Numerical Study on the Effect of Viscoelasticity on Drop Deformation


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  • 8/6/2019 Numerical Study on the Effect of Viscoelasticity on Drop Deformation


    J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 155 (2008) 8093

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    Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics

    j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r . c o m / l o c a t e / j n n f m

    Numerical study on the effect of viscoelasticity on drop deformation in simple

    shear and 5:1:5 planar contraction/expansion microchannel

    Changkwon Chung a, Martien A. Hulsen b, Ju Min Kim c, Kyung Hyun Ahn a,, Seung Jong Lee a

    a School of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-744, Republic of Koreab Department of Mechanical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology, PO Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlandsc Department of Chemical Engineering, Ajou University, Suwon 443-749, Republic of Korea

    a r t i c l e i n f o

    Article history:

    Received 6 March 2008

    Received in revised form 21 May 2008

    Accepted 4 June 2008


    Drop deformation

    Shear flow

    Contraction/expansion flow

    Finite element method

    Front tracking method

    Oldroyd-B model



    Matrix logarithm

    a b s t r a c t

    We implemented a finite element-front tracking method (FE-FTM) to understand the drop dynamics in

    microfluidic applications. We investigated the effect of viscoelasticity of both drop and medium. The

    Oldroyd-B model was used for viscoelastic fluid, and DEVSS-G/SUPG/matrix logarithm algorithms were

    applied to improve numericalstability.We first verified thereliabilityof thealgorithm by comparingwith

    previous results under simple shear flow. The results were in good agreement with previous reports in a

    wide range of parameters such as capillary number ( Ca) and Deborah number (De). Then we applied the

    algorithm to a 5:1:5 planar contraction narrow channel expansion flow which is typical microfluidic

    flows. One of the goal of this study is to explore the effect of viscoelasticity of drop and medium on

    drop deformation, and to propose the strategy to control the drop shape. When a Newtonian drop was

    suspendedin a viscoelastic medium, in thenarrow channel region, we observed an ellipsoid-like drop in

    contrast to a bullet-like drop which is the typical shape for the case of a Newtonian drop in Newtonian

    medium. When a viscoelastic drop is suspended in Newtonian medium, the extent of drop swell to the

    cross-stream directionwas enhanced at the exitof the narrow channel.We explainedthese phenomena in

    terms of thenormal stressdifference developedin theviscoelastic fluid. Thepresent study shows that the

    viscoelasticityplays a significant role ondrop dynamicsand drop shape inparticular.We expect this studywill be helpful to understand the drop dynamics in microchannel flow, and provide useful information in

    manipulating drops in complicated geometries such as microfluidic channels.

    2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    1. Introduction

    Recently, microparticle fabrication attracts much attention due

    to the increasing demand for potential applications such as drug

    delivery [1], photonic crystal [2] and DNA multi-plexed analysis

    [3]. Microfluidic channels have been extensively used due to their

    inherent high-throughput way of operation [4,5]. In microparti-

    cle fabrication, one important issue is to control the shape of the

    microparticles, which is typically realized through two-phase fluid

    systems [57] or continuous flow lithography [3,4,8]. Thus, it is

    essential to understand drop dynamics in two-phase systems to

    generate a targeted shape. In the conventional industries, drop

    deformation problem is also quite important in polymer blends

    [912] and polymer processing [13] to control the microstructure

    and rheology and thus to enhance the product quality.

    Corresponding author. Tel.: +82 2 880 8322; fax: +82 2 880 1580.

    E-mail address: (K.H. Ahn).

    In these problems, drop dynamics is governed by diverse forces

    such as surface tension and viscous forces, and the rheology of the

    fluid can be important when non-Newtonian fluids are involved.

    Several phenomenological models [1418] have been proposed to

    explain drop dynamics in Newtonian and viscoelastic fluids which

    show good agreement with experiments. However, these theories

    are limited to small deformations in simple viscometric flows since

    thedropshape is assumed tobe ellipsoidal.Thus,thereis a growing

    demand for numerical analysis of drop deformation to gain phys-

    ical insights for academic interest as well as practical purposes.

    A number of numerical studies that focused on non-Newtonian

    effects have been conducted for drop deformation in viscometric

    flows, e.g., shear flow [1925] and extensional flow [2628]. Also,

    non-Newtonian effects in complicated flow problems have been

    investigated for various applications such as gas injection in a cap-

    illary tube [29], bubble rising [30], pendant drop formation [31,32]

    and drop deformation in contraction/expansion flows [33,34]. As

    for drop deformation in contraction/expansion flows, only a few

    numerical studies have been reported on axisymmetric drop defor-

    mation in contraction/expansion flow [33,35] and on planar drop

    0377-0257/$ see front matter 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  • 8/6/2019 Numerical Study on the Effect of Viscoelasticity on Drop Deformation


    C. Chung et al. / J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 155 (2008) 8093 81

    Table 1

    Previous works for viscoelastic effects on drop deformation in shear flow

    Authors Algorithm Dimension VE model Fluids Ca De

    Pillapakkam and Singh [25] Level-set 2D, 3D Oldroyd-B NV, VN 0.24 0.4

    0.6 8

    60 8

    Yue et al. [24] Diffuse interface 2D Oldroyd-B NV 0.24 0.4

    Yue et al. [22] Diffuse interface 2D Oldroyd-B NV, VN 0.1, 0.2 2Yue et al. [23] Diffuse interface 2D Oldroyd-B NV 0.1 10

    VN 0.1 2

    Chinyoka et al. [21] Volume of fluid 2D Oldroyd-B NV, VN, VV 0.24, 0.6 0.4

    NV, VN 60 8

    Khismatullin et al. [20] Volume of fluid 3D Oldroyd-B, Giesekus NV 0.24, 0.6 0.4

    Aggarwal and Sarkar [41] Front tracking 3D Oldroyd-B VN 0.35 3

    Fig. 1. Schematic diagram for remeshing algorithm of front mesh: (a) element addition; (b) element deletion.

    deformation in convergentdivergent flow [34,36]. Furthermore,

    these studies were limited to Newtonian fluids [35,36] or shear-

    thinning fluids modelled by the Carreau model [33], and the effect

    of viscoelasticity has rarely been reported.

    There are many studies on the effect of viscoelasticity on drop

    deformation in simple shear flow. Boger fluids have been consid-

    ered as a model fluid to investigate the effect of viscoelasticity

    in shear flow [3740]. The elasticity of medium fluid helps to

    align a drop along the flow direction and to enhance deforma-

    tion in shear flow, whereas the elasticity of a drop contributes

    to resist drop deformation [3840]. The adverse tendency of vis-

    coelastic effects on drop dynamics was qualitatively reproduced in

    two-dimensional simulations for small deformation (Ca = 0.1, 0.2)[22] and for large deformation (Ca = 0.6) [21,25]. Recently, three-

    dimensional numerical simulations were performed [20,41]. How-

    ever, a discussion for accurate viscoelastic solutions is still under

    way even in two-dimensional approaches [2125]. Detailed infor-

    mation for related works is presented in Table 1. Comparing our

    solutions with previous works [2125] is quite meaningful since

    the problem is regarded as a good model problem to validate the

    numerical algorithm. We also study drop deformation in 5:1:5 pla-

    nar contraction/expansion flow which is frequently encountered in

    microfluidics. Though numerous experimental studies have been

    conducted on drop manipulation at small length scale [42,43], the

    numerical study on the effect of viscoelaticity for drop dynamics

    has rarely been presented. Here, we present how viscoelasticity of

    the fluid affects drop dynamics in microchannel flows.

    We implemented a front tracking method [44] to dealwithtwo-

    phase flow problems for various applications. The advantage of a

    front tracking method is that it provides robust solutions since a

    large number of front particles on the interface are advected, i.e.,

    tracking interfaces into the subgrid level is available [43,45,46].

    As a sharp interface method, the front tracking method is also

    applicable to viscoelastic fluid problems.A front tracking algorithm

    based on finite difference method (FD-FTM) has been presented

    Fig. 2. Definition of unit tangent vector and unit normal vector in front elements.

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    Fig. 3. Schematic diagram of the drop deformation under shear flow: (a) initial drop and computational domain; (b) characterization of deformed drop.

    for two-dimensional dropdeformation in periodic extensional flow

    [28,47] and for three-dimensional viscoelastic drop deformation in

    shear flow [41]. However, the finite difference based approaches

    [28,41,44,47,48] are subjected to geometrically simple problems

    with structured meshes. Here, we propose a finite element-front

    tracking method (FE-FTM) to investigate the effect of viscoelas-

    ticity on two-dimensional drop deformation. We believe that this

    method is more adaptable to microfluidic applications since finite

    element method has no geometrical constraints.

    In the next section, we will explain details of the numerical

    formulation of the FE-FTM algorithm. Then we apply the present

    algorithm to drop deformation problems under simple shear flow

    to validate the reliability of the algorithm for both Newtonian and

    viscoelastic fluids. Then we investigate the dropdynamicsin a 5:1:5

    Fig. 4. Mesh configurations: (a) UM1; (b) UM2; (c) UM3; (d) UC2.

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    planar contraction/expansion flow to show possible applications

    to microfluidics. We will investigate the effect of viscoelasticity

    on drop dynamics. As for effect of fluid elasticity, we will discuss

    the role of the normal stress difference on drop deformation in

    microchannel flow, which would be useful in controlling the drop

    shape using viscoelastic fluids in microfluidic applications.

    2. Numerical method

    2.1. Governing equations

    We consider incompressible and immiscible two-phase fluid

    flow. Inertia is assumed to be negligible. The Oldroyd-B model

    is adopted as a constitutive equation for the viscoelastic fluid.

    Momentum, continuity and constitutive equations are denoted as


    p s (u + (u)T) nl(x xp) = 0, (1a)

    u = 0, (1b)


    t+ u C (u)T C C u =


    (C I), (1c)

    wherep denotes the pressure,s the solvent viscosity, u the velocityvector, the extra stress tensor, C the conformation tensor, t the

    time, the relaxation time of polymer and I the identity tensor,respectively. In Eq. (1a), the last term nl(x xp) correspondsto capillary force, whereis the surface tension coefficient, twice

    the local mean curvature of the surface, nl an outward unit normal

    vector fromthe surface, and(x xp) theDirac deltafunctionwhichisnon-zeroonlyatx =xp.Here,x is theposition vector in thedomain

    andxp is thepositionvector to designate theinterface location.The

    relationship between the extra stress tensor and conformation

    tensor C is given by

    =(1 )

    (C I), (2)

    where I is theidentitytensor. represents the solvent contributionto solution viscosity as follows:


    p + s=

    s, (3)

    where p is the polymer contribution to the solution viscosity.

    2.2. Numerical formulation

    Thefinite element method is employed to discretize thegovern-

    ing equations Eqs. (1a)(1c). The DEVSS-G scheme [49] and SUPG

    scheme [50] are adopted as stabilization schemes. We reformulate

    the momentum Eq. (1a), the continuity Eq. (1b) with the DEVSS-G

    scheme [49] into following weak form:

    ;pI + ;(u + (u)T) (1 )(GT + G)

    +; {;nl(x xp)} ; t

    = 0, (4a)

    ; u = 0, (4b)

    ; G (u)T = 0, (4c)

    where and are bilinear andbiquadratic shape functions in two-dimension, respectively. and { } denote domain integral and line

    integral along the finite element, and { }r means the line integral

    along the interface, respectively. is a one-dimensional quadraticshape function, G the velocity-gradient tensor. Variables such as

    p, G and are approximated in terms of bilinear shape functions,

    while u is discretized with biquadratic shape function. Traction on

    the boundary is t =Tnd, whereT = pI ++s(u + (u)T) and nd is

    an outward normalvector from the boundary in the computational

    domain. With Eq. (4c), the momentum balance Eq. (4a) is stabilized

    by introducing an elliptic term [49].

    In this study, we employ the matrix logarithm scheme [51] to

    enhance numerical stability, such that the positive definiteness

    of the conformation tensor C be preserved during computation.

    The conformation tensor can be diagonalized with the relation-ship C = RcRT, where R is a matrix composed of the eigenvectors

    of C and the diagonal tensor c is constructed from the corre-

    sponding eigenvalues [52,53]. We replace the C-based constitutive

    equation with the logarithm tensor based formulation. Thus, we

    deal with the evolution equation of s = log c =dim

    i=1log(ci)nini =dim

    i=1sinini , where s is the logarithm tensor in the principal frame.

    ci denotes the eigenvalue of the conformation tensor, si is the

    eigenvalue of the logarithmtensor, ni is the principaldirection con-

    jugated with ci and dim is set to 2 as the dimension number. The

    evolution equation makes the problem more stable by taking the

    logarithm in order to change the growth of the stress tensor form

    exponetial to linear, where the exponential growth is regarded as

    the source of the numerical breakdown. The time derivative ofs for

    Oldroyd-B model can be written as follows [51]:





    (ci Iii)





    si sjci cj

    i /= j

    (cjGij + ciGji)ninj,


    Fig. 5. Steady drop deformation with increasing Ca. Viscosity of drop fluid is same

    with the medium (= 1). (a) Deformation parameter D; (b) orientation angle .

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    Fig. 6. Contour of extensional rate N based on drop orientation (UM3). N = m1 GT

    m1, where m1 is the unit vector directing major principal direction of deformed drop.

    (a) Ca = 0.1; (b) Ca = 0.3; (c) Ca = 0.5; (d) Ca = 1.0.

    where Gii is the velocity-gradienttensor in the principalframe. Con-

    sequently, the equation described by the logarithm tensor S in the

    global frame is obtained as follows:


    t+ u S = S, (6)

    where S is the transformed tensor of s through the matrix diago-

    nalization as S = R s RT. Since C and S are coaxial, it is possible

    to build R using the eigenvectors of C. The discrete form of Eq. (6)

    with SUPG [50] scheme can be written as

    + s; Sn+1



    + un+1 Sn+1 = + s; Sn, (7)where s is the element-wise upwinding shape function,s =(|uchx| + |uchy|)/(2ucuc). uc denotes the velocity vector atthe center node of an element, hx and uy are the size vectors of the

    element which are projected on x-axis and y-axis, respectively. In

    this study, a streamline upwinding coefficient of 2 is used, fol-

    Table 2

    Detailed information of meshes used in this study

    Name Elements Nodes DOF xmin/0.5lw

    UM1 2,300 9,333 49,437 0.1

    UM2 7,935 31,909 168,078 0.05

    UM3 26,868 107,689 566,079 0.025

    UC2 14,494 58,353 307,585 0.05

    lowing some literatures [5456], though it is usually assumed as 1

    in other viscoelastic fluid studies [50,57]. It is generally conceded

    that proper value of is adopted depending on the problem sincesomewhat large value may introduce a serious error [57]. Super-

    script n and n + 1 denote each time step. With the solution S of Eq.

    (7), we need to transform it into the principal frame by s = RTSR to

    get the conformation tensor C using C = RcRT= RexpsRT. Finally,

    the extra stress tensor is calculated by Eq. (2). Then, the solu-

    tion vector [G, u, p]T can be obtained after solving the coupled Eqs.

    (4a)(4c) at every time step.

    2.3. Front tracking method

    2.3.1. Temporal integration of interfaces

    In the front tracking method, successive front elements com-

    prise the interface as in Fig. 1(a), where each front element has two

    front particles. The position of front particle, xp on the interface is

    Table 3

    Comparison of dropdeformationat steady state (t= 3 1, Ca = 0.24,De =0.4, =0.5)

    Our data (UC2 mesh) Chinyoka [68]

    D D

    NN 0.2674 28.90 0.2878 32.26

    VN 0.2582 30.32 0.2799 32.53

    NV 0.2550 25.38 0.2656 28.12

    VV 0.2455 27.00 0.2598 28.22

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    Fig. 7. Steady drop deformation with increasing De (Ca = 0.1, = 0.5, UC2). N means

    Newtonian fluid and V means viscoelastic fluid. The first character is drop fluid

    and the latter one is medium fluid. (a) Deformation parameter D; (b) orientation

    angle .

    convected with fluid velocity. The interface moves according to the

    following equation:


    = up, (8)

    Fig. 9. Steady drop deformation with increasing De (Ca =0.5, = 0.5, UC2).

    where up is the particle velocity of the coordinate xp, which is

    interpolated with a biquadratic shape function. New position of

    the particle xn+1p is updated from the previous step xnp using the

    Runge-Kutta second-order method (RK2) as follows:

    xp = tup(xnp, t), (9a)

    Fig.8. Shear component ofpolymerconformation tensor C basedon droporientation (Dei =0.5,i =0.5, Ca = 0.1,UC2).The shear component ofC is representedas C = m1Cm2,

    where m1 and m2 are the unit vectors directing major and minor principal directions of deformed drop. (a) NV; (b) VN.

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    xp = tup(xnp + 0.5xp, t), (9b)

    xn+1p = xnp + xp, (9c)

    where xp and xp denote the intermediate position vectors of front


    2.3.2. Remeshing of front mesh

    The distances between two successive front nodes are initiallysetto a singleuniform value. However, these distancesmay become

    nonuniform as the front moves along the flow field. Thus, we need

    to keep the distance in a proper range to conserve the accuracy

    of interface tracking during calculation. In this study, we conduct

    front element addition/deletion as shown in Fig. 1 to keep the size

    of front element, sl in the range of 2050% with respect to h, thatis the diagonal size of the smallest mesh in the domain. If a front

    element longer than 0.5h is detected as in Fig. 1(a), the element is

    divided into two equally sized elements by inserting a new front

    particle. If a front element shorter than 0.2h is detected, two neigh-

    boring elements are connected at the center of the element after

    the element is removed as in Fig. 1(b).

    2.3.3. Treatment of surface tension

    Surface tension is treated as a force term nl(x xp) in Eq.4(a). The surface tension at finite element node, Fi is computed

    using the force at a front element l,fl, with the immersed boundary

    method [58]:

    Fi(x) =l

    fl(xp)2h(x xp). (10)

    In the two-dimensional case, the smoothed delta function 2h witha range of two times mesh size h is approximated as follows:

    2h(x xp) = d2h(x xp)d2h(y yp), (11)

    where d2h(r) is defined as follows [59]:

    d2h(r) = 1 + cos(r/2h)

    4h |r| 2h0 |r| > 2h

    . (12)

    Surface tension at a front element fl is calculated based on the

    interface topology. Here, we calculate the surface tension using

    the curvature of front elements directly [46] instead of polynomial

    fitting of interfaces [44,48]. Surface tension fl is calculated using

    Frenet-Serret theorem [60] at xp as follows:

    fl =


    nlds =



    dsds =


    dtl = (tlpb tlpa

    ), (13)

    where denotes the surface tension coefficient, is the Dirac deltafunction which has non-zero only at the interface and ds is the

    length of a front element. tl is a unit tangent vector at front par-

    ticles pa and pb of the front element l as shown in Fig. 2. Thisfront element-wise integration results in inward force at the front

    particles as shown in Fig. 2.

    In this study, we consider two-phase system of purely immis-

    cible fluids. However, we deal with this system in a way that the

    material properties continuously change across the interface. We

    utilize the Heaviside function H(x) to interpolate material prop-

    erties of two-phase fluids. The Heaviside function is computed by

    solving a Poisson equation with essential boundary condition and

    a simple filtering algorithm [48]:

    2H(x) = N =


    nc2h(x xc)ds, (14)

    where N is the outward unit normal vector in the finite element

    mesh, which is distributed from the front mesh (interfaces) and

    nc is the outward unit normal vector at the center of a front ele-

    ment as designated in Fig. 2. In this case, the immersed boundary

    method [58] is also used to calculate N in the finite element mesh.

    xc is the position of the center of a front element. In the present

    study, fluid viscosity (), relaxation time of polymer () andsolventcontribution to solution viscosity () are interpolated as follows:

    (x) = m + (d m)H(x), (15a)

    (x) = m + (d m)H(x), (15b)

    (x) = m + (d m)H(x), (15c)

    wherethe subscriptd and m denote drop andmedium, respectively.

    Fig. 10. Schematic diagram of drop deformation in contraction/expansion flow.

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    3. Results and discussion

    3.1. Drop deformation in simple shear flow

    3.1.1. Problem description

    We first consider drop deformation under simple shear flow to

    verifyour finite element-front tracking algorithmand to gain phys-

    ical insights on dropdynamics. Thedropwiththe radius a is initially

    positioned at the center of the simulation domain. We assume that

    two side walls move in reverse directions with a constant velocity,

    which results in a constant shear rate . The computational domainhas a width oflw and a length of 24a, as shown in Fig. 3(a). In this

    study, four different cases areconsidered: Newtonian drop in New-

    tonian medium (NN),Newtonian dropin viscoelastic medium (NV),

    viscoelastic drop in Newtonian medium (VN) and viscoelastic drop

    in viscoelastic medium (VV). The drop deformation parameter D is

    defined as D = (L B)/L + B as shown in Fig. 3(b), where L and B are

    the length along two principal directions m1, m2 of the deformed

    drop, respectively. We define L and B as the longest and the short-

    est distance from the drop center to the interface. The orientation

    angle is defined as an included angle between the principal axisof the deformed drop (m1) and the flow direction as shown in

    Fig. 3(b).

    3.1.2. Parameters

    The system is governed by the following dimensionless num-

    bers: capillary number (Ca), Deborah number (De) and viscosity

    ratio of drop to medium () defined as follows:

    Ca =ma

    , (16)

    Dei=i, (17)


    , (18)

    where Dei is defined for drop and medium (i = d, m), respectively.

    In our simulation, drop and medium are assumed to have the same

    viscosity, i.e.,= 1 forconvenience, andthe relaxation times of dropand medium for the VV system are assumed to be the same. Mesh

    configurations are shown in Fig. 4 with wall confinement ratio

    (a/lw) of 0.25. We refined the center region with structured ele-

    ments to more accurately resolve the drop deformation. Detailed

    information of each mesh is given in Table 2.

    3.1.3. Code verification for NN Effect of wall confinement. The drop deformation is knownto increase as wall confinement ratio (a/lw) increases [6163]. In

    Fig. 11. Mesh configurations (25,010 elements, 101,005 nodes,xmin/w = 0.05): (a) whole domain; (b) zoomed view of contraction region.

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    this section, we investigated how the wallconfinementaffects drop

    deformation in two-dimensional flow as a preliminary study. With

    an additional mesh,we confirmed thatthe dropdeformationshows

    a very weak dependency on the wall confinement: e.g., 6.1% of D

    deviation for Ca = 0.1 between a/lw = 0.25 and a/lw = 0.125, and 7.9%

    ofD deviation for Ca = 0.5. In this study, we set a/lw as 0.25 to com-

    pare our solutions with previous studies [21,24,64], following the

    convention that the wall confinement effect can be neglected for

    a/lw = 0.25 so that the drops do not interact with the wall [21]. Effect of Ca. We first investigated the drop deformation

    problem for the NN system with unstructured meshes UM1, UM2

    and UM3. A fully developed velocity profile was imposed at the

    inlet. The results for D and at steady state are presented in Fig. 5.As Ca increases, D increases and decreases, i.e., the drop is morealigned with the flow direction. In Fig. 5(a), our results are con-

    sistent with previous reports [19,21,24,64] in a wide range of Ca.

    Hence, it can be concluded that the present FE-FTM is reliable. For

    small deformation, Ca 0.3 in Fig. 5(b), coincides with the pre-diction from the perturbation theory [65,66]. Though the theory is

    based on three-dimensional drop deformation, it coincides with

    the present and existing results, which implies that the viscous

    stress to the vorticity direction gives little effect on the orienta-

    tion angle. In the previous study [64], the drop did not show the

    steady-state shape over critical Ca (Cac) 0.875, i.e., the drop was

    continuously extended for Ca > Cac. However, in our simulations,

    the steady-state shape is maintainedup to Ca 1. Major differences

    between the study in Ref. [64] and the present study are the size

    of the computational domain and the inlet boundary condition. In

    Ref. [64], the domain wassmaller and periodic boundaryconditions

    were imposed, therefore, closely packed drops were considered,

    while a steady velocity profile was imposed in the present study,

    i.e., we investigate singledrop dynamicsexcluding dropdrop inter-

    action. In addition, it is noteworthy that there were no differences

    between fully developed condition and periodic condition, which

    implies thatour domain is large enoughalong the streamwisedirec-

    tion.Tounderstand the kinematic characteristics of the sheared drop,

    we decoupled the extensional and rotational component of the

    velocity-gradient tensor since shear flow is kinematically a mix-

    ture of stretching and rotation [67]. Following Yue et al. [22], the

    extensional rate N was estimated as N = m1 GT

    m1, where G

    is the velocity-gradient tensor and m1 is the unit vector in the

    major principal direction as shown in Fig. 3(b). The drop shape

    is related to the extensional rate N since the extensional stressexerted in the orientation direction is considered as a primary

    factor on drop deformation. The contours of the extensional rate

    are shown for various Ca in Fig. 6. For weakly deformed drops

    (Ca = 0.10.5; Fig. 6(a)(c)), a compressive rate (equivalent to nega-

    tive N) is observed inside the drop, while a high extensional rate is

    found near the tip; therefore the ellipsoidal shape is developed atmoderate Ca. For a highly extended drop (Ca = 1; Fig. 6(d)), a com-

    pressive rate is seen atbothends insidethe drop,and an extensional

    rate is observed in the drop center for Ca = 1, i.e., the extensional

    stress at the center tends toseparatethe dropin two drops, and the

    compressive stress at both ends tends to develop bulbous shapes.

    Therefore, we can conclude that the drop shape is determined by

    the distribution of the extensional stress.

    3.1.4. Code verification for effect of viscoelasticity Effect of viscoelasticity (Ca = 0.24). The effect of viscoelas-

    ticity on drop deformation was first studied with numerical

    simulation by Pillapakkam and Singh [25] using the level-set

    method. They employed the Oldroyd-B model with = 0.5 and

    obtained D =0.48 for Ca = 0.24 and De = 0.4 when both drop and

    medium are viscoelastic. Later, Yue et al. [24] considered the same

    problem using the diffuse-interface method and showed a D value

    similar to Pillapakkam and Singh [25]. Recently, Chinyoka et al. [21]

    revisited the same problem using the volume of fluid method and

    obtained D = 0.26. In the present study, the UC2 mesh (Fig. 4(d))

    was used to compare steady D values for Ca =0.24 and De = 0.4.

    The number of degrees of freedom (DOF) is provided in Table 2.

    Periodicboundaryconditions for u, G and S were imposed, connect-

    ing the inflow and outflow boundary. With the above conditions,

    our result is similar to that of Chinyoka et al. [68]. Other solu-

    tions for NN, NV and VN cases are also compared with Ref. [68]

    in Table 3. Effect of viscoelasticity (Ca= 0.1 and Ca = 0.5). In order to

    investigate the effect of fluid elasticity on drop deformation,

    the simulations were conducted at Ca = 0.1 with the UC2 mesh

    (Fig. 4(d)). Calculated D values for NV and VN agree with Yue et al.

    [22] as shown in Fig. 7(a). For instance, D was 0.122 (NV) and 0.103

    (VN) for Dei = 2 in Ref. [22], while it was 0.122 (NV) and 0.109 (VN),

    respectively in our simulation. Comparing NV with VN in Fig. 7,

    an increase of medium elasticity (Dem) results in an increase of D

    and decrease of. Comparing VV with NV, D was predicted some-what lower than NV at all De, while was almost constant, which

    implies that the medium elasticity plays a dominant role in drop

    orientation and the drop elasticity tends to resist drop deformation

    at small Ca.

    In order to understand the drop dynamics in shear flow more

    quantitatively, the extensional componentof the conformation ten-

    sor was separated from drop orientation through C = m1Cm1. We

    Fig. 12. Drop deformation along the position of moving drop (=100, Ca = 0.01,

    d = 50): (a) drop shapes and D; (b) drop size (L, B).

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    C. Chung et al. / J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 155 (2008) 8093 89

    also separated the shear component of the conformation tensor

    from through C = m1Cm2, where m2 is the unit vector towardsthe minor principal direction of the deformed drop as in Fig. 3(b).

    C is closely related to the drop orientation. For instance, a positive

    shear stress in the upward flow region means the stress towards

    right (positive x-direction), while a negative shear stress in the

    upward flow region means the stress towards left (negative x-

    direction). With these concepts, we denote the direction of the

    stresswith respect tothe flow directionas an arrow in Fig.8. Forthe

    NV case as in Fig. 8(a), the contribution ofC near the drop makesthe drop align to the shear flow, i.e., decreases. On the contrary,for VNcase asin Fig. 8(b), the stress exerts to the opposite direction

    (denoted as white arrows) against the flow direction since the fluid

    inside the drop flows clockwise. Therefore, the medium elasticity

    plays a role to rotate the drop more to the flow direction, whereas

    the drop elasticity resists the orientation to the flow direction. For

    NN case, it was found thatthe viscous shear stress of both drop and

    medium tended to reduce the orientation angle, andconsequently decreases as Ca increases as in Fig. 5(b).

    In case of Ca =0.5 (Fig. 9), a different pattern of D and was

    observed compared to Ca =0.1 (Fig. 7). For all cases (NV, VN, VV),

    D was less than that of NN case. The only similarity between

    Ca = 0.5 and Ca = 0.1 is the VN case, i.e., slight decrease of D and

    slight increase of as De increases, which is qualitatively inagreement with Ref. [25] for Ca =0.6 even though Ca is not the


    3.2. Drop deformation in 5:1:5 planar contraction/expansion flow

    3.2.1. Problem descriptionHere, we consider drop deformation in contraction/expansion

    flow as a typical microfluidicproblem. Schematic diagram for5:1:5

    contraction/expansion channel is presented in Fig. 10. The width of

    the narrow channel isw, and the radius of curvature at the contrac-tion/expansioncorner was set as r= w/2. There are two reasons forrounding the corner: first to prevent the interface from going out

    of the corner during temporal integration of the interface and sec-

    ond to avoid the ambiguity due to stress singularity at the abrupt

    corner. The length of the narrow and expansion channel was long

    enoughcompared tothe dropsize. Initiallya dropwith the diameter

    d was positioned at the center of the upstream region, namely 5wupward from the entrance of the narrow channel. Fully developed

    profiles of velocity and extra stress were imposed at the inlet and


    Fig.13. Dropshapes in theentrance andexitregion dependingon drop size (= 100, Ca =0.01). (a) d =50,yd/w = 3.50, 5.15, 7.08, (b)d =60,yd/w = 2.73,4.85,7.30, (c)d =70,

    yd/w = 2.45, 5.10, 8.15, (d) d =50, yd/w = 13.71, 15.47, 17.14, (e) d =60, yd/w = 13.33, 15.57, 17.40, (f) d =70, yd/w = 12.77, 15.60, 17.73.

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    90 C. Chung et al. / J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 155 (2008) 8093

    3.2.2. Parameters

    In this problem, we defined the dimensionless numbers with

    the characteristic variables in the narrow channel as follows:

    Ca =mV

    , (19)

    Dei = iV

    w/2, (20)


    , (21)

    wherem denotes the medium viscosity,the surface tension coef-ficient,i the relaxation timeof viscoelastic fluidi (i = d, m)and Vthemean velocity of thefluid in thenarrow channel. Here, theviscosity

    ratio of drop to medium was set as = 100 to consider the dynam-ics of more viscous drops [5]. The mesh configuration is provided

    in Fig. 11. Center regions in the upstream and downstream and the

    narrow channel were refined with structured elements, where the

    characteristic mesh size was set xmin/w = 0.05 to resolve dropdynamics as accurately as possible with affordable computation

    time. The mesh was composed of 25,010 elements with 101,005


    In this study, we re-defined the smoothed delta function h(x xp) in place of Eq. (12) to treat the surface tension using the

    immersed boundary method [58]:

    h(x xp) = dh(x xp)d

    h(y yp)




    |x xp|



    |y yp|



    where h =xmin =ymin. In this application, we should considerthe case that the drop interface exists near the wall within a mesh

    size, especially in the narrow channel. In order to calculate the sur-

    face tension along the wall where the normal direction to the wall

    is the x-direction, a half-ranged delta function dh/2

    (x xp) should

    be substituted for dh

    (x xp) in Eq. (22) to avoid a loss of surface

    tension transferred out of the domain [69], i.e., using d

    h/2(x xp)means that the smoothed region becomes half in the x-direction

    and the weighting factor is doubled in the region. For the same

    reason, we also applied a modified smoothed delta function as


    (x xp) = dh/2(x xp)dh/2

    (y yp) along the rounded wall at

    both the contraction and expansion region.

    3.2.3. Newtonian drop/Newtonian medium (NN)

    We investigated the dynamics of a viscous drop (= 100) forCa = 0.01 to reproduce the experimental conditions as far as pos-

    sible [5]. Drop shape and deformation parameter D are presented

    in Fig. 12(a) for the drop with d = 50, which is larger than the nar-

    row channel width (w = 40). Dimensionless position of themovingdrop, yd/w is designated on the x-coordinate in the graph, where

    the region of the narrow channel corresponds to from 5 to 15.The position of the drop is the mean value of both leading and

    trailing meniscus ends. The drop exhibits an oblong shape at the

    contraction region and a bullet shape in the narrow channel at

    steady state. The drop is swelled in the cross-stream direction (x-

    direction in Fig. 10) just after a drop escapes from the exit region,

    where D is negative since L < B. Surface tension tends to relax the

    deformed dropbackto theinitialshapeof thecircle atthe expanded

    channel. In Fig. 12(b), L exhibits an overshoot at the contraction

    region where the extensional rate shows a sharp peak along the

    center line, whereas B is maintained as a constant due to the

    confinement effect by channel walls. At the exit region, a reverse

    phenomenon is observed such that B is larger than L, which shows

    the drop swell to the cross-stream direction. It is to be noted

    that L and B decrease below the initial length due to numerical

    Fig. 14. Effect of fluid elasticity on deformation parameter along the position of

    moving drop (= 100, Ca = 0.01, =0.5, d = 50): (a) effect of drop elasticity (VN); (b)

    effect of medium elasticity (NV).

    error. We observed a 2.5% reduction of the radius at the final state

    in Fig. 12(b). It was confirmed that this error reduces with mesh


    The shapes of larger drops of d =50, 60, 70 are presented in

    Fig. 13 to investigate the effect of drop size. Drop deformation

    seems to be insignificant at the entrance region and in the nar-

    row channel, i.e., the oblong shape is commonly observed due to

    the geometric constraint as in Fig. 13(a)(c). A slight alleviation of

    drop swell is observed at exit region as d increases as evidenced

    in Fig. 13(d)(f). It might originate from a slight difference of cap-

    illary force (ds nds) since a larger drop at exit region shows arelatively smaller interface curvature of the trailing meniscus.

    3.2.4. Effect of viscoelasticity

    The drop deformation parameter was also studied for a vis-

    coelastic drop in a Newtonian medium (VN) and for a Newtonian

    drop in a viscoelastic medium (NV) as in Fig. 14. Increase of D in

    the narrow channel is clearly observed as the elasticity of medium

    (Dem) increases in Fig. 14(b), whereas the effect of drop elastic-

    ity (Ded) is relatively small on drop deformation in Fig. 14(a). D

    increases at lower Dem = 0.2 and 0.4, and the drop swells to the

    cross-stream direction at the exit region (at around 15 on the x-

    coordinate in Fig. 14(a)). For the VN case, the drop-swell is clearly

    observed and the recovery process to the initial shape is faster than

    for the Newtonian drop, while the drop-swell is remarkably alle-

    viated for the NV case. The drop shape and velocity vectors in the

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    Fig. 15. Drop shape with velocity vectors in the narrow channel: (a) NN, f/0.5w = 0.103; (b) VN (Ded =2), f/0.5w = 0.113; (c) NV (Dem = 0.4),f/0.5w = 0.186.

    narrow channel are provided in Fig. 15. For the NV case, the drop

    shows an ellipsoid-like shape with symmetric curvatures of lead-

    ing and trailing menisci as shown in Fig. 15(c) which leads to a

    D increase, whereas a bullet shape with a relatively flat trailing

    meniscus is developed for the NN and VN cases. It was reported

    that there is a film of liquid of uniform thickness between drop

    interface and tube wall, which is in a region of uniform pressure

    with no tangential stress on the interface [70]. Here, we estimated

    the dimensionless film thickness between dropinterfaceand chan-

    nel wall as f/0.5w = 0.103 (NN), 0.113 (VN), 0.186 (NV), where

    Fig. 16. Contour of normal stress difference near drop in the narrow channel (=100, Ca = 0.01, =0.5, d = 50). (a) yy xx (VN, Ded = 2); (b) yy xx (NV, Dem =0.4).

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    92 C. Chung et al. / J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 155 (2008) 8093

    the thickest one is the NV case. To understand the differences in

    drop shape and film thickness, we investigated the contours of

    normal stress difference for the VN and NV cases in Fig. 16. For

    VN in Fig. 16(a), the normal stress difference develops inside the

    drop near the wall, which is considered to help drop swell to the

    cross-stream direction at the exit region since the normal stress

    difference is exerting to the wall direction during the confinement

    in the narrow channel. For the NV case, the normal stress differ-

    ence is highly developed in the film region in Fig. 16(b), which is

    regarded as a primary factor for the increase of drop deformation

    in the narrow channel and for alleviation of drop swell at the exit

    region. Therefore, it might be concluded that the normal stress dif-

    ference strongly affects drop dynamics including drop shape, film

    thickness in the narrow channel and drop swell at the exit region.

    4. Concluding remarks

    In this paper, we investigate viscoelastic effects on drop dynam-

    ics utilizing a finite element-front tracking method (FE-FTM) with

    stabilizing schemes as DEVSS-G/SUPG/ML. First, drop deformation

    in shear flow is considered. We compare our steady solutions with

    previous results [19,21,24,6466] for Newtonian system (NN) to

    verify our algorithm, where we present steady solutions up to

    Ca = 1. We also validate our viscoelastic solutions in comparison

    with previous results [22,25,68]. We explain drop dynamics with

    extensional components of Newtonian viscous fluid (N) and ofpolymer conformation tensor (C), and shear component of poly-mer conformation tensor (C) based on drop orientation. Since the

    shear component is considered to relate to the drop rotation, a vis-

    coelastic mediumtends to rotate a drop to the flow direction, while

    a viscoelastic drop tends to resist the rotation to the shear flow.

    We also treat drop deformation in 5:1:5 planar contrac-

    tion/expansion flow which is a typically confronted problem in

    microfluidics. We confirmthat FE-FTM describes physical phenom-

    ena qualitatively by presenting the effect of initial drop size in a

    Newtonian system (= 100, Ca = 0.01). In the NN and VN cases, the

    drop shows two distinctive features: a bullet shape in the nar-row channel and a drop swell to the cross-stream direction at

    the exit region. Especially, for the VN case, the normal stress dif-

    ference developed inside the drop contributes to the drop swell

    at the exit region. Meanwhile, in the NV case, the drop is more

    deformed by the normal stress difference of the medium in the

    narrow channel. Normal stress differences developed in the film

    region between drop interface and channel wall seems to make a

    drop into an ellipsoid-like shape instead of a bullet shape, which

    induces D enhancement in the narrow channel. Alleviation of the

    drop swell to the cross-stream direction at the exit region is also

    attributed to the normal stress difference of the medium. These

    results tell us that viscoelastic fluids canbe usefulto control shapes

    of microparticles in microfluidics.

    It is expected that knowledge as stated above on the dropdynamics in shear flow or in mixed flow would be helpful to

    manipulate drops in microfluidics. In both cases, the normal stress

    difference near the drop plays a significant role for drop shapes

    and deformation. We infer that viscoelastic drop is unlikely to be

    deformed easily while viscoelastic medium enhances drop defor-

    mation since drop is more deformed in the NV case than the VN

    case. Wehopethatthis studywould give physicalinsightsto control

    the drop shapes for various applications.


    This work was supported by the Korea Research Foundation

    Grant funded by the Korean Government (MOEHRD) (KRF-2005-

    213-D00033). The authors wish to acknowledge the National

    Research Laboratory Fund (M1030000 0159) of the Ministry of

    Science and Technology in Korea. The authors would like to

    acknowledge the support from KISTI Supercomputing Center (KSC-



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