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NEWSLETTER OUR LADY STAR OF THE SEA BROADSTAIRS KENT CT10 2RH Presbytery Address: The Presbytery, ‘Peveril’, Fordoun Road, Broadstairs, Kent CT10 2BN Telephone: 01843 861627 Parish Email: broadstairs@rcaos.org.uk Parish Website: www.ourlady-broadstairs.org.uk Parish Priest: Father Philip Graham Seed Retired Priest: Father Godfrey Holdstock Permanent Deacon: Rev. Deacon Charles Parker Parish School: St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, St. Peter’s Park Road, Broadstairs, Kent CT10 2BA (Tel: 01843 861738) Deanery School: Ursuline College, 225 Canterbury Road, Westgate-on-Sea, CT8 8LX (Tel: 01843 834431) Diocesan Website: www.rcsouthwark.co.uk

Sunday Masses: Sunday—9.30 am, 11.00am and 6.00pm

Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday 10.00—10.30am, Sunday 5.15—5.45pm

Exposition: Thursday 9.00—9.25am; First Friday of the Month 10.00am—12.00 noon

Holydays of Obligation Masses falling on a weekday: 9.30am and 7.30pm

Sunday 9 February—5th Sunday in Ordinary Time [Divine Office Volume I Psalter Week 1] Isaiah 58: 7-10; I Corinthians 2: 1-5; Matthew 5: 13-16 9.30am David Dabson RIP (Kevin Murphy) 11.00am The People of the Parish 6.00pm James Bulmer RIP (Keith Chapman and Family) Monday 10 February—St. Scholastica, virgin I Kings 8: 1-7, 9-13; Mark 6: 53-56 9.30am Joseph Furmanek RIP (Margaret Furmanek) Tuesday 11 February—Our Lady of Lourdes I Kings 8: 22-23, 27-30; Mark 7: 1-13 2.30pm Requiem Mass of Robert Harcourt Thomas Wednesday 12 February—Feria I Kings 10: 1-10; Mark 7: 14-23 9.30am Deceased of the Zazzi Family RIP (Family)

Thursday 13 February—Feria I Kings 11: 4-13; Mark 7: 24-30 9.30am Jennifer Jackson RIP (Charles Parker) Friday 14 February—St. Cyril, monk, and St. Methodius. bishop, patrons of Europe Acts 13: 46-49; Luke 10: 1-9 9.30am Jane Macaulay RIP (Roddie Macaulay) Saturday 15 February—Feria I Kings 12: 26-32; 13: 33-34; Mark 8: 1-10 No 9.30am Mass or Confessions Sunday 16 February—6th Sunday in Ordinary Time [Divine Office Volume I Psalter Week 2] Ecclesiasticus 15: 15-20; I Corinthians 2: 6-10; Matthew 5: 17-37 9.30am Winnie and John Pinn (Mike and Lina) 11.00am The People of the Parish 6.00pm Michael Fitzpatrick (Pat Fitzpatrick)

Times of Masses, their Readings and their Intentions

Today’s Mass Theme Thought In his first letter to the Corinthians St. Paul writes, “During my stay with you, the only knowledge I claimed to have was about Jesus, and only about him as the crucified Christ.” This is the message, the Good News, we are called to proclaim. By word and by deed we are called to be lights in a world that is often dark and cruel because of sin and a failure to search for truth. As St John Henry Newman prayed, “Stay with me, and then I shall begin to shine as Thou shinest: so to shine as to be a light to others. The light, O Jesus, will be all from Thee. None of it will be mine. No merit to me. It will be Thou who shinest through me upon others.”

St. John Henry Newman, Meditation on Christian Doctrine VII 3 ‘God With Us: Jesus the Light of the Soul’


The Sick of the Parish: Sister Aelred osb, Graham Allison, Sheila Arthur, Maria Bishop, Kathy Carr, Ann and Ron Castle, Pauline Chambers, Wynne Clancy, Margaret Collett, Josie Earl, Charles Farquhar, Fr. Timothy Finigan, Ester Florence, Sheila Kybett, Shree Langon, Miriam Lambouras, Clare Luke-hurst, Roderick Macaulay, Margaret McCloskey, John McNal-ly, Rita Morris, Jill Nash, Sylvia Pellegrini, Kevin Pender, Joe Pheby, Noel Purcell, Karen Robinson, Vena Rush, Frank Sams, Fr. John and Sheila Slater, James Thomas, Mary Wal-lace, Ollie Way, and those in our Nursing Homes, QEQM Hos-pital, and the Pilgrims’ Hospice.




Loose Plate: £408.68 Gift Aid: £485.74 TOTAL: £894.42

Thank You

A Parish in The Roman Catholic Diocese of Southwark Registered Charity Number 1173050


This Sunday there is a Second Collection for Racial Justice Sunday, which supports the work of the Catholic Church to promote racial justice in our church, in our schools and in the wider society.


The One Hundred Club has been in abeyance for some months for a number of reasons. We are now going to start collecting subscriptions to the Club for the period March 2020 to March 2021. The annual cost is £12 per number. The first draw will take place in March 2020.

To support your parish in this fun way please see Wynne Clancy. Cheques should be made payable to Our Lady Star of the Sea. If you want to put your cheque in an envelope and hand this to Fr. Philip please write your name in block capitals and he will give it to Wynne.


Last Wednesday, 5 February, I went to a Deans’ Meeting at the Hermitage, West Malling. During the long train journey I kept myself occupied by reading Dickens’s Barnaby Rudge. As well as Shakespeare I love Dickens. During the Deanery Meeting we had a presentation from Fr. Mark Odion about the horren-dous reality of modern slavery and human traffick-ing. As with most of you, I know very little about this; in my comfortable little life the world of Charles Dickens belongs in the past, his novels to be read during the comfort of a train journey. Not so; not so: the world of Oliver Twist is alive and well in our own day. People from across the world are traf-ficked to our country to meet the needs of industry, agriculture, service industries. The International La-bour Organisation has estimated that 40 million peo-ple are victims of modern slavery and that, in one year, human trafficking may currently be generating profits in excess of £25 billion. We must not forget this: we must do what we can to prevent it. Pope Francis has said, "Trafficking is an unjustifia-ble violation of the victims' freedom and dignity, which are integral dimensions of the human person willed and created by God. This is why it must be considered, without a doubt, a crime against humani-ty." For further information please go to:

santamartagroup.com To ask advice please call the Modern Slavery Help-line on 0800 0121 700, or, in an emergency, call 999. The victims of human trafficking are our broth-ers and sisters in Christ.


Fearful of police and authorities.

Fearful of the trafficker, believing their life or the lives of their families are at risk.

Show signs of physical and psychological trauma.

Anxious about telling others of their situation.

Be unaware they have been trafficked and believe they are in a bad job.

Have limited freedom of movement.

Look malnourished and unkempt.

Have limited access to health care

Seem to be in debt to someone

Have no passport or mention that someone else is holding their passport.

Oliver Twist was written as a serial from 1837 to 1839. His world exists in 2020.


Sadly John O’Donoghue, one of our centenarian parishioners, died last week aged 101. His Requi-em Mass will be on Friday 6 March at a time still to be decided.

May his soul and the souls of all the faithful de-parted, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
