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eredmények – Adatbázisok és kutatási segédletek a nőkkel és nemi szerepekkel kapcsolatos társadalomtudományi kutatásokhoz


• http://www.rubicon.hu/magyar/oldalak/notortenelem/

Témák: Nőmozgalom Híres nők Nők a társadalomban Uralkodónők Tudomány, művészet , irodalom Divat, életmód Szex és prostitúció Boszorkányság, boszorkányvád Híres nők kislexikona Magyar nők kislexikona A genderirodalom klasszikusai Mit olvasnak a nők Férfigender


Magyar Női Karrierfejlesztési Szövetség

• http://www.noikarrier.hu/, http://www.magyarnok.hu Érdekvédelmi szervezet: társadalmi szervezet, ami összehangolja a nők és

a női érdekvédelmi szervezetek közös érdekeit  MNKSZ célja a nők esélyegyenlőségének javítása a karrierfejlesztésben,

vezetői pozíciók elérésében az európai uniós elvárások közvetítése és megvalósulásának elősegítése útján

Az MNKSZ célja párbeszéd elősegítése a jogalkotás-, a kormányzat-, a civil-, az üzleti- és tudományos szféra és az MNKSZ tevékenysége által érintettek között. 

Tevékenysége során igyekszik átvenni mindazon külföldi jó példákat, amelyeket meghonosításra érdemesnek, Magyarország történelmi és kulturális kereteibe adaptálásra alkalmasnak ítél.

Magyar Női Karrierfejlesztési Szövetség

A Magyar Női Karrierfejlesztési Szövetség, amely 2009-től az ENSZ-ben tanácsadói státusszal („UN-Ecosoc -Consultative NGO Status”) rendelkezik

A Legjobb Női Munkahely PályázatA Magyar Női Karrierfejlesztési Szövetség a 2007-ben az „Egyenlő Esélyek Mindenki Számára - Európai Év" tiszteletére hagyományteremtő céllal elindított kezdeményezését a nagy érdeklődésre való tekintettel folytatta 2008-ban és 2009-ben.A „Legjobb Női Munkahely”projekt célja, hogy rámutasson a nők foglalkoztatásának esélyegyenlőségi szempontján túl a nők alkalmazásának gazdasági szükségszerűségére.



Női vállalkozók – Kapcsolatépítő konferencia

Hogyan kerüld el a női vállalkozói lét kizsigerelő buktatóit? Női vállalkozói élettervezés és időgazdálkodás – stresszmentes(ebb) női élet.

A sikeres internetes megjelenés titkai, azaz milyen a jó weboldal, és hogyan reklámozd azt ingyen vagy minimális költséggel. 

“Egyedül nem megy” – építsünk remek üzleti kapcsolatokat is! Adóváltozások 2011. Női üzleti rapid randi - bemutatkozási és kapcsolatépítési lehetőség. Karácsonyi mini bazár és jótékonysági licit -


Tudatos Életért Egyesület és a Babafalva portál

3 fő téma:1. Jogi útvesztők – munkavállalás kisgyermekes

anyaként (munkajogász )2. Családtámogatások, családi adózás 2011-től,

kismama kedvezmények (mérlegképes könyvelő, adótanácsadó)

3. Álláskeresési praktikák, napközbeni gyermekelhelyezés (HR-szakember)

Magyar Üzletasszonyok Egyesülete

• http://uzletasszonyok.blogspot.com 1994-ben alakult Főként a vállalkozó nőkre koncentrál  ”A vállalkozóvá válást és a vállalkozói létet segítik a jogi, gazdasági,

pénzügyi ,és marketing szakértők meghívásával szervezett klubnapjaink.” az egyesület tagságát elsősorban középkorú, a munkavállalói körből

különféle okok miatt kiszorult, saját vállalkozásba kezdő, így kevés saját tőkével rendelkező nők alkotják.

Amiben segítünk: Üzleti kapcsolatépítés Tájékozódás a vállalkozás jogi, gazdasági környezetéről Szakmai programok, oktatás Női témák, női vállalkozás, női vállalkozóvá válás, nőilobbitevékenység Kapcsolat más női szervezetekkel, érdekvédelem Mikróhitel

Network – Üzletasszonyok közösségi oldala

• http://uzletasszony.network.hu/ Közösségi oldal Linkek, szolgáltatások Vállalkozásra koncentrál

Női üzleti hálózat

• http://www.noiuzletihalozat.hu/ A Női Üzleti Hálózat: az üzleti és a vállalkozói szférában

tevékenykedő nők első hálózata Magyarországon. Céljaink:

Szakértelmünk a szociális és gazdasági fejlődés részévé váljon

Kölcsönösen előnyös üzleti kapcsolatok alakuljanak ki (Networking)

Rendezvényeink segítsék elő a tapasztalatcserét Új ismeretek megszerzésével bővítsük tudásunkat

(Információ, Inspiráció)


Mittudnakanok.hu• http://www.mittudnakanok.hu/ Magunkról:

Sok kutatási eredmény és vélemény szerint jobban teljesítenek azok a vállalatok, melyeknek a vezetésében nők is helyet foglalnak. Az üzleti élet mégis megmaradt a férfiak által, a férfiak számára kreált világnak.

Arra szántuk el magukat, hogy hozzájárulunk az ezzel kapcsolatos szemléletváltáshoz. Hangsúlyozzuk, üzleti kérdésről van szó, nem pedig nőkérdésről.

Mi hárman, akik magunk is vezető nők, képző- és tanácsadó cégek tulajdonosai vagyunk, a következő célokat tűztük ki:1. Szeretnénk kedvet csinálni a témán való gondolkodáshoz,2. tudást megosztani,3. jól érezni magunkat a velünk együtt gondolkodókkal, miközben nőkről, férfiakról,  és az üzlethez való viszonyukról


Mittudnakanok.hu – MIÉRT? A Financial Times szerint valószínűleg a nők jelentik a leginkább figyelmen kívül hagyott forrást az üzleti életben. Az üzleti modellek alapvető gyengesége, hogy férfiak által dominált világra konstruálták őket.Történik mindez annak ellenére, hogy:1. A nők PIACOT jelentenek.

A legtöbb piacon a nők hozzák a fogyasztási cikkekkel kapcsolatos vásárlási döntések 80%-át.

2. A nők TEHETSÉGET képviselnek.Európában az egyetemet végzettek 59%-a, a PhD fokozatot elérőknek pedig 61%-a nő. A tehetségbázis többségét nők adják.

3. A nők jelenléte összefügg a PROFITABILITÁSSAL.Kiemelkedően jobbak azoknak a vállalatoknak a pénzügyi mutatói, melyeknek a vezetésében nők is helyet foglalnak. Ezt számos kutatás támasztja alá. (Catalyst, McKinsey).

A fenti tények ellenére nem történt változás. Az üzleti élet továbbra is többnyire a férfiak számára kreált világ. A válság azonban intő jel: eljött a paradigmaváltás ideje.

Hisszük, egyensúlyra van szükség a cégek vezetésében is. Idáig az arányok eltolódtak. A 21. századi cégvezetés akkor lesz sikeres, ha harmóniára törekszik: épít a  nők és férfiak eltérő erősségeire és képességeire, döntéshozói pedig nők és férfiak együtt.

Három Királyfi Három Királylány Mozgalom

• http://haromkiralyfi.hu A Három Királyfi, Három Királylány Mozgalom célja:

hogy elősegítse a kívánt és tervezett gyermekek megszületését, és ezáltal elérje, hogy több magyar gyermek szülessen, mint ahányan meghalnak Magyarországon.

A Mozgalom indulása, története: Dr. Kopp Mária, a Semmelweis Egyetem Magatartástudományi

Intézetének vezetője 2009 júniusában indította útjára Mozgalmunkat. A Semmelweis Egyetem könyvtárában tartott kerekasztal beszélgetésen a résztvevők hangsúlyozták a fent említett téma fontosságát és megállapították, hogy további, együttes, összehangolt cselekvésre van szükség. (ld. www.selye.hu/haromkiralyfi.html)

A tudós társadalom mozgósítása mellett, a cél elérése érdekében szükségesnek tartottuk szélesebb társadalmi rétegek bevonását.

Három Királyfi Három Királylány Mozgalom témája:

A megközelítésekben kulcskérdés a „gyermekhez való jog”. Mivel a ma születő gyermekek a jövő zálogai, más szavakkal „közjószágok” (Andorka Rudolf),

hiszen ők jövőbelimunkavállalók, jövőbeli hozzájárulásuk a nemzeti jóléthez mind gyermekeseknek, mind a gyermekteleneknek jövőbeli előnyökkel jár, ezért legitim kormányzati és társadalmi cél annak elősegítése, hogy a kívánt, tervezett gyermekek megszülessenek. Meg kell keresni és meg kell szüntetni azokat az akadályokat, amelyek hátráltatják a szándékok elérését.

Ebben kulcsfontosságú: a család ÉS hivatás összeegyeztethetősége (meg kell szüntetnimagasabb végzettségű nőkkel

szembeni negatív diszkriminációt, hogy ne veszítsék el a hivatásukba fektetett erőfeszítéseiket sem, miközben megszületnek a tervezett gyermekeik)

a gyermekesek anyagi terheinek enyhítése


European Women’s Lobby• http://www.womenlobby.org The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) is the largest umbrella organisation of

women’s associations in the European Union (EU), working to promote women’s rights and equality between women and men.

EWL membership extends to organisations in all 27 EU member states and the three candidate countries, as well as to 21 European-wide bodies, representing a total of more than 2500 organisations. (Romániában is)

Founded in 1990 with 12 national member organisations, the European Women’s Lobby is one of the oldest and best established European-level civil society NGOs

A membership-based organisation with democratic and transparent procedures, the EWL works closely with the European Union, Council of Europe and United Nations, to ensure the representation of the full diversity of European women in particular at the European level, and the promotion of their equal interests.

European Women’s Lobby - Mission The EWL’s mission is to promote real and effective equality between women and men,

in all spheres of public and private life, across the EU. Through its wide membership, the European Women’s Lobby aims :

To support active involvement in working to achieve equality between women and men and ensure the representation of women from different parts of the European region

To engage in systematic learning and exchanging of experiences with the membership through democratic processes in order to achieve a sustainable and efficient women’s movement in Europe

To work with members through information /lobbying resources, trainings, systematic dialogue and exchange in order to actively engage with EU policy shaping, implementation and monitoring of legislation at national level.

Through analysis, evaluation and monitoring to provide regular input on EU policy developments and implementation that have an impact on women’s lives and on the promotion of equality between women and men with specific reference to the EU Treaty Obligations, legislation, policy framework on equality between women and men

To monitor, raise awareness and ensure implementation of gender mainstreaming and gender budgeting in order to affirm the full integration of women’s rights, interests and perspectives in EU policy.

To take into account the needs, specific inequalities, and perspectives of different groups of women, and the diverse experiences of women at all stages of their life cycle. These actions take place both in its internal policy and organisational development as well as in developing partnerships and joint working relationships with organisations that represent the many women that face multiple discrimination in the European Union and Globally

European Professional Women’s Network

• http://www.europeanpwn.net European Women’s Lobby tagja European Professional Women’s Network is a vibrant

growing pan-European federation of more than 17 women’s network. Our common objective is to provide women with the tools, networks and support they need to assume leadership. We aim to share knowledge across Europe, and are participating in several Europe-wide initiatives. We combine a sophisticated online networking platform, linking several thousand business women across Europe, with regular, offline events in many cities across Europe.

European PWN – Our Mission Promote the professional progress of women through all their career phases, from

potential through the pipeline to power by mentoring, training and networking Promote sustainable professional career paths for all by working to disseminate

information on innovative best practices Encourage companies to recognise the necessity of diverse and innovative

management approaches by promoting women’s success stories (what they did new and differently)

Raise the volume of European women’s voices by increasing women’s presence in the media and public life (conferences, think tanks..)

We aim to create an online European network of 5,000 professional women dedicated to leading positive and progressive change for and through their organizations.

The European network will focus on raising our voices, interconnecting the generations and sharing best practices and knowledge across Europe.

National networks will focus on developing offline networking, training and personal development for women in their cities and countries.

European PWN – Key Initiatives

Website/Best practice: EuropeanPWN website collecting all ThinkTank content, nourished by Europe-wide input

Women on Boards 1. Women on Board programme Europe-wide (events in several cities) 2. List of Women on Board Club members (not public) 3. Think Tank best practice gathering

Women Leading Change list online (public) 1. On-line features based on Oslo’s Top 10 and Amsterdam’s “Women in the Picture” 2. Book publication with profiles of key women in each country;

Mentoring: Online mentoring project offered Europe-wide New Cities/ Old Friends: 

1. Several new city networks to be launched based on EuropeanPWN platform 2. Every member online, clubs not online will be removed from portal page

Membership 1. EuropeanPWN membership harmonised at 100 Euros 2. Key MBA schools online (MBAs should not exceed 20% of overall EuropeanPWN membership)

Publishing: Two “white paper” books per year

European Centre for the International Council of Women

• http://finne-elonen.net/ecicw001.html ECICW is the European Centre of the International Council of Women

(ICW), which was founded in 1888 with the themes Equality, Development and Peace. ECICW, a non-governmental organisation, founded in Switzerland in 1961 and registered in Finland, has followed these concepts consistently.

Twenty-three National Councils of Women, sixteen of these in countries within the European Union now form the ECICW. Together they represent 10 million women through their 850 member organisations.

ECICW members are in the following 23 countries:Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, FYROM, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, The Netherlands, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey and Ukraine.

European Centre for the International Council of Women

• Aim

- ECICW’s aim is to empower women and to promote their participation in decision-making at national and European levels; to support human rights and to eliminate all kinds of discrimination; to encourage sustainable development and peace.

• Principal tasks

- To make women's opinions heard and to promote their participation in European decision-making institutions

- To promote collaboration among ECICW member organisations and co-operation with the International Council of Women as well as with other organisations and networks

- To collaborate with the Council of Europe, UN Agencies such as UNICEF and UNIFEM, and with the European Women's Lobby.

European Centre for the International Council of Women

During recent years the following subjects have been dealt with in seminars: 

- Women and poverty- Women in decision-making positions- Equal opportunities for women and men – comparison of the legislative basis and programmes in the European Union and Russia- Women in the public domain – sustainable development in the field of habitat and the role and active participation of women on the local level- Women and economics and the media- Women and advancements in bio-technology - Democracy and the enlargement of the EU - Women and health- Trafficking in women and girls- Violence against children and women in contemporary society

Woman Business Owners

• http://womenbizowners.org/ Women Business Owners (WBO) is a non-

profit organization, founded in February 2004 with the mission to empower, educate and  enrich the lives of women business leaders throughout the world.

Online community, tényleges offline aktivitásnak kevés nyoma

Women’s Leadership Exchange

• http://www.womensleadershipexchange.com Főként USA, de vannak online események is Our founders and managers are women who have been there: Before

joining forces to create the Women's Leadership Exchange®, they successfully established and still run a variety of companies.

Together with our advisors - successful and prominent women from a cross-section of industries - we are now committed to supporting the growth of women-led businesses in all sectors through the sharing of knowledge, resources and contacts that uniquely marks the Women's Leadership Exchange®.

Women's Leadership Exchange® is a certified Women's Business Enterprise.

Women’s Leadership Exchange Women's Leadership Exchange® (WLE) is a social entrepreneurship organization founded by and

for successful businesswomen. Recognizing the unique challenges facing women in business – whether they are leading their own companies or are leaders in the corporate, government or not-for-profit sectors, WLE offers a program that helps them fill the information gap and provides a venue for building connections that will facilitate their success in business and in life.

At the center of this program are conferences - featuring leading experts, accredited business coaches and interactive programming - in major markets around the U.S. In addition, WLE offers a resource-packed website,  a leadership development program (LEXCI), teleconferences,  and an enewsletter.

Our Mission The WLE mission is to provide the knowledge, the tools and the connections women need to be successful

in their own businesses, the corporate world and the not-for-profit environment. Our Vision

The WLE vision is to create more women leaders in the world.

Connected Women• http://www.connected-women.com/ Főként online Do you want to have an easy to use marketing tool to promote your

company, product, service and yourself?At Connected-Women.com you can do all that and more! Free general registration *

It’s easy, it’s fresh, it’s positive, it’s innovative and it can be a powerful tool between professional business women who want to;

search for other powerful business women network with other business women give and get professional advice from other business women give and receive recommendation to and from other business women be visual within the world of professional / business women

Global Enhancement of Women's Executive Leadership

• http://www.gewel.org/e_gewel.html GEWEL aims to create a better society by :

Supporting Japanese businesswomen to expand and develop their leadership abilities impacting their success in Japan and globally.

Providing networking opportunities among female business leaders and conducting research on the women’s consciousness of their situation and status

Diversity promotion activities within corporations 2011 Founded with 11 members

Global Enhancement of Women's Executive Leadership – Activities

For Corporations and Organizations Diversity Consulting Training to foster female leaders Employee Training Mentoring and Coaching

For Individuals Career Development Consulting Mentoring Networking Training

Other Activities Survey on Japanese working women Providing useful data to media, corporations, and organizations

Global Enhancement of Women's Executive Leadership – Corporations

GEWEL provides support to corporations and organizations that want to promote diversity and inclusion to enhance their competitiveness.

Consulting on Diversity & Inclusion Awareness Surveys of Employees Advice on Diversity & Inclusion Various Training for Employees Event and Program Planning, etc.

Global Enhancement of Women's Executive Leadership - Consultancy

Global Enhancement of Women's Executive Leadership - Trainings

Corporate: Workshop to raise awareness on Diversity & Inclusion Building the foundation for Diversity & Inclusion

-Self-esteem workshops --Workshops on creating your own brand-

Building corporate culture of Diversity & Inclusion Communication training to promote Diversity & Inclusion

Individual: Peak Performance Introduction to Peak Performance Communication, Presentation Skills Introduction to Communication Skills Introduction to Presentation Skills Creating Own Brand

Globe Women • http://globewomen.org/  www.globewomen.com - the premier

interactive forum for women in business WEXPO, a GlobeWomen project, is the premier online source for women in business

globally to: Connect online 

*  Businesswomen's Blog focuses on topic relevant to today's businesswoman.

*  Legacies of Women - Spotlight video series with a new Featured Executive each month - just post your comments to join this  interactive dialogue.

*  Make Social Networking work for you!  Join GlobeWomen on Facebook.

Browse our WEXPO Marketplace - for GlobeWomen account holders only  *   Support fellow women in business

*  Locate business partners by region or industry *  Want to advertise with us?  This online marketplace 

is open to women business owners/managers.

Globe Women- Global Summit of Women

2011 GLOBAL SUMMIT OF WOMENIstanbul, Turkey MAY  5-7, 2011

Participate in a truly unique global gathering of women influencers and opinion leaders from government and business …

Be inspired by women from across all continents and all areas of leadership… Learn from and to share with your peers ways to improve your business, your

career, your life … and the lives of others Expand your global network of professional women. Global Summit of Women Mission Statement

The Global Summit of Women was conceived as the nexus at which all sectors – public, private and nonprofit – would come together under the common vision of dramatically expanding women’s economic opportunities globally through exchanges of working solutions and creative strategies forged by women leaders in different parts of the world.  It is a business Summit, whose ‘business’ focus is women’s advancement in the global economy.

Globe Women- Global Diversity

Connect with top diversity professionals Hear best practices from seasoned leaders in

this field Network with others in this increasingly

important arena, both from the US and abroad

Globe Women-  Corporate Women Directors International

Access data on women on corporate boards internationally covering the last ten years, and all continents.

Learn from the best about issues of corporate governance

Connect with organizations engaged in corporate governance issues, and with fellow women corporate directors

Join veteran board directors and corporate governance experts in the premier discussion and  networking forum for women directors from the US and other countries


Catalyst http://www.catalyst.org Kezdetek: 1962-re nyúlnak vissza Catalyst conducts research in threepractice areas: 

1. Women in Leadership,

2. Organizational Change & Effectiveness, and

3. Diverse Women & Inclusion. 

In each, we combine our knowledge of women and business with a global perspective to produce reports that not only gauge women's progress, but also provide action plans for advancing women at work.


Catalyst független kutató és tanácsadó szervezet vizsgálataiCatalyst: The Bottom Line, 2004.

Catalyst – Women on Boards

Opportunity Now http://www.opportunitynow.org.uk Opportunity Now is a membership organisation for employers who are

committed to creating an inclusive workplace for women

The International Alliance for Women

http://tiaw.org/ The International Alliance for Women (TIAW) serves as the global umbrella

organization that unites, supports and promotes professional women and their networks to work together, share resources and leverage ideas.

The benefits of membership available to you and your women's network are as follows:

Learning best practices and success stories from women's networks around the world Participating in our Programs designed to foster economic and empowerment for women:

   Women on Boards  learn more     Micro-Enterprise   learn more    Entrepreneurship  learn more    Corporate Women's Leadership Network  learn more    Daughters   learn more

Attending our annual Global Partnership Forum and International Conferences Making important and influential connections with women in business and government

The International Alliance for Women

Who are We?  TIAW unites supports and promotes professional women and their networks to work together, share resources and leverage ideas.

What’s Our Purpose? Encourage, develop, fund and implement programs that foster economic empowerment and advancement for women around the world.

TIAW is devoted to improving the economic status of all women around the world: from senior level executive and professional women, to career women just beginning their careers, to women in transition and young girls planning for their careers, to the most needy of all: impoverished women in developing nations.

What’s Our History? A not-for-profit corporation founded in 1980, TIAW has evolved over our history to have a greater focus on outreach to a much larger global community of women. This universal focus – without regard to culture, politics, race or religion – is economic. Connected through TIAW, our members further economic empowerment and positive change in the world. 

The International Alliance for Women

What Are Our Goals? To become the global voice of women who want to connect to make a difference. To provide quality programs and initiatives that support TIAW’s vision, mission and

purpose. To continuously develop TIAW’s structure to effectively serve TIAW members and

programs. What Are Our Strategies?

Serve our members through a variety of innovative events, services and programs (see below).

Support economic empowerment of through TIAW’s state-of-the-art Web site, electronic publications and communiqués to members, networking and events.

What Kind of Events Do We Organize? Annual conference • Global Cities Events • Regional Networking Meetings • Donor

Trips to Developing Countries. What Services Do We Provide to Members?

Electronic Member Directory • Electronic Newsletters and Communiqués • Web Site • Presidents’ Discussion Forum

The International Alliance for Women- What Programs Do We Offer Our Members?

TIAW Microenterprise Development Program: Leverages financial and leadership resources through micro credit loans to help impoverished women in developing countries to start or expand businesses and achieve self-sufficiency.

TIAW Women on Boards Program: Motivates demand for qualified women to serve on for-profit and non-profit boards: educates members on issues of directors’ responsibilities and liabilities, board governance, operations and trends: and works with member associations on educational and placement activities.

TIAW Entrepreneurs Program:TIAW is committed to fostering the economic independence and empowerment of women globally. The Entrepreneurship Programme offers members the opportunity to acquire the knowledge, strategies, practical tools and networks needed to help them become successful entrepreneurs, wherever they may be. By way of programme content, delivery and reach – using the web and other technologies -- we aim to support and add value to the programs our TIAW member associations already offer their members.

The International Alliance for Women- What Programs Do We Offer Our Members?

TIAW Corporate Women’s Leadership Network Program: A special program for corporate women members, designed to build connections through topical conversations and relevant information.

TIAW Daughters Program:  Program’s objective is to prepare girls, ages 10-14, for financial independence.  In 2010 we are expanding this program to include other elements including physical, intellectual and emotional development of talented young university women through a global eMentoring program. We will be leveraging the strength of TIAW members and their associations to support and mentor these young university women in their chosen field by expanding their global awareness, building confidence and connections. 

Women’s International Network


The Women's International Network is a large assembly of women's communicators working to ensure women's Right to communicate through and within the community radio movement.

What is AMARC? AMARC is an international non-governmental

organization serving the community radio movement, with almost 3 000 members and associates in 110 countries.

Its goal is to support and contribute to the development of community and participatory radio along the principals of solidarity and international cooperation.

Women’s International Network

What are WIN’s main principles: WIN works for women’s Right to communicate as a basic human right expressed

through community radio. WIN supports women’s empowerment, gender equity, and a general improvement in

the condition and position of women worldwide. WIN promotes women’s access to all levels of community radio, including decision

making. WIN supports women’s efforts to express themselves within and beyond their

communities, by providing training programs and production exchanges at the international and local level.

WIN aims to change negative images of both women and men in the media and to challenge stereotypes being reproduced by media all around the world.

WIN subscribe to the principles of the Beijing Platform for Action. How does WIN work?

WIN chooses a Vice President for Women to sit on AMARC’s International Board, and WIN members are prominent in decision-making throughout AMARC

Barron’s Conferences http://www.barronsmag.com/conferences/wcw/

overview.html Top Women Advisors Summit Speakers:

Members of Barron’s Winner’s Circle Women's Top 100 Financial Advisors of 2010.

This unique conference offers attendees the opportunity to meet and network with the leaders and opinion-shapers of the financial advisory profession. Thus, it is recognized by participating firms as an extraordinary opportunity to enhance the professional development and skills set of their best talent.

Influential Women in Europe

CIPE - Center for International Private Enterprise

The Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) strengthens democracy around the globe through private enterprise and market-oriented reform. CIPE is one of the four core institutes of the National Endowment for Democracy. Since 1983, CIPE has worked with business leaders, policymakers, and journalists to build the civic institutions vital to a democratic society.

Women's Programs Women's Business Associations: Central & Eastern Europe Case Study.

Women's Business Associations: Eurasia Case Study.

Women's Business Associations: Africa Case Study.

Women’s Business Associations: South Asia Case Study.

Case Studies on Women Entrepreneurs from Malawi and Romaniafrom CIPE's Strategies for Policy Reform: Experiences from Around the World. 

Women in International Regulatory Law Symposium Report


CAFA- Coalition of Women’s Business Associations in Romania

CAFA is an informal coalition with three categories of members: Founding Members (the nine associations that have decided to set up), full members (women's business associations) and associate members (associations and women who have a business component in their program work).

CAFA has now 19 members, which shows that business women in Romania begin to understand the importance of their involvement in the economy and the importance of joint efforts in influencing public policy. Coalition does not cancel the current activities of the association members and is involved in initiatives and major events that require broad support, such as hearings or public debate, legislative proposals or amendments, and participation in dialogues with government officials.


Founding full members 1. 1.Asociatia Femeilor  Antreprenor din Romania(Timis)

2. 2.Asociatia Femeilor de Afaceri si a Femeilor Conducatoare de Intreprinderi din Brasov

3. 3 Asociatia Femeilor de Afaceri Intreprinzatoare Bihor

4. 4.Asociatia Femeilor Intreprinzatoare din Romania

5. 5.Asociatia Femeilor Intreprinzatoare Galati

6. 6.Asociatia Femeilor Manager Dolj

7. 7.Asociatia Femeilor Manager Rm. Valcea

8. 8.Asociatia Oportunitati de Afaceri pentru Femei

9. 9.Asociatia pentru Dezvoltarea Antreprenoriatului Feminin

CAFA - MEMBERS Membri plini

1. 1.Asociatia Oportunitati de Afaceri pentru Femei Constanta2. 2.Asociatia Oportunitati de Afaceri pentru Femei Giurgiu3. 3.Asociatia Femeilor de Afaceri Cluj4. 4.Asociatia Femeilor de Afaceri Calarasi

Membri simpatizanti1. 1.Asociatia "ProFemeia”2. 2.Asociatia Femeilor pentru Activitati Pozitive, Toleranta si Educatie’3. 3.Asociatia Femeilor Unite Iasi4. 4.Asociatia Femeilor din Mediul Rural5. 5.Asociatia pentru Promovarea Femeii din Romania6. 6.Asociatia Femeilor din Romania

AFAFCI - Asociaţia Femeilor de Afaceri şi a Femeilor

Conducătoare de Întreprinderi Braşov (AFAFCI) The Association of Business Women and Top Managers in Braşov

(AFAFCI), was established in January 2004 as a non-governmental, non-profit and apolitical organization. It is the continuator of the Association of Women Managers Brasov, which was established in 1997.

Aim: To create the organizational framework for business women and women managers

in Braşov and Braşov County to achieve their goals and objectives that should lead to the promotion of members and their companies;

To involve the association in the private-public partnership in order to support the interests of the Romanian business environment.

To contribute through its members and activities to the development of the local community and to support grass-roots initiatives.

AFAFCI - Activities

Monthly members meetings which included company presentations and debates of the latest developments in business, finance and legislation;

Exchange of experience with women managers in other counties of Romania; Business partnerships among women; Business skill-building; Promotion of members and their companies in local and national media; Participation in events organized by the Center for International Private Enterprise

(CIPE) and USAID: Women in Business Conference, workshops, round tables, debates, press conferences.

Participation of 9 members in the 3 editions of the Women of Success CD developed by CIPE.

Partnership with the Association of Women Managers in Serbia  - promoting the “Femina Vip” Project,  “Dragon Woman” Trophy , 2nd edition, Belgrade, June 2007.

AFAFCI - Activities Afafci will perform in 2008 the secretarial duties for the Coalion of

Businesswoman Associations in Romania (CAFA) and has the responsibility to organize the National Conference of Businesswomen in Romania , 7th edition

Starting with 20008, Afafci is a member of the International Allianec for Women(TIAW) www.tiaw.org

Fundraising - Hospice" Casa Sperantei" The Association of Business Women and Top Managers in Brasov organized a

fundraising among members in order to join the efforts to help the Foundation Hospice "Casa Sperantei". The amount raised by the AFAFCI members was donated at the charitable concert held by Angela Similea and Ovidiu Comornic, on April 6 2009, at "Reduta" Cultural Center in Brasov.

Virtual Enterprises Fair part of the Virtual Enterprises Program  - an active partnership between the National Economic College “Andrei Barseanu” and the Association of Businesswomen and Top Managers in Brasov
