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ISSUE 2 | JAN 2016





& Or Toh Wat


ForewordHappy New Year!

Just as we hope to put a lacklustre year behind us, the unexpected dive in the China market at the start of the year sent panic selling across major financial markets. While we expect 2016 to be challenging, it is also during such market cycles that a knowledgeable investor will find good investment opportunities.

In this issue of Inside INVEST, the spotlight is on investment themes for 2016 and how we can ride the markets to optimize our investments.

SGX Market Strategist, Geoff Howie, shares the performance of STI in 2015. Constantly reviewing and balancing our portfolios may sound easy but putting it into practice takes a lot of effort. Lorna Tan, Invest Editor of The Straits Times, offers her views on how to manage our personal finances efficiently.

Our CEO signature column features two Singapore success stories. iFast Corporation’s Chairman, Mr Lim Chung Chun, tells us how the company’s Internet-based investment products distribution platform has grown to offer products from over 80 global and local fund houses, including bonds and ETFs. OKP Holdings Managing Director, Mr Or Toh Wat, sheds light on the company’s prospects after a stellar year of six contracts, worth close to S$300 million, from JTC and LTA.

Like many in the industry, I am anticipating that the Federal Reserve will continue with its calibrated and gradual interest rate hike in 2016, signaling a more stable global economy. Our bank savings will be the first to benefit from the higher interest rates, while certain sectors like banking and consumer discretionary sectors should perform well in a rising rate environment.

Every investor has his or her own investment strategy. For myself, instead of diversifying my portfolio, I choose to focus on industries which I am familiar with so that I can invest with confidence. I am comfortable with companies with consistent financial performance and relatively low gearing ratios. There is no right or wrong. Ultimately, you should adopt a strategy that you are comfortable with.

Multi-market investment is a big theme in 2016 as it offers access to the growth across various economies. To cater to investors who are keen to invest overseas, ShareInvestor’s database has expanded in August 2015 to include multi-market information from seven different countries. The move aims to equip us with the right knowledge to invest wisely in these markets.

We started ShareInvestor in 2000 for like-minded traders and investors to exchange ideas. 15 years later, we are now a stronger entity that is behind many initiatives that help traders and investors to be more confident, through our market tool sets and education programs. Our latest initiative is the partnership with Investing Note – a social media platform that allows you to find out what investors are currently “stocking”.

Please visit to learn how the crowdsource estimate feature in the website can help in your investing journey.

Stay tuned as we bring the REITs Symposium and INVEST Carnival to you – all happening in the first half of the year. Do check out our website for ShareInvestor’s 2016 investor education calendar.

On behalf of my team who has been working tirelessly to build a stronger investing community, here’s wishing you good health and a fruitful investment ride in the year of the Monkey.

Christopher LeeCEO

A publication of






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DIRECTOR | Elena Heng


EVENTS | Leonard Chen


Agnes Lim |

Nigel Lim |

ISSUE 2 | JAN 2016





& Or Toh Wat



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“The start of any new year is an opportune time to dust down some of our longstanding financial habits and make new resolutions.”

Money Habits

1. Take stock of your cash position

It is prudent to set aside sufficient cash

to cover at least six to 12 months of your

monthly household expenses.

Adhering to a realistic budget will

go a long way towards helping one

live within one’s means. Review your

budget every 12 months, or when your

circumstances change, such as when

you receive a windfall or inheritance, or

when you have a new addition to your


2. Managing your debt

Calculate your debt servicing ratio,

which is a guide to how much of your

take-home pay is used to pay debts,

like your mortgage, car loans, personal

loans or even credit card debts. A healthy

debt servicing ratio – derived from debt

divided by income – should be 35 per

cent or less.

To put it another way, out of every

$1,000 of after-tax and CPF income,

you should spend $350 or less in debt


Consider refinancing your home

loan if you are on a variable loan package.

With rising interest rates, you may want

to consider switching to something less

variable like a fixed deposit-linked home

loan or a fixed rate loan package.

If you have to spend via credit cards,

adopt the habit of paying your bills in

full each month. Avoid rolling over your

balance and accumulating debts at a

high interest rate of 24 per cent a year.

3. Adopt a long-term view for


Findings suggest that the longer the

holding period, the higher the probability

of positive returns and the greater the

expected return.

After studying historical probabili-

ties using the MSCI World Index, studies

have found that the probability of posi-

tive returns increased to 100 per cent for

both the 15-year and 20-year holding

periods, while there was a 96.7 per cent

probability of a positive return for a 10-

year holding period.

This presents a strong case for having

a longer holding period of 10 to 20 years

when investing in the equity market.

4. Understand your risk appetite

There are three factors to consider before


They include the willingness to take

risk – risk tolerance – which reflects your

attitude towards risk and the degree of

uncertainty you can handle; how much

risk you need to take to achieve your

financial objectives; and your ability to

take risk.

The usual risk profiling exercise

carried out during a financial planning

process helps determines your

willingness to take risk but it does not

represent your ability to take risk. A

holistic financial planning process is

essential when gauging your ability to

take risk.

5. Go for low-cost funds

You can select funds based on a few

criteria. They include funds with a track

record of at least three years and lower

expense ratios, that is, what investors

pay to the fund manager on an annual


For bond funds, low expense ratios

could range from 0.25 to 0.75 per cent,

depending on the nature of the fund.

For example, emerging market funds

and high yield bond funds typically have

higher expense ratios.

For equity funds, which are actively

managed, a rule of thumb would be an

expense ratio of 2 per cent and below.

6. Pick robust stocks

As market conditions are still fairly

volatile, risks will continue to prevail.

The Singapore market appears to be

range bound in the first half of this year

with recovery only likely in the second

half. As such, investors are advised to

stay nimble and buy selectively on pull-


For investors with a lower risk

appetite, they may wish to consider

blue-chip companies with established

business track records and sustainable

business models. This is vital as it means

that the organisations are more likely to

have the right business models to ride

out difficult times.

Ms Carmen Lee, head of OCBC

Investment Research, favours companies

with a differentiated business strategy

Many of us are only too glad to bid farewell to 2015. It was a year marked by much panic resulting from financial volatility due to the Chinese market rout and the uncertainty over the next United States Federal Reserve interest rate hike, particularly in the second half. However, financial experts warn of another uncertain year ahead.But just because the outlook is bleak, this is no time to bury your head in the sand. The start of any new year is an opportune time to dust down some of our longstanding financial habits and make new resolutions. Here are six good money habits to help you do just that.

and sustainable business model, placing

them in a better position to ride out any

near-to-medium term uncertainty.

Favourites include A-REIT, Frasers

Centrepoint Trust, DBS Group Holdings,

Keppel DC REIT, Raffles Medical, Sheng

Siong, Singapore Post, Singtel, QAF, UOL,

Venture Corp and Wing Tai. i



The trading community in Singapore is not just getting

bigger, but also growing in sophistication. Investment

Trends’ annual Singapore CFD and FX report revealed

that the number of Singaporeans trading contracts

for difference (CFDs) and foreign exchange (FX) has

risen by 21 per cent, and more traders are embracing

technology. CMC Markets, a pioneer in online trading

and an award-winning financial services provider, tells

us why.

Describe the trading community in Singapore.

Traders in Singapore are ahead of the game when it

comes to adoption of technology. A whopping 89 per

cent of them use a smartphone or tablet to trade. This

is consistent with what we have noticed in recent

months where there is a shift from CMC Markets’ online

platform to our mobile applications. We don’t see such a

high level of technology adoption in other regions.

Has there been a shift in trading preference among

Singapore traders?

Volumes traded on SGX equities have declined

recently, as some Singapore investors went hunting

for opportunities in either alternative investments

or overseas markets. By contrast, the number of

FX and CFD traders grew from 20,200 in 2014, to

24,500 in 2015, a 21 per cent surge, which is a strong

testament to the growing popularity of these products.

Traders in Singapore are turning to CFDs and FX

Describe the risk appetite of traders in Singapore.

Relative to other regions, traders in Singapore are

sensible in their use of leverage. They also recognise -

more acutely than traders in other regions - that volatile

and falling markets offer trading opportunities.

How does CMC Markets help to grow the trading

community in Singapore?

Our approach over the last 25 years has always centred

around enabling people to trade. In Singapore we

are very active in trading education, seminars and

webinars, both on a large scale and in more intimate

sessions. We don’t charge for these education initiatives

as we consider it an investment in Singapore’s trading


Tell us about CMC Markets’ Next Generation online

trading platform.

More Singaporeans are trading on our Next Generation

platform than ever before. The platform provides

over 10,000 products, professional-grade charts and

advanced trading features, many of which are unique

to CMC Markets.

Available online and on mobile, it is slick and

robust, and it is free. The platform received the highest

ratings for charting, educational materials and for its

ease of use in the latest Investment Trends’ survey of

Singaporean traders.

Trading on margin, our clients use the Guaranteed

Stop Loss Order feature as a type of insurance premium,

providing protection. Half of the cost is refunded if

it isn’t used. In 2015, the platform received several

accolades, including the “Best Mobile/Tablet App” for

the third year running at the Shares Awards and the

“Best Mobile/Tablet Application” at the Online Personal

Wealth Awards. i


JASON HUGHES, Head of Singapore Office

More are using mobile applications to trade

LORNA TANThe Straits Times, Invest Editor

Author of Talk Money & More Talk Money



The Federal Reserve (Fed) has recently

raised interest rates for the first time in

nearly a decade, signaling faith that the

US economy is on the road to recovery.

Prior to the interest rate hike

announcement in December 2015, the Fed had kept the

markets in suspense for months, with many doubting

the ability of the US economy to withstand higher

borrowing costs. The uncertain global economic

outlook had affected at least four stock indices in the

ASEAN region. In 2015, the Straits Times Index (STI),

FTSE Malaysia KLCI, Stock Exchange of Thailand SET

Index and Jakarta Composite Index, declined by an

average of 17% in SGD terms.

The STI maintained its lead

Despite the decline, the STI turned in the best report

card among the four indices, outperforming the average

by two per cent in 2015.

In the last 10 years since November 2005, although

trailing behind the Dow Jones Industrial Average, the

STI had generated risk-adjusted returns that surpassed

the Hang Seng Index, the Nikkei 225 Index and the FTSE

100 Index. Notably, the STI had weathered events that

impacted the global economy, including the 2006 Fed

hike, the Northern Atlantic financial crisis in 2008 and

the subsequent recovery the year after.

Highest dividend yield

The STI’s 10-year annualised return of 6% was helped

by its four per cent dividend yield, which remains the

highest among global benchmarks. The yield is also

three-fifths higher than the Asia average, way ahead of

its peers.

Its strong showing in 2015 was in part due to five

high yield STI stocks, namely the Hutchison Port

STI maintains Asia’s Highest Yield in 2015

Holdings Trust, Keppel Corporation, Ascendas REIT,

Sembcorp Marine and CapitaLand Mall Trust. During

the year, each of these stocks generated an average of

seven per cent yield.

One-third of STI stocks generated higher ROE

Like Singapore, the STI and the broader Singapore stock

market have significant elements of business diversity,

international reach and financial stability, which help

to cushion the STI’s performance. Amidst a global trend

of declining business returns on equity (ROE), almost

one third of the STI stocks reported higher year-on-year

ROE in 2015.

Review of the STI performance

The year 2015 saw continued contractions in global

trade, manufacturing and energy prices - important

drivers of economic developments. Reflecting the

China effect, over the four quarters ending June 2015,

Singapore’s value of global trade registered consecutive

decline of one per cent, seven per cent, 16 per cent

and 12 per cent year-on-year. International goods and

services also form an important part of the STI. In 2015,

less than half the revenue associated with the STI was

from Singapore, with the bulk coming mainly from Asia


Winners and underperformers in 2015

Sectors that were more sensitive to global trade,

manufacturing and energy in 2015, such as the

Maritime & Offshore (MOE) businesses were amongst

the weaker performers. The SGX MOE Index generated

a 31% decline in 2015. Meanwhile, the healthcare sector

was the most resilient. During the year, the SGX All

Healthcare Index generated an 11% total return.

Focus in 2016

If corporate activities such as initial public offerings,

secondary raisings or investor conferences in the later

half of 2015 were to serve as any indicators, investors can

expect the spotlight to be on international relations, and

small-to-medium sized enterprises in 2016. Consumer

services and retailing, a key subtheme of IPOs in the

later part of 2015, will also continue to play a key role

in the growth of the region. Investors can access the

full profile of stocks that make up the various sectors at i

Geoff Howie is the Market Strategist at Singapore Exchange.

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“The STI’s 10-year annualised return of 6% was helped by its four per cent dividend yield, which remains the highest among global benchmarks.”


iFAST Corporation Ltd. (Stock code: AIY)

iFAST Corporation Ltd. (“iFAST Corp” and

together with its subsidiaries, the “Group”) was

listed on the SGX-Mainboard in December 2014.

iFAST Corp has two main business divisions,

namely its Business-to-Consumer (B2C) website, (FSM), targeted at investors

who prefer to manage their own investments; and its

Business-to-Business (B2B) platform that caters to the

specialised needs of over 150 financial advisory (FA)

companies, banks and financial institutions. Besides

Singapore, iFAST Corp is also present in Hong Kong,

Malaysia and China.

The Group’s mission statement is, “To help investors

around the world invest globally and profitably”. The

Group won the “Most Transparent Company Award

2015, New Issues Category” at the SIAS Investors’ Choice

Awards 2015 held in October 2015 in Singapore.

How did your company start its business and what is

the value proposition you offer to investors?

Mr Lim: 15 years ago, we launched FSM in Singapore

because we saw demand from investors for an easy-to-

use website offering a wide range of unit trusts across

different product providers, with a transparent and

competitive pricing.

Today, FSM in Singapore offers over 950 unit trusts

from over 80 global and local fund houses, and more

recently, we have added over 300 bonds, including

corporate bonds and Singapore Government Securities

(which we have been distributing for a number of

years), and simple insurance plans such as term and

hospitalisation plans.

Our strategy to investors is simple: we want to

stay true to our mission statement, “To help investors

around the world invest globally and profitably”. In

order to help investors achieve their financial goals, we

intend to continue improving the range of investment

products that are relatively simple with no hidden

complicated structures, and with a transparent fee

structure, all under one roof.

Till now, we continue to emphasise good research

and user-friendly tools on our website and mobile

applications, to make it easier for investors to do their

own comparisons of investment products that best

match their investment objectives.

Tell us more about your value proposition to wealth

advisers who use your B2B platform.

Mr Lim: We provide a comprehensive range of services,

including investment administration and transactions

services, research and trainings, IT services and

backroom functions to over 150 financial advisory (FA)

companies, banks and financial institutions across the


LIM CHUNG CHUN, Co-founder, Chairman and CEO, iFAST Corporation Ltd.

Our mission for the wealth advisers using our B2B

platform is to provide the capabilities of a ‘mini private

bank’ to them, so that they can also broaden their

clientele to include more high net worth individuals.

We believe that the range of investment products and

services we provide has to improve in that respect. More

recently, we have added new investment products and

our suite of products for B2B clients include unit trusts,

bonds and Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs).

What is the significance of recent developments for

your company?

Mr Lim: 2015 was a momentous year for the Group.

We received approval to distribute bonds and ETFs in

Singapore in April. In Hong Kong, our FSM business

rolled out the “Online Discretionary Portfolio

Management Services”, which caters to investors who

wish to leave the challenge of actively managing their

portfolios to our portfolio management team.

The Group received a Funds Distributor

Qualification from the regulator to operate an

investment funds platform in China. We believe that

the China market offers strong potential in the medium

to long term, as we will intend to meet the wealth

management needs of Chinese investors, in both

onshore and offshore investment products.

In October 2015, we were honoured to receive the

“Most Transparent Company Award” under the New

Issues category at the SIAS Investors’ Choice Awards.

Transparency has always been a core focus in our

business and that has guided us from the time we

started business 15 years ago with the launch of FSM.

Back then, information on funds was seen to be limited

and we wanted to change the way the funds distribution

business worked by giving transparent information on

funds, including the fees and research, to investors.

This focus on giving transparent information

to investors is again what drove us to launch recently, by providing transparent

information on bonds, as we believe bonds are a simple

investment product that has so far been mainly offered

to institutional clients only. We have wanted to change

this by empowering investors with our transparent

information on bonds, including our research, tools and

pricing, so that more investors can better understand

this type of investment product. i


iFAST Corporation Ltd.iFAST Corporation Ltd. was listed on the SGX Mainboard in December 2014. One year on, we speak to the CEO, Mr Lim Chung Chun, to find out what the company has done over the past year.

OKP Holdings Ltd. (Stock code: 5CF)

These projects, which range from road extension, drain and sewer works,

as well as construction of linkways and viaducts, showcase OKP’s wide-

ranging capabilities and civil engineering prowess. In particular, three

are complex design and build projects for the construction of sheltered

link ways under the Walk2Ride Programme, and a viaduct from the

Tampines Expressway to the Pan Island Expressway (Westbound) and Upper Changi

Road East. For the nine months ended 30 September 2015, OKP’s net profit jumped

almost 200 per cent to S$5.1 million on revenue of S$78.8 million.

OKP’s Group Managing Director, Mr Or Toh Wat, shares his thoughts on the

Group’s prospects.

Tell us more about the Group’s project pipeline.

Mr Or: As at 30 October 2015, our net construction order book stood at S$266.4 million,

with projects extending till 2019.

We anticipate Changi Airport’s future Terminal 5 to present possible construction

and civil engineering opportunities. We also foresee exciting opportunities in the

infrastructure space, particularly from several major developments announced

by the Land Transport Authority, including the construction of the North-South

Expressway, and the S$24 billion Thomson-East Coast MRT line.

What do you think is OKP’s greatest asset?

Mr Or: We have a dedicated and experienced team of employees, and a hands-on

management team who is not afraid to roll up their sleeves to handle the nuts and

bolts of the business. This is why we have been able to take on complex design and

build projects that require high technical expertise.

What is OKP’s greatest challenge?

Mr Or: There is a shortage of skilled and experienced manpower within the

construction industry. To tackle this, we will continue to raise productivity by holding

regular training, and adopt new construction technology to drive higher efficiencies

and effectiveness in our processes.

Our staff development initiatives include immersion programmes overseas, which

allow staff to gain new skills and experience, while our post-graduate sponsorship

programmes aim to groom promising employees to take on leadership roles in OKP.

What is OKP’s growth strategy?

Mr Or: We remain focused on our core market in Singapore, particularly within the

civil engineering sector. We are also on the lookout for good overseas opportunities,

and business collaborations that will enhance our competitive edge.

Why should investors park their money with OKP?

Mr Or: Over the last 50 years, we have built a firm reputation as an experienced civil

engineering specialist, led by a hands-on management team.

We maintain close relationships with our wide spectrum of well-established

clients from the public and private sectors, including the HDB, JTC, LTA, PUB, URA,

the Changi Airport Group and ExxonMobil.

As a listed entity, it is important that we continue to uphold good corporate

governance standards, maintain high levels of transparency, and engage with

investors. We are heartened to be recognised at the Singapore Corporate Awards and

the SIAS Investors’ Choice Awards for our investor relations and governance efforts

in 2015.

We will continue to ride on our achievements to build shareholder value. i


OKP cements foothold in construction and maintenance worksOKP Holdings is on a roll. Staying true to its core civil engineering expertise in public sector projects, the infrastructure and civil engineering company clinched a total of six contracts from JTC Corporation and the Land Transport Authority, amounting to S$291.3 million last year.

OKP’s contract to improve Alexandra Canal between Zion Road and Kim Seng Road involves the reconstruction of the Zion Road Bridge and Kim Seng Road Bridge into wider road culverts, the construction of underpasses crossing Zion Road and Kim Seng Road, and the de-silting of the canal from Tanglin Road to Zion Road.

OKP’s largest public sector project to date involved the widening of the Central Expressway from Pan Island Expressway to Braddell Interchange.


Anyone can tradeIN DEPTH

In his book “High Probability Trading”, the

derivatives trader shares the universal principals

of successful trading, and the tried-and-tested

methods on creating and refining a trading

portfolio. More than 3,000 copies of the book

have been sold since June 2014. The second edition of

the book recently hit the bookshelves.

The 27 year-old Professional Trader’s

passion for trading shines through in his blog, where he demonstrates

the simple methodologies of money management and

diversification in trading. He also helms the largest

LIVE trading and investment community in Singapore

with over 1,000 members, and has conducted over 100

full-house trading seminars.

What motivated you to write the book “High

Probability Trading”?

Jeff: When I was studying Civil Engineering and

Construction Management in University of Leeds, I

developed a keen interest in sharing my trades in a

finance blog. At that time, I had lots of emails asking

“why this, and why that?”. I thought, what better way to

centralise all ideas than writing a book which will allow

me to share my thoughts freely.

I read extensively about trading and psychology,

particularly about how a successful trader thinks and

works. A long time was spent applying what I read into

the market, where I picked up common mistakes, and

refined my trading strategies until they were proven to

have a positive expectancy. You can read all about these

strategies, as well as trading patterns in my book.

What was the greatest challenge in writing the book?

Jeff: Time management, as I had to juggle writing,

studies and work at the same time. I took half a year to

write the book – three months when I was completing

my University studies, and three months when I was

back in Singapore as a full time construction engineer.

I learned a lot of self-discipline and time

management from the book experience, which

put me in a good shape today to hold a day job,

trade, write and conduct seminars outside of work.

When did you start trading in shares and who has

influenced you the most?

Jeff: I started investing when I was 21. During my

polytechnic years, I was making some money as a

reseller in various fashionable products and Disc Jockey

(DJ), and wanted the money to grow.

I particularly admire a female blogger who grew

her wealth many folds, from $112,000 to $1 million in

a short span of seven years. She now generates a yearly

dividend income of $51,000. Like many of us, she lives a

simple life. Her story is an inspiration to many people as

it proves that with financial literacy, anyone can build a

successful portfolio.

What is the key takeaway in your book?

Jeff: Trading is for everyone with the right attitude, and

not just for the wealthy. We should take a longer-term

view - trade for capital growth (compound on profit),

rather than for short-term income.

To be a successful trader, is it is not just important

to spend time on extensive research like examining

market trends, charting, and reading reference books,

or spend time looking for one signal point that can help

you be profitable in a trade. But the key principles still

consist of a defensive risk and money management,

psychological toughness, managing expectation and

ultimately, perseverance to continue during a bad run.

Different traders have different views. In the book, I

have written about my preferred approach, which has

been tried and tested.

Tell us about your achievements in the last two years.

Jeff: After graduating with a first class honours in Civil

Engineering and Construction Management more than

two years ago, I started pursuing my trading passion

and gathered a community of over 1,000 investment

students to exchange ideas. During the period, I have

attained my CFTe (Certified Financial Technician)

conferred by International Federation of Technical

Analyst (IFTA), and Institute of Professional Trading and

Portfolio Management (UK). I am also thankful to have

forged a closer relationship with the broking houses in

Singapore, which offered seminar opportunities for me

to share insights with like-minded traders. Recently, I

bought a detached house and a car – two biggest gifts

from professional trading. i

If you are mentally strong and display a healthy dose of optimism, you can well be a successful trader, according to best-selling author, Jeff Sun; CFTe.

“Trading is for everyone with the right attitude, and not just for the wealthy.”

BRANDON WENDELL, Master Instructor of Online Trading Academy

Successful traders follow the rules


What makes a good trader? Someone who simply has the money and a huge risk appetite, or is there more to it? In this issue of Inside INVEST, we speak with Brandon Wendell, the Master Instructor of Online Trading Academy. The Chartered Master Technician and former stockbroker, brokerage trader and hedge fund trader, shares his market views and trading strategies, as well as tips on how to identify market moves before they happen.

What are some tried-and-tested trading strategies that work

well in today’s market?

Brandon: To be successful in trading, we need to invest the same

way institutional traders do. We may not have their purchasing

power, nor are we able to see their order flow. However, we can

head towards the same direction as there are patterns on all

price charts that hint at where these institutions are trading.

Institutions have to “work” large orders. When buying or selling,

they would only get partial fills and have to get the leftover orders

filled when prices returned. We should buy and sell where these

leftover orders are.

What are some of the common mistakes made by traders?

Brandon: Many traders try to trade too much or with too little

capital in their accounts. Remember, more trades mean more

commission and higher potential for making bad trades. When

an account is underfunded, one tends to be more nervous when

taking a position. Also, traders who trade with high emotion are

more susceptible to making errors. It is important to be level


How do the courses offered by Online Trading Academy help


Brandon: The courses teach you to trade the way institutional

traders do. It emphasises a rules-based strategy that reduces the

emotional effect on your trading. You also gain mentors and a

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In your opinion, what makes a successful trader?

Brandon: I cannot emphasise more on the importance

of discipline. Create a trading plan and stick

to it. If the markets change and the plan

needs to be adapted, do it quickly.

Just don’t do it with open positions. i



3 SERIOUS Market Events in 2016 that will cause STI to revive its fortunes!The bad stock market since 2011

Ever since 2011, the stock market has been slow.

STI has consolidated in a range between 2700 to

3500 (please refer to the chart below). Although

STI ranges, some stocks in recent years have

tumbled. It all started in 2011 with the clampdown in

the Chinese economy by ex-China premier Wen Jia Bao.

A lot of local listed China stocks collapsed.

In 2012, Singapore government made a decision to

introduce Additional Buyer’s Stamp Duties. Since then,

the local property market remained listless, bringing

down a lot of property stocks.

In mid 2013, the REITs sector crashed due to a

warning by Ben Bernanke that QE3 might stop, followed

by penny stocks crash in Oct 2013. In 2014, Oil and Gas

sector crashed as oil price collapsed. Many Singapore

investors lost money.

Expect STI to revive its fortunes in 2016

However, Daniel Loh – popular stock market analyst

and financial educator who regularly appears on

television and radio financial programmes – thinks that

2016 might be the year where Singapore stock market

will revive.

He thinks that 2016 might be the turning point

for some sectors and there are 3 IMPORTANT world events that might cause this turnaround. Take note of

the economy of China, Japan and Europe – with their

massive stimulus measures, he believes that their

economies will reach the bottom just like US in 2012.

Event 1: Rise of interest Rate is Good for Economy

A lot of investors fear the rise of interest rates. However,

looking at history, it shows that a little rise in the interest

rates do not dent the stock market. In fact, it contributes

to the rise of it. At the same time, it also means that

inflation will start to kick in and the economy will start

to get better. The increase in demand for the goods

and services serves no harm for the earnings of stocks.

Event 2: China Economy may recover in April 2016

He also pointed out that the economy slowdown in

China since 2011 have a tremendous impact on local

stock market because a lot of the local listed stocks have

businesses in China. The performances of S-chip stocks

are poor. However, looking at the aggressive nature of

the stimulus measures China have implemented since

April 2014, Daniel believes that China will recover soon

as it takes approximately 2 years for the economy to feel

the effect. Similarly, US economy took 2 years to show

progress after its stimulus measures were implemented.

If China economy recovers, expect a more vibrant

Singapore stock market!

Event 3: The start of a Super Bull Run in commodities

Commodities market started its 4 years bear run in

2011; commodity related stocks, namely agriculture

and precious metal, tanked in 2011.Similarly, Oil and

Gas stocks crashed in 2014.

There is a correlation between economy and

commodities prices. For example, when the economy

of China and Europe declined in 2011, the demand and

prices of commodities dropped.

Nevertheless with the turnaround in global

economy that is expected in 2016, Daniel believes that

commodities will reach a bottom and start its Super

Bull Run. The depressed commodities-related futures

and stocks might be the bargain of this decade!


(English) 2nd Feb 2016 ( 3rd Feb 2016

7.00pm – 10.00pm(Registration starts at 6.30pm)

International Plaza10 Anson Road,

#34-07, Singapore 079903(Tanjong Pagar MRT, Exit C)


Daniel Loh is an established trader with over 15 years of profound experience acclaimed for his remarkable techniques at predicting

and live interviews across television and radio programmes.


3 Sectors that most likely will be propelled by the bottoming ECONOMY in 2016!

What are the Fundamental Strong Stocks to watch out for in 2016!What should investors do with stocks that have collapsed?How do you make 5-10% return on your portfolio every month consistently?

How do you make 400% return in stock market this year?

Strategic Sector and Stock Picking in Year 2016 amid STI revival!


What should investors do with stocks that have collapsed?What are the Fundamental Strong Stocks to watch out for in 2016!What are the Fundamental Strong Stocks to watch out for in 2016!

How do you make 5-10% return on your portfolio every month consistently?

How do you make 400% return in stock market this year?

3 Sectors that most likely will be propelled by the bottoming ECONOMY in 2016!

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This ETF offers potentially higher returns over current

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Incorporates various asset classes for different

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Apart from stock indices, ETFs also track the

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ETFs also allow investors to participate in the growth

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in the US economy.

Market outlook in 2016

The Federal Reserve has recently raised interest rates,

signaling a more stable US market. The developed world

continues to enjoy strong economic fundamentals,

while the emerging markets have been impacted

by lower commodity prices and China’s slowdown.

Notwithstanding this, DBS Vickers pointed out that

China’s short-term cyclical risks have been overblown

because the economy is still growing at a phenomenal

six or seven per cent.

ETF opportunities in Korea, China and ASEAN

DBS Vickers has singled out China, Korea and ASEAN as

its top picked markets. Reforms and structural changes

are to be expected if China wishes to sustain or surpass

its current growth rates. The ‘A’ share market is also

seen to have bottomed in the third quarter of 2015,

while the potential inclusion of China ‘A’ shares in the

global MSCI Emerging Markets benchmark may also

act as a further market catalyst.

Korea has gotten its formula right. Its interest rate

cuts and stimulus packages are clearly working, and

its economic re-structuring to nurture new industries

is shaping up well. This probably explains why Korea’s

domestic demand has remained resilient even in a

slowing global growth environment.

Investing in ASEAN is a longer term structural

theme that is driven by favourable demographics

and domestic demand story. Given that the ASEAN

region is down by 21 per cent in USD terms this year,

there is a strong case for reversal in 2016, once the USD

strengthening trend has peaked. i

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Investing your hard-earned money does not have to be a complicated process. Increasingly, investors are turning their attention to exchange traded funds (ETFs) as they are an ideal vehicle for those who do not have the time nor technical experience to originate investment strategies to meet their financial goals.

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Fund description

Fixed Income

ABF Singapore Bond Index Fund A35 SGD Comprises mainly of Singapore government bonds

iShares Barclays Capital USD Asia High Yield Bond Index ETF

O9P USD USD-denominated government and corporate high yield bonds, in Asia Ex Japan

iShares J.P Morgan USD Asia Credit Bond Index ETF

N6M USD USD-denominated bonds, in Asia Ex Japan



db x-trackers FTSE China 50 UCITS ETF (DR)

HD8 USDTracks FTSE China 50 Index, which comprises of 50 largest and most liquid Chinese stocks listed on Hong Kong

db x-trackers MSCI Brazil IndexUCITS ETF (DR)

J0O USD Tracks MSCI Brazil Index, which comprises of large and mid cap Brazilian equities

db x-trackers MSCI China IndexUCITS ETF (DR)

LG9 USD Tracks MSCI China Index, which comprises of large and mid cap Chinese equities

db x-trackers MSCI Korea UCITSIndex ETF (DR)

IH2 USDTracks MSCI Total Return Net Korea Index, an index of107 large and mid cap Korean equities

db x-trackers MSCI Malaysia IndexUCITS ETF (DR)

LG6 USDTracks MSCI Malaysia Index, which is made of large and mid cap Malaysian equities

db x-trackers MSCI Philippines IMIndex UCITS ETF (DR)

N2E USDTracks MSCI Philippines Investable Market Total Return Net Index’s small to large cap equities

db x-trackers MSCI Singapore IMIndex UCITS ETF (DR)

O9A USDTracks MSCI Singapore Investable Market Total ReturnNet Index’s small to large cap Singapore equities

db x-trackers MSCI Taiwan IndexUCITS ETF (DR)

HD7 USDTracks MSCI Total Return Net Taiwan Index, comprised of mid and large Taiwanese equities

db x-trackers MSCI Thailand IndexUCITS ETF (DR)

LG7 USDTracks MSCI Thailand Index, an index of large and midcap Thai equities

iShares MSCI India Index ETF I98 USDTracks MSCI India Index, which comprises of mainly large and mid cap Indian equities

Nikko AM Singapore STI ETF G3B SGDTracks Straits Times Index, the benchmark index ofSingapore

SPDR® Straits Times Index ETF ES3 SGDTracks Straits Times Index, the benchmark index ofSingapore


CIMB FTSE ASEAN 40 ETF M62 USDTracks 40 largest companies (by market capitalisation)listed on ASEAN exchanges

CIMB S&P Ethical Asia PacificDividend ETF

P5P USDTracks 40 ethically conscious, high dividend yield stocks from the Asia Pacific region

db x-trackers MSCI Pacifi c Ex Japan Index UCITS ETF (DR)

J0Q USDTracks MSCI Pacific Ex Japan Index, a market capweighted index measuring equity performance in exJapan Pacific


SPDR® Gold Shares O87 USD Tracks the price of Gold

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All forms of investments carry risks, including the risk of losing all of the invested amount. Such activities may not be suitable for everyone. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future performance, even if the same strategies are adopted.

STI has been going nowhere since 2011












Information provided is based on the closing prices for period ending 31 December 2015. This report is solely for information and general circulation only, and not be construed as an offer or solicitation for the subscription, purchase or sale of the securities mentioned herein or to participate in

any particular trading or investment strategy. Any opinion or estimate contained in this report are those of the bloggers only and is subject to change without notice.






Co-founder Lee Kian Soo has recently taken up the non-executive chairman role and also the recent subsea joint venture with Chiyoda Corporation. Given the poor performance the stock had over the past 5 years, any positive surprise in 2016 will easily cause the price to have a good rebound.

Since the initial hype of its first opening in January 2010, the share price of Resorts World Sentosa has been declining through 2011. The recent drop of tourists’ arrival, which is expected to remain for the upcoming year, proves that the stock will likely continue to fare poorly.

Over the last 5 years, price for Noble Group has dropped by half. On top of that, after Iceberg Research and Muddy Waters questioned its accounting transparency in September, there is a further $5 billion market value lost. Being a big player in the market and with the price to earning trading at 10 years low, 2016 might be the year for rebound.

This is an example of a “picks and shovel” business that could outperform when demand for oil is high. Fortunes in 2016 depend on oil prices, which could recover.

The days of high-octane growth are probably behind Genting. Future growth could be slow and steady, which could mean a de-rating of the shares. A hike in dividends could help.

Noble is a complex business with many moving parts. A recovery in 2016 hinges greatly on commodity prices and how the company plans to handle its $7 billion debt pile.

Assuming the proposed joint venture with Chiyoda is successful, Ezra’s balance sheet will be strengthened. With US$2.0 billion order book, low P/BV of 0.19x and trading at near all-time low levels, it should perform better in 2016.

I am neutral on Genting due to its exposure to the weak Singapore economy, China’s slowing economy - coupled with its anti-corruption measures, weakness in Indonesia and Malaysia currencies, and the volatile quarterly results. However, it has slumped 29% YTD which may have priced in the negatives to some extent.

Notwithstanding the low 0.38x P/BV and trading at near 7 years low, I am neutral on Noble due to its complicated business and accounting treatment, coupled with the potential down-grade of its debt.

Bullish Divergence has been reflected on absolute price, against RSI and MACD indicator. Critical levels to watch are $0.13, for near term upside target (horizontal resistance) and breach of mid-term downtrend channel, and $0.093 for an acceleration of further downside.

Downtrend channel remains intact since April 2014. For a negation of this downtrend channel, $0.885 immediate resistance has to be breached.

Bullish Divergence has been reflected on absolute price, against RSI and MACD indicator. Critical levels to watch are $0.555, for near term upside target (horizontal resistance) and breach of mid-term downtrend channel, and $0.375 for an acceleration of further downside.

An investor manages risk better when well-informed. Before investing your hard-earned money, it is important to do your research, keep your ear to the ground and listen to the market. In this issue of Inside INVEST, ShareInvestor invited four renowned investment bloggers to share their take on three popular Singapore-listed companies’ performance in 2016.

1By primary relationship. Results from Investment Trends 2015 Singapore CFD & FX Report, based on an online survey of 11,327 investors/traders. 2ShareInvestor Awards 2015. 3Global Banking & Finance Review Awards – 2015, Global Banking & Finance Review magazine. Leveraged trading may not be suitable for everyone. Losses can exceed investments. OANDA Asia Pacific Pte Ltd holds a Capital

Markets Service Licence issued by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.

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