November - of Tibon's...


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Please Make Up

Your Classes Early in the Month!

. 1 Might Mites 11-12n Color Belt class 12-1:30p Tokubetsu 1 5-7p

2 Tokubetsu -2 9-11a

3 Weapons 730-900pm



Please Make Up Your Classes Early

in the Month!


7 Mighty Mites 4:30-5:30p Advance 5:30-7:00p Weapon 7-8:30p

8 11:00-12:00 Mighty Color Belt Class 12-1:30p Promotion Testing White/Yellow Belts 2:00p Tokubetsu-1 5-7p

9 Tokubetsu -2 9-11a

10 Weapons 730-900pm

11 Veteran’s Day

Main Dojo Closed!

12 Please Make Up

Your Classes Early in the Month!


14 Mighty Mites 430-530p Advance 5:30-7:00p Weapon - No class Promotion Ceremony 7:15pm White/Yel 8:15pm Orange & above

15 11:00-12:00 Mighty 12-1:30p Color Belt Class Promotion Testing Color Belts Orange & up 2:00p Tokubetsu 1 5-7p

16 Tokubetsu -2 9-11a Leadership mtg. 11-1p Referee & Judges training

17 Weapons 730-900pm

18 19

Please Make Up Your Classes Early

in the Month!


21 Mighty Mites 4:30-5:30p Advance 5:30-7:00p Weapons 7-8:30p

22 11:00-12:00 Mighty Mites 12-1:30p Color Belt Class Tokubetsu 2-4p (time change) Harvest Feast Dance! Dojo $5 10yrs under 5p-6:30p $5 11yrs up 7p -10p $5

23 Tokubetsu -2 9-11a 30 Dojo Closed!

24 Weapons 730-900pm

25 26 Please Make Up

Your Classes Early in the Month!

GymStars Closed

27 Dojo Closed Happy Thanksgiving!

28 Dojo Closed!

29 Dojo Closed!

GymStars Stockton Open!



Tibon’s Goju Gazette November 2014

Tournaments & Events in September

Tibon’s Winter IN HOUSE Christmas Tournament

Lincoln High School December 6th

Black Belt testing

And advance seminar with Sensei Uchiage

December 7th

Sunday IN HOUSE Tournament. We are

Hoping for this to be our biggest and challenging

IN HOUSE, prepare for it! All SHOULD BE

ATTENDING! That is the Goal!


Welcome New Students

Tibon’s Goju Ryu Organization

Julio Alejo Charlie Cannell Garrett Cannell Tahasaani Clayton Alexa Fink Joshua Toler Adrian Lopez Mesa Cameron Laubach Keith Brown Ethan Brown Angel Hernandez Keira Pollard Alexandra Pollard Joe Malhi Lia Shutz Demariae Anderson Harnaaj Bual Navjit Kandola Ashjit Kandola Amberjit Kandola Austin W. Flenner Kotez Ayden Flenner Kotez Donavon Fisher Damian Angel Nava

Welcome Back: Brixton Dela Serda Seth Luis Arriola Aidan Lindell ________________________________________ Special Awards Athletes Please Be Present At Tibon’s Goju Ryu 30th Winter IN HOUSE Karate Tournament. 5 Years of Training:

Lorenzo Beals Graciella Biangini Fernando Buran Ethan Neves Aydin Shek Anthony Bonocan

Farrahlynn Bonocan Rhea Alexis Caras

Jaron Guerrero Alex Her Sam Kirkland Eli Hancock Gio Jamosmos Lydia Lu Diego Pedraza

Julien Santos Amir Smith Danny Udermann Brianna Udermann

10 Years of Training: Morgan Canevari Annamarie Olpin

15 years of Training: Andrew Moore Kaitlyn Jochim Sean Couch

Students of the Month: Jose Chacon Hanan Juma More to come December Newsletter!

Ajari Cup Oakland October 12, 2014

Ira Jenkin Recreation Center Oakland, Ca

Tokubetsu Represents

Tokubetsu Athletes step up to support and compete at the

2014 Ajari Cup in Oakland. The Tokubetsu class is

dedicated for the preparation of athletes to compete at local,

regional, national, international, world competition.

The athletes and parents who are dedicated to the best level

of competition for their experience development are the most

successful in USA Team Trials. Without the experience of

participating in assigned competition there is no chance of

just stepping in the team trials and making the USA Team.

It takes a lot of dedication, commitment, physical, technical,

and above all experience in the application of what they are

learning in class in actual competition.

I commend all of these students and parents who make the

sacrifice to travel and receive the experience they need to

become excellent.

Another very important competition for all of the experience

of our students is our Tibon’s Goju Ryu 30th

Annual Winter

IN HOUSE Karate Tournament December 7th

at Lincoln

High School. I hope to see all of our students at the

tournament. We will have the Lincoln High School

Drumline with the presentation of the flags by the US Army

National Guard. See tournament results on page 2.

Leadership Athletes


Students of Annunciation School do Great Job

Preform Fundraiser Demo for Annunciation Annual Festival


Great Job Students! Tibon’s Goju Ryu always works to

support our community!

Prepare for the Tibon’s Goju Ryu 30th Annual Winter Pearl

IN HOUSE Invitational Karate Championships

Lincoln High School Gymnasium

December 7th, 2014 Tournament

December 6th Uchiage Kai Advance Seminar

& Black Belt Dan Testing


Sensei Gene Tibon request “All Black Belts” who every

received a Black Belt from Tibon’s Goju Ryu Fighting Arts

Organization and Affiliates. Please Attend!

Members of Tibon's Goju Ryu Fighting Arts Karate travelled to Oakland to the 2014 Ajari Cup Wado Kai Invitational Karate Championships October 12, 2014 at the Ira Jenkins Rec Center Oakland, CA. See the following results:

Blake Thurston 1st place men's black belt Kata, and 1st place Men's Black belt Kumite. Asa Thurston 1st place boys advance 14-15 yr. old Kata, 1st place boys black belt Kumite. Noah Helsby Ist place boys 10-11yr old Jr. Black Belt kata(forms), and 3rd place Jr. black belt 10-11yr old Kumite(fighting). Alejandro Gonzales 1st place boys advance 10-11 Kumite. Christopher Inman 3rd place boys advance 10-11 yr. old Kata. Arin Helsby 2nd place girls advance 8-9yr old Kata, 2nd place girls advance 8-9 yr. old Kumite Daniel Inman 3rd place boys intermediate 7-8 yr. old Kata, also moved up division 9 yr. old 2nd place in Kata and Kumite. Kayla Gapuson 3rd place girls advance 12-13 yr. old Kata, and 3rd place kumite, moved up division to girls 10-11 yr. old advance 1st place kumite, and 1st place kata. Brianna Udermann 2nd place girls black belt 12-13 yr. old Kata, and 2nd place girls black belt kumite Daniel Udermann 1st place boy’s black belt kata, and 1st place boys 12-13 yr. old black belt Kumite. Jacob Ruiz 1st place boys black belt 12-13 yr. old Kumite, 2nd place black belt Kata, move up division divisions 14-15 yr. old 1st place in Kumite. Elijah Infante 2nd place boys black belt 14-15 yr. old Kata, 3rd place boys black belt Kumite. Alfred CID 3rd place boys intermediate 8-9 yr. old Kata. Jasarry Ocapan 2nd place girls advance Kata, 2nd place advance Kumite. Claudia Lee 3rd place girls black belt 12-13 yr. old Kumite.

Carson Community Church Festival Demo

Thank you Pastor Paul Stanley for a great day!

Sensei Justin Love Represents California Highway Patrol for Certification


US Navy Seals Training Center

Tibon’s Goju Ryu Karate Selected to 52 Pick Up Project

Written by Vincent Serritella Artist

Gene Tibon has been the Chief Instructor/Owner of Tibon’s Goju-Ryu Fighting Arts Karate in Stockton, California for the past 30 years. Gene teaches all ages, but has had the largest impact on children.

52 Pick Up.

As mega corporations continue to grow, it’s proving harder and harder for unique small businesses to survive. With that in mind, this time around I’d like to use my art, the web, and social media as conduits to help support small businesses. How it works: I do an original drawing once a week for a full year and send it to a business (either within the US or internationally). I’ll then publish a post on my Medium account with the business’ address and a little information about what they do and why I chose them. Whoever is following the project in that town and goes to that business in person to pick it up can have it for free. In return, I only ask that you support that business in some way and post about it online to help spread awareness. Paying it forward feels good, I promise!

I’ve asked those who participated in my previous project to nominate their favorite local businesses, and I have already received some great leads. I’m currently putting the list together and will be researching them to see which will be the best fit and who would be willing to participate. I like that this continues to be an interactive process! Enjoy! | @vsTheArtist

52 Pick Up

Written by Vincent Serritella Artist

2014 Sr. United States Karate Team

Sensei Joane Orbon Center Middle Row

Please help us Raise Funds for Sensei Joane Orbon!

22nd Karate World Championships

Bremen, Germany 2014

Sensei Joane Orbon needs help in raising funds to go to Bremen, Germany for

the 22nd Karate World Championshps.

She received the call from the USA National Karate Federation, member of the

USA Olympic Committee to fight in place of first place Emi Kurita due to


The Federation says due to Joane Orbon being the silver medalist at USA

Team Trials she has to fund herself.

The flight from New York to Germany is $2,600 she leaves Nov. 2nd

Then a whole week of hotel and food cost we need to help raise

$5,000 for Sensei Joane Orbon’s Trip.

Please click on

And donate to her existing fundraising account


The Goju Gazette 12
