal / Formale) Walkthroughf) Inspection

30. CMMi

a) CMMi conceptsb) Six Sigma concepts

31. Questionnaire / FAQs

a) Testing FAQsb) Interview Tips
