Not So Healthy, (I.S .O P E M S e ARMY CONTRACT 1 Doctors...


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Weather ForecastI'alr tflni|(ht tuitl SatiirdAy; Sun*

day uJao /(ilr. UlRh jwtprtny, Kl: low, 83. Low this mornlnB

SlT Irrigntcd Conntics in IJnho






Hwffo Paper Pro/ita Visioned

A b Result af Favomblo

BnyiDff Prices


Treasury Prep'irca to Print

Millions in New Monoy

Backed by Metal

n v u!ciL\itD u G iiim j:Y (Copyright, lOSI, Unltwl Prtyw) W a s h in g to n . June 22

Apppoxlmalcly 100.000,000 ouncM Of allver have iMcn ncqulrttl by the fedcmt BDvcmment n t ti cobI of around 150,000.000 rlncp the vclt odmlnt*lnitlon bcfron Ihe rc- bftblllUUon of silver. U wiw) csll- nialcj iicml-ofridnlly totlny.

About 05,000,000 ounct* were be­lieved to have been secretly nc- qulrccl In Lontion and New York over the pojit few monthu by thp Kovcmmtnfn *2.000,000,000 chnn|;o BtAbfllzntlon fund,

n believed to be from 40 lo50 c

f-'rom UrlUiin An additional 20.000,000

were acquired loat uummer at 50 cenla an ounco from Grcnt Brltnln. reprencnting Uie country'B June 15 war debt payment; 8,000,000 ounc- M of newly m!nc<1 metal hav “ acquired at C4i,i centa iin from American producers December. Scvcrol millions more arc believed to have be< chniicd directly In the open i In tho pant few daya.

Secretary at Trcnuury ^fcnry Morffenthau. Jr., wm drawlnp plans M ny for the purchruic of nearly 1,300.000,000 nddltlonnl ouneca of Oliver to carry out provlMons of tho silver purchnflc act of 1031 whichprovldca that the country's ........nionetnry rcaen'ca bo Inc until they reach onn third tho alM of tho monetary fold otocks.

Hope For nise Uorj^enthau aald ho expected b

bring about a rlao In the pricc of . silver which, many administration and congrtMlapal lenders hopo .wilt contribulo io ))igbtr-et»nnio(2Uy prlccs. Elaborate safcRuardfl have been put Into cffect to prevent flpecuiauirt from "CBBhlnir In" on

. tho Kovemmcnl'a pricc llfllni; Bcbemc.

If tho enUmaUd 100,000,000 ounces recently acquired were ob- (Continued oo PaEu 2. Coiucmi 8)

‘Bottle’ Babies Not So Healthy, Doctors ClaimCinCAGO, June 22

Five of the nallon-3 ou Inff' pedlatrLita lodny ntatlntlcal proof—btuicd on n Dtudy of 30.0(11 scattered tnsrr —that the old-faahlontd molli. cr who nuraes her own ia jr/vlng- them the best b life.

Dottle bable.i. It woa fluffcred more from dlacr nlcknesn and the deatl nmon>r them wan ten tlmci frrciiter.

SrlUr* DUputr The Jitudy, which pcdl.itrUil;

clalme<l would once-.ind-for-ul netUc na old dlnputo. wan madr under the direction of Dr. Cllf- forrl CJ. Crulee, profen.sor pttlLntrica at Rush MedicalICRC,As.ilatlnjr him were: D.-. Hc'y-

worth N. Sanford, director of ChlcnRO Infant Welfare nn- clety; Dr. I'nul llcrrr>n. of Spokane, Wiuh.: Dr. Jennie Knntor-Antman nnd Dr. Iliii-ry Schwarts, of Iluiih Mcdlciil cc.l- Irce.

Dr. Orulee. althoiiKli a-Iinli- tlnff thut thounamls of "for­mula biiblea" wore hujiKy and fltronff. nnld that the .‘lurx'cy •'knocked the prop.i ont from umler” a theory that new Unowledce 'of diet nnd vilamlmi hiid made bottle fco<llnKS n.t beneficial an brrasl fecdlnKn,

r ivo y « ir «tudy The study look five yearn

and ranj:ed from the alumn to the nurflerlca alone the Ctil- cnco "Rold coaBt,"

The flndlHRs Indicated:

Wrangle For North Dakota- Governor’s Post ( I . S .O P E M S e 1 R 0 N B 0 0 IL [ I



House Quiz Hears Details of Conference on Surplus Goods

. Bnbic d by molber.'i Wide Roosevelt Power Rapped By G. O. P. as Liberty Peril

S f f O U I L l N B GHI 0 [ I t S

W . C. T. U. Speaker W ill Talk

A t Wock-End Scwions

In Twin Fnlla


Three w e e k - , eventa here wll Necia Buck, Salei Of the naUonnI- i

^ ’ome^

nd lempvrnnc'e fealure Mm.

1. Ore.. member icakera' bureau


Relentless W nr on Ohicago's

■ Crime Leaders Breaks Up

Underworld Qroupa

Union. It WI18 announccds today. A Twin Falln county temperance rallv Wll! be held at S p. m, Mon- Bay at the Clirlatlan church under the aunplccji o f the Idaho Civic Porcea. A union meeting of Tvv-ln Palls churchca In scheduled for Sunday nt 8 p. m. In the Mctho- dlat Episcopal church, and the local Union will entertain nt nn open • houne In the Metliodbt ' Uiurch Saturday al 2:30 p. m.

principal bpt-nker Mn. Buck V ill be prlnclpiij

ipeaker on all occaslnnn. Oilier apoakers ort Satunlny will he Rev. C. H. Hlnepartlner, paator, of the Church of the Bretiirc " “

nv iioniciiT T, ix)tJQnnAN. CHICAGO, June 22 U:ni—CanK- ............................

, land, tho world famcil empire of P. Douplana, poator of the Fli,.. tho lawless, has crumpled and fall-.Baptist church; and Rev. I.ymnn en.' Io . Smifh. p/iJttor o l ihe Church

Durlnp the yeara of prohibition, of the NoMr''"- mimir-Chicapj was noted' no the play-lv,lll be fflven. frround for RUJifratera but a surveyl Dr. W. E. Amlcrnon. pastor UKlny revealed that ffnnjf rulersl the Chriotinn church, will j'lvc have abdicated, teavlnff a dlaor- the companion addrens Monday f;anltcd army unable, to continueUvenlnsr. The public is invited f Illicit tmfflcklnc in nil thlnfrs at attend It is nnnounce<l by Rev fancy prices. Fast pilherlnc dual cj. q . Boncberry, KimberlyIn luxurious headquarters is evl- ty clialrmi .................denc« that a cruaidc of law ond onicr virtually has wiped out ganR- land,

Kelcntims War

I ^ G E R S*4gys:

HOLLYWOOiO. Cal. —' Yale invc I’renldont i’ oncvi'lt a do- in’ee. Hut they nm<li' him make a npccch for it. Deifrtcu aro /'ellln/; Wffher prlc/-d; Uiat'j the mont anybody haii given for one In yenr;i.

Tli.r I ’ronlMcnt kinder held up frir hU brnln tniat. He tiald he would take brnlna any time In preference to polltlcfl. Jle an Bood aa admitted you

both In the name

Democrats Say Chief Has No Aims for



Ccincr.'?:. ha;, l.-ft wiili l>rc;iM.'iil Hcionevclt dktatorlal miw.-ri

;uUvc- hefort-

bc.Jy.e paid .1 .•er>- hl|;h nipll.

[FORE y P I R E ispecial "mu'ni’ci Review Terms Present Periotl

'Restins” Time Before

Advance Resumes

I of the Idaho Civic

ffnns to flffiJ nnd ;all BrnlMccfl for many chlcftivinfl ore Bottie of the results of the relentlena war car­ried on by federal and atato autho itlen In Chicago for twu years.. A crime report Issued by Mayi E. J. Kelley nliowed a drop of 23.1 per ccnt In Chlca'RO crime in the first tlvo montlia of the year from

• tho namo period lost ycor. Murder* decreoaed 15 per CcnL

Proaeputiona were the wcaponi of tho crusadcrn. They were aided by A cooperative spirit amon;; crim­inal Judsos. The drive, at tho out- ( Pa^o 2, Column 3J


CTNCINNATr. 0-. Jlino 32 (inti- Kaclnfj a stem .boycott nt Uis hands of church people unlesd motbn pic ture.n are purged of objecliorinbk scenes and dlalogfue, Lho movlo in. industry has agreed to clean lU own house, i

•The promlflc was given by rcprc- aentatlvca of tho Industry to a committee of Catholic prelates who. tSesphe Oie aaaurnMen. de­cided to continue with rcnewol

.-vigor the church's c a m p a ig r • against "evil motion plcturta."

SWAP?RENO, Nev., Junb .23 IIU!)—'

Tho Nevada courts were appeal­ed to today to gmnt dlrorcca to Mnv Corinno a . Johnson and Mrs. Helen Moor«'E^rIe. both of Yonkers, N. Y..-who have been reported as inlend- Ing to swap^^lMUids.

Bo‘th "have dcClinfd, to com*■ tnent on tho report. .

Truckmen Threaten To Reopen Strike

MINNEAPOLIS. June 22 (Uni-..' Minneapolis truck drlvrrs today threatened to ' reopen the strike that renuttcd In two deaths, more than 100 injuries nnd contractual vlotnry for Uic drivem union.

The threat was cvolveil al a meeting of 3,000 union men who

NiCW VOBK, Jiino'22 H'.iri-Thf Dri-nrnl In bi-lng v|p\Ved lui ii rMt ing period before the murcli for wimi III 'rcjiiinu-il. Dun & Unul atrcct. Inc.. today naid In u weekly tmdo review.

Uunlnrnji cnnllnurn to be nwnyr< by the dominance of acasonal in fluences but nxovery In in the an cendnncy, tho review naid. With leglalatlve cerUUntlca removed by ndjnumment of congrcaa, biLslnen.i nrnUmcnl has an/tumed n ;hei-rftil tone. Early cstlmntu.. -- fall distribution arc running from

:nt Ineeung oi j.uuu union men wnoi*‘huii.i urcm;lalme<l employers had not lived up <l' t''rnilno»l to permit no rclapne iito the agrceriicnt which actUcd thi atrlko.of Innt month. Thry di mnndfld immcdinto action on LI Wage qucfltlon.

Help New Deal Chai berUrgedMIAMI. r iu ’ Tune 22

Awilstjint A A A Administrator Alfred Stcdman today called up­on tho young business men of tho nation to,Join in support of the Ntrtv Deal.

He defended President Iloose- velfo recovery program In an nddrcao before tho Junior Cham­ber of Commerce of the United Staten and naid there had been no attempt to ''regiment" Ameri­can life.

Regarding the agricultural admlnifllration. he .■uld:"The only regimentation of ag-

riculturo in Uila country was re-- gimenlation of farmera off their forma and into the ranks of the unemployed by tho proceaa of foreclosure. Tliol kind of regl- montAtion haa been'checked."

The New Deal, ho said, "calls upon you and young men of your abiliUcn to extend your hori-

tradelU-portn Kn(-«uriigl»g

•'Improvement." the review naid "would be more general lf .lt wcrt not for Inoor difficulties, both act­ual and Uircatcning in u numbci of dlntrictfl. ; . . Reports from the drouth arra.i liuvo beconio distinct­ly moro cncoumglng. even though the wheal crop in many places in beyond recovery."

Tlie review Jt-Ud that the average of industrial operations in closing the second ‘ miartcr about a l the rnto attained at tho opening. The normal acaaonai reduction in out­put in tlie third nuarter la expectcd to bo held lo a iimnllcr percentage than waa anticipated a month ago.

Maslerson Named

Drouth Afd Chief

BOISE, June 22 lUf-l, j , F. Maaterson of Twln.Pnlls wna to­day appointed otato director of drouth relief by Governor' Ross, who naid he wnn needed. becnusc Ihe-IERA ndmlnifltraUon was td

behind tho atatc commUuloi which approvea the projects. Slxty-nlne projects have paased. calling for expenditure of $237,338 •i fedemi funds, which nre ami.

r (irrani.'d,. 'rom 11)<? am

dollar tn the or •I of oyster /I \vi>rd Is I

priwi-rful. Hi' iannrr hnw r till- Illinnl;i b

juni of In tb< ount nf wal.-r In ii I, Pr.-;Udi-nt B(.n:ii-.

I- iiow.T IVnnnyl- any hour

to wi<rl<.(i. O. r. Ka|>*. T.mrrn

There I» liardlv any pliano ol Amrrlcnn Ilfo which the i’reiil- di-nfa InfUioncr, ‘•mjiowon-d by law doc/i ,nt>t toiich. yho Ijr-puhllcan rcnat(jrlal-crfii(; " ‘

nipiirtoday < Mur •'


I Mr. Rooncvplt to imtingIn

■tortrd that tin Icnl must hav.'. extrar>’ powi-ni ti> comKnt the <lo

prc;u*ilon. They point with pride to lirngrc.-w HO far mnrjo unrl in:'

Pre.-ililcnl RoonevclL Jtaii nf making hlm.iolf an Ami-r-

Ican dictator. The Prc.-ildnnl him- nrif iiiiyii HtCIc, worfin Jinrii. .'icCt up u-w recovery alda nnd prcpan-.n or a Irnglhy vacation.

12 Major rrogniniHA ronume nf the' recorda of the

a.-it.two conKrwpc.-i imllcaten that .Ir, Uo<inevc-ll ha;i l>ccn dolcj;at.-d ill-pinvcrful control of Amrrlean lndu:ilr>-, ■ finance-. tran;rport;ition,- ' • rnntlonal trade, iigrlcultun-.

.r and Intcr.rclallonii of any to another. The npccltic pnw- of the 1‘rrnlclcnl are divided mg Ihene 12 major proKrama: liunlnen.i control tlirinigh the

national recovery adnilnlaCratfon ithorliy to reinilatc through he minutc.^t cicl.-vllu of com-

peUtlon.2. AgrlcuHunil control, incUiilin):

procemilng tjixcii to hulp Ihe fiiriii- rr, and crop control rogulatlonn to lielp him help hlm.ielf,

3. I.,nl)or control, through the N'RA wagnnnnd liouri provi.-donn and through the ne v liitxir bill ;Continuca on f-go 2. C-«lumn 1)


imld In

Mi-Mulien fiald the lract.-i provided the

P‘'"’ :nll would have to 1 ’V'"' port markets,'’‘"I-; -'Bnt." he continued

, Woodrlng wanted ch.ingc; >:o.h1-1 could be sold all or In p.


Ihe doi nstlc r irket."

Eiijht Stoii.4 Plannca Diirii

Muss Hop from Ca])ital

To Nome, Alaska

WASIIIN'CTO.V. .liini- 22 'l i:' iJelall.'! of Ihe iiia.'.:i <>/ arnaltpl.-mc-'i tf.-AlnHlca v.crc annrum I'd hy the war ili-])/irlmi'nt lodiiy.

r II. Al-iiol.l, la-:ul of

Tho'Kicii! Slopi

icrnr>- call.i tor nlop.-i at K Wlnnlpog. Rr,:ln,i. IM. rice George. Ii. C., U'liU.- kon. and i--,'.trl)anlc;i. ifflcera Inclmle Major; \ni‘rr. Kaljih ltt)yce, An- HtiiHh; Ciipl.'dnn !Inr.)l.l

M. .M<-OVIIiiii(l. Kugrno I>. tllAnk. WptiUifTli T. Ijinion. John I), C<ir- kllle; UiVjtManU UcorKi- \V. (Jod-

d. ile r^cC IH lan. N. R Twin. C. H.liowurd. I,. J. Carr, J,

S. nrlffith, B. A. .‘ nav-ly, John .S. In, L. I', narnmn. B. S, ICelney, A. Kenander, R. S. i-'reemnn.

A.Ivn I be

Hailey Selected by Democratic Leaders

T</Jnl Mcral-


A53es.-!or Seeking Re-Election

Lawyer W ants Nomination

For Prosecutor

by a Republican anpT.i ‘ time.i 1>, Biirnhart, rinc hla flrnl term i -R.V)r, confirmed repn ■nlng Tlmc.n lafll w.:e

would .•leck renomlna:;:) Democratic primarie.i.

! aald he cxpectci

■!in the police an- wllhdrawn they •c.iiltl load or work veii.vln ound for Ala;doi. Their dec •rminat'-d the only pence pact I'Ciitlated jfince the nhlpping tl'-up Uirti'il .lO dayri ago, Ala.nka lihip- i-r;i hiid ii(:re(Ml to recognize llie ilernatlnnnl longshoremen’ a aa- iclallon and grant other union dc mndri when the terrUory faced i lod iihortnge.Mayor Smith acccpled the ultl

■atiiin a;, a declaration of war."I'll fight thin thing lo the fin

a In their fight ugainnt po

kr<l Ur<|UenU McMullcn denied following u

suggestlona from Silverman. 1 ndmlltcd tho flnBleonlriicl’B ler ■•were drawn- up pursuant (Cofltlnued oa Pa^o 2. Column

itera refiiiii-d lo hanille t


1.1 the o l-'all.'i dintrlct farm :lve;i, and |;aini'<l t f]tialnlance 10 year


S:iidjc.5 Emcrqcncy Steps lo

Prevent Blootly Climnx

To Street Fights

22 i|'.l;i — Ti.e eonventlon of

V n lll l>e lirhl lit •211. IfH iu. <lr-

I e.-Uiti

BOI.SK, ho Bourbo: IcKlay whri

:omlng heie rrrm ! nerved iwo lei dcrk ami rcconler pnri of that ;iU\te

In I ’roBceutor Itarr Cjinrlcn A. North, liiwyc

the Twin I'all: Company huffdln

prevalent betw.

? atu<lying emergency realorc’ order. It was

ifflciwith '

red thf

rcordlng lo Mrn. e of Ilol.-ie, ntale cimnut l)t held

,•11 after the Aug-


_ .ml run of irrigation water on the Salmon River project will

Tuesday of next week, Ji ind will continue fo

in the No. 1 nyatc . cording to decLtlon of Ihe boanl Of dlrectora, and announced by Fred P. Balen.. manager.

c run will be .turned into Uic i and the A nyatema on Fri­

day. June 20, for threc-dny runn il»o, Batca nnld, adding thnt thin vould conclude the Irrigation runn this season, but Umt It wna poa-

there will be a run made later for dom'cstlc purpooes.

Acreagc on the project ha»bccn iterlally reduced on account of ter shortage. Baten •

. named raannger,Burton Smith, who «ui inJurJM receivNl In ni ;Ulent here April.

•aa recent- Bueccedlng :umbed to

Coast AppAals For U. S. HelpWAGUINGTON, June 22 illl!)

—New 'toJegraphlc appeals to Secretary of Ljibor Francen I'er- klns to netllc the Pacific coniit longBhoremen'n atrlke. were re­ceived ul the labor department UKlay but Mian Perkin* withheld Ihclr conlenlJi for the lime be- being.

Ye.■ terday nhe cnllfd upon longnhorement and shippers to aettle Ihclr differences "In the public Intercut." She asked them to accept government media­tion efforta iind also warned Umt if the dispute continued, tho labor deparlment would take a firm hand.

Developments were expected during tho day. It wa.i said that

. Mlmi-PcrklnB- patience la about exluustcd and ahc ia being be­sieged with Ulegrams from coast, c o m m e r c ia l interests wliich tire losing m il l io n s through partial shipping stop-pngf.

nt HaM a formei (Contlni

trnve been killed In re­in provincial lownn.

lave been wounded.I Delegates of 3,000,000 wnr vet-

. LU.,.. N~-Soclallsl party

.‘ ..i,,.. Inn*' extreme TnBcbt "CronsiVv , in.r,. f,.r •’i);<’f I''!”!" organlziilion, arc lo con-

rh 11m,. iielvcne hero July 8,

in achooi ).rlnclpali cl^inet^ f ^ w thnt unlcnna l Caldwell He is cnblnet feani thnt unlc.naarlnor of Krnnk 1 i prM^nt fighta inPace 2 Column 51 provincial townii. It may face a . 'IsItuQtion as rrnve .01 that of Feb.

(C When the ciipltal'a streets were ,re<ldene<i with blood.

The government's problem is pussllng. Sn condemnatory wn.i public reaction lo the way the authorltleji hantlled tho February rIol.i that it seemcl certain the use of firearms by police nnd nnldlers would not be permltte<i

lexcept in absolute emergency.A riot nt Toulouse M o n d a y

VIENNA, June 22 <r.i:'—Police night, in which three persons have placed a charge of su*pecte<I were killed. Inflamed Soclailats murder ngninnt Ivnn Poderjay In | and CommunisU and threatened connection with the dKippear-1 to have a bloody sequel today.

Agneo Tufverson, One of the victims wna Victor


New York nnd Detroit lawyer, they announced today.

Aflle.-ifilrgnret Kerrnnd. nneM- ed with Podcrjay, wna charged wilh flusplclon of being : complice after tho fact.York police first oaked fo erjay'ft detention'. He wa Charged with bigamy. Mile, rcr- rnnd alBO face# bigamy charges. She wna held at firsl merely for investlgntton. '.

Poderjay ond Mile. Ferrand

H0U.WII. . ed Front' group

New r Pod- 1 .first

The •■'Unit-Soclallat-Commi___

................ (need that his funeraltoday would be l l« occasion for a demohslrallon a^ ins t Faaclam.

Plot ThwartedJune 22SHBNANDOAM.

il!.i:i — An extortion plot against Earl E. Way. president of " ' May Seed company hert>

iju j uitu »•».-. ...V operator of radio station KMA.___ _.ider tho Jurladicllon of the was thwarted by a crew of «tatecourt of investigation, which la.agents armed with machine gun* Austrla'decldea whether a charge wbpn they captured the suspected ia Justified nnd retuma an Indict-'extortlonlata near Council Bluffs nicnt if one Is Indfcnted. itrtdnj*.

At PUUburgh—Boston ....................Pittsburgh .............

u jybulih(TaBett>l



M ajority Favors Conviction

As Jn ty Ponders Fatt: of .

Keltic Madison

I.OS AN<>Jt,RS. June 22 ir.i:i— fler a night of nIeeple.-« pacing. Ir.i. Nellie May Mndlaon, chargcti

w-ith Ihe munler of her husb.ind, 5rIc‘D. Madlaon. todoy awaited 11 •erdlct from thn Jury which for learly four hours last night hod >ecn unable to reach n declalon.

Although there was no hint an lo how the Jury alood numerically, reports Indicated that a majority stood In favor of conviction.

The J'ury began deffbemUons at 3:50 p. m. yesterday with tho ainte'a demand for the death penal­ly rinning in its cara. Once, a short lime later, lho Jury acnt for a photo iflhe dead man'n body nnd a mag- ilfying glass.

The ncnnattnnai Wal has been it». progrenn for the poat ttiree.wceka. Mra. Madison denied that she ilew her husband ioat March 24. Lnd even insisted that be In nllve and; thnt the body of the nlleged m i^ e r '

m waa thnt of anoUier pe/aon.


NATIONAL LE.\«UE At Chicago— . R

New York ........ .......... 000 000— 0Chlc.ngf> ....................... 022 500— 0

AMEUICAN Lz:AGUE At'WaahlnBton— R.

Detroit ......... ..........-.....000 0— ,0Washington -.....:......-...'.001 1-^ 3 '.

A i Philadelphia— • ” ' U .-•

At Novr A'orlt— R. H. BS.r‘ Cleveland ....Oil 002000--4.10'- ew York ..100000000—t i , '8 8.-

At Boston— . • R.Chicago' ..,-.000010000— 1 .B .a v ; Boalon ...... 01113pC0x~U-18. .0 S


(IO;i-Edw«rd Dorow.32,'ilU«*4-u»^^the-hut membtt’ oTtt--- -

K lu tu Mob,” notorlonrfo.inj; u d ■baadltiy-.iQ..nU{„towa. « n i: u r M M Blffht by Obleftn DffloerS'^ deputy etiertta

g . Page Two

; , . 1 0 .P .A n M S ■ lE M H O R l IYr^Raps Eoosovclt's Powers Ai j ,u' Wbcrty Peril; Dcn:oi;ruta

■ , ITT Deny Dan{j:er3■ > n . —

• ■ ■ (Conlloucd From Pace One) iP i'p ro ’rtiilag tor arWlnitSon o{ din- --- putcfl.I •- Slock mnrln't cuntrol. with r ^ ^ b o ju J nppoJntoJ hy hJm U> fidmlfi'

Uler Ihf Bi'CurlUcfl act. which ciul- lawn doubUul prticUcc.i nnil uctii U]>

— rules under which J tf»<l{crfl uni' i l chanKfn itt^b'^pvratc.

5. ComBflmlctiilona (iontrol, — frcUnK tho telephone, tli-: lelfprnph

M anO tho m(]lo and dculp.ncd tu nrOlnttte them.

?? 0. Oil control. throujTh the pc- — trolcum admlnlslnttlon, (Nut un rf-

'■, /retlvo M U5P PfMldcnl v.'duJJ JlJte 4 Ijecnuno of tho fftllure i>t conirre.i-

to paM ft more coirifroh-'niilve bill).7. RttUroiid c«t\vrol. through hlo

"* federal coonllnntor. wllh power U>iiculn ilcnvn cnplliil iml'-bteJncna,

>« i-Iiminnto uncfean compeUtlon anJ abandon non-paylnt; lliies.

i Tariff AuUiorMy8. Tariff control. ulvlnR Mr.

Itooscvclt personal authiirlty to (Hi- Jwii tarlffB SO ptr cent In either direction ft«<l thua j^vem the coon- try'B Int^rnallonal tmde.

0. M onday contral, including reyulixtlon of tho currcney and ex­penditure of a filBd

. to stBbUIro foreVrn ejcchnjiffe.10. BnnJtlnB control throuRh tho

y federal depoalt ln«umnee corpora-Uoa and the ReconslrucUon PI- snnco corpomtloo.

11 . laduatrial fCnonco contnil. throuRh ths toa&s to ladOBlry svct,

¥ wherein tho admlnbtmtlonJcad 5M0,000.000 to tUow ___cenui which mooaure up to f?dcral ataodftrdij.

12. nollrf controJ, wherein the federftl cmorKcncy relief admlnb- tratlon aupervlsea prncUcally tOl

“ ■ relief octlvltlca In tho country and % •■’glvr? fthoea to Ujb ptnnllcM city

;•* aiafl anti cows io tija tJrouth-atrick' cn farmer.

B Tcrhapfl Uie only aaprct of Aroer.lean ILfo which ha» cscapod con-

“ tm l by Prcnldcat Iiooncvcu In imc

S way nr another la tho preua. Mr .Roosevelt has emphasized hln tie*

“ ' alrc t/i have iwthlnK wtuitcver to » do^wlth rcRTiJftUon of

Clidd Ul

I.llllti Jrnnli’ Ann I'rlp.-'I. dnuj'h- ti:r cl Mr- and Mrs. llud I’rli-M. lii iKTiounly 111 lit hfr tioim-, 130 Sid­ney atrci'l.

On Kult Liildi Trip

Dr. and Mm. J, It. Morjjiin .ire In Salt Clly. tho formrr b aHondlnfr ii Tti"<iiciil

•tint;. ____

rVif Suinnn-r

Mlsji Canilyn .^cuitli |,.n itilii I'l nlni: fur .Sail I-’ilti- Clly. win II! will BjH-nil lli<; nun)jiifr w


Ilonv« fmm UWk IIIIU

■n. M. iC. TucItiT iini! i<:o n. Tucker, hiivc rctiini

an nulo irlp which to I Into the llbck llilh

■South DaliotJi.



Hugo Pnpcr Profits Visioned

As E cbuH or Favorable

Buyin[; Priccs

At .MuacAW Atr<it 3fm, MmkU- y. KJrinkopf. r.

ty ajpcrintendcnt of public itructlun. 1* In lldocow, nticn... I aUte meeting of school offlcla She will return July t.


Entpm i)lvore« ActionSuit fur dlvorcc waa filed Itxlny

by W. R. Miller. BRftlnBt Opal Mill- “ 'T fcrounda of dcacrtlon. Thu couiili) mnrrlitl iit Ojrden. April 25, 1P32. O. C. Hall In attorney fi tho pJalntlff.

Gotn IVcnvIn district court lodny n decree

!of dlvorcp waa awiirdi'd Mr.t VloU Nelnon from Cheater Nel- on. The defcndanl defaulUsl In ippranincc. Ilaybom 4 Itaybom cprcflentcd the plaintiff.

Vtatji ParentB Mrs.' K. J. Elll9on. Halt Lake

City, is vlaltln^- at Ihu liome of Ihfr partntJ. Dr. and Mrs, T. D. 'Rcea. She wan accompanied here by Mr. ctkJ Mrs. neckiHcui>, and toffctber they will lake a mountain vacation trip.

(Conllnupd From Pnjrc One) I lln•^l at iin iiveriifie price of f.C

nL3 an ounce, Uic cnvcrnmonl Imii hUK<- |>aper profit iiii c;icli ounce /iJJv<-rr«-pr«-rtfnl« u-hrn Ufci) jnomlurj- liacliinj:. The pniflt

I H)l),00(l,Ono ounccn lit f.O cenU 1 iiuncc 1.1 JB'i.OOO.OnO.

l.;»rKc- "I’nprr" S'Niflt

If ll>4' rntlrr- J.300,000,000 /jihiC- e.'i to be ncfiulrrd undrr ilic law Dliliilm-il ut /iivorahlc prlccji.’ t I’V'-ntUiil "pi-Dflt" (if the K^vei..

il»:ht eaiilljn'iippmich thet.'i:ili)r lolliir

"prnln," hownvor. l.i not li carrlod on tlio of th<.

lrra.nir>- department. .MetJil bouj:bt under the new mlvcr purcham- act lo to bo carried ut cost prlc«. Un der the law im tunl li.l ji iSollitr I: fpcnt for idlver. a ilnllar In allver currency will be printed. If the iillvcr 1.1 Ixiujjht at lc/i:i than 51.2(

ouncc, iK)nie allver will bo lef r but wl’l not appear on thi

tx.oJti;,I'reparallonji for Incroa.ied urn

I’f nllvcr money ar^ belnc made The bureau of tTKravlni; and print- hif: will Bhorily Le^ln to print mil llonn of dnllarn worti) of new nllvo currency.

In an effort to IncreiLic Its use It Irt bclnfr printed In Jr. anil JIG denomlnutlonn.. At preaent the utJilandlBK silver currcncy con-

fl/iO/ only (if H[H.2ZV-!7l in one dolhvr certificates.


H ou.'ic 'h Inquiry Hears Dctailfl

O f Cocfcrcncc on A n iiy

Surplus Goods

S e e n T o d a y

Iniysl KronO>ji;(!ettcfVK)tl .Sllve

WllUum OarfT.w l;i “TJw IJiK'-l'iV niiu- flioulrijT today and tiitnyrrow ul Joe-lf« Koxy

W<K.(lrin;r, O’Nrll. RoIhtI Jaclt- »nti. fDrmrr IrrMirer of Ific Dcni-

'ocratlc natlnmil rr>nimlttc<-, and Robert Kcctiner. du-ector cf the CCC. fl;;iirit! In prellmln’irk .4 tii the c.”:ectUlon .of the corilract. h?

,teHtttle<l.WiKKlrlnc. he nnlil, made ncvrnil

flianKO.'i and "llicn asUtnJ mu- lo talie It to O'Neil,"

Silverman .il(;ned the contract at the time, ncconllnir to pr;ind Jury trnilmony rr.-til hy liof'em. McMullen aald today, however, he

I not recall that Silverman there with Q-.Vell.■’oodrlni: a’llie*! me tx> talk ov­

er the contract wlin O’.Ncll, who van reprenentlnK Kllver#{fin." he

No IndletmcntAThe jjninil Juo’ Invcatipatlnf:

army aurplu.i s.iles did not return

Tom Tyler Action Drama at Idaho

■lolay and tomorrow the Idaholiter will pn-aent Tom Tj'ler.......,•'IVnr of the UanKo.” wlthjnnv Imllctnienti.

le Ctiandler. Carul Lincoln and] ••Did you uadcrsUnd tho Ijif.' McKee. The Btory Is a two- i„tt,nt flecrclary tin,i-full author-

filled w lth.lty to /lell thi-HO .rirpluKC.-i,'Ropora,

Motori-il;i. cnjnylnir riinaliiK up and down Addl/.<m avenue. In the ncv.-ly-nin!c dunl creat­ed by construotioii cn-wa. . . . 1% iiolea cut In the'east aide If the bulldlnj: houfllnj: Uadl'i- land. to m-rmli lmit;ill ii:on ofvonlllallnJrVw'3...........Nri;ra.i-Ita lourl.Hl, talilnc the d.'t-,iir JJiirD) from Five I'olntx. nii'! irolnj: down the road ii ii,ile •ir uo, befoit r.-all7.1n(; that hO( waa on the wroni; r-uid, all bocautfc a hicit of piop.r

lo jTvde the unfanidlar bock cn t< the lil>;liway in

.front of the hosplini..............Yakima avenue, la Kller, beliii: •ipadtd up IK> an lo bo re.ii-eded and mailo ready fi.T <I-K>.iini:. <if Irr/K.vtfon hy c»>r- ruKdllon for lo. .ihcae 2.'> yearn., , . , Sol Ktrmi.i, able to be down t(]Wii occ.nalonnlly, follow-

which kept him

OOTLEGTreasury Pcrfccts Systcrn to

Ban Illegal Rcfillinf; of

Genuine Bottles

hom< ..............................IC. ^'rojit, blind pOKluee <lealfr. awaltinc an opportune time to crosa Main avenue, unnldeil. . . . . Klrecmcker Btando, mak- inf; their appcanuicc around town.

(Contfniird J-'r»im .Pace One) ,..,ni'J to June IP, ll>3< amount

'ko j3,(n:7,(iin,r.7o.I Ourln(c May the novernnien I Internal revenue collectlonn ro

JJf)4.203.5P3 from S1HJ51.133, I In May JD33, . '' rixicc.mlnK tnxe.i Itil all tHlwr nourccs with 'Tibacco

iwaji nijcond with J3y.8U.*i,D2.'), . .nliur|i drop from J<5,210,302 yenr a/pi; m:inufaciurer.i cxcb taxes were 533,r.Ofl. JIO airalnntl S24.3f,fl,SS7: beer, and ll<|Uor with' 520.593,507, ajralnfit llZTA.ZVi md Incomc taxeu J23.775,'J13 tcfllwt JJ5,0SS,013.

• publlJihJnf. oxccpt. Inaofar na war- ca and hours aro conccmed.

*8parkling F ie ld Starts Quest

F or OoUoglato TiUo and

W orld Bccords

I I '■ LOS ANOELBS. Juno 22 (Cl'i— l i The 13Uj annual n . C. A. A H chnmplottahlpa. r o a t u r l n p the ^ KothorlDff of track and§ J'ftid Btara nlnco tho 1P33 Olyi IT pics, opened today with 300 at

from 83 collegcJi nml unlvv .. ._ iltlM compctlnjr for honom.

Weflther condllkim. were close perfect and It woji cxpected

* j. .t iu it tho trIrUa thta afternoon ■ I would report marks to Insure ^ J world's records In many ovcnta In

B. the.flnola tomorrow.1 Chief Interest ccnfcrcd on

Ixulslana eintr, StnnforcJ. nnd I I Southoni Callfoml.a for they were

closely bunched for team honors.

Sbt4>r Vblts HoiuicKUfirta at the U. E. c<■ly homo arc Mr. and Mrfl, L. L.

Pavld, Sacramento, Calif., thclr non. Michacl Puvld,Pavld Li Mr. Couberiy'H .il Mr. and Mm. Pavid aro cn r for Baltimore. if<J., from w they will tall for Parlo.

Teacher la Que«tMlno Pauline Swart?., Solomon.

Kan., former teachcr In the Twin FiillH ochocla, Iji a (>niefll at tho C. D, Thomas home- Mlas Swartr. In now employed In tho nchooln at Sallna, Kan., whire nhe is abn president af tho Buslnraa and Pro- feaolonal IVomen’n cfub.

I throe.e-tuo*

rajtmtn Arrivn Mr. and Mrs. Paul Beer, par*

mis of Harold Reer. havo orrivod from, FrtsDO, Calif., lo atlend the funeral of ifrn. Clara Deer, wlfo

I of their uon. Tho services will be held ot 2 p. m. Saturcay in tho Drake morluary chapcl. Rev. W. B. Younj:. pastor of the Melho<llut Eptacopal church, will' officiate. Interment la to be In Twin Fall.i ccmctcry.

SURVEY REVEALSRclcntlens W ar on Chicago’s

Oriino Leaders Brealcs Up

Underworld Groups

©oliseum. slto of tho laiit 0»y„. t paid, wero lnterenti-<i mont in tho ' contest In tho ■MO, thu rallo and the ahot put.

Tftcna evcnt-t proralflM the most thrills. the probfiWo lumlnK points ot the team titlo und,

' perhspa. bmv worlJ records.Excnptlnjf unforratT.n occidenl.

, sure to <iuallfy la tho 440 wore Glenn Hardin, Loulniuui ' State, defeodlDf N .'C . A. A. chtunpion; Jimmy Luvallo. U. C. I* A- who Ifl.L C A. A. a : tlUo bolder: Iviln F*uqiut. Indlonii, who finished aecond to tfardln year at Chlca{p3 hut later brat him In a' dual meet; Allan Blackman. Stan­ford, and Johnny McCarthy and Bd Ablowlch, Southern Callfomln.

A t tho IloapltiU Mr». Roy C; J/nmlcU. Jerome.'

and Baby Clinton Martin. Sho- ohone, havccntcrcd the hospital to underjfo opeKillons. Dlsmljised wcro Mario Bunes, Castleford, Louise StayUs, Kimberly. Wilma. Ruby and Thepdorc Roy, Twin Falln. Bill BrallnfoRl, Twin Falls, and Elmer Glvcna. Twin Falla, all after opcra- llonn, and Thomas Tennock, Twin Fallri, n medical patlenL


(Continiiwl From PaRe Ono) t. liliiorKanlscd the notorloiin

Cji/Kine flynj}Jcal/> hy who]ciin}u conviction.'! for Income tax viola­tions. Alplionno (Kcarfacc) Cap<ine. Ita kiwler. In nrtvlnK I** ymim in Attantii pcnitentlnry. Olhcrn of hln aldca uro aervln): termn ranclnc from I year Ui Q ycara fur alwllar offcn.'ic.i.

• IlemV Summary

A summary of ativtUntoday iihowcd:

The Cupf/ne ffyndlcato cfimplctely ilinorpanlzi'd. Murray ,Humphrle.% nuccsnor to Cnponc, hiui fflvon up control beeftuno of two Indlctmenti pendlnp. A few membo ins to banded togetherthrouf;h limited illicit liquor nnlrn.

Geor{:n (Bups) Moran, north »ddi moll leader, b ti "t;cntU or. Illii a,iaoclatea ore acattcrcd cvcrywherc-

lloi;cr Touhy. auburbiin bo-tB. and hln ••board of ntraleio’" ocrvlnjT 00 yearn on kidnap charRc.i.

HaitU QlillaJoe (Polaclt J6c) SalUn, back of

tho yanln terrorist, haa retired ti hln northern Wisconnln summer re — Hl n tnmtly llvcn ln a numplu.

lomc In Bcvcrly Hills, a «ub urb.

Edward (SplUc) O’EXmndl, lend- • of the south side •'Blue. Kj-ctI

Irlnh Boys," hiui plven up every- Uilnff, even bis coal IniBlnexi, When he recovers from a broken hip ho expecUi to embark for London to tell Scotland Yard how to handle

ofe.ntero.William (Klondike) O’Donnell;

of the wont aide. hUi Ranc pcactlcat- ly wiped out by rauuleni ivnd Jail — * “ ?r.i. h.ui bccomc a ••rentle-

ti e J.•'

Added Ihrllla rnd lau^fha arc provided by Chapter No. :: of 'The Vanl-ihlnK Shi^ow"; an Our CJiing' comedy, •'HolUity Donkey and a Fox Movietone news.

JilcJJuJIcH •«)/} U’lvxJrtnc }uf. power to Mil either through ne Kotlate<l conlrnct or public nuc tlon.

The officer said that before the contract waa cnmplele<l last fall a ‘'batch of letter^' m;ardlnp the nurplus flaIe-1 wyJraelvcd, Includ- Inf.' ’'one from f cJnRrcs.iman and one from a Benalor."

He Bald he wnn unable to re- c.ilJ IJie names at t.ic t«'o •■biic J think the congressman w.ns from New Jcriiey,”

"Waa the Senator Roy/il S. O>polund?" noRera (uiked.

■•It have been, hut I -Tmincline<l lo think 11 Waa Bome


MurlaugK Families At Dayton Reunion

MURTAUr.U, Juno n iSpcclii))-,Sevenil Murlnuiih fiimf vnde t the I ’ttians family I,.III In Dayinn, Thuriid.’iy. They vere Mr, und Mra. Mark IVrkinn ind family. Mr. and .Mrs. Clyde ■erklaa and family. Mr. and Mr.i

J'jirlry J'l-Tlilnn imil Jrti lJy. Mr. iimi - ■ PiTklna und family,

im ami family and Mlim J'erkina. The k‘‘'’U|’ of

U7 diiivc to Payton In a truck. Mni,Miiy IViUlna, ami her molhcr, Mni.A. A- All!lni<on. wlio havo been vliilllni; tu Diiytoii, atiH» ullendi.^1,

.Mr. and Mr». C- L. liirl and non,Clinton, reiumcil Monday from Kail Uike City, where they attcnd- (1 tho /uncriil of Mr. Kjiri’.i brulh- V, Dewt'y K''rl.Mlim Ine;; Tolmim, wlm-for Iho

,« .« winter Im., l«m;M , M In StrfdiiiB Re-Bleclion0<ievllle, Utah, relumed lo li'T .

Sunilay wllh her fiance. ! Lawyer Wnnls Nomination

■ For Prosccutoi'

W , Taylor Enters County

Hace as Democratic


lowans W ill Hold Picnic on Sunday

lowana will picnic Sunday in the Kuhf ctiy park, the a lM r he- Inp announced for 1:30 p. m.. ac- cordioK to officers. Former Hawk- ey«a and Ihclr famlllc-i from all over uoulhem Idaho ore Invltcil, stales Mrs. Elinor Van Houtrn, Buhl, president.

Each family l-i rr<^ucaled to. hrinj: a basket dinner and Ubio servlcc. Ilol coffee win be pro- v|dc<l by a eommlltec-

l,lvo rattle.iankcB are carried In the mouth;i of llopl Indian snako dancers.




A Grant'd Decree of di\-orce woa granted

today by Judge A. U. Barclay in district court, to Mm. Lucrctla Cralfj from Sidney L. Craig, TivlnFalLi. TJio couple marrie<l Jan. I ________15, lfi31 and arc the parents o f jo j \i; i o • me,child. Desertion wan alk-Ked.Mnd W a r d S o C ie t y rho mother witB uronteil cQBto<ly * » i i if the child and jlB monthly for

lU /T« !nfonnnce. Ray D. Ai;eo uttomey for the plai: •

Two More EntriesRcceive Blanks

caled by ro<|ueiil;i for flllnf: blanltn rerolvn! by the office of the sec­retary of xlale.

One of Iho nppUcjinl.i h D.ivkI Hush. Malad. Dcmt)crnl. who a:ik-' c<l for bliinks, IndlcatlnK be; would seek a Blate offlcc; am’ ' the other was Sc.m BliJne. Bol.-io. Who will become a candidate for, nomination an iiiijireme courl JuS' lice. Blaine has aerved an asal.-'t- ant attorney-general in Republl-


D. S. Service Held For Pioneer WomanMURTAUGH. June 22 (Special)

—Funeral iien'lceii for Mrs. Alvar- ctln IMclifr. «-ho illed here ifon- iliiy. Were held IhLn aflemnon In tho Marlon' L;iller Uay Saints chapel, niiihop Davls 0. Moye.i was in clmrgo. Frlend.i wero prlvlleced lodny to view the bmly from noon until the fun«ral hour of 2 ]i. m.

(Conllniie<l Frora.raco One) Stephan. Republican aiiplrant for|*“

............. '• Ii ■

J. W. Tavlor. tiiihl. Unlay fllc<l ils papers with Ihe county -uidi- or a.'i a nominor for pro.secullnf,*

(ittomej-on the Democratic tfchel.Ho sirrved n. county proeeiutor

(hiring the terms 11*23-24,11*2.').20, havlnc been clirle<i R<-public,in. He wn,i nul a didalo for reelection.

Taylor pmctlce<l law licrc up until about two years aRo when he reinove<l his o f.'li^ ' lo Unhl.

Hln ncmiinatloilx^is endoraiMl by 11. C. .M.Kpitre anil W, H. IfalfleM. Ruhl; Ray Hnley, Ciatle- fonl: F. 1). Iirown. J. 10. lu>Wris, M. A. .Slronk nnd .Murnhall Chap­man, Tw ln Falli;; R. 0. W'llwm, Kimberly: II. O. Munybii and W, 1\ Sh\nii, n k r .

Commissioners Will Meet Here Monday


S H A D O W L A N »


For «

P r i z e s : : :

f. Jlmt qiwdrllU'—A Caw uf lleer.

r UrHt WiUli (toupk— C Boltleo Ilwr.

: the R(wl Selj»UI»l>—fl nottlm U«ir.

For the Rmt KovUuiinv-fl Bottle* Be«r.


Goo. W ake and His Eira Kock Eiders


lallon ;ui ,1,'overnor. NortJj J n-graduate of Valpamlw unlver Blly, nnd served two years an Hf -ilnlant p«isecutor here with Mi Stephan. Other candiiiales for th Ropubllcan nomination for cutliig attorney arc A. .1. Myi

' '■ • Bailey;

lotid.'iy aa a Ixmni of e<iiial' Uallon and will b<; In oinllmiouf iiesston until the Ihlrd Mondny In July, It win Jitaled lodny hy "eorge R, ilart, ch;ilrmi

f i s A i i f l L T O N ' s lREMOVAI, SALE \

We are forccd to move from our present location by Ju ly h .. 1st, due to tho fact that ojir room has been leased from ■ .

5 under us. ' ■

In order to have our largo stock as low as possible ■ before moving lo our new location next lo Brizee's Metal ■

Works on Second Avenue East, wc arc offering our entfro Z ctock at roducod prices. ■

The follow ing prices arc in effect Saturday & Monday. ■

g SugarikI l>aK .

nnd C.

Pharmacists Stage ' Meeting in Jerome

: JEROME. June 22 (Spcelnl) — Tho onnunl meeUng of tho Sho- ahono Fnlls PharroaceuUcal aoso-

" ’ clntlon was held In Tom'o cafe In . Jerome Tuoiiday evening, with s

t- I majority of the members prcnont. Several short addrenaen and routine buslnena took the time of tho eve­ning. Uembern of tho luaocintlon

, , Irom Jerome and nil auiroundlng r towns were prenrnt.

Workers of tho BnptlBt Vnc.itlon . i l Bible school, which will clonn Fri­

day, prcBcnl^d a program Tliurs- • day at the church. RenulU. of Uie

nludenfft work In the nchool were •CJthlbltivl. and other numbers mode up tho program.

Hoxei Lowrcnson, Klareoth Fn!l.i.. Ore., la vinlllng at tho W . F. Eaton

home In Jerome. Mloa Lnwreniion- is -ro route to Downey. Idalio, ^ ■ whera eho will visit other relations.- Uurol Heath. King Hill, and W-Emma Elizabeth Carpenter, of- • Shoshone, secured a llconae to wed U' from the Je«m e county court “ houM Tuesdoy.i i . A marriage liccMs was tn.iuerf 7 ■ Tuesday to Robert ICalonsels, Bulii,; ^ • 'n ad Ann DcnnuHy, Jerome. •

V EXPIlEaSION~OF^ TIIANKH g i Wo wish to extend our nlncef It thanks to an our friends for Uielr |» I klndnesn during the and jrr^dcath of our dear mother: also

for tho beautlfuJ flowers.Roy W, Uuamtrs and family,

• •, • Res E. Lammeni nnd tumSly,A. Vminp nn<| family.

Home from TorontoJ. E. While, clly commliinloner, d president of the Tu'ln Fnl/s

Klwjini.1 club, was back at his of­fice tclny following a two woekn' trip which took lilm to Toronto. Can., where he was a delegnte oi the dub to the International Kl- wanls eonvcoHon. Ife visited, en roulo here, at EstceUlor Springs, Mo., hLi former bome, nnd nt l^vcland nnd Rslea Park, Colo The mWdlewcBlcm statcn of Nc braslu, Knnimt, Joiva. and jjjjn. ols, iill the effects oidrouth, he wld, Kuw valley In Kansih and Missouri, Is ar ceptlon, a good potato and crop being in proapcct there, he reports, Whllo nrrIve l ycslenlay allemoon.

R H frn AT .HAOEILMA.V irACnaUfAN, June 22 (.Sne-

Cl«j; —• A cfaug/itcr waa bom Thuraday morning to Mr. ;ind Mrs-.Hownrd Conklin,

Holds Quilting Bee

OAKLEY, June 22 ISpccial) ~ .Members of the Oakley Bccnnd "-.rd Relief nocii;ty met at tho W,

Davld.inn home Tui-nday rfed quiltoil a quill for Mrs. Goorge Uftvldnon of Caldwell. Those prt-s-

were Mrs. W. A. Davldnon. Mr«.irg.arot CoIUob. Mrs. Roy Fiilr-

banlts, Mrs. Joiicph Craner Mra Will Nobion. Mrs. Road Halo. Mrs. W/iJlncf' Halo. Mm, Frcomon W'blt- tle, Mrii, Phil Cumnilnn. Mm. Steve Pankett. and Miss Violet Smith RefrcahmenLn warn nerved m ihc clone of tho mc<!llng.

A farewell party for Aloha Mc- Murray nnd Louise Potoraon. v-as held at tho home of Vcndln Moly- neaux. Olher guesta were X^ul.’ie Peterson. Rachel Smith, Alma Mer­

le Martlndale, Betty Ell-. ....... Slan^-er, M/irJIn Mab^-y

|vny McMiirniy and Oleen Tanner. Edward Hale, .Salt Lake City, as a giiest of relatives at OnUiey

liisl Week. Yvonne Hale, diiughter of Blnhop nnd Mn. Walliico A. tfafo. went to Sad Lake City with him Thut^iday ami will upend the

tmmer there.

SllOSHO.SR COtJPLR Wr.iiH 3HO.SHONE, June 22 (.Spoclal) Mln.1 Ncldri Dayley and Fayette ‘k K'oro niarfitvl Jn S/iathonc

week at the Melhodlnl parson- , Hev, Mr, Frj-er nftlclallng. I. Dayley, mother of the bride,

Mrs Mnr> Franklin, grand- her nt tho bridesroom, wil­led the ceremony. 'I'hey will re-

Hide on the Franklin fi Norlh Shoshone Iract.

Oood nlfiilfa liay for $2 ton.QiuillO- m l flovor f„r SISiOibii. by llio iiso .if Aiineonda .Suiter rhn'phale. Apply after first cul­ling l-\ roinoveil. J. ■■Phono, 2115-—Adv.

a:ild it was probable Uial the

liialiii bci't. 10 ]>i>'2'> iiiniiiii Ikiu ....ll« l poilllll 1>,1[' ...

••I’ltr ily ” or “ W liitf Ho;

iiiilli a hrgli patent, al!-

purpose flour, -}.H.)khuuI ba


Hula •Hula DancerDirect From The Islands



__________S E N S A T I O N A L ___

TONITE REGULAR OLD T IM E Dance With Harry Musgrave's Show

.... ssc ■. 51.36 ■

z S S ;■e. ihi'se arc ■



N.’illcy's faiii'V O A p ■ .|u«lil.v. I'l. ja r..... i t i w ' ' ■


.... : ; ^ r ^ i r ‘ 2 3 c !

DEVILED MEAT ;l;ibl)v’K fancv * € * * 'juaJily, ;i c im ..... A v ' ' J

^SALMON ;Coliiiii'bia Kivi-r. ‘4 *1 *

<-HUK ....... 1 . 1 * ^ ■

Milii'd from Utiilio’s !

$1.59:ami l/ciium fliiv

j c :

lOe - Krsillur I ’tlrcs - 2Bo


K'l'llogli'.'i frcsli iinil crUp. ■


I ’.S iiunsf,” A Ij/i II l i ty 2

■iikfast f.xMl. g j c ■!l'l>outiil

CRACKERSl-'ri-sli ci-jsp raxlux.

•I liox.

wei.-|)liii:m)|y i'(,od linmjii

for llh- Miom'y.‘ Rj,H i'.

Johnson ’s Glo>CoafOr I’ri'iMii'C-it I,ii(iiiul Floor-Wax. A

K»ch ....... ..................... ■ H

39c I

HONEYI’ure {'X<rncti>il: ffOrf* lll lb, pail .............. -•

MILKI'liil i-iMH. Ci.Moii Ki'.v,.. I>,T „ i„ ...........OC


fliildi'ii Swcvt. ■m-lb. I>nil .............. 0 ® ^ '


'lw " ,^S " :i- ,: ..2 4 cCHOCOLATE

BARSWilli . . . . 4 f t p

BREAD 'wiiii,. or wlmlc i- f f «

JV r huf....

;{,.poiiii<l tmclcagc . 35c I■ Pure Lard„ --- D«s Our Froo D oU vtjy B iriicn. Tehpbcne lSS ~ .

IDAHOq^VENlNG TIME S, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO---- - ------ ^ --- ---------------

Page TGfell


S i l S C I E F

WAshington Profits by TaJtinjr

Invaders for E ight W ins

In Two Weeks


W’rstcm raids In cnJitcrn Ann Icn(;uo jiimlurr/i liavc l>ccn Kol'ijr on for upwiird.i tif two wcoUii, nnd 1( la now poiiiilbic lu I'Stlmulv Ihu <lamufre.

Tlu) (Ininnci' lin.i lionn very Two WL-clui «t:o Bftroll wiu! on

top In Ihc Amcrlcnn. DlrrcUy Iw low Itip scconcl-plnce Yunweoii were two olhpr wtntom cliilin-Cltve- land aniJ 8t, Louis. Today Detroit Is not oa top: tin; olhrr wciitcrn clula rantic Irom 5lh pliioc down­ward: ,

Tipnutoradlml)Tho hciivli-st profU-LiUinc wiui

done by the Wanhlnclon clulj. Tlii Scnatorn Imvc played .727 b;ill~lhe bent In llic circuit—irtncc the In- vn-ilon (iMrti-d. Thi-y flftli. at /jOO; now they are third, at ,MI. Diirlnjr till' wi'Jitorn ralda, tMry hnvo wun «. loiit 3: won 2 iwrii’H and are iivun wUh Dolruit on Uic thirrl.

Tho YnnlU!. datini; from June S wltc-n tlipy cainu liome anil piiiycd n iiliurt .ii-rloii with l'hlta<)rlplila. avcrniii'd .C02, Tlivy liavc won fl. • lost H: won 2 Hcrli'!!, tied tmc anti iiro Icaillni: C!ov.:liincl in the car- rent contcat. 2-J. The RcU fiox have inovod into the first illvi.ilon, /rom OUi to ‘Ith. Dctrult In tho only wcntem club left in tliu iipprr bracltct.

Kvrn on .Sorlcn Yo.itonliiy the Sonatorn I'Vrncd

tho fiiTir.i with Dclnill. S-(i. al- lhoU);h lliry wi.Te onthlt, H-», JU'lalc Maauiih'.H Mln(;Ii- and Tnivlit- ilonblo In thi! fifth dr<ivc in four runn, Karl Wliltehlll wjui dlachiirc- <-d in the #lxtli but i;<'l crctlU for tho win.

N’cw Yiirlt, iQ.iinj; to Clovclnnd.0-5, loat a (nil tca'ao Scan- tora. The liidiaiin ptitnmi'lcd dnn- Kcrau.i Dm MacKayden. Iv.-npoc- UscleO Yonk. for ,3 In the flrat. add-1-d 3 off Jimmy Deahonp In the 2nd,' 3 1nthc-llli,

St. Loula aplit with the Alhletlcn In Philadclpbla, winning' the opun- cr. 7-5, and loslnp the accond, 0-2. Irvinfr Curnn poted it homer In Iho 4th. drlvtajr In two aJicad of him. In tlie nlKhtcap Jimmy Foxx and Hob Johnnon cut with horn- era In tlie 6th, Johnnon'n 2IaL

..Chlsox Divide Tlie While SoK divided in Boaton.

Henry Joim.'wn winning

CUE MAGICIAN SLAIKINSOEFEA English Racing ‘Touts' Surpass


Eight Pounder

Koc]) Pacc W ith Western Aiilo

By ScoriiJt; Third W in

A t Soft Ball

u v i iK M c v s i< - ij:.M ()iti- ;l/)NDON. Jun.- -:2 il l'i Th'

riuin;.(,-c'iiu-nt of lJ.'lMitint I ‘ail< :tnn, Clmrchill Dovviin an.

KnlhuiiUintle men. vli-wlnj: iH.iit di...playe-

an "Ah!" at C fh.-

1 hen- ■mitt.-.l errl.’«h')


1 riK.rl-

ln« atc-l(;lit-j<-

«i,;lil iUIl-1 I). diy




brand of noft ball plnywJ !n varied

wjulhem ■ Idaho cltifa, the Intor- :lly clash ts e.xpe=lft! to draw i

uirld thrre- and f<irti..T )fld porhet

MinarO tlllr. ulii KUr< i> inat<liI>lay iinil faai-y >>Uiit dmion- atr.itl<.n lirre loidKlit at thn II. K: .M, parlun. ul U::iO p. ni. I^Vton. a wliard o[ thr ciir,tvlll alM> dU<'ii< llx-- ........ .hy^teui iiMxl III thrr<-<'U-.lililllliirds.


W orltl Tlirec-Oiiahion' Biljiard ‘

Ch.iiHpion W ill Present


Twin Fall.1 hililard fann will be p-iven an opportiiiilly for .leeln;: one of tho Bame'n prc.itcat ala in a /i-.-rlea of cxiiiblLlonii whi Johnny Uiylo.-i, world's ehainplc-n three-cunhlon player, appearu tlic It & M Hilliard purloni n ight « t 0:30 p. m, Uiylon coiitly won tlie turco-cutiliion championiihip for the 1 1 th time He Lt a former lioldcr. of Ihi world'll pocket billiard champion iihii).

T-'oIIowinf; llie match lyame-' here, UiVton will clve a ieclure on the diamond .iy«:ein Inthree-cunhion tillilards.

Ued 8vn In the firnt, G-3, fannlnfrae.Khibit fancy Jjilllanl. and pHckctIn n niw with 2 on bane in the (ith. I * ‘" ‘“ '■‘1

The vl.iitln;r ciic nlar h fllllnp j in nn open date here IcniKUl

route to rorliand.) He ntoppcd for exhibitions, nt . niipert laiit nlRht. .

Layton’s official hlRh record for I JiinKlu rim at pocket billUirdi In

. _ .............. . Hla 'jirenent tour I;i underhtimcr hit Uio left field foul line aii.iplclea of the Natlona! Hilliard

• Do.’itan wan the only team move In Uie National leagiie, be Inj: llie I’initr.i twici- to replace them In, fourth. Tho-ncnrwi were!

mi 8-7. Jliuidolph Mooro'fl I......... hit Uio left field foul line'pole, bouneed fair, drove another homo ahead of him to win thu firsL

Lon Waniclce held the GiantJi '( Wla. wen 4-0. Chicago «alninir i:amu on the Iradera. St Louln nil profited. beatlnK Brooklyn O- Medwlck and ColiInD hit homcr.r

'fho' .tall-en<l Cincinnati itedn whlpiwd Uio rhlilien, 4-1. belilad Tony FrclUuV ■ bowlinK- Krellaa dnive one In with a alnBlo In the 8U1.


PORCUPINR SPRINGS. Camn F-lOO, Juno 22 (Special) — Add!- tlonal pame.i with leading nouthern Idaho ba-wljail elub.T are aoupht by tho Company 071 C. C. C. team, ae- cordinf; to Manaijer Ralph McCIoy, Rupert, former Rexburp college ftUilctc.

Tho sf|Und, 'ft’hlch han defeated Rojjrmon 22 to 1 nnd a Twin Talln outTlt, 27 lo 2. haa nl(Tned i!ltn with Jerome and lUmbrTly, buL aeek added cIojiIim , McCloy nald.

ManaEer^lcCioy luin announci^l Uio followli^ playeni on tlie nquad: Dean Blae1<aten. Glenna I'crr}'. Idaho: E>on Handy, Roynl Sparrow, Rox-Packcr, Lyman Baxter, Meh Hn Wilde, Grant Burbank and Al­ton Binsham,. all from Prentoa; WajTio Mlnnlck, ICIbart Eliaw, Nor­man Soj:n, Richard Sojjn. Lentcr Roy, Walter Elliott, rrom Twin Falla; D arw ood- Noblo from yrnirie; Cioyd Miller, Recce Spld- del and Claude McCioy from Rup­ert: Harold Sandau. Jack Hunter. Hoy Bean of American Fallii: Earl

, VerlMlt. Aeeiiiiia: Ix-w Hanka. Shelley: Ivjirl Durfee, Carey; Allan DaWe. Arco.


JATE§m w m

AIl-AmCriCnh Finals ' Slated

As Americans Triumph

I n .QuoDn's Meet

Finder Requested To iReturn Shirt

Lost By Player

Finder ot a mono;;nimmed niiirt bctonRlni; to Louie Melfcn, Van EnRelen-Uood noft ball player,-R'ns.rcquoBtod tcnlay to return it to Idaho Evening Times offlcM.

Melpa. Injured In n collUilon with another player June 10,

. wa.t reported coniiidcrably Im- provetl thtji nitcmoon. He nuf- fered a Aplit Up. tooained teelh and brain coneunalon.

Rites for PioneerFILER, June 22 (Special) —

Funeral strvieea v;cre held near Caldwfll'ThurflJny for Mra. Anna Stafford,- 02,- ffrandniollier of Ccorgr/.N. Tucker, former "local high school inalructor, -onc-tinie nccretary ot the Twin Falla coun­ty fair, and now head of tho atatc bureau of dairying.‘ Tli6 pervleen were a t tho homo of Wr. Tuekor'fl parentji, Mr. nnd

cdromunlty., Mrs. _______ ___her husband, croaoed Uie plslna In'Scftttle

, nrcovcrcd wagoa In'ieSl- , jlNjrtlond

S>’£>ON, Juno 22 iU.I!i—Seml- finft/iiNn ■ Uie Queen's club tennia

‘nnmt^nt. annual preliminary to' . . WliuWedon . cli.implonshipa,

found nn all-Americnn field In ac­tion today.

Lcaier Stocfen. giant .Callfor- nlnn, wna to meet Sidney 13. Wood, Jr., and Frank X. Slilcldn, No, I riinklnK Ilnltcil Blaton player, waa to ojip<«e Georgo M. Lott. .Jr,

12-JO nnd 0-4: Stocfen won from Koro Kujlkurn. Japanese UAvln cup star, 0-4 and 8-0:.Wo<xI ti|m- od lMick ,David Jones, fornwr cap-, toln- of the Columbia . university ■ net team and now.a student nt Camhrkl,'^: ftnd Lott defeated.Hi- ro YamaRistil, Jup.mcoo*''D.ivl» cup player, 0-4, 2-0 and 0-4. ,. Tho .Americana lost only one act in tho entire four matches.


Jerry W ins Welter' Laurels;

Buhl Y ou th Victor as

M iddleweight

nOlSR. June 22-ilUU—Fourteen atale chiiniplonahlp,^ In Ixjxlni: Were aanncunced lust nl|;ht at the end of the amateur rlnj;

-ney In the Elk.f arena. A BClK'duled three fie. 'Hoiui liad run Into four. Scvenil lilies went l» boyii who won first rounda but ttwk flmilii by default.

iilwayn, jvame .wanla were obviously unpopular, and the . . .nacemcnt’n malcli*n(; was not wlOioul crlticinm.

lillca. by cle(autt nnd vic- Uiry, were taken us foIlo\va:

<{ulcU KiioekoiilHeavywciRhl — Howard Boor,

Nya;ia ,Riant, by half-minute knociwut of Jack Tliomaii, Cald­well.

LlRhtheavy — .Jimmy Rinaldi, Toole, Utah, first nlj;ht winner

latclied,. In ,Cccll Howell. Bobc. the a clans B.

Mlddiew.T-lKht—Class A, IxRoy Thomp;ion. Shelley, by decl.iion

r Billy Hawkins. Malad. Class Joe Burner, Buhl, by knock­

out of llay Sawyer, Gardena, acc­ond round.

■ilerrj’ Trlii'niplLHWelterweight — Class •A, Joe

Harker, ShcIIcy, first nlpht wln- .... not reinntchcd. Clasa U, Jerry Smith, Twin Falln. by technical knocitout over Joo Blenkel. Black- foot, flrat round.

LlKlitwclKht—Clans A. At Wy- Mt. Fort Hall, by default Claw B. Ronald Wlllinins. Malad. by de- ciaion over GJenn liylncton. Rlrle

BanUinwcinht—Everett Rca/;an, IJoliie. by declnion <ivcr Jimmy Collis. BoLne.

FlywelRhl 7T- CIaa.1 A. Jimmy rrreitridKc. AborUecn, by default. Cla-ia B. Billy Hoy. BoLie, by de­fault.

Junior FlyweiBht — Clnas A, Dick nen.s, Mnliid, by decision cr A1 Hardenty. Boise. Claan B, Keith Robertaon, Boise, by dec!- olon over Hurry Matliewo. Ola.

I i:.allrinen,'‘ be tH-CiiiH, "I am Majur Watson (,f N'ewninrlc.-l, friend and com­panion (If all tlie leadinK train- i-ni and owner;i on llie KncU-'ih turf for the laid 39 yeani, Krom them I have learned llie winner ot three ricea today. Kol five rlccii but three ricis. For one iihillln(:--Juat throw It on the ni>; • - nnd my naiil;,iant, who nt one tlmii wan the Kreatciit focl;<’y In Inilla. win hand you my card wltli the wlniilT.-'.''

Doi-Mi'l IlaraiiKiin T.'ip major paused. Not a ahill-

inj: la thrown. He walled for two or three mlnut<-i. (fun «r- d(-r<'d hla a«;il;itjinl to i)ropare for the departure,

■‘Very i;or«!," tie aald In part- I will, move on. I havo

more money than I'll ever spend, and b<’alde,s. il's ti«) fine a day ti> work. Good day. my friemia,'" (CopyrlKht, 1031. t'liiti-d I'n-SH)


© O L FBy A rt Krenz

•You probably lave noticeJ that polfi<rji,''whea, they try for extra dlfiUince. nrc likely to be off line. ThU Is becniwc the right hand, whlcli dellvcm the blow, hafl tiilP en command .too carJy In Uie downir.vlng.

Proper timing of tliB Btrolio la, Ihc secret to-.dlatahce. The club- head BhoUld tmvcl at lla ipeed as it cornea Into tho ball. . ' H it throuRb tho'.ball. Dy that 1:

mean, try, ,to ;,hayo ■, the 'clubhead;



BUHL. J u n e .22' (Special) — Ninth ntrw't l.-am nosed out Main here yesterdoy In a cln.ieiy fought battl(\ in the Bulil noft ball leu-

■, The 1 12 t 1ft.Main offered the iipeclatori. ..

thrill In the laat half of Uie final Innlni: by aUulnir a detcnnlned rally that acor<-d two runa nnd threatened lo lie the count.

The sa>re- R, H. !0.Ninth ..............4 tn J4 0—12 20 AMain ..............20,')010 2—10 10 C

Batlerle.i: Ninth—TlluB. Elkina and C. Atwood; Main—Multlna and Studebaker.

Umplri'-.P. Volet.Tontniifa elasn will send ElKhtli

aKalnsl Se(:o.

Montiiniiii Favored to Annex

Double.'! Crown After

Taking Singles

SAl.T LAK1-: CITY. Utah, Jtme 2 (r.l;i — Ti l Itenfro <if Uell, Innt., tcKlay will ;ieolc hi:i second ;-<ipliy In the J’aelin; rx ne A. T.

Itle to llie

in Uie doiilile al.Hl to a<l.l thati:l'-s championship

- ■ wilhIt of 100

Henfn. ve;;len!ay fall.-, ry for a n.r.v world';, re •oivieaillve hl[3, in iiini;l

n- l-;arly In the ,Ub fiivorlle i;un a;

liis twenty-sixth tarp


ran^e'Itli 502 and j


ilartcd ■I 12(5 hil;

Pacific Coast League

The Yiili; cr.-w al.-ro Junior vanilty event.

The Kll Jayvees woi aa they pleaneil, croaslnj; ish line three lenj;thn

•anl. The Jayvec tthe


V eal R oast, On ly M ilk F e d .

iS Pork Roasts, Youn,:; Pork ......

I Beef S teak . S teer Shoulder

[[ Beef Stealc, Swiss .................

g V ea l S teak , S h o u ld e r .........

B Hamburger, No Fat ............

; Lard . 4-pound Package .

G r o c e r i e s

3 Sugar, 100 pounds..............

: F lour, 18 p o u n d s , . ,

° Soap, Bob W h ite .......

3 T issue Gauze, 4 for

5 Pork & Beans, Large Size

tile Jay :iplel<-'i the I’rejililLTce'K boat and ................ ^■y yachl. Sc-<|uo1ji. Ueiiplte thet* lappy ahowinir of his almaja ler the J*re»ldent -■.mlU-d as 'I'tsi creetlnjis to innall b<i r by. He wo, a buff coal and white tni

f Salmon, L arge S ize T ins, 2 for

Extra- Specialdacuia Hens, Young and Fat.................

i R ib B o il M ea t, 5 pounds . . .

■ Frying Chickens.........................

........S5.25 :. , , . . , $ 1 . 2 2 !

10 Bars 21c L.............. .1 9 c ]

2 for 25c a


Sportsmen StockQuail in Fields

CLARKSBimG, W. Vn. iU;i - Sportiimen are makinR a "ko" n ralsinc quail for renlockinR field; which practically were cleared o tho anuiU j;amc bird by the hanl winter.

Wild Life LonffucM, c.npecially In le central West Virginia dlJilrlct, ■c riiiilnB new (luail with hantiini

hen/i. Many dortna of tiuail epR.i have been nurcimacd from a Vlr* Rlnla hatchery and distributed amonp the nportflmen. >\Xtcr Uie quaJl chicks arc strong enouph to care for themndvea they arc lo Uo freed in the woods and meadowji,

Shucco Wins BoutN1-:W HAVKN’. Cortii,. June 22

ar,l:t — Tony Shucco, 17B, Bonton, outpointed A1 Gainer, 103, New Haven (10): -Jacklc Davl.i.• 1-11, Cleveland, drew with A1 Caalmlnl. 133U. Nc'v York; Jack .Renault. lO.'l. New Haven, stopped Benny Diamond. 1(J1. .Jersey C h y (l) .



Ry.Vnltffd ITfM Dlzsy Deitri. Cards—hin;: up 0th

•In of aeason.Waliy Bcrjfcr, Braves—hil t\vo

horacra.Ixjn Wameke. Cubs — held

GlanLi to 4-hlt shutout BUI Knickerbocker, Indiana — It 4 In C. Iripa, handled 10

chances without error.

By i;nl(e<l I’rmsK. H.JC

noonoooni— i d : ..loopiboD,-?— -I in (

I Bjitterles: Bryan and Cox Herrmann and Woodall.

(10 innbKH)*- R. H, E.Millions ..000 000 001 0— 1 i 0 Oakland ...,000 100000 1—-r1l\ l

Batteries: TliurJiton and Du(j (;.m; Do'uclaa and I ’a.ick.

(-Nl};ht camel- R. H. B.Hollywood .,200 00.1004—11 l-l Sacramento 001 000 012-7- 4 fi

Balteries: Shellenbich and Ba, sler: CreKory, Hartwlc, Horne and Mayer.

(Nlfthl Kamel- R- H .ESeattle ,:.... 000140 000- 0 8 2LoaAnceleil 020 000 000- 3 4 2

Batteries: Kalllo'and Bottarinl; J. CampbcU. lIcDoucal, LlRhtfoot and C. C;impbell.

Flfniro liko . a financier, tippearunoe nnd mllefl you’re buylnp. Eveiy car we offer la II batRalti In mllcaEC.1020 Ford Sedan ..........;...$1C51020 Fortl Tudor Scdan.,.,.$1501030 Fora Coupe ............. J2631027 Buick Sid. Sedan...... $1051021) Auburn ,8 Swlan........S1731027 0.iklnnd Sedan ...... rJ.OO1032 Ford, Pickup •......... ^.«251031 Ford Truck,

very Kood ............ _.,$3701030 Ford Truck, cood.._..J233 1030 CMC 1’,-i Ton Truck $3031020 Ford PIbkup ............$1331933 Ford V-8

DcLuxo Coupe .....-..$3231033 Ford V-8 ,-, ’Tudor Sedan ........

1020 DcSoto Sedan ..,.$473



Tour FOnD Dealer Twlk r»n», Idiilw

25c 5 ■

16c “..2 5c

23cLibby’s Fancy Crushe'dPineapple, 2\ size cans 23c B

Rosedale Sliced Peaches, ,7 ; }

2 size cans..........2 3SC|

F a i r P l a yAND A SENSE .OF L O Y A l W TO THIS




W c htivo lived in, and boon a part of this community, fo t Over twenty-five

years. Durinfr that time wo have always apprcclatcd tho patronage of oar , customers . . . from the time of tho old acetelyno-llghtod “ gasplinb-bogslcS" to tho high-powered luxurious autos of today. W e have seea the automobilo arrive and tljrivc in this community.

Since w6 arc so well acquainted w ith tho part the aiito'mtthilij playii to the life .o f our city and farm comntnnity, vro realizo that tho 24 to 26 w ot price of ffosolino is away out o f lino. O ur fonncra am not yot rcbelyini' ft ,. prico on the commodities that dictatcS a higher price on motor fubl—tt neoe»^.

sity in the ir livelihood. Nor are our wage earners receiving 4 wage commeti- aiirato w ith higher prices.

A aonse of loy^ty to patrons who have heon so loyal to us 1& th e :p u t ; . moves us to withstand tho badgering of competition to raise priw , arid to plcdgo ourselves to our patrons that aa lo iig as conditions prev til os they • aro now, wo can contititie to got quality gasoline, wo w ill Bell gits lit thfe 16w; ' • est possible price—instead of tho highest. ,


Our Pirestoiso Tires Arc Guaranteed'for One Year Against A ll Soad..

• Hasards \vith the Exception of Pimbturcs. Buy, Today. •}

L i n d .\ i t o S k u v i c e C o .i ■,! ’ • “ Hdme of Hudson tind Tciraplano M otor Oars 'V l' i r

Phoiio-^Officc‘209 . - P h o n ^ l* a r t » - a ^

rHifottf TOmO EVENING, TIME S. TWIN FALLS. IDAHO Friday. Juao 22, 19.14-


fjull LaBMd wu . S.nrlea ITr-« An»<.elMloi,.. KuUX H-mcr,

N1:a m .ure

^bljahad Sli^n s-Vs:siNUTJMi;s «:■n I'Bllt, IdalMi.

H D lf^ aa B«or Slall ilBtlrr.ln U.p Twin rnll« r... nilrr Acl of OunKrr««. March 3. U.V

.1 Offlrr, April

v rB x m oB ira ov hates

.1 -M-.mi.n ........... -------tMCt£ fff Moniha —

L‘y m S

....... 1,40 ini.- T< WKhlti Iflnlio, f>iir Y.-ir. >:.r,0 irOUt.1,10 I.lnho. Oi.r Yr«. li.ou

..... . t.OO

aTI nollcaa rtqui t4'«* publlahtd MPtr Puriuant t0 Hectloi

. 1H33 lif.alHn t J — of MaIio.


oio''l“r ci>«i>iVr

■ ' Baauni napr«»«nl

H O R A C E H A R T T w in F a l ls b o w s to d a y^ in re v e re n t t r ih u ie to iis

m ost ve n e ra b le c it iz e n , H o ra c e H a r i , w iio w ould h a vp been o n e h u n d re d a n d six y e a rs o f aiic* in an- o thpr.m on th . H e d ie d p e a c e fu lly .s lw r t ly b e fo re noon y es te rd a y a t th e h o s p ila l w h e re he h a d been u iken m the hopes o f p ro lo n g in g liis u n u s u a lly long life* span . , , ,

T o d a y , p re ss d is iK itch e s h ave in fo rm e d liu* ])eoiile erf the en tire n a t io n of th e ]>assing o f th is vviiuavk- a b le m an , w h o s e d a ily v is its d o w n to w n here liad becom e c o m m o n p la c e . L i f e w as k in d to h im , fo r it p e rm itted h im to s e rv e h is co u n try w i t l i hero ism , and to liv e th ro u g h o u t th e m ost im p o rta n t e r a in the de- ve Jo pm en t o f th e n a tio n . H e w a s h o rn in the tinip o f A n d re w Ja c k s o n , seven th P re s id e n t o f t iie U n ited S ta te s , and h is l i f e c o ve red the wu-eers o f tlie suc­ce e d in g tw e n ty - f iv e .• .:|Ie w as in h is th ir t ie s w lje n A b ra h a m L in c o ln w as e lec ted P r e s id e n t , a n d cas t h is f irs t v o te fo r iilm . H e

• w a a a ’ R e p u b lic a n , vo tin g th a t t ick e t c o iis is te n lly , up u n t i l the last ])re s id e n tu l e le c t io n w h e n h e jo in e d in sup po rtin g F r a n k l i n D . R o o seve lt .,.,..It is g iv e n to b u t fe w m en to liv e th e rem arkab le l i f e . t h a t w a s H o r a c e H a r t ’s. H e w as possessed o f an m U S u a l p h y s iq u e , a n d m ust h ave been e n d o w e d w itli fr 'p tro ng w il l . M o s t o f his fa c u lt ie s w o re unin i]»a ired , a n d he w as i l l b u t a s iio rt tim e, b e fo re d e a u ;, as it iiilif lt to a ll m e n , ca m e a m onth b e fo re lie w ould h a v e been o n e h u n d re d a n d s ix y e a re o f age. (■‘^T h o se '.w h o .co n tr ib u ted to m a k in g l i i s la s t yeai-s m flaBant a re e n t it le d to th e a in ire c ia t io n o f his fe l-1 bW -'citizens w h o m a rv e lle d a t the te n a c it y w i t l i ' w n ic h lie h e ld o n to life , a n d j ia y s p e c ia l tr ib u te to ^ e , ve te ran o f G r a n d A r m y o f th e R e p u b lic in INohored dea th . •

^^■;V O N E Y E A R O F T H E P W A 5 i .T h t n a t io n ’s g r e a te s t e f fo r t to c re a te e m p lo ym en t jd ifough-a g ia n t p ro j^ 'a n i o f p u b lic w o r lc s . is .n a w . ju s t g n e y e a r o ld .

, « A rep o rt o n w h a t has b een a c c o m p lish e d has just b een w ritte n b y S e c re ta r y o f the In t e r io r H a ro ld L ^ k e s , as j iu b l ic w o r lc s a d m in is tra to r. I t is an adniir-,

. a b le rep o rt in its c a n d o r ; a Ic k e s says f r a n k l y th a t the P W A " h a s w on in

f i a n y sectors, a n d lo s t in othen i. I t h as m a d e errors, g o rrected its m is ta k e s , a n d d o u b tless w i l l m ake m o re errors, to b e co rre c te d in th e ir tu rn . . . . B u t i t is a w h e e lh o rs e in the re c o v e ry le a m . . . and it is p u ll in g its w e i g h t ’'I, M u c h c r it ic is m h a s com e to the P W A , centered

-pn tw o p o in ts : F ii-st, tha t it w as s lo w in g e t t in g un­d e r \yay, a n d t h a t in c re a s e d ,e m ]) Io y m e n t w as not q u ic k ly f e l t ; 's e c o n d , that m a n y c it ie s w h ic h needed P W A m o ney m o s t w e re d e n ied it. S o i t is good that

- Ick e s n o w su m s u p w h a t h as l)een a cco m p lish e d .T h e w ho le ? 3,300,000,000 w as a llo t te d b y Ja n . 1

. ;1934. M o re th a n a b illio n dollai-s o f th e fu n d luu a c tu a l ly been p a id in cash. So m e 16,000 construction ‘p r o je c U h ave b e e n jiro v id e d fo r, m o st o f them how u n d e r w ay.

H o w ’ m an y m e n h ave b een g iv e n w o r k ? Ick es is ica re fu l not to s a y , because h e fe e ls th a t a n y ostim ale o n th a t basis w o u ld be m is le a d in g . Y o u m ig h t .say fo r in stance , t h a t t w o m illio n m en h ad i-eceived enV p lo ym e n t. B u t i f t h e y a ll w o rk e d one w e e k ;u id then werc^ la id o f f , t h a t w o u ld n ’t 'lie m uch w o r k , a f te r all,

S o Ick es m a k e s h is e stim ate on ho u rs o f w o rk pro­v id e d . T he re .w e re “ 1,‘118,000,000 houi-s o f honest w o r k a t honest w a g e s on d ire c t c o n s tru c t io n s ite em ­p lo ym e n t o n ly to m e n w h o o th en v ise w o u ld liave pa ssed those l io u re in the ra n k s o f the id l e . "

T h a t m eans 177,250,000 e igh t-hou r d a y s , o r 541,666 w ee k s ’ w o r k . O r i t m eans 20 w e e k s ’ w o rk f o r n e a r ly a m i l l io n a n d a h a l f m en. A lm o s t a s much a g a in is assured in co m in g m onths f r o m a llo tm ents .a lre a d y m ade, a n d i t is fu r th e r e s t im a te d th a t tw o

' h o u rs o f in d ir e c t w o r k is ] )ro v id e d in p ro d u c rn g the 'm a te r ia ls fo r th e s e jo b s fo r e ve ry h o u r a c tu a l ly jjut in th em d ire c t ly .

S o the P W A a d m in is t r a t io n has p ro v id e d a vast a m o u n t o f w o rk , a n d in the h e a v y an<l co n s in ic t io n

.in d u s tr ie s c h ie f ly , w h e re it w a s m ost n e e d e d . In the 'm a in , the huge, fu n d seem s to h ave b e e n sp en t fo r p ro je c ts o f .v a lu e to the p u b lic , a n d w ith o u t a d m in ­is t ra t io n s can d a l.

. S e c re ta ry Ic k e s is to be c o n g ra tu la te d o n m ak ing


r^lcop.LelloJ >

a fr a n k , s t ra ig h t f o rw a r d rep o rt on h is h a n d lin g of t h e huge sum o f ] )u b l ic m o n ey to w h ic h h e re fe rs as " a p u b lic tru s t .”

; P re s id e n t C le v e la n d becam e fa m o u s f o r h is p iin- c in le th a t “ p u b l ic o f f ic e is a pu b lic ti*ust.” H a ro ld

J c k e s 'w i l l g a in 'im m o r ta l/ a m e i f he c a n establi.sli a , l i k e reg a rd f o r p u b l i c m oney.

i . N o w that F a t h e r ’s d a y is over, it w i l l b e M o th er 's [d a y the rest o f th e y e a r .

1 Doi•ovlott'lnn liln rito

l.ltUc InclilciitB lli:vt cmt'd of uo Iraiioriancc look )v» munnli.K-J-ll>a BiranM :liy t)vt»-cuu Madeline arjd

Uaviil wflfi In Uljnoou or llre.ilcfnnt wnTljelns n

ll3« Coiiitiicrclnl Uou.o ■

)1 n frolrlit tliai “mndo iip“

ycJ In town t, rtn u-oro nllllDi; ilo rracrvcc) for I ninllccil liilo (k( ’clt'* ru<J ilnil tlio clrnlc, for

triTkIca fncc niirl

■■llellOi .Mr. Slclila I'ou'rc iMiru In lov "Yen. Mind If 1 I

from III! rockcl. filled and llRlilH (t and nai dowa fn a clmlr t>r H'f wllllluw.

TIjo ' JioIpI proprletoi:.iriT v:

(ind hnppcned Wlipo hid Bon u-liliipsrcd lliat Dili

> S!d0.lJ had root for tho circun pc'f • Under nnllclp.Hed a "fcnr rcpoed hImnoK to twcome a

) bp <U(i.TppoIntci!Hut :|: Tlin Ijoard l.ohlnd I

ippc.ircij from, Dned Ijy Pc(e‘-

ividc-iooilirit I

Con wolcomcd

•fllll'o film loKKe ilQ»-n (IIP Imll. nil 'Vfiriiicd wiiii icai:'f.irccly lens nenTy.Iiltn In llio doorwny. offcrlDR 111" hainl whltSi pui Ir.BOTtil.

"I nrlicd you up liprc." Con r.nid wUh an nirv ftraco lin dli! noi frel. •tuTniiM 1 InmKlncd you Iiail joiiiPihlnr. to I.ay tc me prlvaicly.”

I't linve.""Mind It I drink nonic collvo

ivlillu wo tulkr’"i;a nlipad.“ mil loolccd ntc.iaily

11 tlie mno. takinn m otpry J<'t.ill of lilack hnlr. olive iikln.

I .-hiui'Icd fe.itures ,an(I compact, j mun.'iilar PoUy.I -Sli .lown. won’t you7~

■a nlowly. "I did not wnni . iny irlfo by nxklnc Ler aP ) I fame to you."

(To He Coalinacd)

P A U L M A L L O N ’ S



(CopjTlKht, By 1‘nul

mp. Ditlly Ilcport In In Uip Niillcn’ti

Interpreter j.nU

t by t'llc'


.NO niimiiry c

ally Uml Itic i

l:il.i On. }{c wmc lioune t* It (lid tr>’ /(('Ipctlon of n fact, lie II ‘.'fforLn.

Inly did

0.1 when It had amlltce

cm .'Kiy notli he matter. Init

thnl he let th(! wnnl In not luni: apo that !.l(cd whpUier the pli carrv the- niall». h(

• • afflr-. i'-ai

nvtoKNci:What rcall

> rlld.

I UiP(jf Foil

lolH l!i thi- fact that tin- only n- rl ou/i churi;p iiR’alniit him in lliat h fallisl to follniv (llroctlon.'i nf con •j:rp.'.;i in .-vwardlnK contn.cLT Thn Ik funiliimentally true, hnl it wa al;io tnir- of Foulnln’ prodcce.i.ioni'

Thft nrmy air people lUc Uniw hf.w to buy planw. They for inntiinco. to iHJinbcm frnt the Martlnn. pur.'iult planed fror norlnir, etc.. Iipcaunc ciich mani. f- ..............................

; Ui..t the c uiorcd a frpo nnn-polli

All th(! Dcmocnitlo vr;i are up for re-eU-ctlon

The failure of th(* ai) arry On- mailn will bv fu . they munt miiiwrr. The I.OW.I1.1P aniiwor will be tried to fire thp follinv

r...»llninted the iirmy'i carry, the malhi. That

j.>il<ii..t, which 1.1 tni

politically. ,


.. I F u n n y h o w th e s a m e p eo p le w ho o b je c t to b ra in „ . t r u s ts in W a s h in g to n w o u ld y e l l i f th e re w e r e a la c k 'm ; a ia . o f a n y in th e ir b u s in e s ^ s . '

idcniea\War Secretary Der

. irticular friend of : JudK'nienl may be accepted non-partlwn. Privately he Indicat­ed to friend)! iH-fore colnR over tlie

cord In (letail that he thouj;ht Uit imrnittee went much loo far.An iniperiional Opponent of Kou-

In Chief of SU ff MacArlhur................. ..•ivo been conduct-

.....-...........ido hattlo between, uio air ;icrvice nnd the renernl 'Htaff about Uie merits of the air

partieiilnr line. Under competit

pcrfo: II like mrlne.i.

HONESTYThe only Important 1-n.nuc In­

volved 1.1 whether the air corp.i offieern favored certain manu- fiictiireri for lo/« patriotic rea- linn!). No one bolleve.i they did. Tho war department trroup has the iitmont confidence In Fou* lol.'i' honc/ity.

If there l;i anything wronp with him, they n;iy,-il 1.1 over- enthUJilaiim for the army .ilr corp.i, which l;i hardly an Indict­able offeniie.

The White Moino felt more hnr-nhly tow;((nl I'oiilnLi Uiar

live•. becai

up to hlfl prorni.ic toe failed to


erthele.m. there Is every 1 to expeel Ihftt the White

will deni len.i har.ihly I'oii!ol.i than the houne itt..., ,11,1 '

lV\SSKN(iKU ItATI':Sow who know the lnni.|c at InteraUifr commerce commin-

nlon believe 7i Rcneral riMuctlon In illrond pft3-ienKcr fares will be or- ■red beforo long. They expcct It

be ft rather nlnmp reduction. pn;i.ilbly even cllniln.itlnK the I'ull-

Mircluir};e.0 flat pa.-wcnger relc in now

enmmtiuilontrn an lomewhat Irked l>et eajilem rallrond.i

1>UULICITVM|;ht Klll.-«1 a 2817. TIml b

llumelriiH hill whleh ClirIII.' and on tlm \erj:o of paii»- Inc the huuv l>rrorr nnyone found nut' what It WaN about. It would luivn Riven oonifrrMmen the rlRlit lo borrow from Ihii Homo r and farm eredlt tlllH.

W h e n conRrenfimen Rcnerally fiiiind out about it. they /law ';hat Uic: bill wa« blocked. It w Utile too r.iw to .itand the ll}:ht of publicity.

That nlno »plalnn the fallui the nenate to paa.T the houne ce. bill, which wan merely to cive jobn

takcrn who vote richl l) the Kovember clectiona.

LEFT OUTSpeiikinir of publicity, a ccrtaln ivemment official here

,, 'ttlnfT hin. 11c recenlly look a trip with I'realilent nooacvelt and ' ‘ lliimayed to find that the mor jewnpapcrs did not mention lame. lie Induced liln pre.'i.i accnt o call a world-wide ncwii apcncy lere. anklni; that tho omlmiion he •ectlfled In the afternoon c\lltloi

I3eeii keep warm In winter by f;o- K Into a "huddle." Tlic tempera.

. .irt) Innide (i clunter of been In If deKree.1 warmer than on llic out-

Auto GlassSjwJol Friccs on Auto Door

OIuM und WIndHblrJils

ruon. M O O N ’SI ’lilnl (uid Furniture Ston)

Eveo'^li’C Home '

YcM^;^ay Not Know That— I


lors in the si


ili'i- (


Beer Lover« Quaff 226,800 Gallon*

' In lat Idaho Year

Drive to Eogislcr Operators

'' And Vcliiclcs Undertaken

By Code Ohiefalilies, I , _____ •

“ '‘■''»-T\, Mn., June 22 — A ol... drh'' to rp«inler T.i..*.ri vrhieirn



H I S T O R Y Of Twin Falls City 6? County

leaned from I'llea of The Times

Oprratorn n rale fichedulcn, i

Failure to meet both requlrtmcnls, before June 28 may draw a JOOO, finu or nl.t monthu in prison. I

15 Y e a rs A g o

Meeting at the Uuhl hlfh I'Chool pvenlnK Bl>-,cUUv)Uvni o{ Ihv

new Karnieru Mutual “ndPower company nfleclcd a Ixiard (If <llr..-Ctor« ami iiljinnl article incorporation. Direct<.rH chi were: Luke V. Suaner. M. M.

............................ opcrationfl hiibeen nUirted by the aUite illvl.ilo nf the national IruclUnf; code uu th'irlty for the truck Induiitry. ,

More than 4.onn operntnr.i will llj;t their truck.i—both home dr.iwn and motorl«d.

Hoy IJ. Thoinpnon of Wanhinfrton dlrrckd the work. Amontr thone who will handle rei;inlratlun arc Oncnr Carett of Idaho Falln. Joe Coliint or I’ocatello, Sid Ouborne. Wendell, and Curl Solnhcr^r of Twin Falls.

BOISE. Idaho, June 22 —Idahoans dranlt 2,220,822 ml- Iona of beer durtnff the flrat 3.2 year ended yeaUr-day ond state received3131.710-H.

But they've acquired a taate for the amber brew and n « t year's consumption will ppur more revenue into state pof- fera, Ux nUtlsUclan MlMSOIth Wade believes.

'The Irend Iji upn-ard," abe • remarked.

Gov. C. Ben Rom declined to comment on the first year of Idaho post-prohlblllon beer re- BlilU.

Dr. Iloycnccr. Foot Specialist I'eiiney niJff, J^honn S5S-J.—Adv.

file^ their

Shoshone StreetWork Hastened

...._ .......................... BuhJ: ivteiKriciion and II. .Miirphey. Filer. ^ total of j i ’.V.OW/ in Htocic wii.i liljrnfcl

•ticli.;i Ilf Incorporation. To-

SHOSUOSF.. iMW 22 <SpccUli —Riipld pro(;rrn.i l.i boinj: made by Ihii Wentrm Connlructlnn com-

ifjpany. rocati'llo. i.n Ihe jri’ti'Unir 11 and rurfiiclnir of Or<'enwood and

llnir’ .Sotilh Il;iil strccUi in .Shonhone.

2 0 M I L L I O N


I pr..p itory to ollint;. and frdtral proJcct iind local Iirf rniployod a.i »n hie, thcrr beinjr two iihifta of

iTho Urcenwood iiLreot

.1 JiJiit rt'luinod her of year.i iij; ail ( onipli-lod a Iht-re him b<.en it . in thi- rc>:ubr a[;ain he opfni'd

rid over which iiClLitlon. will

raffle within a

Mower Repair*

Knives, s e e tio n B , guards, ledger plates, knlfo clips, pftmann, p f t n ia n boxes ,

wrist pins, ctc., for all makes of mowers.


M ENS M A S H E D W O R L D R E C O R D S f o r

' ‘IliipauUleted


* r«- /■/»«",


JWJ lUAW nowouTrtoTicnoM






TllENewnrMionelUfh Speed TIr« for 1934 km Lulk to give you the tame depcDtlable •errlee II provided {or th« «irUtn xlio fUried in ibe lorturoQt SOO-mJIe «rind at IndlanapoIU M«r 30.• Thlj new lire haa ■ >.Wer tread

■ of flaiier eontour, deeper non-akid,e and touilucber rubber, \

Ibaa 50<% IciKioi

nontlild mlleife.Draidea bring Safely rroteeted the oulilde It la Safety Proteeled Ihe Inilde. Eight addltlomil

jundl of pu« rubber arc abaorbed . erefy eao hundred ponnda ®f

eordi.Tlila additional robber ia to

fjtlaced Ibal Jt aurronnda crery . . . . . . fibe Inside .every eord- laevery rlx. Thla ii bed^yjoaklag Ihe cord* In llt^ ld r^be r hr a fireatone palemed proeeaa. Ih li patcnied proeeaa,Cum-Z^fppJiif, U net uaed In any other tire bullL

ileal eatiied by internal Metion of eolloD fibera dealroya Urc»— esnaea teparallon and blowonta.

Cara-Dlpp'lDi counteraoia friction and beat—provides greater adhetlon and blnda tbe eotlon and rubber lofctber into one eobealTo onit of greater atreegtb, aaiurlng

pMitbte (or hujnaa balld Into a tire.

Tje moat amaiing proof of tbia _Mira atrengib, aafety and dependaWlIiy ia tho /act lhal erery — of Ihe 33 driver*.....................

Ui7c\ Co»on 190%»

y ? . w luv Ih lf

omoilng i

Hlch Sptad Tlr> at our

eboae and bongbt F/reatoBO High Speed Tlrca. Race drlrers KNOW lire ronilrticlini — they will not rI«V Ihelr lirea or ehanee of victory on any other than Fireatone.• At lerrine fpceda the ear*

plunge Into the ireaeberoaa toma — llrea are braced agalnat tbe acorehing brick track—*o bel tbe tlrea fairly tmoke al ithiea— they glre — yield and atrelch.~e»eT7 eonerlfable foree vorka to tear tho lire to pleeea. yel Rrealona High

. Si»ee<! Tlrea “eomo back” on the airalgbtawoya. Not once darlog tho enllre raeit did a lire fall.

Surely ibla Ii iVe moal amazing proof erer knovn o f Extra Srr«^gih.9\FEmranddependabnity. Cali on the Tlmtono Senrleo Dealer or Ser»lpo Sloro neareat yoo TODAY.TouIp'youK cjir with New Fireatone High SpeedHrea for 1934.


A n n o u n c in g



E f ie c l iv c to d a y F i r e ­s t o n e . g u a r a i U e e a t l i c i r c o m p lc le l in e o f l i r c s n g a ii is t n il ro a d h a z a r d s f o r tw e lv e , m o n th s . I n a d d i l io n , F i r e s t o n e g iv e s in- d u s lr y l i f e t im e w a r ­r a n ty n g o inb t (le fectfl. in w o r k m a n s h i} ) n n d m n lc r iu ls .

Wlieii u ic il in ^ . \

mcrcial icrvicr, ll io c

tirct lire (iiuiriiiilct'd ■

fo r $tx months.

T h e f o l l o w i n g F i r c s t o u e d e a l e r s a r e . p r e p a r e d t o - ’ s e r v e y o u :



Phone 298', Twin.FaUs’



Twin Palis.

- ' ' • '■






SUPER s e r v ic e ;;



SERVICE s t o r e s '

Phono 75 rw inrillB\

raa*y/, Juno 22,1934 IDAHO PVENING TIME S. TWIN FALLS. IDAHO . P»je




AKestloa EplKopal GullJ wui sponj|«r f npt>.-cr ahow at which Ilowir lovan.of Twin FalU and

counllu may dliiplay their BflttJivaraOTte te -liower ffrowinff. unnoilpces Mrs-..Tbomai) M. Rob- crtMiii ^ner«l ehalrmon. .The clato for 'llia’ ahow h u UnUtivcly been


Mrs. L«e Sinemii entcrUlned members of'the J. D. Plnochlo club at tier hooie on Maple nve*

yesterday ftflemoon. Urn. Owen McLean won nlf;h score prize and Mrs. Clyde Morrison reeclvod second high. Mrs. Ralph Tulloek will entertain at ihe next meeting at her :iwi-.ic on I’lfth avenue cosL

Guests were: Mrs. Owen Mc­Lean. Miss Kalrbsnka, >fb.i denvood. Mrs. C. A. Bickford Mrs. Sam Jlcdslrom,


Shouted W arning Sends Jean

Harlow and Patsy K cljy

To Safety

tor Septembir 8, but the place hss.sot.yet. been chosen. M r.i.. at*n{»y U fk lh ond Mrs. R. J. VaU-1 DINNER I'OR EIGHT loq' ftre assliting Mrs. Robertaon 0^ (!]• comiTjitire. /

-Usttcrs were sent out today to . noclBl'sn<l, aei vice groups o( the

tflfo pountlM, and are hoped to rtnyljfU amateur sardnem. Every tiewbr. thftt ipwvs in -Twin Fallfl a&4--4(i«m6 countleir 111. have aCfrMM Ip - --- ■stna^eur p

i^l|^0’ eSpe^itd 'to fVer

& r .

—1 numb«^'Jlnd voriety of prizes.Tv/W.rolU florlstn win have 01a-

pltiyn 1ft conn6C,tl«» with the ahov ’, but win: ,nat )sa' allowed to enter tbo Cohipetltloa. The flowers will bp on dtsplfty only one evening,- and npomoon, according' to present

'Plans ;,were announced .........called rnettlng Jresurday aftcr- nooD Ot lha'home of Mrs. P. F. McAtee., Mrs., R. r* Plcmetacl Kftvo Ibe Report o( Convocation. Wr». VoUton DDd Ccor/,’0Spra^e lUulsted Mrs. McAtee in iiervUir' rcfrcahraEnt.i.


HONOR BIUDE-TO-BEHonoring Miss' V'irKinln Crab-

true, who Is to be a brldo of next' tffeck, Mrs. Kenneth Kull cnUrtiUned a s^up af the bon- oree’i ' eollcgo matea a t a l o'clock,lunchcofi at the.Kali coun- try home yrtterday. Qucsta spent the uftcmoon embroidering linen left. ,• towels ■ for- Misi- Crabtree Th(}'..aI>o^hCld.o recipe exchange A boM of iweatpca* centered tho luncheon tAble, and’ place cards wef*'illhoaettes.

TbMft^preMnt were.Mro. Milton BAllard, «lfnberly; Mr*. T.. E. WUJlhrts. etan1«y; .Mrs. Mallory Flahcr, ilr«; G. F. Britton. Mrs. K&^ and Miss Crabtree.

. ' - « « « '

DEl'AltTMKNT MEMDEUS .••kemliert'of Mr*. P, P, Braekcn’..

Sunday &ebool clou of tho Presby- tettln <3iucc>i entortAinfd a t a pot- luck luncheon yesterday ofteraoon aJ'Uif.ceuntfybome of Mrs. V..E,


GIVEN ON nniTlIDAY Mrs. W. F. Salmon entertained

at a dinner for eight thU week, honoring tho thirteenth birthday of her dauchtcr, Ml.M Krma Plx- ton. Summer flowera decorated the dinner table. Bunco occupied

............... ..... the evening and hlgn and lowprJM, and only [ score prlMs went to Miss Lucille

Plxlon ond Mias Bulb Johnson. Hisses Lucille and Bctly Plxlon, Burley, were out-of-town Rucsts,


Mrs. Genevieve Dwight enter talned nt a 12 o'clock luncheon at the New Ro^fcrson hotel lodny /or members of the Tuesday Luncheon club. Mias Mary Dobtnson. who Is leaving Sunday to visit friends In Hollywood, Ciillf., was honor guest.

(Copyritht, 1054, UnlteJ Pnv«) HOLLYWOOD, June 22 <l'.ir)-

Jean Horlow und Patsy Kelly hnd a thoughtful mechanic to Umnk

jtoday for navinu them from dinlhs .-ut-lor serious Injury.Un- A heavy arc light suspendrd and a catwalk over their set bn....

loose from Its inoorlnj:r» wh;ie' they were performing directly un­derneath'. A warning shout sent them scampering to safety hut It would have been too Inle had the siifcty chain not caught the lamp, i halting its toll. ’

- Mary-D. SniltJj; two aoloa, Mrs. SmJth',accompanied 'by M l an SmUhvrcodtoh*, J. M. Plcrco, ” — ’‘r. 'Qames and'cc ' -

i thb 'ofterti'oon,'

MRfi. H iG irr IS LUNCTmoN. H0s'

Ut;3.,Nc>''oJJ 3. ^y{gh( cnCcrtnfn* cd .at'a Ivncheon yesterday after­noon for niembers of . the Thura-

. dayl'pBwUife' . club; Mrs.. Otclla Oomer. Mrs. K.-C„B«anicr, Mrs. R..^VeUs„Mr8. R .,« . WrlKht, Mrn. •ffUllam Bro'adhead, ‘Mra. H. C.

. Blankenabrp ^ d . Miss Itlarlc ^ Sfnitb. molored from Xfafley fcr

the. event.

I Suburban Churches

.MURTAUOII COMStUNlTYEdgar L. White, minister

10 a. m.—Sunday school with Sept. William Undau in charge.

11 ft. m. — Morning wor/ihip with on addri'ss by Mrs. Neclu Uuek, W, C. T. U„ national Ice- turer. .

7:30 p. m. — Epworth League devotional scrvlce.

ILVNSEN COMMUNITY ' o. m.—Sunday school wlUi

Supt .Harvey A. Fomwult. in charge.. SpeclnJ music has been arranged for this service. Graded lessons and classes for all ages.

7 p. m.—Epworth League de. votlonal service, with short talk by Rev.- E. L. .White.- 8 p. m.—Regular evening ' iihlp wlth'a sermon by Rev. E. L. White. •

Friends Are FetedWith Candy Social

OAKLBy, June 22 (SpeelAJ) — Miss Norma Lou McMurray enter­tained a num W of friends at n candy pull at her home Sunday nflemoon. Those present were: The MUacs Dcmlce and Wanda Nelson. Martha Schlferl, Pearl Alexander, Mary j •Bonnie ........

Mr. ond Mrs. Harry Wn.shbum and sons Hobble and Gayle and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller arc leavjng for BoL<e Sunday of next week. Mrs. Wnslibum will receive medical treatment nt the Boise hosnltnl.

Albert A n d e rs o n . Jr., w._. brought home lust week after nlno weeks in the Twin Falls hoapltal

...... ______ _ n.l a typhoid patient. He Is reportedtheir set broke to b? slowly recovering.

• Mark Southworth returned home

’nvo ' I’i^ 'rlion notes were re ceeWol by.,\irozel Forbes, tooth' paste heiress and screen actrrB.>, wiU)ln the last two weeks, her mother dlsclo.acd today.

ilra. Elisabeth Froldeviiux said, however, that thr notes didn't frighten her daughter Into leav­ing for New York. She said no special precautions were tc'ng iaken agnJnst kidnapers.

■'I can U.1C a gun pretty well." ahe remarked.

One of the notes wns said to have dejnanded J5.000.


Loretta Young, wlio underwent minor operation, waa rcporteJ

I be reCKVi'rJn ; rapidly today. She is expected to be releaaeil from the liaipital within u few days. . •*

Hazelton Resident Called By Death

Thompson. tiled.................................. yestertiayevening Qt her hpme In Hnzelton. Tlie body rests at the'WUto'mor- tuary.

Dcatli followed a lingering 111- >as. Mrs. Thompwn had been a

resident of Harclton for tho pant IB years.

Surviving arc her husband, find nine children: Mrs. Ncllle Perkins, Rupert, and Mrs. Rethel \Vhltt*. klend, Dlnlr, Milford, Clifford. Veva, Robert. Jock and Gerald, all gf Hazelton. Mrs. Thompson won bom In Pittsburg, Kan.

Tho funeral was onnounced this afternoon for 2:30 p. m. Sunday at' the Hnzeiton Preabyterlun church.' Rev. G. L. Clark, pastor of the Twin Falls Presbyterian church,! Will officlote. Interment will bo In Hazelton cemetery. ' I

Rumors stsrtwl c i r c ti I n 11 n g igaln whrn Gloria Swanson and lerbert Maralwll; sailed lo C:ita-

Itnn I.fJnnJ on a-'-pclvatc yacht. Marshall peralotentjy ha.i denied tluit ho and. Ills’ wife, Edna Bent,

jire on the verge'of separation. Miss Best also /icoffed at the

porti before she left England.

than a fledgling when' oho had her first regular contract approv­ed In court, calllnic for a grad­uated salary of S750 weekly at tho end of seven years, Since she was 17—that was three yi-nrs ago —Juno has bten knocking oround In the cxlra rank.T,

Sunday evrjilng from the Univer­sity of Idaho, Moscow. He was ac­companied by Delmar Donicl.v Po- c.'vtello, and Jenkin Palmer, Malad. who wrnt home Moni'

Mis.1 Agneu Smit home Saturday after a two weeks’ visit with friends and'relatlves at Salt Lake City ond Provo. '

Mr. ond Mrs. L. J, Roliinson.-^r,, and daughter, Arva. and non, By­ron. went to Twin Falls Wednes­day, whero D>Ton had an X-ray taken of his leg. He fell from a awing Sunday ond broke the bone In two places, three inches abova the nnjile. •

John J. Millard, sr., Oakley, who has been seriously ill at his home for tlip paat two weeks 1s reported getting along satisfactorffy.

No two ocelol.'i are marked alike, id even the two sides of eoch In­

dividual animal are different.

isFussy,m i CLA

mortality—10.000 women died of childbirth in tho United States last year. ,

■;And about l^ulf of these ilraths could havo l>ecn prevrnted,” alie de- cJnred flrmJy.

Impn>per prc-nnUI care, old fashioned ideas of uttcndlnj; phyfll- clnnn ' and co^imuiiltlrs without proper fjicHlllfS for conflnemmt casnj. uhe said, were rt-Kpnmilblr for iniiny of the di'aUw,

Kimberly Concerts

Opening Saturday.Spcclil)

Children's Bureau Says Many

Parents Take Job Too


CHICAGO. June 22 il'.lli - Ml... k IMBEULY, June 22 Gnico Abbott, who las re.ilgnrd a;i Kimberly's annual head of the children's buriiiU In,'weekly band concerU will cel un- Wushlngtoii alter 17 yc-nrs. found. ticnvay In the new elty park durlnjf her long Kcnice jjmt niiiny satunlay evening at S;!.'., The mothers were too .'mtIous about concerts to continue for ulglit their Job of child ratsliic -inclinedlo be funsy and iwmclhlnji of) Dur/ig the pant year mmirroim ulannlats. • V [ improv^entn have been niiide at

-Sometime.-!, /.he Mill, ihi-re were Siie p^rk with rollef lalior. 'Hir! crank letters from jimihrrs tom-'j^^-n ri-»e«l.-d, ncv.*plaining that "an old maid" In | ,,,ruiji„.ry has been added and al!

been removed. Tlie' Improvcnunti Include u new oil surfaced teiin'l'*. court and a new land ntand.

Reynolds Files fbr"^ " Prosecutor’s Place

JIJflOME, June 22 JSprcLil) - IJ. D. Iteynulds. fur ill yrar.i an at­torney In Jeromr and vicinity. Wrdnrmlay fllrd hl.-i niimc for ncim- Innilon for prosecuting attorney for Jrruiiic county. "Kd" Urynnlda Is at the present tini'- attorney for thi< Acli<K)l l>oiird, thr inilsdiilc highway dlntrlct. tlir Jerotne Co- operatlvi- criamcry. und the city of Jerome, He caiiir to Jmniie In Uiiri, aftu- practlcini: law for two

ynn’s In St. Paul. Mina., where h ? rrcelved hls degree In 1D13.

W/Jshiflgion couldn’t Jinoiv . . . . much about rafulng children.

■"But In recent years there havei been aurprlnlngly few iiueh li-tters. IMaybe mothers are iM-ginnlng to! __________ __n.-nllr.o that, after all, Uielr doctor, , A„,,iriii rlcclrlc i really never had a Uiby."' > J,'?, ;.,.r v

MU. AbboU ..Id IM -,,U wiv,..', *"lalM" Of caring for children—ase- ™Ui..phetadi bags and nulpliur and m o - ------------------biases—have been generally ban- Isfiod. Anil tnothers have learned that n heiiplni; do;ie of ca/itor < isn’t a cure for everything.

Knoit ledge Hrljxi "They h.ave realized since grand­

mother'!! time tliat a llUIir nclcnllf- Ic knowledge help.i," she said,

The must alarming situation the prenent day. she sidd, la the country's high rate of mutemal


W E E K - E N DS P E C I A L S

I t w ill p:iy ?o ii to Hike advanLigo of these hardware

and xrocery apcciiils wiiich wc are fcuturinfj this v/cclc-



HICKS I-ILES I-'UtSTSH0SH0NJ2. June 22 (SpcelaU

—First candidate to file for county offlco li Lincoln county was Orla HlcJui, Shoshone, who on Tuesday filed his namo for the office of county clerk, auditor ond reconler. Mr. Hicks is a member of the Democratic party. '

FU R STORAGEro r Furs and Fur Oormontat


Phono 101

2 0 M I L L I O N


G A S O L I N E . . . G A S O L I N E


: S



i :

W E ’ R E S C O T C H. . . AND W E ’RE TIGHT

B U T. . . we pay hundretls of

dollars extra, per month, to

get tho best ffOB a t no addi*

tidnal cost to you—



O F O U R ...• 2 2 y 2 ^: . . a n d B E . C G N V I N G E D o f

; I T ’S S U P E R I O R I T Y



■■ Drive in'and let us tell you how y save money on ■

■ \ : eVery purchase of 'gas arid oil.

GoVey Gas& OilGo.' W H OLESALE . . . RET A IL '

■ IJOfeNEE 4 l k ST. A ir o SHOSHONE BOOTH ' . PH ONE 682

■' ■. .......... ..

I n d e p e n d e n t

— Meats—.

Phono 102 or 103Q u a l i t y

C e n t r a l


Phonc 311 or 312

P h o n e Y o u r O r d e r f o r t h e F i n e s t

— in —

M e a t s a n d G r o c e r i e s



You Will Find What You Want■■'.'■— a t —

D I A M O N l ) H A R D W A R E

Tho "Bunbcom " Dam has boon cut and tho ealmon arc coming all ibo way up

Salmon River.

Salmon Spears ........ ; ...85<

Salmon Hooks and Lines in all sitos.

Colorado Spinners 3 fo r 2 5 ^

Steol Fish Rods.............6 5 ^

Fine Fishing Boots....$4,»S

Larw i4-inch M ill Piles- for

Only ..... '— 3 9 ^

Sec, those O d o d - ^ y Forte for. onljr. $ 1 .4 5 and Hay

Fork H anses for.....-.,.:49t

Fino Aluminnm OoId^P^ok Oanners. Sdlds 7 'Qt.'-'JU:«. Only ....

Eaay Folding Ironififf

Board. ........... .............

auanmteed Elcctric IronsOnly ......................_ ,„$1 .98

Non-Rust Wash Boiler for

Only - .*...... .................$ 1 .1 9

Oood^Wash Board.......4 9 <

Olollica BosUcU ....:. .$ 1 .4 8

Ooppcr Tea Kettles. Never Pit, Bust or Oorrodc. Nioklc Phitod Copper Tea Eettlo, On ly ;........ .................$ 1 .2 9


D i^ Pans

On lr

3 9 ^

1 1rhermos Lunch Kit • PiQt ^crmos Bottle ^ . 1 '

BplMdld Electric'TwoJ'hti S tom ,. Only_


Attractive China Cups and Saticcrs. Set of- 0 .....$1 .00

I Lar.jc Size

Clear .QJass

Tumblers •

6 for a s e

Sot G New Shape Green O ^a- .M U m g Bowh;:.,.,75p


Electric Lamps

40 atid CO Watt

19>Por; G la u L^ohebn Sets.



6 5 C

G u n (5-Poi>:id

Tinn _________

M o to r O i lBUnolind 100":< Paraffin

Oil. SA E 40. C - fl / J O , 2 Gal. Cnn t P J l . v O i0 <p‘sb;« AlI'WMUor I,ul>rlc4St j

Cup Grease5-Poiuul

Tins6 5 c

BucketsNesco Galvanized

10 Qlr............................. 27<12 Q13............................. 3 2 ^

24 Qls................ ..........3 7 f

Wash BoilersL.irge Sized Galvanized

Screen Wire21 In . to <18 In . Wide. Q p

, Pcr.Sq, Foot ........


Twin Peaks Solid Pack TomatocB.

2 Cans . 25cGolden Spccial Flour. 48-

..... 31.22


Dorun 7 9 c



Dozen 89c Lt':$1.29K tr r Lids. Do:cn . 15cJa r Riibbors.

Dozen ............ 5 c

Pork and Beans. Medium

f“L,... :....29c

Genuine Ball Zinc O A p

Lids. Dozen ......... O U ' '

Pink Salmon. 1-Lb. Tall


Pimento Loaf

Obccse. Lb ...... 13c.Del MontoPeaches 2 Cans .................... 35c

Franco-American A p Spafrhcttl. Can ......... • J ' '

Mission Brand Ko. 2


4 Cans 25cW c W ill Pay 1 4 c A Dozen for Epgs A ll D ay Saturdayl

. Be Sure to Attend iho Free Band Concert

Svcry Saturday Eveninc, 8:10 at C ity Park


WE REALIZEthat to advertise “ complete automobile sendee” Is V g

responsibility for us to assume hnt wo are anxious to'.,

have you try us and see for yourself.


has been rolUng into our place for months and'new tnen

havo been added so that wo can amply s c m yoar every v

need fo r ' ‘' i





F o r Your Convoni6na5 t .,.

We Are Open ^ Hotirs a pay!.;§

B A R N ^ v ' ^ ' ^

OhiyBler ' . , , ' ' - • Plymo'Blli'\^-.y



Caeh IriMrtton, per lino (VorflrfltSinacrUonfl)

SuhoenucDl Insertion!!,

cry Issue, cue Inacrtlon. per line.™

No a'lln UiUtn for Hs than 2 llnca. Mtnimur

M e w T o d a y

W A N T E D _^O E L L A N E O U S

W'ANTKR-t'sr.' frutt J:irn, iiltUl'P. utoviir, l ie. V.V jt:iy c

U lliirn:'. I’ lH plir,nc nOl'W.

PAD0L[-1EELE0 P L iE S V I S lE O i :

T o d a y ’ s L a t e N e w s i r i M a r k e t s a n d F i n a n c eL I V E S T ^ I [||S[S |\S ! l J i Y ^ S T O C l ^

WANTI-UV-riirnlti jphcil.ilrrlmr. wlnilcnv :Trr,.i * llrdo- F iir

t'cnrc I^Iccl Hears Snvi-.iits

Predict Improvct! C r ir fC ^

For Future

n ilC A dO I.IVKSTOCKcincAGO, Jiiiir ii-i'i - n<)K«;

i;,l)l>0, inrlii.lliii: T.OIK) <llr<-ctn; :ic- iw, Iiti-iuly Wim Tliui-»'.lay.

sr,.or, toO E i iW IO E N S ig ^ "

KdllNITimi:Hi;'! f'lr ti'i'il


iu{. sr. ir.; 0(1 jui.l I51 to SI.;

'ITrD — Iviwn i IVtll nill for f.

n Kop.ilr SIkjJi;


FOR BALD—MbcfllriTieoiia

.Si'i;ClAl. I'-.r s.i!.', DO toj j . r . to s;j,7r.: inn)

7 to 5li).:i:.; Kiw> I.. . SH).3r,; hi-ircn .'.ro

,rOK KICNT- ]‘ ■\VN;;it— HiKlt Im

better I Atlantic lU'fli i«l i;'Aul)l)rn >Ir)t< wen- Ualtlnioro .'j 01 fin;il llcnillx Avtalloti

,Helhli'li.'lil S ii<.ril-ii Co.

' ].I, I. Ca:i.' C Crain. Clil.. Mil.. St, 1'

;ci:ry/4ci- a.ri-,< loso C'.cu Cola

itucK ivrof.'H .s a :ml ici.'iliirh Twin F:

Co, riiimir im.

I'OK i......... rr:ile;i in

Siijicrlor 111

i , S E i; M.'jd lo

OMAII.V UVK.STO('K ‘ i:ii-ctrlc Pow.r i Ko>: Klim ,> Ocirral Kli'Ctrlc

r o i l SAIJ-: • TJilemc. ICI.nbr So., rroni Hunk alrcnifl •

.• Ill any ir,l. Til.' r

20 your ■ ' home with

jicrU-nci'J. Hotel.

|h <-.t,V>l (.JWlfll /W. JxiiMiMir, I ’lirt canli, lialanc- Write Hiix <«C, C/u TImr;

Three w.-i-i«i old Itarn • chlckji 10c. L<-i:lioin cocU.

I’ulU'tii 20c, ftjini.- aj;.-, Siu-c: up mik-. Hiiyi','i liateliery.

I In 111.' .Sawt.H.tli M rent, Kljihlni;, lillili

Twin FallM.

FOR SA L E - I’nictlciilly n<Inch kitchen calilnct, 2 neat bftby bedn, nnd other iirtlcl. tho home: Self H-row li.'nn c flta r . & 0 -, cut Iriiii th/in r.550: Bnllor bcnn cutter. al« Unlveriiul: D.Trlnfj binder, hop Bclf fecilcr. 12 ft,; k‘>o<I M*” lotte crpnni ncpar.itor, aliio DcUi- vnl No, 12. Hurry MunKravc‘» Hal.'ii AKcncy.

I'OU SA1.1'-2r. ii;i<-.l lee b<ix.Mi i;'>o.l coii'Jllinn. pricil rriiiii S-.l to J20.00, We iiL'io have the !te Stc'.varl-Warncr niectrlc Refrl,;c ator In 1 s!:k'.r at prlr.'ii you afford to )i:iy. Sec tin before yc buy- I'lionc r>, Moon'n


MATTIIKSSRS r.^nuvatod, nn.l (i covcrcil. Clian wool carded, 20c 1). W.Lilird nnil cnrUM aOc. Fiiml' turn ii|)linbterini;. Tw-ln Kali/ ilnttrcM J'actory. Phono .'jX-W.

SPOT CASH PAIDfornllklntJi ,if L'sed I'\imllurj nnd Stnveo ft'

i Dert A. Sivfct Phone 1295.

C l a s s i f i e d

IS YOUU AUTO INSUKICD? ir not «co uo. Terry-I'oiiter Oi. ■tO'i Shoohono at, Wrnt. I'honc 1287.


:j Spot Caf.-, Cantlp.

ranch. Incjulre n f Sam'/i Ault mp. Kimberly.

WORK WANTED — Eoy/1 and Blrla nltendlnjr I.lnk'n Sclinol of Dunlnc/ifl arc in need of b.M Job."', etc., to hi?lp defray expeniieii of board nnd room while alteadlnjr flclio<il. Whnt have you? Phnne H.'))!,


CAIIBURRTOIIS, C arbu re to i iiirtJi anJ nen'lcp, F. G, H. Motoi :er\-lcc. 2J0 Shouhono SL W. >vln F/iIli,


WANTKD — Painting banirlMR, knnlomlnR. For »ml prlcc* phone 5,


Phumi 1331M,


liA.'iT' CHANCIC. Hi nil starlH clilcii.i, Al;i .-eeliii ol.l |iii)li l,'i. Will I r oat.', in Iniile at 51.1:

hv olilcltii I (i an.l K lid- wheal


i» enllmiili'd that Ij

Armour Executive Takes Own Life i

cHICAfit), Jun.. n'l-. I'nd-:' . i:. ;< .tiiir.ei K.-)n..l:l.M. vl,-.- l.iv:,l. .'.•!il .if Aniii.iir nnd i i,:iii.;;nv., hllil.Nelf lo <I.Mt)i lo.iJty in 111.- h roi.iii of hill l;..ine In niiliiirbaii h lunil [larl!,

Ilu;.hi-l to Ilh- Miclilaml ] ho/.pll].| bv lll»i wife, tie dli il wt iin hour. R.-vn.iI.hi. Avhi. wa;.

Children Hurt asHouse Collapses j

I’OIITI.AM) I.IVKSTOCKI'OitTl.ANI), Orr., .hine 21: u.t;>

iI.'.si)A)--n..i:;!: 'Jr.n, inrhiilliii; li:ij lln-et; n.) inleahl.- ai.pi)ly; iiiarliet|


I.ief Hte.

.ll:i[.::ed to. The K.omr ol.l houai- werelied Willi 1lany neii;ii I'orl-o!!!

Pt.y rhotii.., of1 chil.lre.T who

;.l il :-oun.l Wllil\ Ihi- .

rainyrday play- ciaah !ui.ldi-nly

'six crewn of''fir.-m.-n ruah.-d t.iII' aceiie anil wuri; .-.I feverlahlyto:lrli:ale Hit1 ehlldr.•11. The resoue■C.W." eontln ar lluit nil lin.:il li.-n.':i ihtlie'

I work in tho Idr.-n mljThl l.e ivr.'Ckajre-

t.vwt an.l helfr 5.T to Sii.Vl; feeiler:

. 53 to Sr,,.W; bulla

: leiTlt.t.i 1,800; inr y ,M. lo ; •■■1 ,Mt III ?.l.ii'>; pa;r,o lo,; pli;:i Si,

iilKhrr; yejjllni;:! : i;ood to choice nhj Sl'.lfl: arounil, .iiiiiir 22 c:uih

labie r.r, toto sii.r.ii,2,'. to SI’l,.'.!

NKVV VOi Itifrar futu lalnt.-! hlt;hi i.,'pl..l.7;t. 1 larch Vm!Mr,<i tonfi.

1 clojud one to two i.t;b. .luly i,n:..,

c. 1,HI, .Inn. l.h2-.S:i,, M:^’ Salr;i

onal HarvHler onul TeleplKinehinville ...........I Copii<-r ........

,ery Wnni '

Dairy Pi'odiiclji

News of Record. niarringo Liccnncs

FOR SALI3-1U3! Ford Coupe, pood condition. Ilixjm U. C.tledonii Hotel.

WANTICD TO DIA*—1000 b wreclt. Knrmcru’ Auto Supply Uaed I'artn Dept Phono 22.1-W,


SPEt;iAL TO JUNE 2<—Nntur' nl. 2 for J5,00. Vltft Tonic. 2 foi J7.00. Phonii CHOW, 4(J1-3p 1 Ave E. 2 bICK:k.i N. of Hnycii Hatchery



C l a s s i f i e d

D i r e c t o r y

R<nponiill.l« Hn«lnr*H rinrw ftnd rrofexNlomil OmrcA of

Txvh. KiUl*.


OUR SUCCESS IS FOUNDED upon tho prlnclple.i of hone! workmnniihlp at Uea/ionnbic prli efl. Theiie esncnth.hi j:» ini

• every Job. Twin Falb Shoe U. pnlrln;r. 132 Shonhonc Wes Phono 308.


FOR SAU2—WINDSHIELD AND door RlaB-n. Aulo topn and cur­tain repair, canvas and canviui

' repalrlaj;. Thoinets Tou i Body Works. Duck of Dancelftnd.



FOR !!AI.K-U, S. Nn at..c!i. II/. lal, 1-iMit of V ^ J^A, Stoin.

1500 Nn 1 potatoi-n ral;I Dri- U ntl Seei

Ora McVey &


W’ANTi;!) TO uT:v-a.or r. r U!ie, Mun lie modern. Can «h for riKhl iwpa.ilion.

Syntlielic Rubber Tiree Developed By U. S. Concerns

DAYTON, O, .Iiir

J. A, Mac.Mlll.Slileiil

Tl.laVThe IVI

i.r til.'irlni; e.


D.iyt.m Itubb.'r .n:pany, announi-

rnbb.-r. .l.-v. lojiedH. 1.

d i-HiiiiJii i'i

i.itiy, \:inl <1.- N.'inoura vlll b.- <.r e.iiii-

ahie li1 tlie lire field.leMilIaii :i nnili : laipi.i

1 mM. . aril eiii ■latloa

iniy in tlie evenl er;;.'!icy pr.-v.-nl- ot niitur:.! rub-

r fi.miSI a |.

eaal and Hia;-,ll, .iiind as airalnst

Kimberly Resident Dies at Hospital

irlt ana W. C,

Freight IncreasesWASlilNOTON. June 22 .l i'i

Youthful SlayerReported Insane

ANlJKI.KS, June 22 .r,l:i- - L.)Ul!; Hudr J’ayai-. 2J, confeij:e.l hatchet ninr<IrnT of hlii •mntla-r aiul in year ol.l brothi-r, waa "jihy- jilrally and ii-,eiilally Inline" a l llie t-iini- of the lilIIliiKs, on.- of three court-apjiolatnl allenl.-it.i repr>rl.-d lo<Iay lo .Siiprrlt.r.luilce Fletcher fiowron,

Eauh iillenl-a will nuiki! a !irpar- ate r .p < ^ r t , _ ___

h e l S uF b e nCRA1C.M0NT, Ida,, June 22

-rn -noviTnorC. Ilen Ro».s will do nlniojit anythlnj: to lielji <iul

had a (ii)lritetl horae

.dd Iiit.-i $H .liAvn;

h.ilco ll):htwei(:hl iilio

leen clian,:od 1<1 K 11, in the lyilU-i •Imrch, It haa hi-

.■m.'t.Ty, Th n l the Twi; the lliiie 11

i.o,‘< a n <h :u :s i.iVESiTcitK .l.U.S ANCin.KS. June 22 lIMIt-

Iii(;s: mine; irraln fitl» (pioled | i-oun.l S,’..2:>,Callle; qualllv plain; i

Di::trict Court

New York CeiiPacKar.1 ?.lolora ......Paramount Publlx „ .. JVnna, K, U.J. C, I’enney Co. ,, I'ltre Oil ....I'aillo Corp.Ka.ll.) K.’lDi Or|ihe.iiii H.'Vnultlii T.>bacro li !!afewav .Storej . . . •S.-ara {loobiieK . .. .Shell Union O i l ........Simmons Co,Sooiny Vacuum .....S<iuth. ni Pacific ......SUmdanl Bninds ......

il Oil of Qillf. .1 Oil nf N. J,

Union Carhi.le Union Paclfli' UniU-<! Alrcni Unltfil Cort>. . 11, S. Steel, c

LATE SALESNEW YORK, June 22 (l'.I!i —

.‘'rlllnj: pnlned momentum In the inidlnft on the iitoek ex- clnnice today, Tlckcr,' fell behind the innrkpl despite elosc tibbn- vl.ill»r_-i of iiuot;.lions, Prlce.i broke- In all sectloiv-wwilh-fiuto-nioliile slmn-a lendliify Ule down- turn, L'lTti.e.i extended lo, more thiin four polnui.

Sales tixlay iippriixlmated 030,- OOO iiliarea iq.-ainBl r.nO.OOO nhareo

Local Marketsn -

Tlio , following tnnrKet, .quota- tiona ord corrcctbd i3ally by ti« Idaho EvcnloB Time# and repr©* pent Uifl Bvomgo price# paW; ft> cordliiB lo Ui9 l»Bt available- tn* formation. Tho prfcea arc aubJ«J to chanpo without notice by tho Jealcnt. howover. rieader# aro ur^- cd to watch the national mai-hct* wiUt which Iheie local rnarUeH will rbe and fall.



•rday.prelin iry clonlnir

tilal, ITi.M,; railniad, -l-l.tij. off 0,01; .•3.1H. off 0,57.

JJONDSNEW YORK. Jim.‘ 22 (rlD -

ttnlle<l Htale.-i i;nvemment 1a.-iiic;i flrin.'<l nil in an lrrcj:ularly lower

.nnloii on the bond ninrUel today. Spi-culatlve corporation iHinds, irticularly rails,, were In nupply iroiii;lioul and dipped to lo.'inca. liiilu«trial bonds of the Junior •ade ivacie.l, Anplo-Chllean nl* ate 7n dlppwl more than 2 polnta, m-Amerlcr.n Pclix.leum Os sold I 11.-- polnui. Utllltk-a were mix.-.l,

• ............. ........ce to tho.wlnir renti,I'-.tfclK-Ji l«>nil-'i «

nnv iN O I'UtCRs Wheat

Dlcklow ...l ■de lllfln ;

Ucann' ’ifarket unchan(;..-<l.

U. H. C, N. No, 111,.....U. S, C, N. No, 2«Small Heihi No, la ...........Small Reds No. 2n...........

Mill I'erdsBrnn, lOO Ibii......................Bran, r.OO lb,-5......................Stock food. 100 Ibn.............Slock food, flOO l!)S............

Poullo-Cnloreil hnn-i, over •! Ib.r .. Ciilored hens, under -1 lbs, Colored hena, over fi lb,i, ., L'-ljlinrn hens, 3>i lbs, up Colored broilers, l ’:'-'.!'.i HLechom brollerii ..............U'Khorn fryer.r 2>i-3^ lb; C<ilon-il fryc-ni. l';-3li. Ib.i. I-e}:hom hem

S2.00-J2.10 .SMiO-J-2,00 .........51.S0


J;OS ANiJELKS I.OS ANCEl.K.';. June 22

3uller: extra 23; prim.- fir/it;lard-H "2: uii'ler |:r!id.'-i

., l-;i;j;ii iini-han,;.-d,



Bulterfat , Eficii. extri Whltea, me

1 Choiro llKht butcherI 210 iK.undora .....

,' Overwelcht btilchc-rs

i.'.llimi J7; lull


CIUf'AiiO CHICAtJO, June 22 <|-.l:

Market .itendy; receipt.n Kxtru firam Jf.’i : freaa i:ruueu i 15>i: current receipta 12!«i to]

33- ;; dirtle.H No, 1, 12: No. 2, l l : i checkli No, 1. 11'/..; No, 2. 11,

nutter: iiiarUel unnetlk>l: rc-| ceintj. 10.17-1 luhs; extra flrst/i (M-

) 231/. lo^2-t: fir.-ils (88-801,4)1 Ida (8G-87 i) 21 ') 2-1 It: specials

OveP.ve1j;ht hutchcrs, 230 to::ou poundrni .................... $3,oo

Undenvclcht hutcheni. 123 to lilo. poumlera ................. ..,53.00

f)lU) 23U I 22>l to 22-V.v


I Super Po-.ver ...... 2

INVESTMENT Till!Ftinilahe.l Uy Suclle .

il Company)




......Slf-0i;il .................. S2.0r........................ 51.20-51,30,-ners .... 5100.tl2r.-5100.7Jn Mori, ,.$100,.'i0 -$10(l.c:ri

Calve,'I; r.iuiu’ S'Slie.'p; I

choice vealer.': i|

aprlnc laiiiba) 5,S..'-.(


Ho(:»: 2r,-. co(>ii to choiac lo: lo 210 lb. biitcher.'i nominally quot­ed ii|) to Sn. pnaalhly $r..lO; jiiioil paclilai: sows elli:lble $3 to 53,2r>,

" - ' ■ mod­erately iictlve ilomlnatlni,-, v ly off I,

iitcc I pnietic

decline; (.-ood under 11. fo<l sU-.'ia and yearlinpi quotiHl ip to poiunlbly Sr.,2r.; fat under lO.'iO

lb. ):ia.,;!ers i[uotable i«ir.sibly S:..r.O; j:ood hulls qi.i.tcl at S3,7a, pox.-.lhly Sl.OO,

Cnlve,-!! l.n; j;ootl cliolir.' tl(.-ht- weit;lit veal.-ia (iltoled hroluul $1 to ix..i.-iibly Sll.50.

.SlH-ei.: •I2.'i: falrlv active, lamba w.-ak to 2.’io lower cor

■|c H 111lid:

<•(•<■ WOKKl'K WED.S OAKl.EV, June 22 (Special) --

e Rlchlm

lurlhovere married u the Bii

Friday of .H. i..>r;.on, ntaraed to the CC( aiiip .Mon.lay where be la work riC-'MrS. I-ir;ioR I'oluriied lo IV li ■'aM.'i wh.To she hiwi employment,

HAll-I.KT.S PICNICJEROME, June 22 (Special) —

I.'iuhers of the Raptii.t chiirci .•Id tin- anmial picnic al the fair

.1 cimteala for llie clill.Irei •il the afternimn, A fair iw.l aHrn.l.'.l,


h'; Pymmid ItilccShepherd Dana,

«K I) UV DOl-lll.f; JtiTF-SOAKI.EV, June 22 (Spccfal) -

I .limlile wi-ildlnir

lambs 7r> lb;|;lit; ehol


(;it,\ M )nAf«!m ;K b o r niJAnEllMAN, June 22 imjiecial)

-A d:iuj:hter waa l».ni early Sun- lay mornln;: to Mr. nnd Mrs,

Real Estate Tnxnsfcrs

p. J. i ’rln!;Ie-va, I'ay ■

: < iu«; of I,, E. Jo;;lln. <Idaho TlniM Publlahlni.

I order vacatlnj: and aettln;:

SILVER KtlTi;iU:S NFAV YORK. June 22 HU:i — Ivcr futures clnsed five polnlit wer to 10 iKiInU hlRher. June l^•l. July ■iri.-JO. Auir. -is.-nt, ■]11. -i,’i,ur..,80, Oct. -15.H0, Nov,

.........i.|i7, n.-e,, Jan. -I(i.3r.-.ti5,ill!.-1 Fell, < i i ,M a r c h ' •10,7:., April, May,. .Sule.-i <r. lot;i.

BOUKht becauiie of f.xt niiRe awar<l.-<l In the % I Inruifflelency or evltlem ount or the verdict

aralnBl'lnw, rm ir In law excepted lo by .lefen error of the court In

ihR ifcfendiint'i; motion f.>r ete<l verdict. Tho ' nolle' . by Cliapmnn .'i Chr>]in

BAIt SII.VF.U NEW YORK. June 2'i (l,-J!l~Har ,y anil Harman quote bar .hIIvp .er ounce): New York 45^ cent ichaiiKed, DomeatIc 01H cent.


DENVER METAI.S-VKR, Colu., June 22 •ir.'ic: lend Jl.OO,

■xaii 12 luimths wools at prices tlnmt.i! on a r.coured bnsli.ln e rancL- of 70-7.'i cents, dellvcri-d ./It, ueeordlnclo lodiiy'ii report nf r U, S, ai:rlculture department, PrlL-e;. on the nveniKC twelve ontha lolji are on the low aide, iinlly 70 to 72 cenlji, while choice tiple loin In original baffn arc bo- K currently ei.llmated at 73-7J nt.i. fcoun-<l basis, Demanil.

iKO) 23>..-tui


• 1'OTATOE.S( Sudler, Wenencr

and Coiiiliany)Get. delivery, Sl,r»l.


toeiiyold irtockv'nupply lishl: de maml and tra.lin^ li|:hl: market alKJUt aleady; Wliiconain Roun While:!, uncrudcd, 00 centa: Wmjl lni:ton Ruiwetii 51-30.

New Stock: aupply moderate: di iniind and tradlntr alow; mark< steady on good alock: Ahiham Triuiupha, aliowini: 'k-cuy, Sl.lfi t si,-10: I»ualuna Trluinplin Sl.nO. allithlly ik-cayed S1.3I) lo 51.33; Ar- kan^as Triumphii Sl.W) lo 51,r..”!; North Carolina Cobbleiu Sl,2.'i, bar­rels $2,30,

Arlr\’(ils 70, on track fiO. /ihlj)- .-nta 12fil).

, 2 0 M I I i U O N '

S W E E 7 F H E A 3 T S

the 1: of i;c

1 I-'iirnl-iheU by I TItIn Giiarun ntpany

WEUNK-SDAV. ,IUNK 20Deed- T. F. County lo T. Sene-

nil. S33.30, lot 2-1. block 8, Oolden Rule A.Id.

Dee;l-A. L. Swim et nl lo S. W. .Meeker, J3000, SE NE 25-10.1,S,

Dm l-J, M, Bailey to A. R,' Ol­son, JHOO, loLi 13, H, block <, Elm Park Add.

l..iafle--Ocd.lental Life Ins. Co.. ;o A. L- Hyder, 33-ti-H.

Dec.1 -. E. A. llaydi-n In M. O, Smith, one-half Inl, li.ui 18. 10. ilo. k 100 and lot l'i>. block SI. Buhl.

I-e...-;,' .. H. C. Parsi.aa to V. B. ^ult.m, NW SW, NiA SW SW Jl- :0-17,

Dei'J-J, M. Gt<pp to Mlllo E, (Stepp, $1, SE S1-: 20.10-18; loUi 22, 23, 2-1, hkicl'. 7. Blue L;ikc.i.


— Mias Miriam Mcl-’all nf Twin Falla Is vlaltlni: rclativea and



Back of Dimceland

lale.i are mostly of j ime, Quolatlnns on nonlli-1 Texaa wooln nostly 80-83 cents, n

B r o w n i n g ’ s

USED C AR , SPECIALS!1034 Ford Truck,

1934 License, 32xC Duals

5 4 9 5 .0 01931 Buiclc Coupe

5 4 7 5 .0 01D23 Olicwrolot Truck

575.001028 BlilcU Scdftti

5 1 9 5 .0 0

B r o w n i n g

A u t o C o .BUIOK PO N T U O


EGGB 1 4 ^Per Dozen Casii

W c Aro Always in tho Market for

Cream, E^gs' and Poultry*

ERICSON PRODUCE COM PANYNext Door «o .lelllson Bron. .Monument Worlw (.Mnln F-u.1)


W o la id In a big lot o f caaninfj sognr at

the old pricc. Every

grocer w ill be com­pelled to charge

more than COc per

sack more than the prcBciit price soon. I t w ill pay you to lay in your canning

. sugar now.


PIN EAPPLE Quart size;-Matched

olico pineapple


Kellogg’s Whole

W heat Flakes'- 3 pkg 3 , 23< i,


Van Camp’s mackerel In 1-lb.

t i l l cans

l O i


1-lb. ^ B O jara.

WEDDINC3 ANNOUNCEMCNTS and calllnfT carda oiffnivetJ or prlnte'J. Miiny correct ntyle* to ebooan fm m -C«II ut the nlnff Tlnica office, 2^3 Main

' A re .£o«L Tolephone SS,


ttmlny. Mb.i Roxlc E Crunney and MIhs .Mar-

nney and Ray Anderson two L-oiii.lea. Thev w ill.

p thi-ir;i In Oakley. U ilio—M- ......... . Rillnlol)ih, I

WANT ADS GET R E .‘ ,Mlnln- I 'Buckeye I ‘l

TUUR.«I)AY. .IHNE 21f--iir.(- Miir^’ln .M. Monroe ]■

: ilT ^ R. B. iiowanl SW SE :

N o t i c e T o - T f f i x p a y e f f s

Last,day to pay laoflia lf of youril933 taxes w itliout

'penalty anti interest, is on or before—

JUNE 23, 1934

a CORA E. STEVENS, County Trc.a3urer. “

M a B B a o n B a B n t ta a iB B H B B B iia D B B B n E a B iS B Q a a w

TOnUTOES Solid pack, lar^c


1 0 6 ' caii


P in t slzo l o g


. Quart size jar 2 9 6

LETTDDE Large fresh-heads

s e .

p e a n u i -“b u t t e r

2-lb. j^aaa ja r

SUGAR 100 lbs. beet, while our present supply

lasts $ S .2 S '

■ "ASurctyofPurUy” ' T W IN P A LLS — - BUHL

Friiln.v, .Tiiiip 21.Vl9:jl , TDAIin EVENING TIMES. TWIN FALLS. IDAHO Pago Sev«Q


iNKEYSTOPICBciosco' I& o t Informod Tbat

u H isn a iu Oomo F irs t In '

Now W orld

' By WENDEL a i; itc i£'• BEaUCELEY, Calif.. June 22 ^M e n anti monkeya drew alien- Uon o f m«nb«H of the Amcrlcnn MwclnUon for Iho Advunccmenl o( Science today.

•In the new world, at leiul. c«no before monkey/r, a report prwented to the onihropoloKicnl aeeUoa of, tha BBaoelaiion indlca «L

Shades of Adam! Nudists Argue on

Laundry Charges

SAN JOSK. Cal., June < - Slmdpa of Adiim nnd Kvel An nrjcumcnl In ii nudlut ciimp over luundry, tif nil lhlnj;a. Yrl llmt b whal hnppenc<l hero.

Mm . Unro' McDormId I'lnlncd In Ihi- ]nb<ir c(imiiilM:tl<>n* vr Ihnt nhi; wiui unpnid tor 'lolni;

; thn Iiiundry for Iho ennip nl So- oucl.

Then McDonnId •■wld hr wanl- ed pny for Ifvcllnj; off Hotiii.- l;ind.

And thp lu‘(i McIJimiild kldn wnnlrd Ihrlr iiTonry fur cknrlnt' (iff nonif oiik — II vrrypcBly plant nround a nudbt ciimp.

The McDonnlilB wnntcd it lo- t.ll of JS27.DD. Mr. nnd Mm . Jack


lDcmjmcl.s Movie liiduHtry Put

•Swcclcr’ Hollywood View ;

Before W orld . i

Loeb Made Head O f Penitentiary.

School Courses

Bari W. Count, or S;in Joac,Ctllf..,. State Tcaehera' collide, tuued liU atateinentJi on studlca of akuUs.itui:^K In the c.-iso of .new world monkeya the fronlo) bon* wai roare “wedfre-ahftped’' tbAn that of primitive man.' " ^ cOec shaped” frontnl bone atnielure Ionic Iw" bern tnken l-j lodlcate relatively all|;hl devctop- inent tor spcclM in which It hfound-'

Doean't AU. Argument

Count'* report j;nvc nlJ):ht promise of BelUlnj; the ccncrnl ............queatlon of which cnme flMt, mnnMay "t 2 p............. ................•-•monkey, however, alncc both O' Krelffh. GS. who died yf^lcr-1"' ikoy* WJd andeni men of the <lny nt Ht. Vnlcnllnr-/i h^ npllal in " ‘"n t"”

worm ' hcffton j>osac«. more Wendell, Death followtd nn• opcrnllon n week nfco. Kcv.

L R E S iN

II I’l

m-'indii riliicirially tliiit iiiollnii (ilctiirc Inciinlry lirlni; a ihvui'I't plcliirr of lliillywood III Ih.- wurl.l,"

Coiiiini'nUni; n:i H"- »t»0' "t anextra K'rl who Ihiit iihr andolhcrn found 11 jii'cr^inary lo cdin- promls*" ih''nifirlvr.n to );<-l wiirl( In fllni.n, thi- Clllr..-n-NrwH ii:iid thrrrl wenr two Hii11vwooil;i; I

1. • • • The Hollj-wood po|iuliit.'( hy an fine a _Krimp of iiioti am. wonii'n iin poimlnli! a city any'

,ii>r.iirr. in., jnn.- 2J -I’l’i • •KlLhanl l/irb, iitTvini: a llfr |iri:”ii ricnlrnc- for III.' '•tlirlll'’ iiuircU-r of iiohljic l'-ran;i;t, la "Jirc-.i!ili iil" III llic JciHi-l jiciil- Ic'iit larv (.'nrrr?i[»mili'ncn iiclninl,

lii;i l.llf W.1.-1 iiia.l<; ofllttal in a prl:iiin <irdfr,

.Mi-mbi'hi 'if tlH- faculty ar.r Nathan l>-<ipoli|. parlncrill Ihi- I'nmUii orlmr, and Ch:irh:;i (Todily) Ijllloti, "nod- rly" h.’in'lll, Sc-vrral huiulrod loavk-l.t an- alinlyliit: liblory, i:ii):ll;ih, modern liiii|;u;>(:i.';i and J ioc la l Hcl<-Mrc,'( llir-itijili llie'

IhsnprimlllTe bone ilrugiurcs Dew world sLinlans.

An Indication (hut inookeys are at lennt dlxlant cousin* WM .piven by Prof. \V. H. Utlnwurlnfr, Stanford unlver:iity. la.'rcvlewinsr the work of J . K. V4n-Deventer, also of Stanford.< Von Deventer hui /mown Ihnt

blo(kl ■ clota from humun being* behave like Ihoae from monkey* when aubjccled to the llqulfylnjr aclloa of n certain chcmlcnl com­pound. UkcwJjf, bolh blood-clota m e t <^tfrcrently from bJood cloU of All other onlmalt ho tested. In* dudlag - the horse, cow. sheep, ffoat., dop. cat., ffulnea-j)lff, rat, nouflc, and chicken-


•1I5aH0 FALLS, June 22 iV.T.t -^4AWbr«skent would do welt to stoy-'.aiW&y from this town next TU(«d«y-Uid Wednesday...Tho -Idaho Peace Officers' nn-

80elu>0h ‘ lA golnR to hold ItJl itfti*', MAvcntlon here then. Chief oi Police W. L, I ’aync of Salt

.lil?o ,C (ly , UUh. wilt be the prln- ,_elp*l •m«Aer.

' ' -’Wpqem ■ adence in crime Oc- . littjoiV’-will be his t^ilk title.

Thf JJri)I>'W/K.() llial C'-’I-lat;i In th<; mlndn of people through­out the World—a Hollywood that In rcpr<-ncntiil by thi; iilory before tin- Krund Jury of the 'extra' who aalil that folkn kick honu- told her ho-

0 nhf came out lirre nlii' would /o to ii.ncrlflee hiT honor If all*; .•I li> K';t nnywhcro In piclurr.'i," •It l!i or vlliil concern lo the en-

RUHL. June 22 (Spcclul) -l'u- tiro laotlnn picture Iniluntry and to •ral Bcrvlcea will be hi'M Satur- cltlrrnn pvcr>-whcre.'’ the ncwa-

for Charlr-1 Men- r 'lpT "that thla nccond Ilolly- ...... ' '■ brtlcT name liy f«r|



Ciiambcr Starts Move Toward

Makinfj Clear Lake Ranch

Fcilcral Project^

Announci-mcnt conna fromJJuhl

lat the Uulil Ch.Tmlicr of Oini- iTi:i' l!i undi'rtakln^ a pl.^n to ale- IhL- Clr;ir I-nlicu riinch on

-Snaki- river an I-'IiitA proJcct

with the hope of converting the ■I'a Into a federal park.

The plan nafi been prtnontcd lo I-', Mii-Hcrnon. district .lupcr

viJior, In thf hope of fiecurlnj;■ cal and Btnte approval.

I I 1.1 pointed out that the ranch Include/i dome 300 acren. In Die ccnlcr ut wJilch are C)e»r lalteii which cover npprqxlmately 40 ncrr.i, Uy raLilnp the <lnm 10

the lake'll area can be In- rrea.ird lo HO acre.i, II In bellcv*


2t <LM:i — Modesty, allhoutfh unaided with devaotln;; re­partee. ha* won II vkitory for the younj; women of thla town.

A city Improvement now underway l.i a temporary boanl walk on a , viaduct hcKC. YouRf mra loafed near. Younff women walked five blocks out of their way.

Chief of Police J. I„, Bal- der.nton decree<l j-ounp men can't loaf around the board wiillc.

It n I’ hafi


Cordon Coldthwalte, pantor of the local Presbyterian church nnd Rev. O. L. Kendall, paator of tlio Melhodlat - Episcopal church, will officliitc In the rrenbyterlan church. Interment will be in llulil cemetery. Fellow lod/;e mrmfcer.n of the I. O. O, F. will B.TVC an pall bearers.

Mr. KrelKh c.ime to Huhl In 1000 nnd llvi\l on n ranch «>uth-, ^car oi lai- miiacMt of the town until a few ' cr.-ani nlnllon at 330 Main avenue ycnrfl a ^ , when he niovol lo ii ,u,„th. jn ];.3i m.home here. Surviving are his wife, I . . . IMrs. naclmcl D. Kreiph. nnd tw chlldrcn. Mra. Btanchc Reed an Vernon Krclph, both of Huhl.

HOISK. Miiho, Juni- 'J2 iri’) — to 110 acres, ii m neiiei M<-ri'‘n iinnlhcr iilj:n that Idaho IsVd, The tract alflo Includfa Uirvil' lining ItaHf <iut of the nlouKhs wajihlMuird. one of the fraturc<l of di'pre-i ilon: jbeauly ni«it* of Uib nectlon.

Auioniohllo r<'Kl»lrallon fees The Huhl country club hnn iliirlni: the flr:il «;x monlhn of h,.aiie on a p.irt of llie land, a 1!>34 were S37T.030 more tlian'm u 1 n t a I n a a bc-tullful (;«» ilurla)' the coiTi'apijndlnf,' 103.1 cduriie, perlixl.

TotJil collectlonn from vehicle ilrlvi-M In JP31 haa tolalleil $1.- L’Sl.'-TS,

Hpc1])1.t durinc May were 5'-'7S.- •ITO,!.-;,

Toliil ruKlalrnllnnn nrc; p’in;i?n- Ker cars. 72,07": truciM, ll.'JG-l:(icalcra 2S0.

Short Causes Fire

On Riverside Line

'hlch Hlarted pre.iiiin- ably from a' miilch or clK«rotle, iipread lo a lean-to -which hou!ie<l a number of chlcken.n, ownH by J. C. Wolff, and denlroyed half a dozen hcnii. the owner «alJ,

IKndangcred waa the Chirle'i

mrcKKVKS TO flf'.VICKatlven of Ohio will meet In

Twin Fallii county fair frriundii at Filer. .Sunday, for the annual Duck- ryi’ picnic, announcrn Mr.i. W. II. Harniinl. necrctary. A picnic lunch la Id be .wrveil at 1 p. m. Those who «-xf>rct III nttenil m:iy tviJI .\fr.i, Uarnard for further Information,

Judges FilenOISK. Idahi>. June 22 ilM!i —

. candidates for litale Judicial offlce.i filed yesterday at the of­fice of the secretary of state.

Thry were Gillies Hodpes of Mo.vcou-. Jncunibe/jt of theiccond district; nnd A. O, Sutton if Weiner. Incumbent JudRc of the levcnth dislrlct.



Funeral Sunday W ill Include

M ilitary Honor for Oldest

C ivil W ar Veteran

Horace Hart, lOS-ycar-oId Civil

nr veteran, whole death camc ycstcnlay, will bo honored In pub­

lic funeral nervlcc.i nl the U D. a. lobcmaclc Sunday at 2:30 p.


POCATEI.LO, M il. June 22 fL',!') —Southwestern Idaho farmers ex- pcct to han'cst about 70 per cent of a normal crop! the weelsly crop and weather report Indicates.

Drouth haa materially cut sup­plies of water for Irrlpatlon and stock but liuil week's unsettled, showery weather aomcwhat Im­proved conillUona.

M r 1 U K A 1 U r i 'J the laat rites of theU U I iU L f I lU U I L I l oldest member of the Grand Army

of the Republic were being made m i- r r * i iA r * today by Twin' Falla American,

Lc;;k)n post mcraberv. cooperating with other patriotic orffnnlzatlons. Including the members , of the Women’s Relief corps and Ladles

............ „ abo a. A. ft. Ali ex-Bcrvlce-BOISL. June 22 iL.l,i—Walter D. men and membeni of potrlotlc or-

Smith and Homer D. Frane. ptnlzatioMi arc asked to attend. trouKht . back from Reno two the services. It la stated.

monUin aRo m Indlctnitnlii for bur- j MUlUiry Ifonom

In the absence of other officers

here, were sentenced yesterday lo Ed Lllxrt..-.ervo one nnd a half lo five years vlco-commander. said thatin the penltentlnry. Pl'^n* wiled for bur at of the

TJ.ey had elected lo plead pullly military honorsto second depree burclary. ■ cemetery. Mem-

nolli luve reconis of priori In national puard unit,several prison*. Smith Is a local enfflneers, due bortfc tomor-boy who becnme known as a bad row from annual encampmcnt at actor before his first Urm was fin- Bol*e barracks, will be callfd up- Ishcd In the Idaho pcnilenllary. on to make up a flrlnr squad, and whoso lateit exploit was smup- nnd Lefflonnalrcs will Uko partj Kllnjr chemicals, saws and a loaded In ritualLitlc ocrvlcca ,at the pistol Into the county Jail In the sravcsldi. ' last fciv iveeks, I Bearers will Includu three c.-s-

----------------flcrvlcc men and three members'Woodpeckers can hear a worm of tho Elks lodRc. of which Mr. I

inside a tree limb. Hart was a member. I

M fcum M ojoAxnc

2 0 M I L L I O N



Good BuysIN


Oil Stovcfl, 2, 3 and 4-burner

32.85 T ,OasoHno Stoves



LYDA& W EAVERBack of McOomb’s Market

IUVKRSIDF:. June 22 (Special) —Rlvemlde community and adjoin­ing communities were left In <larl»- ness liuil Wedne.nday cvcnlnp, when tho clcclrlc wires on the line past lie Auf,^!*! Hoops placo were •hipped together by the wind.

causinR A short. The wires burst Into flamo and allhouRh the line­men were called out Immediately, tho wires burned all niRht. By 0

m. cverjthlnR waa In order. Louis Ulrich and Rev. and-Mrs.

Westcndorf rctuiiicd from the Lutheran minister's' conference In ScalUe. Thursday evenlnc, accom­panied by Kurt Westcndorf. who has completed hLn Junior year at the Concordia seminary In Port­land.

H A R D W A R EP-Pound O f iElectrle I r o n . .« J > X * * F O

M .F t. Eubber


4-Qt. Ico

Oream Preeicr

Cold Pack Oonncrs. Holds S ix Quart

Jars .......




F an ..........


W ater Bag:..

5-Ft. Mower Sickles . ... ...

%-In. Hay Cable.

Per foot .............

Slir.y Chains.

Per, f o o t ..............



$1.985 c

6 V2 C

32-Piece Sot 01 Dishes.

Several different Dattcrns.

Fof ■ " "Only

A good WaterGloss. 0 for...........

Regular $0.00 C o le m a n

Elcctric O f f


4-Ball O f fCroquet Set

P in t Vacuum

Bottle .


File ........


File . .

W o have the most com­plete litock of Bolts in routhern Idaho. From 3-lC

to ^/i, up to 24 inches lung.

uruiiv uukiviiio.


7 9 c

20c2 5 c

Armour cream recrivlnjr c-Ttub- llKhmenl. Firemen, wiio were tm the nccne quickly, prtvrnled the; fire from causing damapp of con- nequencc. [

See us for Lee Over­

alls, Work Shirts, Dress

Shirts,.. Shorts, Shlrla,

Socks and Cords. W c

can ' save you some


W o want to have all of our W hite Shoes

sold out by Ju ly 4th.

I f you w ill ju s t look over our prices you can 't rcBtst the tempta­tion to buy.

G R O C E R I E S I7 9 cP in t 'F ru it Jars.

Dozen •.................

'Q uart Fruit Jars. Q Q p

Dozen ...................

2-Qt. T n iit 0 4 A Q

Jars. D o z . , . ' . . . ^ . L * A « f

Gloss Starch. O f f n

3 fo r .....................

C om Starch. O f f o3 fo r ...... ............

Sunbrito Cleanser. <4 A a

3-for .................... J - U ' '

1 Largo Peel’s W ashing Powder and one M edium

Size 0 ^ 7 ^ AU for ........... .... . 2 5 / ^

3 W hole W heat

Flakca .............

Mission Tomatoes.

No. 2. Per c a n ......

Majestic Tomatoes.

No. 2 ‘/2. Per can .'

Certo., Per bottle .

., 2 Packages

Corn Flakes .

2 Packages Post Toasties .

Free Band Concert, 8:15 in City Park Kimberly High School Band

K i m b e r l y H d w . & G r o . C o .

Kimberly, Idaho

’ n d d t£h o ^'tli2 ’


yf/H'f Y O U S H O U L D U S E T H IS

O f7 /G /N A U R A N U L A T E D SOAP

•.WHITE K IN G is more economical, not becauso you poy a fow conts less for if al tho sloro, but becauso it saves you 50 many dollars in your homo.

Exponsivo clolhos and linons, duo to its genllo care, last much longer lhan they otherwise would-a proven fact!

A nd don't forgot that it takes fesj W H IT E K IN G to do a given (ask-be- cause it is all puro soap, condensed for your convenronce!O ua /ify- n o t price nor quantity-is

tho key lo soap economy. You'll re-

alizo how truo this is when you use





O U A L ir y AND ,C O N ,yE N IE N C E . . . r iu s E C O ,N O M y

m iEUJirir ito resAttractive Features in Our Twin Falla and^uK l Stores

Saturday and Monday, June 23rd and 25th

SugarIit.’ili'i Kino CruiMilntcil

Ucct .Siiirar for OaiiiiiiiK

2 5 l b . b a g $ 1 . 3 6

1 0 l b . b a g 5 5 ^

F l o u r

fti;; IfT Miin-(1 from hialio.’K

.Fiiii'.sl l i i in l 'Wlu'iit

4 8 l b . b a g $ 1 . 4 9

C o f f e e

Alnvav Ki.i.slril i.ixiDi'livoird I ’rc.sli

2 Vp o u n d

Mayonnaise, Best Foods,.......Full Pint Size j[9C

Crackers, Premium Flakes........... 2 Box 29C

Coffee, Edward’s Dependable Vacuum Packed, Guaranteed ......................Pound 27C

Syrup, Amaizo Golden Syrup....lO !-*>• Pail 49C

Peanut Butter, Maximum Bi'and. Ground from Fresh Roasted Peanuts 2 *^ar 29 c

Powdered or Brown Sugar........... 3 Pounds 25C

Rice, Whole Kernels.... .............. ...4 Pounds 25C

Starch, Amaizo Corn or Gloss......... 3 19C

Soda, Arm &. H am m er........... ......Package 8c

Milk, All Brands in Stock................. 3 Cana 19C

Cheese, Idaho Mild C ream ............... Pound J3 C


llali.Th Hivakn.:.1

Root BeerI'n 'iii'ii’s Hxirarl

l.iirj;.' ■Uy/.. nuiiii^i

0. K.•Till' l.iir^'i' Hrou-ti All- I ’urpo.'i’ 1/auinlry Soap

l/^Lb; Can. l i e 2 Bottles..... 25C 2 ............-250 6 Lge. Bars .25C

Pineapple Raisins White King Tuna FishIlillMliilc .\Iati:l»‘tk SlicrV,

, .No. ‘M l: C.itis

' 2 C a n s 3 5 c

('alil'ciniia Uj|i->iii.s

4. Lb, Pkg..... 29 c

(VysiJil Wliiii- or 1'. &, (!. l.ainiilry Hoa|i

2 9 c

.While .Star Brainl. No. Si/,1!

Can 1 5 c

Sanka Coffee, Vacuum Scaled with

Cafi’eine Kcmoved ........................ .Lb. 4 5 c

Certo for Canning-..............................Bottle 24C

Kerr Lids, Reg. Size, Self Sealing....2 Pkgs, 25C

Sardines, Large Oval Cans............... 3 Cans 25C

Salt, Morton’s Iodized •........ .........2 Cartons 15 c

Oats, Crystal Wedding............... Large Pkg. 1 9 c

Pork & Beans, Libb,y’s Mod. Size.....\ Cans 23C

Soup,. Van Camp’s Tomato............... i} Cans 1 9 c

Bananas, Firm Yellow FiTiit............. Pound 5C

Tomatoes, Firm Ripe and Meaty.... Pound 5 c

New Spuds, Home Grown..................Pound 2C


A . Y . B r e a d

Wliitc or Wliolc Wlicat lid ()Z. lionvo.s

2 l o a v e s 1 5 / ^

I ' o m a t o e s

1,’lahV Quality. 'I-iirj;ii N o .- C a i i . i

c a n 1 0 ^

J e l l - W e l l

Any i'iiivor •

4 p k g s . 1 9 /

W a t e r m e l o n s

Imperliil Valley Rluek-Seedoil inoiidylu's

Kvory .Melon Gniirantced

