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Newsletter The London Pacers Running Club

April 2010

The Thompson River

World Masters Athletics – Track and Field for anyone 35 and over.

The 4th

indoor championships was held in Kamloops, BC in early March.

1400 athletes from 61 countries were in attendance.

See story and photos on pages 14 to 16.



President Jim Burrows 519-474-3497 (H)

Vice President Andrew Jones 519-642-3520 (H)

Treasurer Betty Timmons 519-673-1657(Home)

Publicity Sherry Watts 519-858-9880

Social Tracy Hillman

Membership Gail Schmidt 519-657-9936 (H)

Secretary Christina Watson

Newsletter Sherry Watts 519-858-9880

Paula Muxlow 519-293-3697

Page 2 London Pacers April 2010 Newsletter

From your editors: Some items to note:

If you want your race results published in the Newsletter YOU are responsible for sending them to Gail Schmidt at before the deadline for the monthly


The deadline for the May newsletter is May 25, 2010, 12 noon.

We love the articles that people send in—please keep them coming. They need to be in a Word format and photos need to be in jpeg format. It’s hard to keep articles to 2 pages or

less, but that helps the editors!

Please send articles and photos to Sherry Watts at

Your editors, Sherry and Paula

London Pacers April Meeting Grosvenor Lodge,

Monday, April, 2010 At 7:00 p.m.

Speaker inform

ation on Page 5


Page 3 London Pacers April 2010 Newsletter

Warm greetings to individuals on the active membership list for 2010

who are celebrating birthdays in April:

Maeve Armstrong-Harris, Gino Cimino, Lorne Duquette, Jamie Harris, Jamie Hillman, Josh Hillman, Graham McGee, Maureen McKenzie, Jen-

nifer-Anne Meneray*, Alita Milliken, Debbie Obokata, Jeff Orchard,

Denton Radlein, Amanda Topham, Sherry Watts, Pat Yoshida

*entering a new age category

Pacer Happenings

Monday, April 12 General meeting, 7 PM, Grosvenor Lodge

Sunday Pack Runs from the Rowing Club 8 AM

Trail runners are now running through the mud Saturday, Sunday and Wednesdays.

Racewalkers meet Saturday and Sunday mornings 8 AM

Lots of local races coming up including:

Downtown 5K April 2,

Run for Retina April 11,

Forest City May 2

Pacer Discounts

Members of the London Pacers are given a discount on purchases at Runners Choice at 207 Dundas St and at the New Balance store on Fanshawe Park Road W. at Hyde

Park Rd


Page 4 London Pacers April 2010 Newsletter


For years runners have been told by podiatrists, chiropo-dists, running store employees, running shoe companies, etc., that -- in order to purchase the most appropriate run-

ning shoes -- they are one of these three types:

an overpronating runner: you feet roll inward too much upon landing

an oversupinating (or underpronating) runner: you don't roll in enough

a neutral runner: your biomechanics are sound

Dr. Tom Jenkyn, UWO Associate Professor of Biomechan-ics (Department of Mechanical Engineering and School of Kinesiology), has recently studied the accuracy -- and im-

plications -- of these broad categorizations.

Through the novel use of both x-ray fluoroscopy to view foot movement inside the shoe -- both Nike and Saucony supplied shoes for the study -- as well as holes cut into the footwear to gain insight, Dr. Jenkyn and team were able to track the com-plete movement of each bone in the foot during the running motion -- and in 3-D,

no less. This analysis was the key to discovering how effective the various "motion control" shoes and their devices were in treating and preventing running injuries.

Please join us for the Pacers' General Meeting, at Grosvenor Lodge on Monday, April 12 at 7pm as Dr. Jenkyn talks about this research. Come

and find out how these findings could have a positive effect on your quest to resolve ongoing injury problems, or to stay injury-free.


Page 5 London Pacers April 2010 Newsletter

London Pacers Meeting Minutes: March 8, 2010 at the Grosvenor Lodge


Meeting called to order shortly after 7:00 pm by Jim Burrows.

Due to lack of honourees in attendance, the XC awards were postponed.

Recent race reports:

Hardware in tow, Sherry Watts shared her success and stories from the World Masters Athletics Championship in Kamloops, BC. Dianne Van Leeuwen, Sharon O’Leary and Sherry each represented the London Pacers on the international scene with true dis-tinction and merit.

Jim Burrows donned a stylin’ Chili Half Marathon ensemble while sharing the prolific results of Londoners and London Pacers at this event.

Upcoming Race Information:

Paula Muxlow announced the ―St. Paddy's Day 5K Fun Run/Walk‖ to be held in Lucan on March 13th at 2:10 pm.

Sherry Watts announced the ―5th Annual Community Symposium: Body Transformation – Dos and Don’ts‖ to be held on March 20

th at UWO.

Christina Watson announced the ―Tillsonburg Fun Run‖ to be held on May 2nd to sup-port the Tillsonburg Trails.

Andrew Jones announced Dr. Jeff Almon as the guest speaker for the evening. Dr. Almon comes from a sports background and is a recent graduate of Chiropractic medicine. The Doctor amazed the audience with modern diagnostic procedures, treatment analysis and general tips and tricks for improving our running.

Meeting adjourned at 8:35 PM

Minutes submitted by Christina Watson


Page 6 London Pacers April 2010 Newsletter

Photos of Pacers at Around the Bay Road Races, March 28, 2010, Hamilton, Ontario

Bill Burdick

The Bridge after the “hill”

Spectators come in all

shapes and sizes

Left to Right . . .

Ashley Hamm

Sue Grycaj

Tracey Hillman

Steve Hillman

Rick Hamm

Debbie Obakata

Out on the course


Nick D’Ascanio

Gail Schmidt

Jennifer Ditchfield in the

process of setting a

course record


Page 7 London Pacers April 2010 Newsletter

David Gale

In the last 3k . . . . .

The end is in sight

The Grim(s)


Page 8 London Pacers April 2010 Newsletter


By Jamie Harris

Neptune rules Virginia Beach … or so it would seem as his enormous effigy dominates the finishing stretch of the Yuengling Shamrock Marathon. It was actually pretty chilly at that location – refrigerated as it was by gusty winds coming off the ocean – but not so on the sun-drenched roads we had run to reach him.

It had been a beautiful day to WATCH a marathon.

And we all know what that means.

The day before the temperature had soared to a record-breaking high near-80 degrees and the sun had dawned into a clear blue sky for the March 21

st start of the 38

th edition of the big race.

The marathon was merely the culmination of an entire weekend of events: an 8K on the Saturday, plus a children’s marathon and ―operation smile final mile‖, a pledge run with elementary students raising money to pay for orofacial surgery for children with cleft palates in the third world.

There had been a half-marathon which had started, for some daft reason, an hour BEFORE the marathon, at 7 AM.

The marathon itself had begun at 8 AM with an 8(!)HR time limit. The starting area had NO portapotties just a small public washroom with a couple of very long lines. The alleys and bushes were consequently well hydrated. At least there were no logistical considerations necessary in regard to warm-up clothes because it had been plenty warm enough for singlets and shorts from the get-go. There were plenty of Irish costumes and an overall aura of bright green.

After a rendition of ―God Bless America‖, the 4 wheelchairs had set off closely followed (3 minutes later) by 3000-plus runners.

Heading out into a slight headwind had minimized the effect of the warm day. The first leg had been a pro-longed out-and-back to the south, passing through Camp Pembleton and returning across the starting line on Atlantic Avenue before repeating the process to the north with a prolonged woodsy section before turning south once more at the west gate of Camp Story with 7.2 miles remaining.

Traffic control was 100% complete: the local police had things totally buttoned down. The entire course was on solid pavement or concrete (the ―boardwalk‖ sections).

It was essentially flat except for a 40-foot rise-and-fall over the Rudee Bridge (twice) in the first half. There were adequate numbers of enthusiastic aid stations but they could hardly compensate for the conditions of warmth, high sky, full sun and winds.

Who would have anticipated that a March marathon in Virginia would be more grueling than a January one in Arizona?

The last 10k had told the tale of the day because they went directly back into the southerly breezes which had stiffened up considerably, impeding progress while hastening evaporation and de-salting. Runners had dropped back in droves to periodic walking and stretching out cramps.

Coming down the coast from the lighthouse to King Neptune himself had been more reminiscent of the Car-ibbean than anything continental.

My half had been under 2(barely) but it was no day for a reverse split as the 3:50 bunny disappeared ahead in deliberate pursuit of its 3:40 cousin with whom I had started. When the 4-hour critter went by, I had real-ized that my goals had dissolved and the event had turned into a ―fun run‖. If there had been a redeeming factor, it was that the attrition rate had thinned things out so much that I finished all by myself and got the full announcement by the M.C.


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Beyond that, the perks were numerous with a long-sleeved shirt(green) and a green back sack at the glassy Virginia Beach Convention Centre, a green finisher’s hat, another long-sleeved shirt(green-on-white) for finishing along with an attractive green medal.

Sergey Kaledin of Russia won the overall marathon [in a PB! Of 2:27:50] by almost 5 minutes over David Hyrniak of Chesapeake AND the masters division by almost 15 minutes over Jeff Niedeck of Canaan, CT.

Megan Ridgley of Reston, VA won the women’s division in 2:52:01. Masters winner, Anne Spillane of Virginia Beach, finished fourth woman overall at 2:59:49.

Although there were numerous Canadians in evidence only a Janet Labuc from PQ was ―outstanding‖ finishing third in women’s 50-59 at 4:03:04 edging out Susan Davis of Houston who had an identical time.

There were 19 Ontarians. As I ―eased‖ past a pair of Barrie Roadrunners who were walking at about 24 miles, they openly rationalized that, at least, they weren’t back home shoveling snow.

Russians were the most conspicuous international elites also finishing third in each of the male and fe-male half-marathon. Also amongst the halfer awards were a single Kenyan, a Peruvian, a Ukrainian and a Moroccan.

There were separate, official walker divisions in both the marathon and the half. Although the times were not highly notable, the marathon female winner, Joanne Hammermaster of Virginia (WHAT A GREAT NAME FOR A PAVEMENT POUNDER!!) at 4:56:02 beat her male counterpart, David Blaha by almost 15 minutes.

As for myself, I’ll have to wait for a cooler, calmer day to realize my current time quest and to comfort myself in the fact that, at least, I managed to crack the top thousand of 2639 finishers.


Jamie Harris


Page 10 London Pacers April 2010 Newsletter

Racewalking in Florida Lorne Duquette Got up early March 7 and drove south to Miami Beach for a 6:30 am start of a road race. The event was part of the 13.1 series of road racers that are put on in several USA cities over the year .. the next one is in Boston in April. This one in South Florida had a 21.1 km half marathon as well as a 5 km race.There were some 2000 runners that started at 6:13 am in the half marathon and about 400 in the 5 km race that started at 6:30 .. and early in the morning, the moon was still out and the thermometer on a tall building across from the start line read 51 degrees F .. that is cold for Florida and the locals were bundled up as we do at home when it is minus 10 degrees C. I went out in short pants, but kept a long sleeve shirt on for protection from the ocean breezes along Ocean Drive in Miami Beach. Last year at the same event, I racewalked the 13.1 miles, but this year backed off to the 5 km event .. there were no official racewalking categories and so I competed with runners, joggers, speed walkers and regular walkers.. and did not spot any other racewalker along the course ... and we have results .. Did not win the race and did not come last .. did not get blisters and racewalked the 5 km in 42 minutes and 48 seconds for a pace of 8 minutes and 31 seconds per kilometre and ended up 4th in the 70-74 age group .. 3 old runners beat me to the finish line. There were no official finisher's medal for the 5 km participants, but I did get one that had the spinning section in the center missing .. I guess I needed to do the 13.1 miles to get a complete one, but did get a T-shirt and a lot of food, a latin-type breakfast/lunch of Spanish rice and chicken and Cuban bread :-)) The 13.1 event is billed as a race with a Latino theme .. and an appropriate beach party started as soon as the runners crossed the finish line. The music was loud, the food was spicy and a Samuel Adams beer tent handed out miniature glasses of beer. On the beach, they had a huge sand sculpture in the shape of a running shoe with the 13.1 logo on the side of it that could be used for photo ops.


Page 11 London Pacers April 2010 Newsletter

Pacers Achieve: The April 2010 Race Report

Prepared by Gail Schmidt

Summarizing results to March 28, 2010.

February 14, 2010 Ontario Masters 2010 Indoor Championships W40 3000m Race Walk, North York ON

Performance Pacer Age-Rated Performance

17:32.57 O'LEARY, Sharon 68.6%

February 14, 2010 Ontario Masters 2010 Indoor Championships W55 3000m Race Walk, North York ON

Performance Pacer Age-Rated Performance

17:53.98 WATTS, Sherry 77.0%

February 19, 2010 Hamilton Indoor Games 1500m Walk, Copps Colliseum, Hamilton ON 7 finishers

Overall place Clock time Pacer Notes

5 8:21.24 O'LEARY, Sharon

6 8:26.47 WATTS, Sherry Canadian Age Group Record!

February 20, 2010 Ontario Senior Championships Women’s 3000m Walk, North York ON 10 finishers

Overall place Clock time Pacer

7 17:40.63 O'LEARY, Sharon

February 21, 2010 13th Annual RE-FRIDGEE-EIGHTER 8 Mile Run, RIM Park, Waterloo ON 204 finishers; 127M/77F

Overall Clock time Chip time Pacer Gender place Div place

14 50:39 50:37 Christian GUNDLACK 14 2/18

February 28, 2010 1st Annual Really Chilly Road Races 10K Run, London ON 203 finishers; 111M/92F

Overall place Clock time Pacer Gender place Division place

2 36:23 Jim BURROWS 2 1/18

6 35:35 Rod HENNING 5 2/18

8 36:42 Andrew HOGG 7 4/15

14 38:39 Tony STOKES 13 3/18

43 43:50 Gerda ZONRUITER 5 2/11

71 47:22 Dave HOUSE 60 10/18

73 47:35 Nick D'ASCANIO 62 1/1

84 48:27 Sanjay MEHTA 71 11/18

85 48:27 Kyle MEHTA 72 6/6

101 50:12 Chuck EDWARDS 84 4/6

107 50:38 Jamie HARRIS 88 5/6

108 51:34 Donna KRAFT 20 2/7

123 52:53 Debbie OBOKATA 28 3/5

124 52:54 Rita MELVILLE 29 1/1

136 54:26 Cheryl SCOLLARD 36 5/11

February 28, 2010 1st Annual Really Chilly Road Races 5K Run, London ON 111 finishers; 52M/59F

Overall place Clock time Pacer Gender place Division place

4 20:18 Fred CHAPMAN 4 1/4

28 24:43 Bill SPACKMAN 24 1/5

59 27:52 Maeve ARMSTRONG-HARRIS 19 2/4


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72 29:37 Isabel LYNCH 29 2/2

111 39:23 Mary BOYLE 59 2/2

March 3, 2010 WMA World Masters Indoor Athletics Championships 2010, Kamloops BC

W40 3000 Meter Race Walk

Overall place Clock time Pacer Age-Graded Performance

4 17:51.11 O'LEARY, Sharon 17:02.92 67.94%

March 3, 2010 WMA World Masters Indoor Athletics Championships 2010, Kamloops BC

W55 3000 Meter Race Walk

Overall place Clock time Pacer Age-Graded Performance

2 17:32.41 WATTS, Sherry 14:44.03 78.62%

March 3, 2010 WMA World Masters Indoor Athletics Championships 2010, Kamloops BC

W65 3000 Meter Race Walk

Overall place Clock time Pacer Age-Graded Performance

6 21:45.72 VAN LEEUWEN, Dianne 15:42.47 73.74%

March 5, 2010 WMA World Masters Indoor Athletics Championships 2010, Kamloops BC

W35-84 10K Race Walk 44 finishers

Overall place Clock time Pacer Div/Tot

12 1:00:41.8 WATTS, Sherry 3/10

13 1:01:54.1 O'LEARY, Sharon 4/4

36 1:14:16.8 VAN LEEUWEN, Dianne 3/3

March 5, 2010 WMA World Masters Indoor Athletics Championships 2010, Kamloops BC

10K Road Walk Team Results


1. Canada

55:34 1:01:55 1:03:22 = 3:00:51

Susan Brooke W40, SHARON O'LEARY W40, Michelle Rodrigue-Poscente W50


1. Canada

57:15 1:00:42 1:07:54 = 3:05:51

Johanna Flipsen W55, SHERRY WATTS W55, Kathleen Kane W55


2. Canada

1:06:19 1:14:17 1:31:38 = 3:52:14

Janet Moskwa W60, DIANNE VAN LEEUWEN W65, Penny Jacob W60

March 7, 2010 14th Annual Chilly Half Marathon Burlington, ON 2504 finishers; 1175M/1328F

Overall place Clock time Pacer Gender place Division place

4 1:14:55 Troy COX 4 1/190

10 1:17:27 Jim BURROWS 10 1/222

11 1:17:44 Rod HENNING 11 2/222

51 1:23:40 Tony STOKES 49 8/222

79 1:27:42 Jennifer DITCHFIELD 7 1/146

101 1:29:51 Karen COWLING 11 1/225

335 1:41:52 Patrick TIMMONS 276 30/179


Page 13 London Pacers April 2010 Newsletter

726 1:52:20 Rita MELVILLE 179 2/15

879 1:56:00 Gord MELVILLE 635 15/44

983 1:58:10 Christina WATSON 303 59/221

1159 2:01:34 James A JONES 760 19/44

March 14, 2010 Florida State 5K Racewalking Championships Tradewinds Park, Coconut Creek FL

Clock time Pacer Division place

43:08 DUQUETTE, Lorne 1st overall masters male

March 14, 2010 St Patrick’s Day Walks, Huntington Beach, CA

Clock Time Pacer Place Notes

2:07:38 WATTS, Sherry 2nd F Canadian Age Group Record!

March 21, 2010 ING Georgia Half Marathon Atlanta, GA 10507 finishers; 4633M/5874F

Overall place Clock time Chip time Pacer Gender place Division place

1030 1:47:00 1:46:29 SCHMIDT, Gail 227 15/543

March 28, 2010 Around the Bay 30K Road Race, Hamilton, ON 5639 finishers; 2986M/2653F

Overall Clock time Chip time Pacer Gender place Division place Notes

13 1:46:58.4 1:46:58.4 COX, TROY 13 3/464

57 1:57:18.2 1:57:11.9 HOGG, ANDREW 51 7/439

156 2:05:49.0 2:05:36.1 STOKES, TONY 143 21/590

198 2:08:00.8 2:07:49.1 DITCHFIELD, JENNIFER 18 1/304 Canadian Age

Group Record!

434 2:17:36.0 2:16:37.9 HILLMAN, STEVE 386 63/464

733 2:24:57.8 2:24:33.6 D'ASCANIO, NICK 623 2/33

889 2:27:52.4 2:26:43.3 HILLIS, BRIAN 746 38/266

984 2:29:30.9 2:28:23.0 TIMMONS, PATRICK 815 90/465

1169 2:32:59.8 2:31:16.0 SLAVEN, LISA 221 17/120

1284 2:34:58.7 2:34:13.3 PANTER, ROBERT 1039 126/465

1732 2:42:13.5 2:39:10.0 GALE, DAVID 1329 173/465

1834 2:43:52.1 2:41:22.3 FRASER, ROBERT 1405 101/266

2147 2:47:59.4 2:47:23.7 MAGUIRE, ELIZABETH 550 30/304

2444 2:51:37.1 2:47:49.6 SCHMIDT, GAIL 675 99/488

2519 2:52:25.7 2:50:35.8 OBOKATA, DEBBIE 710 14/105

2799 2:56:14.7 2:54:19.0 MELVILLE, RITA 862 5/34

2863 2:56:54.0 2:55:04.3 BURDICK, BILL 1968 137/266

2955 2:58:11.2 2:57:14.3 DOBRANSKY, TOMAS 2008 416/590

3123 3:00:25.0 2:58:28.5 MELVILLE, GORD 2086 66/130

3162 3:01:08.4 2:59:10.0 MILLIKEN, JAMES 2109 357/464

3164 3:01:08.6 2:59:09.8 MILLIKEN, ALITA 1055 192/469

3243 3:02:15.4 3:00:11.0 HILLMAN, TRACY 1105 205/469

3325 3:03:28.6 3:00:38.1 FLEMING, CAROL 1151 102/304

3421 3:04:50.3 3:01:58.9 FLEMING, BILL 2211 163/266

3640 3:08:38.2 3:06:33.6 HAMM, RICHARD 2304 75/130

3887 3:12:54.5 3:11:01.6 MCKENZIE, MAUREEN 1483 265/469

4293 3:20:12.1 3:18:18.5 BRAECKER, MICHELLE 1742 313/469


Page 14 London Pacers April 2010 Newsletter

4444 3:23:14.5 3:21:18.8 MORRISON, SARA 1835 184/304

4527 3:24:49.8 3:21:48.9 MASSEL, TOM 2643 105/130

March 28, 2010 Bay & Back 5K Road Race, Hamilton, ON 1804 finishers; 588M/1216F

Overall Clock time Chip time Pacer Gender place Division place

43 18:18.7 18:18.7 CROSS, SEAN 34 2/67

80 20:41.8 20:41.8 ROBERTS, PAUL 55 4/39

906 33:26.7 32:57.7 TIMMONS, ELIZABETH 496 36/102

March 28, 2010 Around the Bay Road Race 3 Person Relay, Hamilton, ON

Overall Clock time Chip time Team Pacer Division place

2 2:05:02.9 2:04:22.0 BEAVER BOYS Chris Caddey, FRED CHAPMAN (40:59.3),

Patrick Deane 2/13 Open Male

158 3:21:31.8 3:17:00.2 TURTLE TOWN TRIO II CHERYL SCOLLARD (62:24.3),

Kathy Willemse, NANCY JOHNSTON (67:11.2) 45/78 Open F

176 3:27:28.9 3:22:57.2 THREE FINE FRIENDS DONNA KRAFT (66:35.9),

PAULA MUXLOW (65:39.4), GWYN HAYMAN (75:13.6) 7/12 Masters F

World Masters Athletics – Track and Field for anyone 35 and over. The 4

th indoor championships was held in Kamloops, BC in

early March. 1400 athletes from 61 countries were in attendance. They ranged in age from 35 to 92 and competed in all of the indoor events as well as some outdoor throws, cross country and half mara-thon runs and a 10K road walk.

Three Pacers competed there, all in the walks. Between the three of us we brought home 6 medals, 2 of each colour.

Kamloops is an amazing city. Of the 83,000 inhabitants, over 1000 volunteered to make the meet a huge success. They par-ticipated in the opening and closing ceremonies, at the registration area and all the event venues. They translated, they handed out medals, they drove us around. They were everywhere. And every one was cheerful and helpful and tireless. The city should be very proud of itself.

The meet was very well organized. Of course, anything of this complexity and scope has problems. Organiz-ing 1400 feisty, competitive adults, a good number of whom speak no English, can be a difficult proposition. Of course there were situations. The 200m runners who missed their semis when the method of advancing was changed had reason to be annoyed, and it took some time for the results people to realize that Dianne had actually been out on the track but in general things went very well. Events ran on time, transportation was mostly reliable and information was available.

There were some amazing athletes in attendance. Olga Kotelko, 92, won 10 gold medals and set 8 world records. She could easily pass for 15 years younger. (And she does not just participate, she most definitely com-petes. In some events she would have medalled 3 age groups below her own.) Nolan Shaheed, now 60, attempted to break the 1500m world record but the flat track with the tight turns hampered him. There were Olympians – at least 3 on the Canadian team (Janice McCaffrey, Marcel Jobin and Paul Osland) as well as many others who have competed at World Cup, Commonwealth Games and other international meets. There were people returning to track and field after years away. And there were those who were just discovering the joys of competing.

World Masters Athletics—Kamloops B.C.


Page 15 London Pacers April 2010 Newsletter

The Canadian team was huge with a lot of local athletes trying out masters track and field for the first time mixed in with the stars of our sport – world record holders like Carol Lafayette-Boyd and Karla Del Grande. The American team equaled ours in numbers but beat us in the medal count 334 to 314. At one time there was a worry that athletes from other countries would not want to make the trek to the interior of BC but in-deed, they came. They came from Russia and Poland, from Australia and New Zealand, from Egypt and Turkey and Iran, from Brazil and Costa Rica and Venezuela. They even came from Iceland. The Mexicans were everywhere – cheering on their compatriots in every competition and at every venue.

I always come away from these events with wonderful and diverse memories. The barefoot Greek racewalk-ing on the cold park roads. The reverberating cheers greeting each relay team on the final day. The re-newed friendships. The incredible view over the Thompson River from our motel window. The portrayal of an eagle by the world champion fancy dancer in the opening ceremony. The excitement of the Olympians to be competing again. The American sprinter in the stands the day his drug suspension was announced. The incredible physiques of some of the Australian women. The dominating performances and the back markers also enjoying their moments in the spotlight.

It was a thrill to compete at the World Masters Athletics Championships and an honour to be in the company of Dianne, Bill and Sharon (who competed despite a fractured rib) in Kamloops. Next up the World Outdoor Championships is in Sacramento California in July 2011 then indoors again Finland in 2012 and outdoors in Brazil in 2013.

Explaining the relay

South Africa meets Italy

The Aussies

The track

and Karla


Page 16 London Pacers April 2010 Newsletter

The Opening Ceremonies

Some Canadians
