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Happy Purim! Page 2

Message from the Editor:

Firstly, I would like to wish a Happy Purim to all our readers. Secondly, in the spirit of “Mishenichnas Adar Marbim Besimcha” readers will find some (hopefully) humorous additions to the bulletin, as well as some comical changes to our regular columns. I would like to thank Yair Manas of the YU Kollel,

David Spiegel, George Farkas and Shimmy Roth for their chuckle-inducing contributions, and to the Rabbi for his usual thought-provoking column. Perhaps readers will be inspired to submit their very own contributions, which are always welcome at All articles for the Pesach Edition should please be submitted before March 18. Also, as always, I would like to apologize in advance to anyone for any mistakes in names, announcements, or accounts. To ensure your announcement makes it accurately to the bulletin, please send it to for inclusion in the Shul’s weekly e-mail posts, or speak to me in person. As in the last bulletins, special thanks to my father for his all his assistance. You can enjoy the full-colour version of the bulletin on the shul website at Ezer Diena

The annual Clanton Park Family Purim Carnival will take place Wednesday night, March 7th immediately following Megillah. We will have a delicious pizza and falafel meal, and fun entertainment for both children and adults (including games and trivia)!

Cost: $12 per person 10 years of age and over Children under 10 are FREE

$60 Maximum per family (members) Reserve with the shul office at

Happy Purim! Page 3

Message from the Rabbi:


Two Very Different Forms of Anti-Semitism

It is interesting, isn’t it, how almost all aspects of Purim have come in pairs?

There are two saviours, Mordechai and Esther. There are two villains, Haman and Achashvairosh. Two rogues, Bigsan and Teresh, together, conspire against King Achashvairosh. Gifts are given to at least two paupers. Mishloach Manos must contain at least two different foods. The Megillah, in contradistinction to other communal readings, is read twice, once at night and once during the day. And, most unusually, there is a duality of celebration. Most people celebrate Purim on the 14 th of Adar; residents of “walled cities” celebrate Purim on the 15th of Adar. Here, especially, Purim’s division of communities is in stark contrast to the unity that seems to be the raison d'etre of the other holidays, chagim, i.e, “circlings”, moments for a communal circling of wagons, moments in which all members of Klal Yisrael come together in a display of achdus. Rav Yitzchak Hutner, in a thoughtful essay in Pachad Yitzchak, offers a perspective on this duality. Purim, Rav Hutner notes, celebrates the defeat of anti-Semitism. Such anti-Semitism, according to Rav Hutner, was, and still is, a two-pronged monster. Anti-Semites hate and persecute Jewish people whenever and wherever they may live. But anti-Semites also abhor the Jewish national destiny. Achashvairosh, in his quest to annihilate his Jewish subjects, was expressing the first form of anti- Semitism; he was displaying an animosity towards Jewish individuals. Haman’s hatred had a different basis. Haman, the Amaleki, was the progeny of a people who had always considered themselves the rightful heirs to Eretz Yisrael. Amalek had even attempted, upon our departure from Egyptain slavery, to obstruct our access to Eretz Yisrael. Haman noticed that the Jews were regrouping for the resettlement of Eretz Yisrael and for the building of a second Beis HaMikdash. Haman the Amaleki could not tolerate this. Haman’s conspiracy against the Jews was an expression of the second, national form of anti-Semitism. Unwalled cities have no visible defense mechanism. Such cities might therefore represent Achasvairosh’s anti-Semitism as it stalks the unprotected Jewish citizens of exile. Walled cites, on the other hand, are protected by their surrounding walls. Such walled cities might represent a Jewish nation-state, united behind a nation-state’s defensive capacity. Such cities are reminiscent of a community confronting a Haman like anti-Semitism. The two different days of celebration, one in unwalled cities and the other in walled cities, might very well commemorate the defeat of these two forms of anti-Semitism. Purim, especially this year, is not just a two-fold celebration of what happened way back when. Purim is also about the here and the now. Purim is about the double challenges that emanate from the same Iran that housed Haman and Achashvairosh, towards the “Zionist entity” and towards Jews en masse. The monsters in Iran have stopped pretending that anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism are not one and the same.

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And so, Purim, especially this year, requires a redoubling of effort. We must, as in the Purim of yore, reconnect to Hakadosh Baruch Hu with renewed effort. And we must, as in the Purim of yore, wage war as best we can against the Amalek that faces us. We must be politically active and make it clear to our governments and to our non-Jewish fellow citizens that Iran threatens all of humanity, not just Klal Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael. We must redouble all of Purim’s mitzvos. We must redouble our charitable involvement, through meaningful Matanos Le’evyonim. We must redouble our statements of unity by sending Mishloach Manos that rekindle dimmed friendships. We must redouble all the good that we do and hope and pray that our redoubled commitment leads to a redoubling of rachamim and to a negation of any and all forms of anti-Semitism and of hate forevermore. A Freilchen Purim.

Message from the President:

Unfortunately, the president was too busy cleaning for Pesach to write an article for the Purim Bulletin…

Happy Purim! Page 5

Purim Times

Ta'anis Esther

Wednesday, Mar. 7

Fast Begins 5:31 AM

Shacharis 6:30/6:55/8:00 AM

Chatzos 12:29 PM

Mincha 5:50 PM

Maariv 6:45 PM


Ends/Megillah 6:56 PM

Late Megillah 9:00 PM


Thursday, Mar. 8

Shacharis 6:30/6:55/8:30 AM

Megillah* 7:00 (downstairs)/7:25 (upstairs)

Late Megillah** 9:15 AM

Mincha 3:00 PM

Maariv 8:20 PM

*These times are approximations only.

** Please remember not to park illegally on Lowesmoor

Avenue for the 9:15 Megillah reading.

There will be a special reading of Parshas Zachor immediately following Mussaf and announcements on Shabbos Parshas Tetzave, March 3rd, for those who cannot attend Kerias HaTorah. There is also an opportunity to listen to Parshas Zachor with the Hashkamah Minyan at around 9:15 am.

Unfortunately, due to illness or mobility limitations, some members may be unable to attend the shul on Purim to participate in the mitzvah of hearing the reading of the Megillah. To accommodate those members, the shul has once again arranged with several volunteers to visit the homes of those members and read the Megillah for them. Please contact Rabbi Weber, Irwin Diamond, Sruli Ochs, or Zeev Diena if you will be unable to attend Megillah reading at the shul, or if you are aware of anyone who will be unable to be at shul due to health or mobility reasons. Please help us all have the opportunity of participating in the mitzvah of hearing the Megillah!

Happy Purim! Page 6

Sponsored by: Zemer Orchestra (416) 633-5936 “Toronto’s Freilich Orchestra”

And Wayne Kurtz Digital Studios (416) 633-4941“May we only meet b’simcha” Mazel Tov to Ken and Miriam Goldstein on the occasion of their son Joshua recently receiving his Doctorate in Clinical Psychology with concentration on Forensic Psychology. A very special Mazel Tov to Mr. Sidney Woolf on his 90th birthday. We wish him much arichas yamim ve'shanim tovim, (and are sure that the children of the Shul second that!) Mazel Tov to Doreen and Morris Sosnovitch on the birth of their granddaughter, Reia Zenia, to Talia Sosnovitch and Rabbi Akiva Fleischmann of Cleveland, Ohio. Mazel Tov to the other grandparents, Dr. Jonathan and Laura Fleischmann of Teaneck, New Jersey.

Mazel Tov to Doreen and Morris Sosnovitch on the birth of their granddaughter Renana Zelda, to Moshe and Elisheva Behar of Yerushalayim. Mazel Tov to the other grandfather, Dr. Danny Behar of Hashmonaim.

Mazel Tov to Dr. Yehudi and Ruth Shields and Sidney and Pearl Woolf on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson and great-grandson Ilan Shields. Mazel Tov to Ilan’s parents, Mordie and Zahava Shields, and to the other grandparents, David and Fran Woolf. Mazel Tov to Noam Edell on his engagement to Chani Mandelbaum. Mazel Tov to Noam's parents, Joseph and Esty Edell, and to Chani's parents, Mordechai and Lindy Mandelbaum. Mazel Tov as well to Noam's grandmother, Mrs. Miriam Frankel and to Chani's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Hofstedter. Mazel Tov to all of Noam & Chani's uncles, aunts, siblings, nieces and nephews and the entire Edell, Frankel, Mandelbaum, and Hofstedter families. Mazel Tov to Michoel Shields on the occasion of his Bar Mitzvah. Mazel Tov to his parents, Yoni and Esther Rochel Shields. Mazel Tov as well to his grandparents, Altor and Baila Shields and Rabbi Sinai and Malya Bobrowsky. Mazal Tov to his great-grandparents, Mrs. Goldie Kleiner, Mrs. Lillian Bobrowsky, and Rabbi and Mrs. Sholom Dov Ber Popack. Mazel Tov to Francine & Milan Phillip on the recent birth and bris of their grandson, Yaacov Eliezer. Mazel Tov to Yaacov's parents, Aviva & Michael Recht and siblings, Mindy & Yossef. Mazel Tov to the other grandparents, Sharyn & Arnie Recht, and to the great-grandparents, Ruth Kirshenblatt and Shirley & Murray Betel. Mazel Tov to Naftali Silberstein on his marriage to Shira Nussbaum of Monsey, New York. Mazel Tov to Naftali's parents, Bobby and Sharon Silberstein, and to Shira's parents, Zvee and Ruthie Nussbaum. Mazel Tov to the grandparents, Lili Silberstein, Dr. Aaron and Esther Nussbaum, Mrs. Sarah Friedman of New York and Mrs. Annie Nussbaum of New York.

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Mazel Tov to Lea and Michael Frohwein on the birth of a granddaughter, to Gavriel and Julia Frohwein in Israel. Mazel Tov to Julia's parents, Jackie and Lawrie Sharman, and Gavriel's grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Safran of London, England. Mazel Tov to Moshe Hillel Lipson and Yael Disenhouse on their engagement. Mazel Tov to the parents, Dr. Brian and Shelley Lipson, and Sheldon and Lori Disenhouse. Mazel Tov to the grandparents, Dr. Martin and Eleanor Lipson and Menashe and Rebecca Laiman. Mazel Tov to Rabbi Shlomo and Dr. Wilma Jakobovits on the birth of a new granddaughter, Shaindel Miriam, to Shmuel and Julie Weinreb of Lakewood, New Jersey. (She is named Shaindel Miriam, perpetuating the memory of her great-grandmother, Mrs Jennie Basser.) Mazel Tov to Uri Edell on beating Clanton Park's very own self-proclaimed tennis pro, ATP world number one ranked Irwin "The Giant" Diamond 8-6, in a gruelling match held this week at Votee Park in New Jersey. Mazel Tov to Mr. Ploni Almoni on moving into a new house. In honour of this festive occasion, the CIBC, who holds the line of credit, and the Royal Bank, who holds the mortgage, invite the whole Shul to a Kiddush. Mazel Tov to the entire extended Edell (Pronounced: A-de-le) family on their recent success at the Grammys, picking up all six awards they were nominated for.

Condolences to: Mordechai (Moti) Weiszberger on the passing of his sister, Mrs. Martha Berger a”h. Miriam Goldstein on the passing of her mother, Mrs. Betty Sweet a”h. Carol Gorelick, Lindy Goldlust, Heather Wohl, Risa Solomon, Shari Wohl, and Sandy Altman on the passing of their mother, Mrs. Molly Wohl a"h wife of the late Mr. Wilfred Wohl a"h.

May the families merit to celebrate simchas in the future!

Shul Notices

Youth Update: The Shul’s Shabbos Mevarchim program for High School boys has been going strong for

the last couple of months. Thank you to the Habot family for generously hosting the Shevat program, and to the Kanners for opening their home to the boys on Shabbos Mevarchim Adar.

Happy Purim! Page 8

The coordinators of the Shul’s Shabbos morning babysitting program have asked that all parents please pick their children up promptly after davening ends, as the program does not extend into Kiddush. Also, please let the program coordinators know if your child has allergies to specific foods, as snacks are often distributed, and the Shul would like to ensure that the food is safe for all the children.

Stay tuned for details on our Youth Programming for Pesach, Clanton Park Baseball, and

the Bar/Bat Mitzvah Programs.


B’ezras Hashem, my wife and I will soon be going to Eretz Yisrael. In a few days, I will place an envelope on the Shul's downstairs announcement board. If you would like me to put a kvitl into the Kotel, please write your tefillah on a small piece of paper, fold the paper so it will be easy to push into the Wall, and place it in the envelope. There will be a small opening in the envelope so no one can see the kvitlach inside. I will not read the kvitlach but, will simply insert them into openings in the Kotel. B’ezras Hashem, I will remove the envelope from the announcement board on March 15. On behalf of my wife Roberta and myself, we wish everyone a Frailichen Purim, and a Kosher and Frailichdick Pesach. May all our tefillos be answered for good, and may the hamentashen and matzo balls satisfy our appetites. Sincerely, Paul and Roberta Tobias

Shiur Update All of our shiurim continue in full swing, and now is a great time to join! Some of the Shiurim include: Gemara – Maseches Avodah Zarah – Tuesdays 6:45 pm Gemara be’Iyun -- Maseches Berachos -- Tuesdays and Thursdays 8:30 pm Women’s Hilchos Pesach – Tuesday 10:00 am As well, the Wednesday night “Responsa of the Great Poskim” shiur continues at 8:30 pm

with the all-new topic: “Contemporary Pesach Shailos”

Happy Purim! Page 9

Recent Shul Events

Chanukah Party The Shul’s annual Chanukah Party took place on December 24th, Motza’ei Shabbos Chanukah, in the Meyer Pik Social Hall Casino. Adults in attendance were treated to an exciting evening of professionally-staffed blackjack, roulette, poker, and “kvitlach”, while younger children partook in an imaginative learning presentation by the Mad Science Group. A delicious buffet dinner was enjoyed by all the participants. Yasher Koach to Social Director Mark Ross for all his efforts.

A Musical Evening with Chazzan Rottner

On January 21st, Motza'ei Shabbos Parshas Va'era, about 60 men and women gathered in the Meyer Pik Social Hall to experience an evening of music and conversation with Chazzan Yehuda Rottner. Having had already enjoyed a beautiful Shabbos Mevorchim davening earlier in the day by the Chazzan (not to mention the subsequent Mussaf by president George Farkas), the assembled audience now heard the Chazzan perform from a broader repertoire, with the help of accompanist Nathan Rosen. Musical numbers ranged from classical Chazzanus to Modern Broadway, and especially enjoyed were medleys of Yiddish folk songs and Shlomo Carlebach niggunim. The evening

was peppered by Chazzan Rottner's commentary on the development of Nusach HaTefillah, and on musical motifs found within the yearly liturgy. A Melave Malka meal of falafel and pizza rounded out the event. Special thanks to George Farkas for initiating this program, and Mark Ross for his part in arranging the evening.

Hachnosas Sefer Torah Editor’s Note: Pictures of the Hachnosa will be featured in the upcoming Pesach Bulletin.

Clanton Park's newest Sefer Torah, donated by Mark and Julie Sapir, was welcomed to its new home on Sunday January 22nd. A large crowd of adults and children braved the late afternoon cold to dance with the Sefer Torah along Lowesmoor Avenue and into the Sanctuary, with an extended detour into the Meyer Pik Social Hall for more dancing with musical accompaniment. The formal Hachnosa ceremony was led by guest Chazzan Shlomo Simcha Sufrin, and subsequent divrei bracha were offered by Rabbi Weber. A sumptuous "L'chaim" followed the ceremony. Special Yasher Koach to the Sapir family for the Sefer Torah (not to mention the french fries!). May you continue to go from strength to strength!

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Women's Oneg Shabbos

On Leil Shabbos February 10th, an Oneg Shabbos for women was held at the home of Yonah and Yonit Rothenstein, featuring our own Mrs. Sherry Nussbaum. Despite the winter chill, a dedicated group of women searched out spiritual warmth by making the trek to hear Mrs. Nussbaum speaking on the topic of Communication: Making a Great Marriage Even Better. Mrs. Nussbaum emphasized the importance of attentiveness and listening in the husband-wife relationship, as well as ways of using proper communication to enhance Shalom Bayis. Special thanks to the Rothensteins for hosting, as well as to the numerous volunteers who both provided food and helped clean up after the event.

Special General Meeting

A special General Meeting of the shul membership was convened on Sunday February 12th to unveil the new plans for the much-anticipated upcoming shul renovation (may it be renovated speedily and in our days.) Highlights of the new plans included enhanced accessibility to all three floors of the shul, and a commitment to complete the work within the cost framework of pledges already made. Lively discussion and debate ensued following the formal presentation, and members had the opportunity to voice their enthusiasm or, alternatively, their concerns. A large, full-colour copy of the

blueprints has been posted on the wall of the downstairs nursery room. Members are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the plans, and all "construct”-ive comments will be taken into consideration. Look for a full update in the upcoming Pesach edition of the bulletin.

Recent Shalosh Seudos Speakers Once again, our Shalosh Seudos-goers have been treated to several guest speakers over the past weeks. Lecturers included Rav Aryeh Greenwald from Yeshivas Mercaz HaTorah on the topic of “How the Brothers did not Recognize Yosef”, where he discussed how having a strong emotional investment in something can sometimes blind us; and Ralph Frankel with some very interesting and eye-opening observations about the connections between Moshe, the Mitzri he slew, and the Mekallel in the desert. We eagerly look forward to hearing from Rabbi Azarya Berzon and Rabbi Kenneth Brander in the next two weeks.

Happy Purim! Page 11

Message from the YU Kollel

The Essence of Purim A “Purim Torah” Essay by Yair “Mishloach” Manas

In general, to understand the essence of something, one must look at the word that people use for that thing, and break the word down into its components. For example, to understand mankind, one must look at the two words that make up this word: mank and ind. Since the meaning of both of these words remains a mystery, the essence of mankind will also remain a mystery.1 Similarly, to truly understand the essence of Purim, one must break this word down to its components. The breakdown, naturally, is a machlokes. The two ways to break down the word Purim are: Pur-im, and Pu-rim. Even within the Pur-im breakdown, there is an additional disagreement about what this means. One side argues that Purim breaks into: Pour and I’m. In other words, the essence of Purim is I’m Pour. Within this camp, there is another machlokes in how to define “I’m Pour.” One side argues that this is a reference to Mordechai, who in fact served the wine at the seudah of Achashveirosh.2 The other side argues that this is an obvious reference to the obligation to pour drinks on Purim.3 This, of course, is consistent with the Gemara where Rava says that a person is obligated to drink on Purim.4 If one is obligated to drink, then shouldn’t one also be obligated to pour? How else is the wine supposed to get into the glass??? An alternate way to understand the Pur-im breakdown is that this should be read as Poor I’m, or I’m Poor, suggesting that the best way to approach and daven to G-d is to feel as if you are lacking something; i.e. as if you are poor.5

The other way to break down Purim is Pu-Rim. פו can also be pronounced as Fu, or Foe. Rim or להרים means to raise or uplift. What does this mean? There is a further machlokes in how to understand this.

One opinion says that our “foes being uplifted” is 6.בלשון סגי נהור Thus the essence of purim is that our enemies were killed.7 The other opinion says that we must take this literally. Our foes were uplifted is a reference to Haman and his sons- they were “raised” to the gallows and hanged. Please see the appended chart on the next page to have a clearer understanding of the sugya.

1 Credit for this line goes to a friend.

2 Megillah 12a, according to Rava.

3 The Gemara states that one who has a seudah at night does not fulfill his obligation (Megillah 7b). We can suggest that the reason

is that in the dark, one cannot see where he is pouring, so it will impossible to pour drinks. This explanation assumes that pouring drinks is a din in the seudah. 4 Megillah 7b. Note that there is a Machlokes Rishonim as to whether we pasken like this. The Shulchan Aruch (OC 695:4) paskens

like Rava. **Consult your Local Orthodox Rabbi (LOR) as to the practicals of this halacha. 5 Tehillim 102:1 says ה פל נילענית פך שיחו' ה כי יעטף ולפ A prayer of the afflicted man when he swoons, and pours forth his“ , יש

supplications before G-d.” (Artscroll translation) *What does swoon mean???+. 6 Literally, this means “very bright,” and is used as a reference for a blind person. לשון סגי נהור means the opposite of what is

intended. See Megillah 12a, where the students of R’ Shimon Bar Yochai ask him “why did the enemies of the Jewish people deserve to die [in the times of Achashveirosh]? This is בלשון סגי נהור, and really means why did the Jewish people deserve to die. 7 This fits with the famous Jewish maxim: “They tried to kill us, we won, let’s eat”.

Happy Purim! Page 12

Member Contributions


Pur-Im Pu-Rim

Pour- I’m


Foe Raise (opposite)

Foe Raise (literally)

Reference to Mordechai, as

pourer at the party of Achashveirosh

Reference to obligation of

Jews to be pourers on


Happy Purim! Page 13

Professional Underwriters and Researchers Involved in the Mikdosh

Are proud to present:

New and Improved Insurance Policies for ימות המשיח By: David Spiegel


Recently, we completed מסכת ערכין in דף יומי. We are now learning תמורה. During spare

moments, such as traffic jams, one has the opportunity to ponder the עבודה in the בית המקדש.

When the משיח arrives and the בית המקדש is rebuilt א"בב , there will be many instances where

people will be מחויב to bring a קרבן. For example, we will all be required to participate annually in

a קרבן פםח. Some other situations requiring a קרבן are: ראייה, יולדת, תודה .

Now, when a person buys an animal for a זבח, it should be noted that there are multiple opportunities for financial loss. These include, but are not limited to: The animal becoming lost, a

or making mechanical מחשבות having incorrect ;פסול being עבודה the person doing ;טרפה or בעל מום

errors during any one of the 4 עבודות and the animal being removed from the עזרה after שחיטה. The statistical likelihood of any of these thing occurring is not very high, but, who doesn’t buy

house insurance (even though the chance of ש"חו someone’s house burning is also negligible)? Description of New Products

With this in mind and after much research we have decided to be מזכה the רבים and offer the following products:

Insurance: This policy will cover the potential for financial loss as stated above. We קרבן (1reserve the right to replace the animal with a similar one (e.g. same age) or pay out its cash value at our discretion.

2) Registered קרבן Savings Plan (RKSP): This is an annuity based investment, much like להבדיל,

a RRSP or RESP. This plan is very attractive and will allow the בעלים to withdraw money

from the accrued value as soon as s/he is ready to buy and be מקדש his/her קרבן ( , עופות, זבח

The sooner you start investing, the more peace of mind you will have. No longer .(נסכיםwill you have sleepless nights wondering what you will have to sacrifice for your sacrifice. If

the בעלים are נפטר and there is money left in the account, the investment is fully

transferable to the יורשים.

Other Planned Products We are currently delving into the possibility of providing Long Term Disability (LTD) and

Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) for כוהנים who ל"ר suffer work-related injuries

such as being cut by a knife or falling off the כבש. Another possibility we are considering is liability

insurance for כוהנים who invalidate קרבנות due to incorrect כונה.

Happy Purim! Page 14

Mazel Tov to the Shul’s new elevator!

By Shimmy Roth

At the recent special General meeting, we heard about how the proposed renovation will allow enhanced accessibility to all levels of the Shul building. Included in the plans is a fully-functional elevator. The Shul’s religious committee has decided that there will be separate women’s hours for

the elevator. The times are as follows: Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays from 2 to 4.

Thanks to new state-of-the-art audio technology you will always be able to hear the Rabbi’s sermon while riding the elevator. Furthermore, a computerized voice will announce the floors on the elevator. The shul has been divided on what language the voice should speak. The options are French, Yiddish, Hebrew, and Hungarian. After much outside pressure, the board has agreed to include English as one of the options.

Associate members and members who are in arrears will only be able to ride the elevator one way -- downwards.

The magician who was hired for the children’s Purim party has been cancelled because the youth director has decided that the children will have more fun riding up and down the elevator instead.

The shul has offered one year’s free membership to the member who guesses correctly

what will be the first piece of garbage left on the elevator floor. Will it be a Styrofoam cup, Bazooka Joe bubblegum wrapper, lollypop wrapper, or dirty plastic plate from Kiddush?

Happy Purim! Page 15

Clanton Park Sisterhood


Games Night Motzei Shabbos, March 3rd,

at 8:30 p.m.

Back by popular demand, come and join us for a night of

fun and friendship for women of all ages. Bring your

favourite board games, your sense of humour, and a small

competitive streak.

Open to women of Clanton Park and beyond. Free for

members, $5 for non-members.

Light refreshments will be served.

Looking forward to seeing you!!

Happy Purim! Page 16