Meet Global Voices Polska



Meet Global Voices Polska

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MeetGlobal Voices PolandInformation about the Polish team ofGlobal Voices Lingua

Sylwia Presley, co-editor


Agnieszka KwiatkowskatranslatorProfile on GV Polska Blog/Twitter/FacebookCurrently based in Utrecht, works in Amsterdam as coordinator of creative translations in an advertising agency.

Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands

Languages: English, Dutch

Favorite region:South- East Asia: Indonesia, Malaysia, Burma, Philippines, Vietnam, Laos

About:Born in Poland, studied Advertising and Marketing Communications in the UK. Blogger, observer of life on emigration, literature lover, interested in foreign languages and discovering new cultures.

+ At GV Polska since the 14th of January 2009.

“I would like to thank everyone for great achievements and input in creation of Global Voices. You are an amazing, multicultural, multilingual group of people, who make the world a better place. I am happy I can be at least a part of it.

I believe that nowadays, in the age of IT revolution, adaptation and translation play significant role in free flow and access to information.”


Aleksandra KaniewskatranslatorProfile on GV Polska


Journalist working for dailies and magazines

Location: London, United Kingdom

Languages: English, Japanese, a bit of French

Favorite region:Japan

About:I love reading, Japanese pop culture, culinary experiments and long sleep.

+ At GV Polska since the 8th of July 2009.

“Global Voices is an opportunity for me to see what is happening in the world outside of mainstream media coverage, what the global blogosphere is living.”


Anna Maria BolandtranslatorProfile on GV Polska


Stewardess for, in September starts Polish Major

Location: Haarlem, Netherlands

Languages: English, Dutch, basic Italian and French

Favorite region:Europe, Japan, China

About: Generally speaking I am a boring person, who likes work, healthy diet and sports :) I like reading books, I read a lot actually. GV is my first serious project, but in the future I hope to work with languages.

+ At GV Polska since the 22nd of February 2010.

“I write for Global Voices because languages and translations are my passion. Thanks to this passion I can ensure that those who are brave to express their opinions and amplify important issues will be heard, and give them a chance to express those opinions in other languages.”


Barbara GłódtranslatorProfile on GV Polska


Location: Cracow, Poland

Languages: English, German

Favorite region:United Kingdom, Australia, North America

About: I am a translator and I love my job. Translating for Global Voices is a very pleasant and useful occupation, which gives me a lot of satisfaction. 

+ At GV Polska since the 20th of March 2010.

“Global Voices is a great website. I am happy to contribute to it, especially by doing what I like most.


Barbara TrzmieltranslatorProfile on GV Polska

Studies translations

Location: Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Languages: English, Spanish, German

Favorite region:Central and Eastern Europe


At GV Polska since the 29th of June 2009


Dorota LisowskatranslatorProfile on GV Polska

Translator, English teacher

Location: Wadowice, Poland

Languages: English

Favorite region:Balkans, France

About:I am trying not to get lost in translation :) Both literary, as well as in life.

+ At GV Polska since the 15th of March 2010

“Global Voices is an amazing source of information about the world, specially developing world, since we do not think of it on a daily basis, as it seems so distant. It’s also great that posts are written by ordinary people, very often eyewitnesses, who present in more trusted, unbiased and uncensored manner events from their area. Sadly Polish media represent quite the opposite. To be honest I joined Global Voices while looking for something to do during my maternity leave trying to avoid the boredom of reading future mums forums :) Now I see that GV website is an eye-opener and I am extremely happy that I am here with you, even if not as active as I wish to be.”


Izabela JędrasiaktranslatorProfile on GV Polska


After graduating from English Studies in Łódź, in Poland, works as a translator in the Netherlands

Location: Tilburg, The Netherlands

Languages: English


+ At GV Polska since the 2nd of June 2009


Karolina BlachuckatranslatorProfile on GV Polska


Studies translations at Uniwersitat de Pompeu Fabra Barcelona

Location: Barcelona, Spain

Languages: English, Spanish

Favorite region:Asia


+ At GV Polska since the 14th of January 2010


Katarzyna Otulakowska translatorProfile on GV Polska


PhD student at Aesthetics Institute, Philosophy Dept., Jagiellonian University, Cracow

Location: Cracow, Poland

Languages: English, German, basic Arabic

Favorite region:Central and Eastern Europe

About: I'm interested in various areas of cyberculture: studying it from philosophical and artistic sides, and discovering it in any other dimension. I'm sure that nowadays, the powerful impact of new media is changing human lives all around the world;

letting us hear the dialog of world's cultures on social level, makes me believe in a multicultural societies, and in a co-existence of open-minded citizens.

+ At GV Polska since the 19th of February 2010.


Krzysztof Pawliszak translator, co-editorProfile on GV Polska


Blogger, just graduated from English Studies and plans his MA in Applied Linguistics

Location: Lubycza Królewska, Poland

Languages: English, German, Spanish, Italian, basic Chinese

Favorite region:Australia, Africa

About: Person with passion for media and foreign languages. He believes that he will be able to combine business with pleasure and thanks to language skills get a job as a foreign correspondent. Likes travelling, photography.

+ At GV Polska since the 23rd of December 2009

Global Voices is a place where it is citizens who write about the their own issues. I trust that thanks to my translations people in Poland will better understand the reality in other countries.


Magda ZająctranslatorProfile on GV Polska

Student of English and American Studies at University in Bielefeld in Germany

Location: Hanower, Germany

Languages: English, German

Favorite region:Europe, USA

About: Studies English, at the same time working in graphic design, painting ad drawing.

+ At GV Polska since the 17th of March 2010.

“Global Voices means to me a place where I can practice my language skills, equally it is a source of knowledge about the world. I hope to learn a lot from you.”


Magda Piłatauthor, translatorProfile on GV/Profile on GV Polska


Blogger, property management specialist, currently in search of a new challenge

Location: Bicester, United Kingdom

Languages: English, Spanish

Favorite region:Central and Eastern Europe

About: My car accident made me look at my life with very critical eye. I decided to leave properties and work behind the desk. I do not want to waste my life on useless typing. I am searching for answer to: what next? I dream of a house in countryside, away from civilization. I could not do without Internet there though.

+ At GV Polska since the 1st of June 2009

“Global Voices to me is a chance to show the world interesting, extraordinary people and focusing attention to those, who need help.”


Małgorzata PatokatranslatorProfile on GV Polska


Location: Edinburgh, United Kingdom.

Languages: English, Russian

Favorite region:Central and Eastern Europe

About: I was born and studied in Poland. After graduating from Russian Studies at Warsaw University I moved to Scotland. I am based since 5 years in Edinburgh. I spend most of my free time on various translations and reading books. I like B&Jerry’s ice-cream and spending my time with the family and friends.

+ At GV Polska since the 20th of April 2010.

“I write for Global Voices because only the things we do unconditionally have a deeper meaning and helping others can fulfill our lives.”


Marta JaniktranslatorProfile on GV Polska


Studies translations at the University of Portsmouth

Location: London, United Kingdom

Languages: English

Favorite region:Central and Eastern Europe

About: I believe in multicultural society and co-existence of similarly minded citizens.

+ At GV Polska since the 4th of February 2010.


Marta KoronatranslatorProfile on GV Polska

Teacher, translator

Location: Lublin, Poland

Languages: English

Favorite region:Poland

About: Girl from the Subcarpatian region. Shameless lover of criminal stories and Bollywood. Attempts to cook in free time.

+ At GV Polska since the 31st of August 2009

“Global Voices is for me the proof that one can find something meaningful on the Internet, and that blogs become new media.”


Jakub GórnickiauthorProfile on GVBlog/Twitter/Facebook

Jakub blogs on about challenges to old media in the new era and writes for Global Voices. As a new media trainer he was invited to the OSGF-organized Media Forum in Tbilisi, and held sessions on online television and for GIPA students. He was also an invited speaker to the World Blogging Forum in Romania in 2009. 

Location: Warsaw, Poland

Languages: English, German, Russian

About: Jakub started as a journalist covering sports and youth issues in Poland for a Poznan newspaper before moving on to online activities in 2005 (he assisted in developing the website for a Polish Humanitarian Organization and also became an evangelist for

Later on, he worked for as a corporate developer where he was primarily responsible for the Polish market as well as developing the platform on Central Eastern Europe. Currently he is heading Online Relations at - a global news marketplace. Combining journalistic and web experience he started KosmoShow.

+ At GV Polska since the 19th of November 2009.


Sylwia Presleyauthor, translator, co-editorProfil na GV/Profil GV Polska


Blogger, social media consultant, photographer

Location: Wantage, United Kingdom

Languages: English, German, Hungarian, basic Russian

Favorite region:Mexico, Hungary, Asia

About:I love new media and the fact that I meet wonderful people and take part in projects improving lives by amplifying stories and connecting people.

Photo by Eduardo Avila

+ At GV Polska since the 27th of October 2008

“Global Voices is my passion, a free moment to do something small, but meaningful. I meet wonderful people here every day. Those, whom I know via Global Voices, become my second family, as they live according to similar values.”

+We live in different parts of Europe:

+We post about the entire globe:

+And you seem to read us there;)


You can meet us on the web:

Global Voices in Polish

Global Voices on Poland in English

@globalvoicepol (Twitter)

Global Voices Polska (Facebook)

Global Voices Polska (Flickr)

Global Voices Polska wiki


And when we finally meet off-line, GV Polska orders:four cups of coffee,

two glasses of wine,

two beers,

three cups of tea,

one glass of water,

kiwi smoothie and two more drinks (to be defined later;))…

…for a start, later we’d move on to plates full of pierogi;)

See you!!!
