Next Meeting: Monday, October 26 7:30 p.m. Delwood...


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Bill Borgwardt showing the two collectibles that lead to the start of our club

Next Meeting: Monday, October 26

7:30 p.m. Delwood Community Hall, 7515 Delwood Rd. Program: Show & Tell: Something starting with "C" (could be for Sales Table)

October 2015



Edmonton Alberta Canada Volume 41 Issue # 2 October 2015

This is the official publication of the Wild Rose Antique Collectors. All articles appearing in this publication express the individual opinions of the writers and are not necessarily those of the W.R.A.C. or the Editor. Articles contained in the bulletin may be reproduced by other clubs, except where prohibited by the author, provided proper credit is given. CLUB OFFICIALS FOR 2015/2016

Phone Email address

President Bruce Gilbertson 780-914-7955 Vice President Clinton Beck 780-474-7447 Secretary position vacant (Marjorie Berg, acting secretary) Treasurer Alan Thain 780-464-6622 Membership John Horrigan 780-455-7432 DIRECTORS Editor Marjorie Berg 780-432-2244 Social/Prog. Kim Stade 780-479-1234 Show Director Bernie Haber 780-479-1234 2016 SPRING SHOW Show Chairman Bernie Haber 780-479-1234

If you know of a club member who is ill or who has had a death in the family, please contact Suzanne Balslov-Kulak, 780-987-2851 and she will send out a card on the Club's behalf. The Club Address is: Wild Rose Antique Collectors, PO Box 38150 RPO Capilano, Edmonton, AB, T6A 3Y6 Phone Number (780) 437-9722 The Club meets the 4th Monday of each month (except July and December) at 7:30 P.M. at the Delwood Community Hall, 7517 Delwood Rd NW, Edmonton, Alberta. VISITORS WELCOME! Membership per year: $30.00 - Entitles 2 family members in the same household to all privileges of the Society (September 1 - August 31). Each member is entitled to one free classified ad per month. Non-members may place a classified ad of up to 30 words for $3.00 per issue. Business advertisement: $40/month or $100/three months. Library books are due at the next meeting after they are checked out, after which the borrower's name may appear in the Dig & Pick. Fines will be assessed for overdue books. If you have any questions pertaining to our Library call: Gillian Budd 436-4436, Nancy Ross 479-7706, or Marvin Berger 436-4436. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions pertaining to advertising for the Spring Show, call our resident expert Bill Borgwardt at (780) 973-6655.


Wild Rose Antique Collectors Society General Meeting, September 24, 2015

President, Bruce Gilbertson called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm. Several members present had not received the Dig & Pick. James Hogan moved the adoption of the minutes from the August 24, 2015 General Meeting. Seconded by John Duke. Motion carried. Correspondence received: Vernon Collector's Club August minutes. Old Business: 2016 Show: Bernie Haber reported that the vendor applications for the April 16 & 17, 2015 Show were mailed today. Membership: John Horrigan reported we have 3 new members. Treasurer: Alan Thain reported that he has done the preliminary work on the 2014/2015 books. Our net profit was $1,162.40. The new Treasurer and two members will have to review the year. Social/Program: Kim Stade explained that Show & Tell next month will be "C" items. Website: Clinton Beck reported that the September Dig & Pick is posted online, as is the Show vendor application. New Business: Election of Executive: Motion: Moved by Brenda Thain; seconded by Gord Soch that Bruce Gilbertson be accepted as President. Carried Motion: Moved by Bill Borgwardt; seconded by Gord Soch that Clinton Beck be accepted as Vice President. Carried. Motion: Moved by Brenda Thain; seconded by Bette Fritz that John Horrigan be accepted as Membership Director. Carried. Motion: Moved by Tom Fritz; seconded by Gord Soch that Kim Stade be accepted as Social/Program Director. Carried. Motion: Moved by Mel Seutter; seconded by Bill Borgwardt that Marjorie Berg be accepted as Editor. Carried. Alan Thain has decided not to continue as Treasurer. No one accepted the position. The position of Secretary is still vacant. Attendance tonight: 39 Guests:1


Door prizes: $25 gift certificate to the Old Strathcona Antique Mall won by Bill Borgwardt. Set of banana-split dishes (donated by Dorothy Downing) won by Betty-Jean Duke. Raffle prizes: Trio of Chinese teapots (donated by Dorothy Downing) won by Marjorie Berg. Moved by Kim Stade; seconded by Tom Fritz, that the business portion of the meeting be adjourned at 8:00 pm. Carried. Program: Members showed their "B" collectibles. Bruce Gilbertson Marjorie Berg President Acting Secretary



WRAC Annual Christmas Party

Friday, December 4, 2015

Delwood Community League Hall

7515 Delwood Road, Edmonton

Cocktails 6:00pm

Dinner 6:30pm

Tickets $15 ($20 non-members)

Bring a new toy for Santa's Anonymous & one item for the Silent Auction

Entertainment: To be announced at the

October 26 meeting

Tickets for the Christmas party will be available at the October general meeting or call Nancy Ross 780-479-7706 to purchase tickets.


Show & Tell ("B" Items) at the September 28th Meeting It's amazing what your parents left behind; was cleaning up and found this Bissell Floating Action Rug Shampoo Master in the original box. Just so you know how amazing this is - it's low cost: less than 2 cents per square foot of rug. It's fast - clean your carpet tonight and walk on it tomorrow. You can shampoo a 9 by 12 rug in just half an hour. There's no postal code on

the box so I think it's probably from the 1960s. We moved into our house in 1962, so that would fit. It was probably used a couple of times and then just sat. It's a Model #250 C; has the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval and was sold at Woodward's. I'll sell it for $12.00. Bruce I didn't want to cause a riot tonight, but I know there are some serious button-collecting women here. I brought some buttons that are new in my shop. They're 12 carat gold and what's really cool about these; they're from the 1800s and they're in the original box. They're warranted - back in 1874; so quite old. They're made for a double-holed button hole, perhaps for a tuxedo. Clinton


My "B" is for a picture of this guy. He was Prime Minister of Canada from 1911 to 1920: Robert Laird Borden; the guy who brought us through World War 1 and increased international recognition of Canada and its independence from Great Britain. This is something I picked up at a show in Vancouver and what's nice about it is the fact that it's signed by him. He was born in Nova Scotia and died in Ottawa in 1937. He was a teacher, a lawyer, and a very fine golfer, I hear. Marvin Sir Robert Borden is depicted on the Canadian $100 bill.

This is probably the most important thing that any of you have ever seen. First, is this book which was put out in 1970 by Cecil Munsey and was the first book about "bottles". I got this book from Book of the Month Club; had to buy 5 or 6 books, so I thought "I'll get that". I read it and thought it was very interesting and a good reference on bottles; and still is! I grew up on the old family homestead and we never threw anything away so, after reading the book, I started going through the buildings and found this bottle which is a hand blown in wood mold case gin bottle from Blankenheym & Nolet. They were called "case bottles" because they fit in cases. I

cleaned it up and took in the house and that was the start of my antique collecting. I started going to flea markets and ran into other guys; Barend Wissink and Gene Elgert, in particular. Someone said "we should get a club going", so in 1975 we got an article into the Edmonton Journal and we met at Folson's house and the three of us organized it. I worked in the film business; a special order came in so I didn't get to the meeting until 9 o'clock and there were 40 people there! And that's how this club got started. It changed all our lives! Bill Borgwardt


I have a real nice bear here, but he's just a cub! As you can see, he pours from the bottle into the cup and brings the cup to his mouth. That is milk in the bottle! I found it in my cabinet, where I wasn't expecting to find anything to bring as a "B" collectible. And he still works! Mel

I had to remind Marj, on Facebook, that Barbies and Bears start with a "B", too! This is a "White Ginger", 1961. You only know it's a White Ginger if you have the box. I got it at a garage sale. Retail price - it's pretty mint - $60 - $100. White Ginger Bubblecut refers to the hair color and cut. I collect bears and this is a little one from Edie Barlishen. She has won awards for her bear artistry.



I brought a Sammy Sosa commemorative baseball for his 66 home runs (September 25, 1988). The other is a signed Ferguson "Fergie" Jenkins baseball. He was a Canadian pitcher who played for the Chicago Cubs in the late 60s and early 70s. The third ball is a commemorative ball from the 2001 World Series between the Arizona Diammondbacks and the New York Yankees. And this

is a signed bottle of wine from Guy LaFleur's restaurant in Montreal. Bernie

I've got a Boucheron display perfume bottle and one of ALIEN by Thierry Mugler that I just got on Saturday. I went to Montreal with one suitcase and came home with two! Factice means dummy in French - as these bottles are normally filled with colored water, in the stores, while on display. In

Montreal, the saleslady said to fill it with perfume - would have cost $2,000! Kim


I came with the theme: bottles and books. The first one I want to show you came from the Saskatchewan Co-op Creamery Ltd. The history is in my book: Milk Bottles of Saskatchewan. It has "ribbed" rather than smooth glass. In 1917 it was a co-operative and competed with the private sector; fellow by the name of Calder, in Saskatchewan; quite aggressive competition, but both sides ran into a bit of financial problems so they merged in 1927. When they first combined, they did pretty good, but by 1930 they were getting into financial problems; limped along in receivership until 1939. What is interesting about this bottle , I got it at auction last summer. It's one of the earlier models. It doesn't have a manufacturer's mark on the bottom. The script style was popular from the 1910 to 1914 era. So, it's interesting that a company formed

in 1917 decided to adopt that design. I have another earlier bottle and I've seen a couple of others of this era with no manufacturer's mark and smooth glass, not ribbed, so I was glad to add that to my collection. "B" is for book. I thought you'd be interested in is this Palm Dairy bible. Palm Dairies formed in Ontario in 1928 and Pat Burns of the Burns Packing Co. bought it and it grew rapidly and lasted until 1978. The thing about this bottle is that it is the earliest style of the colored label. Prolific with the name of the dairy, but also prolific with advertising slogans put on the back. The main trick with collecting these bottles is to keep an eye open, not just for the different front, but for the vastly different backs you can find. Milk Bottles of Alberta Volume I and volume II with revised editions coming out in January. I thought my books were quite up-to-date, but lo and behold this year I saw in the Lloydminster News that a lady in Unity Saskatchewan had some milk bottles she was trying to sell. We hadn't been to that part of the country for a long time, so we went. Mostly, she had bottles I wasn't interested in, but she had this one Purity Dairy bottle. Fortunately, I had books with me, so I went to the car and did a bit of studying. It was not in the book either! So, the interest keeps growing! Bob I don't know if any of you have read Zane Grey, but I remember reading a couple of them and they were grim: boy meets girl, boy gets girl, girl dies. Real life, I guess. This is a Betty Zane book, first edition

1903. My uncle read a lot of these. James This is a bootjack, in case you don't know. It is cast iron and was used to take your boots off without getting your hands dirty. I found it at my favorite place - the Re-use centre. Bessie


This came as a promotion for a subscription to McLean's Magazine in 1958. Lansdowne was one of Canada's premier artists. Why he allowed this folio to be used as a subscription promotional, I can't imagine. The original sold at auction last year for $3500!

One thing that Lansdowne did differently than other wildlife artists is that he believed that the bird deserved all the attention and his backgrounds were plain rather than elaborate.

I tell people that my mother gave me this back in 1958. Actually, I grabbed it when it came in the mail and have had it ever since! Jim

Cliff and I live out West of the Botanical Gardens, so we're "in the bush" and we like birds a lot! These two Alta Glass owls I found at a garage sale. I got the candle-holder bird at Goodwill the other day. It's marked Porkkala, Denmark.

That's an island, South of Denmark and West of Sweden - Baltic Sea area. After WWII, the Russians were always trying to "take it over". That's the only place you find stoneware. So, that's a little bird from Porkkala. This next is a soapstone carving of a ptarmigan that I found at Value Village. The sticker says "Canada Eskimo Art". Someone told me that label started being used in 1970. My bird-decorated cream & sugar is marked "Foley" which became "Shelley" - circa 1913 - 1930. Susanne

We became interested in collecting Blue Willow china after hearing the story behind the pattern. I was surprised to find how many different companies produced this pattern. Because of my love of tracing the Willow pattern, I have discovered that China shipped porcelain all over the world. We are now collecting shipwreck ceramics - have 20 pieces.


I don't know much about this miniature London Transport bus, but the label says" Roadmaster 64 seater".


Meet this man, and as a citizen of this province, thank him. His name is Bob Synder, top Western Canada dairy

collector and author of several reference guides. He donated his substantial BC collection to the Royal Museum of British

Columbia last summer.

A few months later, this is what Bob wrote to The Holedown: “In the early summer, I delivered my BB collection to the

Royal BC Museum in Victoria. Enclosed are some photos of some of the collection (I apologize for the quality some of the

photos). As well, enclosed are lists of the collection items.

Also enclosed is a blurb about me and the books I have written. I am still actively collecting and doing research for

supplementing second editions of a few of the books. I hope the enclosed material is of interest. Please feel free to contact

me with any questions.”

–Bob Synder,11106 64 St NW, Edmonton AB T5W 4H1 phone: (780) 477-2809 email:

Boxes Fraser Valley Milk Producers Association (FVMPA)

– cottage cheese box, wood

Fraser Valley Milk Producers Asscoiation (FVMPA)

– milk crate, wood with metal trim

Island Farms Dairy, Victoria

– milk crate, wood with metal trim

Kelowna Creamery

– butter box, wood

North Okanagan Creamery Association (NOCA), Vernon

– butter box, wood

Palm Dairies, Nelson

–milk bottle crate

Shannon Dairies, Vancouver

– milk bottle crate

Who says old news is no news? Read this, it’s new news to you---and good !


Avalon Dairy, Vancouver – 1966

Dominion Dairy, Golden – 1968 complete

Dominion Dairy, Golden – thermometer, no calendar

Fernie Dairy, Fernie – 1956

Glenburn Dairy, Vancouver – 1941


24 …Bob Synder continued


Noca, Vernon = brass frame

Cream Cans Creamland, Vancouver – 1 gallon

Royal City Creamerym New Westminster – 1 gallon

Turners Dairy, Vancouver – 1 gallon

Northwestern Creamery, Victoria = 2 gallon

Desk Protector Northwestern Creamery, Victoria

Display signs Noca, Vernon – flavor list, cardboard

NOCA, Vernon – plastic, metal frame

Paper Associated Dairies, Vancouvr - envelope dated 1932

Courser, Dale – monthly milk reports 1947/48/49/59/51, 44 pieces

Crystal Dairy, Cranbrook – envelope dated 1943

Dairyland – bridge score pad

Frasea Farms, Richmond – blotter

Glenburn Dairy, Vancouver – two invoices dated 1945

Grand Forks Creamery, Grand Forks – invoice dated 1916

Jersey Farms, Vancouver – promotion tag for bottle necks

Kell, George – milk dealers license dated 1936

Little Mountain Dairy, Vancouver – 40 pieces invoices dated 1958

Continued on next page…

…Bob Synder continued

Paper con’t New Westminster Creamery Society – two invoices dated


Raida’s Dairy, Creston Valley – uniform crest

Royal Dairy Ltd., Victoria – Dixie cup lid

Shannon Dairies, Vancouver – two invoices dated 1958

Silverwoods Dairy – recipe book

Silverwoods / Northwestern Creamery – price lists 1969,


Silverwoods / Northwestern Creamery – two price lists 1971

Turners Daity, Vancouver – four invoices dated 1945

Milk Tokens

Reference Books

Booklets of Directory Pages, British Columbia Dairies

Compiled by Bob Synder, 1977

B.C. Numismatica

By Leslie C. Hill, 1980

Milk Stories

By K. Jane Watt

Published by the Dairy Industry Historical Society of BC, in 2000


Palm Dairies, Victoria – advertising ruler

Milk Bottle Tops

141 tokens from 65 different BC dairies.

(listing is on following pages)

144 tops from 76 different BC dairies.

(listing is on following pages)

About Bob Synder—He is an Edmonton native born in 1936. He received his

schooling in Edmonton and Saskatoon. He graduated from U of Saskatchewan

with a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering. His working

career was spent in the natural gas industry. Bob retired from Nova in 1995 and

became involved with Global Thermoelectric Inc. serving successively as

Managing Director, President, and Chairman until the company was sold to Fuel

Cell Energy, Inc.

After retiring from Nova, Bob became actively involved in collecting milk

bottles. Since that timehe has assembled a large collection of related dairy

collectables. While still an active collector he now spends time doing research

about dairies and has published eight books about milk bottles and dairies. They

include Milk Bottles of Alberta Volumes 1 & 2, Milk Bottles of Saskatchewan,

The Milk Bottles of Edmonton City Dairy, The Dairies of Red Deer, Dairies

that Delivered Milk in the Drumheller Area, Dairies of Edmonton 1905 – 1955

and Milk Delivery in the Battlefords.


---Canadian Hardware & Metal Magazine – August 25th, 1917, Courtesy of University of Toronto


The article on Bob Snyder's donation to the Royal British Columbia Museum and this clip on Home Oil were originally published in the July - August Holedown (Fraser Valley Antiques & Collectibles Club newsletter). ____Reprinted___ with___ p______ermission. __________________________________________________________________________

James Fenwick Lansdowne, (August 8, 1937 - July 27, 2008) was a self-taught Canadian wildlife artist. Lansdowne was born in Hong Kong and grew up in Victoria, B.C. His first show was at the Royal Ontario Museum in 1956. Lansdowne's detailed watercolours of birds are similar in style to the work of John James Audubon - often featuring a specific species against a largely white background - but his subjects tend to display a greater lifelike quality and more natural posture than Audubon's. His work has been presented to members of the British Royal Family by the Government of Canada. In 1995, he was awarded the Order of British Columbia. In 1974, he was elected a member of the Royal Canadian Academy of Arts. from Wikipedia



Wanted Items related to WW2 Prisoners of War and Internees in Canada Personal items and information involving the Veterans Guard of Canada Robert Henderson 306-543-5822 or email him at:

Pottery by Ceramic Arts Calgary and Hansen-Ross (Saskatchewan) Bill Bouthillier 403-275-0089 or email

Calendar of Events

Oct 17 - 18 Rangeland Collectors Club Annual Sale, under the grandstand, Rocky Mountain Turf Club, Lethbridge, AB Sat 10am-5pm Sun 10am-4pm

Oct 18 Retro Design & Antiques Fair, Croatian Cultural Centre, Vancouver, BC

Oct 23 - 24 Antiques & Collectibles Show & Sale D Company Armouries, 9005-101 St, Grande Prairie, AB For info: Edith Parnell 780-908-5790

Oct 25 Pop Culture Show & Sale, Aviation Museum, Edmonton 10am-4:30pm

Oct 25 - 26 America's Largest Antique & Collectibles Shows Portland Expo Centre, Portland, Oregon Sat: 9am-6pm Sun: 10am-5pm Early entry Friday $30.

Nov 7 - 8 Edmonton Numismatic Society Fall Show Howard Johnson Hotel, 15400 Stony Plain Rd Edmonton Sat 10am-5pm Sun 10am-4:30pm

Nov 8 Edmonton's Scandinavian Christmas Market Dutch Canadian Scandinavian Centre, 13312 - 142 Street, Edmonton 11am-4pm Info: Susanne 780-987-2851

Nov 16 - 22 Mall Show Westmount Shopping Centre, Edmonton, AB

Nov 21 Greater Seattle Toy Show Kent Commons Community Centre 525 4th Ave Kent, Oregon 10am-3pm Early admission 10am $10.00 Info:

Nov 21 - 22 25th Annual Red Deer Christmas Antique furniture & collectibles show & sale Westerner Park, 4847A - 19th St. Red Deer AB Sat 10am-5:30pm Sun 10am-4:30pm Info: Rae or Fred 403-343-1614 or 403-392-8757

Nov 23 - Dec 31 Christmas Show Westmount Shopping Centre 111th Ave & Groat Rd, Edmonton Info: Don or Edith Parnell 780-987-2071 or 780-908-5790

Dec 4 WRAC Annual Christmas Party Delwood Community Hall, cocktails 6pm dinner: 6:30pm Tickets available at the October General Meeting or from Nancy Ross 780-479-7706

The Wild Rose Antique Collectors Society respects the privacy of its members. Information collected is for the sole use of the WRAC Society and its operation. All information is kept confidential and is not sold or transmitted in any form to any outside party. Requests for information and its use should be directed in writing to the WRAC and its privacy office.
