Our Science Week 2015 By Year 6. Monday We started of our science week with MAD science. We did lots...


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Our Science Week 2015

By Year 6


We started of our science week with MAD science. We did lots of experiments like: friction and static electricity, circuits and switches, chemical energy and shadows. After assembly we started learning about microbes. Microbes are everywhere! To make this statement true we experimented. We went around KS2 and swabbed different areas that we thought would be the dirtiest.


We split into groups and swabbed with cotton buds. When we had finished we wiped our buds onto the agar jelly which was in a petri dish. Some groups were cheeky and swabbed the teachers laptops. This experiment was really fun.


On Tuesday we continued our learning about microbes. A scientist visited, called Mr Mike Robe. Mike taught us lots of interesting facts. We learnt that microbes come in all different shapes and sizes. We re-created these shapes from foods like: pasta, beans and peas. Another thing we learnt was that a virus is a twenty sided shape: an icosahedron.


After we had finished the viruses we designed a cycle. The cycle consisted of cells, viruses, arrows and titles. Our wonderful cycle will be put on display in the school. Here are some of the pictures.


On Wednesday we were put in three groups and asked to create a comic life about Edward Jenner, a comic life about hand hygiene or a written report about childhood diseases and injections. All of our presentations were creative and really stood out.

Here are some of our comic life project


On Thursday Mike Robe came in (again) and we continued our learning about microbes. We completed an experiment and used yeast, sugar and water. It was very fun. After that we spent some time finding about about the process of food.


We also found out that food can be heated, chilled, dried, froze and salted. Finally we looked at composting and the layers of the bin. Mike even showed us his own compost. It stunk.


Overall we have all had a fantastic week and we really enjoyed it.