Parts and Function of a Microscope


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Parts and Function of a Microscope

Eyepiece (Ocular) – contains the lens that magnifies about 10x

Body Tube – separates the eyepiece lens from objectives lens

Revolving Nosepiece – holds the LPO and HPO lenses; allows the lenses to rotate for viewing

HPO lens – magnifies about 40x

LPO lens – magnifies about 10x

Diaphragm – controls the amount of light passing through the opening of the stage; adjusts to control the amount of light coming from the light source/ illuminator which enters the rest of the microscope through the condenser; adjusts amount of light

Mirror* - reflects light upward through the diaphragm

Coarse Adjustment Knob – moves the tube for focusing with LPO lens; focus on scanning and low

Fine Adjustment Knob – moves the tube for focusing with HPO lens; focus on high and oil

Arm – supports the body tube

Stage – supports the slide being used

Stage Clip – holds the slide in place

Base – supports the microscope

Condenser – focuses the light passing through the specimen and into the objective lens; focuses light on slide

Main Power / Power Switch – turns the illumination on and off

Aperture – hole in stage for light
