Name Institution DepartmentProvince Country Date InstalmentsTotal $...


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NSERC Grants and Scholarships

From 01/01/2017 to 03/31/2017

Name Institution DepartmentProvince Country Date InstalmentsTotal $ Program

Abatzoglou, NicolasUniversité de SherbrookeGénie chimique et génie biotechnologiqueQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 3 598,353.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Abbasi, SinaUniversity of WaterlooCombinatorics and OptimizationOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Abdel Ghani, AhmedEspial Group Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Abidi, Syed Sibte RazaDalhousie UniversityComputer Science, Faculty ofNova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

AbouRizk, SimaanUniversity of AlbertaCivil and Environmental EngineeringAlberta CANADA 01/13/17 6 1,800,000.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Abukhdeir, Nasser MohieddinUniversity of WaterlooChemical EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 1,830.00$ Connect Grants Level 1/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 1

Achiche, SofianeÉcole Polytechnique de MontréalGénie mécaniqueQuébec CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Adachi, MichaelSimon Fraser UniversityEngineering Science, School ofBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/29/17 1 150,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Adam, FrançoisCégep de Saint-JérômeSiège socialQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 2 130,172.00$ Applied Research and Development Grants (<$75k)/ Subventions de recherche et développement appliquée (<75,000 $)

Adam, FrançoisCégep de Saint-JérômeSiège socialQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 149,217.00$ Applied Research Tools and Instruments Grants/ Subventions d'outils et d'instruments de recherche appliquée

Adam, SébastienCollège Lionel-GroulxSiège socialQuébec CANADA 03/24/17 1 5,000.00$ Connect Grants Level 2 (Quebec)/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 2 (Québec)

Adamowski, JanMcGill UniversityBioresource EngineeringQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 24,997.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Adams, AndrewStemCell Tech Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Adoungotchodo, GbéïtèÉcole de technologie supérieureGénie mécaniqueQuébec CANADA 01/19/17 1 17,500.00$ Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship M/ Bourse d'études supérieures du Canada Alexander-Graham-Bell M

Adronov, AlexMcMaster UniversityChemistry & Chemical BiologyOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 150,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Agard, EmilyRyerson UniversityScience, Faculty ofOntario CANADA 02/09/17 1 15,000.00$ PromoScience

Aguiar, Olivia Marie GarebSimon Fraser UniversityBiomedical Physiology and KinesiologyBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Ahmad, RafiqUniversity of AlbertaMechanical EngineeringAlberta CANADA 03/29/17 1 146,261.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Ahmed, AbdulgadirUniversity of Ottawa/Université d'OttawaChemical and Biological Engineering/ Génie chimique et biologiqueOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Ahmed, LutfiNZ Technologies Inc.R&D DivisionBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Aider, MohammedUniversité LavalSols et de génie agroalimentaireQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Aimez, VincentUniversité de SherbrookeGénie électrique et génie informatiqueQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 1 12,500.00$ Engage Plus Grants for universities/ Subvention d'engagement partenarial Plus pour les universités

Aimez, VincentUniversité de SherbrookeGénie électrique et génie informatiqueQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Ajji, AbdellahÉcole Polytechnique de MontréalGénie chimiqueQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 2 132,000.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Ajji, AbdellahÉcole Polytechnique de MontréalGénie chimiqueQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 12,500.00$ Engage Plus Grants for universities/ Subvention d'engagement partenarial Plus pour les universités

Ajji, AbdellahÉcole Polytechnique de MontréalGénie chimiqueQuébec CANADA 03/29/17 1 147,822.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Ajogbeje, OpeyemiArbutus Medical Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Akbari, AmirMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyChemical EngineeringMassachusettsUNITED STATES/ ÉTATS-UNIS01/18/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Akbarzadeh Shafaroudi, AbdolhamidMcGill UniversityMechanical EngineeringQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Akhter, TusmanConsoltec Inc.Head OfficeQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Alam, ShafiqUniversity of SaskatchewanChemical and Biological EngineeringSaskatchewanCANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Alam, ShahriaThe University of British ColumbiaOkanagan - Engineering, School ofBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 2,300.00$ Connect Grants Level 1/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 1

Alamdari, HoushangUniversité LavalGénie des mines, métallurgie et matériauxQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Al-Hussein, MohamedUniversity of AlbertaCivil and Environmental EngineeringAlberta CANADA 01/13/17 3 240,000.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Al-Hussein, MohamedUniversity of AlbertaCivil and Environmental EngineeringAlberta CANADA 03/10/17 3 210,000.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Al-Hussein, MohamedUniversity of AlbertaCivil and Environmental EngineeringAlberta CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Allen-Vercoe, EmmaUniversity of GuelphMolecular and Cellular BiologyOntario CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Almassy, MiguelCRB Innovations Inc.Head OfficeQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Almutairi, KhuludUniversity of AlbertaPhysics Alberta CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,380.00$ Connect Grants Level 2 (Prairies)/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 2 (Prairies)

Aluko, RotimiUniversity of ManitobaHuman Nutritional SciencesManitoba CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Amando, BrianneCoanda Research and Development CorporationAlberta BranchBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/25/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Amirfazli, AlidadYork UniversityMechanical EngineeringOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 124,900.00$ Idea to Innovation/ De l'idée à l'innovation

Amirfazli, AlidadYork UniversityMechanical EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 14,945.00$ Idea to Innovation/ De l'idée à l'innovation

Amirjamshidi, GlarehMcMaster UniversityCivil EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/08/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Amon, CristinaUniversity of TorontoMechanical and Industrial EngineeringOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Amsden, BrianQueen's UniversityChemical EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 137,624.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Amyot, MarcUniversité de MontréalSciences biologiquesQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 4 560,500.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

An, Aijun York UniversityComputer Science and EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 96,554.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Anand, NaveenRed Deer CollegeHead OfficeAlberta CANADA 03/22/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Anderson, ConorUniversity of TorontoPhysical & Environmental Sciences (Scarborough)Ontario CANADA 02/16/17 1 6,000.00$ Canadian Graduate Scholarships - Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements/ Suppléments pour études à l'étranger Michael Smith aux Bourses d'études supérieures du Canada

Anderson, JohnAvalon Holographics Inc.Head OfficeNewfoundland and Labrador/ Terre-Neuve-et-LabradorCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Anderson, W. GaryUniversity of ManitobaBiological SciencesManitoba CANADA 02/10/17 1 12,500.00$ Engage Plus Grants for universities/ Subvention d'engagement partenarial Plus pour les universités

Ang, ElaineBiofine International Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Angeles, JorgeMcGill UniversityMechanical EngineeringQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Angers, PaulUniversité LavalSciences des aliments et de nutritionQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Anglas, UlrichGenomeMe Lab IncorporatedHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Angotti, JaclynCanadian Parks and Wilderness Society/Société pour la nature et les parcs du CanadaSouthern Alberta Chapter/ Bureau de l'Alberta sudOntario CANADA 02/09/17 3 75,000.00$ PromoScience

Anholt, BradleyUniversity of VictoriaBiology British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/29/17 2 300,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Anpalagan, AlaganRyerson UniversityElectrical and Computer EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Antal, CaitlynConcordia UniversityPsychologyQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Aratia, ShahroseUniversity of WaterlooMechanical Engineering and MechatronicsOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Aravind, Alex AlagarsamyUniversity of Northern British ColumbiaComputer ScienceBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 24,961.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Arbeider, MichaelSimon Fraser UniversityBiological SciencesBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/19/17 1 17,500.00$ Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship M/ Bourse d'études supérieures du Canada Alexander-Graham-Bell M

Arbiv, Itai Hatch Ltd. Head OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,218.75$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Archambault, GuylaineMusée Armand-Frappier centre d'interprétation des biosciencesSiège socialQuébec CANADA 02/09/17 3 75,000.00$ PromoScience

Archambault, PhilippeMcGill UniversityPhysical and Occupational Therapy, School ofQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Ardanaz, Steven QuincyEspial Group Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Arnold, DirkDalhousie UniversityComputer Science, Faculty ofNova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Arora, SimerdeepSimon Fraser UniversityPhysics British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/19/17 1 17,500.00$ Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship M/ Bourse d'études supérieures du Canada Alexander-Graham-Bell M

Arshad, UmbreenGenomeMe Lab IncorporatedHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Arthur, KateKids Code JeunesseHead OfficeQuébec CANADA 02/09/17 3 150,000.00$ PromoScience

Arzanpour, SiamakSimon Fraser UniversityMechatronic Systems EngineeringBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Asmussen, MichaelUniversity of CalgaryKinesiology, Faculty ofAlberta CANADA 02/15/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Assa, AkbarUniversity of TorontoElectrical & Computer EngineeringOntario CANADA 01/04/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Assaly, EricMediaValet Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Assi, AmandaNeuRecall Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 3,375.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Atkinson, DavidUniversity of VictoriaGeographyBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 3 50,000.00$ Belmont Forum Arctic Observing and Research/ Forum Belmont systèmes d'observation de l'Arctique

Au, Jeanie NOVA Chemicals CorporationApplied Research, Centre forAlberta CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Aubertin, AlainConsortium for Research and Innovation in Aerospace in Quebec/Consortium de recherche et d'innovation en aérospatiale au QuébecHead Office/ Siège socialQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 10,000.00$ Connect Grants Level 2 (Pacific)/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 2 (Pacifique)

Audet, MartyneConsortium de recherche et innovations en bioprocédés industriels au QuébecSiège socialQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 2,000.00$ Connect Grants Level 2 (Quebec)/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 2 (Québec)

Auger, MichèleUniversité LavalChimie Québec CANADA 02/09/17 1 40,000.00$ PromoScience

Auger-Méthé, MarieDalhousie UniversityMathematics and StatisticsNova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 01/04/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Aumentado-Armstrong, TristanMcGill UniversityComputer Science, School ofQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Auxier, BenjaminThe University of British ColumbiaBotany British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/19/17 1 4,120.00$ Canadian Graduate Scholarships - Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements/ Suppléments pour études à l'étranger Michael Smith aux Bourses d'études supérieures du Canada

Awasthi, AnjaliConcordia UniversityEngineering and Computer Science, Faculty ofQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Axon, JohnUken StudiosHead OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 3,937.50$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Ayala Perez, SantiagoSignalChem Pharmaceuticals IncHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Azam, CiaraUniversity of WaterlooChemistry Ontario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Azimi, AmirLakehead UniversityCivil EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Babadagli, TayfunUniversity of AlbertaCivil and Environmental EngineeringAlberta CANADA 02/10/17 5 767,850.00$ Industrial Research Chairs - Regular - Salary/ Professeurs-chercheurs industriels - régulières - salaires

Babaii Kochekseraii, SadeghUniversity of Prince Edward IslandEngineeringPrince Edward Island/ Île-du-Prince-ÉdouardCANADA 03/10/17 1 20,000.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Badayeva, YuliyaSignalChem Pharmaceuticals IncHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Baes, ChristineUniversity of GuelphAnimal BiosciencesOntario CANADA 03/10/17 3 168,650.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Baheri, NadiaUniversity of AlbertaMechanical EngineeringAlberta CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Bahl, Ankit TribalScale Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Bahng, JiseokStreetContxtHead OfficeOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Bahrami, MajidSimon Fraser UniversityMechatronic Systems EngineeringBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 3 725,376.00$ College - University Idea to Innovation Grants/ Subventions De l'idée à innovation pour les universités et les collèges

Bahrami, MajidSimon Fraser UniversityMechatronic Systems EngineeringBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/29/17 1 148,535.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Bahreyni, BehraadSimon Fraser UniversityMechatronic Systems EngineeringBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 125,000.00$ Idea to Innovation/ De l'idée à l'innovation

Bahreyni, BehraadSimon Fraser UniversityMechatronic Systems EngineeringBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Bailey, FlorenceLakehead UniversityOffice of ResearchOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 8,865.00$ Connect Grants Level 2 (Ontario)/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 2 (Ontario)

Bajic, Ivan Simon Fraser UniversityEngineering Science, School ofBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Baker, ThomasDalhousie UniversityBiochemistry and Molecular BiologyNova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Balgi, RushabApplied Biological Materials Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Bambata, MohammedGood Harbour Laboratories LtdHead OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Ban, DayanUniversity of WaterlooElectrical & Computer EngineeringOntario CANADA 02/10/17 2 92,306.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Ban, DayanUniversity of WaterlooElectrical & Computer EngineeringOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Banquy, XavierUniversité de MontréalPharmacie, Faculté deQuébec CANADA 03/29/17 1 150,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Bao, XiaoyiUniversity of Ottawa/Université d'OttawaPhysics/ PhysiqueOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Bao, XiaoyiUniversity of Ottawa/Université d'OttawaPhysics Ontario CANADA 03/29/17 1 150,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Barari, AhmadUniversity of Ontario Institute of TechnologyAutomotive, Mechanical and Manufacturing EngineeringOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 24,800.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Barbeau, BenoitÉcole Polytechnique de MontréalGénies Civil, géologique et des minesQuébec CANADA 03/29/17 2 300,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Barbosa, DenilsonUniversity of AlbertaComputing ScienceAlberta CANADA 02/10/17 1 2,100.00$ Connect Grants Level 2 (Prairies)/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 2 (Prairies)

Barclay, PaulUniversity of CalgaryPhysics and AstronomyAlberta CANADA 03/29/17 1 149,925.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Barfoot, TimothyUniversity of TorontoAerospace Studies, Institute forOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 149,362.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Barney, LizaBird Studies Canada/Études d'Oiseaux CanadaHead Office/ Siège socialOntario CANADA 02/09/17 3 70,000.00$ PromoScience

Barrett, AmyKraken Sonar Systems Inc.Head OfficeNewfoundland and Labrador/ Terre-Neuve-et-LabradorCANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Barrette, CatherineUniversité de SherbrookeAnatomie et biologie cellulaireQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Barry, AmadouArkalumen Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,218.75$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Barry, SeanCarleton UniversityChemistry Ontario CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Barthelat, FrancoisMcGill UniversityMechanical EngineeringQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Bartram, JamesVancouver Aquarium Marine Science Centre/Aquarium et centre de science marine de VancouverHead Office/ Siège SocialBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/09/17 3 23,466.00$ PromoScience

Barz, Dominik Peter JohannesQueen's UniversityChemical EngineeringOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Bastille-Rousseau, GuillaumeColorado State UniversityFish, Wildlife, and Conservation BiologyColorado UNITED STATES/ ÉTATS-UNIS03/01/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Basu, DipanjanUniversity of WaterlooCivil & Environmental EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Baugh, JonathanUniversity of WaterlooChemistry Ontario CANADA 03/29/17 1 150,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Baumgartner, ThomasUniversity of CalgaryChemistry Alberta CANADA 03/29/17 1 83,400.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Baxter, HenryUniversity of VictoriaPhysics and AstronomyBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Bayat, AlirezaUniversity of AlbertaCivil and Environmental EngineeringAlberta CANADA 03/10/17 5 1,000,000.00$ Industrial Research Chairs - Regular - Salary/ Professeurs-chercheurs industriels - régulières - salaires

Bazylak, AimyUniversity of TorontoMechanical and Industrial EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 149,759.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Beauchesne, PascalTechnoMontréalHead Office/ Siège socialQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 3,000.00$ Connect Grants Level 2 (Quebec)/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 2 (Québec)

Beaulieu, JulieUniversité de SherbrookeBiologie Québec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Beaulieu, LucUniversité LavalPhysique, génie physique et optiqueQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 1 124,000.00$ Idea to Innovation/ De l'idée à l'innovation

Beaumont, EtienneUniversité de SherbrookeChimie Québec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Beazley, MatthewKraken Sonar Systems Inc.Head OfficeNewfoundland and Labrador/ Terre-Neuve-et-LabradorCANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Becker, MichaelUniversity of ManitobaBiological SciencesManitoba CANADA 02/16/17 1 6,000.00$ Canadian Graduate Scholarships - Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements/ Suppléments pour études à l'étranger Michael Smith aux Bourses d'études supérieures du Canada

Becker, TracyMcMaster UniversityCivil EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 141,860.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Bédard, BenjaminUniversité de SherbrookeGénie mécaniqueQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Bédard, JessilyUniversité de SherbrookeMédecine Québec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Bedi, SanjeevUniversity of WaterlooMechanical Engineering and MechatronicsOntario CANADA 03/10/17 5 1,000,000.00$ Chairs in Design Engineering - Research/ Chaires en génie de la conception - recherche

Beg, Mirza FaisalSimon Fraser UniversityEngineering Science, School ofBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Begon, MickaelUniversité de MontréalKinésiologieQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Begon, MickaelUniversité de MontréalKinésiologieQuébec CANADA 03/29/17 1 150,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Beh, ChristopherSimon Fraser UniversityMolecular Biology and BiochemistryBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/29/17 1 150,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Behdinan, KamranUniversity of TorontoApplied Sc./Engineering, Faculty ofOntario CANADA 03/10/17 5 1,000,000.00$ Chairs in Design Engineering - Salary/ Chaires en génie de la conception - salaires

Behm, DavidMemorial University of NewfoundlandHuman Kinetics and Recreation, School ofNewfoundland and Labrador/ Terre-Neuve-et-LabradorCANADA 03/24/17 1 21,152.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Behr, John TRIUMF Science DivisionBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 14,099.00$ Subatomic Physics Envelope - Research Tools and Instruments/ Enveloppe de physique subatomique - Outils et instruments de recherche

Behrens, MeganUltra Electronics Maritime SystemsACCOUNTS RECEIVABLENova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Bélanger, JackyCégep de JonquièreSiège socialQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 5,000.00$ Connect Grants Level 1/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 1

Bélanger, JackyCégep de JonquièreSiège socialQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,100.00$ Connect Grants Level 1/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 1

Bélisle-Couture, Maxence CynthiaUniversité du Québec en Abitibi-TémiscamingueInstitut de recherche en mines et en environnement (IRME)Québec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Bell, Kevin Vale Canada LimitedLong Harbour OfficeOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Bell, Matt Canada Bread Foodservice/Service alimentaire Canada BreadMississauga Office/ Bureau de MississaugaOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Bellavance, VincentUniversité de SherbrookeBiologie Québec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Bellenger, Jean-PhilippeUniversité de SherbrookeChimie Québec CANADA 03/29/17 1 127,900.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Belmonte, MarkUniversity of ManitobaBiological SciencesManitoba CANADA 03/10/17 1 10,625.00$ Engage Plus Grants for universities/ Subvention d'engagement partenarial Plus pour les universités

Belostotski, LeonidUniversity of CalgaryElectrical and Computer EngineeringAlberta CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Beltrami, HugoSt. Francis Xavier UniversityEarth SciencesNova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 03/29/17 1 43,170.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Belval, OlivierDemtroys Technology inc./Technologie Demtroys inc.Head Office/ Siège socialQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Bénard, PierreUniversité du Québec à Trois-RivièresInstitut de recherche sur l'hydrogèneQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Benfey, TillmannUniversity of New BrunswickBiology (Fredericton)New Brunswick/ Nouveau-BrunswickCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,624.00$ Connect Grants Level 1/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 1

Beninger, RichardQueen's UniversityPsychologyOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 52,766.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Benjelloun, IliasMontreal NewTechHead OfficeQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 2,000.00$ Connect Grants Level 2 (Quebec)/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 2 (Québec)

Benkoczi, RobertUniversity of LethbridgeMathematics and Computer ScienceAlberta CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Benmokrane, BrahimUniversité de SherbrookeGénie civil Québec CANADA 03/29/17 1 149,379.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Bennett, ElenaMcGill UniversityNatural Resource SciencesQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 2 250,000.00$ EWR Steacie Fellowships - Supplement/ EWR Steacie - supplément

Benoit, DarcyAcadia UniversityComputer Science, Jodrey School ofNova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 02/09/17 3 75,000.00$ PromoScience

Benoit, MirandaConcordia UniversityPsychologyQuébec CANADA 03/16/17 1 17,500.00$ Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship M/ Bourse d'études supérieures du Canada Alexander-Graham-Bell M

Benoît, SuzanneAéro MontréalHead Office/ Siège socialQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 10,000.00$ Connect Grants Level 2 (Quebec)/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 2 (Québec)

Benzaazoua, MostafaUniversité du Québec en Abitibi-TémiscamingueInstitut de recherche en mines et en environnement (IRME)Québec CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Berardi, UmbertoRyerson UniversityArchitectural ScienceOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Bercovici, DovDiscovery CentreHead OfficeNova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 02/09/17 3 60,000.00$ PromoScience

Berger, KarineCégep de la Gaspésie et des ÎlesSiège socialQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 1,669.00$ Connect Grants Level 1/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 1

Bergeron, NormandInstitut national de la recherche scientifiqueCentre Eau, Terre et Environnement (ETE)Québec CANADA 03/24/17 1 24,890.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Bergeron, SimonUniversité de SherbrookeGénie mécaniqueQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Bergerson, JouleUniversity of CalgaryChemical and Petroleum EngineeringAlberta CANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Bergerson, JouleUniversity of CalgaryChemical and Petroleum EngineeringAlberta CANADA 03/10/17 2 285,000.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Berlinguette, CurtisThe University of British ColumbiaChemistry British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 3 728,616.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Bernatchez, LouisUniversité LavalBiologie Québec CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Bernatchez, LouisUniversité LavalBiologie Québec CANADA 03/29/17 1 134,515.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Berruti, FrancoThe University of Western OntarioChemical and Biochemical EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Berruti, FrancoThe University of Western OntarioChemical and Biochemical EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 10,000.00$ Connect Grants Level 2 (Ontario)/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 2 (Ontario)

Bertoncini, JustineAC Eagle Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 3,937.50$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Bérubé, Audrey-JadeUniversité LavalHead OfficeQuébec CANADA 02/16/17 1 5,500.00$ Canadian Graduate Scholarships - Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements/ Suppléments pour études à l'étranger Michael Smith aux Bourses d'études supérieures du Canada

Best, Kiley Petty Harbour Mini AquariumHead OfficeNewfoundland and Labrador/ Terre-Neuve-et-LabradorCANADA 02/22/17 1 10,000.00$ PromoScience

Beyea, StevenDalhousie UniversityDiagnostic RadiologyNova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 01/13/17 2 160,000.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Bhatia, KanwalContinental Tire Canada Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,218.75$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Bhattacharya, JanokMcMaster UniversityGeography and Earth Sciences, School ofOntario CANADA 03/10/17 4 175,430.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Bhavsar, MeetIndex Exchange Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Bi, Xiaotao The University of British ColumbiaChemical and Biological EngineeringBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 20,000.00$ Connect Grants Level 3 for universities/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 3 pour les universités

Bibault, EmmaG3 Genuine Guide Gear Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Biega, AlannahSimon Fraser UniversityBiological SciencesBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/19/17 1 17,500.00$ Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship M/ Bourse d'études supérieures du Canada Alexander-Graham-Bell M

Biglarbegian, MohammadUniversity of GuelphEngineering, School ofOntario CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Bilodeau, Kristopher RobertAutomotive Fuel Cell CooperationHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Bilodeau, ValérieLes ScientifinesSiège socialQuébec CANADA 02/09/17 3 150,000.00$ PromoScience

Biria, Aisa Yale UniversityMechanical EngineeringConnecticutUNITED STATES/ ÉTATS-UNIS03/01/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Bissonnette, BenoîtUniversité LavalGénie civil et génie des eauxQuébec CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Biswas, AsimUniversity of GuelphEnvironmental Sciences, School ofOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 24,750.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Bitsuamlak, GirmaThe University of Western OntarioCivil and Environmental EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 140,756.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Blais, Carl Université LavalGénie des mines, métallurgie et matériauxQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Blais, Jean-FrançoisInstitut national de la recherche scientifiqueCentre Eau, Terre et Environnement (ETE)Québec CANADA 03/10/17 1 12,500.00$ Engage Plus Grants for universities/ Subvention d'engagement partenarial Plus pour les universités

Blanchet, CatherineCégep de ThetfordSiège socialQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 1 23,799.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Blaquière, YvesÉcole de technologie supérieureGénie électriqueQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Blaskovits, Jacob (Terence)Université LavalChimie Québec CANADA 02/16/17 1 6,000.00$ Canadian Graduate Scholarships - Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements/ Suppléments pour études à l'étranger Michael Smith aux Bourses d'études supérieures du Canada

Blewett, TamzinUniversity of AlbertaBiological SciencesAlberta CANADA 03/08/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Blouin, Jean-SébastienThe University of British ColumbiaKinesiology, School ofBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/29/17 1 149,426.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Blum, SusanSaskatchewan PolytechnicHead OfficeSaskatchewanCANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Blustein, William JamesDalhousie UniversityComputer Science, Faculty ofNova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Bo, JessicaMazdis Innovation Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Bocher, PhilippeÉcole de technologie supérieureGénie mécaniqueQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 3 247,282.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Bochulak, CalvinNovAtel Inc.Head OfficeAlberta CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Bohne, CorneliaUniversity of VictoriaChemistry British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/29/17 1 149,040.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Boleac, TrevorCorvus Energy Ltd.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/04/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Bolshan, YuriUniversity of Ontario Institute of TechnologyScience, Faculty ofOntario CANADA 01/13/17 2 56,000.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Bookbinder, JamesUniversity of WaterlooManagement SciencesOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Bordignon, VilceuMcGill UniversityAnimal ScienceQuébec CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Born, LoganSimon Fraser UniversityComputing Science, School ofBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/19/17 1 17,500.00$ Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship M/ Bourse d'études supérieures du Canada Alexander-Graham-Bell M

Borrett, MichaelUniversity of TorontoMedical Science, Institute ofOntario CANADA 01/19/17 1 17,500.00$ Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship M/ Bourse d'études supérieures du Canada Alexander-Graham-Bell M

Boskovic, DusanRoss Video LtdOttawa DevelopmentOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Botterill, JustinNathan Kline InstituteHead OfficeNew York UNITED STATES/ ÉTATS-UNIS01/04/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Bouchard, FrankUniversity of Ottawa/Université d'OttawaEngineering, Faculty of/ Génie, faculté deOntario CANADA 02/09/17 3 240,000.00$ PromoScience

Boucher, GabrielMobilus TechnologiesSiège socialQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Boucher, Jean-FrançoisUniversité du Québec à ChicoutimiSciences fondamentalesQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 3 358,062.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Bouferguene, AhmedUniversity of AlbertaCampus Saint-JeanAlberta CANADA 02/10/17 3 200,000.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Bougherara, HabibaRyerson UniversityMechanical and Industrial EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 138,500.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Boukadoum, A MounirUniversité du Québec à MontréalInformatiqueQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 1 12,350.00$ Engage Plus Grants for universities/ Subvention d'engagement partenarial Plus pour les universités

Boulanger, PierreUniversity of AlbertaComputing ScienceAlberta CANADA 03/29/17 1 115,152.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Boumaiza, SlimUniversity of WaterlooElectrical & Computer EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 150,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Boumghar, YacineCollège de MaisonneuveSiège socialQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Boumghar, YacineCollège de MaisonneuveSiège socialQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Bourassa, Jean-SébastienUniversité de SherbrookeBiochimie Québec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Bourdeau, NathalieCégep de Trois-RivièresInnofibre Québec CANADA 02/10/17 1 1,050.00$ Connect Grants Level 1/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 1

Bourdeau, NathalieCégep de Trois-RivièresInnofibre Québec CANADA 03/24/17 1 3,000.00$ Connect Grants Level 2 (Quebec)/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 2 (Québec)

Bourgault, DanielUniversité du Québec à RimouskiSciences de la mer de Rimouski, Institut desQuébec CANADA 03/29/17 1 32,815.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Bouskila, JosephMcGill UniversityHuman GeneticsQuébec CANADA 03/15/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Bouslama, NissrineRocscience Inc.Research BranchOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Bowman, MeghanPioneer Hi-Bred Production LPCanola Research Station (Head Office)Ontario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Boyce, KearaUniversity of Ottawa/Université d'OttawaLinguistics/ LinguistiqueOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Boyd, RobertUniversity of Ottawa/Université d'OttawaPhysics/ PhysiqueOntario CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Bramesfeld, GoetzRyerson UniversityAerospace EngineeringOntario CANADA 01/13/17 2 136,800.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Branfireun, BrianThe University of Western OntarioBiology Ontario CANADA 03/29/17 1 150,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Brassard, AlexQueen's UniversityPsychologyOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Brenan, JamesDalhousie UniversityEarth SciencesNova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 03/29/17 1 150,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Brennan, RobertUniversity of CalgaryElectrical and Computer EngineeringAlberta CANADA 02/10/17 5 1,000,000.00$ Chairs in Design Engineering - Salary/ Chaires en génie de la conception - salaires

Brennand, TracySimon Fraser UniversityGeographyBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/29/17 1 140,300.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Breton, CharlesUniversité LavalSciences du bois et de la forêtQuébec CANADA 01/19/17 1 6,000.00$ Canadian Graduate Scholarships - Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements/ Suppléments pour études à l'étranger Michael Smith aux Bourses d'études supérieures du Canada

Breton-Provencher, VincentMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyBrain & Cognitive ScienceMassachusettsUNITED STATES/ ÉTATS-UNIS01/25/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Brewer, JuliaTerraBiogen Technologies Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Brideau, KyleBlue Spurs Consulting IncR&D DivisionNew Brunswick/ Nouveau-BrunswickCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Bridgeman, LeilaDuke UniversityMechanical Engineering & Materials ScienceNorth Carolina/ Caroline du NordUNITED STATES/ ÉTATS-UNIS01/04/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Bright, ZacharyBrunswick News Inc. - Telegraph JournalHead OfficeNew Brunswick/ Nouveau-BrunswickCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,218.75$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Britton, RobertSimon Fraser UniversityChemistry British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/29/17 1 150,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Britz-McKibbin, PhilipMcMaster UniversityChemistry & Chemical BiologyOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 122,500.00$ Idea to Innovation/ De l'idée à l'innovation

Brochu, MathieuMcGill UniversityMining & Materials Engineering.Québec CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Broderick, NicholasEyeball Inc.Head OfficeNova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,218.75$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Brodeur, MaximeCRB Innovations Inc.Head OfficeQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Brouillard, JérémyÉcole de technologie supérieureGénie de la production automatiséeQuébec CANADA 01/19/17 1 17,500.00$ Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship M/ Bourse d'études supérieures du Canada Alexander-Graham-Bell M

Brousseau, JeanUniversité du Québec à RimouskiHead OfficeQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 5 1,000,000.00$ Chairs in Design Engineering - Research/ Chaires en génie de la conception - recherche

Brown, AmandaHumber College Institute of Technology and Advanced LearningHumber North CampusOntario CANADA 03/24/17 1 2,115.00$ Connect Grants Level 2 (Ontario)/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 2 (Ontario)

Brown, LeonidUniversity of GuelphPhysics Ontario CANADA 03/29/17 1 149,908.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Brown, StephenUniversity of GuelphHuman Health and Nutritional SciencesOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 47,099.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Brown, WilliamWeMesh Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Bruce, Ian McMaster UniversityElectrical and Computer EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 24,843.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Bruneau, AnneUniversité de MontréalSciences biologiquesQuébec CANADA 03/29/17 1 150,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Brusso, JaclynUniversity of Ottawa/Université d'OttawaChemistry/ ChimieOntario CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Bryce, DavidUniversity of Ottawa/Université d'OttawaChemistry Ontario CANADA 03/29/17 2 300,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Buckham, BradUniversity of VictoriaMechanical EngineeringBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 12,500.00$ Engage Plus Grants for universities/ Subvention d'engagement partenarial Plus pour les universités

Buckley, MelissaCanada Bread Foodservice/Service alimentaire Canada BreadMississauga Office/ Bureau de MississaugaOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Budhkar, AkshayStreetContxtHead OfficeOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Buhr, Mary University of SaskatchewanAnimal and Poultry ScienceSaskatchewanCANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Bui, FrancisUniversity of SaskatchewanElectrical & Computer EngineeringSaskatchewanCANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Bui, Tuan University of Ottawa/Université d'OttawaBiology Ontario CANADA 03/29/17 1 141,602.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Bulle, CécileUniversité du Québec à MontréalStratégie, responsabilité sociale et environnementaleQuébec CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Bullen, AnnaLockheed Martin Canada Inc.Advanced Test and Training SiteOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Bunt, AndreaUniversity of ManitobaComputer ScienceManitoba CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Burgess, JacobUniversity of ManitobaPhysics and AstronomyManitoba CANADA 03/29/17 1 150,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Burns, CatherineUniversity of WaterlooSystems Design EngineeringOntario CANADA 02/10/17 3 237,738.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Buron, Jean-DavidUniversité LavalGénie mécaniqueQuébec CANADA 03/16/17 3 63,000.00$ Postgraduate Scholarships D - 3 years/ Bourses d'études supérieures D - 3 ans

Burt, DianeNew Brunswick Community CollegeSaint John CampusNew Brunswick/ Nouveau-BrunswickCANADA 03/22/17 1 24,582.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Busser, JenniferNovAtel Inc.Head OfficeAlberta CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Busungu, AngeUniversité de MonctonPhysique et d'astronomieNew Brunswick/ Nouveau-BrunswickCANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Butt, Cheri Women in Resource Development CorpEducation Resource CentreNewfoundland and Labrador/ Terre-Neuve-et-LabradorCANADA 02/09/17 1 50,000.00$ PromoScience

Byun, HyojinEvident Point Software Corp.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Cabana, HubertUniversité de SherbrookeGénie civil Québec CANADA 02/10/17 3 128,250.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Cahill, JamesUniversity of AlbertaBiological SciencesAlberta CANADA 03/29/17 1 42,267.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Callaghan, JackUniversity of WaterlooKinesiologyOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 26,692.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Callaghan, KevinTransCanada PipeLines LimitedHead OfficeAlberta CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Cameron, ChristopherUniversité de MontréalSciences biologiquesQuébec CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Cameron, Jerri-LynneEmily Carr University of Art + DesignHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 24,538.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Cameron, Jerri-LynneEmily Carr University of Art + DesignHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Cameron, JonathanBaylis Medical Company Inc.Mississauga OfficeQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Cameron, RobinMcMaster UniversityBiology Ontario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Cami, Jan The University of Western OntarioPhysics and AstronomyOntario CANADA 02/09/17 1 21,362.00$ PromoScience

Campbell, AnneNova Scotia Community CollegeHead OfficeNova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Campbell, AnneNova Scotia Community CollegeHead OfficeNova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 03/22/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Campbell, LesleyRyerson UniversityChemistry and BiologyOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 48,000.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Campos, JenniferUniversity of TorontoToronto Rehabilitation InstituteOntario CANADA 02/22/17 1 19,000.00$ PromoScience

Canesi, SylvainUniversité du Québec à MontréalChimie Québec CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Canessa, RosalineUniversity of VictoriaGeographyBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 2 96,800.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Canseco, JazelIntellijoint Surgical Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Cao, Olivia TribalScale Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Cao, Sheng LunCalgary Scientific Inc.Head OfficeAlberta CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Cao, Shi University of WaterlooSystems Design EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Carbonneau, Marie-ÉliseCégep de la Gaspésie et des ÎlesSiège socialQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 602.00$ Connect Grants Level 1/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 1

Cardini, Adriana MarinaBishop's UniversityPhysics Québec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Caron Duval, EdouardUniversité de SherbrookeChimie Québec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Caron, JeanUniversité LavalSols et de génie agroalimentaireQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 3 512,876.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Caron, JocelynConseil du loisir scientifique - Saguenay - Lac Saint JeanSiège socialQuébec CANADA 02/09/17 1 30,000.00$ PromoScience

Carriveau, EdwardUniversity of WindsorCivil and Environmental EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 2 180,000.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Carswell, TessBallard Power Systems Inc.Research and DevelopmentBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Cartaya Jaspe, AndreaCalgary Scientific Inc.Head OfficeAlberta CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Castillo, CarlosGrande Prairie Regional CollegeHead OfficeAlberta CANADA 03/22/17 1 150,000.00$ Applied Research Tools and Instruments Grants/ Subventions d'outils et d'instruments de recherche appliquée

Caussan, LéoUniversité de SherbrookeGénie électrique et génie informatiqueQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Causton, KyleRoss Video LtdOttawa DevelopmentOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,218.75$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Cayer, IsabelleCégep de MataneSiège socialQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Cayer, IsabelleCégep de MataneSiège socialQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 1 2,500.00$ Connect Grants Level 1/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 1

Celeste, SarahMcMaster UniversityChemistry & Chemical BiologyOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Chabot, MathieuEnerkem Sherbrooke Office/ Bureau de SherbrookeQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Champliaud, HenriÉcole de technologie supérieureGénie mécaniqueQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Chan Carusone, AnthonyUniversity of TorontoElectrical & Computer EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 3 428,574.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Chan, HenryIndal Technologies Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,218.75$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Chan, JoycePBR Laboratories Inc.Head OfficeAlberta CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Chan, RanielUniversity of CalgaryMechanical and Manufacturing EngineeringAlberta CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Chan, SonnyUniversity of CalgaryComputer ScienceAlberta CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Chan, TimothyUniversity of TorontoMechanical and Industrial EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Chang, BrittanyCanfor Pulp Limited PartnershipR&D Division (Burnaby)British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Chang, Cheng-HungiProgen Biotech IncHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Chang, CherleneSimon Fraser UniversityBiomedical Physiology and KinesiologyBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Chang, Sabrina8996598 Canada Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Chapman, LaurenMcGill UniversityBiology Québec CANADA 03/29/17 1 135,617.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Chapuis, RobertÉcole Polytechnique de MontréalGénies Civil, géologique et des minesQuébec CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Charbonneau, ValérieFPInnovationsResearch and Education (Paprican)/ Recherche et éducation (Paprican)Québec CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Charest, RémiUniversité de SherbrookeGénie civil Québec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Charette, HeatherNOVA Chemicals CorporationHead OfficeAlberta CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Charette, PaulUniversité de SherbrookeGénie électrique et génie informatiqueQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Charette, SteveUniversité LavalBiochimie, de microbiologie et de bio-informatiqueQuébec CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Charles, TrevorUniversity of WaterlooBiology Ontario CANADA 03/10/17 1 5,000.00$ Engage Plus Grants for universities/ Subvention d'engagement partenarial Plus pour les universités

Charron, Jean-PhilippeÉcole Polytechnique de MontréalGénies Civil, géologique et des minesQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Chatelain, Jean-FrançoisÉcole de technologie supérieureGénie mécaniqueQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Chattopadhyay, KinnorUniversity of TorontoMaterials Science and EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 3 107,142.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Chatur, TahirUniversity of VictoriaPsychologyBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Chau, JoyceEcoSpark Head OfficeOntario CANADA 02/09/17 3 75,000.00$ PromoScience

Chaudhry, WaleedIndex Exchange Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Cheema, Sukhinder KaurMemorial University of NewfoundlandBiochemistryNewfoundland and Labrador/ Terre-Neuve-et-LabradorCANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Chehaiber, JuliaCanadian Council of Professional Engineers/Conseil canadien des ingénieursHead Office/ Siège SocialOntario CANADA 02/22/17 1 10,000.00$ PromoScience

Chem, NolanThe University of British ColumbiaBiochemistry and Molecular BiologyBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/22/17 1 375.00$ Aboriginal Ambassadors in the Natural Sciences and Engineering Supplement/ Supplément pour ambassadeurs autochtones des sciences naturelles et du génie

Chen, AichengLakehead UniversityChemistry Ontario CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Chen, AnnieBallard Power Systems Inc.Research and DevelopmentBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Chen, BrodyIndex Exchange Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Chen, DanielAllocadia Software Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Chen, Han Lakehead UniversityNatural Resources Management, Faculty ofOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 40,838.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Chen, Li University of SaskatchewanElectrical & Computer EngineeringSaskatchewanCANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Chen, PeterUniversity of WaterlooPharmacy, School ofOntario CANADA 02/15/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Chen, Wei-ChengKingston Process Metallurgy Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Chen, XiangNicoya Lifesciences Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Chen, XiangUniversity of WindsorElectrical and Computer EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Chen, Ying Evident Point Software Corp.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Chen, ZhangxingUniversity of CalgaryChemical and Petroleum EngineeringAlberta CANADA 03/22/17 1 200,000.00$ Synergy Awards/ Prix Synergie

Chen, Zhi Concordia UniversityBuilding, Civil and Environmental EngineeringQuébec CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Chen, ZhongweiUniversity of WaterlooChemical EngineeringOntario CANADA 01/13/17 2 250,000.00$ EWR Steacie Fellowships - Supplement/ EWR Steacie - supplément

Cheng, HugoEvident Point Software Corp.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Cheng, ZhenyuDalhousie UniversityMicrobiology and ImmunologyNova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 03/10/17 1 22,160.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Chiao, Mu The University of British ColumbiaMechanical EngineeringBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Chiasson, NicoleScience North/Science nordHead Office/ Siège socialOntario CANADA 02/09/17 3 187,800.00$ PromoScience

Chibbar, RavindraUniversity of SaskatchewanPlant SciencesSaskatchewanCANADA 03/10/17 4 188,670.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Childs, ChelseyAMIRIX Systems Inc.VEMCO DivisionNova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Choinière, MathieuUniversité de SherbrookeGénie civil Québec CANADA 01/19/17 1 17,500.00$ Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship M/ Bourse d'études supérieures du Canada Alexander-Graham-Bell M

Chokmani, KaremInstitut national de la recherche scientifiqueCentre Eau, Terre et Environnement (ETE)Québec CANADA 01/13/17 1 12,500.00$ Engage Plus Grants for universities/ Subvention d'engagement partenarial Plus pour les universités

Chow, DerekSignalChem Pharmaceuticals IncHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Chow, JessicaiProgen Biotech IncHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Chowdhury, NabilImtex Membranes Corp.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Chrostowski, LukasThe University of British ColumbiaElectrical and Computer EngineeringBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Chu, SonjaMcGill UniversityPsychologyQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Chung, JoonRyerson UniversityAerospace EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Ciborowski, JanUniversity of WindsorBiological SciencesOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,000.00$ Connect Grants Level 2 (Ontario)/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 2 (Ontario)

Ciccarelli, GabrielQueen's UniversityMechanical and Materials EngineeringOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 2,325.00$ Connect Grants Level 1/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 1

Cicon, LeahAutomotive Fuel Cell CooperationHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Cid, MelissaMax-Planck-Institute for Marine Microbiology Biogeochemistry, Dept ofGERMANY/ ALLEMAGNE02/15/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Clarke, MaryEsteem Women Inc.Head OfficeNewfoundland and Labrador/ Terre-Neuve-et-LabradorCANADA 02/09/17 3 125,500.00$ PromoScience

Clarkson, ChristopherUniversity of CalgaryGeoscienceAlberta CANADA 03/10/17 3 506,834.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Clarkson, ChristopherUniversity of CalgaryGeoscienceAlberta CANADA 03/10/17 3 525,645.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Clausi, DavidUniversity of WaterlooSystems Design EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Claverie, JeromeUniversité de SherbrookeChimie Québec CANADA 03/29/17 1 149,367.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Clelland, WilliamCiena Canada Inc.Carling OfficeOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Clinton, LauraProspectors and Developers Association of Canada Mining MattersHead OfficeOntario CANADA 02/09/17 3 150,000.00$ PromoScience

Coletta, AlessiaFiat Chrysler AutomobilesBody ExteriorOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,218.75$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Coley, KennethMcMaster UniversityMaterials Science and EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 4 356,683.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Colliander, JamesThe University of British ColumbiaMathematicsBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 4,740.00$ Connect Grants Level 2 (Pacific)/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 2 (Pacifique)

Commito, MichaelCambrian College of Applied Arts and TechnologyHead OfficeOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Connors, MartinAthabasca UniversityScience, Centre forAlberta CANADA 03/10/17 1 24,839.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Conroy, BrigidThe University of British ColumbiaBiochemistry and Molecular BiologyBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/16/17 1 17,500.00$ Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship M/ Bourse d'études supérieures du Canada Alexander-Graham-Bell M

Constabel, C. PeterUniversity of VictoriaBiology British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/29/17 1 148,860.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Constabel, PeterUniversity of VictoriaBiology British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Constantinescu, BogdanKingston Process Metallurgy Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Conway Diels, MarleneOntario Aerospace CouncilHead OfficeOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 5,000.00$ Connect Grants Level 2 (Ontario)/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 2 (Ontario)

Cook, WilliamUniversity of New BrunswickChemical EngineeringNew Brunswick/ Nouveau-BrunswickCANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Cool, Julie The University of British ColumbiaWood ScienceBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Cooney, JustinIQmetrix Winnipeg OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Coops, NicholasThe University of British ColumbiaForest Resources ManagementBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 24,600.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Copeland, CharlesThe University of British ColumbiaBotany British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/16/17 1 5,800.00$ Canadian Graduate Scholarships - Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements/ Suppléments pour études à l'étranger Michael Smith aux Bourses d'études supérieures du Canada

Copeland, Devon Kyle ClarkZaber Technologies IncHead Office CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Corapi, FrankUniversity of WaterlooPhysics and AstronomyOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Coskun, DevrimUniversité LavalPhytologie Québec CANADA 03/08/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Costea, MihaiWilfrid Laurier UniversityBiology Ontario CANADA 03/29/17 1 52,470.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Cote, AnthonyFiat Chrysler AutomobilesHead OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Côté, DianeMEDTEQ Head Office/ Siège socialQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 2,500.00$ Connect Grants Level 2 (Quebec)/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 2 (Québec)

Côté, PhilippeJyga Technologies inc.Siège socialQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Côté, Pier-LucUniversité de SherbrookeInstitut interdisciplinaire d'innovation technologique (3IT)Québec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Côté-Sarrazin, CéliaUniversité de SherbrookePharmacologie-physiologieQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Coulombe, FrédéricUniversité de SherbrookeBiologie Québec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Cowie, BradleyUniversity of EdinburghChemistry, School of UNITED KINGDOM/ ROYAUME-UNI01/11/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Cramer, MatthewUniversity of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at DallasInternal MedicineTexas UNITED STATES/ ÉTATS-UNIS03/15/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Cranston, EmilyMcMaster UniversityChemical EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Cree, DuncanUniversity of SaskatchewanMechanical EngineeringSaskatchewanCANADA 03/24/17 1 24,993.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Cronin, DuaneUniversity of WaterlooMechanical Engineering and MechatronicsOntario CANADA 02/10/17 3 326,000.00$ Department of National Defence / NSERC Research Partnership - Project/ Partenariat de recherche du ministère de la Défense nationale et du CRSNG - projet

Croteau, Marc-AndréGiro inc. Head Office/ Siège SocialQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Cruickshank, Cynthia AnnCarleton UniversityMechanical & Aerospace EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 2 30,000.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Cuellar, KrayRocscience Inc.Research BranchOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Cui, Bo University of WaterlooElectrical & Computer EngineeringOntario CANADA 01/13/17 2 53,846.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Cui, Bo University of WaterlooElectrical & Computer EngineeringOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Cui, Nai WenHarvard UniversityEngineering and Applied Sciences, School ofMassachusettsUNITED STATES/ ÉTATS-UNIS01/04/17 4 63,000.00$ Postgraduate Scholarships D - 3 years/ Bourses d'études supérieures D - 3 ans

Cunningham, MichaelQueen's UniversityChemical EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 150,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Curiel, LauraLakehead UniversityElectrical EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 120,372.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Cuzzucoli, FabioPioneer Hi-Bred Production LPCanola Research Station (Head Office)Ontario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Czekanski, AleksanderYork UniversityMechanical EngineeringOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Czepil, JosephGlobal Relay Communications Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Daghrir, RimehCentre des technologies de l'eauSiège socialQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 1,500.00$ Connect Grants Level 1/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 1

Dai, Junyi Continental Tire Canada Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,218.75$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Dalai, Ajay University of SaskatchewanChemical and Biological EngineeringSaskatchewanCANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Dale, AlexanderCiena Canada Inc.Carling OfficeOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Dale, Allan University of Prince Edward IslandEngineeringPrince Edward Island/ Île-du-Prince-ÉdouardCANADA 01/13/17 1 2,195.00$ Connect Grants Level 2 (Atlantic)/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 2 (Atlantique)

Dallimore, AudreyRoyal Roads UniversityEnvironment and Sustainability, School ofBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/09/17 1 30,000.00$ PromoScience

Damascelli, AndreaThe University of British ColumbiaPhysics and AstronomyBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/29/17 1 119,810.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Dambrowitz, ChristopherNorthern Alberta Institute of TechnologyNAIT HP CentreAlberta CANADA 02/10/17 2 261,245.00$ Applied Research and Development Grants (>$75k)/ Subventions de recherche et développement appliquée (>75,000 $)

Dambrowitz, ChristopherNorthern Alberta Institute of TechnologyNAIT HP CentreAlberta CANADA 03/22/17 6 2,300,000.00$ Innovation Enhancement Grants/ Subventions de renforcement de l'innovation

Dambrowitz, ChristopherNorthern Alberta Institute of TechnologyOffice of Research and InnovationAlberta CANADA 03/22/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Dancause, NumaUniversité de MontréalNeurosciencesQuébec CANADA 03/29/17 1 147,813.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Dancosst, David-AlexandreUniversité de SherbrookeGénie chimique et génie biotechnologiqueQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Dandoo, RafiqZoic Studios BC Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Daneshmand, MojganUniversity of AlbertaElectrical and Computer EngineeringAlberta CANADA 03/10/17 1 125,000.00$ Idea to Innovation/ De l'idée à l'innovation

Daniel, HugoCurtiss-Wright Defense SolutionsHead OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Danovitch, DavidUniversité de SherbrookeGénie électrique et génie informatiqueQuébec CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Darimont, ChristopherUniversity of VictoriaGeographyBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/22/17 3 60,000.00$ PromoScience

Darjuan, Maria MichaelaImmuneChem Pharmaceuticals IncHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Darnon, MaximeUniversité de SherbrookeInstitut interdisciplinaire d'innovation technologique (3IT)Québec CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Das, SreekantaUniversity of WindsorCivil and Environmental EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Davelouis, FatimaUniversity of AlbertaMathematical and Statistical SciencesAlberta CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Davidson, DawnGeorge Brown College of Applied Arts and TechnologyOffice of Research and InnovationOntario CANADA 03/22/17 6 2,300,000.00$ Innovation Enhancement Grants/ Subventions de renforcement de l'innovation

Davies, TheresaQueen's UniversityMechanical and Materials EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 150,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Davis, JohnUniversity of AlbertaPhysics Alberta CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Davis, KristinUniversity of GuelphPathobiologyOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Dawson, FrancisUniversity of TorontoElectrical & Computer EngineeringOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Dawson, NealMcMaster UniversityBiology Ontario CANADA 01/04/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Day, DarrylAvalon Holographics Inc.Head OfficeNewfoundland and Labrador/ Terre-Neuve-et-LabradorCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

De Haan, HendrickUniversity of Ontario Institute of TechnologyScience, Faculty ofOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

De Klerk, ArnoUniversity of AlbertaChemical and Materials EngineeringAlberta CANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

De Koninck, YvesUniversité LavalPsychiatrie et de neurosciencesQuébec CANADA 03/29/17 1 150,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

De Luna, PhilUniversity of TorontoMaterials Science and EngineeringOntario CANADA 02/16/17 1 6,000.00$ Canadian Graduate Scholarships - Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements/ Suppléments pour études à l'étranger Michael Smith aux Bourses d'études supérieures du Canada

Declaro, JohnIndal Technologies Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

DeGagné, SébastienTranstech Innovations Inc.Head OfficeQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

DeJordy, DeclanUniversity of GuelphChemistry Ontario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Del Rey Fernandez, DavidNational Aeronautics & Space AdministrationLangley Research CenterDistrict of Columbia/ District de ColumbiaUNITED STATES/ ÉTATS-UNIS01/04/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Demarquette, NicoleÉcole de technologie supérieureGénie mécaniqueQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Dembek, NicholasE-One Moli Energy (Canada) LimitedMaterials Research and DevelopmentBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Dennison, ChristopherUniversity of AlbertaMechanical EngineeringAlberta CANADA 01/13/17 2 32,000.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Derome, NicolasUniversité LavalBiologie Québec CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Desjardins, YvesUniversité LavalPhytologie Québec CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Desjarlais, AlainCégep André-LaurendeauHead OfficeQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Desjarlais, AlainCégep André-LaurendeauHead OfficeQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Desjarlais, AlainCégep André-LaurendeauHead OfficeQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Deslandes, DominicÉcole de technologie supérieureGénie électriqueQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 -$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Deslandes, DominicÉcole de technologie supérieureGénie électriqueQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Desrochers, MonikaUniversité de SherbrookeChimie Québec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Desrosiers, SamuelUniversité de SherbrookePhysique Québec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Dessureault, YvesCégep de VictoriavilleSiège socialQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 24,975.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Deteix, JeanUniversité LavalMathématiques et statistiqueQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 5 653,205.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Deutsch, ClaytonUniversity of AlbertaCivil and Environmental EngineeringAlberta CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Deveau, Jean-LucGlencore Canada CorporationBrunswick Smelter/ Fonderie BrunswickOntario CANADA 01/25/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

DeVries, TrevorUniversity of GuelphAnimal BiosciencesOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Deydey, DawnWildsight Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/09/17 3 90,000.00$ PromoScience

Dhaliwal, KamaljotRaven Telemetry Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Dhar, AshutoshMemorial University of NewfoundlandCivil EngineeringNewfoundland and Labrador/ Terre-Neuve-et-LabradorCANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Dhillon, ArjunBiorem Technologies Inc.Head Office/ Siège SocialOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Dhond, Shubham5Touch Solutions Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Di Stefano, PhilippeQueen's UniversityPhysics, Engineering Physics & AstronomyOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 20,545.00$ Subatomic Physics Envelope - Research Tools and Instruments/ Enveloppe de physique subatomique - Outils et instruments de recherche

Diamond, SamuelProcess Research ORTECH Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

DiCecco, Liza-AnastasiaCAMufacturing Solutions Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Dick, Ian St. Lawrence College of Applied Arts and TechnologyKingston campusOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Didar, TohidMcMaster UniversityMechanical EngineeringOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Dieckmann, ThorstenUniversity of WaterlooChemistry Ontario CANADA 01/13/17 1 12,486.00$ Engage Plus Grants for universities/ Subvention d'engagement partenarial Plus pour les universités

Dietze, BeverlieOkanagan CollegeHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/22/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Dietze, BeverlieOkanagan CollegeHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/24/17 1 5,000.00$ Connect Grants Level 2 (Pacific)/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 2 (Pacifique)

Diller, Eric University of TorontoMechanical and Industrial EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 149,891.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Dillon, PeterTrent UniversityEnvironmental and Resource StudiesOntario CANADA 03/10/17 3 286,650.00$ WaterWorks Joint Call

Dimitrakopoulos, Roussos - GeorgiosMcGill UniversityMining & Materials Engineering.Québec CANADA 02/10/17 6 1,540,627.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Dincer, IbrahimUniversity of Ontario Institute of TechnologyEngineering and Applied Science, Faculty ofOntario CANADA 03/10/17 3 267,540.00$ WaterWorks Joint Call

Ding, Yi ZhenQu Biologics Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Diochon, AmandaLakehead UniversityGeology Ontario CANADA 02/09/17 3 100,758.00$ PromoScience

Dion Gagné, JacobUniversité LavalChimie Québec CANADA 01/19/17 1 17,500.00$ Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship M/ Bourse d'études supérieures du Canada Alexander-Graham-Bell M

Dipple, GregoryThe University of British ColumbiaEarth, Ocean and Atmospheric SciencesBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/24/17 1 12,500.00$ Engage Plus Grants for universities/ Subvention d'engagement partenarial Plus pour les universités

Dobrzanski, Elizabeth KatherinePerformance BioFilaments IncHead Office/ Siège socialBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Dodier, LauraGroupe Berlie-Falco Inc.Head Office/ Siège socialQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Dolatabadi, AliConcordia UniversityMechanical and Industrial EngineeringQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Dolatabadi, AliConcordia UniversityMechanical and Industrial EngineeringQuébec CANADA 03/29/17 1 148,857.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Dolgaleva, KseniaUniversity of Ottawa/Université d'OttawaElectrical Engineering and Computer Science , School of/ science informatique et de génie électrique, École deOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Domalik, AliceSimon Fraser UniversityBiological SciencesBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/19/17 1 17,500.00$ Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship M/ Bourse d'études supérieures du Canada Alexander-Graham-Bell M

Doman, DarrelDalhousie UniversityMechanical EngineeringNova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Donaldson, AdamDalhousie UniversityProcess Engineering and Applied ScienceNova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 03/10/17 2 91,334.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Dong, AnnaFocal Healthcare Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Dong, MingzheUniversity of CalgaryChemical and Petroleum EngineeringAlberta CANADA 02/10/17 3 178,332.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Dong, Yue McGill UniversityComputer Science, School ofQuébec CANADA 02/16/17 3 63,000.00$ Postgraduate Scholarships D - 3 years/ Bourses d'études supérieures D - 3 ans

Donkor, KingsleyThompson Rivers UniversityChemistry British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 24,740.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Donohue, JohnUniversität PaderbornHead Office GERMANY/ ALLEMAGNE03/08/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Dorea, CaetanoUniversity of VictoriaCivil EngineeringBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Doucet, Anne-MartineUniversity of Ottawa/Université d'OttawaEarth Sciences/ Sciences de la TerreOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Douglas, DanielFanshawe College of Applied Arts & TechnologyHead OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 22,532.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Douglas, DanielFanshawe College of Applied Arts & TechnologyHead OfficeOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 65,915.00$ Applied Research and Development Grants (<$75k)/ Subventions de recherche et développement appliquée (<75,000 $)

Doyen, AlainUniversité LavalSciences des aliments et de nutritionQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 3 189,584.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Dozois, CharlesInstitut national de la recherche scientifiqueINRS-Institut Armand-FrappierQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Drake, JenniferUniversity of TorontoCivil EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 2 136,793.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Dreisinger, DavidThe University of British ColumbiaMaterials EngineeringBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Driessen, PeterUniversity of VictoriaElectrical and Computer EngineeringBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Drissen, LaurentUniversité LavalPhysique, génie physique et optiqueQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 200,000.00$ Synergy Awards/ Prix Synergie

Drogui, Allali PatrickInstitut national de la recherche scientifiqueCentre Eau, Terre et Environnement (ETE)Québec CANADA 01/13/17 1 6,000.00$ Engage Plus Grants for universities/ Subvention d'engagement partenarial Plus pour les universités

Drogui, Allali PatrickInstitut national de la recherche scientifiqueCentre Eau, Terre et Environnement (ETE)Québec CANADA 03/10/17 3 120,000.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Du, Rou QianCoanda Research and Development CorporationAlberta BranchBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/25/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Dubay, RickeyUniversity of New BrunswickMechanical EngineeringNew Brunswick/ Nouveau-BrunswickCANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Dube, BlaireUniversity of GuelphPsychologyOntario CANADA 03/16/17 1 6,000.00$ Canadian Graduate Scholarships - Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements/ Suppléments pour études à l'étranger Michael Smith aux Bourses d'études supérieures du Canada

Dubé-Duquette, AlexisUniversité de SherbrookeBiologie Québec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Dubowski, JanUniversité de SherbrookeGénie électrique et génie informatiqueQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 3 667,587.00$ Strategic Projects - Group/ Projets stratégiques - groupe

Dubrawski, KristianStanford UniversityCivil and Environmental EngineeringCalifornia/ CalifornieUNITED STATES/ ÉTATS-UNIS02/22/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Duce, JeffreyWeMesh Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 3,375.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Duchesne, SophieInstitut national de la recherche scientifiqueCentre Eau, Terre et Environnement (ETE)Québec CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Duchesne, ThierryUniversité LavalMathématiques et statistiqueQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 1 2,000.00$ Connect Grants Level 2 (Quebec)/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 2 (Québec)

Dudek, GregoryMcGill UniversityComputer Science, School ofQuébec CANADA 03/29/17 1 138,345.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Dudley, BryceNeptec Design Group LtdHead Office/ Siège SocialOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Dufour, DavidÉcole de technologie supérieureGénie de la production automatiséeQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Dufour, SimonUniversité de MontréalMédecine vétérinaire, faculté deQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 3 55,190.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Dugas, ChristineCégep de MataneSiège socialQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Dugas, ChristineCégep de MataneSiège socialQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Dugas, ChristineCégep de MataneSiège socialQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Dugas, ChristineCégep de MataneSiège socialQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Dugas, ChristineCégep de MataneSiège socialQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Duke, KajsaUniversity of AlbertaMechanical EngineeringAlberta CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Dumont, GuyThe University of British ColumbiaElectrical and Computer EngineeringBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/22/17 1 200,000.00$ Synergy Awards/ Prix Synergie

Dunnigan, ZacharyCiena Canada Inc.Carling OfficeOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Dusseault, MauriceUniversity of WaterlooEarth & Environmental SciencesOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Dutilleul, PierreMcGill UniversityPlant ScienceQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Dutta, BaishaliDalhousie UniversityEngineering (Faculty of Agriculture)Nova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 01/04/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Duval, JeanCégep de VictoriavilleSiège socialQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 1 5,000.00$ Connect Grants Level 2 (Quebec)/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 2 (Québec)

Duval-Demers, LaurentUniversité de SherbrookeGénie civil Québec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Dworkin, SethRyerson UniversityMechanical and Industrial EngineeringOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Dybner, ElenaNutriAg LtdToronto OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Dyck, SarahUniversity of TorontoMedical BiophysicsOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Earis, NicholasCanfor Pulp Limited PartnershipR&D Division (Burnaby)British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Easton, E. BradleyUniversity of Ontario Institute of TechnologyScience, Faculty ofOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 148,103.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Eberl, Hermann JosefUniversity of GuelphMathematics and StatisticsOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Edgar, LandonThe Scripps Research InstituteMolecular BiologyCalifornia/ CalifornieUNITED STATES/ ÉTATS-UNIS03/08/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Edmunds, AmyPioneer Hi-Bred Production LPCaledon OfficeOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Edun, OluwatobiShawCor Ltd.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 02/22/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Egan, SeanNorima ConsultingHead OfficeManitoba CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Eikerling, MichaelSimon Fraser UniversityChemistry British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Ein-Mozaffari, FarhadRyerson UniversityChemical EngineeringOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

El Hallaoui, IssmailÉcole Polytechnique de MontréalMathématiques et génie industrielQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 24,250.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

El Harouni, JadFPInnovationsHead Office/ Siège SocialQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Elahi, Mohammad TariqKatholieke Universiteit of LeuvenElectrical Engineering (ESAT)BELGIUM/ BELGIQUE01/04/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

El-Dakhakhni, WaelMcMaster UniversityCivil EngineeringOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Eldyasti, AhmedYork UniversityLassonde School of EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Elford, Brandon RobertSimon Fraser UniversityMathematicsBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/19/17 1 17,500.00$ Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship M/ Bourse d'études supérieures du Canada Alexander-Graham-Bell M

El-Khatib, KhalilUniversity of Ontario Institute of TechnologyBusiness and Information Technology, Faculty ofOntario CANADA 03/24/17 1 24,974.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Elliott, DuncanUniversity of AlbertaElectrical and Computer EngineeringAlberta CANADA 03/24/17 1 24,970.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

El-Rich, MarwanUniversity of AlbertaCivil and Environmental EngineeringAlberta CANADA 03/10/17 3 150,000.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

El-Salakawy, EhabUniversity of ManitobaCivil EngineeringManitoba CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Elvira, KatherineUniversity of VictoriaChemistry British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/29/17 1 133,802.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Emelko, MonicaUniversity of WaterlooCivil & Environmental EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Erkorkmaz, KaanUniversity of WaterlooMechanical Engineering and MechatronicsOntario CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Ermel, ChristopherCiena Canada Inc.Carling OfficeOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Esau, CodySeaStar SolutionsHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Eslami, AidaThe University of British ColumbiaMedicine, Faculty ofBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/04/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Esmaeili, KamranUniversity of TorontoCivil EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 2 47,114.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Evans, GregUniversity of TorontoChemical Engineering and Applied ChemistryOntario CANADA 02/09/17 3 60,000.00$ PromoScience

Evans, TylerVale Canada LimitedLong Harbour OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Ewais, AmrUniversity of California - BerkeleyCivil and Environmental Engineering, Dept. ofCalifornia/ CalifornieUNITED STATES/ ÉTATS-UNIS02/15/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Facchini, DianaGeorge Brown College of Applied Arts and TechnologyHead OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Facchini, DianaGeorge Brown College of Applied Arts and TechnologyHead OfficeOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Faghih Imani, Seyed AhmadrezaUniversity of TorontoCivil EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/15/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Faliszewski, Brandon PeterRocky Mountain Bicycle Company Ltd/Compagnie Rocky Mountain Bicycle LtéeHead Office/ Siège SocialBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Falk, TiagoInstitut national de la recherche scientifiqueCentre Énergie, Matériaux et Télécommunication - MontréalQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Fallone, ClaraUniversity of AlbertaMedical Physics DivisionAlberta CANADA 01/19/17 1 17,500.00$ Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship M/ Bourse d'études supérieures du Canada Alexander-Graham-Bell M

Fanchini, GiovanniThe University of Western OntarioPhysics and AstronomyOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 148,968.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Fang, Ching-YangSimon Fraser UniversityPhysics British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/19/17 1 17,500.00$ Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship M/ Bourse d'études supérieures du Canada Alexander-Graham-Bell M

Farhangi, HassanBritish Columbia Institute of TechnologyGroup for Advanced Information TechnologyBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 3 83,000.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Farrell, EmilyUniversity of GuelphHuman Health and Nutritional SciencesOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Fast, DarrenUniversity of ManitobaTechnology Transfer OfficeManitoba CANADA 03/10/17 1 1,000.00$ Connect Grants Level 2 (Prairies)/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 2 (Prairies)

Fast, DarrenUniversity of ManitobaTechnology Transfer OfficeManitoba CANADA 03/10/17 1 10,000.00$ Connect Grants Level 2 (Prairies)/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 2 (Prairies)

Fast, Eric Switch Materials Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Fast, Mark University of Prince Edward IslandPathology and MicrobiologyPrince Edward Island/ Île-du-Prince-ÉdouardCANADA 03/10/17 2 270,390.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Fatehi, PedramLakehead UniversityChemical EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 121,393.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Fatima, MaheenNicoya Lifesciences Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Faucher, LucCégep de Sept-ÎlesHead OfficeQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 3,000.00$ Connect Grants Level 2 (Quebec)/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 2 (Québec)

Fazeli Attar, Seyyed SalarBeanworksHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Feehan, ColetteRutgers UniversityMarine and Coastal SciencesNew JerseyUNITED STATES/ ÉTATS-UNIS01/04/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Feghali, GeorgioUniversity of Ottawa/Université d'OttawaChemical and Biological Engineering/ Génie chimique et biologiqueOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Felix, LindseyUniversity of AlbertaMedicine and Dentistry, Faculty ofAlberta CANADA 03/08/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Fellouah, HachimiUniversité de SherbrookeGénie mécaniqueQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 12,500.00$ Engage Plus Grants for universities/ Subvention d'engagement partenarial Plus pour les universités

Fellouah, HachimiUniversité de SherbrookeGénie mécaniqueQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Fels, SidneyThe University of British ColumbiaElectrical and Computer EngineeringBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Fels, SidneyThe University of British ColumbiaApplied Science, Faculty ofBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/29/17 1 44,576.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Feng, Hsi-Yung (Steve)The University of British ColumbiaMechanical EngineeringBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 125,000.00$ Idea to Innovation/ De l'idée à l'innovation

Ferguson, LaramieSimon Fraser UniversityBiological SciencesBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/19/17 1 17,500.00$ Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship M/ Bourse d'études supérieures du Canada Alexander-Graham-Bell M

Fernando, XavierRyerson UniversityElectrical and Computer EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 2 199,996.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Fichtinger, GaborQueen's UniversityComputing, School ofOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 149,992.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Fife, DanielleNelson Mandela Metropolitan UniversityHead Office SOUTH AFRICA/ AFRIQUE DU SUD01/04/17 4 63,000.00$ Postgraduate Scholarships D - 3 years/ Bourses d'études supérieures D - 3 ans

Figeys, DanielUniversity of Ottawa/Université d'OttawaBiochemistry, Microbiology and ImmunologyOntario CANADA 03/29/17 2 163,458.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Filgueira, RamónDalhousie UniversityScience, Faculty ofNova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 03/29/17 1 28,750.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Finch, JamesMcGill UniversityMining & Materials Engineering.Québec CANADA 01/13/17 1 12,500.00$ Engage Plus Grants for universities/ Subvention d'engagement partenarial Plus pour les universités

Finn, Riley The University of British ColumbiaForest and Conservation SciencesBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Fiset-Sauvageau, LaurenceIBM Canada Ltd/IBM Canada LtéeBromont Office/ Bureau de BromontOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Fisher, KentUniversity of TorontoPhysics (St. George Campus)Ontario CANADA 01/04/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Fisk, AaronUniversity of WindsorGreat Lakes Inst. for Environmental Res. (GLIER)Ontario CANADA 03/29/17 1 90,344.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Flanagan, JenniferActua Head Office/ Siège SocialOntario CANADA 02/09/17 3 525,000.00$ PromoScience

Flanagan, JohnQueen's UniversityPsychologyOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 150,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Flemming, JoannaDalhousie UniversityMathematics and StatisticsNova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Flynn, MorrisUniversity of AlbertaMechanical EngineeringAlberta CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Fogel, StuartUniversity of Ottawa/Université d'OttawaPsychology, School of/ Psychologie, école deOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 12,250.00$ Engage Plus Grants for universities/ Subvention d'engagement partenarial Plus pour les universités

Fok, Jason TribalScale Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Fontaine, RéjeanUniversité de SherbrookeGénie électrique et génie informatiqueQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Forsyth, HunterUken StudiosHead OfficeOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Fortier, IsabelleCégep de Lévis-LauzonSiège socialQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Fortier, IsabelleCégep de Lévis-LauzonSiège socialQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 22,500.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Fortier, IsabelleCégep de Lévis-LauzonSiège socialQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Fortier-Dubois, LouisUniversité LavalInformatique et de génie logicielQuébec CANADA 01/19/17 1 17,500.00$ Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship M/ Bourse d'études supérieures du Canada Alexander-Graham-Bell M

Fortin, AndréUniversité LavalSciences et génie, faculté desQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 5 569,280.00$ Industrial Research Chairs - Regular - Research/ Professeurs-chercheurs industriels - régulières - recherche

Foster, Ian Artron BioResearch Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Foster, Tyler JohnBrandon UniversityPhysics and AstronomyManitoba CANADA 02/09/17 3 15,877.00$ PromoScience

Fournier, BenoitUniversité LavalGéologie et génie géologiqueQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 3 300,000.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Fournier, SamuelCurtiss-Wright Defense SolutionsHead OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 3,937.50$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Fowler, MichaelUniversity of WaterlooChemical EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Fox, KieranStanford UniversityNeurobiologyCalifornia/ CalifornieUNITED STATES/ ÉTATS-UNIS02/02/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Fox, MeganGreenField Specialty Alcohols Inc.R&D Division (Johnstown)Ontario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Francoeur, SébastienÉcole Polytechnique de MontréalGénie physiqueQuébec CANADA 03/29/17 1 150,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Franz-Odendaal, TamaraMount Saint Vincent UniversityBiology Nova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 02/09/17 3 66,000.00$ PromoScience

Frappier, VincentMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyBiology MassachusettsUNITED STATES/ ÉTATS-UNIS03/08/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Fraser, DylanConcordia UniversityBiology Québec CANADA 02/10/17 3 579,840.00$ Strategic Projects - Group/ Projets stratégiques - groupe

Fraser, Ian Industrial Plankton Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Fraser, KevinUniversity of ManitobaBiological SciencesManitoba CANADA 03/29/17 1 87,750.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Fréchette-Viens, JoëlleUniversité de SherbrookePhysique Québec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Frédérick, Pierre-MarcUniversité LavalBiologie moléculaire, biochimie médicale et pathologieQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Freeman, MartinNZ Technologies Inc.R&D DivisionBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Friedman, HavaUniversity of TorontoChemistry (St. George Campus)Ontario CANADA 02/16/17 1 6,000.00$ Canadian Graduate Scholarships - Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements/ Suppléments pour études à l'étranger Michael Smith aux Bourses d'études supérieures du Canada

Friesen, MarciaUniversity of ManitobaElectrical and Computer EngineeringManitoba CANADA 03/10/17 1 24,750.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Frigon, DominicMcGill UniversityCivil Engineering and Applied MechanicsQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Friscic, TomislavMcGill UniversityChemistry Québec CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Fu, MingxuanUniversity of TorontoPhysics (St. George Campus)Ontario CANADA 02/15/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Fuamba, MusandjiÉcole Polytechnique de MontréalGénies Civil, géologique et des minesQuébec CANADA 03/24/17 1 22,880.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Fugariu, IoanaUniversity of TorontoChemistry (St. George Campus)Ontario CANADA 02/16/17 1 17,500.00$ Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship M/ Bourse d'études supérieures du Canada Alexander-Graham-Bell M

Fugère, VincentUniversité du Québec à MontréalSciences biologiquesQuébec CANADA 03/08/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Furgala, NicoleUniversity of GuelphPopulation MedicineOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Furneaux, RobertNuvation Research Corp, CanadaHead OfficeOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Gabardo, ChristineUniversity of TorontoMechanical and Industrial EngineeringOntario CANADA 01/25/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Gagné, RichardUniversité de SherbrookeGénie civil Québec CANADA 03/10/17 1 24,900.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Gagné-Monfette, WilliamOmegaChem inc.Head Office/ Siège socialQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Gagnon, CarlUniversité de MontréalMédecine vétérinaire, faculté deQuébec CANADA 03/29/17 1 54,062.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Gagnon, FrançoisÉcole de technologie supérieureGénie électriqueQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 5 1,284,783.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Gagnon, PatrickMemorial University of NewfoundlandOcean SciencesNewfoundland and Labrador/ Terre-Neuve-et-LabradorCANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Gagnon, SophieCollège d'AlmaSiège socialQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 3 224,829.00$ Applied Research and Development Grants (<$75k)/ Subventions de recherche et développement appliquée (<75,000 $)

Galal, KhaledConcordia UniversityBuilding, Civil and Environmental EngineeringQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Galea, LiisaThe University of British ColumbiaPsychologyBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/29/17 1 139,479.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Gales, John AdamCarleton UniversityCivil and Environmental EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Galli, JasonFiat Chrysler AutomobilesHead OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Gamal El-Din, MohamedUniversity of AlbertaCivil and Environmental EngineeringAlberta CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Gamse, Elisheva AdinaUniversity of TorontoMathematics (St. George Campus)Ontario CANADA 01/04/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Gangar, SumitCadex Electronics Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Gao, Jie Ryerson UniversityElectrical and Computer EngineeringOntario CANADA 01/11/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Gardideh, PeymanTribalScale Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Garnett, JordanSiemens Canada Limited/Siemens Canada LimitéeR&D Division FrederictonOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Garroway, ColinUniversity of ManitobaBiological SciencesManitoba CANADA 03/29/17 1 114,515.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Gascon-Samson, JulienThe University of British ColumbiaElectrical and Computer EngineeringBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/02/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Gates, ByronSimon Fraser UniversityChemistry British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 5,530.00$ Connect Grants Level 2 (Pacific)/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 2 (Pacifique)

Gates, ByronSimon Fraser UniversityChemistry British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Gates, ByronSimon Fraser UniversityChemistry British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/29/17 1 147,226.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Gauberg, JuliaYork UniversityScience, Faculty ofOntario CANADA 02/16/17 1 6,000.00$ Canadian Graduate Scholarships - Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements/ Suppléments pour études à l'étranger Michael Smith aux Bourses d'études supérieures du Canada

Gaudet, JonathanMcMaster UniversityPhysics and AstronomyOntario CANADA 03/16/17 1 5,950.00$ Canadian Graduate Scholarships - Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements/ Suppléments pour études à l'étranger Michael Smith aux Bourses d'études supérieures du Canada

Gaudet, VincentUniversity of WaterlooElectrical & Computer EngineeringOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Gaulin, BruceMcMaster UniversityBrockhouse Institute for Materials ResearchOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 150,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Gauthier, GillesUniversité LavalBiologie Québec CANADA 03/29/17 2 300,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Gauthier, MarcInstitut national de la recherche scientifiqueCentre Énergie, Matériaux et Télécommunications (ÉMT) VarennesQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 2,000.00$ Connect Grants Level 2 (Quebec)/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 2 (Québec)

Gauthier, RaphaëlOmegaChem inc.Head Office/ Siège socialQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Gee, HannahArtron BioResearch Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Gélinas, MartinBio-K Plus International inc.Bio-K Plus PharmaQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,218.75$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Gélinas, SébastienCambli Group Inc./Groupe Cambli inc.Head Office/ Siège socialQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Gélinas, YvesConcordia UniversityChemistry and BiochemistryQuébec CANADA 03/29/17 1 126,350.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Genest, JérômeUniversité LavalCentre d'optique, photonique et laserQuébec CANADA 03/29/17 1 80,763.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Gericke, MichaelUniversity of ManitobaPhysics and AstronomyManitoba CANADA 03/10/17 1 39,150.00$ Subatomic Physics Envelope - Research Tools and Instruments/ Enveloppe de physique subatomique - Outils et instruments de recherche

Gervais, Marie-ClaireCégep de Baie-ComeauCentre d'expérimentation et de développement en forêt boréalQuébec CANADA 03/24/17 1 1,750.00$ Connect Grants Level 2 (Quebec)/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 2 (Québec)

Gévry, NicolasUniversité de SherbrookeBiologie Québec CANADA 03/29/17 1 144,824.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Ghaemi, SinaUniversity of AlbertaMechanical EngineeringAlberta CANADA 02/10/17 3 417,000.00$ Strategic Projects - Group/ Projets stratégiques - groupe

Ghaemi, SinaUniversity of AlbertaMechanical EngineeringAlberta CANADA 02/10/17 3 170,000.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Ghafghazi, MohsenUniversity of TorontoCivil EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Gherbi, AbdelouahedÉcole de technologie supérieureGénie logiciel et des TIQuébec CANADA 03/24/17 1 24,825.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Ghoreshi, SeyedamirhosseinBaylis Medical Company Inc.Mississauga OfficeQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Ghoshal, SubhasisMcGill UniversityCivil Engineering and Applied MechanicsQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 1 125,000.00$ Idea to Innovation/ De l'idée à l'innovation

Ghossein, GeorgeCiena Canada Inc.Bureau Saint-LaurentOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Giard-Laliberté, CharlotteInstitut national de la recherche scientifiqueINRS-Institut Armand-FrappierQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Gibson, MarkDalhousie UniversityCivil and Resource EngineeringNova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Gieg, Lisa University of CalgaryBiological SciencesAlberta CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Gilbert, PenneyUniversity of TorontoBiomaterials and Biomedical Engineering, Inst. of (IBBME)Ontario CANADA 03/10/17 1 12,500.00$ Engage Plus Grants for universities/ Subvention d'engagement partenarial Plus pour les universités

Gill, AmandeepSimon Fraser UniversityBiomedical Physiology and KinesiologyBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Gill, NavdeepCanfor Pulp Limited PartnershipR&D Division (Burnaby)British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Gillett, CindySheridan College Institute of Technology and Advanced LearningHead OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Gillett, CindySheridan College Institute of Technology and Advanced LearningHead OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Gillett, CindySheridan College Institute of Technology and Advanced LearningHead OfficeOntario CANADA 03/22/17 3 225,000.00$ Applied Research and Development Grants (<$75k)/ Subventions de recherche et développement appliquée (<75,000 $)

Gillett, CindySheridan College Institute of Technology and Advanced LearningHead OfficeOntario CANADA 03/22/17 6 2,300,000.00$ Innovation Enhancement Grants/ Subventions de renforcement de l'innovation

Gillett, CindySheridan College Institute of Technology and Advanced LearningHead OfficeOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Gillett, CindySheridan College Institute of Technology and Advanced LearningHead OfficeOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Gillett, CindySheridan College Institute of Technology and Advanced LearningHead OfficeOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Gilroy, Joe The University of Western OntarioChemistry Ontario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Engage Plus Grants for universities/ Subvention d'engagement partenarial Plus pour les universités

Girault Cégep de la Gaspésie et des ÎlesSiège socialQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 522.00$ Connect Grants Level 1/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 1

Gleason, JamesMcGill UniversityChemistry Québec CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Gloaguen, ErwanInstitut national de la recherche scientifiqueCentre Eau, Terre et Environnement (ETE)Québec CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Go, AnthonyPeraso Technologies Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,218.75$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Gobeil, SophieDuke University Medical CenterBiochemistryNorth Carolina/ Caroline du NordUNITED STATES/ ÉTATS-UNIS01/04/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Godbout, NicolasÉcole Polytechnique de MontréalGénie physiqueQuébec CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Goff, H. DouglasUniversity of GuelphFood ScienceOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 150,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Goh, CynthiaUniversity of TorontoHead OfficeOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 98,600.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Goldstein, Savannah ArielThe University of British ColumbiaLand and Food Systems, Faculty ofBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Golnaraghi, FaridSimon Fraser UniversityMechatronic Systems EngineeringBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 3 395,800.00$ Strategic Projects - Group/ Projets stratégiques - groupe

Golnaraghi, FaridSimon Fraser UniversityMechatronic Systems EngineeringBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Golubovich, NevenQueen's UniversityComputing, School ofOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Gomes, Sujani KusalaGenomeMe Lab IncorporatedHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Gong, MinglunMemorial University of NewfoundlandComputer ScienceNewfoundland and Labrador/ Terre-Neuve-et-LabradorCANADA 03/29/17 1 148,833.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Gordon, AlexanderEyeball Inc.Head OfficeNova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,218.75$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Gordon, ReuvenUniversity of VictoriaElectrical and Computer EngineeringBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Gordon, ReuvenUniversity of VictoriaElectrical and Computer EngineeringBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/29/17 1 145,547.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Gordon, RobertCellScale Biomaterials TestingHead OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Gorley, PhilippeSavoir-faire Linux inc.Siège socialQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Goss, GregoryUniversity of AlbertaBiological SciencesAlberta CANADA 03/29/17 1 76,517.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Gosselin, BenoitUniversité LavalGénie électrique et génie informatiqueQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 30,000.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Gosselin, ClementUniversité LavalGénie mécaniqueQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 15,000.00$ Idea to Innovation/ De l'idée à l'innovation

Gostick, JeffreyUniversity of WaterlooChemical EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Gougeon, OlivierÉcole Polytechnique de MontréalGénie électriqueQuébec CANADA 01/19/17 1 17,500.00$ Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship M/ Bourse d'études supérieures du Canada Alexander-Graham-Bell M

Goulet, LucieCégep de Lévis-LauzonSiège socialQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Goulet, LucieCégep de Lévis-LauzonSiège socialQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Goulet, LucieCégep de Lévis-LauzonSiège socialQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Goulet, LucieCégep de Lévis-LauzonSiège socialQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 74,150.00$ Applied Research and Development Grants (<$75k)/ Subventions de recherche et développement appliquée (<75,000 $)

Gowan, DonaldNuvation Research Corp, CanadaHead OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Goward, GillianMcMaster UniversityChemistry & Chemical BiologyOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 150,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Grad, TiffanyUniversity of AlbertaEngineering, Faculty ofAlberta CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Gradinaru, ClaudiuUniversity of TorontoChemical and Physical Sciences (Mississauga)Ontario CANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Graether, SteffenUniversity of GuelphMolecular and Cellular BiologyOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 139,728.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Graham, KathleenCollege of the North AtlanticBurin CampusNewfoundland and Labrador/ Terre-Neuve-et-LabradorCANADA 03/22/17 1 150,000.00$ Applied Research Tools and Instruments Grants/ Subventions d'outils et d'instruments de recherche appliquée

Grandfield, KathrynMcMaster UniversityMaterials Science and EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 24,650.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Grandfield, KathrynMcMaster UniversityMaterials Science and EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 149,982.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Grant, AndrewMount Allison UniversityChemistry & BiochemistryNew Brunswick/ Nouveau-BrunswickCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,142.00$ Connect Grants Level 1/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 1

Grasselli, GiovanniUniversity of TorontoCivil EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 5,000.00$ Connect Grants Level 1/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 1

Grasselli, GiovanniUniversity of TorontoCivil EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Grasselli, GiovanniUniversity of TorontoCivil EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 150,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Gravel, AlexiaUniversité de SherbrookeChimie Québec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Gravel, RichardUniversité de MontréalPhysiologie moléculaire et intégrativeQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Grecov, DanaThe University of British ColumbiaMechanical EngineeringBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Green, JamesCarleton UniversitySystems and Computer EngineeringOntario CANADA 01/13/17 3 204,000.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Green, JamesCarleton UniversitySystems and Computer EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Greenberg, JakeNuvation Research Corp, CanadaHead OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Greening, JennaWood Group Canada Inc.St. John's OfficeAlberta CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Greer, MichaelUniversity of North TexasBiological SciencesTexas UNITED STATES/ ÉTATS-UNIS01/04/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Grenier, GabrielleUniversité de SherbrookeMathématiquesQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Grenier-Brazeau, HuguesUniversité de SherbrookeGénie civil Québec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Griesbauer, HardyCollege of New CaledoniaHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Griesbauer, HardyCollege of New CaledoniaHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Grist, SamanthaUniversity of California - BerkeleyBioengineeringCalifornia/ CalifornieUNITED STATES/ ÉTATS-UNIS03/15/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Groat, Lee The University of British ColumbiaEarth, Ocean and Atmospheric SciencesBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 12,137.00$ Engage Plus Grants for universities/ Subvention d'engagement partenarial Plus pour les universités

Gross, StephenLumotune IncHead OfficeOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Grozic, JocelynUniversity of CalgaryCivil EngineeringAlberta CANADA 02/10/17 1 5,000.00$ Connect Grants Level 2 (Prairies)/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 2 (Prairies)

Grubb, LaurenQueen's UniversityBiology Ontario CANADA 01/19/17 1 6,000.00$ Canadian Graduate Scholarships - Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements/ Suppléments pour études à l'étranger Michael Smith aux Bourses d'études supérieures du Canada

Gu, Chao The University of Western OntarioSchulich School of Medicine & DentistryOntario CANADA 02/16/17 1 6,000.00$ Canadian Graduate Scholarships - Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements/ Suppléments pour études à l'étranger Michael Smith aux Bourses d'études supérieures du Canada

Gu, ChristinaCanfor Pulp Limited PartnershipR&D Division (Burnaby)British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Gu, Michelle MingxuaniProgen Biotech IncHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Guan, LeluoUniversity of AlbertaAgricultural, Food and Nutritional ScienceAlberta CANADA 02/10/17 1 3,145.00$ Connect Grants Level 1/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 1

Guan, LeluoUniversity of AlbertaAgricultural, Food and Nutritional ScienceAlberta CANADA 03/29/17 1 103,234.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Guan, Ling Ryerson UniversityElectrical and Computer EngineeringOntario CANADA 01/13/17 3 299,998.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Guan, Priscillia NoelleGenomeMe Lab IncorporatedHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Guay, Andrée-AnneAluminium Valley/Vallée de l'aluminiumHead Office/ Siège socialQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 3,000.00$ Connect Grants Level 2 (Quebec)/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 2 (Québec)

Guergachi, AzizRyerson UniversityInformation and Technology Management, School of (ITM)Ontario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Guibault, FrançoisÉcole Polytechnique de MontréalGénie informatique et génie logicielQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 4 596,197.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Guild, BriannaUniversity of GuelphMolecular and Cellular BiologyOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Guld, MaxwellCanfor Pulp Limited PartnershipR&D Division (Burnaby)British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Gunawardena, ArunikaDalhousie UniversityBiology Nova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 02/09/17 1 6,300.00$ PromoScience

Gupta, Deepak SrinivasaThe Centennial College of Applied Arts and TechnologyHead OfficeOntario CANADA 03/22/17 6 2,300,001.00$ Innovation Enhancement Grants/ Subventions de renforcement de l'innovation

Gustafson, JosephMazdis Innovation Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Ha, Ryan Ciena Canada Inc.Bureau Saint-LaurentOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Ha, Steven Consoltec Inc.Head OfficeQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Haas, Carl University of WaterlooCivil & Environmental EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 3 96,000.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Habel, MalikaCollège de MaisonneuveSiège socialQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 5 600,000.00$ Industrial Research Chairs for Colleges Grants/ Subventions de chaires de recherche industrielle dans les collèges

Habib, MinahzUniversity of GuelphMathematics and StatisticsOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Hachem-Vermette, CarolineUniversity of CalgaryEnvironmental Design, Faculty ofAlberta CANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Hackett, JessicaMemorial University of NewfoundlandBiology Newfoundland and Labrador/ Terre-Neuve-et-LabradorCANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Haffner, GordonUniversity of WindsorGreat Lakes Inst. for Environmental Res. (GLIER)Ontario CANADA 03/29/17 1 75,466.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Haider, FezzaUniversity of WaterlooElectrical & Computer EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Hajar, YasmineUniversity of Ottawa/Université d'OttawaChemical and Biological Engineering/ Génie chimique et biologiqueOntario CANADA 01/19/17 1 6,000.00$ Canadian Graduate Scholarships - Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements/ Suppléments pour études à l'étranger Michael Smith aux Bourses d'études supérieures du Canada

Halat, LaryssaThe University of British ColumbiaBotany British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/19/17 3 105,000.00$ Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship D - 3 years/ Bourse d'études supérieures du Canada Alexander-Graham-Bell D - 3 ans

Hall, TaylorCiena Canada Inc.Carling OfficeOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Hall, TrevorUniversity of Ottawa/Université d'OttawaElectrical Engineering and Computer Science , School of/ science informatique et de génie électrique, École deOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Hallam, StevenThe University of British ColumbiaMicrobiology and ImmunologyBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Halle, Joel Carleton UniversityChemistry Ontario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Hamam, InesSolutions GaloreHead OfficeNew Brunswick/ Nouveau-BrunswickCANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Hamilton, IanWilfrid Laurier UniversityChemistry Ontario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Hamouda, WalaaConcordia UniversityElectrical and Computer EngineeringQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Han, Jie University of AlbertaElectrical and Computer EngineeringAlberta CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Han, ModanA Thinking Ape Entertainment Ltd.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,218.75$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Handley, HarrisonBallard Power Systems Inc.Research and DevelopmentBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Hannah, AlanMount Royal UniversityEarth and Environmental SciencesAlberta CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Hanna-Quinn, SonjaAvalon Holographics Inc.Head OfficeNewfoundland and Labrador/ Terre-Neuve-et-LabradorCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Hansson, CarolynUniversity of WaterlooMechanical Engineering and MechatronicsOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 24,146.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Harden, JamesUniversity of Ottawa/Université d'OttawaPhysics/ PhysiqueOntario CANADA 03/24/17 1 24,950.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Hardy, EthanUken StudiosHead OfficeOntario CANADA 01/04/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Harney, FrançoisCRB Innovations Inc.Head OfficeQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Harris, CoryUniversity of Ottawa/Université d'OttawaBiology Ontario CANADA 03/29/17 1 150,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Harrison, AdamNational Institutes of HealthHead OfficeMaryland UNITED STATES/ ÉTATS-UNIS01/04/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Harynuk, JamesUniversity of AlbertaChemistry Alberta CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Hassan, AssemMemorial University of NewfoundlandEngineering and Applied Science, Faculty ofNewfoundland and Labrador/ Terre-Neuve-et-LabradorCANADA 01/13/17 5 604,000.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Hassan, AssemMemorial University of NewfoundlandCivil EngineeringNewfoundland and Labrador/ Terre-Neuve-et-LabradorCANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Hassanein, HossamQueen's UniversityComputing, School ofOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 149,720.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Hassanpour, SorooshUniversity of TorontoAerospace Studies, Institute forOntario CANADA 01/04/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Hassanzadeh, HassanUniversity of CalgaryChemical and Petroleum EngineeringAlberta CANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Hawley, LouisUniversité de SherbrookeGénie électrique et génie informatiqueQuébec CANADA 02/16/17 1 6,000.00$ Canadian Graduate Scholarships - Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements/ Suppléments pour études à l'étranger Michael Smith aux Bourses d'études supérieures du Canada

Hawrylak, PawelUniversity of Ottawa/Université d'OttawaPhysics/ PhysiqueOntario CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Hawthorn, DavidUniversity of WaterlooPhysics and AstronomyOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 59,902.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Hayat, FahadEspial Group Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Haynes, GavinTantalus Systems CorporationHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

He, JianxunUniversity of CalgaryCivil EngineeringAlberta CANADA 03/10/17 5 200,620.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

He, Shirley University of WaterlooPsychologyOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Heaney, PatrickIndustrial Plankton Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Heath, JoelThe Arctic Eider Society/La Société des Eiders de l'ArctiqueHead Office/ Siège socialNewfoundland and Labrador/ Terre-Neuve-et-LabradorCANADA 02/09/17 3 158,000.00$ PromoScience

Hebert, PaulUniversity of GuelphBiological Science, College ofOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 149,190.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Hecker, MarkusUniversity of SaskatchewanSchool of Environment and SustainabilitySaskatchewanCANADA 03/29/17 1 149,233.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Helmy, AmrUniversity of TorontoElectrical & Computer EngineeringOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Helmy, AmrUniversity of TorontoElectrical & Computer EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 148,200.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Hemmings, DeniseUniversity of AlbertaWomen in Scholarships, Engineering, Science and TechnologyAlberta CANADA 02/09/17 3 294,427.00$ PromoScience

Henderson, DeborahKwantlen Polytechnic UniversityHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 3 225,000.00$ Applied Research and Development Grants (<$75k)/ Subventions de recherche et développement appliquée (<75,000 $)

Henderson, DeborahKwantlen Polytechnic UniversityHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/22/17 3 225,000.00$ Applied Research and Development Grants (<$75k)/ Subventions de recherche et développement appliquée (<75,000 $)

Henderson, DeborahKwantlen Polytechnic UniversityHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/22/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Henderson, DeborahKwantlen Polytechnic UniversityHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/22/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Hendry, AndrewMcGill UniversityRedpath MuseumQuébec CANADA 03/29/17 1 89,017.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Henein, HaniUniversity of AlbertaChemical and Materials EngineeringAlberta CANADA 03/10/17 4 940,800.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Henein, HaniUniversity of AlbertaChemical and Materials EngineeringAlberta CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Hengemuhle, IanMineSense Technologies Ltd.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 4,218.75$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Henzl, JannaCatelli Foods CorporationDelta BC PlantQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 3,937.50$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Hepworth, ShelleyCarleton UniversityBiology Ontario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Heuzey, Marie-ClaudeÉcole Polytechnique de MontréalGénie chimiqueQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Hewage, Kasun NeranjaThe University of British ColumbiaOkanagan - Engineering, School ofBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/24/17 1 24,800.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Heyland, AndreasUniversity of GuelphIntegrative BiologyOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 12,500.00$ Engage Plus Grants for universities/ Subvention d'engagement partenarial Plus pour les universités

Heywood, MalcolmDalhousie UniversityComputer Science, Faculty ofNova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 03/10/17 3 219,960.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Hickey, BrianSt. Lawrence River Institute of Environmental SciencesHead OfficeOntario CANADA 02/09/17 3 58,500.00$ PromoScience

Hickey, Jean-PierreUniversity of WaterlooMechanical Engineering and MechatronicsOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 24,750.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Hiebert, DelroyIQmetrix Winnipeg OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Hilborn, Aidan9369201 Canada Inc.R&D DivisionOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Hill, JosephineUniversity of CalgaryChemical and Petroleum EngineeringAlberta CANADA 01/13/17 1 12,500.00$ Engage Plus Grants for universities/ Subvention d'engagement partenarial Plus pour les universités

Hirota, SimonUniversity of CalgaryPhysiology and PharmacologyAlberta CANADA 03/24/17 1 24,310.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Hiweish, Yousr FaroukDynamic Air Shelters Ltd.Head OfficeAlberta CANADA 01/13/17 1 3,937.50$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Hmouz, AhmedConcordia UniversityElectrical and Computer EngineeringQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Ho, Ngai-ManUniversity of ManitobaElectrical and Computer EngineeringManitoba CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Ho, Sui Ka GenomeMe Lab IncorporatedHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Hoang, ThuyArtron BioResearch Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Hockin, LaurenSimon Fraser UniversityEarth SciencesBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/19/17 1 17,500.00$ Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship M/ Bourse d'études supérieures du Canada Alexander-Graham-Bell M

Hodan, RobertEvident Point Software Corp.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Hodgson Hoffmeyer, WilsonRoss Video LtdOttawa DevelopmentOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,218.75$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Hodgson, MeyrickBOS Innovations Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,218.75$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Hoeberechts, MaiaOcean Networks CanadaHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/09/17 1 88,810.00$ PromoScience

Hoemsen, RaymondRed River College of Applied Arts, Science and TechnologyHead OfficeManitoba CANADA 03/22/17 1 113,000.00$ College - University Idea to Innovation Grants/ Subventions De l'idée à innovation pour les universités et les collèges

Hoemsen, RaymondRed River College of Applied Arts, Science and TechnologyHead OfficeManitoba CANADA 03/24/17 1 5,000.00$ Connect Grants Level 2 (Prairies)/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 2 (Prairies)

Hoey, JesseUniversity of WaterlooComputer Science, David R. Cheriton School ofOntario CANADA 03/10/17 3 99,590.00$ Discovery Frontiers - Digging into Data/ Frontières de la découverte - Au Coeur des données numériques

Hogan, JamesUniversity of AlbertaMechanical EngineeringAlberta CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Hogan, JamesUniversity of AlbertaMechanical EngineeringAlberta CANADA 03/29/17 1 149,691.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Holdcroft, StevenSimon Fraser UniversityChemistry British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 122,500.00$ Idea to Innovation/ De l'idée à l'innovation

Holland, BretteUltra Electronics Maritime SystemsACCOUNTS RECEIVABLENova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Holleman, MarkUltra Electronics Maritime SystemsACCOUNTS RECEIVABLENova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Hollis, JakeThink Business TrainingHead OfficeNova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Holmes, JakeThe University of British ColumbiaOkanagan - ChemistryBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Holzman, JonathanThe University of British ColumbiaOkanagan British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/29/17 1 46,339.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Hong, HanpingThe University of Western OntarioCivil and Environmental EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Hood, DavidYork UniversityKinesiology and Health Science, School ofOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 143,809.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Hopkin, KalieCapcom Game Studio Vancouver Inc.EngineeringBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,218.75$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Hopkins, ScottUniversity of WaterlooChemistry Ontario CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Hosseinidoust, ZeinabMcMaster UniversityChemical EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Hourigan, BrennaLallemand Inc.Yeast Process Division/ Dision des processus de levureOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,850.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Houry, WalidUniversity of TorontoBiochemistry (St. George Campus)Ontario CANADA 03/29/17 1 145,571.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Howe, LeAnnThe University of British ColumbiaBiochemistry and Molecular BiologyBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Hrdina, AmyUniversity of TorontoChemistry (St. George Campus)Ontario CANADA 01/19/17 1 6,000.00$ Canadian Graduate Scholarships - Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements/ Suppléments pour études à l'étranger Michael Smith aux Bourses d'études supérieures du Canada

Hsiao, MichaelDelta-Q Technologies Corp.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Hu, Hongfa HenryUniversity of WindsorMechanical, Automotive and Materials EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Hu, Jordan Sir KwangClearpath Robotics Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Hu, Justin University of WaterlooComputer Science, David R. Cheriton School ofOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Hu, YongfengUniversity of SaskatchewanChemical and Biological EngineeringSaskatchewanCANADA 03/10/17 3 154,350.00$ WaterWorks Joint Call

Huang, ChangchengCarleton UniversitySystems and Computer EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Huang, Chang-YiiProgen Biotech IncHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Huang, HuaxiongYork UniversityMathematics and StatisticsOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 24,500.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Huang, Ke YinUniversity of WaterlooChemical EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Huang, ZhenhuanAirborne Underwater Geophysical SignalsHead OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Hubbard, LisaNorth Shore Neighbourhood HouseHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/09/17 3 60,000.00$ PromoScience

Hubert, PascalMcGill UniversityMechanical EngineeringQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Hudon, JérômeIPL Inc. Head Office/ Siège SocialQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Huemer, BrettBallard Power Systems Inc.Research and DevelopmentBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Hui, Gary Response Biomedical Corp.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Hull, Danielle3M Canada Company/Compagnie 3M CanadaCorporate Research and Development Laboratory (London, ON)/ Laboratoire de recherche et développement (London, ON)Ontario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Hull, Krista Mount Saint Vincent UniversityPsychologyNova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Hum, DarrenCiena Canada Inc.Carling OfficeOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Huneault, MichelUniversité de SherbrookeGénie chimique et génie biotechnologiqueQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 30,000.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Huot, JacquesUniversité du Québec à Trois-RivièresPhysique Québec CANADA 02/10/17 3 43,617.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Hussien, BasharSpartan Bioscience Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Huynh, AlexNüvü Caméras Inc.Head Office/ Siège socialQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Hynes, CodyVale Canada LimitedLong Harbour OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Ibrahim, Walid MorsiUniversity of Ontario Institute of TechnologyEngineering and Applied Science, Faculty ofOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Igamberdiev, AbirMemorial University of NewfoundlandBiology Newfoundland and Labrador/ Terre-Neuve-et-LabradorCANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Ignatius, NishanthProcess Research ORTECH Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Imperial, AntonioImmuneChem Pharmaceuticals IncHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Ingraldi, ChristinaEarth RangersHead OfficeOntario CANADA 02/22/17 3 90,000.00$ PromoScience

Ioannides, EmmanuelMazdis Innovation Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Ioannidis, MariosUniversity of WaterlooChemical EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Irwin, NicholasThe University of British ColumbiaBotany British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/16/17 1 17,500.00$ Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship M/ Bourse d'études supérieures du Canada Alexander-Graham-Bell M

Ishaque, SuhaibON Semiconductor Canada LtdHead OfficeOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Ivey, DouglasUniversity of AlbertaChemical and Materials EngineeringAlberta CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Iyengar, KeshavAvidbots Corp.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Jabaji, SuhaMcGill UniversityPlant ScienceQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 12,500.00$ Engage Plus Grants for universities/ Subvention d'engagement partenarial Plus pour les universités

Jabaji, SuhaMcGill UniversityPlant ScienceQuébec CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Jackson, MichaelRuby Lake Lagoon Nature Reserve SocietyHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/09/17 3 83,000.00$ PromoScience

Jacob, ValérieUniversité de SherbrookeKinanthropologieQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Jaeger, WolfgangUniversity of AlbertaChemistry Alberta CANADA 03/29/17 1 148,859.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Jaekel, JoshuaUniversity of WindsorEngineering, Faculty ofOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Jagersand, MartinUniversity of AlbertaComputing ScienceAlberta CANADA 03/29/17 1 65,045.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Jahani, AlyshanRocscience Inc.Research BranchOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Jahazi, MohammadÉcole de technologie supérieureGénie mécaniqueQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 12,500.00$ Engage Plus Grants for universities/ Subvention d'engagement partenarial Plus pour les universités

Jakobi, JenniferThe University of British ColumbiaOkanagan - Health and Social Development, Faculty ofBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/09/17 1 17,850.00$ PromoScience

Jalafa, LoubnaCepsa Chimie BécancourHead Office/ Siège socialQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

James, LesleyMemorial University of NewfoundlandEngineering and Applied Science, Faculty ofNewfoundland and Labrador/ Terre-Neuve-et-LabradorCANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Jan, Eric The University of British ColumbiaBiochemistry and Molecular BiologyBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/29/17 1 149,677.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Jang, Seo YounTantalus Systems CorporationHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Janz, AaronUniversity of LethbridgePhysics & AstronomyAlberta CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Jatskevich, JuriThe University of British ColumbiaElectrical and Computer EngineeringBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Jatskevich, JuriThe University of British ColumbiaElectrical and Computer EngineeringBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/29/17 1 148,896.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Jeanneret, AlexandriaNuChem Therapeutics Inc./NuChem Thérapeutiques Inc.Head Office/ Siège socialQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,218.75$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Jemaa, AnasFPInnovationsHead Office/ Siège SocialQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Jessome, CassandraBioLargo Water Inc.Head OfficeAlberta CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Jessop, PhilipQueen's UniversityChemistry Ontario CANADA 03/29/17 1 149,406.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Jetté, BrunoÉcole de technologie supérieureGénie mécaniqueQuébec CANADA 01/19/17 1 17,500.00$ Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship M/ Bourse d'études supérieures du Canada Alexander-Graham-Bell M

Jeyakanthan, NatisaIntellijoint Surgical Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Jian, Yifan Simon Fraser UniversityEngineering Science, School ofBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Jiang, NingUniversity of WaterlooSystems Design EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 150,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Jiang, YunfeiUniversity of GuelphPlant Agriculture (Guelph)Ontario CANADA 03/08/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Jindal, Brij MohanDynamic Architectural Windows & Doors Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Jirasek, AndrewThe University of British ColumbiaOkanagan - Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics and StatisticsBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 24,100.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Jlilati Tourjman, RiemProcess Research ORTECH Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Joannis, DanielKraken Sonar Systems Inc.Head OfficeNewfoundland and Labrador/ Terre-Neuve-et-LabradorCANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Johnson, MarkThe University of British ColumbiaResources, Environment and Sustainability, Institute forBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 3 242,550.00$ WaterWorks Joint Call

Jolicoeur, CarmelUniversité de SherbrookeChimie Québec CANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Joncourt, NoemieIndro Robotics Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 3,937.50$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Jones, AndrewUniversity of GuelphPlant Agriculture (Guelph)Ontario CANADA 03/10/17 1 24,794.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Jones, ColinMondelez Canada IncMondelez Gladstone PlantOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Jones, LoganUniversity of CalgaryMinds in MotionAlberta CANADA 02/09/17 1 34,000.00$ PromoScience

Jones, LyndonUniversity of WaterlooOptometry, School ofOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 144,236.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Jones, PearceMcGill UniversityMining & Materials Engineering.Québec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Joys, Alvin Grant & Union Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Ju, Jun Yu DavidBlackbird Interactive Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Juncker, DavidMcGill UniversityBiomedical EngineeringQuébec CANADA 03/29/17 1 148,945.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Jung, KennethAirborne Underwater Geophysical SignalsHead OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Junop, MurrayThe University of Western OntarioBiochemistryOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 144,600.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Kaake, LorenSimon Fraser UniversityChemistry British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/29/17 1 148,563.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Kaddoum, GeorgesÉcole de technologie supérieureGénie électriqueQuébec CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Kahrizi, MojtabaConcordia UniversityElectrical and Computer EngineeringQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Kakodkar, SimranProcess Research ORTECH Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Kaller, KaydenKingston Process Metallurgy Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Kamal, OmarUniversity of WaterlooMechanical Engineering and MechatronicsOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Kamen, AmineMcGill UniversityBioengineeringQuébec CANADA 03/29/17 1 148,621.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Kandola, SimandeepMitchell PlasticsHead OfficeOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Kang, Hyeong JoonCoanda Research and Development CorporationAlberta BranchBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Kantzas, ApostolosUniversity of CalgaryChemical and Petroleum EngineeringAlberta CANADA 03/10/17 2 90,682.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Kapadia, BirajAirborne Underwater Geophysical SignalsHead OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Kapadia, RishiNuvation Research Corp, CanadaHead OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Karan, PhilippeUniversité de SherbrookePhysique Québec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Karim, Karim SallaudinUniversity of WaterlooElectrical & Computer EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 147,541.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Karimian, Seyed Mohammad HassanMaya Heat Transfer Technologies Ltd/Technologies de Transfert de Chaleur MAYAHead Office/ Siège SocialQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Karrow, NielUniversity of GuelphAnimal BiosciencesOntario CANADA 03/10/17 3 127,500.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Karshafian, RaffiRyerson UniversityPhysics Ontario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Kasper, AlexandraSimon Fraser UniversityPhysics British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/19/17 1 17,500.00$ Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship M/ Bourse d'études supérieures du Canada Alexander-Graham-Bell M

Kaufhold, Christine EricaUniversity of WaterlooApplied MathematicsOntario CANADA 01/19/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Kaur, HarneetAutomotive Fuel Cell CooperationHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Kaushik, SonalSimon Fraser UniversityBiomedical Physiology and KinesiologyBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Kavanaugh, JeffreyUniversity of AlbertaEarth and Atmospheric SciencesAlberta CANADA 01/13/17 1 2,000.00$ Connect Grants Level 2 (Prairies)/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 2 (Prairies)

Kazem Moussavi, ZahraUniversity of ManitobaElectrical and Computer EngineeringManitoba CANADA 03/29/17 1 94,300.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Kazemian, NahalPratt & Whitney Canada Inc.Head Office/ Siège SocialQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 3,656.25$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Keais, GraemeUniversity of VictoriaBiology British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/16/17 1 6,000.00$ Canadian Graduate Scholarships - Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements/ Suppléments pour études à l'étranger Michael Smith aux Bourses d'études supérieures du Canada

Kearns, KevinON Semiconductor Canada LtdHead OfficeOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Keating, LauraHumber College Institute of Technology and Advanced LearningHead OfficeOntario CANADA 03/22/17 2 95,359.00$ College - University Idea to Innovation Grants/ Subventions De l'idée à innovation pour les universités et les collèges

Kelly, EugeneG&M Family Farm Ltd.Head OfficeNewfoundland and Labrador/ Terre-Neuve-et-LabradorCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Kemme, BettinaMcGill UniversityComputer Science, School ofQuébec CANADA 03/29/17 1 146,901.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Kéna-Cohen, StéphaneÉcole Polytechnique de MontréalGénie physiqueQuébec CANADA 03/29/17 1 150,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Kennedy, ColleenThe Electric Mail CompanyHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Kermanshahi pour, AzadehDalhousie UniversityProcess Engineering and Applied ScienceNova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Kermode, AllisonSimon Fraser UniversityBiological SciencesBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/09/17 3 75,000.00$ PromoScience

Keselj, VladoDalhousie UniversityComputer Science, Faculty ofNova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Ketcheson, ScottMcMaster UniversityGeography and Earth Sciences, School ofOntario CANADA 02/15/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Khajepour, AmirUniversity of WaterlooMechanical Engineering and MechatronicsOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Khajepour, AmirUniversity of WaterlooMechanical Engineering and MechatronicsOntario CANADA 03/10/17 5 1,000,000.00$ Industrial Research Chairs - Regular - Research/ Professeurs-chercheurs industriels - régulières - recherche

Khalid, HafsaSpartan Bioscience Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,218.75$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Khamesee, Mir BehradUniversity of WaterlooMechanical Engineering and MechatronicsOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 26,000.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Khan, FaisalMemorial University of NewfoundlandEngineering and Applied Science, Faculty ofNewfoundland and Labrador/ Terre-Neuve-et-LabradorCANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Khazoom, CharlesUniversité de SherbrookeGénie mécaniqueQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Khendek, FerhatConcordia UniversityEngineering and Computer Science, Faculty ofQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 5 750,000.00$ Industrial Research Chairs - Regular - Research/ Professeurs-chercheurs industriels - régulières - recherche

Khera, GurmanTel-Array Diagnostics Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Kherani, NazirUniversity of TorontoElectrical & Computer EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Khogali Ali, RashidUniversity of WaterlooElectrical & Computer EngineeringOntario CANADA 02/16/17 6 105,000.00$ Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship D - 3 years/ Bourse d'études supérieures du Canada Alexander-Graham-Bell D - 3 ans

Khor, Melvin Kok YaoUniversity of TorontoMolecular GeneticsOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Khoshpasand Foumani, Head OfficeNew Brunswick/ Nouveau-BrunswickCANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Khoury, RaphaelUniversité du Québec à ChicoutimiInformatique-mathématiqueQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 1 23,732.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Khoury, RichardUniversité LavalInformatique et de génie logicielQuébec CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Kianoush, RezaRyerson UniversityCivil EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Kietzig, Anne-MarieMcGill UniversityChemical EngineeringQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 1 12,500.00$ Engage Plus Grants for universities/ Subvention d'engagement partenarial Plus pour les universités

Kim, DerekUniversity of ManitobaMicrobiologyManitoba CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Kim, Il-YongQueen's UniversityMechanical and Materials EngineeringOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Kim, Il-YongQueen's UniversityMechanical and Materials EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 2 48,000.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Kim, KeekyoungThe University of British ColumbiaOkanagan British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/29/17 1 146,411.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Kim, MichaelUniversity of TorontoMechanical and Industrial EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 3 221,793.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Kim, SeonghwanUniversity of CalgaryMechanical and Manufacturing EngineeringAlberta CANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Kim, SoohyunT2 Systems Canada Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Kirby, MathewUniversity of GuelphMolecular and Cellular BiologyOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Kirchen, PatrickThe University of British ColumbiaMechanical EngineeringBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/29/17 1 149,986.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Kirk, DonaldUniversity of TorontoChemical Engineering and Applied ChemistryOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 14,945.00$ Idea to Innovation/ De l'idée à l'innovation

Kish, GregoryUniversity of AlbertaElectrical and Computer EngineeringAlberta CANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Kishk, AhmedConcordia UniversityElectrical and Computer EngineeringQuébec CANADA 03/29/17 1 150,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Kitai, AdrianMcMaster UniversityEngineering PhysicsOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Klammer, BenjaminAutomotive Fuel Cell CooperationHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Klemberg-Sapieha, JolantaÉcole Polytechnique de MontréalGénie physiqueQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 4 640,000.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Knight, AndrewUniversity of CalgaryElectrical and Computer EngineeringAlberta CANADA 01/13/17 4 416,627.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Knights, AndrewMcMaster UniversityEngineering PhysicsOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 89,167.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Ko, Seok-BumUniversity of SaskatchewanElectrical & Computer EngineeringSaskatchewanCANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Koh, Wei IanIPAC Chemicals LtdHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Komavli, LukeShawCor Ltd.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 02/22/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Kong, LinglongUniversity of AlbertaMathematical and Statistical SciencesAlberta CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Kopp, GregoryThe University of Western OntarioCivil and Environmental EngineeringOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Kopyscinski, JanMcGill UniversityChemical EngineeringQuébec CANADA 03/29/17 1 119,117.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Kothari, YashMedella Health Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Kövecses, JozsefMcGill UniversityMechanical EngineeringQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 62,000.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Kowalewski, RobertUniversity of VictoriaPhysics and AstronomyBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 76,495.00$ Subatomic Physics Envelope - Research Tools and Instruments/ Enveloppe de physique subatomique - Outils et instruments de recherche

Kralj, OliveraUniversity of WaterlooPhysics and AstronomyOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Kramer, JohnThe University of British ColumbiaInternational Collaboration on Repair Discoveries (ICORD)British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/29/17 1 60,286.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Krenbrink, JeremyAdenda Media Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Krieger, PeterUniversity of TorontoPhysics (St. George Campus)Ontario CANADA 03/10/17 1 193,000.00$ Subatomic Physics Envelope - Research Tools and Instruments/ Enveloppe de physique subatomique - Outils et instruments de recherche

Krigolson, OlaveUniversity of VictoriaExercise Science, Physical and Health Education, School ofBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 24,807.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Krook, JeffreyGrant MacEwan UniversityArts and Science DivisionAlberta CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Kry, Paul McGill UniversityComputer Science, School ofQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Krylov, SergeyYork UniversityResearch on Biomolecular Interactions, Centre forOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 148,666.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Kulic, DanicaUniversity of WaterlooElectrical & Computer EngineeringOntario CANADA 02/10/17 3 618,500.00$ Strategic Projects - Group/ Projets stratégiques - groupe

Kumar, BrendanUniversity of VictoriaMechanical EngineeringBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Kumaradas, CarlRyerson UniversityPhysics Ontario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Kummert, MichaëlÉcole Polytechnique de MontréalGénie mécaniqueQuébec CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Kuo, Chuan YuBeanworksHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Kuo, Yun ChaiThe University of British ColumbiaChemical and Biological EngineeringBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Kuru, ErgunUniversity of AlbertaCivil and Environmental EngineeringAlberta CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Kutz, SusanUniversity of CalgaryVeterinary Medicine, Faculty ofAlberta CANADA 03/01/17 3 142,500.00$ PromoScience

Kuzgunkaya, OnurConcordia UniversityMechanical and Industrial EngineeringQuébec CANADA 03/24/17 1 24,600.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Kvac, PeterTantalus Systems CorporationHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Kwak, Gyeongmin3M Canada Company/Compagnie 3M CanadaCorporate Research and Development Laboratory (London, ON)/ Laboratoire de recherche et développement (London, ON)Ontario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Kwan, NicoleApplied Biological Materials Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Kwon, Oh-SungUniversity of TorontoCivil EngineeringOntario CANADA 02/10/17 3 64,287.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Kwon, Oh-SungUniversity of TorontoCivil EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 3 57,141.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Kwon, Oh-SungUniversity of TorontoCivil EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 143,592.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Labeau, FabriceMcGill UniversityEngineering, Faculty ofQuébec CANADA 02/09/17 1 25,000.00$ PromoScience

LaBossiere, BrettThe University of British ColumbiaLand and Food Systems, Faculty ofBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

LaBrash, JettTrinity Western UniversityBiology British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Lachance, IanBionX InternationalR&D DivisionOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Lacroix, MoniqueInstitut national de la recherche scientifiqueINRS-Institut Armand-FrappierQuébec CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Lad, ShwetaMirexus Biotechnologies Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 3,937.50$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Lafleur, MarcelCégep GarneauCentre de démonstration en sciences physiquesQuébec CANADA 02/09/17 3 45,000.00$ PromoScience

Lafleur, Pierre G.École Polytechnique de MontréalGénie chimiqueQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Lafleur, Pierre G.École Polytechnique de MontréalGénie chimiqueQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 12,500.00$ Engage Plus Grants for universities/ Subvention d'engagement partenarial Plus pour les universités

Lafreniere, MelissaQueen's UniversityGeographyOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 147,815.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Laganière, RobertUniversity of Ottawa/Université d'OttawaElectrical Engineering and Computer Science , School of/ science informatique et de génie électrique, École deOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 12,500.00$ Engage Plus Grants for universities/ Subvention d'engagement partenarial Plus pour les universités

Laganière, RobertUniversity of Ottawa/Université d'OttawaElectrical Engineering and Computer Science , School of/ science informatique et de génie électrique, École deOntario CANADA 03/10/17 3 144,000.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Lagugné-Labarthet, FrançoisThe University of Western OntarioChemistry Ontario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Lagugné-Labarthet, FrançoisThe University of Western OntarioChemistry Ontario CANADA 03/29/17 1 150,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Lahrichi, NadiaÉcole Polytechnique de MontréalMathématiques et génie industrielQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Lai, YongjunQueen's UniversityMechanical and Materials EngineeringOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 2,700.00$ Connect Grants Level 1/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 1

Laird, SterlingDelta-Q Technologies Corp.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Lalonde, Jean-FrançoisUniversité LavalGénie électrique et génie informatiqueQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 24,955.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Lalonde, Marc-AntoineGE AviationHead OfficeQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,218.75$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Lam, AngusEcoSynthetix Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Lam, Carol Yuen LingMount Saint Vincent UniversityApplied Human NutritionNova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Lam, Felix StreetContxtHead OfficeOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Lam, HomanAquatic Informatics Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Lam, QuincyUniversity of WaterlooCombinatorics and OptimizationOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Lam, StephanieThe University of British ColumbiaMedicine, Faculty ofBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Lamarre, MaximeMatricis Informatique inc.Siège socialQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Lamarre, VincentInstitut de technologie agroalimentaireHead OfficeQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 3 225,000.00$ Applied Research and Development Grants (<$75k)/ Subventions de recherche et développement appliquée (<75,000 $)

Lambadaris, IoannisCarleton UniversitySystems and Computer EngineeringOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Landry, Brandon RolandThe University of British ColumbiaBotany British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/16/17 1 5,018.00$ Canadian Graduate Scholarships - Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements/ Suppléments pour études à l'étranger Michael Smith aux Bourses d'études supérieures du Canada

Landry, ChristianUniversité LavalBiologie Québec CANADA 03/29/17 1 77,425.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Langelaan, DavidDalhousie UniversityBiochemistry and Molecular BiologyNova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 03/29/17 1 149,611.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Langevin, ChloéBiogeniQ Inc.Head Office/ Siège socialQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,218.75$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Langley, MatthewUniversity of TorontoBiomaterials and Biomedical Engineering, Inst. of (IBBME)Ontario CANADA 01/19/17 1 6,000.00$ Canadian Graduate Scholarships - Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements/ Suppléments pour études à l'étranger Michael Smith aux Bourses d'études supérieures du Canada

Langlois, AlexandreUniversité de SherbrookeGéomatique appliquéeQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 24,567.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Langlois, EmmaUniversity of TorontoMedical BiophysicsOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Langlois, FrédéricBishop's UniversityMathematicsQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Lantz, Erik Glencore Canada CorporationBrunswick Smelter/ Fonderie BrunswickOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Lapeyre, KevinTasktop Technologies Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/25/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

LaPlante, GabrielUniversité de MonctonGénie mécaniqueNew Brunswick/ Nouveau-BrunswickCANADA 01/13/17 1 20,800.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Lapointe, BenoitÉcole de technologie supérieureGénie électriqueQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

LaPointe, GisèleUniversity of GuelphEnvironmental Sciences, School ofOntario CANADA 01/13/17 5 1,000,000.00$ Industrial Research Chairs - Regular - Salary/ Professeurs-chercheurs industriels - régulières - salaires

Laprise, PatrickUniversité LavalBiologie moléculaire, biochimie médicale et pathologieQuébec CANADA 03/29/17 1 148,239.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Larivière-Lajoie, RosalineUniversité LavalSciences du bois et de la forêtQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Larocque, MarieUniversité du Québec à MontréalSciences de la terre et de l'atmosphèreQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 3 130,750.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Lasko, PaulMcGill UniversityBiology Québec CANADA 03/29/17 1 149,875.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Latter, MaureenTornado Combustion Technologies Inc.Head OfficeAlberta CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Lau, Janice Ching LamUniversity of WaterlooSystems Design EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Laurendeau, DenisUniversité LavalSciences et génie, faculté desQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 5 699,874.00$ Industrial Research Chairs - Regular - Salary/ Professeurs-chercheurs industriels - régulières - salaires

Laurendeau-Lebel, FélixSentier UrbainSiège socialQuébec CANADA 02/09/17 1 24,000.00$ PromoScience

Lavallée, CaroleCégep de Saint-LaurentSiège socialQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Lavallee, EricUniversité du Québec à MontréalInformatiqueQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Laviolette, FrançoisUniversité LavalInformatique et de génie logicielQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Law, Alice University of CalgaryGeoscienceAlberta CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Lawrence, AndrewIQmetrix Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Lawrence, KatherineLallemand Inc.R&D Department/ Département R&DOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 5,351.01$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Lawson, JuliaUniversity of California - Santa BarbaraEnvir. Science & Management, Donald Bren School ofCalifornia/ CalifornieUNITED STATES/ ÉTATS-UNIS01/04/17 4 63,000.00$ Postgraduate Scholarships D - 3 years/ Bourses d'études supérieures D - 3 ans

Le Breton, SoazigAgence Mamu Innu KaikussehtSiège socialQuébec CANADA 02/09/17 3 75,000.00$ PromoScience

Le, ChristineLawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryHead OfficeCalifornia/ CalifornieUNITED STATES/ ÉTATS-UNIS03/22/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Le, Long Institut national de la recherche scientifiqueCentre Énergie, Matériaux et Télécommunication - MontréalQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Leahy, EdmondNovAtel Inc.Head OfficeAlberta CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

LeBlanc, BrianBlue Spurs Consulting IncR&D DivisionNew Brunswick/ Nouveau-BrunswickCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Leblanc-Perreault, FrançoiseCégep de la Gaspésie et des ÎlesSiège socialQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 24,992.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Leblanc-Perreault, FrançoiseCégep de la Gaspésie et des ÎlesSiège socialQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 24,008.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Leblanc-Perreault, FrançoiseCégep de la Gaspésie et des ÎlesSiège socialQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 24,424.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Leclerc, MarcCégep de Saint-HyacintheSiège socialQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Leclerc, MarcCégep de Saint-HyacintheSiège socialQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 3 130,499.00$ Applied Research and Development Grants (<$75k)/ Subventions de recherche et développement appliquée (<75,000 $)

Leclerc, MarcCégep de Saint-HyacintheSiège socialQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 5 1,000,000.00$ Industrial Research Chairs for Colleges Grants/ Subventions de chaires de recherche industrielle dans les collèges

Leclerc, MarcCégep de Saint-HyacintheSiège socialQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 3 450,000.00$ Applied Research and Development Grants (>$75k)/ Subventions de recherche et développement appliquée (>75,000 $)

Leclerc, MarcCégep de Saint-HyacintheSiège socialQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 3 225,000.00$ Applied Research and Development Grants (<$75k)/ Subventions de recherche et développement appliquée (<75,000 $)

Leclerc, MarcCégep de Saint-HyacintheSiège socialQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 3 225,000.00$ Applied Research and Development Grants (<$75k)/ Subventions de recherche et développement appliquée (<75,000 $)

Leclerc, MarioUniversité LavalChimie Québec CANADA 03/29/17 1 149,141.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Lecours, CarolineÉcole de technologie supérieureGénie mécaniqueQuébec CANADA 01/19/17 1 17,500.00$ Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship M/ Bourse d'études supérieures du Canada Alexander-Graham-Bell M

Lee, Chi-GuhnUniversity of TorontoMechanical and Industrial EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Lee, GraceRocscience Inc.Research BranchOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Lee, Ho TinTwo Tall Totems Ltd.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Lee, Hyungbok RooneyRocky Mountain Soap CompanyHead OfficeAlberta CANADA 01/13/17 1 3,937.50$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Lee, JocelynMediaValet Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/25/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Lee, JonathanPeraso Technologies Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Lee, JoshuaImtex Membranes Corp.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,218.75$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Lee, RachelIntellijoint Surgical Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Lee, Tina Medella Health Inc.Bio-Sensor TeamOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Lee, WonSookUniversity of Ottawa/Université d'OttawaElectrical Engineering and Computer Science , School of/ science informatique et de génie électrique, École deOntario CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Lee, Yu LunDelta-Q Technologies Corp.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,218.75$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Leeson, JasmineCareGuide Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Lefsrud, MarkMcGill UniversityBioresource EngineeringQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 3,457.00$ Connect Grants Level 1/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 1

Légaré, FrançoisInstitut national de la recherche scientifiqueCentre Énergie, Matériaux et Télécommunications (ÉMT) VarennesQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 2 150,000.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Légaré, FrançoisInstitut national de la recherche scientifiqueCentre Énergie, Matériaux et Télécommunications (ÉMT) VarennesQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Leger, MichelUniversity of New BrunswickGeodesy and Geomatics EngineeringNew Brunswick/ Nouveau-BrunswickCANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Léger, Pierre-MajoriqueHEC MontréalTechnologies de l'informationQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 23,600.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Lehoux, Pier-EtienneUniversité LavalGénie mécaniqueQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Lemaire, EdwardUniversity of Ottawa/Université d'OttawaMedicine, Faculty of/ Médecine, Faculté deOntario CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Lemay, Pier-LucOptel Technologies inc.Siège socialQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Lemay-Sévigny, YannGE AviationHead OfficeQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Lemieux, RobertUniversity of WaterlooChemistry Ontario CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

LeNy, JeromeÉcole Polytechnique de MontréalGénie électriqueQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Leong, Wey HerngRyerson UniversityMechanical and Industrial EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Leon-Garcia, AlbertoUniversity of TorontoElectrical & Computer EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 101,858.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Lepage, Jean-FrancoisUniversité de SherbrookePédiatrie Québec CANADA 03/29/17 1 150,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Lerouge, SophieÉcole de technologie supérieureGénie mécaniqueQuébec CANADA 03/29/17 1 85,145.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Lesage, FredericÉcole Polytechnique de MontréalGénie Biomédical, Institut deQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 2 86,200.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Leslie, SabrinaMcGill UniversityPhysics Québec CANADA 02/10/17 1 125,000.00$ Idea to Innovation/ De l'idée à l'innovation

L'Espérance, GillesÉcole Polytechnique de MontréalMathématiques et génie industrielQuébec CANADA 03/29/17 1 150,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Lessard, JulieCégep de RimouskiSiège socialQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 1 24,989.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Lessard, JulieCégep de RimouskiSiège socialQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Letwin, Lyndon SteveLakehead UniversityBiorefining Research Initiative (BRI)Ontario CANADA 02/16/17 1 17,500.00$ Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship M/ Bourse d'études supérieures du Canada Alexander-Graham-Bell M

Leung, Inc. Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Leung, HenryUniversity of CalgaryElectrical and Computer EngineeringAlberta CANADA 03/10/17 5 450,000.00$ Department of National Defence / NSERC Research Partnership - Project/ Partenariat de recherche du ministère de la Défense nationale et du CRSNG - projet

Leung, JasonAirborne Underwater Geophysical SignalsHead OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Leung, JulianaUniversity of AlbertaCivil and Environmental EngineeringAlberta CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Leung, Siu Ning (Sunny)York UniversityLassonde School of EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Levasseur, GuillaumeLabplas Inc.Head OfficeQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Levesque, CélineUniversity of TorontoDentistry, Faculty ofOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Lévesque, MartinÉcole Polytechnique de MontréalGénie mécaniqueQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 2 52,000.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Levison, JanaUniversity of GuelphEngineering, School ofOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 23,950.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Levy, MatthewHatch Ltd. Head OfficeOntario CANADA 02/22/17 1 3,937.50$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Li, Andrew Tantalus Systems CorporationHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Li, Bairong Xccepted Technologies Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Li, Ri The University of British ColumbiaOkanagan - Engineering, School ofBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Li, Xing-FangUniversity of AlbertaLaboratory Medicine and PathologyAlberta CANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Li, Ye Raven Telemetry Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Li, Zhen University of VictoriaEarth and Ocean Sciences, School ofBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/16/17 1 5,555.00$ Canadian Graduate Scholarships - Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements/ Suppléments pour études à l'étranger Michael Smith aux Bourses d'études supérieures du Canada

Liang, XiaodongMemorial University of NewfoundlandEngineering and Applied Science, Faculty ofNewfoundland and Labrador/ Terre-Neuve-et-LabradorCANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Liao, Zaiyi Ryerson UniversityArchitectural ScienceOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Lim, Joo YoungMineSense Technologies Ltd.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Lin, Alita GenomeMe Lab IncorporatedHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Lin, Wei Ting DavidUniversity of TorontoMedical BiophysicsOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Lin, Xiayue University of WaterlooComputer Science, David R. Cheriton School ofOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Lindenschmidt, Karl-ErichUniversity of SaskatchewanSchool of Environment and SustainabilitySaskatchewanCANADA 02/10/17 1 24,750.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Lindstrom, MichaelUniversity of California - Los AngelesMathematicsCalifornia/ CalifornieUNITED STATES/ ÉTATS-UNIS03/15/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Linteau, ChristineCégep de Baie-ComeauSiège socialQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 3 223,883.00$ Applied Research and Development Grants (<$75k)/ Subventions de recherche et développement appliquée (<75,000 $)

Linteau, ChristineCégep de Baie-ComeauSiège socialQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Lionard, MarieCégep de la Gaspésie et des ÎlesSiège socialQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 337.00$ Connect Grants Level 1/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 1

Lishak, BorisUniversity of SydneyMathematics and Statistics, School ofAUSTRALIA/ AUSTRALIE01/25/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Litchfield, DavidThe University of Western OntarioBiochemistryOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 150,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Little, JonathanThe University of British ColumbiaOkanagan - Health and Social Development, Faculty ofBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Liu, Chris GenomeMe Lab IncorporatedHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Liu, GuangjunRyerson UniversityAerospace EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 12,500.00$ Engage Plus Grants for universities/ Subvention d'engagement partenarial Plus pour les universités

Liu, HaotianTribalScale Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Liu, JiangchuanSimon Fraser UniversityComputing Science, School ofBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Liu, JinfengUniversity of AlbertaChemical and Materials EngineeringAlberta CANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Liu, QingxiaUniversity of AlbertaChemical and Materials EngineeringAlberta CANADA 02/10/17 4 647,840.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Liu, Wei VictorUniversity of AlbertaEngineering, Faculty ofAlberta CANADA 02/10/17 1 2,062.70$ Connect Grants Level 1/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 1

Liu, WenyingThe University of British ColumbiaApplied Science, Faculty ofBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Liu, Xinyu McGill UniversityMechanical EngineeringQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 3 486,400.00$ Strategic Projects - Group/ Projets stratégiques - groupe

Liu, Yan-FeiQueen's UniversityElectrical and Computer EngineeringOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Liu, Yan-FeiQueen's UniversityElectrical and Computer EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 3 144,000.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Liu, Yang University of AlbertaCivil and Environmental EngineeringAlberta CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Liu, Yue University of WaterlooApplied MathematicsOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Liu, ZhaohengÉcole de technologie supérieureGénie mécaniqueQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Lizotte, DanielThe University of Western OntarioComputer ScienceOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Lo, BenjaminTribalScale Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Lo, Kwang The University of British ColumbiaCivil EngineeringBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 2 140,000.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Lo, MichelleMcMaster UniversityObstetrics and GynecologyOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Lohi, Ali Ryerson UniversityChemical EngineeringOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Lomovtsev, DmitryUniversity of Ottawa/Université d'OttawaBiology/ BiologieOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Long, Xiao LinUniversity of the Fraser ValleyPhysics British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 2 95,143.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Longobardi, LaurenMax-Planck-Institut für KohlenforschunOrganometallic ChemistryGERMANY/ ALLEMAGNE03/08/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Loock, Hans-PeterQueen's UniversityChemistry Ontario CANADA 03/10/17 1 24,400.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Lou, EdmondUniversity of AlbertaSurgery Alberta CANADA 03/10/17 1 12,500.00$ Engage Plus Grants for universities/ Subvention d'engagement partenarial Plus pour les universités

Lougheed, StephenQueen's UniversityBiology Ontario CANADA 03/29/17 2 284,176.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Love, JenniferThe University of British ColumbiaChemistry British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/29/17 1 62,910.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Lovegrove, GordonThe University of British ColumbiaOkanagan - Engineering, School ofBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Lu, Harold University of Ottawa/Université d'OttawaCellular and Molecular Medicine/ Médecine cellulaire et moléculaireOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Lu, Ming University of AlbertaCivil and Environmental EngineeringAlberta CANADA 02/10/17 4 320,000.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Lu, Tao University of VictoriaElectrical and Computer EngineeringBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Lu, XiaonanThe University of British ColumbiaLand and Food Systems, Faculty ofBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/29/17 1 133,786.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Luettgen, SarahUniversity of VictoriaBiochemistry and MicrobiologyBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Luhovyy, BohdanMount Saint Vincent UniversityApplied Human NutritionNova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 02/10/17 1 24,960.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Lui, Chi HimSimon Fraser UniversityBiomedical Physiology and KinesiologyBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Lui, TraceyT2 Systems Canada Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,218.75$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Luke, GraemeMcMaster UniversityPhysics and AstronomyOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 150,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Lunetta, LucianoConcordia UniversityBuilding, Civil and Environmental EngineeringQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Lussier Desbiens, AlexisUniversité de SherbrookeGénie mécaniqueQuébec CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Lussier, FélixUniversité de MontréalChimie Québec CANADA 01/19/17 3 105,000.00$ Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship D - 3 years/ Bourse d'études supérieures du Canada Alexander-Graham-Bell D - 3 ans

Lutfiyya, HananThe University of Western OntarioComputer ScienceOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 12,481.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Luu, Joe Applied Biological Materials Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Lvovsky, AlexanderUniversity of CalgaryPhysics and AstronomyAlberta CANADA 03/29/17 1 147,900.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Ly, SamsonATCO PipelinesHead OfficeAlberta CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Ma, David University of GuelphHuman Health and Nutritional SciencesOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 150,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Ma, DonglingInstitut national de la recherche scientifiqueCentre Énergie, Matériaux et Télécommunications (ÉMT) VarennesQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 3 439,840.00$ Strategic Projects - Group/ Projets stratégiques - groupe

Ma, DonglingInstitut national de la recherche scientifiqueCentre Énergie, Matériaux et Télécommunications (ÉMT) VarennesQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Ma, Sami AltumView Systems Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,218.75$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Maassen, JesseDalhousie UniversityPhysics and Atmospheric ScienceNova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

MacCormack, TysonMount Allison UniversityChemistry & BiochemistryNew Brunswick/ Nouveau-BrunswickCANADA 03/10/17 1 24,919.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

MacDonald, Gerard AlexanderHolland CollegeHead OfficePrince Edward Island/ Île-du-Prince-ÉdouardCANADA 01/13/17 2 113,983.00$ Applied Research and Development Grants (<$75k)/ Subventions de recherche et développement appliquée (<75,000 $)

MacDougall-Shackleton, ScottThe University of Western OntarioPsychologyOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 140,562.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

MacEwan, GraceMcGill UniversityPlant ScienceQuébec CANADA 01/19/17 1 6,000.00$ Canadian Graduate Scholarships - Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements/ Suppléments pour études à l'étranger Michael Smith aux Bourses d'études supérieures du Canada

Machaalani, JoelleUniversity of Ottawa/Université d'OttawaPsychology, School of/ Psychologie, école deOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

MacLachlan, MarkThe University of British ColumbiaChemistry British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/29/17 1 149,726.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

MacLean, AlexanderUniversity of WaterlooSystems Design EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

MacLean, AmandaAthletigen Technologies Inc.Head OfficeNova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 03/10/17 1 4,218.75$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

MacLean, DavidUniversity of New BrunswickForestry and Environmental Management, Faculty ofNew Brunswick/ Nouveau-BrunswickCANADA 03/10/17 5 831,400.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

MacLeod, ColinThe University of British ColumbiaZoology British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/04/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

MacQuarrie, StephanieCape Breton UniversityChemistry Nova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 02/09/17 3 47,670.00$ PromoScience

MacQuarrie, StephanieCape Breton UniversityChemistry Nova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Madison, KirkThe University of British ColumbiaPhysics and AstronomyBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Madramootoo, ChandraMcGill UniversityBioresource EngineeringQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 1,500.00$ Connect Grants Level 2 (Quebec)/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 2 (Québec)

Madramootoo, ChandraMcGill UniversityBioresource EngineeringQuébec CANADA 03/29/17 1 150,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Magana, SamuelProcess Research ORTECH Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Mageau, JulienSolink CorporationHead OfficeOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,218.75$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Magid, Robert3M Canada Company/Compagnie 3M CanadaMontreal Office/ Bureau de MontréalOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Magierowski, SebastianYork UniversityComputer Science and EngineeringOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Magnan-Levesque, SamuelGiro inc. Head Office/ Siège SocialQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Mahdavi Amiri, AliSimon Fraser UniversityComputing Science, School ofBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/04/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Maheshwari, VivekUniversity of WaterlooChemistry Ontario CANADA 02/10/17 2 50,000.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Mahmood, WasiqAcceleware Ltd.Head OfficeAlberta CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Mahmoud, SoheilThe University of British ColumbiaOkanagan - BiologyBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Maini, Brij University of CalgaryHead OfficeAlberta CANADA 01/13/17 5 991,429.00$ Industrial Research Chairs - Regular - Research/ Professeurs-chercheurs industriels - régulières - recherche

Maisonneuve, LiseCégep Édouard-MontpetitHead OfficeQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 24,980.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Maisonneuve, LiseCégep Édouard-MontpetitHead OfficeQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Maisonneuve, LiseCégep Édouard-MontpetitHead OfficeQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 75,000.00$ Applied Research and Development Grants (<$75k)/ Subventions de recherche et développement appliquée (<75,000 $)

Makaroff, DwightUniversity of SaskatchewanComputer ScienceSaskatchewanCANADA 03/10/17 1 11,800.00$ Engage Plus Grants for universities/ Subvention d'engagement partenarial Plus pour les universités

Maldague, XavierUniversité LavalGénie électrique et génie informatiqueQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 24,980.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Malhamé, RolandÉcole Polytechnique de MontréalGénie électriqueQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Malik, DevanshPeraso Technologies Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Malikic, SalemSimon Fraser UniversityComputing Science, School ofBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/19/17 1 6,000.00$ Canadian Graduate Scholarships - Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements/ Suppléments pour études à l'étranger Michael Smith aux Bourses d'études supérieures du Canada

Mallari, AngeliqueApplied Biological Materials Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Malley, JaredSiemens Canada Limited/Siemens Canada LimitéeR&D Division FrederictonOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Maltz, Aubrey JackUniversity of WaterlooChemistry Ontario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Malvaso, EmileCambrian College of Applied Arts and TechnologyHead OfficeOntario CANADA 03/22/17 6 2,145,644.00$ Innovation Enhancement Grants/ Subventions de renforcement de l'innovation

Mammei, RussellThe University of WinnipegPhysics Manitoba CANADA 03/10/17 1 46,714.00$ Subatomic Physics Envelope - Research Tools and Instruments/ Enveloppe de physique subatomique - Outils et instruments de recherche

Manderville, RichardUniversity of GuelphChemistry Ontario CANADA 03/10/17 1 100,000.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Manigat, France OuridaUniversity of Ottawa/Université d'OttawaPhysics/ PhysiqueOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Manion, IanUniversity of Ottawa/Université d'OttawaInstitute of Mental Health Research (IMHR)/ Institut de recherche en santé mentaleOntario CANADA 03/10/17 2 466,000.00$ Networks of Centres of Excellence - Group/ Réseaux de centres d'excellence - groupe

Mann, DanielUniversity of ManitobaBiosystems EngineeringManitoba CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Mantovani, DiegoUniversité LavalGénie des mines, métallurgie et matériauxQuébec CANADA 03/29/17 1 149,984.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Manuel, Juan MiguelIQmetrix Winnipeg OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Maqsood, MariaMcMaster UniversityChemistry & Chemical BiologyOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Marchment, KevinTangam Gaming IncHead OfficeOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Marcil-St-Onge, GabrielÉcole Polytechnique de MontréalGénie mécaniqueQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Marciniw, KellySociety for Canadian Women in Science and Technology/Societe des Canadiennes dans la Science et la TechnologieHead Office/ Siège SocialBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/09/17 1 46,500.00$ PromoScience

Margni, ManueleÉcole Polytechnique de MontréalMathématiques et génie industrielQuébec CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Marin, GheorgheCégep de Trois-RivièresCentre de métallurgie du QuébecQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 1 75,000.00$ Applied Research and Development Grants (<$75k)/ Subventions de recherche et développement appliquée (<75,000 $)

Marin, GheorgheCégep de Trois-RivièresCentre de métallurgie du QuébecQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 1 24,950.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Marin, GheorgheCégep de Trois-RivièresCentre de métallurgie du QuébecQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 74,950.00$ Applied Research and Development Grants (<$75k)/ Subventions de recherche et développement appliquée (<75,000 $)

Marin, GheorgheCégep de Trois-RivièresHead OfficeQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 5 1,000,000.00$ Industrial Research Chairs for Colleges Grants/ Subventions de chaires de recherche industrielle dans les collèges

Marin, GheorgheCégep de Trois-RivièresCentre de métallurgie du QuébecQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 141,920.00$ Applied Research Tools and Instruments Grants/ Subventions d'outils et d'instruments de recherche appliquée

Marinescu, LiviuProcess Research ORTECH Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Marinkovic, MateCurtiss-Wright Defense SolutionsHead OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Mark, BrianUniversity of ManitobaMicrobiologyManitoba CANADA 03/29/17 1 110,702.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Markley, LoïcThe University of British ColumbiaOkanagan - Engineering, School ofBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Marques, CristinaAdvanced Materials Research and Innovation Hub/Pôle de recherche et d'innovation pour les matériaux avancésHead Office/ Siège socialQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 1,000.00$ Connect Grants Level 2 (Quebec)/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 2 (Québec)

Marriott, RobertUniversity of CalgaryComputer ScienceAlberta CANADA 02/10/17 5 956,547.00$ Industrial Research Chairs - Regular - Salary/ Professeurs-chercheurs industriels - régulières - salaires

Marshall, JohnRyerson UniversityChemistry and BiologyOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Marshall, ShawnUniversity of CalgaryArctic Institute of North AmericaAlberta CANADA 03/29/17 2 296,400.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Martens, FabiolaAutomotive Fuel Cell CooperationHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Martens, KennethSeaStar SolutionsHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Martin, AndrewUniversity of AlbertaMechanical EngineeringAlberta CANADA 03/29/17 1 59,716.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Martin, ChristopherUniversity of TorontoPsychology (St. George Campus)Ontario CANADA 03/08/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Martin, DaleClearpath Robotics Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Martin, LorenUniversity of TorontoPsychology (Mississauga)Ontario CANADA 03/29/17 1 147,333.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Martin, Luc Université de MonctonBiologie New Brunswick/ Nouveau-BrunswickCANADA 03/29/17 1 150,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Martin, RandallDalhousie UniversityPhysics and Atmospheric ScienceNova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 03/29/17 1 149,946.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Martinu, LudvikÉcole Polytechnique de MontréalGénie physiqueQuébec CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Martinuzzi, RobertUniversity of CalgaryMechanical and Manufacturing EngineeringAlberta CANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Martynenko, OleksiyDalhousie UniversityEngineering (Faculty of Agriculture)Nova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Massabki, MarounCégep André-LaurendeauHead OfficeQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 100,000.00$ College Synergy Awards/ Prix Synergie pour Collèges

Massé, ÉtienneUniversité de SherbrookeGénie électrique et génie informatiqueQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Masson, AlexandraQuebec InternationalSiège socialQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 3,000.00$ Connect Grants Level 2 (Quebec)/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 2 (Québec)

Masson, PatriceUniversité de SherbrookeGénie mécaniqueQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 12,500.00$ Engage Plus Grants for universities/ Subvention d'engagement partenarial Plus pour les universités

Matovic, SladanaUniversité de SherbrookeBiochimie Québec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Matte, Eric BionX InternationalR&D DivisionOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Matthews, H. DamonConcordia UniversityGeography, Planning and EnvironmentQuébec CANADA 03/29/17 1 72,852.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Mattiassi, SabrinaImtex Membranes Corp.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Mattonen, SarahStanford UniversityRadiology California/ CalifornieUNITED STATES/ ÉTATS-UNIS01/04/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Matwin, StanDalhousie UniversityComputer Science, Faculty ofNova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Maurer, FrankUniversity of CalgaryComputer ScienceAlberta CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Mavriplis, CatherineUniversity of Ottawa/Université d'OttawaMechanical Engineering/ Génie mécaniqueOntario CANADA 03/10/17 3 405,000.00$ Chair for Women in Science and Engineering WIS2U - Project/ Chaires des femmes en sciences et en génie WIS2U - Projet

Maw, SeanUniversity of SaskatchewanEngineering, College ofSaskatchewanCANADA 02/09/17 3 147,474.00$ PromoScience

Maxwell, AndrewYork UniversityLassonde School of EngineeringOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,000.00$ Connect Grants Level 2 (Ontario)/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 2 (Ontario)

McCarthy, CaitlinEcoSafe Natural Products Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

McCauley, EdwardUniversity of CalgaryHead OfficeAlberta CANADA 01/13/17 5 458,570.00$ Industrial Research Chairs - Regular - Salary/ Professeurs-chercheurs industriels - régulières - salaires

McCormick, CraigDalhousie UniversityMicrobiology and ImmunologyNova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

McDonald, André GarciaUniversity of AlbertaMechanical EngineeringAlberta CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

McFadden, LaurenScience For Kitikmeot Youth And EducatorsHead OfficeNunavut CANADA 02/09/17 3 135,000.00$ PromoScience

McFadyen, ConnorL.B. Foster Rail TechnologiesTechnical InquiriesQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,218.75$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

McGregor, HeatherThe University of Western OntarioPsychologyOntario CANADA 02/16/17 1 6,000.00$ Canadian Graduate Scholarships - Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements/ Suppléments pour études à l'étranger Michael Smith aux Bourses d'études supérieures du Canada

McGuire, MatthewAXYZ InternationalHead OfficeOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

McIndoe, ScottUniversity of VictoriaChemistry British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

McIntosh, LawrenceThe University of British ColumbiaChemistry British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/29/17 2 300,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

McIsaac, KennethThe University of Western OntarioElectrical and Computer EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

McIsaac, SteveInside Education Society of AlbertaHead OfficeAlberta CANADA 02/22/17 2 30,000.00$ PromoScience

McKinnie, ShaunUniversity of California - San DiegoMarine Biotechnology & Biomedicine, Center forCalifornia/ CalifornieUNITED STATES/ ÉTATS-UNIS03/15/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

McLaughlin, ConorUltra Electronics Maritime SystemsHead OfficeNova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

McLean, LindaUniversity of Ottawa/Université d'OttawaRehabilitation Sciences, School ofOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 150,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

McNeil, BrookeUniversity of WaterlooScience, Faculty ofOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

McNeil, JeremyThe University of Western OntarioBiology Ontario CANADA 02/10/17 1 10,000.00$ NSERC Awards for Science Promotion - Individual/ Prix du CRSNG pour la promotion des sciences - individuel

McPhedran, KerryUniversity of SaskatchewanCivil and Geological EngineeringSaskatchewanCANADA 01/13/17 1 20,950.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

McQuarrie, AmandaUniversity of VictoriaMedical Sciences DivisionBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

McRae, CallumUniversity of Ottawa/Université d'OttawaCellular and Molecular Medicine/ Médecine cellulaire et moléculaireOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Medjeldi, TayebCégep de Trois-RivièresHead OfficeQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 1 24,865.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Medjeldi, TayebCégep de Trois-RivièresHead OfficeQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 2 150,000.00$ Applied Research and Development Grants (<$75k)/ Subventions de recherche et développement appliquée (<75,000 $)

Medjeldi, TayebCégep de Trois-RivièresHead OfficeQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 74,960.00$ Applied Research and Development Grants (<$75k)/ Subventions de recherche et développement appliquée (<75,000 $)

Medjeldi, TayebCégep de Trois-RivièresHead OfficeQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Mehrkhodavandi, ParisaThe University of British ColumbiaChemistry British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Melacini, GiuseppeMcMaster UniversityChemistry & Chemical BiologyOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Mena Arrastia, CarmenUniversity of New BrunswickGeodesy and Geomatics EngineeringNew Brunswick/ Nouveau-BrunswickCANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Menard, JylerUniversity of WaterlooPhysics and AstronomyOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Meng, BaozhongUniversity of GuelphMolecular and Cellular BiologyOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Meng, LinnaIntrohive Services Inc.Head OfficeNew Brunswick/ Nouveau-BrunswickCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Menon, CarloSimon Fraser UniversityEngineering Science, School ofBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/29/17 1 145,115.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Mercan, OyaUniversity of TorontoCivil EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Mergulhao, MalcolmNorima ConsultingHead OfficeManitoba CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Mérida, WalterThe University of British ColumbiaMechanical EngineeringBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 5,000.00$ Connect Grants Level 1/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 1

Mérida, WalterThe University of British ColumbiaMechanical EngineeringBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 5,000.00$ Connect Grants Level 2 (Pacific)/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 2 (Pacifique)

Mertiny, PierreUniversity of AlbertaMechanical EngineeringAlberta CANADA 02/10/17 2 200,000.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Messinger, TroyNOVA Chemicals CorporationHead OfficeAlberta CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Méthot, NathalieLa Cité collégialeHead Office/ Siège SocialOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 24,999.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Méthot, NathalieLa Cité collégialeHead Office/ Siège SocialOntario CANADA 03/24/17 1 2,700.00$ Connect Grants Level 2 (Ontario)/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 2 (Ontario)

Meyer, BrettMcGill UniversityElectrical and Computer EngineeringQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Michaud, DominiqueUniversité LavalPhytologie Québec CANADA 02/10/17 3 240,440.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Micheau, PhilippeUniversité de SherbrookeGénie mécaniqueQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Mighri, FrejUniversité LavalGénie chimiqueQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Miiller, JeffreyTasktop Technologies Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/25/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Milbradt, Johanna (Annette)Canadian Society of Exploration GeophysicistsHead OfficeAlberta CANADA 02/22/17 1 35,000.00$ PromoScience

Mildenberger, AlexNovAtel Inc.Head OfficeAlberta CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Milette, ÉricCollège ShawiniganHead OfficeQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 3 225,000.00$ Applied Research and Development Grants (<$75k)/ Subventions de recherche et développement appliquée (<75,000 $)

Milette, ÉricCollège ShawiniganHead OfficeQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Milette, ÉricCollège ShawiniganHead OfficeQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Milette, ÉricCollège ShawiniganHead OfficeQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 5 1,000,000.00$ Industrial Research Chairs for Colleges Grants/ Subventions de chaires de recherche industrielle dans les collèges

Milette, ÉricCollège ShawiniganHead OfficeQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 3 225,000.00$ Applied Research and Development Grants (<$75k)/ Subventions de recherche et développement appliquée (<75,000 $)

Milette, ÉricCollège ShawiniganHead OfficeQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 3 225,000.00$ Applied Research and Development Grants (<$75k)/ Subventions de recherche et développement appliquée (<75,000 $)

Milette, ÉricCollège ShawiniganHead OfficeQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Milios, EvangelosDalhousie UniversityComputer Science, Faculty ofNova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Millar, PhilipUniversity of GuelphHuman Health and Nutritional SciencesOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 24,995.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Miller, DrydenUniversity of WaterlooGeography and Environmental ManagementOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Miller, DylanUniversity of AlbertaPhysical Education and Recreation, Faculty ofAlberta CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Millette-St-Hilaire, ArianeUniversité de SherbrookePharmacologie-physiologieQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Mills, Cameron8996598 Canada Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Milne, DouglasUniversity of SaskatchewanCivil and Geological EngineeringSaskatchewanCANADA 02/10/17 2 70,516.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Milne, DouglasUniversity of SaskatchewanCivil and Geological EngineeringSaskatchewanCANADA 03/10/17 3 101,095.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Milot, Eric Université de MontréalMédecine Québec CANADA 03/29/17 1 146,629.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Min, Zi HuanAcorn CryotechHead OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Minke, BryceIndal Technologies Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Miranskyy, AndriyRyerson UniversityComputer ScienceOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Mirtchev, TheodoreAlgonquin College of Applied Arts and TechnologyHead OfficeOntario CANADA 03/22/17 6 2,300,000.00$ Innovation Enhancement Grants/ Subventions de renforcement de l'innovation

Mirtchev, TheodoreAlgonquin College of Applied Arts and TechnologyHead OfficeOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 24,901.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Misra, ManjusriUniversity of GuelphEngineering, School ofOntario CANADA 01/13/17 2 80,000.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Mistruzzi, ElleFiat Chrysler AutomobilesBody ExteriorOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Moallem, MehrdadSimon Fraser UniversityMechatronic Systems EngineeringBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 2 112,000.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Mohammad, TarekUniversity of TorontoMechanical and Industrial EngineeringOntario CANADA 02/16/17 3 63,000.00$ Postgraduate Scholarships D - 3 years/ Bourses d'études supérieures D - 3 ans

Mohammadi, ArashConcordia UniversityConcordia Institute for Information Systems Engineering (CIISE)Québec CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Mohammadi, FarahRyerson UniversityElectrical and Computer EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Mohammadi, MohsenUniversity of New BrunswickMechanical EngineeringNew Brunswick/ Nouveau-BrunswickCANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Mohammadi, MohsenUniversity of New BrunswickMechanical EngineeringNew Brunswick/ Nouveau-BrunswickCANADA 03/10/17 1 3,225.00$ Connect Grants Level 1/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 1

Mohammadi, MohsenUniversity of New BrunswickMechanical EngineeringNew Brunswick/ Nouveau-BrunswickCANADA 03/10/17 1 1,970.00$ Connect Grants Level 1/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 1

Mohammed-Said, MohammedNeverfrost IncHead OfficeOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Moir, LaurenTate Engineering Inc.Head OfficeNova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,218.75$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Momen, GelarehUniversité du Québec à ChicoutimiHead OfficeQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 3 300,000.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Monaco, CynthiaMcMaster UniversityPathology and Molecular MedicineOntario CANADA 01/19/17 3 63,000.00$ Postgraduate Scholarships D - 3 years/ Bourses d'études supérieures D - 3 ans

Moon, Sung JunUniversity of CalgaryBiological SciencesAlberta CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Moor, OxanaUniversity of ManitobaMicrobiologyManitoba CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Moore, BenjaminSimon Fraser UniversityMathematicsBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/19/17 1 17,500.00$ Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship M/ Bourse d'études supérieures du Canada Alexander-Graham-Bell M

Morales, MiguelSolar Global Solutions Ltd.Head OfficeNova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Morandotti, RobertoInstitut national de la recherche scientifiqueCentre Énergie, Matériaux et Télécommunications (ÉMT) VarennesQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 1 125,000.00$ Idea to Innovation/ De l'idée à l'innovation

Morandotti, RobertoInstitut national de la recherche scientifiqueCentre Énergie, Matériaux et Télécommunications (ÉMT) VarennesQuébec CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Morandotti, RobertoInstitut national de la recherche scientifiqueCentre Énergie, Matériaux et Télécommunications (ÉMT) VarennesQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 12,031.00$ Idea to Innovation/ De l'idée à l'innovation

Morandotti, RobertoInstitut national de la recherche scientifiqueCentre Énergie, Matériaux et Télécommunications (ÉMT) VarennesQuébec CANADA 03/29/17 1 138,303.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Moran-MacDonald, AdanNeptec Design Group LtdHead Office/ Siège SocialOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Moreno Maza, MarcThe University of Western OntarioComputer ScienceOntario CANADA 01/13/17 3 144,000.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Moreno Tobon, SantiagoIPPINKA INC.R&D DivisionOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Morin, ChristianCégep de Sainte-FoySiège SocialQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Morin, ChristianCégep de Sainte-FoySiège SocialQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 2 200,000.00$ Innovation Enhancement Grants - Entry Level/ Subventions de renforcement de l'innovation - niveau d'entrée

Morin, ChristianCégep de Sainte-FoySiège SocialQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 24,786.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Morin, ClaudeCollège MériciSiège SocialQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Morin, ClaudeCollège MériciSiège SocialQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Morin, ClaudeCollège MériciSiège SocialQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Morin, Jean-FrancoisUniversité LavalChimie Québec CANADA 03/29/17 1 149,595.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Morin, SébastienCégep de JonquièreSiège socialQuébec CANADA 03/24/17 1 2,000.00$ Connect Grants Level 2 (Quebec)/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 2 (Québec)

Morissette, Jean-PhilippeUniversité de SherbrookeMathématiquesQuébec CANADA 01/19/17 1 17,500.00$ Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship M/ Bourse d'études supérieures du Canada Alexander-Graham-Bell M

Morley, KarenScience Fair Foundation of British ColumbiaHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/09/17 1 35,000.00$ PromoScience

Moroz, NickUniversity of GuelphPlant Agriculture (Guelph)Ontario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Moselhi, OsamaConcordia UniversityBuilding, Civil and Environmental EngineeringQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Moshovos, AndreasUniversity of TorontoElectrical & Computer EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 6 5,500,000.00$ Strategic Network Grants Program/ Programme de subventions de réseaux stratégiques

Moss, ThomasUniversité LavalBiologie moléculaire, biochimie médicale et pathologieQuébec CANADA 03/29/17 1 148,943.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Moulton, RichardUniversity of Ottawa/Université d'OttawaElectrical Engineering and Computer Science , School of/ science informatique et de génie électrique, École deOntario CANADA 03/16/17 1 6,000.00$ Canadian Graduate Scholarships - Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements/ Suppléments pour études à l'étranger Michael Smith aux Bourses d'études supérieures du Canada

Mousseau, NormandUniversité de MontréalPhysique Québec CANADA 02/10/17 1 23,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Moutanabbir, OussamaÉcole Polytechnique de MontréalGénie physiqueQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Muench, DouglasUniversity of CalgaryBiological SciencesAlberta CANADA 03/29/17 1 117,863.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Muir, SarahUniversité de MontréalÉtudes supérieures et postdoctorales, Faculté desQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Muir, VanessaUniversity of VictoriaCAMTEC - Centre for Advanced Materials and Related TechnologyBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Mukarugagi, LibérataCégep Saint-Jean-sur-RichelieuLE BOURSIERQuébec CANADA 03/24/17 1 2,000.00$ Connect Grants Level 2 (Quebec)/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 2 (Québec)

Mullen, JordanEyeball Inc.Head OfficeNova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,218.75$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Müller, MartinUniversity of AlbertaComputing ScienceAlberta CANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Mundy, BenjaminGreenMantra Recycling Technologies Ltd.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Munopo, TariroLallemand Inc.Yeast Process Division/ Dision des processus de levureOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,218.75$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Murphy, GrahamUniversity of WaterlooChemistry Ontario CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Murphy, GrahamUniversity of WaterlooChemistry Ontario CANADA 03/29/17 1 140,115.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Murphy-Zaremba, EricUniversity of CalgaryMechanical and Manufacturing EngineeringAlberta CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Murray, ChristopherLakehead UniversityOrillia CampusOntario CANADA 02/09/17 3 21,000.00$ PromoScience

Murugkar, SangeetaCarleton UniversityPhysics Ontario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Nabki, FredericÉcole de technologie supérieureGénie électriqueQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Nabki, FredericÉcole de technologie supérieureGénie électriqueQuébec CANADA 03/29/17 1 149,390.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Naccache, RafikConcordia UniversityChemistry and BiochemistryQuébec CANADA 03/29/17 1 65,757.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Nacke, CodeyUniversity of Ottawa/Université d'OttawaPhysics/ PhysiqueOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Nacke, LennartUniversity of WaterlooDrama & Speech CommunicationOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Nadeau, OlivierUniversity of Ottawa/Université d'OttawaEarth Sciences/ Sciences de la TerreOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Nadolny, MichaelBallard Power Systems Inc.Research and DevelopmentBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Najjaran, HomayounThe University of British ColumbiaOkanagan - Engineering, School ofBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 2 192,000.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Najmanovich, RafaelUniversité de MontréalHead OfficeQuébec CANADA 03/29/17 1 144,844.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Nantel, MarcNiagara College CanadaNiagara-on-the-Lake CampusOntario CANADA 03/22/17 5 1,000,000.00$ Industrial Research Chairs for Colleges Grants/ Subventions de chaires de recherche industrielle dans les collèges

Napoleone, GabrielleThe University of British ColumbiaMedicine, Faculty ofBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Narbaitz, RobertoUniversity of Ottawa/Université d'OttawaCivil Engineering/ Génie civilOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Nargang, FrankUniversity of AlbertaBiological SciencesAlberta CANADA 03/10/17 1 1,706.00$ Connect Grants Level 2 (Prairies)/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 2 (Prairies)

Navabi, AlirezaUniversity of GuelphPlant Agriculture (Guelph)Ontario CANADA 03/10/17 5 380,000.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Nayak, AmiyaUniversity of Ottawa/Université d'OttawaElectrical Engineering and Computer Science , School of/ science informatique et de génie électrique, École deOntario CANADA 01/13/17 2 125,000.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Nazar, LindaUniversity of WaterlooChemistry Ontario CANADA 03/29/17 1 99,200.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Nazemifard, NedaUniversity of AlbertaChemical and Materials EngineeringAlberta CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Neamtu, Alexandru StefanÉcole de technologie supérieureGénie électriqueQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Nederveen, JoshuaMcMaster UniversityKinesiologyOntario CANADA 02/16/17 1 5,825.00$ Canadian Graduate Scholarships - Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements/ Suppléments pour études à l'étranger Michael Smith aux Bourses d'études supérieures du Canada

Nedic, JovanMcGill UniversityMechanical EngineeringQuébec CANADA 03/29/17 1 150,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Neff, BryanThe University of Western OntarioBiology Ontario CANADA 03/29/17 2 135,449.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Nekkar Rao, PraveenUniversity of WaterlooPharmacy, School ofOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Neustaedter, CarmanSimon Fraser UniversityInteractive Arts and Technology, School of (SIAT)British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/24/17 1 24,960.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Neville, StephenUniversity of VictoriaElectrical and Computer EngineeringBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Newman, StephenUniversity of Ottawa/Université d'OttawaChemistry/ ChimieOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Ng, Eva Rainforest Automation Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Ng, Flora University of WaterlooChemical EngineeringOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Ng, Justin University of WaterlooStatistics and Actuarial ScienceOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Ng, Lucas SignalChem Pharmaceuticals IncHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Ng, WesleyApplied Biological Materials Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Nguyen, DianaSignalChem Pharmaceuticals IncHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Nguyen, Minh DungFPInnovationsHead Office/ Siège SocialQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Nicholson, SheilaCanfor Pulp Limited PartnershipR&D Division (Burnaby)British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Nicola, WiltenImperial College of LondonHead Office UNITED KINGDOM/ ROYAUME-UNI01/04/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Nielsen, ScottUniversity of AlbertaRenewable ResourcesAlberta CANADA 01/13/17 4 600,000.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Nikolasevic, KyleUniversity of WaterlooChemistry Ontario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Nikrityuk, PetrUniversity of AlbertaChemical and Materials EngineeringAlberta CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Nistor, IoanUniversity of Ottawa/Université d'OttawaCivil Engineering/ Génie civilOntario CANADA 01/13/17 4 116,668.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Niu, Di University of AlbertaElectrical and Computer EngineeringAlberta CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Nobes, DavidUniversity of AlbertaMechanical EngineeringAlberta CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Normandeau, GuyCégep André-LaurendeauHead OfficeQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 1,500.00$ Connect Grants Level 1/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 1

Normington, WesleyToronto Renewable Energy Co-operativeHead OfficeOntario CANADA 02/09/17 1 50,000.00$ PromoScience

Northmore, AndrewUniversity of New BrunswickCivil EngineeringNew Brunswick/ Nouveau-BrunswickCANADA 03/16/17 3 63,000.00$ Postgraduate Scholarships D - 3 years/ Bourses d'études supérieures D - 3 ans

Noumbissie-Nzefa, ShiraaUniversité de SherbrookeGénie chimique et génie biotechnologiqueQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Novales Flamarique, InigoSimon Fraser UniversityBiological SciencesBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 2,980.00$ Connect Grants Level 1/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 1

Novog, DavidMcMaster UniversityEngineering, Faculty ofOntario CANADA 01/13/17 4 358,635.00$ Industrial Research Chairs - Regular - Research/ Professeurs-chercheurs industriels - régulières - recherche

Nowak, EphraimThe University of British ColumbiaOkanagan - Engineering, School ofBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/16/17 1 6,000.00$ Canadian Graduate Scholarships - Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements/ Suppléments pour études à l'étranger Michael Smith aux Bourses d'études supérieures du Canada

Nuño, NataliaÉcole de technologie supérieureGénie de la production automatiséeQuébec CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Nurul Habib, KhandkerUniversity of TorontoCivil EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Oakes, KenCape Breton UniversityVerschuren Centre for Sustainability in Energy and the EnvironmentNova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

O'Brien, WilliamCarleton UniversityCivil and Environmental EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 4 120,000.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

O'Brien, WilliamCarleton UniversityCivil and Environmental EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

O'Driscoll, NelsonAcadia UniversityEarth and Environmental ScienceNova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 03/29/17 1 61,738.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Ogilvie, MitchellAutomotive Fuel Cell CooperationHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Oh, JungKwonConcordia UniversityChemistry and BiochemistryQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Okeke, Emeka BonifaceUniversity of MichiganChemical EngineeringMichigan UNITED STATES/ ÉTATS-UNIS03/15/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

O'Leary, StephenThe University of British ColumbiaOkanagan - Engineering, School ofBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 2,180.00$ Connect Grants Level 1/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 1

Oliver, MicheleUniversity of GuelphEngineering, School ofOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Oloumi, DanielUniversity of CalgarySchulich School of EngineeringAlberta CANADA 03/01/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Olson, JamesThe University of British ColumbiaMechanical EngineeringBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 10,000.00$ Connect Grants Level 2 (Pacific)/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 2 (Pacifique)

Olson, JamesThe University of British ColumbiaMechanical EngineeringBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/29/17 1 135,800.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Omelon, SidneyUniversity of Ottawa/Université d'OttawaChemical and Biological Engineering/ Génie chimique et biologiqueOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Orr, ValerieMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyChemical EngineeringMassachusettsUNITED STATES/ ÉTATS-UNIS03/15/17 3 112,500.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Orthwein, AlexandreMcGill UniversityOncology Québec CANADA 03/29/17 1 149,671.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Ortiz, FabianAutomotive Fuel Cell CooperationHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Osgood, GeoffreyUniversity of VictoriaBiology British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/19/17 1 6,000.00$ Canadian Graduate Scholarships - Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements/ Suppléments pour études à l'étranger Michael Smith aux Bourses d'études supérieures du Canada

Oudah, FadiThe University of Western OntarioCivil and Environmental EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/08/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Ouellet, AnthonyUniversité de SherbrookeGénie mécaniqueQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Ouellet, VéroniqueUniversité LavalSciences animalesQuébec CANADA 02/16/17 1 6,000.00$ Canadian Graduate Scholarships - Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements/ Suppléments pour études à l'étranger Michael Smith aux Bourses d'études supérieures du Canada

Ouellet-Plamondon, ClaudianeÉcole de technologie supérieureGénie de la constructionQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 24,600.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Ouellette, SylvieConcordia UniversityChemistry and BiochemistryQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Ozdogan, SemihFiat Chrysler AutomobilesBody ExteriorOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Ozell, BenoitÉcole Polytechnique de MontréalGénie informatique et génie logicielQuébec CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Paci, Irina University of VictoriaChemistry British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Paige, MatthewUniversity of SaskatchewanChemistry SaskatchewanCANADA 03/29/17 1 50,787.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Paik, Chang KeunUniversity of WaterlooElectrical & Computer EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Palmer, NatashaThe University of British Columbiaeng-cite:The Goldcorp Professorship for Women in EngineeringBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/09/17 1 33,333.00$ PromoScience

Pandey, MaheshUniversity of WaterlooCivil & Environmental EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Panju, MaysumUniversity of WaterlooStatistics and Actuarial ScienceOntario CANADA 01/19/17 3 63,000.00$ Postgraduate Scholarships D - 3 years/ Bourses d'études supérieures D - 3 ans

Papalazarou, ChloeUniversity of GuelphGeographyOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Paquette, EricÉcole de technologie supérieureGénie logiciel et des TIQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Paraschivoiu, MariusConcordia UniversityMechanical and Industrial EngineeringQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 2 40,000.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Parekh, KaranKinexus Bioinformatics CorporationHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Parenteau, MarioCégep de Trois-RivièresInnofibre Québec CANADA 02/10/17 3 225,000.00$ Applied Research and Development Grants (<$75k)/ Subventions de recherche et développement appliquée (<75,000 $)

Parenteau, MarioCégep de Trois-RivièresInnofibre Québec CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Parenteau, MarioCégep de Trois-RivièresInnofibre Québec CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Parenteau, MarioCégep de Trois-RivièresInnofibre Québec CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Parenteau, MarioCégep de Trois-RivièresInnofibre Québec CANADA 03/22/17 6 2,300,000.00$ Innovation Enhancement Grants/ Subventions de renforcement de l'innovation

Parenteau, MarioCégep de Trois-RivièresInnofibre Québec CANADA 03/22/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Park, Chul University of TorontoMechanical and Industrial EngineeringOntario CANADA 02/10/17 3 214,284.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Park, SimonUniversity of CalgaryMechanical and Manufacturing EngineeringAlberta CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Park, SungbokCOWI North AmericaHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Parker, BethUniversity of GuelphEngineering, School ofOntario CANADA 01/13/17 4 591,379.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Parker, RobertThe University of British ColumbiaOceans and Fisheries, Institute for theBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/04/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Parraga, GraceThe University of Western OntarioMedical BiophysicsOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 150,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Parrott, MichaelEverynine Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Parsons, MatthewMemorial University of NewfoundlandBioMedical Sciences, Div. ofNewfoundland and Labrador/ Terre-Neuve-et-LabradorCANADA 03/29/17 1 148,816.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Pass, EmilyThe University of Western OntarioPhysics and AstronomyOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Patel, AntulHatch Ltd. Head OfficeOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Patel, ForamUniversity of WaterlooGeography and Environmental ManagementOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Patel, HimaniUniversity of Ottawa/Université d'OttawaMedicine, Faculty of/ Médecine, Faculté deOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Patel, Jay Gemite Products Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Patel, NeesargRocscience Inc.Research BranchOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Patel, YashON Semiconductor Canada LtdHead OfficeOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Pavan, ColinD-Wave Systems IncHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Pazzi, RichardUniversity of Ontario Institute of TechnologyBusiness and Information Technology, Faculty ofOntario CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Peak, DerekUniversity of SaskatchewanSoil ScienceSaskatchewanCANADA 03/10/17 3 750,000.00$ College - University Idea to Innovation Grants/ Subventions De l'idée à innovation pour les universités et les collèges

Pearson, DavidUniversity of AlbertaEarth and Atmospheric SciencesAlberta CANADA 03/29/17 1 97,233.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Pedneault, EstelleCégep de la Gaspésie et des ÎlesSiège socialQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 1,800.00$ Connect Grants Level 1/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 1

Pegg, MichaelDalhousie UniversityProcess Engineering and Applied ScienceNova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Pellerin Boudriau, LaurentOmega Laboratories Ltd./Laboratoires Omega limitéeHead Office/ Siège socialQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Pelletier, FanieUniversité de SherbrookeBiologie Québec CANADA 03/29/17 1 110,651.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Pelletier, RégisCégep de ChicoutimiSiège socialQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 3 225,000.00$ Applied Research and Development Grants (<$75k)/ Subventions de recherche et développement appliquée (<75,000 $)

Pelletier, RégisCégep de ChicoutimiSiège socialQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 3 225,000.00$ Applied Research and Development Grants (<$75k)/ Subventions de recherche et développement appliquée (<75,000 $)

Pelletier, RégisCégep de ChicoutimiSiège socialQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 3 225,000.00$ Applied Research and Development Grants (<$75k)/ Subventions de recherche et développement appliquée (<75,000 $)

Pen, Ue-Li University of TorontoCdn Inst. for Theoretical AstrophysicsOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Peng, AndyYork UniversityChemistry Ontario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Penner, GregoryUniversity of SaskatchewanAnimal and Poultry ScienceSaskatchewanCANADA 03/10/17 3 239,161.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Peppley, BrantQueen's UniversityChemical EngineeringOntario CANADA 01/13/17 2 80,000.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Percival Smith, OliverGenomeMe Lab IncorporatedHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Peregrine, AndrewUniversity of GuelphPathobiologyOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 40,137.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Pereira, PedroUniversity of CalgaryChemical and Petroleum EngineeringAlberta CANADA 03/10/17 3 347,000.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Perepichka, DmitriiMcGill UniversityChemistry Québec CANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Perley, SkyWolastoq EducationHead OfficeNew Brunswick/ Nouveau-BrunswickCANADA 02/22/17 1 46,300.00$ PromoScience

Perreault, AndreaMount Saint Vincent UniversityChemistry and PhysicsNova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Perri, AlessandroBrock UniversityChemistry Ontario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Persaud, BhagwantRyerson UniversityCivil EngineeringOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Pervin, ErikCarleton UniversityBiology Ontario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Petel, OrenCarleton UniversityMechanical & Aerospace EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Peter, Yves-AlainÉcole Polytechnique de MontréalGénie physiqueQuébec CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Peterson, DylanNovAtel Inc.Head OfficeAlberta CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Peterson, SeanUniversity of WaterlooMechanical Engineering and MechatronicsOntario CANADA 02/10/17 3 304,366.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Petric, AnthonyMcMaster UniversityMaterials Science and EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Petrone, DavidEidgenössiche Technische Hochschule ZürichHead Office SWITZERLAND/ SUISSE01/04/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Pham, AnhCarleton UniversityCivil and Environmental EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Pham, ChristineMcMaster UniversityBiology Ontario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Phani, SrikanthaThe University of British ColumbiaMechanical EngineeringBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 3 122,400.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Phillion, André BernardMcMaster UniversityMaterials Science and EngineeringOntario CANADA 02/10/17 4 114,200.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Phillips-Hume, ChristianAKAC inc. St. John's OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Phinney, LoriAcadia UniversityBiology Nova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Phipps, DavidYork UniversityResearch Services, Office ofOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,000.00$ Connect Grants Level 2 (Ontario)/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 2 (Ontario)

Picard, MathieuUniversité de SherbrookeGénie mécaniqueQuébec CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Picotin, AntoineAgropur coopérativeDivision Fromages finsQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,218.75$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Piedboeuf, NathalieGroupe d'éducation et d'écosurveillance de l'eauSiège socialQuébec CANADA 02/09/17 1 45,000.00$ PromoScience

Pieprzak, PatrickMcGill UniversityChemistry Québec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Piers, WarrenUniversity of CalgaryChemistry Alberta CANADA 03/29/17 1 142,960.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Pignolet, AlainInstitut national de la recherche scientifiqueCentre Énergie, Matériaux et Télécommunications (ÉMT) VarennesQuébec CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Pilkington, MelanieBrock UniversityChemistry Ontario CANADA 03/29/17 1 149,428.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Pillay, PragasenConcordia UniversityElectrical and Computer EngineeringQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 3 278,600.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Pilon, DavidCégep de Saint-LaurentSiège socialQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Pilon, DavidCégep de Saint-LaurentSiège socialQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Pilon, DavidCégep de Saint-LaurentSiège socialQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Pineault, Marie-ClaudeCégep de Sorel-TracySiège socialQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 1 24,960.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Pineault, Marie-ClaudeCégep de Sorel-TracySiège socialQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 6 2,085,705.00$ Innovation Enhancement Grants/ Subventions de renforcement de l'innovation

Pinto, AndresMitchell PlasticsUltra ManufacturingOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Pirooz Azad, SaharUniversity of AlbertaElectrical and Computer EngineeringAlberta CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Pittman, DevinNorCan Marine Inc.Head OfficePrince Edward Island/ Île-du-Prince-ÉdouardCANADA 01/13/17 1 5,308.64$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Piwowarczyk, JakubUniversity of AlbertaMechanical EngineeringAlberta CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Plant, DavidMcGill UniversityElectrical and Computer EngineeringQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 3 480,000.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Plante-Dubé, MargueriteUniversité LavalSciences animalesQuébec CANADA 01/19/17 1 17,500.00$ Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship M/ Bourse d'études supérieures du Canada Alexander-Graham-Bell M

Plaxton, WilliamQueen's UniversityBiology Ontario CANADA 03/29/17 1 39,741.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Plomp, RaeganUniversity of LethbridgeBiological SciencesAlberta CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Plucknett, KevinDalhousie UniversityMechanical EngineeringNova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 03/29/17 1 149,948.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Poelman, AlexandraA&L Biologicals Laboratories Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Poirier, MackenzieCatelli Foods CorporationHamilton OfficeQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Poirier, SylvainCégep régional de LanaudièreCollège constituant de TerrebonneQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 23,496.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Ponnambalam, KumaraswamyUniversity of WaterlooSystems Design EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Ponsard, BrunoCollège de MaisonneuveSiège socialQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 1 1,007.00$ Connect Grants Level 1/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 1

Ponsard, BrunoCollège de MaisonneuveSiège socialQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 1 1,000.00$ Connect Grants Level 1/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 1

Ponsard, BrunoCollège de MaisonneuveSiège socialQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Ponsard, BrunoCollège de MaisonneuveSiège socialQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Popa, TiberiuConcordia UniversityComputer Science and Software EngineeringQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Pope, JoshuaVitameter Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Pope, KevinMemorial University of NewfoundlandEngineering and Applied Science, Faculty ofNewfoundland and Labrador/ Terre-Neuve-et-LabradorCANADA 03/29/17 1 150,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Porth, LysaUniversity of ManitobaWarren Centre for Actuarial Studies and ResearchManitoba CANADA 03/10/17 3 294,712.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Postma, Madison Lee NicholeUniversity of WaterlooGeography and Environmental ManagementOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Potapova, AnnaMcGill UniversityBiology Québec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Pothier, SamuelÉcole de technologie supérieureGénie de la constructionQuébec CANADA 01/19/17 1 17,500.00$ Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship M/ Bourse d'études supérieures du Canada Alexander-Graham-Bell M

Potts, ClintonUniversity of AlbertaPhysics Alberta CANADA 01/04/17 4 63,000.00$ Postgraduate Scholarships D - 3 years/ Bourses d'études supérieures D - 3 ans

Pour-Naghmeh, KayvanMazdis Innovation Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Prakash, SatyaMcGill UniversityBiomedical EngineeringQuébec CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Pralow, KarlDialog InsightHead OfficeQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,218.75$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Pranckevicius, ConorBayerische-Julius-Maximilians University WürzburgHead Office GERMANY/ ALLEMAGNE01/04/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Prasher, ShivMcGill UniversityBioresource EngineeringQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Priecelova, KatarinaTasktop Technologies Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/25/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Pripotnev, VladislavIndal Technologies Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Privé, RébeccaUniversité de MontréalMathématiques et de statistiqueQuébec CANADA 01/19/17 1 17,500.00$ Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship M/ Bourse d'études supérieures du Canada Alexander-Graham-Bell M

Privett, LukasNexterra Systems Corp.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,218.75$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Proestos, GiorgioUniversity of TorontoCivil EngineeringOntario CANADA 01/19/17 1 6,000.00$ Canadian Graduate Scholarships - Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements/ Suppléments pour études à l'étranger Michael Smith aux Bourses d'études supérieures du Canada

Prouse, LonnieLangley Environmental Partners SocietyHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/09/17 3 36,000.00$ PromoScience

Provencal, AnnCégep de la Gaspésie et des ÎlesSiège socialQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 1,072.00$ Connect Grants Level 1/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 1

Prud'homme-Généreux, AnnieTELUS World of Science - EdmontonHead OfficeAlberta CANADA 02/09/17 1 19,462.00$ PromoScience

Prud'homme-Généreux, AnnieTELUS World of Science - EdmontonHead OfficeAlberta CANADA 02/22/17 1 16,667.00$ PromoScience

Pulwicki, AlexandraSimon Fraser UniversityEarth SciencesBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/19/17 1 17,500.00$ Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship M/ Bourse d'études supérieures du Canada Alexander-Graham-Bell M

Punja, ZamirSimon Fraser UniversityBiological SciencesBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 3 369,000.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Pupek, Lucas AllanUniversity of New BrunswickEngineering, Faculty ofNew Brunswick/ Nouveau-BrunswickCANADA 01/19/17 1 17,500.00$ Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship M/ Bourse d'études supérieures du Canada Alexander-Graham-Bell M

Puri, IshwarMcMaster UniversityMechanical EngineeringOntario CANADA 02/09/17 3 99,999.00$ PromoScience

Puri, IshwarMcMaster UniversityMechanical EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Pypker, ThomasThompson Rivers UniversityNatural Resource SciencesBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 16,450.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Qin, YuanchiSPP Canada Aircraft, Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Qiu, Zhijun University of AlbertaCivil and Environmental EngineeringAlberta CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Qu, Shiran Lumotune IncHead OfficeOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Quenum, MathieuCégep de La PocatièreSiège socialQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 1 1,097.00$ Connect Grants Level 1/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 1

Quenum, MathieuCégep de La PocatièreSiège socialQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 2,316.00$ Connect Grants Level 1/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 1

Quinn, CandiceUniversity of CalgaryPhysics and AstronomyAlberta CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Qureshi, Ahmed JawadUniversity of AlbertaMechanical EngineeringAlberta CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Qureshi, FaisalUniversity of Ontario Institute of TechnologyScience, Faculty ofOntario CANADA 03/24/17 1 24,970.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Raahemifar, KaamranRyerson UniversityElectrical and Computer EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Rabus, BernhardSimon Fraser UniversityEngineering Science, School ofBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Raby, GrahamUniversity of WindsorGreat Lakes Inst. for Environmental Res. (GLIER)Ontario CANADA 02/15/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Raby, JoannyUniversité de SherbrookeBiologie Québec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Rae, NyssaUniversity of CalgaryElectrical and Computer EngineeringAlberta CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Rae, TrevorIBM Canada Ltd/IBM Canada LtéeExtreme Blue Program/ Programme Extreme BlueOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Rahem, RémyCurtiss-Wright Defense SolutionsHead OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Rahman, HabiburApplied Biological Materials Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Rainey, JanDalhousie UniversityBiochemistry and Molecular BiologyNova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 01/13/17 1 125,000.00$ Idea to Innovation/ De l'idée à l'innovation

Rainville, Louis-CharlesCégep de la Gaspésie et des ÎlesSiège socialQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 1,651.00$ Connect Grants Level 1/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 1

Rajan, SreeramanCarleton UniversitySystems and Computer EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Rajapakse, NimalSimon Fraser UniversityEngineering Science, School ofBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/24/17 1 24,450.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Rajendram, KapilanBionX InternationalR&D DivisionOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Ramirez-Serrano, AlejandroUniversity of CalgaryMechanical and Manufacturing EngineeringAlberta CANADA 03/29/17 1 150,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Rana, YashasviON Semiconductor Canada LtdHead OfficeOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Rancourt, DenisUniversité de SherbrookeGénie mécaniqueQuébec CANADA 03/29/17 1 150,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Rashid, MashnoorLumotune IncHead OfficeOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Rashwan, TarekThe University of Western OntarioCivil and Environmental EngineeringOntario CANADA 01/19/17 3 63,000.00$ Postgraduate Scholarships D - 3 years/ Bourses d'études supérieures D - 3 ans

Rasmussen, JosephUniversity of LethbridgeBiological SciencesAlberta CANADA 03/10/17 2 83,200.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Rasmy, AlyCiena Canada Inc.Carling OfficeOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Rastegarfar, HoumanUniversity of ArizonaOptical Sciences, College ofArizona UNITED STATES/ ÉTATS-UNIS02/22/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Rastogi, PranjalUniversity of WaterlooElectrical & Computer EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Ravindran, ComondoreRyerson UniversityMechanical and Industrial EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 56,992.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Rawlyk, DylanStanley Park Ecology SocietyHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/09/17 1 23,833.00$ PromoScience

Ray, MadhumitaThe University of Western OntarioChemical and Biochemical EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Ray, SuprioUniversity of New BrunswickComputer Science, Faculty ofNew Brunswick/ Nouveau-BrunswickCANADA 01/13/17 1 22,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Raymond, CedricInstitut national de la recherche scientifiqueINRS-Institut Armand-FrappierQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Rayyan, BatoolXenon Pharmaceuticals Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Reath, CalebBlue Spurs Consulting IncR&D DivisionNew Brunswick/ Nouveau-BrunswickCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Reed, Paul Kingston Process Metallurgy Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Reese, TylerUniversity of VictoriaElectrical and Computer EngineeringBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Reeves, ShawnMirexus Biotechnologies Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,218.75$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Reid, BenjaminContinental Tire Canada Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 5,102.94$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Reid, MadisonUniversity of WaterlooEarth & Environmental SciencesOntario CANADA 01/19/17 1 6,000.00$ Canadian Graduate Scholarships - Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements/ Suppléments pour études à l'étranger Michael Smith aux Bourses d'études supérieures du Canada

Ren, CarolynUniversity of WaterlooMechanical Engineering and MechatronicsOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Ren, CarolynUniversity of WaterlooMechanical Engineering and MechatronicsOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 136,242.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Ren, TanyaApplied Biological Materials Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Renaud-Young, MargaretUniversity of CalgaryChemistry Alberta CANADA 03/15/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Resch, KevinUniversity of WaterlooPhysics and AstronomyOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 150,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Rezai, PouyaYork UniversityMechanical EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Rezazadeh Azar, EhsanLakehead UniversityCivil EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 22,198.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Rheinstadter, MaikelMcMaster UniversityPhysics and AstronomyOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 14,775.00$ Idea to Innovation/ De l'idée à l'innovation

Rhodes, JeremyElephant Thoughts Global Development InitiativesHead OfficeOntario CANADA 02/09/17 3 225,600.00$ PromoScience

Rhodes, TylerFPInnovationsForest Operations & Wood Products/ Opérations forestières et Produits du boisQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Riahi, RezaUniversity of WindsorMechanical, Automotive and Materials EngineeringOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Rice, NicoleUniversity of Ottawa/Université d'OttawaChemical and Biological Engineering/ Génie chimique et biologiqueOntario CANADA 03/01/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Richan, EtienneUniversité de SherbrookeGénie électrique et génie informatiqueQuébec CANADA 01/19/17 1 17,500.00$ Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship M/ Bourse d'études supérieures du Canada Alexander-Graham-Bell M

Richards, TimothySimon Fraser UniversityPhysics British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/19/17 1 17,500.00$ Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship M/ Bourse d'études supérieures du Canada Alexander-Graham-Bell M

Richardson, JohnThe University of British ColumbiaForest and Conservation SciencesBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 3 345,450.00$ WaterWorks Joint Call

Richert, DeanUniversity of CalgaryElectrical and Computer EngineeringAlberta CANADA 01/04/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Rickaby, RyanCanfor Pulp Limited PartnershipR&D Division (Burnaby)British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Riecke, BernhardSimon Fraser UniversityInteractive Arts and Technology, School of (SIAT)British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 12,500.00$ Engage Plus Grants for universities/ Subvention d'engagement partenarial Plus pour les universités

Riecke, BernhardSimon Fraser UniversityInteractive Arts and Technology, School of (SIAT)British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Rigby, PeterConcordia UniversityComputer Science and Software EngineeringQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 3 177,885.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Riopel, Anne-MarieTélé-universitéScience et technologieQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Rivard Paré, AnieTélé-universitéScience et technologieQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Rivaz, HassanConcordia UniversityElectrical and Computer EngineeringQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Rivoal, JeanUniversité de MontréalSciences biologiquesQuébec CANADA 03/29/17 1 120,822.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Rizkalla, AminThe University of Western OntarioChemical and Biochemical EngineeringOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Rizvi, GhausUniversity of Ontario Institute of TechnologyAutomotive, Mechanical and Manufacturing EngineeringOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Robb, CraigMax-Planck-Institute for Marine MicrobiologyHead Office GERMANY/ ALLEMAGNE01/04/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Robert, BenoitÉcole Polytechnique de MontréalMathématiques et génie industrielQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 3 41,736.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Robert, KatryGestion Soprema Inc.Drummondville Factory/ Usine DrummondvilleQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,218.75$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Robert, MathieuUniversité de SherbrookeGénie civil Québec CANADA 03/24/17 1 24,920.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Robichaud, MatthewUniversity of WaterlooSystems Design EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Robinson Fayek, AminahUniversity of AlbertaCivil and Environmental EngineeringAlberta CANADA 01/13/17 5 850,000.00$ Industrial Research Chairs - Regular - Research/ Professeurs-chercheurs industriels - régulières - recherche

Roche, LauraVale Canada LimitedLong Harbour OfficeOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Rochette, MartinMcGill UniversityElectrical and Computer EngineeringQuébec CANADA 03/29/17 1 145,503.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Rode, LarissaTwo Tall Totems Ltd.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Rodrigue, DenisUniversité LavalGénie chimiqueQuébec CANADA 03/29/17 1 149,004.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Rodriguez, ManuelUniversité LavalAménagement du territoire et développement régional, École supérieure d'Québec CANADA 03/10/17 1 15,000.00$ Idea to Innovation/ De l'idée à l'innovation

Rodriguez, ManuelUniversité LavalAménagement du territoire et développement régional, École supérieure d'Québec CANADA 03/29/17 1 149,883.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Rogers, ColinMcGill UniversityCivil Engineering and Applied MechanicsQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 4 320,000.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Rogers, MichaelSimon Fraser UniversityBiomedical Physiology and KinesiologyBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/19/17 1 17,500.00$ Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship M/ Bourse d'études supérieures du Canada Alexander-Graham-Bell M

Rohani, SohrabThe University of Western OntarioChemical and Biochemical EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Rombaut, BenjaminSiemens Canada Limited/Siemens Canada LimitéeR&D Division FrederictonOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Rosei, FedericoInstitut national de la recherche scientifiqueCentre Énergie, Matériaux et Télécommunications (ÉMT) VarennesQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Rosenblum, AaronClearpath Robotics Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,218.75$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Roth, JamesUniversity of ManitobaBiological SciencesManitoba CANADA 02/09/17 3 156,000.00$ PromoScience

Rotta-Loria, NicolasDalhousie UniversityChemistry Nova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 03/22/17 3 63,000.00$ Postgraduate Scholarships D - 3 years/ Bourses d'études supérieures D - 3 ans

Rouhani, HosseinUniversity of AlbertaMechanical EngineeringAlberta CANADA 03/29/17 1 106,081.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Rousseau, AlainInstitut national de la recherche scientifiqueCentre Eau, Terre et Environnement (ETE)Québec CANADA 03/10/17 3 325,820.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Roussel, PatrickCégep de MataneSiège socialQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 2,944.00$ Connect Grants Level 1/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 1

Rowe, R KerryQueen's UniversityCivil EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 2 39,490.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Roy, Gilles Université de MonctonGénie mécaniqueNew Brunswick/ Nouveau-BrunswickCANADA 02/09/17 3 30,000.00$ PromoScience

Roy, MarjolaineCégep de Rivière-du-LoupSiège socialQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Roy, NathalieUniversité de SherbrookeGénie civil Québec CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Roy, SébastienUniversité de SherbrookeBiologie Québec CANADA 03/10/17 1 24,915.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Roy, WilliamInnomalt inc.Siège socialQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Roy-McDougall, VanessaNature NB Head Office/ Siège socialNew Brunswick/ Nouveau-BrunswickCANADA 02/09/17 2 24,000.00$ PromoScience

Rozell, CraigTweed Inc. Head OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Rteil, AhmadThe University of British ColumbiaOkanagan - Engineering, School ofBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Ruda, HarryUniversity of TorontoMaterials Science and EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 3 342,858.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Rudzicz, FrankUniversity of TorontoComputer Science (St. George Campus)Ontario CANADA 03/10/17 3 100,000.00$ Discovery Frontiers - Digging into Data/ Frontières de la découverte - Au Coeur des données numériques

Rudzicz, FrankUniversity of TorontoComputer Science (St. George Campus)Ontario CANADA 03/29/17 1 16,107.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Ruzycki, ConorUniversity of AlbertaMechanical EngineeringAlberta CANADA 01/19/17 3 105,000.00$ Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship D - 3 years/ Bourse d'études supérieures du Canada Alexander-Graham-Bell D - 3 ans

Ryue, RebeccaApplied Biological Materials Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Saad, AbubakarEntomogen Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Saavedra, CarlosQueen's UniversityElectrical and Computer EngineeringOntario CANADA 01/13/17 2 53,720.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Sadat, FatihaUniversité du Québec à MontréalInformatiqueQuébec CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Sadeghian, PedramDalhousie UniversityCivil and Resource EngineeringNova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Sadiq, OgaiUniversity of WaterlooKinesiologyOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Safa, SanazCollège de MaisonneuveSiège socialQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 2,245.00$ Connect Grants Level 1/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 1

Safavi-Naeini, SafieddinUniversity of WaterlooElectrical & Computer EngineeringOntario CANADA 02/10/17 2 194,600.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Safavi-Naeini, SafieddinUniversity of WaterlooElectrical & Computer EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 50,000.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Saghir, ZiadRyerson UniversityMechanical and Industrial EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Saha, GobindaUniversity of New BrunswickMechanical EngineeringNew Brunswick/ Nouveau-BrunswickCANADA 03/24/17 1 24,884.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Said, SomiraaMcMaster UniversityChemical EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/15/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Salaber, JasonUken StudiosHead OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Saleh, AhmadThe University of British ColumbiaScience, Faculty ofBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/11/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Salik, TarynUniversity of LethbridgeNeuroscienceAlberta CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Sam, ChristineKinexus Bioinformatics CorporationHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Sammis, GlennThe University of British ColumbiaChemistry British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/29/17 1 150,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Sampalli, SrinivasDalhousie UniversityComputer Science, Faculty ofNova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Sanderson, AlecEspial Group Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Sandhu, JayleneUniversity of VictoriaChemistry British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Sanelli, MarcoThe University of British ColumbiaForest Resources ManagementBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Sanioura, MounirCanfor Pulp Limited PartnershipR&D Division (Burnaby)British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Sankey, JackMcGill UniversityPhysics Québec CANADA 03/29/17 1 146,643.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Santerre, PaulUniversity of TorontoDentistry, Faculty ofOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 150,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Santimano, Tasca NoelaUniversity of TorontoEarth Sciences (St. George Campus)Ontario CANADA 03/08/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Sargent, EdwardUniversity of TorontoElectrical & Computer EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 150,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Sariffodeen, MelissaLadies Learning Code, Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 02/22/17 3 85,085.00$ PromoScience

Sarrazin, AntoineAgropur coopérativeDivision Fromages finsQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,218.75$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Sarris, CostasUniversity of TorontoElectrical & Computer EngineeringOntario CANADA 02/10/17 2 100,000.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Sartaj, MajidUniversity of Ottawa/Université d'OttawaCivil Engineering/ Génie civilOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Sasmito, AgusMcGill UniversityHead OfficeQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Sassani, FarrokhThe University of British ColumbiaMechanical EngineeringBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Sauvé, DominicOCO Technologies Inc.Siège socialQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Savadogo, OumarouÉcole Polytechnique de MontréalGénie chimiqueQuébec CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Savage, EvelynNexterra Systems Corp.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/25/17 1 4,218.75$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Savage, Jean-FredericAthabasca UniversityComputing & Information Systems, School ofAlberta CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Saville, JamesLallemand Inc.Yeast Process Division/ Dision des processus de levureOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,992.50$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Sawicki, ClintYukon CollegeHead OfficeYukon Territory/ Territoire du YukonCANADA 03/22/17 3 225,000.00$ Applied Research and Development Grants (<$75k)/ Subventions de recherche et développement appliquée (<75,000 $)

Sayegh, HaniConcordia UniversityComputer Science and Software EngineeringQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Scavone, GaryMcGill UniversityMusic ResearchQuébec CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Schafer, LaurelThe University of British ColumbiaChemistry British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/29/17 1 150,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Scheme, ErikUniversity of New BrunswickElectrical and Computer EngineeringNew Brunswick/ Nouveau-BrunswickCANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Scherer, MartinUniversity of WaterlooEngineering Science QuestOntario CANADA 02/09/17 3 60,000.00$ PromoScience

Schild-Poulter, CarolineThe University of Western OntarioBiochemistryOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 101,751.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Schimann, DennisUniversity of the Fraser ValleyPhysics British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Schneider, OliverUniversität PotsdamHead Office GERMANY/ ALLEMAGNE03/01/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Schoellig, AngelaUniversity of TorontoAerospace Studies, Institute forOntario CANADA 03/10/17 4 342,000.00$ Department of National Defence / NSERC Research Partnership - Project/ Partenariat de recherche du ministère de la Défense nationale et du CRSNG - projet

Schreiner, Helene KatherineUniversity of Ottawa/Université d'OttawaEngineering, Faculty of/ Génie, faculté deOntario CANADA 02/16/17 1 17,500.00$ Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship M/ Bourse d'études supérieures du Canada Alexander-Graham-Bell M

Schuller, MayaLivestock Water Recycling Inc.Head OfficeAlberta CANADA 01/04/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Schulte, OliverSimon Fraser UniversityComputing Science, School ofBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Schurko, RobertUniversity of WindsorChemistry and BiochemistryOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Secanell Gallart, MarcUniversity of AlbertaMechanical EngineeringAlberta CANADA 02/10/17 4 480,000.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Sedaghati, RaminConcordia UniversityMechanical and Industrial EngineeringQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Sedaghati, RaminConcordia UniversityMechanical and Industrial EngineeringQuébec CANADA 03/29/17 1 117,853.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Seegmiller, LindsayLaskeek Bay Conservation SocietyHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/09/17 3 45,000.00$ PromoScience

Séguin, CatherineVicthom Laboratory Inc./Laboratoire Victhom inc.Head Office/ Siège SocialQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,218.75$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Seguin, CheryleThe University of Western OntarioPhysiology and PharmacologyOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 146,325.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Serpe, MichaelUniversity of AlbertaChemistry Alberta CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Sethi, ParthSolink CorporationHead OfficeOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,218.75$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Severs, AndrewLallemand Inc.Yeast Process Division/ Dision des processus de levureOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Sexton, DanielleMcMaster UniversityBiology Ontario CANADA 02/16/17 1 4,844.00$ Canadian Graduate Scholarships - Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements/ Suppléments pour études à l'étranger Michael Smith aux Bourses d'études supérieures du Canada

Shah Heydari, ShahramUniversity of Ontario Institute of TechnologyBusiness and Information Technology, Faculty ofOntario CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Shah, VyomaUniversity of CalgaryCell Biology and AnatomyAlberta CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Shahid, AdnanIndex Exchange Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Shaiek, AyoubTélé-universitéCentre de recherche LICEFQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Shamsuddin, MdUniversity of WindsorMechanical, Automotive and Materials EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Shang, GeorgeBitcan Geosciences & Engineering Inc.Head OfficeAlberta CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Shannon, LesleySimon Fraser UniversityEngineering Science, School ofBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 10,000.00$ Connect Grants Level 2 (Pacific)/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 2 (Pacifique)

Shantz, RachelPioneer Hi-Bred Production LPCanola Research Station (Head Office)Ontario CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Shao, YiwenNTBIO Diagnostics Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Shaw, MargoManitoba Environmental Industries Association IncHead OfficeManitoba CANADA 02/10/17 1 2,500.00$ Connect Grants Level 2 (Prairies)/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 2 (Prairies)

Shehata, MedhatRyerson UniversityCivil EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Sheikhzadeh, MehdiLambton College of Applied Arts and TechnologyHead OfficeOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Sheikhzadeh, MehdiLambton College of Applied Arts and TechnologyHead OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 2,500.00$ Connect Grants Level 2 (Ontario)/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 2 (Ontario)

Sheikhzadeh, MehdiLambton College of Applied Arts and TechnologyHead OfficeOntario CANADA 03/22/17 3 225,000.00$ Applied Research and Development Grants (<$75k)/ Subventions de recherche et développement appliquée (<75,000 $)

Shekhar, SudipThe University of British ColumbiaElectrical and Computer EngineeringBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/29/17 1 142,599.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Shelp, BarryUniversity of GuelphPlant Agriculture (Guelph)Ontario CANADA 01/13/17 1 35,000.00$ Idea to Innovation/ De l'idée à l'innovation

Shen, EmilyStemCell Tech Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Shen, Yi ShuBeanworksHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Shi, Wei Université LavalGénie électrique et génie informatiqueQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 3 616,400.00$ Strategic Projects - Group/ Projets stratégiques - groupe

Shi, YuliangeTreat Medical Diagnostics Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Shillinger, JackinMotive Head OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Shimizu, GeorgeUniversity of CalgaryChemistry Alberta CANADA 02/10/17 1 12,500.00$ Engage Plus Grants for universities/ Subvention d'engagement partenarial Plus pour les universités

Shirani, ShahramMcMaster UniversityElectrical and Computer EngineeringOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Shirmohammadi, ShervinUniversity of Ottawa/Université d'OttawaElectrical Engineering and Computer Science , School of/ science informatique et de génie électrique, École deOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 12,500.00$ Engage Plus Grants for universities/ Subvention d'engagement partenarial Plus pour les universités

Shoesmith, DavidThe University of Western OntarioSurface Science WesternOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 150,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Shoichet, MollyUniversity of TorontoChemical Engineering and Applied ChemistryOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 150,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Shoker, JovanveerAbDia Technologies Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Shou, YeminRelic Entertainment Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 5,355.81$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Shpyth, AlbertInternational Minerals Innovation InstituteHead OfficeSaskatchewanCANADA 03/10/17 1 7,175.00$ Connect Grants Level 2 (Prairies)/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 2 (Prairies)

Shuhendler, AdamUniversity of Ottawa/Université d'OttawaChemistry/ ChimieOntario CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Siddique, TariqUniversity of AlbertaRenewable ResourcesAlberta CANADA 03/10/17 2 108,500.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Sidhu, AmerdeepSimon Fraser UniversityBiomedical Physiology and KinesiologyBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Sidhu, HarshUniversity of the Fraser ValleyBiology British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Siemens, AidenSeaStar SolutionsHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Siemens, GregoryRoyal Military College of Canada/Collège militaire royal du CanadaCivil Engineering/ Génie civilOntario CANADA 03/24/17 1 12,500.00$ Engage Plus Grants for universities/ Subvention d'engagement partenarial Plus pour les universités

Silverthorne, TurnerUniversity of WaterlooElectrical & Computer EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Simakov, DavidUniversity of WaterlooChemical EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 141,118.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Simmons, CraigUniversity of TorontoBiomaterials and Biomedical Engineering, Inst. of (IBBME)Ontario CANADA 03/29/17 1 150,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Simoncelli, HugoUniversité Lavalforesterie, de géographie et de géomatique, Faculté deQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Simoneau, JoëlUniversité de SherbrookeBiochimie Québec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Simonson, CareyUniversity of SaskatchewanMechanical EngineeringSaskatchewanCANADA 03/29/17 1 148,465.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Simpson, SandyCentre for Addiction and Mental Health/Centre de toxicomanie et de santé mentaleHead Office/ Siège socialOntario CANADA 03/15/17 2 466,000.00$ Networks of Centres of Excellence - Group/ Réseaux de centres d'excellence - groupe

Sinelnikov, ReginaUniversity of AlbertaChemistry Alberta CANADA 03/10/17 1 2,000.00$ Connect Grants Level 2 (Prairies)/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 2 (Prairies)

Singh, Sumati9369201 Canada Inc.R&D DivisionOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Singhal, AnthonyUniversity of AlbertaPsychologyAlberta CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Sinton, DavidUniversity of TorontoMechanical and Industrial EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 2 250,000.00$ EWR Steacie Fellowships - Supplement/ EWR Steacie - supplément

Sipkens, TimothyUniversity of WaterlooMechanical Engineering and MechatronicsOntario CANADA 01/19/17 1 6,000.00$ Canadian Graduate Scholarships - Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements/ Suppléments pour études à l'étranger Michael Smith aux Bourses d'études supérieures du Canada

Situ, MichaelLallemand Inc.R&D Department/ Département R&DOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Sivapatham, SathiyaAutomotive Fuel Cell CooperationHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Sivoththaman, SivaUniversity of WaterlooElectrical & Computer EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Skelly, LaurenMcMaster UniversityKinesiologyOntario CANADA 02/16/17 1 6,000.00$ Canadian Graduate Scholarships - Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements/ Suppléments pour études à l'étranger Michael Smith aux Bourses d'études supérieures du Canada

Slade, Erin Simon Fraser UniversityResource and Environmental Management, School ofBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/19/17 1 17,500.00$ Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship M/ Bourse d'études supérieures du Canada Alexander-Graham-Bell M

Sleiman, HanadiMcGill UniversityChemistry Québec CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Slevinsky, JohnA Thinking Ape Entertainment Ltd.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,218.75$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Smelser, ChristopherCarleton UniversityEngineering and Design, Faculty ofOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Smith, CameronTangam Gaming IncHead OfficeOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Smith, DonaldMcGill UniversityPlant ScienceQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Smith, JonathanSimon Fraser UniversityComputing Science, School ofBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/19/17 1 17,500.00$ Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship M/ Bourse d'études supérieures du Canada Alexander-Graham-Bell M

Smith, StevenQueen's UniversityBiomedical and Molecular SciencesOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 149,390.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Smith, ThomasNew Leaf Management LtdHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 3,937.50$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Snowdon, AnneUniversity of WindsorBusiness, Odette School ofOntario CANADA 03/10/17 2 467,783.00$ Networks of Centres of Excellence - Group/ Réseaux de centres d'excellence - groupe

Sobiesiak, AndrzejUniversity of WindsorMechanical, Automotive and Materials EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Sohal, TajinderDiacon Technologies LtdHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Sokolenko, StanislavUniversité de NantesHead Office FRANCE 03/15/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Soleymani, LeylaMcMaster UniversityEngineering PhysicsOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 24,800.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Soleymani, LeylaMcMaster UniversityEngineering PhysicsOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 83,721.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Solomon, EricVancouver Aquarium Marine Science Centre/Aquarium et centre de science marine de VancouverHead Office/ Siège SocialBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/09/17 1 14,791.00$ PromoScience

Son, Je-MinUniversity of WaterlooChemical EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Sonderegger, MorganMcGill UniversityLinguistics Québec CANADA 03/10/17 3 99,403.00$ Discovery Frontiers - Digging into Data/ Frontières de la découverte - Au Coeur des données numériques

Sood, VijayUniversity of Ontario Institute of TechnologyHead OfficeOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 8,796.00$ Engage Plus Grants for universities/ Subvention d'engagement partenarial Plus pour les universités

Sood, VijayUniversity of Ontario Institute of TechnologyEngineering and Applied Science, Faculty ofOntario CANADA 03/24/17 1 23,307.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Soto Gomez, MarybelThe University of British ColumbiaBotany British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/16/17 1 5,775.00$ Canadian Graduate Scholarships - Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements/ Suppléments pour études à l'étranger Michael Smith aux Bourses d'études supérieures du Canada

Soucy, JoséeCégep de La PocatièreSiège socialQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Soucy, JoséeCégep de La PocatièreSiège socialQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Soucy, JoséeCégep de La PocatièreSiège socialQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Soucy, JoséeCégep de La PocatièreSiège socialQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Soucy, JoséeCégep de La PocatièreSiège socialQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 23,159.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Sousa, ElvinoUniversity of TorontoElectrical & Computer EngineeringOntario CANADA 02/10/17 3 193,458.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Sowlati, TaranehThe University of British ColumbiaWood ScienceBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 24,990.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Spaner, CarolineUniversity of VictoriaMedical Sciences DivisionBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Sparrey, CarolynSimon Fraser UniversityMechatronic Systems EngineeringBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Sparrey, CarolynSimon Fraser UniversityMechatronic Systems EngineeringBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/29/17 1 149,651.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Spinello, DavideUniversity of Ottawa/Université d'OttawaMechanical Engineering/ Génie mécaniqueOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Srinivasan, SeshasaiMcMaster UniversityEngineering, Faculty ofOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

St Pierre, KyraUniversity of AlbertaBiological SciencesAlberta CANADA 02/16/17 1 6,000.00$ Canadian Graduate Scholarships - Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements/ Suppléments pour études à l'étranger Michael Smith aux Bourses d'études supérieures du Canada

St. Lawrence, KeithThe University of Western OntarioMedical BiophysicsOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 137,347.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Stairs, CourtneyUppsala UniversityCell and Molecular BiologySWEDEN/ SUÈDE01/04/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Stancu, AlinaConcordia UniversityMathematics and StatisticsQuébec CANADA 02/09/17 1 5,000.00$ PromoScience

Stanley, NancyBrandon UniversityEducation, Faculty ofManitoba CANADA 02/09/17 3 66,000.00$ PromoScience

Stark, Ken University of WaterlooKinesiologyOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 94,644.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Stefanyshyn, DarrenUniversity of CalgaryKinesiology, Faculty ofAlberta CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Stege, UlrikeUniversity of VictoriaComputer ScienceBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 24,999.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Stephan, DouglasUniversity of TorontoChemistry (St. George Campus)Ontario CANADA 03/24/17 1 23,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Stevanovic, TatjanaUniversité LavalSciences du bois et de la forêtQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 24,129.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Stewart, RyanCanadian Quest Logistics Inc.Head OfficeNorthwest Territories/ Territoires du Nord-OuestCANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Stix, John McGill UniversityEarth and Planetary SciencesQuébec CANADA 03/29/17 1 121,333.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

St-Jean, AlexandreUniversité de SherbrookeGénie mécaniqueQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Stokesbury, MichaelAcadia UniversityBiology Nova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 02/10/17 3 154,458.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Stolle, JacobUniversity of Ottawa/Université d'OttawaCivil Engineering/ Génie civilOntario CANADA 02/16/17 1 6,000.00$ Canadian Graduate Scholarships - Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements/ Suppléments pour études à l'étranger Michael Smith aux Bourses d'études supérieures du Canada

Stone, EmilyDalhousie UniversityPhysics and Atmospheric ScienceNova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Stone, TheodoreUken StudiosHead OfficeOntario CANADA 01/04/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

St-Onge, GuillaumeUniversité du Québec à RimouskiSciences de la mer de Rimouski, Institut desQuébec CANADA 03/29/17 1 150,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Stopp, KevinSeaStar SolutionsHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

St-Pierre, Marie-KimUniversité LavalMédecine MoleculaireQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Stradiotto, MarkDalhousie UniversityChemistry Nova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 03/29/17 1 150,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Strong, KimberlyUniversity of TorontoPhysics (St. George Campus)Ontario CANADA 03/29/17 2 300,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Struchtrup, HenningUniversity of VictoriaMechanical EngineeringBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Struk, AndriyUniversity of WaterlooPsychologyOntario CANADA 03/16/17 1 6,000.00$ Canadian Graduate Scholarships - Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements/ Suppléments pour études à l'étranger Michael Smith aux Bourses d'études supérieures du Canada

Stukel, MatthewQueen's UniversityPhysics, Engineering Physics & AstronomyOntario CANADA 03/16/17 1 6,000.00$ Canadian Graduate Scholarships - Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements/ Suppléments pour études à l'étranger Michael Smith aux Bourses d'études supérieures du Canada

Stutchbury, BridgetYork UniversityBiology Ontario CANADA 03/29/17 1 55,732.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Suchynsky, JeffreyKardium Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Suleman, AfzalUniversity of VictoriaMechanical EngineeringBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 5 584,000.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Sun, Min University of VictoriaEngineering, Faculty ofBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 2 40,000.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Sun, Qiao University of CalgaryMechanical and Manufacturing EngineeringAlberta CANADA 02/09/17 1 30,000.00$ PromoScience

Sun, ShuhuiInstitut national de la recherche scientifiqueCentre Énergie, Matériaux et Télécommunications (ÉMT) VarennesQuébec CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Sun, Yu University of TorontoMechanical and Industrial EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 149,771.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Sun, Zeshi University of LethbridgePhysics & AstronomyAlberta CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Sundararaj, UttandaramanUniversity of CalgaryChemical and Petroleum EngineeringAlberta CANADA 03/10/17 3 307,250.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Suprun, AnastasiaNeurio Technology Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Sutherland, MathewSimon Fraser UniversityChemistry British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Sutton, LeeSimon Fraser UniversityEngineering Science, School ofBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/19/17 1 17,500.00$ Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship M/ Bourse d'études supérieures du Canada Alexander-Graham-Bell M

Svidler, PeterUltra Electronics Maritime SystemsACCOUNTS RECEIVABLENova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Swift-Gallant, AshlynMichigan State UniversityPsychologyMichigan UNITED STATES/ ÉTATS-UNIS03/01/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Swingle, JimOkanagan Science CentreHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/09/17 1 30,000.00$ PromoScience

Syed, Mohammad AdnanRyerson UniversityScience, Faculty ofOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,985.00$ Connect Grants Level 2 (Ontario)/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 2 (Ontario)

Sykes, PeterAquaculture Association of Nova ScotiaHead OfficeNova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 02/10/17 1 3,140.00$ Connect Grants Level 2 (Atlantic)/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 2 (Atlantique)

Sylvestre, JulienUniversité de SherbrookeGénie mécaniqueQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 3 480,870.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Szczecinski, LeszekInstitut national de la recherche scientifiqueCentre Énergie, Matériaux et Télécommunication - MontréalQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 1 24,150.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Szepesvari, CsabaUniversity of AlbertaComputing ScienceAlberta CANADA 02/10/17 1 12,500.00$ Engage Plus Grants for universities/ Subvention d'engagement partenarial Plus pour les universités

Szpunar, JerzyUniversity of SaskatchewanMechanical EngineeringSaskatchewanCANADA 03/31/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Tabata, NaomiNorth Island CollegeCampbell River campusBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/22/17 1 134,120.00$ Applied Research Tools and Instruments Grants/ Subventions d'outils et d'instruments de recherche appliquée

Tachie, Mark FrancisUniversity of ManitobaMechanical EngineeringManitoba CANADA 03/31/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Tadayon, NavidMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyElectrical Engineering and Computer ScienceMassachusettsUNITED STATES/ ÉTATS-UNIS02/15/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Taghavi, Seyed MohammadUniversité LavalGénie chimiqueQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Taghipour, FariborzThe University of British ColumbiaChemical and Biological EngineeringBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 3 449,500.00$ Strategic Projects - Group/ Projets stratégiques - groupe

Tahiri, NavidFocal Healthcare Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Tai, Tze-ChunLaurentian University of Sudbury/Université Laurentienne de SudburyMedicine, Faculty of (East Campus)/ Faculté de médecine (Est)Ontario CANADA 02/10/17 5 448,069.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Tait, MichaelMcMaster UniversityCivil EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 10,000.00$ Engage Plus Grants for universities/ Subvention d'engagement partenarial Plus pour les universités

Takaoka, JamesGenomeMe Lab IncorporatedHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Take, WilliamQueen's UniversityCivil EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 142,546.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Tam, MichaelUniversity of WaterlooChemical EngineeringOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Tam, Wai LamGenomeMe Lab IncorporatedHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Tamimi, FalehMcGill UniversityDentistry, Faculty ofQuébec CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Tan, RobertNeurio Technology Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Tang, PeterOpalux Inc.R&D DivisionOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Tang, ShuoThe University of British ColumbiaElectrical and Computer EngineeringBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Tang, Yixiong RoyPeraso Technologies Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Tanguay-Lafleche, MaximeFPInnovationsHead Office/ Siège SocialQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,218.75$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Tannert, ThomasThe University of British ColumbiaWood ScienceBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Tanney, JoeyUniversité Lavalforesterie, de géographie et de géomatique, Faculté deQuébec CANADA 03/15/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Tapuc, GabrielIBM Canada Ltd/IBM Canada LtéeExtreme Blue Program/ Programme Extreme BlueOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Taranu, Zofia EcaterinaUniversity of Ottawa/Université d'OttawaBiology/ BiologieOntario CANADA 01/04/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Tarnopolsky, MarkMcMaster UniversityPediatrics Ontario CANADA 03/29/17 1 126,090.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Tavakoli Dastjerdi, Mohammad HadiMcMaster UniversityElectrical and Computer EngineeringOntario CANADA 01/04/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Tavares, AnaInstitut national de la recherche scientifiqueCentre Énergie, Matériaux et Télécommunications (ÉMT) VarennesQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Tavares, Jason RobertÉcole Polytechnique de MontréalGénie chimiqueQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 3 69,000.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Taylor, GrahamUniversity of GuelphEngineering, School ofOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Taylor, JohnUniversity of VictoriaBiology British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/09/17 1 6,740.00$ PromoScience

Taylor, JoshuaUniversity of TorontoElectrical & Computer EngineeringOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Teitel, ZacharyUniversity of GuelphIntegrative BiologyOntario CANADA 02/16/17 1 6,000.00$ Canadian Graduate Scholarships - Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements/ Suppléments pour études à l'étranger Michael Smith aux Bourses d'études supérieures du Canada

Tellis, MarisaArtron BioResearch Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Temelli, FeralUniversity of AlbertaAgricultural, Food and Nutritional ScienceAlberta CANADA 03/10/17 3 332,000.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Terriault, EvaÉcole Polytechnique de MontréalGénie électriqueQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Tessier, ÉvanEnerkem Sherbrooke Office/ Bureau de SherbrookeQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Tetlow, Ian University of GuelphMolecular and Cellular BiologyOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Tezel, HandanUniversity of Ottawa/Université d'OttawaChemical and Biological Engineering/ Génie chimique et biologiqueOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Thandi, TarnjeetKinexus Bioinformatics CorporationHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Thayaparan, ThaarmehanSPP Canada Aircraft, Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Therrien-Grenier, MagalieUniversité de SherbrookeGéomatique appliquéeQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Thibault, SimonUniversité LavalPhysique, génie physique et optiqueQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 12,500.00$ Engage Plus Grants for universities/ Subvention d'engagement partenarial Plus pour les universités

Thibault, SimonUniversité LavalPhysique, génie physique et optiqueQuébec CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Thompson, AlisonDalhousie UniversityChemistry Nova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 02/09/17 3 71,000.00$ PromoScience

Thompson, KyleMartello Technologies CorporationHead OfficeOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Thompson, MichaelMcMaster UniversityChemical EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 114,736.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Thompson, WilliamCiena Canada Inc.Carling OfficeOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Thomson, MurrayUniversity of TorontoMechanical and Industrial EngineeringOntario CANADA 02/10/17 3 191,491.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Thomson, TrevorSimon Fraser UniversityStatistics and Actuarial ScienceBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/19/17 1 17,500.00$ Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship M/ Bourse d'études supérieures du Canada Alexander-Graham-Bell M

Thong, WilliamUniversiteit van AmsterdamHead Office NETHERLANDS/ PAYS-BAS03/08/17 4 63,000.00$ Postgraduate Scholarships D - 3 years/ Bourses d'études supérieures D - 3 ans

Thouin, KevinUniversité de SherbrookeMathématiquesQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Tian, ZhigangUniversity of AlbertaMechanical EngineeringAlberta CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Tiedje, ThomasUniversity of VictoriaElectrical and Computer EngineeringBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 3,000.00$ Connect Grants Level 2 (Pacific)/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 2 (Pacifique)

Tielemans, CullenE-One Moli Energy (Canada) LimitedMaterials Research and DevelopmentBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Tishkina, LioudmilaIndex Exchange Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Tittel, WolfgangUniversity of CalgaryPhysics and AstronomyAlberta CANADA 03/29/17 1 147,987.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Tocheva, ElitzaUniversité de MontréalStomatologieQuébec CANADA 03/29/17 1 143,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Toews, MatthewÉcole de technologie supérieureGénie de la production automatiséeQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Tofani, RickSouthern Alberta Institute of TechnologyApplied Research and Innovation ServicesAlberta CANADA 01/13/17 1 75,000.00$ Applied Research and Development Grants (<$75k)/ Subventions de recherche et développement appliquée (<75,000 $)

Tofani, RickSouthern Alberta Institute of TechnologyApplied Research and Innovation ServicesAlberta CANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Tofani, RickSouthern Alberta Institute of TechnologyApplied Research and Innovation ServicesAlberta CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Tofani, RickSouthern Alberta Institute of TechnologyApplied Research and Innovation ServicesAlberta CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Tofani, RickSouthern Alberta Institute of TechnologyApplied Research and Innovation ServicesAlberta CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Tofani, RickSouthern Alberta Institute of TechnologyApplied Research and Innovation ServicesAlberta CANADA 03/22/17 1 75,000.00$ Applied Research and Development Grants (<$75k)/ Subventions de recherche et développement appliquée (<75,000 $)

Tofani, RickSouthern Alberta Institute of TechnologyApplied Research and Innovation ServicesAlberta CANADA 03/22/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Tofani, RickSouthern Alberta Institute of TechnologyApplied Research and Innovation ServicesAlberta CANADA 03/22/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Tofigh Rayhani, MohammadCarleton UniversityCivil and Environmental EngineeringOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 125,000.00$ Idea to Innovation/ De l'idée à l'innovation

Tolson, BryanUniversity of WaterlooCivil & Environmental EngineeringOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Tonleu Zeukeng, Aline NadiaUniversité LavalSciences des aliments et de nutritionQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Torres, AndresArkalumen Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,218.75$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Torres, Lloyd AlfonsoTribalScale Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Toupoint, NicolasCégep de la Gaspésie et des ÎlesSiège socialQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 1,851.00$ Connect Grants Level 1/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 1

Tourin, PavelBioLargo Water Inc.Head OfficeAlberta CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Toyserkani, EhsanUniversity of WaterlooMechanical Engineering and MechatronicsOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 15,000.00$ Idea to Innovation/ De l'idée à l'innovation

Trainor, LaurelMcMaster UniversityPsychology, Neuroscience & BehaviourOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 146,722.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Tran, JasonGreenMantra Recycling Technologies Ltd.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Tran, NatalieProcess Research ORTECH Inc.EngineeringOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Tran, PhattrickCodebox DevelopmentHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Traore, IssaUniversity of VictoriaElectrical and Computer EngineeringBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Trappenberg, ThomasDalhousie UniversityComputer Science, Faculty ofNova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 03/10/17 1 24,500.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Tremblay, FranceCentre québécois de recherche et de développement de l'aluminiumSiège socialQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 3,000.00$ Connect Grants Level 2 (Quebec)/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 2 (Québec)

Tremblay, Jean-ChristopheCanadian Electrolytic Zinc/Zinc Electrolytique du CanadaHead Office/ Siège SocialQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Tremblay, LucUniversity of TorontoKinesiology and Physical Education, Faculty ofOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 24,178.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Tremblay, RejeanUniversité du Québec à RimouskiSciences de la mer de Rimouski, Institut desQuébec CANADA 03/29/17 1 114,795.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Trépanier, MartinÉcole Polytechnique de MontréalMathématiques et génie industrielQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Trifkovic, MilanaUniversity of CalgaryChemical and Petroleum EngineeringAlberta CANADA 03/10/17 3 127,990.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Trimble, AnnikaAurora CollegeAurora Research InstituteNorthwest Territories/ Territoires du Nord-OuestCANADA 03/22/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Truong, ElsonSimon Fraser UniversityBiomedical Physiology and KinesiologyBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Tsang, Kenneth Fan-HoA.Y. Technologies Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Tse, ArthurA.Y. Technologies Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/25/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Tse, Wa-SangON Semiconductor Canada LtdHead OfficeOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Tseng, Hsiu-YangThe University of British ColumbiaMechanical EngineeringBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/04/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Tseu, AnneMount Royal UniversityPsychologyAlberta CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Tsui, Ying University of AlbertaElectrical and Computer EngineeringAlberta CANADA 03/29/17 1 150,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Tuana, DanielViryl Technologies Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Tulkens, TristenSmart Skin TechnologiesHead OfficeNew Brunswick/ Nouveau-BrunswickCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Tung, FrederickSimon Fraser UniversityComputing Science, School ofBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/15/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Turcotte, CamilleAssociation pour l'enseignement de la science et de la technologie au QuébecHead OfficeQuébec CANADA 02/09/17 1 18,993.00$ PromoScience

Turcotte, Marc-AntoineUniversité de SherbrookeBiochimie Québec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Turcotte, RoxaneUniversité LavalActuariat, École d'Québec CANADA 01/19/17 1 17,500.00$ Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship M/ Bourse d'études supérieures du Canada Alexander-Graham-Bell M

Turgeon, SylvieUniversité LavalSciences des aliments et de nutritionQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 70,000.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Turgeon, SylvieUniversité LavalSciences des aliments et de nutritionQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Turner, ElizabethLaurentian University of Sudbury/Université Laurentienne de SudburyEarth Sciences/ Science de la terreOntario CANADA 03/10/17 4 417,001.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Turner, RaymondUniversity of CalgaryCell Biology and AnatomyAlberta CANADA 03/29/17 1 149,700.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Tutor, Johann MichaelblueRover Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Tyagi, VibhaDurham College of Applied Arts and TechnologyHead OfficeOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Tyagi, VibhaDurham College of Applied Arts and TechnologyHead OfficeOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 12,500.00$ Engage Plus Grants for colleges/ Subvention d'engagement partenarial Plus pour les collèges

Tyagi, VibhaDurham College of Applied Arts and TechnologyHead OfficeOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Tymko, MichaelThe University of British ColumbiaOkanagan - Health and Social Development, Faculty ofBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/16/17 1 6,000.00$ Canadian Graduate Scholarships - Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements/ Suppléments pour études à l'étranger Michael Smith aux Bourses d'études supérieures du Canada

Tyson, RebeccaThe University of British ColumbiaOkanagan - Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics and StatisticsBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Udenigwe, ChibuikeUniversity of Ottawa/Université d'OttawaHealth Sciences, Faculty of/ Sciences, santé, faculté deOntario CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Ugursal, IsmetDalhousie UniversityMechanical EngineeringNova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 03/10/17 1 10,875.00$ Connect Grants Level 3 for universities/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 3 pour les universités

Umali, ColleenStemCell Tech Inc.R&D Location 2British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Urquhart, BradleyThe University of Western OntarioPhysiology and PharmacologyOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 150,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Urquiza, JoséUniversité LavalMathématiques et statistiqueQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 5 418,175.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Vaez Ghaemi, RozaThe University of British ColumbiaChemical and Biological EngineeringBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 3,800.00$ Connect Grants Level 2 (Pacific)/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 2 (Pacifique)

Valaee, ShahrokhUniversity of TorontoElectrical & Computer EngineeringOntario CANADA 02/10/17 3 441,000.00$ Strategic Projects - Group/ Projets stratégiques - groupe

Valaee, ShahrokhUniversity of TorontoElectrical & Computer EngineeringOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 57,142.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Valenta, EvanBOS Innovations Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Valiei, AminMcGill UniversityChemical EngineeringQuébec CANADA 01/19/17 3 63,000.00$ Postgraduate Scholarships D - 3 years/ Bourses d'études supérieures D - 3 ans

Vallée, RéalUniversité LavalPhysique, génie physique et optiqueQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 15,000.00$ Idea to Innovation/ De l'idée à l'innovation

Vallières, SimonInstitut national de la recherche scientifiqueCentre Énergie, Matériaux et Télécommunications (ÉMT) VarennesQuébec CANADA 03/16/17 1 5,000.00$ Canadian Graduate Scholarships - Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements/ Suppléments pour études à l'étranger Michael Smith aux Bourses d'études supérieures du Canada

Valter Mai, KristiinaRyerson UniversityElectrical and Computer EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Van Cappellen, PhilippeUniversity of WaterlooEarth & Environmental SciencesOntario CANADA 03/10/17 3 543,900.00$ WaterWorks Joint Call

Van de Vondervoort, Mia WinterAcorn CryotechHead OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Van den Hurk, TheoUniversity of TorontoMathematics (St. George Campus)Ontario CANADA 02/16/17 1 5,800.00$ Canadian Graduate Scholarships - Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements/ Suppléments pour études à l'étranger Michael Smith aux Bourses d'études supérieures du Canada

van der Laag, JohanRelic Entertainment Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

van Hinsberg, VincentMcGill UniversityEarth and Planetary SciencesQuébec CANADA 03/29/17 1 150,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

van Hoeve, MiriamUniversity of AlbertaChemistry Alberta CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Van Raay, TerenceUniversity of GuelphMolecular and Cellular BiologyOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 149,850.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Vande Velde, ChristineUniversité de MontréalNeurosciencesQuébec CANADA 03/29/17 1 45,743.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Vanden Berg, EmilyMount Royal UniversityBiology Alberta CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Vandenbossche, JamieCamosun CollegeHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 2 149,996.00$ Applied Research and Development Grants (<$75k)/ Subventions de recherche et développement appliquée (<75,000 $)

Vandenbossche, JamieCamosun CollegeHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/22/17 1 143,757.00$ Applied Research Tools and Instruments Grants/ Subventions d'outils et d'instruments de recherche appliquée

Vanderlinde, KeithUniversity of TorontoAstronomy and Astrophysics (St. George Campus)Ontario CANADA 03/10/17 2 300,000.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Vasseur, ElsaMcGill UniversityAnimal ScienceQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 3 70,190.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Vatta, MaritzaUniversity of GuelphMolecular and Cellular BiologyOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Vaughan, LauraAcorn CryotechHead OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Vaughan, RichardSimon Fraser UniversityComputing Science, School ofBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Vehring, ReinhardUniversity of AlbertaMechanical EngineeringAlberta CANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Veilleux, JocelynUniversité de SherbrookeGénie chimique et génie biotechnologiqueQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Veilleux, VincentDemtroys Technology inc./Technologie Demtroys inc.Head Office/ Siège socialQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Veinot, JonathanUniversity of AlbertaChemistry Alberta CANADA 01/13/17 1 125,000.00$ Idea to Innovation/ De l'idée à l'innovation

Veldhuis, StephenMcMaster UniversityMechanical EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 2,500.00$ Connect Grants Level 2 (Ontario)/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 2 (Ontario)

Veldhuis, StephenMcMaster UniversityMechanical EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 149,893.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Vellend, MarkUniversité de SherbrookeBiologie Québec CANADA 01/13/17 2 250,000.00$ EWR Steacie Fellowships - Supplement/ EWR Steacie - supplément

Verma, AniketHatch Ltd. Head OfficeOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Vermaire, JesseCarleton UniversityGeography and Environmental StudiesOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 147,415.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Vermandele, FannyUniversité du Québec à RimouskiBiologie, Chimie et GéographieQuébec CANADA 02/16/17 1 6,000.00$ Canadian Graduate Scholarships - Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements/ Suppléments pour études à l'étranger Michael Smith aux Bourses d'études supérieures du Canada

Vermeulen, Tyler DennisThe University of British ColumbiaOkanagan - Health and Social Development, Faculty ofBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Vetrone, FiorenzoInstitut national de la recherche scientifiqueCentre Énergie, Matériaux et Télécommunications (ÉMT) VarennesQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 3 306,000.00$ Strategic Projects - Group/ Projets stratégiques - groupe

Vette, AlbertUniversity of AlbertaMechanical EngineeringAlberta CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Veyrier, FredericInstitut national de la recherche scientifiqueINRS-Institut Armand-FrappierQuébec CANADA 03/24/17 1 24,978.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Vigeant, DanielCollège Lionel-GroulxSiège socialQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Villa, Peter LouisLakehead UniversityBiology Ontario CANADA 02/16/17 1 17,500.00$ Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship M/ Bourse d'études supérieures du Canada Alexander-Graham-Bell M

Vincent, LukeIndal Technologies Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Virk, TaranveerIBM Canada Ltd/IBM Canada LtéeExtreme Blue Program/ Programme Extreme BlueOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Vishnu, IanMcMaster UniversityChemistry & Chemical BiologyOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Vo, PhilippeConcordia UniversityElectrical and Computer EngineeringQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Vogel, Hans (Harm)University of CalgaryBiological SciencesAlberta CANADA 03/29/17 1 141,179.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

von Keyserlingk, MarinaThe University of British ColumbiaLand and Food Systems, Faculty ofBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/29/17 1 29,331.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Vong, AlbertShawCor Ltd.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Voyer, NormandUniversité LavalChimie Québec CANADA 02/09/17 3 108,000.00$ PromoScience

Vriend, SilasUniversity of WaterlooPhysics and AstronomyOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Vukovich, GeorgeYork UniversityEarth and Space Science and EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Walbridge, ScottUniversity of WaterlooCivil & Environmental EngineeringOntario CANADA 01/13/17 2 200,408.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Walbridge, ScottUniversity of WaterlooCivil & Environmental EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 72,233.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Walker, PhilipUniversity of ManitobaBiological SciencesManitoba CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Waller, EdwardUniversity of Ontario Institute of TechnologyEnergy Systems & Nuclear Science, Faculty ofOntario CANADA 03/24/17 1 23,500.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Walsh, KyleLockheed Martin Canada Inc.Advanced Test and Training SiteOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Walus, KonradThe University of British ColumbiaElectrical and Computer EngineeringBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/29/17 1 132,455.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Wamkeue, RenéUniversité du Québec en Abitibi-TémiscamingueGénie, École deQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 3 200,001.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Wang, Chih-AnInstitut national de la recherche scientifiqueCentre Énergie, Matériaux et Télécommunications (ÉMT) VarennesQuébec CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Wang, DeeApplied Biological Materials Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Wang, FeiyueUniversity of ManitobaEnvironment and GeographyManitoba CANADA 03/10/17 1 17,000.00$ Connect Grants Level 3 for universities/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 3 pour les universités

Wang, GaofengSimon Fraser UniversityMechatronic Systems EngineeringBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/24/17 1 24,500.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Wang, Kai XiUniversity of WaterlooElectrical & Computer EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Wang, Shao TongIBM Canada Ltd/IBM Canada LtéeExtreme Blue Program/ Programme Extreme BlueOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Wang, ShawnTantalus Systems CorporationHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Wang, XihuaUniversity of AlbertaElectrical and Computer EngineeringAlberta CANADA 03/10/17 1 12,500.00$ Engage Plus Grants for universities/ Subvention d'engagement partenarial Plus pour les universités

Wang, Xin University of CalgaryGeomatics EngineeringAlberta CANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Wang, YunMcGill UniversityElectrical and Computer EngineeringQuébec CANADA 02/15/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Wang, Zhi Viryl Technologies Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Wang, ZixuanGlobal Relay Communications Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Ward, HeatherThe University of Western OntarioBiology Ontario CANADA 03/16/17 1 17,500.00$ Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship M/ Bourse d'études supérieures du Canada Alexander-Graham-Bell M

Warren, JeffreySimon Fraser UniversityChemistry British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/29/17 1 41,941.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Wasteneys, GeoffreyThe University of British ColumbiaBotany British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Wasteneys, GeoffreyThe University of British ColumbiaBotany British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/29/17 1 149,995.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Wasteneys, GeoffreyThe University of British ColumbiaBotany British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/29/17 2 300,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Waye, TimothySiemens Canada Limited/Siemens Canada LimitéeR&D Division FrederictonOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Weber, CassyMindFuel Head OfficeAlberta CANADA 02/22/17 1 300,000.00$ PromoScience

Weber, CassyMindFuel Head OfficeAlberta CANADA 02/22/17 3 99,900.00$ PromoScience

Weber, LynnUniversity of SaskatchewanVeterinary Biomedical SciencesSaskatchewanCANADA 03/29/17 1 117,114.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Weck, ArnaudUniversity of Ottawa/Université d'OttawaMechanical Engineering/ Génie mécaniqueOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Weijs, StevenThe University of British ColumbiaCivil EngineeringBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Weinzierl, DanielArbutus Medical Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Weis, DominiqueThe University of British ColumbiaEarth, Ocean and Atmospheric SciencesBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/29/17 1 150,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Weleschuk, ZennonSimon Fraser UniversityEarth SciencesBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/19/17 1 17,500.00$ Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship M/ Bourse d'études supérieures du Canada Alexander-Graham-Bell M

Wells, MaryUniversity of WaterlooMechanical Engineering and MechatronicsOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ NSERC Awards for Science Promotion - Organization/ Prix du CRSNG pour la promotion des sciences - organisation

Werry, NickA&L Biologicals Laboratories Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

West, RyanRyerson UniversityChemistry and BiologyOntario CANADA 03/16/17 1 6,000.00$ Canadian Graduate Scholarships - Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements/ Suppléments pour études à l'étranger Michael Smith aux Bourses d'études supérieures du Canada

Wetter, ErinUltra Electronics Maritime SystemsACCOUNTS RECEIVABLENova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Wetton, BrianThe University of British ColumbiaMathematicsBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 23,200.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Wheating, SamuelAutomotive Fuel Cell CooperationHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

White, AdamDalhousie UniversityOceanographyNova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

White, Eric Ciena Canada Inc.Carling OfficeOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

White, JeremyRelic Entertainment Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 5,264.28$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

White, ScottDalhousie UniversityAgriculture, Faculty ofNova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 02/10/17 5 110,424.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Whitwell, RobertThe University of British ColumbiaPsychologyBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/04/17 3 112,500.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Whyne, CariUniversity of TorontoSurgery Ontario CANADA 03/10/17 1 12,500.00$ Engage Plus Grants for universities/ Subvention d'engagement partenarial Plus pour les universités

Wickham, AylaUniversity of Northern British ColumbiaComputer ScienceBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Wideman, JaredCiena Canada Inc.Carling OfficeOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Wiens, EvanCurtiss-Wright Defense SolutionsHead OfficeOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Wiersma, LukeUniversity of WaterlooChemical EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Wiesner, DanielleCanfor Pulp Limited PartnershipR&D Division (Burnaby)British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Wiggins, Donald HartGenomeMe Lab IncorporatedHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Wilcox, LaurieYork UniversityPsychologyOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 12,500.00$ Engage Plus Grants for universities/ Subvention d'engagement partenarial Plus pour les universités

Wilhelm, BrianUniversité de MontréalInstitut de recherche en immunologie et en cancérologieQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 22,850.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Willa, KieloTangam Gaming IncHead OfficeOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Willerth, AlexanderUniversity of WaterlooElectrical & Computer EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Williams, VanceSimon Fraser UniversityChemistry British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Williams-Jones, GlynSimon Fraser UniversityEarth SciencesBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 11,500.00$ Engage Plus Grants for universities/ Subvention d'engagement partenarial Plus pour les universités

Williamson, ScottUniversity of Ottawa/Université d'OttawaGeography/ GéographieOntario CANADA 03/08/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Williamson, VanessaSeneca College of Applied Arts and TechnologyMarkham CampusOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Williamson, VanessaSeneca College of Applied Arts and TechnologyMarkham CampusOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 24,953.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Williamson, VanessaSeneca College of Applied Arts and TechnologyHead OfficeOntario CANADA 03/22/17 5 1,000,000.00$ Industrial Research Chairs for Colleges Grants/ Subventions de chaires de recherche industrielle dans les collèges

Williamson, VanessaSeneca College of Applied Arts and TechnologyMarkham CampusOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 24,990.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Willing, BenjaminUniversity of AlbertaAgricultural, Food and Nutritional ScienceAlberta CANADA 01/13/17 1 12,500.00$ Engage Plus Grants for universities/ Subvention d'engagement partenarial Plus pour les universités

Wilson, AlexanderThe University of British ColumbiaEarth, Ocean and Atmospheric SciencesBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/16/17 1 6,000.00$ Canadian Graduate Scholarships - Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements/ Suppléments pour études à l'étranger Michael Smith aux Bourses d'études supérieures du Canada

Wilson, ChristineMcMaster UniversityPhysics and AstronomyOntario CANADA 03/29/17 2 300,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Wilson, CoreyTasktop Technologies Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Wilson, DavidThe University of British ColumbiaOrthopaedicsBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 24,505.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Wilson, JoannaMcMaster UniversityBiology Ontario CANADA 03/29/17 1 131,389.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Wilson, KatieUniversity of LethbridgeChemistry and BiochemistryAlberta CANADA 02/16/17 1 6,000.00$ Canadian Graduate Scholarships - Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements/ Suppléments pour études à l'étranger Michael Smith aux Bourses d'études supérieures du Canada

Winger, DanielD-Wave Systems IncHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Winnik, MitchellUniversity of TorontoChemistry (St. George Campus)Ontario CANADA 03/29/17 1 142,057.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Winstok, MatanArylla Inc. Head OfficeOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Wolf, MichaelThe University of British ColumbiaChemistry British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/29/17 1 137,700.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Won, LyndonVendchat App Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Wong, AlexCarleton UniversityBiology Ontario CANADA 03/29/17 1 88,745.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Wong, ClaudiaMRF Geosystems CorporationHead OfficeAlberta CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Wong, KevinNZ Technologies Inc.R&D DivisionBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Wong, WilliamUniversity of WaterlooElectrical & Computer EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 150,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Woo, MichaelApplied Biological Materials Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Wood, JeffreyThe University of Western OntarioMechanical and Materials EngineeringOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Wood-Adams, PaulaConcordia UniversityMechanical and Industrial EngineeringQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Woodhall, AmandaSimon Fraser UniversityApplied Sciences, Faculty ofBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/09/17 3 70,680.00$ PromoScience

Woodward, LyneÉcole de technologie supérieureGénie électriqueQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 1 23,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Woodward, ToddThe University of British ColumbiaPsychiatry British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/29/17 1 150,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Woolley, AndrewUniversity of TorontoChemistry (St. George Campus)Ontario CANADA 03/29/17 1 150,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Wootton, BrentSir Sandford Fleming College of Applied Arts and TechnologyCentre for Alternative Wastewater TreatmentOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for colleges/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les collèges

Wootton, SarahUniversity of GuelphPathobiologyOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 148,224.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Wright, GerardMcMaster UniversityBiochemistry and Biomedical SciencesOntario CANADA 03/29/17 2 300,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Wu, Hui TongbioLytical Laboratories Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Wu, Julie Jian MingGenomeMe Lab IncorporatedHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Wu, XiaozhengUniversity of WaterlooComputer Science, David R. Cheriton School ofOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Wuest, JamesUniversité de MontréalChimie Québec CANADA 03/29/17 1 122,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Wulff, JeremyUniversity of VictoriaChemistry British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 125,000.00$ Idea to Innovation/ De l'idée à l'innovation

Wunch, DebraUniversity of TorontoPhysics (St. George Campus)Ontario CANADA 03/29/17 1 117,879.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Wylie, RyanMcMaster UniversityChemistry & Chemical BiologyOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Wyvill, BrianUniversity of VictoriaComputer ScienceBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Xenopoulos, MargueriteTrent UniversityBiology Ontario CANADA 03/29/17 2 259,200.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Xie, Kevin University of WaterlooPhysics and AstronomyOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Xiong, KevinUniversity of Ottawa/Université d'OttawaBiology/ BiologieOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Yada, RickeyThe University of British ColumbiaLand and Food Systems, Faculty ofBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 6,140.00$ Connect Grants Level 2 (Pacific)/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 2 (Pacifique)

Yaddaden, YedirEnGlobe corp.Head Office/ Siège socialQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,218.75$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Yahia, AmmarUniversité de SherbrookeRecteur, Bureau duQuébec CANADA 01/13/17 5 612,500.00$ Industrial Research Chairs - Regular - Salary/ Professeurs-chercheurs industriels - régulières - salaires

Yahia, AmmarUniversité de SherbrookeGénie civil Québec CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Yakunin, AlexanderUniversity of TorontoChemical Engineering and Applied ChemistryOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 150,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Yakymchuk, ChristopherUniversity of WaterlooEarth & Environmental SciencesOntario CANADA 01/13/17 3 116,600.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Yam, AnsonBallard Power Systems Inc.Research and DevelopmentBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Yamada, KaiyaCanfor Pulp Limited PartnershipR&D Division (Burnaby)British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Yamamoto, NicholasAKAC inc. Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Yan, TitaniaL.B. Foster Rail TechnologiesTechnical InquiriesQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Yang, Hong-ChuanUniversity of VictoriaElectrical and Computer EngineeringBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Yang, JamesOpalux Inc.R&D DivisionOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Yang, JianwenUniversity of WindsorEarth SciencesOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Yang, Jun The University of Western OntarioMechanical and Materials EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 149,475.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Yang, TonyThe University of British ColumbiaCivil EngineeringBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Yanikomeroglu, HalimCarleton UniversitySystems and Computer EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Yao, JianpingUniversity of Ottawa/Université d'OttawaElectrical Engineering and Computer Science , School ofOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 150,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Yarusevych, SerhiyUniversity of WaterlooMechanical Engineering and MechatronicsOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 39,980.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Yavuz, MustafaUniversity of WaterlooMechanical Engineering and MechatronicsOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Ye, Zhibin Laurentian University of Sudbury/Université Laurentienne de SudburyEngineering, School of/ Génie, école deOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 12,375.00$ Engage Plus Grants for universities/ Subvention d'engagement partenarial Plus pour les universités

Yellan, IsaacMcMaster UniversityBiology Ontario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Yeow, Tze-weiUniversity of WaterlooSystems Design EngineeringOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Yeow, Tze-WeiUniversity of WaterlooSystems Design EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 147,619.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Yergeau, EtienneInstitut national de la recherche scientifiqueINRS-Institut Armand-FrappierQuébec CANADA 02/10/17 3 707,200.00$ Strategic Projects - Group/ Projets stratégiques - groupe

Yim, NelsonGlobal Relay Communications Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Yin, Dawei Simon Fraser UniversityEngineering Science, School ofBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/19/17 1 17,500.00$ Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship M/ Bourse d'études supérieures du Canada Alexander-Graham-Bell M

Young, CoraMemorial University of NewfoundlandChemistry Newfoundland and Labrador/ Terre-Neuve-et-LabradorCANADA 03/29/17 1 149,889.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Young, JamesUniversity of ManitobaComputer ScienceManitoba CANADA 01/13/17 2 121,738.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Young, JoelBioMedica Diagnostics Inc.Head OfficeNova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 03/10/17 1 4,218.75$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Youssef, MohamedUniversity of Ontario Institute of TechnologyElectrical, Computer and Software EngineeringOntario CANADA 01/13/17 2 40,000.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Yu, Alfred University of WaterlooElectrical & Computer EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 150,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Yu, Fei RichardCarleton UniversityInformation Technology, School ofOntario CANADA 02/10/17 3 600,000.00$ Strategic Projects - Group/ Projets stratégiques - groupe

Yu, Hogan Simon Fraser UniversityChemistry British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Yu, Zhu HaoShawCor Ltd.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 02/22/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Yue, Alice Simon Fraser UniversityComputing Science, School ofBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/19/17 1 17,500.00$ Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship M/ Bourse d'études supérieures du Canada Alexander-Graham-Bell M

Yuen, BrosnanUniversity of VictoriaElectrical and Computer EngineeringBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Yum, Kuang Ting ErnieArtron BioResearch Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Yurgel, SvetlanaDalhousie UniversityPlant, Food, and Environmental SciencesNova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Zamble, DeborahUniversity of TorontoChemistry (St. George Campus)Ontario CANADA 03/29/17 1 93,316.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Zanette, LianaThe University of Western OntarioBiology Ontario CANADA 03/29/17 1 93,135.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Zanotti, CristinaThe University of British ColumbiaCivil EngineeringBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Zareyan, ShahabThe University of British ColumbiaZoology British Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/16/17 1 17,500.00$ Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship M/ Bourse d'études supérieures du Canada Alexander-Graham-Bell M

Zeeb, NathanRoyal Military College of Canada/Collège militaire royal du CanadaChemistry and Chemical Engineering/ Chimie et de génie chimiqueOntario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Zeman, FrankRoyal Military College of Canada/Collège militaire royal du CanadaChemistry and Chemical Engineering/ Chimie et de génie chimiqueOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 24,855.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Zendehboudi, SohrabMemorial University of NewfoundlandEngineering and Applied Science, Faculty ofNewfoundland and Labrador/ Terre-Neuve-et-LabradorCANADA 02/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Zeng, HongboUniversity of AlbertaChemical and Materials EngineeringAlberta CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Zeng, ZhuoxiPeraso Technologies Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Zhang, AlisonVeloMetro Mobility Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 03/10/17 1 4,218.75$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Zhang, FanVendchat App Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/25/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Zhang, FayeGPVTL Canada Inc.Head OfficeOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Zhang, HongUniversity of AlbertaComputing ScienceAlberta CANADA 03/29/17 1 36,604.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Zhang, Jin The University of Western OntarioChemical and Biochemical EngineeringOntario CANADA 01/13/17 2 100,000.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Zhang, Si JingMcMaster UniversityBiology Ontario CANADA 03/22/17 1 4,500.00$ University Undergraduate Student Research Awards/ Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu universitaire

Zhang, TiantianBorealis WindHead OfficeOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Zhang, Xu (Shine)Cape Breton UniversityVerschuren Centre for Sustainability in Energy and the EnvironmentNova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 03/24/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Zhang, YouminConcordia UniversityMechanical and Industrial EngineeringQuébec CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Zhao, BoxinUniversity of WaterlooChemical EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 117,714.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Zhao, StevenNorbord Inc.Norbord Technology CentreOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Zheng, RongMcMaster UniversityComputing and SoftwareOntario CANADA 02/10/17 5 934,500.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Zhitomirsky, IgorMcMaster UniversityMaterials Science and EngineeringOntario CANADA 01/13/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Zhou, RenjieUniversity of QueenslandHead Office AUSTRALIA/ AUSTRALIE01/04/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Zhou, WenxingThe University of Western OntarioCivil and Environmental EngineeringOntario CANADA 02/10/17 1 24,606.00$ Connect Grants Level 3 for universities/ Subventions Connexion Niveau 3 pour les universités

Zhu, Han FengSantevia Water SystemsHead OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Zhu, ShipingMcMaster UniversityChemical EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 25,000.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Zhu, Zheng HongYork UniversityMechanical EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/29/17 1 150,000.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

zhu, Zi YueApplied Biological Materials Inc.Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 02/10/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Zhuang, WeihuaUniversity of WaterlooElectrical & Computer EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 3 386,550.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Ziada, SamirMcMaster UniversityMechanical EngineeringOntario CANADA 03/10/17 1 24,500.00$ Engage Grants for universities/ Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités

Zimmer, AlexUniversity of Ottawa/Université d'OttawaBiology/ BiologieOntario CANADA 02/22/17 3 90,000.00$ Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1st and 2nd years/ Bourses postdoctorales - 1re et 2e années

Zingg, DavidUniversity of TorontoAerospace Studies, Institute forOntario CANADA 01/13/17 4 546,668.00$ Collaborative Research and Development Grants - Project/ Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative - projet

Zvikler, Inc. Head OfficeBritish Columbia/ Colombie-BritanniqueCANADA 01/13/17 1 4,500.00$ Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program/ Programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle en milieu industriel

Zwanziger, JosefDalhousie UniversityChemistry Nova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 03/29/17 1 30,700.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

Zwanziger, JosefDalhousie UniversityChemistry Nova Scotia/ Nouvelle-ÉcosseCANADA 03/29/17 2 295,974.00$ Research Tools and Instruments/ Outils et instruments de recherche

batch report | rapport en lotsNSERC Main OfficeOntario CANADA 03/01/17 148,517.00$ Parental Leave - Research Grants/ Congé parental - subventions de recherche

Title Comments

Conversion of waste polymers to carbon nanofilaments

Locally List Coloring Graphs

Development of an integrated system for a European cable provider to be used in conjunction with the

Improving indoor positioning accuracy in dynamic environments using semantics-based location knowledge modelling and probabilistic data analytics

Simulation-based analytics for industrial construction

Site visit for the identification of collaborative opportunities in the design of fluidized bed reactors for wastewater treatment

Développement d'une solution intelligente et temps réel de quantification de l'erreur sur les mouvements articulaires pour aide à la décision aux chirurgiens

Cluster tool-integrated high-temperature evaporation and chemical vapor deposition chamber

Conception d'un modèle d'optimisation et de prédiction de rendement d'une station de recharge solaire, mobile et autonome (micro-grid) pour véhicules électriques

Achat d'équipements spécialisés pour la recherche en réseau de neurones (deep learning) appliquées aux véhicules autonomes

Séminaire "Électronique du futur - De l'innovation à la commercialisation"

Assessing the impact of climate change on Montreal's precipitation characteristics

Culture and Differentiation of Pluripotent Stem Cells and Tissue Specific Stem Cells

Conception et caractérisation d'un hydrogel thermosensible injectable pour la régénération du disque intervertébral

Thermogravimetric Analysis Instrument

Youth Engagement through Soapbox Science (YESS)

Video capture and analysis of the movement patterns of older adults in long-term care

L’iMPacT: Low-cost Hybrid Metal 3D Printing and Machining Technology

Efficient C-C bond breaking catalysts for ethanol electro-oxidation

Touchless 3D Interaction with PACS in a Sterile Environment

Utilisation d'une matrice végétale protéino-glucidique électro-activée pour l'encapsulation et la libération délayée d'ingrédients actifs

Optimized 3J cell designs for hybrid Concentrated PhotoVoltaics - Thermal (CPV-T) systems

Modules CPV à très haute efficacité utilisant les cellules à vias traversants (TCVC)

Development of high barrier multilayer sheets for thermoforming

Optimisation of the rate and level of porosity generation in electrode films for applications in batteries.

Cryogenic Ultramicrotome

Development of a novel manufacturing process for a surgical drill cover device

A fast non-contact lithographic technique for generating submicron 3D patterns

Design and characterization of switchable flexible 3D printed materials prototyped by Machina MK2 3D printer

Software Design in Translation Technology

Selective recovery of platinum and palladium from Asahi's PLS in chloride medium

Seismic behavior and design of civil infrastructure

Utilisation du charbon de bois en tant que matériau de protection dans les fours de cuisson des anodes de carbone

Process improvement model for prefabrication of panelized homes

Lean-integrated resource and operations management and control system

Process improvement for a modular construction manufacturer through the use of lean tools, automation, and improved plant layout

Agrobacterium bioreactor culture for PlantForm vivoEXPRESS enhancement

Détoxification du bois traité

The 6th Annual NanoNEXUS

Development of a production method to isolate acid-soluble collagen from eggshell membranes

Effect of Coagulant addition on treatment of oil sands tailings

Novel Instrumentation for Surface Tensiometry and Wetting

Market assessment for cylindrical liquid lens technology

Analyzing the effect of human factor on commercial driving cycles

Toward portable ex-vivo lung perfusion devices

A Micro-Mechanical Testing Instrument

Mercury: solving emerging environmental challenges of the hydroelectric sector

Computing and Storage Infrastructure for Big Data Analytics

Mobismart - integration of micro-wind turbine to hybrid power system

Towards quantifying the impact of climate change in the Peruvian Amazon: Forecasting drought-flood cycles and their impact on populations in the San Marin Region, nothwest Peru

Holographic Pixel

A pilot study to evaluate the effects of variable flow on Arctic Char growth rate in Myera tank system - phase 2

Method development for the synthesis of novel quinolones using aniline derivatives.

Vibrations of panels in functionally graded materials for nuclear applications

Résolution du problème de durée de vie insatisfaisante d'arachides rôties

CRISPR-Cas9 NGS Validation Development

Connecting Alberta Youth to Science and Nature

Operations and Maintenance Support - Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre

Development of Integrated Framework for Multimedia Communications

Accessing the meanings of indeterminate sentences online: a cross modal investigation

Next generation wearable technology for Multiple Sclerosis symptom tracking

Pulp process training through interactive game

The importance of connectivity and prey communities: how juvenile salmon use estuary habitats

Specialty Chemical Process Optimization

Expérimentations au labo pour écoliers et campeurs

Precise Measure of Center of Mass with the Kinesiq Platform for the Rehabilitation of Balance in Older Adults

Port MSP's Web Services application to a micro service running in a Docker container

Automatic detection of scallops in seafloor images

Funding to pursue research in cosmology

Effects of novel additives on recombinant enzyme performance in PCR/qPCR

Kids Code Jeunesse national coordination

Development of a multi-wavelength imaging device for accurate detection of skin cancer

Mechanical and Neurophysiological Mechanisms of Ankle Joint Stability

Robust Object Detection and Tracking with Applications to Robotic Visual Servoing

Re-architecting platform toward Message-based Reactive system on Microsoft Azure

Digital assessment of conceptual understanding

Arctic Fog Variability in a Warming Arctic and Its Impact on Maritime Human Activities

Cracked Gas Compressor Fouling Mitigation

CARIC National Research Forum: How to prepare a successful collaborative proposal, connecting industrial and academic parties

Forum-Atelier : Prévention et gestion des biofilms - Enjeux industriels

Attraction chimique: au coeur de l'expérience

Building a framework to study the space use of marine animals

Optimality of Helicoidal Fiber Geometry

Investigating Determinnants of Cell Form by Expression of Chytrid Septins in a Model Fungus

Investigating the impact of greening harbor trucking initiative on port sustainability performance

Social Gameplay and Graph Analysis

Production of protein kinases & assay development for kinase drug discovery

3D printing of biocompatible electronic components in tissue constructs

Innovative Methods for Condition Assessment of Wastewater Collection Systems

NSERC Industrial Research Chair in Unconventional Oil Recovery

Design and efficiency improvement of commercial vortex tubes using computational fluid dynamics

Production of protein kinases & assay development for kinase drug discovery

Analysis of runs of homozygosity from next generation sequence data in Canadian dairy cattle

Custom FDM multi-material extruder characterization

Allocations Project

Street Contxt Exchange platform, content duplication removal

From Waste to Clean Food

Solar-Driven Hybrid Atmospheric Water Generator with Energy Storage and Supplemental Lighting for Greenhouse Climate Control

Development of Ultra Low-Noise Wideband Accelerometers

Sensor Fusion for Detection of Glass-breakage

Lakehead University - Industry Connections

Machine learning for visual analytics in HEVC bitstreams

Genomics of microbial eukaryotes

Development of RppH decapping enzyme

Continued Development and Validation of a Test Method for Particle Size Analysis of Soils

Micrometer sized LEDs for display applications

Piezoelectric sensing devices on shim substrates

Multi modal Surface Forces Apparatus

Broadband random laser for nondeterministic high-speed random number generation

Time delay signature suppressed broadband chaotic laser for high-speed all-optical true random number generator

Developing a topology optimization module for additive manufacturing applications using ANSYS platform

Appui au fonctionnement et à l’entretien du parc d’équipements du Centre de recherche, développement et validation des technologies et procédés de traitement des eaux (CREDEAU)

Reverse EXPO

Electronic and magnetic spectroscopy system for spin-optomechanics

Self-Driving Car Perception Platform

Migration Education: Using technology to engage Students in Bird Science and Conversation

Software workterm Student

Identification des protéines cibles du complexe DDB1/CUL4

Automation of LED Board Characterization

Graphene and Metal Laminates By ALD for Heat Conduction

Bioinspired, flexible ceramic protection for industrial gloves

Youth Environmental Leadership Program

Optimization of a graphene ink printing process

A Spatially-Explicit Individually-Based Model of Elephant Movement

Technical Feasibility of Helical Piles to Extract Shallow Geothermal Energy

Chemical vapour deposition and rapid thermal processing tool to support nanoelectronics research

Modular Variable Temperature Chamber For Departmental Powder X-Ray Diffractometer (PXRD)

Monte Carlo simulations of advanced radiotherapy techniques

NSERC Associate Industrial Research Chair in Underground Trenchless Construction

Hydrogen Fuel Generation for Green e-mobility

Ateliers identification technologies émergentes industrielles

Réponse immunitaire de la vache envers les protéines de Staphylococcus aureus

INNOV Phase 1- Dosimètre multipoint à fibres scintillantes pour la radiothérapie

Émissions de poussières de résidus miniers en conditions hivernales

Software workterm Student

Using high-throughput yeast one hybrid screens to identify transcription factors regulating plant resistance against the devastating fungal pathogen Leptoshaeria maculans

High-capacity multi-axis load cells to advance research on sustainable infrastructure

Testing of an inside-out ceramic turbine

Role de PIN1 dans la régulation de la voie Notch

NSERC Chair in immersive design engineering activities (IDEAs)

OCT NDT Automated Image Analysis

Identification des paramètres inertiels d'archets

An instrumented treadmill for musculoskeletal gait analysis and reduced-sedentarity activities

A super-resolution microscope for visualizing cellular structure and dynamics

NSERC Chair in Multi-Disciplinary Engineering Design

Assessment of muscle activation and training adaptations associated with the Yoak

Improving spin-polarized beta-neutrino correlations

Agile Software Development

Développement d'un projet d'automatisation de deux usines de transformation du homard et du crabes

Développement de partenariats de recherche dans le domaine de l'industrie 4.0

Essais en laboratoire de scénarios de restauration

Activated Carbon Effectiveness for Organic Removal

Determining the impact of dough relaxation time on product softness

Biogéographie des réseaux d'interactions

High throughput extraction platform for the analysis of organic compounds in solid and semi-solid matrices

Effect of micronutrients and natural products on plant performance under cold stress conditions

Clock generation and distribution for MIMO transceivers

Data Storage System for Analysis of Climate Change Simulations and Climate Change Impacts Research

Révision d'un dispositif de contrôle chauffage permettant une gestion multi-sorties indépendantes

Hydrogen as a lifting gas for hybrid low emission aircrafts

Research needs for commercial application of triploidy in Artic charr production

Locomotor Activity Monitors for Rats

Maillage Intelligence artificielle

Interactive data anonymization

Micro-Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (Micro-FTIR) for assessing chemical resistance and durability performance of FRP materials

Nomination for NSERC Steacie Memorial Fellowship

Acadia Robotics

Natural Sciences and Engineering Council of Canada Canada Graduate Scholarships - Master's Program

Sommet de la Chaîne mondiale d'approvisionnement

Développement de routines au microscope optique et d'un modèle de broyage de grains pour simuler le traitement de minerais aurifères et polymétalliques

Optimization of the effective performance of new foam-based building insulation

"Stories of the Night Sky"

Rencontre avec l'entreprise Papilles afin d'établir une collaboration entre le développement de produits marins et leur mise en marché

Utilisation d'une bouée bathymétrique autonome pour la cartographie de la taille des sédiments du lit des rivières

Montage pour la caractérisation de transfert de chaleur par rayonnement

Southwoods Integrated Community Energy System: An energy and environmental performance analysis

Multi-site cement industry low carbon fuel implementation and supply chain assessment

Bringing Big Data to Clean Energy Materials Discovery

Population genomics towards improving Eastern Oyster production

Séquenceur d’ADN pour un programme de recherche intégré en écologie génomique

Charcrete: incorporation of bio-char in concrete for carbon sequestration and improved physical and acoustic properties

Academic-Industry Networking Workshop for the Development of Major NSERC CRD Proposal for "Waste-to-Resources" R&D Program

Coldwater Indian Band Water Resource Development Study

Est-ce que les excursions des éléphants à l'extérieur de la réserve faunique d'Ithala en Afrique du Sud son associées à l'extinction locale d'espèces végétales?

Marine Legacy Program

Testing & validation of pre-clinical multispectral SPECT and simultaneous PET/MRI using silicon photomultiplier technology

Product Test - Vacuum & Pressure Regulation Concept

Reservoir characterization of unconventional resources and halo plays

Deals Reporting

Bioenergy Workshop at UBC

Lifetime durability improvement of climbing skin adhesive

Saving Canadian amphibians in a scientifically informed manner

Development of advanced intelligent estimation algorithms for mobile robots

Fuel Cell Catalyst Layer Materials

Activités scientifiques pour filles

The role of the foot shape in energy economy and stability of human running

Conception de blocs en béton plaqués avec des résidus de taille de granit

Fast, non-destructive sensor based soil characterization for precision agricultural services

Drones for enabling computational environmental flow dynamics studies

Development and characterization of tool steel powders for welding repair of moulds through valorisation of process waste

Valorisation des silicates d'aluminium issus de l'extraction du lithium à partir du spodumène comme ajouts cimentaires et comme matière première pour différentes industries

Développement d'un procédé de purification de quartzite en silice haute performance

Interfaces microélectroniques à faible latence / Low latency microelectronic interfaces

Application of Computationally-Assisted Methods for the Design of Conjugated Polymers with Conformational Locks and to Explore the Direct (Hetero)arylation Polymerization Reaction

The effect of hydraulic fracturing fluid on aquatic species

Robotic balance simulator to characterize the adaptability and sensory code underlying the control of standing balance in humans

Unleashing the potential of interactive marketing with data mining

Aligning information mapping techniques: concepts to content across multiple academic courses and years for lifelong learning

Mechanical Design Specialist

Development of novel manufacturing route for automotive suspension parts

GNSS product and project testing

Rheology Facility for Materials Characterization and Tissue Engineering

Thermal Characterization of Battery Systems Using Experimental Analysis

Development of non-covalent chemical probes for mu, delta and kappa opioid receptors

Optimization of automated material flow for cross dock logistics operations

Development of new protocols for prepubertal reproduction of water buffalos using laparoscopic ovum pick-up and in vitro embryo production technologies

Towards the Automated Transliteration of Cuneiform Akkadian

Influence of maternal cytokines on establishment of adult neural stem cell pools in progeny

Motor Test Jig for Compliance testing

The role of hippocampal mossy cells in pattern separation.

Faculty of Engineering Outreach programs

Optimisation de trajets en transport local

Afforestation/reforestation for the sustainable mineland reclamation and greenhouse gas management in the Canadian mining sector

Improving mobile crane operational cost for the heavy construction industry

3D Stero Micro-Imaging Measurement System (3D Micro DIC) for in-situ characterization of advanced composites and new emerging smart materials

Système d'imagerie 3D à projection de surface pour billes de bois

Development of a Visuo-haptic Guidance System for Surgical Skills Transfer

Modular Testbed for Characterizing Channels, Circuits and Systems in the 60-90 GHz Band

Extraction d'une huile riche en astaxanthine à partir du krill

Development of an efficient fragance extraction method

Régulation de la protéine chaperone Hfq par le sRNA CyaR

Rencontre avec Erwan Fraboulet de Ocean NutraSciences

Colloque sur la bioéconomie au Lac Saint-Jean

A portable and towable current profiler

Deleterious effects of fetal alcohol exposure on brain development in monkeys

Investigation of Consolidation under Rigid Loading

Development of Doubled Haploids through Microsport Culture of Brassica Napus

Phonological priming in y oung children's spoken word production

Spectral Filters based on Metasurfaces

Advanced rotor analysis method for the next-generation small multirotor aerial vehicle

An autonomous underwater vehicle for characterizing remote lakes

Social conditioned place preference in rats

Laser ablation sample introduction system for ICP-MS elemental analysis

NSERC Chair in Design Engineering

Geographic and Topographic Survey System

Étude comparative des impacts environnementaux de logements sociaux en bois au Canada et en Europe dans un contexte de développement durable

Dissecting the role of noradrenaline in cognition.

Evaluation of TerraBioGen bioproducts in commercial greenhouses

Defining a process for transitioning projects from pre-production development to production support

QSR-Dissipativity for Event-Triggered Systems

Career Beacon Application Build-out

An Automated Synthesis Platform to Support Drug Discovery and Reaction Development

A High Throughput Platform for Multiplexed Screening of Drugs of Abuse by Multisegment Injection-Capillary Electrophoresis-Mass Spectrometry

Development of new Al-based powders for additive manufacturing

Vertical Market Micro Social-Network Environments Deployed on Mobile Devices

Valorisation de la Lignine

Developpement d'une cellule de remplissage automatisée de doses de médicaments oraux pour les hôpitaux pédiatriques

Chaire CRSNG - UQAR en genie de la conception

Humber Applied Research Industry Event

Advanced spectrometer with time-resolved mid-infrared and near-infrared capabilities for studies of membrane proteins and polymers

Muscle fibre mechanical testing apparatus

System and method for synchronization of multimedia content across virtual reality devices

Development of signal processing algorithms for a novel 3D microphone array

Operations and Maintenance Support for Canadensys: Pancanadian Biodiversity Informatics Network and Portal

Brusso-OTI Lumionics Collaboration - Assessing the Thermal stability and Optical characteristics of thin films

Operations and Maintenance Support. National Ultrahigh-Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Facility for Solids

Energy system design and risk mitigation for off-grid communities

Protein Addition To Bakery Products

Exploration of DeepLearning TensorFlow within StreetContxt

Identifying fertility markers in boars

Scalable big data analytics in the cloud

An optogenetic platform for high-throughput interrogation of cellular basis of physiological function in zebrafish

Développement d'un outil d'aide à la décision pour l'éco-conception d'un procédé de capture du CO2

Modernize HMI Human Factors

From motion-based to standard gameplay controllers: developing mappings that maintain player immersion

An Ultrafast THz Light Source for the Study of Correlated Materials at the Atomic Scale

Improving work coordination through context

Étude numérique et expérimentale de l'instabilité hydrodynamique dans l'aspirateur d'une turbine bulbe modèle.

Exploring Technological Advances in Additive Manufacturing

GNSS product and project testing

Algorithmes de régression numérique appliqués à l'ellipsométrie

STEM for Girls Series

Annotation Support of Active Tetbook

Développement d'une bioapproche intégrée pour le traitement de biosolides et d'eaux usées municipales

Plant and soil analytical sample preparation system

A Versatile X-Ray System for Characterization and Assessment of Tissue Injury Under Loaded Conditions

Stress Corrosion Cracking Engineering Internship

Interactive terrain simulations at low computational cost for video gaming

Material Matters and Agility Technologies - Design Innovation for First Responders

Mobile concussion assessment wearable sensor enclosure and packaging

Writing a new calibration procedure for calibrating three types of rulers

Investigating how TerraBioGen bioproducts induce disease resistance in plants

Mini Analogue Robotic Missions

Developing an image processing workflow for radiometric calibration of multispectral Images

Developing innovative methods for improved scallop har

Identifying extra-nuclear factors that control the production of cannabidiol

iDAPT Young Innovators Program

Recyclage de Poly-Ethylene-Terephthalates en polyesters-polyols à plus fortes valeurs ajoutées

Ocean awareness - investigating the intersection of marine mammals, ships and sound

Design and Prototyping of Medical Devices for Orthopaedics

Allocations Project


Human data collection protocol for image-based driver monitoring system validation

Innovation Silicycle-Merinov

Cosmological backgrounds for stars in alternative gravity

Synthèse de macrolactames agonistes du récepteur opioide delta

Conservation des sols organiques en maraîchage par des approches durables


Year21: Investment decision support for commercial wind

Development and Evaluation of Commercial Fuel Cell Stacks


A Laboratory Information Management System -LIMS- for the optimal administration of data generated by the National Bee Diagnostic Centre - Technology Access Centre

Système d'acquisition de données à partir d'un Système GPR

Modification of DashBoard Environment

Animation d'un avatar à distance en temps réel dans un spectacle

Semaine de développement des affaires à Montréal

Separation of bioactive oils for agricultural applications

Gazéification de MSW à haute température, 1500C

Analyses thermique et structurale des équipements des unités de craquage catalytique en tenant compte du comportement des matériaux réfractaires

Scaling chip-to-chip interfaces for next-generation communication equipment

"Mechanical Engineering - cable handling systems, specialized structures & helicopter recovery"

Development of Rapid Screening Method for Antimicrobials

Investigation of Micro and Nano Surface Patterns

High-resolution 3D model reconstruction using commodity colour-depth (RGB-D) cameras for dermatological imaging

Measuring and optimizing healthcare coverage gaps for an internet platform

Application of Xylanase enzyme in three stage bleach sequence at PG Mill for the reduction of chlori

Purification of iProgen's Re-engineered Peptides for ADC Enhancement

Bioinformatics study of hERG potassium channel extracellular protein domains

Optimization Research and development into Process steps

Mobile Field Respirometry System for Evaluating Effects of Environmental Stressors on Fish Performance

Improving Dewatering Systems for Controlling Groundwater Seepage into the Base of Excavations Having Vertical Earth Retaining Systems

Synergie entre les filaments de cellulose et la cellulose nanocristalline

Rhéologie des bétons fluides à rhéologie adaptée

Impact of hydrocarbon dewpoint on natural gas pipelines and equipment

Filtres interférentiels à grand angle d'opération pour l'éclairage à base de DELs

Effect of essential oil compounds on aquaculture pathogens

Viral metagenomics for Cannabis monitoring

Développement de concepts de balances industrielles à camions en bétons fibrés à ultra-hautes performances (BFUP)

Effect of additives for composite materials on their machinability

Modeling of RTFT water atomization steel powder production process

Developing an Electronic Self-administered Cognitive Interview

Changing Currents

Deals Reporting

Establishing the shelf life of seal oil to improve the product

Future City Canada

Engineering supplemental program proposal 2016-2017

In situ electrochemical determination of the surface area of aluminum targets

Fuel cell anode catalyst layer development to support Ballard's Next Generation products

Deals Reporting

Enterprise marketing budget and ROI platform

LI-8100A-S2 Soil Gas Flux System Survey Package

Characterize and mitigate radiation effects in mixed signal circuits

Effect of colloidal fat crystal nanostructure and microstructure in solid fats on lipid bioaccessibility using TIM-1

Ferro-Niobium Smelting and Refining, and E-Waste Treatment

Development of surface chemistries for OpenSPR

Modeling Scanning Behavior of LiDAR Sensors-Performance Evaluation

Usability issues for EPUB3 readers

Nomination of Dr. Zhangxing Chen

Development of a transportable soil remediation system

Nomination for NSERC Steacie Memorial Fellowship

Loading HTML5 applications into Active Textbook

Isolation of plant growth promoting reagents that boost plant host immunity

Thermal conductivity measurement of a new energy saving wall assembly

Youth Science Outreach Programs in First Nations Communities

Characterization of new sources of fusarium head blight (FHB) resistance and introgress it in to Saskatchewan elite wheat cultivars

Software for Mobile Management of Dissolved Oxygen Sensing Device

Vulnérabilité sismique des murs en maçonnerie armée et analyse numérique 3D

Suivi des fleurs d'eau d'algues bleu-vert ou cyanobactéries (FEA) par télédétection dans les petits lacs et dans le littoral près des rives

Production of protein kinases & assay development for kinase drug discovery

Generation of DNA Library for iProgen's ADC Enhancement Candidates

Development of Imtex Olefin Paraffin Membrane Technology

Deep UV immersion lithography for silicon photonics

The effects of acute stress on autobiographical memory

An Interactive Real-time Augmented Reality System for 3D Object Visualization and Design (IRTAR-3DVD)

Lake Erie Network Connector Event

Visit Westport to discuss research collaboration

Failure Analysis of fuell cell parts

Degradation of the marine polysaccharide carrageenan by a gut symbiont

ESTEEM Women Inc. Go SETT, Building With Becky

Advanced characterization of multi-fractured horizontal wells completed in western canadian tight formations

Advancing rate-transient analysis for improved characterization and forecasting of Canada's unconventional light oil reservoirs

Human Body Pose Estimation in Single Camera Sport Videos

Urgent acquisition of a high-temperature gel permeation chromatograph for the analysis of polymers

Development of a metro network model

Mining Rocks Earth Science Programs (MRESP)

Brake Pad Characterization

Comprehensive kinetic and modelling study of basic oxygen steelmaking

PIMS Lunchbox Lecture Series, Vancouver

Solar powered barge system for mineral exploration

Space prospecting with a magnetic sensor

Molecular basis of the KLF4-mediated proinflammatory response in vascular smooth muscle cells

Ultra-high performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC) system for high-throughput analysis of bioactive plant metabolites and environmental samples

The role of barley phenol oxidizing enzymes for converting soluble to insoluble tannins during malting

Reduction of copper slag using methane injection

2nd Annual OAC Research & Technology (R&T) Event

Performance Testing and Evaluation of Diffusion Coatings for Application in Supercritical Water-Cooled Reactors and Power Plants

Achieving quality control during veneer drying by using big data statistics

Software Development

Expanding fine-scale wildfire pattern analyses to the Northwest Territories

Identifying the potential protein substrates of E3 ligase TLP6 throught immunoprecipitation and mass spectrometry

Development of Vacuum Compatible Linear Stage

A device to measure polarization propertis of amyloid in the retina as a biomarker

More than just water channels: The diverse roles of aquaporins in plant mineral nutrition and toxicity

Automated critical point dry instrumentation for scanning electron microscopy applications

Dynamic Loads Analysis for Exhaust Systems

Forum annuel MEDTEQ


QMAG- Détecteur quantique d'anomalie de champs magnétique

The spinal control of left-right coordination during locomotion

Identification de nouveaux régulateurs de la stabilité génomique.

Uranium Dioxo Complexes of a Structurally Rigid, Macrocyclic Ligand, and Potential Catalytic Hydrocarbon Desaturation Chemistry

Impact of a reduced effective body surface area on the thermoregulatory and cardiovascular responses to exercise

Expanding Cellulose Ether Applications in Food through the Incorporation of Nanocellulose

Development of recycled rubber-polypropylene composites

Transparent armour ballistic performance modelling and optimization

Nouveau modèle de notification pour la gestion de tâches par phase

The development of a bench-scale fluidized bed reactor for thermochemical energy storage under partial vacuum

3D Model Verification for Geotechnical Applications

Development and Optimization of Microstructure Arrays for Reflective Displays

Fabrication of hollow micro-needle array for screening allergies

Design and Development of a novel drop-based microfluidics assay for directed evolution of proteins

Water-soluble polymers for use in stimuli-responsive materials, water treatment and flocculation of oil sands tailings

Increasing Efficiency of Focused Ultrasound Transducer Applications

Research Assistant Analytical Biochemistry

Evaluation of Mechanical Wear Performance of Coatings of Aero Engine Parts

Ensure gaps in test framework are addressed and make interfaces easier to use

Développement et optimisation de la technologie électrochimique AOS pour la décontamination des caux usées chargées en polluants organiques réfractaires.

NVLD3 - Accelerated Contamination Test development

Production and techno-economic evaluation of carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC)

Support introduction of a license control mechanism in the Waveserver optical transport product.

Industry Engagement Day at UPEI

Learning by the Sea: Clayoquot Sound

Coherent Control of Topologically Protected Spin Currents

Study the Impact of Composite Sample Mixing Methodology and Centrifugal Forces on Density Determination and S & W Results

NAIT Centre for Innovative Media

Evaluation of a bacteria culture for the bioremediation of soils contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons

A transcranial magnetic stimulation setup for animal research

Fermentation de sucres cellulosiques et hémicellulosiques

Visual Effects Pipeline

Non-Contact High-Resolution Microwawe Chemical Sensor for Smart Emission Control

VITA48 ESD Compliance

Modules photovoltaïques pour capteur solaire thermique-photovoltaïque

Raincoast Kids: hands-on science education for Indigenous youth in remote coastal British Columbia

development affinity matrix for enrichment of modified proteins

Antireflective coatings for hybrid thermal/CPV

Rehabilitation of Corroded Reinforced Concrete Beams Using CFRP Wrap

Exploring Survival Prediction Methods

The design centre for the smart economy

Detecting brain signals using electroencephalography and functional near infrared spectroscopy

Microfabricated fiber-optic foulant sensors

Molecular epidemiology of antimicrobial resistance plasmids in bacteria from animals

Circuit optimization of power modulator for excimer gas discharge

High-altitude evolution and metabolic capacities in Andean waterfowl.

Holographic Pixel

Using a Nanopore with a Central Cavity to Selectively Translocate DNA Strands of a Specified Length

Jet fuel production from biogas via Fischer-Tropsch synthesis

Operations and Maintenance Support of the Neurophotonics Centre

Synergistic Computional and Experimental Discovery of Catalysts for CO2 Reduction to Renewable Fuels & Feedstocks

Aircraft & Ship Dynamic Analysis using Developed Simulation Software

Développement SIP - Système inventaire et production

Coordination Complexes of a Non-innocent Paramagnetic Ligand

Effecient, robust, and adaptive discretizations with a view to exascale computing

Development of a polyethylene/methyl acrylate copolymer composite with nano-metric dispersion of NanoCrystalline Cellulose

To be determined

Wearable head impact sensors for estimation of brain strain

Développement d'un système de stabulation pour le Homard américain en recirculation

Étude de la biodisponibilité de polyphénols d'olive ajoutés à une matrice alimentaire

Développement d'un système d'auto calibration de projecteurs destiné à des projections anamorphiques

Faisabilité du camouflage de capteurs 2D/3D pour applications interactives

Améliorations de procédés scéniques par effets de projection fusionnant le réel et le virtuel

Développement de capteurs RF pour la détection de contaminants dans l'eau

Développement de capteurs RF pour la détection de contaminant dans l'eau

Synthèse de Macrolactames Agonistes du Récepteur Delta

Propriétés de transport des conducteurs moléculaires organiques

Optimisation d'un procédé d'usinage de coques minces en bois

Simulations numériques et optimisation pour des phénomènes de contact

Spatial prediction with well and airborne geophysical data

VIR Vessel Optimization

Investigation of an optimal weaning strategy for dairy calves individually fed with an automated milk feeding system

Beyond Recycling

Automatic downtime event identification using supervised learning and recurrent neural networks

Finite element analysis of pipelines subjected ground movements

VOC Treatment Technology Development

Software Engineering Intern

KDK: Potassium for Dark Matter

Analysis of Metals and Minerals

Development of a testing framework for additive manufacturing software

Premium Fertilizer Development from Commerical Lechate

Investigating optimal surface functionalization strategies for linking Nanophyll coatings to glass and glazed tiles

Development of a DNA based Fluorescence Reporter Module for Advanced Allergy Tests

3D-Models: Roof Damage Assessment for Automated 3D Building Models

Applied research and innovation day

Microfabrication Equipment for Magnetic Micro-Mechanical Structures

Impacts of microplastics in agrosystems and stream environments (IMPASSE)

Smart mining complexes: large-scale stochastic optimization, high-order simulation and self-learning decision support systems for sustainable development of mineral resources

Development and testing of a novel photocatalytic system for efficient cogeneration of clean water and hydrogen for ecosafe agriculture (ECOSAFEFARMING)

Innovative Approaches to the Characterization of a Whole Cell Therapeutic Product

Bridging ways of knowing over water

Synthèse de nanorubans de graphène

Cementation and carbon sequestration in brucite-rich Decar mine tailings

Surface modification and characterization of highly refined pulp

Réorganisation du travail et des procédures

Numerical Simulation of Water Flow in a Radial Shaft Seal

Flame spray pyrolysis

Generic foundry platform for photonic integrated circuits in InP based on taper-assistant vertical integration technology

Foraging ecology and habitat use of the rhinoceros auklet in British Columbia

Cold Upsetting of PM Alloys

Excimer laser electrode optimization and solids-based fluorine generation system for operational lifetime extension

Software Development for Prostate Fusion Biopsy Procedure

Improving SAGD by applying emulsion based reservoir conformance control method

The isotropic random forest classifier

Determination and characterization of xanthates in mining waters by capillary electrophoresis

Temporal engineering of quantum states of light

Differential UV spectrophotometry for DBP estimations in water distribution networks

Refinement of radiocarbon sample preparation protocols for dating bones

Development and nutritional analysis of a commercialized sourdough bread utilizing heritage grains

Design extension, programming, implementation, and validation of an Organic Material soil testing robot

Impact des biofilms sur les performances des procédés baromembranaires lors du traitement et de la valorisation des effluents laitiers.

Isolating and characterizing lytic bacteriophages for applied use against pathogenic Escherichia coli

Winter operational and maintenance best management practices (BMPs) for permeable interlocking concrete pavers (PICP)

Carbon sequestration with nickel flotation tailings

Measurements of the earth atmosphere's power, energy, movement and refractive indices using a software radio earth atmosphere imager for detection and monitoring of forest fires

From SpIOMM to SITELLE: Wide-field imaging fourier transform spectrometers for astronomy

Évaluation du potentiel de la technologie de bioréacteur membranaire appliqué au lixiviat du procédé de compostage en pile statique

Développement d'une technologie innovante de bio-traitement à membrane adaptée au traitement de lixiviats issus de procédés de compostage en pile statique

Effect of Coagulant addition on treatment of oil sands tailings

Advanced control of a large-scale platen heating system

Visual Working Memory Guides the Automatic Orienting of Attention: The Role of Memory Quality

Vaccins et adjuvants pour la vache laitière

Mechanisms of biofunctionalization of photocorrosion-based semiconductor biosensors for quasi-continuous monitoring of pathogens in water environments

Desalination for drinking and irrigation water use by nanoparticle enhanced electrodialysis of ocean and saline water

System and method for real-time uploading and distribution of premium mobile video

Management strategies to reduce water losses from water distribution systems

Atelier de maillage en analyse de données, modélisation et aide à la décision

Computational Tools for Active Sampling in Aquatic and Uncontrolled Environments

R&D Project B Dudley

Commande d'un moteur à haute efficacité à bas régime.

Impacts des méthodes de préparation de la litière à base de fumier recyclé sur ses qualités microbiennes, sur la santé des vaches laitières et sur la qualité du lait

Application de transmission vidéo en continu et de synchronisation avec le système D-BOX.

Évaluation de systèmes hybrides de capture de mouvement.

Simulation de capteurs haute-fidélité pour prototypage virtuel de véhicule autonome.

Création d'un générateur de personnages sous Unity 3D.

Développement d'un plugin pour l'intégration optimisée de scan 3D dans Blender.

Non-invasive 3D structured light system for the evaluation of scoliosis

The phone oximeter: A socially driven research and business partnership between UBC and LionsGate Technologies Inc.

WL3 Modem Quality Improvements

Developing Intermediate Grade Geothermal Energy for Canada

Response-surface-analysis methodology for long-term field experiments with agricultural technologies

Development and design optimization of a manure temperature model for livestock and cropping system management and mitigation of agricultural greenhouse gas emissions


Analyse du transport des ions chlorures dans les bétons incorporant des ajouts cimentaires alternati

Development of a hybrid solar cascade heat pump heating system

Characterization and Formulation of Novel Microbes

Validation of Cerebrovascular Reactivity Mapping using Resting-state fMRI

Reinforcement Pulps & Pulp and Paper Products

Replacement Scanning Electron Microscope for materials chemistry research

Scientific computing based improvement of wintering configuartions of beehives

Understanding the role of CD169+ macrophages in induction of immunological tolerance

Development of Doubled Haploids through Microspore Culture of Brassica Napus


Norima Innovations Design and Implementation of Experimental Healthcare Systems

Data analytics and modeling of Volta Air's electric auxiliary power units

Design of an Efficient Mixing System for the Production of the Nasal Spray in Apotex

Développement de solutions intelligentes pour le stationnement

Intern in Biomaterials Cellulosics / Fabrication group

Censorship Resistance under Mass Surveillance

Systemic risk-based resilience evaluation framework for Canadian school infrastructure under multiple and cascading hazards

Development and modeling of second stage anaerobic digestion for waste stream using particulate processes

Total Domination in the Scoring Universe of Combinatorial Game Theory

Using Virtual Reality in Security Monitoring

Low-mass multispectral imaging borne by unmanned aerial vehicles

Productivity and ergonomic analysis for a panelized construction manufacturing facility

Bio-based fiber composites for seismic rehabilitation of circular bridge columns

A microscopy set-up for laser-induced fluorescence high speed detection in microfluidic platforms

Adenosine Triphosphate as a Signal for Evaluating Microbial Risk from Groundwater Supplies

Process Analysis and Optimization for 5-Axis Machining of Automotive Engine Parts

Support reporting of customer planned nodes via a TMF standard northbound interface.

New Product Development Engineering Assistant

Development of hierarchical models to investigate long non coding RNA regions

Characterizing the effect of micro and macro heterogeneity of rock on its comminution behaviour


Current Efficiency Monitoring

Incorporating unconventional composite materials to make the underground a reliable source and an efficient storage of renewable energy

Manufacturing process automation for premium toothpick flavouring and branding

Voila Learning - Development of a Virtual Immersion Campus & Mobile Education Experience

Data Analytics to Support Sustainable Urban Transportation Planning

Development of a Frame Side Impact Test

Developing a multimodal correlate of perceived innovation for neuromarketing applications

Quantification of Tri-Unsaturated Fatty Acid Levels In Vivo with Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

Integrated probe station for electrical conductivity measurements from cryogenic temperatures to room temperature

Quantification of the Magnetoelectric Response and the Mangetic Monopole Effect in Cr2O3

Digital voltage and current sensors for an intelligent grid

Dietary lipid digestion in vitro and human studies

Information session on collaborating with the University of Manitoba and Red River College

WCIO Industry-Academia Research Partnership Showcase

Development and Testing of Hybrid Photochromic/ Electrochromic

Responses of sea lice to novel parasiticides and their differing modes of action

Particle size analyzer for investigating flocculation and dipsersion systems

Development of surface chemistries for OpenSPR

Forum Stratégie Innovation Côte- Nord

Software Develoepr in Test

Role of early life-history processes in population regulation of sea urchins in kelp bed and coral reef ecosystems

Polymer synthesis for next generation

Cytokine trafficking in innate immune cells

Étude numérique visant à réduire la formation de givre sur la visière d'un casque

Étude expérimentale de la circulation d'air et du bruit généré par les diffuseurs d'air à haute induction

Feasibility study on the integration of the ViDeX instructional video interface into Microsoft OneNote

High fidelity 3D Scanner for Human and Object Modelling and Manipulation

Machining Simulation Software for Fast and Accurate Process Verification, Phase 1

Specialist to generalist response to phenological mismatch: A novel adaptation to climate change?

Wireless Sensing and Tracking in Harsh, Low-Light Underground Mines

Research Platform for Medical Education Informatics

Movement of contaminants and nutrients through seabird food webs in the North and South Atlantic: A multi-indicator approach, using fatty acid, stable isotope, and trace element analysis.

Operations and Maintenance Support: Proteomic Resource Center

Particle counter for ecophysiological studies of benthic filter-feeders

Designing Strategies for Frother Selection and Delivery

Measuring ecological success of community-based restoration projects

Développement d'un procédé de placage de wafer

Quantum interactions between light and matter

New acoustic telemetry receivers for studying deep-water fish

Digital Literacy and Computer Science Skills for Underrepresented Youth

Robotic device for studies of human movement perception and control

Application of Statistical Methods to Analyze a Simulated Breath Sample Dataset to Determine Disease Status

Buoyancy-driven flow in porous media: validation of numerical models using novel theoretical results

Refinement and validation of a system for the real-time monitoring and detection of drowsiness-related eye movements

Enhanced Mobile Architecture

Stimulator ASIC for retinal prosthesis (APROCHES project)

Social Engagement and Growth Initiative

Mise au point d'essais analytiques pour vérifier la fraude alimentaire

Identification de composés actifs en vue de la valorisation de biomasses

Effets anti-angiogéniques d'anticorps produits chez le poulet

Étude de la complexité des problèmes de satisfaction de contraintes

Chaire industrielle de recherche du CRSNG en modélisation mathématique et en simulations numériques multiphysiques.

Development of rapid test kits for W06

Bringing the Universe to Brandon: The Brandon University Telescope Library

Études des paramètres fondamentaux régissant la réactivité et l'endommagement des ouvrages en bétons affectés de RAS pour en modéliser le comportement et en optimiser la gestion

VME-196 Design Verification

Development of a Low Power, Low Cost, Deployable Electro-chemical Methane Sensor

Neuronal basis of spontaneous thought processes

Fermentation Improvement

Narrow-linewidth tunable laser for high-resolution spectroscopy and quantum optics

Community SciMath program

Development of new design strategies that better incorporate epistasis in protein modeling

From genes to ecosystems: an eco-evolutionary assessment of alternative harvesting strategies and consequences for fisheries productivity

Biofilm mitigation on optical density sensor

Advancing movement ecology research by establishing the Motus Wildlife Tracking System in Manitoba

Development of new wavelets from unitary circuit representations

Détermination du rôle d'un nouveau acteur de la voie de régulation par les microARNs.

Touchless 3D Interaction with PACS in a Sterile Environment

Reconciling wavefunction with reduced density matrix methods for the study of photocelles and thermoelectric devices

Integrating image characterization of fish behaviour with water quality monitoring to support of fish health

Linking the population structures of phosphate-accumulating organisms in wastewaters and treatment plants to enhance predictive abilities of bio-P removal process models

Development of an environmental in situ monitoring cell for a benchtop X-ray powder diffractometer

Revealing the interplay between quasi-one-dimensional magnetism and superconductivity in K2Cr3As3

Phénomènes transitoires dans les aménagements hydroélectriques: Outil d'aide au choix de la méthode de calcul appropriée

Development of microcoil NMR for Environmental Research

An experimental test of evolutionary rescue theory with complex freshwater metacommunities exposed to a widespread contaminant

Effect of noise levels on stress in cats

Evaluating Battery Management System Performance over Unreliable Networks

An optically based miRNA nano-sensor for cancer screening

Développement d'un béton ultra-léger réfractaire pour la réalisation monolithique de supports de brûleurs destinés aux fours d'aluminerie

Synthèse d'intermédiaires organiques pour l'industrie pharmaceutique

Acquisition of a high-speed high-volume floor centrifuge to support research in the field of veterinary infectious diseases

Low Latency and Highly Secure Protocols for Critical Communications

Investigation of a novel approach to land-based production of green sea urchin roe in Newfoundland

Expérimentation de différentes méthodes pour corriger et prévenir la dégradation des sols en grandes cultures

Cost-Based Cross-section Optimization of U- and Box-shaped Precast Prestressed Concrete Railway Bridge Girders

Multiplex immunoassay electrochemiluminescence system and touchscreen chambers for examining signally molecules related to cognition.

Modeling Timber Adhesive Behavior in Fire Conditions

Oil Temperature Monitoring System

Analytical and toxicological evaluation of bioavailable naphthenic acids from oil sands process-affected water and groundwater using biomimetic extraction solid phase microextraction

Combinatorial techniques in symplectic geometry: moduli spaces of holomorphic vector bundles over curves

Implementing Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm for battery modeling

Performance Optimization of Wireless Communications for Improving Safety, Reliability, and Efficiency in Connected Vehicle Networks

Mobile Modularity

Distributed Energy Management System (DEMS) 4.0

An automated system for small mammal population monitoring

Architectures info-nuagiques et mobiles adaptées aux jeux sérieux en ligne

NanoLytica 2017 - One day educational symposium

Enhancing the Performance of Textiles and Related Products

High Precision Picolitre Solution Handling System Enabled with Accurate Droplet Dispensing

Effect of Chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis on tight juction proteins int he skin of amphibians

Single crystals growth and neutron scattering studies of new stannate pyrochlores

Design of modulation schemes using large constellations robust to phase noise

Operations and Maintenance Support for the Centre for Crystal Growth

Operations and maintenance support for the CEN Network of Northern Field Stations

"From Innovation to Patient Solution" a Meeting organized by the CC-CRS and the CSPS

Synthèse d'intermédiaires organiques pour l'industrie pharmaceutique

Development of rapid test kits for GM06

Élucidation des mécanismes d'action anti-C.difficile

Développement de solutions anti-explosion pour véhicules tactiques

A GC-MS system for the analysis of biomarkers and petroleum-derived contaminants in natural systems

Distributed caesium frequency standard

Electron Detectors for High Precision Compton Polarimetry in Parity Violating Electron Scattering using HVMAPS

Plan de développement de la filière bioalimentaire en Haute-Côte-Nord

Acquisition of an in vivo imaging system

Endurance increase of autonomous underwater vehicles using polymeric coating technology for effective Arctic seabed exploration and monitoring

Polymeric additives for reduction of erosion wear in slurry pipelines of the oil sands

Soil-specific cone penetration test interpretation framework for tailings

Software Enabled Particle Matter Sensor

Investigating heat transfer characteristics for a patient temperature management system

Scaling-up of a Novel Biphasic Process for the Degradation of Waste Chlorinated Solvents using Reactive Iron Nanoparticles

Ciena test equipment sharing platform

Réponse des microorganismes associés au blé à des stress

Development of a stabilized, low-cost multi-sensor atmospheric gas sampling device

Prospects for anaerobic benzene bioremediation in contaminated aquifers

Defined media for muscle stem cell bioprocessing

Energetics of Human Movement in Advanced Age

Reinforcement Pulps & Pulp and Paper Products

Vision Picking Application

Automated Rod Insertion in an Automotive Catalytic Converter

Liquid-Liquid Custom Mixer-Settler Technology Development and Piloting

Centre for Mobile Innovation

Intelligent fins insertion and bonding system for advanced heat sinks technology

Removal of hydrogen sulfide from biogas with pelletized biochar

Industry Corporation - Rapid digital character asset library (RaDiCAL)

Chemically-Modified Shear-Exfoliated Graphene for the Production of Membranes for Industrial Waste Water Purification

Évaluation des besoins en innovation de deux entreprises de transformation de produits marins

Development of General Approach to Substituted Bicylo[1.1.1]pentanes

Évaluation du potentiel de stockage géologique du CO2 de la structure de Bonaventure à l'aide d'un modèle géologique 3D

DSP Engineering

Optimization of FK506 toward inhibition of fungal calcineurin by structural biology methods.

Sonde à fibre optique pour la détection LIBS

Cryo-Preparation Unit for Scanning Electron Microscope

Using discrete gradient surfaces to find surfaces that will differentially bind drug-resistant bacteria

Determining the effect of outdoor paddocks on the behaviour of freestall housed dairy cows

A new class of MEMS gyroscopes based on nonlinear coupling and internal resonance

New born and Infant Electroencephalography Monitoring Safety Device

Balancing of Rewards and Play in an Exergaming System

Expression and purification of hedgehog family of growth factors and cytokines

A UAV-based system for hybrid LiDAR and photogrammetry sensing

Vertical Market Micro Social-Network Environments Deployed on Mobile Devices

Terahertz for crude oil analysis

Brillouin Scattering of a Single Protein

Manufacturing and Product Development Intern

Intégration du support GPU dans Ring: Conception et mise en place d'une solution prototype.

Atomic Absorption and Graphite Furnace for Environmental Physiology and Toxicology

Interface sans fil corps-machine multimode

Spatial parallel mechanisms with large orientational capabilities - market assessment

Developing Simple and Non-Destructive Tools to Perform Quality Control Tests on Gas Diffusion Layers for Fuel Cell Electrodes

Modélisation et commande d'un drone convertible en vue d'augmenter son endurance en vol

Développement d'une interface ROS avec Vortex Studio

Système de vision pour le calcul de statistique de joueurs de billard

Contrôle des épaisseurs et robotisation de l'étape de perçage en utilisant la vision industrielle

Algorithme de reconstruction de toits à partir d'image aérienne

Design of Vehicle Battery Management System Enclosure

Detection of Free Radical Species in Metal Air Batteries & Organo-Metallic Complexes

Self-assembling petpides

Design and assessment of a DNA-ladder for biomarker detection using single-molecule fluorescence methods

Protein Knowledge Suite - ITC and DSC systems

Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) Facility

Measurement and mitigation of beam damage in high-current focused ion beam milling of soft materials

Liquid Heating Holder for Transmission Electron Microscope

Collaboration with Anaconda Mining (Newfoundland)

Finite/discrete element modelling approach to hydraulic fracturing simulations

Micro-characterization of concrete weight coating to obtain model inputs

Use of 3D sand printing to study the behaviour of porous geomaterials

Nontarget analysis of emerging contaminants in freshwaters

Etude biophysique du mode d'action de B. thuringiensis

Development of a graphene thin film deposition system

Pressure sensitive mats for patient monitoring in the NICU

Facilitating document collaboration and processing for review committees

Battery Management System Design for Low Power and Reduced Size

Fabric Maintenance Construction Efficiencies in the Offshore Oul and Gas Industry

Elucidating the Cellular Machinery for Lipid Storage in Plants

Calcul du nombre d'Euler de certains fibrés sur une surface

Valorisation des granulats recyclés dans le béton fluide

Using reflective foil as vapor barrier for improving energy efficiency in Canadian building sector

Machine intelligence systems and thermal imaging technology for livestock management

A negative pressure-actuated soft robotic endoscope

Origin of tungsten-molybdenum mineralization at the Fox property, British Columbia

Software Developer

ConvergX collaborative research networking partnership

Identification of ubiquitination sites regulating turnover of the immune signaling kinase BIKI

Probing human decision-making on a grial-by-trial basis

Chemical Analysis of Mill Process Waste Streams & QAQC

Purification of iProgen's Re-engineered Peptides for ADC Enhancement

Development of collaborative research project on application of yeast byproducts

Pyrosequencer for genomics and epigenomics research

A cloud based multimodal biometrics framework for road safety

Implementation of a methodology for molecular cloning using CRISPR/Cas9

Salon La Vallée de l'aluminium en affaires 2017

Development of inventory management modules for healthcare service providers using machine learning tools

Multiphase and dynamic CFD analysis in hydraulic turbines

Analysing the oxidative stress response in human cells cultured under physiological oxygen

Metal Analysis of Elite UBE & QAQC

Scientists and Innovations in the School (SITS)

Deploying the Next Generation of Landing Gear for Energy Efficient Aircraft at Centennial College

Mechanical Design Specialist

Test reporting tools development

Software Design in Translation Technology

Measuring project health and engineering progress in complex capital projects at early phases

Chaire de recherche industrielle dans les collèges du CRSNG sur les extractibles agroforestiers

Data collection and health related quality of life surveys

Energy efficient envelope of container-based housing system

Modelling ALS in Drosophila: Interaction of SOD1 & IKKe/IK2

Nutrient Auto-Analyzer System to Assess Great Lakes Health

mm-wave enabled nano-sensors

Development of efficient nanostructured catalysts for greenhouse gas (GHG) emission abatement from automotive exhausts

Elucidating the role of the microtubule-based protein CLASP in mediating plant cell division and differentiation

Enhance automation coverage to detect unexpected failures due to possible s/w bug or h/w issues

III-V on Si SOA array gain block for a datacentre interconnect application

Monitoring microbial community composition during methane formation in a wastewater treatment digester

Hybrid plasmonic nanomaterials

Contrôle d'acce's et gestion de l'emploi de temps des employe's

Modeling of quantum dots using improved MD/DFT highly parallel methodology

Digitally Controlled Microwave Components for High-Power Radar Systems

A scalable mobile platform for accessing services of experts in local and global markets

Using competitive and co-operative events and rewards to increase user monetization and engagement

Durability Evaluation of Next and Existing Automotive Stacks

Climatic and tectonic controls on rift basin sedimentation and paleoecology, Baringo basin, Kenya

Holographic Pixel

Evaluation of the iCOR corrosion monitoring instrument for concrete structures reinforced with different materials

Clustering of Phytoglycogen Nanoparticles at High Concentrations

Dynamic Event System

Design and installations of an electrical control system for biogas pretreatment line

QTRAP facility for trace metabolite detection and identification

Enhancing Large-Scale Computer-Aided Detection and Diagnosis Using Numeric Tensors

Identification of early stage lung cancer biomarkers via metabolomics

Ice abrasion and impact resistance of concrete under arctic conditions

Development of cost-effective lightweight fiber-reinforced concrete mixtures for non-structural applications

UAV-based System for Monitoring and Tracking of Oil and Gas Infrastructure

Structural Dynamics and Hybrid Control of Solar Sails - Practical and More Efficient Spacecraft to Travel within the Solar System

Geomechanical modeling of mini-frac tests in tight formations

Humanoid reactive motion control system for the evaluation of warable device

Silicon QNANO

Detector for Inverse Photoemission Spectroscopy studies of Quantum Materials

Prototype future television interfaces on TVs, phones and tablets for next generation TV

Investigate the application of Templated Styles for Angular application; Determine visualization f

Bioretention for enhancing urban stormwater management

Exploring language similarity in the bilingual advantage

Bioreactor custom clean in place (CIP) spray system with rotating heads

Bringing Community-Based Research and Culturally-Relevant Experiential Learning Activities to Inuit Schools through the Arctic Sea Ice Educational Package

Trophic Structure Analysis using DNA barcodes and Stable isotopes

Critical need for a new chiller for the Aquatic Toxicology Research Facility, Toxicology Centre, University of Saskatchewan

Portable THz sources

Quantum Bioimaging Facility across the Univeristy of Toronto

WISEST Summer Research Program, SET Conference, Teacher's Appreciation Day

Bioproducts from insect waste material Phase II

A new Trichoderma-based biofungicide for nursery production Phase II

Horticultural and turf applications for a biosolid-based biofertilizer

Biochar as an amendment to compost and its benefits in horticultural applications

Portable array for remote monitoring of cryptic vertebrate biodiversity

Microstructural engineering of tubular and thicker walled pipeline steels (METAPS)

Characterising slag properties for the KIVCET process

Safety for FEL Mounted XRF

Impact of Water Activity on Fresh Pasta

Polyploidization for improvement of medical cannabis

Development of recycled polypropylene (rPP) / polyamide (PA) blends

Life cycle based feasibility assessment framework for selecting renewable energy systems

Implementation of a novel high-throughput growth assessment strategy for algal contamination in drinking water

Coevolutionary automatic game content generation of physics and flighting style games

Interactive Science Workshops at the River Institute

Computational aeroacoustics of engine test cells

Software Development

Wearable Infrared Therapy Systems To Improve Musculoskeletal Injuries

Catalyst development with BIOHITECH Energy Canada

Developing primary cell enteroid-derived intestinal epithelial monolayers to study barrier function

Wide Span Inflated Fabric Structures

mm-wave Antennas for 5G Wireless Systems

Research on an active power filter for single-phase LED lighting networks

Development of growth factor cocktails for supporting cell growth

Development of the rapid test kits for GM03

Characterization of the Evolution of Hazards Affecting Hillslopes Damaged by the 2015 Earthquakes in Nepal

: EPUB3 fixed layout support in Active Textbook

Robotics Control System Enhancements

Vision Inspection System

Ocean Sense: Local Observations, Global Connections

Development of a Cost-Effective Thermally Broken Concrete Balcony

RRC Applied Research & Innovation Day

THEMIS.COG: Theoretical and Empirical Modeling of Identity and Sentiments in Collaborative Groups

Studies on the failure of pre-damaged ceramics

Microscope System for Automated Analysis of the Size and Shape of Fragments and Particles

Fluorine-free, Hydrocarbon Proton Exchange Membranes for Electrochemical Devices.

Next Generation thin-line towed array technology

Advanced Underwater Sensing Systems Program

Learning Management Dev Portal

A new computational tool to extend the applicability of density-functional theory

Programmable Voltage Source for the Spectroscopic Integration (SPIN) Program

Evaluation of reliability of bolted connections for timber structures designed according to CSA-O86-14

UPLC System for Muscle Health Research

Software Engineering/Video Game Development (Mobile)

A new tool for quality control in brewing

Production of Bio-based Acrylic Acid using Novel Synthetic Biology Tools

New bio-process strategies for fuel ethanol yeast

High resolution characterization of macromolecular structure and dynamics

Identification of wild cider yeasts

Utah Winter Fine Particulate Study: Probing Chemical Composition and Formation Mechanisms

Performance Improvement of Battery Charger Software

Corrosion and adhesion of zinc-aluminum alloy coating on low carbon steel for fuel lines

Test Analysis on Mobile Robotic Platforms

Internet of Drones

Eutrophication hotspots resulting from biogeochemical transformations and bioavailability of organic phosphorus in the fluvial suspended sediment of geologically contrasting agricultural catchments

Building a cloud-based engine for cross-platform video apps

Generation of DNA Library for iProgen's ADC Enhancement Candidates

Optimization of a face-offsetting algorithm with applications in structural engineering design

Fuel Cell Research Associate

Online Photometric Detection of Disinfection By-products

Edible School Garden Project

Development of high-performance composite catamaran hulls

Stagiaire centre de recherche IPL

Automotive Stack Durability Evaluation

Investigation of the impact of temperature on lateral flow immunoassays

Development of novel polyurethane based foams

The impact of caffeine on cognition across the menstrual cycle

Improve Software Test Automation Coverage

Développement d'emballages multicouches papier/bioplastique biodégradables

Study of the effect of hydrogen in iron aluminide coatings on the tribological behavior

Sample-to-result, point-of-care DNA testing system.

Développement d'un système de protection embarqué

Effluent Treatment Plant Seasonal Impacts and Optimization

Enhancement of gas sensors sensitivity for non-destructive testing in industrial processes

Biochemical Analysis of Birch Sap and Chaga

Production of TiO2 from Ilmenite ores

development affinity matrix for enrichment of modified proteins

Earth Rangers School Assembly & BASF Kids' Lab Program

User Interface Development

Modeling and Simulation of Solvent-based Bitumen Extraction Processes

Investigating the genome evolution of Phytomonas - an endosymbiont of plants.


Microstructural characterization of an advanced oxidation system (AOS) for water treatment

Diagnostics screens user interface

Global Metabolome and Biomarkers of Corn Ensilage

The efficiency of botanical extracts as anti-microbials against plant pathogens

Natural Connections: Youth Science Engagement Program

Influence of uncertainty on motor planning

A High Power Amplifier for Advanced Chirped Pulse Microwave Spectroscopy

Development of an energy efficient electrical readout circuit for micro gyroscopes

Kinova Jaco wheelchair robot arm and hand for rehabilitation and assistance to the disabled

Implementing Cloud Services for On-Demand Storage and Computational Scaling

Influence of surface treatment and spray conditions on interface quality of metal spray coatings

iSTAND Youth Outreach: Program Diversification

Expérimentations d'une nouvelle génération de catalyseurs d'alkylation pour la production d'alkylben

Well Flow - A More Sustainable Oilfield Chemistry Evaluation

Replacement of Life Sciences Institute Biomolecular Imager

Gather meter reads from system + compare with expected reads; enable monitoring of read reliability

Data Acquisition Electronics for Fourier Interferometer

Smart LED Lighting Systems with Harmonic Compensation

Hardware-In-the-Loop Simulator for Integrated AC-DC Energy Systems of Buildings and Communities

Synthèse et optimisation d'inhibiteur de CD73 vers une nouvelle approche thérapeutique anti-cancer

Research on Optic and Surface Performances

Effects of grey water on bacterial inactivation by the Advanced Oxidation System (AOS)

Process gas chromatograph system for reactions and separations


Design and Prototyping of Medical Devices for Orthopaedics

Real-Time Volumetic OCT with GPU

A System for Integrated Measurements for Human Movement

Genome-wide association study using genotype imputation with low coverage DNA sequence data from an apple biodiversity collection

Detailed Project Costing Study

Optical fibre detectors for radiation beam characterization and dosimetry

Aluminum Recovery Program

Workterm student Electrical Engineering

Agricultural water innovations in the tropics (AgWIT)

Nouveaux composites fibrociment pour la fabrication de tuyaux d'évacuation dans les bâtiments

Remote sensing

Somatic embryogenesis and cryopreservation of elite lines of Cannabis sativa

Technical Support for R&D Biscuit

Minds in Motion

Cytation Cell Imaging Multi-Mode Reader

A surface chemistry approach to improve biomineralization

Development of interoperability with video software

An Object Database for Efficient Creation and Use of Attribute Data for Interactive Games

High-throughput microscopy system for ultrasensitive and multiplexed nanoarray analysis

Online Photometric Detection of Disinfection By-products

Operations and Maintenance Support for a Regional Protein Characterization Facility

2D Acousto-Optical Spectrometer

Conception et mise en oeuvre d'un bureau intelligent

Developing Fiber Optics Moisture Sensors and System used in Transformers and Bushings

Recovery of Flue Dust

Refractory Gold Ore Treatment - Albion Process Set-Up and Operation

Direct simulation of hypersonic flow transition

Droplet Digital PCR for absolute quantitation of viral-based biologics

Project Engineer

Effect of Coagulant addition on treatment of oil sands tailings

Tailings consolidation mechanisms

Automated Camera Cueing for Intelligent Radar-based Persistent Monitoring and Safety

Thermal Management of a Mobile Device

Étude ab initio de matériaux magnétocaloriques


Advanced Thermal-CFD CAE Interface

Genetic markers and Bovine Johne's disease

Multispectral imaging of microbubble formation during external oxygen supply in biofluid and biotissue model

F1-ATPase as a model for applying information theory to protein allostery

Oceanic Basin Modes

Particle Size Analysis Methods for CCM Development

Impact of mitochondrial DNA alteration on vascular function

The Canadian Mountain Network's 2016 Mountain Symposium

Acoustic Modeling of the Upper Airway using Breathing Sounds Analysis and Novel Medical Devices Development

Supplier Quality Assurance (SQA) Business Process Improvement

Dispersal dynamics of selfish sex chromosomes in insects

Technology Investigation

Investigation and analysis at full and pilot scale on operational procedures of biofiltration unit processes in drinking water treatment

Farm Engineering Projects (Overwinter Honey Bee Storage Facility, Crop Drying Facility)

Cloud / Distributed Computing Infrastructure

Stable cryostat for the spectroscopic imaging and microscopy of semiconductor nanostructures

Admin Portal

Technology Development for the Extraction of Antioxidants from Haskap Berry Using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide

Virtual reality videos of the Great Bear rainforest & sea: Promoting science literacy in under-represented youth

Combined N-gram and Semantic Approach to Assignment Feedback Analysis and Generation

Headwater catchments: critical landscape units for water availability in Canada's Western Boreal Plain

Real-time control of deposition height in laser additive manufacturing

NSERC/General Motors industrial research chair in holistic vehicle control

Sample-to-result, point-of-care DNA testing system.

Design and control of a magnetic levitation robotic platform for flexible manufacturing

Risk Management of Process Hazards in Marine Operations

Robotic arm for drones

NSERC/Ericsson Industrial Research Chair: Model Based Software Management

Development of a Smartphone-integrated Biomarker Sensor

Advanced nano-thin metallo-dielectric multilayered coatings for high-sensitivity and high-efficiency diffractive-optics bio-sensing

Cost minimization algorithms for heterogeneous mobile and cloud computing environments

Dissecting super-enhancer regulation using genome editing

Machine Learning on data set of wellness interventions

Application du traitement de données complexes pour l'identification de cas de fraudes dans les transactions de IAG

Insurance consumer information data lake

Effect of wall-slab connection details on response of reinforced concrete tanks

Injection molding with laser-micromachined molds to fabricate easy-flow polymeric surfaces

Characterization of protein interactions of RhaK with the RhaT

Lightweight and cost optimization of micro wind turbines

Automotive weight reduction through nonlinear finite element modeling, fatigue analysis, and optimization of hot stamped ultra-high strength steels

Atomic Force Microscopy System for Biomedical, Materials, and Environmental Research

Data-driven condition-based maintenance models

Development of high temperature thermal conductivity measurement system for coke

Pathfinder Automation Development

Stem cells and regenerative medicine in the treatment of Parkinson's Disease

Engine Dynamometer System for Dynamic Engine Investigations

Electrochemical carbon dioxide utilization technology for glycerol carbonate production

Low-voltage DC lighting for residential buildings

Frequency Band Expansion of Agilent N5227A PNA to 110 GHz

Monolithic and laminated glass light scattering detection and analysis

Investigation of Catalyst Layer Structures for Optimized Performance

Development of oxidation and fretting-wear resistant coatings on Titanium Aluminide (TiAl) components

Dynamic Line Rating Solutions for Alberta

Tunable Laser Source and Optical Spectrum Analyzer for the Mid-IR

Next generation residential kitchen fire prevention system

Antifreeze Pump Systems for Mines

Suitability of using two identified anticorrosion coatings for 180C deep sea applications

Statistical machine learning applied to screening drivers with cognitive impairment

Design modifications to reduce wind loads on vinyl siding

Mass Spectrometry for Advanced Gas Analysis

Development of analog potentiostat for micro-sensors

Modelling and analysis methods and tools to support mobile robotics design and control: phase 2

High-level trigger computing equipment for the Belle II experiment

Novel optical system for in-vivo, non-contact imaging of the human cornea

Examining nociception with a laser evoked potential stimulator

Software performance and feature enhancements to Adenda's backend infrastructure

Upgrades to the ATLAS Detector at the LHC

Avertus EEG SDK and research portal development university of Victoria-Avertus Inc.

The impact of perflourooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) on zebrafish

New methods for nonlinear oscillations in audio synthesis


Shared Decision Making and Progressive Automation for Manufacturing Assembly

Hybrid Absorbable Landscapes

The development of quantitative photoacoustic imaging

Assessment of the impact of new electric heating technologies and controls on energy performance and peak load management

Software Developer in Test

Effects of biomass feedstock properties on gasifier performance

Understanding and mitigating leakage pathways in oil and gas well cements

Engaging Inuit Youth in Science and Developing Community Expertise in Wildlife Health Monitoring

Optimum design of grading and sorting process for the remanufacturing of smartphones

Tools Deveopment for endpoint firnware team

Development of high performance pressure sensitive adhesives

Developing a CRISPRa/i sgRNA library and dCas9-conjugated gene expression modulators

Development of Analysis-Design-Assessment Framework for Performance Based Seismic Design of Building Structures

Development of a frequency- and amplitute-dependent macro element for seismic SSI analysis of shallow and deep foundations

Research Tools for Hybrid (Experimental-Numerical) Simulations of Structures under Extreme Loads

Engineering in Context for Elementary and Secondary School Science Curricula

Isolation and characterization of Salmonella phages

Elucidating the interaction between LIN-44/Wnt and LIN-17/Frizzled in cell outgrowth

Development of a State of the art E-mobility drive system

Mise au point de bites santé en sac "zip lock" sans emballage individuelle qui ne colle pas

Formulation and Encapsulation using Phytoglycogen in Food and Nutraceutical Products

Science, on tourne!

Polyurethane gels control for increase productivity

New material for 3D printing of orthotics

Advanced ion chromatography for assessing permafrost degradation impacts on water quality and organic carbon composition and dynamics

Real-time people tracking for camera control in live broadcasting (2)

Video and audio analytics algorithms for cloud-based remote monitoring systems

Development of the next generation of THz Beam Splitters Polarizers (BSP)

Electron-beam Deposition System for Nanofabrication Processes

Modèles prédictifs et outils d'aide à la décision pour la gestion des rendez-vous de patients

Implementation of MEMS senors with wireless sensing network for remote monitoring

Battery Charger Data Connectivity and Analysis

Surface reflectance acquisition for finished materials

Inspection de défaut de surface

Research assistant - binders for building products based on renewable material

Sensory evaluation of new chocolate milk products varying in added sugar and fat content

Developing the Street Contxt Exchange platform

Software Developer

Cutting Planes and the Traveling Salesman Problem

Maternal High Fat Diet During Pregnancy and Methyl Metabolism in the Offspring

Azure Stack

Développement d'une litière à base de bois recyclé permettant de réduire les risques de mammites dans la production laitière

Software defined radio (SDR) network for long-range unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)

Phylogenetic Relationships of Alpha-amanitin Producing Galerina from British Columbia

Cell Grower : High-throughput measurements of microbial growths

A microscale thermophoresis instrument for characterizing molecular interactions

Pharmacogénétique et TDAH : Détections des marqueurs génétiques

Computational pipeline for scoring signaling pathway activity and gene regulatory network responses in T cell development

Identification of snow accumulation zones and cornices using LiDAR Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in an avalanche forecasting context

Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Human Brainstem

Stability conditions for quivers

VIR Vessel Life Optimization

Scaling User Interface Testing Frameworks

Structural design & analysis tool for a wind turbine blade

Système robuste de réalité virtuelle augmentée à un habit de capture inertielle du mouvement

NSERC/DFO Industrial Research Chair in Dairy Microbiology

Versatile and quantitative analysis of macromolecules

Composites de placage de bois ondulés

Resilience of lake hydrodynamics and wetland biodiversity

Precise Photo-Manipulation and Rapid Imaging in Developing Organisms

Mechanical Engineering Internship

An rehabilitative exoskeleton device for Freeze of Gait in Parkinson Patients

Chaire de recherche industriellle CRSNG-Creaform sur la numérisation 3D: CREATION - 3D

Programme du Club des Pouces verts de Sentier Urbain

Evaluation and optimization of oxidants kinetics generated in BioLargo's electrochemical reactor

Amélioration d'un modèle de joueur-apprenant dans un système tutoriel orienté jeu sérieux

Rehaussement de la fonction intelligence d'affaires pour les services aux particuliers

Effective stress implications of biogeochemical gas production

Software Development

Brewing yeast characterization

Integration of Territorial User Rights Fisheries (TURFs) in the assessment of data-poor fisheries

Ateliers scientifiques "La mer et le littoral - Shipek mak naneu/shinueu" pour écoles innues

Biomimetic Carbocation Rearrangements Enabled by Peptide-Based Phosphoric Acid Catalysts

Advanced techniques for robust wind forecast

GNSS product and project testing

Drupal - Best practice and implementation for Continuous Integration and Deployments

Configuration of a wind farm data acquisition and processing system

Pêcheries de petits volumes: amélioration des rendements de pêche aux casiers de crabes communs et de crabes araignées

Développement d'un produit de mactres de Stimpson panées

Nouveaux traitements hydrofuges écologiques pour cuirs, suèdes et nubucks

Méthode d'encapsulation d'ingrédients fonctionnels pour animaux d'élevage

Chaire de recherche industrielle textiles techniques innovants

Conception d'une nouvelle génération de vêtements pour l'Arctique

Development of high performance, fully breathable incontinence pads

Développement de préformes complexes pour des pièces composites thermoplastiques

Flow Chemistry Platform with a Photochemical Reactor for Applications in Organic Chemistry and Materials Science

Analyse dynamique et biomecanique du comportement des articulations de la jambe lors de la pratique du soccer

Dynamic Optimization with Learning Approach to Dynamic Pricing with Financial Milestones

Numerical Analysis and Modelling of Soil-Structure Interaction in Geotechnical Support Systems

Fall Intern


Re-architecting platform toward Message-based Reactive system on Microsoft Azure

Applications Engineering

Membrane Separation of Paraffin and Olefin Gases

Design and Prototyping of Medical Devices for Orthopaedics

Development of Artificial Micro-sensor

Automatic Information Extraction

Performance Improvement of Battery Charger Hardware

Optimization of SEO on Ruby web-platform

Meeting to discuss implementable solutions for local food production in Canada's north

Nouvelles approches d'imagerie haute résolution basées sur la génération de seconde harmonique

Optical characterization of thin films using a broadband mid-infrared laser source

Evaluation and fusion of elevation web services for flood mapping

Accélérer le cycle de recherche en expérience utilisateur enrichie

Énergie géothermique profonde : Analyse de sensibilité de la performance face aux incertitudes

Follow-me Navigation for Powered Wheelchairs

Tracking Code

Détection automatique des défauts de surface sur pièce métallique

Novel UV Indicators for Sun Safety Applications

Automated Aerial Inspection of Wind Turbines

Modeling, Optimization, and Feasibility Analysis of Roof Mounted Transparent Backing Building Integrated Photovoltaic/Thermal (BIPV/T) System

Operations and Maintenance Support for Smart Applications and Virtual Infrastructure Testbed

Focused ultrasound stimulation for brain research

Non-destructive characterization of viscoelastic properties of hydrogels and polymers for biomedical applications

Real-time intraoperative spectroscopic tumor margin detection in robotic-assisted radical prostatectomy on prostate cancer patients

Nanoscale toolset for formatiing and visualizing single molecules

Appui au fonctionnement et à l'entretien du Centre de Caractérisation Microscopique des Matériaux, le (CM)²

Conception et validation de la performance de nouveaux outils de coupe pour générer directement en scierie des fibres isolantes

Optimisation des paramètres du conditionnement du bois lors du séchage

Anti-tumorigenic Potential of Bioactive Lichen Secondary Metabolites

Automated compatibility and functionality verification of telematics devices

Data Exploitation and processing for multi-sensor radar big data

Image processing

Estimation of optimum fine-scale permeability with image logs and core photographs

Development of Lightweight Polyamide/Chitin Nanowhisker Nanocomposites with Uniform Filler Dispersion and Enhanced Mechanical Properties

Développement d'une méthode de préparation des solutions par anticipation

Optimization of DENTAQ® probiotic for superior cavities prevention

Vibratory peening for the fatigue life improvement of aerospace parts

Towards effective First Nations source water protection

Dry Slag Granulation

Investigate the application of Templated Styles for Angular application; Determine visualization f

Development of Electronics and Sensors for Infant Safety Monitoring Device

Thermal analysis of high-power-density power converter

Advanced mass spectrometry applied to UV-treated biopharmaceutical fluids

Development of asset monitoring technology to measure uptime

Identification key to dinoflagellate cysts of the South China Sea: an aid to palynological interpretation for palaeoclimate reconstruction

Investigation of Zero Sequence Harmonics in the Power System of Calgary International Airport

Optimal PV Design and Configuration for Use in a Building-Integrated Photovoltaic Thermal (BIPV/T) System

Application of Ore Sorting Technology to Lead-Zinc ores

Studying the effect of growth factors in virus packaging

Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Human White Matter

Improving Transaction Processing Performance Through Network QoS

Reinforcing river and lake ice covers to maintain their load-bearing capacity in a warming climate

Shear induced migration of polydisperse oil suspensions

Application des technologies de la culture in vitro pour la production de la chicouté

Développement d'un modèle de micro-distribution de plaquettes forestières pour l'approvisionnement de petites unités thermiques sur la Côte-Nord.

Rencontre avec l'entreprise Fourchette Bleue afin d'établir les bases d'une collaboration pour les nouvelles pêcheries

Effective Pseudogroups and Their Applications to Riemannian Geometry

Robotic Instrumentation to Establish Workflows for Systematic Cell-Based Analyses.

The impact of exogenous ketone salts on exercise metabolism and performance in humans.

Development of growth factors supplement for Stem cell culture

Equip pipe inspection robot with laser triangulation sensor to enable water pipe joint condition inspection

Mobile/Web Testing

Deployment of networking and cloud architectures for intelligent camera network

Approximation of irregular irrigation areas and irrigation command calculation

Fundamental understanding of flotation of hexagonal pyrrhotite and millerite to improve the quality of ni-cu concentrates

Investigating the flow pattern in disk stack centrifuge during bitumen froth treatment

Developing alternative processes for the recovery of low-grade gold in pyritic ores

An Ultrasensitive Microfluidic Biosensor Based on Vertically-Aligned MoS2 Nanolayers

High performance data center power supply design using GaN devices

Technology development for 48V input voltage regulator for next generation data center power systems

Tailings consolidation through microbial-induced calcite precipitation

Computational Model for Childhood Absence Epilepsy

Caractérisation des effets vibratoires et amélioration du système de navigation inertiel d'un autopilote dédié à l'opération de drone léger

Data-driven prediction of mental health risk

Development Operations Enhancements

Sustainable resource recovery technologies for municipal wastewater treatment plants

Effect of neonicotinoid pesticides on hepatic glucose and lipid homeostasis

Optimization of a three-stage compounding process for the production of the nasal spray in Apotex through the rheological characterization of the bulk suspension

Investigating electrosensory perception using interactive virtual environments

Automated Honey Extraction System

Transitioning from Ruthenium to Iron Catalysis: Trans-Addition to Alkynes by Cooperative Bond Activation

Optical sensor for improved copper production

Enhancement of hot-cold sensation testing device

Operation and Maintenance Support to Enhance Research and Highly Qualified Personnel Training at the Queen's University Biological Station

Urgent need for glovebox replacement

A design problem: using the UBCO STS research lab unique IPB safety research technology to solve AWEI's bicyclist safety vest re-design problem

Antimicrobial activity of a cuticle protein, ovocalyxin-32

Data-driven decision support systems for integrated project delivery on structural steel projects

Investigation of chelating material properties for optical sensing

Inspection of food quality and safety using hyperspectral imaging technique

Molecular mechanisms of vector-pathogen interactions

Sensory characteristics of chocolate milk: the role of added sugar and fat content

Design and evaluation of fall injury prevention technology

Linux Embedded Automation Development

He-3 Cryostat for Muon Spin Rotation/Relaxation Studies of Quantum Materials

Novel selective-reactive membranes for water treatment

Solution aéroportée pour la détection des feux de nickel

Développement d'un nouveau biocapteur plasmonique nanométrique permettant l'analyse localisée dans des cellules vivantes par SERS dynamique

Failure detection and fault diagnosis in smart grids

Development of assays for testing functional activity of growth factors

A super-resolving linear optical microscope

Compression & Salt Cavern Engineering Student


Development of plasmonic-semiconductor nano-assemblies for solar water splitting systems: more efficient and more cost effective

Developing High-quality Quantum Dots for High-efficiency Light Emitting Diodes

Optimization of Image Processing Pipeline Algorithms for Digital Camera

Modelling Thermal Transport Characteristics

Aquatic toxicity testing of a novel magnetic chitosan composite nanoparticle for environmental remediation

Determining the Opportunities for Ahiflower Oil to be Used as a Functional Ingredient in Packaged Food Products through Stability and Organoleptic Testing.

Operations and Maintenance Support - Advanced Facility for Avian Research

Citizen Science for Agricultural Biodiversity and Food Security: Testing a Farmer Paricipatory Evaluation of Technology Prototype with Agricultural College Students in Costa Rica

Impact of diet supplemented with nutraceutical in the developing brain

Freeze Dryer for Research in Materials and Biological Chemistry

Highly-compact computational spectroscopy

Research and Development of an Injury Risk Prediction Platform for a Personalized Genomics Service

Landscape-level effects of intensive forest management on biodiversity: Integrating monitoring with retrospective and projective landscape analyses

The interactive effects of parasitic infection and an acidified and warmed marine environment on ecologically important species

Island Wise

Investigation of Forestry Residue BioChar for Odor Reduction and Sustainable Use on Cold Processed Fish Hydrolysate

Lasers for cost-effective length metrology

Advancing Creative Solutions for Global Development

Towards a Better Understanding of the Soil-Plant-Atmosphere-Water Continuum

Production of TiO2 from Ilmenite Ore

Solink Cloud 4.0

Microbiological lab equipment qualification

Water Contamination Sensor Based on SoC IP for Mobile DNA Sequencing

Résolution d'un problème algorithmique de flot maximum à coût minimum.

Modeling and Design for 3D Prints

Self-assembled nanoscale electrodes for electrochemical devices

Temporal Dispersion Correction for Reverse Time Migration

Utility of lavenders in landscaping

NSERC/Nexen and CNOOC Industrial Research Chair in Advanced In-situ Recovery Processes for Oil Sands

Développement de nouvelles méthodes de fabrication avec des alliages expérimentaux

Développement d'une nouvelle méthode de surveillance active d'équipements de production

Développement et implantation d'une méthode de programmation à distance pour le grenaillage de trains d'atterrissage

Packet processing on CPU and FPGA using software-defined networking

Aerial infrared thermography (AIT): Methodology to calculate energetic parameters of building rooftops based on direct temperature measurement

Filtering techniques for improved short and medium term wind forecasts

Applications Engineering

Deciphering intra-tumor heterogeneity by joint analysis of single-cell and bulk sequencing data

DNA/RNA Free Recombinant Enzyme Purification

DRMS product development

3-D ZnO templates for tactile sensing

Mine Environmental Stewardship Initiative

Phase 1 nEDM experiment support

Protein purification and setection strategies

Development of custom digital immunoassays for biomarker validation

NCE-IKTP (HYPE) Healthy Young People Everywhere

Visual information requirements for remotely-supervised autonomous agricultural machines

Plasma-assisted Laser Deposition for Advanced Surfaces and Innovative Materials

Software Development

Investigation of Proton Conductivity in Graphene Oxide Composites

High Value Player Opportunity Quantification

Modélisation du comportement mécanique de renfort céramique 3D pour l'aérospatial

ms infinity (math + science = infinite possibilities)

Intégrer la gestion de l'incertitude dans la démarche d'écoconception pour une meilleure gestion du risque dans la prise de décision

La fabrication additive pour optimiser le transfert thermique dans le moulage sous pression

Development of new alloys for cladding on H13 shot sleeves as repairs and new parts

Développement d'un nouveau concept d'amorçage des filtres pour la filtration de l'aluminium

Chaire de recherche industrielle dans les collèges du CRSNG en transformation de l'aluminium

Consolidation de la capacité de recherche en analyse microstructurale par l'utilisation du polissage ionique

Production of TiO2 from Ilmenite ore

VPX3-687 Design Verification

Ultraviolet (UV) light microscope for protein and nucleic acid crystal detection

Cost effective frequency selective surfaces for WiFi shielding in the built environment

La fabrication additive par projection à froid : une technologie innovante

NSERC ASRL Industrial Research Chair in Applied Sulfur Chemistry

A novel process for the decarboxylation, selective extraction, and purification of cannabidiol (CBD) from hemp

Operations and Maintenance Support for Kluane Lake Research Station, Yukon

Supplier Quality Development for Fuel Cell Stack

Electro-Mechanical Steering Actuator Development

Automated Actuator for Evaluation of Regional Droplet Deposition from Nasal Spray Devices in Nasal Airway Replicas

Understanding what you see: the representational structure of perceptual and conceptual information in the brain

Client Success

An advanced cell imaging multi-mode reader and cryostat for diverse research programs

Acquisition of a CE-MS-TOF system for quantification of steroids, miRNAs and metabolites

Computational Hardware to Interpret Satellite Observations of Atmospheric Composition for Air Quality and Climate Applications

High-purity metal nitride films prepared by hollow cathode plasma ALD

Mitigating vortex induced vibrations of exposed pipelines at river crossings

Optimization of Two-Stage Processing for Natural Fruit Leather Production

Accelerating commercial outcome through synergetic partnership in innovative dentistry product and process development

Capteurs ultra-sensibles basés sur la technologie FDSOI

Rendez-vous du financement et de la productivité

Implantation d'une méthode de contrôle non-destructif de tubes de carton

Modifications des événements d'épissage alternatif dans le cancer de la vessie.

Development of a State of the art E-mobility drive system

Computing infrastructure for simulating the global and regional climate response to cumulative emissions

Development of Imtex Olefin Paraffin Membrane Technology

Heterogeneous data fusion and machine learning for image understanding

Big Data Management Solutions For Large, In-session Gaming Data

Mixed reality gesture based interaction for immersive analytics

NSERC Chair for Women in Science and Engineering (Ontario)

Ancestral Engineering Design Activities: Development and Delivery (AEDA: D&D) Program

Cluster activities at ISPIM 2017

Development of Insect pheromone sprays

NSERC/Nexen and CNOOC Industrial Research Chair in Advanced In-situ Recovery Processes for Oil Sands

The Role of Reactive Oxygen Species in Herpesvirus Infection

Development of corrosion resistant thermal diffusion surface engineering for high-temperature recovery boilers

Kitikmeot Youth in STEM

On-Board Airless Spray Development

The role of primary somatosensory cortex in motor learning by observing

Design and development of the material handling system for the new woodworking CNC routers

Alternative corrosion-resistant treatments for metal parts

Operations and Maintenance Support: UBC Regional Structural Biology Facility

Development and classification of duricrust soils for Martian rover analogue missions

Youth Energy, Climate Change and Water Science Summits

Investigation into the biosynthesis of domoic acid, a potent marine neurotoxin with severe pathological, environmental, and economic implications

Agile Software Development

Quantitative shear-wave elastography and dynamic ultasound imaging for human biomechanics research

Freeze-Thaw Cycles and Soil Biogeochemistry

NSERC Awards for Science Promotion (Individual)

Characterization of the production and depletion of iodinated and oxidative species in the AOS reactor

The Effect of Multiple Sub-Concussive Impacts during Heading in Soccer on Heart Rate Variability

Role of adenosine during fatigue

Mise au point d'un système de transmission de trames vidéo et de données pour des robots en environnements hasardeux

Plateforme de gestion d'inventaire des produits alimentaires : Frigo intelligent.

Prototypage d'un système de mesure des taux d'humidité et de protéine du fourrage pour l'automatisation des exploitations agricoles

Développement d'un module de communication sans-fil robuste pour la commande de véhicules lourds

Controlled microstructure bioplastics for enhanced applications

Mapping the Effect of Lyophilization on the Bone Morphogenetic Protein by NMR

Satellite image processing for 3D application

Inverse photoemission spectroscopy in Fe-based superconductors

Distribution of major grapevine viruses in winery estate vineyards and their impact on vine performance

Product Feature Development and Defect Resolution

Equipment to develop technology for brain injury prevention, study and recovery

Characterization of vertical post-tensioned steel connection for modular structures

Norima Innovations Design and Implementation of Experimental Healthcare Systems

Eastern Canada visit to recruit partner companies for Natural Gas Futures research consortium

Workshop on net zero carbon building heating with natural gas

Development of novel technology for connections in high pressure flexible polymer piping systems

Linear polyethylene property modelling

Design d'un prototype de surfaceuse à glace

Activité de réseautage du Centre d'accès à la technologie en bio-innovation

VECOS: Comprehensive Vulnerability Analysis and Mitigation Development Framework for Vehicular Communication Systems

Hormone-medicated improvement of recombinant protein yields in plants

Faisabilité de l'inspection ultrasonore des cuves industrielles d'électrolyse de l'aluminium

Amélioration de la conductivité thermique de matériaux à base de caoutchouc

Scaling Model-based Synchronization

Earth Science for Society (ESfS) Exhibition

GNSS product and project testing

Développement, construction et opération optimisée d'un système de valorisation des biomasses agro-industrielles en engrais naturels pour utilisation serricole

Optimisation des procédés d'ultrafiltration et de lyophilisation pour la production du trimethyl chitosan

Développement d'un procédé fiable pour le traitement de matières fines de construction, rénovation et démolition (CRD)

Chaire de recherche industrielle dans les collèges du CRSNG sur les bioprocédés et les technologies de fermentation

Traitement des eaux hautement chargées issues du procédé de compostage

Développement de procédés de valorisation de peintures résiduelles en nouveaux produits à valeur ajoutée

Caractérisation du microbiote issu d'un biofilm provenant du milieu médical pour l'élaboration d'un détergent

Trajectory-based localization using WiFi signal strength

Assessing the relationship between gastrointestinal blood flow and peripheral pulse wave harmonics to develop an algorithm to predict caloric intake

Investigating controls on carbon cycling in a constructed fen

Control properties of single motor units

Optimization of matriptase-2 inhibitors

New Material Research

Deformation based hanging wall failure prediction

Resin grouted rock bolt support behaviour under shear loading

A Benchtop Cell Sorter for Accelerating the Discovery of Physiopathological Processes

Human Cell Thermal Transportation Kit Design and Engineering.

Mechanical Engineering to update RAM (remote aircraft mover)

Scalable simulation for management of large and dense crowds

Data Analytics Centre

Constrained screen device centric information ranking R&D for semantic monitoring & analysis platform

Nano-enhanced, miscanthus-based hybrid biocomposites for light-weighting automotive applications

Flow Charazterization of Automotive Engine Cooling Systems

Development of spar engineering's next generation variable frequency drives

Development of a novel active bracing system for precision tool manipulation

Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) with Randomized MAC Addresses in IoT Applications

Design & prototype development of a smart beamforming antenna

Exploring Advanced Manufacturing Technologies

Metal 3D printing: Applications in marine and heavy industries

Marine additive manufacturing and cold spray

Research Intern - Durability Team

Energy Benchmark & Efficiency Study of the Long Term Care Sector of Nova Scotia

Development of self-cleaning/ice phobic insulators

Elucidation of the mechanistic role between the overproduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the activation of I Kappa B Kinase beta (IKKß) in the development of insulin resistance

Genome-editing in yeast to produce bioactive natural products

Characterization of the Citrus Sudden Death associated Virus protease

Rooted Minors and their application to Feynman Graphs and Feynman Integration

SGS Charge Controller Testing and Development

Phase-readout and active stabilization of optical interferometers (Phase 1)

Optimized Coupling Components for Nanophotonics Devices

Active mode-locking laser for photon pair generation (Market study)

Integrated sources of multi-entangled/multi-dimensional quantum states

R&D Project Moran-MacDonald

Comprehensive optimization of parametric kernels for graphics processing units

Back-end Developer

Développement de méthodes de traitement et de reconnaissance d'images pour le domaine de la consommation alimentaire

LabMedia3D-Programme de rechereche en réalité augmentée et virtuelle

Identification des enjeux de production de bois et des solutions possibles pour les pourvoiries Essipit

Analyse des besoins et détermination des contraintes techniques pour un exosquelette industriel par évaluation en milieu réel d'utilisation

Développement de casques pour le traitement de la plagiocéphalie et brachyocéphalie optimisés pour la fabrication additive

Instrumentation pour le suivi intelligent de la réadaptation sur bicycle et tricycle

High-­Resolution Atomic Force Microscope for Materials and Surfaces Characterization

Journée de la recherche Mémoire vive 2

Estimation de densites predictives: cas a symetrie spherique avec vecteur residuel

Science Fairs in the Community

Effect of beneficial microbes on crops

Optimized Project Delivery for a Modular Builder

NSERC COHESA: Computing Hardware for Emerging Intelligent Sensory Applications

4D Confocal Imaging of Endogenous Proteins Tagged by CRISPR/Cas9 Genome Editing

Clustering for Concept Recognition in Data Streams

Accurate and reliable prediction of protein-chemical interactions

Development of epitaxial growth processes for group V two-dimensional materials

Epifluorescence microscopy workstation

Identification and characterization of new gamma-carboxylated proteins

A plasmonic approach for Zika diagnosis

2e colloque du Consortium C3 : "Ensemble, pour être efficace!"

Vertical Market Micro Social-Network Environments Deployed on Mobile Devices

Creating a competitive AI agent to replace players in a multiplayer strategic board game using machine learning

Production and screening of GreenMantra Catalyst(s)

New and Difficult to Grow & Rehydrate Wine Yeasts

Synthesis and evaluation of intermediate compounds

Critical upgrade of 600 MHz NMR Spectrometer

Development of Nanocomposite based Strain and Force Sensors


Development of a fiber-delivered stimulated Raman scattering probe

Design of a Microelectromechanical Low-power Strain Sensor

Vibrational and motional characterisation test benches for microelectromechanical systems

Absorption Spectrometer for the design and engineering of Carbon and Metallic Hybrid Nanoconstructs

Experimental implementation of arbitrary spatial polarization transformations

Studying Atmospheric Engagement With Horror Game Audio

Distinction and characterisation of metamorphic, barren- and auriferous hydrothermal alterations at the Kirkland Lake archean intrusion-related gold deposit, Abitibi, Ontario

Testing of Automotive Fuel Cell Stacks and System Components

Development and field test of highly sensitive and selective microfluidic gas sensor for methane leak detection

A versatile broad range microscale thermophoresis apparatus for the measurement of biomolecular interactions

NSERC Industrial Research Chair for Colleges in precision agriculture and environmental technologies

Physiological and exercise performance consequences of the Elevation Training Mask

Ammonia removal from mining wastewaters

Poster presentations by students to employers and faculty

Improving winter hardiness in wheat using genomic technologies

Big data analysis and optimization of rural community broadhand wireless networks

Impedance Analyzer to Measure Conductivity of Solid State Electrolytes and Mixed Conductors

Fabrication of nanoporous high index thin films for aviation industry

Solution multi-système de traitement autonome de données des véhicules pour le transport multimodal

Muscle fiber capillary density: A relationship between muscle stem cells and indices of perfusion during resistance-type exercises training in older men

High speed cameras for time-resolved laser based turbulence measurements

Field equipment to support research and conservation of fishes in Canada’s inland waters

Molecular probes to investigate the aggregation properties of amyloid beta and tau-proteins

Communication and Interaction Design for Chronic Health Situations

Data analyses to support in-facility dementia patient care

Overcoming solid handling issues in the continuous manufacturing of active pharmaceutical ingredients

Automated Environment for Cloud, Embedded Device, and Wireless Verification

Next generation runway deicer

Natural gradient learning for deep Boltzmann machines

Production of protein kinases & assay development for kinase drug discovery

Developing different methods of purification of packaged high titer AAV

Production of protein kinases & assay development for kinase drug discovery

Optimize the process conditions in Manufacturing - Biomaterials

Chemical Analysis of Mill Process Samples & QAQC

Mean Field Analysis of Large Networks of Neurons with Synaptic Plasticity

Habitat fragmentation from in situ oil sands: biodiversity responses and mitigation

Nanoelectronics for quantum information science

Computational study on temperature control of wastewater ponds using insulated floating covers

Research and Development of New Breakwater Design Methods and Tools

Machine learning for cybersecurity

Jet flow control for higher drilling efficiency

La logistique et la Côte-Nord

Kids World of Energy Program - Ontario

Driver Speed Choice and the Implications on Rural Road Safety

Développement d'outils PAT (technologies d'analyse de procédés)

A potential collaboration to examine the factors affecting sustainability of Okanagan sockeye salmon stocks

NSERC/UNENE Industrial Research Chair in Nuclear Safety and Thermalhydraulics

Pollination of Tomatoes in Greenhouses using Drones

Développement d'une nouvelle cage intervertébrale utilisant la fabrication additive

Application of Discrete Choice Modelling for Quantifying Accessibility to jobs by Transit

Assessment of Waste Heat Capture Feasibility from Pulp Mill Waste Stream As Foundation for Eco-Industrial Park

Smart operation and control of offices to improve comfort and energy performance

Occupant-in-the-loop building controls for a low-energy community

Replacement of total mercury in solids analyzer for the analysis of mercury contamination in sensitive ecosystems

CAT V3 Qualification

Mircrofluidic assembly of dual enzyme and oxidation-responsive polyesters

Leukocyte mimetic particles for the modulation of leukocyte inflammatory response

Software and hardware solutions for data security threats

Driver behavior in response to potential hazards and path intrusions in a simulated environment

New and Emerging Microwave Tomographic Imaging Systems

UBC Aerospace research & innovation showcase

Advanced Biomaterial Product Development Platform

Stable Carbon Isotope Analysis of Carbon Dioxide Treated Cement

Bacteriophage as a novel low cost means of contamination control in microalgae processes

X-Ray Irradiation Platform for cells and small animal studies

Fuel cell technology and product development

Factors influencing shark abundance and community composition in the protected areas of Walkere Bay, South Africa.

Development of a Design-Based Vehicular Impact Force Prediction Equation

Caloducs polymériques

Stage à l'Université du Wisconsin à Madison

Caractérisation des brasques usées comme ajout cimentaire dans le béton

Subcellular localization of recombinant enterobactin transporter protein

Tier 3 Light Duty Vehicle Study and Modelling

The use of Augmented Reality to Enhance Training on Healthcare Patient Simulators

Assisted Virtual Reality in Visualization of Complex Structural Information

Critical replacement of a damaged CCD camera used for ultrasensitive imaging and spectroscopy.

Vehicular Communication Network Protocol Design and Testing

STEM Clubs and Cybermentorship for BC Girls

Non-destructive testing of utility wood poles

Reducing the weaknesses of artificial neural networks: making deep learning more like human learning

Development of environmental data base

Real-time simulation of blood flow: an application to surgical training

Analysis and optimization of power extraction from a concentrated flow savonius turbine

Optimization of Protein Cleavage Reagents for Antibody Microarrays

Modified hardwood and softwood pulp fiber for innovative products

Développement d'un agent de conservation biosourcé à base d'extraits d'écorces

Development of paper products with new molecules in chemical application

New drying strategies for a more productive process of pulp thermoforming

Optimisation des procédés de conditionnement de la biomasse résiduelle pour le développement de produits biosourcés.

Qualités nutritionnelles de champignons forestiers conditionnés par des technologies papetières pour l'alimentation animale

Study on the foaming ability of polysulfone polymers

Development of cavitation sensing system for pipelines

Calgary Ring Road Project

Advanced characterization and monitoring for improved wellhead protection in a fractured and porous dolostone bedrock aquifer

Sunken megajoules: Modelling industrial inefficiencies and potential for optimization of protein and nutrition pathways from ocean to plate

129Xe MRI radiofrequency coil for in vivo measurements of airways and alveoli to generate novel lung biomechanical models

PagerDuty Real Incidents

Electrophysiology core facility for cellular and molecular neuroscience research

Rapid Astronomical Image Analysis through Parallel Computing

Structural Assessment of Blast Furnace Hearth Refractory System

Water and sanitation in the global south

Functional characterization of a novel nucleolar constituent

Calcium Alumina Silica Hydrates

On the use of NURBS to model failure surfaces for 3D Slope Stability Analysis

Software Development for Hearing Health

Engineering In Quantum Computing

A vehicular sensing platform for smart cities

Optimizing Hydrochars as a Hydrocarbon Remediation Amendment

A cryogenic laser ablation cell for trace metal and isotopic analyses of ice cores

Rencontre avec l'entreprise WSP-Baie-Comeau et l'entreprise Boréale afin d'établir les bases d'une collaboration pour les récifs artificiels

Fire Performance of Suspended Acoustic Ceiling Tile Systems

Étude comparative entre le procédé de fabrication actuel et celui de la nouvelle usine

Vehicles and mobile laboratory for field research in ecology / Véhicules et laboratoire mobile pour la recherche de terrain en écologie

Développement d'une méthode de caractérisation du stock d'algues récoltable par télédétection multispectrale

Développement d'un service de détection et d'inventaire de cervidés dans les parcs urbains et périurbains par imagerie aérienne acquise par aéronef sans pilote

Development of an autonomous aerial photogrammetry system for metric inspection of vertical infrastructures

Optimization of astrophysical simulation performance on accelerator platforms

Inhibitors for Infectious Disease

A novel approach to improve gastrointestinal tract function in ruminants

Bio-based automotive and industrial lubricants by the optimal hydroisomerization of free fatty acids

in-vitro RNA Synthesis

Investigation of the prevalence of Echinococcus multilocularis, and risk of infection, in wild canids in Ontario, Canada

Development of a nano-catalytic in reservoir upgrading and enhanced recovery process for efficient extraction of conventional oil from extra-heavy oils and bitumen reservoirs

Controlling Emissive Properties of Aromatic Luminophores in Non-Conjugated Diblock Copolymers

Camp Wolastoq Science Programming

Atoms moving at Relativistic Velocities: Astrophysical Implications

The role of phosphoinositide phosphates on the mechanism of the tocopherol transfer protein

Development of crash prediction models based on surrogate safety measures extracted from video data

Determining the scale of effect of the landscape for fecundity, abundance, and occurrence of amphibi

Polymer nanocomposite development using ball milling

Fast response optical gas sensors

GNSS product and project testing

Development of a prototype lower limb active compression device

Critical Thermodynamic Evaluation of Sodium-Silicon Binary System

Asymmetric Total Synthesis of (+)-Migrastatin and its Analogs via Stereoselective Carbon-Carbon Coupling

Development of a high-frequency DC power electrocoagulation water treatment process: factors affecting contaminant removal, electrode scaling, and energy consumption

Investigating Streptomyces development and metabolism

Mechanics of creping: modeling and experiments

Multi-physics modelling of semi-solid deformation and hot tearing in advanced high strength steels

Development of Numerical Tools to Support Operational Decision Making in Ice Offshore Applications

Molecular characterization of a unique digestive enzyme in shrews

Collaborative Research - Keys to Success

Optimization of a dual counterflow axial fan

Régularisation de la production fromagère à St-Damase

Réseau d'éducation et d'écosurveillance de l'eau

Macromolecule Based Nanocarriers of Drug Delivery

Critical X-Ray Source Upgrade to Chemistry Department X-ray Diffraction Facility

Investigating the origin of the drift in the resistance of ceramic thick film printed heaters in order to ensure a stable operation with a minimal resistance variation.

Upgrade of X8 Apex II Diffractometer with Mo IMS Microfocus Source/Optics

Emulation and design of electric and hybrid electric vehicle motor drive systems

Développement d'une nouvelle technologie et méthode de travail pour la désinfection de conduite d'aqueduc suite à un bris.

Développement d'un procédé phisico-chimique hybride d'électrocoagulation et d'adsorption pour le traitement et le recyclage des eaux grises et des eaux noires

Développement d'un procédé d'électro-adsorption pour le traitement des eaux usées issues de la production des savons et des produits de nettoyage.

Décontamination de plastiques huileux par CO2 Supercritique

L'oxydation hydrothermale appliquée aux problématiques environnementales québécoises

Project Engineer

System design of hybrid AC-DC residential buildings

Calculation and Description of Reductions in Fuel Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions of the No

Development of a low temperature Stirling engine

Next generation optical transmission systems and technologies for the data center Centric Internet

Stratégies nutritionnelles visant à réduire les problèmes d'acétonémie chez la vache laitière haute productrice.


Effects of major ions on aquatic biota

Optical Metrology of Advanced Materials

Investigation of the use of biocontrol agents to prevent bacterial diseases on tomato plants

Product Improvement in Fresh Pasta

Développement d'un coussin de prévention de la plagiocéphalie et brachycéphalie

Highly efficient, self-powered traffic event detection system

Meilleures pratiques en emballage et conservation

Conservation et emballage de produits alimentaires

Développement de stratégies d'évaluation de la migration potentielle des emballages dans des conditions de traitement spécifiques

Étude du potentiel industriel de la stérilisation en autoclave de l'eau d'érable destinée à la vente au détail

Error Correction for Depth Sensing using Deep Learning

Scaling of vitamin testing

Laser Doppler Anemometry to Study Multiphase Flow and Phase Change

Sustainable agriculture risk modelling and developing satellite derived index insurance

The Effects of Road Construction on Peat Hydrologic Properties

Integrating models towards a sustainability framework for Panama

Contrôle de la qualité du remblai sans retrait

Single atom quantum node via cavity quantum electrodynamics

Automation and Motion Control System

Characterization of probiotic bacterial cells enzyme activity and investigation of their gastrointestinal stability and impact on microbiota composition and function

Stage RD -Dialog Insight Autome 2016

Tandem Fe based Activation and Frustrated Lewis Pairs Catalyzed Hydrosilylation of Dinitrogen

Use of Biochar for On-Site Treatment of Pulp and Paper Mill Effluents

Scaling Model-based Synchronization

Aircraft and Ship Dynamic Analysis using Developed Simulation Software

Inférence robuste en présence de non-réponse

Development of optimization of advanced gasification technology

Seismic Risk Assessment of Reinforced Concrete Walls Susceptible to Out-of-Plane Shear Failures

LEPS Education Program

Évaluation des besoins en innovation de deux entreprises de transformation de produits marins



Regional and sub-basin spatial variability of snow accumulation in the St. Elias Mountains, Yukon

Enhancing growth and quality of medical marihuana (cannabis sativa) in hydroponic systems

Design of Flexible Link Robotic Manipulator

Venture Engineering and Science, Learning Enrichment Advancement Program (LEAP)

Developing the Magnetic Bio-ink for E. coli O157:H7 Detection in Water

The use of unmanned areal drones for snow pack depth quantification and avalanche safety

Dynamic Geometry and Actuator Performance Analysis of Landing Gear Retraction/Extension using MATLAB

Development of a connected vehicle based platform for transit signal priority control

Hardware Design Engineering

Valorisation agricole de résidus de transformation de bois et discussion sur les possibilités de production de vignes (dans des conditions pedo-climatiques du Québec) destinées à la fabrication de vin

Valorisation de résidus de crevettes sous forme d'amendements agricoles par les producteurs de l'UPA de la Gaspésie et la Minoterie des anciens (Ste-Anne-des-Monts, Qc)

Modeling the Ionospheric Response to X-Ray Solar Flares

Geometric dimensioning and tolerancing control for industrial FDM printers

Cloud processing for comparative crop genomics

Design and development of an intelligent building automation platform for home and offices

Integrated processing of high-resolution spaceborne InSAR and LIDAR to produce better displacement map series for landslides

Physiological and behavioural responses of fish to climate change and fisheries stressors: implications for acclimation and adaptation

Analyse de données épigénétiques dans le cadre du projet GeEC

Development of microwave-frequency approaches to monitoring hydration

Npm Library for Rest API Connection into Caching service

VPX3-611 Design Verification

Development of T4 Polynucleotide Kinase

Scale-up and optimization of recombinant spider wrapping silk fibre and yarn production.

Rencontre avec la Brasserie St-Pancrace pour évaluer le potentiel de développement de nouvelles bières à saveurs de produits marins

Sensing, Detection and Classification of UAVs Using Multiple Radars

Stress analysis of in-service blunt flaws for prediction of delayed hydride cracking

Development of a State of the art E-mobility drive system

Humanoid Robot for Social and task related operational Human-Robot Interaction Research Applications

Research and Development of Embedded Solutions for Hearing Health

Caméras haute vitesse avec logiciel de contraste interférentiel différentiel

Hardware Design Engineering

A New, Energy Efficient Solid Waste Management Technology for Wastewater Treatment Plants using Smouldering Combustion: From Concept to Commercialization

Establishing Habitat requirements of Cutthroat trout on Gold Creek, Alberta, in relation to the proposed Grassy Mountain Coal Mine

Blue Planet Application Tracker

Optimized Optical Backhaul Design for Fiber-Wireless (FiWi) Enhanced Long Term Evolution-Advanced (LTE-A) Heterogeneous Networks (HetNets)

Nano Materials processing for Photovoltaic Devices

Spark Optical Emission Spectrometer for Composition Determination

Connecting Youth with Science in Stanley Park

Use of Wood Ash Carbon for Removal of Trace Contaminants from Secondary Effluent

Smart Load allocation algorithm

Génération de mutants du DFF40 et implication dans la résistance aux agents de chimitothérapies

Implementation of a Proteomic Approach to Evaluating CYP Induction by Xenobiotics Using UHPLC-MS/MS

Blue Spurs Starter Kit Yeoman Generators

Graphite Purification

Implementation of Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM)

Cryoprotection of Probiotics using Phytoglycogen Nanoparticles

LECV - Validation Build Development

Climate Change and Landslide Hazard - The Effects of Glacial Change on the Frequency, Magnitude, and Distribution of Landslides in the Mountains of NW North America

Development of techniques for modifying surface properties of nylon for oil/water separation

An Infrared System for Measuring Temperature Distribution in Microfluidic Devices

Expression and purification of TNF family of growth factors and select receptors

Development of a Toll-Like Receptor Pathogen Sensing Platform for Detection in Aerosol

A closed-cycle, liquid helium cryocooler for next generation quantum light sources

Bacteria detection in milk using a portable microfluidic system

Improving productivity of material cutting and movement in steel fabrication plants

Smart nanotech sensors using human red blood cell membranes for fast blood testing

Training Aboriginal youth and teachers to engage First Nation Youth in Science

Remote Forest Communications Engineering

Wear and tribological failure mechanisms of composite polymer bearings used in aerospace applications

Chemical Field Effect Transistors Incorporating Ultrapure Semiconducting Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes for the Detection of Carbon Dioxide

A mobile sensory substitution system : From acoustic scenes to visual forms

Effect of Temperature on the Electrochemical Atomic Layer Epitaxy of Cadmium Telluride

Source stream (headwater) protection from forest practices: what are the costs and benefits, and how best to do it? (SOSTPRO)

Distributed algorithm design and implementation for environmental monitoring using wireless sensor networks

Chip Screening , Pulping and Pulp Characterization

Towards a "perceptual profiler" for real-time prediction of user experience in virtual reality

EarthGazement: a virtual reality experience of the overview effect

Test Effectiveness, Localization, Prioritization, and Risk in Ericssons's Complex Test Environment

Simulation du statut hydrique de l'érable à sucre sous un scénario de réchauffement du sol

Comparing the structure of different forest herbivore food webs

Automatic rigid registration of ultrasound and CT for guiding intervention of the vertebral column

Multimode plate reader to support research in plant biochemistry, cell biology and ecology

Advanced 3D metal additive manufacturing for dental metal substructures

Method of compounding conductive polypropylene-graphite composite for bipolar plates of hydrogen fuel cell

Quantification of marine polysaccharide flux within the plankton food chain

Analyses-diagnostics de la résilience des PME

Étude sur le vieillissement des membranes autocollantes

Recyclage des retailles de découpe de fibre de verre dans les composites thermoplastiques

In vitro diagnostic tool for material-induced blood activation

NSERC Industrial Research Chair in strategic construction modeling and delivery

Aqueous Entrainment in Organic

Research Equipment for Photonics Applications in the Mid-Infrared Wavelength Range of 1.5-3.4 microns

Fall Intern

Fatigue resistance of polymer-based materials

Système intelligent d'aide à la décision pour la planification, la gestion et l'optimisation de progrmmes de suivi de la qualité de l'eau

Chromatography and UV-spectophotometry for the monitoring of disinfection by-products in drinking water

Improved design procedures for slotted hidden gap HSS brace connections & I-shape flange connections & the use of electroslag welding for the fabrication of heavy steel structures

Michael Rogers

Control of crystal size distribution (CSD) of succinic acid in BioAmber crystallization circuit

Distributed Energy Management System (DEMS) 4.0

Development of a thermal regeneration process to improve the thermal resistance and stability of FBGs at high temperatures

Simulations on Mobile Robotic Platforms

Polar bears and permafrost: student-led climate change field research at the Arctic's edge

Nicolas Rotta-Loria NSERC PGS D Application

In-field human motion monitoring for biomedical, ergonomics, and sports applications

Inflow forecasting in Yukon under current and changing climate conditions

Preuve de concept en capture de mouvement à Toronto

Tailing migration though geomembrane holes

Programme de sensibilisation et de promotion de la diversité en ingénierie

Développement d'un procédé de prétraitement à la méthanisation pour hydrolyser et décomposer les huiles et graisses contenues dans les rejets de lactosérum des fromageries par une

Study of the composite action of Hollow Core panels used in girder-slab system

Land capitalization through the use of indigenous woody species from Southern Québec

Devellopement de nouveau types de malts

Nature NB: Every Living Thing: An educator's guide to schoolyard bioblitzes

Optimization of Somatic Embryogenesis Procedures for Tweed's Elite Cannabis Cultivars

Design of a robust pin-joint system for earthquake damage mitigation in residential housing

Developing a plasma process for fabrication of nano-engineered powders suitable for 3D printing of jewellery

Analyzing Child Language Experiences Around the World (ACLEW)

System for recording and analyzing telephone conversations between humans and artificial intelligence

Understanding and Improving Dry Powder Inhaler Performance in Reduced Pressure Environments

In vivo expression and pull-down of biologically-relevant circular RNAs

Modelling Mosquito-borne Disease Transmission

Very-High current gallium nitride transconductance amplifiers

Bridging Languages in Social Networks and Semi-Supervised Learning for a Compact Representation

Failure Analysis of Filament-Wound Angle-Ply Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Tubes

Determinants of motion/cyber sickness in real and virtual environments

Préparation d'un plan de recherche pour valorisation des protéines du lactosérum pour la fromagerie au Village

Integrated modular phased-array system technology for next generation satellite communication

Transparent and Stretchable Energy Harvester for Smart Contact Lens

Modelling and Design of heat storage tank using nanofluid and phase change particle

Development and industrial manufacturing of pultruded fiber-reinforced thermoplastic polymer matrix composites

Biodegradable Hydrogel Electrospun Nanofibers for Tissue Engineering Applications

Discover new methods of Asynchronous interaction between users

Metabolic engineering of Saccharomyces cerevisiae for rhamnolipids production.

Quantifying the number of Purkinje cells in the cerebellum.

Development of Protein Kinase-Substrate Interaction Network Maps

High Resolution EI Mass Spectrometer

Intrusion Detection Systems for WiFi Networks

Revive and enhance unit test infrastructure for G4 Set Top Box Infrastructure

Understanding Inhibition of the IL-7Ra-STAT5 Protein Interaction

Analysis of canopy gaps using airborne laser scanning and digital aerial photogrammetry

Application of Xylanase enzyme in three stage bleaching & GCMS method development

Ultra-stable Cryogenic Nanopositioner for Quantum Optomechanics and Zeptonewton Force Sensing

Particle size analysing system for material composites applications in the biomedical engineering field

Unraveling the role of inherited structures in the lithosphere using innovative advanced methods in tectonic analogue modeling: Global tectonics and structural evolution in the Canadian Arctic

System for characterization of electrocatalysts for renewable carbon dioxide conversion to valuable products

Girls Learning Code Summer Camps

Contrôle de production de fromages fins industrialisés

Equivalent optically transparent circuits: an optimization-driven methodology for the design of optically transparent sensors and antennas

Assessment and optimization of Supercritical Fluid Extraction (SFE) technology for Treatment of Perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) contaminated soil

Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation for some unit operations of Titanium pigment production

Vision-based seam tracking and quality assurance for pipe welding

Valorisation des rejets serricoles

Développement d'une plateforme électronique de gestion de systèmes solaires photovoltaïques connectés ou non au réseau

Development and optimization of advanced gasification

Enabling Large-Scale Usage of Advanced Adaptivity and Personalization in Learning Management Systems

High Glutathione (GSH) Yeast

Inflow forecasting in Yukon under current and changing climate conditions

GPU Implementations of Pattern Recognition Algorithms

Piano soundboard measurements and modeling


Evaluation of Respiratory Rate Measurements using the CloudDX Pulsewave Device

E7 Makerspace

An x-ray irradiator cabinet for live cell irradiation

Automated Honey Extraction System

Haptic Creativity

Visual breadcrumbs for emergency return of unmanned aerial vehicles

Effluent Mixing in River Bends

R&D of novel water treatment technology for LWR to integrate nanomaterials, organics, and robotics a

Hockey player tracking and analytics

Design and development of radio frequency components for a new portable benchtop NMR spectrometer

Design and optimization of cooling towers

Bearing Health Monitoring and Clogged Spout Detection Using Finite Element Analysis and Advanced Signal Processing Technique

A state-of-the-art test equipment for characterization of advanced rheological materials

Project Limestone Applied Science Camp

Gabarit universel pour la fabrication d'orthèses de gonarthrose

Biomechanical testing suite for micro-scale characterization of tissues and novel biomaterials

Novel polymer/bacteria-based water remediation polymers

Solink CallHome

Development of Yeast Products with Enhanced Useful Constituents

Chaplin localization using advanced microscopy techniques

Analysis and Design of Open Control Architecture in Networked Audio Systems

Avian Adeno-Associated Virus as a Genomic Tool for Manipulation of the Post-Embryonic Chick Retina

Deals Reporting

Conception d'une application mobile pour la détection de chute à partir d'un textile intelligent

Research on Flame Behaviour in a Rectangular Duct Filled with Stratified Air and Fuel Mixtures

1-D Flowback Research

President's dream colloquium: women in technology

Development of Doubled Haploids through Microspore Culture of Brassica napus

Drugs of Abuse Test with Android Mobile Phone

The emerging solar energy market in Manitoba

Durability of Advanced Cement-Based Materials used as Repairs for Deteriorated Concrete

Testing the Ability of Pennycress for use as Bio-Pesticide and Brownfield Remediation

Sarnia-Lambton Energy Symposium

Enhancement, Field Testing and Integration of One-Touch Lock-Out (OTLO) System for industrial Applications

Test Infrastructure for Next-Generation (5G) Wireless Communication and Internet of Things

Advancing a Novel Strategy for Boosting Plant Immunity Against Phytopathogens: Practical Application

Culture and Growth of Endoderm Cell Lineages

Software Develoepr in Test

Integrated mid-IR photonics enabling ubiquitous sensing

Prototype development of mobile medical imaging apps


Development of H2S sensor with Wilson Analytical Services Inc.

No reference video quality assessment using deep neural networks

Multiuser fair resource allocation in home gateways targeting cloud gaming

Operations and Maintenance Support: Surface Science Western, Western Nanofabrication and Tandetron Accelerator Facilities

Protein Synthesis and Characterization

Development of antigen proteins for MPP-8 lateral flow testing kit

Server Development

AIMday Minerals

Tracking the fate of novel bioparticles in vivo

Biodegradation of cycloalkanes under different redox conditions

Dynamics of shoulder-to-head collisions in ice hockey

Evaluating effectiveness or toxicity of aquaculture feed additives in vitro

New Product Development Engineering Assistant

Impact of climate change on ground temperatures across the Canadian Arctic

Optical cavity formed by two semiconductor metasurfaces

Chemisorption System for the Development of Nanostructured Catalysts for Environmental and Energy Applications

Bioreactors for biomechanical conditioning and evaluation of native and engineered tissues

Stage de recherche sur les matériaux et systèmes en construction en bois

Régulation de l'inclusion de motifs de ciblage protéique au niveau pré-traductionnel

High precision gas/vapor adsorption measurement device for characterization of high performing inorganic/organic adsorbents

NCE-IKTP (I-CEIsMIC) International Collaboration for Excellence and Innovation in Mental Health in Corrections

nano NEXUS Calgary

Wearable Infrared Therapy Systems To Improve Musculoskeletal Injuries

A cognitive performance application to predict driving behavior

Nomination for NSERC Steacie Memorial Fellowship

Laser-Induced Incandescence Model Validation and Development

Yeast Strain Improvement

Fuel Cell Equipment Design and Test Solutions

Formation and Qualification of Graphene Layers extracted from CO2 sequestration for Solar Cell Applications

Acute fibre-specific responses to sprint interval and moderate continuous intensity exercise

Investigating historic sea otter population baselines through archeological and contemporary California mussel bed characteristics

Development of DNA-Based Nanoparticles (DNP) for the Targeted Delivery of Therapeutics to Cancer Cells

Interactive City Resident Simulation On Mobile Devices

High Speed Measurement of Temperature in Ignition

Yielding model valuation/qualification

Characterization of Novel Biologicals for Crop Production

Applications in Machine Learning

Centrifuge suite for protein structure/function studies

10 kW Retractable Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Demonstrator

NCE-IKTP (SCI Net) Global Network in Strategic Health Sector Supply Chain Innovation

Feasibility Study of Combined Power/Process Heat/CO2 Generation System Fueled by Biomass for Applications in Greenhouse Industry

Antifoam Behavior Under Differing Temperature and pH Conditions

Expanding the NMR metabolomics toolbox by constraining the feasible solution space

Development of a jet black corrosion-resistant electrodeposit

Photoelectrochemical Workstation for Biosensing Research


Battery State of Health Research

SPeech Across Dialects of English (SPADE): large-scale digital analysis of a spoken language across space and time

Impact of smart micro grid installation - Modeling of UOIT micro grid

Impact of electro-thermal energy storage installations

Developing a nuclear phylogenomic framework for two Dioscorea yam crops

Valorisation de rejets d'éteignoirs issus des systèmes de production de pâte à papier

Conception avancée d'amortisseurs haute performance dans un processus de recherche opérationnelle

Développement d'un calculateur de compensation carbone adapté aux procédés de plantations d'arbres et aux conditions environnementales et écologiques régionales

Utilisation de souches fongiques pour la coloration de bois d'apparence

Valorisation des résidus de poisson en biofertilisant

Two-Tier 5G Wireless Networks

Operational level transportation, inventory and processing optimization of the forest biomass supply chain

Relationship between multiple object tracking and cognitive flexibility

Intelligent real-time control system for a Hydro-Solar Hybrid Power plant

A portable tool positioning system for the mechanical testing of in vivo tissues

BEAMTASK - Beamed Energy: Automated Motion Tracking And Steering Kinematics

Development of image classification algorithms for fluid libraries

Climate change impacts on carbon dioxide and methane fluxes from permafrost soils in western Greenland

Combining optical neuromonitoring with a respiratory gas system to assess neurovascular function

The Impact of the Atlantic Salmon Gut Microbiome and Pathogenicity Factors on Spironucleus salmoncida infections

Montreal Math Circle


Atmospheric Pressure Gas Chromatograph and Ultra-Cold Freezer to Support an Existing Ion Mobility Quadrupole Time of Flight Mass Spectrometer

Real-time position monitoring using ultrawide band radio frequency wearable sensors

Content-aware music recommender system using emotion recognition

FLP Routes to Dye Precursors

Tannin extraction from bark

Tender Analysis & Methodology Engineering

A portable, field-based isotope analyzer for carbon dioxide and methane

Capteur de couple pour applications haptiques

Application of benthic imaging to improve production capacity in the Nova Scotian Sea Cucumber Fishery

Physical Modelling of Debris Damming and Associated Loads on Structures

Analysis of Global Fine Particulate Matter Data

Solitaire Game Prototype

Appui au fonctionnement et à l'entretien des instruments scientifiques du navire de recherche Coriolis II

Investigation of the design of an electromagnetic brake assembly

Rôle des récepteurs aux glucocorticoïdes microgliaux dans l'apprentissage et la mémoire

Multi-User Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry Instrument for High-Throughput Analysis

Operations and Maintenance Support for the Polar Environment Atmospheric Research Laboratory (PEARL)

Economic production of oxygen-nitrogen mixtures for fishfarms

The Role of Thoughts and Thought Regulation in the Experience of Boredom

Improved x-ray detectors from Halbleiterlabor of the Max-Planck-Society (Munich, Germany) for the experimental measurement of the Electron Capture decay of K-40 to ground state of Ar-40:

Tracking equipment to test the effects of pesticides on migration movements of wild birds and butterflies

Control system for an ablation catheter for treatment of atrial fibrillation

Multidisciplinary design optimization of novel and flexible aircraft configurations: design, build, test and fly [MIDAS]

Hot-dip galvanized hollow structural sections - crack prevention and mechanical behaviour

Cybermentor Program

Development of highly efficient and inexpensive electrocatalysts for direct and continuous H2O2 production, using a fuel cell system

An Integrated Incubator-Microscope for Cell Manipulation and Measurement

Optical and Mechanical Design for Far-Infrared Interferometry

Polypropylene/polyethylene (PP/PE) nanocomposites for advanced applications

Load Disaggregation Accuracy and Consumption/Generation Signal Simulation

Total Synthesis of Eleutherobin

Robot Aided Therapy for Recovering Arm and Hand Functions After a Stroke

Submarine Towed Array Development

Sex and the Brain: Contributions of the vomeronasal organ to the sexual differentiation of brain and behaviour

Science is for Everyone

Medical technologies for diagnosis and therapy mixer

Farming the forest of the sea - seaweed cultivation workhop

Virtual qualification methodologies for microelectronic packaging

Improving point-to-point mm-wave communications through the use of hybrid automatic repeat request

Control of a ultrafiltration-based water-treatment plant using reinforcement learning: testing on a bench-scale system

Boronized steels and inconel alloys with high resistance to neutron irradiation damage

Micro-Hatchery Equipment in Support of Innovation in Shellfish Seed Production

Experimental study of two-phase flow through airlift pump system

Cognitive Network-Assisted Device-to-Device: The Platform for the Smart Society

Displacement flows for primary cementing applications

Development of novel UV reactors operating with microplasma technology for water treatment

Software Development for Prostate Fusion Biopsy Procedure

Impact of low dose radiation during late gestation on homeostatic control of metabolism and cellular function

Temperature and aging performance of high damping elastomers for seismic isolation systems

Rabbit monoclonal antibodies generation

An ultrahigh-speed camera to unlock the behaviour of rapid landslides, impulse waves, fracture propagation, and superhydrophobic surfaces

Development Of Sustainable Anti-Microbial Agent Based On Metal Alloy Powders

gDNA-free enzyme verification assay development

Accuracy of CAD/CAM Dental Models

Web and Mobile User Interface Test Automation

Development of Thermally Tuneable Bragg Stack for Anti-counterfeiting Applications

Real-time food particle detector

Softtware Engineering- Upper MAC

programmes de recherche sur le transport des marchandises

Truss-plate connected timber-concrete-composite floors

Characterizing genomic signatures of endophytism in the facultative Picea endophyte Phialocephala scopiformis

CASA - Cognitive Application Security Advisor

Impact of environmental change on the bioamplification of cyanotoxins in aquatic ecosystems

Infrastructure for Exosome Characterization

High Efficiency Deep Ultraviolet Laser Diodes Using III-Nitride Nanowire Heterostructures

Electrochemical aptasensors for bacteria detection

Surface engineering of boron nitride nanotubes for use as advanced fillers in the tire industry

Deep learning for wound segmentation and analysis

The UVic-Indigenous Living Lab: WEXES

Using online learning to manage uncertainty in load-shifting with water heaters

Escape, Resist or Tolerate? Context-Dependent Evolution in Response to Glyphosate Herbicide in a Noxious Weed, Amaranthus palmeri

Development of rapid test kits for I15

PGX technology for drying of biopolymers and their impregnation with bioactives

Algorithmes adaptatifs pour drones

Ingénierie détaillée et inspection de structures d'acier pour divers projets

Enzymatic modification of industrial biopolymers

Adsorption separation of CF4 and O2 from Ne gas

Updating and Validating Kinections Pathway Maps

Analysis of Multi-Dimensional Design Space of Common Features

Appui à l'usage du lidar terrestre pour l'inventaire forestier

Caméra rétinienne PLUS

Oculaire agile pour appareil photo

SuperNOVA's Community STEPs (Science, Technology, Engineering Partnerships)

Advanced Alarm Analytics Client-Side Design & Implementation

Photo-Rheometer for Soft Material Characterization

Submarine Optimization and Analysis Program

Understanding the effect of biofuels on particulate emissions

Methods to Nonparametric Spatial-Temporal Inference with Applications to Alberta Forest Fires

Structured prediction for scene understanding with deep learning algorithms

Ensembles limites d'actions de groupes libres sur S^3

Investigation of methods for pipeline integrity planning and defect assessment

University of Victoria engineering industry appreciation night

Status to come

Deals Reporting

Time-to-digital converter for time-resolved multi-photon coincidence measurements

Correlative light and electron microscopy under cryogenic conditions

Development of a Precision Eye Motion Tracking System for Integration into a High Resolution Glasses-Free Virtual Reality Display

Advanced Electro-flotation and Electro-chemical oxidation Pilot Treatment Platform for Increasing SAGD Produced Water Recycle and Reuse.

Stormwater Treatment Solution for Small-scale Water Resources

Cold Climate Accelerated Life Assessment of Solar Tracker Technology

Unmanned aerial systems applications in search and rescue operations

Micro remediation of contaminated soils

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Support for Remote Visual Analysis

Smart medication dispenser

Improving the mechanical system and industrial design of a novel carbon capture technology

Graphene-based Adsorptive Filter for Terra Aqua Systems (GRAFTA): An Innovative Solution for Contaminant Removal

Identification, analysis and implementation of an automatic conditional data assimilation framework for hydrological forecasting in hydropower reservoir management

Cinétique de formation de monomère cycliques d'acides gras oxydés en friture

Light Engine Design and EnOcean Add-On

Enhanced Mobile Architecture

Rencontre avec l'entreprise "La marée Haute" afin d'établir les bases d'une collaboration pour les nouveaux produits issus de la mariculture

Removal of organic compounds from water by the AOS reactor

market assessment of additive manufacturing (3D printing) of graphene-based devices

Multi-participant response system: Collecting interactive behavioural ratings and reaction times in 100 people simultaneously

Evaluation of reactor for continuously treating polymeric material to produce waxes

Analysis of Metals and Minerals

Food Ordering Application - Cloud Based Point of Sale System Integration

Machine learning models for HTTP botnet detection

Analysis of holographic water samples with deep networks

Séminaire - l'extrusion d'aluminium et ses diverses applications

Optimisation du refroidissement de l'électrolyte et de la circulation au Hall #3

Optimizing performance by stabilizing physiological oscillation patterns

Achat d'un compteur de particule électronique pour mesurer la composition en microalgue

Modèle d'estimation des quantités de fondants et d'abrasifs pour la viabilité hivernale des réseaux routiers tenant compte des microclimats

Connecting microstructure and rheology for enhanced oil sands tailings reclamation

Seed trials for the revegetation of arctic industrial sites

CRISPR genome-editing of iPSC

Co-op Software Developer


Research and Development of Robust Evaluation Techniques for Hearing Health

Development of a Novel Ultra-Rapid Cooling/Warming System Utilizing Micro-Machined Pin-Fin Arrays for Optimal Cryopreservation by Vitrification

Prospective Memory

Operations and Maintenance Support - Supporting Advanced Research in Engineering and Science (s-ARIES)

Development of a Modernized Fully Automated Vinyl Press: Manufacturing Scale Up and Field Deployment

Data collection and visualization software improvements for pressure and motion sensor

Scalable Data-Driven Computer Vision

Bonification et promotion de la plateforme PRISME

Purification de RBP liant des structures G-quadruplexes

Modélisation des risques à faible fréquence avec application en assurance environnementale.

Structure - texturizing function relationship of exopolysaccharides in fermented dairy specialities

Valorisation de résidus issus d'un procédé d'infusion

Origin of giant sediment-hosted base-metal deposits: case studies from the Central African Copperbelt, Democratic Republic of Congo

Voltage-gated L-type calcium channels and circuit plasticity

Food Safety Application Development

5 step automated assembly line

iPass-X android app development

Development of Management Dashboard

Cerebral blook flow during intracranial hypertension in humans

Modelling the effect of wildflower enhancements on bumblebee pollination services in Fraser Valley blueberry crops

Pulse processing to enhance nutrient bioavailability and new product development

Building stock end-use energy and emissions modeling workshop

Culture and Differentiation of Cardiomyocyte Stem Cells

Desorption Electrospray Ionization (DESI) for Mass Spectrometry Based Imaging

Méthodes XFEM et de nitsche pour problèmes d'interface

Engineering Research Day 2017 "Nano is the new big"

Location-aware Secutiry and Privacy in 5G Wireless Networks

Automatic vehicule identification using WiFi positioning

Develop, design, test and set up of Gas Metal Arc Welding fixture

Biofilm and Microfluidics

Évaluation de marché: les systèmes laser fibrés à large couverture spectrale pour l'infrarouge moyen.

Enhancement of Laser-Driven Proton Beam Using Nanostructured Targets

Design and Development of Wireless Mesh Smart Lighting for Office Buildings

Legacies of agricultural pollutants: Integrated assessment of biophysical and socioeconomic controls on water quality in agroecosystems (LEAP)

Human Cell Transportation and Cryopreservation Optimization

Hamiltonian Torus Actions on Generalized Complex Manifolds

Project Cardinal

Analysis of nano-quantities of geo-materials by Total-Reflectance X-Ray Fluorescence

Effects of diffuse basis set functions on the stability of multiply charged ions

Zebrafish Advanced Life Support System

High performance nucleofection unit for difficult to manipulate cell types

Urine pH as a measure of "renal reactivity" during high altitude ascent

Metabolic Engineering for Brewer's Yeast by CRISPR-Cas to Reduce Ethanol Production for the Development of a Non Alcoholic Craft Beer

Acquisition of Technical Equipment to Support Camosun's Composite Research and Education Lab.

Low-RFI Radio Astronomical Signal Processing for High-Speed Transient Analyses

Development of comprehensive biomarkers in milk to predict dairy cow welfare and health robustness

Structural and Functional Characterization of a Honeybee Toxin from P. larvae, the Causative Agent

Design and Construction of Various Arduino Computer Lab Aides

Safe autonomous robot path navigation with minimal instrumentation

Feasibility of spray-drying organic fertilizers

Développement de la spectroscopie d'émission de plasma induit par laser pour le diagnostic des procédés de traitement de l'ilménite vanadifère et du spodumène

Intégration de nouveaux équipements au réseau RF aux et plateformes informatique Demtroys

Industrial Scale-up and Prototype Evaluation of Biologically Benign Surface Functinalized Silicon Nanocrystals.

MMRI Open House Industry Panel - Industry 4.0 - Implementation Challenges and Opportunities

Flexible Ultrahigh-Speed Camera for Improved Experimental Characterisation

Nomination for NSERC Steacie Memorial Fellowship

Development of a high-throughput turbidimeter for Hatch's Water & Environmental Testing Service

Germanium gamma-ray spectrometer for high resolution dating of lake sediment records

Investigation de l'impact des températures élevées sur les traits d'histoire de vie et la variation temporelle de l'expression génétique du polychète marin Ophryotrocha puerilis siberti

Coronary blood flow regulation in hypoxia

ANR - Development of near-infrared mediated photocatalytic nanocomposites for the treatment of turbid wastewater

Application of MEMS motion sensors and data analytics solutions to the development of instrumented clinical tests

Design of assays to measure binding between peptidoglycan and novel glycopeptide-like molecules and to describe mechanisms of actions of these novel molecules.

Unité d'alimentation pour lampe de numériseur 3D

Isolation and characterization of cell lines from cervical lesions for construction of host-specific three-dimensional organotypic raft cultures

Results Driven Manufacturing Engineering

CASA - Cognitive Application Security Advisor

Polymers for Cell Encapsulation

Fluorescence detection system integrated with microfluidcs

A new Differential Scanning Calorimeter for the multi-user Molecular Biophysics Research Centre

Infrared Thermography Camera: A non-invasive tool to aid in the development of science based solutions for improving the welfare of animals

System Building of Subsea Insulation rated for 350F

L'École des protéines: de la classe de secondaire au laboratoire de recherche

Resonant x-ray scattering in cuprate superconductors

Controllability Measures for Solar Sail Artificial Lagrangian Orbits

New connection concepts for modular aluminum bridge applications

Hydraulic Grips and Controller for Variable Amplitude Fatigue Testing of Structural Connections, Interfaces, and Cables

Functional characterization of RNA interference technology

Radiation Dose Estimates to Populations in Urban and Rural Settings from Accidental or Malicious Release of Radionuclides for Development of Automated Cytogenetic Dosimetry

Modernize HMI Human Factors

Lab-on-a-Printer (LOP) Platform Technology for 4D Printing and Bioprinting

Développement d'une microcentrale expérimentale hybride modulaire et intelligente de faible puissance

Electrocatalytic activity of well-ordered bimetallic alloys

- Development of new AAV CRISPR vectors utilizing tissue-specific promoters

Workshop toward the development of a national research consotium on Oil Spills in Ice-Covered Arctic Waters (OSICA)

Knowledge Mining and Optimization of Residential Stock and Flow End Use Model

Modeling and characterizing quantum cascade lasers

Project Valhalla

Optimize the remote Programming of Business Identification meter import process and result monitor

Optical liquid fingerprinting for dynamic process monitoring (Phase 2)

Field seismic and geospatial sensor data integration and visualization

Fully-Integrated Silicon Photonic Transceiver using Multidimensional Complex Modulation with Direct Detection for Short Reach Application Targeting at 400 Gb/s and Beyond

Development of a Modernized Fully Automated Vinyl Press: Manufacturing Scale Up and Field Deployment

Using Automated Functional Tests to Validate Software

The identification of key genes underlying species differences in cuticular hydrocarbon biosynthesis in Drosophila

Hydrodynamic Electrochemistry: Investigation of Interfacial Redox Reactions in Materials, Small Molecules, and Biomolecules

A high-resolution wide-area imaging system for rapid, automated screening of biological samples

An integrated Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy (CLEM) tool, the FEI iCorr, for the UBC Bioimaging Facility

Operations and Maintenance Support for UBC Bioimaging Facility

DRMS product development

MindFuel: Expansion of STEM Enrichment for Youth in Canada

PhysicsFuel: Infused Science and Engineering by MindFuel

Moving from lab to field to assess cardiorespiratory and metabolic contaminant effects in fish

Determination of true stress-strain data using spherical indentation techniques

Dynamic probabilistic rating curves using side information

Develpoment of a sealed, high temperature bearing interface for surgical drape applications

Operations and Maintenance Support - Pacific Centre for Isotopic and Geochemical Research

Stratigraphic architecture and paleo-reconstruction of the Grouse paleovalley, McMurray Formation, Alberta, Canada

NSERC Awards for Science Promotion (Organization)

Distribution of bacterial genes related to antibiotic production associated with corn tissues

Exploring the role of non-fat particulates on tortuosity during pallm oil crystallization

Next Generation thin-line towed array technology

State of health estimation for lithium ion batteries

Failure Analysis of Fuel Cells Parts and Materials

Particle Size Analysis in Marine Sediments

Programatically consolidate heterogeneous documentation into a unified format

"Cardinal Project" - Engine

Integrated management of priority weed species in wild blueberry

Getting a Grip on Object Shape: Grasp points in space or magnitude from contour?

Development of an essential component for a low cost, high resolution selenium based x-ray imaging system for Western and emerging markets

Investigation of coroutine implementations in Java

Rearch projects to modernize our FOSS and Test case mgmt systems

Compression Testing Methodology, as applicable to Curtiss-Wright Products

Development of chemical sensors based on polymer semiconductors

Reinforcement Pulps & Pulp and Paper Products

Optimization of Next Generation Sequencing methods with ultra low sample input

Quality assessment for high resolution moving imagery

Optimization of screening procedures for monoclonal antibodies directed against membrane bound proteins

Forecasting Patron Demand Accurately for any Time Period

Microflow regulator fabrication

Development of phase diagram of novel base metal catalyst for catalytic converters

Geologically-constrained geophysical inversions of the Renard kimberlite pipes: optimization of a new diamond exploration methodology

Reconciling Arctic and elevational amplified warming using Canada's northern climate gradients

Development of a Cognitive Module to Enable Medical Confidence Workflow

Design, build and test of a building-integrated photovoltaic/thermal (BIPV/T) system

NSERC Industrial Research Chair for Colleges in Open Source Technology for Emerging Platforms (OSTEP)

Development of Cyber Intelligence Framework for monitoring and detecting abnormal computing resource utilization

Effects of iodine in water on intestinal microbial communities of chickens and other livestock animals

Glaciovolcanism in the Garibaldi Volcanic Belt: From Data to Models

Operations and Maintenance Support for the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope

Scaling User Interface Testing Frameworks

Development of mechanical testing protocols for bioprinted tissue grafts

Behavioural Platforms for Small Aquatic Species

Determining the Mechanism of Damaged DNA Replication

Engineering In Quantum Computing

Determining nanoparticle size distribution and concentration for bioanalytical applications

Development of a mobile application for the detection of security inks

Femtosecond Transient Absorption Spectrometer

Software developer

Platform for the analysis of microbial growth, competition, and interaction

Development and Commercialization of Indoor Positioning and Cloud WebGIS

As mentioned, the student will be assigned to research and develop solutions for technical tasks (c)

Operations and Maintenance Support for the Giga-to-Nanoelectronics Centre

Optimizing knock-in experiments using CRISPR/Cas9

Scaling effects in fatigue of glass fibre reinforced epoxy

Crack formation in twin-sheet thermoformed HDPE kayaks

STEM Outreach Program for Rural BC

Development of an intelligent battery charger and battery management system for E-bikes

High-density neuromodulation using network-based transcranial alternating current stimulation

MALDI mass spectrometer

Development of third generation UV water purification system sensors and dosage equations for enhanced difficult water treatment

Maintaining Ultracentrifugation Capacity for Biological Research at the Ontario Veterinary College

Operations and Maintenance Support for the Centre for Microbial Chemical Biology

Characterization and optimization of a rapid antibody test labelling solution

High Yield T7 in-vitro Transcription

Automated Event recognition in Hockey Games

Operations and Maintenance Support: Montréal Centre for Structural Analysis by X-Ray Diffraction

Functionalized Polydicyclopentadiene: Reduction to Commercially Viable Pratice (I2I Phase 1)

Interpreting greenhouse gas and air pollution surface measurements to quantify urban emissions

3D bioprinted cell seeded POEGMA hydrogels as tissue mimics

Interactive rendering of the dissections of virtual animal models

Operation and Maintenance Support for the Experimental Lakes Area

Ultra low temperature characterization of Novel Magnetic Materials

Plasticity in mate preferences in response to social environment

Industry-academic partnership seed workshop for BC agri-food Sector

Instrumentation du procédé de biopile et développement d'un matériel de recouvrement biofiltrant

Chair de recherche industrielle du CRSNG sur le développement des bétons fluides à rhéologie adaptée (BFRA) et leur utilisation dans les infrastructures en béton

Étude des déformations et fissuration du béton destiné pour la construction des éléments structuraux composites

Operations and Maintenance Support for the BioZone MS Facility

Tectonic, geochemical and metamorphic controls on gold mineralization at the island gold deposit and surrounding region, Michipicoten Greenstone Belt, Ontario

Next Generation Cathode Catalyst Layer Designs for Automotive Application

PulpEye and Raman spectroscopy

Development of Tools to Model Operational Decision Making in Ice Offshore Applications

Development of Friction Modifier Materials for the Wheel/Rail Interface

Developing efficient LDPC soft decoder for flash memory storage systems

Development of Thermally Tuneable Bragg Stack for Anti-counterfeiting Applications

Advanced Interpretation of Electrical Resistivity, IP and VLF Anomalies in the Mars Main and Mars Northeast Zones of Anthill Resources' Einarson Property, Yukon, Canada

A 3D lithography System for Metamaterials, Energy Materials and Biomaterials Engineering and Applications

Development of structural design tools for seismic isolation and supplemental damping system according to 2015 NBCC provisions

Robust Heading and Step Estimation for Indoor Localization

Optical Vector Analyzer for Integrated Microwave Photonics Research

Critical water tunnel facility upgrade

Micro-LED Bonding and Integration For Display Applications

Developing iron oxide/carbon nano composite adsorbents for arsenic removal from gold mine effluents

Characterization of Toxic Cyanobacterial Algae Blooms Using the Oxford Nanopore MinION

Development of field emission based x-ray for non destructive testing (NDT) applications

Multi-beam X-ray Source based Computed Tomography Platform

Novel holobiont-based approaches to rapidly adapt wheat to drought stress

Using Automated Functional Tests to Validate Software

Detection and Evaluation of Ammonia Gas for Power Transformer Diagnostics

Optical instrumentation to understand the chemistry of the atmospheric chlorine budget

Specialized localization interface technologies for industrial robotic inspection

Haemostasis Viscoelastometry for Thrombotic Disorders

Wire-to-water efficiency improvement water heater circulators using innovative electric drivetrains

A Novel Research-Purpose Ultrasound Array Scanner for Dynamic Ultrasound Imaging Investigations

Enabling technologies for future software-defined and virtualized wireless networks

Ultra-sensitive graphene-based immunoelectrochemical sensor for the quantitation of cardiac Troponin I

Feasibility of using smart beads in pipe coating for self-healing purpose

Mining and Processing Big Data in Bioinformatics: Mouse Phenotyping using Flow Cytometry

Establishing a Database for WiFi Indoor Localization

Development of rapid test kits for HHb

Microbiological evaluation of novel technology for fruit puree processing

Controlled Atmospheric Environment for Cell Growth and Manipulation

Automated Behavioural Response (ABR) systems for conducting the first ever global experimental assessment of the threat poaching poses to tropical biodiversity

Development of durable and low-carbon-footprint magnesium concrete, partially recycled from wastewater treatment by-product

Effects of reputation on the evolution of communication systems in humans

Reactions within nanoreactors in aqueous solution

Plastic Recovery and Recycling from Coastal Waters

Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation of Microalgae Micro-bioreactors

Surface functionalization of microfluidic substrates and characterization of wetting behaviors for developing microfluidic oil analysis

Software Engineering, Framework & Tools

Mechanical Engineering Internship at Velometro

Software developer for web-app application

IOS Applications

Motion Capture System and Mobile Robot Vehicle for Indoor Autonomous Navigation Research

Development of graphene-based systems with special magnetic properties

Mechanisms underlying the stress tolerance of Eutrema salsugineum

Control System Design for Ice Detection and De-icing of Wind Turbine Blades

Feasibility test of lateral flow asssays for type 1 plasminogen activator inhibitor

Development of a High-Level Intelligent Mission Controller Cooperating with Low-Level Flight Controller for Autonomous and Safe UAV Operations

Hyper-Frequency Viscoelastic Spectroscopy for Advanced Composites and Biomaterials

Industrial Reliability Improvement

Autonomous monitoring of data centre operations

Advanced materials for manufacturing of porous ceramics from colloidal slurries

Deciphering mountain growth using the new method of Structural Thermochronology

Workshop for Canadian Energy Pipeline Research Network

R3 Project - Development of a Novel Reusable, Refillable, & Recyclable POU Water Filter

Interfacial engineering and material analysis of field joint coatings

Ground-Based Microgravity and Magnetic Simulation Facility for Dynamics and Control of Electrodynamic Tethers in Space

Development of growth factor cocktails for supporting cell growth Continue

Software-defined networking for service-oriented 5G networks

Acoustic Tone Generation by Perforated Panels Exposed to Flow at Oblique Incidence

Elucidating the role of metabolic ammonia in driving gill development in zebrafish - a reverse genetics approach

High-fidelity aerodynamic and aerostructural optimization with application to variable camber wings

Automated compatibility and functionality verification of telematics devices

Acquisition of an oil-free air compressor for support of solid-state NMR spectrometers

Operations and Maintenance Support for Facilities for Materials Characterization

batch report | rapport en lots

Improving indoor positioning accuracy in dynamic environments using semantics-based location knowledge modelling and probabilistic data analytics

Site visit for the identification of collaborative opportunities in the design of fluidized bed reactors for wastewater treatment

Développement d'une solution intelligente et temps réel de quantification de l'erreur sur les mouvements articulaires pour aide à la décision aux chirurgiens

Conception d'un modèle d'optimisation et de prédiction de rendement d'une station de recharge solaire, mobile et autonome (micro-grid) pour véhicules électriques

Achat d'équipements spécialisés pour la recherche en réseau de neurones (deep learning) appliquées aux véhicules autonomes

Conception et caractérisation d'un hydrogel thermosensible injectable pour la régénération du disque intervertébral

Utilisation d'une matrice végétale protéino-glucidique électro-activée pour l'encapsulation et la libération délayée d'ingrédients actifs

Utilisation du charbon de bois en tant que matériau de protection dans les fours de cuisson des anodes de carbone

Process improvement for a modular construction manufacturer through the use of lean tools, automation, and improved plant layout

Towards quantifying the impact of climate change in the Peruvian Amazon: Forecasting drought-flood cycles and their impact on populations in the San Marin Region, nothwest Peru

CARIC National Research Forum: How to prepare a successful collaborative proposal, connecting industrial and academic parties

Solar-Driven Hybrid Atmospheric Water Generator with Energy Storage and Supplemental Lighting for Greenhouse Climate Control

Time delay signature suppressed broadband chaotic laser for high-speed all-optical true random number generator

Appui au fonctionnement et à l’entretien du parc d’équipements du Centre de recherche, développement et validation des technologies et procédés de traitement des eaux (CREDEAU)

Using high-throughput yeast one hybrid screens to identify transcription factors regulating plant resistance against the devastating fungal pathogen Leptoshaeria maculans

Micro-Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (Micro-FTIR) for assessing chemical resistance and durability performance of FRP materials

Développement de routines au microscope optique et d'un modèle de broyage de grains pour simuler le traitement de minerais aurifères et polymétalliques

Rencontre avec l'entreprise Papilles afin d'établir une collaboration entre le développement de produits marins et leur mise en marché

Charcrete: incorporation of bio-char in concrete for carbon sequestration and improved physical and acoustic properties

Academic-Industry Networking Workshop for the Development of Major NSERC CRD Proposal for "Waste-to-Resources" R&D Program

Est-ce que les excursions des éléphants à l'extérieur de la réserve faunique d'Ithala en Afrique du Sud son associées à l'extinction locale d'espèces végétales?

Testing & validation of pre-clinical multispectral SPECT and simultaneous PET/MRI using silicon photomultiplier technology

Development and characterization of tool steel powders for welding repair of moulds through valorisation of process waste

Valorisation des silicates d'aluminium issus de l'extraction du lithium à partir du spodumène comme ajouts cimentaires et comme matière première pour différentes industries

Application of Computationally-Assisted Methods for the Design of Conjugated Polymers with Conformational Locks and to Explore the Direct (Hetero)arylation Polymerization Reaction

Robotic balance simulator to characterize the adaptability and sensory code underlying the control of standing balance in humans

Aligning information mapping techniques: concepts to content across multiple academic courses and years for lifelong learning

Development of new protocols for prepubertal reproduction of water buffalos using laparoscopic ovum pick-up and in vitro embryo production technologies

Afforestation/reforestation for the sustainable mineland reclamation and greenhouse gas management in the Canadian mining sector

3D Stero Micro-Imaging Measurement System (3D Micro DIC) for in-situ characterization of advanced composites and new emerging smart materials

Étude comparative des impacts environnementaux de logements sociaux en bois au Canada et en Europe dans un contexte de développement durable

A High Throughput Platform for Multiplexed Screening of Drugs of Abuse by Multisegment Injection-Capillary Electrophoresis-Mass Spectrometry

Developpement d'une cellule de remplissage automatisée de doses de médicaments oraux pour les hôpitaux pédiatriques

Advanced spectrometer with time-resolved mid-infrared and near-infrared capabilities for studies of membrane proteins and polymers

A Laboratory Information Management System -LIMS- for the optimal administration of data generated by the National Bee Diagnostic Centre - Technology Access Centre

Analyses thermique et structurale des équipements des unités de craquage catalytique en tenant compte du comportement des matériaux réfractaires

High-resolution 3D model reconstruction using commodity colour-depth (RGB-D) cameras for dermatological imaging

Improving Dewatering Systems for Controlling Groundwater Seepage into the Base of Excavations Having Vertical Earth Retaining Systems

Développement de concepts de balances industrielles à camions en bétons fibrés à ultra-hautes performances (BFUP)

Characterization of new sources of fusarium head blight (FHB) resistance and introgress it in to Saskatchewan elite wheat cultivars

Suivi des fleurs d'eau d'algues bleu-vert ou cyanobactéries (FEA) par télédétection dans les petits lacs et dans le littoral près des rives

Advancing rate-transient analysis for improved characterization and forecasting of Canada's unconventional light oil reservoirs

Ultra-high performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC) system for high-throughput analysis of bioactive plant metabolites and environmental samples

Performance Testing and Evaluation of Diffusion Coatings for Application in Supercritical Water-Cooled Reactors and Power Plants

Identifying the potential protein substrates of E3 ligase TLP6 throught immunoprecipitation and mass spectrometry

Uranium Dioxo Complexes of a Structurally Rigid, Macrocyclic Ligand, and Potential Catalytic Hydrocarbon Desaturation Chemistry

Impact of a reduced effective body surface area on the thermoregulatory and cardiovascular responses to exercise

Water-soluble polymers for use in stimuli-responsive materials, water treatment and flocculation of oil sands tailings

Développement et optimisation de la technologie électrochimique AOS pour la décontamination des caux usées chargées en polluants organiques réfractaires.

Study the Impact of Composite Sample Mixing Methodology and Centrifugal Forces on Density Determination and S & W Results

Synergistic Computional and Experimental Discovery of Catalysts for CO2 Reduction to Renewable Fuels & Feedstocks

Development of a polyethylene/methyl acrylate copolymer composite with nano-metric dispersion of NanoCrystalline Cellulose

Investigation of an optimal weaning strategy for dairy calves individually fed with an automated milk feeding system

Smart mining complexes: large-scale stochastic optimization, high-order simulation and self-learning decision support systems for sustainable development of mineral resources

Development and testing of a novel photocatalytic system for efficient cogeneration of clean water and hydrogen for ecosafe agriculture (ECOSAFEFARMING)

Generic foundry platform for photonic integrated circuits in InP based on taper-assistant vertical integration technology

Excimer laser electrode optimization and solids-based fluorine generation system for operational lifetime extension

Impact des biofilms sur les performances des procédés baromembranaires lors du traitement et de la valorisation des effluents laitiers.

Winter operational and maintenance best management practices (BMPs) for permeable interlocking concrete pavers (PICP)

Measurements of the earth atmosphere's power, energy, movement and refractive indices using a software radio earth atmosphere imager for detection and monitoring of forest fires

Évaluation du potentiel de la technologie de bioréacteur membranaire appliqué au lixiviat du procédé de compostage en pile statique

Développement d'une technologie innovante de bio-traitement à membrane adaptée au traitement de lixiviats issus de procédés de compostage en pile statique

Mechanisms of biofunctionalization of photocorrosion-based semiconductor biosensors for quasi-continuous monitoring of pathogens in water environments

Desalination for drinking and irrigation water use by nanoparticle enhanced electrodialysis of ocean and saline water

Impacts des méthodes de préparation de la litière à base de fumier recyclé sur ses qualités microbiennes, sur la santé des vaches laitières et sur la qualité du lait

The phone oximeter: A socially driven research and business partnership between UBC and LionsGate Technologies Inc.

Development and design optimization of a manure temperature model for livestock and cropping system management and mitigation of agricultural greenhouse gas emissions

Systemic risk-based resilience evaluation framework for Canadian school infrastructure under multiple and cascading hazards

Incorporating unconventional composite materials to make the underground a reliable source and an efficient storage of renewable energy

Integrated probe station for electrical conductivity measurements from cryogenic temperatures to room temperature

Movement of contaminants and nutrients through seabird food webs in the North and South Atlantic: A multi-indicator approach, using fatty acid, stable isotope, and trace element analysis.

Refinement and validation of a system for the real-time monitoring and detection of drowsiness-related eye movements

Chaire industrielle de recherche du CRSNG en modélisation mathématique et en simulations numériques multiphysiques.

Études des paramètres fondamentaux régissant la réactivité et l'endommagement des ouvrages en bétons affectés de RAS pour en modéliser le comportement et en optimiser la gestion

From genes to ecosystems: an eco-evolutionary assessment of alternative harvesting strategies and consequences for fisheries productivity

Reconciling wavefunction with reduced density matrix methods for the study of photocelles and thermoelectric devices

Linking the population structures of phosphate-accumulating organisms in wastewaters and treatment plants to enhance predictive abilities of bio-P removal process models

Phénomènes transitoires dans les aménagements hydroélectriques: Outil d'aide au choix de la méthode de calcul appropriée

An experimental test of evolutionary rescue theory with complex freshwater metacommunities exposed to a widespread contaminant

Développement d'un béton ultra-léger réfractaire pour la réalisation monolithique de supports de brûleurs destinés aux fours d'aluminerie

Acquisition of a high-speed high-volume floor centrifuge to support research in the field of veterinary infectious diseases

Cost-Based Cross-section Optimization of U- and Box-shaped Precast Prestressed Concrete Railway Bridge Girders

Multiplex immunoassay electrochemiluminescence system and touchscreen chambers for examining signally molecules related to cognition.

Analytical and toxicological evaluation of bioavailable naphthenic acids from oil sands process-affected water and groundwater using biomimetic extraction solid phase microextraction

Performance Optimization of Wireless Communications for Improving Safety, Reliability, and Efficiency in Connected Vehicle Networks

Endurance increase of autonomous underwater vehicles using polymeric coating technology for effective Arctic seabed exploration and monitoring

Scaling-up of a Novel Biphasic Process for the Degradation of Waste Chlorinated Solvents using Reactive Iron Nanoparticles

Chemically-Modified Shear-Exfoliated Graphene for the Production of Membranes for Industrial Waste Water Purification

Évaluation du potentiel de stockage géologique du CO2 de la structure de Bonaventure à l'aide d'un modèle géologique 3D

Developing Simple and Non-Destructive Tools to Perform Quality Control Tests on Gas Diffusion Layers for Fuel Cell Electrodes

Development of efficient nanostructured catalysts for greenhouse gas (GHG) emission abatement from automotive exhausts

Structural Dynamics and Hybrid Control of Solar Sails - Practical and More Efficient Spacecraft to Travel within the Solar System

Bringing Community-Based Research and Culturally-Relevant Experiential Learning Activities to Inuit Schools through the Arctic Sea Ice Educational Package

Critical need for a new chiller for the Aquatic Toxicology Research Facility, Toxicology Centre, University of Saskatchewan

Eutrophication hotspots resulting from biogeochemical transformations and bioavailability of organic phosphorus in the fluvial suspended sediment of geologically contrasting agricultural catchments


Genome-wide association study using genotype imputation with low coverage DNA sequence data from an apple biodiversity collection

Investigation and analysis at full and pilot scale on operational procedures of biofiltration unit processes in drinking water treatment

Advanced nano-thin metallo-dielectric multilayered coatings for high-sensitivity and high-efficiency diffractive-optics bio-sensing

Application du traitement de données complexes pour l'identification de cas de fraudes dans les transactions de IAG

Automotive weight reduction through nonlinear finite element modeling, fatigue analysis, and optimization of hot stamped ultra-high strength steels

Assessment of the impact of new electric heating technologies and controls on energy performance and peak load management

Development of Analysis-Design-Assessment Framework for Performance Based Seismic Design of Building Structures

Development of a frequency- and amplitute-dependent macro element for seismic SSI analysis of shallow and deep foundations

Advanced ion chromatography for assessing permafrost degradation impacts on water quality and organic carbon composition and dynamics

Développement d'une litière à base de bois recyclé permettant de réduire les risques de mammites dans la production laitière

Computational pipeline for scoring signaling pathway activity and gene regulatory network responses in T cell development

Identification of snow accumulation zones and cornices using LiDAR Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in an avalanche forecasting context

Pêcheries de petits volumes: amélioration des rendements de pêche aux casiers de crabes communs et de crabes araignées

Flow Chemistry Platform with a Photochemical Reactor for Applications in Organic Chemistry and Materials Science

Modeling, Optimization, and Feasibility Analysis of Roof Mounted Transparent Backing Building Integrated Photovoltaic/Thermal (BIPV/T) System

Real-time intraoperative spectroscopic tumor margin detection in robotic-assisted radical prostatectomy on prostate cancer patients

Conception et validation de la performance de nouveaux outils de coupe pour générer directement en scierie des fibres isolantes

Development of Lightweight Polyamide/Chitin Nanowhisker Nanocomposites with Uniform Filler Dispersion and Enhanced Mechanical Properties

Identification key to dinoflagellate cysts of the South China Sea: an aid to palynological interpretation for palaeoclimate reconstruction

Développement d'un modèle de micro-distribution de plaquettes forestières pour l'approvisionnement de petites unités thermiques sur la Côte-Nord.

Rencontre avec l'entreprise Fourchette Bleue afin d'établir les bases d'une collaboration pour les nouvelles pêcheries

Fundamental understanding of flotation of hexagonal pyrrhotite and millerite to improve the quality of ni-cu concentrates

Caractérisation des effets vibratoires et amélioration du système de navigation inertiel d'un autopilote dédié à l'opération de drone léger

Optimization of a three-stage compounding process for the production of the nasal spray in Apotex through the rheological characterization of the bulk suspension

Operation and Maintenance Support to Enhance Research and Highly Qualified Personnel Training at the Queen's University Biological Station

A design problem: using the UBCO STS research lab unique IPB safety research technology to solve AWEI's bicyclist safety vest re-design problem

Développement d'un nouveau biocapteur plasmonique nanométrique permettant l'analyse localisée dans des cellules vivantes par SERS dynamique

Development of plasmonic-semiconductor nano-assemblies for solar water splitting systems: more efficient and more cost effective

Determining the Opportunities for Ahiflower Oil to be Used as a Functional Ingredient in Packaged Food Products through Stability and Organoleptic Testing.

Citizen Science for Agricultural Biodiversity and Food Security: Testing a Farmer Paricipatory Evaluation of Technology Prototype with Agricultural College Students in Costa Rica

Landscape-level effects of intensive forest management on biodiversity: Integrating monitoring with retrospective and projective landscape analyses

The interactive effects of parasitic infection and an acidified and warmed marine environment on ecologically important species

Investigation of Forestry Residue BioChar for Odor Reduction and Sustainable Use on Cold Processed Fish Hydrolysate

Développement et implantation d'une méthode de programmation à distance pour le grenaillage de trains d'atterrissage

Aerial infrared thermography (AIT): Methodology to calculate energetic parameters of building rooftops based on direct temperature measurement

Intégrer la gestion de l'incertitude dans la démarche d'écoconception pour une meilleure gestion du risque dans la prise de décision

Automated Actuator for Evaluation of Regional Droplet Deposition from Nasal Spray Devices in Nasal Airway Replicas

Computational Hardware to Interpret Satellite Observations of Atmospheric Composition for Air Quality and Climate Applications

Accelerating commercial outcome through synergetic partnership in innovative dentistry product and process development

Investigation into the biosynthesis of domoic acid, a potent marine neurotoxin with severe pathological, environmental, and economic implications

Mise au point d'un système de transmission de trames vidéo et de données pour des robots en environnements hasardeux

Prototypage d'un système de mesure des taux d'humidité et de protéine du fourrage pour l'automatisation des exploitations agricoles

VECOS: Comprehensive Vulnerability Analysis and Mitigation Development Framework for Vehicular Communication Systems

Développement, construction et opération optimisée d'un système de valorisation des biomasses agro-industrielles en engrais naturels pour utilisation serricole

Développement d'un procédé fiable pour le traitement de matières fines de construction, rénovation et démolition (CRD)

Chaire de recherche industrielle dans les collèges du CRSNG sur les bioprocédés et les technologies de fermentation

Assessing the relationship between gastrointestinal blood flow and peripheral pulse wave harmonics to develop an algorithm to predict caloric intake

Elucidation of the mechanistic role between the overproduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the activation of I Kappa B Kinase beta (IKKß) in the development of insulin resistance

Développement de méthodes de traitement et de reconnaissance d'images pour le domaine de la consommation alimentaire

Analyse des besoins et détermination des contraintes techniques pour un exosquelette industriel par évaluation en milieu réel d'utilisation

Développement de casques pour le traitement de la plagiocéphalie et brachyocéphalie optimisés pour la fabrication additive

Distinction and characterisation of metamorphic, barren- and auriferous hydrothermal alterations at the Kirkland Lake archean intrusion-related gold deposit, Abitibi, Ontario

Muscle fiber capillary density: A relationship between muscle stem cells and indices of perfusion during resistance-type exercises training in older men

Assessment of Waste Heat Capture Feasibility from Pulp Mill Waste Stream As Foundation for Eco-Industrial Park

Factors influencing shark abundance and community composition in the protected areas of Walkere Bay, South Africa.

Optimisation des procédés de conditionnement de la biomasse résiduelle pour le développement de produits biosourcés.

Qualités nutritionnelles de champignons forestiers conditionnés par des technologies papetières pour l'alimentation animale

Advanced characterization and monitoring for improved wellhead protection in a fractured and porous dolostone bedrock aquifer

Sunken megajoules: Modelling industrial inefficiencies and potential for optimization of protein and nutrition pathways from ocean to plate

129Xe MRI radiofrequency coil for in vivo measurements of airways and alveoli to generate novel lung biomechanical models

Rencontre avec l'entreprise WSP-Baie-Comeau et l'entreprise Boréale afin d'établir les bases d'une collaboration pour les récifs artificiels

Vehicles and mobile laboratory for field research in ecology / Véhicules et laboratoire mobile pour la recherche de terrain en écologie

Développement d'un service de détection et d'inventaire de cervidés dans les parcs urbains et périurbains par imagerie aérienne acquise par aéronef sans pilote

Investigation of the prevalence of Echinococcus multilocularis, and risk of infection, in wild canids in Ontario, Canada

Development of a nano-catalytic in reservoir upgrading and enhanced recovery process for efficient extraction of conventional oil from extra-heavy oils and bitumen reservoirs

Development of a high-frequency DC power electrocoagulation water treatment process: factors affecting contaminant removal, electrode scaling, and energy consumption

Investigating the origin of the drift in the resistance of ceramic thick film printed heaters in order to ensure a stable operation with a minimal resistance variation.

Développement d'une nouvelle technologie et méthode de travail pour la désinfection de conduite d'aqueduc suite à un bris.

Développement d'un procédé phisico-chimique hybride d'électrocoagulation et d'adsorption pour le traitement et le recyclage des eaux grises et des eaux noires

Développement d'un procédé d'électro-adsorption pour le traitement des eaux usées issues de la production des savons et des produits de nettoyage.

Développement de stratégies d'évaluation de la migration potentielle des emballages dans des conditions de traitement spécifiques

Characterization of probiotic bacterial cells enzyme activity and investigation of their gastrointestinal stability and impact on microbiota composition and function

Valorisation agricole de résidus de transformation de bois et discussion sur les possibilités de production de vignes (dans des conditions pedo-climatiques du Québec) destinées à la fabrication de vin

Valorisation de résidus de crevettes sous forme d'amendements agricoles par les producteurs de l'UPA de la Gaspésie et la Minoterie des anciens (Ste-Anne-des-Monts, Qc)

Integrated processing of high-resolution spaceborne InSAR and LIDAR to produce better displacement map series for landslides

Physiological and behavioural responses of fish to climate change and fisheries stressors: implications for acclimation and adaptation

Rencontre avec la Brasserie St-Pancrace pour évaluer le potentiel de développement de nouvelles bières à saveurs de produits marins

A New, Energy Efficient Solid Waste Management Technology for Wastewater Treatment Plants using Smouldering Combustion: From Concept to Commercialization

Establishing Habitat requirements of Cutthroat trout on Gold Creek, Alberta, in relation to the proposed Grassy Mountain Coal Mine

Optimized Optical Backhaul Design for Fiber-Wireless (FiWi) Enhanced Long Term Evolution-Advanced (LTE-A) Heterogeneous Networks (HetNets)

Climate Change and Landslide Hazard - The Effects of Glacial Change on the Frequency, Magnitude, and Distribution of Landslides in the Mountains of NW North America

Chemical Field Effect Transistors Incorporating Ultrapure Semiconducting Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes for the Detection of Carbon Dioxide

Source stream (headwater) protection from forest practices: what are the costs and benefits, and how best to do it? (SOSTPRO)

Système intelligent d'aide à la décision pour la planification, la gestion et l'optimisation de progrmmes de suivi de la qualité de l'eau

Improved design procedures for slotted hidden gap HSS brace connections & I-shape flange connections & the use of electroslag welding for the fabrication of heavy steel structures

Development of a thermal regeneration process to improve the thermal resistance and stability of FBGs at high temperatures

Développement d'un procédé de prétraitement à la méthanisation pour hydrolyser et décomposer les huiles et graisses contenues dans les rejets de lactosérum des fromageries par une

Unraveling the role of inherited structures in the lithosphere using innovative advanced methods in tectonic analogue modeling: Global tectonics and structural evolution in the Canadian Arctic

Equivalent optically transparent circuits: an optimization-driven methodology for the design of optically transparent sensors and antennas

Assessment and optimization of Supercritical Fluid Extraction (SFE) technology for Treatment of Perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) contaminated soil

Développement d'une plateforme électronique de gestion de systèmes solaires photovoltaïques connectés ou non au réseau

Bearing Health Monitoring and Clogged Spout Detection Using Finite Element Analysis and Advanced Signal Processing Technique

Operations and Maintenance Support: Surface Science Western, Western Nanofabrication and Tandetron Accelerator Facilities

Chemisorption System for the Development of Nanostructured Catalysts for Environmental and Energy Applications

High precision gas/vapor adsorption measurement device for characterization of high performing inorganic/organic adsorbents

Investigating historic sea otter population baselines through archeological and contemporary California mussel bed characteristics

Feasibility Study of Combined Power/Process Heat/CO2 Generation System Fueled by Biomass for Applications in Greenhouse Industry

SPeech Across Dialects of English (SPADE): large-scale digital analysis of a spoken language across space and time

Développement d'un calculateur de compensation carbone adapté aux procédés de plantations d'arbres et aux conditions environnementales et écologiques régionales

The Impact of the Atlantic Salmon Gut Microbiome and Pathogenicity Factors on Spironucleus salmoncida infections

Atmospheric Pressure Gas Chromatograph and Ultra-Cold Freezer to Support an Existing Ion Mobility Quadrupole Time of Flight Mass Spectrometer

Multi-User Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry Instrument for High-Throughput Analysis

Improved x-ray detectors from Halbleiterlabor of the Max-Planck-Society (Munich, Germany) for the experimental measurement of the Electron Capture decay of K-40 to ground state of Ar-40:

Development of highly efficient and inexpensive electrocatalysts for direct and continuous H2O2 production, using a fuel cell system

Control of a ultrafiltration-based water-treatment plant using reinforcement learning: testing on a bench-scale system

An ultrahigh-speed camera to unlock the behaviour of rapid landslides, impulse waves, fracture propagation, and superhydrophobic surfaces

Escape, Resist or Tolerate? Context-Dependent Evolution in Response to Glyphosate Herbicide in a Noxious Weed, Amaranthus palmeri

Development of a Precision Eye Motion Tracking System for Integration into a High Resolution Glasses-Free Virtual Reality Display

Advanced Electro-flotation and Electro-chemical oxidation Pilot Treatment Platform for Increasing SAGD Produced Water Recycle and Reuse.

Graphene-based Adsorptive Filter for Terra Aqua Systems (GRAFTA): An Innovative Solution for Contaminant Removal

Identification, analysis and implementation of an automatic conditional data assimilation framework for hydrological forecasting in hydropower reservoir management

Rencontre avec l'entreprise "La marée Haute" afin d'établir les bases d'une collaboration pour les nouveaux produits issus de la mariculture

Multi-participant response system: Collecting interactive behavioural ratings and reaction times in 100 people simultaneously

Modèle d'estimation des quantités de fondants et d'abrasifs pour la viabilité hivernale des réseaux routiers tenant compte des microclimats

Development of a Novel Ultra-Rapid Cooling/Warming System Utilizing Micro-Machined Pin-Fin Arrays for Optimal Cryopreservation by Vitrification

Origin of giant sediment-hosted base-metal deposits: case studies from the Central African Copperbelt, Democratic Republic of Congo

Modelling the effect of wildflower enhancements on bumblebee pollination services in Fraser Valley blueberry crops

Legacies of agricultural pollutants: Integrated assessment of biophysical and socioeconomic controls on water quality in agroecosystems (LEAP)

Metabolic Engineering for Brewer's Yeast by CRISPR-Cas to Reduce Ethanol Production for the Development of a Non Alcoholic Craft Beer

Développement de la spectroscopie d'émission de plasma induit par laser pour le diagnostic des procédés de traitement de l'ilménite vanadifère et du spodumène

Investigation de l'impact des températures élevées sur les traits d'histoire de vie et la variation temporelle de l'expression génétique du polychète marin Ophryotrocha puerilis siberti

ANR - Development of near-infrared mediated photocatalytic nanocomposites for the treatment of turbid wastewater

Design of assays to measure binding between peptidoglycan and novel glycopeptide-like molecules and to describe mechanisms of actions of these novel molecules.

Isolation and characterization of cell lines from cervical lesions for construction of host-specific three-dimensional organotypic raft cultures

Infrared Thermography Camera: A non-invasive tool to aid in the development of science based solutions for improving the welfare of animals

Hydraulic Grips and Controller for Variable Amplitude Fatigue Testing of Structural Connections, Interfaces, and Cables

Radiation Dose Estimates to Populations in Urban and Rural Settings from Accidental or Malicious Release of Radionuclides for Development of Automated Cytogenetic Dosimetry

Workshop toward the development of a national research consotium on Oil Spills in Ice-Covered Arctic Waters (OSICA)

Fully-Integrated Silicon Photonic Transceiver using Multidimensional Complex Modulation with Direct Detection for Short Reach Application Targeting at 400 Gb/s and Beyond

Hydrodynamic Electrochemistry: Investigation of Interfacial Redox Reactions in Materials, Small Molecules, and Biomolecules

An integrated Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy (CLEM) tool, the FEI iCorr, for the UBC Bioimaging Facility

Stratigraphic architecture and paleo-reconstruction of the Grouse paleovalley, McMurray Formation, Alberta, Canada

Development of an essential component for a low cost, high resolution selenium based x-ray imaging system for Western and emerging markets

Geologically-constrained geophysical inversions of the Renard kimberlite pipes: optimization of a new diamond exploration methodology

Development of Cyber Intelligence Framework for monitoring and detecting abnormal computing resource utilization

Development of third generation UV water purification system sensors and dosage equations for enhanced difficult water treatment

Chair de recherche industrielle du CRSNG sur le développement des bétons fluides à rhéologie adaptée (BFRA) et leur utilisation dans les infrastructures en béton

Tectonic, geochemical and metamorphic controls on gold mineralization at the island gold deposit and surrounding region, Michipicoten Greenstone Belt, Ontario

Advanced Interpretation of Electrical Resistivity, IP and VLF Anomalies in the Mars Main and Mars Northeast Zones of Anthill Resources' Einarson Property, Yukon, Canada

Development of structural design tools for seismic isolation and supplemental damping system according to 2015 NBCC provisions

Automated Behavioural Response (ABR) systems for conducting the first ever global experimental assessment of the threat poaching poses to tropical biodiversity

Development of durable and low-carbon-footprint magnesium concrete, partially recycled from wastewater treatment by-product

Surface functionalization of microfluidic substrates and characterization of wetting behaviors for developing microfluidic oil analysis

Development of a High-Level Intelligent Mission Controller Cooperating with Low-Level Flight Controller for Autonomous and Safe UAV Operations

Ground-Based Microgravity and Magnetic Simulation Facility for Dynamics and Control of Electrodynamic Tethers in Space
