Naia Elguezabal Elorrieta Portfolio de aprendizaje


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Naia Elguezabal Elorrieta

Portfolio de aprendizaje

PERSONAL LEARNINGS• Team work• Empathy• Leadership• Sincerity• Action• Be human• Flexibility• Enjoy what you do• Trust• Confidence• Little things are important


1.-What are our learning goals in this project?Our learning goals in this project are to learn how to organise an event, how to coordinate inside the group and how to divide the tasks to do to be as efficient as possible. Also we want to learn how to adapt to different situations and how to communicate with Finnish people and with the people who is going to participate with us.Besides that we are going to learn how to make attractive our value proposal and how to get a good accommodation, relationship and stay with the Finnish people in this learning journey.

2.-What is the customer’s role in this project?We divided the customers in two: the Finnish people and all the Basque establishment with which we are going to work.The role of the Finnish people is to decide going and feel attraction of our Gastronomic Learning Journey. Besides that Finnish people must be willing to pay the trip.The role of the Basque establishments is accepting our conditions and wants and we have to try to get discount in the prices they have because of they are quite high.


3.-What theories will we train in this project?We have used Canvas to define the project and the main points of it. Also we have made a PPT explaining the project in a visual way and a dossier with the project development and all the information.

4.-What skills will we train in this project?First of all we will train how to sell the project to both parts. Also how to work in a team and how to have inside communication to know how the project is going and also outside communication with the team to receive feedbacks.Apart from that how to reach our future clients and how to make sure they are going to pay our trip.


To be simply and concrete Have a conversation, not a monologue Asing roles before going to a customer Empathize with the customer Ask for feedbacks Believe in what you are offering Make the customer feel comfortable Do simulations before going to a customer We have to do a pre-work before going to the customer, to

know what are the necessities for them. Positive attitude Go to a customer visit with solutions, not asking for their



LA FOCA NICANORAGood:He was really interested in the project because it´s a different kind of marketing and advertising. He is going to present it to his partner next week. Also he advise us to go to Hostelry Association. He told us about other locals that may be interested in the project. We could offer him another project. We like the idea that he told us about focus the projects in the hostelry. We gave him our company card, so he already has our email.Poorly: We didn´t have a budget, even if he didn´t ask us. We didn´t give him any document explaining the project. We mix two projects, so we have to focus only in one project. Improve:We should bring an approximated budget. Also a document explaining on a clear way what´s the main idea of the projects. We should be more focus and chose before if we are going to speak about an association or commerce.Learn: Sometimes the publicity doesn´t help. The Foca Nicanora has been 25 years without publicity and it continues working. If we work hard for this project we can have many results because it is attractive for the customers. Theories:To transmit more confidence we need to believe a lot in the Project, and also to have a good attitude while we are working; as it is said in the book fish. He is agreed in co working with other commerce's, so we are promoting the teamwork between the commerce of the association. 

ESSAYS - Timmiakatemia Those steps are very important inside a company. In Tangram we are always enjoying while we are working. This is the most important aspect. Also we are very different, we have different passions but when we work we understand different opinions and we respect each other to have good results.Since we started we have a lot of mistakes, but we have never surrendered, we always learnt for this mistakes and keep going.Not long trainings ago, in the training session of “Our iceberg is melting”, we did the Belbin test. A lot of people didn´t believe in that test, but I think that with that each member of the team has a position inside the team. For example in my case I am a team worker and also resource investigator. To be a resource investigator means that you are a creative person and you have a lot of new ideas. In the case of team worker, means that you like to work in a team and when you work with different people you respect the others.As this book said there are four things that there are so important to know how to work in a team. First of all you have to listen. Then, you have to wait for your turn and respect the others. Finally you have to speak from your heart. This is very important to have a dialogue. For example in tamgram we have a lot of difficulties yet. We have to learn to wait to your turn and listened to the others. For that is compulsory to read the first year the book of dialogue.

ESSAYS – The six thinking hats The white hat: In Tangram we don’t use a lot of times the white hat because we are people that have a lot of emotions and we cannot behave objectively. The red hat: Our company has been created two months ago and until now has been full of feelings and emotions. With this hat we managed to catch more trust between us and we have taught our feelings in public.The black hat: In the degree that we are doing we use this hat a lot. Is the hat that shows you to be much calm and to control everything that you have. In Tangram we have a goal that we have to achieve so we don’t have to be risk with the money. With this hat we can identify the problems that are inside the group.The yellow hat: This is the optimistic hat. All the companies has one in each team that when you have a bad day, is there to help you and to makes you happy in bad moments. This happens when you are demotivated in a project but one member of the team, a positive member show you that everything is possible if you trust in something that you like it and you put all your passion in that.The green hat: This hat is about creativity. In Leinn every day we are innovating and creating new projects to be more different in the business world.The blue hat: if it doesn’t exist that hat the ones that appears before they aren’t very useful. This is the hat that organizes everything. The thoughts that are in our minds are organized by this hat.

Balance MOI Al principio MOI tiene 35€, hace un pedido de relojes de 93€ entonces le debe 93€ al proveedor y para pagarlo le pide 58€ a Tangram. En ese momento MOI cuenta con 58€ más en el banco. Cuando le paga al proveedor (activo) coge los 93€ del banco (pasivo). Después MOI se gasta 13€ en bolsas, que se consideran (activo). La compra de las cajas es una perdida. Se nos ha roto un reloj, lo que supone una perdida de 4,5€.Banco 35€22 relojes (existencias) 93€Banco 58€Deuda proveedor 93€Banco 13€ (cajas)Deuda proveedor 2 13€Banco 325€Perdidas (9 relojes) 58,5€Perdida reloj roto 4,5€Deuda proveedor 452€Relojes 452€ (113 unidades)Banco 452€

Capital social 35€Deuda proveedor 93€Deuda Tangram 58€Banco 93€Deuda 2 asociación 13€Banco 13Venta 13 relojes 325€ (PN)9 relojes 58,5€ (perdidas)Reloj 4,5€Banco 452€Deuda proveedor 452€Deuda 3 asociación 452€


The best phrases…

• No pierdas ni un solo día sin acercarte a tu sueño.

• Zaindu maite duzun hori.• Aurrera, beti Aurrera.