NEGOTIATOR - Canadian Association Of Petroleum · PDF fileFred Ramsay Ramsay Dalton ......


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The Magazine of the Canadian Association of Petroleum Landmen

September 2008


2008 CAPL Merit AwardsCAPL Honours Those Who Have Made Exceptional Contributions

The Lazy Man’s Option or Future Dating the 91 CAPL Lease Form

Bad, Bad, Bad

2008 CAPL Conference80s Fashion:

Don’tchya Just Love It?



Senior Editorial BoardDirector of Communications

Sue Klassen [ph] 645-8639Advertising Editors

Clark Drader [ph] 537-1771Bradley Campbell [ph] 724-5136

Coordinating EditorTom Hunter [ph] 517-6822

Feature Content EditorCandace Kendrick [ph] 260-4796

Regular Content EditorTom Hunter [ph] 517-6822

Social Content EditorMark Horne [ph] 231-5266

Editorial CommitteeKellie Stante [ph] 920-9479Mary Grant [ph] 645-3932Jennifer Ho [ph] 296-3054Mark Innes [ph] 818-7561Claire Jenkins [ph] 269-6343John Knox [ph] 645-5613Nielsen Rand [ph] 806-2985Joe Swift [ph] 542-6789

Design and ProductionRachel Hershfield, Folio Publication Design

PrintingMcAra Printing

SubmissionsFor information regarding submission of articles, please contact a member of our Senior Editorial Board.

DisclaimerAll articles printed under an author’s name represent the views of the author; publication neither implies approval of the opinions expressed, nor accuracy of the facts stated.

AdvertisingFor information, please contact Clark Drader (537-1771) or Bradley Campbell (724-5136). No endorsement or sponsor-ship by the Canadian Association of Petroleum Landmen is suggested or implied.

The contents of this publication may not be reproduced either in part or in full without the consent of the publisher.

2008–2009 CAPL Board of DirectorsPresident

Robert Telford, P.Land [ph] 403-503-5265Vice-President

Ken Gummo, P.Land [ph] 403-296-6044Director, Business Development

Frank Terner, P.Land [ph] 403-691-3056Director, Communications

Sue Klassen [ph] 403-645-8639Director, Education

Len Moriarity, P.Land [ph] 403-237-1448Director, Field Management

Noel Millions [ph] 403-645-2728Director, Finance

Dalton Dalik, P.Land [ph] 403-290-3669Director, Member Services

Margaret Ariss [ph] 403-539-1107Director, Professionalism

Robyn Van den Bon, P.Land [ph] 403-503-5276Director, Public Relations

Robin Thorsen [ph] 403-509-8182Director, Technology

Jason Tweten [ph] 780-462-4486Secretary/Director, Social

James Condon, P.Land [ph] 403-215-8614Past President

Cindy Rutherford, P.Land [ph] 403-539-1777 Suite 350, 500 – 5 Avenue S.W. Calgary, Alberta T2P 3L5 [ph] 403-237-6635 [fax]

Betty Cousins bcousins@landman.caDenise Grieve Irene Krickhan ikrickhan@landman.caKarin Steers

Also in this issue

14 2008–2009 CAPL Board of Directors

18 Association Honors Bruce Gordon, P.Land for Long-time Service

24 CAPL 9-Ball Pool Tournament

24 PLUS Slo-Pitch Challenge & Networking Event

25 2008 PLM Alumni Charity Golf Classic

THE NEGOTIATORThe Magazine of the Canadian Association

of Petroleum Landmen THE NEGOTIATOR

Features September 2008

2 2008 CAPL Merit Awards Margaret Ariss

8 Lazy Man’s Option Paul Negenman

9 Land Agents Licensing Chad Hughes, John Lanaras and Rob Pettifer

23 80s Fashion: Don’tchya Just Love It? Nathan Laviolette

In Every Issue12 Board Briefs – May, 2008

13 Board Briefs – June, 2008

15 Message from the Executive

17 Get Smart

19 Roster Updates

28 CAPL Calendar of Events

28 October Meeting







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The 2008 CAPL MeriT AwArds were PresenTed on ThursdAy, MAy 22, 2008 To individuALs And CoMPAnies ThAT hAve ConTribuTed TowArds The suCCess of CAPL during 2007.

The Merit awards are presented to those who

have made exceptional contributions through

their volunteer efforts, dedication, enthusiasm and

hard work. In keeping with tradition, CAPL hosted

a separate function to honour the outstanding

81 long term members.

2008 CAPL Merit Awards

wriTTen by

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preferred ratesspecial discountsfree offers

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On behalf of the Merit Awards Committee, Ted Lefebvre intro-

duced the following award recipients:

friends of CAPLSuzanne Stone 4-H Alberta Foundation

Lorraine Monette Alberta Beef Magazine

Fred Ramsay Ramsay Dalton

Doug Dion CEO Productions

Bonnie Cioni Enerplus Group

CAPL Award of MeritWayne Lannan Suncor Energy Inc.

volunteer support AwardLandSolutions Inc. Ron Vermeulen

bright Lights AwardNikki Sitch Exoro Energy Inc.

distinguished Citizen AwardThere were no nominations received for this award.

herb hughes AwardThis year’s Herb Hughes Award was presented to Bob Garies.

Catherine Hughes, daughter of the late Herb Hughes, spoke about

her father and the meaning of the award. This was followed by

Deryl Hurl speaking about Bob’s numerous accomplishments and

volunteer hours dedicated to the CAPL. Bob has been a member of

the CAPL for 28 years.

Membership Pin recipientsThis year’s pin recipients were announced by Ted Lefebvre of

the Merit Awards Committee. On behalf of the Merit Awards

Committee and the Board of Directors, congratulations to all the

Pin and Award recipients.

Bright Lights Award Recipient: Nikki Sitch with Rob Telford

Herb Hughes Award: Catherine Hughes, Bob Garies and Rob Telford







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50 year pins: Margaret Ariss (Director), Chuck Simpson, Harlow Way and Rob Telford (President)

CAPL Award of Merit: Wayne Lannan and Rob Telford

Volunteer Support Award: Chad Hughes, Ron Vermeulen, Jan Peters-McKnight and Rob Telford

55 year pins: Margaret Ariss (Director), Jack Brown, Bud Hall and Rob Telford (President)

Friend of CAPL Award: Fred Ramsay and Rob Telford









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Seated: Gail Beattie, Jim Beattie (25 year pin). Standing: Dave Taylor, Ted Lefebvre, Margaret Ariss, Rodger Perry, Rob Telford & Clark Drader (25 year pin)

Friend of CAPL Award: Doug Dion and Rob Telford Friend of CAPL Award: Bonnie Cioni and Rob Telford







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Friend of CAPL Award: Suzanne Stone (4-H Alberta Foundation) and Rob Telford

Friend of CAPL Award: Lorraine Monettte (Alberta beef Magazine) and Rob Telford








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55 yearsJack Brown

Bud Hall

Bob Ross

50 yearsPhil Evans

Clifford Fiesel

Chuck Simpson

Harlow Way

45 yearsArthur Hazle

40 yearsNick Bauer

Don Copeland

Bob Fuller

Rob Pearson

Ralph Rushworth

35 yearsRick Anderson

Roy Beavers

Tom Berg

Jim Carriere

Mike Colijn

Greg Fletcher

Kristian Gowertz

Bob Grisack

Charles Hall

Hardy Isaak

Dale Jordan

Wilf Kaiser

Dave Krocker

30 yearsGlenn Booth

John Bowlen

Vivian Crandall

Rob Davidson

John Elick

Brian Evans

Lee Farquharson

Cam Hardy

Maureen Huck

Janet Jager

Gordon Johnston

John Kanderka

Peter McCombs

Garry McCullough

Cliff Mork

Ken Mossfeldt

Rae Mullaly

Ron Newborn

Terry O’Connor

Robert Poffenroth

Terry Prokopy

Tom Riddell

Jeff Ross

Bill Slipp

Michael Stone

25 yearsMike Balderston

Edward Barclay

Jim Beattie

Grant Birchall

Pete Boswell

Carol Carberry

Peter Carwardine

Clark Drader

Lynn Dyson

Allan Gilders

Greg Gonis

Robin Irwin

Dwaine Korsbrek

Terry Lawrence

Marianne Lewis

Roger MacKinnon

Gordon MacLeod

John Mannix

Jim Maxwell

Pat McCauley

Don Mewhan

Ken Murias

Deric Orton

Rene Prefontaine

Paul Pypers

Marilyn Rust

Bill Schlegel

Al Siemens

Jeff Simus

Scott Watson

Gary Weiler

Thom Vysohlid

Following the presentation, Rob Telford thanked the Merit Awards Committee

for their efforts in putting together a successful event: Jan Peters-McKnight –

Chair, Lynn Dyson and Ted Lefebvre m

Rockford Land Ltd.➣ Alberta Crown Sales

➣ Freehold Mineral Acquisitions

➣ Surface Acquisitions

Scott Clapperton

Suite 119, 2526 Battleford Ave SW Calgary, Alberta T3E 7J4 287-3500







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Lazy Man’s Optionfuture dating The 91 CAPL Lease form – bad, bad, bad

As i siT here on our house boAT on The shuswAP, hAving yeT AnoTher CoLd beverAge And doing My besT To ignore My kids, my mind drifts to think-

ing about potential problems with future dating freehold leases.

I mention this thought to my lovely wife and her eyes glaze over

and she remarks, yet again, on the theme of how utterly boring

my job must be. So, as usual, I smile, ignore my wife, and turn my

mind to the question of whether a landman should care about the

future dating of freehold leases. I really think so. Here’s why.

option Agreements (good)In the old days, when someone wanted to acquire a future free-

hold mineral lease on lands that were subject to a pre-existing

lease, they would acquire an option to lease from the fee simple

mineral owner. Options work because they are a present grant of

the option to acquire a future interest in the lands. Because an

option to acquire a profit à prendre is specifically enforceable, such

options are vested interests and are caveatable. Option agree-

ments have even been blessed by the Supreme Court of Canada as

enforceable in both contract law and under the land titles system.

Simple, straight forward. All is good.

Unfortunately, some broker or landman must have decided

that option agreements were just too much work. You need to

sign the option, pay option consideration, file an option caveat,

then exercise your option by letter to the lessor, sign and date

the attached lease and file another caveat. Yuck. Seems very hard.

Why not just sign a lease and make it effective in the future?

double dating the 91 CAPL Lease form (really bad)The worst attempt at future dating a 91 CAPL lease was the prac-

tise of amending the form by adding the words “to be effective on

____” after the date at the top of the lease. The lease thus reads:

“This indenture made on the 5th day of August 2008, to

be effective on the 1st day of November 2008”

This form of double dating may void the lease in its entirety as

it creates a potentially irresolvable ambiguity within the lease

terminology. This is because the 91 CAPL form uses various words

to describe the date of the lease, including:

(a) “commencing on the date hereof” when referring to

the primary term;

(b) “the date first written above” when referring to the

anniversary date; and

(c) “the date of this lease” when referring to the offset

well trigger date.

When you have only one date, there is no problem. When you have

two dates you have a big problem.

Most of the terms used to describe the lease date imply the

date of execution. This should be expected since the form is set

up to have only the execution date at the top. When you add a

second date (the new effective date) without any other modifica-

tions to the form, you have serious interpretation problems as

the form never contemplated this change. In such a case a court

may simply find the document void for ambiguity and declare the

lease a nullity.

At the very least you run the risk of the primary term being

found by a court to expire on the execution date and not the effec-

tive date. In our example this would occur almost three months

sooner than expected. Mighty big problem if you tend to spud your

wells right before the expiry of your freehold leases.








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future dating the 91 CAPL Lease form (Almost as bad)A somewhat less awful practise is to amend the date reference

in the 91 CAPL lease to read “This indenture made effective on the

1st day of November 2008”. Somewhat better but still potential

ambiguity. The problem will arise where the affidavit of execution

of the lessor clearly indicates the lease was signed well before the

effective date. In such a case we are still left to wonder what is

“the date hereof” under the lease.

effective date under the 99 CAPL Lease formThe ambiguity issue is resolved under the 99 CAPL lease which

adds a defined “effective date” and amends the date references

in the form to always refer to the effective date. So, contractual

ambiguity as an issue is eliminated. However we are still left with

the legal issue of the granting of a present demise.

Present demiseIn my view, a lease that is effective on a future date does not grant

a present demise on the date of execution, only on the effective

date. As a lessee holding such a document you really cannot argue

otherwise. If you argue that the lease is a valid grant on the date of

execution, then the lease is likely invalid (at least until the effec-

tive date) as a present demise could not be granted at that point

in time due to the existence of the prior lease granting exclusive

possession of the lands. This means that until the effective date of

the lease you have no enforceable agreement with the lessor and

certainly no interest in land. You are at risk of the lessor deciding

that he/she is unhappy with your lease terms and entering into

an option to lease with a third party. Such an option agreement

would be a present grant of a future right to lease. As the option is

a present vesting, it would be the earliest enforceable agreement

with the lessor.

An even worse possibility is that a court might find that the

execution date of the lease is the date of the attempt grant of a

present demise of the lands. As the lease was granted during the

term of a pre-existing lease of exclusive possession, the lessor is

unable to grant a present demise. It may be that such an improper

attempt to grant a present demise makes the lease void. For me,

this seems a somewhat harsh result. Courts have dealt with simi-

lar problems in commercial leases and have decided to simply

make the leases unenforceable during the pre-effective date

period, but thereafter valid. For me the real issue is why would

anyone take the risk?

Caveating – vested interest in LandIrrespective of the issue of the contractual validity of effective

date leases, a significant and unavoidable land titles problem

arises. The issue is that under the Land Titles Act a caveat is only

valid with respect to existing rights. You cannot register a caveat

prior to the date of the underlying agreement. A caveat can only

protect the interest (if any) of the caveator at the time the caveat

is registered. A caveat cannot protect interests subsequently

obtained by the caveator.

So again as per our example, the lease is actually signed

August 5, 2008 but effective November 1, 2008. You file your caveat

on August 10th. Your caveat actually refers to the interest being

protected as a lease “to be effective November 1, 2008”. In my

view this is a textbook example of an invalid caveat. The risk you

therefore face is an unscrupulous land owner getting a better

offer, signing a second lease and having the second lessee file a

caveat and taking proceedings to lapse your caveat. Under the

Torrens system (land titles law) once your bad caveat has lapsed

and removed from title, the second lessee’s caveat has priority

as against the world. As between third parties (you and the other

lessee) land titles law always beats contract law. This is true even

where the top lease is dated subsequent to the effective date of

your lease. Don’t start talking about suing the land owner for

breach of contract. Don’t want to hear it, never happens (although

you may conceivably receive damages).

Your only option is to caveat (or caveat a second time) after

the effective date of the lease (i.e. after November 1, 2008). If there

are no adverse caveats in the interim, then your post November 1,

2008 caveat will at least be valid on its face (although the underly-

ing lease may be invalid as discussed above). So time to dig out all

your effective date leases and re-caveat same. Just do it.

best PracticeThe moral of this article is simple: stop using effective date

leases for future leasing, and in particular stop amending the

91 CAPL form to try to make it an effective date lease. If you want

to top lease lands, do so by way of option. So long as you properly

administer your option file the result will be a valid and subsist-

ing lease.

It never ceases to amaze me how industry can create potential

problems in freehold leasing right from the very first line on the

top of the CAPL form. m

By Paul Negenman

Partner, EnerLaw LLP

Courts have dealt with similar problems in commercial leases and have

decided to simply make the leases unenforceable during the pre-effective

date period, but thereafter valid.

Established 1978







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Land Agents Licensing Times are Changing

over The PAsT Two yeArs we hAve wriTTen AbouT ChAnges To The LAnd AgenTs LiCensing ACT. In most instances these changes have been good and will

benefit industry and landowners, but there is one change that has

been on the forefront for over two years now and it’s a change that

will not be beneficial to any of these parties. This change is the

removal of 1 (c) (ii) from the Land Agents Licensing Act and it has

now been introduced to the Alberta Legislature as Bill 9. Clause

1 (c) (ii) of the Land Agents Licensing Act is part of the definition

of a Land Agent and is as follows; “a person who for a fee, which

includes accepting compensation for travel and other incidental

expenses, gives or offers advice to a owner or the owner’s agent

with respect to a negotiation for or acquisition of an interest in

land.” This clause prohibits anyone other than a licensed land

agent to acquire an interest in land is intended to keep unlicensed

people from acting as a Land Agent. The removal of this clause

opens the door for unlicensed people to act as Agent to the land-

owner with no standards of conduct, rules, or regulation.

Bill 9 was first introduced to the Alberta Legislature by

Medicine Hat MLA Len Mitzel May 6th of 2008. By May 28th Bill

9 had passed the second reading through the Alberta Legislature

and appeared to have momentum to be passed by the legislature.

Industry associations and members quickly met with various

members of the Legislative Assembly to express concerns with the

impacts this bill would have on industry, and equally as impor-

tant, our concerns with the lack of consultation with the industry.

A combination of these efforts and time prevented this bill from

going any further at this time, but it will take flight again at the

next session in October 2008.

As mentioned earlier, these changes to the Land Agents

Licensing Act proposed in Bill 9 have been a topic of discussion

for over two years now, and these discussions originate from some

landowners feeling that they do not have adequate resources

to draw from for representation when dealing with industry.

The intent of the current Legislative governance is to ensure

competence and fairness in negotiations between landowners

and industry. The concern industry has with Bill 9 is that it allows

anyone to represent a landowner and charge a fee without being

licensed or bound by any standards of conduct, rules, or regulation.

1318 – 11th Avenue S.W. 6








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This defeats the purpose of the current Legislative governance

which was originally enacted as a result of public pressure for

governance of Land Agents. Industry is supportive of making

revisions to the Land Agents Licensing Act in order to increase

the number of qualified land agents working for landowners, but

not at the cost of expertise and professionalism. Through proper

consultation with industry, the rural community, and the Registrar

of Land Agents, revisions can be made that will benefit both the

rural community and industry.

Bill 9 will hit the floor of the Legislature again in the fall

of 2008 and we are optimistic that industry efforts will help

preserve the original intent of the Land Agents Licensing Act.

Industry associations continue to be in contact with members of

the Legislative Assembly, and individuals working in the indus-

try continue to meet with their MLA to express concern with

Bill 9, and their willingness to assist in revising the Land Agents

Licensing Act in a more thoughtful manner. If you have concerns

regarding Bill 9 please contact your local MLA. If you have ques-

tions regarding Bill 9 please contact Mike Bellefeuille, Chair of

the CAPL Field Acquisition Management Committee. m

Written by: Chad Hughes

Edited by: John Lanaras and Rob Pettifer

Look what’s surfacedsuMMer hAs CoMe And gone And The f.A.M. CoMMuniCATions CoMMiTTee would like to welcome

you back to the “Look What’s Surfaced” section of The Negotiator.

We have several interesting articles coming your way in the

next few months including the article “The History of the Field

Acquisition Management Committee”, and the article “Retained

Surface Rentals in Alberta”. We hope you will find these articles to

be interesting and useful. m

Chad Hughes

F.A.M Communications Chair

Bill 9 will hit the floor of the

Legislature again in the fall of

2008, and we are optimistic that

industry efforts will help preserve

the original intent of the Land

Agents Licensing Act







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Board BriefsThe key issues discussed at the

CAPL board of directors’ Meeting

held May 10, 2008 at the CAPL


In Attendance Absent Guests

D. Dalik R. Telford M. Ariss D. Grieve

K. Gummo F. Terner J. Condon K. Steers

S. Klassen R. Thorsen

N. Millions J. Tweten

L. Moriarity R. Van den Bon

C. Rutherford

Dalton Dalik presented a Treasurer’s Report as at April 30, 2008 •

showing CAPL investments totalling $1,233,372.94 Canadian

and $30,152.07 U.S. along with a cash balance of $47,245.24

Canadian and $1,721.20 U.S. The CAPL Scholarship Fund has a

balance of $107,594.10. There were no transfers made since the

last report.

Dalton Dalik advised that there have been some invoices that •

are still outstanding for 2007. He recommended Directors

ensure invoices are submitted on a timely basis. He also advised

Directors that only four people can sign contracts; any two of

the President, Vice President, Finance Director and Secretary.

In Margaret Ariss’ absence, Len Moriarity presented one student •

and fifteen active membership applications to the Board of

Directors, all of which were approved.

Robyn Van den Bon, Director of Professionalism, moved and the •

Board approved, the Chairman and Vice-Chairman for CAPL’s

Ethics Committee:

Chairman Ian Clark

Vice-Chairman Brad Goodfellow

Robyn Van den Bon advised that Jason Gouw recently wrote the PSL

exam and passed. He is the second member to obtain the PSL.

Noel Millions, moved and the Board approved, the following •

CAPL representatives:

Ray MacEachern Sour Gas Planning and Proliferation


Aldo Villani NEEMAC Committee (NorthEast Energy

and Mines Advisory Committee)

Rob Telford reminded Directors of the following:•

Review and provide comments to him on the draft Code of •

Conduct for CAPL Directors.

The next Board of Directors’ Meeting will be held June 3, 2008 •

at the CAPL Office.

The next General Meeting is a networking event with CAPL, •

CAPLA and IRWA at Flames Central on June 26, 2008. m

James Condon, P.Land

Secretary/Director, Social








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Board BriefsThe key issues discussed at the CAPL board of directors’

Meeting held June 3, 2008 at the CAPL office:

In Attendance Guest

M. Ariss C. Rutherford D. Grieve

D. Dalik R. Telford

J. Condon F. Terner

K. Gummo R. Thorsen

S. Klassen J. Tweten

N. Millions R. Van den Bon

L. Moriarity

Dalton Dalik presented a Treasurer’s Report as at May 31, 2008 •

showing CAPL investments totalling $1,233,372.94 Canadian

and $30,152.07 U.S. along with a cash balance of $150,857.37

Canadian and $721.20 U.S. The CAPL Scholarship Fund has a

balance of $107,594.10. There were no transfers made since the

last report.

Margaret Ariss presented eleven active and two student •

membership applications to the Board of Directors, all of which

were approved.

Robyn Van den Bon, Director of Professionalism, moved and the •

Board approved, a Code of Conduct for CAPL Directors. The Code

of Conduct will be posted on the CAPL website.

Robyn Van den Bon advised that Stephanie Hay recently wrote •

and passed the P.Land examination.

Frank Terner advised that he is currently looking for volunteers •

to work on various committees for Business Development.

Len Moriarity advised that the Education Committee has sched-•

uled a Surface Rights Board Preparation seminar in Grande

Prairie for June 18, 2008.

Margaret Ariss advised that the Roster Committee is currently •

looking for volunteers to assist in updating the printed copy of

the Roster.

Robyn Van den Bon advised that the Professionalism Manual •

is currently being updated with Trevor Williams as Chair of the


Jason Tweten advised that the Technology Committee is •

currently looking for volunteers. The Committee will be look-

ing at redesigning the website as well as implementing on-line

payment for annual membership dues.

Robin Thorsen advised that the Public Relations Committee will •

be selling raffle tickets at the June 26, 2008 networking event

with proceeds going to the Alberta-4H Foundation.

Rob Telford reminded Directors of the following:•

The next Board of Directors’ Meeting will be held August 12, •

2008 at the CAPL Office.

The next General Meeting is a networking event with CAPL, •

CAPLA and IRWA at Flames Central on June 26, 2008. m

James Condon, P.Land

Secretary/Director, Social







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2008–2009 CAPL Board of Directors

Back row (left to right): James Condon, Dalton Dalik, Len Moriarity, Sue Klassen, Frank Terner, Noel Millions, Jason TwetenFront row (left to right): Margaret Ariss, Cindy Rutherford, Robert Telford, Ken Gummo, Robyn Van den Bon, Robin Thorsen








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Message from the Executive

The MAin foCus of The CoMMuniCATions PorTfoLio is To ensure The ConTenT of The CAPL NEGoTiAToR MAgAzine is inforMATive And reLevAnT To iTs MeMbershiP.

The Committee strives for excellence in layout, relevant

content, appropriate current event issues and Governmental

Regulatory changes. The Negotiator magazine provides the reader

with educational content including environmental, regulatory,

legal, professionalism and precedent setting documents.

One area we will focus on this year is the CAPL 60 year anni-

versary. We welcome editorial comment from you, the reader.

Our committee’s editorial team will assist you in all aspects of

writing and communicating your message. You will be given final

approval prior to publishing your article.

The dedicated committee strives to maintain a balance

between advertising and content. Although we recognize that

there is a waiting list for advertising, it is important to maintain

this balance for the benefit of all members.

As the Director of Communications, my role is to support the

Negotiator committee and its members in the effort to maintain

quality, balance and accuracy of information that is relevant and

varied. However, I would like to point out that under the Negotiator’s

Disclaimer, “all articles printed under an author’s name represent

the views of the author; publication neither implies approval or

the opinions expressed, nor accuracy of the facts stated.”

Besides having a lot of fun together, the Negotiator committee

works very diligently in providing the reader with a magazine we

can all be proud of. The committee’s Coordinating Editor, Tom

Hunter, has many years of experience on the Negotiator team

and provides strong mentorship to newer members. Advertising

Editors, Clark Drader and Bradley Campbell, Feature Content

Editor, Candace Kendrick and Social Content Editor, Mark Horne…

thank you for the dedication, humour and professionalism you

bring to this Committee.

Please feel free to contact any of the committee members with

questions, concerns, requests or suggestions.

I would also like to thank the Editorial Committee: Kellie

Stante, Mary Grant, Jennifer Ho, Mark Innes, Claire Jenkins, John

Knox, Nielsen Rand and Joe Swift.

On behalf of the Negotiator Committee, I would like to thank

McAra Printing and Folio Publication Design’s Rachel Hershfield

who are both invaluable to the Negotiator team as well as being

very professional.

In ending, my heartfelt thanks go out to you, the member-

ship, for this past year in electing and supporting me and I will

endeavor to add value this coming year. m

Sue Klassen

Director, Communications








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Get SmartThe CAPL education Committee is pleased to present the following courses:

(PSL) Negotiating Skills For Surface Land Agents –

Medicine Hat (New Date)september 17, 2008 8:30 am to 4:30 pm

CAPL, along with Calgary based Conflict Solutions is pleased to

offer a course entitled Negotiation Skills for Surface Land Agents.

Well Spacings And Holdings

october 2, 2008 8:30 am to 4:30 pm

This seminar is designed to help become familiar with the

concepts and regulations associated with drilling spacing units

and target areas in Alberta and BC.

Royalty Agreements

october 6, 2008 8:30 am to 12:00 noon

This seminar is designed for industry personnel who require a

good understanding of agreements commonly used in relation to

the production of joint venture oil and gas.

CAPL Royalty Procedure

october 6, 2008 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm

This seminar is intended for landmen, administrators, lawyers

and production accounting personnel requiring a senior level

review of the CAPL Royalty Procedure.


october 7 & 8 2008 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.

This seminar is designed for oil and gas personnel that require a

general understanding of geological prospect evaluation. Landmen,

technologists and other personnel involved in written or oral

communication with the geological department will benefit from

attending this seminar.

CAPL operating Procedure: operational issues

october 9, 2008 8:30 am to 4:30 pm

This is a one day seminar directed at Industry personnel who

require a working understanding of the CAPL Operating Procedure

and how it addresses specific operational issues currently facing

our Industry

CAPL 2007 operating Procedure

october 14, 2008 8:30 am to 4:30 pm

This seminar is intended for anyone who is seeking to learn

about the new 2007 Operating Procedure. All experience levels

are welcome but it should be noted that the course will not be

focussed on the basics of the Operating Procedure.

(PSL) Preparing For A Surface Rights Board Hearing

(New Date)october 15, 2008 8:30 am to 4:30 pm

This seminar is for individuals who require a better understanding

of the Surface Rights Board hearing process from start to finish.

Alberta P&NG Regulations

october 16, 2008 8:30 am to 4:30 pm

This is intended for land personnel who require an understanding

and working knowledge of the Alberta Mines and Minerals Act and

associated regulations as it relates to P&NG tenure.

PSL: Farm And Ranching Practices

october 20, 2008 8:30 am to 4:30 pm

This seminar is intended for surface land agents and other industry

personnel. It will focus on all aspects of farming and ranching prac-

tices. Upon completion of the course, land agents will have a basic

understanding of the key aspects of farm and ranching practices.

British Columbia P&NG Regulations

october 21, 2008 8:30 am to 4:30 pm

This seminar is intended for land personnel who require an

understanding and working knowledge of the British Columbia

Petroleum and Natural Gas Act and associated regulations.

Fundamentals of oil And Gas Law

october 22 & 23, 2008 8:30 am to 4:30 pm

This seminar is designed for industry personnel who require an

understanding of the fundamental concepts of oil and gas law.

Conventional Exploration Agreements – Junior Level

(New Date)october 29, 2008 8:30 am to 4:30 pm

This seminar is intended for those landmen, contract analysts

and administrators requiring an introductory understanding of

conventional exploration agreements. m

Registration can be done online at Full course

descriptions can be found in the 2008 CAPL Course Calendar

which is available online at For further

information, please contact the CAPL office either by

phone at 237-6635, or email

Contact: John Pullar or Ken Holmes800, 734 – 7 Avenue S.W. Calgary, Alberta T2P 3P8

p. 403.571.5263 f.

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/ S







Association Honors Bruce Gordon, P.Land for Long-time Service

on JuLy 16, 2008, MeMbers of The ProfessionALisM CoMMiTTee of The CAPL honored Bruce Gordon, P.Land,

with a plaque for his 24 years of dedication to the Committee and

the Association.

Bruce was instrumental in the initiation of the P.Land program,

partaking in the preparation of the P.Land manual, authoring

portions of the exam and marking the exam. He also arranged for

many of us to re-write the exam at his office after not making the

grade the first try.

He has served on the Committee in various capacities through-

out his tenure, becoming someone the members of the Committee

could always look to for advice and council.

On behalf of the Committee and the Association, as Chairman

of the Committee, I would like to express our sincere gratitude to

Bruce for his contribution to our profession. m

David F. Holmes, P.Land

Chairman, CAPL Professionalism Committee

Calgary, AB403.290.0008

Edmonton, AB780.414.0008

Bentley, AB403.748.2661

Lloydminster, AB780.870.5226

Victoria, BC250.389.2212

Whatever the direction, we can take you. LandSolutions has the knowledge and resources to plan, implement and manage all aspects of your land and consultation requirements.

Lampman, SK306.487.2505








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R 2



Roster Updates

Wendi Abercrombie Cyries energy inc.

to independent

Don Austin Capex exploration Ltd.

to independent

Tom Berg, P.Land Connacher oil and gas Limited

LanLea resources Ltd.

David Bernatchez northern Challenger exploration Ltd.

to independent

Linda Bigelow independent

to harvest operations Corp.

Mary Lynne Bryan kereco energy Ltd.

to Cadence energy inc.

Darcy Bury-Opel independent

to Megawest energy Corp.

Kevin Burke-Gaffney, P.Land escavar energy inc.

to independent

Mike Charles, P.Land rsX energy inc.

to richmount Petroleum Ltd.

Dali Courtright Penn west Petroleum Ltd.

to independent

George Cracco Cracco Land Corp.

to Amarone oil & gas Ltd.

on the Move

new MembersThe following members were approved by a Motion

on June 3, 2008:

Applicant Current Employer Sponsors


Tyson Callicott integrity Land inc. noel Millions

Thomas staines

Jason Tweten

Ryan Clark Mcnally Land ian Clark, P.Land

services Ltd. noel Millions

robyn van den bon, P.Land

Frank Eldridge enCana Corporation robert d’Adamo

Philip Plotkins, P.Land

kevin walz

Jesse Griffith Petroglobe inc. ryan dallyn

don McPherson

Agostino Pezzente

Deana Lee independent shawn brown

barbara Logan

Lorne schwetz

Kathy Luther enCana Corporation Terry Johnson

Alan Powell

esther watt

Dave McNally Mcnally Land Michael Anderson

services Ltd. noel Millions

robert Telford, P.Land

Mohammad Sabir husky oil operations Mike Colijn, P.Land

Limited Jennifer Jan

Cam urquhart

Steve Sawyer nAL resources Limited Thomas staines

Jason Tweten

evelyn vandenhengel, P.Land

Raelynn Thomson Quicksilver resources Jason gouw, PsL

Canada inc. dan Legault

ron vermeulen, P.Land

Susan Williams ConocoPhillips Canada stephanie hay, P.Land

david Mcguinnes

shauna strong


Ryan Annesley university of Calgary robert schulz

Nicholas Stavropoulos university of Calgary robert schulz m







/ S







Patricia Elasz sword energy inc.

to galleon energy inc.

Lisa Elliott independent

to energy Transfers Ltd.

Grant Fagerheim kereco energy Ltd.

to Cadence energy inc.

Alayne Fernquist independent

to daylight energy Ltd.

Scott Godsman Prospex resources Ltd.

to independent

Marilyn Gosling samson exploration Ltd.

to gosling enterprises Ltd.

Jesse Griffith Petroglobe inc.

to Cavalier Land Ltd.

Bruce Hall, P.Land redcliffe exploration inc.

to independent

Daniel Halper Apache Canada Ltd.

to ConocoPhillips Canada Limited

T. Michelle Holt Cyries energy inc.

to galleon energy inc.

Steve Irish, P.Land nAPA energy Ltd.

to Triton energy Corp.

Greg Johnson, P.Land Triton energy Corp.

to J2 energy inc.

Guy Jones vast resources Ltd.

to scollard energy inc.

Leanne Juneau Talisman energy inc.

to redcliffe exploration inc.

James Junker burmis energy inc.

to nordegg resources inc.

Edward Kalthoff, P.Land innova exploration Ltd.

to independent

Candace Kendrick ConocoPhillips Canada Limited

to Caltex energy inc.

Sherry Koftinoff Penn west Petroleum Ltd.

to independent

Chris Koichopolos 658903 Alberta Limited

to ConocoPhillips Canada Limited

Glenn Kruyssen, P.Land independent

to gkk Land Consulting services Ltd.

Tracy Kurtz Trilogy energy LP

to Lario oil & gas Company

Wayne Lannan, P.Land suncor energy inc.

to independent

Dan Legault Traverse Landgroup Ltd.

to independent

George Lepine Pearl exploration & Production Ltd.

to george Lepine Prof. Corp.

Marianne Lewis rife resources Ltd.

to independent

Cherie Lomheim Arcan resources Ltd.

to enerplus group

Jerry Low enCana Corporation

to independent

Andrew Lynch TAQA north Ltd.

to enerplus group








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Nathan MacBey kereco energy Ltd.

to Cadence energy inc.

Debbie MacDonald nAL resources Management Limited

to glencoe resources Ltd.

Rhonda Martin rider resources Ltd.

to nuvista energy Ltd.

Tim Martin, P.Land nexen inc.

to independent

Tara McDonald independent

to husky oil operations Limited

Elizabeth McIntosh True energy inc.

to Mcintosh Land Consulting

Todd Meulenbeld Cavalier Land Ltd.

to independent

Glenn Miller MgM energy Corp.

to southern Pacific resource Corp.

Trevor Murray iteration energy Ltd.

to dee Three exploration Ltd.

Morley Mychaluk sierra vista energy Ltd.

to radius resources Corp.

Scott Nalder independent

to Primary Petroleum Corporation

Colin Ogilvy, P.Land rival energy Ltd.

to silverback energy Ltd.

Preston Phillips scott Land & Lease Ltd.

to Trilogy energy LP

Rick Pollock enCana Corporation

to independent

Ken Pretty rival energy Ltd.

to silverback energy Ltd.

Terry Prokopy Primewest energy inc.

to TAQA north Ltd.

Laura Quinn Canadian natural resources Limited

to duvernay oil Corp.

Heather Rampersaud direct energy Marketing Limited

to westfire energy Ltd.

Murray Robertson, P.Land Compton Petroleum Corporation

to independent

Joanne Schadt Primary Petroleum Corporation

to independent

Tyler Semashkewich independent

to Altagas utilities inc.

David Shenstone black goose holdings inc.

to Pengrowth Corporation

Nikki Sitch exoro energy inc.

to seven energy (Canada) inc.

Joanna Skukan standard energy inc.

to Canadian natural resources Limited

Gwen Smiley independent

to stone Mountain resources Ltd.

Marie Snow TAQA north Ltd.

to independent

Kellie Stante Arch energy inc.

to Canadian natural resources Limited

Susan Targett, P.Land independent

to seven generations energy Ltd.

Rhonda Trautman Cyries energy inc.

to zargon oil & gas Ltd.

Ann Walsh independent

to duvernay oil Corp.

Geoffrey Waterman newmont Mining Corporation

of Canada Limited

to franco-nevada Corporation

Cari Williams sword energy inc.

to TAQA north Ltd. m

in MemoriamIt is with deepest sadness that the CAPL announces the passing

of a long term member. Jim Chaput passed away Wednesday,

May 7, 2008 at the age of 71; only six days after being diagnosed

with leukemia. He became a member of the CAPL in 1970, served

as CAPL President in 1978 and was a life member. Jim was awarded

the Herb Hughes Memorial Award in 1986, which is the highest and

most prestigious CAPL award for his outstanding contributions

and exemplary professional conduct. Jim was born and raised

in Calgary and earned a business degree from the University of

Oklahoma. He began his oil and gas career in 1964 at Kerr-McGee

in Calgary and later joined Canadian Hunter Exploration in 1973

and also served as board chairman at a private school, the Calgary

Academy, for 25 years. m







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With over a decade of exceptional commitment to service, Landwest Resources Ltd. is passionate about consistently exceeding your expectations. From surface lease and right of way acquisitions to public consultation and environmental field reports for crown or freehold lands, Landwest prides itself on achieving your objectives efficiently, accurately and always with public consideration in mind. Our dedicated team of surface land experts guarantees your project will be developed, implemented and managed according to your expectations. Our mission with every project we undertake? client satisfaction and a reputation the public will embrace.Landwest Resources Services Ltd. Customized. Committed. Caring.For more information, call us at .. or visit us online at








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80s Fashion: Don’tchya Just Love It?

iT wAs The TiMe when PoP divA MAdonnA Crooned Like A virgin

in her lacy tops and fishnet stockings, worn

with short skirts and adorning loads of

jewelry. Perceived by some as ‘shocking’,

she left an indelible mark during her time.

Yeah! We are talking about the rocking 80s.

With heavy influences from the music industry and MTV, it

was during this time, the younger generation, in their bid to be

hip and cool, rushed to all the nearest shopping areas to emulate

their favorite star. Movies like Footloose and Flashdance with their

ripped sweatshirts, made a huge style statement and influenced

the minds and hearts of the younger generation. Accessories such

as Ray Ban sunglasses were immortalized by the movie Top Gun.

At the same time that Top Gun was popular on the big screen,

people were captivated by the adventures of two tough but cool

cops in the show Miami Vice. The t-shirt with designer jacket look

was often accompanied by the ‘designer stubble’ look that was

popularized by Don Johnson along with a propensity to wear

shoes without socks.

Fashion in the 80s was also more than just influences from

movies and the music industry; it was about a whole lot of people

trying to make a statement about their own individuality.

Denim got a new look being acid washed and it found its way

into the wardrobes of many. These streaked jeans became hugely

popular with both male and female fashion enthusiasts. Teamed

with red or black studded jackets (inspired by Michael Jackson)

and accessorized with fingerless gloves, it was not an uncommon

sight to see the teens trying their best to emulate their pop idols.

Reflecting a time when

hair metal acts like Mötley

Crüe, Poison, and Skid Row

were extremely popular, the

glammed out rock star look

took on new heights. Glam

metal performers became

infamous for their debauched

lifestyles of late-night parties

and fans everywhere wanted

to emulate their look. Long

teased hair along with tight

denim or leather, spandex,

makeup, jewelry, fishnets and

headbands could been seen at any concert and most high schools

with the music pumping from a Trans-Am.

This was also the time for flashy bling. Right from the shoul-

der pads to the earrings, it was all screaming for attention.

Bands like the Human League popularized the asymmetrical look

in hairstyle. It could be wild as if teased by the wind or simply

splashed with loud colors. Volume for the hair using mousse or

hair spray, topped with glitter for some, caught on hugely.

Apart from bling, some of the various trends that took shape

in the 80s included tattooing, body piercing, wearing multiple

watches on one arm or even sporting ‘shades’ at night.

Finally who can forget Jane Fonda’s aerobic videos and Olivia

Newton John’s Physical music video. Dancewear such as leg warm-

ers and different colored leggings gained popularity among the

women in the 80s and it was no longer restricted to the dance

floor. It became a style statement when combined with casual

wear and could be seen on any given day on the streets or at the

night clubs.

No matter what style you preferred to wear in the 80s, the

“Back to the 80s” theme night promises to take you back in time to

reminisce about the trendy … and those who weren’t! m

Nathan Laviolette

Activities Committee







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When: Friday October 10, 2008

12:30 – 5:30 p.m.

Where: Renfrew Athletic Park

Ed Corbett Stadium

814 – 13th Avenue N.E.

The PeTroLeuM LAndMAn undergrAduATe soCieTy (PLus) is proud to present the

annual PLUS Slo-Pitch Challenge & Networking Event!

Come join us for the first opportunity of the 2008/2009 school

year for local landmen to interact with 3rd and 4th year students

in the PLM program at the Haskayne School of Business. There is

no cost for industry, $10 for students, and approximately 50 spaces

available. Act quickly to reserve your spot so you can play!

Please visit for more information

or e-mail to register for this great event. m

CAPL 9-Ball Pool TournamentThe 11th annual CAPL 9-Ball Tournament was held Thursday,

May 8th, 2008 at the Garage in Eau Claire Market and as in past

years, a lot of fun was had by over 50 attendees and spectators.

The winners at the end of the evening were as follows:

Winners: “A” Side: Luke McLaron, Dean Barrett

“B” Side: Moi and Marty Niwa

Runners up: “A” Side: Chris Lamb, Andrew Mercer

“B” Side: Matthew Potts, Robyn Van den Bon

On behalf of the committee members I would like to thank all

of the participants, spectators and especially the sponsors listed

below. Without our sponsors generous contribution this tourna-

ment would not be possible.

A special thanks to the 2008 9-Ball committee which includes

Clark Drader, Hank Radomski, Brad Purdy and Jordan Murray.

In addition I would like to thank RK (Bob) Howard and Harry Ediger

for their help in coordinating the event as I was out of town and

unable to attend this year.

Murray Wade


sponsors:Acquired Land Management

Altus Geomatics

Bilmac Resources Ltd.

Cavalier Land Ltd.

Devon Canada Corporation

geoLOGIC systems ltd.

Global Oilfield Surveys

McNally Land Services

Midwest Surveys

Miller Thomson LLP

Petroland Services (1986) Ltd.

Ranger Land Services Ltd.

Scott Land & Lease

Standard Land Company

Storm Energy Ltd.

Taqa North

Thackray Burgess m

PLUS Slo-Pitch Challenge & Networking Event

– Another valuable, non-renewable resource we’ll help you access!Time

toll free: 1.877.998.1500 |

– Another valuable, non-renewable resource we’ll help you access!

Fort Sask










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R 2



2008 PLM Alumni Charity Golf ClassicThe 18Th AnnuAL PLM ALuMni ChAriTy goLf CLAssiC

was held on July 18, 2008 to another sold-out audience of over

160 golfers. Sunny skies (and maybe the odd rain shower), warm

temperatures and great golf were on the scorecard for the day and

once again no one left disappointed! This year we surpassed $16,000

in donations to our two charities of the Tour For Kids and Calgary

Reads. Many thanks to our generous sponsors for their never-ending

support in helping us improve the tournament each year.

Congratulations to all the prize winners and thanks to all

the generous companies who supported us with donations.

Once again a huge thank you must be given to the organizing

committee who endured countless hours of organizing and plan-

ning for the tournament.

Watch for next year’s tournament on July 17, 2009. Be sure to

send your forms in early as this year’s tournament sold out in less

than ½ hour. Thanks again to all participants and let the games

begin for next year!

Nathan MacBey


Prize bucket sponsorsBear Mountain Golf & Country Club

Britt Land Services

Demchuk & Day Inc.

Ed Williams Menswear

Explorer Software Solutions Ltd.

Focus Corporation

Heenan Blaikie LLP

Labatt’s Breweries

Maltais Geomatics Inc.

Merle Norman – Market Mall

Nexen Inc.

Regent Resources Ltd.

Sleeman Breweries Ltd.

WestJet Airlines

hole sponsorsAltus Geomatics Ltd.

Baytex Energy Trust

Cavalier Land Ltd.

Crescent Point Energy Trust

Divestco Inc.

Integrity Land Inc.

McElhanney Land Surveys Ltd.

Midwest Surveys Inc.

Miller Thomson LLP

Open Range Energy Corp.

Petroland Services (1986) Ltd.







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Ranger Land Services Ltd.

Severo Energy Corp.

Standard Land Company Inc.

Talisman Energy Inc.

TriStar Oil & Gas Inc.

Touchdown Land Consultants Ltd.

Western Land Services Co. Ltd.

first Tee Prize sponsorsgeoLOGIC Systems Ltd.

Scott Land & Lease Ltd.

Thackray Burgess

Team Photo sponsorBellamont Exploration Ltd.

Explorer Software Solutions Ltd.

Maltais Geomatics Inc.

beat the hack sponsorDivestco Inc.

Focus Corporation

golf Towel sponsorLandSolutions Inc.

drink sponsorsGalleon Energy Inc.

Advantage Oil & Gas Ltd.

Mulligan Prize sponsorsGrizzly Resources Ltd.

hot dogsXI Technologies Inc.

ball sponsorEOG Resources Canada Inc.

breakfast sponsorsIntrepid Energy Corporation

water sponsorPrecision Geomatics Inc.

Cart sponsorPenn West Energy Trust

driving range sponsorFugro SESL Geomatics Ltd. m

Fueling up

Another shot right down the fairway


ServicesCavalier LandCavaLand

DataLand Data

Divestco’s Land Services TSX: DVT

The Answer is Clear By combining best–in–class software with superior solutions, it’s no wonder Divestco’s Cavalier Land is regarded by the oil and gas industry as a proven full-service land company. We stay attuned to stakeholder opinion, attentive to developing issues, and cognizant of changing regulatory demands that impact the land services industry and our clients’ growth.

Our team, all with varied petroleum industry and agricultural backgrounds, bring unparalleled insight to unique challenges. They are respected for their strong community presence and understanding of diverse stakeholder interests. The petroleum industry, landowners, First Nations groups and regulatory bodies all benefit from our perceptive approach to clients and projects.

Call Tish Kilburn at 403.770.0303 or email for more information.

It All Adds Up

Wherever you’re reading this, we’ve probably got an office.With offices in key areas throughout the west, we can take the stress out of your land

deals. Scott Land & Lease’s local knowledge, the industry’s most experienced staff,

and superior customer service means you can trust us with projects big and small.

Calgary Edmonton Lloydminster Regina Grande Prairie Fort St. John








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CAPL Calendar of Eventsseptember 1 Monday Labour Day 2-6 Tues-Sat Salmon Fishing 3 Wednesday Alberta Land Sale 9 Tuesday Ethics & Fiduciary Duties 9 Tuesday Board Meeting 10 Wednesday 10K Road Race 10 Wednesday BC Land Sale 10-11 Wed-Thurs Directive 056 & Directive 60 (PSL Course) 13 Saturday Trap Shoot 16 Tuesday Production Agreements 17 Wednesday Alberta Land Sale 17 Wednesday Negotiating Skills for Surface Land Agents

(PSL Course – Medicine Hat) 21-24 Sun-Wed 2008 CAPL Conference 30 Tuesday Groundwater Effects (PSL Course) m

october 1 Wednesday Alberta Land Sale 1 Wednesday Resolving Conflict Through Negotiation 2 Thursday Well Spacings & Holdings 6 Monday Saskatchewan Land Sale 6 Monday Royalty Agreements / CAPL Royalty Procedure 7-8 Tues-Wed Geology 7 Tuesday Board Meeting 9 Thursday CAPL Operating Procedure; Operational Issues 10 Friday PLUS Slo-Pitch Challenge 13 Monday Thanksgiving Day 14 Tuesday CAPL 2007 Operating Procedure 14 Tuesday CAPL 60th Anniversary Celebration 15 Wednesday Alberta Land Sale 15 Wednesday BC Land Sale 15 Wednesday Preparing For A Surface Rights Board Hearing

(PSL Course) 16 Thursday Ethics 16 Thursday Alberta P&NG Regulations 16 Thursday General Meeting 20 Monday Farming & Ranching Practices (PSL Course) 21 Tuesday British Columbia P&NG Regulations 22-23 Wed–Thurs Fundamentals of Oil & Gas Law 29 Wednesday Alberta Land Sale 29 Wednesday Conventional Exploration Agreements:

Junior Level 31 Friday Halloween m

October MeetingCAPL 60th Anniversary Celebrationspecial guest: Jebb finkTuesday, october 14, 2008

Cocktails: 5:00 p.m.

Dinner: 6:00 p.m.

Location: Hyatt Regency Ballroom

700 Centre Street S.E.

Members: No Charge

Guests: $89.25 (includes GST)

PLeAse CoMe And refLeCT on 60 very ProduCTive yeArs wiTh your feLLow CAPL MeMbers And guesTs. The evening will feature premium dining and special entertainment

which is gratis to members thanks to the CAPL and its generous spon-

sors such as geoLOGIC Sytems Ltd. All members are required to confirm

their attendance by return email or fax. Only guests are required to

purchase a ticket. Please fax or email requests and guest tickets will be

sent to your office with an invoice. Fax Registration Form to (263-1620)

Attn: Karin Steers or email Please confirm your

attendance prior to noon on Tuesday, October 7, 2008. m

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