mjLTS'fii mm ix! F - NYS Historic...


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I m m

_ a*d examining/for benM-lwi.' MARBLE WORKS in i>» itotijai^^m'le*

Wr A» Lindsay, two door* i lata pCCIwfc*>,Cur»ef«.

••fVi-y.'ini •'•*> r g j p j i *>.iy.g | • s L g pa**.***, . . . . . . | i» n » i haw11ufo lan i f | i V_if.il l.lTT l i , .

I t No. 1, FtfW'N Ewfc«g^. "

W. UJW,ciliMBa,orMaiOB« anrf i » vicinity, that he, ttiilcoifinne. the Plop* ^l ) l . lr i^1>' |^«ir1<i£:Wi- ]

' stent, and all orders Io hi* linfe will be promptly attend-•dto.cndekecuted'in n-'tvOrkmaalike manner.

"• H«h«*bi»"haw#»-m rdf •|ttt-' v;;'*-i'".'

-.- • GaMPb«»»»dP«noii»; Iiadir»C«mp«> Pin*: -La«elr*Stode^«e|Gclimn¥J Ladies*

QpJ4BnwJlios»;rJaoja!Sti^di: Gojd •

-A»irti6le«r#UI*ew>W|6wjtro;re«>h,aind warranted

' - M 1 L J L 1 N E R V .

M RS. 9Qm sron?a ml die* o f Malone and its' wsetf.fa Mphra^-**

selectcdwith the greatest p i W E F g l % t r * - | f ^ i i h f ^ cor £»*pa*wd,t,ar*vor kaf.witii.lli s>adVa*l>«r feihiona Und her Market, and »he assures her tee"'

the season.

ilbjlj, inftjrBVrlb* La-icinity, that »be ha* Io-bi»'ju»t returned from tjmeiftof , ..7,".

G o o d s , ° itbleoem a* lOTrJUnJily

cauowcwill bV*s.tis-ada-tu* the tiiieil U rstomer* that she will

;»JjemeHt desirable

XT WfXW W t r k done over to a manner rfnrpaaaedby any Milliner in the Stare. , - •


M--twg. TfT&3k»*r>4enign«lli Aav»|, lately, -parchsiej the

• | Waggon Shop, Timber ami Toolslately belonging w>Nata*i» Darting, io«ie village of Melon*, artfaxe

^ p s g f t a j w i i i o p o U l l customer*, in thai line of , ki^fpes*. .An work warranted to give good satisfac-

lien* Gtntlemeo give u* a cailk Oct. 22 . 1649.

• * •' • • ' cm BEASDSUEY. . G. % BCARDSLEJf.

at the filabm E T CaUi

oKlCK' a

•p-JJMWf WW*""1

Jttt'pnce, paid (of*


F>ARMBtE& CARPBNTftR 4-Co. are nbw ie-f'cei»iogiib«» lirjo a*]d extent

who have bern in the habit ot mtkiuf pap«r pay. Ib.^ herifc 4 r e M ® ^ ih»t, VjfegtH^tptyl, not Itereifterbettade. * , .^ . > / ' , .

MttWR /?op ?«*,. J»9^

ivt ai*iortm»nt of Good c!?o»|»Mite,«if (. Hr,y Good*, Gfroeertea, -Hard Ware, Crockery

• an&GUm-Ware, ' <,')•• i wliich thpy are now .prepared to offer U> Reads Pay ^mUMerw^Umiikingls Ipv.

Tbe indocemenia offeiied to the - ,

•L- '-y '• "^'A-urlss, , v_ ih (lie line of Dreas Goods, Bonnet*, &c are *uch e»

,K,atn»,tm before offprMie^pecMlry prjceand a «*>/t<y. N+dccfplie*, at ike MOTTO, to are toe, f ! -

SlUICK; A ^ CBE4P, , , . The^gjrai of ine whoia matter 1», .to *ell Gpod»

C'Bl5>P,,tba. expente Of telling tHein must 1-e •mull; that being the case with ui, i* a very esjentia) indoce-ment.fo'tthoie-wh^afiih tobvy for c*»b, orteadypay, apdc^a ,hope and expect to «ee sucli at our iarg# and Commofliou* Store in tbe

FACTORY BUILDING. • < In remembering the' L A D I I S , In our (election of

Good*, we have not failed to remember the ' • V

GENTLEMEN, of nil elaue*, from the 4*5 laborer i o tbe profeotOnal man : Siieb-are oar facilitiei forYurnisblng what they H I need, that.U^eem* impouible-to mil tosuiTt We could give you a lurttof Gocd*,, were ie iieco«»ary.)bot recojUecti you have only to *tf p from ttte '

BRIDGE, into our STo*x,-and ibena you will find diem spread open,to> view, and no charge for ibowiog and giving price* and even gAxrc.cs it cece»*arvn


ALSi extensive Black*

•hop which heal-e«M waltnpon cu»-

C. B . B E A R D S L E Y has a w

. smith shop adjoiaicg tb* tVaggi ways fceapfin readioes* to reWi to^ert^ea* will gi»f)»» good *iiU«fa«;tion saj* «a» be gr»f» at aaw othac »bop, by doinjg his work promptly aixMwgaod order. T r y him] gentleman, and wtiify yasjtaelvas. Malone, Oct. 22 , I f ld . ' 1 ,

; l / , , - -• - t . > - ^ f . ^ l J A R i ^ * V E Y .

T \ H BRIGHAM, th«a of tb* to WIT of Putney, in the Mi cawmy of Windham and* «taw,of Vermoot, fierv tofiirjS exeeuied 4o-<?hkrlM Taylor, of. tbe towit of Baagor, ta tba- county: of Fraoklin aad trate o f New lt»rk» aj-Btor^age Of all that ceftavl jpiejei at JMiiweJ of JahJf situate, lying arid tefng, iD^fa^towa: af Ban-

"jinoing ajt ,tha KiBcb #a»scen»ek of Henry Storm*' lajnii .wnaing.from thence aoutb forty todit, tfienee west three toadied' «no"iwepty. rods to the fqt,lino of N o . 2 6 , thence north lorky rods^ind^benee east three

.huadredand; twenty rods^to thai! place'ar^ijlfniilng, , * « n y bounded on the eaj< WfS^m^Uk^^bj # ^ t | land* In tbeposHJtston oftbisaTd^artyUrthe MScond part, and belonging to the jutateof tholale A»a-fcel Baoon. West on tbe tot lido xif W:2£<Mui oA.ybe aor^rfcyhnd of Hirtm Fri&fc, J«mc, BigeSw & Saury ^rnw,«ontaining.Cighty acres of land more or less;

Also that certain other|>lece or] parceFoT land, sltb-»t#> lying «dD^;iMBeV>dW^«;ofB«]|gtr4>«inded and 3^cn^eTIa87Sllow»,<Q win—Beglaoingatibe»eutb eattwrnero«QoOpir\liaeioftl»abovasB«tiorj»^atid deccribed prpmi»e«, ronning tbence south fdijty; rods, thence west enff hundred and two roaif'tb tn^^enira of she road, ihenc* north on the centre of »aid j-oad forty rodsj tWn^e«itJOittJiuiaredaBatworod*W3ne place ofjbegkningjjeonuining twenty five, and aiMlfacres of l«ikd,wWejisaidmprt|^ganidatedttfef3fthda)iofOctobcr enertlt^a««ffightbpi)drtdBudfqrryj and Wis fceeord-ed ,in Aer office of lha tlleik of the said, fioanty of fnuiklmontbe same day, io B o o t N o 3 of Mortgage* ow.pageai3ri5j*r9.«nd2717.~ • * - • • • • • - - • - « . *

u fundrMfA^farty,rpor,th%(iaid Cilarl^Tayjafmade

mms^ m srishould secuiwthe peSgmM of two filin-

?ent w*. tecordedin the office V the k r k if i[oouoty « atraakli«Lfiii.tkia lSthdaycaf taesaafD'

ro«th;!U».book5^f^or«iige,f, ^ j a j e a a i t ^ j i ^ a •on tile, xmwfm&m* v

«• made.»»v^a«jiga«e»jt» itf lWl -Wrihtlefey, bftbe wboteof.ibe ||jj

last assignment was recorded in thr the M«CaBaty:ofaFraalli»i ott "

ijeaMniaowbviftlKwkC «f atottgi • Tbcro is claimed to be due 6nth

t|*MirSir "; _ "' T4ssrafcyi;gS«o«thit:

Real Estate for sale, ubseriber being aHqut to c|o«<».Bp hi* holi­

ness, ofTera for rate bis dwelling bou«e and lot .in this vitlajpe. ., Also forty-Bve acrei of l*nd, sitpate one and a fourth miles north of the village. Al*0 134 acre* of ianoVunder improvement, situate io tbe town orBellmont; all of which will be sold on reasonable terras- f o r further particulars enquire of tbe tub scriber. • ' ' . *£'*" '

l i e would-alio say to all perions indebted to bim by note or account that an immediate settlement"must <*> made. ' N A T H A N DARXtSG,

Malone, October 10 J 8 4 i ) .


WQ&JL.tr CitQTjBJppPaF 50,000 lbs. of Wool wanted, and

30,000 Y'tls of ClotK to sell, or ex-„ change for |^o<»(- (''.';

THE undersigned would (gain say to tbo public that Ua-has tuMraa handVand «b»IM»Con«UBt-

ly receiving a large and varied assortment ofClothsj stiobaa BROAD CLOTHS

of Indigo Blue, and Blue Black, „. S foe| rained, Brown aad Black.' T W E E D S

of various kind*; Gray Clojh of all dascripiiona. — A L S O — -t

all kinds of colored cloth, such as Black Blue Black, Browo, Gold mix.OlivWr aad.finally all kiada,tooira-merou* to mamiqn, bat speb a«|ranitpleMB those who with fioi anything iathntiina. t1 Satinetu of all kiada. Stripes of varions styles end pattern*, .Plaids of differ-

Fl«birt>brredand madder;wfie pre«»ed, green and olive Flannels, a f# «»£'#«ji'*r cjMlbs not enumerated.

. All Farmerf, DjerenBLt* and otber*, wishjng to pur­chase cloth for" taib, or in exchange IbrtheiVWool,-

liule time in examin lasing elsewlhsre.

WT^ANK. NOTICE,—Coi*rTRoi.tilk'8'p^ricr., I

in sucb case 'made an* provide'drtbaV sllclrcufsting notes issued By the FABKIHS' BANK, at''.M»lane, FcwkliB/Jmiajyijiait ^H^Kpn^fHSW^"*, rjl/ier, mutt oe presented at tbe Ccrmptroller'* Offico for payment,' within two years Tf'om' the elite of ibis notice, or that the funds deposited lbr be redempiion of the notes issuBd by Ui4 above b«nk«i wiltteliivenup to *lid baTok*.. 1 MlLL|RO lljtLliQRE, r

5>b23 la»2f , . fl "^Bj>.^ro,yr' -

A V W - '• toT&e pqbjif Hkat he i*

ib T6raV«rorie*;-Tables, ^Monuipeotsi Paint Sttraes, or any thing in that line, at prices and on terms that mutt .be satisfactory to those in want of BOX o f the above articles, . Tontb -£tones ^roijifi jo$30> *ttd has procured'* Irs^rate work-m,ao, andliavipg a large stock oo band, he will not hesitate to say that; he I* prepared to give most ample •atiifactiop *o all, wbt>. w.ilji purchase;, '•flaip or OrnB-mea«al'fihub,sis may berequired." * " '•

K3T All work warrantel'to give BBtisfaefton. Terms rasde easy.'rHefbos (topes from tba bast qnarrfe* in

.the OBBinir jtfiiiB! vHiitj) Mirble* Fin|Hy,a»oaef or all qualities and'pricea. Do not purcblse before calling io examine for yourselvet.

Malone, Marcb 6 , -'49. A. LINOSAY. A?ent. f * t A I t U R " B Shears,—Heniscift, <f Ceohird and J L - Wondt's celebrated Shears and Point*, for sale

«>y_l W. SWAPJ*.

THE fito Qfi J . r Mil iMAvt ^og,i,bUrKb, by m«t|ual«onseniof parties; (sjierebyiiissolsed

—and all deptadue said firm aire ta be paid to John S.>*^idge. .Hogan.burghiSept4.yt49. '



'one thousand Ch»rla*-T«ylor

^M^mtrliW1 " &$&&&': Sice of the clerk of 45tbisTof.be

,Otfnag*33^/' > f»M mortage at

»g@ft seven ;';pceBritt*tBjHl


cannot do^ettetHtban) ing the above stock before pur

He»fn«pi&At<j;pay iome C^SH for wool, and wish es to sslKsbme nii ls / by the" keg, for wool.

N. B.—He will not be undersold by any one in.tbe County; Those wishing to-pay for'tnaoufacturfng, dan do *o, thaaameatatarnr factoryi' -\ . • - t

O * Depot opposite Fields Eichsnge, in th> Cotton Factory.^]) Malone Jane 37 1849. " " ' -

- • • • v A. LINDSAY, Agent. t •— — - - "• • ' " .' T ''!•• !• J . f • t : 9" '*' I - • • V ">• .lwljja»l- — - ,

•Sreat Indnceiif its . ^

BUSINESS A H A E B 0 R » ! !

J DICKINSON" & SONS tsk . great pleasure a in announcing to their customers that ,the

Harbor is filled to overflowing, with the choicest apd best assortment of Good* which1 the Boston and New

-york markets afford, • • •-• " - • >- ' •• • -• *•-

w ^ » * ^ .i mttttfui strict *$

eoa'sisttnr of Embroidered, Corded GlngHattl and Tou-laW Muslins j Orgahai S " ^" ' " ' rrofli 10 to 34 cenw pet Mlnert Bndimiutri Delaines, .alpBtF. .„

ii»*0rttrk»t» and fron wbkh this pont->n <»nnoprairtsy:'a«rtftbem*e}vea as t.>

style, quality and prices.

AAA Reams Wrapping Paper oh baaci and for sale d U v at tbe Northern Bail Road Exchsoje.. Good Paper Rags received in exchange for Paper. -

February 27 ( ? | AHpit^s fe Lswis . — ij f t . i i , ii r , v . ,ji 1

. *'• Dissolution. n p H E f i r i n beretqfpra existing under the name and • * i ty leof Hugh.-M«gill«f Son.,^tfci.7d,y dliiolv.

ed by mutual consent; and the books, notes, accounts, £c. belonging to the said firm, will be found,«t their office in tbe- Attie story of their Factory—Entrance, Front—when thxy hope to meet^alttbeir former cus­tomers for 'mniadja^Mt«|nieit.j:iy'

Malone, Apnl .93 ,1819^ ,>H»osV.MAoitt, WtLLIAU MAelI.h,


•. - • jDissolutjoit. ^B>HE j f mirtnersfiip narawspre exf«Ui

• * subscribe!


r» under tbtnirsB the*

Co. is ibis dav disaolvBd. by^bp^rs|Bsf¥rs0f M r . Par­ker's in'wresiuf'TxapB c^ Wntev iTbkbuifnetj will hereafter be continued by tbe panic* in interOst, and conducted by :L. A. Mo*es-end T. C. Meigs,' under the firm at MOSES. M£JGS tf Co.

Malone.April 7, 1849; ISAAC PiMttn, Gar MEIOS, S. C. WEAO,

-" • - . - - - . - ; - - , -fL. A. M0*rs.

Tot pjfighajpr ^jdi^rllBTfefW'Sbwsnew of .JBrijatb, Gopanaiptlre, Aittuiwiio -and other

< Pulmonary Oomptaintav 'Alio

• Raising of Blood, Pain io the Side and Chest, r , . . P«|ifyirjg the Blood %

H^ghjy recorpmepded by thfe following gentlemen of distlnctio'n. Copies of the original certificates of which cfp be had of spy of tbe ageny.

Shepherd Kpapp, President of tbeMechanien Sank. Franci*,Hall,i>i" the. Commercial Advertiser. '

John. Ipman and Robert A. H'e«, Editors Col. Mng. F. .W. £<imood», Cashier of •tberJ£ecbanic*l.

M . Ebbets, Cashier of tbe Union Bank. J. N. Seymour, of the Hudson and Delaware Cnnal Co.

.A. M. Merchant,, of the Alliance Mutpal In*. Co. J«me» Harper, of Harper apABrpfhcra. . Cyrus Cor^SjjatoJJlByorpf |Iud*on, Michael £>e|igb. Id* D. V aj rvJInjrt, Albany Co

3 Stearns, M P & J HardenburgJM D,.}hv Yoik, George H Fisher. p O , Patter JOmch jRei Cb, N Y ,

Noab Levipg*,DP, FinancialSec.'y Am BibSoc, M CScuddfer, D 0 , . Pastor V esey.st Melb Ep CJj, Wiilium Jpnes, Thynicinn, Hagcr»tpwn, Md, James W T^oronkins, Pbysiplan, Atinapolw, Ind, Leonard Kirby, George W MeLeao, A R Mesier, Wm Nexsen. W H Dprnjfn.fl R Jenkins. J D Maxwell, C S J Cbubb, pfNew Yprk. With hundreds of other* of equal standing from every part of the fCpuatry. ' Wwtcan paljj add 'lite following certificpiefrofelh* celebrated 6f tMho^, the well-known Chemist to the-Corporation of New York, and a.geoUeman of the. greatest ability in Chemical Ana­lysis. •• • i •

I have analyzed • oottje of medicine, called - '' C . Briockerboff's Heahtr Restorative," and fiod'thaT it daes so t conaufMercuiy or any other mealio'^repa,-ratian, nor epinm inany of it* form*. Ic'iscomposed'af: vegetable mailer entirely. JAXCS ft. CHILTON, M.-D. » - K t » York, Jtnuarj- 9, }844.

Corti* and Smith, St Albans. Vi, have beaome sole proprietors'ff theAbdVa valOable medicine, to whom applications for agencies rtust be roide.

Sold by F. T . Heath and John W. Patittorti, Malone; J* Coogden, Fort Covington i H. B- & E . B. Smith, Cbirtpavcay. H March li,Vf^.r ??t --P ?r 3 dm



THE copartnership heretofore existing under name and style of Parmel^e, Carpenter & Co., is

this day dif solved by mutual CoDnenr. The business will be conducted by Parmelre and' Carpenter, at their old stand, where tbry hope to meet all those indebted either by note or account, to the firm of Parmelen, Carpenter & Co., and adjust the same without: defay.

" ^ a0#ti 20,^49. H / M . E » B M E L f c E , Malone; < C. H. CARPENTER, S A M t MAGICL. '

E I , ^vao», WOULD most respectfully invite all &is}a*£U*-,

tomen that a settlcmeat is.desiifedigt Mast, and loihotetbstbiT'ea.urplu.'of CV,b, Grim ^ B u t t e r to part with now, an oeporiaoUy iseff«l*dlbdiipote of it it good, prices. Having sojd not piy. stock of goods- to Mr. N . Blorse', I shall be happy were to pee all my former enstomer*, a* probably the same induce-

»n»e*« wUl.beheld out for you to rnalsef ood bargain* « s ttetore^' If you wisb to save trouble, please caHand •on U imnvd ateiy. [ A u/cust 23d 18 49.

Notice, C W. NatB, rdn bn hand a'large quanttfyof Br|ck,

v forsale, 1-2mile wsst fromH.M.TobyV{nMa-lone. ' , Malone, Oct. 1st 1849.

foreclosed punutnt1 tO'a asiaadand tbe si dsidt aadtbe «ati _. publioialcWo».X*tB« ^filfi^.-Sex» a* - te ztmf*e$&fo%#te^hlffiWWHfrte eTMaioM in Mid> county—so, suit W *i

'lB»^iqi«,bB%*1IIixiWI^ debtocas^i^i* tl»s*tof.- CDaiedai Mai'ooe i ^

Tor 25 and 8-4 do . . . Barege, Linen,

.Cashmere^pd^oeJtf.dp.lfcfeBUow, giinrps^ ^ 4 « ^ ^ 1 ^ , CTp?Bs,,Dr«« Tjtimrfllar.green barege 'am%§m,vmMfm$k%'im'!&s>'••.*•. - •> • • - l

-. . > • D £ f I T & & ! t B » « '••" ' that are in want of Bfo^fcl,]ifi,;C«,.trnere. Tweed.

satin*, silk and ivoStM^esttngs; fur, silk. Leg-*' ««h«/i«tBVl1 fkn^fSHEfJtl&t,6XMA,'^r • -).',>. '*ny*e^tfttirfo©TiiOM^ '"*

robe, cannot find a p7iee'wlwi»'UM cVn dtfhcitef:'

• Hardware, ^ ^ r y & fiW-Ware, J?aiJ**pd Glass, £auit*,i3ilsr DyaStufl*. Gro­ceries, a D4i!!%Mvf^hin£^ u*o. E^*3*,^a,,,le**te'i«cit,tii8rioTK*apT« *« ,"»«£&*$? •#! Coodsas cheap as catriebiiughl in tbo-Cobilty., ' „

CeJfopon os and ne willsAow you tlikt ihl is no boasting.' •. -- • - • •

fi«acja»»#jr«pira^*|rfay*fown, Bangor, MaM&pJ?, & .' " ' '

WWiLoiylZhU^Wtolnerl^tron. that that be is desirous of settling op bis old ac­

count* rer_bj(«ck*mfthing, Jo prdar-to ascertain; taw fit* account stopds with tbe. w0rJd.r, All .pawn* in*


. fW^aag^w.bjs5#afeit iw* t'auaBgs/dr.


" 3 ''••.IJl'-'i "JS'TI'I

tWJt.jzH^ n W'Xl ru

THE subsbribcr Would hdlifylbW'pi!d, qa«-^l«aM^I«feno*«!ntf

luality, which bC'i t'hose wishing to

fl-,»ci& b-'*;u«i


Sehooj «fc Xibray Bo»1ts. .^lEBAjBrliiB* j u i t ^ T v e f a i ^ ^ o g l y

_ « ofjSchoplBfid-Libwiry BoofcavWichW-offer* ibr;»4r?I»;s$TO''<'e*t °<to* New York pffoefe Lat those who wish to buy rftmbnAfet thatfee:(iKOTTo'B*

POR the cure^fXr^ffiier and AgUBi Indigestion, Sick Headache, ^ u n d i c e , f la tMerl^ Acidity of the

Stomach, Loif* «n*ip^eUte; L1v8r Complaints, Palpi­tation of the Heart; Pains in tho StotBaCh.^We^ffack km, aad indirectly Cougjis, aa'd thptoafi>ctiop*pf tbe Pulmonary Organs wblcn tend to Contumptionj trxilj prepared from the receipt of Dr. J . T. BLOOSGOOD, Into of Boston,by WiH.SAFFORD,'DrOygli>t,Ke«e. villa, Eisex County, N. Y., to' whom all order* for Med icino oi for agencies must beaddressed.

' t" ' ' • r " ; J ,' ' * " r " ' ' : f - ', ' Mr. Wi H.Safford : jDear.Sir-AI tbkjepleasure in

recommending to "the sick,' Bfoodgond's ^Elixir of Health;,prepnredby yourself.. Hayingn»ed it myself for the last tap years, and bavirp oeverfopnd ita equal in curing tboso.diseases for which it is <ecommended. During the year 1835 I was atBicted with* severe cqugb, leading to consumption, after making applica­tion to several Physician* without getting any satisfae* tion I was induced tofry you)1 Elixir, aad can positive­ly fay th«t bOtK<boit time after I commenced taking it I was a well man, ebd enjoyeo" ibp hopeoblong lift by the early use of Bloodgppd!* feljxir offfeqlfy s I bare no!dou|'t but that i t was tbe means of saving my life, which was fast wasiinj|.f way 'bv.the cOiigh 'which so afflicted my lungj itj»tmy friendf had given up all bopesof my, recoveiy. Its^p^rBtiooi # e f m to be di­rectly upon tba stotn^flb?Taild boWeTs'^iCKansing those frgans froni<all dkeasejaod impure mptter, thus rcgu-fattngjthe whole sjvtern^pd on no account Svhateyier Would I wish to bo without in rnf family. V .

J ) h " 5 JAMESiM. FINCH*' y- BfekBreok, May 1,1842. 1 1 ". L..

r This may certify that Ibave used, Blpodgood's Elixir of Health and fpr tb,opurpp«es,for which it is reepm-m^ndediajjdjforiiavaro copgb* *ea.M oa.tbjtjBPgSrln my candid opinion tberetis np,medi;in*rhat wiRAave »° happy an effectin removingfroin the luBgejat maeb and bowels, all morbid and oaensive:n}atter,«iucb is very detrimental %o the Heail|i,. C Bnyjndwdu f a* JftwjJgopdVJBlixir of, H>alth, I ^bensfpioitakordeu-ate in recommending iHo^he;sjCkFM,, p . . M , -


t / J . N , Starl J.S. Mayn*! T»*»W3fCo, 3|rntel , WiiKJif^ote'. T | >Srf J. CUPferci Sfrf on, J John*/ G. V Uoyle^liaDap^Rp,'

Oo*»4rfUit»iineWavfr*eV'*^fc Albany, Troy end WXit'UU dairy, {Sunday* ex^pied . )

In New Yorkj ship Goodsby TrnvU & Qo'» lin*>. «r Griffith'* Line l o w Boat*, West side—Piier C. Earn liver, ."a H HK> > *-sSr'-r>. ;fi 'i* j 72:3m6

S B S B to the store ft and nehrlyi op


; mjLTS'fii N®x> Gdpehj New Triec^ and

New Terms. ARK has retnovediiij ttis store from the

ol I stnud on thb west sine of the nvei irfy oce«ipied*y R.'W. »t C. J. Clark

jsWe Wfn.'Kinp $; Sons, Hhere he i* oOW receiving « jarge and eleeant7 a«Sr»menr of

D E I G0QDS, /Gfae^ie*^ , I . , .. , , t - - , / Hardicate,

.Gtmker&i .{.., „ .*,>*><...••• €Hn*mcam,~ " JPaimt^tf' ••- oad , , ' OU*,

Due SlW*. Bpffalo JSahei it'lfl Boat,

Which he desires to sell .a* towiais any other perapn, fo> Ready P,af,. ' \ .• . \.

All kinds of. Pjbdpce, vir.,. Grain j Butter, Cheese. Lard, Pork, Ashes, Black Solts, Rags and feathers, will be received inexqbabgc for gooda. '

Tbe public, arefrespfetfully invited 19 call and rx amine prices Irhdqotfliiy'ljjefore porchasin* eUewhere."

Winted^'f the- jftshery of the* subscriber, 300 colds goad 4 fee"t Wood; I

CASH-paid foriBlack Salts. Mabine. Nov. 30,f l848. ;" •- ^ S. 3 . CLARK,

fW\t}E uhdersigl "JR" gaged In h

ier of a centtlfy, of their 6nCipiti<X,

having beep ronnrcted, and en tiie.pursuiia.for nearly a, qnar aripg devoted tbe beat potion

. iThrre i« notftne of ail tlm.Torians renns ies purponine to 'n* ^(tritirrs ».f the Uvud, Unit UigtUs. to jtozstts at ituch I'hrf .. £ xtU^ftrtlmg'i'frtmcot . ~ i.l


mm ix! This PuniHEn \» wholly pmpBrodifroni; Ytgctablei.nhtl run•'

' h e most obstin'itr, a n d hmir-t-tHD&ilig ,f]?eflPf'S o f IBH l.l-•(,.!. vritbnut pidtiitg!%nr^im, »ickaring\, pe jeliiiitmting. It s-Jyin.,'., shrngtJi'as, invigorate*, ninkes, :»;w^ hrullkt/ Mood, anti {,'iv.y mu vigor mid nca -lift to the wbolii system.!

H U N O R E D S - T H O U S A N O S (iQvt- ticen cured thnpnst nnd preflr^t y**ijrs, of di«visr$.tif 'liuod. hy this l*u> ifitr—and eiu-h csti;ea ft-ere inftde tOuJtiy

tiur tUH

>ld« o f

l /our Times L e s s Q,upiitity. and at a^our Tioies IKCSS GOS(,

r.Jti (hat hi,» lieen no yvf Hlfcrwl to IHiJ fnitSltK?"^ Wo wfcli it Were possible to uriblUlj to ttie' worTd, ot'~one nc w

tftft ' •• - . 1 • - ^ . . .v I.IJJ- . . . .• *' J

•v, . . . IWAHY, -mOjOI^NOS tbnt arn.Nosv J.IVISO ond «ij!>5iCigpb'bp i t ss i .m, wboaetcnoti-r-- a | o thrtiwetws toUtJ&tld f$ tii^|l«8WH§T»Ji<l heaHng efficac y of Branftinlitti, I'u&fierit. **1tti(». ri«|lHBtt cures

1. T H E WORST"£jSR<&fHit-AS, »n4.ofl.itnptirc.di«!a/e3 3af the lilowl,, rfe;; Zcali-Hiad, Kaii-fUtBm,Jlhtmi\9lim*JZwBtWn?xJy!<&\' <" /'<f Fan. Pflts, B<h,. Utctrs, fbttttc*ts),'jlliereBnar IKbfrh, liifir Complaint. )'a,»! iailke RarJL,.ai,U,Mn£.h"nUt^tiuth af lilood tatht Head. i't<?„ et,-

: *MPOKTAN;|- T O rtiB AFFLICTED. Ut«miilc»ti'»j IH; dOilm«]l imtmttnhco fiirHhr aillioted to ,1..

rfdr, wliitsh. at oil tpe eacsuparilliWjaid other remedies it tb.-

/ : CJiEiPfi&T aJIfi MUST CPBlfire. ..-We any,. Bfsar** Mian Pastier isdlMJr.prr n«wi irtore rurnti .•—

because,DM otiticpf it, wliii-li can bf b""uht for One Dollar. <•••: tains'Fou a TitfEn a-tmucU medical efficacy IJS one boith vt s<i-SbfHxrilla. whicb nlso costsonr dollar} I f welierealft?r j»rorr tH.-,r raitapmiJIa i*_»3 learnt one Jailor u-liotllc n» llrotv's I'ui >' (Vouldbent fayr dollar! a liottle, bocjuae tlie J'unli.-r ccut.mi-' oaerrEB MEDICAL t m n c r tiraii SiirmparJIIn, tben «r«nj,i rill* sbonlil !* eo)d at twenty five eeit'i)a biitllr. to be. as eluvp >"• iho Vnririiir at quo 'dollar, lint as out aeeertdm docs nut prut.

Ath^ gp5arer/pnu;t'r nn^ medicnl rirtub*, of tfcia Vuri&*r, \Uiu. coinpnred wifii the Iwft SnnsfcpnrilhWwo sliclll tbeix-forc (how bow tfludli disease has IjCeii cured '

KBIY O N H DOULAB'IS W O R T H . The lirst COBC WB statr, is (he cure wjiirh w»»«tfcctnl in. If -

J. fR. Haskm. of Bou>«, Oneiihi Co. N, V, aiid we ri-k not -HIT of our veracity, when we pay Jthuf this is tbe »«iw/ unlaokedy,-and hopeless case ot onei>i the '• 'i i

Most Horrid Serofulns

(riti Mdfiveita the ti i9ine«s,.'have deem­ed it their duty, tblbon'e \fnfi «-boiri they.ijaye.bu?njeS8 tranSktilionsf^o tl|eir'%rmlie's, a:jd last*.(iltpugh noi least) to tbemselvea,.to "relinquish the selling^ifgood*, and have, in ,accordknce with this conytction, spld their thai ever baa T»ecn ntreti «nce tbe wcirTtl wna crcaU-ti : nntl tl entire Mock,' ta Atzssrs. eLEP&lS' '& Sf0SE3 and ^ ^ cnTVfi ^yT?» TIMES |.K?& of M h Hf^ir. i»uJ at r.» *P /TRfitt f* Ml? §t3l3' aaitiA ?>••,« —»—.L'-J^.id^^ i_ <*0«T, titan ever a case huff as revolting an«i htn*hss v T4B$n C. fiT£WSJ f hd toverembyedilbwto the , TBH"TII*ES- AS Mccm Sarsap>.rilt». F«r lull part,

p iM by M e w a , barker* .Moses. & lar«. tet our I'pmpUet. • , \ . • >f the siibsc'nbefs^, and lo vkom • Mr- Hapkih states that Jie had heeh ronJuieM Io his lie,! fi«

tclieer'fullv'recorniiipnrr/** nrn^mi ! r"«r,and BnsarotBxpecMirl to n\*tnt*4pf&ir Ajitt* looker, wl •*»^M-iA^iJ^^M^^i^^SfV^i^i^mrH ' he.cornmpnwrt M-i'-S the Vurtfe, . Moerk ffa. cat.1) ^o-jrtrigjportjp^ortteir; customers. . . . ,., j off) ( a m c a r ^ ^rZn hole vfis eDtealf f l i -^ the \Y„

'. ^Ibe pnde f s i jned lwl l devotetbemsefye l j o the pros- j hiswir no*r's*«»<**"n ouVr-J'«>i»*P bf oa» larr-rf».«/»«jr'tl—a« I ecutfon ofifte otherfbranchea of their bii<rne«*.bui-iheir i f , ,Hr«e " • V l ^ l ' l b-*'"x d nfurly t ' T , 1 , r i j nsh>w -iJ-main4 busJndis will fe tfWfyiSWljoffiMO ipey I I W r e w 6 r t b H b U a m ^

Jib^re7or0'most 'thrnfs»j^^^^//^^T^^Koi tjieyhavo unsettlfecl 'trBBsBclfbrfs ib, c'aflf ap'd, «' them wilfiotit, delfiyj, and sb -far1 as ednsis'tent jiay HgerPents for their li uWafJipn.

\y pole Bre reminded that payments

HAVINGa Jar/ are now prepi

raciures, at short noli! the best quality, and

ances, or make Parties indebl _

are'expected. J Tbef tubsofbersJwith their Books,, potes &e. may

be found St the' atdr*. aecupied Jby them for the, fast eighteen years; whole they tfiltbe bnppy to see tiieir friends, and ifiey m|ost sincerely hope .that tbey shall not have occasion fqrtbe servfees of the civil officers of tbe county rnore thaii tbeV liave fiPrefofbre had.

' 1 , WEfGS &. W E S T X '''iWafeHfs«l«rn*'e4i',lfc19^JJ'*-w,a »3*'»«»~ - - '"^ **•

Deitz, Brother & Co., Lump Manuf a c t a r e r s , •• Washington Sitres,' 139 William St.

rT TOMK, , and well organized manufactory

' to fill orders -for their-manu-_, 'Which vjttil be warranted of •m as low as any in the n.arket.

In their stock will be found

Gilt and Bronzed Chandeliers, from two to eight Lights, ,wilb and without prisms, for bumiog-pjl or Camprjene. *,

Table Lampl €rllt and Bronzed, for Oil or Camphene-jUol more'tban-one hundred dif­ferent patpjrrts.' i ' . " 1' '••"'• * -' •

French Mechanical cr Civcd Lamps,' a fine assojriioent/and] Globes, Wicks and Cbimnies tofit. ' " : I

Also—A great variety of Suspending Lamps,Brack­et Lamps, side LamnL study Lamps,. Candelabra, GirtndoJesJga^iCaillrnsi CbJni Vises^lante l Or-narnept*, Porcelain Shade, and Globe^. , , .' . ' - " i J S i b ^ * ' f i a ' - ^ " J S e n ' P/,' paper" shade's, Glass smtdes, gMbes, Wick*; tjbimnfes, aad ofh'er articles ap­pertaining to their business ; pure sperm oil. lard ,o*d, Carnbbenc and spirit g l s . , 1

. . ^J?^.*!*?,0-?" n*n»&«oring Drummond'a,Pat-entcaadlS Makery e^nfrticle of great.t^iny JWihe Soutberiv and -Western] ,Sfaies, being a; candlestick which forrna the candle mcked andtready Tor oseJ

N . J>. Order* by trntd^prprnpily Jlled.i iAddress " ' • • O E l T A BROTHER & Co.

April 20.1,849. ' T ' " " ' * No 139 William st. i-» --*!- 4

Lnrge, Deep, DiVljargiog I'lfpw,-Dint the firtt bottle be itwd, ennhled Him fo get off of lm .

trhen- he had- bcep-erumi}B?d-,'t«ylVa mjajhe^the irraml i...u eii«1,led Miit*to*ir»*' «•>' •*/ l*e"Aontei^h& tliird bottle i inn.'. Jiim to tcali 1ao miles, and that the nsn <tf

ONLY TWEUVE ffOTTLES, eared all tlie Vlfert, and rcrfored him to health and sirmzi so that he w a s able to tco.k and attend to business I'ljaiu. fl- !• had formerly done. 1 , I'

Tliis cure is unified tn hy F» c a t s nf RrrsrECTiBi E W II »^K»ga. vli. : hy" Uocl. Thai. iV>tndpU,\u$e of Ibti B*urt n»pv ;»Ute pbyaii-iansjor ^Coioe—by Mr. U. K.^ k « i » ^ of the Wcsf Home hotel - h y Me . whqlosalg and 'rtptil druggist*,' and by. ej/me*' qther p-nons resident* nf IsnmA. . .

- t r » i i ItUftit cn-rty J f - . - M '••—iX- -Vj red using .KRAMl-s MEDICUJ^uTjuly nceronher leg, which had idlticted her for four ynap.., , , i|„„ She hull to «f e crotches to enable tier to niore nAtiSTrhHuu-.-Mrs. Bartlett u?od six liottlcs ouly. and <•«« cuijed. «f flint flic could walk witbqut crutcheA as wi II as c ef. As n itiir«F,-., f tbq above, facts, .we refer to Dr. ltns.«r,r^ one of it*- n,or-t respectable jiliivjriiu^ jn the city *>f IlruulKn (oQici: 1% | | ,- | ,-v stretet). ami WTIbttory. Fittxa-rit, corue • of Muti^*,-- i !*•'.-andTHenry strcul, lirooitiyn. J..>1. j . ' *

S C R O F U L A A N O g R U P T I O N S . I>r. T; M, Uiiut, druggirt. Auhur^. N. vJn'JrorBjiM AIIBI. iy.<;.

ttiat iJtK intrinsic ertetlnre ttf IHM^*ry MTTTiirrfcf-' f„„l , I, ininfJfor it n nanieoftire (,« oi*irr.rrmr<J'<s'.-: Mid thjfl it* a s-*ir( ,

#50ttaj.-pr<ipriRtor ' srs. mssel Jf \tsow :fich'ither n?

cynpte. I M i fora..Smf~ul.

fton,' Tl

of HicbloiJ. & s a s . i r A S I L L A '• mustitnocj; vndir.' \te PIIW. cm thr- S l l i b o f Ju ly . - lS45. ' r t )« t n retrfTrtlinll 1.-1i, ,1

,his opmicims to ubal he bail better«iVe hislcJiitt>.lhr«B.-irr:mit:i.. Eruptions. lit- n-eommrnded URANT'i* |MiU.<' til jur lN; ftt>it> Uf& own perfotuil knowledge < of Its! A-nf,/i»r'i>%t' b'rtrf,,,-rirtms,.in SM«1>disease*; ami one or tHtrlidil* - i-ii.-i-i. Wi, ,— He 11Mreroiynreiided D R J M T M'nirYU.rf 1-xYltatT deruli-,1 ami F i r i . i i - r a s e of Scrofula in thr p I, wrl? of iltr nrrk. I I . i ur< k AIH retij n.urli Ftrollcn on liitll, sides,tlltR /f»,;- /„», , . / / /*,.. uwlr- the ears, niid the general hrullk w i ialclt hnyiiitd. I,. ar three boltlef tff^cled a permanent turr.<

F E V E R -The K

Adams rtitsin.

S O ^ E Qp ll.chard Dunning. Pastor of th'rf ljn-»l,j|, riaii.tflnn.

'wUfrer: I In.-Monroe Co', K. Vi wroit»-iiis Jnrt rrri-n-nl a letter front Mr.Chiuipey npn jii.!j, rth'pic |„> ci&c ol ht> Fever-pore. Yon mat tlrp,-!,!? « i «jat. ft •lnt<-«. i he h)«> Christian nmn and an rhlf-r in flu-]«I iirchi 'i'S'SoV t«t n "' '"• ' - ' - ' — ' , ! - *•— • , 3 ~ ' - ja l i f , ,

- . , , - . - . „ . hfleit and nbont to ne nmpntatert, I recomroeiirifjit 7lrtn/if jJI»«ft>!?ar—•

i w t f p i

R E O >

sine* he liDjl-to (lavcfqne of bis legs cut 'pjf. to te^c W« conseinien'ee of aTornr-sorc. ?i"Bo other legjbrinp »oB?lh) and nbont tp ne amputated, I recomroeiirifjit Vrtttfi»0bi HKAB THE KBSW.T. Ife Phys, -1 Jtave iaeSWo Tiiafea Up-of SRAJfJ*S MEnlClfilK-*r pliedHVL-enfxrfroVf^i^ metidotion in-tfyat Jledicinc.Bjid I a ~ ''' ' ''' " dingr of God, it has efftetei a curd for full parficnlanB.

i T T t K S reeorn-

that. Willi. Ijl» t*« . 1' ^ean^nipliK ta.

Chronic ISheiutmpi^in. •••> Copt. Ezra Kttapp, 37 Willow street. Br|bkIyii;)>C!i V.. had

Rheumatism for 30 years, he Used Brant's I M i n w . which efl;-< I ed n cure. «atamermi*^Dttier^^e*,W'rcB^<in11 long sKiuii:!!!; bare been eflbctually cured, v ,

pofl. ItaftoH WWifetfoVof'Stamforif (Jonbione of Jhe oldest t*nd5n«t rcspe(^WftpuS-sfi^an».fco««fllic^ A . ptaiot many years,, and was iiei Ptoifyiog -Rxtrtct. W e coalil pi

T « ' - ^

aM|»iJ;|%h%aireittt'»JbbW(,... whore iho ^rrve can l^sMofWi

Dec. 5,184!». "' ' -^-4 V* * - ••••*•" - » - ' t . n -tj. ' _^ •• - ' > -

1 ;•*=(, i?ti K


VJ Good*, fkr wm.

re noticed, iiVV

, JMWVi 'lil«.««e«P


K ^ r ^ i ^ r ^ t M o n a ^ a L

b«s mim&ttmpJm&jmMgB1®* rrleHd.ytBeb^cohcerrfr.bd^E

_ V%*i> in^iyflDflj t*i«/i >

.^ ^ _ _ ^ him a c a j l ^ b^*)b^f|irWa¥BjIWt^

l ulbtcHMrofrer* for sate, -. 4^^Hf4**f;HtowfeS*i'pW.

.3.VS :«5fc#8»dtf(E«#fee^^ ;-0Jlo, Tf MByl^iai?.-. -. - j^^«Kfr#;#aSOV'E>l-i ;

S'8*,!?* w#fo »tdesirouaKfsettling thasatne •?•* all

*JP GAMBLE vrnrpo'ntfnkie to raalie anjVeJI

T f i o o i antf^la%Maiyinffi, tflftWiifiiSii l»i*aai,tf-J^T"^: >,«tTTo.«rfo-T«K :

S i n o F ^ ^ ' n f | ^ ?%C^*^^ ** a8d

£4*aw «J!"» J "s " l l O n . , - .feflitRei a

o » r e ^ s t # 4 l l ? ^ e " ^ m V S ^ s A i s d a y d i *


^ ^ S - S s n v t m r fit/; Mi5issnsi'H \ 'Waf i

<snM«4Cs4icBMie^s»>dd)il and XwringSore, JTouM, that» form any household l«I)orS Be; acconling to the advice and nrci phy»iCians.-TnrtIf'o-«i- jK/TWas extii


'd nol till her child or per-cal Irani nent »?na va'rieil

•Ai Diss ^JiP®<^a:^i»raiM



t\J\ » i ! i i i « , » ' i ' yf.itfi

, ifetiT^'^D d

i » : i ! " . ^ ! ^ * » i » W » S » 1 ' ^ ' .

yo<^J¥<jK|Njfjii A t"«JSiJ 8P'"* sva10

Tate firm of Wm. whgndspfll. E.


7 *ff , « f / « ^ (**?r<w ' t '-e »# ""i

* .#* . j ^^ ,, (ID'

'JB»* 'M^^Sfi aKWrttOT'nt'it'aSaticffi : jguc&si pens-;, iu! w&lsrs,-•'cnveTcpcs-,,piStf.iJ-fisis"r-Yq.fl(7^{ar«^S-i!aj^:^V«tS?^dp:of1"4" 4-."?'*•/ -(,'

' - ;.,•.'-. •:;. -v i .• ' - , . /• ' •«- . v i > ' V '


Aittlw4MB?iW»'''~' """" "" "" 7QC130-1"*


I ^

ft S hercby:§^w>a&^Jn|f^^ ,fp|t.?laima'»^i»*^;Ss)|Wf»^

(ft =W, - .

•a0iT«B)maig •.i.-(i.I§ i tadTaJ^:

tagm t o r m e o ^ ^ i

• - , ! > .

01 f * ;J l »

SSJ-K' » * ? v * i i " M*il l i t^ie, i

li».iifetf:tsinyvCning' tiblM^d»1vB«f«|ioji*

For sale by all the _/pn(ond C. Mntsb, Ft,

' f ' :

l u l n l l l f r t ^ o ^ n ^ l l ^ l ^ ^ inionn: five poundf-jphjit l&jj came perfectly Well ,TBq>!i nMcdM dtfi*Jr-JJg*iisry. bbiise' pounds of Cesb in four u-ccks. W< her core to notbhwr hut Brant's

%oJ#r,*jt#d^^;t9'Wdifla or ficfor* the r " J jfUfit JUBtulJiSS^»©3iE4 !i»iJath-day-of 8mem*i

•P tu© ,s>uti-3'.l?Wte^ SkSPKRflari'rf&ii^.il



,<vr»f -inv«'rii*. •••4

.|J,fctfei»I *at^maDf6tJ.rifi'Faojilyfi«(M!erie^ ToEpiVj{.ftiid.flMliiyi«ttnootrail tosait ptrrchtjst ihejtboftoT' v ^' •?-••- F.,T. «BAqrfJiJ'-« -t$&m*™iM4%»'.Ai Md^^-Klz<'*i*w::-i-.,..

f ....„ t«aw*- ofc''.vib;'»bcL*M- Jaai.' rewjvTd^aka, pasen^fcco«rtir«4«<BUfirf^aflual--fivm«tie«Itort

r W H . ^B.> ,TM.-. Mi.mii • • . ^ M > •">• "*VW i*"!*! n* ' •*• "*•> H — • > , ;**•>•••. . . * ^ ^ i * - v

yjKdllk Ch*!ts*eod t*'S for SaTe fj*

*vato-iau$e:# mfflm -=H.-L;>3MerciiTOl'' iBe»i:

v ? r T » W r 1 f e * ^ f " " nic?o«lu'iSu)ji«i«rci!

some - ' - • ' ^ " ^ ' t u ' " — J U S ^ . of

f.* r

.Jafwi., , it^wlI^tiii^ersj^psWJ;

s. w^Gii^^oa^sc^iaifeJIi bawlwfisHeSi^1 f:w»Ro y-"d «»ril

^^^ l l ^eWa^J l^ i - ^ t^ linft^

'. ~,T: y'X a A&>i: '> v fe



' ^ * ^ e t ^ ^

^ P ^ S I S M

•£-. 'Ft as feiomhs

N o pi e x c e p t

1 sr|oari 1 »<juan 1 S'fjuaif; 1 square

For. la UJ yearly


D R.:

» whole n'm hfs patron forme.* !.-atient sati constantly ment of S o f superior p la tes , ace AST, at at t e r m ' . !C o f the Leo

Office ovt M a l o n e , , \

that ma>

5 *1


PHY R e s i d e n c



¥i L L p r i

such a: I'jtndH. I.arr, Ciiunqr in u

iWiscon*tn, 1 y e l k , Huron

Rcferenr, Franklin C-J.

, MaJ >ne, Frat M a l o n e N . .




A t t o r n e y

03" Particular

OFF1CK, tw

P'lRfl Ittarnfgs,



tar • j p t l i - ; undersig

Ail'irne.ya, £ «i*rn ofJJCKSl souli busiheasj'ns v_t!|rjl Coucfs o f t T h e y c a n 1>e ("'un

J ope; i£le% occuf

/ ' • •*! ' !^ttorweif,

\Vlill«tttenJtoaIl andpricricp in La

• OrBca-on the 4n Road, Milone, Fr

~~' "~w Dealer in Dry Goo

ery, Puint; No. 2, Field


Join *3$:A.BH i-O ^ r aVp|epfl*%riede n.iSa fi&teug-doi

It l ie 1sflpv'#"ej» 'o'n-j

•'S'Tt e a x r t t i B F ^ ^ Y

"Uortaiepr* fMitgrnB^

