Organisational Management Man 340


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  • 8/2/2019 Organisational Management Man 340




    Adnan Hadziibrahimovic, International University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo

    March 28, 2012

    1. Take an organization with which you are familiar and show how the leader hasinfluenced the organization. To what extent is the leader reflecting the wishes of the

    members? And to what extent is the leader attempting to move the organization into

    new areas that will stretch the people in the organization? Does an organization

    need to balance these two aspects of leadership? If so, how?

    The company that I chose was Netflix. Reed Hastings the influence this leader had was

    he took a video store which by mail physically mailed DVDs to consumers in the early


    century and transformed it into a business known as Netflix which allows consumers

    to stream new releases over the internet. This leader faced fierce competition from

    Blockbuster because Blockbuster had numerous stores in which consumers could rent

    video games or movies. He decided to first create storage areas where they would be

    dispersed for sending and receiving mail orders concerning video games and DVDs. He

    moved the organization into a new era by using the internet service and streaming as a

    way of offering service and exploiting the market. It helped reduce his costs

    tremendously. The leader is making the work easy and more profitable by using the

    internet instead of physical labor. The leader also needs to express dominance and by

    being dominant it will influence the people to stretch just as Henry Ford did with the

    assembly line. The organization needs to balance this but dominance from the leader is


    2. Analyze the leadership of the Daimler Company from the perspective ofcontingency theory. Does such a theory provide an adequate explanation for the

    major changes in strategy described in the case?

    From the Daimler Company perspective the contingency theory worked best for their

    actions because as each leader decided to experiment another one followed to pick up the

    company from the downfall. Edzard Reuter when he was the leader he invested in many

    options but he also invested in military defenses. It proved to be a failure because the

    Cold War ended and it resulted in unproductively producing military weapons which

    werent going to be used. Under Jurgen Schremp was the result of branching out andfocusing on multi markets which resulted in failure also until Dieter Zetsche came and

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    focused on the car and automotive companies by primarily focusing on German

    operations he in return made the company profitable again.

    3. How does organizational culture link with the leadership of an organization? Giveexamples to support your view?

    Organizational culture is the set of beliefs values and learned ways of managing of an

    organization. The culture derives from the past present and current status also regarding

    technology and physical resources from the aims objectives and values who work in an

    organization. The example that I will give from the book is The Ford Motor Company

    still recalled the battles that they had which influenced in becoming the story of Ford.

    4. Using the evidence from the Xerox case, identify the leadership style of AnneMulcahy. Use this analysis to explore how she went on to alter the culture of the


    Leadership style of Anne Mulachy used was shared vision approach. She was fortunate

    that she knew her colleagues at Xerox well and she wanted to promote from within

    where possible. She said that I want to make sure someone feels ownership for every

    change initiative we have in place. She also said that we had a lot of smart articulate

    people-good presenters and good team players. The whole organization was involved in

    developing the purpose and strategy.

    5. Using the Ford Motor Company as an example, explain how each of the three mainleaders Alex Trotman, Jacques Nasser and Bill Ford influenced the strategic

    direction of the company. To what extent did they also influence the organizational

    culture of the company? Or did it stay much the same over the whole period?

    When it came to direction of the Ford Company Alex Trotman wanted to unify Ford and

    create major economies of scale and he turened to globalisation as a source of income by

    negotiating car components which would have an impact on cost savings. He wanted to

    develop Ford 2000 which was a fully integrated global company. His mission was to

    cut costs and increase savings. Jacques Nasser came with a proposition of increasing the

    supply of different vehicles as well as acquisition of the other motor companies such as

    Jauguar, Volvo and the development of Lincoln. Time was waster more and a lot of

    money was lost in the development of new cars, SUVs for these brands which backfiredfor the leader at that time. Sir Nick Scheele and Bill Ford were responsible for cutting

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    down factory plants and cutting employees. Their man intention was to reduce costs

    even further and they had problems regarding the different lawsuits that they faced but

    their strategy was to cut costs. The problem that these leaders had regarding Ford was a

    lack of a solid management infrastructure. The problem also that Ford faced after

    acquiring the different automotive brands was international problems and increase in

    costs which they had to always reduce. Ford wanted to change the organizational culture

    and it did but it faced consequences such as the two year loss (2002, 2001) and the main

    one of losing the first position of the largest car company to Toyota. The person who

    made significant changes was Jacques Nasser.
