Oct 162011


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  • 8/3/2019 Oct 162011


  • 8/3/2019 Oct 162011


    PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK: Patricia Carnac, JohnMatthew Gibson, Joan Rodger, Thomas Richards, Mary Anne Ber-thold, Kristy OBrien, Debra Deremiak, Gwendolyn Gurney, JoanVotes, Elizabeth Conners, Chuck Docs, Anita Grant, Jim Hricovec, J.

    Koerner, Matthew Noar, Owen Winters, Genevieve Smith, RobertGates, Virginia Sump, Thomas Ackerman, June Naelitz, Kate Liauw,Arthur Rossi, Diane Urig, Martha Adkins, Natalie Butchko, WendyHallier, Carol Gates, Robert Werner, Sr., Bob DeChant, John Khoma,Vicky Motes, Kathleen Mahoney, Jeffrey Hostottle, George Gates,

    Brenda Hazelwood, Bill Grabert, Alexa Jennings, Barbara Milota,

    Ryan Case, Irene Chrulski, Jennie Simon, Urban Klingshirn, BenitaTabler, Alice DeChant, Gayle Zadorozny, Jim Rider, George Drda,

    Edward Noar, Annette Vance, Stanley Perusek, Gloria Simon,

    Kerry Coleman, Josephine Jankowski, Dan Kelovsky, Kath-

    leen Drellishak, Sandra Pitts, Rosemary Wysocki, Alice

    DeChant, William Skall. If anyone needs communion to be

    administered to a HOME BOUD individual, please contactthe Rectory to make the appointment.

    FOR THE DECEASED: Richard Stewart, may herest in eternal peace.

    LAST WEEKS OFFERTORY COLLECTION: Lastweek $9.603.36 This year's budget is based on a weeklyoffering of $10,200.00. Our current weekly average is$8,913.00. There will be a second collection next weekfor Word Mission Sunday.

    SPONSOR OF THE WEEK: Please support our spon-sor, Pre-Need Planning Offers.

    CPO GIFT CARDS: Are available for purchase. Pleasecall the Convent at 440-934-5173.

    ROSARY: We need more people to come and say theRosary on Sunday mornings at 9:30 am. Please comeand join us.

    ENROLLMENT FOR CONFIRMATION: Isscheduled for Sunday, October 30, 2011 at the12:00 Noon Mass. All candidates, parents andsponsors if chosen are expected to attend.


    FALL CARD PARTY: St. Mary Avon Altar and Ro-sary Society will be hosting theirFall Card Party luncheon onWednesday, October 26th at TomsCountry Place 3442 Stoney RidgeRoad, Avon, Ohio at Noon. PorkChops, Stuffing, Acorn Squash,Salad and Apple Torte, For reser-

    vations and to reserve a table, please call (440)394-4078, (440) 934-5722 or (440) 934-5933. Eve-ryone is welcome to attend, both Men & Women.

    HELPERS: We need: Help setting up; CoffeeServers; Clean Up; Bakers for the bake sale; Bakers

    for the luncheon dessert.

    If you could spare an hour or two, we could truly

    use the help, you dont need to be a member of the

    Altar & Rosary Society, call one of the numbers


    DOORPRIZES: There are several ways to help. Ifyou would like to make a cash donation for the door

    prizes, please place your donation in the collection

    basket (Card party) noted on the envelope by Octo-ber 17th. If you would like to help with the themed

    gift baskets, by either donating a completed basket

    or by donating new items (gift certificates, etc.),please contact Nancy McGhee or Theresa Szippl to

    arrange drop off details. Contact informa-

    tion: Jeannie Gilles 934-5722; Nancy McGhee 934

    -4078; Theresa Szippl 934-5933.

    PRESCHOOL SUNDAY SCHOOL: If you havenot registered your child it is not to late. You may

    still register at any time. We are also in need ofat least 2 more teachers if possible. For informa-tion please call Loretta Rouse - 934-0666.

    SECURING OUR FUTURE: There are cards in thepews regarding Fr. Toms Finance letter. If youmissed the letter about our Financial Situation or theAnnual Financial Report, there are copies in the backof the Church. Thank You.


    AVON, OH


    Pre-Baptism Class- Sunday, October16, St. Thomas,1:00 pm.

  • 8/3/2019 Oct 162011



    7:30 pm Nicolle Lesiw, Sarah GuggenbillerTuesday,

    8:30 am Mikey Gallipoli, Griffin DaviesWednesday,

    8:30 am Kelsie McNally, Nicolle Lesiw

    Thursday,7:30 pm Filip & Max Niebrzydowski

    Friday,8:30 am Nolan Meehan, Filip Niebrzydowski

    Saturday,8:30 am Lucy Greaney, Morgan Thomas4:00 pm Nicolle Lesiw, Sarah Perusek, Sarah Hricovec

    Sunday,8:00 am Carl & Kurt Spaetzel

    10:00 am Karlee Clements, Lauren Smith, Lauren Van Niel12:00 pm Jenna & Mikey Gallipoli


    Avon Oaks: (Tue. Rosary) Linda Havlik & Nancy Danese(Wed.) Mr. & Mrs. Ertler ( Fri. ) Mr. & Mrs. Romano

    Saturday,4:00 pm Andy Monda, Julie Novasel, Frank. Szedrey, Lori Yeager, Mary Kissell

    Sunday,8:00 am Theresa Szippl

    10:00 am Sean & Michelle OHara, Deb Peregord, Maurine Mescan, Michael Reulback12:00 pm Mary Ann Littell


    Saturday,4:00 pm Richard Osborne


    8:00 am Tess Wearsch

    10:00 am Mario or Marissa Danese12:00 pm Pat McGreal


    Monday, October 17, St. Ignatius of Antioch, bishop,martyr7:30 pm Ron & Adele Toll (Kevin & Patty Freaney)

    Tuesday, October 18, St. Luke, evangelist8:30 am Tom Sutter (Joan)

    Wednesday, October 19, St. John de Brebeuf & St. Isaac Jogues, priests, martyrs8:30 am Linda Chal (Friend)

    Thursday, October 20, Weekday7:30 pm Special Intentions for Larry Scully (Agnes Geary)

    Friday, October 21 Weekday8:30 am Margaret & Frank Leon (Peggy & Chris Costin)

    Saturday, October 22, Weekday8:30 am Dominic DiLuciano (Don & Sue Meyers)4:00 pm Catherine & Peter Zidik (Family)

    Sunday, October 23, Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time8:00 am People of the Parish

    10:00 am Marian Smitek (Walter & Nancy Galvin)12:00 pm Bonnie Mayton Horvath (Mr, & Mrs. R. Schenk)


  • 8/3/2019 Oct 162011


    32D AUAL HOLY AME FRUIT SALE: It is thattime of year again for the Holy Name fruit sale.Past customers should receive their order formsin the mail and there are forms in the back ofthe church. Fresh fruit is shipped direct fromFlorida to you so do not miss out! Deadline for

    ordering is Sunday, November 30th which is earlier thanthe past so please do not delay! Pick Up is Saturday, De-cember 10th or $1 per box for local delivery. Questionscall Mike Rumancik at 440-463-0027 or mikeruman-


    2012 St. Mary Winterfest/Casino ight.Save the date...February 4, This is one of St.Mary's largest fundraising events. The nightincludes silent auctions, chinese raffles, casinotables, dancing, great food, and spending timewith good friends. If you would like to help

    this year, please contact NadineWearsch @ 440-934-6549 or emailnadine@wearsch.com.

    St. Mary Leads The Rosary Every Tuesday:(Except the second Tuesday of the month) at AvonOaks Nursing Home at 10:00 am. All parishioners arewelcome to join us in prayer at Avon Oaks. Pleasecontact Nancy Danese 440-934-4277 for more infor-mation.



    Registration is open for the St MaryYouth Basketball league for boys andgirls in kindergarten thru thirdgrade. Please visit stmaryavon.org toregister. Deadline is fast approaching.

    Matt and Jackie Ziegman are collecting toiletries

    for the less fortunate along with socks, hats, gloves.This allows you to clean out your drawers and cupboards ofun-used and un-wanted items that will be greatly appreci-ated and used by others. Please put new or partially new(hotel, travel, full size) containers of shampoo, conditioner,deodorant, tooth paste, soaps, lotions, cosmetics, nail pol-ish, Chapstick, feminine products, and toilet paperALOG with any clean, new or gently worn socks, hats,gloves, in the basket near the side altar for distribution. Anyitems you have for donation will be greatly appreciated anddistributed weekly to Catholic Charities & the HomelessShelter in Lorain, the Blessing House, and Birth Right.

    DAY SCHOOL: At St. Mary School we are Grow-ing Minds..Growing Faith. Please visitwww.stmaryavon.org to view our day school cur-riculum and activities for grades K-8. You mayalso contact the School Office at 440-934-6246 toschedule a personal tour.

    ST. MARY SCHOOL LATEST TECHNOLOGY: St.Mary parents saw a wonderfulpresentation by Mr. Bart Chatfieldon how students and teachers canuse our schools latest technology.We have 55 laptops, 29 iPads andcomputers in every classroom.Thanks to Mr. Chatfield, each class

    is discovering the world of technology with age-appropriate adventures in learning. This past Friday,St. Mary Families were amazed by Mr. Chatfieldsstar gazing presentation An Evening Under theStars, families were astounded as they learnedabout the night sky using iPads and an awesomeSkywalk app. Future initiatives include a ComputerClub, Digital Recording of events, RollercoasterPhysics and Robotics. Thanks and God bless all ofyou who contribute to this endeavor by playing Techfundraisers such as the Browns Squares and Super-bowl Squares. This would not be possible withoutyour support !! Be sure to catch Mr. Chatfields nextParent TEC Night presentation on Tuesday, Novem-ber 2, 2011. www.stmaryavon.org. Please do yourbest to sell PTU Calendars during the month of Octo-ber. For just a $10 donation, you will have 30chances to win GREAT prizes this year. This is agreat moneymaker for St. Mary School Children.Thank you in advance for you continued support!

    OCTOBER IS RIGHT TO LIFE MONTH: During Oc-tober St. Mary Church will be col-lecting items for Lorain CountyBirthright Organization whose guid-ing principle is: It is the right ofevery pregnant woman to give birthand the right of every child to beborn. Items may be placed in thefront of church. The following is a wish list of items

    that are especially needed: Baby bottles, babyshampoo & baby wash, baby outfits - size 0-9months, baby sleepers - size0-9 months; soft infant toys, pacifiers, newborn dia-pers and baby socks. Questions? Call Marian at934-6639 or Marge at 934-5394.

  • 8/3/2019 Oct 162011


    EW PRAYERS, SAME MASS Beginning withthe First Sunday of Advent in 2011, Catholics around theUS will worship using the new English translation of the

    Roman Missal, Third Edition. The most noticeablechanges are in the Order of Mass and the priests prayers.And also with you becomes And with your spirit.We believe becomes I believe, and one in beingbecomes consubstantial. Though some words are new,

    the Mass itself is not changing. As the US bishops remindus, this is an opportunity for liturgical and spiritual re-newal. Learning to pray with new words, we enter intothe mystery of the Eucharist with greater awareness andappreciation

    EW MUSIC, SAME MASS"Do you like to sing in the shower? Ifso, St. Mary Music Ministry is look-ing for you! Whether you are a solosinger, a back-up singer, or just enjoysinging in an informal group, yourhelp at any Mass any time will be ap-

    preciated! You do not need to read music, or to commit tosinging every week; brief rehearsals are held weekly rightbefore each Mass, and right after Mass for the followingweek's music; just meet in the Choir Loft! There will alsobe general rehearsals once a month on Saturdays from11:30 - 1:00. Please consider volunteering your time asavailable to this important ministry, and especially as wetransition to the new and challenging Roman Missal 3liturgical music settings - ALL are welcome!


    Vitae Monologues - a Catholic pro-life play, whosecharacters come to experience the consequences of abortion

    (October 21 at 1:00 pm)The Healing Prophet Solanus Casey - A look at the life

    of Solarus Casey, a priest and humble porter who became a

    renowned miracle worker and was sought out by thousands forspiritual advice (October 28 at 1:00 pm).

    ST. EDWARD HIGH SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE:Open Houses,Today, October 16, oon - 2:30 pmSunday, October 30, Noon - 2:30 pmPlacement /Scholarship Tests*Saturday, October 29, 9:00 am

    Wednesday, November 2, 5:30 pmSaturday, November 5, 9:00 am*8th grade boys only. $20 test feeParent information sessions at the start of each test. Testlast approximately 2.5 hrs. Any questions call 216-521-2204 or jkasi@sehs.netn

    Crafters Wanted:Crafters are wanted for ElyriaCatholics Holiday Craft Show and Bazaar which will beheld Saturday, November 5, 2011 from 9 a.m. 3 p.m.Our crafters are treated right with students to help loadand unload your car, and free coffee and pastry. Tablesare $35, or $40 with electric, if your registration is postmarked by September 30, 2011. After September 30,2011 tables will be $40, or $45 with electric. For addi-

    tional information or a packet with an application, pleasecall Kathy Boone at 440-258-3420 or Barb Dillon at 440-365-7814 or email ecbandcraft@yahoo.com. Thankyou.ADDICTIO AWAREESS WORKSHOP: The Sa-maritan Ministry of St. Malachi Parish will offer a FREEone-day workshop on ADDICTION AWARENESS inthe church hall, West 25th & Detroit, on Sunday, October22, 2011 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. PB&J sandwiches,snacks and beverages will be provided. Donations wel-come. Relevant topics will include: addiction/

    alcoholism as a brain disease; effects of drinking/usingon others; treatment options. 12-Step program of recov-ery; prevention; resources in the community. For infor-mation to register: Judy Stowe 440-250-9959judystowe@gmail.com or St. Malachi Rectory 216-861-5343. Brochurewww.stmalachi.org.

    ETERTAIMET BOOKS -- 2012: Isabella Ladiesgild, Fr. Ragan Council Knights of Columbus of Avonand Avon Lake are selling 2012 ENTERTAINMENTbooks as well as OUR TOWN AND ALL AROUNDbooks. The Entertainment books are $30 each and Our

    Town books are $28. The Our Town books include manysingle patron coupons as well as buy one get one. Bothbooks contain many local and Cleveland area businesses,fast food and better restaurants, service providers andmore. Books are available from any Guild member or bycalling one of the following ladies: Betty 934-0346, Jan933-8550 or Margaret 934-5766.

    YER OUT! Join the Avon/AvonLake Knights of Columbus onThursday, October 20 at 8:00 pm

    as they present guest speaker Ma-jor League Umpire James Hoye. Hoye has um-pired for 15 years & three in the Majors. Find outabout baseball from a unique perspective, This isopen to the public & we are located at 1783Moore Rd. in Avon.


  • 8/3/2019 Oct 162011


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