Networking - How to work a room (1)


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How to work the room

Andrea Cox@greenreveller

What kind of networker are you?

a. I would rather stick pins in my eyes than “network”

b. Reluctant

c. Happy enough


Examples/anecdotes are great!

What impact (if any) does this have? on you? your work?


BEFORE the event

● Define your objectives

● Mine the resources

○ Speakers list and programme

○ Can you get hold of the delegate list?

BEFORE the event

● Stalking… (aka doing your research on LinkedIn)

● Get in touch with key contacts before the event

DURING the event

● Consider turning up early

● Wear something memorable

● Be proud of your name badge

● Always carry business cards

● Know where to meet people

○ Group suggestions?


● Scenarios○ daytime smart cities event

with loads of suits○ evening meetup with 3D

printing hackers○ international conference with

politicians and NGOs

● Settings○ queuing for coffee/lunch/the

bar○ with the speaker

immediately after a talk○ joining an existing group

In pairs, take turns at picking a scenario and a setting

> Start a conversation and maintain it for 2 mins

DURING the event

● Tweet lots using the event hashtag

● Make notes on business cards of who’s who

● Ask questions in the Q&A, and introduce yourself

● Speak your name clearly and expand acronyms

● Listen more than you talk

● Seize the serendipitous opportunities

DURING the event

● Don’t just hang out with your mates

● Don’t get stuck for too long○ exit strategies?

● Don’t scan the room for a better opportunity

AFTER the event

● Remember those notes you made? They will really help the next day

● Follow up key contacts with an email promptly

● Add others on LinkedIn and Twitter

Clinic: Dr Cox answers your

questions @greenreveller
