Names of Allah Al Awal Al Akhir Adh dhahir Al Batin - WordPress… · 2017. 10. 31. · knowledge...


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Names of Allah

Al Awal Al Akhir

Adh dhahir Al Batin

Class 5

Date: 17th October 2017


Surah Luqman.

Last two pages of surah Luqman.

What we see apparently that is not everything. To know Allah to believe we need

to know that it’s not always that what we see. We did Al Awwal fe ilmihi that is

knowledge and that we need to make knowledge our first priority.

Allah is Awwal Fil Hayat that is there is no one who preceeds Allah in life. Allah’s

perfect is life. He doesn’t need anything to sustain. He is the one who gives life to

others. When you know this then you rely on Allah alone for everything. You

don’t go to a variable like you but to Allah who is perfect.

Al Awwal Fee Al Qayym:

Qayyum means standing, fixed stable and also He fixes others. No body takes care

of Him and He takes care of everyone. Qaaim is the one who takes care of others.

Our mothers have taken care of us and then they need someone to take care of

them. So in life we are dependent on others somehow or other. Allah Hua Al Hayy

and Qayyum, ever living never dies, no sleep or slander takes over Him. He is

perfect in being Qayyum. We need to be qaim in our life and keep checking if we

need something at home. Allah is the one Who doesn’t need sleep and when we

are sleeping He takes care of you. Allah is taking care of us all the time, He never

leaves you. Like in the house parents are qaim and they take care and check what

the kids need and keep fulfilling their needs. Only Allah is Al Awwal and Qayyum

taking care of everything. He is first one ever living never dies and on stand by

who never stops taking care of us. Anyone who asks Allah He is listening to

everyone at the same time and even if we don’t ask He is taking care of all of us.

We need to believe not only in Qayyum alone but also He is Awwal and Qayyum

that means He is my first priority and I need to be loyal to Him and worship Him

and ask Him. For us as human being if we have different responsibilities, you need

to make yourself first to take charge.

Allah is Qaimun bizatihi. He is Qaim in His own being. People tell parents that

now you need to stop thinking about yourself and live for kids. This is wrong, we

need to first take care of our self then we can take care of others. So we need to

take care of our self. We need to learn before we do something for others.

Usually mothers go into depression because of this. Usually mother and people

who have exams are messy and dirty because they are busy. This is so wrong how

can you take care of others if you don’t take care of yourself. Set your priorities

right, start with yourself. The most important thing for you to take care of is

heart, so set your priority that you take care of your heart first before you take

care of anything else. You start with gaining knowledge then you rely on Allah

alone for this.

Allah is Awwal in Rahmah:

We all have some rahmah and it’s something we feel. No matter how much

rehmah we have and it varies from person to person for example I have mercy

90% to our kid then it’s directed to him alone that means its limited to some

people. Marriage brings love and mercy with it among the spouse. Then your

children come on whom you have mercy and this is gifted to you by Allah. The

more difficult the child, Allah will give you more mercy. This is so that you can

take care of the child that is more challenging than others. Who gives this mercy

to us? Its Allah alone. His mercy doesn’t change unlike us, our mercy level

changes from time to time. Mercy of Allah is forever and its perfect. Allah is

Awwal in Rehmah. Mothers will find this a lot in kids how If something happens to

children she becomes merciful. Make your emotions and feeling for Allah when

something bad happens then He will be first one to show you mercy. So Allah is

Awwal Fee Rahmah, so His mercy is from before our creation and also it will last

for ever and its constant. Allah has a huge mercy that we cannot comprehend.

Even if we do wrong and we come back to Allah then Allah will open the doors for

him. Our mercy keeps changing according to our environment. Allah will not only

forgive them. He is the first One when everyone is angry with you He will show

you mercy first. None of the people will show you mercy before Allah. When you

come to class first time and you feel awkward and imagine someone comes to

you and ask how are you, do you want water… this is the person who breaks the

ice and makes you feel comfortable and showed you mercy so imagine Allah is

there always showering us with knowledge and with His mercy all the time. Allah

is Awwal fee rehmatihi, it makes you so comfortable. Before anyone Allah is the

one who shows you mercy.

Surah Ar’af ayah 156

Allah is by default merciful and the first one to be merciful. Allah’s mercy is huge

and Allah will write it for those who fulfill their duties. It depends on us whether

we deserve His mercy or not. Allah is Al Awwal in mercy and He is first one to

show mercy and quick one to show me mercy. Allah is Awwal in giving and in

time. You don’t have to wait for His mercy. Everyone is VIP and first in row to get

His mercy. Don’t ask people to be merciful to you because only Allah will be

merciful to you. You should never ask people to be merciful to you. Begging

people for mercy will not help you and you will put yourself down. If you ask

people then it will become more difficult and a test on you. Ask Allah that is

original mercy and not fake mercy from people. Allah is Awwal in mercy. Allah

starting and initiating the Rahmah for the people. If you want rehmah from

people you ask them but if you want rehmah from Allah you should just feel it

from your heart that you need Allah to be merciful to you and you will be blessed

with His mercy.

We are all in need of each other and we need each other to be merciful on each

other but Allah is free from any need of mercy from any creation. Our mercy is

imperfect but Allah’s mercy is perfect and free from flaws. He deals with us in the

best way. Allah shows us mercy then its pure and free from faults.

What we need to do?

Have mercy on yourself before you show mercy to others. Don’t over burden

yourself with sins and ask Allah, acquire knowledge and follow the sunnah. Be

merciful on yourself first. Then you become merciful to people around you and

then to other creation.
