No Body Can Leave


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  • 8/11/2019 No Body Can Leave


    No body leaves

    It was a normal day, just like any other, o at least thats how it started, there was

    an old building in Quilmes center were people go to learn english, and that is

    what Peter with her twin sister Emma did today.

    Their schedule was from 6!" to #!!, fi$e minutes before they had come to the

    building the sky was turning cloudy a storm was coming, that was a little weird

    because it wasn%t pronosticated.Ten minutes after the class had started the rain

    came, drops were falling hard, it was a big storm and the wind was blowing so

    hard that you could hear it,it was e$en worse for them because they were in the

    first floor, emma sudenly was afraid of thunders, she didn%t know that later that

    will be the last of her problems.Then noises came from downstairs, followed by a

    scream, all the teachers left their classrooms to see what had happened, they saw

    a ten years old girl sat on the floor with her hands co$ering her eyes, and then

    they saw a messages in the wall that said you all going to died tonight.

    &ater all the teacher were asking who had written that , and it will be

    conse'uences for the boy(girl who had done that.)t the same time the storm was

    getting bigger, it was probably the worst storm that anybody ha$e seen, there was

    a real flood outhere,parents were calling their childrens saying that they could%t

    picking them up until the water descend a a little, so they were stuck there.

    Emma was ner$ouse with all this situation, she asked the teacher permission to

    go to the bathroom, and so she went, then she heard a cold $oice saying youre

    all gonna died tonightand then she ran to the bathroom crying traing to calm

    down saying it was all her imagination, because she was ner$ouse but when she

    looked to the mirror the face of women appeared screaming and then the mirrorbroke. *he ran without looking back, to the classroom and started to tell what has

    happened, some of the kids thought that she was lying and that she was the one

    who had written in the wall, others doubt about what she said but part of them

    belie$ed that might be true, the only one who dared to said out loud that she must

    be saying the truth was her brother.

    They were trying to calm down Emma when the lights went off.

    +we must get out of here+Emma said

    +well are you a stupid girl,aren%t you with this storm+ a boy on the class said

    +-e is right Emma we can%t lea$e, not until the storm stop+now was Peter who

    talked+but don%t worry i wont let anything bad happened to you

    +i know something bad...+Emma stoped talking because the noise of somebody

    writing on the blackboard got her atention

    E$erybody turn the light of their mobile phone to see what has been written, and

    their were shocked about it, the first one is gone, it`s only time for the death

    reaches the others, this messages apeared in e$ery classrom, at first it was a litlle

    frightning but they still were thinking it was a twisted joke until another teacher

    came to noticed that a student was murdered in the hall, the poor girl has been

    asphyiated, you could see the hand marks in her neck.

    Then Peter suggested the strangest theory about what was happening. -e was aboy who spent most of his time in the library, and he had an special lo$e for old

  • 8/11/2019 No Body Can Leave


    books,so he read one about the story of the cultural and learnt that this building

    had belong to a family but the father killed his wife and two childrens and then

    kill him self. *o Peter said

    +i think today marks /!" years from the day of those deaths, i think the spirit

    came back, and he is the one who is causing all this

    +okay freak don%t you think it could be a reasonable eplanation like this is the

    work of a student, teacher or maybe just a random person in the street who got in

    in the building+ a classmate said

    +but don%t forget what i saw in the bathroom, i think thats was the mom, i think

    all the ghost are here, not just the father+ Emma said

    +fi$e minutes later in each classroom died a boy, also asphyiated,and because

    lights were off no one could see what was happening.

    Panic was on, now all of them were ready to lea$e the building but they found a

    problem when they traid to, the doors were close. )ll of them gathered in the

    hall, but you could heard noises from upstairs, like doors opening and closing,

    and chairs mo$ing and hitting the wall, something was there...

    Teachers didn%t know what to do, they were locked in, and they were facing to

    the unknown.

    Peter decided to go to the library and look for the book to see if he it was any

    information that could help them,but for that he needed to go to the first floor

    were all cra0y thing were happening, her teacher wouldn%t aloud that so he

    sneaked to go,without beeing seen.

    1i$e minutes later Peter was coming down the stairs end Emma saw him

    +Peter were you up stairs2hy did yo go there is dangerous3

    Peter didn%t answer to Emma, he wasn%t him anymore, Emma couldn%t see right

    because she only had the light of the mobile phone and she wasn%t near, but whenhe came closer to her, now she *)2, his eyes were red and he looked as he has

    been death for years.-e started to say things in other language, Emma was

    shocked so she didn%t e$en saw when he pull out a knife and stab her, now

    e$eryboday started to ran.

    / hour later the rain stop some parents call their childrens to their mobile phones

    to let them know that they were outside wating for them but they didn%t had an

    answer so they entered to the old house and they saw the dead bodys.

    The police came, they looked for sur$i$ors, there weren%t any.The only body they

    could%t find was Peter.
