Modern Challenges.docx


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  • 8/18/2019 Modern Challenges.docx


    Modern Challenges

    Western Imperialism and Muslim Response.

    School of thougt (4 muslim’s responses to modernization)

    Responses to the challenge : raditionalism

    Responses to the challenge : Islamic modernism

    Responses to the challenge : Secularism

    Responses to the challenge : Islamism

    In !"#$% almost all of the muslim &orld &as under the political control or influence of 

    'uropean countries. Some &ere ruled directl as colonies some &ere protectorates or 

    *nati+e states, some &ere nominall independent -ut su-ect to restrictions and effecti+e

     pressure. /nl central 0ra-ia and afganistan retained genuine independence. Muslim

    responses had sometimes -een militar or popular resistance% unsuccessful in the long run%

    and sometimes more or less reluctant cooperation &ith the 'uropeans% complicated - the

    fact that some elements in the muslim populations found cooperation to -e in their interest

    &hile others did not. 0fter !"#$ political and militar imperialism retreated% though

    une+enl. Some countries% such as 'gpt% ur1e% Iran% gained su-stantial independence

    after the first &orld &ar &hile others areas found themsel+es under mandates for a time.

    he elements of imperialism :





    Cultural Imperialism. When &e tal1ed a-out imperialism there is a cultural

    imperialism. What is cultural imperialism3 Cultural imperialism is such a things as the

    introduction of modern% i.e Western% technolog% medicine% and pu-lic health% education%

    administrati+e methods% political ideologies% ne&spapers and others mass media% clothes and

    entertainement (including plas% opera% no+els). e& professions &ere created% such as

     ournalism% la&% engineering% and medicine. 0ll of this has -een +ie&ed - 'urope as part of 

    its *ci+ilizing mission, or the &hite man’s -urden, and has -een seen as a ustification for 

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    imperialism. 0lthough &e la-el it *imperialism,% cultural imperialism has -een dri+en as

    much - the desire of muslims for &estern cultural goods as - the &estern effort to spread

    them. 5rom the -eginning the muslim elites &anted to learn the secrets of &estern succsess

    and for a time man accepted that he needed a period of 'uropean tutelage.

    Modernization% &esternization% secularization

    Modernization and de+elopment refer in the first instance to the technolog that

    increase human control o+er the phsical en+ironment and then% - e6tension% to such areas

    as education and politics. It’s also includes certain attitudes% such as openness to change and

    inno+ation. he mth of progress encourages the -elief that change &ill -e for the -etter.

    Westernization underlines the fact that +irtuall all of these things come from the &est% so

    that to modernize has almost al&as meant to &esternize. Secularization means in particular 

    to shift interest from the spiritual &orld or the future life to thi secular &orld% to dra& one’s

    +alues and -eliefs primaril from human rather than di+ine sources% and to limit the influence

    of religious institutions on societ% often - separating them from other institutions -ut not

    necessaril see1ing to destro them.

    0 maor effect of these changes has -een to strengthen enormousl the po&er of the

    state - gi+ing it the phsical means to e6tend its po&er and technological means to

    accomplish certain social goals. 0nother effect has -een a decrease in mortalit rates and

    dramatic rise in populations due to the introduction of &estern medicine and pu-lic helath.

     2re Modern reform

    Waha-i mo+ement &as founded - Muhammad i-n 0-d’ al7Wahha- (!8$97!8"#)%

    and admirer of i-n amia% &ho preached a strict interpretation of the ur’an and

    sunna and reected rigid talid to later interpretations. ;e reected popular sufi

     practices as -id’a and% indeed% shir1% and his mo+ement destroed the tom-s of &alis

    and also of Shi’I imams &hen it raided the shirne cities in southern Ira. It too1 

    control of Mecca in !on other reform mo+ements. It sur+i+ed out of the limelight during the rest of the

    nineteenth centur and resurfaced in the t&inti&th to -ecome the official doctrine of 

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    Saudi 0ra-ia. Wahha-is do not call themsel+es Wahha-is -ut simpl mu&ahiddun%

     people of ta&hid.

    Shah &aliullah of =elhi (!8$!7!8>#) &as a nasha-andi sufi in the line of 0hmad

    Sirhindi and opposed &hat he considered the compromises &ith non islamic practices - -oth rules and sufis. ;e also stressed itihad o+er unuestioning talid. ;e called

    for economic reforms and &as concerned to heal di+isions &ithin the cpmmunit. ;e

    undertoo1 to reconcile Sirhindi’s &ahdat al7shuhud &ith I-n 0ra-i’s &ahdat al7&uud.

    ;e had considera-le influence on later thin1ers in india of +arious persuasions. /n of 

    his successors led a ihad against the Si1hs in the earl nineteenth centur and 1ater 

    his follo&ers fought against the -ritish.


  • 8/18/2019 Modern Challenges.docx


    Prepared By :

    Astri Istyawati



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