Overview PDMW


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  • 7/25/2019 Overview PDMW



    1. User "A" takes ownership of project folder with its assembly/part & drawings,other users can't check in or anything until user "A" releases ownership

    2. History follow up in the server so admin and everybody can see who and when altered file

    3. Adding notes for the future users to see what was altered in this version

    4. It is able to change properties of the part/assembly and it will update the information in the title block if title block is made in a way to take those references.

    5. When you have 10 revisions and you roll back to the revison Num.5 all earlier(1-4) will be in the vault all above (6,7,8,9,10) will be deleted

    6. If you want particular version (revision) of part/assembly/drawing to take you can check out particular revision by choosing it in the field of check out menu , just click on the drop box where it says ( A-0x where x is is the number ofthe latest revision) and pick what you want. It will be saved in the "workgroupfolder" and then through SWexplorer you navigate to that folder pick an part/assembly/drawing/ right click on it pick "pack and go" and deploy it on where you w

    ant it, after that you need to rename the part as you want it and if asked to pick references for the part/assembly you need to untick the boxes of references that originate from folder where it was picked from, and only leave reference ofcurrent folder. Rename the drawing as the assembly/part and you are ready to go.

    7. Users that don't have any access to some projects (RO-read only or RW- read write) cannot see those projects, this way you can avoid human error of checkin in/out files that are for some users (more than 3 constructors)

    8. There is possibility of creating copy of project in the project folder (it creates only copy latest revision)

    9. ALWAYS cleanup "My workgroup PDM documents" after doing check ins and releasi

    ng ownership (doing this after every job you make decreases risk of loosing yourself among files and making error)


    Not Tested

    Make Workgroup PDM act as a server (like it is located somewhere out of office)to try to connect to it and see whether we can do the above mentioned things
