Oct 28, 2000E. Gallas/Trigger Database1 Current Status of the Trigger Database Elizabeth Gallas...


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Oct 28, 2000 E. Gallas/Trigger Database 1

Current Statusof the Trigger


Elizabeth Gallas


D0 Database Meeting November 29, 2000

Oct 28, 2000 E. Gallas/Trigger Database 2

Trigger Database - to be addressed

• COOR– execution of L1 version checking (elements of

<download>), consequences

– use of elements <client> and <clients>

– L2 prescales (not used early in Run 2a)

– assigning resources by number rather than name

• L1– L1 Calorimeter versioning (Philippe) (other L1 subsystems have Trigger Managers and how these L1

systems evolve is resolved in principle)

– accommodate non-L1-detector L1 terms (Dan Edmunds)

– use of L1 cal quadrant and region terms outside of pseudo-terms (Philippe)

– L1 pseudo-terms and their versioning (Steve Gross - MSU)

– interface to hardware and luminosity databases• L1 terms associated with readout crates within an exposure


• L1 terms associated with readout devices independent of exposure

• L2 - may divorce L1L2 tables (Roger)– recently added L2 scripting (parsed/passed by COOR)

– versioning at the L2 object and preprocessor levels, any online checking?

Oct 28, 2000 E. Gallas/Trigger Database 3

Trigger Database - to be addressed (continued)

• L3– new table layout, replacing integer PK with

name/version where appropriate

– manipulate/load data now on development platform

– add streaming information

– add association between tools/filters with CVS (and CVS versions)

• trigger lists for non-physics datataking (element <calibration>)– example XML scripts on d0onl

– interface/integrate to run configuration database

• Database security– transfer of lists online/offline

– allow trigger lists for trigger simulation users

– prevent unauthorized trigger configurations from being used online

– prevent modification of trigger configurations used to record real data

Oct 28, 2000 E. Gallas/Trigger Database 4

Trigger Database:Interface Mechanisms

• Interfaces will use a combination of:– trigger database server (Joe Boon Kuah)

– python programs

– python CGI web interface

– Jeremy’s webCGI python module

– Carmem’s prototype PC based JAVA interface

– Matt’s prototype JSP interface

– other ?

Oct 28, 2000 E. Gallas/Trigger Database 5

Trigger Database: Interfaces

• Insert L1 AO terms

• Insert tool and filter definitions for L2 and L3

• Insert Standard REFSETS (for L1, L2 and L3)

• Enter L1 Calorimeter scripts passed by COOR

• Enter L2 object scripts passed by COOR

• Increment L1 NEOTERM versions – interface to guide hardware expert through a series of inserts into


– create new trigger list based on those NEOTERMS

• Increment L2 object versions– propagate those new objects into a new trigger list

• Associate L3 tools and filters with CVS– propagate these new objects into a new trigger list

• Insert L3 Stream information

• Insert/update elements of a trigger list

• Enter prescale sets for a specific trigger list

• check validity of trigger list for use online

• display trigger lists

• display differences between two trigger lists

• write XML file (DOM tree) passing trigger list to COOR
