OZBOX Year 3 - Oxford University...


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Australian Curriculum - SCIENCE

Science Understanding - Biological Sciences BELOW ON ON ABOVE

Living things can be grouped on the basis of observable features and can be distinguished

from non-living things (ACSSU044) 1.1 The Perfect Pet 1.2 Chained Together! 1.3 All About Charles Darwin 1.4 All Systems Go!

Science Understanding - Chemical Sciences

A change of state between solid and liquid can be caused by adding or removing heat

(ACSSU046)2.1 Icebergs 2.2 Will It Melt in the Sun?

2.3 The Three Cs: Chocolate, Convection and Conduction 2.4 Too Good to Waste!

Science Understanding - Earth and Space Sciences

Earth’s rotation on its axis causes regular changes, including night and day (ACSSU048)

3.1 We Spin! 3.2 Sun, Light and Shadows 3.3 Seasons in Space 3.4 Our Natural Satellite

Science Understanding - Physical Sciences

Heat can be produced in many ways and can move from one object to another (ACSSU049)

4.1 My Hot Lunch 4.2 Lounge Lizard 4.3 Our Campfire 4.4 Geothermal Energy

OZBOX Year 3

Topic Cards


The importance of Country / Place to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander

peoples who belong to a local area. (ACHASSK062)

1.1 Bush Tucker 1.2 Landing on the Land 1.3 Stories from the Torres Strait

Islander People 1.4 The Rainbow Serpent

2.1a My Suburb - Then and Now 2.2a Going to School 2.3a How I Learned to Dance 2.4a Protecting Shell Middens

2.1b The World Fair 2.2b The Immigration Museum 2.3b Chinese Migration to Australia 2.4b Light the Flame

Days and weeks celebrated or commemorated in Australia (including

Australia Day, Anzac Day, and National Sorry Day) and the importance of symbols and


3.1 Raise the Flags 3.2 Coming of the Light 3.3 The Rising Sun 3.4 Harmony Week

Celebrations and commemorations in other places around the world; (for example,

Chinese New Year in countries of the Asia region, Bastille Day in France, Independence

Day in the USA), including those that are observed in Australia (for example, Christmas

Day, Diwali, Easter, Hanukkah, the Moon Festival and Ramadan) (ACHHK065)

4.1 The International Day of Peace

4.2 Rows of Lighted Lamps 4.3 A Time to Reflect 4.4 What Is a National Day?

OZBOX Year 3


Topic Cards

HISTORY SUB-STRAND Knowledge and Understanding - Diverse communities and places and the contribution people make

How the community has changed and remained the same over time and the role that people of diverse backgrounds have

played in the development and character of the local community (ACHASSK063)


1.1a The Smallest Continent 1.2a Super Sydney! 1.3a Protecting Shark Bay 1.4a Australia's Wild Rivers

1.1b Aboriginal Rangers 1.2b Language and Country 1.3b Welcome to Country 1.4b Aboriginal Trade Routes

The location of Australia’s neighbouring countries and the diverse characteristics of

their places (ACHASSK067)2.1 Our Explosive Neighbour 2.2 Ancient Rocks 2.3 Amazing Indonesia 2.4 Beautiful Islands

The main climate types of the world and the similarities and differences between the

climates of different places (ACHASSK068)3.1 The Climate Zones 3.2 Weather or Climate? 3.3 Desert Life 3.4 Antarctic Weather: The Cold Facts

4.1a Sacred Sites 4.2a My Country 4.3a Save Our Reef 4.4a A Country of Enchantments

4.1b My Shopping List 4.2b A Week's Work 4.3b Festival Fun 4.4b Would You Live Here?

OZBOX Year 3

Topic Cards

The representation of Australia as states and territories and as Countries/Places of

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples; and major places in Australia, both natural

and human (ACHASSK066)

The similarities and differences between places in terms of their type of settlement,

demographic characteristics and the lives of the people who live there, and people’s

perceptions of these places (ACHASSK069)

GEOGRAPHY SUB-STRAND Knowledge and Understanding - Diverse communities and places and the contribution people make


All material identified by is material subject to copyright under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) and is owned by the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority 2013. For all Australian Curriculum material except elaborations: This is an extract from the Australian Curriculum. Elaborations: This may be a modified extract from the Australian Curriculum and may include the work of other authors. Disclaimer: ACARA neither endorses nor verifies the accuracy of the information provided and accepts no responsibility for incomplete or inaccurate information. In particular, ACARA does not endorse or verify that: The content descriptions are solely for a particular year and subject; All the content descriptions for that year have been used; and The author’s material aligns with the Australian Curriculum content descriptions for the relevant year and subject. You can find the unaltered and most up to date version of this material at http://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au This material is reproduced with the permission of ACARA.

Australian Curriculum - SCIENCE

Science Understanding - Biological Sciences


Living things have life cycles (ACSSU072) 1.1 Growing Tomatoes 1.2 Salmon Survival 1.3 Plants on Fire! 1.4 Rainforest Gardeners

Living things depend on each other and the environment to survive (ACSSU073)

2.1 Saving the Koala 2.2 Crocodile Survival 2.3 Life in the Rainforest 2.4 Oxpeckers: Helping or Harming?

Science Understanding - Chemical Sciences

Natural and processed materials have a range of physical properties that can

influence their use (ACSSU074)3.1 Don't Get Wet! 3.2 Strong as Steel 3.3 On Your Bike! 3.4 In the Bin

Science Understanding - Earth and Space Sciences

Earth’s surface changes over time as a result of natural processes and human activity

(ACSSU075)4.1 Houses on the Edge 4.2 Dirt up Close 4.3 Save Our Soil 4.4 Digging up Dinosaurs

Science Understanding - Physical Sciences

Forces can be exerted by one object on another through direct contact or from a

distance (ACSSU076)5.1 Choose Your Shoe 5.2 Diary of a Ball Girl 5.3 Run Like the Wind! 5.4 Magnet Magic

OZBOX Year 4

Topic Cards


The diversity of Australia's first peoples and the long and continuous connection of

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples to Country/Place (land, sea, waterways and

skies) (ACHASSK083)

1.1 Stories from the Rock 1.2 Connection to Country 1.3 We Are One, We Are Many 1.4 The Importance of Totems

The journey(s) of AT LEAST ONE world navigator, explorer or trader up to the late

eighteenth century, including their contacts with other societies and any impacts


2.1 Finding the Unknown Land 2.2 Around the World with Ferdinand

2.3 Precious Pepper 2.4 Ending the Aztec Empire

Stories of the First Fleet, including reasons for the journey, who travelled to Australia,

and their experiences following arrival (ACHASSK085)

3.1 On Board the First Fleet 3.2 Crime and Punishment 3.3 Child of the Colony 3.4 A Land of Opportunity

The nature of contact between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and

others, for example, the Macassans and the Europeans, and the effects of these

interactions on, for example, people and environments (ACHASSK086)

4.1 Mingling with the Macassans 4.2 Land Owning the People 4.3 Troubled Times 4.4 Watkin Tench: Eyewitness

OZBOX Year 4


Topic Cards

HISTORY SUB-STRAND Knowledge and Understanding - How people, places and environments interact, past and present


The main characteristics of the continents of Africa and South America and the location

of their major countries in relation to Australia(ACHASSK087)

1.1 African Safari 1.2 South American Holiday 1.3 A Tale of Two Deserts 1.4 Ancient Plant Relatives

2.1a Plant Protectors2.2a Australia: A Variety of

Vegetation2.3a Plant Providers 2.4a Plants in Our Cities

2.1b Bringing Back the Birds 2.2b Stories of the Land2.3b Saving the Orang-Utans

2.4b We Can All Be Eco-warriors

The custodial responsibility Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples have for Country/Place, and how this influences

views about sustainability (ACHASSK089)

3.1 Where the First Australians Lived3.2 Mutton Bird Harvesting 3.3 Farming with Fire 3.4 Life in the Alps

4.1a Food from the Sea 4.2a Water: A Precious Resource4.3a Our National Gemstone: The

Opal4.4a Fun with Fibres

4.1b Our Worm Farm 4.2b From Trash to Treasure 4.3b A Trip to the Op Shop 4.4b Renewing Water

The importance of environments, including natural vegetation, to animals and people


The use and management of natural resources and waste, and the different

views on how to do this sustainably (ACHASSK090)

GEOGRAPHY SUB-STRAND Knowledge and Understanding - How people, places and environments interact, past and present

OZBOX Year 4

Topic Cards


All material identified by is material subject to copyright under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) and is owned by the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority 2013. For all Australian Curriculum material except elaborations: This is an extract from the Australian Curriculum. Elaborations: This may be a modified extract from the Australian Curriculum and may include the work of other authors. Disclaimer: ACARA neither endorses nor verifies the accuracy of the information provided and accepts no responsibility for incomplete or inaccurate information. In particular, ACARA does not endorse or verify that: The content descriptions are solely for a particular year and subject; All the content descriptions for that year have been used; and The author’s material aligns with the Australian Curriculum content descriptions for the relevant year and subject. You can find the unaltered and most up to date version of this material at http://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au This material is reproduced with the permission of ACARA.

Australian Curriculum - SCIENCE

Science Understanding - Biological Sciences


Living things have structural features and adaptations that help them to survive in

their environment (ACSSU043)

1.1 Australia's Living Things 1.2 Animal Features 1.3 Living in Harsh Climates1.4 Thorny Devil: the Perfect


Science Understanding - Chemical Sciences

Solids, liquids and gases have different observable properties and behave in

different ways (ACSSU077)

2.1 Nitrogen! 2.2 Classifying Substances 2.3 Changing States: Lava 2.4 Make Your Own Rock Lolly

Science Understanding - Earth and Space Sciences

The Earth is part of a system of planets orbiting around a star (the sun) (ACSSU078)

3.1 The Planets 3.2 Orbits 3.3 Our Place in Space 3.4 Planet Study: Jupiter

Science Understanding - Physical Sciences

Light from a source forms shadows and can be absorbed, reflected and refracted (ACSSU080)

4.1 Make Your Own Periscope 4.2 Transparent, Translucent,

Opaque 4.3 Make a Rainbow 4.4 Understanding Colour

OZBOX Year 5

Card Topics


Reasons (economic, political and social) for the establishment of British colonies in Australia

after 1800 (ACHASSK106)1.1 Moreton Bay 1.2 What Is a Colony? 1.3 Early British Settlements 1.4 Adelaide

The nature of convict or colonial presence, including the factors that influenced patterns of

development, aspects of the daily life of the inhabitants (including Aboriginal Peoples and Torres Strait Islander Peoples) and how the

environment changed (ACHASSK107)

2.1 Convicts and Free Settlers 2.2 Australian Resources 2.3 Early Towns and Cities 2.4 Settlement and the Environment

The impact of a significant development or event on an Australian colony (ACHASSK108)

3.1 Explorers 3.2 Gold Rush 3.3 The Eureka Stockade 3.4 Indigenous Conflicts

The reasons people migrated to Australia and the experiences and contributions of a

particular migrant group within a colony (ACHASSK109)

4.1 Germans in Australia 4.2 A New Life 4.3 Afghan Cameleers 4.4 Dislocated Immigrants

The role that a significant individual or group played in shaping a colony; for example,

explorers, farmers, entrepreneurs, artists, writers, humanitarians, religious and political leaders, and Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait

Islander Peoples (ACHASSK110)

5.1 Early Farmers 5.2 Indigenous Leaders 5.3 Leaders in the Colonies 5.4 Colonial Artists and Writers

OZBOX Year 5


Card Topics

HISTORY SUB-STRAND Knowledge and Understanding - Australian Communities - their past, present and possible futures


The influence of people on the environmentalcharacteristics of places in

Europe and North America and the location of their major countries in relation to Australia


1.1 Mapping the World 1.2 Built in the USA 1.3 Comparing Countries 1.4 Europe

The influence of people, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, on the

environmental characteristics of Australian places (ACHASSK112)

2.1 Caring for the Land 2.2 Farming and the Land 2.3 Managing the Land 2.4 Mining and the Land

3.1a Living in Antarctica 3.2a Finding Food 3.3a Coastal Cities 3.4a Where Would You Live?

3.1b My Community 3.2b Helping Grandma 3.3b Land Zones 3.4b Room for Improvement

The impact of bushfires or floods on environments and communities, and how

people can respond (ACHASSK114)4.1 Australian Floods 4.2 Preparing for a Bushfire 4.3 Australian Bushfires 4.4 Disaster Response!

The environmental and human influences on the location and characteristics of a place and

the management of spaces within them (ACHASSK113)

OZBOX Year 5

Card Topics

GEOGRAPHY SUB-STRAND Knowledge and Understanding - Australian Communities - their past, present and possible futures


All material identified by is material subject to copyright under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) and is owned by the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority 2013. For all Australian Curriculum material except elaborations: This is an extract from the Australian Curriculum. Elaborations: This may be a modified extract from the Australian Curriculum and may include the work of other authors. Disclaimer: ACARA neither endorses nor verifies the accuracy of the information provided and accepts no responsibility for incomplete or inaccurate information. In particular, ACARA does not endorse or verify that: The content descriptions are solely for a particular year and subject; All the content descriptions for that year have been used; and The author’s material aligns with the Australian Curriculum content descriptions for the relevant year and subject. You can find the unaltered and most up to date version of this material at http://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au This material is reproduced with the permission of ACARA.

Australian Curriculum - SCIENCE

Science Understanding - Biological Sciences


The growth and survival of living things are affected by the physical conditions

of their environment (ACSSU094)

1.1 Adapting to Live 1.2 Coping with Climate 1.3 Extreme Survival 1.4 Desert Dwellers

Science Understanding - Chemical Sciences

Changes to materials can be reversible or irreversible (ACSSU095)

2.1 From One State to Another

2.2 Solubility 2.3 From Milk to Plastic2.4 Reversible Changes and


Science Understanding - Earth and Space Sciences

Sudden geological changes and extreme weather events can affect

Earth’s surface (ACSSU096)

3.1 Volcanoes3.2 Australia's Extreme

Weather3.3 Earthquakes 3.4 Disaster Technology

Science Understanding - Physical Sciences

S4.1a Electrical Devices S4.2a Making a Lemon Circuit S4.3a Electricity – The

Mysterious Force S4.4a Conducting Electricity:

An Experiment

S4.1b Solar EnergyS4.2b Hydro-Electricity in

AustraliaS4.3b What Do You Favour? S4.4b Wind and Water Power

OZBOX Year 6

Topic Cards

Electrical energy can be transferred and transformed in electrical circuits

and can be generated from a range of sources (ACSSU097)


Key figures, events and ideas that led to Australia’s Federation

and Constitution (ACHASSK134)

H1.1 Australia's Laws H1.2 Becoming a NationH1.3 Britain's and

Australia's GovernmentsH1.4 The Federation Architect

Experiences of Australian democracy and citizenship, including the status and rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, migrants,

women and children (ACHASSK135)

H2.1 ‘As Free as Your Sons’ H2.2 Migrant Rights H2.3 Better Times H2.4 Children in Institutions

Stories of groups of people who migrated to Australia since Federation

(including from ONE country of the Asia region) and reasons they

migrated (ACHASSK136)

H3.1 My Name Is Millie H3.2 Starting a New Life H3.3 Vietnamese

Australians H3.4 A Diverse Nation

The contribution of individuals and groups to the development of

Australian society since Federation (ACHASSK137)

H4.1 Celebrating Culture H4.2 Australia's Changing Population

H4.3 Lasting Achievements H4.4 Eddie Koiki Mabo

OZBOX Year 6


Topic Cards

HISTORY SUB-STRAND Knowledge and Understanding - Australia in the past and present and its connections with a diverse world

All material identified by is material subject to copyright under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) and is owned by the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority 2013. For all Australian Curriculum material except elaborations: This is an extract from the Australian Curriculum. Elaborations: This may be a modified extract from the Australian Curriculum and may include the work of other authors. Disclaimer: ACARA neither endorses nor verifies the accuracy of the information provided and accepts no responsibility for incomplete or inaccurate information. In particular, ACARA does not endorse or verify that: The content descriptions are solely for a particular year and subject; All the content descriptions for that year have been used; and The author’s material aligns with the Australian Curriculum content descriptions for the relevant year and subject. You can find the unaltered and most up to date version of this material at http://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au This material is reproduced with the permission of ACARA.
