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  • Monthly Magazine June 2019 – Beat Air Pollution

    What is air pollution?

    Air pollution can be defined as an alteration of air quality that can be characterized by

    measurements of chemical, biological or physical pollutants in the air. Therefore, air pollution

    means the undesirable presence of impurities or the abnormal rise in the proportion of some

    constituents of the atmosphere. It can be classified in 2 sections: visible and invisible air

    pollution. Local This concerns the quality of ambient air within

    a radius of a few kilo meters

    Regional Pollution like acid rain, photochemical

    reaction and degradation of water quality at


    Global Depletion of the ozone layer and global

    warming caused be the emission of

    greenhouse gases mainly carbon dioxide.

    Air pollution causes

    Air pollution is caused by the presence in the atmosphere of toxic substances, mainly produced

    by human activities, even though sometimes it can result from natural phenomena such as

    volcanic eruptions, dust storms and wildfires, also depleting the air quality.

    Anthropogenic air pollution sources are:

    1. Combustion of fossil fuels, like coal and oil for electricity and road transport, producing

    air pollutants like nitrogen and sulphur dioxide.

    2. Emissions from industries and factories, releasing large amount of carbon monoxide,

    hydrocarbon, chemicals and organic compounds into the air

    3. Agricultural activities, due to the use of pesticides, insecticides, and fertilizers that emit

    harmful chemicals

    4. Waste production, mostly because of methane generation in landfills .

    Air Pollution effects:

    It is impossible to describe the whole extent of potential and actual damage caused by all form

    of air pollution but here are the main consequences:

    On the environment:

    Air pollution has a major impact on the process of plant evaluation by preventing photosynthesis

    in many cases with serious consequences for purification of the air we breathe. It also

    contributes to the formation of acid rain.

    Atmospheric precipitations of the form of rain, frost, snow or fog, which are released during the

    combustion of fossil fuels and transformed by contact with water steam in the atmosphere.

  • Monthly Magazine June 2019 – Beat Air Pollution

    Global warming:

    On the top of that air pollution is a major contributor to global warming and climate change.

    In fact, the abundance of carbon dioxide in the air is one of the causes of the greenhouse effect.

    Normally the presence of the greenhouse gases should be beneficial for the planet. Because

    they absorb the infra-red radiation produced by the surface of the earth.

    But the excessive concentration of these gases in the atmosphere is the cause of the recent

    climate change.

    On human health:

    Our continual exposure to the air pollutants is responsible for the deterioration of human health.

    Air Pollution causes:

    Air pollution is caused by the presence in the atmosphere of toxic substances, mainly produced

    by human activities. Even though sometimes it can result from natural phenomena such as

    volcanic eruption, dust, storms and wildfires, also depleting the air quality.

    1. Combustion of fossil fuels, like coal and oil for electricity and road transport and in many

    industries for steam generation, producing air pollutants like nitrogen and sulphur


    2. Emission from industries and factories releasing large amount of carbon monoxide,

    hydrocarbon, chemicals and organic compounds into the air.

    3. Agricultural activities due to the use of pesticides, insecticides and fertilizers that emit

    harmful chemicals.

    4. Waste production, mostly because of methane generation in landfills.

    Air pollution prevention:

    1. Renewable fuel and clean energy production

    The most basic solution for air pollution prevention is t more away from fossil fuels

    replacing them with alternative energies like solar, wind and geothermal.

    2. Energy conservation and efficiency

    Producing clean energy is reduce our consumption of energy by adopting responsible

    habits and using more efficient devices.

    3. Eco- friendly transportation

    Shifting to electric vehicles and hydrogen vehicles, and promoting shared mobility.

    4. Green building

    From planning to demolition, green building aims to create environmentally responsible

    and resource efficient structures to reduce their carbon footprint.

  • Monthly Magazine June 2019 – Beat Air Pollution

    Indoor Air pollution:

    Exposure to indoor air pollutants can lead to a wide range of adverse health outcomes in both

    children and adults, from respiratory illness to cancer to eye problems. Members of households

    that relay on polluting fuels and devices also suffer a higher risk of burns, poisoning, injuries

    and accidents.

    Indoor air quality is also damaged by poor choice of building materials, structural risk as we ll as

    poor ventilation practice, as follows:

    Moisture built-up, mould and bacterial growth can occur as a result of structural building

    faults, inadequate heating, insulation or inadequate ventilation. These can increase risk

    of allergies and asthma.

    Radon is radioactive gas that emanates from certain rock and soil formation,

    concentrating in the basement or ground level of buildings, in the absence of inadequate

    ventilation or evacuation system.

    Asbestos fibres, used in roofing and insulation have significant carcinogenic effects upon

    exposed building inhabitants and construction workers. Asbestos use is still unregulated

    and prevalent in many developing countries.

    Risk of indoor air pollutants can be lowered by adequate natural ventilation as well as through

    the use of healthier building materials, including replacement of phasing out of hazardous

    building substances wherever possible.

    Maintain healthy indoor air by following simple steps given bellow:

    Proper ventilation

    Do not smoke inside

    Eliminate odour instead of covering them

    Prevent & control pests.

    Clean floors regularly

    Keep floor mats at every door.

    Preventing indoor air pollution is not complicated process, but it does require efforts.

  • Monthly Magazine June 2019 – Beat Air Pollution

    Providing Quality And Prompt Services To The Industries

    Fire &Safety: ●Fire load Survey ●Fire Risk Assessment ●Fire Hydrant System Performance

    Test ●Designing of Hydrant System ●Sprinkler System ●Fire Detection and alarm System ●Fire

    Hydrant System Adequacy ●Fire Hydrant System Audit ●Fire Incident Investigation

    Safety : ●HSE System Design ●Implementation of Behaviour Based Safety (BBS) ●Process

    Safety Management (PSM) ●Hazardous Area Classification (HAC) ●Safety Manual ●Risk

    Assessments (QRA, HAZOP, HAZAN, HIRA) ●Electrical Safety Audit ●On Site Emergency

    Plan, Mock Drill

    Training : ●First aid ●Fire Fighting ●Ergonomics, ●PPEs, ●ISO System ●Material Handling

    ●Mechanical Safety ●Electrical Safety ●Chemical Handling Safety ●Process Safety Management

    ●Behaviour Based Safety and many other tailor made training to suit the company

    Legal Compliance : ●Petroleum Explosives Safety Organization (PESO) ●Directorate of

    Industrial Safety and Health (DISH) ●Gujarat Pollution Control Board (GPCB) ●Gujarat

    Industrial Development Corporation (GIDC) ●Ministry of Environment and Forest New Delhi

    (MoEF) ●Department of Environment and Forest (DoEF) ●Gujarat State Legal Audit & Gap

    Analysis ●Due Diligence Report ●Environment Condition Monitoring

    Environment : ●Air Pollution control measures ●Environment monitoring (Air, Water, Waste

    Water, Solid Waste, Hazardous Waste, Noise) ●Waste Water and Water Treatment ●Zero

    Discharge ●Water Treatment Design, Supply, Installation and O&M Services ●Reduce, Recycle

    and Reuse feasibility studies

    ISO (Quality) : Support for establishing, training and implementation of management systems

    QMS- ISO 9001:2015, EMS - ISO – 14000: 2015, OHSAS- 18000:2015, ISO 27000- Information

    Management System, ISO – 28000 – Supply Chain Management System. Follow up and

    improvement projects for the existing certified organizations.
