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žáků 5. tříd

Vážení kolegové, milí učitelé angličtiny,

předkládáme vám další materiál určený k přípravě vašich žáků na plánované celostátní testování. Ve chvíli, kdy materiál připravujeme, není jasné, jakou bude mít testování podobu, ani jak často a v jakém rozsahu bude probíhat. Přesto si myslíme, že myšlenka testování je dobrá a plnění nastavených Standardů základního vzdělávání je nezbytností.

Materiál, který jsme pro vás připravili, vychází z podoby celostátního testování NIQES 2013. Našim cílem bylo ukázat vám cvičení a aktivity typově co možná nejpodobnější těm, které byly do celostátních srovnávacích testů zařazeny. Naší snahou bylo upozornit jak na cvičení, která najdete v nejpoužívanějších oxfordských učebnicích určených této věkové kategorii - Chit Chat a Happy Street, tak na doplňkové materiály, které mnozí z vás do výuky s úspěchem zařazujete nebo se k tomu chystáte – např. Get Ready for Starters.

Opakovaně se ukazuje, že naši žáci mají značné potíže se čtením, s porozuměním čtenému, s vyhledáváním informací v textu. Využívejte proto i krátké texty v učebnicích k nácviku porozumění, ke správné interpretaci předložených informací. I když žáci textu rozumí, často nedosáhnou dobrého výsledku, protože špatně pochopí zadání nebo na určitý typ cvičení nejsou zvyklí. I proto v následujícím materiálu najdete hned několik typů cvičení k nácviku tzv. reading comprehension. Možná se vám budou zdát některé texty obtížnější, přesto by však žáci měli být schopni uvedené úkoly splnit, neznalost několika slovíček by jejich celkový výkon neměla ovlivnit.

A nakonec něco navíc – připravili jsme pro vás i několik cvičení, která se zatím v testech neobjevila. Myslíme si však, že by se učitelé neměli zaměřovat pouze na to, aby žáci uspěli v testech. Snad vám a vašim žákům přijdou i další nabízené aktivity vhod. Get Ready for … testing ☺

Nadšené žáky a hodně radosti z vaší společné práce vám přeje

Váš tým OUP


PRÁCE S TEXTEM – DOPLŇOVÁNÍ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

POSLECH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

EXTRA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

PSANÍ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

MLUVENÝ PROJEV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

KLÍČ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

PŘEPIS NAHRÁVEK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Testování 5. třídTestování 5. tříd

3 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press

Testování 5. třídTestování 5. tříd

P R Á C E S T E X T E M – D O P L Ň O V Á N Í

1. Vyberdotextusprávnáslova.Zakroužkujjevnabídce.

Hi! I’m Lucy.

I from Bangor. It’s a town in Wales. I’ve got lots of  . I computer games after school. you got a computer? I go at the pool on Saturdays. I read, too.  favourite books science fiction. I play the piano, too. you play a musical instrument? Write to me soon!

Best wishes, Lucy

‘m are ‘s

family hobbies favourite

can do play

Has Have Are

reading shopping swimming

My Their Her

am are is

Are Does Do(Chit Chat 2 – učebnice, str. 44)

2. Vyberdotextusprávnáslova.Zakroužkujjevnabídce.

We live on the Earth. The Earth a planet. It rotates all the time. The Earth takes 24 to rotate completely. There eight planets in the solar system and they all go the sun. Some planets go quickly and some planets slowly. The Earth takes 365 days to go round the sun. At you can see the moon and the stars. The moon goes round the Earth. The moon takes 28 days to go round the Earth. In the day you see the sun. The sun is a very big star. It’s 100 times bigger than the Earth.  ’s the only star you can see in the day.

are is am have

hours minutes nights days

is isn’t are haven’t

opposite round in between

go runs running goes

afternoon morning night evening

not can doesn’t are

He We They It

(Happy Street 2, New Edition, učebnice, str. 52)

4 © Oxford University Press PHOTOCOPIABLE

Testování 5. třídTestování 5. tříd


A baby

My name’s Grace and I’m very small. I’ve got short    . I like wearing my new purple    . I smile a lot but I can be very    , too. I don’t understand books and I don’t know the   of the alphabet but I love my toys. My favourite toy is my    . She’s very beautiful. In the evening my big brother comes home from   and I play with him.

What am I? I am a baby!

legs hair ears

jeans socks dress

sad happy nice

letters songs numbers

ball doll bike

supermarket hospital school

(Get ready for … Starters, str. 68)

5 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press

Testování 5. třídTestování 5. tříd


A garden

You can find me behind a  . There are lots of beautiful here. On a nice day children can bounce a and play lots of games. Children love running and here or they like sitting under a tree and reading  . Some people enjoy eating a here too.

castle garden house town

trees animals friends flowers

toy ball kite book

eating sleeping jumping reading

stories games sweets exercises

ice-cream hamburger vegetable meal

(Get ready for … Starters, str. 62)


favourite got class swimming Maths

children past name are break

This is my school. It’s called Randall Primary School. There   twenty-four   in my    . My class teacher’s   is Mr Hollins. We’ve  English at half  nine on Monday. My  lessons are Art and    .

(Chit Chat 2, Pracovní sešit, str. 36)

6 © Oxford University Press PHOTOCOPIABLE

Testování 5. třídTestování 5. tříd


has rides can Sundays swimming runs

homework goes beautiful sleeps watches plays

On   Greg   a big breakfast! In the morning, he goes   with his mum. After lunch, he goes to the park and    his bike. Sometimes, he   football with Jack. In the evening, he does his    . Then he   his favourite programme on television. He    to bed at half past eight.

(Happy Street 2, New Edition, pracovní sešit, str. 66)


Sam and Jill are   the   with their   and   and their baby   , Kim. They’re waving at their grandparents. Their grandfather’s wearing a blue   and brown   . Their grandmother’s wearing a yellow    . Sam and Jill’s grandparents don’t live in a I   . They live in a J   . It’s K  a park. In the park there are some animals. There are L  and three M   . Today, there’s a N   O  the water.

(Get ready for ... Starters, str. 80)

boat / car trousers / jacket / dress sheep / horseshouse / flat in / next to / on mother / sister / father

7 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press

Testování 5. třídTestování 5. tříd


He is writing a book.  True  False

The girls are in the kitchen.  True  False

It’s half past eleven, it’s their lunch time.  True  False

A: Are they swimming? B: No, they’re fishing.  True  False

A: What does Matt like for breakfast? B: He likes cereal, milk and orange juice.  True  False

a) There are three birds sitting in a tree.  True  False

b) The girl is happy.  True  False

c) The boy is standing in front of the elephant.  True  False

d) The girl has got long brown hair.  True  False

e) It’s raining.  True  False

a) Polly is in town  True  False

b) The girl is wearing red boots.  True  False

c) The boy has got a big dog.  True  False

d) There are two pink kites in the toy shop window.  True  False

e) You can buy a purple kite in the toy shop.  True  False

Doporučení – více možností procvičování v Happy Street 2, New Edition, pracovní sešit – MultiROM, Activity 2 v Ziggy’s Activity Bank v každé lekci

8 © Oxford University Press PHOTOCOPIABLE

Testování 5. třídTestování 5. tříd


Text A:

This is Matt. He’s ten. He lives at 3 Woodland Road. He has breakfast at half past seven. He always has cereal, milk and orange juice for breakfast. He sometimes has a banana but he never has eggs. He doesn’t like eggs.

Text B:

This is Mrs. Williams. She lives next door to Matt at 5 Woodland Road. She has breakfast at eight o’clock. She always has yoghurt, toast, and tea for breakfast. She sometimes has cereal but she never has coffee.

a) How old is Matt?

b) Does Matt like tea for breakfast?

c) What does Mrs . Williams drink for breakfast?

d) What fruit does Matt sometimes have for breakfast?

e) Does Mrs . Williams have breakfast at half past 7?

f) Who doesn’t like eggs?

g) Are Matt and Mrs . Williams neighbours?

9 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press

Testování 5. třídTestování 5. tříd



a) Mary likes   .

b) Her P .E . lesson is on   at 11:15 .

c) Gordon’s favourite lesson is   .

d) Science lesson is at   in the afternoon .

e) Has Anne got English today?  

(Tapescript : Chit Chat 2 – Teacher’s Book, str. 72, nahrávka 68)


1 What’s Ben’s mother’s name?

2 What’s Ben’s sister’s name?

3 How many robots has Ben got?

4 What’s the name of Ben’s friend?

5 How old is Ben’s friend?

(Get ready for ... Starters, str. 63, nahrávka 35, bez příkladu)

10 © Oxford University Press PHOTOCOPIABLE

Testování 5. třídTestování 5. tříd


a) What’s Pat’s favourite food?

b) What does Dan eat for breakfast?

c) Where’s Sue’s phone?

d) Which is Tony’s house?

(Get ready for ... Starters, str. 29, nahrávka 17, bez příkladu)













11 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press

Testování 5. třídTestování 5. tříd


a) Which is Mr . Green’s car?

b) Which is Grace’s favourite fruit?

c) What sport does Dan like playing?

d) How does May go to school?

(Get ready for ... Starters, str. 85, nahrávka 46, bez příkladu)













12 © Oxford University Press PHOTOCOPIABLE

Testování 5. třídTestování 5. tříd


1. Utvořvětyzeslovvnabídce.

a) it ? is time What

b) past half It’s twelve

c) programmes? like you music Do

d) got When we have Art?

e) shopping? you go Do

(Chit Chat 2, pracovní sešit, str. 47)

2. Utvořzeslovvěty.

a) riding He’s his bike .

b) They’re in dresses shop . choosing a

c) the cleaning We’re car .

d) in the She’s sea . jumping

e) children school . are walking The to

(Get ready for ... Starters, str. 105)

13 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press

Testování 5. třídTestování 5. tříd


1. Přečtisitextazakroužkujsprávnáslova.Potomnapištextosvémoblíbenémzvířeti.

My favourite animal is the hippo. It lives in rivers / the sea. It’s big / small and grey. It lives / doesn’t live in a hot place. It eats meat / plants.

(Chit Chat 2, pracovní sešit, str. 50)

2. Vybersprávnéslovoadoplň,cochybí.Cosednesdějevevašítřídě?Codětidělají?

My class is a big / small class. There are children

in my class. There are girls and boys.

We’ve got a very nice teacher. Her / His name’s

Mrs / Mr .

Today we’re learning about . Some children

are , one boy is and one girl is

. We aren’t in our class today.

(Get ready for ... Starters, str. 75)

14 © Oxford University Press PHOTOCOPIABLE

Testování 5. třídTestování 5. tříd



(Happy Street 2, New Edition, pracovní sešit, str. 68, aktivita 2)


• What are their names?

• What are their jobs?

• What colour are their eyes?

• What do they like doing?

• What sports can they play?

• What’s their favourite food / animal / place …

(upraveno podle Get ready for … Starters, str. 73)

15 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press

Testování 5. třídTestování 5. tříd


P R Á C E S T E X T E M – D O P L Ň O V Á N Í

1. 1 ’m, 2 hobbies, 3 play, 4 Have, 5 swimming, 6 My, 7 are, 8 Do2. 1 is, 2 hours, 3 are, 4 round, 5 go, 6 night, 7 can, 8 It3. 1 hair, 2 dress, 3 sad, 4 letters, 5 doll, 6 school4. 1 house, 2 flowers, 3 ball, 4 jumping, 5 stories, 6 meal5. 1 are, 2 children, 3 class, 4 name, 5 got, 6 past, 7 favourite, 8 Maths6. 1 Sundays, 2 has, 3 swimming, 4 rides, 5 plays, 6 homework, 7 watches, 8 goes7. 1 in, 2 car, 3 mother / father, 4 father / mother, 5 sister, 6 jacket, 7 trousers, 8 dress,

9 flat, 10 house, 11 next to, 12 sheep, 13 horses, 14 boat, 15 on8. obr . 1 False, obr . 2 False, obr . 3 False, obr . 4 True, obr . 5 True,

obr 6 a) True, b) False, c) False, d) True, e) False obr 7 1) True, 2) True, 3) False, 4) False, 5) True

9. a) ten / 10, b) no, c) tea, d) banana, e) no, f) Matt, g) yes


10. 1 sport(s), 2 Wednesday, 3 Science, 4 2:30 / 14:30, 5 no11. 1 May, 2 Anna, 3 14 / fourteen, 4 Alex, 5 8 / eight12. a) obr . 3, b) obr . 2, c) obr . 2, d) obr 113. a) obr . 1, b) obr . 2, c) obr . 3, d) obr . 1


1. a) What time is it? b) It’s half past twelve . c) Do you like music programmes? d) When have we got Art? e) Do you go shopping?

2. a) He’s riding his bike . b) They’re choosing in a dresses shop . c) We’re cleaning the car . d) She’s jumping in the sea . e) The childrena re walking to school .


1. rivers, big, lives, plants2. Vlastní práce žáka – individuální hodnocení .


Individuální hodnocení .

16 © Oxford University Press PHOTOCOPIABLE

Testování 5. třídTestování 5. tříd

P Ř E P I S N A H R Á V E K *

cvičení10,str.9(Chit Chat 2, nahrávka č . 68)Hello, Mary, What’s your favourite lesson at school? I like sports. My favourite lesson is P.E. It’s great. When Have you got P.E.? In the morning on Wednesday. What time? We’ve got it at eleven fifteen.Do you like P.E., Gordon? No, I don’t. I like Maths and English. But my favourite lesson is Science. Science? Yes. Science is great! When have you got Science? On Tuesday. We’ve got Science at half past two in the afternoon.Hello, Anne. What’s your favourite lesson at school? Hmmm. History? No, wait a minute! English! That’s my favourite lesson. I like English. Have you got English today? Yes, we have. We’ve got English at eleven fifty on Thursday. Then we’ve got lunch!

cvičení11,str.9 (Get Ready for Starters, nahrávka 35, bez příkladu)1 That’s a nice photo, Ben. Is that you with your mum? – Yes. it is. – So, what’s her

name? – It’s May. – Is that M – A – Y ? – Yes, that’s right.2 Have you got brothers and sisters, Ben? – I’ve got one sister. – And what’s her

name? – Oh, she’s Anna. – Is that A – DOUBLE N – A ? - Yes, that’s right. Anna.3 Now, you’re holding a robot at the photo. Is that your favourite toy? – Yes, it is.

I’ve got lots of robots. – Have you? How many? – Well, I’ve got fourteen now. - Oh fourteen, that’s a lot of robots.

4 I play robots with my friend. – Really? And what’s his name? – It’s Alex.- Can you spell Alex for me? – Yes, it’s A – L – E – X. – Well done.

5 And how old is your friend, Ben? – oh, he’s eight. – Eight? – Yes. – And is he a good friend? – Yes, he’s a very good friend.

cvičení12,str.10 (Get Ready for Starters, nahrávka 17, bez příkladu)

a) What’s Pat’s favourite food?Do you like chicken, Pat? – Yes, I do. – And do you like sausages? – Yes, they’re ok. But burgers are my favourite. – Oh.

b) What does Dan eat for breakfast?What do you eat for breakfast, Dan? – Well, I like eggs, but not for breakfast. – Oh. So what do you eat than? – I have bread. – And do you have fruit? – Yes, I do.

c) Where’s Sue’s phone?Where’s my phone, mum? Is it in the living room? – No, it’s in your bedroom, Sue, on your desk. – Well, it’s in my bedroom, mum, but it’s under my desk, not on it. – Oh, Sue.

d) Which is Tony’s house?Tell me about your house, Tony. – Well, it’s very nice. There are two trees in the garden.- Two trees? That’s nice. – And it’s quite big. There are four windows. – Four windows? Great. Do you like your house? – Yes. I love it.

* nahrávka je ke stažení na www.oup.com/elt nebo vám ji poskytne váš zástupce OUP .

17 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press

Testování 5. třídTestování 5. tříd

cvičení13,str.11 (Get Ready for Starters, nahrávka 46, bez příkladu)

a) Which is Mr . Green’s car?Look, there’s our teacher, Mr. Green in his car. – Where? Do you mean in the red car? – No, look, he’s in the green car. – oh, yes, he’s got a very clean car. – No, he hasn’t. It’s really dirty. Look again. – Oh, yes. I can see it now, you’re right.

b) Which is Grace’s favourite fruit?So, what’s your favourite fruit, Grace? Do you like pineapples?–Yes, but they’re not my favourite. I really like grapes. – Oh, yes, they’re very nice, aren’t they? And what about pears? – No, I don’t like them.- Oh.

c) What sport does Dan like playing?So, Dan, you play a lot of football then. – Yes, I do, but I don’t really like it. – Oh. So do you like playing baseball then? – Yes, that’s a really good sport. – Great. And do you like playing basketball? – Not really, no.

d) How does May go to school?Do you go to school on the school bus, May? – No, I don’t. I like walking to school with my brother. – That’s nice. And you don’t like going on a train with your friends? – No, I don’t do that. My house is next to the school. – Oh, I see.

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