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Е. В. АГЕЕВА    



Учебно-методическое пособие для студентов направления 035700.62 «Лингвистика» 

очной формы обучения               

Тюмень Издательство 

Тюменского государственного университета 2014 

УДК 81 (075.8) ББК Ш100.63я73 



Агеева Е. В. Практикум по межкультурной коммуникации: учебно-методическое пособие. Дидактические материалы для студентов 3 курса направления 035700.62 «Лингвистика» очной формы обучения. Тюмень, Издательство Тюменского государственного университета, 2014. - 40 с. 


В учебно-методическом пособии изложены темы практических занятий и индивидуальные задания, направленные на воспитание межкультурной компетентности, осознания особенностей родной культуры и других культур.

Дидактические материалы составлены в соответствии с

требованиями ФГОС ВПО с учетом рекомендаций и ПрООП ВПО по

направлению и профилю подготовки.  

Данное учебно-методическое пособие «Практикум по

межкультурной коммуникации» опубликовано на сайте ТюмГУ.

[электронный ресурс] / Режим доступа: http://www.umk.utmn.ru.,


Рекомендовано к изданию кафедрой английской филологии ИФиЖ ТюмГУ. Утверждено проректором по учебной работе Тюменского государственного университета.  


ОТВЕТСТВЕННЫЙ РЕДАКТОР: Н. В. Дрожащих, д-р ф. н.,  зав. кафедрой английской филологии  

РЕЦЕНЗЕНТЫ: Е.Г.Сеченова, к. ф. н., доцент,  

кафедра перевода и переводоведения  О.Г.Дубровская, к. ф. н., доцент, кафедра английской филологии 


© ФГБОУ ВПО Тюменский государственный университет, 2014 

© Е. В. Агеева, 2014 



ВВЕДЕНИЕ ................................................................................................4

ЛЕКЦИЯ 1. The Structure of Communication ...........................................8

ЛЕКЦИЯ 2-3. Elements of Culture: human needs and values; rights

and ethics. Cross-cultural differences.......................................................13

ЛЕКЦИЯ 4-5.Verbal and Nonverbal Communication ...............................22

ЛЕКЦИЯ 5-6. Effective communication techniques. Case Analysis.........28

Глоссарий ................................................................................................34

Методические рекомендации для преподавателей .............................38

ЛИТЕРАТУРА .........................................................................................39



В современной действительности появление дисциплины

межкультурная коммуникация обусловлено политическими и

экономическими изменениями в обществе и развитием культурных

связей в самых разных сферах человеческой жизни – личных

контактах, бизнесе, туризме, спорте, что в свою очередь приводит к

смешению и столкновению. В результате этих процессов все больше

людей испытывает необходимость преодоления разделяющих их

культурных барьеров, возникающих в любой межличностной

коммуникации, когда один её участник обнаруживает культурное

отличие другого. Эти проблемы, связанные с разницей в ожиданиях и

предубеждениях, которые свойственны каждому человеку, можно и

нужно решать, поскольку межкультурная коммуникация это не только

наука, но и набор навыков, которыми нужно владеть. В первую

очередь эти навыки необходимы тем, чья деятельность связана с

взаимодействием между культурами, когда коммуникативные ошибки

и неудачи приводят к неэффективной работе коллектива, к

социальной напряженности. Возникает новая профессия – специалист

по межкультурному общению. Это специалист, способный прилагать

усилия для сведения к минимуму различий вербальных и

невербальных кодов в специфическом контексте коммуникации,

осознающий влияние на интерпретацию межперсональных посланий и

успешность коммуникации личностных и культурных ценностных

систем, возраста, пола, профессии, социального статуса, личного

опыта, степени толерантности и т.д.

Межкультурная коммуникация стала фактором повседневной

жизни современного человека. Включая в себя разнообразные формы

общения между индивидами и группами, принадлежащими к разным

культурам, она делает актуальными вопросы общения, главным

условием эффективности которых является взаимопонимание, диалог


культур, терпимость и уважение к культуре партнеров по


В данном учебно-методическом пособии по дисциплине

«Практика межкультурной коммуникации» изложены темы

практических занятий, методические указания и индивидуальные

задания для студентов 3 курса очной формы обучения направления

035700.62 «Лингвистика».

Для успешного освоения дисциплины студент должен иметь

представление об основных проблемах межкультурной коммуникации,

владеть базовыми понятиями теории межкультурной коммуникации, а

также лексической базой, необходимой для адекватного восприятия

информации межкультурного характера в устной и письменной форме;

грамматической системы английского языка с целью вербализации


Методический документ составлен на английском языке и включает

в себя шесть лекций в сочетании с групповыми и индивидуальными

заданиями, направленными на практическое освоение и закрепление

теоретического материала, изложенного на лекциях, отработку

навыков решения лингвистических и других задач, необходимых для

освоения будущей профессии. Учитывая все многообразие знаний,

составляющих научную основу теории межкультурной коммуникации,

значительное внимание в учебном пособии уделено рассмотрению

психологических аспектов межкультурной коммуникации и факторов,

влияющих на эффективность межкультурной коммуникации в

различных сферах деятельности. Каждая лекция практикума

представляет собой последовательность из следующих пунктов:

� цели и задачи урока;

� основные теоретические положения, раскрывающие тему



� серия аудиторных упражнений и заданий по основным разделам

дисциплины (а также анализ кейсов);

� вопросы для устного обсуждения;

� лингвистический фокус;

� индивидуальное письменное задание;

� список ознакомительной литературы.

В практикуме используются следующие виды упражнений.

� Практическое упражнение - задание по определенной теме с

предлагаемым алгоритмом действий для отработки у студентов

навыков решения задач.

� Упражнение-ситуация - вариант практического упражнения для

отработки у студентов навыков решения проблем.

� Разбор конкретных ситуаций - анализ ситуаций. Этот метод

используется для отработки навыков выявления и

формулирования проблемы, сравнения различных подходов к ее

решению, разработки вариантов и принятия окончательного


Основной целью курса является формирование у студентов

социокультурной компетенции в области межкультурного общения.

Поставленные цели определяют следующие задачи в работе по

программе курса: формирование терпимости, способности признавать

альтернативные ценности и модели поведения, а также развитие речи

в процессе обсуждения широкого круга страноведческих и

культурологических вопросов. В результате освоения дисциплины

обучающийся должен демонстрировать следующие результаты



� основные понятия психологии межкультурных различий;

� основные ценностные установки, смыслы и другие компоненты,

обуславливающие социальный опыт;


� существующие концепции потребностей человека; изучить их

сущность, структуру, иерархию;

� эффективные стратегии и тактики межкультурной коммуникации.


� определять роль ценностей культуры в мировоззрении и

коммуникативном поведении человека;

� правильно интерпретировать конкретные проявления

коммуникативного поведения в различных культурах;

� выявлять коммуникативные проблемы и объяснять причины

коммуникативного сбоя;

� моделировать возможные ситуации общения между

представителями различных культур и социумов.


� практическими навыками по анализу и исследованию

коммуникативной ситуации с учетом специфики лингвистических,

национально-культурологических, прагматических, коммуникативных


� навыком активного слушания;

� методикой продуцирования иноязычных (как устных, так и

письменных), предназначенных для использования в области

межкультурного взаимодействия.


Lecture 1. The Structure of Communication.

Goal: understanding the mechanisms of a communication model,

building-up the scope of knowledge in this field for further implementation

into various personal, business and intercultural communicative situations.

Issues to be covered in class:

� The elements of communication: addresser – addressee;

message (overall information sent by the participants); channels (verbal

and non-verbal); effect (agreement, disagreement, misunderstanding,

aggression, irritation etc); feedback; roadblocks to communication

(objective and subjective); context. Shannon-Weaver model: information

source, message, transmitter, signal, channel, noise, receiver, information

destination, probability of error, encoding, decoding, information rate,

channel capacity, etc.

� Types of communication (formal, informal, verbal, nonverbal,

oral, written communication, business communication, interpersonal

communication (face-to-face), intercultural communication, public

communication, mediated communication, group communication).

� Role of pragmatics in communication. The setting - time, place,

social context, etc.

� Role of the feelings involved in the process of communication.

Figure 1. Role of feelings in thinking.

Firing order: feel – think – act?

Feelings and emotions demonstration and expression in a

communicative contact. Disintegration of familiar cues: feelings of

embarrassment, self-pity and internal anger. Reintegration of new cues:

feelings of anger, resentment and blame. Restoration of autonomy: a sense


of being in control of one's life. Independence: accepting responsibility for

the way one's life is going; feeling able to make choices.

� Communicative statuses of the participants (social, cultural,


(Norms and Values, 2014)

Figure 2. Как назвать рисунок?

In-class activities:

Assignment 1. State the setting and the type of the following

examples of communication:

A Russian student at the lecture to the American professor:

– Could you speak louder, please?

– Excuse me?

Mr. Goosens: Hi! Is it Media Print Company?

Secretary: Yes, sir.

Mr. Goosens: I am sorry, who am I speaking to?

Secretary: This is Inna, Mr. Averin’s personal assistant. Can I help

you, sir?

– Excuse me, can you tell me the way to Times Square?

– Sure. Take this turn and then three blocks down that street.


– You are… Jessica Fletcher?

– Yes.

– Hope I am not intruding. I’ve read all your books and recognized

you from the book jackets and television. My name is Mark Dobson. I am

the manager of the Red Lion. Can I buy you a drink?

– Dear friends! Let me open our meeting. I have invited our French,

German and American delegates to our conference in Darlington Hall to

discuss the international matters…

Assignment 2. Pair up the speakers and listeners (on any topic).

Have students practice accurate picking up underlying feelings (emotions)

in the presented short message (e.g. pride, bitterness, anger, irritation,

happiness, confusion etc.).


– I have lost my umbrella. I loved it so much, it was old, but so

cute… (feeling?)

– My mom doesn’t understand me… I’d like to organize a party for

my close friends, but she keeps telling me parties are a waist of time…

– He has sent me seven messages today! We have been dating

for five months and he never stops caring…

– When I come home, I have a cup of tea and a couple of

sandwiches, watch TV and go down. Every day looks the same…

– Excuse me, why is the bill for the cable TV this year is two times

as much? The previous years you just raised the payment only for 5%?

– All my friends are dating someone… I attend parties, I

accompany my friends everywhere, but… how come I don’t have a

girlfriend (boyfriend)?


Assignment 3. Read Case 1 and define the social (relative position

in the situation “high-low”), cultural (nationality, age, gender, values, etc)

and personal (traits of character) status of each communicant.

Case 1 (Door phone)

It is a municipal service office. A customer, a young girl, 25, enters

the room and addresses the clerk, a woman, 52, who is involved in her

papers. The girl smiles at her:

– Здравствуйте! Скажите пожалуйста, здесь можно

заплатить за домофон?

– А что, читать не умеете? Что вы хотели? – the woman

keeps her eyes on her documents.

– Я бы хотела заплатить за домофон.

– Адрес? Имя? Давайте квитанцию.

The customer hands in her payment book and the money. The clerk

registers the payment then returns the payment book.

–Спасибо. До свидания! – the girl says and leaves the office.

Questions to the case:

1. What type of communication is it?

2. What are the possible feelings of the communicants in the

dynamics of the conversation?

3. How can you evaluate the effectiveness of this communicative

event? Why?

4. What are the possible barriers in this interaction?

Linguistic focus: practicing vocabulary (range of feelings and

emotions); useful phrases:

� Considering the feelings of the participants it is noteworthy to mention


� The participant appears to be …


� The feelings demonstrated in the dynamics of the conversation

appear to be the following: …

� Within the frame of the communicative statuses of the people

involved in the conversation we can say that…”.

Class discussion:

Why is communication considered to be a process?

What constitutes the cultural background of an individual?

Why is it paramount to maintain the status of the communicants?

How may statuses affect the success of communication?

Writing Task:

- Make up a list of feelings and emotions (both positive and negative).

- Share your story. Make up 3 different communicative situations from

your own experience.


� Тер-Минасова С.Г. Война и мир языков и культур.

Издательство: СЛОВО/SLOVO, Москва 2008. – С.101-120.

� Непряхин Н. Основы эффективной коммуникации.


� Effective Communication. http://www.dynamicflight.com/


� Akmajian A., Demers R.A., Farmer A., Harnish R.M. Linguistics:

An Introduction to Language and Communication. The MIT Press; 5 edition

- 2001. – 648 p.


� The film “The Remains of the Day” (1993), Merchant Ivory

Productions, UK.


Lectures 2 - 3. Elements of Culture: Needs and Values; Rights

and Ethics. Social Norms. Western vs. Eastern Value System.

Goal: enabling students to understand the role of human needs and

values in behavior; understand social behavior across cultures;

examination and recognition of personal values; identify own values,

beliefs, attitudes; the cultural applicability of the new skills.

Quiz: At the beginning of the class the students write a 5-minute quiz

covering the material of the previous lesson. The questions are designed

by the teacher.

Issues to be covered in class:

� Knowing self ad others. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human Needs.

Role of the different levels of motivation or pressed needs in human

behavior. Criticism of Maslow’s theory (e.g. in collectivist societies, the

needs of acceptance and community will outweigh the needs for freedom

and individuality).


Figure 3. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human Needs

� Values, beliefs, personal rules and regulations constituting

personal mental paradigm and generating human behavior.


Figure 2. Relationship between mental paradigm and behavior

Figure 3. Ways of framing the elements of one’s mental paradigm

� Formation of a personal paradigm and its provision for an

internal reference for what is good, beneficial, important, useful, beautiful,

desirable, constructive, etc for socialization.

Figure 4. How personal values are formed


A List of Core Values (Thum, 2013)




Being the





























































� Consideration of the Ethics and Rights of all the participants in

communication. Rights to consider: right of individual to choose for

her/himself – Autonomy; right to truth – Veracity; right of Privacy; right not

to be injured; right to what has been promised – Fidelity. Principles to

follow: Fairness or Justice, Beneficence.

� The diversity of cross-cultural differences (e.g. environment one

grows in, gender roles, culture, child-rearing practices across cultures,

peer-pressures, norms, time perception etc). Western approach: separation

of power – personal morality is separated from public ethics. Eastern

approach: concentration of power – personal and public morality are the


� A Comparison of the Western and Eastern Systems.


Western vs. Eastern Systems



Primacy of individual Primacy of relationship

Democratic Orientation Authoritarian Orientation

Nuclear Family structure Extended Family structure

Emphasis on Youth Emphasis on Maturity

Independence Interdependence

Assertiveness Compliance

Nonconformity Conformity

Competition Cooperation

Conflict Harmony

Freedom Security

Guiding Principles of Action

Fulfillment of individual needs Achievement of collective goals

Individual responsibility Collective responsibility

Behavior Orientation

Expression of feelings Control of feelings

Uniqueness of individual Uniformity

Self-actualization Collective actualization

Time Orientation

Future orientation Traditionalism

Innovation Conservatism

Ethical Orientation

Morality anchored in Person Morality linked to relationships

(Corey, Corey, Callanan, 2006)

� Social norms as the rules that a group uses for appropriate and

inappropriate: Injunctive Norms, Descriptive Norms, Explicit Norms, Implicit

Norms, Subjective Norms, Personal Norms. Comparison of the ways

Relationship between the ways of reality viewing and communicative



(Rattray, 2013)

Figure 5. Ways of approaching reality



Personal Control over Environment Fate/Destiny

Change seen as natural & positive Stability/Tradition

Control over time Close Human Interaction

Equality /Fairness Hierarchy/Rank/Status

Individualism/Independence Group Welfare/Dependence

Self-help/initiative Birthright/Inheritance

Competition Cooperation

Future Orientation Past Orientation

Action/Work Orientation ‘Being’ Orientation

Informality Formality

Directness/Openness Honesty Indirectness/Saving Face

Practicality/Efficiency Idealism/Theory

Materialism/Acquisitiveness Spiritualism/Detachment

(Kohls, Robert & Knight, 1981)

In-class activities:

Assignment 1. Rate your worldview in order of importance from 1 to


Self - ? Family - ? Community - ? Job - ? Values - ? Future - ?

Assignment 2. Think of the opposite value:


Freedom - …? Equality - …? Love - …? Health - …? Education - …?

Family - …?

Assignment 3. Study the expressions below used regularly in the

United States. Together with a partner discuss what cultural value or belief

they reveal:

1. Actions speak louder than words.

2. He’s all talk and no action.

Value/belief: action/work orientation

3. She’s always beating around the bush.

4. Tell it like it is.

Value/belief: ________________________________

5. Every cloud has a silver lining.

6. Look on the bright side.

7. Tomorrow is another day.

Value/belief: ________________________________

8. Stand on your own two feet.

9. God helps those who help themselves.

Value/belief: ________________________________

10. Different strokes for different folks.

Value/belief: ________________________________

Assignment 4. What needs and personal values can be traced in the

following situations?

Case 2 (episode from the film “The Remains of the Day”)

Mr. Stevens: Well, no gentlemen calls and love, of course, will you

forgive me my mentioning it, but we had…um…problems of that sort

before, I mean, inside the house too. The previous housekeeper took it into

her head to run off for the under butler. If two members of staff have to fall

in love and then decide to get married, there is nothing one can say, but

what I do find the major irritation …are those persons were simply going


from post to post looking for romance?…um…the housekeepers are

particularly guiltier, no offence intended, of course.

Miss Kenton: No, I’ve taken it. I know from my own experience how a

house is at sixes and sevens when the staff start marrying each other.

Mr. Stevens: Yes, indeed.

Case 3 (episode from the film “The Remains of the Day”)

– Mr. Stevens, I thought these flowers might brighten your parlor a


– I beg you pardon?

– I thought it might cheer things up for you.

– Oh, that’s very kind of you.

– If you like Mr. Stevens, I could bring in some more cuttings for you.

– Thank you, Miss Kenton, but I regard this room as my private place

of work. And I prefer to keep distractions to the minimum.

– Would you call flowers a distraction, Mr. Stevens?

– I appreciate your kindness, Miss Kenton, but I prefer to keep things

as they are.

Case 4

(“A South African Storm”, by Allison Howard, Peace Corps Volunteer,

South Africa (2003-2005))

It is a Saturday afternoon in January in South Africa. When I begin

the 45-minute walk to the shops for groceries, I can hear thunder cracking

in the distance. But the sky is still light and I am sure I will be fine without

an umbrella.

Halfway from town, two black women stop me with wide smiles. They

know me; I’m the only white person in town who walks everywhere, as they

do. They chatter quickly in northern Sotho: “Missus, you must go fast. Pula

e tla na! The rain, it comes!” They like me, and it feels very important to me

that they do. “Yebo, mma,” I say –Yes, it’s true – and I hurry along, feeling

good about our brief but neighborly conversation.


The people who are walking along this road are black. They work and

board here as domestic workers, nannies, gardeners. Their families live in

black townships and rural villages – some just outside of my town; others

far away.

Class discussion:

When does behavior make more sense?

What values would ask one for a very active lifestyle?

What values would make one to be a person easy to be with?

To what extent can you come to any conclusions about cultural

values in your country?

How does a value differ from a need?

What can the failure to stick to the social rules result in?

Identify the rules that other people are putting on you as a condition

for being in their group. Do you really want to follow these rules?

Linguistic focus: practicing vocabulary (range of personal values);

useful phrases: “Within the frame of the values demonstrated by the


� “On the one hand, the participant employs …”

� “On the other hand, he/she does not adhere to the formal

communication style, which is commonly adopted in employer-

employee relations…”

Writing Task:

- List 10 people who contributed to your development (your Mentors).

Imagine that you are writing a short “thank you” note to each of them. What

could it be?

- Create your personal top 10 positive and negative values.

- Pick any country and describe its Value System.


- Can you think of common expressions used in your culture? Write

them below and then list the value or belief they represent.

1. __________________________________________________


2. __________________________________________________


3. __________________________________________________



� Maslow A. H. A Theory of Human Motivation.


� Cherry K. The Five Levels of Maslow's Hierarchy of

Needs http://psychology.about.com/od/theoriesofpersonality/


� Social Norms. http://changingminds.org/explanations/


� Barrett D.W., Wosinska W., Butner J., Petrova P., Gornik-

Durose M., Cialdini R. Individual differences in the motivation to

comply across cultures: the impact of social obligation




� Petia, P. K., Robert, C. B., and Sills, S. 2007.

―Consistency based Compliance across Cultures.


� How to Write a Statement of Personal Values.




� Rattray P.S. Bridging cultural divides. Eastern and

Western worldviews in focus. ETC Indonesian Language and

Business Services, 2013. http://www.slideshare.net/PaulRattray/


� Thum M. Do you know your personal values?


� Howard A. “A South African Storm” // Coverdell P.D.

Crossing Cultures with the Peace Corps. Worldwide Schools.–P. 8-15

� Coverdell P.D. Building Bridges. A Piece Corp Classroom

Guide to Cross Cultural Understanding. Worldwide Schools. – 46 p.


Lectures 4-5. Verbal and Nonverbal Communication. General

types of communicative behavior. Linguistic analysis of verbal

messages. Adlerian social theory of cooperative behavior.

Goal: to enable students understand the relationship between the

verbal and nonverbal communication and the cultural/personal values; the

role of nonverbal behavior in enhancing one’s understanding of a topic;

synthesize information and make connections between overt verbal and

nonverbal behavior and the message conveyed.

Quiz: At the beginning of the class the students write a 5-minute quiz

covering the material of the previous lesson. The questions are designed

by the teacher.

Issues to be covered in class:

� Advantages and disadvantages of verbal communication.

Communicative styles: direct/indirect, elaborate/exacting/succinct,

personal/contextual, instrumental/affective. Relationship between the styles

of communication and the emotional, moral and aesthetic norms of a

culture. Linguistic analysis of an utterance in a dialogue: type of dialogue


(make-do discourse, make-believe discourse, interpersonal-relations

discourse, fatic discourse); stylistical, syntactical, lexical and morphological

means of expressing the message.

� Nonverbal communication: vocal (pitch, tempo, volume, rate,

silence etc) or nonvocal (body language, facial expression, eye contact,

personal space, gaze, gestures, touch, environment, attire, etc). The

cultural meaning of verbal and non-verbal communication.

� Body language across cultures. Common gestures.

� Types of communicative behavior. Assertive behavior as the

effective way to maintain the statuses of the participants, avoidance of

blaming and criticizing the partner.

behavior I am YOU are message


“I am better than anyone”


+ “I am worthless, not important”




_ “All are bad, me too”

ASSERTIVE + + “I am OK, you are OK. We are equal”

� Adlerian social theory of cooperation. Social and personal

interest. Private Logic. Relationship builders (cooperation, mutual respect

and equality) and relationship barriers (competition, disrespect and

inequality). Feelings involved in functional and dysfunctional behaviors.


significant insignificant

accepted rejected

equal not equal

worthy worthless

encouraged discouraged

functional behaviors dysfunctional behaviors

Figure 6. Feelings involved in functional and dysfunctional behaviors


� Non-cooperative strategies: reference to busy condition, to no

time condition, to being not competent, irony, topic changing, refusing to

communicate directly, parrying a question, etc.

In-class activities:

Assignment 1. Match the communication style on the left with the

example on the right:

1. direct a. many Arab and Middle Eastern cultures

2. indirect b. many Asian cultures

3. elaborate c. communication is a tool to accomplish tasks

4. exacting d. gives only necessary information

5. succinct e. places more emphasis on process that on outcome

6. instrumental f. tend to be individualistic and high context

7. affective g. speakers may even be silent

Assignment 2. Define the communicative styles that can be

observed in the following examples:

Situation 1. A student: – It seems a little bit cold today. I am shivering

like a leaf in the wind. If I don’t feel warm enough I just can’t work, I can’t

concentrate on the task. Maybe it is because of the open window.

Situation 2. – Hi there! I am glad to see you, guys. I will run lectures

on statistical analysis for the next seventeen weeks. My name is John

Wilkinson. You can call me John.

Situation 3. – Would you pass me that thing for the stuff? – Sure.

Situation 4. In the morning a Russian visitor to a Canadian family

answers humbly “No, thank you” when the hostess asks her: – Would you

like to have a cup of coffee with us, Lena?

Situation 5. A guest: – I need to make an important call. Can I use

your phone, please?

Situation 6. – Keiko-san, can you tell me the time, please?


Situation 7. – Николай Петрович, простите, если вы не против,

то я могла бы заменить воду в вазе с цветами.

Situation 8. – Mr. Stevens, I thought these flowers might brighten

your parlor a little. – I beg you pardon? – I thought it might cheer things up

for you.

Situation 9. Students bring flowers and supply food for the college


Situation 10. A doctor speaks to the patient providing information on

tests and procedures as well explaining reasons for treatment options.

Situation 11. A doctor speaks to the patient introducing self, providing

verbal encouragement and support, nonverbal communication such as

touching the patient and engaging in small talk.

Situation 12. The wife to her husband: – Oh, Gosh! We’ve run out of

milk. And I need it to make my cake for dinner.

Assignment 3. Read the essay “Enough to Make Your Head Spin”

by Elizabeth Kelley, Peace Corps Volunteer, Bulgaria (2003–2005) and

discuss qualities of good communication for speakers and listeners (in

America, for English speakers). Have the students brainstorm a list for

speakers and a list for listeners.

Assignment 4. Have students evaluate the importance of nonverbal

behavior for the speaker and listener by doing an experiment. Three

students leave the classroom. One by one they will then give a 1-minute

presentation (on any topic: their favorite vacation or the funniest thing that

ever happened to them) before the class. The rest are given the task to

produce THREE different reactions to the “presentations” (negative

nonverbal confirmation of INDIFFERENCE – avoiding eye-contact, staring

in the distance, doing something else, negative nonverbal confirmation of

DISAGREEMENT ANGER – shaking their heads, frowning etc, positive

nonverbal affirmation of ACCEPTANCE – smiling, nodding, maintaining

eye contact).


Have each speaker share his/her impressions on the quality of the

listening. Discuss the mixed message that speakers received from the

listeners’ reactions.

Assignment 5. Ask students “to tell a story” relating to one another

without using words. Discuss the effectiveness of the nonverbal messages.

Assignment 6. Assess the verbal and nonverbal behavior of the

participants of the situation and evaluate the effectiveness of the


Case 5 (Office Case)

It is the office of the City Mayor. It is 9.47 a.m. Anna, 28, the

secretary of Mr. Kolobov, is expecting an important foreign visitor who had

scheduled the appointment at 10 a.m. Her boss is now in his office. Anna is

currently sorting out the papers on her table. She is sitting comfortably in

her chair. The door opens and a colleague Nikita, 29, enters the room.

– Ань, привет! Как дела? Николай Петрович у себя?

– Привет, Никит! Нормально. Да, он занят. А что ты хотел?

– Мне надо вот это подписать.

– Окей. Оставь это. Через полчаса зайдешь.

At this moment the foreign guest enters the room:

– Hi! My name is Mr. Johnson. I have an appointment with Mr.


Anna rises to her feet, leaves the table and approaches the guest:

– Hi, Mr. Johnson, nice to meet you. Mr. Kolobov is waiting for you.

This way, please.

Anna shows Mr. Johnson in and then resumes her work.

Questions to the case:


1. What nonverbal communication is demonstrated by Nikita?

2. How does Nikita structure his request?

3. How does Anna respond to it?


4. What nonverbal communication is demonstrated by Anna towards Mr.


5. How does Anna structure her verbal message to the foreign guest?

6. How can her verbal and nonverbal behavior to the visitors be attributed

within the frame of cultural differences and social norms in the particular



7. Was the communication successful, overall? (refer to the goals of the

participants, their statuses maintenance).

Class discussion:

What would be the ideal type of communication, to your mind?

Do you consider the communicative styles concept when you are

talking to a native person, to a foreigner? When making up a dialogue?

Why is it important to be aware of how you communicate


How do speakers communicate their feelings in cultures that use

indirect style of communication?

In what way is the attire of a person can be valuable for


Writing Task:

- List common gestures and the gestures that differ worldwide.

- Write an essay on your observation of how people communicate

nonverbally in your family, in public, at school, and how they tried to

promote their messages. How did other people respond to them?


� Eshbaugh J. High Context Versus Low Context – the

Communication Style of Your Story. http://letthewordsflow.wordpress.com/




� Gudykunst W.B.,Ting-Toomey,S. Culture and interpersonal

communication. Newbury Park, 1988.

� Pilkington R. Adlerian Psychology: From Theory to Practice.

Omaha: UNO, 1995. – 48 p.

� Kitao K., Kitao K. Intercultural communication: Improving

Reading Skills and Speed, 1983. http://www.cis.doshisha.ac.jp/kkitao/


� Kelley E. “Enough to Make Your Head Spin”. Peace building

Toolkit for Educators. High School Edition, 2003–2005.



� Milo sky A. Peace building Toolkit for Educators. High School


D.C., 2013. http://www.buildingpeace.org/train-resources/educators/


� Neuling I. Differences in communication styles between

cultures. http://www.grin.com/en/e-book/104380/differences-in-


Lecture 5-6. Effective Communication techniques. Case Analysis. Case Study Framework.

Goal: develop analytical, communicative and social skills in the

process of case study; gaining knowledge and use of adequate relevant

information (possible alternative actions, possible outcomes, desirability of

outcomes and consequences); knowledge and use of effective strategy for

converting this information into action.


Issues to be covered in class:

� Criteria for Effectiveness of Communication: goals fulfillment

and maintaining the statuses of the communicants. Possible purposes: to

elicit change, generate action, create understanding, inform or

communicate a certain idea or opinion. The communicative failure is

analyzed with the intention of discovering hampering factors (language

differences, emotional barriers and taboos, lack of attention, interest,

distractions, or irrelevance to the receiver, differences in perception and

viewpoint, physical disabilities, failure to read non-verbal clues,

stereotyping, cultural differences, norms differences, values etc).

� Effective Communication techniques: Empathy. Establishing

rapport. Active Listening. Feedback. "I" Statements not "You" Statements.

� In some cultures they move quickly to the point; others talk

about other things long enough to establish rapport (warm, accepting,

understanding relations) or a relationship with the other person. If

discussion on the primary topic begins too soon, the group that needs a

"warm up" first will feel uncomfortable.

� “I” message construction: I feel... (Insert feeling word) when...

(tell what caused the feeling) and I would like... (tell what you want to

happen instead)

� Case Study Framework:

1) Identify the FACTS (verbal and non-verbal behavior) of the


2) Interpret the behavior - identify the FEELINGS and NEEDS of


3) Identify the PROBLEM and the GOAL of the participants.

4) How do they manage to solve the problem so far?

5) What kind of interest do they demonstrate? What relationship

builders (barriers) do they implement? Is this effective?

6) Comprehend the possible alternatives available:


Alternative 1 --- Good Consequences --- Bad Consequences ---

Expected Outcome --- Potential Benefit / Harm

Alternative 2 --- Good Consequences --- Bad Consequences ---

Expected Outcome --- Potential Benefit / Harm

*Consider the Ethics and Rights of all the participants while choosing the alternatives.

In-class activities:

Assignment 1. Your partner says one short paragraph, you repeat it

word for word. If you can’t repeat it word for word, try doing the exercise

with a shorter sentence until you can repeat it word for word. Take turns

with the other person at doing the "repeat" exercise.

Assignment 2. Sit face to face with someone else. Your partner says

a short sentence, you listen to it, and render it back using similar words and

sentence structure. Rearrange words or substitute words to give the

message back to you partner. Ask the speaker if the message is still the

same. Ask your partner if you were able to paraphrase or if you are just

repeating. If the speaker tells you that you are just repeating, dare to move

words around and to replace them with synonyms until you can

successfully paraphrase what your speaker said.

Take turns with your partner, practice this paraphrasing exercise until

you both feel you are good at paraphrasing a message back.

Assignment 3. Change the answer to implement the active listening


– Мама, когда будет обед?

– Не мешай! Видишь, я готовлю? Когда будет готово, позову.

Teacher: You must redo your work. Besides, it has many mistakes.

Student: You’ve told me this two times. I am tired of it.


Tourist: Excuse me, when are we back to the hotel? I need to make a

couple of errands. It’s important.

Guide: Don’t worry! We are having a very interesting excursion


Assignment 4. In order to avoid blaming/criticizing change the way in

which the complaints are phrased and provide explanation for your

statement. Use "I" messages. For example:

Variant 1. “You never wash up, I want you to do it now!”

Variant 2."I really am getting troubles with receiving guests now since

I have to cook much and the plates are dirty yet".

1. "You aren't really listening to me."

2. “It is awful, you are 5 minutes late again!”

3. “The section that you wrote is so wordy and lacks order!”

4. “Don’t you shout at me!”

Assignment 5. Make up a list of variants how to thank a person. For

instance: "Thank you", "I truly appreciate your...", "Thanks a million for...".

Assignment 6. Discuss the situation. What factors prevented it from

being successful?

An Arab and a Russian student are doing a home task (group

presentation) together at his home. After one hour of work the host offers

his peer to have some juice. The Russian student being hungry tells him:

– No, thank you. Actually… I would like to chew something now –

she blushed, feeling embarrassed that she had to ask for food directly.

– Oh, of course! Just a moment.

And he brings her several kinds of chewing gum.

Assignment 7. Read the case and discuss it:

Case 6 (Train Case)

It is 9 p.m. The train Moscow-Tomsk is about to pull out of the station.


four passengers are settling in a compartment: a young mother with a

baby, an elderly military man, a male student and an elderly woman. The

young woman is trying to comfort her crying baby, but in vain. That

obviously makes other fellow-passengers feel rather uncomfortable. The

elderly military man is making an effort to focus on reading a newspaper.

The young boy, a student, immediately made his bed on the upper berth.

The middle-aged woman sitting next to the man looks irritated, but keeps

silent watching the young mother. It is stuffy in the room. Besides, the wet

baby smells terrible.

Now the train starts moving. Soon the baby gets even more restless.

Whatever the mother does (rocks the baby, breastfeeds it) her efforts

are futile yet. She looks worn out.

The tension in the room is growing. The middle-aged woman sighs,

rolls up her eyes and touches her head as if in pain, the military man

frowns, the seemingly sleeping boy shelters his head under the pillow.

Those signs are noticed by the young mother and that makes her

even more nervous and helpless. There follow some advice remarks from

the passengers offering how to comfort the baby. The young mother follows

the instructions but that does not help.

Questions to the case:

1. What is the setting: place, time, participants?

2. What is the event? Name the facts (participants’ verbal and

nonverbal behavior).

3. What may be the feelings of the participants?

4. What is the problem? Who owns it?

5. Is the problem being solved? How?

6. What can be the goal of all the participants?

7. What type of behavior and communicative style do the participants


8. Are their actions effective?


9. What cultural norms can be traced?

10. What ethical norms are violated?

11. What can be the alternative course of actions in this case?

12. How can the verbal communication be constructed to make the

situation more successful?

Linguistic focus: practicing the useful phrases:

� The case under analysis represents an episode from …

� As far as the verbal behavior is concerned,

� In this case, there is a clear violation of ….

� The mother trusted that the passengers would not use

relationship barriers…

� To prevent inconvenience/harm for other passengers…

� From the analysis, it is clear that the best immediate solution is

to assist the mother…

� Having analyzed all the facts we can surmise that…

� Summarizing all the above, it can be stated that the

communication was a success.

Writing Task:

- Make the written analysis of Case 6 (The Train Case).


� "I" Statements not "You" Statements, International Online

Training Program On Intractable Conflict, Conflict Research Consortium,

University of Colorado, 2005.http://www.colorado.edu/conflict/peace/


� Stewart J. Self-Revealing Communication: A Vital Bridge

Between Two Worlds. Online Training Program On Intractable Conflict,

Conflict Research Consortium, University of Colorado, 2005.




Active listening is when a listener gets engaged in what a speaker is

saying. The active listener pays full attention to the words, and at times, the

mood of the person speaking. There are several degrees of active listening

that range from merely repeating what the speaker said, to paraphrasing, to

reflecting (mirroring what the speaker said using your own words).

Affective communication style is process-oriented and listener-

focused in verbal exchange and uses a receiver-oriented language. The

roles of speaker and listener are rather integrated than differentiated and

are interdependent. The affective style is dominant in collectivistic, high-

context cultures.

Aggressive communicative behavior is demonstrated when the

rights, needs, opinions or feelings of others are not respected. Aggressive

communicators think that they are never wrong, never apologize, they

point, frown, and glare, they order people around, and they speak fast and


Assertive communicative behavior occurs when the rights and

statuses of all the participants are maintained, active listening is employed,

the feelings of others are checked on, the appropriate volume is used. One

feels comfortable asking for things he/she needs or wants.

Contextual communication style is status and role oriented.

Formality and asymmetrical power distance is often emphasized. Personal

pronouns are not often used. All information does not need to be explicitly

expressed. Yet common background knowledge is assumed, or in essential

parts conveyed during the interaction, often indirectly.

Cultural status of the communicative partner comprises all

characteristics of a person like nationality, age, gender, values and the like.

Direct communication style refers to an explicit straightforward and

precise way of expressing the speaker’s true intention in terms of his/her

needs, wants and desires.


Elaborate communication style distinguishes itself by a rich,

expressive language, which uses a large number of adjectives describing a

noun, exaggerations, idiomatic expressions, proverbs and metaphors. This

style is mainly used in high-context cultures of the Middle East such as

Iran, Egypt, Lebanon and Saudi-Arabia.

Empathy is the capacity to recognize emotions that are being

experienced by another person. One may need to have a certain amount of

empathy before being able to experience accurate sympathy or


Ethics is a set of concepts and principles that guide people in

determining right and wrong conduct.

Exacting communication style can be found in low-context

cultures, these are mainly North American and North European cultures. It

says that neither more nor less information is required to communicate a

message. The speaker just uses those words, which describe exactly the

speakers′ intention. No additional words or paraphrases are required.

"I" message – simply changing the way in which complaints are

phrased in order to limit escalation pressures. E.g. accusatory phrases,

"you did this," are often more likely to contribute to escalation than less

accusatory phrases such as "I am having trouble because of this."

Indirect communication style – the speaker/writer’s expressing

his/her thoughts implicitly, or using hints or modifiers (e.g. "perhaps",

"maybe"). In this case the listener/reader is expected to monitor the

nonverbal communication, to read contextual cues, to relate what has been

stated to all information available about the speaker/writer and the situation

at hand in order to read the real meaning.

Instrumental communication style is the exchange of information

for practical purposes. It is goal-oriented in verbal exchange and employs a

sender-oriented language. The instrumental style is dominant in

individualistic, low-context cultures.


Insight – an introspection; an understanding of cause and effect

based on identification of relationships and behaviors within a model,

context, or scenario.

Listening qualities include good eye contact, thinking about the

content of the information conveyed, letting the speaker talk without

interrupting, asking relevant questions at the appropriate time,

paraphrasing or summarizing important data, not interjecting personal

anecdotes unrelated to the subject, and affirming the speaker through

nonverbal communication or body language such as smiling and nodding.

Message – the verbal and nonverbal components of language, sent

to the receiver by the sender, that convey an idea of communication, or

what is communicated; any concept or information conveyed.

Passive communicative behavior is demonstrated when ones

generally do not speak up for their self, very trusting of others, they fidget a

lot, and speak in a low volume.

Passive-aggressive communicative behavior is just another form

of aggressive behavior. It takes the form of sarcasm, malicious rumors,

sabotaging, muttering, stalling, slamming doors, and other creative ways of

attacking the object of the passive aggression thus avoiding responsibility,

often functioning as a victim. Both passive aggressive and aggressive

behavior represent an inability or unwillingness to ask directly for what one

wants. The only difference is that bullying is open aggression, while

passive-aggressive communicating is covert aggression.

Personal communication style is informal and emphasizes the

individual and equalitarian relationships. The person-centeredness is

reflected, for instance, by the use of the pronoun.

Personal status of the communicative partner refers to his/her traits

of character relevant to the situation.


Rapport is a relationship of mutual understanding or trust and

agreement between people; it includes three behavioral components:

mutual attention, mutual positively, and coordination.

Social norms are the rules that are enforced by members of a


Socialization – the process of learning one's culture and how to live

within it. It has three primary goals: teaching impulse control and

developing a conscience, preparing people to perform certain social roles,

and cultivating shared sources of meaning and value.

Social roles – one's position and responsibilities in society, which are

largely determined in modern developed nations by occupation and family


Social status of the communicative partner is a relative position in

the situation (high/low/equal).

Speaking qualities include clarity, proper volume, use of inflection,

interesting topic, appropriate vocabulary, looking at the listener.

Succinct communication style is characterized by frequent pauses,

silence and "low key" verbal expressions that go to the point.


Методические рекомендации для преподавателей

Данный учебно-методический документ состоит из двух блоков –

теоретического, в виде лекционных материалов, освещающих

проблемы культуры, культурологи, межкультурной коммуникации и

практического, состоящего из комплекса упражнений и заданий,

нацеленных на анализ коммуникативных ситуаций и отработку

навыков для решения проблемных задач.

Методические рекомендации предлагают стандартный алгоритм

деятельности преподавателей при работе с учебно-методическими


Каждое лекционное занятие предваряется изложением основных

теоретических положений, способствующих пониманию темы. Для

освоения концептуально-терминологического аппарата следует

консультироваться с глоссарием в последнем разделе методического


Все индивидуальные и групповые упражнения и задания

рекомендуется выполнять в предложенной последовательности, и в

полном объеме, поскольку их скоординированный порядок позволяет

обеспечить более эффективное овладение навыками межкультурного


После выполнения всех классных упражнений и заданий

предлагается серия вопросов для аудиторного обсуждения, что

способствует более глубокому пониманию исследуемых тем.

Для самостоятельной работы предлагаются задания

письменного характера, где студенты смогут продемонстрировать

синтез полученных знаний.

Каждый урок снабжен списком обязательной для ознакомления


Одним из обязательных условий работы с данным пособием

является наличие у студентов базовых знаний по теории МКК.



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9. Coverdell P.D. Building Bridges. A Piece Corp Classroom Guide to Cross

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10. Eshbaugh J. High Context Versus Low Context – the Communication Style

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http://www.slideshare.net/PaulRattray/ bridging-cultural-divides

17. Stewart J. Self-Revealing Communication: A Vital Bridge Between Two

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http://files.peacecorps.gov/multimedia/pdf/library/T0087_ cmespanol. pdf

20. Coverdell P.D. Crossing Cultures with the Peace Corps. Worldwide

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