October Magazine 2012 - iADH: International Association for ...Dr. Srivats Bharadwaj IADH MAGAZINE...


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iADH MagazineInternational Association For Disability and Oral HealthOctober 2012




E President’s LetterDear Colleagues and friends from all over the world,I hope this letter finds you well and enjoying whatever season you may be in. We are starting October, and it is with deep emotions that I am writing my last letter as President. Since Ghent Congress it has been a very intense, enjoyable and challenging period of two years that ends so fast. A lot has happened though in our association. It has been a period that I will never forget and a period in my life that I am grateful for. About all the activities I point out our participation organizing the iADH Symposium at the 2010 and 2011 FDI Congresses with an important number of attendees, also participating at the Affiliated Associations Meetings with good feedback from our colleagues. Indeed I will remark the magnificent work regarding the Education Committee, firstly organizing the SCIPE group with the surveys and the fantastic meeting and workshop as Special Interest Group during the ADEE Congress, where there were not countries representatives, there were people dedicated to give all their knowledge in pursuit of a goal: the under and postgraduate curricula in SCD, something never done and that will be a milestone in the history of the iADH. I congratulate the hard and creative work being done for some of the members and I am delighted to work and belong to this Committee, as everyone is so enthusiastic that it is a pleasure to work with them.The same goes for the group conducting the study of the ICF in relation to oral health, admirable work!All financial tasks transferring the bank account have been completed. We were able to handle the change of venue for the next Congress, which will begin in a few days, with great work from the board, it was really a team effort, and I congratulate those in charge of it.The collaboration agreements with IAPD –International Association of Pediatric Dentistry - and with the SOSS –Special Olympics Special Smiles - still progressing, communication between presidents and directors improves every day. In the last 5 years I am happy to have visited and participated in Congress in Europe and USA and in most of Latin American countries promoting the activities of iADH. The ALOP - Latin-American Association of Pediatric Dentistry and the iADH have made a cooperation agreement to improve the quality of oral health in children with special needs. Latin America is really progressing in this area although there is much work to be done.

It may be inappropriate now to name each of those people who gave me a great support but I must mention former presidents, I have learned a lot from them, colleagues of the different boards where I have worked for his wise counsel and all members of the Executive Board of my presidency, they have done a fantastic job! Thanks to all the council members who sent ideas and proposals, this feedback is so important to people working at the Executive. And my special gratitude to my colleagues from the University of Buenos Aires and the QM Hospital of Pediatric Dentistry who gave me all their containment, support and friendship in the last years. Love you so much! The same to my colleagues and friends from Latin American and some other countries.I would like to put on record my congratulations to all our newest members of the iADH! Well, but I am not leaving from the board because I will be with you 2 more years and I wish the incoming President all the best from my heart. All the board has worked as a team in these hard times of global crisis, always solving unpredictable problems. So no doubt that iADH will continue growing and being our international guide. The entire board will work and generate new ideas in order to provide the best energy during the new period. And again and again, I want to thank all of you for giving the most wonderful gift and honor I could have, the extraordinary life enhancing and rewarding experience of being president of our Association! And hope I have served the association with the passion and dedication to this vulnerable population

Peace and Love,All my best

Dr.Gabriela ScagnetIADH President

Do not forget our meetings in Melbourne Australia 2012 - in a week - and in Berlin Germany 2014 !!





Editor’s LetterDear iADH Members,

Once again it’s a great pleasure to be in front of you with the latest iADH Magazine. Well as you all know, 21st congress of iADH is just around the corner - less than a week... Hope we’ll be able to see many of you in Melbourne, Australia. Autumn is my favorite season and is the best time of the year in Canada. But I can’t keep on checking the “daily” weather forecast for Melbourne, I hope we really have nice weather in Melbourne and enjoy “Spring” in southern hemisphere. No need to mention - I’m pretty confident that this congress is again going to be a great one - just like the other iADH congresses. From here I would like to express my special thanks to organizing committee for their incredible affords in this very limited time....

Our president Gabriela mentioned all issues related with iADH in her long “President’s Letter” - so I’m not going to repeat it.

Hope you’ll enjoy reading...


Passing the torch...

It is always a great pleasure to have you as readers, friends, professionals and contributors in this magazine since 2007. I’m afraid the time has come for me to say goodbye as an editor. It has been a wonderful time working for iADH Magazine. It was not not easy though - seventeen magazines in 5 years... But I had a lot of fun, learnt a lot of new skills (except writing a nice editor’s letter), met a lot of new people and I am very grateful for all the experience. I would like to thank everyone who gave this opportunity to me but my special thanks to Clive, Leda, Luc, Roland, Gabriela and Alison... I could not have done any of this without your wonderful support...Thank you.All the best..

Timucin ARItimucin.ari@schulich.uwo.ca





Invitation to AttendMelbourne, Australia is the host city for the 21st Congress of the International Association for Disability and Oral Health. Melbourne has a reputation for friendly people, a cosmopolitan lifestyle, wonderful shopping and world-class entertainment.

October is spring in Australia and is a wonderful time of year to visit, particularly as Melbourne is brought to life by the Spring Carnival. Melbourne, Australia - a city of sophistication, fascinating variety and a unique destination for the 21st Congress of International Association for Disability and Oral Health in 2012.

I look forward to seeing you in Melbourne!Dr Mina BorromeoCongress Chairperson





ADEE Education Award

Shelagh Thomson received her mature education award at ADEE (Association in Dental Education in Europe) Conference, where the president of ADEE recognized and supported initiatives in education in Special Care Dentistry.The first Special Interest Group in SCD was established this year at the conference in Lyon with an excellent attendance, where issues such as learning outcomes, assessments and competencies in SCD were discussed and debated.

On behalf of the iADH, we would like to congratulate Shelagh Thompson because of her great achievement in Special Care Dentistry.

News from IADH

A tribute to Dr. Junichi Mega

It is with great sadness to announce you that Dr. Junichi Mega has died after a battle with cancer lasting for more than a year. Our condolences and thoughts to his family, friends and colleagues at this time. As a former member of the iADH executive board and key member of the Speciality in Special Care Dentistry in Japan he will be greatly missed in our iADH family.





News from IADH


! The XVI Latin American Congress of ALOP - IX Chilean Congress of Pediatric Dentistry, was held in the beautiful city of Viña del Mar, Chile on May 17-19 2012.

! An agreement of collaboration was discussed between the Latin American Association of Pediatric Dentistry (ALOP) and the International Association for Disability and Oral Health (IADH), which includes a commitment to organize joint sessions, symposia and lectures related to Dentistry for Children with Special Needs .

! These sessions will be coordinated during the ALOP Congresses by both Associations – ALOP/ IADH, in order to assure a better quality of oral health in children with special needs ! The agreement was signed by the IADH President, Dr. Gabriela Scagnet and the ALOP President, Dr. Francisco Hernández. in Viña del Mart, May 19, 2012.










iADH Social Network



"Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success"

Let’s keep in touch!!!It’s just one click...


IADH Web Sitewww.iadh.org





NewsNews From IndiaDear Friends I would like to introduce Sheetal Janet D’souza who has come forward to join us and help us in promoting special Care Dentistry.Sheetal serves as the Head of Practice at Vatsalya family Dental Care and also drives the social initiatives for oral health promotion. She joined Dr. Srivats and has started an initiative which serves the Special needs and the underserved population. Sheetal has now found that the opportunity to come and actively participate in “worthwhile work” is what truly motivates her on a daily basis. She is also pursuing a Masters Degree in Human Resource Management.As the visionary leader of the organization, Sheetal is responsible for both the tactical execution as well as the long term direction of the projects. She has worked her way up through the ranks.The mission of the initiative is to enhance the importance of oral health among persons with

disabilities, and to improve access to oral health education and oral health care services.We have thus put a step forward by initiating “The Sealant Program” in Aradhana Academy. This School is an Educational Institution managed by the Catholic Minority Community founded by the Sisters adorers of the Blood of Christ in the year 1982 as a Lower Primary School. Today, this school runs as a full- fledged educational institute catering to 1500 children. It is indeed a great opportunity for us to join them in achieving their vision by making an effective contribution to the society.

We have tied up with the ENR Foundation- Germany, which is an international charitable trust, which supports the needy and poor, in particular, the ill and disabled children who are suffering from congenital heart diseases. Our team provides complete dental care for these patients, pre and post cardiac surgery, as we believe “It is more blessed to give than it is to receive”.

Dr. Srivats Bharadwaj 





NewsReport from spring-meeting in the Danish Section of NFH (Nordic Society of Disability and Oral Health) - 11/5-2012

The topic of the meeting was: To deal with dental anxiety in patients with special needs – new ways and alternative inspiration to use in the clinic.The first lecturer of the meeting was Bernie Whitaker from Australia (Melbourne) but now based in UK. He is known in Denmark from former visits and workshops, where he had trained nurses working with children's anesthesia. At that time the therapy was called: Guided Imagery, but now Bernie introduced it as: Top-down-pain control. The theapy is based on Personal Construction Psychology (PCP) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). Following these concepts in problematic situations in the clinic you must look at what YOU CAN DO/CHANGE and NOT the patient. Reflect on your daily procedures.And try to LOOK AT the problem instead of BEING IN the problem. Do a lot of ASKING – TALK BOUT – LOOK AT – the fear together with the patient.Take care of not to praise bravery, because this is not removing the fear. Instead you should focus on what in fact succeded in the clinic and praise and reward these achivements.(Slides from the presentation you can find on www.top-downpaincontrol.com)The next lecturer was Arne Jacobsen from Norway, specialized in pediatric dentistry. He has done research and worked with different psychological methods, cognitive behavior therapy (CBT). The therapy means is in this context: 1) Building confident relations with the

patients, 2)map the fearfull thoughts, 3) explanation if the treatmentpriciples and then 4)introduce gradually controlled and repetive exposures of the most feared stimuli. Arne has recently done a pilot study on 12-18 years patients with dental fear. In the study was used CBT in combination with a medical drug, D-cykloserin (DCS). This drug is a antibiotic used in tratment of tuberculosis. DCS alone has no effect on fear, but is meant to increase the therapeutic learning in CBT. Other studies have shown that DCS has increased the exposure-effect in people dealing with fear of heights or social phobia. Only few got permission from the parents to participate in the study – and only 2 of these patients were ready to take the DCS. So it was

only possible to conclude on the effect of the CBT-training, which was a succes, but a conclusion based on a very few participants.(Arnes Jacobsen’s slides is placed at the webside: www.nfh-danmark.dk) At last the meeting ended with a very vigorous Mads Oestergaard, Danish dentist in private practice and chairman at the Danish Society for evidensed-based dental acupuncture. He told us about acupuncture, which is of his point of view a very succesive tool used on 1)patients with dental anxiety and 2) patients with gag reflux. There is no formal education in acupuncture so you are allowed to use the needles

without any kind of formal permission. Both dental anxiety and gag reflux are problems you can treat with rather simple acupuncture treatments and are also possible to use at patients (cooperating) with special needs.Because there is no formal education Mads Oestergaard encouraged all the participants to go home and start treating with the needles.(More information and education in dental acupunture: www.akupunktur-ddas.dk)





NewsARGENTINEAN ASSOCIATION FOR DISABILITY AND ORAL HEALTH National Congress 4-5 MAY 2012 Formosa City – Argentina

With a great number of people attending, we had a successful congress in north of Argentina.The president and organizers; Dr. Violeta León and Dr. Raul Aguayo with the collaboration of Drs. Sandra Yurritas, Eduardo Cañelas, Letizia Vazquez, Pilar Forschner, María Barbieri, Silvia Revolz, Mirna Kazmer, Silvia Lopez Gara, Wilfrido Belazquez, Victoria Sian and Mauricio Ayala organized an excellent scientific program with a wide range of different topics regarding special care dentistry .

Dr. Leon, Scagnet, Echaide, Armada and Dr. Aguayo





NewsReport from Second Latinamerican Congress of Disability and Oral Health – 4th Peruvian National Congress – First Latin American Congress in SND. Lima, PERU - July 2012

It was a great and successful congress with an interesting scientific program, was great to see many people from most of the Latin American countries.

Dr. Edith Falconi Salazar - Congress President - and Dr. Gabriela Scagnet -iADH President -








Paralympic GamesIAD




2012 Summer Paralympics

The 2012 Summer Paralympics, the fourteenth Summer Paralympic Games, and also more generally known as the London 2012 Paralympic Games, was a major international multi-sport event for the disabled governed by the International Paralympic Committee (IPC), that took place in London, United Kingdom, from 29 August to 9 September. These Paralympics were the second-largest multi-sport event ever held in the United Kingdom after the 2012 Summer Olympics, and were the largest Paralympics ever: 4,294 athletes from 164 National Paralympic Committees participated.For many people including myself,this was the most successful Paralympic Games I’ve ever seen...

New research published today suggests 65% of people that watched coverage of the London 2012 Paralympic Games feel it  has had a favorable impact on their perceptions towards people with disabilities.

During the Games, the media and the public have opened their minds and their hearts to the thousands of talented, disabled athletes who left us all awe-struck in London. For the eleven days of the Games, disability entered the mainstream. All the negativity that existed before has been forgotten as we celebrated achievement and ability instead.





iADH 2014 www.iadh2014.com

Sounds like a bit early but please mark your calendars...

