Missouri Valley times. (Missouri Valley, Iowa), 1910-08-25 ...No natter if your kidney trouble is...


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SHOES FOR SCHOOL—Button and Lace for the children.

A few more of the $3.00 and $2.50 Tan Low Shoes for ladies at $1.45

AH new styles in Buster Brown shoes for boys and girls for school and fall wear

The Warner Rust Proof Corset

Sells better Because it is

Rust proof, Fits better

and Wears better.

We can Fit the

Large figure As well as

The small.

Price $1.00 to $3.00.

Red Fern Corsets From

$3.00 to $6.00.



Friday August 19 Dr. Heise reports the birth

of a twelve pound daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Gaskin of Willow Park.

Despatches from the East seem to indicate that Taft and Roosevelt are on the verge of a split. If such is the case we'll bit on Roosevelt every time.

Stops earache in two minutes; toothache or pain of burn or scald in five minutes; hoarse-ness, one hour; muscleache, two hours; sore throat, twelve hours—Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil, monarch over pain. a31

Miss Jessie P. Hastings, who has been spending the summer in Colorado, will be the guest of Mrs. J. G. Schulmeister next week.

Miss Rose and Nanne Saaley, of the Omaha public schools, were the guests of Miss Kirley for a few days.

Mrs. J. P. Martin entertained Mrs. Warren Hedges of Sweet Springs, Mo., and Mrs. Shaw and daughter at a six s'clock dinner yesterday.

Miss Nora Shea returned to her home at Neola, after several days' visit with Miss Lizzie Tamisiea.

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. R E. Day, of Council Bluffs, yesterday. This makes Henry Thurber "Grandad" again.

Roosevelt is coming, get out your Teddy bears.

In buying a cough medicine, don't be afraid to get Chamber­lain's Cough Remedy. There is no danger from it, and relief is sure to follow. Especially reccommended for coughs, colds and whooping cough. Sold by Doty & Peterson, The Druggist. a31

From their appearances Mon­day morning, Charley Tamisiea and Frank McBride must have gone beyond civilization in the land of Dakota.

W. L. Goodwin had quite an article in the Hotel Reporter last week on "What we serve for fifty cents."

Mrs. Conroy and sister re­turned from Des Moines today where they have been visiting friends the past week.

Lets show Roosevelt that Missouri Valley appreciates the fact that he has consented to give us a short speech. Go down to the depot regardless of political affiliations for Roose­velt is recognized as one of the greatest men of the age.

Acute or Chronic—Which? No natter if your kidney trouble is

•cute or chroni; Foley's Kidney Reme­dy will reach your case. Mr. Claude Brown, Reynoldsville, 111,, writes us tha' he suffered many months with

;lcidnev complaint which baffled all treatment. At last he tried Foley's 'Kidney Remedy and a few large battles effected a complete cure. He say*, "It has been been of inestimable value to me." Robert W.'Harvey.

•31 . .

Died A. G. Brown died at his home

in Omaha at 1 p. m., Aug. 19th. Mr. Brown was born in

Haingman, Mass. July 26, 1851, and was married to Lo-rena Mac Kain May 4, 1886, to which union three children were born, Fred, deceased, Lucy and Stuart.

He came to Missouri Valley about twenty-six years ago and during his residence here was identified with all the business enterprises of the city. Dur­ing the past three years he has made his home at 2228 Willis Ave., Omaha.

The entire community ex­tend their heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family in this, their hour of sorrow. The re­mains will arrive Saturday atl 1:15 p. m, and be taken direct­ly to the Christian church, where short services will be held. The services will be in charge of the Woodman Lodge of this city.

Rev. and Mrs. Williams of Council Bluffs spent last even­ing with Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Myers. 1

For Quick Relief From Hay Fever

Asthma and summer bronchitis, take Foley's Honey and Tar. It quickly re­lieves the discomfort and suffering and the annoying symptoms disappear. It soothes and heals the inflamed air pass­ages of the head, throat and bronchial tubes. It contains no opiates and no harmful drugs. Refuse substitutes.

altl Robert W. Harvey.

Nicholas Longworth in a signed statement, says he will oppose Joseph Cannon as Speaker of the House. They are all beginning to see the writing on the wall.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Beckley returned to their home in Coun cil Bluffs last evening after a few days visit in this city. ^

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Newman of Juda, Wis., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dolby for a few days.

Mrs. Ahlstrand and children of Logan visited Mrs. J. P. Martin yesterday.

Almor Middleton of Belle Plaine is in the city visiting friends. He will stay until after Arthurs engagement closes here.

When the digestion is all right, the action of the bowels regular, there is a natural crav­ing and relish for food. When this is lacking you may know that you need a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They strength en the digestive organs, impro ve the appetite and regulate the bowels. Sold by Doty & Peteraon, The Drugiat. a31

Miss Bulah Burke tt is visit­ing friends in Sioux City for a few weeks.

Mrs. J. H. Cox entertained the following guests at a 12 o'! clock dinner today, Rev. Willi­ams and wife of Council Bluffs, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Newton and Rev. Curtis and son. !

The long mooted question of "How big is Des Moines?" has just been answered, from official report she has a population of 88,368, being a gain of 24,229 during the past ten years.

Davenport has 43,028, an in­crease 7,774, while Milwaukee has 273.757, an increase of 38,-542 in the past ten years.

John D. Rockefeller has been fined $5.00 for exceeding the speed limit with his auto.

If your liver is sluggish and out of tone, and you feel dull, bilious, constipated, take a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets tonight before retiring and you will feel all right in the morning. Sold by Doty & Peterson, The Druggist


Little Walter Goodrich, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Goodrich, met with rather a serious accident today. On climbing in to a delivery wagon, the horses became frightened and started up, throwing him out, his head striking the curbing, cutting it badly, so much so that Dr. Hugh Tamisiea was called and took several stitches in the wound to close it up.

Word was received in this city yesterday that Mrs. David Hile-man died in a Colorado Hospi­tal. She was a former citizen of this city some years since.

The Siegel-Cooper company, of Chicago, spends $322,000 a year for advertising. Quite a neat little sum but you can rest assured they get their money back or they would never do it.

Itching piles provoke profan­ity, but profanity won't cure them. Doan's Ointment cures itching, bleeding or protruding piles after years of suffering. Sold at any drug store. a31

Resolutions of Respect. Whereas, God, in His myste­

rious providence has taken from our midst our beloved sister, Rachel Coe; therefore, be it— Resolved, That in her death we have 1 o s t a worthy member which leaves a vacancy in lov­ing hearts of sisters and broth­ers that time may never fill.

Resolved, That we extend to her bereaved family our sincere sympathy and words of comfort to cheer them in this hour of sadness and grief.

Resolved, That the Charter of this Lodge be draped in mourning for thirty days, and that these resolutions be spread upon the records of the Lodge, and a copy of the same be pre­sented to her family.

Mrs. W. E. Wisler. ;: Mrs. F. A. Heath.

Mrs. H. A. Newton, Committee of Lillian Lodge,

No. 20, Daughters of Rebekah.

From Sickness to "Excellent Health"

So says Mrs. Chas. Lyon, Peoria, III.: "I found in your Foley Kidney Pills a prompt and speedy cure for backache and kidney trouble which bothered me for many months. I am now enjoying* excellent health which I owe to Foley Kidney Pills." Robert W. Harvey, ,r a3i .

Saturday Aug 20 The funeral ofthe late A. G.

| Brown, of Omaha, was largely attended today, and the funeral

1 preached by Rev. J. F. Adair, of the Christian Church, and his body laid to rest in Rose Hill Cemetery.

John Christman is making a few repairs on the Valley Bank building today.

They Have a Definite Purpose Foley Kidney Pills give quick relief

in cases of kidney and bladder ail­ments. Mrs. Rose Glaser Terre Haute, Ind., tells the result in her case, "Alter suffering for many years from a serious case of kidney trouble and spending much money for so called -cures, I found Foley Kidney Pills the onlv medicine that gave me a permanent cure. I am again able to be up apd at­tend to my work. I <hall never hesi­tate to recommend them."

a'l Robert W. Harvey.

Norton Beirnes, the "Tonso-rial Kid" of the Xenous Xeno-phon Huntsinger Parlors, writes from St. Louis that he is show­ing the Missourians that Mo. Valley is on the map.

Miss Florence Schulmeister returned from Iowa City, to­day where she has been attend­ing a house party.

Rev. J. F. Adair, of Sloan, la. was in this city today, called here to preach the funeral of the late A. G. Brown.

The shop boys are wearing that "Apple Pie" grin today. The Northwestern railroad is liquidating today.

Be sure and take a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy with you when starting on your trip this summer. It cannot be ob­tained on board the train or steamers. Changes of water and climate often cause sudden attacks of diarrheoa, and it is the best to be prepared. Sold by Doty & Peterson, The Dug-gist. "• / a31

General Foreman Logan left yesterday for Park Rapids, Minn., for a few days fishing trip.

H. J. Knauss and wife, of Harris Grove, came down yes­terday, to attend the Chautau­qua, and meet the "Hoosiers," and hear the lecture. He was born in this county fifty-three years ago, and has no desire to move to any other State, believ­ing Iowa is the best country on the globe. He has always been a strong supporter of the Harrison County Fair, and al­ways attends the meetings of the same.

If you haven't the time to ex ercise regulary, Doan's Regu-lets will prevent constipation. They induce a mild, easy, heal­thful action of the bowels with out griping. Ask your drug­gist for them. 25 cents. a31

An Incident of the Sea

While on the voyage from Los Angeles to Catalina Island, March 11,1910, Miss Joy Dew-ell cast into the ocean a bottle containing a note requesting anyone who should pick it up to notify her of the time and place where found. On Aug­ust first Miss Marian Taylor, 327 Beachwood Drive Holly­wood, California, while visiting at San Diego found the bottle in the bay at the town of En-cinitas, a short distance from San Diego, and sent the origi­nal note with information as above.

Mrs. Joseph Deur is reported quite sick at her home on 3rd street.

Most disfiguring skin erupt­ions. scrofula, pimple?, rashes, etc , are due to impure blood. Burdock Blood Bitters is a cleansing blood tonic. Makes you clear-eyed, clear-brained, clear skined. a31

Miss Eleanor Neis, of Boone, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Finley for a few days.

Chas. Cutler, of Magnolia will be the over-Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. X. X. Hunt-singer.

J. R. Morlan brought to the Times office today three ears of corn measuring 17 inches each. Just in good roasting ear stage. Who can beat that?

Nels Peterson, A* C. Christ-enson and J. E. Dimmic are in Park Rapids, Minn., for a few days outing.

To keep your health sound; to avoid the ills of advancing years; to conserve your phpsical forces for a ripe and healthful old age, guard your kidneys by taking Foley's Kidney Remedy.

a.'H Robert W. Harvey.

Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Aldridge entertained Rev. and Mrs. Wil­liams of Council Bluffs last evening at a six o'clock dinner.

William C. Motz and J. H. Pratt, of Clay, were pleasant c a l l e r s a t t h e T i m e s t o d a y . ,

H. H. Dickman is in Chicago buying his fall millinery stock. Before returning he will visit relatives in Ohio and return with his two boys who have been spending the summer there.

Reuben Reed, of Council Bluffs will be the over-Sunday guest of Harlan Amen.

Dr. George Shiley and Dr. Hugh Tamisiea leave Monday for a visit to the Mayo Bros. Hospital in Rochester, Minn., then to the hospitals in Chicago for two weeks, and then to the hospitals in Boston and New York City. They will be gone about six weeks.

A. N. Brown is making postal c^rds of a picture taken about eighteen years ago of the old Willow swimming hole. Sorr.e of <sur prominent citizens are enjoying a cool plunge in the Creek but you never recoirnize them from the picture. E'g[h-teen years makes quite a differ­ence in the most of us.

Fred II. K -i!y, editor of the Modale Record, was a pleasant calier at fna Times office yes­terday.

; Foley Kidney Pills Tonic in quality and action, quick in

results. For l^ackache, headache, diz­ziness, nervousness urinary irregulari­ties an 3 rheumatism.

a'*L Robert W. Harvey:

Miss Edna Morrow of Omaha is the guest of the O. E. Evans family.

Ross Mc Laughlin is in Coun­cil Bluffs today on business.

Miss Gertrude Slyter of Co. Bluffs is visiting a few days with Mrs. Ella McCulla.

Russel Lyons of Denison is visiting friends in this city for a few days.

Roy Burkhart, of Omaha was the guest of friends in the Val­ley yesterday.

F. M. Oviatt and wife of east Berkshire Vermont, broth­er of Mrs. L. N. Goodrich ar­rived here this morning for a visit.

Dean Greenslate and sister, of Omaha, will be the over-Sunday guests of the H. H. Dickman family.

H. S. Oviatt and wife left for their home in Olkahoma to­day after visiting relatives here a few days.

Dysentery is a dangerous dis ease but can be cured. Chamb erlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy has been success fully used in an epidemic of dysentery. It has never been known to fail. It is equally valuable for children and adults and when reduced with water and sweetened, it is pleasant to take. Sold by Doty & Peter­son. The Druggis. a31

Solon Springs, Wis., Aug. 18, 1910.—Dear Mo. Valley friends.

I have just returned from a visit to my daughter and her family. They are at Rice Lake, near Minong, 34 miles out.

Their surroundings are very beautiful—but entirely in the rough. They have a roomy log cottage with a screened in porch all around. A few days ago Dorothy heard the little fox terrior barking 'oud and vigorously and going to see what was the matter* she found that it had treed a small black bear. Mr. Tabor was withip

reach and speedily brought a ladder and got up into the tree and with the help of a long stick slipped a noose over the bear's head and got it to the g r o u n d . H e p u t i t i n t o a b r x at the house and the next day —after it had been interviewed by the Minong people—shipped it to a friend in Independence, Iowa.

Yesterday I had my first ca­noe ride. We (Irving and 1) paddled across the Jake and through all the duck haunts. It was a new experience for me but a very pleasant one. It was my first canoe trip and I certainly found the easy quiet motion of the boat most agree­able.

We did not go out to fish but onty on a tour of observation as to the prospects of hunting when the duck season would be on. The prospects are un­doubtedly satisfactory. We saw a good many wood ducks, mallard and some rail. (Irving ?aid that was the sort they were, I am not an authority on such matters.) Sailing in the canoe among the wild rice and past the white and yellow lilies and amid the golden rod and the pride of the meadow and above shoals of minnows and here and there a bigger fish seen through the clear water, these were all new pleasures to me. I never enjoyed a boat ride so much before.

Last night was very cold. We have had a log in the fire place at Mrs. Tabor's every evening and the glow and warmth makes one feel good.

Bathing is the chief feature of the day at Solon Springs. Severai families gather at or.e place and have a merry time. All are becoming more or less proficient in the various stunts such as floating, swimming and wading. The lake was delight­ful last night and all who had boats were in them. v-

There has been several good rains since we came up here. I hear you have been similarly blessed in the region of Mo. Valley. We hope to hear very good things about the Chautau­qua. We would like to see its big features, but one can't see everything.

We are very glad to have Miss Edith Amen and Curtis here and wish more of our friends could be with us.

Yours cordially, J. Mac Allister.

CASTOR IA lot Infinti and

The Kind Yon Have Always Boaght Bears t&a

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